Search results for: generative game design
12157 Prefabricated Integral Design of Building Services
Authors: Mina Mortazavi
The common approach in the construction industry for restraint requirements in existing structures or new constructions is to have Non-Structural Components (NSCs) assembled and installed on-site by different MEP subcontractors. This leads to a lack of coordination and higher costs, construction time, and complications due to inaccurate building information modelling (BIM) systems. Introducing NSCs to a consistent BIM system from the beginning of the design process and considering their seismic loads in the analysis and design process can improve coordination and reduce costs and time. One solution is to use prefabricated mounts with attached MEPs delivered as an integral module. This eliminates the majority of coordination complications and reduces design and installation costs and time. An advanced approach is to have as many NSCs as possible installed in the same prefabricated module, which gives the structural engineer the opportunity to consider the involved component weights and locations in the analysis and design of the prefabricated support. This efficient approach eliminates coordination and access issues, leading to enhanced quality control. This research will focus on the existing literature on modular sub-assemblies that are integrated with architectural and structural components. Modular MEP systems take advantage of the precision provided by BIM tools to meet exact requirements and achieve a buildable design every time. Modular installations that include MEP systems provide efficient solutions for the installation of MEP services or components.Keywords: building services, modularisation, prefabrication, integral building design
Procedia PDF Downloads 7212156 Design of Broadband Power Divider for 3G and 4G Applications
Authors: A. M. El-Akhdar, A. M. El-Tager, H. M. El-Hennawy
This paper presents a broadband power divider with equal power division ratio. Two sections of transmission line transformers based on coupled microstrip lines are applied to obtain broadband performance. In addition, design methodology is proposed for the novel structure. A prototype is designed, simulated to operate in the band from 2.1 to 3.8 GHz to fulfill the requirements of 3G and 4G applications. The proposed structure features reduced size and less resistors than other conventional techniques. Simulation verifies the proposed idea and design methodology.Keywords: power dividers, coupled lines, microstrip, 4G applications
Procedia PDF Downloads 47812155 Urban Design as a Tool to Address Safety in a Crime Ridden Area: A Case Study of Malviya Nagar, New Delhi
Authors: Shramana Mondal
As a city is growing in population, sprawl, and complexity, use of public spaces increases variably and thus ensuring safety for the people becomes an utmost priority. While active monitoring measures may be necessary in some places, urban design can play a major role in devising self-policing and encourage active public life. This paper aims to explore the various spatial and psychological reasons for the occurrence of crime and the role of ‘urban design’ to address this issue. In this research, the principles of urban design are examined, as well as projected on actual site by addressing the issue with urban design principles. In this review the sociological, psychological, typological and morphological factors are addressed which affect the safety of a space and the possible framing guidelines, controls and urban design strategies are explored to address a safe neighborhood. On the basis of statistical survey, the residential and street network of Malviya Nagar in Delhi is chosen as the area of demonstration. The programs inhibit a safe neighborhood and a movement network that are addressed based on the four principles of natural surveillance, territoriality, community building, and connectivity. The paper concludes with a discussion of the urban design as an effective tool by creating an intense active zone with mixed use feature to ensure throughout activity and also ensuring safe pedestrian zone by introducing sense of community feeling and territoriality thus achieving active, useful and public friendly space.Keywords: crime, public life, safety, urban design
Procedia PDF Downloads 40112154 Lateral Torsional Buckling of an Eccentrically Loaded Channel Section Beam
Authors: L. Dahmani, S. Drizi, M. Djemai, A. Boudjemia, M. O. Mechiche
Channel sections are widely used in practice as beams. However, design rules for eccentrically loaded (not through shear center) beams with channel cross- sections are not available in Eurocode 3. This paper compares the ultimate loads based on the adjusted design rules for lateral torsional buckling of eccentrically loaded channel beams in bending to the ultimate loads obtained with Finite Element (FE) simulations on the basis of a parameter study. Based on the proposed design rule, this study has led to a new design rule which conforms to Eurocode 3.Keywords: ANSYS, Eurocode 3, finite element method, lateral torsional buckling, steel channel beam
Procedia PDF Downloads 38612153 High Efficiency Class-F Power Amplifier Design
Authors: Abdalla Mohamed Eblabla
