Search results for: web map application
Commenced in January 2007
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Edition: International
Paper Count: 8273

Search results for: web map application

7283 Design and Realization of Double-Delay Line Canceller (DDLC) Using Fpga

Authors: A. E. El-Henawey, A. A. El-Kouny, M. M. Abd –El-Halim


Moving target indication (MTI) which is an anti-clutter technique that limits the display of clutter echoes. It uses the radar received information primarily to display moving targets only. The purpose of MTI is to discriminate moving targets from a background of clutter or slowly-moving chaff particles as shown in this paper. Processing system in these radars is so massive and complex; since it is supposed to perform a great amount of processing in very short time, in most radar applications the response of a single canceler is not acceptable since it does not have a wide notch in the stop-band. A double-delay canceler is an MTI delay-line canceler employing the two-delay-line configuration to improve the performance by widening the clutter-rejection notches, as compared with single-delay cancelers. This canceler is also called a double canceler, dual-delay canceler, or three-pulse canceler. In this paper, a double delay line canceler is chosen for study due to its simplicity in both concept and implementation. Discussing the implementation of a simple digital moving target indicator (DMTI) using FPGA which has distinct advantages compared to other application specific integrated circuit (ASIC) for the purposes of this work. The FPGA provides flexibility and stability which are important factors in the radar application.

Keywords: FPGA, MTI, double delay line canceler, Doppler Shift

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7282 A Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process Approach for the Decision of Maintenance Priorities of Building Entities: A Case Study in a Facilities Management Company

Authors: Wai Ho Darrell Kwok


Building entities are valuable assets of a society, however, all of them are suffered from the ravages of weather and time. Facilitating onerous maintenance activities is the only way to either maintain or enhance the value and contemporary standard of the premises. By the way, maintenance budget is always bounded by the corresponding threshold limit. In order to optimize the limited resources allocation in carrying out maintenance, there is a substantial need to prioritize maintenance work. This paper reveals the application of Fuzzy AHP in a Facilities Management Company determining the maintenance priorities on the basis of predetermined criteria, viz., Building Status (BS), Effects on Fabrics (EF), Effects on Sustainability (ES), Effects on Users (EU), Importance of Usage (IU) and Physical Condition (PC) in dealing with categorized 8 predominant building components maintenance aspects for building premises. From the case study, it is found that ‘building exterior repainting or re-tiling’, ‘spalling concrete repair works among exterior area’ and ‘lobby renovation’ are the top three maintenance priorities from facilities manager and maintenance expertise personnel. Through the application of the Fuzzy AHP for maintenance priorities decision algorithm, a more systemic and easier comparing scalar linearity factors being explored even in considering other multiple criteria decision scenarios of building maintenance issue.

Keywords: building maintenance, fuzzy AHP, maintenance priority, multi-criteria decision making

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7281 Email Based Global Automation with Raspberry Pi and Control Circuit Module: Development of Smart Home Application

Authors: Lochan Basyal


Global Automation is an emerging technology of today’s era and is based on Internet of Things (IoT). Global automation deals with the controlling of electrical appliances throughout the world. The fabrication of this system has been carried out with interfacing an electrical control system module to Raspberry Pi. An electrical control system module includes a relay driver mechanism through which appliances are controlled automatically in respective condition. In this research project, one email ID has been assigned to Raspberry Pi, and the users from different location having different email ID can mail to Raspberry Pi on assigned email address “[email protected]” with subject heading “Device Control” with predefined command on compose email line. Also, a notification regarding current working condition of this system has been updated on respective user email ID. This approach is an innovative way of implementing smart automation system through which a user can control their electrical appliances like light, fan, television, refrigerator, etc. in their home with the use of email facility. The development of this project helps to enhance the concept of smart home application as well as industrial automation.

Keywords: control circuit, e-mail, global automation, internet of things, IOT, Raspberry Pi

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7280 Effect of Aminoethoxyvinylglycine on Ceasing in Sweet Orange

Authors: Zahoor Hussain


Creasing is a physiological disorder of rind in sweet orange [Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck] fruit and causes serious economic losses in various countries of the world. The reversible inhibitor of ethylene, aminoethoxyvinylglycine (AVG) with the effects of different concentrations (0, 20, 40 and 60 mgL⁻¹) AVG with 0.05% ‘Tween 20’ as a surfactant applied at the fruit set, the golf ball or at the colour break stage on controlling creasing, rheological properties of fruit and rind as well as fruit quality in of Washington Navel and Lane Late sweet orange was investigated. Creasing was substantially reduced and fruit quality was improved with the exogenous application of AVG depending upon its concentration and stage of application in both cultivars. The spray application of AVG (60 mgL⁻¹) at the golf ball stage was effective in reducing creasing (27.86% and 24.29%) compared to the control (52.14 and 51.53%) in cv. Washington Navel during 2011 and 2012, respectively. Whilst, in cv. Lane Late lowest creasing was observed When AVG was applied at fruit set stage (22.86%) compared to the control (51.43%) during 2012. In cv. Washington Navel, AVG treatment (60 mgL⁻¹) was more effective to increase the fruit firmness (318.97 N) and rind hardness (25.94 N) when applied at fruit set stage. However, rind tensile strength was higher, when AVG was applied at the golf ball stage (54.13 N). In cv. Lane Late, the rind harness (28.61 N), rind tensile strength (78.82 N) was also higher when AVG was sprayed at fruit set stage. Whilst, the fruit compression force (369.68 N) was higher when AVG was applied at the golf ball stage. Similarly, the treatment AVG (60 mgL⁻¹) was more effective in improving fruit weight (281.00 and 298.50 g) and fruit diameter (87.30 and 82.69 mm), rind thickness (5.56 and 5.38 mm) and total sugars (15.27 mg.100ml⁻¹) when AVG was applied at the fruit golf ball stage in cv. Washington Navel and Lane Late, respectively. Similarly, rind harness (25.94 and 28.61 N), total antioxidants (45.30 and 46.48 mM trolox 100ml⁻¹), total sugars (13.64 and 15.27 mg.100ml⁻¹), citric acid (1.66 and 1.32 mg100ml⁻¹), malic acid (0.36 and 0.63 mg.100ml⁻¹) and succinic acid (0.35 and 0.38 mg100ml⁻¹) were also higher, when AVG was applied at the fruit set stage in both cultivars. In conclusion, the exogenous applications of AVG substantially reduces the creasing incidence, improves rheological properties of fruit and rind as well as fruit quality in Washington Navel and Lane Late sweet orange fruit.

