Search results for: link data
Commenced in January 2007
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Edition: International
Paper Count: 26026

Search results for: link data

25006 A Human Factors Approach to Workload Optimization for On-Screen Review Tasks

Authors: Christina Kirsch, Adam Hatzigiannis


Rail operators and maintainers worldwide are increasingly replacing walking patrols in the rail corridor with mechanized track patrols -essentially data capture on trains- and on-screen reviews of track infrastructure in centralized review facilities. The benefit is that infrastructure workers are less exposed to the dangers of the rail corridor. The impact is a significant change in work design from walking track sections and direct observation in the real world to sedentary jobs in the review facility reviewing captured data on screens. Defects in rail infrastructure can have catastrophic consequences. Reviewer performance regarding accuracy and efficiency of reviews within the available time frame is essential to ensure safety and operational performance. Rail operators must optimize workload and resource loading to transition to on-screen reviews successfully. Therefore, they need to know what workload assessment methodologies will provide reliable and valid data to optimize resourcing for on-screen reviews. This paper compares objective workload measures, including track difficulty ratings and review distance covered per hour, and subjective workload assessments (NASA TLX) and analyses the link between workload and reviewer performance, including sensitivity, precision, and overall accuracy. An experimental study was completed with eight on-screen reviewers, including infrastructure workers and engineers, reviewing track sections with different levels of track difficulty over nine days. Each day the reviewers completed four 90-minute sessions of on-screen inspection of the track infrastructure. Data regarding the speed of review (km/ hour), detected defects, false negatives, and false positives were collected. Additionally, all reviewers completed a subjective workload assessment (NASA TLX) after each 90-minute session and a short employee engagement survey at the end of the study period that captured impacts on job satisfaction and motivation. The results showed that objective measures for tracking difficulty align with subjective mental demand, temporal demand, effort, and frustration in the NASA TLX. Interestingly, review speed correlated with subjective assessments of physical and temporal demand, but to mental demand. Subjective performance ratings correlated with all accuracy measures and review speed. The results showed that subjective NASA TLX workload assessments accurately reflect objective workload. The analysis of the impact of workload on performance showed that subjective mental demand correlated with high precision -accurately detected defects, not false positives. Conversely, high temporal demand was negatively correlated with sensitivity and the percentage of detected existing defects. Review speed was significantly correlated with false negatives. With an increase in review speed, accuracy declined. On the other hand, review speed correlated with subjective performance assessments. Reviewers thought their performance was higher when they reviewed the track sections faster, despite the decline in accuracy. The study results were used to optimize resourcing and ensure that reviewers had enough time to review the allocated track sections to improve defect detection rates in accordance with the efficiency-thoroughness trade-off. Overall, the study showed the importance of a multi-method approach to workload assessment and optimization, combining subjective workload assessments with objective workload and performance measures to ensure that recommendations for work system optimization are evidence-based and reliable.

Keywords: automation, efficiency-thoroughness trade-off, human factors, job design, NASA TLX, performance optimization, subjective workload assessment, workload analysis

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25005 Improvement of Data Transfer over Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)

Authors: Khaled Ahmed Kadouh, Kamal Ali Albashiri


This paper presents a designed algorithm involves improvement of transferring data over Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP). The aim of this work is to establish whether using SOAP in exchanging XML messages has any added advantages or not. The results showed that XML messages without SOAP take longer time and consume more memory, especially with binary data.

Keywords: JAX-WS, SMTP, SOAP, web service, XML

Procedia PDF Downloads 495
25004 Enhancing Healthcare Data Protection and Security

Authors: Joseph Udofia, Isaac Olufadewa


Everyday, the size of Electronic Health Records data keeps increasing as new patients visit health practitioner and returning patients fulfil their appointments. As these data grow, so is their susceptibility to cyber-attacks from criminals waiting to exploit this data. In the US, the damages for cyberattacks were estimated at $8 billion (2018), $11.5 billion (2019) and $20 billion (2021). These attacks usually involve the exposure of PII. Health data is considered PII, and its exposure carry significant impact. To this end, an enhancement of Health Policy and Standards in relation to data security, especially among patients and their clinical providers, is critical to ensure ethical practices, confidentiality, and trust in the healthcare system. As Clinical accelerators and applications that contain user data are used, it is expedient to have a review and revamp of policies like the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), the Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR), all aimed to ensure data protection and security in healthcare. FHIR caters for healthcare data interoperability, FHIR caters to healthcare data interoperability, as data is being shared across different systems from customers to health insurance and care providers. The astronomical cost of implementation has deterred players in the space from ensuring compliance, leading to susceptibility to data exfiltration and data loss on the security accuracy of protected health information (PHI). Though HIPAA hones in on the security accuracy of protected health information (PHI) and PCI DSS on the security of payment card data, they intersect with the shared goal of protecting sensitive information in line with industry standards. With advancements in tech and the emergence of new technology, it is necessary to revamp these policies to address the complexity and ambiguity, cost barrier, and ever-increasing threats in cyberspace. Healthcare data in the wrong hands is a recipe for disaster, and we must enhance its protection and security to protect the mental health of the current and future generations.

