Search results for: respiratory rate
7541 A Review on the Use of Salt in Building Construction
Authors: Vesna Pungercar, Florian Musso
Identifying materials that can substitute rare or expensive natural resources is one of the key challenges for improving resource efficiency in the building sector. With a growing world population and rising living standards, more and more salt is produced as waste through seawater desalination and potash mining processes. Unfortunately, most of the salt is directly disposed of into nature, where it causes environmental pollution. On the other hand, salt is affordable, is used therapeutically in various respiratory treatments, and can store humidity and heat. It was, therefore, necessary to determine salt materials already in use in building construction and their hygrothermal properties. This research aims to identify salt materials from different scientific branches and historically, to investigate their properties and prioritize the most promising salt materials for indoor applications in a thermal envelope. This was realized through literature review and classification of salt materials into three groups (raw salt materials, composite salt materials, and processed salt materials). The outcome of this research shows that salt has already been used as a building material for centuries and has a potential for future applications due to its hygrothermal properties in a thermal envelope.Keywords: salt, building material, hygrothermal properties, environment
Procedia PDF Downloads 1697540 When Conducting an Analysis of Workplace Incidents, It Is Imperative to Meticulously Calculate Both the Frequency and Severity of Injuries Sustain
Authors: Arash Yousefi
Experts suggest that relying exclusively on parameters to convey a situation or establish a condition may not be adequate. Assessing and appraising incidents in a system based on accident parameters, such as accident frequency, lost workdays, or fatalities, may not always be precise and occasionally erroneous. The frequency rate of accidents is a metric that assesses the correlation between the number of accidents causing work-time loss due to injuries and the total working hours of personnel over a year. Traditionally, this has been calculated based on one million working hours, but the American Occupational Safety and Health Organization has updated its standards. The new coefficient of 200/000 working hours is now used to compute the frequency rate of accidents. It's crucial to ensure that the total working hours of employees are equally represented when calculating individual event and incident numbers. The accident severity rate is a metric used to determine the amount of time lost or wasted during a given period, often a year, in relation to the total number of working hours. It measures the percentage of work hours lost or wasted compared to the total number of useful working hours, which provides valuable insight into the number of days lost or wasted due to work-related incidents for each working hour. Calculating the severity of an incident can be difficult if a worker suffers permanent disability or death. To determine lost days, coefficients specified in the "tables of days equivalent to OSHA or ANSI standards" for disabling injuries are used. The accident frequency coefficient denotes the rate at which accidents occur, while the accident severity coefficient specifies the extent of damage and injury caused by these accidents. These coefficients are crucial in accurately assessing the magnitude and impact of accidents.Keywords: incidents, safety, analysis, frequency, severity, injuries, determine
Procedia PDF Downloads 917539 Perinatal Optimisation for Preterm Births Less than 34 Weeks at OLOL, Drogheda, Ireland
Authors: Stephane Maingard, Babu Paturi, Maura Daly, Finnola Armstrong
Background: Perinatal optimization involves the implementation of twelve intervention bundles of care at Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital, reliably delivering evidence-based interventions in the antenatal, intrapartum, and neonatal period to improve preterm outcomes. These key interventions (e.g. Antenatal steroids, Antenatal counselling, Optimal cord management, Respiratory management etc.) are based on WHO (World Health Organization, BAPM (British Association of Perinatal Medicine), and the latest 2022 European Consensus guidelines recommendations. Methodology: In February 2023, a quality improvement project team (pediatricians, neonatologists, obstetricians, clinical skills managers) was established, and a project implementation plan was developed. The Program Study Act implemented the following: 1. Antenatal consultation pathway, 2. Creation and implementation of a perinatal checklist for preterm births less than 34 weeks of gestation, 3. Process changes to ensure the checklist is completed, 4. Completion of parent and staff surveys, 5. Ongoing training. We collected and compared a range of data before and after implementation. Results: Preliminary analysis so far at 1 month demonstrates improvement in the following areas: 50% increase in antenatal counselling. Right place of birth increased from 85% to 100%. Magnesium sulphate increased from 56% to 100%. No change was observed in buccal colostrum administration (28%), delayed cord clamping (75%), caffeine administration (100%), blood glucose level at one hour of life > 2,6mmol (85%). There was also no change noted in respiratory support at resuscitation, CPAP only (47%), IPPV with CPAP (45%), IPPV with intubation (20%), and surfactant administration (28%). A slight decrease in figures was noted in the following: steroid administration from 80% to 75% and thermal care obtaining optimal temperature on admission (65% to 50%). Discussion: Even though the findings are preliminary, the directional improvement shows promise. Improved communication has been achieved between all stakeholders, including our patients, who are key team members. Adherence to the bundles of care will help to improve survival and neurodevelopmental outcomes as well as reduce the length of stay, thereby overall reducing the financial cost, considering the lifetime cost of cerebral palsy is estimated at €800,000 and reducing the length of stay can result in savings of up to €206,000. Conclusion: Preliminary results demonstrate improvements across a range of patient, process, staff, and financial outcomes. Our future goal is a seamless pathway of patient centered care for babies and their families. This project is an interdisciplinary collaboration to implement best practices for a vulnerable patient cohort. Our two main challenges are changing our organization’s culture as well as ensuring the sustainability of the project.Keywords: perinatal, optimization, antenatal, counselling, IPPV
Procedia PDF Downloads 207538 Survival and Hazard Maximum Likelihood Estimator with Covariate Based on Right Censored Data of Weibull Distribution
Authors: Al Omari Mohammed Ahmed
