Search results for: structural behavior of reinforced concrete beams
10981 The Establishment of Probabilistic Risk Assessment Analysis Methodology for Dry Storage Concrete Casks Using SAPHIRE 8
Authors: J. R. Wang, W. Y. Cheng, J. S. Yeh, S. W. Chen, Y. M. Ferng, J. H. Yang, W. S. Hsu, C. Shih
To understand the risk for dry storage concrete casks in the cask loading, transfer, and storage phase, the purpose of this research is to establish the probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) analysis methodology for dry storage concrete casks by using SAPHIRE 8 code. This analysis methodology is used to perform the study of Taiwan nuclear power plants (NPPs) dry storage system. The process of research has three steps. First, the data of the concrete casks and Taiwan NPPs are collected. Second, the PRA analysis methodology is developed by using SAPHIRE 8. Third, the PRA analysis is performed by using this methodology. According to the analysis results, the maximum risk is the multipurpose canister (MPC) drop case.Keywords: PRA, dry storage, concrete cask, SAPHIRE
Procedia PDF Downloads 21610980 Development of a New Method for T-Joint Specimens Testing under Shear Loading
Authors: Radek Doubrava, Roman Ruzek
Nonstandard tests are necessary for analyses and verification of new developed structural and technological solutions with application of composite materials. One of the most critical primary structural parts of a typical aerospace structure is T-joint. This structural element is loaded mainly in shear, bending, peel and tension. The paper is focused on the shear loading simulations. The aim of the work is to obtain a representative uniform distribution of shear loads along T-joint during the mechanical testing is. A new design of T-joint test procedure, numerical simulation and optimization of representative boundary conditions are presented. The different conditions and inaccuracies both in simulations and experiments are discussed. The influence of different parameters on stress and strain distributions is demonstrated on T-joint made of CFRP (carbon fiber reinforced plastic). A special test rig designed by VZLU (Aerospace Research and Test Establishment) for T-shear test procedure is presented.Keywords: T-joint, shear, composite, mechanical testing, finite element analysis, methodology
Procedia PDF Downloads 44310979 Experimental Work to Estimate the Strength of Ferrocement Slabs Incorporating Silica Fume and Steel Fibre
Authors: Mohammed Mashrei
Ferrocement is a type of thin reinforced concrete made of cement-sand matrix with closely spaced relatively small diameter wire meshes, with or without steel bars of small diameter called skeletal steel. This work concerns on the behavior of square ferrocement slabs of dimensions (500) mm x (500) mm and 30 mm subjected to a central load. This study includes testing thirteen ferrocement slabs. The main variables considered in the experimental work are the number of wire mesh layers, percentage of silica fume and the presence of steel fiber. The effects of these variables on the behavior and load carrying capacity of tested slabs under central load were investigated. From the experimental results, it is found that by increasing the percentage of silica fume from (0 to 1.5, 3, 4.5 and 6) of weight of cement the ultimate loads are affected. Also From this study, it is observed that the load carrying capacity increases with the presence of steel fiber reinforcement, the ductility is high in the case of steel fibers. The increasing wire mesh layer from six to ten layers increased the load capacity by 76%. Also, a reduction in width of crack with increasing in number of cracks in the samples that content on steel fibers comparing with samples without steel fibers was observed from the results.Keywords: ferrocement, fibre, silica fume, slab, strength
Procedia PDF Downloads 23610978 Influential Effect of Self-Healing Treatment on Water Absorption and Electrical Resistance of Normal and Light Weight Aggregate Concretes
Authors: B. Tayebani, N. Hosseinibalam, D. Mostofinejad
Interest in using bacteria in cement materials due to its positive influences has been increased. Cement materials such as mortar and concrete basically suffer from higher porosity and water absorption compared to other building materials such as steel materials. Because of the negative side-effects of certain chemical techniques, biological methods have been proposed as a desired and environmentally friendly strategy for reducing concrete porosity and diminishing water absorption. This paper presents the results of an experimental investigation carried out to evaluate the influence of Sporosarcina pasteurii bacteria on the behaviour of two types of concretes (light weight aggregate concrete and normal weight concrete). The resistance of specimens to water penetration by testing water absorption and evaluating the electrical resistance of those concretes was examined and compared. As a conclusion, 20% increase in electrical resistance and 10% reduction in water absorption of lightweight aggregate concrete (LWAC) and for normal concrete the results show 7% decrease in water absorption and almost 10% increase in electrical resistance.Keywords: bacteria, biological method, normal weight concrete, lightweight aggregate concrete, water absorption, electrical resistance
Procedia PDF Downloads 18110977 Freeze-Thaw Resistance of Concretes with BFSA
Authors: Alena Sicakova