Keywords: cloud security, healthcare, cybersecurity, policy and standard

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25003 Channels Splitting Strategy for Optical Local Area Networks of Passive Star Topology

Authors: Peristera Baziana


In this paper, we present a network configuration for a WDM LANs of passive star topology that assume that the set of data WDM channels is split into two separate sets of channels, with different access rights over them. Especially, a synchronous transmission WDMA access algorithm is adopted in order to increase the probability of successful transmission over the data channels and consequently to reduce the probability of data packets transmission cancellation in order to avoid the data channels collisions. Thus, a control pre-transmission access scheme is followed over a separate control channel. An analytical Markovian model is studied and the average throughput is mathematically derived. The performance is studied for several numbers of data channels and various values of control phase duration.

Keywords: access algorithm, channels division, collisions avoidance, wavelength division multiplexing

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25002 Analyzing Tools and Techniques for Classification In Educational Data Mining: A Survey

Authors: D. I. George Amalarethinam, A. Emima


Educational Data Mining (EDM) is one of the newest topics to emerge in recent years, and it is concerned with developing methods for analyzing various types of data gathered from the educational circle. EDM methods and techniques with machine learning algorithms are used to extract meaningful and usable information from huge databases. For scientists and researchers, realistic applications of Machine Learning in the EDM sectors offer new frontiers and present new problems. One of the most important research areas in EDM is predicting student success. The prediction algorithms and techniques must be developed to forecast students' performance, which aids the tutor, institution to boost the level of student’s performance. This paper examines various classification techniques in prediction methods and data mining tools used in EDM.

Keywords: classification technique, data mining, EDM methods, prediction methods

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25001 Prevalence of Neurological Symptoms Associated with COVID 19

Authors: Syed Hassan Tanvir Ramzi, Ubaidullah Ansari, Sana Manzoor, Namal Ilyas, Nabeel Ahmed


Objective: To better understand the prevalence of neurological symptoms associated with COVID-19, several factors, such as age, gender, and comorbidity, are explored to create a more holistic understanding of the impact of COVID-19. Methods: After meeting inclusion and exclusion criteria, 111 patients admitted to Ibne Sina Hospital were recruited between October 2021 and February 2022. A descriptive statistical analysis was conducted to summarize patients' most often encountered signs and symptoms concerning the above parameters. Results: Out of 111 patients, a significant proportion of symptoms occurred in patients aged 40-60 years, with Dysgeusia being the most widespread (75.5%), followed by Encephalitis (45.9%), GBS (28.8%), Encephalopathy (18.9%), and Ischemic Stroke (6.3%). These were most prevalent in hypertensive individuals (46%) and Diabetes Mellitus (31%). In asthmatic individuals, they are the least prevalent (10.8%). Conclusion: Despite the predominance of neurological manifestations, the present scientific literature cannot demonstrate a definitive causal association between the symptoms and the virus. This study carefully ensures a link between age, gender, and comorbidity, along with the prevalence of neurological manifestations of COVID-19. For a comprehensive treatment plan, a holistic understanding of symptoms is critical.

Keywords: COVID 19, neurological association, GBS, Encephalitis

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25000 Improving Security in Healthcare Applications Using Federated Learning System With Blockchain Technology

Authors: Aofan Liu, Qianqian Tan, Burra Venkata Durga Kumar


Data security is of the utmost importance in the healthcare area, as sensitive patient information is constantly sent around and analyzed by many different parties. The use of federated learning, which enables data to be evaluated locally on devices rather than being transferred to a central server, has emerged as a potential solution for protecting the privacy of user information. To protect against data breaches and unauthorized access, federated learning alone might not be adequate. In this context, the application of blockchain technology could provide the system extra protection. This study proposes a distributed federated learning system that is built on blockchain technology in order to enhance security in healthcare. This makes it possible for a wide variety of healthcare providers to work together on data analysis without raising concerns about the confidentiality of the data. The technical aspects of the system, including as the design and implementation of distributed learning algorithms, consensus mechanisms, and smart contracts, are also investigated as part of this process. The technique that was offered is a workable alternative that addresses concerns about the safety of healthcare while also fostering collaborative research and the interchange of data.

