Search results for: chemical alternative assessment
Commenced in January 2007
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Paper Count: 13131

Search results for: chemical alternative assessment

2721 Preparation and Characterization of Road Base Material Based on Kazakhstan Production Waste

Authors: K. K. Kaidarova, Ye. K. Aibuldinov, Zh. B. Iskakova, G. Zh. Alzhanova, S. Zh. Zayrova


Currently, the existing road infrastructure of Kazakhstan needs the reconstruction of existing highways and the construction of new roads. The solution to this problem can be achieved by replacing traditional building materials with industrial waste, which in their chemical and mineralogical composition are close to natural raw materials and can partially or completely replace some natural binding materials in road construction. In this regard, the purpose of this study is to develop building materials based on the red sludge of the Pavlodar aluminum plant, blast furnace slag of the Karaganda Metallurgical Plant, lime production waste of the Pavlodar Aluminum Plant as a binder for natural loam. Changes in physical and mechanical properties were studied for uniaxial compression strength, linear expansion coefficient, water resistance, and frost resistance of the samples. Nine mixtures were formed with different percentages of these wastes 1-20:25:4; 2-20:25:6; 3-20:25:8; 4-30:30:4; 5-30:30:6; 6-30:30:8; 7-40:35:4; 8-40:35:6; 9-40:35:8 and the mixture identifier were labeled based on the waste content and composition number. The results of strength measurement during uniaxial compression of the samples showed an almost constant increase in strength and amounted to 0.67–3.56 MPa after three days and 3.33–7.38 MPa after 90 days. This increase in compressive strength is a consequence of the addition of lime and becomes more pronounced over time. The water resistance of the developed materials after 90 days was 7.12 MPa, and the frost resistance for the same period was 7.35 MPa. The maximum values of strength determination were shown by a sample of the composition 9-40:35:8. The study of the mineral composition showed that there was no contamination with heavy metals or dangerous substances. It was determined that road materials made of red sludge, blast furnace slag, lime production waste, and natural loam mixture could be used due to their strength indicators and environmental characteristics.

Keywords: production waste, uniaxial compression, water resistance of materials, frost resistance of samples

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2720 Occupational Health Programs for Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining: A Systematic Review for the WHO Global Plan of Action for Workers' Health

Authors: Vivian W. L. Tsang, Karen Lockhart, Samuel Spiegel, Annalee Yassi


Background: Workers in the informal economy often incur exposure to well-documented occupational health hazards. Insufficient attention has been afforded to rigorously evaluating intervention programs to reduce the risks, especially in artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM). Objectives: This systematic review, conducted as part of the World Health Organization’s Global Plan of Action for Workers’ Health, sought to assess the state of knowledge on occupational health programs and interventions for the informal artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) sector, an occupation which directly employs at least 50 million people. Methods: We used a comprehensive search strategy for four well-known databases relevant to health outcomes: PubMed, Engineering Village, OVID Medline, and Web of Science, and employed the PRISMA framework for our analysis. Findings: Ten studies met the inclusion criteria of a primary study focused on assessing the impact of interventions addressing occupational health concerns in ASGM. There were no studies evaluating or even identifying comprehensive occupational health and safety programs for this sector, although target interventions addressing specific hazards exist. Major areas of intervention –education and introduction of mercury-reducing/eliminating technology were identified, and the challenges and limitations of each intervention taken into the assessment. Even for these, however, there was a lack of standardization for measuring outcome or impact, let alone long-term health outcomes for miners and mining communities. Conclusion: There is an urgent need for research on comprehensive occupational health programs addressing the array of hazards faced by artisanal and small-scale miners.

Keywords: informal economy, artisanal and small-scale gold mining, occupational health, health and safety, workplace safety

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2719 Characterization, Classification and Fertility Capability Classification of Three Rice Zones of Ebonyi State, Southeastern Nigeria

Authors: Sunday Nathaniel Obasi, Chiamak Chinasa Obasi


Soil characterization and classification provide the basic information necessary to create a functional evaluation and soil classification schemes. Fertility capability classification (FCC) on the other hand is a technical system that groups the soils according to kinds of problems they present for management of soil physical and chemical properties. This research was carried out in Ebonyi state, southeastern Nigeria, which is an agrarian state and a leading rice producing part of southeastern Nigeria. In order to maximize the soil and enhance the productivity of rice in Ebonyi soils, soil classification, and fertility classification information need to be supplied. The state was grouped into three locations according to their agricultural zones namely; Ebonyi north, Ebonyi central and Ebonyi south representing Abakaliki, Ikwo and Ivo locations respectively. Major rice growing areas of the soils were located and two profile pits were sunk in each of the studied zones from which soils were characterized, classified and fertility capability classification (FCC) developed. Soil classification was done using United State Department of Agriculture (USDA) Soil Taxonomy and correlated with World Reference Base for soil resources. Results obtained classified Abakaliki 1 and Abakaliki 2 as Typic Fluvaquents (Ochric Fluvisols). Ikwo 1 was classified as Vertic Eutrudepts (Eutric Vertisols) while Ikwo 2 was classified as Typic Eutrudepts (Eutric Cambisols). Ivo 1 and Ivo 2 were both classified as Aquic Eutrudepts (Gleyic Leptosols). Fertility capability classification (FCC) revealed that all studied soils had mostly loamy topsoils and subsoils except Ikwo 1 with clayey topsoil. Limitations encountered in the studied soils include; dryness (d), low ECEC (e), low nutrient capital reserve (k) and water logging/ anaerobic condition (gley). Thus, FCC classifications were Ldek for Abakaliki 1 and 2, Ckv for Ikwo 1, LCk for Ikwo 2 while Ivo 1 and 2 were Legk and Lgk respectively.

Keywords: soil classification, soil fertility, limitations, modifiers, Southeastern Nigeria

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2718 Neuropsychological Deficits in Drug-Resistant Epilepsy

Authors: Timea Harmath-Tánczos


Drug-resistant epilepsy (DRE) is defined as the persistence of seizures despite at least two syndrome-adapted antiseizure drugs (ASD) used at efficacious daily doses. About a third of patients with epilepsy suffer from drug resistance. Cognitive assessment has a crucial role in the diagnosis and clinical management of epilepsy. Previous studies have addressed the clinical targets and indications for measuring neuropsychological functions; best to our knowledge, no studies have examined it in a Hungarian therapy-resistant population. To fill this gap, we investigated the Hungarian diagnostic protocol between 18 and 65 years of age. This study aimed to describe and analyze neuropsychological functions in patients with drug-resistant epilepsy and identify factors associated with neuropsychology deficits. We perform a prospective case-control study comparing neuropsychological performances in 50 adult patients and 50 healthy individuals between March 2023 and July 2023. Neuropsychological functions were examined in both patients and controls using a full set of specific tests (general performance level, motor functions, attention, executive facts., verbal and visual memory, language, and visual-spatial functions). Potential risk factors for neuropsychological deficit were assessed in the patient group using a multivariate analysis. The two groups did not differ in age, sex, dominant hand and level of education. Compared with the control group, patients with drug-resistant epilepsy showed worse performance on motor functions and visuospatial memory, sustained attention, inhibition and verbal memory. Neuropsychological deficits could therefore be systematically detected in patients with drug-resistant epilepsy in order to provide neuropsychological therapy and improve quality of life. The analysis of the classical and complex indices of the special neuropsychological tasks presented in the presentation can help in the investigation of normal and disrupted memory and executive functions in the DRE.

