Search results for: linguistic analysis in advertising
27623 The Sufi Madad in Arabic Literature and Translation
Authors: Riham Debian
This paper deals with the translational mystic in Arabic aesthetics and their linguistic and narrative revelation and mediation across textual spaces. The paper particularly engages with the nature of the Egyptian Sufi Madad, its relation to spaces/places, its intergenerational and intertextual manifestations, and its intersection with questions of identity—the historical spaces and geographical places one inhabits and embodies. Opening a repertoire between contextualized stylistics and poetics semiology (Boise-Bier2011; Jackobson 1960), the paper reads in al-Ghitany’s Kitab al-Tagiliat (The Book of Revelation1983), Bassiouny’s Sabil Al-Ghareq (2018) and its translation (Fountain of the Drowning2022). The paper examines the stylistic and poetical encoding and recoding of the Sufi Madads from Ghitany to Bassiouny and their entanglement in the question of Egyptian identity-politics through the embodiment of historical places and geographical spaces. The paper argues for the intergenerational intertextuality of Arabic aesthetics that stylistically and poetically enacts the mysticism of Sufi Madad through historical and geographical semioticization of the Egyptian character continuity across time and space. Both Ghitany and Bassiouny engage with the historical novel as a form of delivery of their Egyptian mystical relation with time and place. Both novelist-historians are involved with the question of place and the life-worlds that spaces generate across time and gender.Keywords: intertextuality, interdiscusivity, madad, egyptian identity
Procedia PDF Downloads 9627622 A Study on Analysis of Magnetic Field in Induction Generator for Small Francis Turbine Generator
Authors: Young-Kwan Choi, Han-Sang Jeong, Yeon-Ho Ok, Jae-Ho Choi
The purpose of this study is to verify validity of design by testing output of induction generator through finite element analysis before manufacture of induction generator designed. Characteristics in the operating domain of induction generator can be understood through analysis of magnetic field according to load (rotational speed) of induction generator. Characteristics of induction generator such as induced voltage, current, torque, magnetic flux density (magnetic flux saturation), and loss can be predicted by analysis of magnetic field.Keywords: electromagnetic analysis, induction generator, small hydro power generator, small francis turbine generator
Procedia PDF Downloads 147627621 Study of Pottery And Glazed Canopic Vessels
Authors: Abdelrahman Mohamed
The ancient Egyptians used canopic vessels in embalming operations in order to preserve the guts of the mummified corpse. Canopic vessels were made of many materials, including pottery and glazed pottery. In this research, we study a pottery canopic vessel and a glazed pottery vessel. An analysis to find out the compounds and elements of the materials from which the container is made and the colors, and also to make some analysis for the organic materials present inside it, such as the Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy analysis and the Gas chromatograph mass spectrometers analysis of the organic residue. Through the study and analysis, it was proved that some of the materials present in the pot were coniferous oil and animal fats. In the other pot, the analysis showed the presence of some plant resins (mastic) inside rolls of linen. Restoration operations were carried out, such as mechanical cleaning, strengthening, and completing the reinforcement of the pots.Keywords: canopic jar, embalming, FTIR, GCMS, linen.
Procedia PDF Downloads 8527620 Reasons for Language Words in the Quran and Literary Approaches That Are Persian
Authors: Fateme Mazbanpoor, Sayed Mohammad Amiri
In this article, we will examine the Persian words in Quran and study the reasons of their presence in this holy book. Writers of this paper extracted about 70 Persian words of Quran by referring to resources. (Alalfaz ol Moarab ol Farsieh Edishir, Almoarabol Javalighi, Almahzab va Etghan Seuti; Vocabulary involved in Quran Arthur Jeffry;, and etc…), some of these words are: ‘Abarigh, ‘Estabragh’,’Barzakh’, ‘Din’,’Zamharir, ‘Sondos’ ‘Sejil’,’ Namaregh’, ‘Fil’ etc. These Persian words have entered Arabic and finally entered Quran in two ways: 1) directly from Persian language, 2) via other languages. The first way: because of the Iranian dominance on Hira, Yemen, whole Oman and Bahrein land in Sasanian period, there were political, religious, linguistic, literary, and trade ties between these Arab territories causing the impact of Persian on Arabic; giving way to many Persian-loan words into Arabic in this period of time. The second way: Since the geographical and business conditions of the areas were dominated by Iran, Hejaz had lots of deals and trades with Mesopotamia and Yemen. On the other hand, Arabic language which was relatively a young language at that time, used to be impressed by Semitic languages in order to expand its vocabulary (Syrian and Aramaic were influenced by the languages of Iran). Consequently, due to the long relationship between Iranian and Arabs, some of the Persian words have taken longer ways through Aramaic and Syrian to find their way into Quran.Keywords: Quran, Persian word, Arabic language, Persian
Procedia PDF Downloads 46227619 On the Performance Analysis of Coexistence between IEEE 802.11g and IEEE 802.15.4 Networks
Authors: Chompunut Jantarasorn, Chutima Prommak