Air-cooled Blast furnace slag aggregate (BFSA) is usually referred to as a material providing for unique properties of concrete. On the other hand, negative influences are also presented in many aspects. The freeze-thaw resistance of concrete is dependent on many factors, including regional specifics and when a concrete mix is specified it is still difficult to tell its exact freeze-thaw resistance due to the different components affecting it. An important consideration in working with BFSA is the granularity and whether slag is sorted or not. The experimental part of the article represents a comparative testing of concrete using both the sorted and unsorted BFSA through the freeze-thaw resistance as an indicator of durability. Unsorted BFSA is able to be successfully used for concretes as they are specified for exposure class XF4 with providing that the type of cement is precisely selected.Keywords: blast furnace slag aggregate, concrete, freeze-thaw resistance
Procedia PDF Downloads 39610976 Investigate the Performance of SMA-FRP Composite Bars in Seismic Regions under Corrosion Conditions
Authors: Amirmozafar Benshams, Saman Shafeinejad, Mohammad Zaman Kabir, Farzad Hatami, Mohammadreza Khedmati, Mesbah Saybani
Steel bars has been used in concrete structures for more than one hundred years but lack of corrosion resistance of steel reinforcement has resulted in many structural failures. Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) bar is an acceptable solution to replace steel to mitigate corrosion problem. Since FRP is a brittle material its use in seismic region has been a concern. FRP RC structures can be made ductile by employing a ductile material such as Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) at the plastic hinge region and FRP at the other regions on the other hand SMA is highly resistant to corrosion. Shape Memory Alloy has the unique ability to undergo large inelastic deformation and regain its initial shape through stress removal therefore utilizing composite SMA-FRP bars not only have good corrosion resistance but also have good performance in seismic region. The result show indicate that such composite SMA-FRP bars can substantially reduce the residual drift with adequate energy dissipation capacity during earthquake.Keywords: steel bar, shape memory alloy, FRP, corrosion
Procedia PDF Downloads 39710975 Design and Optimization of Composite Canopy Structure
Authors: Prakash Kattire, Rahul Pathare, Nilesh Tawde
A canopy is an overhead roof structure generally used at the entrance of a building to provide shelter from rain and sun and may also be used for decorative purposes. In this paper, the canopy structure to cover the conveyor line has been studied. Existing most of the canopy structures are made of steel and glass, which makes a heavier structure, so the purpose of this study is to weight and cost optimization of the canopy. To achieve this goal, the materials of construction considered are Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) natural composite, Fiber Reinforced Plastic (FRP), and Structural steel Fe250. Designing and modeling were done in Solid works, whereas Altair Inspire software was used for the optimization of the structure. Through this study, it was found that there is a total 10% weight reduction in the structure with sufficient reserve for structural strength.Keywords: canopy, composite, FRP, PVC
Procedia PDF Downloads 14810974 Finite Element Molecular Modeling: A Structural Method for Large Deformations
Authors: A. Rezaei, M. Huisman, W. Van Paepegem
Atomic interactions in molecular systems are mainly studied by particle mechanics. Nevertheless, researches have also put on considerable effort to simulate them using continuum methods. In early 2000, simple equivalent finite element models have been developed to study the mechanical properties of carbon nanotubes and graphene in composite materials. Afterward, many researchers have employed similar structural simulation approaches to obtain mechanical properties of nanostructured materials, to simplify interface behavior of fiber-reinforced composites, and to simulate defects in carbon nanotubes or graphene sheets, etc. These structural approaches, however, are limited to small deformations due to complicated local rotational coordinates. This article proposes a method for the finite element simulation of molecular mechanics. For ease in addressing the approach, here it is called Structural Finite Element Molecular Modeling (SFEMM). SFEMM method improves the available structural approaches for large deformations, without using any rotational degrees of freedom. Moreover, the method simulates molecular conformation, which is a big advantage over the previous approaches. Technically, this method uses nonlinear multipoint constraints to simulate kinematics of the atomic multibody interactions. Only truss elements are employed, and the bond potentials are implemented through constitutive material models. Because the equilibrium bond- length, bond angles, and bond-torsion potential energies are intrinsic material parameters, the model is independent of initial strains or stresses. In this paper, the SFEMM method has been implemented in ABAQUS finite element software. The constraints and material behaviors are modeled through two Fortran subroutines. The method is verified for the bond-stretch, bond-angle and bond-torsion of carbon atoms. Furthermore, the capability of the method in the conformation simulation of molecular structures is demonstrated via a case study of a graphene sheet. Briefly, SFEMM builds up a framework that offers more flexible features over the conventional molecular finite element models, serving the structural relaxation modeling and large deformations without incorporating local rotational degrees of freedom. Potentially, the method is a big step towards comprehensive molecular modeling with finite element technique, and thereby concurrently coupling an atomistic domain to a solid continuum domain within a single finite element platform.Keywords: finite element, large deformation, molecular mechanics, structural method
