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9320 Organic Matter Removal in Urban and Agroindustry Wastewater by Chemical Precipitation Process
Authors: Karina Santos Silvério, Fátima Carvalho, Maria Adelaide Almeida
The impacts caused by anthropogenic actions on the water environment have been one of the main challenges of modern society. Population growth, added to water scarcity and climate change, points to a need to increase the resilience of production systems to increase efficiency regarding the management of wastewater generated in the different processes. Based on this context, the study developed under the NETA project (New Strategies in Wastewater Treatment) aimed to evaluate the efficiency of the Chemical Precipitation Process (CPP), using the hydrated lime (Ca(OH )₂) as a reagent in wastewater from the agroindustry sector, namely swine wastewater, slaughterhouse and urban wastewater, in order to make the productive means 100% circular, causing a direct positive impact on the environment. The purpose of CPP is to innovate in the field of effluent treatment technologies, as it allows rapid application and is economically profitable. In summary, the study was divided into four main stages: 1) Application of the reagent in a single step, raising the pH to 12.5 2) Obtaining sludge and treated effluent. 3) Natural neutralization of the effluent through Carbonation using atmospheric CO₂. 4) Characterization and evaluation of the feasibility of the chemical precipitation technique in the treatment of different wastewaters through the technique of determining the chemical oxygen demand (COD) and other supporting physical-chemical parameters. The results showed an approximate average removal efficiency above 80% for all effluents, highlighting the swine effluent with 90% removal, followed by urban effluent with 88% and slaughterhouse with 81% on average. Significant improvement was also obtained with regard to color and odor removal after Carbonation to pH 8.00.Keywords: agroindustry wastewater, urban wastewater, natural carbonatation, chemical precipitation technique
Procedia PDF Downloads 849319 Causes for the Precession of the Perihelion in the Planetary Orbits
Authors: Kwan U. Kim, Jin Sim, Ryong Jin Jang, Sung Duk Kim
It is Leverrier that discovered the precession of the perihelion in the planetary orbits for the first time in the world, while it is Einstein that explained the astronomical phenomenom for the first time in the world. The amount of the precession of the perihelion for Einstein’s theory of gravitation has been explained by means of the inverse fourth power force(inverse third power potential) introduced totheory of gravitation through Schwarzschild metric However, the methodology has a serious shortcoming that it is impossible to explain the cause for the precession of the perihelion in the planetary orbits. According to our study, without taking the cause for the precession of the perihelion, 6 methods can explain the amount of the precession of the perihelion discovered by Leverrier. Therefore, the problem of what caused the perihelion to precess in the planetary orbits must be solved for physics because it is a profound scientific and technological problem for a basic experiment in construction of relativistic theory of gravitation. The scientific solution to the problem proved that Einstein’s explanation for the planetary orbits is a magic made by the numerical expressions obtained from fictitious gravitation introduced to theory of gravitation and wrong definition of proper time The problem of the precession of the perihelion seems solved already by means of general theory of relativity, but, in essence, the cause for the astronomical phenomenon has not been successfully explained for astronomy yet. The right solution to the problem comes from generalized theory of gravitation. Therefore, in this paper, it has been shown that by means of Schwarzschild field and the physical quantities of relativistic Lagrangian redflected in it, fictitious gravitation is not the main factor which can cause the perihelion to precess in the planetary orbits. In addition to it, it has been shown that the main factor which can cause the perihelion to precess in the planetary orbits is the inverse third power force existing really in the relativistic region in the Solar system.Keywords: inverse third power force, precession of the perihelion, fictitious gravitation, planetary orbits
Procedia PDF Downloads 159318 Future Sustainable Mobility for Colorado
Authors: Paolo Grazioli
In this paper, we present the main results achieved during an eight-week international design project on Colorado Future Sustainable Mobilitycarried out at Metropolitan State University of Denver. The project was born with the intention to seize the opportunity created by the Colorado government’s plan to promote e-bikes mobility by creating a large network of dedicated tracks. The project was supported by local entrepreneurs who offered financial and professional support. The main goal of the project was to engage design students with the skills to design a user-centered, original vehicle that would satisfy the unarticulated practical and emotional needs of “Gen Z” users by creating a fun, useful, and reliablelife companion that would helps users carry out their everyday tasks in a practical and enjoyable way. The project was carried out with the intention of proving the importance of the combination of creative methods with practical design methodologies towards the creation of an innovative yet immediately manufacturable product for a more sustainable future. The final results demonstrate the students' capability to create innovative and yet manufacturable products and, especially, their ability to create a new design paradigm for future sustainable mobility products. The design solutions explored n the project include collaborative learning and human-interaction design for future mobility. The findings of the research led students to the fabrication of two working prototypes that will be tested in Colorado and developed for manufacturing in the year 2024. The project showed that collaborative design and project-based teaching improve the quality of the outcome and can lead to the creation of real life, innovative products directly from the classroom to the market.Keywords: sustainable transportation design, interface design, collaborative design, user -centered design research, design prototyping
Procedia PDF Downloads 989317 Examining the Investment Behavior of Arab Women in the Stock Market
Authors: Razan Salem
Gender plays a vital role in the stock markets because men and women differ in their behavior when investing in stocks. Accordingly, the role of gender differences in investment behavior is an increasingly important strand in the field of behavioral finance research. The investment behaviors of women relative to men have been examined in the behavioral finance literature, mainly for comparison purposes. Women's roles in the stock market have not been examined in the behavioral finance literature, however, particularly with respect to the Arab region. This study aims to contribute towards a better understanding of the investment behavior of Arab women (in regards to their risk tolerance, investment confidence, and investment literacy levels) relative to Arab men; using a sample from Arab women and men investors living in Saudi Arabia and Jordan. In order to achieve the study's main aim, the researcher used non-parametric tests, as Mann-Whitney U test, along with frequency distribution analysis to analyze the study’s primary data. The researcher distributed close-ended online questionnaires to a sample of 550 Arab male and female individuals investing in stocks in both Saudi Arabia and Jordan. The results confirm that the sample Arab women invest less in stocks compared to Arab men due to their risk-averse behaviors and limited confidence levels. The results also reveal that due to Arab women’s very low investment literacy levels, they fear from taking the risk and invest often in stocks relative to Arab men. Overall, the study’s main variables (risk tolerance, investment confidence, and investment literacy levels) have a combined effect on the investment behavior of Arab women and their