Due to the high increase and demand for a wide assortment of applications that require low-cost, high-efficiency, and compact systems, RF power amplifiers are considered the most critical design blocks and power consuming components in wireless communication, TV transmission, radar, and RF heating. Therefore, much research has been carried out in order to improve the performance of power amplifiers. Classes-A, B, C, D, E, and F are the main techniques for realizing power amplifiers. An implementation of high efficiency class-F power amplifier with Gallium Nitride (GaN) High Electron Mobility Transistor (HEMT) was realized in this paper. The simulation and optimization of the class-F power amplifier circuit model was undertaken using Agilent’s Advanced Design system (ADS). The circuit was designed using lumped elements.Keywords: Power Amplifier (PA), gallium nitride (GaN), Agilent’s Advanced Design System (ADS), lumped elements
Procedia PDF Downloads 44112152 Innovation of e-Learning for Architectural Design Courses at the University of Jordan
Authors: Samer Abu Ghazaleh, Jawdat Gousous
E-learning in general started in Jordan around ten years ago in universities and at different departments and colleges. This paper will investigate the possibility to apply e-learning in architecture department at University of Jordan. As known architecture departments in general depend greatly in its syllabus upon design courses and studios, which consists nearly one third of its total credit hours. A survey has been conducted for architectural students at the University of Jordan and several conclusions have been reached irrespective of age, gender and nationality of the students, where the main problem was the way of the communication between the tutor and the student.Keywords: cellular telephone, design courses, e-learning, internet
Procedia PDF Downloads 47012151 Digital Architectural Practice as a Challenge for Digital Architectural Technology Elements in the Era of Digital Design
Authors: Ling Liyun
In the field of contemporary architecture, complex forms of architectural works continue to emerge in the world, along with some new terminology emerged: digital architecture, parametric design, algorithm generation, building information modeling, CNC construction and so on. Architects gradually mastered the new skills of mathematical logic in the form of exploration, virtual simulation, and the entire design and coordination in the construction process. Digital construction technology has a greater degree in controlling construction, and ensure its accuracy, creating a series of new construction techniques. As a result, the use of digital technology is an improvement and expansion of the practice of digital architecture design revolution. We worked by reading and analyzing information about the digital architecture development process, a large number of cases, as well as architectural design and construction as a whole process. Thus current developments were introduced and discussed in our paper, such as architectural discourse, design theory, digital design models and techniques, material selecting, as well as artificial intelligence space design. Our paper also pays attention to the representative three cases of digital design and construction experiment at great length in detail to expound high-informatization, high-reliability intelligence, and high-technique in constructing a humane space to cope with the rapid development of urbanization. We concluded that the opportunities and challenges of the shift existed in architectural paradigms, such as the cooperation methods, theories, models, technologies and techniques which were currently employed in digital design research and digital praxis. We also find out that the innovative use of space can gradually change the way people learn, talk, and control information. The past two decades, digital technology radically breaks the technology constraints of industrial technical products, digests the publicity on a particular architectural style (era doctrine). People should not adapt to the machine, but in turn, it’s better to make the machine work for users.Keywords: artificial intelligence, collaboration, digital architecture, digital design theory, material selection, space construction
Procedia PDF Downloads 13612150 Design Data Sorter Circuit Using Insertion Sorting Algorithm
Authors: Hoda Abugharsa
In this paper we propose to design a sorter circuit using insertion sorting algorithm. The circuit will be designed using Algorithmic State Machines (ASM) method. That means converting the insertion sorting flowchart into an ASM chart. Then the ASM chart will be used to design the sorter circuit and the control unit.Keywords: insert sorting algorithm, ASM chart, sorter circuit, state machine, control unit
Procedia PDF Downloads 44512149 Labour-saving Construction Using Buildability Framework through Strengthening Designers in Delivering More Buildable Designs
Authors: Muhammad Lawal A., Abdullateef Abdulkarim Jimoh
This study is to appraise the labour-saving construction methods achievable using a buildability framework through an improved design system. Adoption of labour-efficient technology and construction techniques will be necessary to supplement good buildable designs. Increased usage of prefabricated, modular, and standardized construction components, simplicity in the design, and the number of integrated elements all work to advance buildable design. The objectives of the study include `determining a more efficient buildability framework for designers to achieve labour-saving construction’. 20 completed building projects in Birnin Kebbi, Nigeria, is used as a case study to buttress the proposition that `a more buildable design using buildability frame result in labour-saving in construction adopting a Singapore study approach.Keywords: buildability framework, buildable designs, construction, labour-saving construction