Keywords: AVG, creasing, ethylene inhibitor, sweet orange

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7279 A Modeling Approach for Blockchain-Oriented Information Systems Design

Authors: Jiaqi Yan, Yani Shi


The blockchain technology is regarded as the most promising technology that has the potential to trigger a technological revolution. However, besides the bitcoin industry, we have not yet seen a large-scale application of blockchain in those domains that are supposed to be impacted, such as supply chain, financial network, and intelligent manufacturing. The reasons not only lie in the difficulties of blockchain implementation, but are also root in the challenges of blockchain-oriented information systems design. As the blockchain members are self-interest actors that belong to organizations with different existing information systems. As they expect different information inputs and outputs of the blockchain application, a common language protocol is needed to facilitate communications between blockchain members. Second, considering the decentralization of blockchain organization, there is not any central authority to organize and coordinate the business processes. Thus, the information systems built on blockchain should support more adaptive business process. This paper aims to address these difficulties by providing a modeling approach for blockchain-oriented information systems design. We will investigate the information structure of distributed-ledger data with conceptual modeling techniques and ontology theories, and build an effective ontology mapping method for the inter-organization information flow and blockchain information records. Further, we will study the distributed-ledger-ontology based business process modeling to support adaptive enterprise on blockchain.

Keywords: blockchain, ontology, information systems modeling, business process

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7278 Reformulation of Theory of Critical Distances to Predict the Strength of Notched Plain Concrete Beams under Quasi Static Loading

Authors: Radhika V., J. M. Chandra Kishen


The theory of critical distances (TCD), due to its appealing characteristics, has been successfully used in the past to predict the strength of brittle as well as ductile materials, weakened by the presence of stress risers under both static and fatigue loading. By utilising most of the TCD's unique features, this paper summarises an attempt for a reformulation of the point method of the TCD to predict the strength of notched plain concrete beams under mode I quasi-static loading. A zone of micro cracks, which is responsible for the non-linearity of concrete, is taken into account considering the concept of an effective elastic crack. An attempt is also made to correlate the value of the material characteristic length required for the application of TCD with the maximum aggregate size in the concrete mix, eliminating the need for any extensive experimentation prior to the application of TCD. The devised reformulation and the proposed power law based relationship is found to yield satisfactory predictions for static strength of notched plain concrete beams, with geometric dimensions of the beam, tensile strength, and maximum aggregate size of the concrete mix being the only needed input parameters.

Keywords: characteristic length, effective elastic crack, inherent material strength, modeI loading, theory of critical distances

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7277 Reduction of Chemical Fertilizer in Rice-Rice Cropping Pattern Using Different Vermicompost

Authors: Azizul Haque, Kamrun Nahar


Field experiments were conducted to reduce the chemical fertilizers with the integrated use of straight and phospho- vermicompost with chemical fertilizers in T. aman-Boro rice cropping pattern at the BINA farm, Mymensingh during 2019-20. Six treatments were used in the experiment for both the crops. The treatments used for T. aman rice (Binadhan 17) with straight vermicompost were as follows: T1: Native soil fertility, T2: 100% N from Chemical Fertilizer (CF), T3:70%N from CF, T4: 30% N from vermicompost-3 + 70% N from CF and T5:30% N from vermicompost-4 + 70% N from CF and T6: 100% PKS only. The treatments of Boro rice (var. Binadhan -10) with phospho-vermicompost were: T1: Native soil fertility, T2: 100% NPKS from chemical fertilizer (CF), T3:75% NKS from CF (Non IPNS) with 1 t ha-1 Phospho-vermicompost (P-Vermicom), T4: 100% NKS (IPNS) with 2 t ha-1 P-Vermicom, T5: 100% NKS from CF (Non IPNS) with 2 t ha-1 P-Vermicom and T6: 100% NKS. The experiments were conducted in a Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications. The treatment T5 (5.5 t ha-1) gave maximum grain yield of T.aman rice followed by the treatment T4 (5.4 t ha-1). But the treatmentsT5, T4, and T2 gave identical grain yields of T. aman rice. Similar results were observed in case of straw yields of T. Aman rice. The result indicated that 70% N from CF with 30% N from either straight vermicompost-3 or straight vermicompost-4 gave comparable yield to the sole application of 100% N from CF alone. Therefore, 30% chemical fertilizers (N, P, K and S) could be saved with the integrated (IPNS) use of vermicompost-3 or vermicompost-4 in the cultivation of T. aman rice. Application of Phospho-vermicompost significantly influenced the yield and yield contributing characters of Boro rice (Binadhan-10). The treatment T4 (7.23.0 t ha-1) gave maximum grain yield of Boro rice followed by the treatments T2 and T5. But the treatments T2 and T5 produced statistically similar grain yields. The results from the treatment T4 (100% NKS (IPNS) with 2.0 t ha-1P-Vermicom) indicated that full demand of P could be met up from 2 t ha-1 Phospho-vermicompost with IPNS chemical fertilizers (NKS) which was sufficient for attaining the highest grain yield of Boro rice than that of the treatment T2 (100% NPKS from CF) and the treatmentT5 (100% NKS from CF (Non IPNS) + 2 t ha-1 Phospho-vermicompost). The results revealed that 100% P and substantial amount of N (21%), K (44.6%) and S (53.7%) fertilizers could be saved with the integrated use of Phospho-vermicompost in the cultivation of Boro rice. In case of Boro rice partial cost benefit analysis showed that the application of Phospho-vermicompost (@2 tha--1) with IPNS chemical fertilizes (NKS) gave higher return of Tk. 18,213 / - than that of only 100% chemical fertilizer. Therefore, use of Phospho-vermicompost was beneficial for the cultivation of Boro rice in combination with suitable dose of chemical fertilizers.