limited participation in the stock market. Hence, this study is one of the very first studies that indicate the combined effect of the three main variables (which are usually studied separately in the existing literature) on the investment behavior of women, particularly Arab women. This study makes three important contributions to the growing literature on gender differences in investment behavior. First, while the behavioral finance literature documents evidence on gender differences in investment behaviors in many developed countries, there are very limited studies that investigate such differences in Arab countries. Arab women investors, generally, are ignored from the behavioral finance literature due probably to cultural barriers and data collection difficulties. Thus, this study extends the literature to include Arab women and their investment behaviors when trading stock relative to Arab men. Moreover, the study associates women investment literacy and confidence levels with their financial risk behaviors and participation in the stock market. This study provides direct evidence on Arab women's investment behaviors when trading stocks. Overall, studying Arab women investors is important to investigate whether the investment behavior identified for Western women investors are also found in Arab women investors.Keywords: Arab women, gender differences, investment behavior, stock markets
Procedia PDF Downloads 1819316 The Role of Creative Entrepreneurship in the Development of Croatian Economy
Authors: Marko Kolakovic
Creative industries are an important sector of growth and development of knowledge economies. They have a positive impact on employment, economic growth, export and the quality of life in the areas where they are developed. Creative sectors include architecture, design, advertising, publishing, music, film, television and radio, video games, visual and performing arts and heritage. Following the positive trends of development of creative industries on the global and European level, this paper analyzes creative industries in general and specific characteristics of creative entrepreneurship. Special focus in this paper is put on the influence of the information communication technology on the development of new creative business models and protection of the intellectual property rights. One part of the paper is oriented on the analysis of the status of creative industries and creative entrepreneurship in Croatia. The main objective of the paper is by using the statistical analysis of creative industries in Croatia and information gained during the interviews with entrepreneurs, to make conclusions about potentials and development of creative industries in Croatia. Creative industries in Croatia are at the beginning of their development and growth strategy still does not exist at the national level. Statistical analysis pointed out that in 2015 creative enterprises made 9% of all enterprises in Croatia, employed 5,5% of employed people and their share in GDP was 4,01%. Croatian creative entrepreneurs are building competitive advantage using their creative resources and creating specific business models. The main obstacles they meet are lack of business experience and impossibility of focusing on the creative activities only. In their business, they use digital technologies and are focused on export. The conclusion is that creative industries in Croatia have development potential, but it is necessary to take adequate measures to use this potential in a right way.Keywords: creative entrepreneurship, knowledge economy, business models, intellectual property
Procedia PDF Downloads 2109315 Impact of Applying Bag House Filter Technology in Cement Industry on Ambient Air Quality - Case Study: Alexandria Cement Company
Authors: Haggag H. Mohamed, Ghatass F. Zekry, Shalaby A. Elsayed
Most sources of air pollution in Egypt are of anthropogenic origin. Alexandria Governorate is located at north of Egypt. The main contributing sectors of air pollution in Alexandria are industry, transportation and area source due to human activities. Alexandria includes more than 40% of the industrial activities in Egypt. Cement manufacture contributes a significant amount to the particulate pollution load. Alexandria Portland Cement Company (APCC) surrounding was selected to be the study area. APCC main kiln stack Total Suspended Particulate (TSP) continuous monitoring data was collected for assessment of dust emission control technology. Electro Static Precipitator (ESP) was fixed on the cement kiln since 2002. The collected data of TSP for first quarter of 2012 was compared to that one in first quarter of 2013 after installation of new bag house filter. In the present study, based on these monitoring data and metrological data a detailed air dispersion modeling investigation was carried out using the Industrial Source Complex Short Term model (ISC3-ST) to find out the impact of applying new bag house filter control technology on the neighborhood ambient air quality. The model results show a drastic reduction of the ambient TSP hourly average concentration from 44.94μg/m3 to 5.78μg/m3 which assures the huge positive impact on the ambient air quality by applying bag house filter technology on APCC cement kilnKeywords: air pollution modeling, ambient air quality, baghouse filter, cement industry
Procedia PDF Downloads 2709314 Comparative Policy Analysis on Agropolitan Territorial Development in Rural Area: A Study Case in Bojonegoro Regency, Indonesia
Authors: Fatihin Khoirul, Muhammad Muqorrobin Ist
Bojonegoro Regency is one of the districts that use the concept Agropolitan as the Territorial Development Policy. Three sub-district designated as Area Development District of Agropolitan are Kapas, Dander, and Kalitidu or commonly called KADEKA. Current policy has been shown results, but there was an inequality of results in some areas. One of them occurred in the Ngringinrejo village with the main commodities is Starfruit and Wedi village with the main commodities is Salak fruit. Therefore, a comparative study is used to search for causal factors of inequality result of the policy by using the 5 aspects compared, namely: (1) Management Development Agropolitan; (2) Physical Condition agropolitan Region; (3) Implementing Agency at the Village Level; (4) Village Government Support; and (5) Community support. Based on the discussion of qualitative analysis, it was found that five aspects have their respective roles in creating inequality of outcomes that occur in both villages. But beyond that, there are conditions where the two villages experienced the same condition that is when the initial implementation of the policy. The condition is referred to as 'the phenomenon of price trap.' The condition is caused by lower commodity prices, causing the village government's commitment in implementing policies too low, followed by public awareness in support of the policy is also low, so care for commodities is also low, and the quality is too low lead and eventually back causing low price. However, the difference is that the village Ngringinrejo able to get out of this condition with 'the new culture of administration' at the end of 2013. While the conditions in the village of Wedi compounded by not respected request assistance by the irrigation district.Keywords: comparative policy analysis, qualitative comparative, inequallity, price trap, new culture of administration
Procedia PDF Downloads 2879313 Assessment of the Road Safety Performance in National Scale
Authors: Abeer K. Jameel, Harry Evdorides