Keywords: drug-resistant epilepsy, Hungarian diagnostic protocol, memory, executive functions, cognitive neuropsychology

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2717 Applying Cognitive Psychology to Education: Translational Educational Science

Authors: Hammache Nadir


The scientific study of human learning and memory is now more than 125 years old. Psychologists have conducted thousands of experiments, correlational analyses, and field studies during this time, in addition to other research conducted by those from neighboring fields. A huge knowledge base has been carefully built up over the decades. Given this backdrop, we may ask ourselves: What great changes in education have resulted from this huge research base? How has the scientific study of learning and memory changed practices in education from those of, say, a century ago? Have we succeeded in building a translational educational science to rival medical science (in which biological knowledge is translated into medical practice) or types of engineering (in which, e.g., basic knowledge in chemistry is translated into products through chemical engineering)? The answer, I am afraid, is rather mixed. Psychologists and psychological research have influenced educational practice, but in fits and starts. After all, some of the great founders of American psychology—William James, Edward L. Thorndike, John Dewey, and others—are also revered as important figures in the history of education. And some psychological research and ideas have made their way into education—for instance, computer-based cognitive tutors for some specific topics have been developed in recent years—and in years past, such practices as teaching machines, programmed learning, and, in higher education, the Keller Plan were all important. These older practices have not been sustained. Was that because they failed or because of a lack of systematic research showing they were effective? At any rate, in 2012, we cannot point to a well-developed translational educational science in which research about learning and memory, thinking and reasoning, and related topics is moved from the lab into controlled field trials (like clinical trials in medicine) and the tested techniques, if they succeed, are introduced into broad educational practice. We are just not there yet, and one question that arises is how we could achieve a translational educational science.

Keywords: affective, education, cognition, pshychology

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2716 A Team-Based Learning Game Guided by a Social Robot

Authors: Gila Kurtz, Dan Kohen Vacs


Social robots (SR) is an emerging field striving to deploy computers capable of resembling human shapes and mimicking human movements, gestures, and behaviors. The evolving capability of SR to interact with human offers groundbreaking ways for learning and training opportunities. Studies show that SR can offer instructional experiences for fostering creativity, entertainment, enjoyment, and curiosity. These added values are essential for empowering instructional opportunities as gamified learning experiences. We present our project focused on deploying an activity to be experienced in an escape room aimed at team-based learning scaffolded by an SR, NAO. An escape room is a well-known approach for gamified activities focused on a simulated scenario experienced by team-based participants. Usually, the simulation takes place in a physical environment where participants must complete a series of challenges in a limited amount of time. During this experience, players learn something about the assigned topic of the room. In the current learning simulation, students must "save the nation" by locating sensitive information stolen and stored in a vault of four locks. Team members have to look for hints and solve riddles mediated by NAO. Each solution provides a unique code for opening one of the four locks. NAO is also used to provide ongoing feedback on the team's performance. We captured the proceeding of our activity and used it to conduct an evaluation study among ten experts in related areas. The experts were interviewed on their overall assessment of the learning activity and their perception of the added value related to the robot. The results were very encouraging on the feasibility that NAO can serve as a motivational tutor in adults' collaborative game-based learning. We believe that this study marks the first step toward a template for developing innovative team-based training using escape rooms supported by a humanoid robot.

Keywords: social robot, NAO, learning, team based activity, escape room

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2715 Engineered Bio-Coal from Pressed Seed Cake for Removal of 2, 4, 6-Trichlorophenol with Parametric Optimization Using Box–Behnken Method

Authors: Harsha Nagar, Vineet Aniya, Alka Kumari, Satyavathi B.


In the present study, engineered bio-coal was produced from pressed seed cake, which otherwise is non-edible in origin. The production process involves a slow pyrolysis wherein, based on the optimization of process parameters; a substantial reduction in H/C and O/C of 77% was achieved with respect to the original ratio of 1.67 and 0.8, respectively. The bio-coal, so the product was found to have a higher heating value of 29899 kJ/kg with surface area 17 m²/g and pore volume of 0.002 cc/g. The functional characterization of bio-coal and its subsequent modification was carried out to enhance its active sites, which were further used as an adsorbent material for removal of 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol (2,4,6-TCP) herbicide from the aqueous stream. The point of zero charge for the bio-coal was found to be pH < 3 where its surface is positively charged and attracts anions resulting in the maximum 2, 4, 6-TCP adsorption at pH 2.0. The parametric optimization of the adsorption process was studied based on the Box-Behken design with the desirability approach. The results showed optimum values of adsorption efficiency of 74.04% and uptake capacity of 118.336 mg/g for an initial metal concentration of 250 mg/l and particle size of 0.12 mm at pH 2.0 and 1 g/L of bio-coal loading. Negative Gibbs free energy change values indicated the feasibility of 2,4,6-TCP adsorption on biochar. Decreasing the ΔG values with the rise in temperature indicated high favourability at low temperatures. The equilibrium modeling results showed that both isotherms (Langmuir and Freundlich) accurately predicted the equilibrium data, which may be attributed to the different affinity of the functional groups of bio-coal for 2,4,6-TCP removal. The possible mechanism for 2,4,6-TCP adsorption is found to be physisorption (pore diffusion, p*_p electron donor-acceptor interaction, H-bonding, and van der Waals dispersion forces) and chemisorption (phenolic and amine groups chemical bonding) based on the kinetics data modeling.

Keywords: engineered biocoal, 2, 4, 6-trichlorophenol, box behnken design, biosorption

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2714 A Rare Case of Myometrial Ectopic

Authors: Madeleine Cox


Objective: Discussion of diagnosis and management options for myometrial ectopic pregnancy Case: A 30 yo G1P0 presented to the emergency department with vaginal bleeding for the last 4 days. She had a positive home urine pregnancy test, confirmed with a serum HCG. When she presented for an ultrasound, there was no intrauterine pregnancy, no evidence of adnexal pregnancy, however, the anterior myometrium of the uterus was noted to be markedly abnormal. When she presented to the emergency department of a busy tertiary hospital in Queensland, she had a small amount of vaginal bleeding, was anxious but well, observations normal. Repeat blood testes demonstrated a serum HCG of 9246 IU/L, haemoglobin of 143g/L. The patient had an interesting history of a right oophorectomy and open myomectomy in another country. A repeat ultrasound again showed an abnormality within the myometrium of the uterus, which was initially reported as concerning for an AVM, or potentially invasive gestational trophoblastic disease. An MRI was organised 2 days later, which demonstrated a intramural/subserosal irregularity in the right lateral body measuring 35x38x42mm with peripheral enhancement and central cystic components, favouring a myometrial ectopic most likely at the site of previous myomectomy. Alternative diagnosis of AVM, GTD were considered less likely. After discussion with the patient, IV methotrexate was administered as an in patient 4 days after her initial presentation to emergency. After this, her HCG fell to 1236 IU/L on day 6 post treatment. Weekly reviews showed stable ultrasound appearances with a steadily dropping HCG level. A repeat MRI was performed 3 weeks after methotrexate administration which confirmed involution of the myometrial ectopic, however, showed ongoing progression of vascularity surrounding the site. Despite resolution of HCG, the patient persisted to have ongoing bleeding associated with this and went to have uterine artery embolisation. Follow up ultrasound showed resolution of abnormal vascularity and negative HCG levels. Conclusion: Myometrial ectopic pregnancies are a rare occurrence and require a multidisciplinary approach to achieve timely management for these patients. This patient was in a very well resourced setting with excellent access to Interventional Radiology and specialist Radiologists who could work together with the Obstetrics, Gynaecology, and Maternal Fetal Medicine team to provide multiple options of management which preserved her fertility. This case has a very good outcome, with the patient being referred back to our service 12 months later with an early intrauterine pregnancy.