Procedia PDF Downloads 15310973 Recurring as a Means of Partial Strength Recovery of Concrete Subjected to Elevated Temperatures
Authors: Shree Laxmi Prashant, Subhash C. Yaragal, K. S. Babu Narayan
Concrete is found to undergo degradation when subjected to elevated temperatures and loose substantial amount of its strength. The loss of strength in concrete is mainly attributed to decomposition of C-S-H and release of physically and chemically bound water, which begins when the exposure temperature exceeds 100°C. When such a concrete comes in contact with moisture, the cement paste is found rehydrate and considerable amount of strength lost is found to recover. This paper presents results of an experimental program carried out to investigate the effect of recuring on strength gain of OPC concrete specimens subjected to elevated temperatures from 200°C to 800°C, which were subjected to retention time of two hours and four hours at the designated temperature. Strength recoveries for concrete subjected to 7 designated elevated temperatures are compared. It is found that the efficacy of recuring as a measure of strength recovery reduces with increase in exposure temperature.Keywords: elevated temperature, recuring, strength recovery, compressive strength
Procedia PDF Downloads 59810972 Procedure for Monitoring the Process of Behavior of Thermal Cracking in Concrete Gravity Dams: A Case Study
Authors: Adriana de Paula Lacerda Santos, Bruna Godke, Mauro Lacerda Santos Filho
Several dams in the world have already collapsed, causing environmental, social and economic damage. The concern to avoid future disasters has stimulated the creation of a great number of laws and rules in many countries. In Brazil, Law 12.334/2010 was created, which establishes the National Policy on Dam Safety. Overall, this policy requires the dam owners to invest in the maintenance of their structures and to improve its monitoring systems in order to provide faster and straightforward responses in the case of an increase of risks. As monitoring tools, visual inspections has provides comprehensive assessment of the structures performance, while auscultation’s instrumentation has added specific information on operational or behavioral changes, providing an alarm when a performance indicator exceeds the acceptable limits. These limits can be set using statistical methods based on the relationship between instruments measures and other variables, such as reservoir level, time of the year or others instruments measuring. Besides the design parameters (uplift of the foundation, displacements, etc.) the dam instrumentation can also be used to monitor the behavior of defects and damage manifestations. Specifically in concrete gravity dams, one of the main causes for the appearance of cracks, are the concrete volumetric changes generated by the thermal origin phenomena, which are associated with the construction process of these structures. Based on this, the goal of this research is to propose a monitoring process of the thermal cracking behavior in concrete gravity dams, through the instrumentation data analysis and the establishment of control values. Therefore, as a case study was selected the Block B-11 of José Richa Governor Dam Power Plant, that presents a cracking process, which was identified even before filling the reservoir in August’ 1998, and where crack meters and surface thermometers were installed for its monitoring. Although these instruments were installed in May 2004, the research was restricted to study the last 4.5 years (June 2010 to November 2014), when all the instruments were calibrated and producing reliable data. The adopted method is based on simple linear correlations procedures to understand the interactions among the instruments time series, verifying the response times between them. The scatter plots were drafted from the best correlations, which supported the definition of the limit control values. Among the conclusions, it is shown that there is a strong or very strong correlation between ambient temperature and the crack meters and flowmeters measurements. Based on the results of the statistical analysis, it was possible to develop a tool for monitoring the behavior of the case study cracks. Thus it was fulfilled the goal of the research to develop a proposal for a monitoring process of the behavior of thermal cracking in concrete gravity dams.Keywords: concrete gravity dam, dams safety, instrumentation, simple linear correlation
Procedia PDF Downloads 29210971 Correction Requirement to AISC Design Guide 31: Case Study of Web Post Buckling Design for Castellated Beams
Authors: Kitjapat Phuvoravan, Phattaraphong Ponsorn
