Search results for: heart issue
3559 Breakfast Skipping and Health Status Among University Professionals in Bangladesh
Authors: Shatabdi Goon
OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence and associations between breakfast skipping and health status for university professionals in Bangladesh. DESIGN: A cross-sectional descriptive study design was performed using information on respondent’s sociodemographic status and eating behavior. Factors associated with breakfast skipping were identified using multivariate regression models. SETTINGS: Data obtained from a representative sample (n 120) of university professionals randomly selected from two distinct universities in Dhaka city, Bangladesh. SUBJECT: A total number of one hundred and twenty university professionals with a mean age of 29 years. RESULT: Results indicated that approximately 35.8% of the sample skipped breakfast. Gender was the only statistically significant sociodemographic variable, with females skipping at over two times the rate of males (OR 95% CI: 1.9; 0.90-4.13). The reasons given for skipping breakfast were almost exclusively habit (39.5%), work pressure (23.2%) and lack of time (16.2%). Skippers were significantly more likely to be obese (OR 2.4; 95% CI 1.02- 5.7), less energetic (OR 3.5; 95% CI 1.5-8.6), associated with health problems (OR 4.3; 95% CI 1.8- 10.17) and eating tendency of fast food (OR 2.5; 95% CI 1.13 - 5.5). Gastric and heart burn (X2=4.19, p<0.05) and high blood pressure (X2=5.027, p<0.05) were detected among 34.9% and 27.9 % of those employees respectively identified as breakfast skippers and they showed significantly high prevalence. CONCLUSION: Breakfast skipping is highly prevalent among university professionals with significant association of different health problems in Bangladesh. Health promotion strategies should be used to encourage all adults to eat breakfast regularly.Keywords: breakfast, healthy lifestyle, breakfast skipping, health status, university professionals
Procedia PDF Downloads 3473558 The Comparative Analysis on Pre-Trial in Relation to the Reform of Pre-Trial in Indonesian Criminal Procedural Code
Authors: Muhammad Fatahillah Akbar
Criminal Procedural Law is established to protect the society from the abuse of authority. To achieve that purpose, the criminal procedural law shall be established in accordance with the laws of human right and the protection of the society. One of the mechanisms to protect human rights and to ensure the compliance of authorities in criminal procedural law is pre-trial mechanism. In many countries, there are various mechanisms of pre-trial. In the recent cases in Indonesia, pre-trial has been an interesting issue. The issue is also addressed by the Constitutional Court Decision Number 21/PUU-XII/2014 which enhance the competence of pre-trial which includes the suspect determination and the legality of seizure and search. Before that decision, some pre-trial decisions have made landmark decision by enhancing the competence of pre-trial, such as the suspect determination case in Budi Gunawan Case and legality of the investigation in Hadi Purnomo Case. These pre-trial cases occurred because the society needs protection even though it is not provided by written legislations, in this matter, The Indonesian Criminal Procedural Code (KUHAP). For instance, a person can be a suspect for unlimited time because the Criminal Procedural Code does not regulate the limit of investigation, so the suspect enactment shall be able to be challenged to protect human rights. Before the Constitutional Court Decision Suspect Determination cannot be challenged so that the society is not fully protected. The Constitutional Court Decision has provided more protections. Nowadays, investigators shall be more careful in conducting the investigation. However, those decisions, including the Constitutional Court Decision are not sufficient for society to be protected by abuse of authority. For example, on 7 March 2017, a single judge, in a Pre-Trial, at the Surabaya District Court, decided that the investigation was unlawful and shall be terminated. This is not regulated according to the Code and also any decisions in pre-trial. It can be seen that the reform of pre-trial is necessary. Hence, this paper aims to examine how pre-trial shall be developed in the future to provide wide access for society to have social justice in criminal justice system. The question will be answered by normative, historical, and comparative approaches. Firstly, the paper will examine the history of pre-trial in Indonesia and also landmark decisions on pre-trial. Then, the lessons learned from other countries regarding to the pre-trial mechanism will be elaborated to show how pre-trial shall be developed and what the competences of a pre-trial are. The focus of all discussions shall be on how the society is protected and provided access to legally complain to the authority. At the end of the paper, the recommendation to reform the pre-trial mechanism will be suggested.Keywords: pre-trial, criminal procedural law, society
Procedia PDF Downloads 1683557 Critical Investigation on Performance of Polymeric Materials in Rehabilitation of Metallic Components
Authors: Parastou Kharazmi
Failure and leakage of metallic components because of corrosion in infrastructure structures is a considerably problematic and expensive issue and the traditional solution of replacing the component is costly and time-consuming. Rehabilitation techniques by using advanced polymeric materials are an alternative solution towards this problem. This paper provides a summary of analyses on relined rehabilitated metallic samples after exposure in practice and real condition to study the composite material performance when it is exposed to water, heat and chemicals in real condition. The study was carried out by using different test methods such as microscopy, thermal and chemical as well as mechanical analyses.Keywords: composite, material, rehabilitation, structure
Procedia PDF Downloads 2363556 Ridership Study for the Proposed Installation of Automatic Guide-way Transit (AGT) System along Sapphire Street in Balanga City, Bataan
Authors: Nelson Andres, Meeko C. Masangcap, John Denver D. Catapang
