Search results for: primary defects
Commenced in January 2007
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Paper Count: 5183

Search results for: primary defects

4193 Comparative Study of Various Wall Finishes in Buildings in Ondo State, Nigeria

Authors: Ayodele Oluwole Alejo


Wall finishes are the term to describe an application over a wall surface to provide a suitable surface. Wall finishes are smelt, touched and seen by building occupiers even colour and design affects the user psychology and the atmosphere of our building. Building users/owners seem not to recognize the function of various wall finishes in building and factors to be considered in selecting them suitable for the type and purpose of proposed buildings. Therefore, defects such as deterioration, dampness, and stain may occur when comparisons of wall finishes are not made before the selection of appropriate materials at the design stage with knowledge of the various factors that may hinder the performance or maintenance culture of proposed building of a particular location. This research work investigates and compares various wall finishes in building. Buildings in Ondo state, Nigeria were used as the target area to conduct the research works. The factors bearing on various wall finishes were analyzed to find out their individual and collective impact using suitable analytical tools. The findings revealed that paint with high percentage score was the most preferred wall finishes, whereas wall paper was ranked the least by the respondent findings, Factors considered most in the selection of wall finishes was durability with the highest ranking percentage and least was the cost. The study recommends that skilled worker should carry out operations, quality product should be used and all of wall finishes and materials should be considered before selection.

Keywords: building, construction, design, finishes, wall

Procedia PDF Downloads 139
4192 Information Technology Pattern for Traceability to Increase the Exporting Efficiency of Thailand’s Orchid

Authors: Pimploi Tirastittam, Phutthiwat Waiyawuththanapoom, Manop Tirastittam


Traceability system is one of the tools which can ensure the product’s confident of the consumer as it can trace the product back to its origin and can reduce the operation cost of recall. Nowadays, there are so many technologies which can be applied to the traceability system and also able to increase the efficiency of the system such as QR Code, barcode, GS1 and GTIN. As the result, this research is aimed to study and design the information technology pattern that suits for the traceability of Thailand’s orchid because Thailand’s orchid is the popular export product for Japan, USA, China, Netherlands and Italy. This study will enhance the value of Thailand’s orchid and able to prevent the unexpected event of the defects or damaged product. The traceability pattern was received IOC test from 12 experts from 4 fields of study which are traceability field, information technology field, information communication technology field and orchid export field. The result of the in-depth interview and questionnaire showed that the technology which most compatibility with the traceability system is the QR code. The mean of the score was 4.25 and the standard deviation was 0.5 as the QR code is the new technology and user-friendly. The traceability system should start from the farm to the consumer in the consuming country as the traceability system will enhance the quality level of the product and increase the value of its as well. The other outcome from this research is the supply chain model of Thailand’s Orchid along with the system architecture and working system diagram.

Keywords: exporting, information technology pattern, orchid, traceability

Procedia PDF Downloads 225
4191 The Superiority of 18F-Sodium Fluoride PET/CT for Detecting Bone Metastases in Comparison with Other Bone Diagnostic Imaging Modalities

Authors: Mojtaba Mirmontazemi, Habibollah Dadgar


Bone is the most common metastasis site in some advanced malignancies, such as prostate and breast cancer. Bone metastasis generally indicates fewer prognostic factors in these patients. Different radiological and molecular imaging modalities are used for detecting bone lesions. Molecular imaging including computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, planar bone scintigraphy, single-photon emission tomography, and positron emission tomography as noninvasive visualization of the biological occurrences has the potential to exact examination, characterization, risk stratification and comprehension of human being diseases. Also, it is potent to straightly visualize targets, specify clearly cellular pathways and provide precision medicine for molecular targeted therapies. These advantages contribute implement personalized treatment for each patient. Currently, NaF PET/CT has significantly replaced standard bone scintigraphy for the detection of bone metastases. On one hand, 68Ga-PSMA PET/CT has gained high attention for accurate staging of primary prostate cancer and restaging after biochemical recurrence. On the other hand, FDG PET/CT is not commonly used in osseous metastases of prostate and breast cancer as well as its usage is limited to staging patients with aggressive primary tumors or localizing the site of disease. In this article, we examine current studies about FDG, NaF, and PSMA PET/CT images in bone metastases diagnostic utility and assess response to treatment in patients with breast and prostate cancer.

Keywords: skeletal metastases, fluorodeoxyglucose, sodium fluoride, molecular imaging, precision medicine, prostate cancer (68Ga-PSMA-11)

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4190 Research on Placement Method of the Magnetic Flux Leakage Sensor Based on Online Detection of the Transformer Winding Deformation

Authors: Wei Zheng, Mao Ji, Zhe Hou, Meng Huang, Bo Qi


The transformer is the key equipment of the power system. Winding deformation is one of the main transformer defects, and timely and effective detection of the transformer winding deformation can ensure the safe and stable operation of the transformer to the maximum extent. When winding deformation occurs, the size, shape and spatial position of the winding will change, which directly leads to the change of magnetic flux leakage distribution. Therefore, it is promising to study the online detection method of the transformer winding deformation based on magnetic flux leakage characteristics, in which the key step is to study the optimal placement method of magnetic flux leakage sensors inside the transformer. In this paper, a simulation model of the transformer winding deformation is established to obtain the internal magnetic flux leakage distribution of the transformer under normal operation and different winding deformation conditions, and the law of change of magnetic flux leakage distribution due to winding deformation is analyzed. The results show that different winding deformation leads to different characteristics of the magnetic flux leakage distribution. On this basis, an optimized placement of magnetic flux leakage sensors inside the transformer is proposed to provide a basis for the online detection method of transformer winding deformation based on the magnetic flux leakage characteristics.

