Search results for: chemical vapour deposition
Commenced in January 2007
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Paper Count: 5268

Search results for: chemical vapour deposition

4248 Geochemical Investigation of Weathering and Sorting for Tepeköy Sandstones

Authors: M. Yavuz Hüseyinca, Şuayip Küpeli


The Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA) values of Late Eocene-Oligocene aged sandstones that exposed on the eastern edge of Tuz Lake (Central Anatolia, Turkey) range from 49 to 59 with an average of 51. The A-CN-K diagram indicates that sandstones underwent post-depositional K-metasomatism. The original average CIA value before the K-metasomatism is calculated as 55. This value is lower than that of Post Archean Australian Shale (PAAS) and defines a low intense chemical weathering in the source-area. Extrapolation of sandstones back to the plagioclase-alkali feldspar line in the A-CN-K diagram suggests a high average plagioclase to alkali feldspar ratio in the provenance and a composition close to granodiorite. The Zr/Sc and Th/Sc ratios with the Al₂O₃-Zr-TiO₂ space do not show zircon addition that refuse both recycling of sediments and sorting effect. All these data suggest direct and rapid transportation from the source due to topographic uplift and probably arid to semi-arid climate conditions for the sandstones.

Keywords: central Anatolia, sandstone, sorting, weathering

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4247 Shelf Life of Frozen Processed Foods for Extended Durability

Authors: Manfreda Gerardo, Pasquali Frederique, Pepe Tiziana, Anastasio Aniello, Ianieri Adriana


The aim of the research was to evaluate the shelf life of a REPFED’s product (lasagna alla bolognese), developed as a product to be marketed fresh after defrosting. Three different samples were prepared: A, B and C, which presented differences in relation to the recipe, pasteurization technique and packaging on which the trend of the shelf-life indicator parameters was evaluated during a period of prolonged shelf life. The analytical plan involved the measurement of microbiological, chemical-physical and organoleptic parameters over 7 moments of storage selected in a period of 33 days. CBT, LAB, enterobacteria, E. coli, yeasts, molds, S. coagulase positive, B. cereus, Salmonella spp and L. monocytogenes, pH, Aw, Kreiss test, peroxides, atmosphere inside the packages, and organoleptic characteristics were determined. The results demonstrated the effect of post-packaging pasteurization on the shelf life of fresh from frozen products. However, the products pasteurized at 95°C in the absence of steam showed microbiological parameters that were not appropriate for an extended shelf life of up to 60 days. On the contrary, the samples pasteurized at 98°C with steam saturation and counterpressure showed values compatible with an extended shelf life. The results of the chemical-physical analyses highlighted how recipe and packaging affect the chemical-physical and organoleptic parameters. In conclusion, this preliminary study confirmed the effectiveness of post-packaging pasteurization treatments aimed at extending the shelf life of the product, helping the food company to occupy market niches even very distant from the production sites.

Keywords: shelf life, REPFED’s product, extended durability, pasteurization

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4246 Blood Flow in Stenosed Arteries: Analytical and Numerical Study

Authors: Shashi Sharma, Uaday Singh, V. K. Katiyar


Blood flow through a stenosed tube, which is of great interest to mechanical engineers as well as medical researchers. If stenosis exists in an artery, normal blood flow is disturbed. The deposition of fatty substances, cholesterol, cellular waste products in the inner lining of an artery results to plaque formation .The present study deals with a mathematical model for blood flow in constricted arteries. Blood is considered as a Newtonian, incompressible, unsteady and laminar fluid flowing in a cylindrical rigid tube along the axial direction. A time varying pressure gradient is applied in the axial direction. An analytical solution is obtained using the numerical inversion method for Laplace Transform for calculating the velocity profile of fluid as well as particles.

Keywords: blood flow, stenosis, Newtonian fluid, medical biology and genetics

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4245 Composition, Abundance and Diversity of Zooplankton in Sarangani Bay, Sarangani Province, Philippines

Authors: Jeter Canete, Noreen Joyce Estrella, Yedda Sachi Patrice Madelo


Zooplankton plays a crucial role in aquatic ecosystems and a number of water parameters involved in it. Despite their relevance, there is inadequate information about zooplankton communities in Sarangani Bay, Sarangani Province: one of the most essential waterbodies in Mindanao. The aim of the present study was to determine the composition, abundance, and diversity of zooplankton as well as to provide more recent data about the physico-chemical characteristics of Sarangani Bay. Zooplankton samples were collected by vertical hauls using a zooplankton net (mouth diameter: 0.5m; mesh size opening: round, 350μm) in three stations in the coastal waters of Alabel, Malapatan, and Maasim during November 2018. A total of 74 species of zooplankton belonging mainly to Kingdom Protozoa, Phylum Arthropoda, Chaetognatha, and Chordata were identified. Results showed a total zooplankton abundance of 1,984,166 ind/m³ with the highest count recorded at Malapatan (717,169 ind/m³) and the lowest at Maasim (624,411 ind/m³). Among 22 zooplankton groups identified, subclass Copepoda was found to be the most dominant (73.10%), followed by Appendicularia (12.18%) and Vertebrata (3.54%). Diversity analysis revealed an even distribution of species and a diverse ecosystem in all stations sampled. Correlation analysis indicated a strong relationship between zooplankton abundance and physico-chemical parameters. Overall, the physico-chemical profile of Sarangani Bay did not differ from the standards set by DENR, and analysis of the zooplankton communities revealed that Sarangani Bay favorably supports marine organisms to flourish. The findings of this study provide useful knowledge on zooplankton communities and can be used to create management strategies to protect the aquatic biodiversity in Sarangani Bay.