Keywords: phosphovermicompost, cropping pattern, rice yield, chemical fertilizer

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7276 Different Tools and Complex Approach for Improving Phytoremediation Technology

Authors: T. Varazi, M. Pruidze, M. Kurashvili, N. Gagelidze, M. Sutton


The complex phytoremediation approach given in the presented work implies joint application of natural sorbents, microorganisms, natural biosurfactants and plants. The approach is based on using the natural mineral composites, microorganism strains with high detoxification abilities, plants-phytoremediators and natural biosurfactants for enhancing the uptake of intermediates of pollutants by plant roots. In this complex strategy of phytoremediation technology, the sorbent serves to uptake and trap the pollutants and thus restrain their emission in the environment. The role of microorganisms is to accomplish the first stage biodegradation of organic contaminants. This is followed by application of a phytoremediation technology through purposeful planting of selected plants. Thus, using of different tools will provide restoration of polluted environment and prevention of toxic compounds’ dissemination from hotbeds of pollution for a considerable length of time. The main idea and novelty of the carried out work is the development of a new approach for the ecological safety. The wide spectrum of contaminants: Organochlorine pesticide – DDT, heavy metal –Cu, oil hydrocarbon (hexadecane) and wax have been used in this work. The presented complex biotechnology is important from the viewpoint of prevention, providing total rehabilitation of soil. It is unique to chemical pollutants, ecologically friendly and provides the control of erosion of soils.

Keywords: bioremediation, phytoremediation, pollutants, soil contamination

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7275 Study on Buckling and Yielding Behaviors of Low Yield Point Steel Plates

Authors: David Boyajian, Tadeh Zirakian


Stability and performance of steel plates are characterized by geometrical buckling and material yielding. In this paper, the geometrical buckling and material yielding behaviors of low yield point (LYP) steel plates are studied from the point of view of their application in steel plate shear wall (SPSW) systems. Use of LYP steel facilitates the design and application of web plates with improved buckling and energy absorption capacities in SPSW systems. LYP steel infill plates may yield first and then undergo inelastic buckling. Hence, accurate determination of the limiting plate thickness corresponding to simultaneous buckling and yielding can be effective in seismic design of such lateral force-resisting and energy dissipating systems. The limiting thicknesses of plates with different loading and support conditions are determined theoretically and verified through detailed numerical simulations. Effects of use of LYP steel and plate aspect ratio parameter on the limiting plate thickness are investigated as well. In addition, detailed studies are performed on determination of the limiting web-plate thickness in code-designed SPSWs. Some practical recommendations are accordingly provided for efficient seismic design of SPSW systems with LYP steel infill plates.

Keywords: buckling, low yield point steel, plates, steel plate shear walls, yielding

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7274 Enhancing Teaching of Engineering Mathematics

Authors: Tajinder Pal Singh


Teaching of mathematics to engineering students is an open ended problem in education. The main goal of mathematics learning for engineering students is the ability of applying a wide range of mathematical techniques and skills in their engineering classes and later in their professional work. Most of the undergraduate engineering students and faculties feels that no efforts and attempts are made to demonstrate the applicability of various topics of mathematics that are taught thus making mathematics unavoidable for some engineering faculty and their students. The lack of understanding of concepts in engineering mathematics may hinder the understanding of other concepts or even subjects. However, for most undergraduate engineering students, mathematics is one of the most difficult courses in their field of study. Most of the engineering students never understood mathematics or they never liked it because it was too abstract for them and they could never relate to it. A right balance of application and concept based teaching can only fulfill the objectives of teaching mathematics to engineering students. It will surely improve and enhance their problem solving and creative thinking skills. In this paper, some practical (informal) ways of making mathematics-teaching application based for the engineering students is discussed. An attempt is made to understand the present state of teaching mathematics in engineering colleges. The weaknesses and strengths of the current teaching approach are elaborated. Some of the causes of unpopularity of mathematics subject are analyzed and a few pragmatic suggestions have been made. Faculty in mathematics courses should spend more time discussing the applications as well as the conceptual underpinnings rather than focus solely on strategies and techniques to solve problems. They should also introduce more ‘word’ problems as these problems are commonly encountered in engineering courses. Overspecialization in engineering education should not occur at the expense of (or by diluting) mathematics and basic sciences. The role of engineering education is to provide the fundamental (basic) knowledge and to teach the students simple methodology of self-learning and self-development. All these issues would be better addressed if mathematics and engineering faculty join hands together to plan and design the learning experiences for the students who take their classes. When faculties stop competing against each other and start competing against the situation, they will perform better. Without creating any administrative hassles these suggestions can be used by any young inexperienced faculty of mathematics to inspire engineering students to learn engineering mathematics effectively.

Keywords: application based learning, conceptual learning, engineering mathematics, word problem

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7273 Bayesian Variable Selection in Quantile Regression with Application to the Health and Retirement Study

Authors: Priya Kedia, Kiranmoy Das


There is a rich literature on variable selection in regression setting. However, most of these methods assume normality for the response variable under consideration for implementing the methodology and establishing the statistical properties of the estimates. In many real applications, the distribution for the response variable may be non-Gaussian, and one might be interested in finding the best subset of covariates at some predetermined quantile level. We develop dynamic Bayesian approach for variable selection in quantile regression framework. We use a zero-inflated mixture prior for the regression coefficients, and consider the asymmetric Laplace distribution for the response variable for modeling different quantiles of its distribution. An efficient Gibbs sampler is developed for our computation. Our proposed approach is assessed through extensive simulation studies, and real application of the proposed approach is also illustrated. We consider the data from health and retirement study conducted by the University of Michigan, and select the important predictors when the outcome of interest is out-of-pocket medical cost, which is considered as an important measure for financial risk. Our analysis finds important predictors at different quantiles of the outcome, and thus enhance our understanding on the effects of different predictors on the out-of-pocket medical cost.

