Search results for: Russell’s approximation method
18320 3D Liver Segmentation from CT Images Using a Level Set Method Based on a Shape and Intensity Distribution Prior
Authors: Nuseiba M. Altarawneh, Suhuai Luo, Brian Regan, Guijin Tang
Liver segmentation from medical images poses more challenges than analogous segmentations of other organs. This contribution introduces a liver segmentation method from a series of computer tomography images. Overall, we present a novel method for segmenting liver by coupling density matching with shape priors. Density matching signifies a tracking method which operates via maximizing the Bhattacharyya similarity measure between the photometric distribution from an estimated image region and a model photometric distribution. Density matching controls the direction of the evolution process and slows down the evolving contour in regions with weak edges. The shape prior improves the robustness of density matching and discourages the evolving contour from exceeding liver’s boundaries at regions with weak boundaries. The model is implemented using a modified distance regularized level set (DRLS) model. The experimental results show that the method achieves a satisfactory result. By comparing with the original DRLS model, it is evident that the proposed model herein is more effective in addressing the over segmentation problem. Finally, we gauge our performance of our model against matrices comprising of accuracy, sensitivity and specificity.Keywords: Bhattacharyya distance, distance regularized level set (DRLS) model, liver segmentation, level set method
Procedia PDF Downloads 31418319 A Multi-Family Offline SPE LC-MS/MS Analytical Method for Anionic, Cationic and Non-ionic Surfactants in Surface Water
Authors: Laure Wiest, Barbara Giroud, Azziz Assoumani, Francois Lestremau, Emmanuelle Vulliet
Due to their production at high tonnages and their extensive use, surfactants are contaminants among those determined at the highest concentrations in wastewater. However, analytical methods and data regarding their occurrence in river water are scarce and concern only a few families, mainly anionic surfactants. The objective of this study was to develop an analytical method to extract and analyze a wide variety of surfactants in a minimum of steps, with a sensitivity compatible with the detection of ultra-traces in surface waters. 27 substances, from 12 families of surfactants, anionic, cationic and non-ionic were selected for method optimization. Different retention mechanisms for the extraction by solid phase extraction (SPE) were tested and compared in order to improve their detection by liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). The best results were finally obtained with a C18 grafted silica LC column and a polymer cartridge with hydrophilic lipophilic balance (HLB), and the method developed allows the extraction of the three types of surfactants with satisfactory recoveries. The final analytical method comprised only one extraction and two LC injections. It was validated and applied for the quantification of surfactants in 36 river samples. The method's limits of quantification (LQ), intra- and inter-day precision and accuracy were evaluated, and good performances were obtained for the 27 substances. As these compounds have many areas of application, contaminations of instrument and method blanks were observed and considered for the determination of LQ. Nevertheless, with LQ between 15 and 485 ng/L, and accuracy of over 80%, this method was suitable for monitoring surfactants in surface waters. Application on French river samples revealed the presence of anionic, cationic and non-ionic surfactants with median concentrations ranging from 24 ng/L for octylphenol ethoxylates (OPEO) to 4.6 µg/L for linear alkylbenzenesulfonates (LAS). The analytical method developed in this work will therefore be useful for future monitoring of surfactants in waters. Moreover, this method, which shows good performances for anionic, non-ionic and cationic surfactants, may be easily adapted to other surfactants.Keywords: anionic surfactant, cationic surfactant, LC-MS/MS, non-ionic surfactant, SPE, surface water
Procedia PDF Downloads 14618318 Tax Treaties between Developed and Developing Countries: Withholding Taxes and Treaty Heterogeneity Content
Authors: Pranvera Shehaj
Unlike any prior analysis on the withholding tax rates negotiated in tax treaties, this study looks at the treaty heterogeneity content, by investigating the impact of the residence country’s double tax relief method and of tax-sparing agreements, on the difference between developing countries’ domestic withholding taxes on dividends on one side, and treaty negotiated withholding taxes at source on portfolio dividends on the other side. Using a dyadic panel dataset of asymmetric double tax treaties between 2005 and 2019, this study suggests first that the difference between domestic and negotiated WHTs on portfolio dividends is higher when the OECD member uses the credit method, as compared to when it uses the exemption method. Second, results suggest that the inclusion of tax-sparing provisions vanishes the positive effect of the credit method at home on the difference between domestic and negotiated WHTs on portfolio dividends, incentivizing developing countries to negotiate higher withholding taxes.Keywords: double tax treaties, asymmetric investments, withholding tax, dividends, double tax relief method, tax sparing