Procedia PDF Downloads 10312148 Investigation of Existing Guidelines for Four-Legged Angular Telecommunication Tower
Authors: Sankara Ganesh Dhoopam, Phaneendra Aduri
Lattice towers are light weight structures which are primarily governed by the effects of wind loading. Ensuring a precise assessment of wind loads on the tower structure, antennas, and associated equipment is vital for the safety and efficiency of tower design. Earlier, the Indian standards are not available for design of telecom towers. Instead, the industry conventionally relied on the general building wind loading standard for calculating loads on tower components and the transmission line tower design standard for designing the angular members of the towers. Subsequently, the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) revised these standards and angular member design standard. While the transmission line towers are designed using the above standard, a full-scale model test will be done to prove the design. Telecom angular towers are also designed using the same with overload factor/factor of safety without full scale tower model testing. General construction in steel design code is available with limit state design approach and is applicable to the design of general structures involving angles and tubes but not used for angle member design of towers. Recently, in response to the evolving industry needs, the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) introduced a new standard titled “Isolated Towers, Masts, and Poles using structural steel -Code of practice” for the design of telecom towers. This study focuses on a 40m four legged angular tower to compare loading calculations and member designs between old and new standards. Additionally, a comparative analysis aligning with the new code provisions with international loading and design standards with a specific focus on American standards has been carried out. This paper elaborates code-based provisions used for load and member design calculations, including the influence of "ka" area averaging factor introduced in new wind load case.Keywords: telecom, angular tower, PLS tower, GSM antenna, microwave antenna, IS 875(Part-3):2015, IS 802(Part-1/sec-2):2016, IS 800:2007, IS 17740:2022, ANSI/TIA-222G, ANSI/TIA-222H.
Procedia PDF Downloads 8512147 The Techno-Pedagogical Pivot: Designing and Implementing a Digital Writing Tool
Authors: Justin D. Olmanson, Katrina S. Kennett, Bill Cope
In the field of education technology, innovation is often tightly coupled to recent technological inventions and emerging technologies. Despite this, some scholars have argued that using established technologies in new pedagogical or curricular ways recasts them and places them once more under the umbrella of emerging education technologies. In this study, we trace how an innovative education technology design emerged, not from a technological breakthrough, but rather via a techno-pedagogical pivot. We describe the design and impact of a digital writing tool created to scaffold student self-evaluation of academic texts. We theorize about and trace how innovation can also emerge from a pivot, namely how leveraging existing practices in new ways can create pedagogically and experientially innovative learning opportunities. After describing the design of Info Writer, we unpack the results of a study based on an implementation the tool, and then theorize and reflect on the way the design process and study findings suggest that pivoting an existing practice can lead to innovative education technology designs.Keywords: design, education, revision, technology, writing
Procedia PDF Downloads 46112146 A Novel Approach to Design of EDDR Architecture for High Speed Motion Estimation Testing Applications
Authors: T. Gangadhararao, K. Krishna Kishore
Motion Estimation (ME) plays a critical role in a video coder, testing such a module is of priority concern. While focusing on the testing of ME in a video coding system, this work presents an error detection and data recovery (EDDR) design, based on the residue-and-quotient (RQ) code, to embed into ME for video coding testing applications. An error in processing Elements (PEs), i.e. key components of a ME, can be detected and recovered effectively by using the proposed EDDR design. The proposed EDDR design for ME testing can detect errors and recover data with an acceptable area overhead and timing penalty.Keywords: area overhead, data recovery, error detection, motion estimation, reliability, residue-and-quotient (RQ) code
Procedia PDF Downloads 43212145 Centering Critical Sociology for Social Justice and Inclusive Education
Authors: Al Karim Datoo
Abstract— The presentation argues for an urgent case to center and integrate critical sociology in enriching potency of educational thought and practice to counteract inequalities and social injustices. COVID phenomenon has starkly exposed burgeoning of social-economic inequalities and widening marginalities which have been historically and politically constructed through deep-seated social and power imbalances and injustices in the world. What potent role could education possibly play to combat these issues? A point of departure for this paper highlights increasing reductionist and exclusionary ‘mind-set’ of education that has been developed through trends in education such as: the commodification of knowledge, standardisation, homogenization, and reification which are products of the positivist ideology of knowledge coopted to serve capitalist interests. To redress these issues of de-contextualization and de-humanization of education, it is emphasized that there is an urgent need to center the role of interpretive and critical epistemologies and pedagogies of social sciences. In this regard, notions of problem-posing versus problem-solving, generative themes, instrumental versus emancipatory reasoning will be discussed. The presentation will conclude by illustrating the pedagogic utility of these critically oriented notions to counteract the social reproduction of exclusionary and inequality in and through education.Keywords: Critical pedagogy, social justice, inclusion , education
