Search results for: virtual object
1385 A Fast and Robust Protocol for Reconstruction and Re-Enactment of Historical Sites
Authors: Sanaa I. Abu Alasal, Madleen M. Esbeih, Eman R. Fayyad, Rami S. Gharaibeh, Mostafa Z. Ali, Ahmed A. Freewan, Monther M. Jamhawi
This research proposes a novel reconstruction protocol for restoring missing surfaces and low-quality edges and shapes in photos of artifacts at historical sites. The protocol starts with the extraction of a cloud of points. This extraction process is based on four subordinate algorithms, which differ in the robustness and amount of resultant. Moreover, they use different -but complementary- accuracy to some related features and to the way they build a quality mesh. The performance of our proposed protocol is compared with other state-of-the-art algorithms and toolkits. The statistical analysis shows that our algorithm significantly outperforms its rivals in the resultant quality of its object files used to reconstruct the desired model.Keywords: meshes, point clouds, surface reconstruction protocols, 3D reconstruction
Procedia PDF Downloads 4571384 The Principle Probabilities of Space-Distance Resolution for a Monostatic Radar and Realization in Cylindrical Array
Authors: Anatoly D. Pluzhnikov, Elena N. Pribludova, Alexander G. Ryndyk
In conjunction with the problem of the target selection on a clutter background, the analysis of the scanning rate influence on the spatial-temporal signal structure, the generalized multivariate correlation function and the quality of the resolution with the increase pulse repetition frequency is made. The possibility of the object space-distance resolution, which is conditioned by the range-to-angle conversion with an increased scanning rate, is substantiated. The calculations for the real cylindrical array at high scanning rate are presented. The high scanning rate let to get the signal to noise improvement of the order of 10 dB for the space-time signal processing.Keywords: antenna pattern, array, signal processing, spatial resolution
Procedia PDF Downloads 1811383 A Contribution to Human Activities Recognition Using Expert System Techniques
Authors: Malika Yaici, Soraya Aloui, Sara Semchaoui
This paper deals with human activity recognition from sensor data. It is an active research area, and the main objective is to obtain a high recognition rate. In this work, a recognition system based on expert systems is proposed; the recognition is performed using the objects, object states, and gestures and taking into account the context (the location of the objects and of the person performing the activity, the duration of the elementary actions and the activity). The system recognizes complex activities after decomposing them into simple, easy-to-recognize activities. The proposed method can be applied to any type of activity. The simulation results show the robustness of our system and its speed of decision.Keywords: human activity recognition, ubiquitous computing, context-awareness, expert system
Procedia PDF Downloads 1191382 Kohonen Self-Organizing Maps as a New Method for Determination of Salt Composition of Multi-Component Solutions
Authors: Sergey A. Burikov, Tatiana A. Dolenko, Kirill A. Gushchin, Sergey A. Dolenko
The paper presents the results of clusterization by Kohonen self-organizing maps (SOM) applied for analysis of array of Raman spectra of multi-component solutions of inorganic salts, for determination of types of salts present in the solution. It is demonstrated that use of SOM is a promising method for solution of clusterization and classification problems in spectroscopy of multi-component objects, as attributing a pattern to some cluster may be used for recognition of component composition of the object.Keywords: Kohonen self-organizing maps, clusterization, multi-component solutions, Raman spectroscopy
Procedia PDF Downloads 4431381 Death Due to Ulnar Artery Injury by Glassdoor: A Case Report
Authors: Ashok Kumar Rastogi
Glass is a material commonly used for Glassdoor, glass bottles, cookware, and containers. It can be harmful, as it is a hard and blunt object. Glass has been associated with severe injury and is a common cause of injuries warranting hospital visits to the emergency department (ED). These injuries can be accidental or intentionally inflicted. Broken glass injuries can be severe, even deadly. If broken glass shards fall out on your arm, it may cause fatal injuries. Case history: A 20-year-old male dead body was found aside the road, police informed, and a video recording ceased during an investigation. In the video recording, the person was in a drunken state (unable to walk and disoriented), wandering in the residential area road. He saw a barber shop, the shop door made of Glass. Suddenly, he hit the Glassdoor with his right hand forcefully. The Glassdoor broke into multiple pieces, and multiple injuries were seen over the right hand. Observations: Multiple small and large lacerations were seen over the right anterior part of the elbow. The main injury looked like an incised wound caused by a hard and sharp object. The main injury was noted as a laceration of size 13 x 06 cm bone deep, placed obliquely over the anteromedial aspect of the right elbow joint, its medial end at medial end of elbow joint while its anterior end was 04 cm below the elbow joint with laceration of underline brachialis muscles and complete transaction of ulnar artery and vein, skin margins looking sharply cut with irregular margins with tiny cuts at the medial lower border of laceration. Injuries were antemortem and fresh in nature, caused