Keywords: ectopic, pregnancy, miscarriage, gynaecology

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2713 Lightweight Ceramics from Clay and Ground Corncobs

Authors: N.Quaranta, M. Caligaris, R. Varoli, A. Cristobal, M. Unsen, H. López


Corncobs are agricultural wastes and they can be used as fuel or as raw material in different industrial processes like cement manufacture, contaminant adsorption, chemical compound synthesis, etc. The aim of this work is to characterize this waste and analyze the feasibility of its use as a pore-forming material in the manufacture of lightweight ceramics for the civil construction industry. The characterization of raw materials is carried out by using various techniques: electron diffraction analysis X-ray, differential and gravimetric thermal analyses, FTIR spectroscopy, ecotoxicity evaluation, among others. The ground corncobs, particle size less than 2 mm, are mixed with clay up to 30% in volume and shaped by uniaxial pressure of 25 MPa, with 6% humidity, in moulds of 70mm x 40mm x 18mm. Then the green bodies are heat treated at 950°C for two hours following the treatment curves used in ceramic industry. The ceramic probes are characterized by several techniques: density, porosity and water absorption, permanent volumetric variation, loss on ignition, microscopies analysis, and mechanical properties. DTA-TGA analysis of corncobs shows in the range 20°-250°C a small loss in TGA curve and exothermic peaks at 250°-500°C. FTIR spectrum of the corncobs sample shows the characteristic pattern of this kind of organic matter with stretching vibration bands of adsorbed water, methyl groups, C–O and C–C bonds, and the complex form of the cellulose and hemicellulose glycosidic bonds. The obtained ceramic bodies present external good characteristics without loose edges and adequate properties for the market requirements. The porosity values of the sintered pieces are higher than those of the reference sample without waste addition. The results generally indicate that it is possible to use corncobs as porosity former in ceramic bodies without modifying the usual sintering temperatures employed in the industry.

Keywords: ceramic industry, biomass, recycling, hemicellulose glycosidic bonds

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2712 Dielectric Response Analysis Measurement for Diagnostic Oil-Paper Insulation System on Aged Inter Bus Transformer 3x10 MVA

Authors: Eki Farlen, Akas


Condition assessment of oil-paper-insulated power transformers, particularly of water content, is becoming increasingly important for aged transformers. As insulation ages, it can produce water, which reduces its dielectric strength, accelerates the cellulose ageing process, and causes gas bubbles to form at high temperatures. This paper mainly assesses the life condition of oil-paper insulation system of Inter Bus Transformer (IBT) 30 MVA, 150/30 kV in PT PLN-Substation Jelok that has been operating for 41 years, since 1974. Valuable information about the condition of high voltage insulation may be obtained by measuring its dielectric response. This paper describes in detail the interpretation of Dielectric Response Analysis (DIRANA) measurements and the test result compared to other insulation tests to get deep information for diagnostic, such as Tan delta test, oil characteristic test and Dissolve Gas Analysis (DGA) test. This paper mainly discusses the parameter relationship between moisture content, water content, acidity, oil conductivity and dissipation factor. The result and analysis show that IBT 30 MVA Jelok phase U and W had just been ageing due to high acidity level (>0.2 mgKOH/g) which cause high moisture in cellulose/paper (%) are in wet category about 4.7% and 5% and water content in oil (ppm) about 3.13 ppm and 3.33 ppm at temperature 20°C. High acidity level can make oxidation process and produce water in paper and particle which can decrease the value of Interfacial Tension (IFT) below 22 mN/m (poor category) for both phase U and W. Even if paper insulation of transformer are in wet condition, dissipation factor and capacitance at the same frequency (50 Hz) from both measurement DIRANA test and Tangent delta test give the same result (almost), the results are 0.69% and 0.71% (<1%), it may be acceptable and should not be investigated. The DGA results show that TDCG are in level one (1) condition and there are no found a Key Gases, it means that transformers had no failure during operation like arching, partial discharge and thermal in oil or cellulose.

Keywords: diagnostic, inter-bus transformer, oil-paper insulation, moisture, dissipation factor

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2711 Phytoremediation of Textile Wastewater Laden with 1,4-Dioxane Using Eichhornia crassipes: A Sustainable Development Approach

Authors: Hadeer Ibrahiem, Mahmoud Nasr, Masarrat M. M. Migahid, Mohamed A. Ghazy


The release of textile wastewater loaded with 1,4 dioxane into aquatic ecosystems has been associated with various human health risks and adverse environmental impacts. In parallel, phytoremediation has been recently employed to treat highly polluted wastewater because various plant species tend to produce certain enzymes as a defense mechanism against a toxic environment. To our best knowledge, this study is the first to investigate the ability of phytoremediation using Eichhornia crassipes for the removal of various pollutants, including 1,4 dioxane, from textile wastewater. A phytoremediation system composed of Eichhornia crassipes was acclimatized for 10 d, and then operated in four lab-scale hydroponic systems, viz., negative control, positive control, and two different 1,4 dioxane concentration (400 and 500 mg/L). After 11 d of operation, the phytoremediation system achieved removal efficiencies of 67.5±3.4%, 89.4±4.4%, 83.6±3.8% for 1,4 dioxane (at initial concentration 400 mg/L), chemical oxygen demand (COD) (at initial concentration 679 mg/L), and cumulative heavy metals, respectively. The removal of these pollutants was mainly supported by the phyto-sorption and phytodegradation mechanisms. The economic feasibility of this phytoremediation system was validated by estimating the capital and operating costs, requiring 4.6 USD for the treatment of 1 m3 textile wastewater. The study concluded that the phytoremediation process could be used as a practical and economical approach to treat textile wastewater laden with various organic and inorganic pollutants. Due to the observed pollution reduction and human health protection, the study objectives would fulfill the targets of SDG 3 “Good Health and Well-being” and SDG 6 “Clean Water and Sanitation”. Further studies are required to (i) investigate the ability of plant species to withstand higher concentrations of 1,4 dioxane for an extended operation time and (ii) understand the biochemical pathways for the degradation of 1,4 dioxane via the action of plant enzymes and the associated microbial community.

Keywords: 1, 4 dioxane concentrations, hydrophytes, Eichhornia crassipes, phytoremediation effectiveness, SDGs, textile industrial effluent

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2710 Investigation of the Level of Physical and Mental Health of Patients Undergoing in Chronic or Transient Hemodialysis at Artificial Kidney Unit

Authors: Styliani Kotrotsiou, Evagelia Kotrotsiou, Fani Mokia, Theodosis Paralikas, Konstantinos Tsaras


Objective: The objective of this study was the investigation of the mental health of patients undergoing chronic or transient hemodialysis at Artificial Kidney Unit, as well as its relationship to the demographic characteristic of patients. Material and Method: The study took place in Larisa during the month of December in 2016 and the sample was composed of 60 patients undergoing in chronic or transient hemodialysis at Artificial Kidney Unit of the University General Hospital of Larisa. For the investigation of the physical and mental health of patients who participated in the study, the tool measurement << General Health Questionnaire- 28 >> (GHQ-28) was used. The questionnaires were administered with the interview method during the hemodialysis. This survey is designed for the existence or not of a mental disorder. It examines four factors (physical symptoms, anxiety, social dysfunction and depression). Results: The hemodialysis patients gave the following scores: -to the physical symptoms, women showed a higher average value than men (1,16 ± 1,26 against 0,49 ± 0,93), -at the anxiety scale, it seems that women are superior to men (1,68 ± 1,20 against 0,90 ± 1,22), -at the social dysfunction scale, the elderly patients ( > 65 years old) were presented a with higher average (2,59), and -at the depression scale, patients with a higher average value were those who lived in non-urban areas. The appearance of mental disorder, in relation to patient characteristics, did not show significant statistical correlation. The sex, the age and the place of residence affect more the assessment of mental health, while education did not seem to have any significant effect on the other. Conclusions: The hemodialysis process can significantly affect the patient’s Quality of Life and it can bring adverse changes in lifestyle, affecting the physical, social and psychological state of the individual. For that reason, hemodialysis should be aimed not only at extending life but in upgrading the Quality of Life.