Keywords: aquatic biomonitoring, biodiversity, physicochemical analysis, population survey, Sarangani Bay, Sarangani Province, zooplankton

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4244 Characterization the Tin Sulfide Thin Films Prepared by Spray Ultrasonic

Authors: A. Attaf A., I. Bouhaf Kharkhachi


Spray ultrasonic deposition technique of tin disulfide (SnS2) thin films know wide application due to their adequate physicochemical properties for microelectronic applications and especially for solar cells. SnS2 film was deposited by spray ultrasonic technique, on pretreated glass substrates at well-determined conditions.The effect of SnS2 concentration on different optical properties of SnS2 Thin films, such us MEB, XRD, and UV spectroscopy visible spectrum was investigated. MEB characterization technique shows that the morphology of this films is uniform, compact and granular. x-ray diffraction study detects the best growth crystallinity in hexagonal structure with preferential plan (001). The results of UV spectroscopy visible spectrum show that films deposited at 0.1 mol/l is large transmittance greater than 25% in the visible region.The band gap energy is 2.54 Ev for molarity 0.1 mol/l.

Keywords: MEB, thin disulfide, thin films, ultrasonic spray, X-Ray diffraction, UV spectroscopy visible

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4243 Ecotoxicological Safety of Wastewater Treated with Lignocellulosic Adsorbents

Authors: Luísa P. Cruz-Lopes, Artur Figueirinha, Isabel Brás, Bruno Esteves


Portugal is an important wine and olive oil producer, activities which generate a high quantity of residues commonly called grape stalks and olive cake, respectively. In this work grape stalks and olive cake were used as lignocellulosic adsorbents for wastewater containing lead treatment. To attain a better knowledge of the factors that could influence the quality of the treated wastewater, a chemical characterization of the materials used in the treatment was done. To access the ecotoxicological safety of the treated wastewater, several tests were performed. The results of the toxicity test show that the samples leachate has a mild effect on the living models tested. The tests performed in lemna and bacteria were the most sensible to toxicity effects of the samples. The results obtained in this work evidenced the importance of use of simple and fast toxicity tests to predict impacts in the environment.

Keywords: chemical composition, lignocellulosic residues, ecotoxicological safety, wastewater

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4242 Evaluation of Water-Soluble Ionic Liquids Based on Quaternized Hyperbranched Polyamidoamine and Amino Acids for Chemical Enhanced Oil Recovery

Authors: Rasha Hosny, Ahmed Zahran, Mahmoud Ramzi, Fatma Mahmoud Abdelhafiz, Ammona S. Mohamed, Mahmoud Fathy Mubarak


Ionic liquids' ability to be tuned and stability under challenging environmental conditions are their significant features in enhanced oil recovery. In this study, two amino acid ionic liquids (AAILs) were prepared from quaternized hyperbranched polyamidoamine PAMAM (G0.5 C12) and amino acids (Cysteine and Lysine). The chemical structures of the prepared AAILs were verified by using FTIR and 1H-NMR spectra. These AAILs were tested for solubility, thermal stability, and surface activity in the presence of Egyptian medium crude oils under different PVT parameters after being diluted in several brine solutions of various salt compositions at 10% (w/w) salinity. The measurements reveal that the produced AAILs have good solubility and thermal stability. The effect of different concentrations of AAILs (0.1-5%) and salinity (20000-70000 ppm) on Interfacial tension (IFT) were studied. To test the efficacy of (AAILs) for a CEOR, numerous flooding experiments were carried out in samples of sandstone rock. Rock wettability is important for sandstone rocks, so conduct wettability alteration by contact angle (CA) of (30-55) and IFT of (7-13). The additional oil recovery was largely influenced by ionic liquid concentration, which may be changed by dilution with the formation and injected brines. This research has demonstrated that EOR techniques led to a recovery wt. (22-45%).

Keywords: amino acid ionic liquids, surface activity, critical micelle concentration, interfacial tension, contact angle, chemical enhanced oil recovery, wettability

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4241 Studies on Space-Based Laser Targeting System for the Removal of Orbital Space Debris

Authors: Krima M. Rohela, Raja Sabarinath Sundaralingam


Humans have been launching rockets since the beginning of the space age in the late 1950s. We have come a long way since then, and the success rate for the launch of rockets has increased considerably. With every successful launch, there is a large amount of junk or debris which is released into the upper layers of the atmosphere. Space debris has been a huge concern for a very long time now. This includes the rocket shells released from the launch and the parts of defunct satellites. Some of this junk will come to fall towards the Earth and burn in the atmosphere. But most of the junk goes into orbit around the Earth, and they remain in orbits for at least 100 years. This can cause a lot of problems to other functioning satellites and may affect the future manned missions to space. The main concern of the space-debris is the increase in space activities, which leads to risks of collisions if not taken care of soon. These collisions may result in what is known as Kessler Syndrome. This debris can be removed by a space-based laser targeting system. Hence, the matter is investigated and discussed. The first step in this involves launching a satellite with a high-power laser device into space, above the debris belt. Then the target material is ablated with a focussed laser beam. This step of the process is highly dependent on the attitude and orientation of the debris with respect to the Earth and the device. The laser beam will cause a jet of vapour and plasma to be expelled from the material. Hence, the force is applied in the opposite direction, and in accordance with Newton’s third law of motion, this will cause the material to move towards the Earth and get pulled down due to gravity, where it will get disintegrated in the upper layers of the atmosphere. The larger pieces of the debris can be directed towards the oceans. This method of removal of the orbital debris will enable safer passage for future human-crewed missions into space.

