Search results for: microwave component
2030 Research on High Dielectric HfO₂ Stack Structure Applied to Field Effect Transistors
Authors: Kuan Yu Lin, Shih Chih Chen
This study focuses on the Al/HfO₂/Si/Al structure to explore the electrical properties of the structure. This experiment uses a radio frequency magnetron sputtering system to deposit high dielectric materials on p-type silicon substrates of 1~10 Ω-cm (100). Consider the hafnium dioxide film as a dielectric layer. Post-deposition annealing at 750°C in nitrogen atmosphere. Electron beam evaporation of metallic aluminum is then used to complete the top/bottom electrodes. The metal is post-annealed at 450°C for 20 minutes in a nitrogen environment to complete the MOS component. Its dielectric constant, equivalent oxide layer thickness, oxide layer defects, and leakage current mechanism are discussed. At PDA 750°C-5s, the maximum k value was found to be 21.2, and the EOT was 3.68nm.Keywords: high-k gate dielectrics, HfO₂, post deposition annealing, RF magnetic
Procedia PDF Downloads 592029 Role of Human Milk Oligosaccharides (HMOs) in Epigenetic Modulation of Bacterial Pathogen in Infant and Toddler
Authors: Aftab Yusuf Raj
Human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs) are complex carbohydrates. They are 3rd most abundant solid component found in breast milk, after lactose and lipids. HMO has profound beneficial health benefit effects on infants and toddlers. They have diverse roles, in immuno-modulation, development of neonatal gut, influencing the commensal microbiota of developing gut, and anti-inflammatory functions. HMOs, gut and commensal microbiota of the gut work synergistically to bring positive impact on infant and toddler health. HMO influences the gut-brain axis, maintains good mental health and cognitive function and inhibits neuronal inflammation. HMOs are now applied in infant nutrition, and supplementation of HMOs in infant formula is a promising innovation for infant nutrition.Keywords: HMO’s, gut, epigenetic modulation, bacteria
Procedia PDF Downloads 312028 EMG Based Orthosis for Upper Limb Rehabilitation in Hemiparesis Patients
Authors: Nancy N. Sharmila, Aparna Mishra
Hemiparesis affects almost 80% of stroke patients each year. It is marked by paralysis or weakness on one half of the body. Our model provides both assistance and physical therapy for hemiparesis patients for swift recovery. In order to accomplish our goal a force is provided that pulls the forearm up (as in flexing the arm), and pushes the forearm down (as in extending the arm), which will also assist the user during ADL (Activities of Daily Living). The model consists of a mechanical component which is placed around the patient’s bicep and an EMG control circuit to assist patients in daily activities, which makes it affordable and easy to use. In order to enhance the neuromuscular system’s effectiveness in synchronize the movement, proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) concept is used. The EMG signals are acquired from the unaffected arm as an input to drive the orthosis. This way the patient is invigorated to use the orthosis for regular exercise.Keywords: EMG, hemiparesis, orthosis, rehabilitation
Procedia PDF Downloads 4452027 The Internet of Things Ecosystem: Survey of the Current Landscape, Identity Relationship Management, Multifactor Authentication Mechanisms, and Underlying Protocols
Authors: Nazli W. Hardy
A critical component in the Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem is the need for secure and appropriate transmission, processing, and storage of the data. Our current forms of authentication, and identity and access management do not suffice because they are not designed to service cohesive, integrated, interconnected devices, and service applications. The seemingly endless opportunities of IoT are in fact circumscribed on multiple levels by concerns such as trust, privacy, security, loss of control, and related issues. This paper considers multi-factor authentication (MFA) mechanisms and cohesive identity relationship management (IRM) standards. It also surveys messaging protocols that are appropriate for the IoT ecosystem.Keywords: identity relation management, multifactor authentication, protocols, survey of internet of things ecosystem
Procedia PDF Downloads 3562026 Dimensionality Reduction in Modal Analysis for Structural Health Monitoring
Authors: Elia Favarelli, Enrico Testi, Andrea Giorgetti
Autonomous structural health monitoring (SHM) of many structures and bridges became a topic of paramount importance for maintenance purposes and safety reasons. This paper proposes a set of machine learning (ML) tools to perform automatic feature selection and detection of anomalies in a bridge from vibrational data and compare different feature extraction schemes to increase the accuracy and reduce the amount of data collected. As a case study, the Z-24 bridge is considered because of the extensive database of accelerometric data in both standard and damaged conditions. The proposed framework starts from the first four fundamental frequencies extracted through operational modal analysis (OMA) and clustering, followed by density-based time-domain filtering (tracking). The fundamental frequencies extracted are then fed to a dimensionality reduction block implemented through two different approaches: feature selection (intelligent multiplexer) that tries to estimate the most reliable frequencies based on the evaluation of some statistical features (i.e., mean value, variance, kurtosis), and feature extraction (auto-associative neural network (ANN)) that combine the fundamental frequencies to extract new damage sensitive features in a low dimensional feature space. Finally, one class classifier (OCC) algorithms perform anomaly detection, trained with standard condition points, and tested with normal and anomaly ones. In particular, a new anomaly detector strategy is proposed, namely one class classifier neural network two (OCCNN2), which exploit the classification capability of standard classifiers in an anomaly detection problem, finding the standard class (the boundary of the features space in normal operating conditions) through a two-step approach: coarse and fine boundary estimation. The coarse estimation uses classics OCC techniques, while the fine estimation is performed through a feedforward neural network (NN) trained that exploits the boundaries estimated in the coarse step. The detection algorithms vare then compared with known methods based on principal component analysis (PCA), kernel principal component analysis (KPCA), and auto-associative neural network (ANN). In many cases, the proposed solution increases the performance with respect to the standard OCC algorithms in terms of F1 score and accuracy. In particular, by evaluating the correct features, the anomaly can be detected with accuracy and an F1 score greater than 96% with the proposed method.Keywords: anomaly detection, frequencies selection, modal analysis, neural network, sensor network, structural health monitoring, vibration measurement