Procedia PDF Downloads 11412144 Participatory and Experience Design in Advertising: An Exploratory Study of Advertising Styles of Cultures
Authors: Irem Ela Yildizeli
Advertising today has become an indispensable phenomenon both for businesses and consumers. Due to the conditions of rapid changes in the market and growth of competitiveness, the success of many of firms that produce similar merchandise depends largely on how professionally and effective they use marketing communication elements which also must have some sense of shared values between the message provider and the receiver within cultural and global trend. This paper demonstrates how consumer behaviour and communication through cultural values evaluate advertising styles. Using samples of award-winning ads from both author's and other professional's creative works, the study reveals a significant correlation between the cultural elements and advertisement reception for language and cultural norms respectively. The findings of this study draw attention to the change of communication in the beginning of the 21st century which has shaped a new style of Participatory and Experience Design in advertising.Keywords: advertising, advertising style, culture, experience design, participatory design
Procedia PDF Downloads 15812143 Fractal Behaviour of Earthquake Sequences in Himalaya
Authors: Kamal, Adil Ahmad
Earthquakes are among the most versatile natural and dynamic processes, and hence a fractal model is considered to be the best representative of the same. We present a novel method to process and analyse information hidden in earthquake sequences using Fractal Dimensions and Iterative Function Systems (IFS). Spatial and temporal variations in the fractal dimensions of seismicity observed around the Indian peninsula in last 30 years are studied. This was used as a possible precursor before large earthquakes in the region. IFS images for observed seismicity in the Himalayan belt were also obtained. We scan the whole data set and coarse grain of a selected window to reduce it to four bins. A critical analysis of four-cornered chaos-game clearly shows that the spatial variation in earthquake occurrences in Himalayan range is not random. Two subzones of Himalaya have a tendency to follow each other in time.Keywords: earthquakes, fractals, Himalaya, iterated function systems
Procedia PDF Downloads 30012142 Evaluating of Design Codes for Circular High Strength Concrete-Filled Steel Tube Columns
Authors: Soner Guler, Eylem Guzel, Mustafa Gülen
Recently, concrete-filled steel tube columns are highly popular in high-rise buildings. The main aim of this study is to evaluate the axial load capacities of circular high strength concrete-filled steel tube columns according to Eurocode 4 (EC4) and American Concrete Institute (ACI) design codes. The axial load capacities of fifteen concrete-filled steel tubes stub columns were compared with design codes EU4 and ACI. The results showed that the EC4 overestimate the axial load capacity for all the specimens.Keywords: concrete-filled steel tube column, axial load capacity, Eurocode 4, ACI design codes
Procedia PDF Downloads 38912141 A Reflective Investigation on the Course Design and Coaching Strategy for Creating a Trans-Disciplinary Leaning Environment
Authors: Min-Feng Hsieh
Nowadays, we are facing a highly competitive environment in which the situation for survival has come even more critical than ever before. The challenge we will be confronted with is no longer can be dealt with the single system of knowledge. The abilities we urgently need to acquire is something that can lead us to cross over the boundaries between different disciplines and take us to a neutral ground that gathers and integrates powers and intelligence that surrounds us. This paper aims at discussing how a trans-disciplinary design course organized by the College of Design at Chaoyang University can react to this modern challenge. By orchestrating an experimental course format and by developing a series of coaching strategies, a trans-disciplinary learning environment has been created and practiced in which students selected from five different departments, including Architecture, Interior Design, Visual Design, Industrial Design, Landscape and Urban Design, are encouraged to think outside their familiar knowledge pool and to learn with/from each other. In the course of implementing this program, a parallel research has been conducted alongside by adopting the theory and principles of Action Research which is a research methodology that can provide the course organizer emergent, responsive, action-oriented, participative and critically reflective insights for the immediate changes and amendments in order to improve the effect of teaching and learning experience. In the conclusion, how the learning and teaching experience of this trans-disciplinary design studio can offer us some observation that can help us reflect upon the constraints and division caused by the subject base curriculum will be pointed out. A series of concepts for course design and teaching strategies developed and implemented in this trans-disciplinary course are to be introduced as a way to promote learners’ self-motivated, collaborative, cross-disciplinary and student-centered learning skills. The outcome of this experimental course can exemplify an alternative approach that we could adopt in pursuing a remedy for dealing with the problematic issues of the current educational practice.Keywords: course design, coaching strategy, subject base curriculum, trans-disciplinary
