Search results for: dynamics of knowledge and it
Commenced in January 2007
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Edition: International
Paper Count: 10122

Search results for: dynamics of knowledge and it

9102 Foot Self-Monitoring Knowledge, Attitude, Practice, and Related Factors among Diabetic Patients: A Descriptive and Correlational Study in a Taiwan Teaching Hospital

Authors: Li-Ching Lin, Yu-Tzu Dai


Recurrent foot ulcers or foot amputation have a major impact on patients with diabetes mellitus (DM), medical professionals, and society. A critical procedure for foot care is foot self-monitoring. Medical professionals’ understanding of patients’ foot self-monitoring knowledge, attitude, and practice is beneficial for raising patients’ disease awareness. This study investigated these and related factors among patients with DM through a descriptive study of the correlations. A scale for measuring the foot self-monitoring knowledge, attitude, and practice of patients with DM was used. Purposive sampling was adopted, and 100 samples were collected from the respondents’ self-reports or from interviews. The statistical methods employed were an independent-sample t-test, one-way analysis of variance, Pearson correlation coefficient, and multivariate regression analysis. The findings were as follows: the respondents scored an average of 12.97 on foot self-monitoring knowledge, and the correct answer rate was 68.26%. The respondents performed relatively lower in foot health screenings and recording, and awareness of neuropathy in the foot. The respondents held a positive attitude toward self-monitoring their feet and a negative attitude toward having others check the soles of their feet. The respondents scored an average of 12.64 on foot self-monitoring practice. Their scores were lower in their frequency of self-monitoring their feet, recording their self-monitoring results, checking their pedal pulse, and examining if their soles were red immediately after taking off their shoes. Significant positive correlations were observed among foot self-monitoring knowledge, attitude, and practice. The correlation coefficient between self-monitoring knowledge and self-monitoring practice was 0.20, and that between self-monitoring attitude and self-monitoring practice was 0.44. Stepwise regression analysis revealed that the main predictive factors of the foot self-monitoring practice in patients with DM were foot self-monitoring attitude, prior experience in foot care, and an educational attainment of college or higher. These factors predicted 33% of the variance. This study concludes that patients with DM lacked foot self-monitoring practice and advises that the patients’ self-monitoring abilities be evaluated first, including whether patients have poor eyesight, difficulties in bending forward due to obesity, and people who can assist them in self-monitoring. In addition, patient education should emphasize self-monitoring knowledge and practice, such as perceptions regarding the symptoms of foot neurovascular lesions, pulse monitoring methods, and new foot self-monitoring equipment. By doing so, new or recurring ulcers may be discovered in their early stages.

Keywords: diabetic foot, foot self-monitoring attitude, foot self-monitoring knowledge, foot self-monitoring practice

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9101 Heterogeneous Intelligence Traders and Market Efficiency: New Evidence from Computational Approach in Artificial Stock Markets

Authors: Yosra Mefteh Rekik


A computational agent-based model of financial markets stresses interactions and dynamics among a very diverse set of traders. The growing body of research in this area relies heavily on computational tools which by-pass the restrictions of an analytical method. The main goal of this research is to understand how the stock market operates and behaves how to invest in the stock market and to study traders’ behavior within the context of the artificial stock markets populated by heterogeneous agents. All agents are characterized by adaptive learning behavior represented by the Artificial Neuron Networks. By using agent-based simulations on artificial market, we show that the existence of heterogeneous agents can explain the price dynamics in the financial market. We investigate the relation between market diversity and market efficiency. Our empirical findings demonstrate that greater market heterogeneity play key roles in market efficiency.

Keywords: agent-based modeling, artificial stock market, heterogeneous expectations, financial stylized facts, computational finance

Procedia PDF Downloads 439
9100 Transforming Healthcare Data Privacy: Integrating Blockchain with Zero-Knowledge Proofs and Cryptographic Security

Authors: Kenneth Harper


Blockchain technology presents solutions for managing healthcare data, addressing critical challenges in privacy, integrity, and access. This paper explores how privacy-preserving technologies, such as zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs) and homomorphic encryption (HE), enhance decentralized healthcare platforms by enabling secure computations and patient data protection. An examination of the mathematical foundations of these methods, their practical applications, and how they meet the evolving demands of healthcare data security is unveiled. Using real-world examples, this research highlights industry-leading implementations and offers a roadmap for future applications in secure, decentralized healthcare ecosystems.

Keywords: blockchain, cryptography, data privacy, decentralized data management, differential privacy, healthcare, healthcare data security, homomorphic encryption, privacy-preserving technologies, secure computations, zero-knowledge proofs

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9099 Mobile Phone Banking Applies and Customer Intention: A Case Study in Libya

Authors: Iman E. Bouthahab, Badea B. Geador


Aim of this paper is to explore the prospect of a new approach of mobile phone banking in Libya. This study evaluates customer knowledge on commercial mobile banking in Libya. To examine the relationship between age, occupation and intention for using mobile banking for commercial purpose, a survey was conducted to gather information from one hundred Libyan bank clients. The results indicate that Libyan customers have accepted the new technology and they are ready to use it. There is no significant joint relationship between age and occupation found in intention to use mobile banking in Libya. On the other hand, the customers’ knowledge about mobile banking has a greater relationship with the intention. This study has implications for demographic researches and consumer behaviour disciplines. It also has profitable implications for banks and managers in Libya, as it will assist in better understanding of the Libyan consumers and their activities, when they develop their market strategies and new service.

