Search results for: Generation Z: Insights into Travel Behavior
11210 Second Harmonic Generation of Higher-Order Gaussian Laser Beam in Density Rippled Plasma
Authors: Jyoti Wadhwa, Arvinder Singh
This work presents the theoretical investigation of an enhanced second-harmonic generation of higher-order Gaussian laser beam in plasma having a density ramp. The mechanism responsible for the self-focusing of a laser beam in plasma is considered to be the relativistic mass variation of plasma electrons under the effect of a highly intense laser beam. Using the moment theory approach and considering the Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin approximation for the non-linear Schrodinger wave equation, the differential equation is derived, which governs the spot size of the higher-order Gaussian laser beam in plasma. The nonlinearity induced by the laser beam creates the density gradient in the background plasma electrons, which is responsible for the excitation of the electron plasma wave. The large amplitude electron plasma wave interacts with the fundamental beam, which further produces the coherent radiations with double the frequency of the incident beam. The analysis shows the important role of the different modes of higher-order Gaussian laser beam and density ramp on the efficiency of generated harmonics.Keywords: density rippled plasma, higher order Gaussian laser beam, moment theory approach, second harmonic generation.
Procedia PDF Downloads 18111209 Structural Model on Organizational Climate, Leadership Behavior and Organizational Commitment: Work Engagement of Private Secondary School Teachers in Davao City
Authors: Genevaive Melendres
School administrators face the reality of teachers losing their engagement, or schools losing the teachers. This study is then conducted to identify a structural model that best predict work engagement of private secondary teachers in Davao City. Ninety-three teachers from four sectarian schools and 56 teachers from four non-sectarian schools were involved in the completion of four survey instruments namely Organizational Climate Questionnaire, Leader Behavior Descriptive Questionnaire, Organizational Commitment Scales, and Utrecht Work Engagement Scales. Data were analyzed using frequency distribution, mean, standardized deviation, t-test for independent sample, Pearson r, stepwise multiple regression analysis, and structural equation modeling. Results show that schools have high level of organizational climate dimensions; leaders oftentimes show work-oriented and people-oriented behavior; teachers have high normative commitment and they are very often engaged at their work. Teachers from non-sectarian schools have higher organizational commitment than those from sectarian schools. Organizational climate and leadership behavior are positively related to and predict work engagement whereas commitment did not show any relationship. This study underscores the relative effects of three variables on the work engagement of teachers. After testing network of relationships and evaluating several models, a best-fitting model was found between leadership behavior and work engagement. The noteworthy findings suggest that principals pay attention and consistently evaluate their behavior for this best predicts the work engagement of the teachers. The study provides value to administrators who take decisions and create conditions in which teachers derive fulfillment.Keywords: leadership behavior, organizational climate, organizational commitment, private secondary school teachers, structural model on work engagement
Procedia PDF Downloads 27411208 Unravelling Green Entrepreneurial: Insights From a Hybrid Systematic Review
Authors: Shivani, Seema Sharma, Shveta Singh, Akriti Chandra
Business activities contribute to various environmental issues such as deforestation, waste generation, and pollution. Therefore, integration of environmental concerns within manufacturing operations is vital for the long-term survival of businesses. In this context, green entrepreneurial orientation (GEO) is recognized as a firm-level internal strategy to mitigate ecological damage through initiating green business practices. However, despite the surge in research on GEO in recent years, ambiguity remains on the genesis of GEO and the mechanism through which GEO impacts various organizational outcomes. This prompts an examination of the ongoing scholarly discourse about GEO and its domain knowledge structure within the entrepreneurship literature using bibliometric analysis and the Theories, Contexts, Characteristics, and Methodologies (TCCM) framework. The authors analyzed a dataset comprising 73 scientific documents sourced from the Scopus and Web of Science database from 2005 to 2024 to provide insights into the publication trends, prominent journals, authors, articles, countries' collaboration, and keyword analysis in GEO research. The findings indicate that the number of relevant papers and citations has increased consistently, with authors from China being the main contributors. The articles are mainly published in Business Strategy and the Environment and Sustainability. Dynamic capability view is