Keywords: hemodialysis, chronic kidney disease, depression, social dysfunction, physical condition

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2709 Toward an Informed Capacity Development Program in Inclusive and Sustainable Agricultural and Rural Development

Authors: Maria Ana T. Quimbo


As the Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA) approaches its 50th founding anniversary. It continues to pursue its mission of strengthening the capacities of Southeast Asian leaders and institutions under its reformulated mission of Inclusive and Sustainable Agricultural and Rural Development (ISARD). Guided by this mission, this study analyzed the desired and priority capacity development needs of institutions heads and key personnel toward addressing the constraints, problems, and issues related to agricultural and rural development toward achieving their institutional goals. Adopting an exploratory, descriptive research design, the study examined the competency needs at the institutional and personnel levels. A total of 35 institution heads from seven countries and 40 key personnel from eight countries served as research participants. The results showed a variety of competencies in the areas of leadership and management, agriculture, climate change, research, monitoring, and evaluation, planning, and extension or community service. While mismatch was found in a number of desired and priority competency areas as perceived by the respondents, there were also interesting concordant answers in both technical and non-technical areas. Interestingly, the competency needs both desired and prioritized were a combination of “hard” or technical skills and “soft” or interpersonal skills. Policy recommendations were forwarded on the need to continue building capacities in core competencies along ISARD; have a balance of 'hard' skills and 'soft' skills through the use of appropriate training strategies and explicit statement in training objectives, strengthen awareness on “soft” skills through its integration in workplace culture, build capacity on action research, continue partnerships encourage mentoring, prioritize competencies, and build capacity of desired and priority competency areas.

Keywords: capacity development, competency needs assessment, sustainability and development, ISARD

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2708 Working with Interpreters: Using Role Play to Teach Social Work Students

Authors: Yuet Wah Echo Yeung


Working with people from minority ethnic groups, refugees and asylum seeking communities who have limited proficiency in the language of the host country often presents a major challenge for social workers. Because of language differences, social workers need to work with interpreters to ensure accurate information is collected for their assessment and intervention. Drawing from social learning theory, this paper discusses how role play was used as an experiential learning exercise in a training session to help social work students develop skills when working with interpreters. Social learning theory posits that learning is a cognitive process that takes place in a social context when people observe, imitate and model others’ behaviours. The roleplay also helped students understand the role of the interpreter and the challenges they may face when they rely on interpreters to communicate with service users and their family. The first part of the session involved role play. A tutor played the role of social worker and deliberately behaved in an unprofessional manner and used inappropriate body language when working alongside the interpreter during a home visit. The purpose of the roleplay is not to provide a positive role model for students to ‘imitate’ social worker’s behaviours. Rather it aims to active and provoke internal thinking process and encourages students to critically consider the impacts of poor practice on relationship building and the intervention process. Having critically reflected on the implications for poor practice, students were then asked to play the role of social worker and demonstrate what good practice should look like. At the end of the session, students remarked that they learnt a lot by observing the good and bad example; it showed them what not to do. The exercise served to remind students how practitioners can easily slip into bad habits and of the importance of respect for the cultural difference when working with people from different cultural backgrounds.

Keywords: role play, social learning theory, social work practice, working with interpreters

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2707 Preferences of Electric Buses in Public Transport; Conclusions from Real Life Testing in Eight Swedish Municipalities

Authors: Sven Borén, Lisiana Nurhadi, Henrik Ny


From a theoretical perspective, electric buses can be more sustainable and can be cheaper than fossil fuelled buses in city traffic. The authors have not found other studies based on actual urban public transport in Swedish winter climate. Further on, noise measurements from buses for the European market were found old. The aims of this follow-up study was therefore to test and possibly verify in a real-life environment how energy efficient and silent electric buses are, and then conclude on if electric buses are preferable to use in public transport. The Ebusco 2.0 electric bus, fitted with a 311 kWh battery pack, was used and the tests were carried out during November 2014-April 2015 in eight municipalities in the south of Sweden. Six tests took place in urban traffic and two took place in more of a rural traffic setting. The energy use for propulsion was measured via logging of the internal system in the bus and via an external charging meter. The average energy use turned out to be 8% less (0,96 kWh/km) than assumed in the earlier theoretical study. This rate allows for a 320 km range in public urban traffic. The interior of the bus was kept warm by a diesel heater (biodiesel will probably be used in a future operational traffic situation), which used 0,67 kWh/km in January. This verified that electric buses can be up to 25% cheaper when used in public transport in cities for about eight years. The noise was found to be lower, primarily during acceleration, than for buses with combustion engines in urban bus traffic. According to our surveys, most passengers and drivers appreciated the silent and comfortable ride and preferred electric buses rather than combustion engine buses. Bus operators and passenger transport executives were also positive to start using electric buses for public transport. The operators did however point out that procurement processes need to account for eventual risks regarding this new technology, along with personnel education. The study revealed that it is possible to establish a charging infrastructure for almost all studied bus lines. However, design of a charging infrastructure for each municipality requires further investigations, including electric grid capacity analysis, smart location of charging points, and tailored schedules to allow fast charging. In conclusion, electric buses proved to be a preferable alternative for all stakeholders involved in public bus transport in the studied municipalities. However, in order to electric buses to be a prominent support for sustainable development, they need to be charged either by stand-alone units or via an expansion of the electric grid, and the electricity should be made from new renewable sources.

Keywords: sustainability, electric, bus, noise, greencharge

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2706 Linkage between a Plant-based Diet and Visual Impairment: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Authors: Cristina Cirone, Katrina Cirone, Monali S. Malvankar-Mehta


Purpose: An increased risk of visual impairment has been observed in individuals lacking a balanced diet. The purpose of this paper is to characterize the relationship between plant-based diets and specific ocular outcomes among adults. Design: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Methods: This systematic review and meta-analysis were conducted according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses statement guidelines. The databases MEDLINE, EMBASE, Cochrane, and PubMed, were systematically searched up until May 27, 2021. Of the 503 articles independently screened by two reviewers, 21 were included in this review. Quality assessment and data extraction were performed by both reviewers. Meta-analysis was conducted using STATA 15.0. Fixed-effect and random-effect models were computed based on heterogeneity. Results: A total of 503 studies were identified which then underwent duplicate removal and a title and abstract screen. The remaining 61 studies underwent a full-text screen, 21 progressed to data extraction and fifteen were included in the quantitative analysis. Meta-analysis indicated that regular consumption of fish (OR = 0.70; CI: [0.62-0.79]) and skim milk, poultry, and non-meat animal products (OR = 0.70; CI: [0.61-0.79]) is positively correlated with a reduced risk of visual impairment (age-related macular degeneration, age-related maculopathy, cataract development, and central geographic atrophy) among adults. Consumption of red meat [OR = 1.41; CI: [1.07-1.86]) is associated with an increased risk of visual impairment. Conclusion: Overall, a pescatarian diet is associated with the most favorable visual outcomes among adults, while the consumption of red meat appears to negatively impact vision. Results suggest a need for more local and government-led interventions promoting a healthy and balanced diet.