Keywords: mobile banking, intention, customer knowledge, banks in Libya

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9098 Culturally Adapting Videos to Involve Nigerian Patients with Cancer in Clinical Trials

Authors: Abiola Falilat Ibraheem, Akinyimika Sowunmi, Valerie Otti


Background: Introduction of innovative cancer clinical trials to Nigeria is a critical step in addressing global inequities of cancer burden. Low health and clinical trial literacy among Nigerian patients have been sighted as a significant barrier to ensuring that patients enrolled in clinical trials are truly informed. Video intervention has been shown to be the most proactive method to improving patient’s clinical trial knowledge. In the US, video interventions have been successful at improving education about cancer clinical trials among minority patients. Thus, this study aimed to apply and adapt video interventions addressing attitudinal barriers peculiar to Nigerian patients. Methods: A hospital-based representative mixed-method study was conducted at the Lagos State University Teaching Hospital (LASUTH) from July to December 2020, comprising of cancer patients aged 18 and above. Patients were randomly selected during every clinic day, of which 63 patients volunteered to participate in this study. We first administered a cancer literacy survey to determine patients’ knowledge about clinical trials. For patients who had prior knowledge, a pre-intervention test was administered, after which a 15-minute video (attitudes and intention to enroll in therapeutic clinical trials (AIET)) to improve patients’ knowledge, perception, and attitudes towards clinical trials was played, and then ended by administering a post-intervention test to the patients. For patients who had no prior knowledge, the AIET video was played for them, followed by the post-intervention test. Results: Out of 63 patients sampled, 43 (68.3%) had breast cancer. On average, patients agreed to understand their cancer diagnosis and treatment very well. 84.1% of patients had never heard about cancer clinical trials, and 85.7% did not know what cancer clinical trials were. There was a strong positive relationship (r=0.916) between the pretest and posttest, which means that the intervention improved patients’ knowledge, perception, and attitudes about cancer clinical trials. In the focus groups, patients recommended adapting the video in Nigerian settings and representing all religions in order to address trust in local clinical trialists. Conclusion: Due to the small size of patients, change in clinical trial knowledge was not statistically significant. However, there is a trend suggesting that culturally adapted video interventions can be used to improve knowledge and perception about cancer clinical trials.

Keywords: clinical trials, culturally targeted intervention, patient education, video intervention

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9097 The Strong Interactions among the Protons

Authors: Yin Rui, Yin Ming, Yang Wang


This paper presents empirical evidence validating the Lorentz transformation of rotational frames for both inside critical cylinder (ICC) and outside critical cylinder (OCC) configurations, as well as the corresponding transformations of associated physical quantities. These transformations have been applied to derive the electromagnetic field parameters of a spinning charged particle. In our analysis of a two-proton system, we have not only uncovered strong interactions that are 238 times stronger than the electrostatic force but also elucidated the mechanisms underlying its stability and self-sustainable nature. This strong interaction manifests exclusively at distances on the order of 〖10〗^(-15)meters, consistent with the known range of the strong nuclear force. Furthermore, we have extended our analysis to multi-proton systems, specifically examining configurations containing four to seven protons. For these more complex systems, we have derived the strong interaction forces, providing insights into the nuclear dynamics of larger atomic nuclei. Our findings offer a more comprehensive understanding of the nature of strong interactions among protons. This work may have significant implications for advancing our knowledge of nuclear structure and stability and could potentially bridge the gap between electromagnetic and strong nuclear forces within a unified theoretical framework.

Keywords: special relativity, Lorentz transformation, strong interactions, particle spin

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9096 Towards Designing of a Potential New HIV-1 Protease Inhibitor Using Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship Study in Combination with Molecular Docking and Molecular Dynamics Simulations

Authors: Mouna Baassi, Mohamed Moussaoui, Hatim Soufi, Sanchaita RajkhowaI, Ashwani Sharma, Subrata Sinha, Said Belaaouad


Human Immunodeficiency Virus type 1 protease (HIV-1 PR) is one of the most challenging targets of antiretroviral therapy used in the treatment of AIDS-infected people. The performance of protease inhibitors (PIs) is limited by the development of protease mutations that can promote resistance to the treatment. The current study was carried out using statistics and bioinformatics tools. A series of thirty-three compounds with known enzymatic inhibitory activities against HIV-1 protease was used in this paper to build a mathematical model relating the structure to the biological activity. These compounds were designed by software; their descriptors were computed using various tools, such as Gaussian, Chem3D, ChemSketch and MarvinSketch. Computational methods generated the best model based on its statistical parameters. The model’s applicability domain (AD) was elaborated. Furthermore, one compound has been proposed as efficient against HIV-1 protease with comparable biological activity to the existing ones; this drug candidate was evaluated using ADMET properties and Lipinski’s rule. Molecular Docking performed on Wild Type and Mutant Type HIV-1 proteases allowed the investigation of the interaction types displayed between the proteases and the ligands, Darunavir (DRV) and the new drug (ND). Molecular dynamics simulation was also used in order to investigate the complexes’ stability, allowing a comparative study of the performance of both ligands (DRV & ND). Our study suggested that the new molecule showed comparable results to that of Darunavir and may be used for further experimental studies. Our study may also be used as a pipeline to search and design new potential inhibitors of HIV-1 proteases.

Keywords: QSAR, ADMET properties, molecular docking, molecular dynamics simulation.

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9095 From “Learning to Read” to “Reading to Learn”

Authors: Lucélia Alcântara


Reading has been seen as a passive skill by many people for a long time. However, when one comes to study it deeply and in a such a way that the act of reading equals acquiring knowledge through living an experience that belongs to him/her, passive definitely becomes active. Material development with a focus on reading has to consider much more than reading strategies. The following questions are asked: Is the material appropriate to the students’ reality? Does it make students think and state their points of view? With that in mind a lesson has been developed to illustrate theory becoming practice. Knowledge, criticality, intercultural experience and social interaction. That is what reading is for.