the dominant framework applied in the GEO domain, with large manufacturing firms and SMEs constituting the majority of the sample. Further, various antecedents of GEO have been identified at an organizational level to which managers can focus their attention. The studies have used various contextual factors to explain when GEO translates into superior organizational outcomes. The Method analysis reveals that PLS-SEM is the commonly used approach for analyzing the primary data collected through surveys. Moreover, the content analysis indicates four emerging research frontiers identified as unidimensional vs. multidimensional perspectives of GEO, typologies of green innovation, environmental management in the hospitality industry, and tech-savvy sustainability in the agriculture sector. This study is one of the earliest to apply quantitative methods to synthesize the extant literature on GEO. This research holds relevance for management practice due to the escalating levels of carbon emissions, energy consumption, and waste discharges observed in recent years, resulting in increased apprehension about climate change.Keywords: green entrepreneurship, sustainability, SLR, TCCM
Procedia PDF Downloads 1411207 Gamification in Onboarding: Revolutionizing Employee Integration Through Serious Games
Authors: Maciej Zareba, Pawel Dawid
The integration of serious games into the onboarding process is radically changing the way organizations seek to engage and retain new employees, especially in digital generations such as Millennials (Generation Y) and Generation Z. Serious gamification uses game design elements - such as points, leaderboards and progress indicators - to create interactive, goal-oriented and engaging experiences that facilitate smoother transitions to new roles and acceptance of organizational cultures. The use of serious games in onboarding reduces the stress of starting a new job while accelerating the learning curve through mechanisms that reward achievements, such as completing milestones, connecting with other team members or learning about company values. These tools promote immediate recognition and a sense of belonging to the team and organization, thereby significantly increasing retention and engagement rates. The article also outlines the benefits of using serious games in the onboarding process. It focuses on increasing employee motivation, accelerating learning about the organization and increasing engagement in the long term. In addition, the paper outlines the potential of using a serious game - 4FactoryManager - in the onboarding process. The article provides useful information for HR professionals who are looking for innovative ways to recruit, onboard and keep the best employees in a changing labor market.Keywords: HR, oboarding, digital generation, serious games
Procedia PDF Downloads 511206 Measuring Firms’ Patent Management: Conceptualization, Validation, and Interpretation
Authors: Mehari Teshome, Lara Agostini, Anna Nosella
The current knowledge-based economy extends intellectual property rights (IPRs) legal research themes into a more strategic and organizational perspectives. From the diverse types of IPRs, patents are the strongest and well-known form of legal protection that influences commercial success and market value. Indeed, from our pilot survey, we understood that firms are less likely to manage their patents and actively used it as a tool for achieving competitive advantage rather they invest resource and efforts for patent application. To this regard, the literature also confirms that insights into how firms manage their patents from a holistic, strategic perspective, and how the portfolio value of patents can be optimized are scarce. Though patent management is an important business tool and there exist few scales to measure some dimensions of patent management, at the best of our knowledge, no systematic attempt has been made to develop a valid and comprehensive measure of it. Considering this theoretical and practical point of view, the aim of this article is twofold: to develop a framework for patent management encompassing all relevant dimensions with their respective constructs and measurement items, and to validate the measurement using survey data from practitioners. Methodology: We used six-step methodological approach (i.e., specify the domain of construct, item generation, scale purification, internal consistency assessment, scale validation, and replication). Accordingly, we carried out a systematic review of 182 articles on patent management, from ISI Web of Science. For each article, we mapped relevant constructs, their definition, and associated features, as well as items used to measure these constructs, when provided. This theoretical analysis was complemented by interviews with experts in patent management to get feedbacks that are more practical on how patent management is carried out in firms. Afterwards, we carried out a questionnaire survey to purify our scales and statistical validation. Findings: The analysis allowed us to design a framework for patent management, identifying its core dimensions (i.e., generation, portfolio-management, exploitation and