This paper presents an intensive measurement studying of the network performance analysis when IEEE 802.11g Wireless Local Area Networks (WLAN) coexisting with IEEE 802.15.4 Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN). The measurement results show that the coexistence between both networks could increase the Frame Error Rate (FER) of the IEEE 802.15.4 networks up to 60% and it could decrease the throughputs of the IEEE 802.11g networks up to 55%.Keywords: wireless performance analysis, coexistence analysis, IEEE 802.11g, IEEE 802.15.4
Procedia PDF Downloads 55327618 A Study on Ideals and Prime Ideals of Sub-Distributive Semirings and Its Applications to Symmetric Fuzzy Numbers
Authors: Rosy Joseph
From an algebraic point of view, Semirings provide the most natural generalization of group theory and ring theory. In the absence of additive inverse in a semiring, one had to impose a weaker condition on the semiring, i.e., the additive cancellative law to study interesting structural properties. In many practical situations, fuzzy numbers are used to model imprecise observations derived from uncertain measurements or linguistic assessments. In this connection, a special class of fuzzy numbers whose shape is symmetric with respect to a vertical line called the symmetric fuzzy numbers i.e., for α ∈ (0, 1] the α − cuts will have a constant mid-point and the upper end of the interval will be a non-increasing function of α, the lower end will be the image of this function, is suitable. Based on this description, arithmetic operations and a ranking technique to order the symmetric fuzzy numbers were dealt with in detail. Wherein it was observed that the structure of the class of symmetric fuzzy numbers forms a commutative semigroup with cancellative property. Also, it forms a multiplicative monoid satisfying sub-distributive property.In this paper, we introduce the algebraic structure, sub-distributive semiring and discuss its various properties viz., ideals and prime ideals of sub-distributive semiring, sub-distributive ring of difference etc. in detail. Symmetric fuzzy numbers are visualized as an illustration.Keywords: semirings, subdistributive ring of difference, subdistributive semiring, symmetric fuzzy numbers
Procedia PDF Downloads 21327617 Glimpses into the History of Makkah in the Light of Archaeological Finds
Authors: Heba Aboul-Enein
The blessed Mecca (Makkah) has been attacked as a city without a pre-Islamic history. Many claims have been posited denying the historicity of this holy city, and mythicizing Arabic historical records. Hence, the current paper attempted to shed light on this controversial history of Makkah. To achieve the intended objective, the study recoursed to archaeological, historical, and linguistic evidence, to prove that the holy city existed since the dawn of human history. The data under study include the results of recent excavations; archaeological surveys in Saudi Arabia, academic works of archaeologists, newspaper reports of the latest archaeological discoveries, and the findings of Saudi explorers. In addition, the study examined ancient and contemporary references; western accounts of Makkah, the bible, Jewish, Christian, Islamic, and Arabic references, in an effort to reconcile these texts with the archeological findings. The paper also reviewed the latest results of aerial archeology of the region. The study proved based on archaeological finds, and contrary to fallacious claims, that Makkah is an ancient city that existed and was inhabited by humans in varied historical eras.Keywords: aerial archaeology, archaeological finds in the Makkan region, archaeological surveys, Western, Jewish and Islamic accounts of Makkah
Procedia PDF Downloads 47727616 Analyzing the Perception of Identity in Bilingual Communities: Case Study of Eritrean Immigrants in Switzerland
Authors: Warsa Melles
This study examines the way second-generation Eritrean immigrants living in the French-speaking part of Switzerland behave linguistically and culturally. The aim of this research is to demonstrate how the participants deal with their bilingualism (Tigrinya and French). More precisely, how does their language use correlates with their socio-cultural attitudes and how do these aspects (re)construct their identity? Data for this research was collected via, questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. Participants were asked to answer questions regarding their linguistic habits, their perception on being bilingual and their cultural identity. The major findings demonstrate that generation 2 relates more with the host country’s language since French is used as the main language in their daily interactions. On the other hand, due to the fact that they have never lived in Eritrea yet were raised by Eritrean born parents in a foreign country, it is more difficult for them to unanimously identify with just one culture. In that sense, intergenerational transmission plays a major role in the perception of identity. All the participants have at least a basic knowledge of Tigrinya, but the use of languages varies according to the purpose. Proficiency in the native language and sense of belonging can be correlated with the frequency of visits to Eritrea. In conclusion, the question of identity in the second-generation Eritrean community cannot be given a categorical and clear-cut answer instead, the new-self image that this social group aims to build is shaped by different factors that are essential to take into consideration.Keywords: biculturalism, identity, language, migration
Procedia PDF Downloads 24527615 Health Tourists in Iran and Cultural Prejudices
Authors: Naeemeh Silvari