The Assessment of the road safety performance is a challengeable issue. This is not only because of the ineffective and unreliability of road and traffic crash data system but also because of its systematic character. Recent strategic plans and interventions implemented in some of the developed countries where a significant decline in the rate of traffic and road crashes considers that the road safety is a system. This system consists of four main elements which are: road user, road infrastructure, vehicles and speed in addition to other supporting elements such as the institutional framework and post-crash care system. To assess the performance of a system, it is required to assess all its elements. To present an understandable results of the assessment, it is required to present a unique term representing the performance of the overall system. This paper aims to develop an overall performance indicator which may be used to assess the road safety system. The variables of this indicators are the main elements of the road safety system. The data regarding these variables will be collected from the World Health Organization report. Multi-criteria analysis method is used to aggregate the four sub-indicators for the four variables. Two weighting methods will be assumed, equal weights and different weights. For the different weights method, the factor analysis method is used. The weights then will be converting to scores. The total score will be the overall indicator for the road safety performance in a national scale. This indicator will be used to compare and rank countries according to their road safety performance indicator. The country with the higher score is the country which provides most sustainable and effective interventions for successful road safety system. These indicator will be tested by comparing them with the aggregate real crash rate for each country.Keywords: factor analysis, Multi-criteria analysis, road safety assessment, safe system indicator
Procedia PDF Downloads 2719312 The Development of E-Commerce in Mexico: An Econometric Analysis
Authors: Alma Lucero Ortiz, Mario Gomez
Technological advances contribute to the well-being of humanity by allowing man to perform in a more efficient way. Technology offers tangible advantages to countries with the adoption of information technologies, communication, and the Internet in all social and productive sectors. The Internet is a networking infrastructure that allows the communication of people throughout the world, exceeding the limits of time and space. Nowadays the internet has changed the way of doing business leading to a digital economy. In this way, e-commerce has emerged as a commercial transaction conducted over the Internet. For this inquiry e-commerce is seen as a source of economic growth for the country. Thereby, these research aims to answer the research question, which are the main variables that have affected the development of e-commerce in Mexico. The research includes a period of study from 1990 to 2017. This inquiry aims to get insight on how the independent variables influence the e-commerce development. The independent variables are information infrastructure construction, urbanization level, economic level, technology level, human capital level, educational level, standards of living, and price index. The results suggest that the independent variables have an impact on development of the e-commerce in Mexico. The present study is carried out in five parts. After the introduction, in the second part, a literature review about the main qualitative and quantitative studies to measure the variables subject to the study is presented. After, an empirical study is applied through time series data, and to process the data an econometric model is performed. In the fourth part, the analysis and discussion of results are presented, and finally, some conclusions are included.Keywords: digital economy, e-commerce, econometric model, economic growth, internet
Procedia PDF Downloads 2419311 Sustainable Water Supply: Rainwater Harvesting as Flood Reduction Measures in Ibadan, Nigeria
Authors: Omolara Lade, David Oloke
Ibadan City suffers serious water supply problems; cases of dry taps are common in virtually every part of the City. The scarcity of piped water has made communities find alternative water sources; groundwater sources being a ready source. These wells are prone to pollution due to the close proximity of septic tanks to wells, disposal of solid or liquid wastes in pits, abandoned boreholes or even stream channels and landfills. Storms and floods in Ibadan have increased with consequent devastating effects claiming over 120 lives and displacing 600 people on August 2011 alone. In this study, an analysis of the water demand and sources of supply for the city was carried out through questionnaire survey and collection of data from City’s main water supply - Water Corporation of Oyo State (WCOS), groundwater sources were explored and 30 years rainfall data were collected from Meteorological station in Ibadan. 1067 questionnaire were administered at household level with a response rate of 86.7 %. A descriptive analysis of the survey revealed that 77.1 % of the respondents did not receive water at all from WCOS while 83.8 % depend on groundwater sources. Analysis of data from WCOS revealed that main water supply is inadequate as < 10 % of the population water demand was met. Rainfall intensity is highest in June with a mean value of 188 mm, which can be harvested at community—based level and used to complement the population water demand. Rainwater harvesting if planned, and managed properly will become a valuable alternative source of managing urban flood and alleviating water scarcity in the city.Keywords: Ibadan, rainwater harvesting, sustainable water, urban flooding
Procedia PDF Downloads 1859310 Impact of Anthropogenic Activities on Soil Quality Using the Land Snail Cantareus apertus as Bioindicator of Heavy Metals Accumulation in The Bejaia Region (Northeastern Algeria)
Authors: Benbelil-Tafoughalt Saida, Tababouchet Meriem
The main goal of this study was to investigate the impact of anthropogenic activities on soil quality using the land snail Cantareusapertus as a bioindicator of heavy metal accumulation. Concentrations of cadmium, copper, and zinc were measured in various body organs, viz: viscera and foot of the land snail Cantareusapertus. The snails were collected from two different sites in the Bejaia region (Northeastern Algeria), exposed to different sources of contamination by trace metals. The first sampling site is an urban areas, and the second is characterized by heavy industry, a potential source of soil pollution via heavy metal contamination. The concentrations of heavy metal in all viscera and foot samples were measured using an atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Bioconcentration of the trace metals Cu, Zn, and Cd varied between the viscera and the foot with the viscera having the highest concentration (µgg-1) of all metals than the foots; Cu, 2.03 – 5.8 (Viscera), 0.05 – 3.30 (Foot), Zn, 23.64 – 45.02 (Viscera), 1.87 – 15.15 (Foot) and Cd, 0.36 – 15.26 (Viscera), 0.18 – 13.73 (Foot), which suggest that ingestion may be the main uptake route of these essential metals. On the other hand, the levels of heavy metals varied significantly among the sampling area (P<0.001). in fact, in the foots as well as in the viscera, the concentrations of all studied metals is significantly higher in the snails sampled from sites closest to potential sources of pollution compared to those collected from urban areas characterized by moderate pollution.Keywords: anthropogenic activities, Bioconcentration, Cantareus apertus, trace metals
Procedia PDF Downloads 1819309 Factors Associated with Non-Adherence to Antiretroviral Treatment among HIV Infected Patients in Ukraine
Authors: Larissa Burruano, Sergey Grabovyj, Irina Nguen