This paper focuses on Maximum Likelihood Estimator with Covariate. Covariates are incorporated into the Weibull model. Under this regression model with regards to maximum likelihood estimator, the parameters of the covariate, shape parameter, survival function and hazard rate of the Weibull regression distribution with right censored data are estimated. The mean square error (MSE) and absolute bias are used to compare the performance of Weibull regression distribution. For the simulation comparison, the study used various sample sizes and several specific values of the Weibull shape parameter.Keywords: weibull regression distribution, maximum likelihood estimator, survival function, hazard rate, right censoring
Procedia PDF Downloads 4417537 Detection of Curvilinear Structure via Recursive Anisotropic Diffusion
Authors: Sardorbek Numonov, Hyohun Kim, Dongwha Shin, Yeonseok Kim, Ji-Su Ahn, Dongeun Choi, Byung-Woo Hong
The detection of curvilinear structures often plays an important role in the analysis of images. In particular, it is considered as a crucial step for the diagnosis of chronic respiratory diseases to localize the fissures in chest CT imagery where the lung is divided into five lobes by the fissures that are characterized by linear features in appearance. However, the characteristic linear features for the fissures are often shown to be subtle due to the high intensity variability, pathological deformation or image noise involved in the imaging procedure, which leads to the uncertainty in the quantification of anatomical or functional properties of the lung. Thus, it is desired to enhance the linear features present in the chest CT images so that the distinctiveness in the delineation of the lobe is improved. We propose a recursive diffusion process that prefers coherent features based on the analysis of structure tensor in an anisotropic manner. The local image features associated with certain scales and directions can be characterized by the eigenanalysis of the structure tensor that is often regularized via isotropic diffusion filters. However, the isotropic diffusion filters involved in the computation of the structure tensor generally blur geometrically significant structure of the features leading to the degradation of the characteristic power in the feature space. Thus, it is required to take into consideration of local structure of the feature in scale and direction when computing the structure tensor. We apply an anisotropic diffusion in consideration of scale and direction of the features in the computation of the structure tensor that subsequently provides the geometrical structure of the features by its eigenanalysis that determines the shape of the anisotropic diffusion kernel. The recursive application of the anisotropic diffusion with the kernel the shape of which is derived from the structure tensor leading to the anisotropic scale-space where the geometrical features are preserved via the eigenanalysis of the structure tensor computed from the diffused image. The recursive interaction between the anisotropic diffusion based on the geometry-driven kernels and the computation of the structure tensor that determines the shape of the diffusion kernels yields a scale-space where geometrical properties of the image structure are effectively characterized. We apply our recursive anisotropic diffusion algorithm to the detection of curvilinear structure in the chest CT imagery where the fissures present curvilinear features and define the boundary of lobes. It is shown that our algorithm yields precise detection of the fissures while overcoming the subtlety in defining the characteristic linear features. The quantitative evaluation demonstrates the robustness and effectiveness of the proposed algorithm for the detection of fissures in the chest CT in terms of the false positive and the true positive measures. The receiver operating characteristic curves indicate the potential of our algorithm as a segmentation tool in the clinical environment. This work was supported by the MISP(Ministry of Science and ICT), Korea, under the National Program for Excellence in SW (20170001000011001) supervised by the IITP(Institute for Information and Communications Technology Promotion).Keywords: anisotropic diffusion, chest CT imagery, chronic respiratory disease, curvilinear structure, fissure detection, structure tensor
Procedia PDF Downloads 2337536 Theoretical and Experimental Analysis of Hard Material Machining
Authors: Rajaram Kr. Gupta, Bhupendra Kumar, T. V. K. Gupta, D. S. Ramteke
Machining of hard materials is a recent technology for direct production of work-pieces. The primary challenge in machining these materials is selection of cutting tool inserts which facilitates an extended tool life and high-precision machining of the component. These materials are widely for making precision parts for the aerospace industry. Nickel-based alloys are typically used in extreme environment applications where a combination of strength, corrosion resistance and oxidation resistance material characteristics are required. The present paper reports the theoretical and experimental investigations carried out to understand the influence of machining parameters on the response parameters. Considering the basic machining parameters (speed, feed and depth of cut) a study has been conducted to observe their influence on material removal rate, surface roughness, cutting forces and corresponding tool wear. Experiments are designed and conducted with the help of Central Composite Rotatable Design technique. The results reveals that for a given range of process parameters, material removal rate is favorable for higher depths of cut and low feed rate for cutting forces. Low feed rates and high values of rotational speeds are suitable for better finish and higher tool life.Keywords: speed, feed, depth of cut, roughness, cutting force, flank wear
Procedia PDF Downloads 2857535 Experimental Modeling and Simulation of Zero-Surface Temperature of Controlled Water Jet Impingement Cooling System for Hot-Rolled Steel Plates
Authors: Thomas Okechukwu Onah, Onyekachi Marcel Egwuagu
Zero-surface temperature, which controlled the cooling profile, was modeled and used to investigate the effect of process parameters on the hot-rolled steel plates. The parameters include impingement gaps of 40mm to 70mm; pipe diameters of 20mm to 45mm feeding jet nozzle with 30 holes of 8mm diameters each; and flow rates within 2.896x10-⁶m³/s and 3.13x10-⁵m³/s. The developed simulation model of the Zero-Surface Temperature, upon validation, showed 99% prediction accuracy with dimensional homogeneity established. The evaluated Zero-Surface temperature of Controlled Water Jet Impingement Steel plates showed a high cooling rate of 36.31 Celsius degree/sec at an optimal cooling nozzle diameter of 20mm, impingement gap of 70mm and a flow rate of 1.77x10-⁵m³/s resulting in Reynold's number 2758.586, in the turbulent regime was obtained. It was also deduced that as the nozzle diameter was increasing, the impingement gap was reducing. This achieved a faster rate of cooling to an optimum temperature of 300oC irrespective of the starting surface cooling temperature. The results additionally showed that with a tested-plate initial temperature of 550oC, a controlled cooling temperature of about 160oC produced a film and nucleated boiling heat extraction that was particularly beneficial at the end of controlled cooling and influenced the microstructural properties of the test plates.Keywords: temperature, mechanistic-model, plates, impingements, dimensionless-numbers
