Search results for: Heisenberg uncertainty principle
1039 Ubiquitous Collaborative Mobile Learning (UCML): A Flexible Instructional Design Model for Social Learning
Authors: Hameed Olalekan Bolaji
The digital natives are driving the trends of literacy in the use of electronic devices for learning purposes. This has reconfigured the context of learning in the exploration of knowledge in a social learning environment. This study explores the impact of Ubiquitous Collaborative Mobile Learning (UCML) instructional design model in a quantitative designed-based research approach. The UCML model was a synergetic blend of four models that are relevant to the design of instructional content for a social learning environment. The UCML model serves as the treatment and instructions were transmitted via mobile device based on the principle of ‘bring your own device’ (BYOD) to promote social learning. Three research questions and two hypotheses were raised to guide the conduct of this study. A researcher-designed questionnaire was used to collate data and the it was subjected to reliability of Cronbach Alpha which yielded 0.91. Descriptive statistics of mean and standard deviation were used to answer research questions while inferential statistics of independent sample t-test was used to analyze the hypotheses. The findings reveal that the UCML model was adequately evolved and it promotes social learning its design principles through the use of mobile devices.Keywords: collaboration, mobile device, social learning, ubiquitous
Procedia PDF Downloads 1581038 Advancing Net Zero Showcase in Subtropical High-Rise Commercial Building
Authors: Melody Wong
Taikoo Green Ribbon is the winning scheme of International Advancing Net Zero ANZ Ideas Competition 2021 and shortlisted as a finalist of top Architectural Award “AJ100 Sustainability Initiative of the Year, 2022, demonstrating city's aspirations to reach carbon neutrality by 2050. The project showcases total design solutions to blend technology and nature to create a futuristic workplace achieving net zero within a decade. The net zero building design featured with extremely low embodied carbon emission (<250 kgCO2/sqm), significant surplus in renewable energy generation (130% of energy consumption) and various carbon capture technology. The project leverages aesthetics, user-experience, sustainability, and technology to develop over 40 design features. Utilizing AI-controlled Smart Envelope system, the possibility of naturally ventilation was maximized to adjust the microclimate to foster behavourial change. The design principle – healthy and collaborative working environment is realized with a landscaped sky-track with kinetic energy pads, natural ventilated open space with edible plants across floors, and 500-seat open-space rooftop theatre to reshape and redefine the new generation of workplaces.Keywords: NetZero, zero carbon, green, sustainability
Procedia PDF Downloads 791037 Flexural Analysis of Symmetric Laminated Composite Timoshenko Beams under Harmonic Forces: An Analytical Solution
Authors: Mohammed Ali Hjaji, A.K. El-Senussi, Said H. Eshtewi
The flexural dynamic response of symmetric laminated composite beams subjected to general transverse harmonic forces is investigated. The dynamic equations of motion and associated boundary conditions based on the first order shear deformation are derived through the use of Hamilton’s principle. The influences of shear deformation, rotary inertia, Poisson’s ratio and fibre orientation are incorporated in the present formulation. The resulting governing flexural equations for symmetric composite Timoshenko beams are exactly solved and the closed form solutions for steady state flexural response are then obtained for cantilever and simply supported boundary conditions. The applicability of the analytical closed-form solution is demonstrated via several examples with various transverse harmonic loads and symmetric cross-ply and angle-ply laminates. Results based on the present solution are assessed and validated against other well established finite element solutions and exact solutions available in the literature.Keywords: analytical solution, flexural response, harmonic forces, symmetric laminated beams, steady state response
Procedia PDF Downloads 4881036 Application of Principle Component Analysis for Classification of Random Doppler-Radar Targets during the Surveillance Operations
Authors: G. C. Tikkiwal, Mukesh Upadhyay
During the surveillance operations at war or peace time, the Radar operator gets a scatter of targets over the screen. This may be a tracked vehicle like tank vis-à-vis T72, BMP etc, or it may be a wheeled vehicle like ALS, TATRA, 2.5Tonne, Shaktiman or moving army, moving convoys etc. The Radar operator selects one of the promising targets into Single Target Tracking (STT) mode. Once the target is locked, the operator gets a typical audible signal into his headphones. With reference to the gained experience and training over the time, the operator then identifies the random target. But this process is cumbersome and is solely dependent on the skills of the operator, thus may lead to misclassification of the object. In this paper we present a technique using mathematical and statistical methods like Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to identify the random objects. The process of classification is based on transforming the audible signature of target into music octave-notes. The whole methodology is then automated by developing suitable software. This automation increases the efficiency of identification of the random target by reducing the chances of misclassification. This whole study is based on live data.Keywords: radar target, fft, principal component analysis, eigenvector, octave-notes, dsp
Procedia PDF Downloads 3461035 Geometrically Non-Linear Axisymmetric Free Vibration Analysis of Functionally Graded Annular Plates
Authors: Boutahar Lhoucine, El Bikri Khalid, Benamar Rhali