In the design of Castellated beams (CB), the web post buckling acted by horizontal shear force is one of the important failure modes that have to be considered. It is also a dominant governing mode when design following the AISC 31 design guideline which is just published. However, the equation of the web post buckling given by the guideline is still questionable for most of the engineers. So the purpose of this paper is to study and provide a proposed equation for design the web post buckling with more simplified and convenient to use. The study is also including the improper of the safety factor given by the guideline. The proposed design equation is acquired by regression method based on the results of finite element analysis. An amount of Cellular beam simulated to study is modelled by using shell element, analysis with both geometric and material nonlinearity. The results of the study show that the use of the proposed equation to design the web post buckling in Castellated beams is more simple and precise for computation than the equations provided from the guideline.Keywords: castellated beam, web opening, web post buckling, design equation
Procedia PDF Downloads 30210970 Investigation of the Inhibition Effect of 2,3-Diaminopyridine on Mild Steel Corrosion in Solution Simulating Water of Pores Concrete in Absence and Presence of Chloride Ions
Authors: Fatiha Benghanem, Mokhtar Berarma, Saida Keraghel, Ali Ourari
Corrosion is the result of the reaction between a material and its environment. Steel in concrete is protected from corrosion by a passive film promoted by concrete alkalinity. For the initiation of corrosion, this protective film must be destroyed and this can be mainly done in two ways: by the attack of chlorides on the steel or by carbonation of the cover concrete due the reaction with carbon dioxide, which causes reduction in the alkalinity of concrete. The literature reports several ways to decrease or to prevent reinforcement corrosion. Among them, the use of corrosion inhibitors has been an envisaged solution. Two approaches are generally used to evaluate the efficiency of inhibitors for concrete application; one uses simulated pore solution testing , and the other uses actual concrete or mortar specimens. Both methods are some times used in conjunction. The aim of this study is to investigate the use of 2,3-diaminopyridine as a corrosion inhibitors of steel in alkaline media which simulate the electrolyte in the concrete pores. The effectiveness of this compound as corrosion inhibitor was investigated by measuring the corrosion potentials, the polarization curves and the corrosion current densities of steel with and without chlorides. The study of corrosion inhibition by this compound led to the conclusion that he has low rates of inhibition in the absence of aggressive ions and high rates in their presence. This type of organic compounds are promoting for the protection of armatures in concrete.Keywords: corrosion, inhibitors, mild steel, conjunction
Procedia PDF Downloads 44310969 Investigations on the Seismic Performance of Hot-Finished Hollow Steel Sections
Authors: Paola Pannuzzo, Tak-Ming Chan
In seismic applications, hollow steel sections show, beyond undeniable esthetical appeal, promising structural advantages since, unlike open section counterparts, they are not susceptible to weak-axis and lateral-torsional buckling. In particular, hot-finished hollow steel sections have homogeneous material properties and favorable ductility but have been underutilized for cyclic bending. The main reason is that the parameters affecting their hysteretic behaviors are not yet well understood and, consequently, are not well exploited in existing codes of practice. Therefore, experimental investigations have been conducted on a wide range of hot-finished rectangular hollow section beams with the aim to providing basic knowledge for evaluating their seismic performance. The section geometry (width-to-thickness and depth-to-thickness ratios) and the type of loading (monotonic and cyclic) have been chosen as the key parameters to investigate the cyclic effect on the rotational capacity and to highlight the differences between monotonic and cyclic load conditions. The test results provide information on the parameters that affect the cyclic performance of hot-finished hollow steel beams and can be used to assess the design provisions stipulated in the current seismic codes of practice.Keywords: bending, cyclic test, finite element modeling, hollow sections, hot-finished sections
Procedia PDF Downloads 15610968 Contactless Electromagnetic Detection of Stress Fluctuations in Steel Elements
Authors: M. A. García, J. Vinolas, A. Hernando
Steel is nowadays one of the most important structural materials because of its outstanding mechanical properties. Therefore, in order to look for a sustainable economic model and to optimize the use of extensive resources, new methods to monitor and prevent failure of steel-based facilities are required. The classical mechanical tests, as for instance building tasting, are invasive and destructive. Moreover, for facilities where the steel element is embedded, (as reinforced concrete) these techniques are directly non applicable. Hence, non-invasive monitoring techniques to prevent failure, without altering the structural properties of the elements are required. Among them, electromagnetic methods are particularly suitable for non-invasive inspection of the mechanical state of steel-based elements. The magnetoelastic coupling effects induce a modification of the electromagnetic properties of an element upon applied stress. Since most steels are ferromagnetic because of their large Fe content, it is possible to inspect their structure and state in a non-invasive way. We present here a distinct electromagnetic method for contactless evaluation of internal stress in steel-based elements. In particular, this method relies on measuring the magnetic induction between two coils with the steel specimen in between them. We found that the alteration of electromagnetic properties of the steel specimen induced by applied stress-induced changes in the induction allowed us to detect stress well below half of the elastic limit of the material. Hence, it represents an outstanding non-invasive method to prevent failure in steel-based facilities. We here describe the theoretical model, present experimental results to validate it and finally we show a practical application for detection of stress and inhomogeneities in train railways.Keywords: magnetoelastic, magnetic induction, mechanical stress, steel