Keywords: magnetic flux leakage, sensor placement method, transformer, winding deformation

Procedia PDF Downloads 197
4189 Analgesic Efficacy of IPACK Block in Primary Total Knee Arthroplasty (90 CASES)

Authors: Fedili Benamar, Beloulou Mohamed Lamine, Ouahes Hassane, Ghattas Samir


 Background and aims: Peripheral regional anesthesia has been integrated into most analgesia protocols for total knee arthroplasty which considered among the most painful surgeries with a huge potential for chronicization. The adductor canal block (ACB) has gained popularity. Similarly, the IPACK block has been described to provide analgesia of the posterior knee capsule. This study aimed to evaluate the analgesic efficacy of this block in patients undergoing primary PTG. Methods: 90 patients were randomized to receive either an IPACK, an anterior sciatic block, or a sham block (30 patients in each group + multimodal analgesia and a catheter in the KCA adductor canal). GROUP 1 KCA GROUP 2 KCA+BSA GROUP 3 KCA+IPACK The analgesic blocks were done under echo-guidance preoperatively respecting the safety rules, the dose administered was 20 cc of ropivacaine 0.25% was used. We were to assess posterior knee pain 6 hours after surgery. Other endpoints included quality of recovery after surgery, pain scores, opioid requirements (PCA morphine)(EPI info 7.2 analysis). Results: -groups were matched -A predominance of women (4F/1H). -average age: 68 +/-7 years -the average BMI =31.75 kg/m2 +/- 4. -70% of patients ASA2 ,20% ASA3. -The average duration of the intervention: 89 +/- 19 minutes. -Morphine consumption (PCA) significantly higher in group 1 (16mg) & group 2 (8mg) group 3 (4mg) - The groups were matched . -There was a correlation between the use of the ipack block and postoperative pain Conclusions :In a multimodal analgesic protocol, the addition of IPACK block decreased pain scores and morphine consumption ,

Keywords: regional anesthesia, analgesia, total knee arthroplasty, the adductor canal block (acb), the ipack block, pain

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4188 On the Effect of Carbon on the Efficiency of Titanium as a Hydrogen Storage Material

Authors: Ghazi R. Reda Mahmoud Reda


Among the metal that forms hydride´s, Mg and Ti are known as the most lightweight materials; however, they are covered with a passive layer of oxides and hydroxides and require activation treatment under high temperature ( > 300 C ) and hydrogen pressure ( > 3 MPa) before being used for storage and transport applications. It is well known that small graphite addition to Ti or Mg, lead to a dramatic change in the kinetics of mechanically induced hydrogen sorption ( uptake) and significantly stimulate the Ti-Hydrogen interaction. Many explanations were given by different authors to explain the effect of graphite addition on the performance of Ti as material for hydrogen storage. Not only graphite but also the addition of a polycyclic aromatic compound will also improve the hydrogen absorption kinetics. It will be shown that the function of carbon addition is two-fold. First carbon acts as a vacuum cleaner, which scavenges out all the interstitial oxygen that can poison or slow down hydrogen absorption. It is also important to note that oxygen favors the chemisorption of hydrogen, which is not desirable for hydrogen storage. Second, during scavenging of the interstitial oxygen, the carbon reacts with oxygen in the nano and microchannel through a highly exothermic reaction to produce carbon dioxide and monoxide which provide the necessary heat for activation and thus in the presence of carbon lower heat of activation for hydrogen absorption which is observed experimentally. Furthermore, the product of the reaction of hydrogen with the carbon oxide will produce water which due to ball milling hydrolyze to produce the linear H5O2 + this will reconstruct the primary structure of the nanocarbon to form secondary structure, where the primary structure (a sheet of carbon) are connected through hydrogen bonding. It is the space between these sheets where physisorption or defect mediated sorption occurs.

Keywords: metal forming hydrides, polar molecule impurities, titanium, phase diagram, hydrogen absorption

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4187 An Inflammatory Mediated Hypothesis of COVID-19 Psychosis

Authors: Hilary P. Stevenson, Alexander J. Hayek, Amie Dereczyk


In this case report, we provide an example of an asymptomatic COVID-19 positive patient who presented with new-onset psychosis with severe paranoid delusions. He was seen in our ED after ingesting isopropyl alcohol which he reported was an attempt to escape presumed attackers, which at the time was logical to the patient. The patient’s family had COVID-19 symptoms that corresponded to those typically observed from the Omicron variant. The patient was treated successfully, within ten days, with Risperdal twice-daily dosing resulting in the resolution of the patient’s delusions and improved insight regarding the events that led to his hospitalization. In this work, we examine possible contributing factors to new-onset psychosis in the context of COVID-19, a phenomenon that is becoming increasingly notable in the literature. One area of importance is the already established inflammatory hypothesis of psychosis in which defects in the innate immune system, which result in its overactivation, may play a role in a typical first-episode psychosis, in addition to subsequent episodes. Given that COVID-19 is known to cause derangements in the innate immune system, such as cytokine storm reactions, this link may be critical in further understanding the etiologies of new-onset COVID-19 psychosis and its risk factors. Also included in this work is a brief review of antipsychotic interventions that have been described in the literature to date for the first episode of COVID-19-related psychosis. This will explore the potential of some antipsychotics to innately diminish the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines, further enhancing their usefulness in COVID-19 first-episode psychosis patients.

Keywords: COVID-19, first break psychosis, inflammatory hypothesis of psychosis, Risperdal

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4186 A Promising Thrombolytic and Anticoagulant Serine Protease Purified from Lug Worms Inhabiting Tidal Flats

Authors: Hye Jin Kim, Hwa Sung Shin


Ischemic stroke means the caused brain damage due to neurological defects, occurring occlusion of cerebral vascular resulting in thrombus or embolism. t-PA (tissue Plasminogen Activator) is the only thrombolytic agent passed the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). However, t-PA directly dissolves the thrombus (direct activity) through fibrinolysis, showing side effects such as re-occlusion. In this study, we evaluated the thrombolytic activities of the serine protease extracted from lugworms inhabiting tidal flats. The new serine protease identified as 38 kDa by SDS-PAGE was not toxic to brain endothelial cells line (hCMEC/D3). Also, the plasmin synthesis inhibition activity (indirect activity) of the new serine protease was confirmed through fibrin zymography assay and fibrin plate assay. It was higher than direct activity as compared to u-PA (urokinase Plasminogen Activator). The activities were found to be maintained at a wide range of temperature (4-70 ℃) and pH 7-10 compared to previous thrombolytic agents from the azocasein assay. In addition, the new serine protease has shown anticoagulant activity from fibrinogenolytic activity assay. In conclusion, the serine protease in lug worms inhabiting the tidal flats could be considered a promising thrombolytic candidate for the treatment of ischemic stroke.

Keywords: alkaline serine protease, bifunctional thrombolytic activity, fibrinolytic activity, ischemic stroke, lug worms

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4185 Improving the Method for Characterizing Structural Fabrics for Shear Resistance and Formability

Authors: Dimitrios Karanatsis


Non-crimp fabrics (NCFs) allow for high mechanical performance of a manufacture composite component by maintaining the fibre reinforcements parallel to each other. The handling of NCFs is enabled by the stitching of the tows. Although the stitching material has negligible influence to the performance of the manufactured part, it can affect the ability of the structural fabric to shear and drape over the part’s geometry. High resistance to shearing is attributed to the high tensile strain of the stitching yarn and can cause defects in the fabric. In the current study, a correlation based on the stitch tension and shear behaviour is examined. The purpose of the research is to investigate the upper and lower limits of non-crimp fabrics manufacture and how these affect the shear behaviour of the fabrics. Experimental observations show that shear behaviour of the fabrics is significantly affected by the stitch tension, and there is a linear effect to the degree of shear they experience. It was found that the lowest possible stitch tension on the manufacturing line settings produces an NCF that exhibits very low tensile strain on it’s yarns and that has shear properties similar to a woven fabric. Moreover, the highest allowable stitch tension results in reduced formability of the fabric, as the stitch thread rearranges the fibre filaments where these become packed in a tight formation with constricted movement.