Procedia PDF Downloads 20512140 Optimization Aluminium Design for the Facade Second Skin toward Visual Comfort: Case Studies & Dialux Daylighting Simulation Model
Authors: Yaseri Dahlia Apritasari
Visual comfort is important for the building occupants to need. Visual comfort can be fulfilled through natural lighting (daylighting) and artificial lighting. One strategy to optimize natural lighting can be achieved through the facade second skin design. This strategy can reduce glare, and fulfill visual comfort need. However, the design strategy cannot achieve light intensity for visual comfort. Because the materials, design and opening percentage of the facade of second skin blocked sunlight. This paper discusses aluminum material for the facade second skin design that can fulfill the optimal visual comfort with the case studies Multi Media Tower building. The methodology of the research is combination quantitative and qualitative through field study observed, lighting measurement and visual comfort questionnaire. Then it used too simulation modeling (DIALUX 4.13, 2016) for three facades second skin design model. Through following steps; (1) Measuring visual comfort factor: light intensity indoor and outdoor; (2) Taking visual comfort data from building occupants; (3) Making models with different facade second skin design; (3) Simulating and analyzing the light intensity value for each models that meet occupants visual comfort standard: 350 lux (Indonesia National Standard, 2010). The result shows that optimization of aluminum material for the facade second skin design can meet optimal visual comfort for building occupants. The result can give recommendation aluminum opening percentage of the facade second skin can meet optimal visual comfort for building occupants.Keywords: aluminium material, Facade, second skin, visual comfort
Procedia PDF Downloads 35212139 Robust Control Design and Analysis Using SCILAB for a Mass-Spring-Damper System
Authors: Yoonsoo Kim
This paper introduces an open-source software package SCILAB, an alternative of MATLAB, which can be used for robust control design and analysis of a typical mass-spring-damper (MSD) system. Using the previously published ideas in this popular mechanical system is considered to provide another example of usefulness of SCILAB for advanced control design.Keywords: robust control, SCILAB, mass-spring-damper (MSD), popular mechanical systems
Procedia PDF Downloads 47212138 A Framework to Assess the Maturity of Customer Involvement in the Service Design of Product-Service Systems
Authors: Taghreed Abu-Salim
This paper develops and investigates a framework for the assessment of customer involvement in the service design process of result oriented product-service systems in order to improve the service offering in a business to business (B2B) context. The framework comprises five main criteria and fifteen sub-criteria that contribute to customer involvement in a hierarchy using a maturity grid to highlight the strengths and weaknesses for each criterion. To develop the customer involvement framework, an extensive literature review related to service design, result oriented product-service system (PSS) and customer involvement in service design was carried out. Key factors that significantly influence customer involvement from industry and literature were identified to develop an initial framework. This framework was tested in six companies from four different sectors of industry: district cooling, medical equipment, transportation and oil storage. Validation of the framework was carried out using expert opinions and industrial case studies. A major contribution of the developed framework includes a hierarchy of appropriate criteria for assessing customer involvement in the service design process within results oriented PSS; the definition of four maturity levels which are suitable to describe the whole spectrum of customer involvement in the service design process; and finally, The paper concludes by enabling service providers to: take proactive decisions; screen and evaluate new services; improve perceived service quality; and provide barriers against imitation.Keywords: customer involvement, maturity grid, new service development, result oriented product-service system, service design
Procedia PDF Downloads 53212137 Optimization of the Rain Harvest Using Multi-Purpose Valley Tanks
Authors: Ahmad Hashad