Procedia PDF Downloads 5110967 Through-Bolt Moment Connection in HSS Column
Authors: Bardia Khafaf, Mehrdad Ghaffari, Amir Hussein Samakar
It is currently desirable to use Hollow Square Sections (HSS) in moment resistant structures in construction of building because they offer fewer restrictions for designing and more useful space while adhering to build design codes. This paper present a through bolt connection in HSS column. This connection meets building code standards that require the moment resistant connections to deflect and absorb energy resulting from gravity and seismic loads. Connection through bolts is installed and pretension to provide the connection strength needed to make a beam–column moment rigid zone. A rigid joint is typically used to resist lateral forces by holding columns and beams fixed in relation to one another. With bolted moment frames using HSS columns, a through–bolt connection could be used to secure the beam and end plate to the column. However, when multiple columns and beams are used to span a length of building, the use of through-bolts would necessities aligning multiple beams simultaneously to the columns. In the case of a linear span, the assembly process requires the holes of a first beam end plate to be aligned with through bolt holes in a column and aligning the holes of a second, opposing beam plate with the column through bolt, then inserting the through bolts in each hole for tightening with nuts and washers. In moment resistant building, a problem arises when assembling beams to columns where multiple beams and columns are required. Through bolt, moment connections are among the economical, practical and not difficult rigid steel connection for HSS column building. In this paper, the results of numerous analytical studies performed for moment structures with HSS columns with through bolt based on AISC standard codes are shown.Keywords: through bolt, moment resistant connection, HSS columns section, construction engineering
Procedia PDF Downloads 47010966 Behaviour of Rc Column under Biaxial Cyclic Loading-State of the Art
Authors: L. Pavithra, R. Sharmila, Shivani Sridhar
Columns severe structural damage needs proportioning a significant portion of earthquake energy can be dissipated yielding in the beams. Presence of axial load along with cyclic loading has a significant influence on column. The objective of this paper is to present the analytical results of columns subjected to biaxial cyclic loading.Keywords: RC column, Seismic behaviour, cyclic behaviour, biaxial testing, ductile behaviour
Procedia PDF Downloads 36710965 Dynamic Response and Damage Modeling of Glass Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Composite Pipes: Numerical Investigation
Authors: Ammar Maziz, Mostapha Tarfaoui, Said Rechak
The high mechanical performance of composite pipes can be adversely affected by their low resistance to impact loads. Loads in dynamic origin are dangerous and cause consequences on the operation of pipes because the damage is often not detected and can affect the structural integrity of composite pipes. In this work, an advanced 3-D finite element (FE) model, based on the use of intralaminar damage models was developed and used to predict damage under low-velocity impact. The performance of the numerical model is validated with the confrontation with the results of experimental tests. The results show that at low impact energy, the damage happens mainly by matrix cracking and delamination. The model capabilities to simulate the low-velocity impact events on the full-scale composite structures were proved.Keywords: composite materials, low velocity impact, FEA, dynamic behavior, progressive damage modeling
Procedia PDF Downloads 17210964 Spectra Analysis in Sunset Color Demonstrations with a White-Color LED as a Light Source
Authors: Makoto Hasegawa, Seika Tokumitsu
Spectra of light beams emitted from white-color LED torches are different from those of conventional electric torches. In order to confirm if white-color LED torches can be used as light sources for popular sunset color demonstrations in spite of such differences, spectra of travelled light beams and scattered light beams with each of a white-color LED torch (composed of a blue LED and yellow-color fluorescent material) and a conventional electric torch as a light source were measured and compared with each other in a 50 cm-long water tank for sunset color demonstration experiments. Suspension liquid was prepared from acryl-emulsion and tap-water in the water tank, and light beams from the white-color LED torch or the conventional electric torch were allowed to travel in this suspension liquid. Sunset-like color was actually observed when the white-color LED torch was used as the light source in sunset color demonstrations. However, the observed colors when viewed with naked eye look slightly different from those obtainable with the conventional electric torch. At the same time, with the white-color LED, changes in colors in short to middle wavelength regions were recognized with careful observations. From those results, white-color LED torches are confirmed to be applicable as light sources in sunset color demonstrations, although certain attentions have to be paid. Further advanced classes will be successfully performed with white-color LED torches as light sources.Keywords: blue sky demonstration, sunset color demonstration, white LED torch, physics education