Keywords: reading, culture, material development, learning

Procedia PDF Downloads 536
9094 Rethinking: Training Needs of Secondary School Teachers in Pakistan

Authors: Sidra Rizwan


The article focuses on the training needs of secondary school teachers related to the knowledge component of instructional planning and strategies as stated in the National professional standards for teachers in Pakistan. The study aimed to determine the training needs of secondary school teachers on different aspects of knowledge & understanding component of instructional planning and strategies. The target population of the study was the secondary school teachers across Pakistan. For this purpose, a sample of 400 secondary school teachers was selected through multistage sampling from all the four provinces and Federal capital area. Survey method was adopted to assess the training needs by using a self reporting tool. The tool helped to gauge the training needs through indirect inventory questions as well as a ranking list in which the respondents themselves prioritized their training areas. The results showed variation between the direct and indirect reporting of the teachers on the basis of which it was concluded that the secondary school teachers needed awareness about the knowledge component of instructional planning and strategies in order to redefine their actual training needs. The researcher further identified the training needs of secondary school teachers within each province and Islamabad capital territory; including an analysis of variations between strata. As teachers are considered agents of change, their training according to the professional standards should provide a solid base for “rethinking education”.

Keywords: training needs, secondary school teachers, instructional planning & strategies, knowledge & understanding

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9093 MAGNI Dynamics: A Vision-Based Kinematic and Dynamic Upper-Limb Model for Intelligent Robotic Rehabilitation

Authors: Alexandros Lioulemes, Michail Theofanidis, Varun Kanal, Konstantinos Tsiakas, Maher Abujelala, Chris Collander, William B. Townsend, Angie Boisselle, Fillia Makedon


This paper presents a home-based robot-rehabilitation instrument, called ”MAGNI Dynamics”, that utilized a vision-based kinematic/dynamic module and an adaptive haptic feedback controller. The system is expected to provide personalized rehabilitation by adjusting its resistive and supportive behavior according to a fuzzy intelligence controller that acts as an inference system, which correlates the user’s performance to different stiffness factors. The vision module uses the Kinect’s skeletal tracking to monitor the user’s effort in an unobtrusive and safe way, by estimating the torque that affects the user’s arm. The system’s torque estimations are justified by capturing electromyographic data from primitive hand motions (Shoulder Abduction and Shoulder Forward Flexion). Moreover, we present and analyze how the Barrett WAM generates a force-field with a haptic controller to support or challenge the users. Experiments show that by shifting the proportional value, that corresponds to different stiffness factors of the haptic path, can potentially help the user to improve his/her motor skills. Finally, potential areas for future research are discussed, that address how a rehabilitation robotic framework may include multisensing data, to improve the user’s recovery process.

Keywords: human-robot interaction, kinect, kinematics, dynamics, haptic control, rehabilitation robotics, artificial intelligence

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9092 Knowledge and Perceptions of Final-year Students towards Pharmacovigilance and Adverse Drug Reaction Reporting at the Faculty of Medical Sciences, Al-Razi University - Sana`a - Yemen

Authors: Nabil A. Albaser


Background: There is a serious problem with adverse drug reactions (ADRs) everywhere, including Yemen. Since it helps with the detection, assessment, reporting and prevention of ADRs, pharmacovigilance (PV) is an essential part of the healthcare system. The unbiased reporting of ADRs remains the foundation of PV. Students majoring in healthcare should acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to conduct PV in a range of clinical settings. The primary objective of this study was to evaluate the understanding and attitudes of final-year Pharmacy, Nursing, and Midwifery students at Al-Razi University in Sana'a, Yemen, regarding PV and ADRs reporting. Methods: The study followed descriptive cross-sectional approach. A validated, self-administered questionnaire with three parts—demographic information, knowledge, and perceptions of Pharmacovigilance was online distributed to final-year Pharmacy, Nursing, and Midwifery students. The questionnaire was given to 175 students; 122 of them responded with a percentage (69.7%). Results: The majority of respondents were male (79.5%). More than the tow-third of the students, 68.9%, were beyond the age of 23. Although the majority of students, 80%, heard about the terms of ADRs and PV, but only 50% and 57.4% of the respondents, respectively, could define the both terms correctly. However, only 11.48 % of them, nevertheless, took a PV course. More than a half of them (56.6%) had a positive perceptions towards pharmacovigilance and ADR reporting and had a moderate degree of knowledge (68.9%). Conclusion: The study demonstrated that the participants lacked sufficient knowledge of pharmacovigilance and ADR reporting. They showed a moderate level of understanding of reporting ADRs as well as a favorable opinion of dealing with and reporting ADRs. Yemen's health care curriculum should include lessons on pharmacovigilance.

Keywords: adverse drug reaction reporting, pharmacovigilance, yemen, knowlegde

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9091 Impulsive Synchronization of Periodically Forced Complex Duffing's Oscillators

Authors: Shaban Aly, Ali Al-Qahtani, Houari B. Khenous


Synchronization is an important phenomenon commonly observed in nature. A system of periodically forced complex Duffings oscillators was introduced and shown to display chaotic behavior and possess strange attractors. Such complex oscillators appear in many problems of physics and engineering, as, for example, nonlinear optics, deep-water wave theory, plasma physics and bimolecular dynamics. In this paper, we study the remarkable phenomenon of chaotic synchronization on these oscillator systems, using impulsive synchronization techniques. We derive analytical expressions for impulsive control functions and show that the dynamics of error evolution is globally stable, by constructing appropriate Lyapunov functions. This means that, for a relatively large set initial conditions, the differences between the drive and response systems vanish exponentially and synchronization is achieved. Numerical results are obtained to test the validity of the analytical expressions and illustrate the efficiency of these techniques for inducing chaos synchronization in our nonlinear oscillators.