The tourism industry is important for different nations in two ways. Apart from economic benefits, it provides a basis for getting acquainted with the culture of different regions of the world. Depending on the capacities and contexts of their geography, countries try to attract more people to their country in different ways. Health tourism has been an important branch of the tourism industry in recent years, and many countries around the world are trying to make progress in this field and attract many tourists from around the world. Iran, like many developing countries in the Middle East and East Asia, is trying to improve and develop tourist attractions in the field of health. Due to the cheapness of providing medical services to tourists, many people have traveled to Iran for medical and health care. However, there is a long way to go before recognizing and reaching the desired position in this field. Due to the direct relationship between tourism and culture, the negative attitude towards the context of Iran has caused foreign travelers not to choose this country as their tourist destination. In this article, we tried to study the change in their attitude towards Iran by using semi-structured interviews of foreign travelers who traveled to Iran for treatment and medical services. The text of the interviews was coded and analyzed by MAX QDA software. Many of the people in the sample were from Middle Eastern and Arabic-speaking countries. Influenced by the media, they felt rejected by the Iranians before the trip. During their stay in Iran and in connection with the health care staff, in the first stage, they pointed out that many of their anxieties about the kind of treatment of Iranians have been allayed. In addition to the satisfaction with the medical services provided, they considered the atmosphere of Iranians' interaction with foreign travelers to be relatively appropriate, and some stated that Iran would be the destination of their leisure trip in the future. At the end of the research, policymakers were suggested that in order to resolve cultural contradictions rooted in values, they should first be recognized and seek to use other opportunities to resolve contradictions and form interactions with other cultures.Keywords: cultural conflict, health tourism, cultural prejudice, advertising and media
Procedia PDF Downloads 7827614 Thermodynamic Analysis of GT Cycle with Naphtha or Natural Gas as the Fuel: A Thermodynamic Comparison
Authors: S. Arpit, P. K. Das, S. K. Dash
In this paper, a comparative study is done between two fuels, naphtha and natural gas (NG), for a gas turbine (GT) plant of 32.5 MW with the same thermodynamic configuration. From the energy analysis, it is confirmed that the turbine inlet temperature (TIT) of the gas turbine in the case of natural gas is higher as compared to naphtha, and hence the isentropic efficiency of the turbine is better. The result from the exergy analysis also confirms that due to high turbine inlet temperature in the case of natural gas, exergy destruction in combustion chamber is less. But comparing two fuels for overall analysis, naphtha has higher energy and exergetic efficiency as compared to natural gas.Keywords: exergy analysis, gas turbine, naphtha, natural gas
Procedia PDF Downloads 20927613 A Highly Accurate Computer-Aided Diagnosis: CAD System for the Diagnosis of Breast Cancer by Using Thermographic Analysis
Authors: Mahdi Bazarganigilani
Computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) systems can play crucial roles in diagnosing crucial diseases such as breast cancer at the earliest. In this paper, a CAD system for the diagnosis of breast cancer was introduced and evaluated. This CAD system was developed by using spatio-temporal analysis of data on a set of consecutive thermographic images by employing wavelet transformation. By using this analysis, a very accurate machine learning model using random forest was obtained. The final results showed a promising accuracy of 91% in terms of the F1 measure indicator among 200 patients' sample data. The CAD system was further extended to obtain a detailed analysis of the effect of smaller sub-areas of each breast on the occurrence of cancer.Keywords: computer-aided diagnosis systems, thermographic analysis, spatio-temporal analysis, image processing, machine learning
Procedia PDF Downloads 21227612 A New Lateral Load Pattern for Pushover Analysis of RC Frame Structures
Authors: Mohammad Reza Ameri, Ali Massumi, Mohammad Haghbin
Non-linear static analysis, commonly referred to as pushover analysis, is a powerful tool for assessing the seismic response of structures. A suitable lateral load pattern for pushover analysis can bring the results of this simple, quick and low-cost analysis close to the realistic results of nonlinear dynamic analyses. In this research, four samples of 10- and 15 story (two- and four-bay) reinforced concrete frames were studied. The lateral load distribution patterns recommended in FEMA 273/356 guidelines were applied to the sample models in order to perform pushover analyses. The results were then compared to the results obtained from several nonlinear incremental dynamic analyses for a range of earthquakes. Finally, a lateral load distribution pattern was proposed for pushover analysis of medium-rise reinforced concrete buildings based on the results of nonlinear static and dynamic analyses.Keywords: lateral load pattern, nonlinear static analysis, incremental dynamic analysis, medium-rise reinforced concrete frames, performance based design
Procedia PDF Downloads 47827611 Saudi Twitter Corpus for Sentiment Analysis
Authors: Adel Assiri, Ahmed Emam, Hmood Al-Dossari