Keywords: altitude, Kessler syndrome, laser ablation, Newton’s third law of motion, satellites, Space debris

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4240 Development of Agomelatine Loaded Proliposomal Powders for Improved Intestinal Permeation: Effect of Surface Charge

Authors: Rajasekhar Reddy Poonuru, Anusha Parnem


Purpose: To formulate proliposome powder of agomelatine, an antipsychotic drug, and to evaluate physicochemical, in vitro characters and effect of surface charge on ex vivo intestinal permeation. Methods: Film deposition technique was employed to develop proliposomal powders of agomelatin with varying molar ratios of lipid Hydro Soy PC L-α-phosphatidylcholine (HSPC) and cholesterol with fixed sum of drug. With the aim to derive free flowing and stable proliposome powder, fluid retention potential of various carriers was examined. Liposome formation and number of vesicles formed for per mm3 up on hydration, vesicle size, and entrapment efficiency was assessed to deduce an optimized formulation. Sodium cholate added to optimized formulation to induce surface charge on formed vesicles. Solid-state characterization (FTIR, DSC, and XRD) was performed with the intention to assess native crystalline and chemical behavior of drug. The in vitro dissolution test of optimized formulation along with pure drug was evaluated to estimate dissolution efficiency (DE) and relative dissolution rate (RDR). Effective permeability co-efficient (Peff(rat)) in rat and enhancement ratio (ER) of drug from formulation and pure drug dispersion were calculated from ex vivo permeation studies in rat ileum. Results: Proliposomal powder formulated with equimolar ratio of HSPC and cholesterol ensued in higher no. of vesicles (3.95) with 90% drug entrapment up on hydration. Neusilin UFL2 was elected as carrier because of its high fluid retention potential (4.5) and good flow properties. Proliposome powder exhibited augmentation in DE (60.3 ±3.34) and RDR (21.2±01.02) of agomelation over pure drug. Solid state characterization studies demonstrated the transformation of native crystalline form of drug to amorphous and/or molecular state, which was in correlation with results obtained from in vitro dissolution test. The elevated Peff(rat) of 46.5×10-4 cm/sec and ER of 2.65 of drug from charge induced proliposome formulation with respect to pure drug dispersion was assessed from ex vivo intestinal permeation studies executed in ileum of wistar rats. Conclusion: Improved physicochemical characters and ex vivo intestinal permeation of drug from charge induced proliposome powder with Neusilin UFL2 unravels the potentiality of this system in enhancing oral delivery of agomelatin.

Keywords: agomelatin, proliposome, sodium cholate, neusilin

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4239 Microbial Degradation of Lignin for Production of Valuable Chemicals

Authors: Fnu Asina, Ivana Brzonova, Keith Voeller, Yun Ji, Alena Kubatova, Evguenii Kozliak


Lignin, a heterogeneous three-dimensional biopolymer, is one of the building blocks of lignocellulosic biomass. Due to its limited chemical reactivity, lignin is currently processed as a low-value by-product in pulp and paper mills. Among various industrial lignins, Kraft lignin represents a major source of by-products generated during the widely employed pulping process across the pulp and paper industry. Therefore, valorization of Kraft lignin holds great potential as this would provide a readily available source of aromatic compounds for various industrial applications. Microbial degradation is well known for using both highly specific ligninolytic enzymes secreted by microorganisms and mild operating conditions compared with conventional chemical approaches. In this study, the degradation of Indulin AT lignin was assessed by comparing the effects of Basidiomycetous fungi (Coriolus versicolour and Trametes gallica) and Actinobacteria (Mycobacterium sp. and Streptomyces sp.) to two commercial laccases, T. versicolour ( ≥ 10 U/mg) and C. versicolour ( ≥ 0.3 U/mg). After 54 days of cultivation, the extent of microbial degradation was significantly higher than that of commercial laccases, reaching a maximum of 38 wt% degradation for C. versicolour treated samples. Lignin degradation was further confirmed by thermal carbon analysis with a five-step temperature protocol. Compared with commercial laccases, a significant decrease in char formation at 850ºC was observed among all microbial-degraded lignins with a corresponding carbon percentage increase from 200ºC to 500ºC. To complement the carbon analysis result, chemical characterization of the degraded products at different stages of the delignification by microorganisms and commercial laccases was performed by Pyrolysis-GC-MS.

Keywords: lignin, microbial degradation, pyrolysis-GC-MS, thermal carbon analysis

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4238 Solution Growth of Titanium Nitride Nanowires for Implantation Application

Authors: Roaa Sait, Richard Cross


The synthesis and characterization of one dimensional nanostructure such as nanowires has received considerable attention. Much effort has concentrated on TiN material especially in the biological field due to its useful and unique properties in this field. Therefore, for the purpose of this project, synthesis of Titanium Nitride (TiN) nanowires (NWs) will be presented. They will be synthesised by growing titanium dioxide (Ti) NWs in an aqueous solution at low temperatures under atmospheric pressure. Then the grown nanowires will undergo a 'Nitrodation process' in which results in the formation of TiN NWs. The structure, morphology and composition of the grown nanowires will be characterized using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), X-ray Diffraction (XRD) and Cyclic Voltammetry (CV). Obtaining TiN NWs is a challenging task since it has not been formulated before, as far as we acknowledge. This might be due to the fact that nitriding Ti NWs can be difficult in terms of optimizing experimental parameters.

Keywords: nanowires, dissolution-growth, nucleation, PECVD, deposition, spin coating, scanning electron microscopic analysis, cyclic voltammetry analysis

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4237 Synthesis of Silver Powders Destined for Conductive Paste Metallization of Solar Cells Using Butyl-Carbitol and Butyl-Carbitol Acetate Chemical Reduction

Authors: N. Moudir, N. Moulai-Mostefa, Y. Boukennous, I. Bozetine, N. Kamel, D. Moudir


the study focuses on a novel process of silver powders synthesis for the preparation of conductive pastes used for solar cells metalization. Butyl-Carbitol and butyl-carbitol Acetate have been used as solvents and reducing agents of silver nitrate (AgNO3) as precursor to get silver powders. XRD characterization revealed silver powders with a cubic crystal system. SEM micro graphs showed spherical morphology of the particles. Laser granulometer gives similar particles distribution for the two agents. Using same glass frit and organic vehicle for comparative purposes, two conductive pastes were prepared with the synthesized silver powders for the front-side metalization of multi-crystalline cells. The pastes provided acceptable fill factor of 59.5 % and 60.8 % respectively.