Procedia PDF Downloads 28510963 Predicting Long-Term Performance of Concrete under Sulfate Attack
Authors: Elakneswaran Yogarajah, Toyoharu Nawa, Eiji Owaki
Cement-based materials have been using in various reinforced concrete structural components as well as in nuclear waste repositories. The sulfate attack has been an environmental issue for cement-based materials exposed to sulfate bearing groundwater or soils, and it plays an important role in the durability of concrete structures. The reaction between penetrating sulfate ions and cement hydrates can result in swelling, spalling and cracking of cement matrix in concrete. These processes induce a reduction of mechanical properties and a decrease of service life of an affected structure. It has been identified that the precipitation of secondary sulfate bearing phases such as ettringite, gypsum, and thaumasite can cause the damage. Furthermore, crystallization of soluble salts such as sodium sulfate crystals induces degradation due to formation and phase changes. Crystallization of mirabilite (Na₂SO₄:10H₂O) and thenardite (Na₂SO₄) or their phase changes (mirabilite to thenardite or vice versa) due to temperature or sodium sulfate concentration do not involve any chemical interaction with cement hydrates. Over the past couple of decades, an intensive work has been carried out on sulfate attack in cement-based materials. However, there are several uncertainties still exist regarding the mechanism for the damage of concrete in sulfate environments. In this study, modelling work has been conducted to investigate the chemical degradation of cementitious materials in various sulfate environments. Both internal and external sulfate attack are considered for the simulation. In the internal sulfate attack, hydrate assemblage and pore solution chemistry of co-hydrating Portland cement (PC) and slag mixing with sodium sulfate solution are calculated to determine the degradation of the PC and slag-blended cementitious materials. Pitzer interactions coefficients were used to calculate the activity coefficients of solution chemistry at high ionic strength. The deterioration mechanism of co-hydrating cementitious materials with 25% of Na₂SO₄ by weight is the formation of mirabilite crystals and ettringite. Their formation strongly depends on sodium sulfate concentration and temperature. For the external sulfate attack, the deterioration of various types of cementitious materials under external sulfate ingress is simulated through reactive transport model. The reactive transport model is verified with experimental data in terms of phase assemblage of various cementitious materials with spatial distribution for different sulfate solution. Finally, the reactive transport model is used to predict the long-term performance of cementitious materials exposed to 10% of Na₂SO₄ for 1000 years. The dissolution of cement hydrates and secondary formation of sulfate-bearing products mainly ettringite are the dominant degradation mechanisms, but not the sodium sulfate crystallization.Keywords: thermodynamic calculations, reactive transport, radioactive waste disposal, PHREEQC
Procedia PDF Downloads 16310962 Effect of High Temperature on Residual Mechanical and Physical Properties of Brick Aggregate Concrete
Authors: Samia Hachemi, Abdelhafid Ounis, W. Heriheri
This paper presents an experimental investigation of high temperatures applied to normal and high performance concrete made with natural coarse aggregates. The experimental results of physical and mechanical properties were compared with those obtained with recycled brick aggregates produced by replacing 30% of natural coarse aggregates by recycled brick aggregates. The following parameters: compressive strength, concrete mass loss, apparent density and water porosity were examined in this experiment. The results show that concrete could be produced by using recycled brick aggregates and reveals that at high temperatures recycled aggregate concrete preformed similar or even better than natural aggregate concrete.Keywords: high temperature, compressive strength, mass loss, recycled brick aggregate
Procedia PDF Downloads 24710961 The Simultaneous Effect of Horizontal and Vertical Earthquake Components on the Seismic Response of Buckling-Restrained Braced Frame
Authors: Mahdi Shokrollahi
Over the past years, much research has been conducted on the vulnerability of structures to earthquakes, which only horizontal components of the earthquake were considered in their seismic analysis and vertical earthquake acceleration especially in near-fault area was less considered. The investigation of the mappings shows that vertical earthquake acceleration can be significantly closer to the maximum horizontal earthquake acceleration, and even exceeds it in some cases. This study has compared the behavior of different members of three steel moment frame with a buckling-restrained brace (BRB), one time only by considering the horizontal component and again by considering simultaneously the horizontal and vertical components under the three mappings of the near-fault area and the effect of vertical acceleration on structural responses is investigated. Finally, according to the results, the vertical component of the earthquake has a greater effect on the axial force of the columns and the vertical displacement of the middle of the beams of the different classes and less on the lateral displacement of the classes.Keywords: vertical earthquake acceleration, near-fault area, steel frame, horizontal and vertical component of earthquake, buckling-restrained brace
