Search results for: disruptive behavior disorders
6801 Consumer Behavior and Marketing Mixed Factor Effect on Consumer Decision Making for Independent Movies Presented in Lido Cinema
Authors: Pongsawee Supanonth
This study aims to investigate the consumer behavior and marketing mixed factor affect on consumer decision making for independent movies presented in Lido cinema. The research method will use quantitative research, data was collected by questionnaires distributed to the audience in the Lido cinema for 400 sample by accidental sampling technique. Data was analyzed by descriptive statistic including percentage, mean, standard deviation and inferential statistic including independent t-test for hypothesis testing. The results showed that marketing mixed factors affecting consumer decision-making for Independent movies presented in Lido cinema by gender as different as less than the 0.05 significance level, it was found that the kind of movie ,quality of theater ,price of ticket, facility of watching movies, staff services and promotion of Lido cinema respectively had a vital influence on their attention and response which makes the advertisement more attractive is in harmony with the research hypotheses also.Keywords: consumer behavior, marketing mixed factor, resonance, consumer decision making, Lido cinema
Procedia PDF Downloads 3126800 A National Systematic Review on Determining Prevalence of Mobbing Exposure in Turkish Nurses
Authors: Betül Sönmez, Aytolan Yıldırım
Objective: This systematic review aims to methodically analyze studies regarding mobbing behavior prevalence, individuals performing this behavior and the effects of mobbing on Turkish nurses. Background: Worldwide reports on mobbing cases have increased in the past years, a similar trend also observable in Turkey. It has been demonstrated that among healthcare workers, mobbing is significantly widespread in nurses. The number of studies carried out in this regard has also increased. Method: The main criteria for choosing articles in this systematic review were nurses located in Turkey, regardless of any specific date. In November 2014, a search using the keywords 'mobbing, bullying, psychological terror/violence, emotional violence, nurses, healthcare workers, Turkey' in PubMed, Science Direct, Ebscohost, National Thesis Centre database and Google search engine led to 71 studies in this field. 33 studies were not met the inclusion criteria specified for this study. Results: The findings were obtained using the results of 38 studies carried out in the past 13 years in Turkey, a large sample consisting of 8,877 nurses. Analysis of the incidences of mobbing behavior revealed a broad spectrum, ranging from none-slight experiences to 100% experiences. The most frequently observed mobbing behaviors include attacking personality, blocking communication and attacking professional and social reputation. Victims mostly experienced mobbing from their managers, the most common consequence of these actions being psychological effects. Conclusions: The results of studies with various scales indicate exposure of nurses to similar mobbing behavior. The high frequency of exposure of nurses to mobbing behavior in such a large sample highlights the importance of considering this issue in terms of individual and institutional consequences that adversely affect the performance of nurses.Keywords: mobbing, bullying, workplace violence, nurses, Turkey
Procedia PDF Downloads 2776799 Patterns of Gear Substitution in Norwegian Trawl Fishery
Authors: Tannaz Alizadeh Ashrafi
Seasonal variability in biological and ecological factors together with relevant socio-economic determinants affect the choice of fishing gear, frequency of its usage and decision about gear conversion under multi-species situation. In order to deal with the complex dynamics of fisheries, fishers, constantly, have to make decisions about how long to fish, when to go fishing, what species to target, and which gear to deploy. In this regard, the purpose of this study is to examine the dynamics of gear/ species combination in Norwegian fishery. A comprehensive vessel-level set of data for the main economically important species including: cod, haddock, saithe, shrimp and mixed catch have been obtained from the Norwegian Directorate of Fisheries covering the daily data in 2010. The present study further analyzes the level of flexibility and rationality of the fishers operating in the trawl fishery. The results show the disproportion between intention of the trawl fishers to maximize profitability of each fishing trip and their harvesting behavior in reality. Discussion is based on so-called maximizing behavior.Keywords: trawl fishery, gear substitution, rationality, profit maximizing behavior
Procedia PDF Downloads 2806798 42CrMo4 Steel Flow Behavior Characterization for High Temperature Closed Dies Hot Forging in Automotive Components Applications
Authors: O. Bilbao, I. Loizaga, F. A. Girot, A. Torregaray
The current energetical situation and the high competitiveness in industrial sectors as the automotive one have become the development of new manufacturing processes with less energy and raw material consumption a real necessity. As consequence, new forming processes related with high temperature hot forging in closed dies have emerged in the last years as new solutions to expand the possibilities of hot forging and iron casting in the automotive industry. These technologies are mid-way between hot forging and semi-solid metal processes, working at temperatures higher than the hot forging but below the solidus temperature or the semi solid range, where no liquid phase is expected. This represents an advantage comparing with semi-solid forming processes as thixoforging, by the reason that no so high temperatures need to be reached in the case of high melting point alloys as steels, reducing the manufacturing costs and the difficulties associated to semi-solid processing of them. Comparing with hot forging, this kind of technologies allow the production of parts with as forged properties and more complex and near-net shapes (thinner sidewalls), enhancing the possibility of designing lightweight components. From the process viewpoint, the forging forces are significantly decreased, and a significant reduction of the raw material, energy consumption, and the forging steps have been demonstrated. Despite the mentioned advantages, from the material behavior point of view, the expansion of these technologies has shown the necessity of developing new material flow behavior models in the process working temperature range to make the simulation or the prediction of these new forming processes feasible. Moreover, the knowledge of the material flow behavior at the working temperature range also allows the design of the new closed dies concept required. In this work, the flow behavior characterization in the mentioned temperature range of the widely used in automotive commercial components 