Valley tanks are a kind of rain harvest which is used as ground water storage to overcome drought seasons in some countries. This research displays the rain harvest evolution and introduces some ideas to develop the valley tanks to be more than water storage. These ideas developed the current valley tanks design to become an integrated renaissance project. The suggested design has some changes making it different than the traditional design of valley tanks. These changes allow for the new design to be more flexible for adding additional capacity, water purification units and water pumping units. The suggested valley tanks project will be designed based on studying the rainfall and evaporation rates, as well as land topography and designed agricultural map linked to seasons of rain and drought.Keywords: valley tanks, rain harvest, volatile nature, integrated renaissance project
Procedia PDF Downloads 25012136 Reinventing Smart Tourism via Use of Smart Gamified and Gaming Applications in Greece
Authors: Sofia Maria Poulimenou, Ioannis Deliyannis, Elisavet Filippidou, Stamatella Laboura
Smart technologies are being actively used to improve the experience of travel and promote or demote a destination’s reputation via a wide variety of social media applications and platforms. This paper conceptualises the design and deployment of smart management apps to promote culture, sustainability and accessibility within two destinations in Greece that represent the extremes of visiting scale. One is the densely visited Corfu, which is a UNESCO’s heritage site. The problems caused by the lack of organisation of the visiting experience and infrastructures affect all parties interacting within the site: visitors, citizens, public and private sector. Second is Kilkis, a low tourism destination with high seasonality and mostly inbound tourism. Here the issue faced is that traditional approaches to inform and motivate locals and visitors to explore and taste of the culture have not flourished. The problem is apprehended via the design and development of two systems named “Hologrammatic Corfu” for Corfu old town and “BRENDA” for the area of Kilkis. Although each system is designed independently, featuring different solutions to the problems, both approaches have been designed by the same team and a novel gaming and gamification methodology. The “Hologramatic Corfu” application has been designed, for the exploration of the site covering user requirments before, during and after the trip, with the use of transmedia content such as photos, 360-degree videos, augmented reality and hologrammatic videos. Also, a statistical analysis of travellers’ visits to specific points of interest is actively utilized enabling visitors to dynamically re-rooted during their visit, safeguarding sustainability and accessibility and inclusivity along the entire tourism cycle. “BRENDA” is designed specifically to promote gastronomic and historical tourism. This serious game implements and combines gaming and gamification elements in order to connect local businesses with cultural points of interest. As the environment of the project has a strong touristic orientation, “BRENDA” supports food-related gamified processes and historical games involving active participation of both local communities (content providers) and visitors (players) which are more likely to be successfully performed in the informal environment of travelling and promote sustainable tourism experiences. Finally, the paper presents the ability to re-use existing gaming components within new areas of interest via minimal adaptation and the use of transmedia aspects that enables destinations to be rebranded into smart destinations.Keywords: smart tourism, gamification, user experience, transmedia content
Procedia PDF Downloads 17612135 Age-Based Interface Design for Children’s CAPT Systems
Authors: Saratu Yusuf Ilu, Mumtaz B. Mustafa, Siti Salwah Salim, Mehdi Malekzadeh
Children today use computer based application in various activities especially for learning and education. Many of these tools and application such as the Computer Aided Pronunciation Training (CAPT) system enable children to explore and experience them with little supervision from the adults. In order for these tools and application to have maximum effect on the children’s learning and education, it must be attractive to the children to use them. This could be achieved with the proper user interface (UI) design. As children grow, so do their ability, taste and preferences. They interact differently with these applications as they grow older. This study reviews several articles on how age factor influences the UI design. The review focuses on age related abilities such as cognitive, literacy, concentration and feedback requirement. We have also evaluated few of existing CAPT systems and determine the influence of age-based factors on the interface design.Keywords: children, age-based interaction, learning application, age-based capability
Procedia PDF Downloads 42412134 Architecture Performance-Related Design Based on Graphic Parameterization
Authors: Wenzhe Li, Xiaoyu Ying, Grace Ding
Architecture plane form is an important consideration in the design of green buildings due to its significant impact on energy performance. The most effective method to consider energy performance in the early design stages is parametric modelling. This paper presents a methodology to program plane forms using MATLAB language, generating 16 kinds of plane forms by changing four designed parameters. DesignBuilder (an energy consumption simulation software) was proposed to simulate the energy consumption of the generated planes. A regression mathematical model was established to study the relationship between the plane forms and their energy consumption. The main finding of the study suggested that there was a cubic function relationship between the depth-ratio of U-shaped buildings and energy consumption, and there is also a cubic function relationship between the width-ratio and energy consumption. In the design, the depth-ratio of U-shaped buildings should not be less than 2.5, and the width-ratio should not be less than 2.Keywords: graphic parameterization, green building design, mathematical model, plane form