The study aimed to assess the level of adherence to anti retroviral therapy (ART) and to examine the relationship between adherence and risk behavior factor (drug use) among patients infected with HIV. The patients with newly diagnosed or established HIV infection under follow-up at the Sumskij Regional Centre for AIDS Prevention in Ukraine were eligible for this study. Medical records were used to measure the patient’s adherence to medication. Measurements were obtained at month 6 and at month 12 to calculate the number of medication omission during the past 30 days: (on a 2-point scale – once until three in a month – were considered adherent, three and more in a month – were considered non-adherent). Of the 50 study participants, 27 (54.0%) were men and 23 (46.0%) women. The mean age is 35.2 years (SD= 5.1). A majority of the patients (82.0%) is in the age group of 25-30 years. The main level of adherence was 74.0% and 66.0% at 6 and 12 months, respectively. The main routes of HIV transmission were drug injection among men 12 (44.4%) and sexual contact among women 11 (47.8%). Univariate analyses indicated that patients who had lower level of education were more likely to have been non-adherent at month 6- (X2 =5.1, n=50, p < .05) and at month 12 (X2 = 4.34, n=50, p < .05). Multivariate tests showed that only age (OR= 1.163 [95% CI 0.98–1.370]) was significant independent predictor of treatment adherence, while gender, education, employment status were not predictive for the risk of developing non-compliance. There was not a significant interaction between non-adherence and intravenous drug use. Consistent with these findings, younger people were more likely to have missed a dose of their medication because they had a greater sense of invulnerability than older patients. The study indicates that the socio demographic characteristic should be taken into an account in the future research regarding adherence in the case of HIV infection. If the patient anti retroviral adherence can be improved by qualitatively better medical care in all regions of the Ukraine, behavioral changes in the population can to be expected in the long term.Keywords: HIV, antiretroviral therapy, adherence, Ukraine, Eastern Europe
Procedia PDF Downloads 2919308 Applying the CA Systems in Education Process
Authors: A. Javorova, M. Matusova, K. Velisek
The article summarizes the experience of laboratory technical subjects teaching methodologies using a number of software products. The main aim is to modernize the teaching process in accordance with the requirements of today - based on information technology. Increasing of the study attractiveness and effectiveness is due to the introduction of CA technologies in the learning process. This paper discussed the areas where individual CA system used. Environment using CA systems are briefly presented in each chapter.Keywords: education, CA systems, simulation, technology
Procedia PDF Downloads 3979307 Design and Characterization of Ecological Materials Based on Demolition and Concrete Waste, Casablanca (Morocco)
Authors: Mourad Morsli, Mohamed Tahiri, Azzedine Samdi
The Cities are the urbanized territories most favorable to the consumption of resources (materials, energy). In Morocco, the economic capital Casablanca is one of them, with its 4M inhabitants and its 60% share in the economic and industrial activity of the kingdom. In the absence of legal status in force, urban development has favored the generation of millions of tons of demolition and construction waste scattered in open spaces causing a significant nuisance to the environment and citizens. Hence the main objective of our work is to valorize concrete waste. The representative wastes are mainly concrete, concrete, and fired clay bricks, ceramic tiles, marble panels, gypsum, and scrap metal. The work carried out includes: geolocation with a combination of artificial intelligence, GIS, and Google Earth, which allowed the estimation of the quantity of these wastes per site; then the sorting, crushing, grinding, and physicochemical characterization of the collected samples allowed the definition of the exploitation ways for each extracted fraction for integrated management of the said wastes. In the present work, we proceeded to the exploitation of the fractions obtained after sieving the representative samples to incorporate them in the manufacture of new ecological materials for construction. These formulations prepared studies have been tested and characterized: physical criteria (specific surface, resistance to flexion and compression) and appearance (cracks, deformation). We will present in detail the main results of our research work and also describe the specific properties of each material developed.Keywords: demolition and construction waste, GIS combination software, inert waste recovery, ecological materials, Casablanca, Morocco
Procedia PDF Downloads 1359306 Determination of Geogrid Reinforced Ballast Behavior Using Finite Element Modeling
Authors: Buğra Sinmez
In some countries, such as China, Turkey, andseveralEuropeanUnionnations, the therailwaypavementstructuralsystem has recently undergonerapid growth as a vital element of the transportation infrastructure, particularlyfortheuse of high-speed trains. It is vitaltoconsiderthe High-SpeedInfrastructureDemandwhendevelopingandconstructingtherailwaypavementstructure. HSRL can create more substantial ldifficultiestotheballastorbaselayer of regularlyusedballastedrailwaypavementsthanstandardrailwaytrains. The deterioration of the theballastorbaselayermayleadtosubstructuredegradation, which might lead to safety concerns and catastrophicincidents. As a result, the efficiency of railways will be impactedbylargecargoesorhigh-speed trains. A railwaypavement construction can be strengthened using geosyntheticmaterials in theballastorfoundationlayer as a countermeasure. However, there is still a need in the literature to quantifytheinfluence of geosynthetic materials, particularlygeogrid, on the mechanical responses of railwaypavementstructuresto HSRL loads which is essential knowledge in supporting the selection of appropriate material and geogridinstallationposition. As a result, the purpose of this research is to see how a geogridreinforcementlayermayaffectthekeyfeatures of a ballastedrailwaypavementstructure, with a particular focus on the materialtypeandgeogridplacementpositionthatmayassistreducethe rate of degradation of the therailwaypavementstructuresystem. Thisstudyusesnumericalmodeling in a genuinerailwaycontexttovalidatethebenefit of geogrid reinforcement. The usage of geogrids in the railway system has been thoroughly researched in the technical literature. Three distinct types of geogrid installed at two distinct positions (i.e.,withintheballastlayer, betweentheballastandthesub-ballast layer) within a railwaypavementconstructionwereevaluatedunder a variety of verticalwheelloadsusing a three-dimensional (3D) finite element model. As a result, fouralternativegeogridreinforcementsystemsweremodeledtoreflectdifferentconditions in the ballastedrailwaysystems (G0: no reinforcement; G1: reinforcedwithgeogridhavingthelowestdensityandYoung'smodulus; G2: reinforcedwithgeogridhavingtheintermediateYoung'smodulusanddensity; G3: reinforcedwithgeogridhavingthegreatestdensityandYoung'smodulus). Themechanicalreactions of the railway, such as verticalsurfacedeflection, maximumprimarystressandstrain, andmaximumshearstress, werestudiedandcomparedbetweenthefourgeogridreinforcementscenariosandfourverticalwheelloadlevels (i.e., 75, 100, 150, and 200 kN). Differences in the mechanical reactions of railwaypavementconstructionsowingtotheuse of differentgeogridmaterialsdemonstratethebenefits of suchgeosynthetics in ballast. In comparison to a non-reinforcedrailwaypavementconstruction, thereinforcedconstructionsfeaturedecreasedverticalsurfacedeflection, maximum shear stress at the sleeper-ballast contact, and maximum main stress at the bottom of the ballast layer. As a result, addinggeogridtotheballastlayerandbetweentheballastandsub-ballast layer in a ballastedrailwaypavementconstruction has beenfoundtolowercriticalshearand main stresses as well as verticalsurfacedeflection.Keywords: geosynthetics, geogrid, railway, transportation
Procedia PDF Downloads 1819305 An Intelligent Prediction Method for Annular Pressure Driven by Mechanism and Data
Authors: Zhaopeng Zhu, Xianzhi Song, Gensheng Li, Shuo Zhu, Shiming Duan, Xuezhe Yao
Accurate calculation of wellbore pressure is of great significance to prevent wellbore risk during drilling. The traditional mechanism model needs a lot of iterative solving procedures in the calculation process, which reduces the calculation efficiency and is difficult to meet the demand of dynamic control of wellbore pressure. In recent years, many scholars have introduced artificial intelligence algorithms into wellbore pressure calculation, which significantly improves the calculation efficiency and accuracy of wellbore pressure. However, due to the ‘black box’ property of intelligent algorithm, the existing intelligent calculation model of wellbore pressure is difficult to play a role outside the scope of training data and overreacts to data noise, often resulting in abnormal calculation results. In this study, the multi-phase flow mechanism is embedded into the objective function of the neural network model as a constraint condition, and an intelligent prediction model of wellbore pressure under the constraint condition is established based on more than 400,000 sets of pressure measurement while drilling (MPD) data. The constraint of the multi-phase flow mechanism makes the prediction results of the neural network model more consistent with the distribution law of wellbore pressure, which overcomes the black-box attribute of the neural network model to some extent. The main performance is that the accuracy of the independent test data set is further improved, and the abnormal calculation values basically disappear. This method is a prediction method driven by MPD data and multi-phase flow mechanism, and it is the main way to predict wellbore pressure accurately and efficiently in the future.Keywords: multiphase flow mechanism, pressure while drilling data, wellbore pressure, mechanism constraints, combined drive