Sentiment analysis (SA) has received growing attention in Arabic language research. However, few studies have yet to directly apply SA to Arabic due to lack of a publicly available dataset for this language. This paper partially bridges this gap due to its focus on one of the Arabic dialects which is the Saudi dialect. This paper presents annotated data set of 4700 for Saudi dialect sentiment analysis with (K= 0.807). Our next work is to extend this corpus and creation a large-scale lexicon for Saudi dialect from the corpus.Keywords: Arabic, sentiment analysis, Twitter, annotation
Procedia PDF Downloads 63327610 Folk Media and Political Movement: A Case Study on the Bodos of North East India
Authors: Faguna Barmahalia
Politics of ethnic identity in the north-east India is well-known phenomenon. The ethnic assertion in this region is mostly linguistic and cultural in nature. Most of the ethnic groups in the north-east region have been demanding either autonomous or separate state to maintain their socio-cultural identity. After the Indian Independence, the ethnic groups of people think that they have not developed till. Despite having many natural resources, North East India remained backward in terms of economic, education as well as politics. In this scenario, many educated and middle-class elite people have involved in working for the all-round development of their community. The Bodos are one of the major tribes in North Eeast India. In Assam, the Bodos are assumed by themselves to be exploited and suppressed by the Assamese Hindu society. Consequently, the socio-cultural identity movement has emerged among the Bodos.The main aims of my study are: i. to focus on how the Bodos of Assam are using the folk media in their political movement and iii. To analyse the role of folklore towards serving the ethnic unity and nationalism among the Bodos. Methodology: The study is based on the primary and secondary sources. Interview and observation method was conducted for collecting the primary data. For secondary source, some printed books, magazines and others materials published by the distinguished publishers and websites have been used.Keywords: media, culture, nationalism, politics
Procedia PDF Downloads 22427609 Types of Taboo Expressions in Igbo Society
Authors: Christian Nwaoha
This study investigates taboo expressions and classifications in Igbo discourse, their socio-cultural factors affecting their usage. The study classifies Linguistic taboo expressions by their discourse into five categories: morality-related taboo, veneration-related, decorum-related, religion-related and fear-related taboo expressions. This study argues that while religion-related and decorum-related taboos are unmentioned and have no euphemistic synonyms is because they are closely tied to various Igbo deities and objects, while morality, veneration, and fear-related have permissible alternatives. A descriptive research design was adopted and the data collection was by questionnaire and oral interview. The result of the research proves that aside of the categories of taboos in Igbo, socially, the styles of discourse have some levels of gender, age and class-connected taboos, which for instance, in gender-connected taboos, women in Igbo are forbidden to use style of discourse that are connected with genital organs in social gathering comprising men and women. The same has to do with class-connected where much younger men can use some certain expressions that are taboo, but in much older men gathering such expressions would be tagged forbidden in the context. The study further reveals that there are occasions in which these taboos can be used with reasons. The research concludes that using these taboos in literary text can enhance clear understanding of Igbo taboos to the users and learners of Igbo language.Keywords: taboo expressions, classifications, Igbo, socio-cultural factors, discourse
Procedia PDF Downloads 23127608 Reference Management Software: Comparative Analysis of RefWorks and Zotero
Authors: Sujit K. Basak
This paper presents a comparison of reference management software between RefWorks and Zotero. The results were drawn by comparing two software and the novelty of this paper is the comparative analysis of software and it has shown that ReftWorks can import more information from the Google Scholar for the researchers. This finding could help to know researchers to use the reference management software.Keywords: analysis, comparative analysis, reference management software, researchers
Procedia PDF Downloads 54527607 Fulfillment of Models of Prenatal Care in Adolescents from Mexico and Chile
Authors: Alejandra Sierra, Gloria Valadez, Adriana Dávalos, Mirliana Ramírez
For years, the Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization and other organizations have made efforts to the improve access and the quality of prenatal care as part of comprehensive programs for maternal and neonatal health, the standards of care have been renewed in order to migrate from a medical perspective to a holistic perspective. However, despite the efforts currently antenatal care models have not been verified by a scientific evaluation in order to determine their effectiveness. The teenage pregnancy is considered as a very important phenomenon since it has been strongly associated with inequalities, poverty and the lack of gender quality; therefore it is important to analyze the antenatal care that’s been given, including not only the clinical intervention but also the activities surrounding the advertising and the health education. In this study, the objective was to describe if the previously established activities (on the prenatal care models) are being performed in the care of pregnant teenagers attending prenatal care in health institutions in two cities in México and Chile during 2013. Methods: Observational and descriptive study, of a transversal cohort. 