Keywords: carbon fibres, composite manufacture, shear testing, textiles

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4184 The Effects of Myelin Basic Protein Charge Isomers on the Methyl Cycle Metabolites in Glial Cells

Authors: Elene Zhuravliova, Tamar Barbakadze, Irina Kalandadze, Elnari Zaalishvili, Lali Shanshiashvili, David Mikeladze


Background: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an inflammatory, neurodegenerative disease, which is accompanied by demyelination and autoimmune response to myelin proteins. Among post-translational modifications, which mediate the modulation of inflammatory pathways during MS, methylation is the main one. The methylation of DNA, also amino acids lysine and arginine, occurs in the cell. It was found that decreased trans-methylation is associated with neuroinflammatory diseases. Therefore, abnormal regulation of the methyl cycle could induce demyelination through the action on PAD (peptidyl-arginine-deiminase) gene promoter. PAD takes part in protein citrullination and targets myelin basic protein (MBP), which is affected during demyelination. To determine whether MBP charge isomers are changing the methyl cycle, we have estimated the concentrations of methyl cycle metabolites in MBP-activated primary astrocytes and oligodendrocytes. For this purpose, the action of the citrullinated MBP- C8 and the most cationic MBP-C1 isomers on the primary cells were investigated. Methods: Primary oligodendrocyte and astrocyte cell cultures were prepared from whole brains of 2-day-old Wistar rats. The methyl cycle metabolites, including homocysteine, S-adenosylmethionine (SAM), and S-adenosylhomocysteine (SAH), were estimated by HPLC analysis using fluorescence detection and prior derivatization. Results: We found that the action of MBP-C8 and MBP-C1 induces a decrease in the concentration of both methyl cycle metabolites, S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) and S-adenosylhomocysteine (SAH), in astrocytes compared to the control cells. As for oligodendrocytes, the concentration of SAM was increased by the addition of MBP-C1, while MBP-C8 has no significant effect. As for SAH, its concentration was increased compared to the control cells by the action of both MBP-C1 and MBP-C8. A significant increase in homocysteine concentration was observed by the action of the MBP-C8 isomer in both oligodendrocytes and astrocytes. Conclusion: These data suggest that MBP charge isomers change the concentration of methyl cycle metabolites. MBP-C8 citrullinated isomer causes elevation of homocysteine in astrocytes and oligodendrocytes, which may be the reason for decreased astrocyte proliferation and increased oligodendrocyte cell death which takes place in neurodegenerative processes. Elevated homocysteine levels and subsequent abnormal regulation of methyl cycles in oligodendrocytes possibly change the methylation of DNA that activates PAD gene promoter and induces the synthesis of PAD, which in turn provokes the process of citrullination, which is the accompanying process of demyelination. Acknowledgment: This research was supported by the SRNSF Georgia RF17_534 grant.

Keywords: myelin basic protein, astrocytes, methyl cycle metabolites, homocysteine, oligodendrocytes

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4183 Effect Indol Acetic Acid on Liver of Albino Rats

Authors: Ezaldin A. M. Mohammed, Youssef K. H. Abdalhafid, Masoud. M. Zatout


The study aims to clarify the toxic effect of plant hormones, which are widely used in agriculture. One of these is the plant hormones (indole acetic acid); has been ٳata hormone to rats at 100 ppm salt solution of 0.2 per day after day for a period of forty days before conception until the fourteenth day or sixteenth or childbirth. Treatment brought about a marked shortage in the rate of increase in the weight of mice., And a percentage of the weight of the liver there was a distinct increase in the relative weight of the liver. As well as the increase in pathological changes and increase the size of the nuclei and Kupffer cell, as noted widespread and dense clusters of inflammatory cells accompanied by about the erosion of liver tissue and blood ٳrchah. Biochemical analyzes showed a marked decrease of the liver in antioxidant enzymes and an increase in the rate of free radicals. It was also noted an increase in cases of abortion. The owner of so many birth defects. It was also noted the lack of body weight in fetuses and increase the absorption rate of embryos in fetuses of mothers treatment compared to the control group. Showed microscopic examinations of the liver of mice born in the transaction and the decay in the presence of hepatic cells and edema, blood vessels and increase the rate of cell death.

Keywords: indol acetic acid, liver, pathological changes, albino rats

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4182 Exploring Utility and Intrinsic Value among UAE Arabic Teachers in Integrating M-Learning

Authors: Dina Tareq Ismail, Alexandria A. Proff


The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is a nation seeking to advance in all fields, particularly education. One area of focus for UAE 2021 agenda is to restructure UAE schools and universities by equipping them with highly developed technology. The agenda also advises educational institutions to prepare students with applicable and transferrable Information and Communication Technology (ICT) skills. Despite the emphasis on ICT and computer literacy skills, there exists limited empirical data on the use of M-Learning in the literature. This qualitative study explores the motivation of higher primary Arabic teachers in private schools toward implementing and integrating M-Learning apps in their classrooms. This research employs a phenomenological approach through the use of semistructured interviews with nine purposefully selected Arabic teachers. The data were analyzed using a content analysis via multiple stages of coding: open, axial, and thematic. Findings reveal three primary themes: (1) Arabic teachers with high levels of procedural knowledge in ICT are more motivated to implement M-Learning; (2) Arabic teachers' perceptions of self-efficacy influence their motivation toward implementation of M-Learning; (3) Arabic teachers implement M-Learning when they possess high utility and/or intrinsic value in these applications. These findings indicate a strong need for further training, equipping, and creating buy-in among Arabic teachers to enhance their ICT skills in implementing M-Learning. Further, given the limited availability of M-Learning apps designed for use in the Arabic language on the market, it is imperative that developers consider designing M-Learning tools that Arabic teachers, and Arabic-speaking students, can use and access more readily. This study contributes to closing the knowledge gap on teacher-motivation for implementing M-Learning in their classrooms in the UAE.