Procedia PDF Downloads 1759304 EU Integratıon Impact over the Real Convergence
Authors: Badoiu Mihaela Catalina
Main focus of COHESION policy was reducing social and economic disparities between member states and regions, sustainable development and equal opportunities. In this perspective, the present study intend to analyze the evolution of the European architecture and its direct impact over the real convergence in the member states.Keywords: cooperation, European union, member states, cohesion policy
Procedia PDF Downloads 4599303 Development and Characterization of Novel Topical Formulation Containing Niacinamide
Authors: Sevdenur Onger, Ali Asram Sagiroglu
Hyperpigmentation is a cosmetically unappealing skin problem caused by an overabundance of melanin in the skin. Its pathophysiology is caused by melanocytes being exposed to paracrine melanogenic stimuli, which can upregulate melanogenesis-related enzymes (such as tyrosinase) and cause melanosome formation. Tyrosinase is linked to the development of melanosomes biochemically, and it is the main target of hyperpigmentation treatment. therefore, decreasing tyrosinase activity to reduce melanosomes has become the main target of hyperpigmentation treatment. Niacinamide (NA) is a natural chemical found in a variety of plants that is used as a skin-whitening ingredient in cosmetic formulations. NA decreases melanogenesis in the skin by inhibiting melanosome transfer from melanocytes to covering keratinocytes. Furthermore, NA protects the skin from reactive oxygen species and acts as a main barrier with the skin, reducing moisture loss by increasing ceramide and fatty acid synthesis. However, it is very difficult for hydrophilic compounds such as NA to penetrate deep into the skin. Furthermore, because of the nicotinic acid in NA, it is an irritant. As a result, we've concentrated on strategies to increase NA skin permeability while avoiding its irritating impacts. Since nanotechnology can affect drug penetration behavior by controlling the release and increasing the period of permanence on the skin, it can be a useful technique in the development of whitening formulations. Liposomes have become increasingly popular in the cosmetics industry in recent years due to benefits such as their lack of toxicity, high penetration ability in living skin layers, ability to increase skin moisture by forming a thin layer on the skin surface, and suitability for large-scale production. Therefore, liposomes containing NA were developed for this study. Different formulations were prepared by varying the amount of phospholipid and cholesterol and examined in terms of particle sizes, polydispersity index (PDI) and pH values. The pH values of the produced formulations were determined to be suitable with the pH value of the skin. Particle sizes were determined to be smaller than 250 nm and the particles were found to be of homogeneous size in the formulation (pdi<0.30). Despite the important advantages of liposomal systems, they have low viscosity and stability for topical use. For these reasons, in this study, liposomal cream formulations have been prepared for easy topical application of liposomal systems. As a result, liposomal cream formulations containing NA have been successfully prepared and characterized. Following the in-vitro release and ex-vivo diffusion studies to be conducted in the continuation of the study, it is planned to test the formulation that gives the most appropriate result on the volunteers after obtaining the approval of the ethics committee.Keywords: delivery systems, hyperpigmentation, liposome, niacinamide
Procedia PDF Downloads 1129302 A Better Quality of Henna Powder in the Experience of Biskra’s Rural Women
Authors: Keltoum Benaissa, Mohamed Belhamra
The henna powder is one of the more important natural cosmetic product used especially by the women in Algeria to dye their hair and to stain the hand, nails and feet. To obtain a better powder of henna is one of the concerns of bride’s mothers during the obtaining of this material very important for the wedding ceremony. For this objective, we led an investigation in the most producing henna regions in Biskra (a South East department in Algeria), interview with rural women concerning the manipulations made on post-harvest to obtain a good quality henna powder. The investigated rural women gave us the main as well as the necessary conditions to obtain desired dye since the stage of harvest of henna, the place of drying of the production, the collection of leaves and the ways of grinding it, all those steps to have finally the best tattoo on hands and feet of the bride. For this objective we led an investigation in the most producing henna regions in Biskra (a South East department in Algeria), interview with rural women concerning the manipulations made on post harvest to obtain a good quality henna powder. The investigated rural women gave us the main as well as the necessary conditions to obtain desired dye since the stage of harvest of henna, the place of drying of the production, the collection of leaves and the ways of grinding it, all those steps to have finally the best tattoo on hands and feet of the bride.Keywords: henna, powder quality, women experience, investigation, cosmetic plant
Procedia PDF Downloads 2679301 A Simulation Study of Direct Injection Compressed Natural Gas Spark Ignition Engine Performance Utilizing Turbulent Jet Ignition with Controlled Air Charge
Authors: Siyamak Ziyaei, Siti Khalijah Mazlan, Petros Lappas
Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) mainly consists of Methane CH₄ and has a low carbon to hydrogen ratio relative to other hydrocarbons. As a result, it has the potential to reduce CO₂ emissions by more than 20% relative to conventional fuels like diesel or gasoline Although Natural Gas (NG) has environmental advantages compared to other hydrocarbon fuels whether they are gaseous or liquid, its main component, CH₄, burns at a slower rate than conventional fuels A higher pressure and a leaner cylinder environment will overemphasize slow burn characteristic of CH₄. Lean combustion and high compression ratios are well-known methods for increasing the efficiency of internal combustion engines. In order to achieve successful CNG lean combustion in Spark Ignition (SI) engines, a strong ignition system is essential to avoid engine misfires, especially in ultra-lean conditions. Turbulent Jet Ignition (TJI) is an ignition system that employs a pre-combustion chamber to ignite the lean fuel mixture in the main combustion chamber using a fraction of the total fuel per cycle. TJI enables ultra-lean combustion by providing distributed ignition sites through orifices. The fast burn rate provided by TJI enables the ordinary SI engine to be comparable to other combustion systems such as Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) or Controlled Auto-Ignition (CAI) in terms of thermal efficiency, through the increased levels of dilution without the need of sophisticated control systems. Due to the physical geometry of TJIs, which contain small orifices that connect the prechamber to the main chamber, scavenging is one of the main factors that reduce TJI performance. Specifically, providing the right mixture of fuel and air has been identified as a key challenge. The reason for this is the insufficient amount of air that is