Procedia PDF Downloads 1242025 Mathematical Modeling of District Cooling Systems
Authors: Dana Alghool, Tarek ElMekkawy, Mohamed Haouari, Adel Elomari
District cooling systems have captured the attentions of many researchers recently due to the enormous benefits offered by such system in comparison with traditional cooling technologies. It is considered a major component of urban cities due to the significant reduction of energy consumption. This paper aims to find the optimal design and operation of district cooling systems by developing a mixed integer linear programming model to minimize the annual total system cost and satisfy the end-user cooling demand. The proposed model is experimented with different cooling demand scenarios. The results of the very high cooling demand scenario are only presented in this paper. A sensitivity analysis on different parameters of the model was performed.Keywords: Annual Cooling Demand, Compression Chiller, Mathematical Modeling, District Cooling Systems, Optimization
Procedia PDF Downloads 2022024 Telemedicine for Telerehabilitation in Areas Affected by Social Conflicts in Colombia
Authors: Lilia Edit Aparicio Pico, Paulo Cesar Coronado Sánchez, Roberto Ferro Escobar
This paper presents the implementation of telemedicine services for physiotherapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy rehabilitation, utilizing telebroadcasting of audiovisual content to enhance comprehensive patient recovery in rural areas of San Vicente del Caguán municipality, characterized by high levels of social conflict in Colombia. The region faces challenges such as dysfunctional problems, physical rehabilitation needs, and a high prevalence of hearing diseases, leading to neglect and substandard health services. Limited access to healthcare due to communication barriers and transportation difficulties exacerbates these issues. To address these challenges, a research initiative was undertaken to leverage information and communication technologies (ICTs) to improve healthcare quality and accessibility for this vulnerable population. The primary objective was to develop a tele-rehabilitation system to provide asynchronous online therapies and teleconsultation services for patient follow-up during the recovery process. The project comprises two components: Communication systems and human development. A technological component involving the establishment of a wireless network connecting rural centers and the development of a mobile application for video-based therapy delivery. Communications systems will be provided by a radio link that utilizes internet provided by the Colombian government, located in the municipality of San Vicente del Caguán to connect two rural centers (Pozos and Tres Esquinas) and a mobile application for managing videos for asynchronous broadcasting in sidewalks and patients' homes. This component constitutes an operational model integrating information and telecommunications technologies. The second component involves pedagogical and human development. The primary focus is on the patient, where performance indicators and the efficiency of therapy support were evaluated for the assessment and monitoring of telerehabilitation results in physical, occupational, and speech therapy. They wanted to implement a wireless network to ensure audiovisual content transmission for tele-rehabilitation, design audiovisual content for tele-rehabilitation based on services provided by the ESE Hospital San Rafael in physiotherapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy, develop a software application for fixed and mobile devices enabling access to tele-rehabilitation audiovisual content for healthcare personnel and patients and finally to evaluate the technological solution's contribution to the ESE Hospital San Rafael community. The research comprised four phases: wireless network implementation, audiovisual content design, software application development, and evaluation of the technological solution's impact. Key findings include the successful implementation of virtual teletherapy, both synchronously and asynchronously, and the assessment of technological performance indicators, patient evolution, timeliness, acceptance, and service quality of tele-rehabilitation therapies. The study demonstrated improved service coverage, increased care supply, enhanced access to timely therapies for patients, and positive acceptance of teletherapy modalities. Additionally, the project generated new knowledge for potential replication in other regions and proposed strategies for short- and medium-term improvement of service quality and care indicatorsKeywords: e-health, medical informatics, telemedicine, telerehabilitation, virtual therapy
Procedia PDF Downloads 592023 Hand Motion Trajectory Analysis for Dynamic Hand Gestures Used in Indian Sign Language
Authors: Daleesha M. Viswanathan, Sumam Mary Idicula
Dynamic hand gestures are an intrinsic component in sign language communication. Extracting spatial temporal features of the hand gesture trajectory plays an important role in a dynamic gesture recognition system. Finding a discrete feature descriptor for the motion trajectory based on the orientation feature is the main concern of this paper. Kalman filter algorithm and Hidden Markov Models (HMM) models are incorporated with this recognition system for hand trajectory tracking and for spatial temporal classification, respectively.Keywords: orientation features, discrete feature vector, HMM., Indian sign language
Procedia PDF Downloads 3732022 Petrology and Finite Strain of the Al Amar Region, Northern Ar-Rayn Terrane, Eastern Arabian Shield, Saudi Arabia
Authors: Lami Mohammed, Hussain J. Al Faifi, Abdel Aziz Al Bassam, Osama M. K. Kassem