Procedia PDF Downloads 6318317 A Self Organized Map Method to Classify Auditory-Color Synesthesia from Frontal Lobe Brain Blood Volume
Authors: Takashi Kaburagi, Takamasa Komura, Yosuke Kurihara
Absolute pitch is the ability to identify a musical note without a reference tone. Training for absolute pitch often occurs in preschool education. It is necessary to clarify how well the trainee can make use of synesthesia in order to evaluate the effect of the training. To the best of our knowledge, there are no existing methods for objectively confirming whether the subject is using synesthesia. Therefore, in this study, we present a method to distinguish the use of color-auditory synesthesia from the separate use of color and audition during absolute pitch training. This method measures blood volume in the prefrontal cortex using functional Near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) and assumes that the cognitive step has two parts, a non-linear step and a linear step. For the linear step, we assume a second order ordinary differential equation. For the non-linear part, it is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to create an inverse filter of such a complex system as the brain. Therefore, we apply a method based on a self-organizing map (SOM) and are guided by the available data. The presented method was tested using 15 subjects, and the estimation accuracy is reported.Keywords: absolute pitch, functional near-infrared spectroscopy, prefrontal cortex, synesthesia
Procedia PDF Downloads 26318316 The Didactic Transposition in Brazilian High School Physics Textbooks: A Comparative Study of Didactic Materials
Authors: Leandro Marcos Alves Vaz
In this article, we analyze the different approaches to the topic Magnetism of Matter in physics textbooks of Brazilian schools. For this, we compared the approach to the concepts of the magnetic characteristics of materials (diamagnetism, paramagnetism, ferromagnetism and antiferromagnetism) in different sources of information and in different levels of education, from Higher Education to High School. In this sense, we used as reference the theory of the Didactic Transposition of Yves Chevallard, a French educational theorist, who conceived in his theory three types of knowledge – Scholarly Knowledge, Knowledge to be taught and Taught Knowledge – related to teaching practice. As a research methodology, from the reading of the works used in teacher training and those destined to basic education students, we compared the treatment of a higher education physics book, a scientific article published in a Brazilian journal of the educational area, and four high school textbooks, in order to establish in which there is a greater or lesser degree of approximation with the knowledge produced by the scholars – scholarly knowledge – or even with the knowledge to be taught (to that found in books intended for teaching). Thus, we evaluated the level of proximity of the subjects conveyed in high school and higher education, as well as the relevance that some textbook authors give to the theme.Keywords: Brazilian physics books, didactic transposition, magnetism of matter, teaching of physics
Procedia PDF Downloads 30118315 Superconvergence of the Iterated Discrete Legendre Galerkin Method for Fredholm-Hammerstein Equations
Authors: Payel Das, Gnaneshwar Nelakanti
In this paper we analyse the iterated discrete Legendre Galerkin method for Fredholm-Hammerstein integral equations with smooth kernel. Using sufficiently accurate numerical quadrature rule, we obtain superconvergence rates for the iterated discrete Legendre Galerkin solutions in both infinity and $L^2$-norm. Numerical examples are given to illustrate the theoretical results.Keywords: hammerstein integral equations, spectral method, discrete galerkin, numerical quadrature, superconvergence
Procedia PDF Downloads 47118314 Fault Tolerant Control System Using a Multiple Time Scale SMC Technique and a Geometric Approach
Authors: Ghodbane Azeddine, Saad Maarouf, Boland Jean-Francois, Thibeault Claude
This paper proposes a new design of an active fault-tolerant flight control system against abrupt actuator faults. This overall system combines a multiple time scale sliding mode controller for fault compensation and a geometric approach for fault detection and diagnosis. The proposed control system is able to accommodate several kinds of partial and total actuator failures, by using available healthy redundancy actuators. The overall system first estimates the correct fault information using the geometric approach. Then, and based on that, a new reconfigurable control law is designed based on the multiple time scale sliding mode technique for on-line compensating the effect of such faults. This approach takes advantages of the fact that there are significant difference between the time scales of aircraft states that have a slow dynamics and those that have a fast dynamics. The closed-loop stability of the overall system is proved using Lyapunov technique. A case study of the non-linear model of the F16 fighter, subject to the rudder total loss of control confirms the effectiveness of the proposed approach.Keywords: actuator faults, fault detection and diagnosis, fault tolerant flight control, sliding mode control, multiple time scale approximation, geometric approach for fault reconstruction, lyapunov stability