enforcement, intelligence) and support dimensions (i.e., strategy and organization). Moreover, we identified the relevant activities for each dimension, as well as the most suitable items to measure them. For example, the core dimension generation includes constructs as: state-of-the-art analysis, freedom-to-operate analysis, patent watching, securing freedom-to-operate, patent potential and patent-geographical-scope. Originality and the Study Contribution: This study represents a first step towards the development of sound scales to measure patent management with an overarching approach, thus laying the basis for developing a recognized landmark within the research area of patent management. Practical Implications: The new scale can be used to assess the level of sophistication of the patent management of a company and compare it with other firms in the industry to evaluate their ability to manage the different activities involved in patent management. In addition, the framework resulting from this analysis can be used as a guide that supports managers to improve patent management in firms.Keywords: patent, management, scale, development, intellectual property rights (IPRs)
Procedia PDF Downloads 14911205 Parameters Affecting the Elasto-Plastic Behavior of Outrigger Braced Walls to Earthquakes
Authors: T. A. Sakr, Hanaa E. Abd-El-Mottaleb
Outrigger-braced wall systems are commonly used to provide high rise buildings with the required lateral stiffness for wind and earthquake resistance. The existence of outriggers adds to the stiffness and strength of walls as reported by several studies. The effects of different parameters on the elasto-plastic dynamic behavior of outrigger-braced wall systems to earthquakes are investigated in this study. Parameters investigated include outrigger stiffness, concrete strength, and reinforcement arrangement as the main design parameters in wall design. In addition to being significant to the wall behavior, such parameters may lead to the change of failure mode and the delay of crack propagation and consequently failure as the wall is excited by earthquakes. Bi-linear stress-strain relation for concrete with limited tensile strength and truss members with bi-linear stress-strain relation for reinforcement were used in the finite element analysis of the problem. The famous earthquake record, El-Centro, 1940 is used in the study. Emphasis was given to the lateral drift, normal stresses and crack pattern as behavior controlling determinants. Results indicated significant effect of the studied parameters such that stiffer outrigger, higher grade concrete and concentrating the reinforcement at wall edges enhance the behavior of the system. Concrete stresses and cracking behavior are sigbificantly enhanced while lesser drift improvements are observed.Keywords: outrigger, shear wall, earthquake, nonlinear
Procedia PDF Downloads 28311204 Continuous Improvement in Emerging Economies: Insights from a Multi-Case Analysis
Authors: Luis A. Paipa-Galeano, Yavar Jarrah-Nezhad, César A. Bernal-Torres
This paper presents a case study of four companies in an emerging economy to identify the key success factors and barriers to sustaining continuous improvement practices. The study analyzes the empirical evidence and compares it to the literature review to provide insights for companies looking to increase their maturity level in this area. The five success factors identified are the availability of resources, commitment and support from management, participation of employees in identifying tasks to improve, clear and realistic objectives for continuous improvement, and the existence of a leader or responsible for continuous improvement. The major barriers to success are a lack of alignment between the organization’s strategic objectives and continuous improvement objectives, a lack of motivation in the team, and resistance to change. The paper concludes with recommendations for companies to reduce the risk of improvement failure and increase their maturity level in continuous improvement.Keywords: emerging economies, Kaizen, continuous improvement sustainability, maturity model
Procedia PDF Downloads 7411203 Electric Power Generation by Thermoelectric Cells and Parabolic Solar Concentrators
Authors: A. Kianifar, M. Afzali, I. Pishbin
In this paper, design details, theoretical analysis and thermal performance analysis of a solar energy concentrator suited to combined heat and thermoelectric power generation are presented. The thermoelectric device is attached to the absorber plate to convert concentrated solar energy directly into electric energy at the focus of the concentrator. A cooling channel (water cooled heat sink) is fitted to the cold side of the thermoelectric device to remove the waste heat and maintain a high temperature gradient across the device to improve conversion efficiency.Keywords: concentrator thermoelectric generator, CTEG, solar energy, thermoelectric cells
Procedia PDF Downloads 30511202 Numerical Modeling Analysis for the Double-Layered Asphalt Pavement Structure Behavior with Interface Bonding
Authors: Minh Tu Le, Quang Huy Nguyen, Mai Lan Nguyen