Keywords: plant-based diet, pescatarian diet, visual impairment, systematic review, meta-analysis

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2705 Reduced Lung Volume: A Possible Cause of Stuttering

Authors: Shantanu Arya, Sachin Sakhuja, Gunjan Mehta, Sanjay Munjal


Stuttering may be defined as a speech disorder affecting the fluency domain of speech and characterized by covert features like word substitution, omittance and circumlocution and overt features like prolongation of sound, syllables and blocks etc. Many etiologies have been postulated to explain stuttering based on various experiments and research. Moreover, Breathlessness has also been reported by many individuals with stuttering for which breathing exercises are generally advised. However, no studies reporting objective evaluation of the pulmonary capacity and further objective assessment of the efficacy of breathing exercises have been conducted. Pulmonary Function Test which evaluates parameters like Forced Vital Capacity, Peak Expiratory Flow Rate, Forced expiratory flow Rate can be used to study the pulmonary behavior of individuals with stuttering. The study aimed: a) To identify speech motor & physiologic behaviours associated with stuttering by administering PFT. b) To recognize possible reasons for an association between speech motor behaviour & stuttering severity. In this regard, PFT tests were administered on individuals who reported signs and symptoms of stuttering and showed abnormal scores on Stuttering Severity Index. Parameters like Forced Vital Capacity, Forced Expiratory Volume, Peak Expiratory Flow Rate (L/min), Forced Expiratory Flow Rate (L/min) were evaluated and correlated with scores of Stuttering Severity Index. Results showed significant decrease in the parameters (lower than normal scores) in individuals with established stuttering. Strong correlation was also found between degree of stuttering and the degree of decrease in the pulmonary volumes. Thus, it is evident that fluent speech requires strong support of lung pressure and requisite volumes. Further research in demonstrating the efficacy of abdominal breathing exercises in this regard is needed.

Keywords: forced expiratory flow rate, forced expiratory volume, forced vital capacity, peak expiratory flow rate, stuttering

Procedia PDF Downloads 275
2704 Ideas About Varroa Destructor Reproduction in the Honey Bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae)

Authors: William Ramirez-Benavides


The mite Varroa destructor Anderson & Trueman (Mesostigmata: Varroidae), is an exclusive hematophagous parasite of the Apis honey bees (Apidae: Hymenoptera). The early phoretic female mites have multiple small inactivated oocytes. Consequently, for the initial growth and vitellogenesis of the oocytes, the mother mite must feed on the hemolymph of the host, as a unique food source, by taking intermittently variable number of blood meals: 1. During the phoretic phase, to initiate vitellogenesis of the terminal oocyte, 2. From a freshly capped bee cell with a bee larva, up to the apolysis stage, to complete vitellogenesis and embryogenesis of the terminal oocyte, and 3. From all pupal stages, up to the imago stage, to induce oogenesis and vitellogenesis of the would-be nonembryonic female eggs. Additionally, oogenesis and vitellogenesis expressions in Varroa destructor and other Varroidae varies according to environmental conditions, e.g., chemical attractions produced by the adult bee and larvae, race of bees, sex of the larva, developmental period of the bee larva, food quality and quantity, and superparasitism (several cofoundressess). Also, the feeding stimuli obtained from the host hemolymph, indirectly regulate the reproductive physiology of the mite, by inducing different vitellogenin expressions, the production of a male egg first in the sequence followed by vitellogenesis of the would-be female eggs during the pupal stages. Furthermore, the different uptakes of hemolymph from the host, also indirectly induce the production of the male egg first in the sequence, local mate competition (LMC) and variable adaptive female sex ratios in the broods, especially when superparasitism occurs. Consequently, reproduction in Varroa destructor, and probably in other Varroidae, depends exclusively on feeding in the hemolymph of the bee host, even during the phoretic phase, the prepupal stages and during the pupal stages; and that, the feeding factors are common syndromes in other Varroidae.

Keywords: oogenesis, sex determination, varroa destructor, vitellogenesis

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2703 Effect of Enzymatic Hydrolysis and Ultrasounds Pretreatments on Biogas Production from Corn Cob

Authors: N. Pérez-Rodríguez, D. García-Bernet, A. Torrado-Agrasar, J. M. Cruz, A. B. Moldes, J. M. Domínguez


World economy is based on non-renewable, fossil fuels such as petroleum and natural gas, which entails its rapid depletion and environmental problems. In EU countries, the objective is that at least 20% of the total energy supplies in 2020 should be derived from renewable resources. Biogas, a product of anaerobic degradation of organic substrates, represents an attractive green alternative for meeting partial energy needs. Nowadays, trend to circular economy model involves efficiently use of residues by its transformation from waste to a new resource. In this sense, characteristics of agricultural residues (that are available in plenty, renewable, as well as eco-friendly) propitiate their valorisation as substrates for biogas production. Corn cob is a by-product obtained from maize processing representing 18 % of total maize mass. Corn cob importance lies in the high production of this cereal (more than 1 x 109 tons in 2014). Due to its lignocellulosic nature, corn cob contains three main polymers: cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin. Crystalline, highly ordered structures of cellulose and lignin hinders microbial attack and subsequent biogas production. For the optimal lignocellulose utilization and to enhance gas production in anaerobic digestion, materials are usually submitted to different pretreatment technologies. In the present work, enzymatic hydrolysis, ultrasounds and combination of both technologies were assayed as pretreatments of corn cob for biogas production. Enzymatic hydrolysis pretreatment was started by adding 0.044 U of Ultraflo® L feruloyl esterase per gram of dry corncob. Hydrolyses were carried out in 50 mM sodium-phosphate buffer pH 6.0 with a solid:liquid proportion of 1:10 (w/v), at 150 rpm, 40 ºC and darkness for 3 hours. Ultrasounds pretreatment was performed subjecting corn cob, in 50 mM sodium-phosphate buffer pH 6.0 with a solid: liquid proportion of 1:10 (w/v), at a power of 750W for 1 minute. In order to observe the effect of the combination of both pretreatments, some samples were initially sonicated and then they were enzymatically hydrolysed. In terms of methane production, anaerobic digestion of the corn cob pretreated by enzymatic hydrolysis was positive achieving 290 L CH4 kg MV-1 (compared with 267 L CH4 kg MV-1 obtained with untreated corn cob). Although the use of ultrasound as the only pretreatment resulted detrimentally (since gas production decreased to 244 L CH4 kg MV-1 after 44 days of anaerobic digestion), its combination with enzymatic hydrolysis was beneficial, reaching the highest value (300.9 L CH4 kg MV-1). Consequently, the combination of both pretreatments improved biogas production from corn cob.

Keywords: biogas, corn cob, enzymatic hydrolysis, ultrasound

Procedia PDF Downloads 267
2702 Structural Elucidation of Intact Rough-Type Lipopolysaccharides using Field Asymmetric Ion Mobility Spectrometry and Kendrick Mass Defect Plots

Authors: Abanoub Mikhael, Darryl Hardie, Derek Smith, Helena Petrosova, Robert Ernst, David Goodlett


Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is a hallmark virulence factor of Gram-negative bacteria. It is a complex, structurally het- erogeneous mixture due to variations in number, type, and position of its simplest units: fatty acids and monosaccharides. Thus, LPS structural characterization by traditional mass spectrometry (MS) methods is challenging. Here, we describe the benefits of field asymmetric ion mobility spectrometry (FAIMS) for analysis of intact R-type lipopolysaccharide complex mixture (lipooligo- saccharide; LOS). Structural characterization was performed using Escherichia coli J5 (Rc mutant) LOS, a TLR4 agonist widely used in glycoconjugate vaccine research. FAIMS gas phase fractionation improved the (S/N) ratio and number of detected LOS species. Additionally, FAIMS allowed the separation of overlapping isobars facilitating their tandem MS characterization and un- equivocal structural assignments. In addition to FAIMS gas phase fractionation benefits, extra sorting of the structurally related LOS molecules was further accomplished using Kendrick mass defect (KMD) plots. Notably, a custom KMD base unit of [Na-H] created a highly organized KMD plot that allowed identification of interesting and novel structural differences across the different LOS ion families, i.e., ions with different acylation degrees, oligosaccharides composition, and chemical modifications. Defining the composition of a single LOS ion by tandem MS along with the organized KMD plot structural network was sufficient to deduce the composition of 181 LOS species out of 321 species present in the mixture. The combination of FAIMS and KMD plots allowed in-depth characterization of the complex LOS mixture and uncovered a wealth of novel information about its structural variations.