Procedia PDF Downloads 37218313 Numerical Solution of Two-Dimensional Solute Transport System Using Operational Matrices
Authors: Shubham Jaiswal
In this study, the numerical solution of two-dimensional solute transport system in a homogeneous porous medium of finite-length is obtained. The considered transport system have the terms accounting for advection, dispersion and first-order decay with first-type boundary conditions. Initially, the aquifer is considered solute free and a constant input-concentration is considered at inlet boundary. The solution is describing the solute concentration in rectangular inflow-region of the homogeneous porous media. The numerical solution is derived using a powerful method viz., spectral collocation method. The numerical computation and graphical presentations exhibit that the method is effective and reliable during solution of the physical model with complicated boundary conditions even in the presence of reaction term.Keywords: two-dimensional solute transport system, spectral collocation method, Chebyshev polynomials, Chebyshev differentiation matrix
Procedia PDF Downloads 23418312 Identification of Bayesian Network with Convolutional Neural Network
Authors: Mohamed Raouf Benmakrelouf, Wafa Karouche, Joseph Rynkiewicz
In this paper, we propose an alternative method to construct a Bayesian Network (BN). This method relies on a convolutional neural network (CNN classifier), which determinates the edges of the network skeleton. We train a CNN on a normalized empirical probability density distribution (NEPDF) for predicting causal interactions and relationships. We have to find the optimal Bayesian network structure for causal inference. Indeed, we are undertaking a search for pair-wise causality, depending on considered causal assumptions. In order to avoid unreasonable causal structure, we consider a blacklist and a whitelist of causality senses. We tested the method on real data to assess the influence of education on the voting intention for the extreme right-wing party. We show that, with this method, we get a safer causal structure of variables (Bayesian Network) and make to identify a variable that satisfies the backdoor criterion.Keywords: Bayesian network, structure learning, optimal search, convolutional neural network, causal inference
Procedia PDF Downloads 17818311 Assessment of Frying Material by Deep-Fat Frying Method
Authors: Brinda Sharma, Saakshi S. Sarpotdar
Deep-fat frying is popular standard method that has been studied basically to clarify the complicated mechanisms of fat decomposition at high temperatures and to assess their effects on human health. The aim of this paper is to point out the application of method engineering that has been recently improved our understanding of the fundamental principles and mechanisms concerned at different scales and different times throughout the process: pretreatment, frying, and cooling. It covers the several aspects of deep-fat drying. New results regarding the understanding of the frying method that are obtained as a results of major breakthroughs in on-line instrumentation (heat, steam flux, and native pressure sensors), within the methodology of microstructural and imaging analysis (NMR, MRI, SEM) and in software system tools for the simulation of coupled transfer and transport phenomena. Such advances have opened the approach for the creation of significant information of the behavior of varied materials and to the event of latest tools to manage frying operations via final product quality in real conditions. Lastly, this paper promotes an integrated approach to the frying method as well as numerous competencies like those of chemists, engineers, toxicologists, nutritionists, and materials scientists also as of the occupation and industrial sectors.Keywords: frying, cooling, imaging analysis (NMR, MRI, SEM), deep-fat frying
Procedia PDF Downloads 43018310 H.264 Video Privacy Protection Method Using Regions of Interest Encryption
Authors: Taekyun Doo, Cheongmin Ji, Manpyo Hong
Like a closed-circuit television (CCTV), video surveillance system is widely placed for gathering video from unspecified people to prevent crime, surveillance, or many other purposes. However, abuse of CCTV brings about concerns of personal privacy invasions. In this paper, we propose an encryption method to protect personal privacy system in H.264 compressed video bitstream with encrypting only regions of interest (ROI). There is no need to change the existing video surveillance system. In addition, encrypting ROI in compressed video bitstream is a challenging work due to spatial and temporal drift errors. For this reason, we propose a novel drift mitigation method when ROI is encrypted. The proposed method was implemented by using JM reference software based on the H.264 compressed videos, and experimental results show the verification of our proposed methods and its effectiveness.Keywords: H.264/AVC, video encryption, privacy protection, post compression, region of interest
Procedia PDF Downloads 34018309 A New Approach for Solving Fractional Coupled Pdes
Authors: Prashant Pandey