Procedia PDF Downloads 507534 Development and Investigation of Efficient Substrate Feeding and Dissolved Oxygen Control Algorithms for Scale-Up of Recombinant E. coli Cultivation Process
Authors: Vytautas Galvanauskas, Rimvydas Simutis, Donatas Levisauskas, Vykantas Grincas, Renaldas Urniezius
The paper deals with model-based development and implementation of efficient control strategies for recombinant protein synthesis in fed-batch E.coli cultivation processes. Based on experimental data, a kinetic dynamic model for cultivation process was developed. This model was used to determine substrate feeding strategies during the cultivation. The proposed feeding strategy consists of two phases – biomass growth phase and recombinant protein production phase. In the first process phase, substrate-limited process is recommended when the specific growth rate of biomass is about 90-95% of its maximum value. This ensures reduction of glucose concentration in the medium, improves process repeatability, reduces the development of secondary metabolites and other unwanted by-products. The substrate limitation can be enhanced to satisfy restriction on maximum oxygen transfer rate in the bioreactor and to guarantee necessary dissolved carbon dioxide concentration in culture media. In the recombinant protein production phase, the level of substrate limitation and specific growth rate are selected within the range to enable optimal target protein synthesis rate. To account for complex process dynamics, to efficiently exploit the oxygen transfer capability of the bioreactor, and to maintain the required dissolved oxygen concentration, adaptive control algorithms for dissolved oxygen control have been proposed. The developed model-based control strategies are useful in scale-up of cultivation processes and accelerate implementation of innovative biotechnological processes for industrial applications.Keywords: adaptive algorithms, model-based control, recombinant E. coli, scale-up of bioprocesses
Procedia PDF Downloads 2577533 A Unique Immunization Card for Early Detection of Retinoblastoma
Authors: Hiranmoyee Das
Aim. Due to late presentation and delayed diagnosis mortality rate of retinoblastoma is more than 50% in developing counties. So to facilitate the diagnosis, to decrease the disease and treatment burden and to increase the disease survival rate, an attempt was made for early diagnosis of Retinoblastoma by including fundus examination in routine immunization programs. Methods- A unique immunization card is followed in a tertiary health care center where examination of pupillary reflex is made mandatory in each visit of the child for routine immunization. In case of any abnormality, the child is referred to the ophthalmology department. Conclusion- Early detection is the key in the management of retinoblastoma. Every child is brought to the health care system at least five times before the age of 2 years for routine immunization. We should not miss this golden opportunity for early detection of retinoblastoma.Keywords: retinoblastoma, immunization, unique, early
Procedia PDF Downloads 1987532 Nacre Deposition Rate in Japanese and Hybrid Mother Oysters, Pinctada Fucata, and Its Relationship with Their Respective Pearls
Authors: Gunawan Muhammad, Takashi Atsumi, Akira Komaru
Pinctada fucata has been the most important pearl culture species in Japan and known as Japanese Akoya Pearl Oyster. However, during summer 1994, mass mortality devastated pearl culture in most parts of Japan. Therefore, pearl farmers started to import Chinese Pearl Oysters from Hainan Island that came from the same species because they are believed to be more resistant towards high water temperature, despite their lack of ability in producing high-quality pearls. The local farmers were then hybridized Japanese and Chinese pearl oysters and currently known as Hybrid pearl oysters, as an attempt to produce a new oyster's strain which is more resistant towards high temperature but also able to produce higher quality pearls. However, despite both strains were implanted by mantle tissues from the same group of donors, the thickness of pearl nacre produced by both strains was different, even though tablet thickness shows a rather similar pattern. Hence, this leads to a question of whether mother oysters play a major role in both nacre deposition rate and tablet thickness of pearls or not. This study first describes the nacre deposition rate of the shells of Japanese and Hybrid mother oysters towards the water temperature condition in Ago Bay, Mie Prefecture, Japan. Later, a comparative study was conducted among 4 shell positions that had been chosen according to the mantle tissue location and shell growth directions. A correlative study was then taken between shells and pearls nacre deposition rate to know whether mother oyster ability in depositing nacre on their shells is related to that of pearls. All the four shell positions were significantly different in shell nacre growth rate (Kruskal-Wallis, p-value < 0.05), and the third position have faster nacre growth among the other three both in Japanese and Hybrid strains, especially in warm temperature. The ability to deposit nacre between Japanese and Hybrid during warm water conditions (August and September) is also significantly different in almost all positions (Mann Whitney U, p-value < 0.01), Japanese oyster growth faster than Hybrid in all four positions. This leads to a different total growth among the two strains and a higher possibility of thicker nacre thickness in Japanese shell nacre. Tablet thickness is significantly different among all positions of shells (Kruskal-Wallis, p-value < 0.01), the 2nd position deposited rather thinner tablet thickness than the other three, including on the 6th month of culture which is more desirable in producing pearls with good luster. This result gives us new information that pearl growth rate is highly affected by the mother oysters; however, nacre tablet thickness might be the result of the shell matrix expressed by different mantle position from donor oysters.Keywords: nacre, deposition, biomineralization, pearl aquaculture, pearl oyster, Akoya pearl, pearl
Procedia PDF Downloads 1407531 Ethyl Methane Sulfonate-Induced Dunaliella salina KU11 Mutants Affected for Growth Rate, Cell Accumulation and Biomass
Authors: Vongsathorn Ngampuak, Yutachai Chookaew, Wipawee Dejtisakdi