The Neoproterozoic basement rocks of the Ar Rayn terrane have been identified as parts of the Eastern Arabian Shield. It focuses on the petrological and finite strain properties to display the tectonic setting of the Al Amar suture for high deformed volcanic and granitoids rocks. The volcanic rocks are classified into two major series: the eastern side cycle, which includes dacite, rhyodacite, rhyolite, and ignimbrites, and the western side cycle, which includes andesite and pyroclastics. Granitoids rocks also contain monzodiorite, tonalite, granodiorite, and alkali-feldspar granite. To evaluate the proportions of shear contributions in penetratively deformed rocks. Asymmetrical porphyroclast and sigmoidal structural markers along the suture's strike, namely the Al Amar, are expected to reveal strain factors. The Rf/phi and Fry techniques are used to characterize quartz and feldspar porphyroclast, biotite, and hornblende grains in Abt schist, high deformed volcanic rock, and granitoids. The findings exposed that these rocks had experienced shape flattening, finite strain accumulation, and overall volume loss. The magnitude of the strain appears to increase across the nappe contacts with neighboring lithologies. Subhorizontal foliation likely developed in tandem with thrusting and nappe stacking, almost parallel to tectonic contacts. The ductile strain accumulation that occurred during thrusting along the Al Amar suture mostly includes a considerable pure shear component. Progressive thrusting by overlaid transpression and oblique convergence is shown by stacked nappes and diagonal stretching lineations along the thrust axes. The subhorizontal lineation might be the result of the suture's most recent activity. The current study's findings contradict the widely accepted model that links orogen-scale structures in the Arabian Shield to oblique convergence with dominant simple shear deformation. A significant pure shear component/crustal thickening increment should have played a significant role in the evolution of the suture and thus in the Shield's overall deformation history. This foliation was primarily generated by thrusting nappes together, showing that nappe stacking was linked to substantial vertical shortening induced by the active Al Amar suture on a massive scale.Keywords: petrology, finite strain analysis, al amar region, ar-rayn terrane, Arabian shield
Procedia PDF Downloads 1222021 The Comparative Study of Binary Artifact Repository Managers
Authors: Evgeny Chugunnyy, Alena Gerasimova, Kirill Chernyavskiy, Alexander Krasnov
One of the primary component of Continuous deployment (CD) is a binary artifact repository — the place where artifacts are stored with metadata in a structured way. The binary artifact repository manager (BARM) is a software, which implements this repository logic and exposes a public application programming interface (API) for managing these artifacts. Almost every programming language ecosystem has its own artifact repository kind. During creating Artipie — BARM constructor and server, we analyzed and implemented a lot of different artifact repositories. In this paper we present criterias for comparing artifact repositories, and analyze the most popular repositories using these metrics. We also describe some of the notable features of different repositories. This paper aimed to help people who are creating, maintaining or optimizing software repository and CI tools.Keywords: artifact, repository, continuous deployment, build automation, artifacts management
Procedia PDF Downloads 1512020 On the Seismic Response of Collided Structures
Authors: George D. Hatzigeorgiou, Nikos G. Pnevmatikos
This study examines the inelastic behavior of adjacent planar reinforced concrete (R.C.) frames subjected to strong ground motions. The investigation focuses on the effects of vertical ground motion on the seismic pounding. The examined structures are modeled and analyzed by RUAUMOKO dynamic nonlinear analysis program using reliable hysteretic models for both structural members and contact elements. It is found that the vertical ground motion mildly affects the seismic response of adjacent buildings subjected to structural pounding and, for this reason, it can be ignored from the displacement and interstorey drifts assessment. However, the structural damage is moderately affected by the vertical component of earthquakes.Keywords: nonlinear seismic behavior, reinforced concrete structures, structural pounding, vertical ground motions
Procedia PDF Downloads 5932019 Implementation and Validation of Therapeutic Tourism Products for Families With Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder in Azores Islands: “Azores All in Blue” Project
Authors: Ana Rita Conde, Pilar Mota, Tânia Botelho, Suzana Caldeira, Isabel Rego, Jessica Pacheco, Osvaldo Silva, Áurea Sousa
Tourism promotes well-being and health to children with ASD and their families. Literature indicates the need to provide tourist activities that integrate the therapeutic component, to promote the development and well-being of children with ASD. The study aims to implement tourist offers in Azores that integrate the therapeutic feature, assess their suitability and impact on the well-being and health of the child and caregivers. Using a mixed methodology, the study integrates families that experience and evaluate the impact of tourism products developed specifically for them.Keywords: austism spectrum disorder, children, therapeutic tourism activities, well-being, health, inclusive tourism
Procedia PDF Downloads 1472018 A Visualization Classification Method for Identifying the Decayed Citrus Fruit Infected by Fungi Based on Hyperspectral Imaging
Authors: Jiangbo Li, Wenqian Huang
Early detection of fungal infection in citrus fruit is one of the major problems in the postharvest commercialization process. The automatic and nondestructive detection of infected fruits is still a challenge for the citrus industry. At present, the visual inspection of rotten citrus fruits is commonly performed by workers through the ultraviolet induction fluorescence technology or manual sorting in citrus packinghouses to remove fruit subject with fungal infection. However, the former entails a number of problems because exposing people to this kind of lighting is potentially hazardous to human health, and the latter is very inefficient. Orange is used as a research object. This study would focus on this problem and proposed an effective method based on Vis-NIR hyperspectral imaging in the wavelength range of 400-1000 nm with a spectroscopic resolution of 2.8 nm. In this work, three normalization approaches are applied prior to analysis to reduce the effect of sample curvature on spectral profiles, and it is found that mean normalization was the most effective pretreatment for decreasing spectral