Keywords: variable selection, quantile regression, Gibbs sampler, asymmetric Laplace distribution

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7272 Preparation of Zno/Ag Nanocomposite and Coating on Polymers for Anti-Infection Biomaterial Application

Authors: Babak Sadeghi, Parisa Ghayomipour


ZnO/Ag nanocomposites coated with polyvinyl chloride (PVC) were prepared by chemical reduction method, for anti-infection biomaterial application. There is a growing interest in attempts in using biomolecular as the templates to grow inorganic nanocomposites in controlled morphology and structure. By optimizing the experiment conditions, we successfully fabricated high yield of ZnO/Ag nanocomposite with full coverage of high-density polyvinyl chloride (PVC) coating. More importantly, ZnO/Ag nanocomposites were shown to significantly inhibit the growth of S. aureus in solution. It was further shown that ZnO/Ag nanocomposites induced thiol depletion that caused death of S. aureus. The coatings were fully characterized using techniques such as scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). Most importantly, compared to uncoated metals, the coatings on PVC promoted healthy antibacterial activity. Importantly, compared to ZnO-Ag -uncoated PVC, the ZnO/Ag nanocomposites coated was approximately triplet more effective in preventing bacteria attachment. The result of Thermal Gravimetric Analysis (TGA) indicates that, the ZnO/Ag nanocomposites are chemically stable in the temperature range from 50 to 900 ºC. This result, for the first time, demonstrates the potential of using ZnO/Ag nanocomposites as a coating material for numerous anti-bacterial applications.

Keywords: nanocomposites, antibacterial activity, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), x-ray diffraction (XRD)

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7271 Digital Forensics Analysis Focusing on the Onion Router Browser Artifacts in Windows 10

Authors: Zainurrasyid Abdullah, Mohamed Fadzlee Sulaiman, Muhammad Fadzlan Zainal, M. Zabri Adil Talib, Aswami Fadillah M. Ariffin


The Onion Router (Tor) browser is a well-known tool and widely used by people who seeking for web anonymity when browsing the internet. Criminals are taking this advantage to be anonymous over the internet. Accessing the dark web could be the significant reason for the criminal in order for them to perform illegal activities while maintaining their anonymity. For a digital forensic analyst, it is crucial to extract the trail of evidence in proving that the criminal’s computer has used Tor browser to conduct such illegal activities. By applying the digital forensic methodology, several techniques could be performed including application analysis, memory analysis, and registry analysis. Since Windows 10 is the latest operating system released by Microsoft Corporation, this study will use Windows 10 as the operating system platform that running Tor browser. From the analysis, significant artifacts left by Tor browser were discovered such as the execution date, application installation date and browsing history that can be used as an evidence. Although Tor browser was designed to achieved anonymity, there is still some trail of evidence can be found in Windows 10 platform that can be useful for investigation.

Keywords: artifacts analysis, digital forensics, forensic analysis, memory analysis, registry analysis, tor browser, Windows 10

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7270 Literature Review and Approach for the Use of Digital Factory Models in an Augmented Reality Application for Decision Making in Restructuring Processes

Authors: Rene Hellmuth, Jorg Frohnmayer


The requirements of the factory planning and the building concerned have changed in the last years. Factory planning has the task of designing products, plants, processes, organization, areas, and the building of a factory. Regular restructuring gains more importance in order to maintain the competitiveness of a factory. Even today, the methods and process models used in factory planning are predominantly based on the classical planning principles of Schmigalla, Aggteleky and Kettner, which, however, are not specifically designed for reorganization. In addition, they are designed for a largely static environmental situation and a manageable planning complexity as well as for medium to long-term planning cycles with a low variability of the factory. Existing approaches already regard factory planning as a continuous process that makes it possible to react quickly to adaptation requirements. However, digital factory models are not yet used as a source of information for building data. Approaches which consider building information modeling (BIM) or digital factory models in general either do not refer to factory conversions or do not yet go beyond a concept. This deficit can be further substantiated. A method for factory conversion planning using a current digital building model is lacking. A corresponding approach must take into account both the existing approaches to factory planning and the use of digital factory models in practice. A literature review will be conducted first. In it, approaches to classic factory planning and approaches to conversion planning are examined. In addition, it will be investigated which approaches already contain digital factory models. In the second step, an approach is presented how digital factory models based on building information modeling can be used as a basis for augmented reality tablet applications. This application is suitable for construction sites and provides information on the costs and time required for conversion variants. Thus a fast decision making is supported. In summary, the paper provides an overview of existing factory planning approaches and critically examines the use of digital tools. Based on this preliminary work, an approach is presented, which suggests the sensible use of digital factory models for decision support in the case of conversion variants of the factory building. The augmented reality application is designed to summarize the most important information for decision-makers during a reconstruction process.