by hard and blunt objects but looking like hard and sharp objects. All organs were found pale, and the cause of death was shock and hemorrhage because of ulnar vessel injury. Conclusion: The findings of this case report highlight the potentially lethal consequences of glass injuries, especially those involving Glassdoors. The study underscores the importance of accurate interpretation and identification of wounds caused by Glass, as they may resemble injuries caused by other objects. It emphasizes the challenges faced by autopsy surgeons when determining the cause and manner of death in cases where visual evidence of injury is absent or when the weapon is not recovered. Ultimately, this case report serves as a reminder of the potential dangers posed by Glass and the importance of comprehensive forensic examinations.Keywords: glassdoor, incised, wound, laceration, autopsy
Procedia PDF Downloads 791380 Virtual Assessment of Measurement Error in the Fractional Flow Reserve
Authors: Keltoum Chahour, Mickael Binois
Due to a lack of standardization during the invasive fractional flow reserve (FFR) procedure, the index is subject to many sources of uncertainties. In this paper, we investigate -through simulation- the effect of the (FFR) device position and configuration on the obtained value of the (FFR) fraction. For this purpose, we use computational fluid dynamics (CFD) in a 3D domain corresponding to a diseased arterial portion. The (FFR) pressure captor is introduced inside it with a given length and coefficient of bending to capture the (FFR) value. To get over the computational limitations, basically, the time of the simulation is about 2h 15min for one (FFR) value; we generate a Gaussian Process (GP) model for (FFR) prediction. The (GP) model indicates good accuracy and demonstrates the effective error in the measurement created by the random configuration of the pressure captor.Keywords: fractional flow reserve, Gaussian processes, computational fluid dynamics, drift
Procedia PDF Downloads 1381379 Cooperative CDD Scheme Based On Hierarchical Modulation in OFDM System
Authors: Seung-Jun Yu, Yeong-Seop Ahn, Young-Min Ko, Hyoung-Kyu Song
In order to achieve high data rate and increase the spectral efficiency, multiple input multiple output (MIMO) system has been proposed. However, multiple antennas are limited by size and cost. Therefore, recently developed cooperative diversity scheme, which profits the transmit diversity only with the existing hardware by constituting a virtual antenna array, can be a solution. However, most of the introduced cooperative techniques have a common fault of decreased transmission rate because the destination should receive the decodable compositions of symbols from the source and the relay. In this paper, we propose a cooperative cyclic delay diversity (CDD) scheme that uses hierarchical modulation. This scheme is free from the rate loss and allows seamless cooperative communication.Keywords: MIMO, cooperative communication, CDD, hierarchical modulation
Procedia PDF Downloads 5501378 Thermomechanical Damage Modeling of F114 Carbon Steel
Authors: A. El Amri, M. El Yakhloufi Haddou, A. Khamlichi
The numerical simulation based on the Finite Element Method (FEM) is widely used in academic institutes and in the industry. It is a useful tool to predict many phenomena present in the classical manufacturing forming processes such as fracture. But, the results of such numerical model depend strongly on the parameters of the constitutive behavior model. The influences of thermal and mechanical loads cause damage. The temperature and strain rate dependent materials’ properties and their modelling are discussed. A Johnson-Cook Model of damage has been selected for the numerical simulations. Virtual software called the ABAQUS 6.11 is used for finite element analysis. This model was introduced in order to give information concerning crack initiation during thermal and mechanical loads.Keywords: thermo-mechanical fatigue, failure, numerical simulation, fracture, damage
Procedia PDF Downloads 3931377 Survivable IP over WDM Network Design Based on 1 ⊕ 1 Network Coding
Authors: Nihed Bahria El Asghar, Imen Jouili, Mounir Frikha
Inter-datacenter transport network is very bandwidth and delay demanding. The data transferred over such a network is also highly QoS-exigent mostly because a huge volume of data should be transported transparently with regard to the application user. To avoid the data transfer failure, a backup path should be reserved. No re-routing delay should be observed. A dedicated 1+1 protection is however not applicable in inter-datacenter transport network because of the huge spare capacity. In this context, we propose a survivable virtual network with minimal backup based on network coding (1 ⊕ 1) and solve it using a modified Dijkstra-based heuristic.Keywords: network coding, dedicated protection, spare capacity, inter-datacenters transport network
Procedia PDF Downloads 4471376 Augmented Reality in Teaching Children with Autism
Authors: Azadeh Afrasyabi, Ali Khaleghi, Aliakbar Alijarahi
Training at an early age is so important, because of tremendous changes in adolescence, including the formation of character, physical changes and other factors. One of the most sensitive sectors in this field is the children with a disability and are somehow special children who have trouble in communicating with their environment. One of the emerging technologies in the field of education that can be effectively profitable called augmented reality, where the combination of real world and virtual images in real time produces new concepts that can facilitate learning. The purpose of this paper is to propose an effective training method for special and disabled children based on augmented reality. Of course, in particular, the efficiency of augmented reality in teaching children with autism will consider, also examine the various aspect of this disease and different learning methods in this area.Keywords: technology in education, augmented reality, special education, teaching methods