Keywords: complex nonlinear oscillators, impulsive synchronization, chaotic systems, global exponential synchronization

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9090 Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Irradiation-Induced Damage Cascades in Graphite

Authors: Rong Li, Brian D. Wirth, Bing Liu


Graphite is the matrix, and structural material in the high temperature gas-cooled reactor exhibits an irradiation response. It is of significant importance to analyze the defect production and evaluate the role of graphite under irradiation. A vast experimental literature exists for graphite on the dimensional change, mechanical properties, and thermal behavior. However, simulations have not been applied to the atomistic perspective. Remarkably few molecular dynamics simulations have been performed to study the irradiation response in graphite. In this paper, irradiation-induced damage cascades in graphite were investigated with molecular dynamics simulation. Statistical results of the graphite defects were obtained by sampling a wide energy range (1–30 KeV) and 10 different runs for every cascade simulation with different random number generator seeds to the velocity scaling thermostat function. The chemical bonding in carbon was described using the adaptive intermolecular reactive empirical bond-order potential (AIREBO) potential coupled with the standard Ziegler–Biersack–Littmack (ZBL) potential to describe close-range pair interactions. This study focused on analyzing the number of defects, the final cascade morphology and the distribution of defect clusters in space, the length-scale cascade properties such as the cascade length and the range of primary knock-on atom (PKA), and graphite mechanical properties’ variation. It can be concluded that the number of surviving Frenkel pairs increased remarkably with the increasing initial PKA energy but did not exhibit a thermal spike at slightly lower energies in this paper. The PKA range and cascade length approximately linearly with energy which indicated that increasing the PKA initial energy will come at expensive computation cost such as 30KeV in this study. The cascade morphology and the distribution of defect clusters in space mainly related to the PKA energy meanwhile the temperature effect was relatively negligible. The simulations are in agreement with known experimental results and the Kinchin-Pease model, which can help to understand the graphite damage cascades and lifetime span under irradiation and provide a direction to the designs of these kinds of structural materials in the future reactors.

Keywords: graphite damage cascade, molecular dynamics, cascade morphology, cascade distribution

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9089 Structure of Turbulence Flow in the Wire-Wrappes Fuel Assemblies of BREST-OD-300

Authors: Dmitry V. Fomichev, Vladimir I. Solonin


In this paper, experimental and numerical study of hydrodynamic characteristics of the air coolant flow in the test wire-wrapped assembly is presented. The test assembly has 37 rods, which are similar to the real fuel pins of the BREST-OD-300 fuel assemblies geometrically. Air open loop test facility installed at the “Nuclear Power Plants and Installations” department of BMSTU was used to obtain the experimental data. The obtaining altitudinal distribution of static pressure in the near-wall test assembly as well as velocity and temperature distribution of coolant flow in the test sections can give us some new knowledge about the mechanism of formation of the turbulence flow structure in the wire wrapped fuel assemblies. Numerical simulations of the turbulence flow has been accomplished using ANSYS Fluent 14.5. Different non-local turbulence models have been considered, such as standard and RNG k-e models and k-w SST model. Results of numerical simulations of the flow based on the considered turbulence models give the best agreement with the experimental data and help us to carry out strong analysis of flow characteristics.

Keywords: wire-spaces fuel assembly, turbulent flow structure, computation fluid dynamics

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9088 Knowledge, Experiences, and Attitudes of Paediatric Nurses regarding Complementary Health Approaches Used by Themselves and Parents for Their Children in Turkey

Authors: Vildan Cırık, Emine Efe


Complementary health approaches are growing in popularity worldwide and play a substantial role in health care. It is very important for paediatric nurses to have knowledge of practices affecting the medical conditions of patients and to communicate with them through integrative nursing care. The purpose of this study was to determine paediatric nurses’ knowledge and experiences of complementary health approaches (CHA) and their personal and professional attitudes to the use of complementary health approaches. This multicentre study was conducted with 1450 paediatric nurses in 18 hospitals in Turkey. Paediatric nurses included in the study were working in the following clinics: Paediatric Service, Paediatric Intensive Care, Paediatric Haematology/Oncology. Data collection focused on the paediatric nurses’ knowledge and experiences of CHA. A high proportion of our sample of paediatric nurses reported that they had used some form of CHA themselves; the most popular choices of CHA were prayer, massage, and vitamins techniques. Paediatric nurses reported positive experiences (drawing/music/art/dance therapies, prayer, herbs, thermal springs, massage, and reflexology) and negative experiences (herbs, thermal springs, prayer, and massage). This study may contribute to increased awareness of the potentially important role of paediatric nurses in the delivery of CHA. Paediatric nurses play important roles in helping patients to use complementary health approaches safely and accurately. Trainings on CHA should be organised, data collection forms including CHA should be created, and evidence-based studies should be focused towards improving the clinical practice of paediatric nurses.