170 pregnant women (13-19 years) were included in prenatal care in two health institutions (100 women from León-Mexico and 70 from Chile-Coquimbo). Data collection: direct survey, perinatal clinical record card which was used as checklists: WHO antenatal care model WHO-2003, Official Mexican Standard NOM-007-SSA2-1993 and Personalized Service Manual on Reproductive Process- Chile Crece Contigo; for data analysis descriptive statistics were used. The project was approved by the relevant ethics committees. Results: Regarding the fulfillment of interventions focused on physical, gynecological exam, immunizations, monitoring signs and biochemical parameters in both groups was met by more than 84%; the activities of guidance and counseling pregnant teenagers in Leon compliance rates were below 50%, on the other hand, although pregnant women in Coquimbo had a higher percentage of compliance, no one reached 100%. The topics that less was oriented were: family planning, signs and symptoms of complications and labor. Conclusions: Although the coverage of the interventions indicated in the prenatal care models was high, there were still shortcomings in the fulfillment of activities to orientation, education and health promotion. Deficiencies in adherence to prenatal care guidelines could be due to different circumstances such as lack of registration or incomplete filling of medical records, lack of medical supplies or health personnel, absences of people at prenatal check-up appointments, among many others. Therefore, studies are required to evaluate the quality of prenatal care and the effectiveness of existing models, considering the role of the different actors (pregnant women, professionals and health institutions) involved in the functionality and quality of prenatal care models, in order to create strategies to design or improve the application of a complete process of promotion and prevention of maternal and child health as well as sexual and reproductive health in general.Keywords: adolescent health, health systems, maternal health, primary health care
Procedia PDF Downloads 20727606 Ideology-Induced Contexts in the Conceptualization of 'the Islamic State' in Political Cartoons
Authors: Rim Baroudi
The notion of the context-induced metaphors refers to the role of different contextual aspects (socio-cultural, linguistic, bodily-physical, and ideological) in affecting metaphor production. This has not been investigated in visual discourse. This paper intends to extend the focus of this research interest to study context-induced metaphors in newspapers’ cartoons. It seeks to account for different contextual variables influencing the production of metaphors in cartoons placing special focus on the ideological variable. The aim is to demonstrate how different contextual aspects are conditioned by the ideological variable. The study applied critical metaphor approach to analyse contextual variables shaping the conceptualization of ‘the Islamic State’ in the cartoons of 3 newspapers (Al-Ryadh newspaper, Tehran Times, and The New York Times). Findings have revealed the decisive role of the ideological context in conditioning and priming the rest of contextual variables in the conceptualisation of ‘the Islamic State’ in political cartoons of the three newspapers. These findings bear special importance to the study of bodily-physical and socio-cultural variables inducing and shaping political cognition in political cartoons in a way consistent with the ideological framework within which newspapers operate.Keywords: context-induced metaphors, ideological context, the Islamic State, political cartoons
Procedia PDF Downloads 29727605 Short Answer Grading Using Multi-Context Features
Authors: S. Sharan Sundar, Nithish B. Moudhgalya, Nidhi Bhandari, Vineeth Vijayaraghavan
Automatic Short Answer Grading is one of the prime applications of artificial intelligence in education. Several approaches involving the utilization of selective handcrafted features, graphical matching techniques, concept identification and mapping, complex deep frameworks, sentence embeddings, etc. have been explored over the years. However, keeping in mind the real-world application of the task, these solutions present a slight overhead in terms of computations and resources in achieving high performances. In this work, a simple and effective solution making use of elemental features based on statistical, linguistic properties, and word-based similarity measures in conjunction with tree-based classifiers and regressors is proposed. The results for classification tasks show improvements ranging from 1%-30%, while the regression task shows a stark improvement of 35%. The authors attribute these improvements to the addition of multiple similarity scores to provide ensemble of scoring criteria to the models. The authors also believe the work could reinstate that classical natural language processing techniques and simple machine learning models can be used to achieve high results for short answer grading.Keywords: artificial intelligence, intelligent systems, natural language processing, text mining
Procedia PDF Downloads 13327604 Multilingual and Ideological Graffiti in Palestine
Authors: Olivia Martina Dalla Torre