Keywords: augmented reality, digital factory model, factory planning, restructuring

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7269 The Concept of Customary International Law. Redefining The Formation Requirements of Customary International Law Based on The Rules-And-Principles-Model of Robert Alexy

Authors: Marlene Anzenberger


The emergence of customary international law has always been controversial. Even with the two fundamental elements of origin, longa consuetudo and opinio juris the process of origin is highly unclear. It is uncertain how much time must pass, how many subjects must act, how many actions must be taken and how strong the opinio iuris must be in order for customary international law to emerge. The most appropriate solutions are based on sliding scales. Every aspect of the emergence of customary international law is up for debate, depending on the specific circumstances. The given approach is to rationalise this process by constructing an internal line of justification for all the arguments developed in the literature and used in the external justification process. This requires defining the elements of the justification process as formal principles. Such an approach is a milestone considering the fact that formal principles are highly questioned nowadays and - if they are accepted at all - are mostly used in relation to competences. Furthermore, the application of formal principles needs to be scrutinised and extended. In the national context (eg fundamental rights), principles have so far only been able to collide. However, their optimisation character also allows for other applications, for example cooperation instead of collision. Taking these aspects into account, a rational origination scheme is to be developed that is based on Robert Alexy's weight formula. First, one has to examine the individual components of the two fundamental elements of emergence and establish whether these are all-or-nothing requirements (rules) or partially fulfillable parameters (principles) and to what extent the gradually fulfillable parameters are definitely of necessity in every case. Second, one has to look at the previous research on formal principles, which is based in particular on Matthias Klatt's theory stating that formal principles are equivalent to competences and occur only in this context. However, the outcome of the paper will not merely show that this identity theory is too narrowly conceived, but that the application of principles to date only represents a partial area of their possible applications. The context of fundamental rights review has suggested to representatives such as Robert Alexy that it is purely the nature of principles to collide with each other and that the task of the practitioner is purely to resolve this collision by means of a proportionality test. However, the application of the development process of customary international law shows that a complementary application of principles is equally possible. The highly praised optimisation requirement is merely attributable to the specific circumstances and is rather based on a general optimisation possibility.The result is twofold. On one side, it is an internal justification scheme that rationalises the development process of customary international law in the sense of an internal justification, whereby a cooperation behaviour between the sub-parameters within the development elements is to be depicted. On the other side, it is a fully developed test to identify the emergence of customary international law in practice.

Keywords: balancing, consuetudo, customary international law, formal principles, opinio iuris, proportionality, weight formula

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7268 Introduction of an Approach of Complex Virtual Devices to Achieve Device Interoperability in Smart Building Systems

Authors: Thomas Meier


One of the major challenges for sustainable smart building systems is to support device interoperability, i.e. connecting sensor or actuator devices from different vendors, and present their functionality to the external applications. Furthermore, smart building systems are supposed to connect with devices that are not available yet, i.e. devices that become available on the market sometime later. It is of vital importance that a sustainable smart building platform provides an appropriate external interface that can be leveraged by external applications and smart services. An external platform interface must be stable and independent of specific devices and should support flexible and scalable usage scenarios. A typical approach applied in smart home systems is based on a generic device interface used within the smart building platform. Device functions, even of rather complex devices, are mapped to that generic base type interface by means of specific device drivers. Our new approach, presented in this work, extends that approach by using the smart building system’s rule engine to create complex virtual devices that can represent the most diverse properties of real devices. We examined and evaluated both approaches by means of a practical case study using a smart building system that we have developed. We show that the solution we present allows the highest degree of flexibility without affecting external application interface stability and scalability. In contrast to other systems our approach supports complex virtual device configuration on application layer (e.g. by administration users) instead of device configuration at platform layer (e.g. platform operators). Based on our work, we can show that our approach supports almost arbitrarily flexible use case scenarios without affecting the external application interface stability. However, the cost of this approach is additional appropriate configuration overhead and additional resource consumption at the IoT platform level that must be considered by platform operators. We conclude that the concept of complex virtual devices presented in this work can be applied to improve the usability and device interoperability of sustainable intelligent building systems significantly.

Keywords: Internet of Things, smart building, device interoperability, device integration, smart home

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7267 Biomimetic Paradigms in Architectural Conceptualization: Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics in Higher Education

Authors: Maryam Kalkatechi


The application of algorithms in architecture has been realized as geometric forms which are increasingly being used by architecture firms. The abstraction of ideas in a formulated algorithm is not possible. There is still a gap between design innovation and final built in prescribed formulas, even the most aesthetical realizations. This paper presents the application of erudite design process to conceptualize biomimetic paradigms in architecture. The process is customized to material and tectonics. The first part of the paper outlines the design process elements within four biomimetic pre-concepts. The pre-concepts are chosen from plants family. These include the pine leaf, the dandelion flower; the cactus flower and the sun flower. The choice of these are related to material qualities and natural pattern of the tectonics of these plants. It then focuses on four versions of tectonic comprehension of one of the biomimetic pre-concepts. The next part of the paper discusses the implementation of STEAM in higher education in architecture. This is shown by the relations within the design process and the manifestation of the thinking processes. The A in the SETAM, in this case, is only achieved by the design process, an engaging event as a performing arts, in which the conceptualization and development is realized in final built.

Keywords: biomimetic paradigm, erudite design process, tectonic, STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematic)

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7266 Chemical Composition and Insecticidal Properties of Moroccan Plant Extracts against Dactylopius Opuntiae (Cockerell) Under Laboratory and Greenhouse Conditions

Authors: Imane Naboulsi, Mansour Sobeh, Rachid Lamzira, Karim El Fakhouri, Widad Ben Bakrim, Chaimae Ramdani, Rachid Boulamtat, Mustapha El Bouhssini, Jane ward, Abdelaziz Yasri, Aziz Aboulmouhajir


The wild cochineal Dactylopius opuntiae (Cockerell) (Hemiptera: Dactylopiidae) is the major insect pest of the prickly pear Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) in Morocco, which has causedenormous socio-economic and environmental losses to this crop in recent years. This study aimed to investigate the insecticidal potential of six aqueous (100% water), and methanolic (20/80 (v/v) MeOH/H2O) extracts obtained from aromatic and medicinal plants growing in arid and semi-arid regions of Morocco to control nymphs and adult females of D. opuntiae, under laboratory and greenhouse conditions. Under laboratory conditions, the aqueous extracts of Atriplex halimus at 5% caused significant mortality in nymphs with 71% four days after application and 88%on adult females of D. opuntiae8 days post-treatment. Under greenhouse conditions, the aqueous extract of A. halimus combined with black soap at 10 g/L showed the highest mortality rate of nymphs with 100%, 4 days after application. The adult females' mortality increased significantly to reach 83.75%,14 days after the second application of A. halimus aqueous extract at 5%. Phytochemical analysis of the water extract of A. halimus revealed a high content of saponins (24.09 ± 0.71 mg SSE/g DW) compared to other plant extracts, which was confirmed by LC-MS characterization that showed the presence of 36 triterpenoid saponin compounds (derived from oleic-12-en-28-oic acid), in addition to phytoecdysones, simple carboxylic acids, and flavonoids. These findings showed that using the aqueous extract of A. halimus as a biological pesticide could be incorporated into the management package to control the wild cochineal as a safe alternative to chemical insecticides.