pushed into the pre-chamber during each compression stroke. There is also the problem that combustion residual gases such as CO₂, CO and NOx from the previous combustion cycle dilute the pre- chamber fuel-air mixture preventing rapid combustion in the pre-chamber. An air-controlled active TJI is presented in this paper in order to address these issues. By applying air to the pre-chamber at a sufficient pressure, residual gases are exhausted, and the air-fuel ratio is controlled within the pre-chamber, thereby improving the quality of combustion. This paper investigates the 3D-simulated combustion characteristics of a Direct Injected (DI-CNG) fuelled SI en- gine with a pre-chamber equipped with an air channel by using AVL FIRE software. Experiments and simulations were performed at the Worldwide Mapping Point (WWMP) at 1500 Revolutions Per Minute (RPM), 3.3 bar Indicated Mean Effective Pressure (IMEP), using only conventional spark plugs as the baseline. After validating simulation data, baseline engine conditions were set for all simulation scenarios at λ=1. Following that, the pre-chambers with and without an auxiliary fuel supply were simulated. In the simulated (DI-CNG) SI engine, active TJI was observed to perform better than passive TJI and spark plug. In conclusion, the active pre-chamber with an air channel demon-strated an improved thermal efficiency (ηth) over other counterparts and conventional spark ignition systems.Keywords: turbulent jet ignition, active air control turbulent jet ignition, pre-chamber ignition system, active and passive pre-chamber, thermal efficiency, methane combustion, internal combustion engine combustion emissions
Procedia PDF Downloads 879300 Diagnostics of Existing Steel Structures of Winter Sport Halls
Authors: Marcela Karmazínová, Jindrich Melcher, Lubomír Vítek, Petr Cikrle
The paper deals with the diagnostics of steel roof structure of the winter sports stadiums built in 1970 year. The necessity of the diagnostics has been given by the requirement to the evaluation design of this structure, which has been caused by the new situation in the field of the loadings given by the validity of the European Standards in the Czech Republic from 2010 year. Due to these changes in the normative rules, in practice, existing structures are gradually subjected to the evaluation design and depending on its results to the strengthening or reconstruction, respectively. The steel roof is composed of plane truss main girders, purlins and bracings and the roof structure is supported by two arch main girders with the span of L=84 m. The in situ diagnostics of the roof structure was oriented to the following parts: (i) determination and evaluation of the actual material properties of used steel and (ii) verification of the actual dimensions of the structural members. For the solution, the non-destructive methods have been used for in situ measurement. For the indicative determination of steel strengths the modified method based on the determination of Rockwell’s hardness has been used. For the verification of the member’s dimensions (thickness of hollow sections) the ultrasound method has been used. This paper presents the results obtained using these testing methods and their evaluation, from the viewpoint of the usage for the subsequent static assessment and design evaluation of the existing structure. For the comparison, the examples of the similar evaluations realized for steel structures of the stadiums in Olomouc and Jihlava cities are briefly illustrated, too.Keywords: actual dimensions, destructive methods, diagnostics, existing steel structure, indirect non-destructive methods, Rockwel’s hardness, sport hall, steel strength, ultrasound method.
Procedia PDF Downloads 3429299 Self-Government Health Policy Programs as a Form of Implementation of Public Health Tasks in Poland
Authors: T. Holecki, J. Wozniak-Holecka, K. Sobczyk
Development, implementation, and evaluation of the effects of health policy programs, resulting from the identified health needs and health status of residents, is the own task of all local government units in Poland. This is due to the obligation to provide access to healthcare services to all residents and the implementation of tasks in the field of health promotion based on specific legal acts. Until the end of 2016 local governments financed health policy programs only with their own funds. Currently, there are additional resources available from the public health insurance subsidising up to 80% of health policy programs costs in cities with a population under 5 thousand people and up to 40% in bigger cities. Changes in legal provisions do not translate automatically to increased involvement of local government units in the implementation of public health tasks. The main objective of the study was to assess the actual impact of the new legal regulation on financing local health policy programs on the engagement of local administration in this area of public health activity. To achieve this aim, we analyzed difference in the number of local governments developing and implementing health policy programs before and after the new law came into force. The aim of the study was also to estimate the level of expenditures incurred by self-government units and the National Health Fund to cover the costs of health policy programs. In the first stage of the project, legal acts concerning the subject of research and financial data published by the National Health Fund were analyzed. The material for the second, main stage of the study was the detailed financial data obtained from the National Health Fund and data obtained from local government units. The results present the situation in Poland in territorial terms, divided into 16 voivodships.Keywords: health care system, health policy programs, local self-governments, public health
Procedia PDF Downloads 1589298 Bridging Livelihood and Conservation: The Role of Ecotourism in the Campo Ma’an National Park, Cameroon
Authors: Gadinga Walter Forje, Martin Ngankam Tchamba, Nyong Princely Awazi, Barnabas Neba Nfornka
Ecotourism is viewed as a double edge sword for the enhancement of conservation and local livelihood within a protected landscape. The Campo Ma’an National Park (CMNP) adopted ecotourism in its management plan as a strategic axis for better management of the park. The growing importance of ecotourism as a strategy for the sustainable management of CMNP and its environs requires adequate information to bolster the sector. This study was carried out between November 2018 and September 2021, with the main objective to contribute to the sustainable management of the CMNP through suggestions for enhancing the capacity of ecotourism in and around the park. More specifically, the study aimed at; 1) Analyse the governance of ecotourism in the CMNP and its surrounding; 2) Assessing the impact of ecotourism on local livelihood around the CMNP; 3) Evaluating the contribution of ecotourism to biodiversity conservation in and around the CMNP; 4) Evaluate the determinants of ecotourism possibilities in achieving sustainable livelihood and biodiversity conservation in and around the CMNP. Data were collected from both primary and secondary sources. Primary data were obtained from household surveys (N=124), focus group discussions (N=8), and key informant interviews (N=16). Data collected were coded and imputed into SPSS (version 19.0) software and Microsoft Excel spreadsheet for both quantitative and qualitative analysis. Findings from the Chi-square test revealed overall poor ecotourism governance in and around the CMNP, with benefit sharing (X2 = 122.774, p <0.01) and conflict management (X2 = 90.839, p<0.01) viewed to be very poor. For the majority of the local population sampled, 65% think ecotourism does not contribute to local livelihood around CMNP. The main factors influencing the impact of ecotourism around the CMNP on the local population’s livelihood were gender (logistic regression (β) = 1.218; p = 0.000); and level of education (logistic regression (β) = 0.442; p = 0.000). Furthermore, 55.6% of the local population investigated believed ecotourism activities do not contribute to the biodiversity conservation of CMNP. Spearman correlation between socio-economic variables and ecotourism impact on biodiversity conservation indicated relationships with gender (r = 0.200, p = 0.032), main occupation (r = 0.300 p = 0.012), time spent in the community (r = 0.287 p = 0.017), and number of children (r =-0.286 p = 0.018). Variables affecting ecotourism impact on biodiversity conservation were age (logistic regression (β) = -0.683; p = 0.037) and gender (logistic regression (β) = 0.917; p = 0.045). This study recommends the development of ecotourism-friendly policies that can accelerate Public Private Partnership for the sustainable management of the CMNP as a commitment toward good governance. It also recommends the development of gender-sensitive ecotourism packages, with fair opportunities for rural women and more parity in benefit sharing to improve livelihood and contribute more to biodiversity conservation in and around the Park.Keywords: biodiversity conservation, Campo Ma’an national park, ecotourism, ecotourism governance, rural livelihoods, protected area management