42CrMo4 steel has been studied. For that, hot compression tests have been carried out in a thermomechanical tester in a temperature range that covers the material behavior from the hot forging until the NDT (Nil Ductility Temperature) temperature (1250 ºC, 1275 ºC, 1300 ºC, 1325 ºC, 1350ºC, and 1375 ºC). As for the strain rates, three different orders of magnitudes have been considered (0,1 s-1, 1s-1, and 10s-1). Then, results obtained from the hot compression tests have been treated in order to adapt or re-write the Spittel model, widely used in automotive commercial softwares as FORGE® that restrict the current existing models up to 1250ºC. Finally, the obtained new flow behavior model has been validated by the process simulation in a commercial automotive component and the comparison of the results of the simulation with the already made experimental tests in a laboratory cellule of the new technology. So as a conclusion of the study, a new flow behavior model for the 42CrMo4 steel in the new working temperature range and the new process simulation in its application in automotive commercial components has been achieved and will be shown.Keywords: 42CrMo4 high temperature flow behavior, high temperature hot forging in closed dies, simulation of automotive commercial components, spittel flow behavior model
Procedia PDF Downloads 1296797 Surface and Bulk Magnetization Behavior of Isolated Ferromagnetic NiFe Nanowires
Authors: Musaab Salman Sultan
The surface and bulk magnetization behavior of template released isolated ferromagnetic Ni60Fe40 nanowires of relatively thick diameters (~200 nm), deposited from a dilute suspension onto pre-patterned insulating chips have been investigated experimentally, using a highly sensitive Magneto-Optical Ker Effect (MOKE) magnetometry and Magneto-Resistance (MR) measurements, respectively. The MR data were consistent with the theoretical predictions of the anisotropic magneto-resistance (AMR) effect. The MR measurements, in all the angles of investigations, showed large features and a series of nonmonotonic "continuous small features" in the resistance profiles. The extracted switching fields from these features and from MOKE loops were compared with each other and with the switching fields reported in the literature that adopted the same analytical techniques on the similar compositions and dimensions of nanowires. A large difference between MOKE and MR measurments was noticed. The disparate between MOKE and MR results is attributed to the variance in the micro-magnetic structure of the surface and the bulk of such ferromagnetic nanowires. This result was ascertained using micro-magnetic simulations on an individual: cylindrical and rectangular cross sections NiFe nanowires, with the same diameter/thickness of the experimental wires, using the Object Oriented Micro-magnetic Framework (OOMMF) package where the simulated loops showed different switching events, indicating that such wires have different magnetic states in the reversal process and the micro-magnetic spin structures during switching behavior was complicated. These results further supported the difference between surface and bulk magnetization behavior in these nanowires. This work suggests that a combination of MOKE and MR measurements is required to fully understand the magnetization behavior of such relatively thick isolated cylindrical ferromagnetic nanowires.Keywords: MOKE magnetometry, MR measurements, OOMMF package, micromagnetic simulations, ferromagnetic nanowires, surface magnetic properties
Procedia PDF Downloads 2516796 Mean Reversion in Stock Prices: Evidence from Karachi Stock Exchange
Authors: Tabassum Riaz
This study provides a complete examination of the stock prices behavior in the Karachi stock exchange. It examines that whether Karachi stock exchange can be described as mean reversion or not. For this purpose daily, weekly and monthly index data from Karachi stock exchange ranging from period July 1, 1997 to July 2, 2011 was taken. After employing the Multiple variance ratio and unit root tests it is concluded that stock market follow mean reversion behavior and hence have reverting trend which opens the door for the active invest management. Thus technical analysis may be help to identify the potential areas for value creation.Keywords: mean reversion, random walk, technical analysis, Karachi stock exchange
Procedia PDF Downloads 4336795 Extending Theory of Planned Behavior to Modelling Chronic Patients’ Acceptance of Health Information: An Information Overload Perspective
Authors: Shu-Lien Chou, Chung-Feng Liu
Self-health management of chronic illnesses plays an important part in chronic illness treatments. However, various kinds of health information (health education materials) which government or healthcare institutions provide for patients may not achieve the expected outcome. One of the critical reasons affecting patients’ use intention could be patients’ perceived Information overload regarding the health information. This study proposed an extended model of Theory of Planned Behavior, which integrating perceived information overload as another construct to explore patients’ use intention of the health information for self-health management. The independent variables are attitude, subject norm, perceived behavior control and perceived information overload while the dependent variable is behavior intention to use the health information. The cross-sectional study used a structured questionnaire for data collection, focusing on the chronic patients with coronary artery disease (CAD), who are the potential users of the health information, in a medical center in Taiwan. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics of the basic information distribution of the questionnaire respondents, and the Partial Least Squares (PLS) structural equation model to study the reliability and construct validity for testing our hypotheses. A total of 110 patients were enrolled in this study and 106 valid questionnaires were collected. The PLS analysis result indicates that the patients’ perceived information overload of health information contributes the most critical factor influencing the behavioral intention. Subjective norm and perceived behavioral control of TPB constructs had significant effects on patients’ intentions to use health information also, whereas the attitude construct did not. This study demonstrated a comprehensive framework, which extending perceived information overload into TPB model to predict patients’ behavioral intention of using heath information. We expect that the results of this study will provide useful insights for studying health information from the perspectives of academia, governments, and healthcare providers.Keywords: chronic patients, health information, information overload, theory of planned behavior
Procedia PDF Downloads 4386794 Factors Related with Self-Care Behaviors among Iranian Type 2 Diabetic Patients: An Application of Health Belief Model