Procedia PDF Downloads 3711375 Image Enhancement Algorithm of Photoacoustic Tomography Using Active Contour Filtering
Authors: Prasannakumar Palaniappan, Dong Ho Shin, Chul Gyu Song
The photoacoustic images are obtained from a custom developed linear array photoacoustic tomography system. The biological specimens are imitated by conducting phantom tests in order to retrieve a fully functional photoacoustic image. The acquired image undergoes the active region based contour filtering to remove the noise and accurately segment the object area for further processing. The universal back projection method is used as the image reconstruction algorithm. The active contour filtering is analyzed by evaluating the signal to noise ratio and comparing it with the other filtering methods.Keywords: contour filtering, linear array, photoacoustic tomography, universal back projection
Procedia PDF Downloads 4031374 Islam and Democracy
Authors: Nasrollah Sekhavaty
This topic has many points, one of which could be "the relationship between Islam and democracy". In this paper we discuss the relationship between them. The logic has taught us that there is only one relationship between an object and itself. But if we have two things, there is one of the four relations between them; contradiction, equivalence, absolute generality & peculiarity or generality & peculiarity in some respect. To clarify the relationship between Islam and democracy, at first we must examine the meaning of Islam and Democracy. Islam is a religion which has ideas about politics and governance. The politics in Islam includes both individual and social affairs, to achieve worldly and heavenly blessings. With this assumption, Islam and democracy are not the same, or contrast, nor the absolute generality & peculiarity; but, the relationship between these two concepts is the generality & peculiarity in some respect. Conclusion: If one considers democracy as content, it does not accumulate with Islam which is content. But if democracy means a structure and style of governing, then its content could be Islam.Keywords: Islam, democracy, contradiction, equivalence, absolute generality, generality & peculiarity
Procedia PDF Downloads 3421373 Vietnamese Les Rap as Art to Promote Rights and Gender
Authors: Ly Quyet Tien
The object of this paper is to study Vietnamese Les Rap as art to promote rights and gender in the twenty-first century. The author analyzed Vietnamese Les Rap from the point of view of a contemporary person who has witnessed the tumultuous destiny of the most suffering minority group in Vietnam’s LGBT community. He reviewed scholarly studies, and reputable newspapers on the topic and conducted face to face interviews for qualitative data. The study found that Vietnamese lesbians have composed and used rap as an effective tool to express their fight for visibility, identity, and sensibility. Research reveals that these songs did not only touch the heart of the LGBT community but also the larger public, marking the rising queer voice, contributing to a flourishing of LGBT culture, and revolutionizing the colors of Vietnamese hip hop music in the twenty-first century.Keywords: culture, lesbian, rap, Vietnam
Procedia PDF Downloads 981372 Harnessing the Power of Artificial Intelligence: Advancements and Ethical Considerations in Psychological and Behavioral Sciences
Authors: Nayer Mofidtabatabaei
Advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) have transformed various fields, including psychology and behavioral sciences. This paper explores the diverse ways in which AI is applied to enhance research, diagnosis, therapy, and understanding of human behavior and mental health. We discuss the potential benefits and challenges associated with AI in these fields, emphasizing the ethical considerations and the need for collaboration between AI researchers and psychological and behavioral science experts. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has gained prominence in recent years, revolutionizing multiple industries, including healthcare, finance, and entertainment. One area where AI holds significant promise is the field of psychology and behavioral sciences. AI applications in this domain range from improving the accuracy of diagnosis and treatment to understanding complex human behavior patterns. This paper aims to provide an overview of the various AI applications in psychological and behavioral sciences, highlighting their potential impact, challenges, and ethical considerations. Mental Health Diagnosis AI-driven tools, such as natural language processing and sentiment analysis, can analyze large datasets of text and speech to detect signs of mental health issues. For example, chatbots and virtual therapists can provide initial assessments and support to individuals suffering from anxiety or depression. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Diagnosis AI algorithms can assist in early ASD diagnosis by analyzing video and audio recordings of children's behavior. These tools help identify subtle behavioral markers, enabling earlier intervention and treatment. Personalized Therapy AI-based therapy platforms use personalized algorithms to adapt therapeutic interventions based on an individual's progress and needs. These platforms can provide continuous support and resources for patients, making therapy more accessible and effective. Virtual Reality Therapy Virtual reality (VR) combined with AI can create immersive therapeutic environments for treating phobias, PTSD, and social anxiety. AI algorithms can adapt VR scenarios in real-time to suit the patient's progress and comfort level. Data Analysis AI aids researchers in processing vast amounts of data, including survey responses, brain imaging, and genetic information. Privacy Concerns Collecting and analyzing personal data for AI applications in psychology and behavioral sciences raise significant privacy concerns. Researchers must ensure the ethical use and protection of sensitive information. Bias and Fairness AI algorithms can inherit biases present in training data, potentially leading to biased assessments or recommendations. Efforts to mitigate bias and ensure fairness in AI applications are crucial. Transparency and Accountability AI-driven decisions in psychology and behavioral sciences should be transparent and subject to accountability. Patients and practitioners should understand how AI algorithms operate and make decisions. AI applications in psychological and behavioral sciences have the potential to transform the field by enhancing diagnosis, therapy, and research. However, these advancements come with ethical challenges that require careful consideration. Collaboration between AI researchers and psychological and behavioral science experts is essential to harness AI's full potential while upholding ethical standards and privacy protections. The future of AI in psychology and behavioral sciences holds great promise, but it must be navigated with caution and responsibility.Keywords: artificial intelligence, psychological sciences, behavioral sciences, diagnosis and therapy, ethical considerations
Procedia PDF Downloads 731371 Evaluating the Performance of Color Constancy Algorithm
Authors: Damanjit Kaur, Avani Bhatia
Color constancy is significant for human vision since color is a pictorial cue that helps in solving different visions tasks such as tracking, object recognition, or categorization. Therefore, several computational methods have tried to simulate human color constancy abilities to stabilize machine color representations. Two different kinds of methods have been used, i.e., normalization and constancy. While color normalization creates a new representation of the image by canceling illuminant effects, color constancy directly estimates the color of the illuminant in order to map the image colors to a canonical version. Color constancy is the capability to determine colors of objects independent of the color of the light source. This research work studies the most of the well-known color constancy algorithms like white point and gray world.Keywords: color constancy, gray world, white patch, modified white patch
Procedia PDF Downloads 3211370 Vision-Based Hand Segmentation Techniques for Human-Computer Interaction
This work is the part of vision based hand gesture recognition system for Natural Human Computer Interface. Hand tracking and segmentation are the primary steps for any hand gesture recognition system. The aim of this paper is to develop robust and efficient hand segmentation algorithm such as an input to another system which attempt to bring the HCI performance nearby the human-human interaction, by modeling an intelligent sign language recognition system based on prediction in the context of dialogue between the system (avatar) and the interlocutor. For the purpose of hand segmentation, an overcoming occlusion approach has been proposed for superior results for detection of hand from an image.Keywords: HCI, sign language recognition, object tracking, hand segmentation
Procedia PDF Downloads 4131369 Design and Development of Bar Graph Data Visualization in 2D and 3D Space Using Front-End Technologies
Authors: Sourabh Yaduvanshi, Varsha Namdeo, Namrata Yaduvanshi
This study delves into the design and development intricacies of crafting detailed 2D bar charts via d3.js, recognizing its limitations in generating 3D visuals within the Document Object Model (DOM). The study combines three.js with d3.js, facilitating a smooth evolution from 2D to immersive 3D representations. This fusion epitomizes the synergy between front-end technologies, expanding horizons in data visualization. Beyond technical expertise, it symbolizes a creative convergence, pushing boundaries in visual representation. The abstract illuminates methodologies, unraveling the intricate integration of this fusion and guiding enthusiasts. It narrates a compelling story of transcending 2D constraints, propelling data visualization into captivating three-dimensional realms, and igniting creativity in front-end visualization endeavors.Keywords: design, development, front-end technologies, visualization
Procedia PDF Downloads 401368 Technology Changing Senior Care
Authors: John Kosmeh