Keywords: data privacy, distributed system, federated learning, machine learning

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24999 Overall Student Satisfaction at Tabor School of Education: An Examination of Key Factors Based on the AUSSE SEQ

Authors: Francisco Ben, Tracey Price, Chad Morrison, Victoria Warren, Willy Gollan, Robyn Dunbar, Frank Davies, Mark Sorrell


This paper focuses particularly on the educational aspects that contribute to the overall educational satisfaction rated by Tabor School of Education students who participated in the Australasian Survey of Student Engagement (AUSSE) conducted by the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) in 2010, 2012 and 2013. In all three years of participation, Tabor ranked first especially in the area of overall student satisfaction. By using a single level path analysis in relation to the AUSSE datasets collected using the Student Engagement Questionnaire (SEQ) for Tabor School of Education, seven aspects that contribute to overall student satisfaction have been identified. There appears to be a direct causal link between aspects of the Supportive Learning Environment, Work Integrated Learning, Career Readiness, Academic Challenge, and overall educational satisfaction levels. A further three aspects, being Student and Staff Interactions, Active Learning, and Enriching Educational Experiences, indirectly influence overall educational satisfaction levels.

Keywords: attrition, retention, educational experience, pre-service teacher education, student satisfaction

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24998 A Concept of Data Mining with XML Document

Authors: Akshay Agrawal, Anand K. Srivastava


The increasing amount of XML datasets available to casual users increases the necessity of investigating techniques to extract knowledge from these data. Data mining is widely applied in the database research area in order to extract frequent correlations of values from both structured and semi-structured datasets. The increasing availability of heterogeneous XML sources has raised a number of issues concerning how to represent and manage these semi structured data. In recent years due to the importance of managing these resources and extracting knowledge from them, lots of methods have been proposed in order to represent and cluster them in different ways.

Keywords: XML, similarity measure, clustering, cluster quality, semantic clustering

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24997 Speed-Up Data Transmission by Using Bluetooth Module on Gas Sensor Node of Arduino Board

Authors: Hiesik Kim, YongBeum Kim


Internet of Things (IoT) applications are widely serviced and spread worldwide. Local wireless data transmission technique must be developed to speed up with some technique. Bluetooth wireless data communication is wireless technique is technique made by Special Inter Group(SIG) using the frequency range 2.4 GHz, and it is exploiting Frequency Hopping to avoid collision with different device. To implement experiment, equipment for experiment transmitting measured data is made by using Arduino as Open source hardware, Gas sensor, and Bluetooth Module and algorithm controlling transmission speed is demonstrated. Experiment controlling transmission speed also is progressed by developing Android Application receiving measured data, and controlling this speed is available at the experiment result. it is important that in the future, improvement for communication algorithm be needed because few error occurs when data is transferred or received.

Keywords: Arduino, Bluetooth, gas sensor, internet of things, transmission Speed

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24996 Evaluating the Total Costs of a Ransomware-Resilient Architecture for Healthcare Systems

Authors: Sreejith Gopinath, Aspen Olmsted


This paper is based on our previous work that proposed a risk-transference-based architecture for healthcare systems to store sensitive data outside the system boundary, rendering the system unattractive to would-be bad actors. This architecture also allows a compromised system to be abandoned and a new system instance spun up in place to ensure business continuity without paying a ransom or engaging with a bad actor. This paper delves into the details of various attacks we simulated against the prototype system. In the paper, we discuss at length the time and computational costs associated with storing and retrieving data in the prototype system, abandoning a compromised system, and setting up a new instance with existing data. Lastly, we simulate some analytical workloads over the data stored in our specialized data storage system and discuss the time and computational costs associated with running analytics over data in a specialized storage system outside the system boundary. In summary, this paper discusses the total costs of data storage, access, and analytics incurred with the proposed architecture.

Keywords: cybersecurity, healthcare, ransomware, resilience, risk transference

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24995 Exploring the Capabilities of Sentinel-1A and Sentinel-2A Data for Landslide Mapping

Authors: Ismayanti Magfirah, Sartohadi Junun, Samodra Guruh


Landslides are one of the most frequent and devastating natural disasters in Indonesia. Many studies have been conducted regarding this phenomenon. However, there is a lack of attention in the landslide inventory mapping. The natural condition (dense forest area) and the limited human and economic resources are some of the major problems in building landslide inventory in Indonesia. Considering the importance of landslide inventory data in susceptibility, hazard, and risk analysis, it is essential to generate landslide inventory based on available resources. In order to achieve this, the first thing we have to do is identify the landslides' location. The presence of Sentinel-1A and Sentinel-2A data gives new insights into land monitoring investigation. The free access, high spatial resolution, and short revisit time, make the data become one of the most trending open sources data used in landslide mapping. Sentinel-1A and Sentinel-2A data have been used broadly for landslide detection and landuse/landcover mapping. This study aims to generate landslide map by integrating Sentinel-1A and Sentinel-2A data use change detection method. The result will be validated by field investigation to make preliminary landslide inventory in the study area.