In this paper, the non-linear free axisymmetric vibration of a thin annular plate made of functionally graded material (FGM) has been studied by using the energy method and a multimode approach. FGM properties vary continuously as well as non-homogeneity through the thickness direction of the plate. The theoretical model is based on the classical plate theory and the Von Kármán geometrical non-linearity assumptions. An approximation has been adopted in the present work consisting of neglecting the in-plane deformation in the formulation. Hamilton’s principle is used to derive the governing equation of motion. The problem is solved by a numerical iterative procedure in order to obtain more accurate results for vibration amplitudes up to 1.5 times the plate thickness. The numerical results are given for the first axisymmetric non-linear mode shape for a wide range of vibration amplitudes and they are presented either in tabular form or in graphical form to show the effect that the vibration amplitude and the variation in material properties have significant effects on the frequencies and the bending stresses in large amplitude vibration of the functionally graded annular plate.Keywords: non-linear vibrations, annular plates, large amplitudes, functionally graded material
Procedia PDF Downloads 3641034 Nonlinear Static Analysis of Laminated Composite Hollow Beams with Super-Elliptic Cross-Sections
Authors: G. Akgun, I. Algul, H. Kurtaran
In this paper geometrically nonlinear static behavior of laminated composite hollow super-elliptic beams is investigated using generalized differential quadrature method. Super-elliptic beam can have both oval and elliptic cross-sections by adjusting parameters in super-ellipse formulation (also known as Lamé curves). Equilibrium equations of super-elliptic beam are obtained using the virtual work principle. Geometric nonlinearity is taken into account using von-Kármán nonlinear strain-displacement relations. Spatial derivatives in strains are expressed with the generalized differential quadrature method. Transverse shear effect is considered through the first-order shear deformation theory. Static equilibrium equations are solved using Newton-Raphson method. Several composite super-elliptic beam problems are solved with the proposed method. Effects of layer orientations of composite material, boundary conditions, ovality and ellipticity on bending behavior are investigated.Keywords: generalized differential quadrature, geometric nonlinearity, laminated composite, super-elliptic cross-section
Procedia PDF Downloads 2971033 Loan Supply and Asset Price Volatility: An Experimental Study
Authors: Gabriele Iannotta
This paper investigates credit cycles by means of an experiment based on a Kiyotaki & Moore (1997) model with heterogeneous expectations. The aim is to examine how a credit squeeze caused by high lender-level risk perceptions affects the real prices of a collateralised asset, with a special focus on the macroeconomic implications of rising price volatility in terms of total welfare and the number of bankruptcies that occur. To do that, a learning-to-forecast experiment (LtFE) has been run where participants are asked to predict the future price of land and then rewarded based on the accuracy of their forecasts. The setting includes one lender and five borrowers in each of the twelve sessions split between six control groups (G1) and six treatment groups (G2). The only difference is that while in G1 the lender always satisfies borrowers’ loan demand (bankruptcies permitting), in G2 he/she closes the entire credit market in case three or more bankruptcies occur in the previous round. Experimental results show that negative risk-driven supply shocks amplify the volatility of collateral prices. This uncertainty worsens the agents’ ability to predict the future value of land and, as a consequence, the number of defaults increases and the total welfare deteriorates.Keywords: Behavioural Macroeconomics, Credit Cycle, Experimental Economics, Heterogeneous Expectations, Learning-to-Forecast Experiment
Procedia PDF Downloads 1251032 Least Squares Solution for Linear Quadratic Gaussian Problem with Stochastic Approximation Approach
Authors: Sie Long Kek, Wah June Leong, Kok Lay Teo
Linear quadratic Gaussian model is a standard mathematical model for the stochastic optimal control problem. The combination of the linear quadratic estimation and the linear quadratic regulator allows the state estimation and the optimal control policy to be designed separately. This is known as the separation principle. In this paper, an efficient computational method is proposed to solve the linear quadratic Gaussian problem. In our approach, the Hamiltonian function is defined, and the necessary conditions are derived. In addition to this, the output error is defined and the least-square optimization problem is introduced. By determining the first-order necessary condition, the gradient of the sum squares of output error is established. On this point of view, the stochastic approximation approach is employed such that the optimal control policy is updated. Within a given tolerance, the iteration procedure would be stopped and the optimal solution of the linear-quadratic Gaussian problem is obtained. For illustration, an example of the linear-quadratic Gaussian problem is studied. The result shows the efficiency of the approach proposed. In conclusion, the applicability of the approach proposed for solving the linear quadratic Gaussian problem is highly demonstrated.Keywords: iteration procedure, least squares solution, linear quadratic Gaussian, output error, stochastic approximation
Procedia PDF Downloads 1881031 Possibilities of Output Technology the Project ADAPTIV for Use in Infrared Camouflage
Authors: Jiří Barta, Teodor Baláž, Tomáš Ludík, Jiří. F. Urbánek