Keywords: ICT skills, m-learning, self-efficacy, teacher-motivation

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4181 Insect Cell-Based Models: Asutralian Sheep bBlowfly Lucilia Cuprina Embryo Primary Cell line Establishment and Transfection

Authors: Yunjia Yang, Peng Li, Gordon Xu, Timothy Mahony, Bing Zhang, Neena Mitter, Karishma Mody


Sheep flystrike is one of the most economically important diseases affecting the Australian sheep and wool industry (>356M/annually). Currently, control of Lucillia cuprina relies almost exclusively on chemicals controls, and the parasite has developed resistance to nearly all control chemicals used in the past. It is, therefore, critical to develop an alternative solution for the sustainable control and management of flystrike. RNA interference (RNAi) technologies have been successfully explored in multiple animal industries for developing parasites controls. This research project aims to develop a RNAi based biological control for sheep blowfly. Double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) has already proven successful against viruses, fungi, and insects. However, the environmental instability of dsRNA is a major bottleneck for successful RNAi. Bentonite polymer (BenPol) technology can overcome this problem, as it can be tuned for the controlled release of dsRNA in the gut challenging pH environment of the blowfly larvae, prolonging its exposure time to and uptake by target cells. To investigate the potential of BenPol technology for dsRNA delivery, four different BenPol carriers were tested for their dsRNA loading capabilities, and three of them were found to be capable of affording dsRNA stability under multiple temperatures (4°C, 22°C, 40°C, 55°C) in sheep serum. Based on stability results, dsRNA from potential targeted genes was loaded onto BenPol carriers and tested in larvae feeding assays, three genes resulting in knockdowns. Meanwhile, a primary blowfly embryo cell line (BFEC) derived from L. cuprina embryos was successfully established, aim for an effective insect cell model for testing RNAi efficacy for preliminary assessments and screening. The results of this study establish that the dsRNA is stable when loaded on BenPol particles, unlike naked dsRNA rapidly degraded in sheep serum. The stable nanoparticle delivery system offered by BenPol technology can protect and increase the inherent stability of dsRNA molecules at higher temperatures in a complex biological fluid like serum, providing promise for its future use in enhancing animal protection.

Keywords: lucilia cuprina, primary cell line establishment, RNA interference, insect cell transfection

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4180 Awareness of Drug Interactions among Physicians at Governmental Health Centers in Bahrain

Authors: Yasin I. Tayem, Jamil Ahmed, Mahmood Bahzad, Abdullah Alnama, Fahad Al Asfoor, Mahmood A. Jalil, Mohammed Radhi, Ahmed Alenezi, Khalid A. J. Al-Khaja


Drug-drug interactions (DDIs) represent a significant cause of patient’s morbidity and mortality. The rate of DDIs is rapidly increasing worldwide with the increasing proportion of ageing population and frequent requirement of polypharmacy-prescription of multiple drugs to treat comorbidities. Prescribing physicians are responsible for checking their prescriptions for the presence and severity of DDIs. However, since a large number of new drugs are approved and marketed every year, new interactions between medications are increasingly reported. Consequently, it is no longer practical for physicians to rely only upon their previous knowledge of medicine to avoid potential DDIs. The aim of this study was to explore the perceptions of physicians working at primary healthcare centers in Bahrain towards DDIs and how they manage them during their practice. Methodology: In this cross-sectional study, physicians working at all governmental primary healthcare centers in Bahrain were invited to voluntarily, privately and anonymously respond to a self-administered questionnaire. The questionnaire aims to assess their self-reported knowledge of DDIs and how they check for them in their practice. The participants were requested to provide socio demographic data and information related to their attitudes towards DDIs including strategies they employ for detecting and managing them, and their awareness of drugs which commonly cause DDIs. At the end of the questionnaire, an open-ended item was added to allow participants to further add any comment. Findings and Conclusions: The study is going on currently, and the results and conclusions will be presented at the conference.

Keywords: awareness, drug interactions, health centres, physicians

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4179 Vibration Absorption Strategy for Multi-Frequency Excitation

Authors: Der Chyan Lin


Since the early introduction by Ormondroyd and Den Hartog, vibration absorber (VA) has become one of the most commonly used vibration mitigation strategies. The strategy is most effective for a primary plant subjected to a single frequency excitation. For continuous systems, notable advances in vibration absorption in the multi-frequency system were made. However, the efficacy of the VA strategy for systems under multi-frequency excitation is not well understood. For example, for an N degrees-of-freedom (DOF) primary-absorber system, there are N 'peak' frequencies of large amplitude vibration per every new excitation frequency. In general, the usable range for vibration absorption can be greatly reduced as a result. Frequency modulated harmonic excitation is a commonly seen multi-frequency excitation example: f(t) = cos(ϖ(t)t) where ϖ(t)=ω(1+α sin⁡(δt)). It is known that f(t) has a series expansion given by the Bessel function of the first kind, which implies an infinity of forcing frequencies in the frequency modulated harmonic excitation. For an SDOF system of natural frequency ωₙ subjected to f(t), it can be shown that amplitude peaks emerge at ω₍ₚ,ₖ₎=(ωₙ ± 2kδ)/(α ∓ 1),k∈Z; i.e., there is an infinity of resonant frequencies ω₍ₚ,ₖ₎, k∈Z, making the use of VA strategy ineffective. In this work, we propose an absorber frequency placement strategy for SDOF vibration systems subjected to frequency-modulated excitation. An SDOF linear mass-spring system coupled to lateral absorber systems is used to demonstrate the ideas. Although the mechanical components are linear, the governing equations for the coupled system are nonlinear. We show using N identical absorbers, for N ≫ 1, that (a) there is a cluster of N+1 natural frequencies around every natural absorber frequency, and (b) the absorber frequencies can be moved away from the plant's resonance frequency (ω₀) as N increases. Moreover, we also show the bandwidth of the VA performance increases with N. The derivations of the clustering and bandwidth widening effect will be given, and the superiority of the proposed strategy will be demonstrated via numerical experiments.