Keywords: dactylopius opuntiae, opuntia ficus-indica L., plant extracts, toxicity, atriplex halimus, saponins

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7265 Device Modelling and Analysis of Eco-friendly Inverted Solar Cell Structure Using Valency Ordered Inorganic Double Perovskite Material

Authors: Sindhu S Nair, Atul Thakur, Preeti Thakur, Trukhanov Alex


Perovskite-based absorbing materials that are organic, inorganic, or hybrid have gained interest as an appealing candidate for the development of solar cell devices. Lead-based perovskites are among the most promising materials, but their application is plagued with toxicity and stability concerns. Most of the perovskite solar cell consists of conventional (n-i-p) structure with organic or inorganic charge transport materials. The commercial application of such device is limited due to higher J-V hysteresis and the need for high temperature during fabrication. This numerical analysis primarily directs to investigate the performance of various inorganic lead-free valency ordered double perovskite absorber materials and to develop an inverted perovskite solar cell device structure. Simulation efforts using SCAPS-1D was carried out with various organic and inorganic charge transport materials with absorber layer materials, and their performance has been evaluated for various factors of thickness, absorber thickness, absorber defect density, and interface defect density to achieve the optimized structure.

Keywords: perovskite materials, solar cell, inverted solar cell, inorganic perovskite solar cell materials, cell efficiency

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7264 An Open-Source Guidance System for an Autonomous Planter Robot in Precision Agriculture

Authors: Nardjes Hamini, Mohamed Bachir Yagoubi


Precision agriculture has revolutionized farming by enabling farmers to monitor their crops remotely in real-time. By utilizing technologies such as sensors, farmers can detect the state of growth, hydration levels, and nutritional status and even identify diseases affecting their crops. With this information, farmers can make informed decisions regarding irrigation, fertilization, and pesticide application. Automated agricultural tasks, such as plowing, seeding, planting, and harvesting, are carried out by autonomous robots and have helped reduce costs and increase production. Despite the advantages of precision agriculture, its high cost makes it inaccessible to small and medium-sized farms. To address this issue, this paper presents an open-source guidance system for an autonomous planter robot. The system is composed of a Raspberry Pi-type nanocomputer equipped with Wi-Fi, a GPS module, a gyroscope, and a power supply module. The accompanying application allows users to enter and calibrate maps with at least four coordinates, enabling the localized contour of the parcel to be captured. The application comprises several modules, such as the mission entry module, which traces the planting trajectory and points, and the action plan entry module, which creates an ordered list of pre-established tasks such as loading, following the plan, returning to the garage, and entering sleep mode. A remote control module enables users to control the robot manually, visualize its location on the map, and use a real-time camera. Wi-Fi coverage is provided by an outdoor access point, covering a 2km circle. This open-source system offers a low-cost alternative for small and medium-sized farms, enabling them to benefit from the advantages of precision agriculture.

Keywords: autonomous robot, guidance system, low-cost, medium farms, open-source system, planter robot, precision agriculture, real-time monitoring, remote control, small farms

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7263 Design, Development and Application of a Green Manure Fertilizer Based on Mucuna Pruriens (L.) in Pelletized Presentation

Authors: Andres Zuñiga Orozco


Green manure fertilizers have special importance in the development of organic and sustainable agriculture as a substitute or complement to chemical fertilization. They have many advantages, but they have application limitations in greenhouse crops and in open field crops that have low growing size. On the other hand, the logistics of sowing, harvesting and applying have been difficult for producers to adopt. For this reason, a pelletized presentation was designed in conjunction with Trichoderma harzianum. The biopellet was applied in pineapple as the first experience, managing to improve carbon levels in the soil and some nutrients. Then it was applied to tomatoes where it was proven that, nutritionally, it is possible to nourish the crop up to day 60 only with the biopellet, improve carbon levels in soil and control the fungus Fusarium oxysporum. Subsequently, it was applied to coffee seedlings with an organo-mineral formulation. Here, the improvement in the growth and nutrition of the plants was notable, as well as the increase in the microbial activity of the soil. M. pruriens biopellets allow crops to be nourished, allow biocontrolers to be added, improve soil conditions to promote greater microbial activity, reincorporate carbon and CO2 into the soil, are easily applicable, allow dosing and have a favorable shelf-life. They can be applied to all types of crops, both in the greenhouse and in the field.

Keywords: Mucuna pruriens, pellets, carbon, Trichoderma, Fusarium

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7262 Revisiting the Swadesh Wordlist: How Long Should It Be

Authors: Feda Negesse


One of the most important indicators of research quality is a good data - collection instrument that can yield reliable and valid data. The Swadesh wordlist has been used for more than half a century for collecting data in comparative and historical linguistics though arbitrariness is observed in its application and size. This research compare s the classification results of the 100 Swadesh wordlist with those of its subsets to determine if reducing the size of the wordlist impact s its effectiveness. In the comparison, the 100, 50 and 40 wordlists were used to compute lexical distances of 29 Cushitic and Semitic languages spoken in Ethiopia and neighbouring countries. Gabmap, a based application, was employed to compute the lexical distances and to divide the languages into related clusters. The study shows that the subsets are not as effective as the 100 wordlist in clustering languages into smaller subgroups but they are equally effective in di viding languages into bigger groups such as subfamilies. It is noted that the subsets may lead to an erroneous classification whereby unrelated languages by chance form a cluster which is not attested by a comparative study. The chance to get a wrong result is higher when the subsets are used to classify languages which are not closely related. Though a further study is still needed to settle the issues around the size of the Swadesh wordlist, this study indicates that the 50 and 40 wordlists cannot be recommended as reliable substitute s for the 100 wordlist under all circumstances. The choice seems to be determined by the objective of a researcher and the degree of affiliation among the languages to be classified.

