Search results for: development and resource
16967 Evaluating India's Smart Cities against the Sustainable Development Goals
Authors: Suneet Jagdev
17 Sustainable Development Goals were adopted by the world leaders in September 2015 at the United Nations Sustainable Development Summit. These goals were adopted by UN member states to promote prosperity, health and human rights while protecting the planet. Around the same time, the Government of India launched the Smart City Initiative to speed up development of state of the art infrastructure and services in 100 cities with a focus on sustainable and inclusive development. These cities are meant to become role models for other cities in India and promote sustainable regional development. This paper examines goals set under the Smart City Initiative and evaluates them in terms of the Sustainable Development Goals, using case studies of selected Smart Cities in India. The study concludes that most Smart City projects at present actually consist of individual solutions to individual problems identified in a community rather than comprehensive models for complex issues in cities across India. Systematic, logical and comparative analysis of important literature and data has been done, collected from government sources, government papers, research papers by various experts on the topic, and results from some online surveys. Case studies have been used for a graphical analysis highlighting the issues of migration, ecology, economy and social equity in these Smart Cities.Keywords: housing, migration, smart cities, sustainable development goals, urban infrastructure
Procedia PDF Downloads 41016966 Volume Estimation of Trees: An Exploratory Study on Pterocarpus erinaceus Logging Operations within Forest Transition and Savannah Ecological Zones of Ghana
Authors: Albert Kwabena Osei Konadu
Pterocarpus erinaceus, also known as Rosewood, is tropical wood, endemic in forest savannah transition zones within the middle and northern portion of Ghana. Its economic viability has made it increasingly popular and in high demand, leading to widespread conservation concerns. Ghana’s forest resource management regime for these ecozones is mainly on conservation and very little on resource utilization. Consequently, commercial logging management standards are at teething stage and not fully developed, leading to a deficiency in the monitoring of logging operations and quantification of harvested trees volumes. Tree information form (TIF); a volume estimation and tracking regime, has proven to be an effective, sustainable management tool for regulating timber resource extraction in the high forest zones of the country. This work aims to generate TIF that can track and capture requisite parameters to accurately estimate the volume of harvested rosewood within forest savannah transition zones. Tree information forms were created on three scenarios of individual billets, stacked billets and conveying vessel basis. These TIFs were field-tested to deduce the most viable option for the tracking and estimation of harvested volumes of rosewood using the smallian and cubic volume estimation formula. Overall, four districts were covered with individual billets, stacked billets and conveying vessel scenarios registering mean volumes of 25.83m3,45.08m3 and 32.6m3, respectively. These adduced volumes were validated by benchmarking to assigned volumes of the Forestry Commission of Ghana and known standard volumes of conveying vessels. The results did indicate an underestimation of extracted volumes under the quotas regime, a situation that could lead to unintended overexploitation of the species. The research revealed conveying vessels route is the most viable volume estimation and tracking regime for the sustainable management of the Pterocarpous erinaceus species as it provided a more practical volume estimate and data extraction protocol.Keywords: convention on international trade in endangered species, cubic volume formula, forest transition savannah zones, pterocarpus erinaceus, smallian’s volume formula, tree information form
Procedia PDF Downloads 11016965 Revitalizing Coastal Ecosystems: Evaluating the Costs and Benefits of Restoring Clam Gardens for Indigenous Communities in British Columbia
Authors: Daniel Chen, Chengyi Li, Naifu Xu, Shangxuan Yang
Climate change has led to substantial changes in coastal ecosystems, including elevated ocean temperatures, increased acidity, and disrupted marine habitats. These environmental impacts have also resulted in the decline of traditional Indigenous food sources on the coast of British Columbia, including clams and salmon, which have been essential to the diet and cultural practices of the coastal Indigenous communities. This research evaluates and analyzes the costs and benefits of restoring and building clam gardens, an ancestral Indigenous mariculture technique in the Pacific Northwest. Clam gardens, which involve the construction of intertidal rock walls to enhance clam production, have been shown to more than triple clam yields compared to non-walled beaches. This research analyzes the costs and benefits to Indigenous individuals, including factors such as travel, equipment, time, food supply, and cultural engagement; then it discusses the potential of clam gardens as a significant food resource with additional environmental co-benefits, given the prevalence of clam gardens and coastlines in British Columbia. Moreover, the study concludes with policy recommendations to support the restoration and preservation of clam gardens, highlighting their potential to provide sustainable seafood production, environmental co-benefits, and social-environmental educational opportunities for Indigenous communities and the wider public.Keywords: British Columbia coastline, clam garden, coastal resource management, Indigenous communities
Procedia PDF Downloads 2316964 Community Product Development of Basket Handicraft-Bag, Ang Thong Province, Thailand
Authors: Patsara Sirikamonsin