Procedia PDF Downloads 15412133 Development of the Ontology of Engineering Design Complexity
Authors: Victor E. Lopez, L. Dale Thomas
As engineered systems become more complex, the difficulty associated with predicting, developing, and operating engineered systems also increases, resulting in increased costs, failure rates, and unexpected consequences. Successfully managing the complexity of the system should reduce these negative consequences. The study of complexity in the context of engineering development has suffered due to the ambiguity of the nature of complexity, what makes a system complex and how complexity translates to real world engineering attributes and consequences. This paper argues that the use of an ontology of engineering design complexity would i) improve the clarity of the research being performed by allowing researchers to use a common conceptualization of complexity, with more precise terminology, and ii) elucidate the connections between certain types of complexity and their consequences for system development. The ontology comprises concepts of complexity found in the literature and the different relations that exists between them. The ontology maps different complexity concepts such as structural complexity, creation complexity, and information entropy, and then relates the to system aspects such as interfaces, development effort, and modularity. The ontology is represented using the Web Ontology Language (OWL). This paper presents the current status of the ontology of engineering design complexity, the main challenges encountered, and the future plans for the ontology.Keywords: design complexity, ontology, design effort, complexity ontology
Procedia PDF Downloads 18812132 The Importance of Contemporary Interior Design in today's Day and Age
Authors: Rabab Bamboat, Reenu Singh
Today, contemporary modular interior design components provide us the ease to rethink or change our spaces with flexibility. Specifically, contemporary design is perfect for all those people who feel the need to “change” to feel at home again. The variables such as color, furniture, furnishings, fixtures are some of the elements that are changed and re-furnished at periodic intervals. With contemporary interior design, one can customize the interiors to suit the respective personality and passions. A questionnaire survey was conducted to understand how contemporary interior design and its variables play an important role and should be applied while designing an interior space in today's time. Thus, helping us understand better the needs of people and what they would prefer whilst one keeps practicality and functionality in mind. Based on the analysis and extensive literature review, the study develops an understanding of how contemporary interior design should be applied in today's day and age, making living more practical easy but also stylish. The findings provide a more sustainable, functional, simple, and classy way of living while having customed furniture, color, art in an interior space. These variables provided solutions for effective ideation to support the functionality in a minimal and contemporary interior space. This concludes in providing a better understanding to the designers to incorporate a minimalist or contemporary lifestyle while keeping their requirements and other factors in mind.Keywords: contemporary, minimal, practicality, personality
Procedia PDF Downloads 17712131 Statistical Design of Synthetic VP X-bar Control Chat Using Markov Chain Approach
Authors: Ali Akbar Heydari
Control charts are an important tool of statistical quality control. Thesecharts are used to detect and eliminate unwanted special causes of variation that occurred during aperiod of time. The design and operation of control charts require the determination of three design parameters: the sample size (n), the sampling interval (h), and the width coefficient of control limits (k). Thevariable parameters (VP) x-bar controlchart is the x-barchart in which all the design parameters vary between twovalues. These values are a function of the most recent process information. In fact, in the VP x-bar chart, the position of each sample point on the chart establishes the size of the next sample and the timeof its sampling. The synthetic x-barcontrol chartwhich integrates the x-bar chart and the conforming run length (CRL) chart, provides significant improvement in terms of detection power over the basic x-bar chart for all levels of mean shifts. In this paper, we introduce the syntheticVP x-bar control chart for monitoring changes in the process mean. To determine the design parameters, we used a statistical design based on the minimum out of control average run length (ARL) criteria. The optimal chart parameters of the proposed chart are obtained using the Markov chain approach. A numerical example is also done to show the performance of the proposed chart and comparing it with the other control charts. The results show that our proposed syntheticVP x-bar controlchart perform better than the synthetic x-bar controlchart for all shift parameter values. Also, the syntheticVP x-bar controlchart perform better than the VP x-bar control chart for the moderate or large shift parameter values.Keywords: control chart, markov chain approach, statistical design, synthetic, variable parameter