Introduction – For years, senior health care and skilled nursing facilities have been plagued with the dilemma of not having the necessary tools and equipment to adequately care for senior residents in their communities. This has led to high transport rates to emergency departments and high 30-day readmission rates, costing billions of unnecessary dollars each year, as well as quality assurance issues. Our Senior care telemedicine program is designed to solve this issue. Methods – We conducted a 1-year pilot program using our technology coupled with our 24/7 telemedicine program with skilled nursing facilities in different parts of the United States. We then compared transports rates and 30-day readmission rates to previous years before the use of our program, as well as transport rates of other communities of similar size not using our program. This data was able to give us a clear and concise look at the success rate of reducing unnecessary transport and readmissions as well as cost savings. Results – A 94% reduction nationally of unnecessary out-of-facility transports, and to date, complete elimination of 30-day readmissions. Our virtual platform allowed us to instruct facility staff on the utilization of our tools and system as well as deliver treatment by our ER-trained providers. Delay waiting for PCP callbacks was eliminated. We were able to obtain lung, heart, and abdominal ultrasound imaging, 12 lead EKG, blood labs, auscultate lung and heart sounds, and collect other diagnostic tests at the bedside within minutes, providing immediate care and allowing us to treat residents within the SNF. Are virtual capabilities allowed for loved ones, family members, and others who had medical power of attorney to virtually connect with us at the time of visit, to speak directly with the medical provider, providing increased confidence in the decision to treat the resident in-house. The decline in transports and readmissions will greatly reduce governmental cost burdens, as well as fines imposed on SNF for high 30-day readmissions, reduce the cost of Medicare A readmissions, and significantly impact the number of patients visiting overcrowded ERs. Discussion – By utilizing our program, SNF can effectively reduce the number of unnecessary transports of residents, as well as create significant savings from loss of day rates, transportation costs, and high CMS fines. The cost saving is in the thousands monthly, but more importantly, these facilities can create a higher quality of life and medical care for residents by providing definitive care instantly with ER-trained personnel.Keywords: senior care, long term care, telemedicine, technology, senior care communities
Procedia PDF Downloads 941367 Digital Value Co-Creation: The Case of Worthy a Virtual Collaborative Museum across Europe
Authors: Camilla Marini, Deborah Agostino
Cultural institutions provide more than service-based offers; indeed, they are experience-based contexts. A cultural experience is a special event that encompasses a wide range of values which, for visitors, are primarily cultural rather than economic and financial. Cultural institutions have always been characterized by inclusivity and participatory practices, but the upcoming of digital technologies has put forward their interest in collaborative practices and the relationship with their audience. Indeed, digital technologies highly affected the cultural experience as it was conceived. Especially, museums, as traditional and authoritative cultural institutions, have been highly challenged by digital technologies. They shifted by a collection-oriented toward a visitor-centered approach, and digital technologies generated a highly interactive ecosystem in which visitors have an active role, shaping their own cultural experience. Most of the studies that investigate value co-creation in museums adopt a single perspective which is separately one of the museums or one of the users, but the analysis of the convergence/divergence of these perspectives is still emphasized. Additionally, many contributions focus on digital value co-creation as an outcome rather than as a process. The study aims to provide a joint perspective on digital value co-creation which include both museum and visitors. Also, it deepens the contribution of digital technologies in the value co-creation process, addressing the following research questions: (i) what are the convergence/divergence drivers on digital value co-creation and (ii) how digital technologies can be means of value co-creation? The study adopts an action research methodology that is based on the case of WORTHY, an educational project which involves cultural institutions and schools all around Europe, creating a virtual collaborative museum. It represents a valuable case for the aim of the study since it has digital technologies at its core, and the interaction through digital technologies is fundamental, all along with the experience. Action research has been identified as the most appropriate methodology for researchers to have direct contact with the field. Data have been collected through primary and secondary sources. Cultural mediators such as museums, teachers and students’ families have been interviewed, while a focus group has been designed to interact with students, investigating all the aspects of the cultural experience. Secondary sources encompassed project reports and website contents in order to deepen the perspective of cultural institutions. Preliminary findings highlight the dimensions of digital value co-creation in cultural institutions from a museum-visitor integrated perspective and the contribution of digital technologies in the value co-creation process. The study outlines a two-folded contribution that encompasses both an academic and a practitioner level. Indeed, it contributes to fulfilling the gap in cultural management literature about the convergence/divergence of service provider-user perspectives but it also provides cultural professionals with guidelines on how to evaluate the digital value co-creation process.Keywords: co-creation, digital technologies, museum, value