Dunaliella salina has great potential as a system for generating commercially valuable products, including beta-carotene, pharmaceuticals, and biofuels. Our goal is to improve this potential by enhancing growth rate and other properties of D. salina under optimal growth conditions. We used ethyl methane sulfonate (EMS) to generate random mutants in D. salina KU11, a strain classified in Thailand. In a preliminary experiment, we first treated D. salina cells with 0%, 0.8%, 1.0%, 1.2%, 1.44% and 1.66% EMS to generate a killing curve. After that, we randomly picked 30 candidates from approximately 300 isolated survivor colonies from the 1.44% EMS treatment (which permitted 30% survival) as an initial test of the mutant screen. Among the 30 survivor lines, we found that 2 strains (mutant #17 and #24) had significantly improved growth rates and cell number accumulation at stationary phase approximately up to 1.8 and 1.45 fold, respectively, 2 strains (mutant #6 and #23) had significantly decreased growth rates and cell number accumulation at stationary phase approximately down to 1.4 and 1.35 fold, respectively, while 26 of 30 lines had similar growth rates compared with the wild type control. We also analyzed cell size for each strain and found there was no significant difference comparing all mutants with the wild type. In addition, mutant #24 had shown an increase of biomass accumulation approximately 1.65 fold compared with the wild type strain on day 5 that was entering early stationary phase. From these preliminary results, it could be feasible to identify D. salina mutants with significant improved growth rate, cell accumulation and biomass production compared to the wild type for the further study; this makes it possible to improve this microorganism as a platform for biotechnology application.Keywords: Dunaliella salina, ethyl methyl sulfonate, growth rate, biomass
Procedia PDF Downloads 2417530 The Treatment of Nitrate Polluted Groundwater Using Bio-electrochemical Systems Inoculated with Local Groundwater Sediments
Authors: Danish Laidin, Peter Gostomski, Aaron Marshall, Carlo Carere
Groundwater contamination of nitrate (NO3-) is becoming more prevalent in regions of intensive and extensive agricultural activities. Household nitrate removal involves using ion exchange membranes and reverse osmosis (RO) systems, whereas industrial nitrate removal may use organic carbon substrates (e.g. methanol) for heterotrophic microbial denitrification. However, these approaches both require high capital investment and operating costs. In this study, denitrification was demonstrated using bio-electrochemical systems (BESs) inoculated from sediments and microbial enrichment cultures. The BES reactors were operated continuously as microbial electrolytic cells (MECs) with a poised potential of -0.7V and -1.1V vs Ag/AgCl. Three parallel MECs were inoculated using hydrogen-driven denitrifying enrichments, stream sediments, and biofilm harvested from a denitrifying biotrickling filter, respectively. These reactors were continuously operated for over a year as various operating conditions were investigated to determine the optimal conditions for electroactive denitrification. The mass loading rate of nitrate was varied between 10 – 70 mg NO3-/d, and the maximum observed nitrate removal rate was 22 mg NO3- /(cm2∙d) with a current of 2.1 mA. For volumetric load experiments, the dilution rate of 1 mM NO3- feed was varied between 0.01 – 0.1 hr-1 to achieve a nitrate loading rate similar to the mass loading rate experiments. Under these conditions, the maximum rate of denitrification observed was 15.8 mg NO3- /(cm2∙d) with a current of 1.7mA. Hydrogen (H2) was supplied intermittently to investigate the hydrogenotrophic potential of the denitrifying biofilm electrodes. H2 supplementation at 0.1 mL/min resulted in an increase of nitrate removal from 0.3 mg NO3- /(cm2∙d) to 3.4 mg NO3- /(cm2∙d) in the hydrogenotrophically subcultured reactor but had no impact on the reactors which exhibited direct electron transfer properties. Results from this study depict the denitrification performance of the immobilized biofilm electrodes, either by direct electron transfer or hydrogen-driven denitrification, and the contribution of the planktonic cells present in the growth medium. Other results will include the microbial community analysis via 16s rDNA amplicon sequencing, varying the effect of poising cathodic potential from 0.7V to 1.3V vs Ag/AgCl, investigating the potential of using in-situ electrochemically produced hydrogen for autotrophic denitrification and adjusting the conductivity of the feed solution to mimic groundwater conditions. These findings highlight the overall performance of sediment inoculated MECs in removing nitrate and will be used for the future development of sustainable solutions for the treatment of nitrate polluted groundwater.Keywords: bio-electrochemical systems, groundwater, electroactive denitrification, microbial electrolytic cell
Procedia PDF Downloads 667529 Randomized Controlled Trial for the Management of Pain and Anxiety Using Virtual Reality During the Care of Older Hospitalized Patients
Authors: Corbel Camille, Le Cerf Flora, Capriz Françoise, Vaillant-Ciszewicz Anne-Julie, Breaud Jean, Guerin Olivier, Corveleyn Xavier
Background: The medical environment can generate stressful and anxiety-provoking situations for patients, particularly during painful care procedures for the older population. These stressful environments have deleterious effects on the quality of care and can even put the patient at risk and set the care team up for failure. The search for a solution is, therefore, imperative. The development of new technologies, such as virtual reality (VR), seems to be an answer to this problem. Objectives: The objective of this study is to compare the effects of virtual reality on pain and anxiety when caring for older hospitalized people with the effects of usual care. More precisely, different individual factors (age, cognitive level, individual preferences, etc.) and different virtual reality universes (personalized or non-personalized) are studied to understand the role of these factors in reducing pain and anxiety during care procedures. The aim of this study is to improve the quality of life of patients and caregivers in their work environment. Method: This mono-centered, randomized, controlled study was conducted from September 2023 to September 2024 on 120 participants recruited from the geriatric departments of the Cimiez Hospital, Nice, France. Participants are randomized into three groups: a control group, a personalized VR group and a non-personalized VR group. Each participant is followed during a painful care session. Data are collected before, during and after the care, using measures of pain (Algoplus and numerical scale) and anxiety (Hospital anxiety scale and numerical scale). Physiological assessments with an oximeter are also performed to collect both heart and respiratory rate measurements. The implementation of the care will be assessed among healthcare providers to evaluate its effects on the difficulty and fatigue associated with the care. Additionally, a questionnaire (System Usability Scale) will be administered at the conclusion of the study to determine the willingness of healthcare providers to integrate VR into their daily care practices. Result: The preliminary results indicate significant effects on anxiety (p=.001) and pain (p=<.001) following the VR intervention during care, as compared to the control group. Conclusion: The preliminary results suggest that VRI appears to be a suitable and effective method for reducing anxiety and pain among older hospitalized individuals compared with standard care. Finally, the experiences of healthcare professionals involved will also be considered to assess the impact of these interventions on working conditions and patient support.Keywords: anxiety, care, pain, older adults, virtual reality