variability due to curvature. Then, principal component analysis (PCA) was applied to a dataset composing of average spectra from decayed and normal tissue to reduce the dimensionality of data and observe the ability of Vis-NIR hyper-spectra to discriminate data from two classes. In this case, it was observed that normal and decayed spectra were separable along the resultant first principal component (PC1) axis. Subsequently, five wavelengths (band) centered at 577, 702, 751, 808, and 923 nm were selected as the characteristic wavelengths by analyzing the loadings of PC1. A multispectral combination image was generated based on five selected characteristic wavelength images. Based on the obtained multispectral combination image, the intensity slicing pseudocolor image processing method is used to generate a 2-D visual classification image that would enhance the contrast between normal and decayed tissue. Finally, an image segmentation algorithm for detection of decayed fruit was developed based on the pseudocolor image coupled with a simple thresholding method. For the investigated 238 independent set samples including infected fruits infected by Penicillium digitatum and normal fruits, the total success rate is 100% and 97.5%, respectively, and, the proposed algorithm also used to identify the orange infected by penicillium italicum with a 100% identification accuracy, indicating that the proposed multispectral algorithm here is an effective method and it is potential to be applied in citrus industry.Keywords: citrus fruit, early rotten, fungal infection, hyperspectral imaging
Procedia PDF Downloads 3042017 Oriented Strandboard-GEOGYPTM Undelayment, a Novel Composite Flooring System
Authors: B. Noruziaan, A. Shvarzman, R. Leahy
An innovative flooring underlayment was produced and tested. The composite system is made of common OSB boards and a layer of eco-friendly non-cement gypsum based material (GeoGypTM). It was found that the shear bond between the two materials is sufficient to secure the composite interaction between the two. The very high compressive strength and relatively high tensile strength of the non-cement based component together with its high modulus of elasticity provides enough strength and stiffness for the composite product to cover wider spacing between the joists. The initial findings of this study indicate that with joist spacing as wide as 800 mm, the flooring system provides enough strength without compromising the serviceability requirements of the building codes.Keywords: Composite, floor deck, gypsum based, lumber joist, non-cement, oriented strandboard, shear bond
Procedia PDF Downloads 4202016 Video Heart Rate Measurement for the Detection of Trauma-Related Stress States
Authors: Jarek Krajewski, David Daxberger, Luzi Beyer
Finding objective and non-intrusive measurements of emotional and psychopathological states (e.g., post-traumatic stress disorder, PTSD) is an important challenge. Thus, the proposed approach here uses Photoplethysmographic imaging (PPGI) applying facial RGB Cam videos to estimate heart rate levels. A pipeline for the signal processing of the raw image has been proposed containing different preprocessing approaches, e.g., Independent Component Analysis, Non-negative Matrix factorization, and various other artefact correction approaches. Under resting and constant light conditions, we reached a sensitivity of 84% for pulse peak detection. The results indicate that PPGI can be a suitable solution for providing heart rate data derived from these indirectly post-traumatic stress states.Keywords: heart rate, PTSD, PPGI, stress, preprocessing
Procedia PDF Downloads 1252015 Thermal Method Production of the Hydroxyapatite from Bone By-Products from Meat Industry
Authors: Agnieszka Sobczak-Kupiec, Dagmara Malina, Klaudia Pluta, Wioletta Florkiewicz, Bozena Tyliszczak
Introduction: Request for compound of phosphorus grows continuously, thus, it is searched for alternative sources of this element. One of these sources could be by-products from meat industry which contain prominent quantity of phosphorus compounds. Hydroxyapatite, which is natural component of animal and human bones, is leading material applied in bone surgery and also in stomatology. This is material, which is biocompatible, bioactive and osteoinductive. Methodology: Hydroxyapatite preparation: As a raw material was applied deproteinized and defatted bone pulp called bone sludge, which was formed as waste in deproteinization process of bones, in which a protein hydrolysate was the main product. Hydroxyapatite was received in calcining process in chamber kiln with electric heating in air atmosphere in two stages. In the first stage, material was calcining in temperature 600°C within 3 hours. In the next stage unified material was calcining in three different temperatures (750°C, 850°C and 950°C) keeping material in maximum temperature within 3.0 hours. Bone sludge: Bone sludge was formed as waste in deproteinization process of bones, in which a protein hydrolysate was the main product. Pork bones coming from the partition of meat were used as a raw material for the production of the protein hydrolysate. After disintegration, a mixture of bone pulp and water with a small amount of lactic acid was boiled at temperature 130-135°C and under pressure4 bar. After 3-3.5 hours boiled-out bones were separated on a sieve, and the solution of protein-fat hydrolysate got into a decanter, where bone sludge was separated from it. Results of the study: The phase composition was analyzed by roentgenographic method. Hydroxyapatite was the only crystalline phase observed in all the calcining products. XRD investigation was shown that crystallization degree of hydroxyapatite was increased with calcining temperature. Conclusion: The researches were shown that phosphorus content is around 12%, whereas, calcium content amounts to 28% on average. The conducted researches on bone-waste calcining at the temperatures of 750-950°C confirmed that thermal utilization of deproteinized bone-waste was possible. X-ray investigations were confirmed that hydroxyapatite is the main component of calcining products, and also XRD investigation was shown that crystallization degree of hydroxyapatite was increased with calcining temperature. Contents of calcium and phosphorus were distinctly increased with calcining temperature, whereas contents of phosphorus soluble in acids were decreased. It could be connected with higher crystallization degree of material received in higher temperatures and its stable structure. Acknowledgements: “The authors would like to thank the The National Centre for Research and Development (Grant no: LIDER//037/481/L-5/13/NCBR/2014) for providing financial support to this project”.Keywords: bone by-products, bone sludge, calcination, hydroxyapatite