Authors: Ali Soroush, Mehdi Mirzaei Alavijeh, Touraj Ahmadi Jouybari, Fazel Zinat-Motlagh, Abbas Aghaei, Mari Ataee
Diabetes is a disease with long cardiovascular, renal, ophthalmic and neural complications. It is prevalent all around the world including Iran, and its prevalence is increasing. The aim of this study was to determine the factors related to self-care behavior based on health belief model among sample of Iranian diabetic patients. This cross-sectional study was conducted among 301 type 2 diabetic patients in Gachsaran, Iran. Data collection was based on an interview and the data were analyzed by SPSS version 20 using ANOVA, t-tests, Pearson correlation, and linear regression statistical tests at 95% significant level. Linear regression analyses showed the health belief model variables accounted for 29% of the variation in self-care behavior; and perceived severity and perceived self-efficacy are more influential predictors on self-care behavior among diabetic patients.Keywords: diabetes, patients, self-care behaviors, health belief model
Procedia PDF Downloads 4686793 A Prevalence of Phonological Disorder in Children with Specific Language Impairment
Authors: Etim, Victoria Enefiok, Dada, Oluseyi Akintunde, Bassey Okon
Phonological disorder is a serious and disturbing issue to many parents and teachers. Efforts towards resolving the problem have been undermined by other specific disabilities which were hidden to many regular and special education teachers. It is against this background that this study was motivated to provide data on the prevalence of phonological disorders in children with specific language impairment (CWSLI) as the first step towards critical intervention. The study was a survey of 15 CWSLI from St. Louise Inclusive schools, Ikot Ekpene in Akwa Ibom State of Nigeria. Phonological Processes Diagnostic Scale (PPDS) with 17 short sentences, which cut across the five phonological processes that were examined, were validated by experts in test measurement, phonology and special education. The respondents were made to read the sentences with emphasis on the targeted sounds. Their utterances were recorded and analyzed in the language laboratory using Praat Software. Data were also collected through friendly interactions at different times from the clients. The theory of generative phonology was adopted for the descriptive analysis of the phonological processes. Data collected were analyzed using simple percentage and composite bar chart for better understanding of the result. The study found out that CWSLI exhibited the five phonological processes under investigation. It was revealed that 66.7%, 80%, 73.3%, 80%, and 86.7% of the respondents have severe deficit in fricative stopping, velar fronting, liquid gliding, final consonant deletion and cluster reduction, respectively. It was therefore recommended that a nationwide survey should be carried out to have national statistics of CWSLI with phonological deficits and develop intervention strategies for effective therapy to remediate the disorder.Keywords: language disorders, phonology, phonological processes, specific language impairment
Procedia PDF Downloads 1936792 Universality and Synchronization in Complex Quadratic Networks
Authors: Anca Radulescu, Danae Evans
The relationship between a network’s hardwiring and its emergent dynamics are central to neuroscience. We study the principles of this correspondence in a canonical setup (in which network nodes exhibit well-studied complex quadratic dynamics), then test their universality in biological networks. By extending methods from discrete dynamics, we study the effects of network connectivity on temporal patterns, encapsulating long-term behavior into the rich topology of network Mandelbrot sets. Then elements of fractal geometry can be used to predict and classify network behavior.Keywords: canonical model, complex dynamics, dynamic networks, fractals, Mandelbrot set, network connectivity
Procedia PDF Downloads 3096791 Behavioral Similarities between Perpetrators of School Violence and Having a Parent Incarcerated during Adolescence
Authors: Darynne Madison Dela Gente, Panayiota Courelli
Similarities in behavior between perpetrators of school violence and those with a parent in prison raise concern when considering the root causes of a student’s violent behavior. Dealing with parental incarceration is highly consequential on a student’s emotional well-being and may cause aggressive behavior that can lead to them becoming a perpetrator of school violence. These students are more likely to have interpersonal issues, antisocial tendencies, and a hostile demeanor, which are factors that closely align with indicators of an offender of violence. Developmental risk factors of parental incarceration are heavily understudied and often overlooked. This literature review aims to analyze the correlation between having a parent in prison and exhibiting physical or verbal aggression in a school environment. Furthermore, it strives to bring awareness to the inconsistencies in existing research and encourage a greater depth of study of the behavioral impacts, specifically in an academic setting. Furthermore, it will elaborate on the effectiveness of current intervention programs, such as Project Avary, Hope House, Kids Mates Inc., and Girl Scouts Beyond Bars, which provide immense support, as well as proposed methods of implementation in a school environment. Creating a space for these students to cope ultimately aids in the prevention of violent behaviors and intergenerational incarceration. Access to intervention programs, especially in schools located in areas with high rates of incarceration, would greatly reduce the risk of these students becoming perpetrators of school violence.Keywords: adolescent behavior, adolescent mental health, parental incarceration, school violence prevention
Procedia PDF Downloads 956790 Modeling of International Financial Integration: A Multicriteria Decision
Authors: Zouari Ezzeddine, Tarchoun Monaem
Despite the multiplicity of advanced approaches, the concept of financial integration couldn’t be an explicit analysis. Indeed, empirical studies appear that the measures of international financial integration are one-dimensional analyses. For the ambivalence of the concept and its multiple determinants, it must be analyzed in multidimensional level. The interest of this research is a proposal of a decision support by multicriteria approach for determining the positions of countries according to their international and financial dependencies links with the behavior of financial actors (trying to make governance decisions or diversification strategies of international portfolio ...Keywords: financial integration, decision support, behavior, multicriteria approach, governance and diversification
Procedia PDF Downloads 5296789 Risk Tolerance in Youth With Emerging Mood Disorders
Authors: Ange Weinrabe, James Tran, Ian B. Hickie