Bonding characteristics between pavement layers have an important influence on responses of pavement structures. This paper deals with analytical solution for the stresses, strains, and deflections of double-layered asphalt pavement structure. This solution is based on the homogeneous half-space of layered theory developed by Burmister (1943). The partial interaction between the layers is taken into account by considering an interface bonding behavior which is obtained by push-out shear test. Numerical applications considering three cases of bonding (unbonded, partially bonded, and fully bonded overlays) are carried out to the influence of the interface bonding on the structural behavior of asphalt pavement under static loading. Further, it was observed that numerical results indicate that the horizontal shear reaction modulus at the interface (Ks) will significantly affect pavement structure behavior.Keywords: analytical solution, interface bonding, shear test keyword, double-layered asphalt, shear reaction modulus
Procedia PDF Downloads 23111201 Virtual Experiments on Coarse-Grained Soil Using X-Ray CT and Finite Element Analysis
Authors: Mohamed Ali Abdennadher
Digital rock physics, an emerging field leveraging advanced imaging and numerical techniques, offers a promising approach to investigating the mechanical properties of granular materials without extensive physical experiments. This study focuses on using X-Ray Computed Tomography (CT) to capture the three-dimensional (3D) structure of coarse-grained soil at the particle level, combined with finite element analysis (FEA) to simulate the soil's behavior under compression. The primary goal is to establish a reliable virtual testing framework that can replicate laboratory results and offer deeper insights into soil mechanics. The methodology involves acquiring high-resolution CT scans of coarse-grained soil samples to visualize internal particle morphology. These CT images undergo processing through noise reduction, thresholding, and watershed segmentation techniques to isolate individual particles, preparing the data for subsequent analysis. A custom Python script is employed to extract particle shapes and conduct a statistical analysis of particle size distribution. The processed particle data then serves as the basis for creating a finite element model comprising approximately 500 particles subjected to one-dimensional compression. The FEA simulations explore the effects of mesh refinement and friction coefficient on stress distribution at grain contacts. A multi-layer meshing strategy is applied, featuring finer meshes at inter-particle contacts to accurately capture mechanical interactions and coarser meshes within particle interiors to optimize computational efficiency. Despite the known challenges in parallelizing FEA to high core counts, this study demonstrates that an appropriate domain-level parallelization strategy can achieve significant scalability, allowing simulations to extend to very high core counts. The results show a strong correlation between the finite element simulations and laboratory compression test data, validating the effectiveness of the virtual experiment approach. Detailed stress distribution patterns reveal that soil compression behavior is significantly influenced by frictional interactions, with frictional sliding, rotation, and rolling at inter-particle contacts being the primary deformation modes under low to intermediate confining pressures. These findings highlight that CT data analysis combined with numerical simulations offers a robust method for approximating soil behavior, potentially reducing the need for physical laboratory experiments.Keywords: X-Ray computed tomography, finite element analysis, soil compression behavior, particle morphology
Procedia PDF Downloads 3711200 Numerical Assessment on the Unsaturated Behavior of Silty Sand
Authors: Seyed Abolhassan Naeini, Ali Namaei
This investigation presents the behavior of the unsaturated silty sand by calculating the shear resistance of the specimens by numerical method. In order to investigate this behavior, a series of triaxial tests have been simulated in constant water condition. The finite difference software FLAC3D has been carried out for analyzing the shear resistance and the results are compared with findings from a previous laboratory tests. Constant water tests correspond to a field condition where the rate of the loading is much quicker than the rate at which the pore water is able to drain out of the soil. Tests were simulated on two groups of the silty sands. The obtained results show that the FLAC software may be able to simulate the behavior of specimens with the low suction value magnitude. As the initial suction increased, the differences between numerical and experimental results increased, especially in loose sand. Since some assumptions were used for input parameters, a conclusive result needs more investigations.Keywords: finite difference, shear resistance, unsaturated silty sand, constant water test
Procedia PDF Downloads 12111199 Prosody Generation in Neutral Speech Storytelling Application Using Tilt Model
Authors: Manjare Chandraprabha A., S. D. Shirbahadurkar, Manjare Anil S., Paithne Ajay N.