Procedia PDF Downloads 747528 The Role of Physically Adsorbing Species of Oxyhydryl Reagents in Flotation Aggregate Formation
Authors: S. A. Kondratyev, O. I. Ibragimova
The authors discuss the collecting abilities of desorbable species (DS) of saturated fatty acids. The DS species of the reagent are understood as species capable of moving from the surface of the mineral particle to the bubble at the moment of the rupture of the interlayer of liquid separating these objects of interaction. DS species of carboxylic acids (molecules and ionic-molecular complexes) have the ability to spread over the surface of the bubble. The rate of their spreading at pH 7 and 10 over the water surface is determined. The collectibility criterion of saturated fatty acids is proposed. The values of forces exerted by the spreading DS species of reagents on liquid in the interlayer and the liquid flow rate from the interlayer are determined.Keywords: criterion of action of physically adsorbed reagent, flotation, saturated fatty acids, surface pressure
Procedia PDF Downloads 2227527 A Quantitative Assessment of the Social Marginalization in Romania
Authors: Andra Costache, Rădiţa Alexe
The analysis of the spatial disparities of social marginalization is a requirement in the present-day socio-economic and political context of Romania, an East-European state, member of the European Union since 2007, at present faced with the imperatives of the growth of its territorial cohesion. The main objective of this article is to develop a methodology for the assessment of social marginalization, in order to understand the intensity of the marginalization phenomenon at different spatial scales. The article proposes a social marginalization index (SMI), calculated through the integration of ten indicators relevant for the two components of social marginalization: the material component and the symbolical component. The results highlighted a strong connection between the total degree of social marginalization and the dependence on social benefits, unemployment rate, non-inclusion in the compulsory education, criminality rate, and the type of pension insurance.Keywords: Romania, social marginalization index, territorial disparities, EU
Procedia PDF Downloads 3457526 Numerical Simulation and Experimental Validation of the Hydraulic L-Shaped Check Ball Behavior
Authors: Shinji Kajiwara
The spring-driven ball-type check valve is one of the most important components of hydraulic systems: it controls the position of the ball and prevents backward flow. To simplify the structure, the spring must be eliminated, and to accomplish this, the flow pattern and the behavior of the check ball in L-shaped pipe must be determined. In this paper, we present a full-scale model of a check ball made of acrylic resin, and we determine the relationship between the initial position of the ball, the position and diameter of the inflow port. The check flow rate increases in a standard center inflow model, and it is possible to greatly decrease the check-flow rate by shifting the inflow from the center.Keywords: hydraulics, pipe flow, numerical simulation, flow visualization, check ball, L-shaped pipe
Procedia PDF Downloads 3017525 Reconstructing Calvarial Bone Lesions Using PHBV Scaffolds and Cord Blood Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Rat
Authors: Hamed Hosseinkazemi, Esmaeil Biazar
For tissue engineering of bone, anatomical and operational reconstructions of damaged tissue seem to be vital. This is done via reconstruction of bone and appropriate biological joint with bone tissues of damaged areas. In this study the condition of biodegradable bed Nanofibrous PHBV and USSC cells were used to accelerate bone repair of damaged area. Hollow nanofabrication scaffold of damageable life was designed as PHBV by electrospinning and via determining the best factors such as the kind and amount of solvent, specific volume and rate. The separation of osseous tissue infiltration and evaluating its nature by flow cytometrocical analysis was done. Animal test including USSC as well as PHBV condition in the damaged bone was done in the rat. After 8 weeks the implanted area was analyzed using CT scan and was sent to histopathology ward. Finally, the rate and quality of reconstruction were determined after H and E coloring. Histomorphic analysis indicated a statistically significant difference between the experimental group of PHBV, USSC+PHBV and control group. Besides, the histopathologic analysis showed that bone reconstruction rate was high in the area containing USSC and PHBV, compared with area having PHBV and control group and consequently the reconstruction quality of bones and the relationship between the new bone tissues and surrounding bone tissues were high too. Using PHBR scaffold and USSC together could be useful in the amending of wide range of bone lesion.Keywords: bone lesion, nanofibrous PHBV, stem cells, umbilical cord blood
Procedia PDF Downloads 3187524 Improving the Patient Guidance Satisfaction and Integrity of Patients Hospitalized in Iodine-131 Isolation Rooms
Authors: Yu Sin Syu
Objective: The study aimed to improve the patient guidance satisfaction of patients hospitalized in iodine-131 isolation rooms, as well as the patient guidance completion rate for such patients. Method: A patient care guidance checklist and patient care guidance satisfaction questionnaire were administered to 29 patients who had previously been hospitalized in iodine-131 isolation rooms. The evaluation was conducted on a one-on-one basis, and its results showed that the patients’ satisfaction with patient guidance was only 3.7 points and that the completion rate for the patient guidance performed by nurses was only 67%. Therefore, various solutions were implemented to create a more complete patient guidance framework for nurses, including the incorporation of regular care-related training in in-service education courses; the establishment of patient care guidance standards for patients in iodine-131 isolation rooms; the establishment of inpatient care standards and auditing processes for iodine-131 isolation rooms; the creation of an introductory handbook on ward environment; Invite other the care team the revision of iodine-131 health education brochures; the creation of visual cards and videos covering equipment operation procedures; and introduction of QR codes. Results: Following the implementation of the above measures, the overall satisfaction of patients hospitalized in iodine-131 isolation rooms increased from 3.7 points to 4.6 points, and the completion rate for patient guidance rose from 67% to 100%. Conclusion: Given the excellent results achieved in this study, it is hoped that this nursing project can serve as a benchmark for other relevant departments.Keywords: admission care guidance, guidance satisfaction, integrity, Iodine131 isolation