Keywords: complementary health approaches, paediatric nurses, knowledge, experience, attitude, Turkey

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9087 Solid-Liquid-Solid Interface of Yakam Matrix: Mathematical Modeling of the Contact Between an Aircraft Landing Gear and a Wet Pavement

Authors: Trudon Kabangu Mpinga, Ruth Mutala, Shaloom Mbambu, Yvette Kalubi Kashama, Kabeya Mukeba Yakasham


A mathematical model is developed to describe the contact dynamics between the landing gear wheels of an aircraft and a wet pavement during landing. The model is based on nonlinear partial differential equations, using the Yakam Matrix to account for the interaction between solid, liquid, and solid phases. This framework incorporates the influence of environmental factors, particularly water or rain on the runway, on braking performance and aircraft stability. Given the absence of exact analytical solutions, our approach enhances the understanding of key physical phenomena, including Coulomb friction forces, hydrodynamic effects, and the deformation of the pavement under the aircraft's load. Additionally, the dynamics of aquaplaning are simulated numerically to estimate the braking performance limits on wet surfaces, thereby contributing to strategies aimed at minimizing risk during landing on wet runways.

Keywords: aircraft, modeling, simulation, yakam matrix, contact, wet runway

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9086 Energy Dynamics of Solar Thermionic Power Conversion with Emitter of Graphene

Authors: Olukunle C. Olawole, Dilip K. De, Moses Emetere, Omoje Maxwell


Graphene can stand very high temperature up to 4500 K in vacuum and has potential for application in thermionic energy converter. In this paper, we discuss the application of energy dynamics principles and the modified Richardson-Dushman Equation, to estimate the efficiency of solar power conversion to electrical power by a solar thermionic energy converter (STEC) containing emitter made of graphene. We present detailed simulation of power output for different solar insolation, diameter of parabolic concentrator, area of the graphene emitter (same as that of the collector), temperature of the collector, physical dimensions of the emitter-collector etc. After discussing possible methods of reduction or elimination of space charge problem using magnetic field and gate, we finally discuss relative advantages of using emitters made of graphene, carbon nanotube and metals respectively in a STEC.

Keywords: graphene, high temperature, modified Richardson-Dushman equation, solar thermionic energy converter

Procedia PDF Downloads 310
9085 Transcription Skills and Written Composition in Chinese

Authors: Pui-sze Yeung, Connie Suk-han Ho, David Wai-ock Chan, Kevin Kien-hoa Chung


Background: Recent findings have shown that transcription skills play a unique and significant role in Chinese word reading and spelling (i.e. word dictation), and written composition development. The interrelationships among component skills of transcription, word reading, word spelling, and written composition in Chinese have rarely been examined in the literature. Is the contribution of component skills of transcription to Chinese written composition mediated by word level skills (i.e., word reading and spelling)? Methods: The participants in the study were 249 Chinese children in Grade 1, Grade 3, and Grade 5 in Hong Kong. They were administered measures of general reasoning ability, orthographic knowledge, stroke sequence knowledge, word spelling, handwriting fluency, word reading, and Chinese narrative writing. Orthographic knowledge- orthographic knowledge was assessed by a task modeled after the lexical decision subtest of the Hong Kong Test of Specific Learning Difficulties in Reading and Writing (HKT-SpLD). Stroke sequence knowledge: The participants’ performance in producing legitimate stroke sequences was measured by a stroke sequence knowledge task. Handwriting fluency- Handwriting fluency was assessed by a task modeled after the Chinese Handwriting Speed Test. Word spelling: The stimuli of the word spelling task consist of fourteen two-character Chinese words. Word reading: The stimuli of the word reading task consist of 120 two-character Chinese words. Written composition: A narrative writing task was used to assess the participants’ text writing skills. Results: Analysis of covariance results showed that there were significant between-grade differences in the performance of word reading, word spelling, handwriting fluency, and written composition. Preliminary hierarchical multiple regression analysis results showed that orthographic knowledge, word spelling, and handwriting fluency were unique predictors of Chinese written composition even after controlling for age, IQ, and word reading. The interaction effects between grade and each of these three skills (orthographic knowledge, word spelling, and handwriting fluency) were not significant. Path analysis results showed that orthographic knowledge contributed to written composition both directly and indirectly through word spelling, while handwriting fluency contributed to written composition directly and indirectly through both word reading and spelling. Stroke sequence knowledge only contributed to written composition indirectly through word spelling. Conclusions: Preliminary hierarchical regression results were consistent with previous findings about the significant role of transcription skills in Chinese word reading, spelling and written composition development. The fact that orthographic knowledge contributed both directly and indirectly to written composition through word reading and spelling may reflect the impact of the script-sound-meaning convergence of Chinese characters on the composing process. The significant contribution of word spelling and handwriting fluency to Chinese written composition across elementary grades highlighted the difficulty in attaining automaticity of transcription skills in Chinese, which limits the working memory resources available for other composing processes.

Keywords: orthographic knowledge, transcription skills, word reading, writing

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9084 Introduction to Techno-Sectoral Innovation System Modeling and Functions Formulating

Authors: S. M. Azad, H. Ghodsi Pour, F. Roshannafasa


In recent years ‘technology management and policymaking’ is one of the most important problems in management science. In this field, different generations of innovation and technology management are presented which the earliest one is Innovation System (IS) approach. In a general classification, innovation systems are divided in to 4 approaches: Technical, sectoral, regional, and national. There are many researches in relation to each of these approaches in different academic fields. Every approach has some benefits. If two or more approaches hybrid, their benefits would be combined. In addition, according to the sectoral structure of the governance model in Iran, in many sectors such as information technology, the combination of three other approaches with sectoral approach is essential. Hence, in this paper, combining two IS approaches (technical and sectoral) and using system dynamics, a generic model is presented for a sample of software industry. As a complimentary point, this article is introducing a new hybrid approach called Techno-Sectoral Innovation System. This TSIS model is accomplished by Changing concepts of the ‘functions’ which came from Technological IS literature and using them into sectoral system as measurable indicators.