The purposes of this study were I) to study development guidelines of community product which was basket handicraft-bag of Ang Thong province; II) to study consumer demand for the community of basket handicraft-bag products of Ang Thong province. Data were collected via group interview of the community of basket handicraft-bag and consumer in order to obtain information related to product development guidelines in line with consumer demand. The study revealed that development guidelines of community product which was basket handicraft-bag of Ang Thong province caused by the demand of consumers changed by the era which made community of basket handicraft-bag products of Ang Thong province might develop community products to be novel, stylish and accessible. The consumer demand for the product came from the need to consume goods that are like local symbols. Most of them were foreigners and tourists. The advantage of this research was that it would lead to policy implementation and lead to the development of basket handicraft-bag community products of Ang Thong to meet the needs of consumers.Keywords: community product, product development, basket handicraft-bag, business research
Procedia PDF Downloads 18116963 The Exploration of Preschool Teachers' Understanding of the Role of Socio-Emotional Development in School Readiness
Authors: A. Pedro, T. Goldschmidt
Socio-emotional development is considered to be an essential prerequisite for school readiness. To our best knowledge, research on socio-emotional development specifically from the views of teachers in the South African context is limited. This study explored preschool teachers’ understanding of the role that socio-emotional development plays in preparing the child for school. Using the social learning theory, a qualitative approach with an exploratory design was used for the study. A total of 12 preschool teachers from both community-based and school-based preschools were purposively recruited. Upon receiving ethics clearance from the University of the Western Cape and the Western Cape Education Department, semi-structured interviews were conducted and analysed by utilizing Braun and Clarke’s (2006) six phases of thematic analysis. Participants’ rights, anonymity, and confidentiality were upheld throughout the research process. Findings reveal that preschool teachers emphasise the importance of holistic development for school readiness. Teachers deemed socio-emotional development as absolutely crucial for preparing children for school as it eases the transition to formal schooling and adaptation to the classroom environment.Keywords: early childhood, preschool teachers, school readiness, socio-emotional development
Procedia PDF Downloads 14316962 Project Management and International Development: Competencies for International Assignment
Authors: M. P. Leroux, C. Coulombe
Projects are popular vehicles through which international aid is delivered in developing countries. To achieve their objectives, many northern organizations develop projects with local partner organizations in the developing countries through technical assistance projects. International aid and international development projects precisely have long been criticized for poor results although billions are spent every year. Little empirical research in the field of project management has the focus on knowledge transfer in international development context. This paper focuses particularly on personal dimensions of international assignees participating in project within local team members in the host country. We propose to explore the possible links with a human resource management perspective in order to shed light on the less research problematic of knowledge transfer in development cooperation projects. The process leading to capacity building being far complex, involving multiple dimensions and far from being linear, we propose here to assess if traditional research on expatriate in multinational corporations pertain to the field of project management in developing countries. The following question is addressed: in the context of international development project cooperation, what personal determinants should the selection process focus when looking to fill a technical assistance position in a developing country? To answer that question, we first reviewed the literature on expatriate in the context of inter organizational knowledge transfer. Second, we proposed a theoretical framework combining perspectives of development studies and management to explore if parallels can be draw between traditional international assignment and technical assistance project assignment in developing countries. We conducted an exploratory study using case studies from technical assistance initiatives led in Haiti, a country in Central America. Data were collected from multiple sources following qualitative study research methods. Direct observations in the field were allowed by local leaders of six organization; individual interviews with present and past international assignees, individual interview with local team members, and focus groups were organized in order to triangulate information collected. Contrary from empirical research on knowledge transfer in multinational corporations, results tend to show that technical expertise rank well behind many others characteristics. Results tend to show the importance of soft skills, as a prerequisite to succeed in projects where local team have to collaborate. More importantly, international assignees who were talking knowledge sharing instead of knowledge transfer seemed to feel more satisfied at the end of their mandate than the others. Reciprocally, local team members who perceived to have participated in a project with an expat looking to share instead of aiming to transfer knowledge seemed to describe the results of project in more positive terms than the others. Results obtained from this exploratory study open the way for a promising research agenda in the field of project management. It emphasises the urgent need to achieve a better understanding on the complex set of soft skills project managers or project chiefs would benefit to develop, in particular, the ability to absorb knowledge and the willingness to share one’s knowledge.Keywords: international assignee, international project cooperation, knowledge transfer, soft skills
Procedia PDF Downloads 14216961 Optimal Uses of Rainwater to Maintain Water Level in Gomti Nagar, Uttar Pradesh, India
Authors: Alok Saini, Rajkumar Ghosh