This article deals with the outputs of project acronym ADAPTIV of Czech Defence Research Project. This Project solved tends to adaptive camouflage. The camouflage is concealment by means of disguise. Perceptive interface between recipient and camouflaged object is visualized by means of textile modular screens. Screens special light semi-permeability enables front/ back projection with nearly identical light parameters. Information permeability, towards illusion creation, must be controlled by the camouflage provider by means sophisticated and mastered illusion with perfect scenarios. The project ADAPTIV was primarily funded with the maximum possible use of COTS (Commercial-Off-The-Shelf) principle asks special definition of feasibility conditions, especially recipient space position. This paper deals with uses the ADAPTIV output with name DATAsam with modification for infrared camouflage. It is focused on active camouflage in infrared spectrum of emissivity at <8;14> μm for laboratory conditions. The main chapter provides basic experiments and testing physical properties needed for camouflage in infrared environment. The evaluation experiments revealed the possibility of use case in various types of camouflage.Keywords: camouflage, ADAPTIV, infrared camouflage, computer-aided, COTS
Procedia PDF Downloads 4181030 Dynamic Analysis of Nanosize FG Rectangular Plates Based on Simple Nonlocal Quasi 3D HSDT
Authors: Sabrina Boutaleb, Fouad Bourad, Kouider Halim Benrahou, Abdelouahed Tounsi
In the present work, the dynamic analysis of the functionally graded rectangular nanoplates is studied. The theory of nonlocal elasticity based on the quasi 3D high shear deformation theory (quasi 3D HSDT) has been employed to determine the natural frequencies of the nanosized FG plate. In HSDT, a cubic function is employed in terms of thickness coordinates to introduce the influence of transverse shear deformation and stretching thickness. The theory of nonlocal elasticity is utilized to examine the impact of the small scale on the natural frequency of the FG rectangular nanoplate. The equations of motion are deduced by implementing Hamilton’s principle. To demonstrate the accuracy of the proposed method, the calculated results in specific cases are compared and examined with available results in the literature, and a good agreement is observed. Finally, the influence of the various parameters, such as the nonlocal coefficient, the material indexes, the aspect ratio, and the thickness-to-length ratio, on the dynamic properties of the FG nanoplates is illustrated and discussed in detail.Keywords: nonlocal elasticity theory, FG nanoplate, free vibration, refined theory, elastic foundation
Procedia PDF Downloads 1201029 The name of Thai Muslim students: The Reflection of value and Identity of Thai Muslim
Authors: Apichaya Kaewuthai
To study the meaning of Muslim name in order to analyse the underlining value and identity from first year to forth year Muslim students at Prince of Songkla University, Hatyai Campus. The questionnaires are employed as a main analytical tool to acquire the names from 80 Muslim students in four study years. The meanings of obtained names are subsequently analysed and summarized base upon related documents to uncover the beneath value. The study reveals that name of male is derived from the name of prophet; Nabi Muhammad, merit, dignity, origins, leadership and the faith in Islam. For female, on the other hand, their names are related to virtue and beauty, cleanliness and peace, hope and flowers which comply with their characteristics. One of the reasons contribute to the principle of naming is the regulation of Ministry of Culture which states that the name should represent one’s nature and characters. The given name reflects value and identity of Muslim which can be classified into three categories including 1) Value related to belief in Islam 2) value related to relationship among families and relatives 3) value about relationship with nature and environment. All the above mentioned reflect Muslim value and identity vividly. The name of Muslim students allows the researcher to perceive the perspective, belief and value in giving the name of Thai Muslim. Besides, it reveals social condition and their culture. It can also be the fundamental of studying the meaning of name in other races.Keywords: the naming, Thai Muslim, culture, economic
Procedia PDF Downloads 3121028 Using Finite Element to Predict Failure of Light Weight Bridges Due to Vehicles Impact: Case Study
Authors: Amin H. Almasria, Rajai Z. Alrousanb, Al-Harith Manasrah
The collapse of a light weight pedestrian bridges due to vehicle collision is investigated and studied in detail using a dynamic nonlinear finite element analysis. Typical bridge widely used in Jordan is studied and modeled under truck collision using one dimensional beam finite element in order to minimize analysis time due to the dynamic nature of the problem. Truck collision with the bridge is simulated at different speeds and locations of collisions using dynamic explicit finite element scheme with material nonlinearity taken into account. Energy absorption of bridge is investigated through principle of energy conservation, where truck kinetic energy is assumed to be stored in the bridge as strain energy. Weak failure points in the bridges were identified, and modifications are proposed in order to strengthen the bridge structure and prevent total collapse. The proposed design modifications on bridge structure were successful in allowing the bridge to fail locally rather than globally and expected to help in saving lives.Keywords: finite element method, dynamic impact, pedestrian bridges, strain energy, collapse failure
Procedia PDF Downloads 6241027 A New Fuzzy Fractional Order Model of Transmission of Covid-19 With Quarantine Class
Authors: Asma Hanif, A. I. K. Butt, Shabir Ahmad, Rahim Ud Din, Mustafa Inc