Keywords: classification, Cushitic, Swadesh, wordlist

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7261 A Case Study of Remote Location Viewing, and Its Significance in Mobile Learning

Authors: James Gallagher, Phillip Benachour


As location aware mobile technologies become ever more omnipresent, the prospect of exploiting their context awareness to enforce learning approaches thrives. Utilizing the growing acceptance of ubiquitous computing, and the steady progress both in accuracy and battery usage of pervasive devices, we present a case study of remote location viewing, how the application can be utilized to support mobile learning in situ using an existing scenario. Through the case study we introduce a new innovative application: Mobipeek based around a request/response protocol for the viewing of a remote location and explore how this can apply both as part of a teacher lead activity and informal learning situations. The system developed allows a user to select a point on a map, and send a request. Users can attach messages alongside time and distance constraints. Users within the bounds of the request can respond with an image, and accompanying message, providing context to the response. This application can be used alongside a structured learning activity such as the use of mobile phone cameras outdoors as part of an interactive lesson. An example of a learning activity would be to collect photos in the wild about plants, vegetation, and foliage as part of a geography or environmental science lesson. Another example could be to take photos of architectural buildings and monuments as part of an architecture course. These images can be uploaded then displayed back in the classroom for students to share their experiences and compare their findings with their peers. This can help to fosters students’ active participation while helping students to understand lessons in a more interesting and effective way. Mobipeek could augment the student learning experience by providing further interaction with other peers in a remote location. The activity can be part of a wider study between schools in different areas of the country enabling the sharing and interaction between more participants. Remote location viewing can be used to access images in a specific location. The choice of location will depend on the activity and lesson. For example architectural buildings of a specific period can be shared between two or more cities. The augmentation of the learning experience can be manifested in the different contextual and cultural influences as well as the sharing of images from different locations. In addition to the implementation of Mobipeek, we strive to analyse this application, and a subset of other possible and further solutions targeted towards making learning more engaging. Consideration is given to the benefits of such a system, privacy concerns, and feasibility of widespread usage. We also propose elements of “gamification”, in an attempt to further the engagement derived from such a tool and encourage usage. We conclude by identifying limitations, both from a technical, and a mobile learning perspective.

Keywords: context aware, location aware, mobile learning, remote viewing

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7260 Effects of Application of Rice Husk Charcoal-Coated Urea and Rice Straw Compost on Growth, Yield, and Soil Properties of Rice

Authors: D. A. S. Gamage, B. F. A Basnayake, W. A. J. M. de Costa


Rice is one of the world’s most important cereals. Increasing food production both to meet in-country requirements and to help overcome food crises is one of the major issues facing Sri Lanka today. However, productive land is limited and has mostly been utilized either for food crop production or other uses. Agriculture plays an important and strategic role in the performance of Sri Lankan national economy. A variety of modern agricultural inputs have been introduced, namely ploughs and harvesters, pesticides, fertilizers and lime. Besides, there are several agricultural institutions developing and updating the management of agricultural sector. Modern agricultural inputs cooperate as a catalyst in raising the productivity. However, in the eagerness of gaining profits from the efficient and productive techniques, this modern agricultural input has affected the environment and living things especially those which have been blended from various chemical substance. The increased pressure to maintain a high level of rice output for consumption has resulted in increased use of pesticides and inorganic fertilizer on rice fields in Sri Lanka. The application of inorganic fertilizer has become a burdened to the country in many ways. The excessive reuse of the ground water resources with a considerable application of organic and chemical fertilizers will lead to a deterioration of the quality and quantity of water. Biochar is a form of charcoal produced through the heating of natural organic materials. It has received significant attention recently for its potential as a soil conditioner, a fertilizer and as a means of storing carbon in a sustainable manner. It is the best solution for managing the agricultural wastes while providing a useful product for increasing agricultural productivity and protecting the environment. The objective of this study was to evaluate rice husk charcoal coated urea as a slow releasing fertilizer and compare the total N, P, K, organic matter in soil and yield of rice production.

Keywords: biochar, paddy husk, soil conditioner, rice straw compost

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7259 ‘BEST BARK’ Dog Care and Owner Consultation System

Authors: Shalitha Jayasekara, Saluk Bawantha, Dinithi Anupama, Isuru Gunarathne, Pradeepa Bandara, Hansi De Silva


Dogs have been known as "man's best friend" for generations, providing friendship and loyalty to their human counterparts. However, due to people's busy lives, they are unaware of the ailments that can affect their pets. However, in recent years, mobile technologies have had a significant impact on our lives, and with technological improvements, a rule-based expert system allows the end-user to enable new types of healthcare systems. The advent of Android OS-based smartphones with more user-friendly interfaces and lower pricing opens new possibilities for continuous monitoring of pets' health conditions, such as healthy dogs, dangerous ingestions, and swallowed objects. The proposed ‘Best Bark’ Dog care and owner consultation system is a mobile application for dog owners. Four main components for dog owners were implemented after a questionnaire was distributed to the target group of audience and the findings were evaluated. The proposed applications are widely used to provide health and clinical support to dog owners, including suggesting exercise and diet plans and answering queries about their dogs. Additionally, after the owner uploads a photo of the dog, the application provides immediate feedback and a description of the dog's skin disease.

Keywords: Convolution Neural Networks, Artificial Neural Networks, Knowledgebase, Sentimental Analysis.