Water is nature's important resource for survival of all living things, but freshwater scarcity exists in some parts of world. This study has predicted that Gomti Nagar area (49.2 sq. km.) will harvest about 91110 ML of rainwater till 2051 (assuming constant and present annual rainfall). But 17.71 ML of rainwater was harvested from only 53 buildings in Gomti Nagar area in the year 2021. Water level will be increased (rise) by 13 cm in Gomti Nagar from such groundwater recharge. The total annual groundwater abstraction from Gomti Nagar area was 35332 ML (in 2021). Due to hydrogeological constraints and lower annual rainfall, groundwater recharge is less than groundwater abstraction. The recent scenario is only 0.07% of rainwater recharges by RTRWHs in Gomti Nagar. But if RTRWHs would be installed in all buildings then 12.39% of rainwater could recharge groundwater table in Gomti Nagar area. But if RTRWHs would be installed in all buildings then 12.39% of rainwater could recharge groundwater table in Gomti Nagar area. Gomti Nagar is situated in 'Zone–A' (water distribution area) and groundwater is the primary source of freshwater supply. Current scenario indicates only 0.07% of rainwater recharges by RTRWHs in Gomti Nagar. In Gomti Nagar, the difference between groundwater abstraction and recharge will be 735570 ML in 30 yrs. Statistically, all buildings at Gomti Nagar (new and renovated) could harvest 3037 ML of rainwater through RTRWHs annually. The most recent monsoonal recharge in Gomti Nagar was 10813 ML/yr. Harvested rainwater collected from RTRWHs can be used for rooftop irrigation, and residential kitchen and gardens (home grown fruit and vegetables). According to bylaws, RTRWH installations are required in both newly constructed and existing buildings plot areas of 300 sq. m or above. Harvested rainwater is of higher quality than contaminated groundwater. Harvested rainwater from RTRWHs can be considered water self-sufficient. Rooftop Rainwater Harvesting Systems (RTRWHs) are least expensive, eco-friendly, most sustainable, and alternative water resource for artificial recharge. This study also predicts about 3.9 m of water level rise in Gomti Nagar area till 2051, only when all buildings will install RTRWHs and harvest for groundwater recharging. As a result, this current study responds to an impact assessment study of RTRWHs implementation for the water scarcity problem in the Gomti Nagar area (1.36 This study suggests that common storage tanks (recharge wells) should be built for a group of at least ten (10) households and optimal amount of harvested rainwater will be stored annually. Artificial recharge from alternative water sources will be required to improve the declining water level trend and balance the groundwater table in this area. This over-exploitation of groundwater may lead to land subsidence, and development of vertical cracks.Keywords: aquifer, aquitard, artificial recharge, bylaws, groundwater, monsoon, rainfall, rooftop rainwater harvesting system, RTRWHs water table, water level
Procedia PDF Downloads 10016960 Role of Leadership in Project Management
Authors: Miriam Filipová, Peter Balco
At present, in Slovak and Czech Republic, the education within the field of Project Management is carried out either within the higher education or via commercial entities, whilst the most used contents are the commonly used methodologies of project management. Obtaining a diploma after completing a university degree or a training certificate does not automatically mean the success of the project or the success of the project manager. The importance of leadership and soft skills in project management is either not included at all within the training of project managers, or it is only partially reflected. From the methodology perspective, the most important things during the preparation and management of the projects are preparation of the project plan, resource planning, and project realization in accordance with the chosen methodology. However, the key element on which the success of the project depends on are the people – whether they are team members on the supplier's side, the stakeholders, or the end users. This research focuses on the real needs of working project managers, on the development of their strengths, expertise, skills, and knowledge regarding leadership and soft skills. At the same time, it looks into identifying the elements that they consider to be key to the success of the projects they have managed and successfully delivered. The result of this research is the input for creating recommendations for a comprehensive education of project managers in the field of leadership and soft skills.Keywords: project management, leadership, soft skills, education, academic degree, certificates, skills, talents, knowledge
Procedia PDF Downloads 16116959 Effects of Alternative Opportunities and Compensation on Turnover Intention of Singapore PMET
Authors: Han Guan Chew, Keith Yong Ngee Ng, Shan-Wei Fan
In Singapore, talent retention is one of the most persistent and real issue companies have to grapple with due to the tight labour market. Being resource-scarce, Singapore depends solely on its talented pool of high quality human resource to sustain its competitive advantage in the global economy. But the complex and multifaceted nature of turnover phenomenon makes the prescription of effective talent retention strategies in such a competitive labour market very challenging, especially when it comes to monetary incentives, companies struggle to answer the question of “How much is enough?” By examining the interactive effects of perceived alternative employment opportunities, annual salary and satisfaction with compensation on the turnover intention of 102 Singapore Professionals, Managers, Executives and Technicians (PMET) through correlation analyses and multiple regressions, important insights into the psyche of the Singapore talent pool can be drawn. It is found that annual salary influence turnover intention indirectly through mediation and moderation effects on PMET’s satisfaction on compensation. PMET are also found to be heavily swayed by better external opportunities. This implies that talent retention strategies should not adopt a purely monetary based blanket approach but rather a comprehensive and holistic one that considers the dynamics of prevailing market conditions.Keywords: employee turnover, high performers, knowledge workers, perceived alternative employment opportunities salary, satisfaction on compensation, Singapore PMET, talent retention
Procedia PDF Downloads 28316958 Rejuvenating the Water Edge: An Urban Design Initiative for Waterways. Case: Kottayam – Chenganassery, Kerala
Authors: Aswathy Rajagopal