Procedia PDF Downloads 2872014 Emotion-Convolutional Neural Network for Perceiving Stress from Audio Signals: A Brain Chemistry Approach
Authors: Anup Anand Deshmukh, Catherine Soladie, Renaud Seguier
Emotion plays a key role in many applications like healthcare, to gather patients’ emotional behavior. Unlike typical ASR (Automated Speech Recognition) problems which focus on 'what was said', it is equally important to understand 'how it was said.' There are certain emotions which are given more importance due to their effectiveness in understanding human feelings. In this paper, we propose an approach that models human stress from audio signals. The research challenge in speech emotion detection is finding the appropriate set of acoustic features corresponding to an emotion. Another difficulty lies in defining the very meaning of emotion and being able to categorize it in a precise manner. Supervised Machine Learning models, including state of the art Deep Learning classification methods, rely on the availability of clean and labelled data. One of the problems in affective computation is the limited amount of annotated data. The existing labelled emotions datasets are highly subjective to the perception of the annotator. We address the first issue of feature selection by exploiting the use of traditional MFCC (Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients) features in Convolutional Neural Network. Our proposed Emo-CNN (Emotion-CNN) architecture treats speech representations in a manner similar to how CNN’s treat images in a vision problem. Our experiments show that Emo-CNN consistently and significantly outperforms the popular existing methods over multiple datasets. It achieves 90.2% categorical accuracy on the Emo-DB dataset. We claim that Emo-CNN is robust to speaker variations and environmental distortions. The proposed approach achieves 85.5% speaker-dependant categorical accuracy for SAVEE (Surrey Audio-Visual Expressed Emotion) dataset, beating the existing CNN based approach by 10.2%. To tackle the second problem of subjectivity in stress labels, we use Lovheim’s cube, which is a 3-dimensional projection of emotions. Monoamine neurotransmitters are a type of chemical messengers in the brain that transmits signals on perceiving emotions. The cube aims at explaining the relationship between these neurotransmitters and the positions of emotions in 3D space. The learnt emotion representations from the Emo-CNN are mapped to the cube using three component PCA (Principal Component Analysis) which is then used to model human stress. This proposed approach not only circumvents the need for labelled stress data but also complies with the psychological theory of emotions given by Lovheim’s cube. We believe that this work is the first step towards creating a connection between Artificial Intelligence and the chemistry of human emotions.Keywords: deep learning, brain chemistry, emotion perception, Lovheim's cube
Procedia PDF Downloads 1562013 Impact of the Achyranthes aspera (Amaranthaceae) Extracts on the Survival and Histological Architecture of the Midgut Epithelial Tissue of Early Fourth Instars of Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae)
Authors: Aarti Sharma, Sarita Kumar, Pushplata Tripathi
Aedes aegypti L. is one of the most important insect vectors in the world transmitting several diseases of concern; dengue fever, dengue haemorrhagic fever and yellow fever. Though since ages the control of dengue vector is primarily relied upon the use of synthetic chemical insecticides, the continued and indiscriminate use of insecticides for their control has received wide public apprehension because of multifarious problems including insecticide resistance, resurgence of pest species, environmental pollution, toxic hazards to humans and non-target organisms. These problems have necessitated the need to explore and develop alternative strategies using eco-friendly and bio-degradable plant products. Bio-insecticides, despite being the focus of research nowadays, have not been investigated much regarding their physiological effects on the mosquitoes. Thus, the present studies were carried out to investigate the anti-mosquito potential of the leaf and stem hexane extracts of Achyranthes aspera against early fourth instars of Aedes aegypti L and their effects on the histological architecture of their midgut. The larvicidal bioassays conducted with the A. aspera leaf hexane extracts revealed the respective LC30, LC50 and LC90 values of 66.545 ppm, 82.555 ppm, 139.817 ppm while the assays with stem hexane extracts resulted in respective values of 54.982 ppm, 68.133 ppm, 115.075 ppm. The studies clearly indicate the efficacy of extracts as larvicidal agents against Ae. aegypti, the stem extracts being found more effective than the leaf extracts. When the larvae assayed with extracts were investigated for the modifications in the histo-architecture of the midgut, the studies showed significant damage, shrinkage, distortion and vacuolization of gut tissues and peritrophic membrane causing disintegration of epithelial cells and cytoplasmic organelles; extent of toxicity and damage varied depending upon the concentration and exposure time period. These changes revealed appreciable stomach poison potential of A. aspera extracts against Ae. aegypti larvae, which may have also caused adverse impact on the growth and development of larvae. These effects were also found to be more pronounced with the stem extract than the leaf extract. Our findings may prove significant suggesting the use of A. aspera extract as a bio-insecticide against early fourth instar larvae of Ae. aegypti. Further studies are needed to identify the bioactive component in the extracts and to ascertain the use of component in the fields as anti-mosquito control agent.Keywords: Achyranthes aspera, Aedes aegypti, histological architecture, larvicidal, midgut, stomach poison
Procedia PDF Downloads 2992012 Assessment of Zinc Content in Nuts by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry Method
Authors: Katarzyna Socha, Konrad Mielcarek, Grzegorz Kangowski, Renata Markiewicz-Zukowska, Anna Puscion-Jakubik, Jolanta Soroczynska, Maria H. Borawska