The aim of this paper is to describe and analyse some urban writings that emerge in politically disputed areas, namely the Occupied Palestinian Territories, and more specifically in Deheishe refugee camp. These graffiti are visible on the walls of houses, all around the camp, and they convey messages of protest but also of hope or claim about the complex political situation in the occupied territories. These graffiti can be then interpreted as political and politicized semiotic resources. In this paper, after having introduced the political situation of the Palestinian Territories in a historical perspective, we will question a specific dimension of these writings, i.e., their multilingual and ideological aspect. To do this, we will focus on ethnographic fieldwork on Deheishe refugee camp and we will draw on the theoretical framework of the critical communication studies which assert that language practices are not neutral and that they need to be understood through the lens of the historical context of production, crossing space and time. By analysing the relationship between the discursive constructions of the messages and the languages used, we will point out some of the possible reasons and functions of the presence of these multilingual discursive productions. We will show that if, on the one hand, these graffiti confirm the huge presence of Western actors in the region, on the other hand, they attest the presence of an international movement against the Israeli occupation and against other struggles as well. Concluding, we will argue that multilingualism certainly represents a diversification of the linguistic landscape and that it gives a transnational and political dimension to the graffiti.Keywords: communication, graffiti, multilingualism, Palestine, transnationalism
Procedia PDF Downloads 18427603 Reliability Analysis of Dam under Quicksand Condition
Authors: Manthan Patel, Vinit Ahlawat, Anshh Singh Claire, Pijush Samui
This paper focuses on the analysis of quicksand condition for a dam foundation. The quicksand condition occurs in cohesion less soil when effective stress of soil becomes zero. In a dam, the saturated sediment may appear quite solid until a sudden change in pressure or shock initiates liquefaction. This causes the sand to form a suspension and lose strength hence resulting in failure of dam. A soil profile shows different properties at different points and the values obtained are uncertain thus reliability analysis is performed. The reliability is defined as probability of safety of a system in a given environment and loading condition and it is assessed as Reliability Index. The reliability analysis of dams under quicksand condition is carried by Gaussian Process Regression (GPR). Reliability index and factor of safety relating to liquefaction of soil is analysed using GPR. The results of reliability analysis by GPR is compared to that of conventional method and it is demonstrated that on applying GPR the probabilistic analysis reduces the computational time and efforts.Keywords: factor of safety, GPR, reliability index, quicksand
Procedia PDF Downloads 48327602 Komedya: St. Denis' Philippine Theater in the US
Authors: Nenita Pambid Domingo
The komedya otherwise known as moro-moro or pretending to be Moors, is a traditional Filipino play in the vernacular adapted from the Spanish comedia de capa y espada. It was used by Spanish colonizers in the Philippines, circa 1766 to evangelize and strengthen the faith of Indios or Filipino natives to Christianity. Unlike the Moros y Cristianos festival held all over Spain celebrating the Reconquista from the 8th to the 15th century, the Philippine Moro-Moro or Komedya is a romance between a Muslim and a Christian and the battles between Christians and Moros, where the Moros are always defeated and the Muslim prince is converted to the Christian faith and marries the Christian princess at the end of the play. For over 200 years, the komedya has been part of the Filipinos’ life and has been dubbed by some Philippine scholars as the Philippine’s national theater. Until now postings of performances in different parts of the Philippines in different Philippine languages are uploaded at youtube. In the US, “San Dionisio sa America (SDA),” an organization of natives from Barrio San Dionisio, Parañaque, Philippines has been performing the komedya for the past 16 years during their town’s fiesta, in honor of the barrio's patron saints St Denis of Paris, France and Saint Joseph whom the devotees fondly call "Tata Dune" and "Tata Hosep". The komedya performed in the US is infused with modern elements in the production and content, but retain the basic form in verse and the stylized war dance, marches, and singsong delivery of lines. Most of the Celebras or town fiestas and komedya performances are held at The Barnsdall Art Park and Gallery Theatre in Hollywood, Los Angeles. The presentation will focus on the linguistic and content analysis of the Tagalog verses in the 2010 komedya entitled Mga Prinsesa ng Cordova (The Princesses of Cordova) publicized as a modern komedya. The presentation will also touch on the healing function of the language and performance that is part of the town’s religious festivities. It will also look into the aesthetics of the production, audience reception, participation of the sponsors, producers called Hermana/Hermano Mayor, the performers who are a mix of Filipinos from the Philippines and Filipino-Americans who are starting to lose the Tagalog language and the non-Filipino participants, as well as the general audience who are from Parañaque and those not from Parañaque, who come to witness the event and enjoy the festivities.Keywords: devotion, diaspora nationalism, komedya, st. denis of Paris, France, traditional Philippine theater
Procedia PDF Downloads 321327601 Truancy Trends in the Pacific: Exploring Truancy from Students’ Perspectives
Authors: Jonathan W. Shute