Risk-taking behaviour is common during youth. In the time between adolescence and early adulthood, young people (aged 15-25 years) are more vulnerable to mood disorders, such as anxiety and depression. What impact does an emerging mood disorder have on decision-making in youth at critical decision points in their lives? In this article, we explore the impact of risk and ambiguity on youth decision-making in a clinical setting using a well-known economic experiment. At two time points, separated by six to eight weeks, we measured risky and ambiguous choices concurrently with findings from three psychological questionnaires, the 10-item Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K10), the 17-item Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology Adolescent Version (QIDS-A17), and the 12-item Somatic and Psychological Health Report (SPHERE-12), for young help seekers aged 16-25 (n=30, mean age 19.22 years, 19 males). When first arriving for care, we found that 50% (n=15) of participants experienced severe anxiety (K10 ≥ 30) and were severely depressed (QIDS-A17 ≥ 16). In Session 2, taking attrition rates into account (n=5), we found that 44% (n=11) remained severe across the full battery of questionnaires. When applying multiple regression analyses of the pooled sample of observations (N=55), across both sessions, we found that participants who rated severely anxious avoided making risky decisions. We suggest there is some statistically significant (although weak) (p=0.09) relation between risk and severe anxiety scores as measured by K10. Our findings may support working with novel tools with which to evaluate youth experiencing an emerging mood disorder and their cognitive capacities influencing decision-making.Keywords: anxiety, decision-making, risk, adolescence
Procedia PDF Downloads 1166788 Gender Differences in Risk Aversion Behavior: Case Study of Saudi Arabia and Jordan
Authors: Razan Salem
Men and women have different approaches towards investing, both in terms of strategies and risk attitudes. This study aims to focus mainly on investigating the financial risk behaviors of Arab women investors and to examine the financial risk tolerance levels of Arab women relative to Arab men investors. Using survey data on 547 Arab men and women investors, the results of Wilcoxon Signed-Rank (One-Sample) test Mann-Whitney U test reveal that Arab women are risk-averse investors and have lower financial risk tolerance levels relative to Arab men. Such findings can be explained by the fact of women's nature and lower investment literacy levels. Further, the current political uncertainty in the Arab region may be considered as another explanation of Arab women’s risk aversion behavior. The study's findings support the existing literature by validating the stereotype of “women are more risk-averse than men” in the Arab region. Overall, when it comes to investment and financial behaviors, women around the world behave similarly.Keywords: Arab region, culture, financial risk behavior, gender differences, women investors
Procedia PDF Downloads 1696787 The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) as a Problem-Solving Tool in Disability Rehabilitation and Education Alliance in Metabolic Disorders (DREAM) at Sultan Bin Abdul Aziz Humanitarian City:A Prototype for Reh
Authors: Hamzeh Awad
Disability is considered to be a worldwide complex phenomenon which rising at a phenomenal rate and caused by many different factors. Chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes can lead to mobility disability in particular and disability in general. The ICF is an integrative bio-psycho-social model of functioning and disability and considered by the World Health Organization (WHO) to be a reference for disability classification using its categories and core set to classify disorder’s functional limitations. Specialist programs at Sultan Bin Abdul Aziz Humanitarian City (SBAHC) are providing both inpatient and outpatient services have started to implement the ICF and use it as a problem solving tool in Rehab. Diabetes is leading contributing factor for disability and considered epidemic in several Gulf countries including the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), where its prevalence continues to increase dramatically. Metabolic disorders, mainly diabetes are not well covered in Rehab field. The purpose of this study is present to research and clinical rehabilitation field of DREAM and ICF as a framework in clinical and research setting in Rehab service. Also, shed the light on using the ICF as problem solving tool at SBAHC. There are synergies between disability causes and wider public health priorities in relation to both chronic disease and disability prevention. Therefore, there is a need for strong advocacy and understanding of the role of ICF as a reference in Rehab settings in Middle East if we wish to seize the opportunity to reverse current trends of acquired disability in the region.Keywords: international classification of functioning, disability and health (ICF), prototype, rehabilitation and diabetes
Procedia PDF Downloads 3526786 Investigating the Molecular Behavior of H₂O in Caso 4 -2h₂o Two-Dimensional Nanoscale System
Authors: Manal Alhazmi, Artem Mishchenko
A molecular fluids' behavior and interaction with other materials at the nanoscale is a complex process. Nanoscale fluids behave so differently than macroscale fluids and interact with other materials in unique ways. It is, therefore, feasible to understand the molecular behavior of H₂O in such two-dimensional nanoscale systems by studying (CaSO4-2H2O), commonly known as gypsum. In the present study, spectroscopic measurements on a 2D structure of exfoliated gypsum crystals are carried out by Raman and IR spectroscopy. An array of gypsum flakes with thicknesses ranging from 8nm to 100nm were observed and analyzed for their Raman and IR spectrum. Water molecules stretching modes spectra lines were also measured and observed in nanoscale gypsum flakes and compared with those of bulk crystals. CaSO4-2H2O crystals have Raman and infrared bands at 3341 cm-1 resulting from the weak hydrogen bonds between the water molecules. This internal vibration of water molecules, together with external vibrations with other atoms, are responsible for these bands. There is a shift of about 70 cm-1 In the peak position of thin flakes with respect to the bulk crystal, which is a result of the different atomic arrangement from bulk to thin flake on the nano scale. An additional peak was observed in Raman spectra around 2910-3137 cm⁻¹ in thin flakes but is missing in bulk crystal. This additional peak is attributed to a combined mode of water internal (stretching mode at 3394cm⁻¹) and external vibrations. In addition to Raman and infra- red analysis of gypsum 2D structure, electrical measurements were conducted to reveal the water molecules transport behavior in such systems. Electrical capacitance of the fabricated device is measured and found to be (0.0686 *10-12) F, and the calculated dielectric constant (ε) is (12.26).Keywords: gypsum, infra-red spectroscopy, raman spectroscopy, H₂O behavior