This paper is devoted to a study of the fuzzy fractional mathematical model reviewing the transmission dynamics of the infectious disease Covid-19. The proposed dynamical model consists of susceptible, exposed, symptomatic, asymptomatic, quarantine, hospitalized and recovered compartments. In this study, we deal with the fuzzy fractional model defined in Caputo’s sense. We show the positivity of state variables that all the state variables that represent different compartments of the model are positive. Using Gronwall inequality, we show that the solution of the model is bounded. Using the notion of the next-generation matrix, we find the basic reproduction number of the model. We demonstrate the local and global stability of the equilibrium point by using the concept of Castillo-Chavez and Lyapunov theory with the Lasalle invariant principle, respectively. We present the results that reveal the existence and uniqueness of the solution of the considered model through the fixed point theorem of Schauder and Banach. Using the fuzzy hybrid Laplace method, we acquire the approximate solution of the proposed model. The results are graphically presented via MATLAB-17.Keywords: Caputo fractional derivative, existence and uniqueness, gronwall inequality, Lyapunov theory
Procedia PDF Downloads 1091026 Factors Affecting Customer Loyalty in the Independent Surveyor Service Industry in Indonesia
Authors: Sufrin Hannan, Budi Suharjo, Rita Nurmalina, Kirbrandoko
The challenge for independent surveyor service companies now is growing with increasing uncertainty in business. Protection from the government for domestic independent surveyor industry from competitor attack, such as entering the global surveyors to Indonesia also no longer exists. Therefore, building customer loyalty becomes very important to create a long-term relationship between an independent surveyor with its customers. This study aims to develop a model that can be used to build customer loyalty by looking at various factors that determine customer loyalty, especially on independent surveyors for coal inspection in Indonesia. The development of this model uses the relationship marketing approach. Testing of the hypothesis is done by testing the variables that determine customer loyalty, either directly or indirectly, which amounted to 10 variables. The data were collected from 200 questionnaires filled by independent surveyor company decision makers from 51 exporting companies and coal trading companies in Indonesia and analyzed using Structural Equation Model (SEM). The results show that customer loyalty of independent surveyors is influenced by customer satisfaction, trust, switching-barrier, and relationship-bond. Research on customer satisfaction shows that customer satisfaction is influenced by the perceived quality and perceived value, while perceived quality is influenced by reliability, assurance, responsiveness, and empathy.Keywords: relationship marketing, customer loyalty, customer satisfaction, switching barriers, relationship bonds
Procedia PDF Downloads 1691025 Genetic Algorithm Optimization of the Economical, Ecological and Self-Consumption Impact of the Energy Production of a Single Building
Authors: Ludovic Favre, Thibaut M. Schafer, Jean-Luc Robyr, Elena-Lavinia Niederhäuser
This paper presents an optimization method based on genetic algorithm for the energy management inside buildings developed in the frame of the project Smart Living Lab (SLL) in Fribourg (Switzerland). This algorithm optimizes the interaction between renewable energy production, storage systems and energy consumers. In comparison with standard algorithms, the innovative aspect of this project is the extension of the smart regulation over three simultaneous criteria: the energy self-consumption, the decrease of greenhouse gas emissions and operating costs. The genetic algorithm approach was chosen due to the large quantity of optimization variables and the non-linearity of the optimization function. The optimization process includes also real time data of the building as well as weather forecast and users habits. This information is used by a physical model of the building energy resources to predict the future energy production and needs, to select the best energetic strategy, to combine production or storage of energy in order to guarantee the demand of electrical and thermal energy. The principle of operation of the algorithm as well as typical output example of the algorithm is presented.Keywords: building's energy, control system, energy management, energy storage, genetic optimization algorithm, greenhouse gases, modelling, renewable energy
Procedia PDF Downloads 2571024 An Integrated Fuzzy Inference System and Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution Approach for Evaluation of Lean Healthcare Systems
Authors: Aydin M. Torkabadi, Ehsan Pourjavad
A decade after the introduction of Lean in Saskatchewan’s public healthcare system, its effectiveness remains a controversial subject among health researchers, workers, managers, and politicians. Therefore, developing a framework to quantitatively assess the Lean achievements is significant. This study investigates the success of initiatives across Saskatchewan health regions by recognizing the Lean healthcare criteria, measuring the success levels, comparing the regions, and identifying the areas for improvements. This study proposes an integrated intelligent computing approach by applying Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) and Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS). FIS is used as an efficient approach to assess the Lean healthcare criteria, and TOPSIS is applied for ranking the values in regards to the level of leanness. Due to the innate uncertainty in decision maker judgments on criteria, principals of the fuzzy theory are applied. Finally, FIS-TOPSIS was established as an efficient technique in determining the lean merit in healthcare systems.Keywords: lean healthcare, intelligent computing, fuzzy inference system, healthcare evaluation, technique for order of preference by similarity to ideal solution, multi-criteria decision making, MCDM