Keywords: chemical reduction, conductive paste, silver nitrate, solar cell

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4236 Formation of Nanochannels by Heavy Ions in Graphene Oxide Reinforced Carboxymethylcellulose Membranes for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells Applications

Authors: B. Kurbanova, M. Karibayev, N. Almas, K. Ospanov, K. Aimaganbetov, T. Kuanyshbekov, K. Akatan, S. Kabdrakhmanova


Proton exchange membranes (PEMs) operating at high temperatures above 100 °C with the excellent mechanical, chemical and thermochemical stability have been received much attention, because of their practical application of proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs). Nowadays, a huge number of polymers and polymer-mixed various membranes have been investigated for this application, all of which offer both pros and cons. However, PEMFCs are still lack of ideal membranes with unique properties. In this work, carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) based membranes with dispersive graphene oxide (GO) sheets were fabricated and investigated for PEMFCs application. These membranes and pristine GO were studied by a combination of XRD, XPS, Raman, Brillouin, FTIR, thermo-mechanical analysis (TGA and Dynamic Mechanical Analysis) and SEM microscopy, while substantial studies on the proton transport properties were provided by Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) measurements. It was revealed that the addition of CMC to the GO boosts proton conductivity of the whole membrane, while GO provides good mechanical and thermomechanical stability to the membrane. Further, the continuous and ordered nanochannels with well-tailored chemical structures were obtained by irradiation of heavy ions Kr⁺¹⁷ with an energy of 1.75 MeV/nucleon on the heavy ion accelerator. The formation of these nanochannels led to the significant increase of proton conductivity at 50% Relative Humidity. Also, FTIR and XPS measurement results show that ion irradiation eliminated the GO’s surface oxygen chemical bonds (C=O, C-O), and led to the formation of C = C, C – C bonds, whereas these changes connected with an increase in conductivity.

Keywords: proton exchange membranes, graphene oxide, fuel cells, carboxymethylcellulose, ion irradiation

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4235 Production of High Purity Cellulose Products from Sawdust Waste Material

Authors: Simiksha Balkissoon, Jerome Andrew, Bruce Sithole


Approximately half of the wood processed in the Forestry, Timber, Pulp and Paper (FTPP) sector is accumulated as waste. The concept of a “green economy” encourages industries to employ revolutionary, transformative technologies to eliminate waste generation by exploring the development of new value chains. The transition towards an almost paperless world driven by the rise of digital media has resulted in a decline in traditional paper markets, prompting the FTTP sector to reposition itself and expand its product offerings by unlocking the potential of value-adding opportunities from renewable resources such as wood to generate revenue and mitigate its environmental impact. The production of valuable products from wood waste such as sawdust has been extensively explored in recent years. Wood components such as lignin, cellulose and hemicelluloses, which can be extracted selectively by chemical processing, are suitable candidates for producing numerous high-value products. In this study, a novel approach to produce high-value cellulose products, such as dissolving wood pulp (DWP), from sawdust was developed. DWP is a high purity cellulose product used in several applications such as pharmaceutical, textile, food, paint and coatings industries. The proposed approach demonstrates the potential to eliminate several complex processing stages, such as pulping and bleaching, which are associated with traditional commercial processes to produce high purity cellulose products such as DWP, making it less chemically energy and water-intensive. The developed process followed the path of experimentally designed lab tests evaluating typical processing conditions such as residence time, chemical concentrations, liquid-to-solid ratios and temperature, followed by the application of suitable purification steps. Characterization of the product from the initial stage was conducted using commercially available DWP grades as reference materials. The chemical characteristics of the products thus far have shown similar properties to commercial products, making the proposed process a promising and viable option for the production of DWP from sawdust.

Keywords: biomass, cellulose, chemical treatment, dissolving wood pulp

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4234 The Use of Polar Substituent Groups for Promoting Azo Disperse Dye Solubility and Reactivity for More Economic and Environmental Benign Applications: A Computational Study

Authors: Olaide O. Wahab, Lukman O. Olasunkanmi, Krishna K. Govender, Penny P. Govender


The economic and environmental challenges associated with azo disperse dyes applications are due to poor aqueous solubility and low degradation tendency which stems from low chemical reactivity. Poor aqueous solubility property of this group of dyes necessitates the use of dispersing agents which increase operational costs and also release toxic chemical components into the environment, while their low degradation tendency is due to the high stability of the azo functional group (-N=N-) in their chemical structures. To address these problems, this study investigated theoretically the effects of some polar substituents on the aqueous solubility and reactivity properties of disperse yellow (DY) 119 dye with a view to theoretically develop new azo disperse dyes with improved solubility in water and higher degradation tendency in the environment using DMol³ computational code. All calculations were carried out using the Becke and Perdew version of Volsko-Wilk-Nusair (VWN-BP) level of density functional theory in conjunction with double numerical basis set containing polarization function (DNP). The aqueous solubility determination was achieved with conductor-like screening model for realistic solvation (COSMO-RS) in conjunction with known empirical solubility model, while the reactivity was predicted using frontier molecular orbital calculations. Most of the new derivatives studied showed evidence of higher aqueous solubility and degradation tendency compared to the parent dye. We conclude that these derivatives are promising alternative dyes for more economic and environmental benign dyeing practice and therefore recommend them for synthesis.

Keywords: aqueous solubility, azo disperse dye, degradation, disperse yellow 119, DMol³, reactivity

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4233 Analysis of Green Wood Preservation Chemicals

Authors: Aitor Barbero-López, Soumaya Chibily, Gerhard Scheepers, Thomas Grahn, Martti Venäläinen, Antti Haapala


Wood decay is addressed continuously within the wood industry through use and development of wood preservatives. The increasing awareness on the negative effects of many chemicals towards the environment is causing political restrictions in their use and creating more urgent need for research on green alternatives. This paper discusses some of the possible natural extracts for wood preserving applications and compares the analytical methods available for testing their behavior and efficiency against decay fungi. The results indicate that natural extracts have interesting chemical constituents that delay fungal growth but vary in efficiency depending on the chemical concentration and substrate used. Results also suggest that presence and redistribution of preservatives in wood during exposure trials can be assessed by spectral imaging methods although standardized methods are not available. This study concludes that, in addition to the many standard methods available, there is a need to develop new faster methods for screening potential preservative formulation while maintaining the comparability and relevance of results.