Procedia PDF Downloads 1056785 Role of Speech Articulation in English Language Learning
Authors: Khadija Rafi, Neha Jamil, Laiba Khalid, Meerub Nawaz, Mahwish Farooq
Speech articulation is a complex process to produce intelligible sounds with the help of precise movements of various structures within the vocal tract. All these structures in the vocal tract are named as articulators, which comprise lips, teeth, tongue, and palate. These articulators work together to produce a range of distinct phonemes, which happen to be the basis of language. It starts with the airstream from the lungs passing through the trachea and into oral and nasal cavities. When the air passes through the mouth, the tongue and the muscles around it form such coordination it creates certain sounds. It can be seen when the tongue is placed in different positions- sometimes near the alveolar ridge, soft palate, roof of the mouth or the back of the teeth which end up creating unique qualities of each phoneme. We can articulate vowels with open vocal tracts, but the height and position of the tongue is different every time depending upon each vowel, while consonants can be pronounced when we create obstructions in the airflow. For instance, the alphabet ‘b’ is a plosive and can be produced only by briefly closing the lips. Articulation disorders can not only affect communication but can also be a hurdle in speech production. To improve articulation skills for such individuals, doctors often recommend speech therapy, which involves various kinds of exercises like jaw exercises and tongue twisters. However, this disorder is more common in children who are going through developmental articulation issues right after birth, but in adults, it can be caused by injury, neurological conditions, or other speech-related disorders. In short, speech articulation is an essential aspect of productive communication, which also includes coordination of the specific articulators to produce different intelligible sounds, which are a vital part of spoken language.Keywords: linguistics, speech articulation, speech therapy, language learning
Procedia PDF Downloads 636784 Use of Structural Family Therapy and Dialectical Behavior Therapy with High-Conflict Couples
Authors: Eman Tadros, Natasha Finney
The following case study involving a high-conflict, Children’s Services Bureau (CSB) referred couple is analyzed and reviewed through an integrated lens of structural family therapy and dialectical behavior therapy. In structural family therapy, normal family development is not characterized by a lack of problems, but instead by families’ having developed a functional structure for dealing with their problems. Whereas, in dialectical behavioral therapy normal family development can be characterized by having a supportive and validating environment, where all family members feel a sense of acceptance and validation for who they are and where they are in life. The clinical case conceptualization highlights the importance of conceptualizing how change occurs within a therapeutic setting. In the current case study, the couple did not only experience high-conflict, but there were also issues of substance use, health issues, and other complicating factors. Clinicians should view their clients holistically and tailor their treatment to fit their unique needs. In this framework, change occurs within the family unit, by accepting each member as they are, while at the same time working together to change maladaptive familial structures.Keywords: couples, dialectical behavior therapy, high-conflict, structural family therapy
Procedia PDF Downloads 3506783 Review and Suggestions of the Similarity between Employee and Its Workplace
Authors: Gi Ryung Song, Kyoung Seok Kim
This study reviewed the literature that focused on similarity of various characteristics such as values, personality, or demographics between employee and other elements in its organization for example employee with leader, job, and organization. We divided a body of this study into two parts and organized and demonstrated recent studies in first part. Three issues appeared in this part, which are statistical ways of measuring similarity, supervisor-subordinate similarity, and person-organization fit with person-job fit. In the latter part, based on the three issues of recent studies, we suggested three propositions about points that the recent studies missed or the studies did not orient. First proposition argued about the direction of similarity, which could also be interpreted as there is causal relation between employee and its workplace environments. Second, we suggested a consideration of eliminating common variance buried in one’s characteristics or its profiles. Third proposition was about the similarity of extra role behavior between individual and organization, and we treated this organization’s level of extra role behavior as a kind of its culture. In doing so, similarity of individual’s extra role behavior and organization’s has the meaning that individual’s congruence against their organization culture.Keywords: similarity, person-organization fit, supervisor-subordinate similarity, literature review
Procedia PDF Downloads 2866782 Energy Box Programme in the Netherlands
Authors: B. E. Weber, N. Vrielink, M. G. Rietbergen
This paper explores the long-term effects of the Energy Box trajectory on households in the private rental sector, specifically households experiencing energy poverty. The concept of energy poverty has been getting increasing attention among policymakers over the past few years. In the Netherlands, as far as we know, there are no national policies on alleviating energy poverty, which negatively impacts energy-poor households. The Energy Box can help households experiencing energy poverty by stimulating them to improve the energy efficiency of their home by changing their energy-saving behavior. Important long-term effects are that respondents indicate that they live in a more environmentally friendly way and that they save money on their energy bills. Households feel engaged with the concept of energy-saving and can see the benefits of changing their energy-saving behavior. Respondents perceived the Energy Box as a means to live more environmentally friendly, instead of it solely being a means to save money on energy bills. The findings show that most respondents signed up for the Energy Box are interested in energy-saving as a lifestyle choice instead of a financial choice, which would likely be the case for households experiencing energy poverty.Keywords: energy-saving behavior, energy poverty, poverty, private rental sector
Procedia PDF Downloads 1166781 Thermo-Mechanical Behavior of Steel-Wood Connections of Wooden Structures Under the Effect of a Fire
Authors: Ahmed Alagha, Belkacem Lamri, Abdelhak Kada.