Keywords: change detection method, landslide inventory mapping, Sentinel-1A, Sentinel-2A

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24994 A DEA Model in a Multi-Objective Optimization with Fuzzy Environment

Authors: Michael Gidey Gebru


Most DEA models operate in a static environment with input and output parameters that are chosen by deterministic data. However, due to ambiguity brought on shifting market conditions, input and output data are not always precisely gathered in real-world scenarios. Fuzzy numbers can be used to address this kind of ambiguity in input and output data. Therefore, this work aims to expand crisp DEA into DEA with fuzzy environment. In this study, the input and output data are regarded as fuzzy triangular numbers. Then, the DEA model with fuzzy environment is solved using a multi-objective method to gauge the Decision Making Units’ efficiency. Finally, the developed DEA model is illustrated with an application on real data 50 educational institutions.

Keywords: efficiency, DEA, fuzzy, decision making units, higher education institutions

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24993 Peace through Language Policy as a Solution to the Ethnic Conflict in Sri Lanka

Authors: R. M. W. Rajapakshe


Sri Lanka, which is officially called the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka is an island nation situated near India. It is a multi-lingual, multi- religious and multi – ethnic country, where Sinhalese form the majority and the Tamils form the largest ethnic minority. The composition of the population (ethnic basis) in Sri Lanka is as follows: Sinhalese: 74.5%, Tamil (Sri Lankan): 12.6%, Muslim: 7.5 %, Tamil (Indian): 5.5%, Malay: 0.3%, Burgher: 0.3 %, other: 0.2 %. The Tamil people use the Tamil language as their mother tongue and the Sinhala people use the Sinhala language as their mother tongue. A very few people in both communities use English as their mother tongue and however, a large number of people use English as a second language. The Sinhala Language was declared the only official language in Sri Lanka in 1959. However, it was not acceptable to Tamil politicians as well as to the common Tamil people and it was the beginning of long standing ethnic crisis which later became a military war where a lot of blood was shed. As a solution to the above ethnic crisis the thirteenth amendment to the constitution of Sri Lanka was introduced in 1987 and according to it both Sinhala and Tamil were declared official languages and English as the link language in Sri Lanka. Thus, a new programme namely, second language teaching programme under which Sinhala was taught to Tamil students and Tamil was taught to Sinhala students, was introduced at government schools. Language teaching includes knowledge of the culture of the target language. As all cultures are mixed and have common features students have reduced their enmity about the other community and learned to respect the other culture. On the other hand as all languages are mixed, students came to the understanding that there are no pure languages. Thus, they learned to respect the other language. In the case of Sri Lanka the Sinhala language is mixed with the Tamil language and vice versa. Thus, the development of second language teaching is the prominent way to solve the above ethnic problem and this study clearly shows it. However, the above programme suffers with lack of trained second language teachers, infrastructure facilities and insufficient funds and, they can be considered as the main obstacles to develop the second language teaching programme. Yet, there are no satisfactory answers to those problems. The data were collected from relevant books, articles and other documents based on research and forty five recordings, each with one hour duration, of natural conversations covering all factions of the Sinhala community.

Keywords: ethnic crisis, official language, second language teaching, Sinhala, Tami

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24992 Data-Driven Decision Making: Justification of Not Leaving Class without It

Authors: Denise Hexom, Judith Menoher


Teachers and administrators across America are being asked to use data and hard evidence to inform practice as they begin the task of implementing Common Core State Standards. Yet, the courses they are taking in schools of education are not preparing teachers or principals to understand the data-driven decision making (DDDM) process nor to utilize data in a much more sophisticated fashion. DDDM has been around for quite some time, however, it has only recently become systematically and consistently applied in the field of education. This paper discusses the theoretical framework of DDDM; empirical evidence supporting the effectiveness of DDDM; a process a department in a school of education has utilized to implement DDDM; and recommendations to other schools of education who attempt to implement DDDM in their decision-making processes and in their students’ coursework.