Keywords: innovation system, technology, techno-sectoral system, functional indicators, system dynamics

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9083 Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice Regarding Standard Precautions in Medical Students of Rawalpindi Medical University, Pakistan; A Cross-Sectional Descriptive Study

Authors: Zainab Idrees Ahmad, Mahjabeen Qureshi, Zainab Hussain


Standard precautions are a set of infection control practices used to prevent the transmission of diseases that can be acquired by contact with body fluids, non-intact skin, and mucous membranes. Lack of practice of SPs can result in a considerable increase in morbidity and mortality rates. Medical students (the future physicians) should have the highest knowledge of standard precautions to prevent the spread of nosocomial infections and ensure their safety as well. This study was designed. To assess the knowledge of medical students regarding standard precautions. And explore the attitude of medical students of MBBS in the third, fourth and final year towards standard precautions.: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted in the setting of Rawalpindi Medical University, Pakistan including the students of MBBS in their 3rd, 4th and final years. The study duration was from October 2022 to February 2023. The sample size calculated was 282 with a confidence interval of 95%. A questionnaire was structured utilizing the WHO guidelines on SPs assessing knowledge and attitude regarding hand hygiene, needle stick injury, use of gloves and mask, and sharp disposal. A total of 300 responses were received utilizing the technique of non-random convenience sampling. Data was analyzed using the latest version of SPSS.:Knowledge score regarding components of SPs, hand hygiene, and moments of hand hygiene was satisfactory. However, score regarding the use of PPE, needle stick injury, and sharp disposal was low. Almost all the students were compliant with the proper washing of hands but the observation of recommended time length was lacking. Compliance with the use of correct PPE and informing the supervisor upon getting a needle stick injury was low. This study signifies that medical students lack knowledge regarding standard precautions. This is alarming as this can be the vehicle for the spread of nosocomial infections. Proper training should be given to medical students to prevent the spread of hospital-acquired infections.

Keywords: attitude, knowledge, medical students, standard precautions

Procedia PDF Downloads 128
9082 The Impact of Knowledge Management on Different Innovation Types in Small and Medium Enterprises

Authors: Shahnaz Piroozfar, Seyed Arash Halajzadeh, Abouzar Ilkhani


Nowadays, in unpredictable business environments, enterprises face a great challenge to meet customer’s requirements. The performance of an enterprise has a significant impact on its activities and has to be evaluated continuously. One of the most important indicators to evaluate performance is named ‘innovation’. There are various indicators of innovation in the product/service sectors. These cause different innovation types to emerge, in product sectors. Additionally there are basic enablers to these innovation types, including an innovative culture, a customer oriented organizational culture, etc. Also one of these enablers is called enterprise system, which includes: SCM, CRM, ERP, KM etc. Knowledge management as a solution is a necessity in a competitive world. Implementation solutions such as KM are expensive, so enterprises need to answer how KM systems affect different performance indicators like innovation. This paper aims to develop a model to evaluate the impact of KM on innovation in SMEs.

Keywords: innovation, knowledge management, SMEs, enterprise

Procedia PDF Downloads 693
9081 Stability of Stochastic Model Predictive Control for Schrödinger Equation with Finite Approximation

Authors: Tomoaki Hashimoto


Recent technological advance has prompted significant interest in developing the control theory of quantum systems. Following the increasing interest in the control of quantum dynamics, this paper examines the control problem of Schrödinger equation because quantum dynamics is basically governed by Schrödinger equation. From the practical point of view, stochastic disturbances cannot be avoided in the implementation of control method for quantum systems. Thus, we consider here the robust stabilization problem of Schrödinger equation against stochastic disturbances. In this paper, we adopt model predictive control method in which control performance over a finite future is optimized with a performance index that has a moving initial and terminal time. The objective of this study is to derive the stability criterion for model predictive control of Schrödinger equation under stochastic disturbances.

Keywords: optimal control, stochastic systems, quantum systems, stabilization

Procedia PDF Downloads 463
9080 Pragmatic Competence in Pakistani English Language Learners

Authors: Ghazala Kausar


This study investigates Pakistani first year university students’ perception of the role of pragmatics in their general approach to learning English. The research is triggered by National Curriculum’s initiative to provide holistic opportunities to the students for language development and to equip them with competencies to use English language in academic and social contexts (New English National Curriculum for I-XII). The traditional grammar translation and examination oriented method is believed to reduce learners to silent listener (Zhang, 2008: Zhao 2009). This lead to the inability of the students to interpret discourse by relating utterances to their meaning, understanding the intentions of the users and how language is used in specific setting (Bachman & Palmer, 1996, 2010). Pragmatic competence is a neglected area as far as teaching and learning English in Pakistan is concerned. This study focuses on the different types of pragmatic knowledge, learners perception of such knowledge and learning strategies employed by different learners to process the learning in general and pragmatic in particular. This study employed three data collecting tools; a questionnaire, discourse completion task and interviews to elicit data from first year university students regarding their perception of pragmatic competence. Results showed that Pakistani first year university learners have limited pragmatic knowledge. Although they acknowledged the importance of linguistic knowledge for linguistic competence in the students but argued that insufficient English proficiency, limited knowledge of pragmatics, insufficient language material and tasks were major reasons of pragmatic failure.