Keywords: lipopolysaccharide, ion mobility MS, Kendrick mass defect, Tandem mass spectrometry

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2701 State Forest Management Practices by Indigenous Peoples in Dharmasraya District, West Sumatra Province, Indonesia

Authors: Abdul Mutolib, Yonariza Mahdi, Hanung Ismono


The existence of forests is essential to human lives on earth, but its existence is threatened by forest deforestations and degradations. Forest deforestations and degradations in Indonesia is not only caused by the illegal activity by the company or the like, even today many cases in Indonesia forest damage caused by human activities, one of which cut down forests for agriculture and plantations. In West Sumatra, community forest management are the result supported the enactment of customary land tenure, including ownership of land within the forest. Indigenous forest management have a positive benefit, which gives the community an opportunity to get livelihood and income, but if forest management practices by indigenous peoples is not done wisely, then there is the destruction of forests and cause adverse effects on the environment. Based on intensive field works in Dhamasraya District employing some data collection techniques such as key informant interviews, household surveys, secondary data analysis, and satellite image interpretation. This paper answers the following questions; how the impact of forest management by local communities on forest conditions (foccus in Forest Production and Limited Production Forest) and knowledge of the local community on the benefits of forests. The site is a Nagari Bonjol, Dharmasraya District, because most of the forest in Dharmasraya located and owned by Nagari Bonjol community. The result shows that there is damage to forests in Dharmasraya because of forest management activities by local communities. Damage to the forest area of 33,500 ha in Dharmasraya because forests are converted into oil palm and rubber plantations with monocultures. As a result of the destruction of forests, water resources are also diminishing, and the community has experienced a drought in the dry season due to forest cut down and replaced by oil palm plantations. Knowledge of the local community on the benefits of low forest, the people considered that the forest does not have better benefits and cut down and converted into oil palm or rubber plantations. Local people do not understand the benefits of ecological and environmental services that forests. From the phenomena in Dharmasraya on land ownership, need to educate the local community about the importance of protecting the forest, and need a strategy to integrate forests management to keep the ecological functions that resemble the woods and counts the economic benefits for the welfare of local communities. One alternative that can be taken is to use forest management models agroforestry smallholders in accordance with the characteristics of the local community who still consider the economic, social and environmental.

Keywords: community, customary land, farmer plantations, and forests

Procedia PDF Downloads 337
2700 Brown Macroalgae L. hyperborea as Natural Cation Exchanger and Electron Donor for the Treatment of a Zinc and Hexavalent Chromium Containing Galvanization Wastewater

Authors: Luciana P. Mazur, Tatiana A. Pozdniakova, Rui A. R. Boaventura, Vitor J. P. Vilar


The electroplating industry requires a lot of process water, which generates a large volume of wastewater loaded with heavy metals. Two different wastewaters were collected in a company’s wastewater treatment plant, one after the use of zinc in the metal plating process and the other after the use of chromium. The main characteristics of the Zn(II) and Cr(VI) wastewaters are: pH = 6.7/5.9; chemical oxygen demand = 55/<5 mg/L; sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium ions concentrations of 326/28, 4/28, 11/7 and 46/37 mg/L, respectively; zinc(II) = 11 mg/L and Cr(VI) = 39 mg/L. Batch studies showed that L. hyperborea can be established as a natural cation exchanger for heavy metals uptake mainly due to the presence of negatively charged functional groups in the surface of the biomass. Beyond that, L. hyperborea can be used as a natural electron donor for hexavalent chromium reduction to trivalent chromium at acidic medium through the oxidation of the biomass, and Cr(III) can be further bound to the negatively charged functional groups. The uptake capacity of Cr(III) by the oxidized biomass after Cr(VI) reduction was higher than by the algae in its original form. This can be attributed to the oxidation of the biomass during Cr(VI) reduction, turning other active sites available for Cr(III) binding. The brown macroalgae Laminaria hyperborea was packed in a fixed-bed column in order to evaluate the feasibility of the system for the continuous treatment of the two galvanization wastewaters. The column, with an internal diameter of 4.8 cm, was packed with 59 g of algae up to a bed height of 27 cm. The operation strategy adopted for the treatment of the two wastewaters consisted in: i) treatment of the Zn(II) wastewater in the first sorption cycle; ii) desorption of pre-loaded Zn(II) using an 1.0 M HCl solution; iii) treatment of the Cr(VI) wastewater, taking advantage of the acidic conditions of the column after the desorption cycle, for the reduction of the Cr(VI) to Cr(III), in the presence of the electrons resulting from the biomass oxidation. This cycle ends when all the oxidizing groups are used.

Keywords: biosorption, brown marine macroalgae, zinc, chromium

Procedia PDF Downloads 324
2699 The Impact of Nutritional Education for Peritoneal Dialysis Patients in Mongolia

Authors: Sanchir Erdenebayar, Namuuntsetseg Oyunbaatar


Objectives: Peritoneal dialysis treatment is one of the important forms of kidney replacement therapy, and it has recently developed instantly in Mongolia for the past five years. Currently, more than 120 patients undergo peritoneal dialysis nationwide. These patients lack nutritional education, which predisposes them to protein deficiency and further impairs their quality of life. However, there is no study which is conducted among those about their dietary in Mongolia. Therefore, integrated nutrition information and educating them about dietary patterns to follow are urgently needed for PD patients. Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out on 45 patients aged between 18 and 60 years who were undergoing CAPD at the biggest Medvic dialysis center in Ulaanbaatar. The knowledge of nutrition and food intake is assessed by interview based on a validated questionnaire prepared from KDIGO guidelines, semi-FFQ and a 24-hour dietary recall method. In addition, a biochemical blood test that includes total protein, albumin, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, and hemoglobin is used for an assessment of the patient’s current nutritional status. Results: Knowledge of nutritional status for CAPD was great, with 21.4% of patients and 78.65% having poor nutrition knowledge. The rate of mild to moderate malnutrition was 48.8% among research participants. Serum albumin was 38.4 ± 4.7 g/L, and total protein was 67.3±7.5g/l. Patients met 62.5± 26.5% of their daily intake nutritional requirement for calories and 72±40% of their nutritional requirement for protein. All patients’ energy intake was significantly /1328±304kcal/ lower than the energy requirement (2124±378kcal). Only 14.2% met the recommended dietary protein intake recommended to them of greater than 1.2 g/kg. Conclusions: As was established before, nutritional education has a vital positive impact on the health and nutritional status of peritoneal dialysis patients. The results of this study show that nutritional education programs are not enough adequate in peritoneal dialysis patients. There is a crucial priority to establish nutritional educational programs and guidelines for PD patients in Mongolia.