Balanga City as, the heart of Bataan, is a growing City and is now at its fast pace of development. The growth of commerce in the city results to an increase in commuters who travel back and forth through the city, leading to congestions. Consequently, queuing of vehicles along national roads and even in the highways of the city have become a regular occurrence. This common scenario of commuters flocking the city, private and public vehicles going bumper to bumper, especially during the rush hours, greatly affect the flow of traffic vehicles and is now a burden not only to the commuters but also to the government who is trying to address this dilemma. Seeing these terrible events, the implementation of an elevated Automated Guide-way transit is seen as a possible solution to help in the decongestion of the affected parts of Balanga City.In response to the problem, the researchers identify if it is feasible to have an elevated guide-way transit in the vicinity of Sapphire Street in Balanga City, Bataan. Specifically, the study aims to determine who will be the riders based on the demographic profile, where the trip can be generated and distributed, the time when volume of people usually peaks and the estimated volume of passengers. Statistical analysis is applied to the data gathered to find out if there is an important relationship between the demographic profile of the respondents and their preference of having an elevated railway transit in the City of Balanga.Keywords: ridership, AGT, railway, elevated track
Procedia PDF Downloads 833555 Effects of Continuous and Periodic Aerobic Exercises on C Reactive Protein in Overweight Women
Authors: Maesoomeh Khorshidi Mehr, Mohammad Sajadian, Shadi Alipour
The purpose of the present study was to compare the effects of eight weeks of continuous and periodic aerobic exercises on serum levels of CRP in overweight woman. 36 woman aged between 20 and 35 years from the city of Ahwaz were randomly selected as the sample of the study. This sample was further divided into three groups (n= 12) of continuous aerobic exercise, periodic aerobic exercise, and control. Subjects of the groups of continuous and periodic aerobic exercise participated in 8 weeks of specialized exercises while the control group subjects did not take part in any regular physical activity program. Blood samples were collected from subjects in 24 hours prior to and 48 hours past to the intervention period. Afterwards, the serum level of CRP was measured for each blood sample. Results showed that BMI and serum level of CRP both significantly reduced as a result of aerobic exercises. However, no statistically significant difference was recorded between the extent of effects of the former and latter aerobic exercise types. Eight weeks of aerobic exercise will probably result in reduced inflammation and cardiovascular diseases risk in overweight women. The reason for lack of difference between effects of continuous and periodic aerobic exercise may lie in the similarity of average intensity and length of physical administered activities.Keywords: heart diseases, aerobic exercise, inflammation, CRP, overweight
Procedia PDF Downloads 2033554 Effect of Pristine Graphene on Developmental Toxicity in Zebrafish (Danio rerio) Embryos: Cardiovascular Defects, Apoptosis, and Globin Expression Analysis
Authors: Manjunatha Bangeppagari, Lee Sang Joon
Recently, graphene-related nanomaterials are receiving fast-increasing attention with augmented applications in various fields. Especially, graphene-related materials have been widely applied to the biomedical field in the past years. In the present study, we evaluated the adverse effects of pristine graphene (pG) in zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos in various aspects, such as mortality rate, heart rate, hatching rate, cardiotoxicity, cardiovascular defect, cardiac looping, apoptosis, and globin expression. For various trace concentrations of pG (1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, and 50 μg/L), early life-stage parameters were observed at 24, 48, 72, and 96 hpf. As a result, pG induces significant developmental defects including yolk sac edema, pericardial edema, embryonic mortality, delayed hatching, heartbeat, several morphological defects, pericardial toxicity, and bradycardia. Moreover, the exposure to pG was found to be a potential risk factor to the cardiovascular system of zebrafish embryos. However, further study on their properties which vary according to production methods and surface functionalization is essentially required. In addition, the possible risks of pG flakes to aquatic animals, and public health should be evaluated before releasing them to the surrounding environment.Keywords: apoptosis, cardiovascular toxicity, globin expression, pristine graphene, zebrafish embryos
Procedia PDF Downloads 1343553 Processing Mild versus Strong Violations in Music: A Pilot Study Using Event-Related Potentials
Authors: Marie-Eve Joret, Marijn Van Vliet, Flavio Camarrone, Marc M. Van Hulle
Event-related potentials (ERPs) provide evidence that the human brain can process and understand music at a pre-attentive level. Music-specific ERPs include the Early Right Anterior Negativity (ERAN) and a late Negativity (N5). This study aims to further investigate this issue using two types of syntactic manipulations in music: mild violations, containing no out-of-key tones and strong violations, containing out-of-key tones. We will examine whether both manipulations will elicit the same ERPs.Keywords: ERAN ERPs, Music, N5, P3, ERPs, Music, N5 component, P3 component
Procedia PDF Downloads 2763552 Deteriorating Ambient Air Quality Resulted from Invasion of Foreign Air Pollutants
Authors: Kuo-C. Lo, Chung-H. Hung
Invasion of foreign air pollutants to deteriorate local air quality has become an emerging international issue of concern. This study aimed to apply meteorological and air quality model, WRF-Chem (V3.1), for simulating and analyzing the phenomenon of forming of high-concentrated particulate matters, PM10 and PM2.5, in ambient air of Taiwan during January 17th to 19th, 2014. The foreign air pollutants were mainly from long-distance transport of air pollutants of China being transported with a strong continental cold high. It was observed that PM10 and PM2.5 peaked as high as 182~588 μg/m3 and 95~165 μg/m3, respectively, in the ambient air of west side of Taiwan. They were about 2~3 folds higher than the usual concentrations of particulate matters in these seasons.Keywords: WRF-Chem, air pollution, PM2.5, ambient air quality