In the present article, an effective Laguerre collocation method is used to obtain the approximate solution of a system of coupled fractional-order non-linear reaction-advection-diffusion equation with prescribed initial and boundary conditions. In the proposed scheme, Laguerre polynomials are used together with an operational matrix and collocation method to obtain approximate solutions of the coupled system, so that our proposed model is converted into a system of algebraic equations which can be solved employing the Newton method. The solution profiles of the coupled system are presented graphically for different particular cases. The salient feature of the present article is finding the stability analysis of the proposed method and also the demonstration of the lower variation of solute concentrations with respect to the column length in the fractional-order system compared to the integer-order system. To show the higher efficiency, reliability, and accuracy of the proposed scheme, a comparison between the numerical results of Burger’s coupled system and its existing analytical result is reported. There are high compatibility and consistency between the approximate solution and its exact solution to a higher order of accuracy. The exhibition of error analysis for each case through tables and graphs confirms the super-linearly convergence rate of the proposed method.Keywords: fractional coupled PDE, stability and convergence analysis, diffusion equation, Laguerre polynomials, spectral method
Procedia PDF Downloads 14618308 Non-Destructive Technique for Detection of Voids in the IC Package Using Terahertz-Time Domain Spectrometer
Authors: Sung-Hyeon Park, Jin-Wook Jang, Hak-Sung Kim
In recent years, Terahertz (THz) time-domain spectroscopy (TDS) imaging method has been received considerable interest as a promising non-destructive technique for detection of internal defects. In comparison to other non-destructive techniques such as x-ray inspection method, scanning acoustic tomograph (SAT) and microwave inspection method, THz-TDS imaging method has many advantages: First, it can measure the exact thickness and location of defects. Second, it doesn’t require the liquid couplant while it is very crucial to deliver that power of ultrasonic wave in SAT method. Third, it didn’t damage to materials and be harmful to human bodies while x-ray inspection method does. Finally, it exhibits better spatial resolution than microwave inspection method. However, this technology couldn’t be applied to IC package because THz radiation can penetrate through a wide variety of materials including polymers and ceramics except of metals. Therefore, it is difficult to detect the defects in IC package which are composed of not only epoxy and semiconductor materials but also various metals such as copper, aluminum and gold. In this work, we proposed a special method for detecting the void in the IC package using THz-TDS imaging system. The IC package specimens for this study are prepared by Packaging Engineering Team in Samsung Electronics. Our THz-TDS imaging system has a special reflection mode called pitch-catch mode which can change the incidence angle in the reflection mode from 10 o to 70 o while the others have transmission and the normal reflection mode or the reflection mode fixed at certain angle. Therefore, to find the voids in the IC package, we investigated the appropriate angle as changing the incidence angle of THz wave emitter and detector. As the results, the voids in the IC packages were successfully detected using our THz-TDS imaging system.Keywords: terahertz, non-destructive technique, void, IC package
Procedia PDF Downloads 47318307 Value in Exchange: The Importance of Users Interaction as the Center of User Experiences
Authors: Ramlan Jantan, Norfadilah Kamaruddin, Shahriman Zainal Abidin
In this era of technology, the co-creation method has become a new development trend. In this light, most design businesses have currently transformed their development strategy from being goods-dominant into service-dominant where more attention is given to the end-users and their roles in the development process. As a result, the conventional development process has been replaced with a more cooperative one. Consequently, numerous studies have been conducted to explore the extension of co-creation method in the design development process and most studies have focused on issues found during the production process. In the meantime, this study aims to investigate potential values established during the pre-production process, which is also known as the ‘circumstances value creation’. User involvement is questioned and crucially debate at the entry level of pre-production process in value in-exchange jointly spheres; thus user experiences took place. Thus, this paper proposed a potential framework of the co-creation method for Malaysian interactive product development. The framework is formulated from both parties involved: the users and designers. The framework will clearly give an explanation of the value of the co-creation method, and it could assist relevant design industries/companies in developing a blueprint for the design process. This paper further contributes to the literature on the co-creation of value and digital ecosystems.Keywords: co-creation method, co-creation framework, co-creation, co-production
Procedia PDF Downloads 17818306 Effect of Adjacent Footings on Elastic Settlement of Shallow Foundations
Authors: Mustafa Aytekin