Keywords: renal diet, peritoneal dialysis, nutrition education, CKD diet

Procedia PDF Downloads 63
2698 From Homogeneous to Phase Separated UV-Cured Interpenetrating Polymer Networks: Influence of the System Composition on Properties and Microstructure

Authors: Caroline Rocco, Feyza Karasu, Céline Croutxé-Barghorn, Xavier Allonas, Maxime Lecompère, Gérard Riess, Yujing Zhang, Catarina Esteves, Leendert van der Ven, Rolf van Benthem Gijsbertus de With


Acrylates are widely used in UV-curing technology. Their high reactivity can, however, limit their conversion due to early vitrification. In addition, the free radical photopolymerization is known to be sensitive to oxygen inhibition leading to tacky surfaces. Although epoxides can lead to full polymerization, they are sensitive to humidity and exhibit low polymerization rate. To overcome the intrinsic limitations of both classes of monomers, Interpenetrating Polymer Networks (IPNs) can be synthesized. They consist of at least two cross linked polymers which are permanently entangled. They can be achieved under thermal and/or light induced polymerization in one or two steps approach. IPNs can display homogeneous to heterogeneous morphologies with various degrees of phase separation strongly linked to the monomer miscibility and also synthesis parameters. In this presentation, we synthesize UV-cured methacrylate - epoxide based IPNs with different chemical compositions in order to get a better understanding of their formation and phase separation. Miscibility before and during the photopolymerization, reaction kinetics, as well as mechanical properties and morphology have been investigated. The key parameters controlling the morphology and the phase separation, namely monomer miscibility and synthesis parameters have been identified. By monitoring the stiffness changes on the film surface, atomic force acoustic microscopy (AFAM) gave, in conjunction with polymerization kinetic profiles and thermomechanical properties, explanations and corroborated the miscibility predictions. When varying the methacrylate / epoxide ratio, it was possible to move from a miscible and highly-interpenetrated IPN to a totally immiscible and phase-separated one.

Keywords: investigation of properties and morphology, kinetics, phase separation, UV-cured IPNs

Procedia PDF Downloads 370
2697 Fractionation of Biosynthetic Mixture of Gentamicins by Reactive Extraction

Authors: L. Kloetzer, M. Poştaru, A. I. Galaction, D. Caşcaval


Gentamicin is an aminoglycoside antibiotic industrially obtained by biosynthesis of Micromonospora purpurea or echinospora, the product being a complex mixture of components with very similar structures. Among them, three exhibit the most important biological activity: gentamicins C1, C1a, C2, and C2a. The separation of gentamicin from the fermentation broths at industrial scale is rather difficult and it does not allow the fractionation of the complex mixture of gentamicins in order to increase the therapeutic activity of the product. The aim of our experiments is to analyze the possibility to selectively separate the less active gentamicin, namely gentamicin C1, from the biosynthetic mixture by reactive extraction with di-(2-ethylhexyl) phosphoric acid (D2EHPA) dissolved in dichloromethane, followed selective re-extraction of the most active gentamicins C1a, C2, and C2a. The experiments on the reactive extraction of gentamicins indicated the possibility to separate selectively the gentamicin C1 from the mixture obtained by biosynthesis. The extraction selectivity is positively influenced by increasing the pH-value of an aqueous solution and by using a D2EHPA concentration in organic phase closer to the value needed for an equimolecular ratio between the extractant and this gentamicin. For quantifying the selectivity of separation, the selectivity factor, calculated as the ratio between the degree of reactive extraction of gentamicin C1 and the overall extraction degree of gentamicins were used. The possibility to remove the gentamicin C1 at an extractant concentration of 10 g l-1 and pH = 8 is presented. In these conditions, it was obtained the maximum value of the selectivity factor of 2.14, which corresponds to the modification of the gentamicin C1 concentration from 31.92% in the biosynthetic mixture to 72% in the extract. The re-extraction of gentamicins C1, C1a, C2, and C2a with sulfuric acid from the extract previously obtained by reactive extraction (mixture A – extract obtained by non-selective reactive extraction; mixture B – extract obtained by selective reactive extraction) allows for separating selectively the most active gentamicins C1a, C2, and C2a. For recovering only the active gentamicins C1a, C2, and C2a, the re-extraction must be carried out at very low acid concentrations, far below those corresponding to the stoichiometry of its chemical reactions with these gentamicins. Therefore, the mixture resulted by re-extraction contained 92.6% gentamicins C1a, C2, and C2a. By bringing together the aqueous solutions obtained by reactive extraction and re-extraction, the overall content of the active gentamicins in the final product becomes 89%, their loss reaching 0.3% related to the initial biosynthetic product.

Keywords: di-(2-ethylhexyl) phosphoric acid, gentamicin, reactive extraction, selectivity factor

Procedia PDF Downloads 324
2696 Innovative Preparation Techniques: Boosting Oral Bioavailability of Phenylbutyric Acid Through Choline Salt-Based API-Ionic Liquids and Therapeutic Deep Eutectic Systems

Authors: Lin Po-Hsi, Sheu Ming-Thau


Urea cycle disorders (UCD) are rare genetic metabolic disorders that compromise the body's urea cycle. Sodium phenylbutyrate (SPB) is a medication commonly administered in tablet or powder form to lower ammonia levels. Nonetheless, its high sodium content poses risks to sodium-sensitive UCD patients. This necessitates the creation of an alternative drug formulation to mitigate sodium load and optimize drug delivery for UCD patients. This study focused on crafting a novel oral drug formulation for UCD, leveraging choline bicarbonate and phenylbutyric acid. The active pharmaceutical ingredient-ionic liquids (API-ILs) and therapeutic deep eutectic systems (THEDES) were formed by combining these with choline chloride. These systems display characteristics like maintaining a liquid state at room temperature and exhibiting enhanced solubility. This in turn amplifies drug dissolution rate, permeability, and ultimately oral bioavailability. Incorporating choline-based phenylbutyric acid as a substitute for traditional SPB can effectively curtail the sodium load in UCD patients. Our in vitro dissolution experiments revealed that the ILs and DESs, synthesized using choline bicarbonate and choline chloride with phenylbutyric acid, surpassed commercial tablets in dissolution speed. Pharmacokinetic evaluations in SD rats indicated a notable uptick in the oral bioavailability of phenylbutyric acid, underscoring the efficacy of choline salt ILs in augmenting its bioavailability. Additional in vitro intestinal permeability tests on SD rats authenticated that the ILs, formulated with choline bicarbonate and phenylbutyric acid, demonstrate superior permeability compared to their sodium and acid counterparts. To conclude, choline salt ILs developed from choline bicarbonate and phenylbutyric acid present a promising avenue for UCD treatment, with the added benefit of reduced sodium load. They also hold merit in formulation engineering. The sustained-release capabilities of DESs position them favorably for drug delivery, while the low toxicity and cost-effectiveness of choline chloride signal potential in formulation engineering. Overall, this drug formulation heralds a prospective therapeutic avenue for UCD patients.