Procedia PDF Downloads 1631023 Rapid Start-Up and Efficient Long-Term Nitritation of Low Strength Ammonium Wastewater with a Sequencing Batch Reactor Containing Immobilized Cells
Authors: Hammad Khan, Wookeun Bae
Major concerns regarding nitritation of low-strength ammonium wastewaters include low ammonium loading rates (usually below 0.2 kg/m3-d) and uncertainty about long-term stability of the process. The purpose of this study was to test a sequencing batch reactor (SBR) filled with cell-immobilized polyethylene glycol (PEG) pellets to see if it could achieve efficient and stable nitritation under various environmental conditions. SBR was fed with synthetic ammonium wastewater of 30±2 mg-N/L and pH: 8±0.05, maintaining the dissolved oxygen concentration of 1.7±0.2 mg/L and the temperature at 30±1oC. The reaction was easily converted to partial nitrification mode within a month by feeding relatively high ammonium substrate (~100 mg-N/L) in the beginning. We observed stable nitritation over 300 days with high ammonium loading rates (as high as ~1.1 kg-N/m3-d), nitrite accumulation rates (mostly over 97%) and ammonium removal rate (mostly over 95%). DO was a major limiting substrate when the DO concentration was below ~4 mg/L and the NH4+-N concentration was above 5 mg/L, giving almost linear increase in the ammonium oxidation rate with the bulk DO increase. Low temperatures mainly affected the reaction rate, which could be compensated for by increasing the pellet volume (i.e. biomass). Our results demonstrated that an SBR filled with small cell-immobilized PEG pellets could achieve very efficient and stable nitritation of a low-strength ammonium wastewater.Keywords: ammonium loading rate (ALR), cell-immobilization, long-term nitritation, sequencing batch reactor (SBR), sewage treatment
Procedia PDF Downloads 2761022 Feeling Bad May Not Make You Behave Unethically! Lessons Learned From the 2022 Shanghai COVID-19 Lockdown
Authors: Zeren Li, Wenkai Song
Shanghai experienced a 3-month lockdown in 2022. This unprecedented lockdown made local residents afraid, anxious and worried about the unpredictability of the future. During the lockdown, many unethical behaviors related to lockdown are noticed by the public. Our studies documented unethical behavior during this lockdown by moral hypocrisy and moral justification examined whether or not the lockdown makes people behave more unethically, and analyzed the relationship between negative emotions and unethical behavior. In Study 1, we recruited 240 participants from Shanghai (n = 120) and other cities (n = 120) to compare people in lockdown and non-lockdown areas. Surprisingly, we found that people in lockdown areas tend to behave more ethically, exhibiting less moral hypocrisy. In addition, residents of the lockdown area have significantly higher negative emotions (afraid, nervousness, upset, and feelings of uncertainty). In Study 2, we recruited 70 respondents from Shanghai and found that people behave relatively ethically in lockdown-related scenarios (negatively correlated with anxiety about the lockdown) with relatively less moral justification than in lockdown-unrelated scenarios. We propose that negative emotions may reduce unethical behavior that may exacerbate the causes (in our study, the lockdown) of these negative emotions. Experiments may help to establish the causal relationship and verify the model in future research.Keywords: COVID-19, unethical behavior, emotion, anxiety, moral justification, moral hypocrisy, China
Procedia PDF Downloads 851021 A Brief of Survey on Use of Videoconferencing in Teaching during Quarantine Conducted in Sao Paulo
Authors: Fernanda Laureti T. Ferreira, Kazuo Nishimoto
This paper presents a summary of the experience on videoconferencing tools that have been used to teach regular classes during this pandemic period in educational institutions in São Paulo, which tools and applications are most used and the challenges related to this mode of delivery. At this moment, the massive online education is not a choice of students or a structured development of education system, but a solution that emerged to attend urgent needs and it presents the opportunity to teach and learning available for the most students in this single time of social isolation that forced among others, this significant change for education, students, teachers, institutions and families. Distance education enables synchronous and asynchronous mode classes, and even though the current circumstances generate discomfort and uncertainty, on the other hand, there is a chance to promote a 'learning to learn'. The videoconference is a preferred choice of schools because synchronous mode to give more interaction between a group of students and teachers, but this mode requires specifics teacher competencies and skills, in addition to equipment and provision of adequate internet signal for all participants of the process. The approach is making use of known technical information about video conference tools and the results of search answered by a group of students, teachers, schools, and parents. The results presented refer to the perspectives of students and parents as respondents.Keywords: distance education, interaction on education, online classes, synchronous e-learning, videoconference
Procedia PDF Downloads 1231020 Theoretical Lens Driven Strategies for Emotional Wellbeing of Parents and Children in COVID-19 Era
Authors: Anamika Devi