Procedia PDF Downloads 4603551 The Analysis of the Influence of Islamic Religiosity on Tax Morale among Self-Employed Taxpayers in Indonesia
Authors: Nurul Hidayat
Based on the data from the Indonesian Tax Authority, the contribution of self-employed taxpayers in Indonesia is just approximately 1-2 percent of total tax revenues during 2013 - 2015. This phenomenon requires greater attention to understand what factors that may affect it. The fact that Indonesia has the most prominent Muslim population in the world makes it important to analyze whether there potentially exists a correlation between Islamic religiosity and low tax contribution. The low level of tax contribution may provide an initial indication of low tax morale and tax compliance. This study will extend the existing literature by investigating the influence of Islamic religiosity as a moderating effect on the relationship between the perceptions of government legitimacy and tax morale among self-employed taxpayers. There are some factors to consider when taking into account the issue of Islamic religiosity and its relationship with tax morale in this study. Firstly, in Islam, there is a debate surrounding the lawfulness of tax. Some argue that Muslims should not have to pay tax; while others argue that the imposition of the tax is legitimate in circumstances. These views may have an impact on government legitimacy and tax morale. Secondly, according to Islamic sharia, Islam recognizes another compulsory payment, i.e. zakat, which to some extent has similar characteristics to tax. According to Indonesian Income Tax Law, zakat payment has just been accommodated as a deduction from taxable income. As a comparison, Malaysia treats zakat as a tax rebate. The treatment of zakat only as a taxable income deduction may also lead to a conflicting issue regarding the perception of tax fairness that possibly erode the perception of government legitimacy and tax morale. Based on the considerations above, perceptions of government legitimacy become important to influence the willingness of people to pay tax while the level of Islamic religiosity has a potential moderator effect on that correlation. In terms of measuring the relationship among the variables, this study utilizes mixed-quantitative and qualitative methods. The quantitative methods use surveys to approximately 400 targeted taxpayers while the qualitative methods employ in-depth interviews with 12 people, consist of experts, Islamic leaders and selected taxpayers. In particular, the research is being conducted in Indonesia, the country with the largest Muslim population in the world which has not fully implemented Islamic law as state law. The result indicates that Islamic religiosity becomes a moderating effect on the way taxpayers perceived government legitimacy that finally influences on tax morale. The findings of this study are supportive for the improvement of tax regulations by specifically considering tax deductions for zakat.Keywords: Islamic religiosity, tax morale, government legitimacy, zakat
Procedia PDF Downloads 2413550 The Role of Online Deliberation on Citizens’ Attitudes
Authors: Amalia Triantafillidoy, Georgios Lappas, Prodromos Yannas, Alexandros Kleftodimos
In this paper an experiment was conducted to assess the impact of online deliberation on citizens’ attitudes. Specifically, this research compared pre and post deliberation opinions of participants who deliberated online via an asynchronous platform regarding the issue of political opinion polls. Results indicate that online deliberation had a positive effect on citizens’ attitudes since it was found that following deliberation participants changed their views regarding public opinion polls. Specifically, online deliberation improved discussants perceptions regarding the reliability of polls, while suppressing their negative views about the misuse of polls by media, polling organizations and politicians.Keywords: attitudes change, e-democracy, online deliberation, opinion polls
Procedia PDF Downloads 3223549 Indian Brands Speak Through Colors That Is ‘Culturally Vibrant’
Authors: Ranjana Dani
Brand communication narratives in India has evolved today to reflect the vibrant and intriguing tone of voice inspired by a rich cultural heritage while addressing the culturally alert attitude of the contemporary global Indian. Brands are strongly associated with the organization's values, vision, and mission and portray this through specific ‘look and feel’ and ‘tone of voice’. It is within the brand’s visual language that COLOUR has evolved to become a most powerful weapon in the designer’s arsenal. Color is big business in Brand Design! A brand is a ‘collection of perceptions’, meaningful brand connect is about striving to occupy head and heart space in consumers. The persona of the young Indian reflects a deep attachment to cultural roots as seen through the characteristic of ‘Indie Pride,’ blended with the ambitious, aspirational traits of a modern ‘global citizen’.Studies on ‘Color Perceptions’ indicate a trend that amplifies this, and hence brands reflect a GLOCAL palette, a Global and Local Blend. This paper establishes this through case studies that expand the inspirations, selection processes, and use of innovative color palettes crafted by some dynamic brand designers. This throws light on the role of color as it generates visual impact and recall for successful brands.Keywords: colour palettes, brand design and business, cultural context, colour perceptions, glocal, contemporaneity
Procedia PDF Downloads 763548 “Friction Surfaces” of Airport Emergency Plan
Authors: Jakub Kraus, Vladimír Plos, Peter Vittek
This article focuses on the issue of airport emergency plans, which are documents describing reactions to events with impact on aviation safety or aviation security. The article specifically focuses on the use and creation of emergency plans, where could be found a number of disagreements between different stakeholders, for which the airport emergency plan applies. Those are the friction surfaces of interfaces, which is necessary to identify and ensure them smooth process to avoid dangerous situations or delay.Keywords: airport emergency plan, aviation safety, aviation security, comprehensive management system, friction surfaces of airport emergency plan, interfaces of processes