Keywords: phenylbutyric acid, sodium phenylbutyrate, choline salt, ionic liquids, deep eutectic systems, oral bioavailability

Procedia PDF Downloads 117
2695 Methods and Techniques for Lower Danube Sturgeon Monitoring Used for the Assessment of Anthropic Activities Pressures and the Quantification of Risks on These Species

Authors: Gyorgy Deak, Marius C. Raischi, Lucian P. Georgescu, Tiberius M. Danalache, Elena Holban, Madalina G. Boboc, Monica Matei, Catalina Iticescu, Marius V. Olteanu, Stefan Zamfir, Gabriel Cornateanu


At present, on the Lower Danube, different types of pressures have been identified that affect the anadromous sturgeons stocks with an impact that leads to their decline. This paper presents techniques and procedures used by Romanian experts in the tagging and monitoring of anadromous sturgeons, as well as unique results at international level obtained on the basis of an informational volume collected in over 7 years of monitoring on these species behavior (both for adults as well as for ultrasonically tagged juveniles) on the Lower Danube. The local impact of hydrotechnical constructions (bottom sill, maritime navigation channel), the global impact of the poaching phenomenon and the impact of the restocking programs with sturgeon juveniles were assessed. Thus, the bottom sill impact on the Bala branch, the Bastroe Channel (cross-border impact) and the poaching phenomenon at the level of the Lower Danube was analyzed on the basis of a unique informational volume obtained through the use of patented monitoring systems by the Romanian experts (DKTB respectively, DKMR-01T). At the same time, the results from the monitoring of ultrasonically tagged sturgeon juveniles from the 2015 repopulation program are presented. Conclusions resulting from research can ensure favorable premises for finding some conservation solutions for CITES-protected sturgeon species that have survived for millions of years, currently being 1 species on the brink of extinction - Russian sturgeon, 2 species in danger of extinction - Beluga sturgeon and Stellate sturgeon and 2 species already extinct from the Lower Danube, namely common sturgeon and ship sturgeon.

Keywords: Lower Danube, sturgeons monitoring (adults and juveniles), tagging, impact on conservation

Procedia PDF Downloads 240
2694 Ecological Risk Assessment of Informal E-Waste Processing in Alaba International Market, Lagos, Nigeria

Authors: A. A. Adebayo, O. Osibanjo


Informal electronic waste (e-waste) processing is a crude method of recycling, which is on the increase in Nigeria. The release of hazardous substances such as heavy metals (HMs) into the environment during informal e-waste processing has been a major concern. However, there is insufficient information on environmental contamination from e-waste recycling, associated ecological risk in Alaba International Market, a major electronic market in Lagos, Nigeria. The aims of this study were to determine the levels of HMs in soil, resulting from the e-waste recycling; and also assess associated ecological risks in Alaba international market. Samples of soils (334) were randomly collected seasonally for three years from fourteen selected e-waste activity points and two control sites. The samples were digested using standard methods and HMs analysed by inductive coupled plasma optical emission. Ecological risk was estimated using Ecological Risk index (ER), Potential Ecological Risk index (RI), Index of geoaccumulation (Igeo), Contamination factor (Cf) and degree of contamination factor (Cdeg). The concentrations range of HMs (mg/kg) in soil were: 16.7-11200.0 (Pb); 14.3-22600.0 (Cu); 1.90-6280.0 (Ni), 39.5-4570.0 (Zn); 0.79-12300.0 (Sn); 0.02-138.0 (Cd); 12.7-1710.0 (Ba); 0.18-131.0 (Cr); 0.07-28.0 (V), while As was below detection limit. Concentrations range in control soils were 1.36-9.70 (Pb), 2.06-7.60 (Cu), 1.25-5.11 (Ni), 3.62-15.9 (Zn), BDL-0.56 (Sn), BDL-0.01 (Cd), 14.6-47.6 (Ba), 0.21–12.2 (Cr) and 0.22-22.2 (V). The trend in ecological risk index was in the order Cu > Pb > Ni > Zn > Cr > Cd > Ba > V. The potential ecological risk index with respect to informal e-waste activities were: burning > dismantling > disposal > stockpiling. The index of geo accumulation indices revealed that soils were extremely polluted with Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn and Ni. The contamination factor indicated that 93% of the studied areas have very high contamination status for Pb, Cu, Ba, Sn and Co while Cr and Cd were in the moderately contaminated status. The degree of contamination decreased in the order of Sn > Cu > Pb >> Zn > Ba > Co > Ni > V > Cr > Cd. Heavy metal contamination of Alaba international market environment resulting from informal e-waste processing was established. Proper management of e-waste and remediation of the market environment are recommended to minimize the ecological risks.

Keywords: Alaba international market, ecological risk, electronic waste, heavy metal contamination

Procedia PDF Downloads 198
2693 Correlates of Multiplicity of Risk Behavior among Injecting Drug Users in Three High HIV Prevalence States of India

Authors: Santosh Sharma


Background: Drug abuse, needle sharing, and risky sexual behaviour are often compounded to increase the risk of HIV transmission. Injecting Drug Users are at the duel risk of needle sharing and risky sexual Behaviour, becoming more vulnerable to STI and HIV. Thus, studying the interface of injecting drug use and risky sexual behaviour is important to curb the pace of HIV epidemic among IDUs. The aim of this study is to determine the factor associated with HIV among injecting drug users in three states of India. Materials and methods: This paper analyzes covariates of multiplicity of risk behavior among injecting drug users. Findings are based on data from Integrated Behavioral and Biological Assessment (IBBA) round 2, 2010. IBBA collects the information of IDUs from the six districts. IDUs were selected on the criteria of those who were 18 years or older, who injected addictive substances/drugs for non-medical purposes at least once in past six month. A total of 1,979 in round 2 were interviewed in the IBBA. The study employs quantitative techniques using standard statistical tools to achieve the above objectives. All results presented in this paper are unweighted univariate measures. Results: Among IDUs, average duration of injecting drugs is 5.2 years. Mean duration between first drug use to first injecting drugs among younger IDUs, belongs to 18-24 years is 2.6 years Needle cleaning practices is common with above two-fifths reporting its every time cleaning. Needle sharing is quite prevalent especially among younger IDUs. Further, IDUs practicing needle sharing exhibit pervasive multi-partner behavior. Condom use with commercial partners is almost 81 %, whereas with intimate partner it is 39 %. Coexistence of needle sharing and unprotected sex enhances STI prevalence (6.8 %), which is further pronounced among divorced/separated/widowed (9.4 %). Conclusion: Working towards risk reduction for IDUs must deal with multiplicity of risk. Interventions should deal with covariates of risk, addressing youth, and risky sexual behavior.

Keywords: IDUs, HIV, STI, behaviour

Procedia PDF Downloads 280
2692 A Pink Pill Daily: On the Lust Enhancing Pill for Women and the Medicalization of Sexual Desire

Authors: Maaike Maria Augustina Hommes


This paper reviews the emergence of the recently approved lust enhancing pill for women (sold under the brand name of Addyi) and its status as ‘medicine’ from a cultural studies perspective to understand the way in which the usage of the pill can be seen as a medicalization of sexual desire. It asks where this medicalization can be localized to understand the current placement of and notions on female sexuality. Via a close reading of a woman’s narration of her usage of the pill that appeared in Shape Magazine, this paper critically reviews the pill’s relation to the concept of ‘cure’ and assesses the way this Pink Pill functions as a cure to the DSM-IV based disorder called Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder. As such it finds that in the diagnosis with HSDD meant a huge relief. Now this woman was not just ‘bad at life and bad at marriage’ but ‘just had this health issue’. In order to get to an understanding of the different structures that conjoin in this expression of relief this paper reviews the emergence of the sexual desire disorder within psychology and the way that the loss of desire becomes localized in the brain. This localization will be related to two ways of looking at the human body; the medical gaze as described by Michel Foucault, and the neuromolecular gaze, as introduced by Nikolas Rose and Joelle M.Abi-Rached. Both these penetrating gazes bring about a certain reductionism in which the human body is either viewed as an objectified ‘sick body’ or as a set of chemical reactions. By referring to these modes of looking as reductionist one assumes that something is lost, or forgotten in the act of reducing. It is both what is gained in the formulation of the disorder, as what is lost in reduction of the disorder in medical knowledge that is at the central inquiry of this paper. As such, this paper brings forward the way in which medicine and cultural narrative are deeply intertwined. It is this way in which different forces of subject formation come together that is addressed via an interdisciplinary and object-centered focus on the pink pill.

Keywords: disorder and cure, female sexual desire, medical gaze, neuromolecular gaze

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