Based on Vygotsky’s cultural, historical theory and Hedegaard’s concept of transition, this study aims to investigate to propose strategies to maintain digital wellbeing of children and parents during and post COVID pandemic. Due COVID 19 pandemic, children and families have been facing new challenges and sudden changes in their everyday life. While children are juggling to adjust themselves in new circumstance of onsite and online learning settings, parents are juggling with their work-life balance. A number of papers have identified that the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the lives of many families around the world in many ways, for example, the stress level of many parents increased, families faced financial difficulties, uncertainty impacted on long term effects on their emotional and social wellbeing. After searching and doing an intensive literature review from 2020 and 2021, this study has found some scholarly articles provided solution or strategies of reducing stress levels of parents and children in this unprecedented time. However, most of them are not underpinned by proper theoretical lens to ensure they validity and success. Therefore, this study has proposed strategies that are underpinned by theoretical lens to ensure their impact on children’s and parents' emotional wellbeing during and post COVID-19 era. The strategies will highlight on activities for positive coping strategies to the best use of family values and digital technologies.Keywords: onsite and online learning, strategies, emotional wellbeing, tips, and strategies, COVID19
Procedia PDF Downloads 1731019 Enabling Integrated Production of Electric Vehicles in Automotive Final Assembly: Realization of an Expert Study
Authors: Achim Kampker, Heiner Hans Heimes, Mathias Ordung, Jan-Philip Ganser
In the past years, the automotive industry has changed significantly. Innovative mobility concepts have become more important, and electric vehicles see a chance of replacing vehicles with combustion engines in the long term. However, the coming years will be characterized by coexistence. In this context, there are two possible production scenarios: One the one hand, electric vehicles could be manufactured in bespoke assembly lines. Concerning the uncertainty regarding sales figures development, this alternative boasts a high investment risk. Therefore, an integrated assembly building upon existing structures also seems a feasible solution. This empirical study aims at validating hypotheses concerning theoretical and practical challenges of the integrated production in the final assembly. In order to take a test of approaches of the research by analyzing censored feedback of professionals, these hypotheses are validated in the framework of an expert study. For this purpose, hypotheses have been generated on the basis of a requirements analysis and a concept specification. Thereupon, a list of question has been implemented and deduced from the hypotheses to execute an online- and written-survey and interviews with professionals. The interpretation and evaluation of the findings includes an inter-component comparison for the electric drivetrain. Furthermore, key drivers for a sufficient integrated product and process design are presented.Keywords: automotive industry, final assembly, integrated manufacturing, product and process development
Procedia PDF Downloads 3381018 Iterative Replanning of Diesel Generator and Energy Storage System for Stable Operation of an Isolated Microgrid
Authors: Jiin Jeong, Taekwang Kim, Kwang Ryel Ryu
The target microgrid in this paper is isolated from the large central power system and is assumed to consist of wind generators, photovoltaic power generators, an energy storage system (ESS), a diesel power generator, the community load, and a dump load. The operation of such a microgrid can be hazardous because of the uncertain prediction of power supply and demand and especially due to the high fluctuation of the output from the wind generators. In this paper, we propose an iterative replanning method for determining the appropriate level of diesel generation and the charging/discharging cycles of the ESS for the upcoming one-hour horizon. To cope with the uncertainty of the estimation of supply and demand, the one-hour plan is built repeatedly in the regular interval of one minute by rolling the one-hour horizon. Since the plan should be built with a sufficiently large safe margin to avoid any possible black-out, some energy waste through the dump load is inevitable. In our approach, the level of safe margin is optimized through learning from the past experience. The simulation experiments show that our method combined with the margin optimization can reduce the dump load compared to the method without such optimization.Keywords: microgrid, operation planning, power efficiency optimization, supply and demand prediction
Procedia PDF Downloads 4321017 Chinese Travelers’ Outbound Intentions to Visit Short-and-Long Haul Destinations: The Impact of Cultural Distance
Authors: Lei Qin
Culture has long been recognized as a possible reason to influence travelers’ decisions, which explains why travelers in different countries make distinct decisions. Cultural distance is a concept illustrating how much difference there is between travelers’ home culture and that of the destination, but the research in distinguishing short-and-long haul travel destinations is limited. This study explored the research gap by examining the impact of cultural distance on Chinese travelers’ intentions to visit short-haul and long-haul destinations, respectively. Six cultural distance measurements, including five measurements calculated from secondary database (Kogut & Singh, Developed Kogut & Singh, Euclidean distance Index (EDI), world value survey index (WVS), social axioms measurement (SAM)) and perceived cultural distance (PCD) collected from the primary survey. Of the six measurements, culture distance has the opposite impact on Chinese outbound travelers’ intentions in the short-haul and long haul. For short-haul travel, travelers’ intentions for traveling can be positive influenced by cultural distance; a possible reason is that travelers’ novelty-seeking satisfaction is greater than the strangeness obtained from overseas regions. For long-haul travel, travelers’ intentions for traveling can be negative influenced by cultural distance, a possible explanation is that travelers’ uncertainty, risk, and language concerns of farther destinations.Keywords: cultural distance, intention, outbound travel, short-long haul