Keywords: analytics, methods, preservatives, wood decay

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4232 Occult Haemolacria Paradigm in the Study of Tears

Authors: Yuliya Huseva


To investigate the contents of tears to determine latent blood. Methods: Tear samples from 72 women were studied with the microscopy of tears aspirated with a capillary and stained by Nocht and with a chemical method of test strips with chromogen. Statistical data processing was carried out using statistical packages Statistica 10.0 for Windows, calculation of Pearson's chi-square test, Yule association coefficient, the method of determining sensitivity and specificity. Results:, In 30.6% (22) of tear samples erythrocytes were revealed microscopically. Correlations between the presence of erythrocytes in the tear and the phase of the menstrual cycle has been discovered. In the follicular phase of the cycle, erythrocytes were found in 59.1% (13) people, which is significantly more (x2=4.2, p=0.041) compared to the luteal phase - in 40.9% (9) women. In the first seven days of the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle the erythrocytes were predominanted of in the tears of women examined testifies in favour of the vicarious bleeding from the mucous membranes of extragenital organs in sync with menstruation. Of the other cellular elements in tear samples with latent haemolacria, neutrophils prevailed - in 45.5% (10), while lymphocytes were less common - in 27.3% (6), because neutrophil exudation is accompanied by vasodilatation of the conjunctiva and the release of erythrocytes into the conjunctival cavity. It was found that the prognostic significance of the chemical method was 0.53 of the microscopic method. In contrast to microscopy, which detected blood in tear samples from 30.6% (22) of women, blood was detected chemically in tears of 16.7% (12). An association between latent haemolacria and endometriosis was found (k=0.75, p≤0.05). Microscopically, in the tears of patients with endometriosis, erythrocytes were detected in 70% of cases, while in healthy women without endometriosis - in 25% of cases. The proportion of women with erythrocytes in tears, determined by a chemical method, was 41.7% among patients with endometriosis, which is significantly more (x2=6.5, p=0.011) than 11.7% among women without endometriosis. The data obtained can be explained by the etiopathogenesis of the extragenital endometriosis which is caused by hematogenous spread of endometrial tissue into the orbit. In endometriosis, erythrocytes are found against the background of accumulations of epithelial cells. In the tear samples of 4 women with endometriosis, glandular cuboidal epithelial cells, morphologically similar to endometrial cells, were found, which may indicate a generalization of the disease. Conclusions: Single erythrocytes can normally be found in the tears, their number depends on the phase of the menstrual cycle, increasing in the follicular phase. Erythrocytes found in tears against the background of accumulations of epitheliocytes and their glandular atypia may indicate a manifestation of extragenital endometriosis. Both used methods (microscopic and chemical) are informative in revealing latent haemolacria. The microscopic method is more sensitive, reveals intact erythrocytes, and besides, it provides information about other cells. At the same time, the chemical method is faster and technically simpler, it determines the presence of haemoglobin and its metabolic products, and can be used as a screening.

Keywords: tear, blood, microscopy, epitheliocytes

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4231 Antibacterial and Antityrosinase Activity of Isolated Compounds from Stem Bark of Ficus platyphylla Del

Authors: Aminu Muhammad, Mustapha Ya’u, Hasnah Mohd Sirat


An investigation of the chemical constituents into the stem bark of Ficus platyphylla (Moraceae) has resulted in the isolation of hordenine, epicatechin, lupeol, lupeol acetate and α-amyrin acetate. Their structures were determined using spectroscopic data as well as comparison with literature data. The antibacterial assay has been tested against Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria, while the tyrosinase inhibition assay was examined using L-Dopa as a substrate of mushroom tyrosinase enzyme. hordenine, epicatechin, lupeol, lupeol acetate and α-amyrin acetate showed minimum inhibition concentration (MIC) values in the range of 225-900 µg/mL against the bacterial strains. Lupeol, lupeol acetate and α-amyrin acetate showed significant antityrosinase activity against mushroom tyrosinase enzyme with percent inhibition of 67.7%, 66.2% and 62.2%, respectively.

Keywords: antibacterial, antityrosinase, chemical constituents, Ficus platyphylla

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4230 Analyze Long-Term Shoreline Change at Yi-Lan Coast, Taiwan Using Multiple Sources

Authors: Geng-Gui Wang, Chia-Hao Chang, Jee-Cheng Wu


A shoreline is a line where a body of water and the shore meet. It provides economic and social security to coastal habitations. However, shorelines face multiple threats due to both natural processes and man-made effects because of disasters, rapid urbanization, industrialization, and sand deposition and erosion, etc. In this study, we analyzed multi-temporal satellite images of the Yilan coast, Taiwan from 1978 to 2016, using the United States Geological Survey (USGS) Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS), weather information (as rainfall records and typhoon routes), and man-made construction project data to explore the causes of shoreline changes. The results showed that the shoreline at Yilan coast is greatly influenced by typhoons and anthropogenic interventions.