Procedia PDF Downloads 1471366 Model-Viewer for Setting Interactive 3D Objects of Electronic Devices and Systems
Authors: Julio Brégains, Ángel Carro, José-Manuel Andión
Virtual 3D objects constitute invaluable tools for teaching practical engineering subjects at all -from basic to advanced- educational levels. For instance, they can be equipped with animation or informative labels, manipulated by mouse movements, and even be immersed in a real environment through augmented reality. In this paper, we present the investigation and description of a set of applications prepared for creating, editing, and making use of interactive 3D models to represent electric and electronic devices and systems. Several examples designed with the described tools are exhibited, mainly to show their capabilities as educational technological aids, applicable not only to the field of electricity and electronics but also to a much wider range of technical areas.Keywords: educational technology, Google model viewer, ICT educational tools, interactive teaching, new tools for teaching
Procedia PDF Downloads 761365 Aesthetics and Semiotics in Theatre Performance
Authors: Păcurar Diana Istina
Structured in three chapters, the article attempts an X-ray of the theatrical aesthetics, correctly understood through the emotions generated in the intimate structure of the spectator that precedes the triggering of the viewer’s perception and not through the superposition, unfortunately common, of the notion of aesthetics with the style in which a theater show is built. The first chapter contains a brief history of the appearance of the word aesthetic, the formulation of definitions for this new term, as well as its connections with the notions of semiotics, in particular with the perception of the message transmitted. Starting with Aristotle and Plato, and reaching Magritte, their interventions should not be interpreted in the sense that the two scientific concepts can merge into one discipline. The perception that is the object of everyone’s analysis, the understanding of meaning, the decoding of the messages sent, and the triggering of feelings that culminate in pleasure, shaping the aesthetic vision, are some elements that keep semiotics and aesthetics distinct, even though they share many methods of analysis. The compositional processes of aesthetic representation and symbolic formation are analyzed in the second part of the paper from perspectives that include or do not include historical, cultural, social, and political processes. Aesthetics and the organization of its symbolic process are treated, taking into account expressive activity. The last part of the article explores the notion of aesthetics in applied theater, more specifically in the theater show. Taking the postmodern approach that aesthetics applies to the creation of an artifact and the reception of that artifact, the intervention of these elements in the theatrical system must be emphasized –that is, the analysis of the problems arising in the stages of the creation, presentation, and reception, by the public, of the theater performance. The aesthetic process is triggered involuntarily, simultaneously, or before the moment when people perceive the meaning of the messages transmitted by the work of art. The finding of this fact makes the mental process of aesthetics similar or related to that of semiotics. No matter how perceived individually, beauty, the mechanism of production can be reduced to two. The first step presents similarities to Peirce’s model, but the process between signified and signified additionally stimulates the related memory of the evaluation of beauty, adding to the meanings related to the signification itself. Then, the second step, a process of comparison, is followed, in which one examines whether the object being looked at matches the accumulated memory of beauty. Therefore, even though aesthetics is derived from the conceptual part, the judgment of beauty and, more than that, moral judgment come to be so important to the social activities of human beings that it evolves as a visible process independent of other conceptual contents.Keywords: aesthetics, semiotics, symbolic composition, subjective joints, signifying, signified
Procedia PDF Downloads 1101364 The Quantitative Analysis of the Traditional Rural Settlement Plane Boundary
Authors: Yifan Dong, Xincheng Pu
Rural settlements originate from the accumulation of residential building elements, and their agglomeration forms the settlement pattern and defines the relationship between the settlement and the inside and outside. The settlement boundary is an important part of the settlement pattern. Compared with the simplification of the urban settlement boundary, the settlement of the country is more complex, fuzzy and uncertain, and then presents a rich and diverse boundary morphological phenomenon. In this paper, China traditional rural settlements plane boundary as the research object, using fractal theory and fractal dimension method, quantitative analysis of planar shape boundary settlement, and expounds the research for the architectural design, ancient architecture protection and renewal and development and the significance of the protection of settlements.Keywords: rural settlement, border, fractal, quantification
Procedia PDF Downloads 2511363 Microwave Security System in Museums: Design and Implementation
Authors: Dalia Elsheakh, Hala Elsadek