Keywords: data-driven decision making, institute of higher education, special education, continuous improvement

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24991 Quantile Coherence Analysis: Application to Precipitation Data

Authors: Yaeji Lim, Hee-Seok Oh


The coherence analysis measures the linear time-invariant relationship between two data sets and has been studied various fields such as signal processing, engineering, and medical science. However classical coherence analysis tends to be sensitive to outliers and focuses only on mean relationship. In this paper, we generalized cross periodogram to quantile cross periodogram and provide richer inter-relationship between two data sets. This is a general version of Laplace cross periodogram. We prove its asymptotic distribution under the long range process and compare them with ordinary coherence through numerical examples. We also present real data example to confirm the usefulness of quantile coherence analysis.

Keywords: coherence, cross periodogram, spectrum, quantile

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24990 O.MG- It’s a Cyber-Enabled Fraud

Authors: Damola O. Lawal, David W. Gresty, Diane E. Gan, Louise Hewitt


This paper investigates the feasibility of using a programmable USB such as the O.MG Cable to perform a file tampering attack. Here, the O.MG Cable, an apparently harmless mobile device charger, is used in an unauthorized way to alter the content of a file (accounts record-January_Contributions.xlsx). The aim is to determine if a forensics analyst can reliably determine who has altered the target file; the O.MG Cable or the user of the machine. This work highlights some of the traces of the O.MG Cable left behind on the target computer itself, such as the Product ID (PID) and Vendor ID (ID). Also discussed is the O.MG Cable’s behavior during the experiments. We determine if a forensics analyst could identify if any evidence has been left behind by the programmable device on the target file once it has been removed from the computer to establish if the analyst would be able to link the traces left by the O.MG Cable to the file tampering. It was discovered that the forensic analyst might mistake the actions of the O.MG Cable for the computer users. Experiments carried out in this work could further the discussion as to whether an innocent user could be punished for the unauthorized changes made by a programmable device.

Keywords: O.MG cable, programmable USB, file tampering attack, digital evidence credibility, miscarriage of justice, cyber fraud

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24989 Conception of a Predictive Maintenance System for Forest Harvesters from Multiple Data Sources

Authors: Lazlo Fauth, Andreas Ligocki


For cost-effective use of harvesters, expensive repairs and unplanned downtimes must be reduced as far as possible. The predictive detection of failing systems and the calculation of intelligent service intervals, necessary to avoid these factors, require in-depth knowledge of the machines' behavior. Such know-how needs permanent monitoring of the machine state from different technical perspectives. In this paper, three approaches will be presented as they are currently pursued in the publicly funded project PreForst at Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences. These include the intelligent linking of workshop and service data, sensors on the harvester, and a special online hydraulic oil condition monitoring system. Furthermore the paper shows potentials as well as challenges for the use of these data in the conception of a predictive maintenance system.

Keywords: predictive maintenance, condition monitoring, forest harvesting, forest engineering, oil data, hydraulic data

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24988 Sampled-Data Control for Fuel Cell Systems

Authors: H. Y. Jung, Ju H. Park, S. M. Lee


A sampled-data controller is presented for solid oxide fuel cell systems which is expressed by a sector bounded nonlinear model. The sector bounded nonlinear systems, which have a feedback connection with a linear dynamical system and nonlinearity satisfying certain sector type constraints. Also, the sampled-data control scheme is very useful since it is possible to handle digital controller and increasing research efforts have been devoted to sampled-data control systems with the development of modern high-speed computers. The proposed control law is obtained by solving a convex problem satisfying several linear matrix inequalities. Simulation results are given to show the effectiveness of the proposed design method.

Keywords: sampled-data control, fuel cell, linear matrix inequalities, nonlinear control

Procedia PDF Downloads 566
24987 Addressing Security and Privacy Issues in a Smart Environment by Using Block-Chain as a Preemptive Technique

Authors: Shahbaz Pervez, Aljawharah Almuhana, Zahida Parveen, Samina Naz, Hira Tariq, Seyed Hosseini, Muhammad Awais Azam


With the latest development in the field of cutting-edge technologies, there is a rapid increase in the use of technology-oriented gadgets. In a recent scenario of the tech era, there is increasing demand to fulfill our day-to-day routine tasks with the help of technological gadgets. We are living in an era of technology where trends have been changing, and a race to introduce a new technology gadget has already begun. Smart cities are getting more popular with every passing day; city councils and governments are under enormous pressure to provide the latest services for their citizens and equip them with all the latest facilities. Thus, ultimately, they are going more into smart cities infrastructure building, providing services to their inhabitants with a single click from their smart devices. This trend is very exciting, but on the other hand, if some incident of security breach happens due to any weaker link, the results would be catastrophic. This paper addresses potential security and privacy breaches with a possible solution by using Blockchain technology in IoT enabled environment.