Procedia PDF Downloads 5223547 Effects of High Intensity Interval vs. Low Intensity Continuous Training on LXRβ, ABCG5 and ABCG8 Genes Expression in Male Wistar Rats
Authors: Sdiqeh Jalali, M. R. Khazdair
Liver X receptors (LXR) have an essential role in the regulation of cholesterol metabolism, and their activation increase ABCG5 and ABCG8 genes expression for the improvement of cholesterol excretion from the body during reverse cholesterol transport (RCT). The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of high-intensity interval (HIT) and low intensity continuous (LIT) trainings on gene expression of these substances after a high-fat diet in Wistar rats. Materials and Methods: Fifteen male Wistar rats were divided into 3 groups: control group (n = 5), HIT exercise group (n = 5) and LIT exercise group (n = 5). All groups used a high-fat diet for 13 weeks, and the HIT and LIT groups performed the specific training program. The expression of LXRβ, ABCG5, and ABCG8 genes was measured after the training period. Findings: Data analysis showed significantly higher levels of LXRβ, ABCG5, and ABCG8 gene expression in HIT and LIT groups compared to the control group (P ≤ 0.05). Conclusion: HIT and LIT trainings after a high-fat diet have beneficial effects on RCT that prevent heart attack. Also, HIT training may have a greater effect on cholesterol excretion during the reverse cholesterol transport mechanism than LIT.Keywords: liver X receptor, atherosclerosis, interval training, endurance training
Procedia PDF Downloads 1173546 Voices of Fear: A Case Study Of Tobephobia Experienced by Female Teachers
Authors: Prakash Singh
In this exploratory qualitative case study, the voices of female teachers are captured that describe their fear of failure in coping with their daily anxieties, stresses, and tensions in their classrooms. When teachers are usually appointed, the curriculum forms the heart of all their professional obligations. The policy of quality and equality of education for all learners is a must as part of these deliberations, otherwise it would spell the inevitable failure for teachers. Yet, how often have teachers been asked whether they are happy during their professional tenure. Research affirms that this question is not a priority, seeing that the happiness of learners and the educational administrators enjoy precedence. Teachers are often subject to undue pressures and tensions because of environmental factors that extends beyond the curriculum. School violence, bullying, drug abuse, and gangsters are not uncommon to the school milieu, no matter where such schools can be located. In this case study, the voices of female teachers find space concerning their experiences of tobephobia (TBP). The questions that inevitably arise are: Are the educational authorities aware of the effects of TBP in education? What can be done to arrest and eliminate the debilitating effects of TBP? This exploratory study contributes to the growing concerns of TBP in education. It is therefore imperative that the effects of TBP on human resources in education must be accentuated so that meaningful solutions can be found to address challenging educational issues such as school violence, bullying, and drug abuse amongst learners.Keywords: curriculum, female teachers, school violence, tobephobia
Procedia PDF Downloads 4053545 Traumatic Events, Post-traumatic Symptoms, Personal Resilience, Quality of Life, and Organizational Com Mitment Among Midwives: A Cross-Sectional Study
Authors: Kinneret Segal
The work of a midwife is emotionally challenging, both positively and negatively. Midwives share moments of joy when a baby is welcomed into the world, and also attend difficult events of loss and trauma. The relationship that develops with the maternity is the essence of the midwife's care, and it is a fundamental source of motivation and professional satisfaction. This close relationship with the maternity may be used as a double-edged sword in cases of exposure to traumatic events at birth. Birth problems, exposure to emergencies and traumatic events, and loss can affect the professional quality of life and the Compassion satisfaction of the midwife. It seems that the issue of traumatic experiences in the work of midwives, has not been sufficiently explored. The present study examined the associations between exposure to traumatic events, personal resilience and post-traumatic symptoms, professional quality of life and organizational commitment among midwifery nurses in Israeli hospitals. 131 midwives from three hospitals in the country's center in Israel participated in this study. The data were collected during 2021 using a self-report questionnaire that examined sociodemographic characteristics, the degree of exposure to traumatic events in the delivery room, personal resilience, post-traumatic symptoms, professional quality of life, and organizational commitment. The three most difficult traumatic events for the midwives were death or fear of death of a newborn, death or fear of the death of a mother and a quiet birth. The higher the frequency of exposure to traumatic events, the more numerous and intense the onset of post-trauma symptoms. The more numerous and powerful the post-trauma symptoms, the higher the level of professional burnout and/or compassion fatigue, and the lower the level of compassion satisfaction. High levels of compassion satisfaction and/or low professional burnout were expressed in a heightened sense of organizational commitment. Personal resilience, country of birth, traumatic symptoms and organizational commitment, predicted satisfaction from compassion. Midwives are exposed to traumatic events associated with dissatisfaction and impairment of the professional quality of life that accompanies burnout and compassion fatigue. Exposure to traumatic events leads to the appearance of traumatic symptoms, a decrease in organizational commitment, and psychological and mental well-being. The issue needs to be addressed by implementing training programs, organizational support, and policies to improving well-being and quality of care among midwives.Keywords: traumatic experirnces, midwives, quality of life, burnout, organizational commitment, personal resilience
Procedia PDF Downloads 873544 Influence of Security Attributes in Component-Based Software Development
Authors: Somayeh Zeinali