In this study, impact of adjacent footings is considered on the estimation of elastic settlement of shallow foundations. In the estimation of elastic settlement, the Schmertmann’s method that is a very popular method in the elastic settlement estimation of shallow foundations is employed. In order to consider affect of neighboring footings on elastic settlement of main footing in different configurations, a MATLAB script has been generated. Elastic settlements of the various configurations are estimated by the script and several conclusions have been reached.Keywords: elastic (immediate) settlement, Schmertman Method, adjacent footings, shallow foundations
Procedia PDF Downloads 46718305 Optimize Study and Optical Characterization of Bilayer Structures from Silicon Nitride
Authors: Beddiaf Abdelaziz
The optical characteristics of thin films of silicon oxynitride SiOₓNy prepared by the Low-Pressure Chemical Vapor Deposition (LPCVD) technique have been studied. The films are elaborated from the SiH₂Cl₂, N₂O and NH₃ gaseous mixtures. The flows of SiH₂Cl₂ and (N₂O+NH₃) are 200 sccm and 160 sccm respectively. The deposited films have been characterized by ellipsometry, to model our silicon oxynitride SiOₓNy films. We have suggested two theoretical models (Maxwell Garnett and Bruggeman effective medium approximation (BEMA)). These models have been applied on silicon oxynitride considering the material as a heterogeneous medium formed by silicon oxide and silicon nitride. The model's validation was justified by the confrontation of theoretical spectra and those measured by ellipsometry. This result permits us to obtain the optical refractive coefficient of these films and their thickness. Ellipsometry analysis of the optical properties of the SiOₓNy films shows that the SiO₂ fraction decreases when the gaseous ratio NH₃/N₂O increases. Whereas the increase of this ratio leads to an increase of the silicon nitride Si3N4 fraction. The study also shows that the increasing gaseous ratio leads to a strong incorporation of nitrogen atoms in films. Also, the increasing of the SiOₓNy refractive coefficient until the SiO₂ value shows that this insulating material has good dielectric quality.Keywords: ellipsometry, silicon oxynitrde, model, refractive coefficient, effective medium
Procedia PDF Downloads 1918304 A Mixed-Methods Design and Implementation Study of ‘the Attach Project’: An Attachment-Based Educational Intervention for Looked after Children in Northern Ireland
Authors: Hannah M. Russell
‘The Attach Project’ (TAP), is an educational intervention aimed at improving educational and socio-emotional outcomes for children who are looked after. TAP is underpinned by Attachment Theory and is adapted from Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy (DDP), which is a treatment for children and young people impacted by complex trauma and disorders of attachment. TAP has been implemented in primary schools in Northern Ireland throughout the 2018/19 academic year. During this time, a design and implementation study has been conducted to assess the promise of effectiveness for the future dissemination and ‘scaling-up’ of the programme for a larger, randomised control trial. TAP has been designed specifically for implementation in a school setting and is comprised of a whole school element and a more individualised Key Adult-Key Child pairing. This design and implementation study utilises a mixed-methods research design consisting of quantitative, qualitative, and observational measures with stakeholder input and involvement being considered an integral component. The use of quantitative measures, such as self-report questionnaires prior to and eight months following the implementation of TAP, enabled the analysis of the strengths and direction of relations between the various components of the programme, as well as the influence of implementation factors. The use of qualitative measures, incorporating semi-structured interviews and focus groups, enabled the assessment of implementation factors, identification of implementation barriers, and potential methods of addressing these issues. Observational measures facilitated the continual development and improvement of ‘TAP training’ for school staff. Preliminary findings have provided evidence of promise for the effectiveness of TAP and indicate the potential benefits of introducing this type of attachment-based intervention across other educational settings. This type of intervention could benefit not only children who are looked after but all children who may be impacted by complex trauma or disorders of attachment. Furthermore, findings from this study demonstrate that it is possible for children to form a secondary attachment relationship with a significant adult in school. However, various implementation factors which should be addressed were identified throughout the study, such as the necessity of protected time being introduced to facilitate the development of a positive Key Adult- Key Child relationship. Furthermore, additional ‘re-cap’ training is required in future dissemination of the programme, to maximise ‘attachment friendly practice’ in the whole staff team. Qualitative findings have also indicated that there is a general opinion across school staff that this type of Key Adult- Key Child pairing could be more effective if it was introduced as soon as children begin primary school. This research has provided ample evidence for the need to introduce relationally based interventions in schools, to help to ensure that children who are looked after, or who are impacted by complex trauma or disorders of attachment, can thrive in the school environment. In addition, this research has facilitated the identification of important implementation factors and barriers to implementation, which can be addressed prior to the ‘scaling-up’ of TAP for a robust, randomised controlled trial.Keywords: attachment, complex trauma, educational interventions, implementation