Procedia PDF Downloads 1287523 Distribution of Traffic Volume at Fuel Station during Peak Hour Period on Arterial Road
Authors: Surachai Ampawasuvan, Supornchai Utainarumol
Most of fuel station’ customers, who drive on the major arterial road wants to use the stations to fill fuel to their vehicle during their journey to destinations. According to the survey of traffic volume of the vehicle using fuel stations by video cameras, automatic counting tools, or questionnaires, it was found that most users prefer to use fuel stations on holiday rather than on working day. They also prefer to use fuel stations in the morning rather than in the evening. When comparing the ratio of the distribution pattern of traffic volume of the vehicle using fuel stations by video cameras, automatic counting tools, there is no significant difference. However, when comparing the ratio of peak hour (peak hour rate) of the results from questionnaires at 13 to 14 percent with the results obtained by using the methods of the Institute of Transportation Engineering (ITE), it is found that the value is similar. However, it is different from a survey by video camera and automatic traffic counting at 6 to 7 percent of about half. So, this study suggests that in order to forecast trip generation of vehicle using fuel stations on major arterial road which is mostly characterized by Though Traffic, it is recommended to use the value of half of peak hour rate, which would make the forecast for trips generation to be more precise and accurate and compatible to surrounding environment.Keywords: peak rate, trips generation, fuel station, arterial road
Procedia PDF Downloads 4117522 A Corpus-Based Analysis on Code-Mixing Features in Mandarin-English Bilingual Children in Singapore
Authors: Xunan Huang, Caicai Zhang
This paper investigated the code-mixing features in Mandarin-English bilingual children in Singapore. First, it examined whether the code-mixing rate was different in Mandarin Chinese and English contexts. Second, it explored the syntactic categories of code-mixing in Singapore bilingual children. Moreover, this study investigated whether morphological information was preserved when inserting syntactic components into the matrix language. Data are derived from the Singapore Bilingual Corpus, in which the recordings and transcriptions of sixty English-Mandarin 5-to-6-year-old children were preserved for analysis. Results indicated that the rate of code-mixing was asymmetrical in the two language contexts, with the rate being significantly higher in the Mandarin context than that in the English context. The asymmetry is related to language dominance in that children are more likely to code-mix when using their nondominant language. Concerning the syntactic categories of code-mixing words in the Singaporean bilingual children, we found that noun-mixing, verb-mixing, and adjective-mixing are the three most frequently used categories in code-mixing in the Mandarin context. This pattern mirrors the syntactic categories of code-mixing in the Cantonese context in Cantonese-English bilingual children, and the general trend observed in lexical borrowing. Third, our results also indicated that English vocabularies that carry morphological information are embedded in bare forms in the Mandarin context. These findings shed light upon how bilingual children take advantage of the two languages in mixed utterances in a bilingual environment.Keywords: bilingual children, code-mixing, English, Mandarin Chinese
Procedia PDF Downloads 2147521 Mango (Mangifera indica L.) Lyophilization Using Vacuum-Induced Freezing
Authors: Natalia A. Salazar, Erika K. Méndez, Catalina Álvarez, Carlos E. Orrego
Lyophilization, also called freeze-drying, is an important dehydration technique mainly used for pharmaceuticals. Food industry also uses lyophilization when it is important to retain most of the nutritional quality, taste, shape and size of dried products and to extend their shelf life. Vacuum-Induced during freezing cycle (VI) has been used in order to control ice nucleation and, consequently, to reduce the time of primary drying cycle of pharmaceuticals preserving quality properties of the final product. This procedure has not been applied in freeze drying of foods. The present work aims to investigate the effect of VI on the lyophilization drying time, final moisture content, density and reconstitutional properties of mango (Mangifera indica L.) slices (MS) and mango pulp-maltodextrin dispersions (MPM) (30% concentration of total solids). Control samples were run at each freezing rate without using induced vacuum. The lyophilization endpoint was the same for all treatments (constant difference between capacitance and Pirani vacuum gauges). From the experimental results it can be concluded that at the high freezing rate (0.4°C/min) reduced the overall process time up to 30% comparing process time required for the control and VI of the lower freeze rate (0.1°C/min) without affecting the quality characteristics of the dried product, which yields a reduction in costs and energy consumption for MS and MPM freeze drying. Controls and samples treated with VI at freezing rate of 0.4°C/min in MS showed similar results in moisture and density parameters. Furthermore, results from MPM dispersion showed favorable values when VI was applied because dried product with low moisture content and low density was obtained at shorter process time compared with the control. There were not found significant differences between reconstitutional properties (rehydration for MS and solubility for MPM) of freeze dried mango resulting from controls, and VI treatments.Keywords: drying time, lyophilization, mango, vacuum induced freezing
Procedia PDF Downloads 4107520 'CardioCare': A Cutting-Edge Fusion of IoT and Machine Learning to Bridge the Gap in Cardiovascular Risk Management
Authors: Arpit Patil, Atharav Bhagwat, Rajas Bhope, Pramod Bide
This research integrates IoT and ML to predict heart failure risks, utilizing the Framingham dataset. IoT devices gather real-time physiological data, focusing on heart rate dynamics, while ML, specifically Random Forest, predicts heart failure. Rigorous feature selection enhances accuracy, achieving over 90% prediction rate. This amalgamation marks a transformative step in proactive healthcare, highlighting early detection's critical role in cardiovascular risk mitigation. Challenges persist, necessitating continual refinement for improved predictive capabilities.Keywords: cardiovascular diseases, internet of things, machine learning, cardiac risk assessment, heart failure prediction, early detection, cardio data analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 147519 Proof of Concept of Video Laryngoscopy Intubation: Potential Utility in the Pre-Hospital Environment by Emergency Medical Technicians
Authors: A. Al Hajeri, M. E. Minton, B. Haskins, F. H. Cummins