Many research agendas addressed interesting questions concerning the extent and character of water transport and many others looked at various phenomenon of urban waterfront development. The paper explore to highlight the importance of Inland Water Transportation(IWT) and the need for further development of IWT regulatory framework and for synergy between the inland navigation institutions both at policy and expert levels by taking the Backwater system of Kerala, India as the demonstration site. The author seeks to highlight the hurdles faced in integrating water transportation, the interchange between water and land and the waterfront development. The aim of the research is to look at the tools and methods that can be applied for waterfront regeneration and end with suggestions for policies and design considerations to guide the physical development along the proposed Kottayam –Chenganassery arterial waterway.Keywords: waterways, inland water transportation (IWT), urban policy, waterfront development, Kerala backwaters
Procedia PDF Downloads 5116957 Adult-Child Relationships: Nurturing Development and Well-Being
Authors: Obafemi Richard Jegede
The relationship between adults and children is pivotal for the social, emotional, and cognitive development of the latter. This paper explores the multifaceted dynamics of adult-child relationships, emphasizing their significance in fostering positive outcomes for children's well-being. It delves into dimensions such as attachment, communication, and parenting styles, addressing their impact on children's mental health and development. Furthermore, the role of supportive environments and interventions in enhancing adult-child relationships is examined. Understanding the complexities of these relationships is crucial for promoting healthy and nurturing interactions that contribute to children's holistic development. Positive interactions with caring adults promote children's self-regulation, empathy, and resilience, while negative or inconsistent relationships can lead to emotional distress and impaired social skills. Creating supportive environments that prioritize positive adult-child relationships is essential for promoting children's well-being. By comprehensively understanding the factors that shape adult-child relationships, we can better support children's development and well-being. This paper aims to provide insights into the complexities of adult-child relationships and their profound impact on children's development and overall well-being.Keywords: impact on children's development, supportive environments and interventions, parenting style, communication between adult and children
Procedia PDF Downloads 6916956 Extension Services Impact On Stingless Bee Production And Profitability In Malaysia
Authors: Ibrahim Aliyu Isaha, Mohd Mansor Ismailb , Salim Hassanc, Norsida Bint Man
The Global and National income derive from a stingless beekeeping project is a new source of wealth to Malaysia. A common stingless bee species, Trigona itama, potential production through effective utilization of highly competent agents of extension services will lead to higher output that guaranteed maximum income. The study covers a sample beekeepers in ten states and it was designed to examine various impacts of extension services as variables in enhancing sustainable stingless beekeeping production. In addition, the study also determined the profitability of stingless beekeeping production through technology transfer and human resource development. Correlation and Regression analyses were used on a sample size of 87 stingless beekeepers representing 72% of filled questionnaires. The cost-benefit analysis showed participants received lucrative monthly income of more than rm3500. The results indicated positive outcome from extension services that increased production, and hence, generated better additional income to participants. In summary, it is possible for the extension services to increase output of stingless beekeeping through technology transferKeywords: extension services, malaysia, profitability, stingless bee, trigona itama production
Procedia PDF Downloads 6616955 Action Research into including Sustainability in [Lean] Product Development: Cases from the European Space Sector
Authors: JoãO Paulo Estevam De Souza, Rob Dekkers
Particularly for the space sector the inclusion of sustainability in product development poses considerable challenges for practitioners. Outcomes of action research at two companies in this sector demonstrate how this contemporary theme could be included in methods for product and process development; this was supported by wider focus groups involving more companies. The working together with practitioners brought to the fore that holistic product life-cycle thinking needs further development, especially when firms are suppliers to original equipment manufacturers. Furthermore, the findings indicate that the social aspect of the triple-bottom-line causes remains elusive for companies; to this purpose, some pathways based on the action research and focus groups are proposed.Keywords: aerospace, action research, product development, product life-cycle, sustainability, triple bottom-line
Procedia PDF Downloads 14316954 A New Proposed Framework for the Development of Interface Design for Malaysian Interactive Courseware
Authors: Norfadilah Kamaruddin
This paper introduces a new proposed framework for the development process of interface design for Malaysian interactive courseware by exploring four established model in the recent research literature, existing Malaysian government guidelines and Malaysian developers practices. In particular, the study looks at the stages and practices throughout the development process. Significant effects of each of the stages are explored and documented, and significant interrelationships among them suggested. The results of analysis are proposed as potential model that helps in establishing and designing a new version of Malaysian interactive courseware.Keywords: development processes, interaction with interface, interface design, social sciences
Procedia PDF Downloads 38016953 Biomass For Energy In Improving Sustainable Economic Development
Authors: Dahiru Muhammad, Muhammad Danladi, Muhammad Yahaya, Adamu Garba
This paper put forward the potentialities of biomass for energy as divers means of sustainable economic development. The paper explains, in brief, the ways or methods that are used to generate energy from biomass, such as combustion, pyrolysis, anaerobic, and gasification, and also how biomass for energy can enhance the sustainable economic development of a Nation. Currently, the nation depends on fossil fuels as a sources of generating its energy which is finite and deflectable with time, while on the other hand, biomass is an alternative and endless product which consists of forest biomass, agricultural residues, and energy crops. Finally, recommendations and conclusion were made on the role of biomass for energy in improving sustainable economic development.Keywords: biomass, energy, sustainability, economic