Nuts have high nutritional value. They are a good source of polyunsaturated fatty acids, dietary fiber, vitamins (B₁, B₆, E, K) and minerals: magnesium, selenium, zinc (Zn). Zn is an essential element for proper functioning and development of human organism. Due to antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, Zn has an influence on immunological and central nervous system. It also affects proper functioning of reproductive organs and has beneficial impact on the condition of skin, hair, and nails. The objective of this study was estimation of Zn content in edible nuts. The research material consisted of 10 types of nuts, 12 samples of each type: almonds, brazil nuts, cashews, hazelnuts, macadamia nuts, peanuts, pecans, pine nuts, pistachios, and walnuts. The samples of nuts were digested in concentrated nitric acid using microwave mineralizer (Berghof, Germany). The concentration of Zn was determined by flame atomic absorption spectrometry method with Zeeman background correction (Hitachi, Japan). The accuracy of the method was verified on certified reference material: Simulated Diet D. The statistical analysis was performed using Statistica v. 13.0 software. For comparison between the groups, t-Student test was used. The highest content of Zn was shown in pine nuts and cashews: 78.57 ± 21.9, 70.02 ± 10,2 mg/kg, respectively, significantly higher than in other types of nuts. The lowest content of Zn was found in macadamia nuts: 16.25 ± 4.1 mg/kg. The consumption of a standard 42-gram portion of almonds, brazil nuts, cashews, peanuts, pecans, and pine nuts covers the daily requirement for Zn above 15% of recommended daily allowances (RDA) for women, while in the case of men consumption all of the above types of nuts, except peanuts. Selected types of nuts can be a good source of Zn in the diet.Keywords: atomic absorption spectrometry, microelement, nuts, zinc
Procedia PDF Downloads 1962011 Analysis of Roll-Forming for High-Density Wire of Reed
Authors: Yujeong Shin, Seong Jin Cho, Jin Ho Kim
In the textile-weaving machine, the reed is the core component to separate thousands of strands of yarn and to produce the fabric in a continuous high-speed movement. In addition, the reed affects the quality of the fiber. Therefore, the wire forming analysis of the main raw materials of the reed needs to be considered. Roll-forming is a key technology among the manufacturing process of reed wire using textile machine. A simulation of roll-forming line in accordance with the reduction rate is performed using LS-DYNA. The upper roller, fixed roller and reed wire are modeled by finite element. The roller is set to be rigid body and the wire of SUS430 is set to be flexible body. We predict the variation of the cross-sectional shape of the wire depending on the reduction ratio.Keywords: textile machine, reed, rolling, reduction ratio, wire
Procedia PDF Downloads 3752010 Classification of Impact Damages with Respect of Damage Tolerance Design Approach and Airworthiness Requirements
Authors: T. Mrna, R. Doubrava
This paper describes airworthiness requirements with respect damage tolerance. Damage tolerance determines the amount and magnitude of damage on parts of the airplane. Airworthiness requirements determine the amount of damage that can still be in flight capable of the condition. Component damage can be defined as barely visible impact damage, visible impact damage or clear visible impact damage. Damage is also distributed it according to the velocity. It is divided into low or high velocity impact damage. The severity of damage to the part of airplane divides the airworthiness requirements into several categories according to severity. Airworthiness requirements are determined by type airplane. All types of airplane do not have the same conditions for airworthiness requirements. This knowledge is important for designing and operating an airplane.Keywords: airworthiness requirements, composite, damage tolerance, low and high velocity impact
Procedia PDF Downloads 5712009 Fatigue Influence on the Residual Stress State in Shot Peened Duplex Stainless Steel
Authors: P. D. Pedrosa, J. M. A. Rebello, M. P. Cindra Fonseca
Duplex stainless steels (DSS) exhibit a biphasic microstructure consisting of austenite and delta ferrite. Their high resistance to oxidation, and corrosion, even in H2S containing environments, allied to low cost when compared to conventional stainless steel, are some properties which make this material very attractive for several industrial applications. However, several of these industrial applications imposes cyclic loading to the equipments and in consequence fatigue damage needs to be a concern. A well-known way of improving the fatigue life of a component is by introducing compressive residual stress in its surface. Shot peening is an industrial working process which brings the material directly beneath component surface in a high mechanical compressive state, so inhibiting fatigue crack initiation. However, one must take into account the fact that the cyclic loading itself can reduce and even suppress these residual stresses, thus having undesirable consequences in the process of improving fatigue life by the introduction of compressive residual stresses. In the present work, shot peening was used to introduce residual stresses in several DSS samples. These were thereafter submitted to three different fatigue regimes: low, medium and high cycle fatigue. The evolution of the residual stress during loading were then examined on both surface and subsurface of the samples. It was used the DSS UNS S31803, with microstructure composed of 49% austenite and 51% ferrite. The treatment of shot peening was accomplished by the application of blasting in two Almen intensities of 0.25 and 0.39A. The residual stresses were measured by X-ray diffraction using the double exposure method and a portable equipment with CrK radiation and the (211) diffracting plane for the austenite phase and the (220) plane for the ferrite phase. It is known that residual stresses may arise when two regions of the same material experienced different degrees of plastic deformation. When these regions are separated in respect to each other on a scale that is large compared to the material's microstructure they are called macro stresses. In contrast, microstresses can largely vary over distances which are small comparable to the scale of the material's microstructure and must balance zero between the phases present. In the present work, special attention will be paid to the measurement of residual microstresses. Residual stress measurements were carried out in test pieces submitted to low, medium and high-cycle fatigue, in both longitudinal and transverse direction of the test pieces. It was found that after shot peening, the residual microstress is tensile in the austenite and compressive in the ferrite phases. It was hypothesized that the hardening behavior of the austenite after shot peening was probably due to its higher nitrogen content. Fatigue cycling can effectively change this stress state but this effect was found to be dependent of the shot peening intensity was well as the fatigue range.Keywords: residual stresses, fatigue, duplex steel, shot peening