Procedia PDF Downloads 17910960 Lessons from Vernacular Architecture for Lightweight Construction
Authors: Alireza Taghdiri, Sara Ghanbarzade Ghomi
With the gravity load reduction in the structural and non-structural components, the lightweight construction will be achieved as well as the improvement of efficiency and functional specifications. The advantages of lightweight construction can be examined in two levels. The first is the mass reduction of load bearing structure which results in increasing internal useful space and the other one is the mass reduction of building which decreases the effects of seismic load as a result. In order to achieve this goal, the essential building materials specifications and also optimum load bearing geometry of structural systems and elements have to be considered, so lightweight materials selection particularly with lightweight aggregate for building components will be the first step of lightweight construction. In the next step, in addition to selecting the prominent samples of Iran's traditional architecture, the process of these works improvement is analyzed through the viewpoints of structural efficiency and lightweighting and also the practical methods of lightweight construction have been extracted. The optimum design of load bearing geometry of structural system has to be considered not only in the structural system elements, but also in their composition and the selection of dimensions, proportions, forms and optimum orientations, can lead to get a maximum materials efficiency for loads and stresses bearing.Keywords: gravity load, light-weighting structural system, load bearing geometry, seismic behavior
Procedia PDF Downloads 54710959 Early-Age Cracking of Low Carbon Concrete Incorporating Ferronickel Slag as Supplementary Cementitious Material
Authors: Mohammad Khan, Arnaud Castel
Concrete viscoelastic properties such as shrinkage, creep, and associated relaxation are important in assessing the risk of cracking during the first few days after placement. This paper investigates the early-age mechanical and viscoelastic properties, restrained shrinkage-induced cracking and time to cracking of concrete incorporating ferronickel slag (FNS) as supplementary cementitious material. Compressive strength, indirect tensile strength and elastic modulus were measured. Tensile creep and drying shrinkage was measured on dog-bone shaped specimens. Restrained shrinkage induced stresses and concrete cracking age were assessed by using the ring test. Results revealed that early-age strength development of FNS blended concrete is lower than that of the corresponding ordinary Portland cement (OPC) concrete. FNS blended concrete showed significantly higher tensile creep. The risk of early-age cracking for the restrained specimens depends on the development of concrete tensile stress considering both restrained shrinkage and tensile creep and the development of the tensile strength. FNS blended concrete showed only 20% reduction in time to cracking compared to reference OPC concrete, and this reduction is significantly lower compared to fly ash and ground granulated blast furnace slag blended concretes at similar replacement level.Keywords: ferronickel slag, restraint shrinkage, tensile creep, time to cracking
Procedia PDF Downloads 18710958 Influence of Recycled Glass Content on the Properties of Concrete and Mortar
Authors: Bourmatte Nadjoua, Houari Hacène
The effect of replacement of fine aggregates with recycled glass on the fresh and hardened properties of concrete and mortar is studied. Percentages of replacement are 0–25% and 50% of aggregates with fine waste glass to produce concrete and percentage of replacement of 100% to produce mortar. As a result of the conducted study, the slump flow increased with the increase of recycled glass content. On the other hand, the compressive strength and tensile strength of recycled glass mixtures were decreased with the increase in the recycled glass content. The results showed that recycled glass aggregate can successfully be used with limited level for producing concrete. Mortar based on glass shows a compressive strength with 50% lower than that of control mortar.Keywords: compressive strength, concrete, mortar, recycled glass
Procedia PDF Downloads 45010957 A Review on Application of Waste Tire in Concrete
Authors: M. A. Yazdi, J. Yang, L. Yihui, H. Su
The application of recycle waste tires into civil engineering practices, namely asphalt paving mixtures and cementbased materials has been gaining ground across the world. This review summarizes and compares the recent achievements in the area of plain rubberized concrete (PRC), in details. Different treatment methods have been discussed to improve the performance of rubberized Portland cement concrete. The review also includes the effects of size and amount of tire rubbers on mechanical and durability properties of PRC. The microstructure behaviour of the rubberized concrete was detailed.Keywords: waste rubber aggregates, microstructure, treatment methods, size and content effects