Procedia PDF Downloads 13416952 A Comparative Study of Innovative Regions in the World Based on the Theory of Innovation Ecosystem: Cases of the Silicon Valley, Cambridge, Tsukuba and Zhongguancun
Authors: Xinlan Zhang, Dandong Ge, Bingying Liu, Haoyang Liang
With the rapid development of technology and urbanization, innovation has become an important driving force for urban development. Since the late 20th Century, a number of cities and regions have emerged in the world with innovation as the main driving force, and many of them are still the most important innovation centers in the world. Based on the perspective of innovation ecosystem theory, this paper compares Silicon Valley in the United States, Cambridge in the United Kingdom, Tsukuba in Japan and Zhongguancun in China to explore the reasons for the success of innovative regions and their respective characteristics, hoping to provide a reference for the development of other innovative cities. The main conclusions of this study are the following; firstly, different countries have different social backgrounds. The development model of innovative regions is closely related to the regional backgrounds. Secondly, the market force and the government power have important significance for the development of the innovation regions. The influence of the government power in the early stage of development is great, and in the latter stage, development is dominated by the market force. In addition, the self-organizing ability of the region has a great impact on the innovation ability of the region. Strong self-organizing ability is conducive to the development of innovation economy.Keywords: contrastive study, development model, innovation ecosystem, innovative regions
Procedia PDF Downloads 15816951 Assessment of Tidal Current Energy Potential at LAMU and Mombasa in Kenya
Authors: Lucy Patricia Onundo, Wilfred Njoroge Mwema
The tidal power potential available for electricity generation from Mombasa and Lamu sites in Kenya will be examined. Several African countries in the Western Indian Ocean endure insufficiencies in the power sector, including both generation and distribution. One important step towards increasing energy security and availability is to intensify the use of renewable energy sources. The access to cost-efficient hydropower is low in Mombasa and Lamu hence Ocean energy will play an important role. Global-Level resource assessments and oceanographic literature and data have been compiled in an analysis between technology-specific requirements for ocean energy technologies (salinity, tide, tidal current, wave, Ocean thermal energy conversion, wind and solar) and the physical resources in Lamu and Mombasa. The potential for tide and tidal current power is more restricted but may be of interest at some locations. The theoretical maximum power produced over a tidal cycle is determined by the product of the forcing tide and the undisturbed volumetric flow-rate. The extraction of the maximum power reduces the flow-rate, but a significant portion of the maximum power can be extracted with little change to the tidal dynamics. Two-dimensional finite-element, numerical simulations designed and developed agree with the theory. Temporal variations in resource intensity, as well as the differences between small-scale and large-scale applications, are considered.Keywords: energy assessment, marine tidal power, renewable energy, tidal dynamics
Procedia PDF Downloads 57816950 Bee Products Development and Innovation
Authors: Hasan Vural
In this study, innovation subject is explained firstly. Later the basic concepts of innovation and new food products development in marketing of bee products are investigated. Examples of the application of research results will be presented. Subject will be discussed benefiting from scientific studies based on literature review. Innovation is widely recognised as important to commercial success in the food industry, as both a major source of competitive advantage and the creation of a company’s future. However, the new product development process is described as being fraught with failures, with only approximately 10% of new products remaining on the market within a year of commercialisation. In addition, for every new food product that does reach commercialisation, there are likely to be many concepts that are rejected during the new food product development process. No roadmap exactly describes a route to a goal: exhortations to follow ‘10 Steps to a successful Product’ or use ‘Smith’s Method to Do Successful Products’ are, therefore, all approximations. Roadmaps do not describe the actual journey, only the general direction.Keywords: innovation, agrofood product development, beekeeping products, honey marketing
Procedia PDF Downloads 41216949 Sustainable Development, China’s Emerging Role via One Belt, One Road
Authors: Saeid Rabiei Majd, Motahareh Alvandi, Mehrad Rabiei
The rapid economic and technological development of any country depends on access to cheap sources of energy. Competition for access to petroleum resources is always accompanied by numerous environmental risks. These factors have caused more attention to environmental issues and sustainable development in petroleum contracts and activities. Nowadays, a sign of developed countries is adhering to the principles and rules of international environmental law and sustainable development of commercial contracts. China has entered into play through the massive project plan, One Belt, One Road. China is becoming a new emerging power in the world. China's bilateral investment treaties have an impact on environmental rights and sustainable development through regional and international foreign direct investment. The aim of this research is to examine China's key position to promote and improve environmental principles and international law and sustainable development in the energy sector in the world through the initiative, One Belt, One Road. Based on this hypothesis, it seems that in the near future, China's investment bilateral investment treaties will become popular investment model used in global trade, especially in the field of energy and sustainable development. They will replace the European and American models. The research method is including literature review, analytical and descriptive methods.Keywords: principles of sustainable development, oil and gas law, Chinas BITs, One Belt One Road, environmental rights