Procedia PDF Downloads 2101016 Sri Lankan Contribution to Peace and Security in the World: Legal Perspective
Authors: Muthukuda Arachchige Dona Shiroma Jeeva Shirajanie Niriella
Suppressing terrorism and ensuring peace and security of the people is one of the topics which have gained serious attention of the world community. Commissions of terrorist activities, locally and internationally lead to an uncertainty of peace and security, violations of human rights of the people. Thereby it demands stringent security laws and strong criminal justice systems, both at domestic and international levels. This paper intends to evaluate security laws in Sri Lanka through the criminal justice perspective, including their efficacy in relation to combat terrorism. The paper further intends to discuss the importance of such laws in upholding the peace and security at both local and universal levels. The paper argues that the term ‘efficacy’ does not stand for, sending people to jail at large-scale, but the ability to combat terrorism crime without violating the rights of the innocent people. The qualitative research method is followed to conduct this research which contains an extensive examination of security laws available as counter-terrorism laws in Sri Lanka with the relevant international standards adopted by the UN treaties. Primary sources which are relevant to the research, including judicial pronouncements are also discussed in this regard. Secondary sources such as reports, research articles and textbooks on this topic and information available on the internet are also reviewed in this analysis.Keywords: terrorism, security laws, criminal justice system, Sri Lanka, international treaty law
Procedia PDF Downloads 3851015 Linguistic Symbols Principle Construction in Cultural Creative Product Design
Authors: Pei-Jun Xue, Ming-Yu Hsiao
Language is the emblem of a culture, representing the extension of cultural life. In addition, it is also an important tool for communication and message transmission. It carries not only information but also covers the self-conscious of the information constructor as well as the situational experiences of users from different backgrounds. Moreover, design can be regarded as a language, a dynamic process of coding and decoding. With the designers’ experiences in everyday life, they bring them into the products’ experiences. Considered from the aspects of atmosphere and the five senses, a designer should consider and reconsider how to communicate the messages effectively to suit the users’ needs. In the process of language learning, we should understand the construction behind it and the rules of the compositions of language codes. Regarding the understanding of the design of works or the form of product construction, it is necessary for us to understand the coding system during the process of product construction. The form (signifiers) and meanings (signified) of Chinese characters are closely related. At the same time, it is also a process of simplifying the complicated to the simple. This study discusses the chinese characters that used in the cultural symbols construction, and analysis of existing products by Peirce's semiotic triangles. Through people's cognition of Chinese characters and constitute method, help to understand the way of construction product symbol.Keywords: cultural-creative product design, cultural product, cultural symbols, linguistic symbols
Procedia PDF Downloads 4521014 Optimal Design of Composite Cylindrical Shell Based on Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis
Authors: Haider M. Alsaeq
The present research is an attempt to figure out the best configuration of composite cylindrical shells of the sandwich type, i.e. the lightest design of such shells required to sustain a certain load over a certain area. The optimization is based on elastic-plastic geometrically nonlinear incremental-iterative finite element analysis. The nine-node degenerated curved shell element is used in which five degrees of freedom are specified at each nodal point, with a layered model. The formulation of the geometrical nonlinearity problem is carried out using the well-known total Lagrangian principle. For the structural optimization problem, which is dealt with as a constrained nonlinear optimization, the so-called Modified Hooke and Jeeves method is employed by considering the weight of the shell as the objective function with stress and geometrical constraints. It was concluded that the optimum design of composite sandwich cylindrical shell that have a rigid polyurethane foam core and steel facing occurs when the area covered by the shell becomes almost square with a ratio of core thickness to facing thickness lies between 45 and 49, while the optimum height to length ration varies from 0.03 to 0.08 depending on the aspect ratio of the shell and its boundary conditions.Keywords: composite structure, cylindrical shell, optimization, non-linear analysis, finite element
Procedia PDF Downloads 3921013 Lean Environmental Management Integration System (LEMIS) Framework Development
Authors: A. P. Puvanasvaran, Suresh A. L. Vasu, N. Norazlin