A component is generally defined as a piece of executable software with a published interface. Component-based software engineering (CBSE) has become recognized as a new sub-discipline of software engineering. In the component-based software development, components cannot be completely secure and thus easily become vulnerable. Some researchers have investigated this issue and proposed approaches to detect component intrusions or protect distributed components. Software security also refers to the process of creating software that is considered secure.The terms “dependability”, “trustworthiness”, and “survivability” are used interchangeably to describe the properties of software security.Keywords: component-based software development, component-based software engineering , software security attributes, dependability, component
Procedia PDF Downloads 5593543 The Role of Knowledge and Institutional Challenges to the Adoption of Sustainable Urban Drainage in Saudi Arabia: Implications for Sustainable Environmental Development
Authors: Ali Alahmari
Saudi Arabia is facing increasing challenges in managing urban drainage, due to a combination of factors including climate change and urban expansion. Traditional drainage systems are unable to cope with demand, resulting in flooding and damage to property. Consequently, new ways of dealing with this issue need to be found and Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS) appear to be a possible solution. This paper suggests that knowledge is a central issue in the adoption of Sustainable Urban Drainage approaches, as revealed through qualitative research with representative officials and professionals from key government departments and organisations in Riyadh. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with twenty-six participants. The interviews explored the challenges of adopting sustainable drainage approaches, and grounded theory analysis was used to examine the role of knowledge. However, a number of barriers have been identified with regard to the adoption of sustainable drainage approaches, such as the marginal status of sustainability in drainage decisions; lack of technical standards for other unconventional drainage solutions, and lack of consideration by decision makers of contributions from environmental and geographical studies. Due to centralisation, decision-making processes are complex and time-consuming, resulting in the discouragement of the adoption of new knowledge and approaches. Stakeholders with knowledge of sustainable approaches are often excluded from the hierarchical system of urban planning and drainage management. In addition, the multiplicity of actors involved in the implementation of the drainage system, as well as the different technical standards involved, often causes problems around coordination and cooperation. Although those with procedural and explicit knowledge have revealed a range of opportunities, such as a significant increase in government support for rainwater drainage in urban areas, they also identified a number of obstacles. These are mainly related to the lack of specialists in sustainable approaches, and a reluctance to involve external experts. Therefore, recommendations for overcoming some of these challenges are presented, which include enhancing the decision-making process through applying decentralisation and promoting awareness of sustainability through establishing educational and outreach programmes. This may serve to increase knowledge and facilitate the adoption of sustainable drainage approaches to promote sustainable development in the context of Saudi Arabia.Keywords: climate change, decision-making processes, new knowledge and approaches, resistance to change, Saudi Arabia, SUDS, urban expansion
Procedia PDF Downloads 1503542 Displacement Due to Natural Disasters Vis-à-Vis Policy Framework: Case Study of Mising Community of Majuli, Assam
Authors: Mausumi Chetia
One of the main causes of impoverishment of the rural areas of Assam has been the recurrent floods and riverbank erosion. One of the life-changing consequences is displacement. This results not only in a loss of livelihoods but also has wide-reaching socio-economic and cultural effects. Thus, due to such disasters, not only families but communities too are being displaced at large. This compels them to find temporary shelter and begin life from scratch. The role of the state has been highly negligible, with a displacement not being perceived as an ‘issue’ to be addressed. A more holistic approach is thus needed to take socio-economic, cultural, political as well as ecological considerations into account.Keywords: displacement, policy-framework, human-induced disasters, marginalised communities, India, Assam
Procedia PDF Downloads 2773541 Summary of the Actual Conditions of SME Management Consultants
Authors: Takao Maeda, Tomofumi Tohara, Shigeaki Mishima
Focusing on the “SME management consultants” in Japan, this study intends (1) to clarify implications as to their self-actualization, motivation and (2) to revitalize SMEs, on which local economies depend. On the basis of these study purposes, the presenters conducted an interview survey of several SME management consultants and SME managers. This survey identified the current circumstances and challenges as follow: SME management consultants are high-level professionals who acquired very difficult national qualifications (examination pass rate 4%) to provide consultation and business analysis for SMEs. Nevertheless, only 20% of the qualified consultants run their business independently, while the rest (80%) are corporate employees as in-house consultants, the majority of whom belong to big companies. They acquired the qualification merely for the purpose of self-development. Therefore, they have few opportunities to demonstrate their expertise inside and outside their companies.On the other hand, the SMEs, which are to receive analysis and consultation from SME management consultants, constitute 99.7% of all industries, and are very important to local communities, for they sustain the economy and provide employment. SMEs used to be supported by the consultants in company management due to their scarce managerial resources compared with big companies. Nowadays, however, SMEs are regarded as the source of Japanese economic dynamism. To have the same degree of managerial skills as big companies, therefore, SMEs