Procedia PDF Downloads 30616948 Moving beyond Learner Outcomes: Culturally Responsive Recruitment, Training and Workforce Development
Authors: Tanya Greathosue, Adrianna Taylor, Lori Darnel, Eileen Starr, Susie Ryder, Julie Clockston, Dawn Matera Bassett, Jess Retrum
The United States has an identified need to improve the social work mental and behavioral health workforce shortage with a focus on culturally diverse and responsive mental and behavioral health practitioners to adequately serve its rapidly growing multicultural communities. The U.S. is experiencing rapid demographic changes. Ensuring that mental and behavioral health services are effective and accessible for diverse communities is essential for improving overall health outcomes. In response to this need, we developed a training program focused on interdisciplinary collaboration, evidence-based practices, and culturally responsive services. The success of the training program, funded by the Health Resource Service Administration (HRSA) Behavioral Health Workforce Education and Training (BHWET), has provided the foundation for stage two of our programming. In addition to HRSA/BHWET, we are receiving funding from Colorado Access, a state workforce development initiative, and Kaiser Permanente, a healthcare provider network in the United States. We have moved beyond improved learner outcomes to increasing recruitment of historically excluded, disproportionately mistreated learners, mentorship of students to improve retention, and successful, culturally responsive, diverse workforce development. These authors will utilize a pretest-posttest comparison group design and trend analysis to evaluate the success of the training program. Comparison groups will be matched based on age, gender identification, race, income, as well as prior experience in the field, and time in the degree program. This article describes our culturally responsive training program. Our goals are to increase the recruitment and retention of historically excluded, disproportionately mistreated learners. We achieve this by integrating cultural humility and sensitivity training into educational curricula for our scholars who participate in cohort classroom and seminar learning. Additionally, we provide our community partners who serve as internship sites with ongoing continuing education on how to promote and develop inclusive and supportive work environments for our learners. This work will be of value to mental and behavioral health care practitioners who serve historically excluded and mistreated populations. Participants will learn about culturally informed best practices to increase recruitment and retention of culturally diverse learners. Additionally, participants will hear how to create a culturally responsive training program that encourages an inclusive community for their learners through cohort learning, mentoring, community networking, and critical accountability.Keywords: culturally diverse mental health practitioners, recruitment, mentorship, workforce development, underserved clinics, professional development
Procedia PDF Downloads 2616947 The Approach to Develop Value Chain to Enhance the Management Efficiency of Thai Tour Operators in Order to Support Free Trade within the Framework of ASEAN Cooperation
Authors: Yalisa Tonsorn
The objectives of this study are 1) to study the readiness of Thai tour operators in order to prepare for being ASEAN members, 2) to study opportunity and obstacles of the management of Thai tour operators, and 3) to find approach for developing value chain in order to enhance the management efficiency of Thai tour operators in order to support free trade within the framework of ASEAN cooperation. The research methodology is mixed between qualitative method and quantitative method. In-depth interview was done with key informants, including management supervisors, medium managers, and officers of the travel agencies. The questionnaire was conducted with 300 sampling. According to the study, it was found that the approach for developing value chain to enhance the management efficiency of Thai travel agencies in order to support free trade within the framework of ASEAN cooperation, the tour operators must give priority to the customer and deliver the service exceeding the customer’s expectation. There are 2 groups of customers: 1) external customers referring to tourist, and 2) internal customers referring to staff who deliver the service to the customers, including supervisors, colleagues, or subordinates. There are 2 issues which need to be developed: 1) human resource development in order to cultivate the working concept by focusing on importance of customers, and excellent service providing, and 2) working system development by building value and innovation in operational process including services to the company in order to deliver the highest impressive service to both internal and external customers. Moreover, the tour operators could support the increased number of tourists significantly. This could enhance the capacity of the business and affect the increase of competition capability in the economic dimension of the country.Keywords: AEC (ASEAN Economic Eommunity), core activities, support activities, values chain
Procedia PDF Downloads 35216946 Religion and Sustainable Development: A Comparative Study of Buddhist and Christian Farmers’ Contribution to the Environmental Protection in Taiwan
Authors: Jijimon Alakkalam Joseph
The UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development claims to be a comprehensive and integrated plan of action for prosperity for people and the planet, including almost all dimensions of human existence. Nevertheless, critics have pointed out the exclusion of the religious dimension from development discussions. Care for the earth is one of the vital aspects of sustainable development. Farmers all over the world contribute much to environmental protection. Most farmers are religious believers, and religious ideologies influence their agricultural practices. This nexus between faith and agriculture has forced policymakers to include religion in development discussions. This paper delves deeper into this religion and sustainable development connection. Buddhism and Christianity have contributed much to environmental protection in Taiwan. However, interviews conducted among 40 Taiwanese farmers (10 male and female farmers from Buddhism and Christianity) show that their faith experiences make them relate to the natural environment differently. Most of the Buddhist farmers interviewed admitted that they chose their religious adherence, while most of the Christian farmers inherited their faith. The in-depth analysis of the interview data collected underlines the close relationship between religion and sustainable development. More importantly, concerning their intention to care for the earth, farmers whose religious adherence is ‘chosen’ are self-motivated and more robust compared to those whose religious adherence is ‘inherited’.Keywords: Buddhism, Christianity, environmental protection, sustainable development
Procedia PDF Downloads 8616945 Parental Engagement with Their Preschoolers’ Cognitive Development Prior to Their Kindergarten Admission: Sharjah-Based Case Study
Authors: Nada Mohammad Eljeshi
In the United Arab Emirates (UAE), preschoolers can enroll in kindergarten after completing four years old by August 31 of their admission year. This study aims to better understand how Sharjah-based parents’ engagement with preschoolers contributes to their phonological awareness, literacy development, and print knowledge before their kindergarten admission considering cognitive development is addressed in the UAE national child care standards. More specifically, it will discuss the importance of cognitive development activities to preschoolers, the rationale behind defining the admission age to kindergarten and compare and benchmark the policy to other countries. To achieve this study's objectives, an online survey was conducted and distributed. Respondents were asked 13 dichotomous questions related to activities that promote the preschooler’s linguistics literacy and cognitive development. The results suggested parents’ emphasis on phonological awareness, followed by developing their print knowledge. However, the majority of the surveyed parents did not engage in literacy development with their preschoolers. On this basis, it is clear parents’ awareness should occur by introducing various activities such as book reading, that there is a need to introduce and encourage parents to various activities such as reading a printed book and drawings to keep up with their children's cognitive development. The survey results suggested an emphasis on phonological awareness, followed by developing their print knowledge. However, the majority of the surveyed parents did not engage in literacy development with their preschoolers. On this basis, parental awareness of the importance of preschoolers' cognitive development should be developed and engage the parents in understanding their preschooler’s cognitive development before entering kindergarten.Keywords: preschoolers, cognitive development, parental engagement, Sharjah-based case study
Procedia PDF Downloads 24716944 New Standardized Framework for Developing Mobile Applications (Based On Real Case Studies and CMMI)
Authors: Ammar Khader Almasri
The software processes play a vital role for delivering a high quality software system that meets the user’s needs. There are many software development models which are used by most system developers, which can be categorized into two categories (traditional and new methodologies). Mobile applications like other desktop applications need appropriate and well-working software development process. Nevertheless, mobile applications have different features which limit their performance and efficiency like application size, mobile hardware features. Moreover, this research aims to help developers in using a standardized model for developing mobile applications.Keywords: software development process, agile methods , moblile application development, traditional methods
Procedia PDF Downloads 38816943 The Study of Tourism Destination Management Factors for Sustainable Tourism: Case Study of Haikou, Hainan Province
Authors: Jiaying Gao, Thammananya Sakcharoen, Wilailuk Niyommaneerat
Haikou is the capital of Hainan, a major tourism province in China with rich ecotourism resources. There is a need to strengthen tourism destination management in Haikou toward sustainable development as a tourism city. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between tourism destination management and sustainable tourism in Haikou. Exploratory factor analysis was used to extract six dimensions of this study. Three dimensions (10 factors) of tourism destination management were analyzed in terms of economic development, social and cultural development, and conservation of ecosystem. Sustainability awareness, tourism development experience, and tourism public infrastructure in three dimensions (12 factors) of sustainable tourism. There were 426 questionnaire respondents, including 225 tourists, 172 residents, 12 tourism agency persons, 10 government persons, 3 self-employed, and 4 others. The Structural equation modeling (SEM) model was finally conducted to test the hypotheses empirically and explore the impact relationship. The study found a significant relationship between tourism destination management and sustainable tourism: social and cultural development had the greatest significant positive impact on the tourism development experience (0.788***). Social and cultural development also showed a significant positive impact and great impetus on tourism public infrastructure (0.561***). A negative effect relationship (-0.096***) emerged between ecosystem conversion and tourism development experience. It showed a positive relationship between economic development and social and cultural development of tourism destination management in promoting sustainable tourism. There are still some gaps for improvement, such as the need for sustainable ecological management to promote local sustainable tourism trends and enhance tourism experience development, which may require a long-term process of mitigation.Keywords: Haikou (Hainan, China), influence relationship, sustainable tourism, tourism destination management
Procedia PDF Downloads 14316942 A Challenge of the 3ʳᵈ Millenium: The Emotional Intelligence Development
Authors: Florentina Hahaianu, Mihaela Negrescu