Keywords: blockchain, cybersecurity, DDOS, intrusion detection, IoT, RFID, smart devices security, smart services

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24986 Element Content in Some Wild Amantia Taxa from Marmara Region, Turkey

Authors: Hasan Hüseyin Doğan, Murad Aydın Şanda


Element contents were analyzed in twelve wild Amanita taxa [A. caesarea (Scop.) Pers., A. citrina (Schaeff.) Pers., A. excelsa (Fr.) Bertill., A. franchetii (Boud.) Fayod, A. gemmata (Fr.) Bertill., A. mairei Foley, A. muscaria (L.) Lam., A. pantherina (DC.) Krombh., A. phalloides (Fr.) Link, A. rubescens Pers., A. vaginata (Bull.) Lam., and A. verna (Bull.) Lam.] from Marmara Region of Turkey by ICP-AES equipment. The element uptake levels were observed at different amounts in each Amanita species. The highest Pb and P concentrations were determined as 15.11 and 0.861 in A. caesarea. Fe, Co, As, Sr, Ca, Mg, Al and Na concentrations were determined as 0.832, 4.56, 15.6, 18.9, 0.44, 0.253 and 0.190 in A. gemmata respectively. A. muscaria has highest Mo, Th, Sb, V, Cr, and B concentrations as 1.45, 1.17, 1.06, 44, 75, and 7 respectively, whereas A. rubescens has highest Zn, Ba, K, S, and Se as 430.6, 65.7, 5.47, 1.16, 11.5 respectively. A. muscaria has highest Hg concentrations as 5855 µ highest Mn concentration were found in A. pantherina with 1176, the highest Cd were found in A. phalloides as 10.77 In contrast to A. verna has highest Ag and Au content as 77728 and 192 µ Although A. citrina has only the highest Ni content as 75.9 A. vaginata has Cu content as 67.04 on the other hand A. phalloides has highest Cd concentrations as 10.77

Keywords: amanita, element, macrofungi, Turkey

Procedia PDF Downloads 415
24985 Servant Leadership and Organisational Climate in South African Private Schools: A Qualitative Study

Authors: Christo Swart, Lidia Pottas, David Maree


Background: It is a sine qua non that the South African educational system finds itself in a profound crisis and that traditional school leadership styles are outdated and hinder quality education. New thinking is mandatory to improve the status quo and school leadership has an immense role to play to improve the current situation. It is believed that the servant leadership paradigm, when practiced by school leadership, may have a significant influence on the school environment in totality. This study investigates the private school segment in search of constructive answers to assist with the educational crises in South Africa. It is assumed that where school leadership can augment a supportive and empowering environment for teachers to constructively engage in their teaching and learning activities - then many challenges facing by school system may be subjugated in a productive manner. Aim: The aim of this study is fourfold. To outline the constructs of servant leadership which are perceived by teachers of private schools as priorities to enhance a successful school environment. To describe the constructs of organizational climate which are observed by teachers of private schools as priorities to enhance a successful school environment. To investigate whether the participants perceived a link between the constructs of servant leadership and organizational climate. To consider the process to be followed to introduce the constructs of SL and OC the school system in general as perceived by participants. Method: This study utilized a qualitative approach to explore the mediation between school leadership and the organizational climate in private schools in the search for amicable answers. The participants were purposefully selected for the study. Focus group interviews were held with participants from primary and secondary schools and a focus group discussion was conducted with principals of both primary and secondary schools. The interview data were transcribed and analyzed and identical patterns of coded data were grouped together under emerging themes. Findings: It was found that the practice of servant leadership by school leadership indeed mediates a constructive and positive school climate. It was found that the constructs of empowerment, accountability, humility and courage – interlinking with one other - are prominent of servant leadership concepts that are perceived by teachers of private schools as priorities for school leadership to enhance a successful school environment. It was confirmed that the groupings of training and development, communication, trust and work environment are perceived by teachers of private schools as prominent features of organizational climate as practiced by school leadership to augment a successful school environment. It can be concluded that the participants perceived several links between the constructs of servant leadership and organizational climate that encourage a constructive school environment and that there is a definite positive consideration and motivation that the two concepts be introduced to the school system in general. It is recommended that school leadership mentors and guides teachers to take ownership of the constructs of servant leadership as well as organizational climate and that public schools be researched and consider to implement the two paradigms. The study suggests that aspirant teachers be exposed to leadership as well as organizational paradigms during their studies at university.