Steel-wood assemblies often have complex geometric configurations whose overall behavior under the effect of a fire is conditioned by the thermal response, by combining the two materials steel and wood, whose thermal characteristics are greatly influenced by high temperatures. The objective of this work is to study the thermal behavior of a steel-wood connection, with or without insulating material, subjected to an ISO834 standard fire model. The analysis is developed by the analytical approach using the Eurocode, and numerically, by the finite element method, through the ANSYS calculation code. The design of the connections is evaluated at room temperature taking the cases of single shear and double shear. The thermal behavior of the connections is simulated in transient state while taking into account the modes of heat transfer by convection and by radiation. The variation of temperature as a function of time is evaluated in different positions of the connections while talking about the heat produced and the formation of the carbon layer. The results relate to the temperature distributions in the connection elements as a function of the duration of the fire. The results of the thermal analysis show that the temperature increases rapidly and reaches more than 260 °C in the steel material for an hour of exposure to fire. The temperature development in wood material is different from that in steel because of its thermal properties. Wood heats up on the outside and burns, its surface can reach very high temperatures in points on the surface.Keywords: Eurocode 5, finite elements, ISO834, simple shear, thermal behaviour, wood-steel connection
Procedia PDF Downloads 866780 The Contribution of Diet and Lifestyle Factors in the Prevalence of Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Authors: Alexander Dao, Oscar Wambuguh
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a heterogeneous functional bowel disease that is characterized by chronic visceral abdominal pain and abnormal bowel function and habits. Its multifactorial pathophysiology and mechanisms are still largely a mystery to the contemporary biomedical community, although there are many hypotheses to try to explain IBS’s presumed physiological, psychosocial, genetic, and environmental etiologies. IBS’s symptomatic presentation is varied and divided into four major subtypes: IBS-C, IBS-D, IBS-M, and IBS-U. Given its diverse presentation and unclear mechanisms, diagnosis is done through a combination of positive identification utilizing the “Rome IV Irritable Bowel Syndrome Criteria'' (Rome IV) diagnostic criteria while also excluding other potential conditions with similar symptoms. Treatment of IBS is focused on the management of symptoms using an assortment of pharmaceuticals, lifestyle changes, and dietary changes, with future potential in microbial treatment and psychotherapy as other therapy methods. Its chronic, heterogeneous nature and disruptive gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms are negatively impactful on patients’ daily lives, health systems, and society. However, with a better understanding of the gaps in knowledge and technological advances in IBS’s pathophysiology, management, and treatment options, there is optimism for the millions of people worldwide who are suffering from the debilitating effects of IBS.Keywords: irritable bowel syndrome, lifestyle, diet, functional gastrointestinal disorder
Procedia PDF Downloads 896779 Music Piracy Revisited: Agent-Based Modelling and Simulation of Illegal Consumption Behavior
Authors: U. S. Putro, L. Mayangsari, M. Siallagan, N. P. Tjahyani
National Collective Management Institute (LKMN) in Indonesia stated that legal music products were about 77.552.008 unit while illegal music products were about 22.0688.225 unit in 1996 and this number keeps getting worse every year. Consequently, Indonesia named as one of the countries with high piracy levels in 2005. This study models people decision toward unlawful behavior, music content piracy in particular, using agent-based modeling and simulation (ABMS). The classification of actors in the model constructed in this study are legal consumer, illegal consumer, and neutral consumer. The decision toward piracy among the actors is a manifestation of the social norm which attributes are social pressure, peer pressure, social approval, and perceived prevalence of piracy. The influencing attributes fluctuate depending on the majority of surrounding behavior called social network. There are two main interventions undertaken in the model, campaign and peer influence, which leads to scenarios in the simulation: positively-framed descriptive norm message, negatively-framed descriptive norm message, positively-framed injunctive norm with benefits message, and negatively-framed injunctive norm with costs message. Using NetLogo, the model is simulated in 30 runs with 10.000 iteration for each run. The initial number of agent was set 100 proportion of 95:5 for illegal consumption. The assumption of proportion is based on the data stated that 95% sales of music industry are pirated. The finding of this study is that negatively-framed descriptive norm message has a worse reversed effect toward music piracy. The study discovers that selecting the context-based campaign is the key process to reduce the level of intention toward music piracy as unlawful behavior by increasing the compliance awareness. The context of Indonesia reveals that that majority of people has actively engaged in music piracy as unlawful behavior, so that people think that this illegal act is common behavior. Therefore, providing the information about how widespread and big this problem is could make people do the illegal consumption behavior instead. The positively-framed descriptive norm message scenario works best to reduce music piracy numbers as it focuses on supporting positive behavior and subject to the right perception on this phenomenon. Music piracy is not merely economical, but rather social phenomenon due to the underlying motivation of the actors which has shifted toward community sharing. The indication of misconception of value co-creation in the context of music piracy in Indonesia is also discussed. This study contributes theoretically that understanding how social norm configures the behavior of decision-making process is essential to breakdown the phenomenon of unlawful behavior in music industry. In practice, this study proposes that reward-based and context-based strategy is the most relevant strategy for stakeholders in music industry. Furthermore, this study provides an opportunity that findings may generalize well beyond music piracy context. As an emerging body of work that systematically constructs the backstage of law and social affect decision-making process, it is interesting to see how the model is implemented in other decision-behavior related situation.Keywords: music piracy, social norm, behavioral decision-making, agent-based model, value co-creation