Procedia PDF Downloads 19618303 An Efficient Fundamental Matrix Estimation for Moving Object Detection
Authors: Yeongyu Choi, Ju H. Park, S. M. Lee, Ho-Youl Jung
In this paper, an improved method for estimating fundamental matrix is proposed. The method is applied effectively to monocular camera based moving object detection. The method consists of corner points detection, moving object’s motion estimation and fundamental matrix calculation. The corner points are obtained by using Harris corner detector, motions of moving objects is calculated from pyramidal Lucas-Kanade optical flow algorithm. Through epipolar geometry analysis using RANSAC, the fundamental matrix is calculated. In this method, we have improved the performances of moving object detection by using two threshold values that determine inlier or outlier. Through the simulations, we compare the performances with varying the two threshold values.Keywords: corner detection, optical flow, epipolar geometry, RANSAC
Procedia PDF Downloads 40918302 Incremental Learning of Independent Topic Analysis
Authors: Takahiro Nishigaki, Katsumi Nitta, Takashi Onoda
In this paper, we present a method of applying Independent Topic Analysis (ITA) to increasing the number of document data. The number of document data has been increasing since the spread of the Internet. ITA was presented as one method to analyze the document data. ITA is a method for extracting the independent topics from the document data by using the Independent Component Analysis (ICA). ICA is a technique in the signal processing; however, it is difficult to apply the ITA to increasing number of document data. Because ITA must use the all document data so temporal and spatial cost is very high. Therefore, we present Incremental ITA which extracts the independent topics from increasing number of document data. Incremental ITA is a method of updating the independent topics when the document data is added after extracted the independent topics from a just previous the data. In addition, Incremental ITA updates the independent topics when the document data is added. And we show the result applied Incremental ITA to benchmark datasets.Keywords: text mining, topic extraction, independent, incremental, independent component analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 30918301 Na Promoted Ni/γ-Al2O3 Catalysts Prepared by Solution Combustion Method for Syngas Methanation
Authors: Yan Zeng, Hongfang Ma, Haitao Zhang, Weiyong Ying
Ni-based catalysts with different amounts of Na as promoter from 2 to 6 wt % were prepared by solution combustion method. The catalytic activity was investigated in syngas methanation reaction. Carbon oxides conversion and methane selectivity are greatly influenced by sodium loading. Adding 2 wt% Na remarkably improves catalytic activity and long-term stability, attributed to its smaller mean NiO particle size, better distribution, and milder metal-support interaction. However, excess addition of Na results in deactivation distinctly due to the blockage of active sites.Keywords: nickel catalysts, syngas methanation, sodium, solution combustion method
Procedia PDF Downloads 40818300 Comparison of DPC and FOC Vector Control Strategies on Reducing Harmonics Caused by Nonlinear Load in the DFIG Wind Turbine
Authors: Hamid Havasi, Mohamad Reza Gholami Dehbalaei, Hamed Khorami, Shahram Karimi, Hamdi Abdi
Doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) equipped with a power converter is an efficient tool for converting mechanical energy of a variable speed system to a fixed-frequency electrical grid. Since electrical energy sources faces with production problems such as harmonics caused by nonlinear loads, so in this paper, compensation performance of DPC and FOC method on harmonics reduction of a DFIG wind turbine connected to a nonlinear load in MATLAB Simulink model has been simulated and effect of each method on nonlinear load harmonic elimination has been compared. Results of the two mentioned control methods shows the advantage of the FOC method on DPC method for harmonic compensation. Also, the fifth and seventh harmonic components of the network and THD greatly reduced.Keywords: DFIG machine, energy conversion, nonlinear load, THD, DPC, FOC
Procedia PDF Downloads 59118299 A Prediction Method for Large-Size Event Occurrences in the Sandpile Model
Authors: S. Channgam, A. Sae-Tang, T. Termsaithong
In this research, the occurrences of large size events in various system sizes of the Bak-Tang-Wiesenfeld sandpile model are considered. The system sizes (square lattice) of model considered here are 25×25, 50×50, 75×75 and 100×100. The cross-correlation between the ratio of sites containing 3 grain time series and the large size event time series for these 4 system sizes are also analyzed. Moreover, a prediction method of the large-size event for the 50×50 system size is also introduced. Lastly, it can be shown that this prediction method provides a slightly higher efficiency than random predictions.Keywords: Bak-Tang-Wiesenfeld sandpile model, cross-correlation, avalanches, prediction method