Keywords: pragmatic competence, Pakistani college learners, linguistic competence

Procedia PDF Downloads 740
9079 Distributed Coverage Control by Robot Networks in Unknown Environments Using a Modified EM Algorithm

Authors: Mohammadhosein Hasanbeig, Lacra Pavel


In this paper, we study a distributed control algorithm for the problem of unknown area coverage by a network of robots. The coverage objective is to locate a set of targets in the area and to minimize the robots’ energy consumption. The robots have no prior knowledge about the location and also about the number of the targets in the area. One efficient approach that can be used to relax the robots’ lack of knowledge is to incorporate an auxiliary learning algorithm into the control scheme. A learning algorithm actually allows the robots to explore and study the unknown environment and to eventually overcome their lack of knowledge. The control algorithm itself is modeled based on game theory where the network of the robots use their collective information to play a non-cooperative potential game. The algorithm is tested via simulations to verify its performance and adaptability.

Keywords: distributed control, game theory, multi-agent learning, reinforcement learning

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9078 A Literature Review on the Effect of Industrial Clusters and the Absorptive Capacity on Innovation

Authors: Enrique Claver Cortés, Bartolomé Marco Lajara, Eduardo Sánchez García, Pedro Seva Larrosa, Encarnación Manresa Marhuenda, Lorena Ruiz Fernández, Esther Poveda Pareja


In recent decades, the analysis of the effects of clustering as an essential factor for the development of innovations and the competitiveness of enterprises has raised great interest in different areas. Nowadays, companies have access to almost all tangible and intangible resources located and/or developed in any country in the world. However, despite the obvious advantages that this situation entails for companies, their geographical location has shown itself, increasingly clearly, to be a fundamental factor that positively influences their innovative performance and competitiveness. Industrial clusters could represent a unique level of analysis, positioned between the individual company and the industry, which makes them an ideal unit of analysis to determine the effects derived from company membership of a cluster. Also, the absorptive capacity (hereinafter 'AC') can mediate the process of innovation development by companies located in a cluster. The transformation and exploitation of knowledge could have a mediating effect between knowledge acquisition and innovative performance. The main objective of this work is to determine the key factors that affect the degree of generation and use of knowledge from the environment by companies and, consequently, their innovative performance and competitiveness. The elements analyzed are the companies' membership of a cluster and the AC. To this end, 30 most relevant papers published on this subject in the "Web of Science" database have been reviewed. Our findings show that, within a cluster, the knowledge coming from the companies' environment can significantly influence their innovative performance and competitiveness, although in this relationship, the degree of access and exploitation of the companies to this knowledge plays a fundamental role, which depends on a series of elements both internal and external to the company.

Keywords: absorptive capacity, clusters, innovation, knowledge

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9077 The Impact of Research and Development Cooperation Partner Diversity, Knowledge Source Diversity and Knowledge Source Network Embeddedness on Radical Innovation: Direct Relationships and Interaction with Non-Price Competition

Authors: Natalia Strobel, Jan Kratzer


In this paper, we test whether different types of research and development (R&D) alliances positively impact the radical innovation performance of firms. We differentiate between the R&D alliances without extern R&D orders and embeddedness in knowledge source network. We test the differences between the domestically diversified R&D alliances and R&D alliances diversified abroad. Moreover, we test how non-price competition influences the impact of domestically diversified R&D alliances, and R&D alliance diversified abroad on radical innovation performance. Our empirical analysis is based on the comprehensive Swiss innovation panel, which allowed us to study 3520 firms between the years between 1996 and 2011 in 3 years intervals. We analyzed the data with a linear estimation with Swamy-Aurora transformation using plm package in R software. Our results show as hypothesized a positive impact of R&D alliances diversity abroad as well as domestically on radical innovation performance. The effect of non-price interaction is in contrast to our hypothesis, not significant. This suggests that diversity of R&D alliances is highly advantageous independent of non-price competition.

Keywords: R&D alliances, partner diversity, knowledge source diversity, non-price competition, absorptive capacity

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9076 Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of Medical Ethics amongst Paediatric Surgeons and Trainees in Malaysia

Authors: Salehah Tahkin, Norlaila Mustafa, Dayang Anita Abdul Aziz


Knowledge of medical ethics is important to all practitioners so the best care can be delivered to all patients through safe practice. Surgeons are not exceptions to this. Knowledge, attitude, and practice (KAP) of medical ethics among paediatric surgeons and trainees in Malaysia has not been evaluated before. This study aims to determine the level of KAP regarding medical ethics among these groups. This was a cross-sectional study involving three groups of samples, i.e., paediatric surgeons (PS), paediatric surgical trainees (PST), and medical officers with a special interest in paediatric surgery (MO). A validated KAP questionnaire was used. Standard formulas were used to calculate objective indexes for measuring KAP, which were then compared for statistical significance across different sample groups; p less than 0.05 is taken as significant. The index is rated into 5 classes using a score of 0 to 10, i.e., poor (1-2.99), fair (3-4.99), good (5-6.99), very good (7-8.99), and excellent (9-10). There were 117 samples, i.e., PS n=45 (38.5%), PST n=25 (21.3%), and MO n=47 (40.2%). For knowledge, all three groups display a good index score (mean score of 5.44). For attitude, PS and MO also display an index score of good (mean score of 5.81), while the PST index score was fair (4.82). For practice, our study shows a highest score of 7.14 (very good) among PST. However, these differences were not statistically significant (p> 0.05). Conclusion: Training in paediatric surgery must continue to emphasize professionalism and medical ethics education to deliver the best health care services.