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7258 Monitoring Energy Reduction through Applying Green Roofs to Residential Buildings in Dubai

Authors: Hanan M. Taleb


Since buildings are a major consumer of energy, their potential impact on the environment is considerable. Therefore, expanding the application of low energy architecture is of the utmost importance. Designing with nature is also one of the most attractive methods of design for many architects and designers because it creates a pathway to sustainability. One feature of designing with nature is the use of green roofing which aims to cover the roof with vegetation either partially or completely. Appreciably, green roofing in a building has many advantages including absorbing rainwater, providing thermal insulation, enhancing the ecology, creating a peaceful retreat for people and animals, improving air quality and helping to offset the air temperature and heat island effect. The aim of this paper is to monitor energy saving in the residential buildings of Dubai after applying green roofing techniques. The paper also attempts to provide a thermal analysis after the application of green roofs. A villa in Dubai was chosen as a case study. With the aid of energy simulation software, namely Design Builder, as well as manual recording and calculations, the energy savings after applying the green roofing were detected. To that extent, the paper draws some recommendations with regard to the types of green roofing that should be used in these particular climatic conditions based on this real experiment that took place over a one year period.

Keywords: residential buildings, Dubai, energy saving, green roofing, CFD, thermal comfort

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7257 Effectiveness of Internet Psychological Counseling in Reducing Social Shyness Symptoms among Students of University of Tabuk

Authors: Khawla Saad Albalawi


The aim of this research was to explore the effectiveness of the internet counseling in reducing social shyness among the university's students. The sample consisted of 40 students and was divided into two groups: an experimental group and a control group. The social shyness scale (SSS) was administered to both groups before applying the counseling to the experimental group (as a pre-test). After that, the internet counseling was applied to the experimental group. Next, the SSS was administered to both groups (as a post-test). Finally, the SSS was administered to the experimental group (as an iterative application). Results suggest that: 1. There is a significant difference between the two groups in the post-test in all dimensions and the total score of the (SSS) in favor of the experimental group in all cases. 2. There is a significant difference between the pre- and the post-test of the experimental group in all dimensions and the total score of the (SSS) in favor of the post-test in all cases. 3. There is no significant difference between the post-test and the iterative application of the experimental group in all dimensions and the total score of the (SSS). The above results were discussed in light of previous research. Recommendations and future researches were suggested.

Keywords: internet psychological clinics, social interaction disorders, shyness, Twitter, Facebook

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7256 Quality Standards for Emergency Response: A Methodological Framework

Authors: Jennifer E. Lynette


This study describes the development process of a methodological framework for quality standards used to measure the efficiency and quality of response efforts of trained personnel at emergency events. This paper describes the techniques used to develop the initial framework and its potential application to professions under the broader field of emergency management. The example described in detail in this paper applies the framework specifically to fire response activities by firefighters. Within the quality standards framework, the fire response process is chronologically mapped. Individual variables within the sequence of events are identified. Through in-person data collection, questionnaires, interviews, and the expansion of the incident reporting system, this study identifies and categorizes previously unrecorded variables involved in the response phase of a fire. Following a data analysis of each variable using a quantitative or qualitative assessment, the variables are ranked pertaining to the magnitude of their impact to the event outcome. Among others, key indicators of quality performance in the analysis involve decision communication, resource utilization, response techniques, and response time. Through the application of this framework and subsequent utilization of quality standards indicators, there is potential to increase efficiency in the response phase of an emergency event; thereby saving additional lives, property, and resources.

Keywords: emergency management, fire, quality standards, response

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7255 Application of Artificial Ground-Freezing to Construct a Passenger Interchange Tunnel for the Subway Line 14 in Paris, France

Authors: G. Lancellotta, G. Di Salvo, A. Rigazio, A. Davout, V. Pastore, G. Tonoli, A. Martin, P. Jullien, R. Jagow-Klaff, R. Wernecke


Artificial ground freezing (AGF) technique is a well-proven soil improvement approach used worldwide to construct shafts, tunnels and many other civil structures in difficult subsoil or ambient conditions. As part of the extension of Line 14 of the Paris subway, a passenger interchange tunnel between the new station at Porte de CI ichy and the new Tribunal the Grand Instance has been successfully constructed using this technique. The paper presents the successful application of AGF by Liquid Nitrogen and Brine implemented to provide structural stability and groundwater cut-off around the passenger interchange tunnel. The working conditions were considered to be rather challenging, due to the proximity of a hundred-year-old existing service tunnel of the Line 13, and subsoil conditions on site. Laboratory tests were carried out to determine the relevant soil parameters for hydro-thermal-mechanical aspects and to implement numerical analyses. Monitoring data were used in order to check and control the development and the efficiency of the freezing process as well as to back analyze the parameters assumed for the design, both during the freezing and thawing phases.

Keywords: artificial ground freezing, brine method, case history, liquid nitrogen

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7254 The Application of Insects in Forensic Investigations

Authors: Shirin Jalili, Hadi Shirzad, Samaneh Nabavi, Somayeh Khanjani


Forensic entomology is the science of study and analysis of insects evidences to aid in criminal investigation. Being aware of the distribution, biology, ecology and behavior of insects, which are founded at crime scene can provide information about when, where and how the crime has been committed. It has many application in criminal investigations. Its main use is estimation of the minimum time after death in suspicious death. The close association between insects and corpses and the use of insects in criminal investigations is the subject of forensic entomology. Because insects attack to the decomposing corpse and spawning on it from the initial stages. Forensic scientists can estimate the postmortem index by studying the insects population and the developing larval stages.In addition, toxicological and molecular studies of these insects can reveal the cause of death or even the identity of a victim. It also be used to detect drugs and poisons, and determination of incident location. Gathering robust entomological evidences is made possible for experts by recent Techniques. They can provide vital information about death, corpse movement or burial, submersion interval, time of decapitation, identification of specific sites of trauma, post-mortem artefacts on the body, use of drugs, linking a suspect to the scene of a crime, sexual molestations and the identification of suspects.

Keywords: Forensic entomology, post mortem interval, insects, larvae

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