now need analysis and consultation by the consultants in more active ways, such as discovering and utilizing their dormant technologies. Partly because SME management consultants have not been fully utilized in Japan, the number of SMEs has been on a long-term downward trend since 1986. Utilizing expertise of the in-house consultants, who have rich experience in their big companies and deep knowledge regarding SMEs obtained through qualification, will potentially lead to revitalization of SMEs and consequently to economic growth in Japan. Through detailed analysis of the interview results, this study revealed short-term and long-term challenges regarding how to utilize SME management consultants. The most urgent issue is to study managerial approaches that will provide the consultants serving in big companies with more “opportunities to demonstrate their expertise.” The long-term issue is to enable the consultants to demonstrate their expertise in financial institutions, or financial supporter of SMEs, to examine farsighted and innovative financing strategy and criteria based on managers’ personalities and their business plans, instead of the conventional financing based on prompt fund collection.Keywords: small and medium enterprise(SME), SME managemant consultant, self-actualization, motivation
Procedia PDF Downloads 4103540 Gender Diversity Practices in Talent Management: An Exploratory Study in the Space Industry in Luxembourg
Authors: K. Usanova
This study contributes to the conceptual and empirical understanding of how gender diversity management (GDM) is integrated into talent management (TM). Following the grounded theory, we interviewed 40 HR managers and talents from the space industry in Luxembourg. We provide a nuanced picture of what attitude on the GDM in TM organizations have, what strategies and practices they conduct, and how they differ from each other. Based on these differences, we developed three types of GDM integration to TM and explained the talents’ view on this issue. To the author's best knowledge, this study is the first empirical investigation of GDM in TM in the space industry that integrates both the TM executives' and TM receivers' views on gender equality in TM.Keywords: gender diversity management, high-technology industry, human resource management, talent management
Procedia PDF Downloads 1343539 Impact of a Training Course in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation for Primary Care Professionals
Authors: Luiz Ernani Meira Jr., Antônio Prates Caldeira, Gilson Gabriel Viana Veloso, Jackson Andrade
Background: In Brazil, primary health care (PHC) system has developed with multidisciplinary teams in facilities located in peripheral areas, as the entrance doors for all patients. So, professionals must be prepared to deal with patients with simple and complex problems. Objective: To evaluate the knowledge and the skills of physicians and nurses of PHC on cardiorespiratory arrest (CRA) and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) before and after training in Basic Life Support. Methods: This is a before-and-after study developed in a Simulation Laboratory in Montes Claros, Brazil. We included physicians and nurses randomly chosen from PHC services. Written tests on CRA and CPR were carried out and performances in a CPR simulation were evaluated, based on the American Heart Association recommendations. Training practices were performed using special manikins. Statistical analysis included Wilcoxon’s test to compare before and after scores. Results: Thirty-two professionals were included. Only 38% had previous courses and updates on emergency care. Most of professionals showed poor skills to attend to CRA in a simulated situation. Subjects showed an increased in knowledge and skills about CPR after training (p-value=0.003). Conclusion: Primary health care professionals must be continuously trained to assist urgencies and emergencies, like CRA.Keywords: primary health care, professional training, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, cardiorespiratory, emergency
Procedia PDF Downloads 3153538 The Importance of Zakat in Struggle against Circle of Poverty and Income Redistribution
Authors: Hasan Bulent Kantarci
This paper examine how Zakat provide a fair income redistribution and struggle with poverty. To provide a fair income redistribution and struggle with poverty take place among the fundamental tasks of all countries. Each country seeks a solution for this problem according to their political, economical and administrative styles through applying various economic and financial policies. The same situation gets handled via zakat association in the Islam. Nowadays, we observe different versions of zakat in developed countries. The applications such as negative income tax denote merely a difference from the zakat being applied almost the same way under changed names. But the minimum values to donate the zakat (e.g. 85 gr. gold and 40 animals) get altered and various amounts are put into practice. It might be named as negative income tax instead of zakat, nonetheless, these applications are based on the Holy Koran and the hadith released 1400 years ago. Besides, considering the savage and slavery in the world at those times, we might easily recognize the true value of the zakat applied the first time then in Islamic system. Through zakat is enabled an income transfer by the government so that the poor could reach the minimum level of life standard. To whom the zakat would be donated was not left to people’s heart and encouraged to determine according to objective criteria. Since the zakat is obligatory, the transfer do not get forward by hand but via the government and get distributed, which requires a vast government organization. Through applying the zakat as it must be would achieve to reduce the poverty mostly and ensuring the fair income redistribution.Keywords: Islamic finance, zakat, income redistribution, circle of poverty, negatif income tax
Procedia PDF Downloads 3463537 Economic Neoliberalism: Property Right and Redistribution Policy
Authors: Aleksandar Savanović