Procedia PDF Downloads 1886778 Associated Map and Inter-Purchase Time Model for Multiple-Category Products
Authors: Ching-I Chen
The continued rise of e-commerce is the main driver of the rapid growth of global online purchase. Consumers can nearly buy everything they want at one occasion through online shopping. The purchase behavior models which focus on single product category are insufficient to describe online shopping behavior. Therefore, analysis of multi-category purchase gets more and more popular. For example, market basket analysis explores customers’ buying tendency of the association between product categories. The information derived from market basket analysis facilitates to make cross-selling strategies and product recommendation system. To detect the association between different product categories, we use the market basket analysis with the multidimensional scaling technique to build an associated map which describes how likely multiple product categories are bought at the same time. Besides, we also build an inter-purchase time model for associated products to describe how likely a product will be bought after its associated product is bought. We classify inter-purchase time behaviors of multi-category products into nine types, and use a mixture regression model to integrate those behaviors under our assumptions of purchase sequences. Our sample data is from comScore which provides a panelist-label database that captures detailed browsing and buying behavior of internet users across the United States. Finding the inter-purchase time from books to movie is shorter than the inter-purchase time from movies to books. According to the model analysis and empirical results, this research finally proposes the applications and recommendations in the management.Keywords: multiple-category purchase behavior, inter-purchase time, market basket analysis, e-commerce
Procedia PDF Downloads 3696777 Improvement of Buckling Behavior of Cold Formed Steel Uprights with Open Cross Section Used in Storage Rack Systems
Authors: Yasar Pala, Safa Senaysoy, Emre Calis
In this paper, structural behavior and improvement of buckling behavior of cold formed steel uprights with open cross-section used storage rack system are studied. As a first step, in the case of a stiffener having an inclined part on the flange, experimental and nonlinear finite element analysis are carried out for three different upright lengths. In the uprights with long length, global buckling is observed while distortional buckling and local buckling are observed in the uprights with medium length and those with short length, respectively. After this point, the study is divided into two groups. One of these groups is the case where the stiffener on the flange is folded at 90°. For this case, four different distances of the stiffener from the web are taken into account. In the other group, the case where different depth of stiffener on the web is considered. Combining experimental and finite element results, the cross-section giving the ultimate critical buckling load is selected.Keywords: steel, upright, buckling, modes, nonlinear finite element analysis, optimization
Procedia PDF Downloads 2606776 Study the Behavior of Different Composite Short Columns (DST) with Prismatic Sections under Bending Load
Authors: V. Sadeghi Balkanlou, M. Reza Bagerzadeh Karimi, A. Hasanbakloo, B. Bagheri Azar
In this paper, the behavior of different types of DST columns has been studied under bending load. Briefly, composite columns consist of an internal carbon steel tube and an external stainless steel wall that the between the walls are filled with concrete. Composite columns are expected to combine the advantages of all three materials and have the advantage of high flexural stiffness of CFDST columns. In this research, ABAQUS software is used for finite element analysis then the results of ultimate strength of the composite sections are illustrated.Keywords: DST, stainless steel, carbon steel, ABAQUS, straigh columns, tapered columns
Procedia PDF Downloads 3906775 A Hybrid Model of Structural Equation Modelling-Artificial Neural Networks: Prediction of Influential Factors on Eating Behaviors
Authors: Maryam Kheirollahpour, Mahmoud Danaee, Amir Faisal Merican, Asma Ahmad Shariff
Background: The presence of nonlinearity among the risk factors of eating behavior causes a bias in the prediction models. The accuracy of estimation of eating behaviors risk factors in the primary prevention of obesity has been established. Objective: The aim of this study was to explore the potential of a hybrid model of structural equation modeling (SEM) and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) to predict eating behaviors. Methods: The Partial Least Square-SEM (PLS-SEM) and a hybrid model (SEM-Artificial Neural Networks (SEM-ANN)) were applied to evaluate the factors affecting eating behavior patterns among university students. 340 university students participated in this study. The PLS-SEM analysis was used to check the effect of emotional eating scale (EES), body shape concern (BSC), and body appreciation scale (BAS) on different categories of eating behavior patterns (EBP). Then, the hybrid model was conducted using multilayer perceptron (MLP) with feedforward network topology. Moreover, Levenberg-Marquardt, which is a supervised learning model, was applied as a learning method for MLP training. The Tangent/sigmoid function was used for the input layer while the linear function applied for the output layer. The coefficient of determination (R²) and mean square error (MSE) was calculated. Results: It was proved that the hybrid model was superior to PLS-SEM methods. Using hybrid model, the optimal network happened at MPLP 3-17-8, while the R² of the model was increased by 27%, while, the MSE was decreased by 9.6%. Moreover, it was found that which one of these factors have significantly affected on healthy and unhealthy eating behavior patterns. The p-value was reported to be less than 0.01 for most of the paths. Conclusion/Importance: Thus, a hybrid approach could be suggested as a significant methodological contribution from a statistical standpoint, and it can be implemented as software to be able to predict models with the highest accuracy.Keywords: hybrid model, structural equation modeling, artificial neural networks, eating behavior patterns