The pre-hospital endotracheal intubation is fraught with difficulties; one solution offered has been video laryngoscopy (VL) which permits better visualization of the glottis than the standard method of direct laryngoscopy (DL). This method has resulted in a higher first attempt success rate and fewer failed intubations. However, VL has mainly been evaluated by experienced providers (experienced anesthetists), and as such the utility of this device for those whom infrequently intubate has not been thoroughly assessed. We sought to evaluate this equipment to determine whether in the hands of novice providers this equipment could prove an effective airway management adjunct. DL and two VL methods (C-Mac with distal screen/C-Mac with attached screen) were evaluated by simulating practice on a Laerdal airway management trainer manikin. Twenty Emergency Medical Technicians (basics) were recruited as novice practitioners. This group was used to eliminate bias, as these clinicians had no pre-hospital experience of intubation (although they did have basic airway skills). The following areas were assessed: Time taken to intubate, number of attempts required to successfully intubate, ease of use of equipment VL (attached screen) took on average longer for novice clinicians to successfully intubate and had a lower success rate and reported higher rating of difficulty compared to DL. However, VL (with distal screen) and DL were comparable on intubation times, success rate, gastric inflation rate and rating of difficulty by the user. This study highlights the routine use of VL by inexperienced clinicians would be of no added benefit over DL. Further studies are required to determine whether Emergency Medical Technicians (Paramedics) would benefit from this airway adjunct, and ascertain whether after initial mastery of VL (with a distal screen), lower intubation times and difficulty rating may be achievable.Keywords: direct laryngoscopy, endotracheal intubation, pre-hospital, video laryngoscopy
Procedia PDF Downloads 4107518 Enhanced Bit Error Rate in Visible Light Communication: A New LED Hexagonal Array Distribution
Authors: Karim Matter, Heba Fayed, Ahmed Abd-Elaziz, Moustafa Hussein
Due to the exponential growth of mobile devices and wireless services, a huge demand for radiofrequency has increased. The presence of several frequencies causes interference between cells, which must be minimized to get the lower Bit Error Rate (BER). For this reason, it is of great interest to use visible light communication (VLC). This paper suggests a VLC system that decreases the BER by applying a new LED distribution with a hexagonal shape using a Frequency Reuse (FR) concept to mitigate the interference between the reused frequencies inside the hexagonal shape. The BER is measured in two scenarios, Line of Sight (LoS) and Non-Line of Sight (Non-LoS), for each technique that we used. The recommended values of BER in the proposed model for Soft Frequency Reuse (SFR) in the case of Los at 4, 8, and 10 dB signal to noise ratio (SNR), are 3.6×10⁻⁶, 6.03×10⁻¹³, and 2.66×10⁻¹⁸, respectively.Keywords: visible light communication (VLC), field of view (FoV), hexagonal array, frequency reuse
Procedia PDF Downloads 1607517 HR MRI CS Based Image Reconstruction
Authors: Krzysztof Malczewski
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) reconstruction algorithm using compressed sensing is presented in this paper. It is exhibited that the offered approach improves MR images spatial resolution in circumstances when highly undersampled k-space trajectories are applied. Compressed Sensing (CS) aims at signal and images reconstructing from significantly fewer measurements than were conventionally assumed necessary. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a fundamental medical imaging method struggles with an inherently slow data acquisition process. The use of CS to MRI has the potential for significant scan time reductions, with visible benefits for patients and health care economics. In this study the objective is to combine super-resolution image enhancement algorithm with CS framework benefits to achieve high resolution MR output image. Both methods emphasize on maximizing image sparsity on known sparse transform domain and minimizing fidelity. The presented algorithm considers the cardiac and respiratory movements.Keywords: super-resolution, MRI, compressed sensing, sparse-sense, image enhancement
Procedia PDF Downloads 4317516 Comprehensive Analysis of Power Allocation Algorithms for OFDM Based Communication Systems
Authors: Rakesh Dubey, Vaishali Bahl, Dalveer Kaur
The spiralling urge for high rate data transmission over wireless mediums needs intelligent use of electromagnetic resources considering restrictions like power ingestion, spectrum competence, robustness against multipath propagation and implementation intricacy. Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) is a capable technique for next generation wireless communication systems. For such high rate data transfers there is requirement of proper allocation of resources like power and capacity amongst the sub channels. This paper illustrates various available methods of allocating power and the capacity requirement with the constraint of Shannon limit.Keywords: Additive White Gaussian Noise, Multi-Carrier Modulation, Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM), Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR), Water Filling
Procedia PDF Downloads 5557515 Variation of Clinical Manifestations of COVID-19 Over Time of Pandemic
Authors: Mahdi Asghari Ozma, Fatemeh Aghamohammadzadeh, Mahin Ahangar Oskouee
In late 2019, the people of the world were involved with a new infection by the coronavirus, named SARS-COV-2 (COVID-19), which disseminated around the world quickly. This infection has the ability to affect various systems of the body, including respiratory, gastrointestinal, urinary, and hematology, which can be transmitted by various body samples in different ways. To control this fast-transmitted infection by preventing its transmission to other people, rapid diagnosis is vital, which can be done by examining the patient's clinical symptoms and also using various serological, molecular, and radiological methods. Symptoms caused by COVID-19 in patients include fever, cough, sore throat, headache, fatigue, shortness of breath, loss of taste or smell, skin rash, myalgia, and conjunctivitis. These clinical features were appearing gradually in different time periods from the onset of the infection, and patients showed varied and new symptoms at different times, which show the variety of symptoms over time during the spread of the infection.Keywords: COVID-19, diagnosis, symptom, variation, novel coronavirus
Procedia PDF Downloads 897514 The Alarming Caesarean-Section Delivery Rate in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Authors: Yibeltal T. Bayou, Yohana S. Mashalla, Gloria Thupayagale-Tshweneagae