Procedia PDF Downloads 2302008 Heat Distribution Simulation on Transformer Using FEMM Software
Authors: N. K. Mohd Affendi, T. A. R. Tuan Abdullah, S. A. Syed Mustaffa
In power industry transformer is an important component and most of us familiar by the functioning principle of a transformer electrically. There are many losses occur during the operation of a transformer that causes heat generation. This heat, if not dissipated properly will reduce the lifetime and effectiveness of the transformer. Transformer cooling helps in maintaining the temperature rise of various paths. This paper proposed to minimize the ambient temperature of the transformer room in order to lower down the temperature of the transformer. A simulation has been made using finite element methods programs called FEMM (Finite Elements Method Magnetics) to create a virtual model based on actual measurement of a transformer. The generalization of the two-dimensional (2D) FEMM results proves that by minimizing the ambient temperature, the heat of the transformer is decreased. The modeling process and of the transformer heat flow has been presented.Keywords: heat generation, temperature rise, ambient temperature, FEMM
Procedia PDF Downloads 4032007 Curvelet Features with Mouth and Face Edge Ratios for Facial Expression Identification
Authors: S. Kherchaoui, A. Houacine
This paper presents a facial expression recognition system. It performs identification and classification of the seven basic expressions; happy, surprise, fear, disgust, sadness, anger, and neutral states. It consists of three main parts. The first one is the detection of a face and the corresponding facial features to extract the most expressive portion of the face, followed by a normalization of the region of interest. Then calculus of curvelet coefficients is performed with dimensionality reduction through principal component analysis. The resulting coefficients are combined with two ratios; mouth ratio and face edge ratio to constitute the whole feature vector. The third step is the classification of the emotional state using the SVM method in the feature space.Keywords: facial expression identification, curvelet coefficient, support vector machine (SVM), recognition system
Procedia PDF Downloads 2322006 Utilization of Coconut Husk and Sugarcane Bagasse as a Natural Component in Making Water Resistance Tote Bags
Authors: Cyril Mae B. Mationg, Alexa T. Belizar, Vethany B. Bellen
This study aims to determine the use of coconut husks and sugarcane bagasse as natural components in making water-resistant tote bags. The study consists of three concentrations: 70% Coconut Husk - 30% Sugarcane Bagasse, 70% cellulose, and 30% cellulose. The results of these tests revealed that, out of the three concentration concentrations, the one consisting of 70% Coconut Husk and 30% sugarcane bagasse exhibited superior performance in breaking capacity and water penetration. During tensile strength testing, the coconut husk and sugarcane bagasse withstood a force of 207.7 Newtons (N) in the machine direction and 216.5 N in the cross-machine direction.Keywords: coconut husk, sugarcane bagasse, tote bags, water resistance
Procedia PDF Downloads 732005 Social and Economic Challenges of Adopting Sustainable Urban Development in Developing Economy: A Stakeholder's Perception
Authors: Raed Fawzi Mohammed Ameen, Haider I. Alyasari, Maryam Altaweel
Due to rapid urbanization, developing countries faced significant urban challenges that accompanied the population growth such as the inability to provide adequate housing; sustain human and community's health and wellbeing; ensure the safety in urban areas; the prevalence corruption; lack of jobs; and a shortage of investment. The destruction, degradation, and lack of planning are acute in countries such as Iraq that have suffered for more than four decades because of war and international sanctions, resulting in severe damages to the ecology sector, social utilities, housing, infrastructure, as well as the disruption of the economic sector. Many of significant urban development, housing, and regeneration projects are currently underway in different regions in Iraq, labelled as a means to reform the environmental, social, and economic sectors. However, most often with absence of public participation. Hence, there is an urgent need for understanding public perception, especially of urban socio-economic challenges, which represents a crucial concern for many planners, designers, and policy-makers in order to develop effective policies in addition to increasing their participation. The aim of this study is to investigate stakeholder perceptions of the socio-economic challenges of urban development and their priorities in the all Iraqi provinces. A nationwide questionnaire has been conducted (N = 643) across Iraq, using 19- item structured questionnaire where the stakeholder’s perspectives were collected on a 5-point Likert-type scale. The indicators were identified through deep investigation in previous studies. Principal component analysis (PCA) and statistical tests were utilized to the collected responses in order to investigate the linkage between the perceptions of socio- economic challenges and demographic factors. A high value of internal consistency and reliability of the instrument has been achieved (Cronbach’s alpha= 0.867). Five principal components have been identified, namely: economic, cultural aspects, design context, employment, security and housing demands. The item ‘safety of public places' was ranked as the most important, followed by the items 'minimize unplanned housing', and ‘provision of affordable housing’, respectively. Promote high-rise housing from the housing demands group, was ranked the lowest component between all indicators. 'Using sustainable local materials in construction' item had the second lowest mean score. The results also illustrate a link between deficiencies in the social and economic infrastructure because of the destruction and degradation caused by political instability in Iraq in the last few decades.Keywords: public participation in development, socio-economic challenges, urban development, urban sustainability