Keywords: shoreline change, multi-temporal satellite, digital shoreline analysis system, DSAS, Yi-Lan coast

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4229 New Methodology for Monitoring Alcoholic Fermentation Processes Using Refractometry

Authors: Boukhiar Aissa, Iguergaziz Nadia, Halladj Fatima, Lamrani Yasmina, Benamara Salem


Determining the alcohol content in alcoholic fermentation bioprocess has a great importance. In fact, it is a key indicator for monitoring this fermentation bioprocess. Several methodologies (chemical, spectrophotometric, chromatographic...) are used to the determination of this parameter. However, these techniques are very long and require: rigorous preparations, sometimes dangerous chemical reagents, and/or expensive equipment. In the present study, the date juice is used as a substrate of alcoholic fermentation. The extracted juice undergoes an alcoholic fermentation by Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The study of the possible use of refractometry as a sole means for the in situ control of this process revealed a good correlation (R2 = 0.98) between initial and final ° Brix: ° Brix f = 0.377× ° Brixi. In addition, we verified the relationship between the variation in final and initial ° Brix (Δ ° Brix) and alcoholic rate produced (A exp): CΔ° Brix / A exp = 1.1. This allows the tracing of abacus isoresponses that permit to determine the alcoholic and residual sugar rates with a mean relative error (MRE) of 5.35%.

Keywords: refractometry, alcohol, residual sugar, fermentation, brix, date, juice

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4228 Study of Electroless Co-P Deposits on Steel

Authors: K. Chouchane, R. Mehdaoui, A. Atmani, A. Merati


A Co-P layer was coated onto steel substrate using electroless plating method in alkaline media. Three temperatures were tested 70, 80 and 90 °C. Sodium hypophosphite was used as a reducer. The influence of addition of boric acid in the bath on deposits properties was studied. Different techniques such as scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) and hardness measures were employed to characterize the morphology, composition and the structural properties of the resulting films. The corrosion properties of the prepared coatings were tested in 3% NaCl media, by means of current-potential curves, potential transients. The results showed that the thickness increase with increasing of bath temperature. The addition of boric acid don’t affect the thickness but has an influence on hardness. In fact, the hardness increases from 500 to 700Hv for the temperature of 90°C. The corrosion resistance is improved for all prepared layers.

Keywords: cobalt deposits, corrosion, electroless deposition, hardness

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4227 The Study of the Physical, Chemical and Mechanical Properties of Recycled Thermoplastic Polypropylene and Polyamide Materials Used in the Automotive Industry

Authors: Sevim Gecici, Erdinc Doganci


Thermoplastic materials are widely used in the automotive industry due to their lightweight nature, durability, recyclability and versatility in shaping. They serve various purposes in the automotive sector, including interior and exterior components, vehicle body parts and insulation. The recycling of thermoplastic polymer materials used in the automotive industry helps reduce waste and mitigate environmental impacts. The aim of this study is to facilitate the recycling of thermoplastic materials used in the automotive industry. Recycled materials, such as sprues and defective parts, are generated from thermoplastic polymer materials used in the automotive sector after the injection process. In this study, the physical, chemical and mechanical properties of the recycled parts obtained from the reprocessing of these materials were determined through various tests. Thermoplastic products (PP and PA) that were recycled after the injection process were processed through a grinding unit and then subjected to a second injection process with physical, chemical and mechanical tests applied to the resulting products. This is a result of the initial grinding process. The same procedures were applied to each thermoplastic material through a series of steps first injection, first grinding, second injection, second grinding, third injection, third grinding, fourth injection and fourth grinding, followed by product testing. Subsequently, the test results of the original raw material's Technical Data Sheet (TDS) were compared with the results obtained from the products after the injection process to determine the raw material based on physical, chemical and mechanical changes. The study included tests for Density, Melt Flow Rate, Tensile Modulus, Tensile Stress, Flexural Modulus (Injection Molded), Charpy Notched Impact Strength, Notched Izod Impact Strength, Shore Hardness, Heat Deflection Temperature, Vicat Softening Temperature and UV tests. Additionally, more specific tests such as Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA), Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), Heat Aging, FTIR, SEM and TEM analyses were conducted to examine structural changes in thermoplastic materials subjected to multiple recycling processes. In the later stages of the study, injection molding process trials will be conducted with raw materials such as ABS, PC, PC-ABS and PE.

Keywords: injection molding, recycling, automotive, polypropylene, thermoplastic

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4226 Yield and Physiological Evaluation of Coffee (Coffea arabica L.) in Response to Biochar Applications

Authors: Alefsi D. Sanchez-Reinoso, Leonardo Lombardini, Hermann Restrepo


Colombian coffee is recognized worldwide for its mild flavor and aroma. Its cultivation generates a large amount of waste, such as fresh pulp, which leads to environmental, health, and economic problems. Obtaining biochar (BC) by pyrolysis of coffee pulp and its incorporation to the soil can be a complement to the crop mineral nutrition. The objective was to evaluate the effect of the application of BC obtained from coffee pulp on the physiology and agronomic performance of the Castillo variety coffee crop (Coffea arabica L.). The research was developed in field condition experiment, using a three-year-old commercial coffee crop, carried out in Tolima. Four doses of BC (0, 4, 8 and 16 t ha-1) and four levels of chemical fertilization (CF) (0%, 33%, 66% and 100% of the nutritional requirements) were evaluated. Three groups of variables were recorded during the experiment: i) physiological parameters such as Gas exchange, the maximum quantum yield of PSII (Fv/Fm), biomass, and water status were measured; ii) physical and chemical characteristics of the soil in a commercial coffee crop, and iii) physiochemical and sensorial parameters of roasted beans and coffee beverages. The results indicated that a positive effect was found in plants with 8 t ha-1 BC and fertilization levels of 66 and 100%. Also, a positive effect was observed in coffee trees treated with 8 t ha-1 BC and 100%. In addition, the application of 16 t ha-1 BC increased the soil pHand microbial respiration; reduced the apparent density and state of aggregation of the soil compared to 0 t ha-1 BC. Applications of 8 and 16 t ha-1 BC and 66%-100% chemical fertilization registered greater sensitivity to the aromatic compounds of roasted coffee beans in the electronic nose. Amendments of BC between 8 and 16 t ha-1 and CF between 66% and 100% increased the content of total soluble solids (TSS), reduced the pH, and increased the titratable acidity in beverages of roasted coffee beans. In conclusion, 8 t ha-1 BC of the coffee pulp can be an alternative to supplement the nutrition of coffee seedlings and trees. Applications between 8 and 16 t ha-1 BC support coffee soil management strategies and help the use of solid waste. BC as a complement to chemical fertilization showed a positive effect on the aromatic profile obtained for roasted coffee beans and cup quality attributes.