Keywords: KAP, medical ethics, paediatric, surgeons, trainees

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9075 A Conceptual Model of Sex Trafficking Dynamics in the Context of Pandemics and Provisioning Systems

Authors: Brian J. Biroscak


In the United States (US), “sex trafficking” is defined at the federal level in the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 as encompassing a number of processes such as recruitment, transportation, and provision of a person for the purpose of a commercial sex act. It involves the use of force, fraud, or coercion, or in which the person induced to perform such act has not attained 18 years of age. Accumulating evidence suggests that sex trafficking is exacerbated by social and environmental stressors (e.g., pandemics). Given that “provision” is a key part of the definition, “provisioning systems” may offer a useful lens through which to study sex trafficking dynamics. Provisioning systems are the social systems connecting individuals, small groups, entities, and embedded communities as they seek to satisfy their needs and wants for goods, services, experiences and ideas through value-based exchange in communities. This project presents a conceptual framework for understanding sex trafficking dynamics in the context of the COVID pandemic. The framework is developed as a system dynamics simulation model based on published evidence, social and behavioral science theory, and key informant interviews with stakeholders from the Protection, Prevention, Prosecution, and Partnership sectors in one US state. This “4 P Paradigm” has been described as fundamental to the US government’s anti-trafficking strategy. The present research question is: “How do sex trafficking systems (e.g., supply, demand and price) interact with other provisioning systems (e.g., networks of organizations that help sexually exploited persons) to influence trafficking over time vis-à-vis the COVID pandemic?” Semi-structured interviews with stakeholders (n = 19) were analyzed based on grounded theory and combined for computer simulation. The first step (Problem Definition) was completed by open coding video-recorded interviews, supplemented by a literature review. The model depicts provision of sex trafficking services for victims and survivors as declining in March 2020, coincidental with COVID, but eventually rebounding. The second modeling step (Dynamic Hypothesis Formulation) was completed by open- and axial coding of interview segments, as well as consulting peer-reviewed literature. Part of the hypothesized explanation for changes over time is that the sex trafficking system behaves somewhat like a commodities market, with each of the other subsystems exhibiting delayed responses but collectively keeping trafficking levels below what they would be otherwise. Next steps (Model Building & Testing) led to a ‘proof of concept’ model that can be used to conduct simulation experiments and test various action ideas, by taking model users outside the entire system and seeing it whole. If sex trafficking dynamics unfold as hypothesized, e.g., oscillated post-COVID, then one potential leverage point is to address the lack of information feedback loops between the actual occurrence and consequences of sex trafficking and those who seek to prevent its occurrence, prosecute the traffickers, protect the victims and survivors, and partner with the other anti-trafficking advocates. Implications for researchers, administrators, and other stakeholders are discussed.

Keywords: pandemics, provisioning systems, sex trafficking, system dynamics modeling

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9074 Transforming Data into Knowledge: Mathematical and Statistical Innovations in Data Analytics

Authors: Zahid Ullah, Atlas Khan


The rapid growth of data in various domains has created a pressing need for effective methods to transform this data into meaningful knowledge. In this era of big data, mathematical and statistical innovations play a crucial role in unlocking insights and facilitating informed decision-making in data analytics. This abstract aims to explore the transformative potential of these innovations and their impact on converting raw data into actionable knowledge. Drawing upon a comprehensive review of existing literature, this research investigates the cutting-edge mathematical and statistical techniques that enable the conversion of data into knowledge. By evaluating their underlying principles, strengths, and limitations, we aim to identify the most promising innovations in data analytics. To demonstrate the practical applications of these innovations, real-world datasets will be utilized through case studies or simulations. This empirical approach will showcase how mathematical and statistical innovations can extract patterns, trends, and insights from complex data, enabling evidence-based decision-making across diverse domains. Furthermore, a comparative analysis will be conducted to assess the performance, scalability, interpretability, and adaptability of different innovations. By benchmarking against established techniques, we aim to validate the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed mathematical and statistical innovations in data analytics. Ethical considerations surrounding data analytics, such as privacy, security, bias, and fairness, will be addressed throughout the research. Guidelines and best practices will be developed to ensure the responsible and ethical use of mathematical and statistical innovations in data analytics. The expected contributions of this research include advancements in mathematical and statistical sciences, improved data analysis techniques, enhanced decision-making processes, and practical implications for industries and policymakers. The outcomes will guide the adoption and implementation of mathematical and statistical innovations, empowering stakeholders to transform data into actionable knowledge and drive meaningful outcomes.

Keywords: data analytics, mathematical innovations, knowledge extraction, decision-making

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9073 Fluid Structure Interaction Study between Ahead and Angled Impact of AGM 88 Missile Entering Relatively High Viscous Fluid for K-Omega Turbulence Model

Authors: Abu Afree Andalib, Rafiur Rahman, Md Mezbah Uddin


The main objective of this work is to anatomize on the various parameters of AGM 88 missile anatomized using FSI module in Ansys. Computational fluid dynamics is used for the study of fluid flow pattern and fluidic phenomenon such as drag, pressure force, energy dissipation and shockwave distribution in water. Using finite element analysis module of Ansys, structural parameters such as stress and stress density, localization point, deflection, force propagation is determined. Separate analysis on structural parameters is done on Abacus. State of the art coupling module is used for FSI analysis. Fine mesh is considered in every case for better result during simulation according to computational machine power. The result of the above-mentioned parameters is analyzed and compared for two phases using graphical representation. The result of Ansys and Abaqus are also showed. Computational Fluid Dynamics and Finite Element analyses and subsequently the Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI) technique is being considered. Finite volume method and finite element method are being considered for modelling fluid flow and structural parameters analysis. Feasible boundary conditions are also utilized in the research. Significant change in the interaction and interference pattern while the impact was found. Theoretically as well as according to simulation angled condition was found with higher impact.

Keywords: FSI (Fluid Surface Interaction), impact, missile, high viscous fluid, CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics), FEM (Finite Element Analysis), FVM (Finite Volume Method), fluid flow, fluid pattern, structural analysis, AGM-88, Ansys, Abaqus, meshing, k-omega, turbulence model

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