Keywords: Bessel function, bandwidth, frequency modulated excitation, vibration absorber

Procedia PDF Downloads 157
4178 The Effect of the Organization of Mental Health Care on General Practitioners’ Prescription Behavior of Psychotropics for Adolescents in Belgium

Authors: Ellen Lagast, Melissa Ceuterick, Mark Leys


Although adolescence is a stressful period with an increased risk for mental illnesses such as anxiety and depression, little in-depth knowledge is available on the determinants of the use of psychotropic drugs (BZD/SSRIs) and the effects. A qualitative research with adolescents in Flanders was performed. Based on indepth interviews, the interviewees indicate feelings of ambiguity towards their medication use because on the one hand the medication helps to manage their mental vulnerability and disrupted lives, but on the other hand they experience a loss of control of their self and their environment. Undesired side-effects and stigma led to a negative pharmaceutical self. The interviewed youngsters also express dissatisfaction about the prescription behavior with regard to psychotropic drugs of their general practitioner (GP). They wished to have received more information about alternative non-pharmaceutical treatment options. Notwithstanding these comments, the majority of the interviewees maintained trust in their GP to act in their best interest. This paper will relate the prescription behavior in primary care to the organization of mental health care to better understand the “phamaceuticalization” and medicalization of mental health problems in Belgium. Belgium implemented fundamental mental health care reforms to collaborate, to integrate care and to optimize continuity of care. Children and adolescents still are confronted with long waiting lists to access (non-medicalized) mental health services. This access to mental health care partly explains general practitioners’ prescription behavior of psychotropics. Moreover, multidisciplinary practices have not pervaded primary health care yet. Medicalization and pharmaceuticalization of mental health vulnerabilities of youth are both a structural and cultural problem.

Keywords: adolescents, antidepressants, benzodiazepines, mental health system, psychotropic drugs

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4177 Synthesis and Characterization of Hydroxyapatite from Biowaste for Potential Medical Application

Authors: M. D. H. Beg, John O. Akindoyo, Suriati Ghazali, Nitthiyah Jeyaratnam


Over the period of time, several approaches have been undertaken to mitigate the challenges associated with bone regeneration. This includes but not limited to xenografts, allografts, autografts as well as artificial substitutions like bioceramics, synthetic cements and metals. The former three techniques often come along with peculiar limitation and problems such as morbidity, availability, disease transmission, collateral site damage or absolute rejection by the body as the case may be. Synthetic routes remain the only feasible alternative option for treatment of bone defects. Hydroxyapatite (HA) is very compatible and suitable for this application. However, most of the common methods for HA synthesis are either expensive, complicated or environmentally unfriendly. Interestingly, extraction of HA from bio-wastes have been perceived not only to be cost effective, but also environment friendly. In this research, HA was synthesized from bio-waste: namely bovine bones through three different methods which are hydrothermal chemical processes, ultrasound assisted synthesis and ordinary calcination techniques. Structure and property analysis of the HA was carried out through different characterization techniques such as TGA, FTIR, and XRD. All the methods applied were able to produce HA with similar compositional properties to biomaterials found in human calcified tissues. Calcination process was however observed to be more efficient as it eliminated all the organic components from the produced HA. The HA synthesized is unique for its minimal cost and environmental friendliness. It is also perceived to be suitable for tissue and bone engineering applications.

Keywords: hydroxyapatite, bone, calcination, biowaste

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4176 Modifying Cardiometabolic Disease Risk Factors in Urban Primary School Children: Three Different Exercise Interventions

Authors: Anneke Van Biljon


Background: Exercise is a primary form of preventing and improving cardiometabolic disease risk factors; however specific exercise variables and their associated health benefits in children are inconclusive. A preliminary study revealed that different exercise variables may improve particular cardiometabolic health benefits. Objectives: This study further investigated the specific cardiometabolic health benefits associated with three isocaloric exercise interventions set at different intensities. Methods: Hundred-and-twenty (n = 120) participants between the ages of 10 – 14 years old were assigned to four different study groups 1. High intensity interval training (HIIT) at > 80% MHR 2. Moderate intensity continuous training (MICT) at 65% – 70% MHR 3. Alternative intensities (ALT) of HIIT and MICT 4. Control group. Exercise interventions were designed to generate isocaloric workloads of ~154.77 kcal per session, three times per week for five weeks. The one-way ANOVA test established comparisons between group means. Post hoc tests were calculated to determine specific group differences. Results: Although, all exercise groups improved cardiometabolic health, the MICT group showed greater improvements in fasting glucose (-9.30%), whereas cardiorespiratory fitness increased most by 31.33% (p = 0.000) within the HIIT group. Finally, ALT group recorded overall superior and additional cardiometabolic health benefits compared with both MICT and HIIT groups. Conclusion: The findings of this study indicate that superior benefits may be elicited when combining and alternating MICT and HIIT. These results provide specific exercise recommendations for achieving optimal and substantial cardiometabolic health benefits in children which will contribute towards achieving the health-related Sustainable Development Goals for 2030.

Keywords: cardiometabolic disease risk factors, exercise, pediatrics, interventions

Procedia PDF Downloads 248
4175 The Clinical and Survival Differences between Primary B-Cell and T/NK-Cell Non-Hodgkin Lymphomas in the Nasopharynx, Nasal Cavity, and Nasal Sinus: A Population-Based Study of 3839 Cases in the Seer Database

Authors: Jiajia Peng, Danni Cheng, Jianqing Qiu, Yufang Rao, Minzi Mao, Ke Qiu, Junhong Li, Fei Chen, Feng Liu, Jun Liu, Xiaosong Mu, Wenxin Yu, Wei Zhang, Wei Xu, Yu Zhao, Jianjun Ren


Background: Currently, primary B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma (B-NHL) and T/NK-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NKT-NHL) originated from the nasal cavity (NC), nasopharynx (NP) and nasal sinus (NS) distinguished unclearly in the clinic. Objective: We sought to compare the clinical and survival differences of B-NHL and NKT-NHL that occurred in NC, NP, and NS, respectively. Methods: Retrospective data of patients diagnosed with nasal cavity lymphoma (NCL), nasopharyngeal lymphoma (NPL), and nasal sinus lymphoma (NSL) between 1975 and 2017 from the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) database were collected. We identified the B/NKT-NHL patients based on the histological type and performed univariate, multivariate, and Kaplan-Meier analyses to investigate the survival rates. Results: Of the identified 3,101 B-NHL and 738 NKT-NHL patients, those with B-NHL in NP were the majority (43%) and had better cancer-specific survival than those in NC and NS from 2010 to 2017 (5-year-CSS, NC vs. NP vs. NS: 81% vs. 83% vs. 82%). In contrast, most of the NKT-NHL originated from NC (68%) and had the highest CSS rate in the recent seven years (2010-2017, 5-year-CSS: 63%). Additionally, the survival outcomes of patients with NKT-NHL-NP (HR: 1.34, 95% CI: 0.62-2.89, P=0.460) who had received surgery were much worse than those of patients with NKT-NHL-NC (HR: 1.07, 95% CI: 0.75-1.52, P=0.710) and NKT-NHL-NS (HR: 1.11, 95% CI: 0.59-2.07, P=0.740). NKT-NHL-NS patients who had radiation performed (HR: 0.38, 95% CI: 0.19-0.73, P=0.004) showed the highest survival rates, while chemotherapy performed (HR: 1.01, 95% CI: 0.43-2.37, P=0.980) presented opposite results. Conclusions: Although B-NHL and NKT-NHL originating from NC, NP and NS had similar anatomical locations, their clinical characteristics, treatment therapies, and prognoses were different in this study. Our findings may suggest that B-NHL and NKT-NHL in NC, NP, and NS should be treated as different diseases in the clinic.