Procedia PDF Downloads 15512130 A Discussion on the Design Practice of College Students for Virtual Avatars in Social Media Ecology
Authors: Mei-Chun Chang
Due to digital transformation and social media development in recent years, various real-time interactive digital tools have been developed to meet the design demands for virtual reality avatars, which also promote digital content learners' active participation in the creation process. As a result, new social media design tools have the characteristics of intuitive operation with a simplified interface for fast production, from which works can be simply created. This study carried out observations, records, questionnaire surveys, and interviews on the creation and learning of visual avatars made by students of the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST) with the VRoid Studio 3D modeling tool so as to explore their learning effectiveness on the design of visual avatars. According to the results of this study, the VRoid Studio 3D character modeling tool has a positive impact on the learners and helps to improve their learning effectiveness. Students with low academic achievements said that they could complete the conceived modeling with their own thinking by using the design tool, which increased their sense of accomplishment. Conclusions are drawn according to the results, and relevant future suggestions are put forward.Keywords: virtual avatar, character design, social media, vroid studio, creation, digital learning
Procedia PDF Downloads 19012129 Aerodynamic Design and Optimization of Vertical Take-Off and Landing Type Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Authors: Enes Gunaltili, Burak Dam
The airplane history started with the Wright brothers' aircraft and improved day by day. With the help of this advancements, big aircrafts replace with small and unmanned air vehicles, so in this study we design this type of air vehicles. First of all, aircrafts mainly divided into two main parts in our day as a rotary and fixed wing aircrafts. The fixed wing aircraft generally use for transport, cargo, military and etc. The rotary wing aircrafts use for same area but there are some superiorities from each other. The rotary wing aircraft can take off vertically from the ground, and it can use restricted area. On the other hand, rotary wing aircrafts generally can fly lower range than fixed wing aircraft. There are one kind of aircraft consist of this two types specifications. It is named as VTOL (vertical take-off and landing) type aircraft. VTOLs are able to takeoff and land vertically and fly horizontally. The VTOL aircrafts generally can fly higher range from the rotary wings but can fly lower range from the fixed wing aircraft but it gives beneficial range between them. There are many other advantages of VTOL aircraft from the rotary and fixed wing aircraft. Because of that, VTOLs began to use for generally military, cargo, search, rescue and mapping areas. Within this framework, this study answers the question that how can we design VTOL as a small unmanned aircraft systems for search and rescue application for benefiting the advantages of fixed wing and rotary wing aircrafts by eliminating the disadvantages of them. To answer that question and design VTOL aircraft, multidisciplinary design optimizations (MDO), some theoretical terminologies, formulations, simulations and modelling systems based on CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) is used in same time as design methodology to determine design parameters and steps. As a conclusion, based on tests and simulations depend on design steps, suggestions on how the VTOL aircraft designed and advantages, disadvantages, and observations for design parameters are listed, then VTOL is designed and presented with the design parameters, advantages, and usage areas.Keywords: airplane, rotary, fixed, VTOL, CFD
Procedia PDF Downloads 28412128 Optimizing Pediatric Pneumonia Diagnosis with Lightweight MobileNetV2 and VAE-GAN Techniques in Chest X-Ray Analysis
Authors: Shriya Shukla, Lachin Fernando
Pneumonia, a leading cause of mortality in young children globally, presents significant diagnostic challenges, particularly in resource-limited settings. This study presents an approach to diagnosing pediatric pneumonia using Chest X-Ray (CXR) images, employing a lightweight MobileNetV2 model enhanced with synthetic data augmentation. Addressing the challenge of dataset scarcity and imbalance, the study used a Variational Autoencoder-Generative Adversarial Network (VAE-GAN) to generate synthetic CXR images, improving the representation of normal cases in the pediatric dataset. This approach not only addresses the issues of data imbalance and scarcity prevalent in medical imaging but also provides a more accessible and reliable diagnostic tool for early pneumonia detection. The augmented data improved the model’s accuracy and generalization, achieving an overall accuracy of 95% in pneumonia detection. These findings highlight the efficacy of the MobileNetV2 model, offering a computationally efficient yet robust solution well-suited for resource-constrained environments such as mobile health applications. This study demonstrates the potential of synthetic data augmentation in enhancing medical image analysis for critical conditions like pediatric pneumonia.Keywords: pneumonia, MobileNetV2, image classification, GAN, VAE, deep learning
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