The objective of this paper is to propose a competitive microwave security system that can be applied with reasonable price at museums in Egypt, considering the priceless elements in 23 Egyptian museums countrywide and the lack of good recent security systems even in big ones. The system main goal is to detect valuable targets to ensure their presence in the pre-defined positions in order to protect them from being stolen. The system is based on real time microwave scanning for the required space volume through transmitting RF waves at consecutive angles and detecting the back scattered waves from required objects to detect their existence at pre-specified locations.Keywords: microwave security system, object locating system, real time locating system (RTLS), antenna array, array electronic scanning
Procedia PDF Downloads 3491362 Network Automation in Lab Deployment Using Ansible and Python
Authors: V. Andal Priyadharshini, Anumalasetty Yashwanth Nath
Network automation has evolved into a solution that ensures efficiency in all areas. The age-old technique to configure common software-defined networking protocols is inefficient as it requires a box-by-box approach that needs to be repeated often and is prone to manual errors. Network automation assists network administrators in automating and verifying the protocol configuration to ensure consistent configurations. This paper implemented network automation using Python and Ansible to configure different protocols and configurations in the container lab virtual environment. Ansible can help network administrators minimize human mistakes, reduce time consumption, and enable device visibility across the network environment.Keywords: Python network automation, Ansible configuration, container lab deployment, software-defined networking, networking lab
Procedia PDF Downloads 1641361 Shark Detection and Classification with Deep Learning
Authors: Jeremy Jenrette, Z. Y. C. Liu, Pranav Chimote, Edward Fox, Trevor Hastie, Francesco Ferretti
Suitable shark conservation depends on well-informed population assessments. Direct methods such as scientific surveys and fisheries monitoring are adequate for defining population statuses, but species-specific indices of abundance and distribution coming from these sources are rare for most shark species. We can rapidly fill these information gaps by boosting media-based remote monitoring efforts with machine learning and automation. We created a database of shark images by sourcing 24,546 images covering 219 species of sharks from the web application spark pulse and the social network Instagram. We used object detection to extract shark features and inflate this database to 53,345 images. We packaged object-detection and image classification models into a Shark Detector bundle. We developed the Shark Detector to recognize and classify sharks from videos and images using transfer learning and convolutional neural networks (CNNs). We applied these models to common data-generation approaches of sharks: boosting training datasets, processing baited remote camera footage and online videos, and data-mining Instagram. We examined the accuracy of each model and tested genus and species prediction correctness as a result of training data quantity. The Shark Detector located sharks in baited remote footage and YouTube videos with an average accuracy of 89\%, and classified located subjects to the species level with 69\% accuracy (n =\ eight species). The Shark Detector sorted heterogeneous datasets of images sourced from Instagram with 91\% accuracy and classified species with 70\% accuracy (n =\ 17 species). Data-mining Instagram can inflate training datasets and increase the Shark Detector’s accuracy as well as facilitate archiving of historical and novel shark observations. Base accuracy of genus prediction was 68\% across 25 genera. The average base accuracy of species prediction within each genus class was 85\%. The Shark Detector can classify 45 species. All data-generation methods were processed without manual interaction. As media-based remote monitoring strives to dominate methods for observing sharks in nature, we developed an open-source Shark Detector to facilitate common identification applications. Prediction accuracy of the software pipeline increases as more images are added to the training dataset. We provide public access to the software on our GitHub page.Keywords: classification, data mining, Instagram, remote monitoring, sharks
Procedia PDF Downloads 1221360 Reading as Moral Afternoon Tea: An Empirical Study on the Compensation Effect between Literary Novel Reading and Readers’ Moral Motivation
Authors: Chong Jiang, Liang Zhao, Hua Jian, Xiaoguang Wang
The belief that there is a strong relationship between reading narrative and morality has generally become the basic assumption of scholars, philosophers, critics, and cultural critics. The virtuality constructed by literary novels inspires readers to regard the narrative as a thinking experiment, creating the distance between readers and events so that they can freely and morally experience the positions of different roles. Therefore, the virtual narrative combined with literary characteristics is always considered as a "moral laboratory." Well-established findings revealed that people show less lying and deceptive behaviors in the morning than in the afternoon, called the morning morality effect. As a limited self-regulation resource, morality will be constantly depleted with the change of time rhythm under the influence of the morning morality effect. It can also be compensated and restored in various ways, such as eating, sleeping, etc. As a common form of entertainment in modern society, literary novel reading gives people more virtual