Procedia PDF Downloads 1229297 Characteristics of Inclusive Circular Business Models in Social Entrepreneurship
Authors: Svitlana Yermak, Olubukola Aluko
The purpose of this study was a literature review on the topic of social entrepreneurship, a review of new trends and best practices, the study of existing inclusive business models and their interaction with the principles of the circular economy for possible implementation in the practice of Ukraine in war and post-war times in conditions of scarce resources. Thus, three research questions were identified and substantiated: to determine the characteristics of social entrepreneurship, consider the features in Ukraine and the UK; highlight the criteria for inclusion in social entrepreneurship and its legal support; explore examples of existing inclusive circular business models to illustrate how the two concepts may be combined. A detailed review of the literature selected from the Scopus and Web of Science databases was carried out. The study revealed signs of social entrepreneurship, the main of which are doing business and making a profit, as well as the social orientation of the business, which is prescribed in the constituent documents of the enterprise immediately upon its creation. Considered are the characteristics of social entrepreneurship in the UK and Ukraine. It has been established that in the UK, social entrepreneurship is clearly regulated by the state; there are special legislative norms and support programs, in contrast to Ukraine, where these processes are only partially regulated. The study identified the main criteria for inclusion in inclusive circular business models: economic (sustainability and efficiency, job creation and economic growth, promotion of local development), social (accessibility, equity and fairness, inclusion and participation), and resources in their interconnection. It is substantiated that the resource criterion is especially important for this type of business model. It provides for the efficient and sustainable use of resources, as well as the cyclical nature of resources. And it was concluded that the principles of the circular economy not only do not contradict but, on the contrary, complement and expand the inclusive business models on which social entrepreneurship is based.Keywords: social entrepreneurship, inclusive business models, circular economy, inclusion criteria
Procedia PDF Downloads 1029296 Manufacturing of Race Car Case Study AGH Racing
Authors: Hanna Faron, Wojciech Marcinkowski, Daniel Prusak
The aim of this article is to familiarize with the activity of AGH Racing scientific circle, pertaining to the international project -Formula Student, giving the opportunity to young engineers from all around the world to validate their talent and knowledge in the real world conditions, under the pressure of time, and the design requirements. Every year, the team begins the process of building a race car from the formation of human resources. In case of the public sector, to which public universities can be included, the scientific circles represent the structure uniting students with the common interests and level of determination. Due to the scientific nature of the project which simulates the market conditions, they have a chance to verify previously acquired knowledge in practice. High level of the innovation and competitiveness of participating in the project Formula Student teams, requires an intelligent organizational system, which is characterized by a high dynamics. It is connected with the necessity of separation of duties, setting priorities, selecting optimal solutions which is often a compromise between the available technology and a limited budget. Proper selection of the adequate guidelines in the design phase allows an efficient transition to the implementation stage, which is process-oriented implementation of the project. Four dynamic and three static competitions are the main verification and evaluation of year-round work and effort put into the process of building a race car. Acquired feedback flowing during the race is a very important part while monitoring the effectiveness of AGH Racing scientific circle, as well as the main criterion while determining long-term goals and all the necessary improvements in the team.Keywords: SAE, formula student, race car, public sector, automotive industry
Procedia PDF Downloads 3489295 Driving Forces of Bank Liquidity: Evidence from Selected Ethiopian Private Commercial Banks
Authors: Tadele Tesfay Teame, Tsegaye Abrehame, Hágen István Zsombor
Liquidity is one of the main concerns for banks, and thus achieving the optimum level of liquidity is critical. The main objective of this study is to discover the driving force of selected private commercial banks’ liquidity. In order to achieve the objective explanatory research design and quantitative research approach were used. Data has been collected from a secondary source of the sampled Ethiopian private commercial banks’ financial statements, the National Bank of Ethiopia, and the Minister of Finance, the sample covering the period from 2011 to 2022. Bank-specific and macroeconomic variables were analyzed by using the balanced panel fixed effect regression model. Bank’s liquidity ratio is measured by the total liquid asset to total deposits. The findings of the study revealed that bank size, capital adequacy, loan growth rate, and non-performing loan had a statistically significant impact on private commercial banks’ liquidity, and annual inflation rate and interest rate margin had a statistically significant impact on the liquidity of Ethiopian private commercial banks measured by L1 (bank liquidity). Thus, banks in Ethiopia should not only be concerned about internal structures and policies/procedures, but they must consider both the internal environment and the macroeconomic environment together in developing their strategies to efficiently manage their liquidity position and private commercial banks to maintain their financial proficiency shall have bank liquidity management policy by assimilating both bank-specific and macro-economic variables.Keywords: liquidity, Ethiopian private commercial banks, liquidity ratio, panel data regression analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 1009294 Promoting Libraries' Services and Events by Librarians Led Instagram Account: A Case Study on Qatar National Library's Research and Learning Instagram Account
Authors: Maryam Alkhalosi, Ahmad Naddaf, Rana Alani