Procedia PDF Downloads 33510956 Evaluating Residual Mechanical and Physical Properties of Concrete at Elevated Temperatures
Authors: S. Hachemi, A. Ounis, S. Chabi
This paper presents the results of an experimental study on the effects of elevated temperature on compressive and flexural strength of Normal Strength Concrete (NSC), High Strength Concrete (HSC) and High Performance Concrete (HPC). In addition, the specimen mass and volume were measured before and after heating in order to determine the loss of mass and volume during the test. In terms of non-destructive measurement, ultrasonic pulse velocity test was proposed as a promising initial inspection method for fire damaged concrete structure. 100 Cube specimens for three grades of concrete were prepared and heated at a rate of 3°C/min up to different temperatures (150, 250, 400, 600, and 900°C). The results show a loss of compressive and flexural strength for all the concretes heated to temperature exceeding 400°C. The results also revealed that mass and density of the specimen significantly reduced with an increase in temperature.Keywords: high temperature, compressive strength, mass loss, ultrasonic pulse velocity
Procedia PDF Downloads 34310955 Investigation on the Acoustical Transmission Path of Additive Printed Metals
Authors: Raphael Rehmet, Armin Lohrengel, Prof Dr-Ing
In terms of making machines more silent and convenient, it is necessary to analyze the transmission path of mechanical vibrations and structure-bone noise. A typical solution for the elimination of structure-bone noise would be to simply add stiffeners or additional masses to change the transmission behavior and, thereby, avoid the propagation of vibrations. Another solution could be to use materials with a different damping behavior, such as elastomers, to isolate the machine dynamically. This research approach investigates the damping behavior of additive printed components made from structural steel or titanium, which have been manufactured in the “Laser Powder Bed Fusion“-process. By using the design flexibility which this process comes with, it will be investigated how a local impedance difference will affect the transmission behavior of the specimens.Keywords: 3D-printed, acoustics, dynamics, impedance
Procedia PDF Downloads 20910954 A Review of the Axial Capacity of Circular High Strength Concrete-Filled Steel Tube Columns
Authors: Mustafa Gülen, Eylem Güzel, Soner Guler
The concrete filled steel tube (CFST) columns are commonly used in construction applications such as high-rise buildings and bridges owing to its lots of remarkable benefits. The use of concrete filled steel tube columns provides large areas by reduction in cross-sectional area of columns. The main aim of this study is to examine the axial load capacities of circular high strength concrete filled steel tube columns according to Eurocode 4 (EC4) and Chinese Code (DL/T). The results showed that the predictions of EC4 and Chinese Code DL/T are unsafe for all specimens.Keywords: concrete-filled steel tube column, axial load capacity, Chinese code, Australian Standard
Procedia PDF Downloads 41310953 Effect of Fiber Content and Chemical Treatment on Hardness of Bagasse Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Composites
Authors: Varun Mittal, Shishir Sinha
The present experimental study focused on the hardness behavior of bagasse fiber-epoxy composites. The relationship between bagasse fiber content and effect of chemical treatment on bagasse fiber as a function of Brinell hardness of bagasse fiber epoxy was investigated. Bagasse fiber was treated with sodium hydroxide followed by acrylic acid before they were reinforced with epoxy resin. Compared hardness properties with the untreated bagasse filled epoxy composites. It was observed that Brinell hardness increased up to 15 wt% fiber content and further decreases, however, chemical treatment also improved the hardness properties of composites.Keywords: bagasse fiber, composite, hardness, sodium hydroxide
Procedia PDF Downloads 28810952 The Efficiency of the Resin for Steel Concrete Adhesion
Authors: Oualid Benyamina Douma
Repair is always the result of the appearance of apparent disorder or aggravation of a mass. Which had hitherto been considered minor if not negligible: The work was not done according to plan. So; the examination of causes can lead to thinking about repair. While the application of the epoxy resin has become a hot topic. In this context, we conducted an experimental campaign (48 specimens are tested beakout) whose objective is based on three points: 1- Highlight the importance and influence of important parameters (compressive strength of concrete anchorage length and diameter of the steel bar) on routes (steel-concrete and steel–concrete epoxy resin) 2- Understanding the influence of the parameters mentioned above on the relationship that may exist between the peel strength and slippage. 3- Faces of cracks and failure modes. This study shows that passage of a compressive strength of 40 MPa to 62 MPa increases the adhesion between the steel bar and concrete and for specimens with or without epoxy resin. The loading force was increased form 40 to 81 kM kN, a rate if increase in loading over 100% In addition, for specimens with and without epoxy resin. increased breakout force through a specimen without a specimen with resin ranging from 20% to 32%.Keywords: epoxy resin, peel strength, anchors, slip diameter steel rod, anchor plain concrete and concrete with moderate resistance
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