Keywords: crop yield, cup quality, mineral nutrition, pyrolysis, soil amendment

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4225 Influence of Some Chemical Drinking Water Parameters on Germ Count in Nalout Region, Libya

Authors: Dukali Abujnah, Mokhtar Blgacem Halbuda


Water is one of the world's natural resources. It is an essential source for the maintenance of human, animal, and plant life. It has a significant impact on the country's economy and all human activities. Over the past twenty years, pressure on water resources has increased due to population and industrial growth and increasing demand for agricultural and household products, which has become a major concern of the international community. The aim of this study is the physical and bacteriological analysis of drinking water in the city of Value. The study covered different locations in the city. Thirty-six groundwater samples were taken from wells and various tanks owned by the State and private wells, and the Ain Thalia spring and other samples were taken from underground water tanks. It fills up with rainwater during the rainy season. These samples were analyzed for their physical, chemical, and biological status and the results were compared to Libyan and World Health Organization drinking water specifications to assess the quality of drinking water in the city of Value. Physical and chemical analysis of water samples showed acceptable values for acidity and electrical conductivity, and turbidity was found in water samples collected from underground reservoirs compared to Libyan and World Health Organization standards. The highest levels of electrical conductivity and alkalinity, TDS, and water hardness in the samples collected were below the maximum acceptable levels for drinking water as recommended by Libyan and World Health Organization specifications. The biological test results also showed that the water samples were free of intestinal bacteria.

Keywords: quality, agriculture, region, reservoir, evaluation

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4224 Free Raducal Scavenging Activity of Fractionated Extract and Structural Elucidation of Isolated Compounds from Hydrocotyl Bonariensis Comm. Ex Lam Leaves

Authors: Emmanuel O Ajani, Sabiu S, Mariam Zakari, Fisayo A Bamisaye


Hydrocotyl bonariensis is a plant which anticataractogenic potentials have been reported. In the present study an attempt was made to evaluate the in vitro antioxidant activity of the fractionates of the leaves extract and also characterize some of its chemical constituents. DPPH, H₂O₂, OH and NO free radical scavenging, metal chelating and reducing power activity was used to evaluate the antioxidant activity of the crude extract fractionates. Fresh leaves of Hydrocotyl bonariensis leaves were extracted in 70% methanol. The extract was partitioned with different solvent system of increasing polarity (n-hexane, chloroform, ethyl acetate methanol and water). Compounds were isolated from the aqueous practitionate using accelerated gradient chromatography, vacuum liquid chromatography, preparative TLC and conventional column chromatography. The presence of the chemical groups was established with HPLC and Fourier Transform Infra Red. The structures of isolated compounds were elucidated by spectroscopic study and chemical shifts. Data from the study indicates that all the fractionates contain compounds with free radical scavenging activity. This activity was more pronounced in the aqueous fractionate (DPPH IC₅₀, 0025 ± 0.011 mg/ml, metal chelating capacity 27.5%, OH- scavenging IC₅₀, 0.846 ± 0.037 mg/ml, H₂O₂ scavenging IC₅₀ 0.521 ± 0.015 mg/ml, reducing power IC₅₀ 0.248 ± 0.025 mg/ml and NO scavenging IC₅₀ 0.537 ± 0.038 mg/ml). Two compounds were isolated and when compared with data from the literature; the structures were suggestive of polyphenolic flavonoid, quercetin and 3-O-β-D-glucopyranosyl-sitosterol. The result indicates that H. bonariensis leaves contain bioactive compounds with antioxidant activity.

Keywords: antioxidant, cataract, free radical, flavonoids, hydrocotyl bonariensis

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4223 Response of Canola Traits to Integrated Fertilization Systems

Authors: Khosro Mohammadi


In order to study the effect of different resources of farmyard manure, compost and biofertilizers on grain yield and quality of canola (Talaieh cultivar), an experiment was conducted at Kurdistan region. Experimental units were arranged in split-split plots design based on randomized complete blocks with three replications. Main plots consisted of two locations with difference in soil texture (L1): Agricultural Research Center of Sanandaj and (L2): Islamic Azad University of Sanandaj, as location levels. Also, five strategies for obtaining the base fertilizer requirement including (N1): farmyard manure; (N2): compost; (N3): chemical fertilizers; (N4): farm yard manure + compost and (N5): farm yard manure + compost + chemical fertilizers were considered in split plots. Four levels of biofertilizers were (B1): Bacillus lentus and Pseudomonas putida; (B2): Trichoderma harzianum; (B3): Bacillus lentus and Pseudomonas putida & Trichoderma harzianum; and (B4): control. Results showed that location, different resources of fertilizer and interactions of them have a significant effect on grain yield. The highest grain yield (4660 kg/ha) was obtained from treatment, that farmyard manure, compost and biofertilizers were co application in clay loam soil (Gerizeh station). Different methods of fertilization have a significant effect on leaf chlorophyll. Highest amount of chlorophyll (38 Spad) was obtained from co application of farmyard manure, chemical fertilizers and compost (N5 treatment). Location, basal fertilizers and biofertilizers have a significant effect on N, S and N/S of canola seed. Oil content was decreased in Gerizeh station, but oil yield had a significant increasing than Azad University station. Co application of compost and farmyard manure produced highest percent of oleic acid (61.5 %) and linoleic acid (22.9 %). Co application of compost and farmyard manure has a significant increase in oleic acid and linoleic acid. Finally, L1N5B3 treatment, that compost, farmyard manure and biofertilizers were co application in Gerizeh station in compare to other treatments, selected as a best treatment of experiment.