Qatar National Library has its main accounts on social media, which presents the general image of the library and its daily news. A paper will be presented based on a case study researching the outcome of having a separate Instagram account led by librarians, not the Communication Department of the library. The main purpose of the librarians-led account is to promote librarians’ services and events, such as research consultation, reference questions, community engagement programs, collection marketing, etc. all in the way that librarians think it reflects their role in the community. Librarians had several obstacles to help users understanding librarians' roles. As was noticed that Instagram is the most popular social media platform in Qatar, it was selected to promote how librarians can help users through a focused account to create a direct channel between librarians and users. Which helps librarians understand users’ needs and interests. This research will use a quantitative approach depending on the case study, librarians have used their case in the department of Research and learning to find out the best practices might help in promoting the librarians' services and reaching out to a bigger number of users. Through the descriptive method, this research will describe the changes observed in the numbers of community users who interact with the Instagram account and engaged in librarians’ events. Statistics of this study are based on three main sources: 1. The internal monthly statistics sheet of events and programs held by the Research and Learning Department. 2. The weekly tracking of the Instagram account statistics. 3. Instagram’s tools such as polls, quizzes, questions, etc. This study will show the direct effect of a librarian-led Instagram account on the number of community members who participate and engage in librarian-led programs and services. In addition to highlighting the librarians' role directly with the community members. The study will also show the best practices on Instagram, which helps reaching a wider community of users. This study is important because, in the region, there is a lack of studies focusing on librarianship, especially on contemporary problems and its solution. Besides, there is a lack of understanding of the role of a librarian in the Arab region. The research will also highlight how librarians can help the public and researchers as well. All of these benefits can come through one popular easy channel in social media. From another side, this paper is a chance to share the details of this experience starting from scratch, including the phase of setting the policy and guidelines of managing the social media account, until librarians reached to a point where the benefits of this experience are in reality. This experience had even added many skills to the librarians.Keywords: librarian’s role, social media, instagram and libraries, promoting libraries’ services
Procedia PDF Downloads 979293 Unraveling the Puzzle of Out-of-Sequence Thrusting in the Higher Himalaya: Focus on Jhakri-Chaura-Sarahan Thrust, Himachal Pradesh, India
Authors: Rajkumar Ghosh
The study examines the structural analysis of Chaura Thrust in Himachal Pradesh, India, focusing on the activation timing of Main Central Thrust (MCT) and South Tibetan Detachment System (STDS), mylonitised zones, and the characterization of box fold and its signature in the regional geology of Himachal Himalaya. The research aims to document the Higher Himalayan Out-of-Sequence Thrust (OOST) in Himachal Pradesh, which activated the MCTL and in between a zone south of MCTU. The study also documents the GBM-associated temperature range and the activation of Higher Himalayan Out-of-Sequence Thrust (OOST) in Himachal Pradesh. The findings contribute to understanding the structural analysis of Chaura Thrust and its signature in the regional geology of Himachal Himalaya. The study highlights the significance of microscopic studies in documenting mylonitized zones and identifying various types of crenulated schistosity. The study concludes that Chaura Thrust is not a blind thrust and details the field evidence for the OOST. The study characterizes the box fold and its signature in the regional geology of Himachal Himalaya. The study also documents the activation timing and ages of MCT, STDS, MBT, and MFT and identifies various types of crenulated schistosity under the microscope. The study also highlights the significance of microscopic studies in the structural analysis of Chaura Thrust. Finally, the study documents the activation of Higher Himalayan Out-of-Sequence Thrust (OOST) in Himachal Pradesh and the expectations for strain variation near the OOST.Keywords: Chaura Thrust, Higher Himalaya, Jhakri Thrust, Main Central Thrust, Out-of-Sequence Thrust, Sarahan Thrust
Procedia PDF Downloads 919292 Evaluation of Digital Marketing Strategies by Behavioral Economics
Authors: Sajjad Esmaeili Aghdam
Economics typically conceptualizes individual behavior as the consequence of external states, for example, budgets and prices (or respective beliefs) and choices. As the main goal, we focus on the influence of a range of Behavioral Economics factors on Strategies of Digital Marketing, evaluation of strategies and deformation of it into highly prospective marketing strategies. The different forms of behavioral prospects all lead to the succeeding two main results. First, the steadiness of the economic dynamics in a currency union be contingent fatefully on the level of economic incorporation. More economic incorporation leads to more steady economic dynamics. Electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) is “all casual communications focused at consumers through Internet-based technology connected to the usage or characteristics of specific properties and services or their venders.” eWOM can take many methods, the most significant one being online analyses. Writing this paper, 72 articles have been gathered, focusing on the title and the aim of the article from research search engines like Google Scholar, Web of Science, and PubMed. Recent research in strategic management and marketing proposes that markets should not be viewed as a given and deterministic setting, exogenous to the firm. Instead, firms are progressively abstracted as dynamic inventors of market prospects. The use of new technologies touches all spheres of the modern lifestyle. Social and economic life becomes unbearable without fast, applicable, first-class and fitting material. Psychology and economics (together known as behavioral economics) are two protruding disciplines underlying many theories in marketing. The wide marketing works papers consumers’ none balanced behavior even though behavioral biases might not continuously be steadily called or officially labeled.Keywords: behavioral economics, digital marketing, marketing strategy, high impact strategies
Procedia PDF Downloads 1849291 On the Perceived Awareness of Physical Education Teachers on Adoptable ICTs for PE
Authors: Tholokuhle T. Ntshakala, Seraphin D. Eyono Obono
Nations are still finding it quite difficult to win mega sport competitions despite the major contribution of sport to society in terms of social and economic development, personal health, and in education. Even though the world of sports has been transformed into a huge global economy, it is important to note that the first step of sport is usually its introduction to children at school through physical education or PE. In other words, nations who do not win mega sport competitions also suffer from a weak and neglected PE system. This problem of the neglect of PE systems is the main motivation of this research aimed at examining the factors affecting the perceived awareness of physical education teachers on the ICT's that are adoptable for the teaching and learning of physical education. Two types of research objectives will materialize this aim: relevant theories will be identified in relation to the analysis of the perceived ICT awareness of PE teachers and subsequent models will be compiled and designed from existing literature; the empirical testing of such theories and models will also be achieved through the survey of PE teachers from the Camperdown magisterial district of the KwaZulu-Natal province of South Africa. The main hypothesis at the heart of this study is the relationship between the demographics of PE teachers, their behavior both as individuals and as social entities, and their perceived awareness of the ICTs that are adoptable for PE, as postulated by existing literature; except that this study categorizes human behavior under performance expectancy, computer attitude, and social influence. This hypothesis was partially confirmed by the survey conducted by this research in the sense that performance expectancy and teachers’ age, gender, computer usage, and class size were found to be the only factors affecting their awareness of ICT's for physical education.Keywords: human behavior, ICT Awareness, physical education, teachers
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