Truancy – unexcused absences from school and class – continues to challenge educators throughout the world, including in Oceania. Traditionally, the focus of attendance issues has been on students, parents, and social factors. While these factors obviously contribute to truancy, research suggests that most truants are rational decision-makers who claim to be bored and intellectually unfulfilled, choosing to avoid specific classes and teachers. For this study, 2,536 Junior and senior high school students were surveyed from six high schools in the following island nations: Tonga, Samoa, Kiribati, and Fiji. From these data, patterns and characteristics emerged which seem to influence truancy from the truant’s perspective, and which may enlighten teachers in their practice. For lasting solutions to an age-old challenge, the 21st century educational community should consider sharing the responsibility for truancy by focusing on pedagogy practices as a possible explanation for truancy. Specific ideas are suggested to inform teacher effectiveness and therefore keep our students in school and class. This research does not focus on the effectiveness of Teacher Education Programs from which teachers arrive in their careers or the potential cultural, linguistic, and political trends and policies that may or may not influence truancy. While these are critical topics to be researched, this research focuses on students’ opinions and perspectives of why they choose to truant from entire days of school or from specific classes.Keywords: truancy, student engagement, effective pedagogy, student perspectives
Procedia PDF Downloads 2427600 Leveraging Large Language Models to Build a Cutting-Edge French Word Sense Disambiguation Corpus
Authors: Mouheb Mehdoui, Amel Fraisse, Mounir Zrigui
With the increasing amount of data circulating over the Web, there is a growing need to develop and deploy tools aimed at unraveling semantic nuances within text or sentences. The challenges in extracting precise meanings arise from the complexity of natural language, while words usually have multiple interpretations depending on the context. The challenge of precisely interpreting words within a given context is what the task of Word Sense Disambiguation meets. It is a very old domain within the area of Natural Language Processing aimed at determining a word’s meaning that it is going to carry in a particular context, hence increasing the correctness of applications processing the language. Numerous linguistic resources are accessible online, including WordNet, thesauri, and dictionaries, enabling exploration of diverse contextual meanings. However, several limitations persist. These include the scarcity of resources for certain languages, a limited number of examples within corpora, and the challenge of accurately detecting the topic or context covered by text, which significantly impacts word sense disambiguation. This paper will discuss the different approaches to WSD and review corpora available for this task. We will contrast these approaches, highlighting the limitations, which will allow us to build a corpus in French, targeted for WSD.Keywords: semantic enrichment, disambiguation, context fusion, natural language processing, multilingual applications
Procedia PDF Downloads 1527599 Translation Choices of Logical Meaning from Chinese into English: A Systemic Functional Linguistics Perspective
Authors: Xueying Li
Different from English, it is common to observe Chinese clauses logically related in an implicit way without any conjunctions. This typological difference has posed a great challenge for Chinese-English translators, as 1) translators may interpret logical meaning in different ways when there are no conjunctions in Chinese Source Text (ST); 2) translators may have questions whether to make Chinese implicit logical meaning explicit or to remain implicit in Target Text (TT), and whether other dimensions of logical meaning (e.g., type of logical meaning) should be shifted or not. Against this background, this study examines a comprehensive arrange of Chinese-English translation choices of logical meaning to deal with this challenge in a systematic way. It compiles several ST-TT passages from a set of translation textbooks in a corpus, namely Ying Yu Bi Yi Shi Wu (Er Ji)) [Translation Practice between Chinese and English: Intermediate Level] and its supportive training book, analyzes how logical meaning in ST are translated in TT in texts across different text types with Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) as the theoretical framework, and finally draws a system network of translation choices of logical meaning from Chinese into English. Since translators may probably think about semantic meaning rather than lexico-grammatical resources in translation, this study goes away from traditional lexico-grammatical choices, but rather describing translation choices from the semantic level. The findings in this study can provide some help and support for translation practitioners so that they can understand that besides explicitation, there are a variety of possible linguistic choices available for making informed decisions when translating Chinese logical meaning into English.Keywords: Chinese-English translation, logical meaning, systemic functional linguistics, translation choices
Procedia PDF Downloads 18127598 The Use of AI to Measure Gross National Happiness
Authors: Riona Dighe