Procedia PDF Downloads 1576774 Blood Microbiome in Different Metabolic Types of Obesity
Authors: Irina M. Kolesnikova, Andrey M. Gaponov, Sergey A. Roumiantsev, Tatiana V. Grigoryeva, Dilyara R. Khusnutdinova, Dilyara R. Kamaldinova, Alexander V. Shestopalov
Background. Obese patients have unequal risks of metabolic disorders. It is accepted to distinguish between metabolically healthy obesity (MHO) and metabolically unhealthy obesity (MUHO). MUHO patients have a high risk of metabolic disorders, insulin resistance, and diabetes mellitus. Among the other things, the gut microbiota also contributes to the development of metabolic disorders in obesity. Obesity is accompanied by significant changes in the gut microbial community. In turn, bacterial translocation from the intestine is the basis for the blood microbiome formation. The aim was to study the features of the blood microbiome in patients with various metabolic types of obesity. Patients, materials, methods. The study included 116 healthy donors and 101 obese patients. Depending on the metabolic type of obesity, the obese patients were divided into subgroups with MHO (n=36) and MUHO (n=53). Quantitative and qualitative assessment of the blood microbiome was based on metagenomic analysis. Blood samples were used to isolate DNA and perform sequencing of the variable v3-v4 region of the 16S rRNA gene. Alpha diversity indices (Simpson index, Shannon index, Chao1 index, phylogenetic diversity, the number of observed operational taxonomic units) were calculated. Moreover, we compared taxa (phyla, classes, orders, and families) in terms of isolation frequency and the taxon share in the total bacterial DNA pool between different patient groups. Results. In patients with MHO, the characteristics of the alpha-diversity of the blood microbiome were like those of healthy donors. However, MUHO was associated with an increase in all diversity indices. The main phyla of the blood microbiome were Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes, Proteobacteria, and Actinobacteria. Cyanobacteria, TM7, Thermi, Verrucomicrobia, Chloroflexi, Acidobacteria, Planctomycetes, Gemmatimonadetes, and Tenericutes were found to be less significant phyla of the blood microbiome. Phyla Acidobacteria, TM7, and Verrucomicrobia were more often isolated in blood samples of patients with MUHO compared with healthy donors. Obese patients had a decrease in some taxonomic ranks (Bacilli, Caulobacteraceae, Barnesiellaceae, Rikenellaceae, Williamsiaceae). These changes appear to be related to the increased diversity of the blood microbiome observed in obesity. An increase of Lachnospiraceae, Succinivibrionaceae, Prevotellaceae, and S24-7 was noted for MUHO patients, which, apparently, is explained by a magnification in intestinal permeability. Conclusion. Blood microbiome differs in obese patients and healthy donors at class, order, and family levels. Moreover, the nature of the changes is determined by the metabolic type of obesity. MUHO linked to increased diversity of the blood microbiome. This appears to be due to increased microbial translocation from the intestine and non-intestinal sources.Keywords: blood microbiome, blood bacterial DNA, obesity, metabolically healthy obesity, metabolically unhealthy obesity
Procedia PDF Downloads 1646773 Pharmacological Activities and Potential Uses of Cyperus Rotundus: A Review
Authors: Arslan Masood Pirzada, Muhammad Naeem, Hafiz Haider Ali, Muhammad Latif, Aown Sammar Raza, Asad Hussain Bukhari, Muhammad Saqib, Muhammad Ijaz
Cyperus rotundus (Cyperaceae), a medicinal herb, is being traditionally used as a home remedy for the treatment of various clinical conditions like diarrhea, diabetic, pyretic, inflammation, malaria, and for treating stomach and bowel disorders. Its current status is one of the most widespread, troublesome, and economically damaging agronomic weeds, growing wildly in various tropical and sub-tropical regions of the world. Tuber and rhizomes of Cyperus rotundus possess a higher concentration of active ingredients in the form of essential oils, phenolic acids, ascorbic acids and flavonoids, responsible for its remedial properties. Exploitation of any medicinal plant application depends on the crucial and comprehensive information about the therapeutic potential of a plant. Researchers have evaluated and characterized the significance of Cyperus rotundus as an anti-androgenic, anti-bacterial, anti-cancerous, anti-convulsant, anti-diabetic, anti-diarrheal, anti-genotoxic, anti-inflammatory, anti-lipidemic, anti-malarial, anti-mutagenic, anti-obesity, anti-oxidant, anti-uropathogenic, hepato-, cardio-, neuroprotective, and nootropic agent. This paper comprises a broad review to summarize the current state of knowledge about chemical constituents, potential economic uses and therapeutic aspects of Cyperus rotundus that will aid in the development of bioethanol and modern herbal medicine through latest technologies that will promote the ability of this plant in the cure of many clinical disorders.Keywords: purple nutsedge, chemical composition, economic uses, therapeutic values, future directions
Procedia PDF Downloads 5156772 Spin Resolved Electronic Behavior of Zno Nanoribbons
Authors: Serkan Caliskan
The aim of this study is to understand the spin-resolved properties of ZnO armchair and zigzag nanoribbons. The spin polarization can be induced by either geometry of the nanoribbons or ferromagnetic electrodes. Hence, spin-dependent behavior is revealed in these nanostructures in the absence of external magnetic field. Both electronic structure and magnetic properties of the nanoribbons are analyzed, employing first-principles calculations through Density Functional Theory. The relevant properties using the spin-dependent band structure, conductance, transmission, density of states and magnetic moment are elucidated. These results can be utilized to describe the nanoscale structures and stimulate the experimental works.Keywords: first principles, spin polarized transport, ZnO device, ZnO nanoribbons
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