experience and emotional catharsis, just as a relaxing afternoon tea that helps people break away from fast-paced work, restore physical strength, and relieve stress in a short period of leisure. In this paper, inspired by the compensation control theory, we wonder whether reading literary novels in the digital environment could replenish a kind of spiritual energy for self-regulation to compensate for people's moral loss in the afternoon. Based on this assumption, we leverage the social annotation text content generated by readers in digital reading to represent the readers' reading attention. We then recognized the semantics and calculated the readers' moral motivation expressed in the annotations and investigated the fine-grained dynamics of the moral motivation changing in each time slot within 24 hours of a day. Comprehensively comparing the division of different time intervals, sufficient experiments showed that the moral motivation reflected in the annotations in the afternoon is significantly higher than that in the morning. The results robustly verified the hypothesis that reading compensates for moral motivation, which we called the moral afternoon tea effect. Moreover, we quantitatively identified that such moral compensation can last until 14:00 in the afternoon and 21:00 in the evening. In addition, it is interesting to find that the division of time intervals of different units impacts the identification of moral rhythms. Dividing the time intervals by four-hour time slot brings more insights of moral rhythms compared with that of three-hour and six-hour time slot.Keywords: digital reading, social annotation, moral motivation, morning morality effect, control compensation
Procedia PDF Downloads 1501359 The Application of Narrative Theory in Urban Spaces in China: A Systematic Review Based on PRISMA
Authors: Yuhan Liu, Zhongde Wang
This paper mainly analyzes the research and application of narrative theory in the field of urban space. This study used the PRISMA systematic review method, systematically studied 3098 Chinese literature through the search and screening of relevant domestic key literature databases, and reviewed the research status of narrative theory in urban space from three aspects: "theoretical perspective", "research object" and "research application". Finally, this paper points out the future development direction of narrative theory research based on the shortcomings of existing research in order to provide new ideas for future research.Keywords: narrative theory, urban space, PRISMA, systematic review
Procedia PDF Downloads 271358 Influence of the Popular Literature on Consciousness of the Person
Authors: Alua Temirbolat, Sergei Kibalnik, Zhuldyz Essimova
The article is devoted to research of influence of the modern literature on the consciousness of the person. Tendencies and features of the progress of the historical-cultural and artistic process at the end of XX–the beginning of XXI centuries are considered. The object of the analysis is the popular literature which has found last decades greater popularity among readers of different generations. In the article, such genres, as melodramas, female, espionage, criminal, pink, costume-historical novels, thrillers, elements, a fantasy are considered. During research, specific features of the popular literature, its difference from works of classics is revealed. On specific examples, its negative and positive influence on consciousness, psychology of the reader is shown, its role and value in a modern society are defined.Keywords: the popular literature, the person, consciousness, a genre, psychology
Procedia PDF Downloads 3021357 Non-Contact Digital Music Instrument Using Light Sensing Technology
Authors: Aishwarya Ravichandra, Kirtana Kirtivasan, Adithi Mahesh, Ashwini S.Savanth
A Non-Contact Digital Music System has been conceptualized and implemented to create a new era of digital music. This system replaces the strings of a traditional stringed instrument with laser beams to avoid bruising of the user’s hand. The system consists of seven laser modules, detector modules and distance sensors that form the basic hardware blocks of this instrument. Arduino ATmega2560 microcontroller is used as the primary interface between the hardware and the software. MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) is used as the protocol to establish communication between the instrument and the virtual synthesizer software.Keywords: Arduino, detector, laser, MIDI, note on, note off, pitch bend, Sharp IR distance sensor
Procedia PDF Downloads 4081356 Searching k-Nearest Neighbors to be Appropriate under Gaming Environments
Authors: Jae Moon Lee
In general, algorithms to find continuous k-nearest neighbors have been researched on the location based services, monitoring periodically the moving objects such as vehicles and mobile phone. Those researches assume the environment that the number of query points is much less than that of moving objects and the query points are not moved but fixed. In gaming environments, this problem is when computing the next movement considering the neighbors such as flocking, crowd and robot simulations. In this case, every moving object becomes a query point so that the number of query point is same to that of moving objects and the query points are also moving. In this paper, we analyze the performance of the existing algorithms focused on location based services how they operate under gaming environments.Keywords: flocking behavior, heterogeneous agents, similarity, simulation
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