Keywords: soil texture, organic fertilizer, chemical fertilizer, oil, Canola

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4222 Characterisation and in vitro Corrosion Resistance of Plasma Sprayed Hydroxyapatite and Hydroxyapatite: Silicon Oxide Coatings on 316L SS

Authors: Gurpreet Singh, Hazoor Singh, Buta Singh Sidhu


In the current investigation plasma spray technique was used for depositing hydroxyapatite (HA) and HA – silicon oxide (SiO2) coatings on 316L SS substrate. In HA-SiO2 coating, 20 wt% SiO2 was mixed with HA. The feedstock and coatings were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM)/energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) analyses. The corrosion resistance of the uncoated, HA coated and HA + 20 wt% SiO2 coated 316L SS was investigated by electrochemical corrosion testing in simulated human body fluid (Ringer’s solution). The influence of SiO2 (20 wt%) on corrosion resistance was determined. After the corrosion testing, the samples were analyzed by XRD and SEM/EDX analyses. The addition of SiO2 reduces the crystallinity of the coating. The corrosion resistance of the 316L SS was found to increase after the deposition of the HA + 20 wt% SiO2 and HA coatings.

Keywords: HA, SiO2, corrosion, Ringer’s solution, 316L SS

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4221 Marketing Parameters on Consumer's Perceptions of Farmed Sea Bass in Greece

Authors: Sophia Anastasiou, Cosmas Nathanailides, Fotini Kakali, Kostas Karipoglou


Wild fish are considered as testier and in fish restaurants are offered at twice the price of farmed fish. Several chemical and structural differences can affect the consumer's attitudes for farmed fish. The structure and chemical composition of fish muscle is also important for the performance of farmed fish during handling, storage and processing. In the present work we present the chemical and sensory parameters which are used as indicators of fish flesh quality and we investigated the perceptions of consumers for farmed sea bass and the organoleptic differences between samples of wild and farmed sea bass. A questionnaire was distributed to a group of various ages that were regular consumers of sea bass. The questionnaire included a survey on the perceptions on taste and appearance differences between wild and farmed sea bass. A significant percentage (>40%) of the participants stated their perception of superior taste of wild sea bass versus the farmed fish. The participants took part in an organoleptic assessment of wild and farmed sea bass prepared and cooked by a local fish restaurant. Portions were evaluated for intensity of sensorial attributes from 1 (low intensity) to 5 (high intensity). The results indicate that contrary to the assessor's perception, farmed sea bass scored better in al organoleptic parameters assessed with marked superiority in texture and taste over the wild sea bass. This research has been co-financed by the European Union (European Social Fund – ESF) and Greek national funds through the Operational Program "Education and Lifelong Learning" of the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) - Research Funding Program: ARCHIMEDES III. Investing in knowledge society through the European Social Fund.

Keywords: fish marketing, farmed fish, seafood quality, wild fish

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4220 Wastes of Oil Drilling: Treatment Techniques and Their Effectiveness

Authors: Abbas Hadj Abbas, Hacini Massaoud, Aiad Lahcen


In Hassi-Messoud’s oil industry, the systems which are water based (WBM) are generally used for drilling in the first phase. For the rest of the well, the oil mud systems are employed (OBM). In the field of oil exploration, panoply of chemical products is employed in the drilling fluids formulation. These components of different natures and whose toxicity and biodegradability are of ill-defined parameters are; however, thrown into nature. In addition to the hydrocarbon (HC, such as diesel) which is a major constituent of oil based mud, we also can notice spills as well as a variety of other products and additives on the drilling sites. These wastes are usually stored in places called (crud wastes). These may cause major problems to the ecosystem. To treat these wastes, we have considered two methods which are: solidification/ stabilization (chemical) and thermal. So that we can evaluate the techniques of treatment, a series of analyses are performed on dozens of specimens of wastes before treatment. After that, and on the basis of our analyses of wastes, we opted for diagnostic treatments of pollution before and after solidification and stabilization. Finally, we have done some analyses before and after the thermal treatment to check the efficiency of the methods followed in the study.

Keywords: wastes treatment, the oil pollution, the norms, wastes drilling

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4219 Removal of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHS) and the Response of Indigenous Bacteria in Highly Contaminated Aged Soil after Persulfate Oxidation

Authors: Yaling Gou, Sucai Yang, Pengwei Qiao


Integrated chemical-biological treatment is an attractive alternative to remove polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) from contaminated soil; wherein indigenous bacteria is the key factor for the biodegradation of residual PAHs concentrations after the application of chemical oxidation. However, the systematical study on the impact of persulfate (PS) oxidation on indigenous bacteria as well as PAHs removal is still scarce. In this study, the influences of different PS dosages (1%, 3%, 6%, and 10% [w/w]), as well as various activation methods (native iron, H2O2, alkaline, ferrous iron, and heat) on PAHs removal and indigenous bacteria in highly contaminated aged soil were investigated. Apparent degradation of PAHs in the soil treated with PS oxidation was observed, and the removal efficiency of total PAHs in the soil ranged from 38.28% to 79.97%. The removal efficiency of total PAHs in the soil increased with increasing consumption of PS. However, the bacterial abundance in soil was negatively affected following oxidation for all of the treatments added with PS, with bacterial abundance in the soil decreased by 0.89~2.88 orders of magnitude compared to the untreated soil. Moreover, the number of total bacteria in the soil decreased as PS consumption increased. Different PS activation methods and PS dosages exhibited different influences on the bacterial community composition. Bacteria capable of degrading PAHs under anoxic conditions were composed predominantly by Proteobacteria and Firmicutes. The total amount of Proteobacteria and Firmicutes also decreased with increasing consumption of PS. The results of this study provide important insight into the design of PAHs contaminated soil remediation projects.

Keywords: activation method, chemical oxidation, indigenous bacteria, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon

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