Keywords: nasopharyngeal lymphoma, nasal cavity lymphoma, nasal sinus lymphoma, B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma, T/NK-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma

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4174 A Systematic Review Regarding Caregiving Relationships of Adolescents Orphaned by Aids and Primary Caregivers

Authors: M. Petunia Tsweleng


Statement of the Problem: Research and aid organisations report that children and adolescents orphaned due to HIV and AIDS are particularly vulnerable as they are often exposed to negative effects of both HIV and AIDS and orphanhood. Without much-needed parental love, care, and support, these children and adolescents are at risk of poor developmental outcomes. A cursory look at the available literature on AIDS-orphaned adolescents, and the quality of caregiving relationships with caregivers, shows that this is a relatively under-researched terrain. This article is a review of the literature on caregiving relationships of adolescents orphaned due to AIDS and their current primary caregivers. It aims to inform community programmes and policymakers by providing insight into the qualities of these relationships. Methodology: A comprehensive search of both peer-reviewed and non-peer-reviewed literature was conducted through EBSCOhost, SpringLINK, PsycINFO, SAGE, PubMed, Elsevier ScienceDirect, JSTOR, Wiley Online Library databases, and Google Scholar. The combination of keywords used for the search were: (caregiving relationships); (orphans OR AIDS orphaned children OR AIDS orphaned adolescents); (primary caregivers); and (quality caregiving); (orphans); (HIV and AIDS). The search took place between 24 January and 28 February 2022. Both qualitative and quantitative research studies published between 2010 and 2020 were reviewed. However, only qualitative studies were selected in the end -as they presented more profound findings concerning orphan-caregiver relationships. The following three stages of meta-synthesis analysis were used to analyse data: refutational syntheses, reciprocal syntheses, and line of argument. Results: The search resulted in a total of 2090 titles, of which 750 were duplicates and therefore subtracted. The researcher reviewed all the titles and abstracts of the remaining 1340 articles. 329 articles were identified as relevant, and full texts were reviewed. Following the review of the full texts, 313 studies were excluded for relevance and 4 for methodology. Twelve articles representing 11 studies fulfilled the inclusion criteria and were selected. These studies, representing different countries across the globe, reported similar forms of hardships experienced by caregivers economically, psychosocially, and healthwise. However, the studies also show that the majority of caregivers found contentment in caring for orphans, particularly grandmother carers, and were thus enabled to provide love, care, and support despite hardships. This resulted in positive caregiving relationships -as orphans fared well emotionally and psychosocially. Some relationships, however, were found negative due to unhealed emotional wounds suffered by both caregivers and orphans and others due to the caregiver’s lack of interest in providing care. These findings were based on self-report data from both orphans and caregivers. Conclusion: Findings suggest that intervention efforts need to be intensified to: alleviate poverty in households that are affected by HIV and AIDS pandemic, strengthen the community psychosocial support programmes for orphans and their caregivers; and integrate clinical services with community programmes for the healing of emotional and psychological wounds. Contributions: Findings inform community programmes and policymakers by providing insight into the qualities of the mentioned relationships as well as identifying factors commonly associated with high-quality caregiving and poor-quality caregiving.

Keywords: systematic review, caregiving relationships, orphans and primary caregivers, AIDS

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4173 Limitations of Recent National Enactments on International Crimes: The Case of Kenya, Uganda and Sudan

Authors: Emma Charlene Lubaale


The International Criminal Court (ICC) operates based on the principle of complementarity. On the basis of this principle, states enjoy the primary right to prosecute international crimes, with the ICC intervening only when a state with jurisdiction over an international crime is unable or unwilling to prosecute. To ably exercise their primary right to prosecute international crimes domestically, a number of states are taking steps to criminalise international crimes in their national laws. Significant to note, many of the laws enacted are not being applied in the prosecution of the international crimes allegedly committed. Kenya, Uganda and Sudan are some notable states where commission of international crimes is documented. All these states have recently enacted laws on international crimes. Kenya enacted the International Crimes Act in 2008, Uganda enacted the International Criminal Court Act in 2010 and in 2007, Sudan made provision for international crimes under its Armed Forces Act. However, in all these three states, the enacted national laws on international crimes have thus far not featured in any of the proceedings before these states’ courts. Instead, these states have either relied on ordinary crimes to prosecute international crimes or not prosecuted international crimes altogether. This paper underscores the limitations of the enacted laws, explaining why, even with efforts taken by these states to enact national laws on international crimes, these laws cannot be relied on to advance accountability for the international crimes. Notably, the laws in Kenya and Uganda do not have retroactive application. In Sudan, despite the 2007 reforms, the structure of military justice in Sudan has the effect of placing certain categories of individuals beyond the reach of international criminal justice. For Kenya and Uganda, it is concluded that the only benefit that flows from these enactments is reliance on them to prosecute future international crimes. For Sudan, the 2007 reforms will only have the desired impact if reforms are equally made to the structure of military justice.

Keywords: complementarity, national laws, Kenya, Sudan, Uganda, international crimes, limitations

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4172 The Use of Neuter in Oedipus Lines to Refer to Antigone in Phoenissae of Seneca

Authors: Cíntia Martins Sanches


In the first part of Phoenissae of Seneca, Antigone is a guide to Oedipus, and they leave Thebes: he is blind searching for death (inflicting the punishment himself wished on the killer of Laius, ie exile and death); she is trying to convince him to give up such punishment and bring him back to Thebes. Concerning Oedipus lines, we observed a high frequency of Latin neuter in the treatment the protagonist gave to his daughter Antigone. We considered in this study that such frequency may be related to the sanctification of the daughter, who is seen by him as an enlightened being and without defects, free of the human condition (which takes on the existence of failures by essence). This study, thus, puts forward an analysis of the passages the said feature is present, relating them to the effect of meaning found in each occurrence. As part of a doctorate, this study investigates the stylistic idiom of Seneca in the Oedipus and Phoenissae tragedies, aiming at translating both tragedies expressively. The concept of stylistic idiom concerns the stylistic affinity required for a translation to be equivalent to the source text. In this wise, this study inquires into how the Latin text is organized poetically, pointing out the expressive features frequently appearing in both dramas. The method we used is based on the Semiotics theory — observing how connotation, ie a language use in which prevails the poetic function, naturally polysemous, acts to achieve each expressive effect.