In this paper we will analyze the relationship between the neo-liberal concept of property rights and redistribution policy. This issue is back in the focus of interest due to the crisis 2008. The crisis has reaffirmed the influence of the state on the free-market processes. The interference of the state with property relations re-opened a classical question: is it legitimate to redistribute resources of a man in favor of another man with taxes? The dominant view is that the neoliberal philosophy of natural rights is incompatible with redistributive measures. In principle, this view can be accepted. However, when we look into the details of the theory of natural rights proposed by some coryphaei of neoliberal philosophy, such as Hayek, Nozick, Buchanan and Rothbard, we can see that it is not such an unequivocal view.Keywords: economic neoliberalism, natural law, property, redistribution
Procedia PDF Downloads 3763536 Management of Innovations in the Context of Overcoming Destructive Work Motivation and Anomie
Authors: Naira Hakobyan, Shant Bagratyan
This paper explores the phenomenon of management of innovations from the standpoint of work motivation. The main purpose of the theoretical research is to reveal the role of management of innovations to overcome the destructive work motivation and anomie. Systematization of the theoretical approaches and the literary sources indicates connections between destructive forms of work motivation and anomie. These connections allow an understanding of the role of innovations dedicated to decrease the motivational destructiveness of the employees. It is important to note that, in general, the presence of destructive motivation among employees can lead to work anomie. At the same time, issues related to the influence of destructive motivation on innovative processes in the management of an organization are not sufficiently studied. Exploring the factors leading to destructive work motivation and anomie manages toolkit and innovative ways of solution of the motivational destructiveness. The relevance of this scientific issue is that motivational destructiveness and work anomie are widespread phenomena in modern society. It means that previous forms of management become unusable and the way to introduce the innovations seems unclear for the employees. Investigation of the phenomenon of management of innovations is carried out in the following logical sequence: firstly, the issues of destructive work motivation and leadership are considered, and then the key points of work anomie are presented. Finally, there are explored the modern trends in the management of innovations aimed at overcoming motivational destructiveness and work anomie. The issue of management of innovations is explored by two levels: external-social and internal-organizational levels. Considering the phenomenon of management of innovations, the motivational role of the innovations is emphasized. The object of the research is the phenomenon of management of innovations in the context of overcoming motivational and anomic destructiveness. The paper presents the results of the theoretical analysis of the main factors of destructive motivation and work anomie among employees: an excessive dependence of employees on the manager, ignorance of one’s own work functions or unreasonable change by the manager, prevalence of formalism in assessing work comparing with the content and quality of work, lack of adaptive interaction among employees and low self-esteem of work activity. The paper theoretically proves that unclearly formulated innovative strategies for the development of the organization, lack of feedback from the manager to employees regarding the discussion of innovative technologies, non-compliance of working conditions with declared norms and standards, and formalism in management of innovations lead to destructiveness in a management system. The results of the research can be useful for managers, sociologists, economists, and psychologists.Keywords: management of innovations, destructive motivation, work anomie, leadership, workaholism
Procedia PDF Downloads 223535 Teaching Basic Life Support in More Than 1000 Young School Children in 5th Grade
Authors: H. Booke, R. Nordmeier
Sudden cardiac arrest is sometimes eye-witnessed by kids. Mostly, their (grand-)parents are affected by sudden cardiac arrest, putting these kids under enormous psychological pressure: Although they are more than desperate to help, they feel insecure and helpless and are afraid of causing harm rather than realizing their chance to help. Even years later, they may blame themselves for not having helped their beloved ones. However, the absolute majority of school children - at least in Germany - is not educated to provide first aid. Teaching young kids (5th grade) in basic life support thus may help to save lives while washing away the kids' fear from causing harm during cardio-pulmonary resuscitation. A teaching of circulatory and respiratory (patho-)physiology, followed by hands-on training of basic life support for every single child, was offered to each school in our district. The teaching was performed by anesthesiologists, and the program was called 'kids can save lives'. However, before enrollment in this program, the entire class must have had lessons in biology with a special focus on heart and circulation as well as lung and gas exchange. More than 1.000 kids were taught and trained in basic life support, giving them the knowledge and skills to provide basic life support. This may help to reduce the rate of failure to provide first aid. Therefore, educating young kids in basic life support may not only help to save lives, but it also may help to prevent any feelings of guilt because of not having helped in cases of eye-witnessed sudden cardiac arrest.Keywords: teaching, children, basic life support, cardiac arrest, CPR
Procedia PDF Downloads 1343534 Motivational Qualities of and Flow State Responses to Participant-Selected Music and Researcher-Selected Music
Authors: Nurul A. Hamzah, Tony Morris, Dan Van Der Westhuizen