Background: According to the World Health Organization, caesarean section delivery rates of more than 10-15% caesarean section deliveries in any specific geographic region in the world are not justifiable. The aim of the study was to describe the level and analyse determinants of caesarean section delivery in Addis Ababa. Methods: Data was collected in Addis Ababa using a structured questionnaire administered to 901 women aged 15-49 years through a stratified two-stage cluster sampling technique. Binary logistic regression model was employed to identify predictors of caesarean section delivery. Results: Among the 835 women who delivered their last birth at healthcare facilities, 19.2% of them gave birth by caesarean section. About 9.0% of the caesarean section births were due to mother’s request or service provider’s influence without any medical indication. The caesarean section delivery rate was much higher than the recommended rate particularly among the non-slum residents (27.2%); clients of private healthcare facilities (41.1%); currently married women (20.6%); women with secondary (22.2%) and tertiary (33.6%) level of education; and women belonging to the highest wealth quintile household (28.2%). The majority (65.8%) of the caesarean section clients were not informed about the consequences of caesarean section delivery by service providers. The logistic regression model shows that older age (30-49), secondary and above education, non-slum residence, high-risk pregnancy and receiving adequate antenatal care were significantly positively associated with caesarean section delivery. Conclusion: Despite the unreserved effort towards achieving MDG 5 through safe skilled delivery assistance among others, the high caesarean section rate beyond the recommend limit, and the finding that caesarean sections done without medical indications were also alarming. The government and city administration should take appropriate measures before the problems become setbacks in healthcare provision. Further investigations should focus on the effect of caesarean section delivery on maternal and child health outcomes in the study area.Keywords: Addis Ababa, caesarean section, mode of delivery, slum residence
Procedia PDF Downloads 4047513 Investigation of the Trunk Inclination Positioning Angle on Swallowing and Respiratory Function
Authors: Hsin-Yi Kathy Cheng, Yan-Ying JU, Wann-Yun Shieh, Chin-Man Wang
Although the coordination of swallowing and respiration has been discussed widely, the influence of the positioning angle on swallowing and respiration during feeding has rarely been investigated. This study aimed to investigate the timing and coordination of swallowing and respiration in different seat inclination angles, with liquid and bolus, to provide suggestions and guidelines for the design and develop a feedback-controlled seat angle adjustment device for the back-adjustable wheelchair. Twenty-six participants aged between 15-30 years old without any signs of swallowing difficulty were included. The combination of seat inclinations and food types was randomly assigned, with three repetitions in each combination. The trunk inclination angle was adjusted by a commercialized positioning wheelchair. A total of 36 swallows were done, with at least 30 seconds of rest between each swallow. We used a self-developed wearable device to measure the submandibular muscle surface EMG, the movement of the thyroid cartilage, and the respiratory status of the nasal cavity. Our program auto-analyzed the onset and offset of duration, and the excursion and strength of thyroid cartilage when it was moving, coordination between breathing and swallowing were also included. Variables measured include the EMG duration (DsEMG), swallowing apnea duration (SAD), total excursion time (TET), duration of 2nd deflection, FSR amplitude, Onset latency, DsEMG onset, DsEMG offset, FSR onset, and FSR offset. These measurements were done in four-seat inclination angles (5。, 15。, 30。, 45。) and three food contents (1ml water, 10ml water, and 5ml pudding bolus) for each subject. The data collected between different contents were compared. Descriptive statistics were used to describe the basic features of the data. Repeated measure ANOVAs were used to analyze the differences for the dependent variables in different seat inclination and food content combinations. The results indicated significant differences in seat inclination, mostly between 5。 and 45。, in all variables except FSR amplitude. It also indicated significant differences in food contents almost among all variables. Significant interactions between seat inclination and food contents were only found in FSR offsets. The same protocol will be applied to participants with disabilities. The results of this study would serve as clinical guidance for proper feeding positions with different food contents. The ergonomic data would also provide references for assistive technology professionals and practitioners in device design and development. In summary, the current results indicated that it is easier for a subject to lean backward during swallowing than when sitting upright and swallowing water is easier than swallowing pudding. The results of this study would serve as the clinical guidance for proper feeding position (such as wheelchair back angle adjustment) with different food contents. The same protocol can be applied to elderly participants or participants with physical disabilities. The ergonomic data would also provide references for assistive technology professionals and practitioners in device design and development.Keywords: swallowing, positioning, assistive device, disability
Procedia PDF Downloads 727512 MHD Chemically Reacting Viscous Fluid Flow towards a Vertical Surface with Slip and Convective Boundary Conditions
Authors: Ibrahim Yakubu Seini, Oluwole Daniel Makinde
MHD chemically reacting viscous fluid flow towards a vertical surface with slip and convective boundary conditions has been conducted. The temperature and the chemical species concentration of the surface and the velocity of the external flow are assumed to vary linearly with the distance from the vertical surface. The governing differential equations are modeled and transformed into systems of ordinary differential equations, which are then solved numerically by a shooting method. The effects of various parameters on the heat and mass transfer characteristics are discussed. Graphical results are presented for the velocity, temperature, and concentration profiles whilst the skin-friction coefficient and the rate of heat and mass transfers near the surface are presented in tables and discussed. The results revealed that increasing the strength of the magnetic field increases the skin-friction coefficient and the rate of heat and mass transfers toward the surface. The velocity profiles are increased towards the surface due to the presence of the Lorenz force, which attracts the fluid particles near the surface. The rate of chemical reaction is seen to decrease the concentration boundary layer near the surface due to the destructive chemical reaction occurring near the surface.Keywords: boundary layer, surface slip, MHD flow, chemical reaction, heat transfer, mass transfer
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