Keywords: antigone, neuter, Oedipus, Phoenissae, Seneca

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4171 Comparing Different Frequency Ground Penetrating Radar Antennas for Tunnel Health Assessment

Authors: Can Mungan, Gokhan Kilic


Structural engineers and tunnel owners have good reason to attach importance to the assessment and inspection of tunnels. Regular inspection is necessary to maintain and monitor the health of the structure not only at the present time but throughout its life cycle. Detection of flaws within the structure, such as corrosion and the formation of cracks within the internal elements of the structure, can go a long way to ensuring that the structure maintains its integrity over the course of its life. Other issues that may be detected earlier through regular assessment include tunnel surface delamination and the corrosion of the rebar. One advantage of new technology such as the ground penetrating radar (GPR) is the early detection of imperfections. This study will aim to discuss and present the effectiveness of GPR as a tool for assessing the structural integrity of the heavily used tunnel. GPR is used with various antennae in frequency and application method (2 GHz and 500 MHz GPR antennae). The paper will attempt to produce a greater understanding of structural defects and identify the correct tool for such purposes. Conquest View with 3D scanning capabilities was involved throughout the analysis, reporting, and interpretation of the results. This study will illustrate GPR mapping and its effectiveness in providing information of value when it comes to rebar position (lower and upper reinforcement). It will also show how such techniques can detect structural features that would otherwise remain unseen, as well as moisture ingress.

Keywords: tunnel, GPR, health monitoring, moisture ingress, rebar position

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4170 Automated Testing to Detect Instance Data Loss in Android Applications

Authors: Anusha Konduru, Zhiyong Shan, Preethi Santhanam, Vinod Namboodiri, Rajiv Bagai


Mobile applications are increasing in a significant amount, each to address the requirements of many users. However, the quick developments and enhancements are resulting in many underlying defects. Android apps create and handle a large variety of 'instance' data that has to persist across runs, such as the current navigation route, workout results, antivirus settings, or game state. Due to the nature of Android, an app can be paused, sent into the background, or killed at any time. If the instance data is not saved and restored between runs, in addition to data loss, partially-saved or corrupted data can crash the app upon resume or restart. However, it is difficult for the programmer to manually test this issue for all the activities. This results in the issue of data loss that the data entered by the user are not saved when there is any interruption. This issue can degrade user experience because the user needs to reenter the information each time there is an interruption. Automated testing to detect such data loss is important to improve the user experience. This research proposes a tool, DroidDL, a data loss detector for Android, which detects the instance data loss from a given android application. We have tested 395 applications and found 12 applications with the issue of data loss. This approach is proved highly accurate and reliable to find the apps with this defect, which can be used by android developers to avoid such errors.

Keywords: Android, automated testing, activity, data loss

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4169 Investigation of the Effects of Monoamine Oxidase Levels on the 20S Proteasome

Authors: Bhavini Patel, Aslihan Ugun-Klusek, Ellen Billet


The two main contributing factors to familial and idiopathic form of Parkinson’s disease (PD) are oxidative stress and altered proteolysis. Monoamine oxidase-A (MAO-A) plays a significant role in redox homeostasis by producing reactive oxygen species (ROS) via deamination of for example, dopamine. The ROS generated induces chemical modification of proteins resulting in altered biological function. The ubiquitin-proteasome system, which consists of three different types or proteolytic activity, namely “chymotrypsin-like” activity (CLA), “trypsin-like” activity (TLA) and “post acidic-like” activity (PLA), is responsible for the degradation of ubiquitinated proteins. Defects in UPS are known to be strongly correlated to PD. Herein, the effect of ROS generated by MAO-A on proteasome activity and the effects of proteasome inhibition on MAO-A protein levels in WT, mock and MAO-A overexpressed (MAO-A+) SHSY5Y neuroblastoma cell lines were investigated. The data in this study report increased proteolytic activity when MAO-A protein levels are significantly increased, in particular CLA and PLA. Additionally, 20S proteasome inhibition induced a decrease in MAO-A levels in WT and mock cells in comparison to MAO-A+ cells in which 20S proteasome inhibition induced increased MAO-A levels to be further increased at 48 hours of inhibition. This study supports the fact that MAO-A could be a potential pharmaceutical target for neuronal protection as data suggests that endogenous MAO-A levels may be essential for modulating cell death and survival.

Keywords: monoamine oxidase, neurodegeneration, Parkinson's disease, proteasome

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4168 Khon Kaen University Family Health Assessment Tool Training Program on Primary Care Unit Nurses’ Skills

Authors: Suwarno, D. Jongudomkarn


Family Health Assessment (FHA) is a key process to identify the family health needs, family health problems, and family health history. Assessing the family health is not only from the assessment tool but also from health care provider especially Nurse. Nurses’ have duties to assess the family as holistic view and they have to increase their capacities (knowledge, skills and experiences) in FHA. Thus, the continuing nursing education-training program on using the KKU FHA Tool was aimed to enhance the participant nurses’ capacities in (FHA) based on such tool. The aim of this study was to evaluate the KKU FHA Tool training program on PCU nurses’ capacity before and after training program in Primary Care Unit Bantul, Yogyakarta. The Quasi-Experiment with one group pre-, post-test design as a research design with convenient sampling technique and one group pre- post test formula for Nurses who work in Six PCU Bantul, Yogyakarta as much as fourteen respondents. The research processes were used training program with module, video and handbook KKU FHA Tool, KKU FHA tool form and capacities questionnaires. It was analyzed by descriptive data, Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Paired Sample t-test. The overall comparing analysis of paired sample t-test revealed that the mean values of pre-test were 3.35 with SD 0.417, post-test was 3.86 with SD 0.154 and post-test in later two weeks was 4.00 with SD 0.243. It was found that the p value of among the pre-test, the intermediate post-test and the post–test in later two weeks were 0.000. The p value of the intermediate post-test and post-test in later two weeks was 0.053. KKU FHA Tool training program in PCU Bantul Yogyakarta was enhanced the participant nurses’ capacities significantly. In conclusion, we are recommending KKU FHA Tool forms have to develop and implement with qualitative research as complementary data in PCU Bantul Yogyakarta by Focus Group Discussion.