Keywords: empowering environment for teachers and learners, new thinking required, organizational climate, school leadership, servant leadership

Procedia PDF Downloads 223
24984 How Western Donors Allocate Official Development Assistance: New Evidence From a Natural Language Processing Approach

Authors: Daniel Benson, Yundan Gong, Hannah Kirk


Advancement in national language processing techniques has led to increased data processing speeds, and reduced the need for cumbersome, manual data processing that is often required when processing data from multilateral organizations for specific purposes. As such, using named entity recognition (NER) modeling and the Organisation of Economically Developed Countries (OECD) Creditor Reporting System database, we present the first geotagged dataset of OECD donor Official Development Assistance (ODA) projects on a global, subnational basis. Our resulting data contains 52,086 ODA projects geocoded to subnational locations across 115 countries, worth a combined $87.9bn. This represents the first global, OECD donor ODA project database with geocoded projects. We use this new data to revisit old questions of how ‘well’ donors allocate ODA to the developing world. This understanding is imperative for policymakers seeking to improve ODA effectiveness.

Keywords: international aid, geocoding, subnational data, natural language processing, machine learning

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24983 Compressed Suffix Arrays to Self-Indexes Based on Partitioned Elias-Fano

Authors: Guo Wenyu, Qu Youli


A practical and simple self-indexing data structure, Partitioned Elias-Fano (PEF) - Compressed Suffix Arrays (CSA), is built in linear time for the CSA based on PEF indexes. Moreover, the PEF-CSA is compared with two classical compressed indexing methods, Ferragina and Manzini implementation (FMI) and Sad-CSA on different type and size files in Pizza & Chili. The PEF-CSA performs better on the existing data in terms of the compression ratio, count, and locates time except for the evenly distributed data such as proteins data. The observations of the experiments are that the distribution of the φ is more important than the alphabet size on the compression ratio. Unevenly distributed data φ makes better compression effect, and the larger the size of the hit counts, the longer the count and locate time.

Keywords: compressed suffix array, self-indexing, partitioned Elias-Fano, PEF-CSA

Procedia PDF Downloads 253
24982 Data, Digital Identity and Antitrust Law: An Exploratory Study of Facebook’s Novi Digital Wallet

Authors: Wanjiku Karanja


Facebook has monopoly power in the social networking market. It has grown and entrenched its monopoly power through the capture of its users’ data value chains. However, antitrust law’s consumer welfare roots have prevented it from effectively addressing the role of data capture in Facebook’s market dominance. These regulatory blind spots are augmented in Facebook’s proposed Diem cryptocurrency project and its Novi Digital wallet. Novi, which is Diem’s digital identity component, shall enable Facebook to collect an unprecedented volume of consumer data. Consequently, Novi has seismic implications on internet identity as the network effects of Facebook’s large user base could establish it as the de facto internet identity layer. Moreover, the large tracts of data Facebook shall collect through Novi shall further entrench Facebook's market power. As such, the attendant lock-in effects of this project shall be very difficult to reverse. Urgent regulatory action is therefore required to prevent this expansion of Facebook’s data resources and monopoly power. This research thus highlights the importance of data capture to competition and market health in the social networking industry. It utilizes interviews with key experts to empirically interrogate the impact of Facebook’s data capture and control of its users’ data value chains on its market power. This inquiry is contextualized against Novi’s expansive effect on Facebook’s data value chains. It thus addresses the novel antitrust issues arising at the nexus of Facebook’s monopoly power and the privacy of its users’ data. It also explores the impact of platform design principles, specifically data portability and data portability, in mitigating Facebook’s anti-competitive practices. As such, this study finds that Facebook is a powerful monopoly that dominates the social media industry to the detriment of potential competitors. Facebook derives its power from its size, annexure of the consumer data value chain, and control of its users’ social graphs. Additionally, the platform design principles of data interoperability and data portability are not a panacea to restoring competition in the social networking market. Their success depends on the establishment of robust technical standards and regulatory frameworks.

Keywords: antitrust law, data protection law, data portability, data interoperability, digital identity, Facebook

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24981 Recommendations for Data Quality Filtering of Opportunistic Species Occurrence Data

Authors: Camille Van Eupen, Dirk Maes, Marc Herremans, Kristijn R. R. Swinnen, Ben Somers, Stijn Luca