The analysis of the positive and negative effects of technology use and abuse in Generation Z comes as a necessity in order to understand their ever-changing emotional development needs. The article quantitatively analyzes the findings of a sociological questionnaire on a group of students in social sciences. It aimed to identify the changes generated by the use of digital resources in the emotional intelligence development. Among the outcomes of our study we include a predilection for IT related activities – be they social, learning, entertainment, etc. which undermines the manifestation of emotional intelligence, especially the reluctance to face-to-face interaction. In this context, the issue of emotional intelligence development comes into focus as a solution to compensate for the undesirable effects that contact with technology has on this generation.Keywords: digital resources, emotional intelligence, generation Z, students
Procedia PDF Downloads 20916941 Role of Family for Grooming a Child: A Protective Step for Vulnerable Child
Authors: Arpita Sabat, Kanaklata Samal
A child is the most innocent being on the earth. It is born innocent but the family, the community, the institution and the world at large always butcher its innocence. This paper aims at the role of family for the development of a child in different ethnic or social groups. Family, in fact, is the nucleus in the growth and development of the child. A child grows up with the idea that a family is the world around him. The child tries to emulate consciously or unconsciously from the surrounding. This imitation has serious impact on the development of the child. It even sometimes cripples or stunts the growth of a mind. It results in the disability of the child. All policies about education or changing of curriculum can not bring about a change in the plight of a child’s life unless there is a serious thinking about the role of a family and the contribution of a family to the development of a child.Keywords: vulnerable child, grooming, surrounding, role of family
Procedia PDF Downloads 32716940 Applying Concurrent Development Process for the Web Using Aspect-Oriented Approach
Authors: Hiroaki Fukuda
This paper shows a concurrent development process for modern web application, called Rich Internet Application (RIA), and describes its effect using a non-trivial application development. In the last years, RIAs such as Ajax and Flex have become popular based mainly on high-speed network. RIA provides sophisticated interfaces and user experiences, therefore, the development of RIA requires two kinds of engineer: a developer who implements business logic, and a designer who designs interface and experiences. Although collaborative works are becoming important for the development of RIAs, shared resources such as source code make it difficult. For example, if a design of interface is modified after developers have finished business logic implementations, they need to repeat the same implementations, and also tests to verify application’s behavior. MVC architecture and Object-oriented programming (OOP) enables to dividing an application into modules such as interfaces and logic, however, developers and/or designers have to write pieces of code (e.g., event handlers) that make these modules work as an application. On the other hand, Aspect-oriented programming (AOP) is ex- pected to solve complexity of application software development nowadays. AOP provides methods to separate crosscutting concerns that are scattered pieces of code from primary concerns. In this paper, we provide a concurrent development process for RIAs by introducing AOP concept. This process makes it possible to reduce shared resources between developers and designers, therefore they can perform their tasks concurrently. In addition, we describe experiences of development for a practical application using our proposed development process to show its availability.Keywords: aspect-oriented programming, concurrent, development process, rich internet application
Procedia PDF Downloads 30116939 Role of Social Media for Institutional Branding: Ethics of Communication Review
Authors: Iva Ariani, Mohammad Alvi Pratama
Currently, the world of communication experiences a rapid development. There are many ways of communication utilized in line with the development of science which creates many technologies that encourage a rapid development of communication system. However, despite giving convenience for the society, the development of communication system is not accompanied by the development of applicable values and regulations. Therefore, it raises many issues regarding false information or hoax which can influence the society’s mindset. This research aims to know the role of social media towards the reputation of an institution using a communication ethics study. It is a qualitative research using interview, observation, and literature study for collecting data. Then, the data will be analyzed using philosophical methods which are hermeneutic and deduction methods. This research is expected to show the role of social media in developing an institutional reputation in ethical review.Keywords: social media, ethics, communication, reputation
Procedia PDF Downloads 20816938 The Effect of Contemporary Islamic Thought Liberalization to the Development of Science
Authors: Ibrahim Malik, Vita Fathimah Silondae, Askoning
The liberalization of Islamic thought is not only an impact on the views of Muslim community regarding worldview, but has touched the stage reconstruction of contemporary science. It can be seen from the emergence of Western and Eastern intellectual movements that try to reconstruct contemporary science arguing that scientific culture is not currently able to deliver audiences to change the order of the better society. Such Islamic thought liberalization has a huge influence on the multi-dimensional crisis in various sectors such as the economic, culture, politic, ecology, and other sectors. Therefore, this paper examines the effects of the liberalization of contemporary Islamic thought towards on the development of modern science. The method used in this paper is based on textual study of Al-Qur'an, Hadith (prophetic tradition), and the history of contemporary Islamic thought and comparing it with the reality of the development of science today. So, the influence of Islamic thought liberalization has created a crisis and stagnation of the development of scientific disciplines can be found.Keywords: liberalization, science, Islam, development of science
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