Procedia PDF Downloads 38218298 Computer Simulations of Stress Corrosion Studies of Quartz Particulate Reinforced ZA-27 Metal Matrix Composites
Authors: K. Vinutha
The stress corrosion resistance of ZA-27 / TiO2 metal matrix composites (MMC’s) in high temperature acidic media has been evaluated using an autoclave. The liquid melt metallurgy technique using vortex method was used to fabricate MMC’s. TiO2 particulates of 50-80 µm in size are added to the matrix. ZA-27 containing 2,4,6 weight percentage of TiO2 are prepared. Stress corrosion tests were conducted by weight loss method for different exposure time, normality and temperature of the acidic medium. The corrosion rates of composites were lower to that of matrix ZA-27 alloy under all conditions.Keywords: autoclave, MMC’s, stress corrosion, vortex method
Procedia PDF Downloads 47818297 Silver Nanoparticles in Drinking Water Purification
Authors: S. Pooja Pragati, B. Sudarsan, S. Rajkumar
Silver nanoparticles (AgNP) are known for their excellent antimicrobial agents, and thus can be used as alternative disinfectant agents. However, released silver nanoparticles is a threat to naturally occurring microorganisms. This paper exhibits information on the environmental fate, toxicological effects, and application of AgNP and the current estimate on the physicochemical and antimicrobial properties of AgNP in different aqueous solutions, as well as their application as alternative disinfectants in water-treatment systems. It also gives a better approximation and experimental data of AgNP’s antimicrobial properties at different water chemistry conditions. A saturation-type fitting curve was established, showing the survival of bacteria under different water chemistry conditions as a function of the size of the nanoparticles. The results obtained show that silver nanoparticles in surface water, ground water, and brackish water are stable. The paper demonstrates the comparative study of AgNP-impregnated point-of-use ceramic water filters and ceramic filters impregnated with silver nitrate. It is observed that AgNP-impregnated ceramic water filters are more appropriate for this application due to the lesser amount of silver desorbed. Experimental data of the comparison of a polymer-based quaternary amine functionalized silsesquioxanes compound and AgNP are also tabulated and conclusions are analysed with the goal of optimizing. The simplicity of synthesis and application of Silver nanoparticles enables us to consider its effective modified version for the purification of water.Keywords: disinfectant agent, purification of water, nano particles, water treatment
Procedia PDF Downloads 33718296 Pricing European Continuous-Installment Options under Regime-Switching Models
Authors: Saghar Heidari
In this paper, we study the valuation problem of European continuous-installment options under Markov-modulated models with a partial differential equation approach. Due to the opportunity for continuing or stopping to pay installments, the valuation problem under regime-switching models can be formulated as coupled partial differential equations (CPDE) with free boundary features. To value the installment options, we express the truncated CPDE as a linear complementarity problem (LCP), then a finite element method is proposed to solve the resulted variational inequality. Under some appropriate assumptions, we establish the stability of the method and illustrate some numerical results to examine the rate of convergence and accuracy of the proposed method for the pricing problem under the regime-switching model.Keywords: continuous-installment option, European option, regime-switching model, finite element method
Procedia PDF Downloads 14018295 Divergence Regularization Method for Solving Ill-Posed Cauchy Problem for the Helmholtz Equation
Authors: Benedict Barnes, Anthony Y. Aidoo
A Divergence Regularization Method (DRM) is used to regularize the ill-posed Helmholtz equation where the boundary deflection is inhomogeneous in a Hilbert space H. The DRM incorporates a positive integer scaler which homogenizes the inhomogeneous boundary deflection in Cauchy problem of the Helmholtz equation. This ensures the existence, as well as, uniqueness of solution for the equation. The DRM restores all the three conditions of well-posedness in the sense of Hadamard.Keywords: divergence regularization method, Helmholtz equation, ill-posed inhomogeneous Cauchy boundary conditions
Procedia PDF Downloads 19018294 Pattern of Stress Distribution in Different Ligature-Wire-Brackets Systems: A FE and Experimental Analysis
Authors: Afef Dridi, Salah Mezlini
Since experimental devices cannot calculate stress and deformation of complex structures. The Finite Element Method FEM has been widely used in several fields of research. One of these fields is orthodontics. The advantage of using such a method is the use of an accurate and non invasive method that allows us to have a sufficient data about the physiological reactions can happening in soft tissues. Most of researches done in this field were interested in the study of stresses and deformations induced by orthodontic apparatus in soft tissues (alveolar tissues). Only few studies were interested in the distribution of stress and strain in the orthodontic brackets. These studies, although they tried to be as close as possible to real conditions, their models did not reproduce the clinical cases. For this reason, the model generated by our research is the closest one to reality. In this study, a numerical model was developed to explore the stress and strain distribution under the application of real conditions. A comparison between different material properties was also done.Keywords: visco-hyperelasticity, FEM, orthodontic treatment, inverse method