Procedia PDF Downloads 1382004 Neural Network Motion Control of VTAV by NARMA-L2 Controller for Enhanced Situational Awareness
Authors: Igor Astrov, Natalya Berezovski
This paper focuses on a critical component of the situational awareness (SA), the control of autonomous vertical flight for vectored thrust aerial vehicle (VTAV). With the SA strategy, we proposed a neural network motion control procedure to address the dynamics variation and performance requirement difference of flight trajectory for a VTAV. This control strategy with using of NARMA-L2 neurocontroller for chosen model of VTAV has been verified by simulation of take-off and forward maneuvers using software package Simulink and demonstrated good performance for fast stabilization of motors, consequently, fast SA with economy in energy can be asserted during search-and-rescue operations.Keywords: NARMA-L2 neurocontroller, situational awareness, vectored thrust aerial vehicle, aviation
Procedia PDF Downloads 4212003 Free Fatty Acid Assessment of Crude Palm Oil Using a Non-Destructive Approach
Authors: Siti Nurhidayah Naqiah Abdull Rani, Herlina Abdul Rahim, Rashidah Ghazali, Noramli Abdul Razak
Near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy has always been of great interest in the food and agriculture industries. The development of prediction models has facilitated the estimation process in recent years. In this study, 110 crude palm oil (CPO) samples were used to build a free fatty acid (FFA) prediction model. 60% of the collected data were used for training purposes and the remaining 40% used for testing. The visible peaks on the NIR spectrum were at 1725 nm and 1760 nm, indicating the existence of the first overtone of C-H bands. Principal component regression (PCR) was applied to the data in order to build this mathematical prediction model. The optimal number of principal components was 10. The results showed R2=0.7147 for the training set and R2=0.6404 for the testing set.Keywords: palm oil, fatty acid, NIRS, regression
Procedia PDF Downloads 5072002 Densities and Volumetric Properties of {Difurylmethane + [(C5 – C8) N-Alkane or an Amide]} Binary Systems at 293.15, 298.15 and 303.15 K: Modelling Excess Molar Volumes by Prigogine-Flory-Patterson Theory
Authors: Belcher Fulele, W. A. A. Ddamba
Study of solvent systems contributes to the understanding of intermolecular interactions that occur in binary mixtures. These interactions involves among others strong dipole-dipole interactions and weak van de Waals interactions which are of significant application in pharmaceuticals, solvent extractions, design of reactors and solvent handling and storage processes. Binary mixtures of solvents can thus be used as a model to interpret thermodynamic behavior that occur in a real solution mixture. Densities of pure DFM, n-alkanes (n-pentane, n-hexane, n-heptane and n-octane) and amides (N-methylformamide, N-ethylformamide, N,N-dimethylformamide and N,N-dimethylacetamide) as well as their [DFM + ((C5-C8) n-alkane or amide)] binary mixtures over the entire composition range, have been reported at temperature 293.15, 298.15 and 303.15 K and atmospheric pressure. These data has been used to derive the thermodynamic properties: the excess molar volume of solution, apparent molar volumes, excess partial molar volumes, limiting excess partial molar volumes, limiting partial molar volumes of each component of a binary mixture. The results are discussed in terms of possible intermolecular interactions and structural effects that occur in the binary mixtures. The variation of excess molar volume with DFM composition for the [DFM + (C5-C7) n-alkane] binary mixture exhibit a sigmoidal behavior while for the [DFM + n-octane] binary system, positive deviation of excess molar volume function was observed over the entire composition range. For each of the [DFM + (C5-C8) n-alkane] binary mixture, the excess molar volume exhibited a fall with increase in temperature. The excess molar volume for each of [DFM + (NMF or NEF or DMF or DMA)] binary system was negative over the entire DFM composition at each of the three temperatures investigated. The negative deviations in excess molar volume values follow the order: DMA > DMF > NEF > NMF. Increase in temperature has a greater effect on component self-association than it has on complex formation between molecules of components in [DFM + (NMF or NEF or DMF or DMA)] binary mixture which shifts complex formation equilibrium towards complex to give a drop in excess molar volume with increase in temperature. The Prigogine-Flory-Patterson model has been applied at 298.15 K and reveals that the free volume is the most important contributing term to the excess experimental molar volume data for [DFM + (n-pentane or n-octane)] binary system. For [DFM + (NMF or DMF or DMA)] binary mixture, the interactional term and characteristic pressure term contributions are the most important contributing terms in describing the sign of experimental excess molar volume. The mixture systems contributed to the understanding of interactions of polar solvents with proteins (amides) with non-polar solvents (alkanes) in biological systems.Keywords: alkanes, amides, excess thermodynamic parameters, Prigogine-Flory-Patterson model
Procedia PDF Downloads 3572001 Estimation of Global and Diffuse Solar Radiation Over Two Cities of Sindh, Pakistan
Authors: M. A. Ahmed, Sidra A. Shaikh, M. W. Akhtar
Global and Diffuse Solar radiation on horizontal surface over two cities of Sindh, namely Jacobabad and Rohri were carried out using sunshine hour data of the area to assess the feasibility of solar energy utilization in Sindh province. The result obtained shows a high variation in direct and diffuse component of solar radiation in summer and winter months (80% direct and 20% diffuse). The contribution of diffuse solar radiation is low even in monsoon months i.e. July and August. The appearance of cloud is rare even in monsoon months. The estimated value indicates that this part of Sindh has higher solar potential and solar panels can be used for power generation. The solar energy can be utilized throughout the year in this part of Sindh, Pakistan.Keywords: solar potential over Sindh, global and diffuse solar radiation, radiation over two cities of Sindh, environmental engineering
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