Keywords: family health assessment, KKU FHA tool, training program, nurses capacities

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4167 Efficacy of Collagen Matrix Implants in Phacotrabeculectomy with Mitomycin C at One Year

Authors: Lalit Tejwani, Reetika Sharma, Arun Singhvi, Himanshu Shekhar


Purpose: To assess the efficacy of collagen matrix implant (Ologen) in phacotrabeculectomy augmented with mitomycin C (MMC). Methods: A biodegradable collagen matrix (Ologen) was placed in the subconjunctival and subscleral space in twenty-two eyes of 22 patients with glaucoma and cataract who underwent combined phacoemulsification and trabeculectomy augmented with MMC. All of them were examined preoperatively and on the first postoperative day. They were followed for twelve months after surgery. Any intervention needed in follow-up period was noted. Any complication was recorded. The primary outcome measure was postoperative intraocular pressure at one year follow-up. Any additional postoperative treatments needed and adverse events were noted. Results: The mean age of patients included in the study was 57.77 ± 9.68 years (range=36 to 70 years). All the patients were followed for at least one year. Three patients had history of failed trabeculectomy. Fifteen patients had chronic angle closure glaucoma with cataract, five had primary open angle glaucoma with cataract, one had uveitic glaucoma with cataract, and one had juvenile open angle glaucoma with cataract. Mean preoperative IOP was 32.63 ± 8.29 mm Hg, eighteen patients were on oral antiglaucoma medicines. The mean postoperative IOP was 10.09 ± 2.65 mm Hg at three months, 10.36 ± 2.19 mm Hg at six months and 11.36 ± 2.72 mm Hg at one year follow up. No adverse effect related to Ologen was seen. Anterior chamber reformation was done in five patients, and three needed needling of bleb. Four patients needed additional antiglaucoma medications in the follow-up period. Conclusions: Combined phacotrabeculectomy with MMC with Ologen implantation appears to be a safe and effective option in glaucoma patients needing trabeculectomy with significant cataract. Comparative studies with longer duration of follow-up in larger number of patients are needed.

Keywords: combined surgery, ologen, phacotrabeculectomy, success

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4166 Acoustic Analysis of Ball Bearings to Identify Localised Race Defect

Authors: M. Solairaju, Nithin J. Thomas, S. Ganesan


Each and every rotating part of a machine element consists of bearings within its structure. In particular, the rolling element bearings such as cylindrical roller bearing and deep groove ball bearings are frequently used. Improper handling, excessive loading, improper lubrication and sealing cause bearing damage. Hence health monitoring of bearings is an important aspect for radiation pattern of bearing vibration is computed using the dipole model. Sound pressure level for defect-free and race defect the prolonged life of machinery and auto motives. This paper presents modeling and analysis of Acoustic response of deep groove ball bearing with localized race defects. Most of the ball bearings, especially in machine tool spindles and high-speed applications are pre-loaded along an axial direction. The present study is carried out with axial preload. Based on the vibration response, the orbit motion of the inner race is studied, and it was found that the oscillation takes place predominantly in the axial direction. Simplified acoustic is estimated. Acoustic response shows a better indication in identifying the defective bearing. The computed sound signal is visualized in diagrammatic representation using Symmetrised Dot Pattern (SDP). SDP gives better visual distinction between the defective and defect-free bearing

Keywords: bearing, dipole, noise, sound

Procedia PDF Downloads 294
4165 Biophysical Features of Glioma-Derived Extracellular Vesicles as Potential Diagnostic Markers

Authors: Abhimanyu Thakur, Youngjin Lee


Glioma is a lethal brain cancer whose early diagnosis and prognosis are limited due to the dearth of a suitable technique for its early detection. Current approaches, including magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography (CT), and invasive biopsy for the diagnosis of this lethal disease, hold several limitations, demanding an alternative method. Recently, extracellular vesicles (EVs) have been used in numerous biomarker studies, majorly exosomes and microvesicles (MVs), which are found in most of the cells and biofluids, including blood, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), and urine. Remarkably, glioma cells (GMs) release a high number of EVs, which are found to cross the blood-brain-barrier (BBB) and impersonate the constituents of parent GMs including protein, and lncRNA; however, biophysical properties of EVs have not been explored yet as a biomarker for glioma. We isolated EVs from cell culture conditioned medium of GMs and regular primary culture, blood, and urine of wild-type (WT)- and glioma mouse models, and characterized by nano tracking analyzer, transmission electron microscopy, immunogold-EM, and differential light scanning. Next, we measured the biophysical parameters of GMs-EVs by using atomic force microscopy. Further, the functional constituents of EVs were examined by FTIR and Raman spectroscopy. Exosomes and MVs-derived from GMs, blood, and urine showed distinction biophysical parameters (roughness, adhesion force, and stiffness) and different from that of regular primary glial cells, WT-blood, and -urine, which can be attributed to the characteristic functional constituents. Therefore, biophysical features can be potential diagnostic biomarkers for glioma.

Keywords: glioma, extracellular vesicles, exosomes, microvesicles, biophysical properties

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4164 The Diffusion of Membrane Nanodomains with Specific Ganglioside Composition

Authors: Barbora Chmelova, Radek Sachl


Gangliosides are amphipathic membrane lipids. Due to the composition of bulky oligosaccharide chains containing one or more sialic acids linked to the hydrophobic ceramide base, gangliosides are classified among glycosphingolipids. This unique structure induces a high self-aggregating tendency of gangliosides and, therefore, the formation of nanoscopic clusters called nanodomains. Gangliosides are preferentially present in an extracellular membrane leaflet of all human tissues and thus have an impact on a huge number of biological processes, such as intercellular communication, cell signalling, membrane trafficking, and regulation of receptor activity. Defects in their metabolism, impairment of proper ganglioside function, or changes in their organization lead to serious health conditions such as Alzheimer´s and Parkinson´s diseases, autoimmune diseases, tumour growth, etc. This work mainly focuses on ganglioside organization into nanodomains and their dynamics within the plasma membrane. Current research investigates static ganglioside nanodomains characterization; nevertheless, the information about their diffusion is missing. In our study, fluorescence correlation spectroscopy is implemented together with stimulated emission depletion (STED-FCS), which combines the diffraction-unlimited spatial resolution with high temporal resolution. By comparison of the experiments performed on model vesicles containing 4 % of either GM1, GM2, or GM3 and Monte Carlo simulations of diffusion on the plasma membrane, the description of ganglioside clustering, diffusion of nanodomains, and even diffusion of ganglioside molecules inside investigated nanodomains are described.

Keywords: gangliosides, nanodomains, STED-FCS, flourescence microscopy, membrane diffusion

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