In ecology, species distribution models are commonly implemented to study species-environment relationships. These models increasingly rely on opportunistic citizen science data when high-quality species records collected through standardized recording protocols are unavailable. While these opportunistic data are abundant, uncertainty is usually high, e.g., due to observer effects or a lack of metadata. Data quality filtering is often used to reduce these types of uncertainty in an attempt to increase the value of studies relying on opportunistic data. However, filtering should not be performed blindly. In this study, recommendations are built for data quality filtering of opportunistic species occurrence data that are used as input for species distribution models. Using an extensive database of 5.7 million citizen science records from 255 species in Flanders, the impact on model performance was quantified by applying three data quality filters, and these results were linked to species traits. More specifically, presence records were filtered based on record attributes that provide information on the observation process or post-entry data validation, and changes in the area under the receiver operating characteristic (AUC), sensitivity, and specificity were analyzed using the Maxent algorithm with and without filtering. Controlling for sample size enabled us to study the combined impact of data quality filtering, i.e., the simultaneous impact of an increase in data quality and a decrease in sample size. Further, the variation among species in their response to data quality filtering was explored by clustering species based on four traits often related to data quality: commonness, popularity, difficulty, and body size. Findings show that model performance is affected by i) the quality of the filtered data, ii) the proportional reduction in sample size caused by filtering and the remaining absolute sample size, and iii) a species ‘quality profile’, resulting from a species classification based on the four traits related to data quality. The findings resulted in recommendations on when and how to filter volunteer generated and opportunistically collected data. This study confirms that correctly processed citizen science data can make a valuable contribution to ecological research and species conservation.

Keywords: citizen science, data quality filtering, species distribution models, trait profiles

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24980 Data Quality Enhancement with String Length Distribution

Authors: Qi Xiu, Hiromu Hota, Yohsuke Ishii, Takuya Oda


Recently, collectable manufacturing data are rapidly increasing. On the other hand, mega recall is getting serious as a social problem. Under such circumstances, there are increasing needs for preventing mega recalls by defect analysis such as root cause analysis and abnormal detection utilizing manufacturing data. However, the time to classify strings in manufacturing data by traditional method is too long to meet requirement of quick defect analysis. Therefore, we present String Length Distribution Classification method (SLDC) to correctly classify strings in a short time. This method learns character features, especially string length distribution from Product ID, Machine ID in BOM and asset list. By applying the proposal to strings in actual manufacturing data, we verified that the classification time of strings can be reduced by 80%. As a result, it can be estimated that the requirement of quick defect analysis can be fulfilled.

Keywords: string classification, data quality, feature selection, probability distribution, string length

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24979 Obtaining the Analytic Dependence for Estimating the Ore Mill Operation Modes

Authors: Baghdasaryan Marinka


The particular significance of comprehensive estimation of the increase in the operation efficiency of the mill motor electromechanical system, providing the main technological process for obtaining a metallic concentrate, as well as the technical state of the system are substantiated. The works carried out in the sphere of investigating, creating, and improving the operation modes of electric drive motors and ore-grinding mills have been studied. Analytic dependences for estimating the operation modes of the ore-grinding mills aimed at improving the ore-crashing process maintenance and technical service efficiencies have been obtained. The obtained analytic dependencies establish a link between the technological and power parameters of the electromechanical system, and allow to estimate the state of the system and reveal the controlled parameters required for the efficient management in case of changing the technological parameters. It has been substantiated that the changes in the technological factors affecting the consumption power of the drive motor do not cause an instability in the electromechanical system.

Keywords: electromechanical system, estimation, operation mode, productivity, technological process, the mill filling degree

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24978 Temporally Coherent 3D Animation Reconstruction from RGB-D Video Data

Authors: Salam Khalifa, Naveed Ahmed


We present a new method to reconstruct a temporally coherent 3D animation from single or multi-view RGB-D video data using unbiased feature point sampling. Given RGB-D video data, in form of a 3D point cloud sequence, our method first extracts feature points using both color and depth information. In the subsequent steps, these feature points are used to match two 3D point clouds in consecutive frames independent of their resolution. Our new motion vectors based dynamic alignment method then fully reconstruct a spatio-temporally coherent 3D animation. We perform extensive quantitative validation using novel error functions to analyze the results. We show that despite the limiting factors of temporal and spatial noise associated to RGB-D data, it is possible to extract temporal coherence to faithfully reconstruct a temporally coherent 3D animation from RGB-D video data.

Keywords: 3D video, 3D animation, RGB-D video, temporally coherent 3D animation

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24977 Determining Abnomal Behaviors in UAV Robots for Trajectory Control in Teleoperation

Authors: Kiwon Yeom


Change points are abrupt variations in a data sequence. Detection of change points is useful in modeling, analyzing, and predicting time series in application areas such as robotics and teleoperation. In this paper, a change point is defined to be a discontinuity in one of its derivatives. This paper presents a reliable method for detecting discontinuities within a three-dimensional trajectory data. The problem of determining one or more discontinuities is considered in regular and irregular trajectory data from teleoperation. We examine the geometric detection algorithm and illustrate the use of the method on real data examples.

Keywords: change point, discontinuity, teleoperation, abrupt variation

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