The Lean Environmental Management Integration System (LEMIS) framework development is integration between lean core element and ISO 14001. The curiosity on the relationship between continuous improvement and sustainability of lean implementation has influenced this study toward LEMIS. Characteristic of ISO 14001 standard clauses and core elements of lean principles are explored from past studies and literature reviews. Survey was carried out on ISO 14001 certified companies to examine continual improvement by implementing the ISO 14001 standard. The study found that there is a significant and positive relationship between Lean Principles: value, value stream, flow, pull and perfection with the ISO 14001 requirements. LEMIS is significant to support the continuous improvement and sustainability. The integration system can be implemented to any manufacturing company. It gives awareness on the importance on why organizations need to sustain its Environmental management system. At the meanwhile, the lean principle can be adapted in order to streamline daily activities of the company. Throughout the study, it had proven that there is no sacrifice or trade-off between lean principles with ISO 14001 requirements. The framework developed in the study can be further simplified in the future, especially the method of crossing each sub requirements of ISO 14001 standard with the core elements of Lean principles in this study.Keywords: LEMIS, ISO 14001, integration, framework
Procedia PDF Downloads 4061012 Poverty Dynamics in Thailand: Evidence from Household Panel Data
Authors: Nattabhorn Leamcharaskul
This study aims to examine determining factors of the dynamics of poverty in Thailand by using panel data of 3,567 households in 2007-2017. Four techniques of estimation are employed to analyze the situation of poverty across households and time periods: the multinomial logit model, the sequential logit model, the quantile regression model, and the difference in difference model. Households are categorized based on their experiences into 5 groups, namely chronically poor, falling into poverty, re-entering into poverty, exiting from poverty and never poor households. Estimation results emphasize the effects of demographic and socioeconomic factors as well as unexpected events on the economic status of a household. It is found that remittances have positive impact on household’s economic status in that they are likely to lower the probability of falling into poverty or trapping in poverty while they tend to increase the probability of exiting from poverty. In addition, not only receiving a secondary source of household income can raise the probability of being a never poor household, but it also significantly increases household income per capita of the chronically poor and falling into poverty households. Public work programs are recommended as an important tool to relieve household financial burden and uncertainty and thus consequently increase a chance for households to escape from poverty.Keywords: difference in difference, dynamic, multinomial logit model, panel data, poverty, quantile regression, remittance, sequential logit model, Thailand, transfer
Procedia PDF Downloads 1131011 Optimal Sliding Mode Controller for Knee Flexion during Walking
Authors: Gabriel Sitler, Yousef Sardahi, Asad Salem
This paper presents an optimal and robust sliding mode controller (SMC) to regulate the position of the knee joint angle for patients suffering from knee injuries. The controller imitates the role of active orthoses that produce the joint torques required to overcome gravity and loading forces and regain natural human movements. To this end, a mathematical model of the shank, the lower part of the leg, is derived first and then used for the control system design and computer simulations. The design of the controller is carried out in optimal and multi-objective settings. Four objectives are considered: minimization of the control effort and tracking error; and maximization of the control signal smoothness and closed-loop system’s speed of response. Optimal solutions in terms of the Pareto set and its image, the Pareto front, are obtained. The results show that there are trade-offs among the design objectives and many optimal solutions from which the decision-maker can choose to implement. Also, computer simulations conducted at different points from the Pareto set and assuming knee squat movement demonstrate competing relationships among the design goals. In addition, the proposed control algorithm shows robustness in tracking a standard gait signal when accounting for uncertainty in the shank’s parameters.Keywords: optimal control, multi-objective optimization, sliding mode control, wearable knee exoskeletons
Procedia PDF Downloads 821010 The Influence of Hydrogen Addition to Natural Gas Networks on Gas Appliances
Authors: Yitong Xie, Chaokui Qin, Zhiguang Chen, Shuangqian Guo
Injecting hydrogen, a competitive carbon-free energy carrier, into existing natural gas networks has become a promising step toward alleviating global warming. Considering the differences in properties of hydrogen and natural gas, there is very little evidence showing how many degrees of hydrogen admixture can be accepted and how to adjust appliances to adapt to gas constituents' variation. The lack of this type of analysis provides more uncertainty in injecting hydrogen into networks because of the short the basis of burner design and adjustment. First, the properties of methane and hydrogen were compared for a comprehensive analysis of the impact of hydrogen addition to methane. As the main determinant of flame stability, the burning velocity was adopted for hydrogen addition analysis. Burning velocities for hydrogen-enriched natural gas with different hydrogen percentages and equivalence ratios were calculated by the software CHEMKIN. Interchangeability methods, including single index methods, multi indices methods, and diagram methods, were adopted to determine the limit of hydrogen percentage. Cooktops and water heaters were experimentally tested in the laboratory. Flame structures of different hydrogen percentages and equivalence ratios were observed and photographed. Besides, the change in heat efficiency, burner temperature, emission by hydrogen percentage, and equivalence ratio was studied. The experiment methodologies and results in this paper provide an important basis for the introduction of hydrogen into gas pipelines and the adjustment of gas appliances.Keywords: hydrogen, methane, combustion, appliances, interchangeability
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