This research attempts to identify an alternative approach to the measurement of Gross National Happiness (GNH). It uses artificial intelligence (AI), incorporating natural language processing (NLP) and sentiment analysis to measure GNH. We use ‘off the shelf’ NLP models responsible for the sentiment analysis of a sentence as a building block for this research. We constructed an algorithm using NLP models to derive a sentiment analysis score against sentences. This was then tested against a sample of 20 respondents to derive a sentiment analysis score. The scores generated resembled human responses. By utilising the MLP classifier, decision tree, linear model, and K-nearest neighbors, we were able to obtain a test accuracy of 89.97%, 54.63%, 52.13%, and 47.9%, respectively. This gave us the confidence to use the NLP models against sentences in websites to measure the GNH of a country.Keywords: artificial intelligence, NLP, sentiment analysis, gross national happiness
Procedia PDF Downloads 12427597 An Experimental Study on the Variability of Nonnative and Native Inference of Word Meanings in Timed and Untimed Conditions
Authors: Swathi M. Vanniarajan
Reading research suggests that online contextual vocabulary comprehension while reading is an interactive and integrative process. One’s success in it depends on a variety of factors including the amount and the nature of available linguistic and nonlinguistic cues, his/her analytical and integrative skills, schema memory (content familiarity), and processing speed characterized along the continuum of controlled to automatic processing. The experiment reported here, conducted with 30 native speakers as one group and 30 nonnative speakers as another group (all graduate students), hypothesized that while working on (24) tasks which required them to comprehend an unfamiliar word in real time without backtracking, due to the differences in the nature of their respective reading processes, the nonnative subjects would be less able to construct the meanings of the unknown words by integrating the multiple but sufficient contextual cues provided in the text but the native subjects would be able to. The results indicated that there were significant inter-group as well as intra-group differences in terms of the quality of definitions given. However, when given additional time, while the nonnative speakers could significantly improve the quality of their definitions, the native speakers in general would not, suggesting that all things being equal, time is a significant factor for success in nonnative vocabulary and reading comprehension processes and that accuracy precedes automaticity in the development of nonnative reading processes also.Keywords: reading, second language processing, vocabulary comprehension
Procedia PDF Downloads 16627596 What the Future Holds for Social Media Data Analysis
Authors: P. Wlodarczak, J. Soar, M. Ally
The dramatic rise in the use of Social Media (SM) platforms such as Facebook and Twitter provide access to an unprecedented amount of user data. Users may post reviews on products and services they bought, write about their interests, share ideas or give their opinions and views on political issues. There is a growing interest in the analysis of SM data from organisations for detecting new trends, obtaining user opinions on their products and services or finding out about their online reputations. A recent research trend in SM analysis is making predictions based on sentiment analysis of SM. Often indicators of historic SM data are represented as time series and correlated with a variety of real world phenomena like the outcome of elections, the development of financial indicators, box office revenue and disease outbreaks. This paper examines the current state of research in the area of SM mining and predictive analysis and gives an overview of the analysis methods using opinion mining and machine learning techniques.Keywords: social media, text mining, knowledge discovery, predictive analysis, machine learning
Procedia PDF Downloads 42527595 A Social Cognitive Investigation in the Context of Vocational Training Performance of People with Disabilities
Authors: Majid A. AlSayari
The study reported here investigated social cognitive theory (SCT) in the context of Vocational Rehab (VR) for people with disabilities. The prime purpose was to increase knowledge of VR phenomena and make recommendations for improving VR services. The sample consisted of 242 persons with Spinal Cord Injuries (SCI) who completed questionnaires. A further 32 participants were Trainers. Analysis of questionnaire data was carried out using factor analysis, multiple regression analysis, and thematic analysis. The analysis suggested that, in motivational terms, and consistent with research carried out in other academic contexts, self-efficacy was the best predictor of VR performance. The author concludes that that VR self-efficacy predicted VR training performance.Keywords: people with physical disabilities, social cognitive theory, self-efficacy, vocational training
Procedia PDF Downloads 31727594 Accelerating Side Channel Analysis with Distributed and Parallelized Processing
Authors: Kyunghee Oh, Dooho Choi
Although there is no theoretical weakness in a cryptographic algorithm, Side Channel Analysis can find out some secret data from the physical implementation of a cryptosystem. The analysis is based on extra information such as timing information, power consumption, electromagnetic leaks or even sound which can be exploited to break the system. Differential Power Analysis is one of the most popular analyses, as computing the statistical correlations of the secret keys and power consumptions. It is usually necessary to calculate huge data and takes a long time. It may take several weeks for some devices with countermeasures. We suggest and evaluate the methods to shorten the time to analyze cryptosystems. Our methods include distributed computing and parallelized processing.Keywords: DPA, distributed computing, parallelized processing, side channel analysis
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