Music listening can potentially promote the achievement of flow state during exercise. Selecting music for exercise should consider the motivational factors-internal factors (music tempo and musicality) and external factors (cultural impact and association). This study was a cross-over study which was designed to examine the motivational qualities of music (participant-selected music and researcher-selected music) and flow state responses during exercise accompanying with music. 17 healthy participants (M=30.2, SD=6.3 years old) were among low physical activity individuals. Participants completed two separate sessions of 30 minutes of moderate intensity exercise (40-60% of Heart Rate Reserve) while listening to music. Half the participants at random were assigned to exercise with participant-selected music first, and half were assigned to exercise with researcher-selected music first. Parameters including flow state responses (Flow State Scale-2) and motivational music rating (Brunel Music Rating Inventory-2) were administered immediately after the exercise. Results from this study showed that there were no significant differences for both flow state t(32)=0.00, p>0.05 and motivational music rating t(32)= .393, p>0.05 between exercise with participant-selected music and exercise with researcher-selected music. Listening to music either participant or researcher selected music could promote flow experience during exercise when music is perceived as motivational. Music tempo and music preference are factors that could influence individuals to enjoy exercise and improve the exercise performance.Keywords: motivational music, flow state, researcher-selected music, participant-selected music
Procedia PDF Downloads 3843533 FPGA Implementation of RSA Encryption Algorithm for E-Passport Application
Authors: Khaled Shehata, Hanady Hussien, Sara Yehia
Securing the data stored on E-passport is a very important issue. RSA encryption algorithm is suitable for such application with low data size. In this paper the design and implementation of 1024 bit-key RSA encryption and decryption module on an FPGA is presented. The module is verified through comparing the result with that obtained from MATLAB tools. The design runs at a frequency of 36.3 MHz on Virtex-5 Xilinx FPGA. The key size is designed to be 1024-bit to achieve high security for the passport information. The whole design is achieved through VHDL design entry which makes it a portable design and can be directed to any hardware platform.Keywords: RSA, VHDL, FPGA, modular multiplication, modular exponential
Procedia PDF Downloads 3933532 Score to Screen: A Study of Emotional and Dramatic Elevation in Films Through Mychael Danna’s Scores
Authors: Namrata Hangala
This paper dives into the powerful intersection between film music and storytelling and how it elevates the visuals while primarily focusing on Mychael Danna’s compositions for the study. Danna, an Academy Award-winning composer, is known for his brilliant ability to mix non-Western and culturally rich instruments with minimalist techniques. This unique approach forms the backbone of the analysis here. We take a close look at key scenes from films like Life of Pi, Moneyball, The Good Dinosaur, and Little Miss Sunshine, where Danna’s music plays a crucial role in shaping the story. By breaking down how these scores impact the scenes emotionally and dramatically, we can see how his music becomes part of the narrative itself. The paper blends different approaches to get to the heart of this scene-by-scene breakdowns, music theory, audience survey, and even insights directly from Danna. It discusses how his scores deepen the emotional connection and give more weight to the visual storytelling. The research also dives into the use of leitmotifs, cultural authenticity, and how his music can psychologically impact the viewer, making the story even more powerful. This study reveals how film music, especially Danna’s, doesn’t just sit in the background. It’s often the driving force behind the emotional and narrative core of the film, anchoring the visuals and shaping the way the viewers experience the story.Keywords: ethnomusicology, psychological impact, film scores, cultural music, compositional techniques, emotional storytelling
Procedia PDF Downloads 163531 An Investigation of the Therapeutic Effects of Indian Classical Music (Raga Bhairavi) on Mood and Physiological Parameters of Scholars
Authors: Kalpana Singh, Nikita Katiyar
This research investigates the impact of Raga Bhairavi, a prominent musical scale in Indian classical music, on the mood and basic physiological parameters of research scholars at the University of Lucknow - India. The study focuses on the potential therapeutic effects of listening to Raga Bhairavi during morning hours. A controlled experimental design is employed, utilizing self-reporting tools for mood assessment and monitoring physiological indicators such as heart rate, oxygen saturation levels, body temperature and blood pressure. The hypothesis posits that exposure to Raga Bhairavi will lead to positive mood modulation and a reduction in physiological stress markers among research scholars. Data collection involves pre and post-exposure measurements, providing insights into the immediate and cumulative effects of the musical intervention. The study aims to contribute valuable information to the growing field of music therapy, offering a potential avenue for enhancing the well-being and productivity of individuals engaged in intense cognitive activities. Results may have implications for the integration of music-based interventions in academic and research environments, fostering a conducive atmosphere for intellectual pursuits.Keywords: bio-musicology, classical music, mood assessment, music therapy, physiology, Raga Bhairavi
Procedia PDF Downloads 543530 Maintaining Discipline in Tertiary Institutions in Nigeria
Authors: Ipenyi Peter
Discipline is an issue that tends to undermine the provision of quality education in tertiary institutions in Nigeria. This is because the overall goals of tertiary institutions, as enunciated in the National Policy of Education, can hardly be achieved by all the stakeholders without strict conformity and adherence to the rules and regulations and the ideals of the entire society. The adherence is essential for the general welfare of the society. This paper critically X-rayed the causes of indiscipline in tertiary institutions in Nigeria. Such courses include laxity in home control and parental supervision, school, teacher and societal factors as well as government influence. The paper recommended among others such strategies as enculturation, acculturation as well as the acquisition of a certain number of generic skills for dealing with discipline and ethical issues in tertiary institutions in Nigeria.Keywords: discipline, education, tertiary institutions, society
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