Procedia PDF Downloads 26018293 A Robust Spatial Feature Extraction Method for Facial Expression Recognition
Authors: H. G. C. P. Dinesh, G. Tharshini, M. P. B. Ekanayake, G. M. R. I. Godaliyadda
This paper presents a new spatial feature extraction method based on principle component analysis (PCA) and Fisher Discernment Analysis (FDA) for facial expression recognition. It not only extracts reliable features for classification, but also reduces the feature space dimensions of pattern samples. In this method, first each gray scale image is considered in its entirety as the measurement matrix. Then, principle components (PCs) of row vectors of this matrix and variance of these row vectors along PCs are estimated. Therefore, this method would ensure the preservation of spatial information of the facial image. Afterwards, by incorporating the spectral information of the eigen-filters derived from the PCs, a feature vector was constructed, for a given image. Finally, FDA was used to define a set of basis in a reduced dimension subspace such that the optimal clustering is achieved. The method of FDA defines an inter-class scatter matrix and intra-class scatter matrix to enhance the compactness of each cluster while maximizing the distance between cluster marginal points. In order to matching the test image with the training set, a cosine similarity based Bayesian classification was used. The proposed method was tested on the Cohn-Kanade database and JAFFE database. It was observed that the proposed method which incorporates spatial information to construct an optimal feature space outperforms the standard PCA and FDA based methods.Keywords: facial expression recognition, principle component analysis (PCA), fisher discernment analysis (FDA), eigen-filter, cosine similarity, bayesian classifier, f-measure
Procedia PDF Downloads 42618292 A New Method to Winner Determination for Economic Resource Allocation in Cloud Computing Systems
Authors: Ebrahim Behrouzian Nejad, Rezvan Alipoor Sabzevari
Cloud computing systems are large-scale distributed systems, so that they focus more on large scale resource sharing, cooperation of several organizations and their use in new applications. One of the main challenges in this realm is resource allocation. There are many different ways to resource allocation in cloud computing. One of the common methods to resource allocation are economic methods. Among these methods, the auction-based method has greater prominence compared with Fixed-Price method. The double combinatorial auction is one of the proper ways of resource allocation in cloud computing. This method includes two phases: winner determination and resource allocation. In this paper a new method has been presented to determine winner in double combinatorial auction-based resource allocation using Imperialist Competitive Algorithm (ICA). The experimental results show that in our new proposed the number of winner users is higher than genetic algorithm. On other hand, in proposed algorithm, the number of winner providers is higher in genetic algorithm.Keywords: cloud computing, resource allocation, double auction, winner determination
Procedia PDF Downloads 36018291 Simulation and Controller Tunning in a Photo-Bioreactor Applying by Taguchi Method
Authors: Hosein Ghahremani, MohammadReza Khoshchehre, Pejman Hakemi
This study involves numerical simulations of a vertical plate-type photo-bioreactor to investigate the performance of Microalgae Spirulina and Control and optimization of parameters for the digital controller by Taguchi method that MATLAB software and Qualitek-4 has been made. Since the addition of parameters such as temperature, dissolved carbon dioxide, biomass, and ... Some new physical parameters such as light intensity and physiological conditions like photosynthetic efficiency and light inhibitors are involved in biological processes, control is facing many challenges. Not only facilitate the commercial production photo-bioreactor Microalgae as feed for aquaculture and food supplements are efficient systems but also as a possible platform for the production of active molecules such as antibiotics or innovative anti-tumor agents, carbon dioxide removal and removal of heavy metals from wastewater is used. Digital controller is designed for controlling the light bioreactor until Microalgae growth rate and carbon dioxide concentration inside the bioreactor is investigated. The optimal values of the controller parameters of the S/N and ANOVA analysis software Qualitek-4 obtained With Reaction curve, Cohen-Con and Ziegler-Nichols method were compared. The sum of the squared error obtained for each of the control methods mentioned, the Taguchi method as the best method for controlling the light intensity was selected photo-bioreactor. This method compared to control methods listed the higher stability and a shorter interval to be answered.Keywords: photo-bioreactor, control and optimization, Light intensity, Taguchi method
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