This paper proposes Intonation Modeling for Prosody generation in Neutral speech for Marathi (language spoken in Maharashtra, India) story telling applications. Nowadays audio story telling devices are very eminent for children. In this paper, we proposed tilt model for stressed words in Marathi for speech modification. Tilt model predicts modification in tone of neutral speech. GMM is used to identify stressed words for modification.Keywords: tilt model, fundamental frequency, statistical parametric speech synthesis, GMM
Procedia PDF Downloads 39311198 Long-Term Results of Coronary Bifurcation Stenting with Drug Eluting Stents
Authors: Piotr Muzyk, Beata Morawiec, Mariusz Opara, Andrzej Tomasik, Brygida Przywara-Chowaniec, Wojciech Jachec, Ewa Nowalany-Kozielska, Damian Kawecki
Background: Coronary bifurcation is one of the most complex lesion in patients with coronary ar-tery disease. Provisional T-stenting is currently one of the recommended techniques. The aim was to assess optimal methods of treatment in the era of drug-eluting stents (DES). Methods: The regis-try consisted of data from 1916 patients treated with coronary percutaneous interventions (PCI) using either first- or second-generation DES. Patients with bifurcation lesion entered the analysis. Major adverse cardiac and cardiovascular events (MACCE) were assessed at one year of follow-up and comprised of death, acute myocardial infarction (AMI), repeated PCI (re-PCI) of target ves-sel and stroke. Results: Of 1916 registry patients, 204 patients (11%) were diagnosed with bifurcation lesion >50% and entered the analysis. The most commonly used technique was provi-sional T-stenting (141 patients, 69%). Optimization with kissing-balloons technique was performed in 45 patients (22%). In 59 patients (29%) second-generation DES was implanted, while in 112 pa-tients (55%), first-generation DES was used. In 33 patients (16%) both types of DES were used. The procedure success rate (TIMI 3 flow) was achieved in 98% of patients. In one-year follow-up, there were 39 MACCE (19%) (9 deaths, 17 AMI, 16 re-PCI and 5 strokes). Provisional T-stenting resulted in similar rate of MACCE to other techniques (16% vs. 5%, p=0.27) and similar occurrence of re-PCI (6% vs. 2%, p=0.78). The results of post-PCI kissing-balloon technique gave equal out-comes with 3% vs. 16% of MACCE in patients in whom no optimization technique was used (p=0.39). The type of implanted DES (second- vs. first-generation) had no influence on MACCE (4% vs 14%, respectively, p=0.12) and re-PCI (1.7% vs. 51% patients, respectively, p=0.28). Con-clusions: The treatment of bifurcation lesions with PCI represent high-risk procedures with high rate of MACCE. Stenting technique, optimization of PCI and the generation of implanted stent should be personalized for each case to balance risk of the procedure. In this setting, the operator experience might be the factor of better outcome, which should be further investigated.Keywords: coronary bifurcation, drug eluting stents, long-term follow-up, percutaneous coronary interventions
Procedia PDF Downloads 20411197 Thermal Ageing Effect on Mechanical Behavior of Polycarbonate
Authors: H. Babou, S. Ridjla, B. Amerate, R. Ferhoum, M. Aberkane
This work is devoted to the experimental study of thermal ageing effect on the mechanical and micro structural behavior of polycarbonate (PC). A simple compression tests, micro hardness and an IRTF analysis were completed in order to characterize the response of material on specimens after ageing at a temperature of order 100 C° and for serval maintain duration 72, 144 and 216 hours. These investigations showed a decrease of the intrinsic properties of polycarbonate (Young modulus, yield stress, etc.); the superposition of spectra IRTF shows that the intensity of chemical connections C=C, C-O, CH3 and C-H are influenced by the duration of thermal ageing; in addition, an increase of 30 % of micro hardness was detected after 216 hour of ageing.Keywords: amorphous polymer, polycarbonate, mechanical behavior, compression test, thermal ageing
Procedia PDF Downloads 41011196 Spiritual Folklore Tourism: Tourists’ Experience at Naga Cave in Thailand
Authors: Chompunuch Pongjit
In this research, the authors have shown that social media is becoming an important platform for the dissemination of information among the younger generation who are looking for new tourist-related experiences. The focus of the younger generation in Thailand has shifted toward spiritual experiences which are close to nature, especially during the difficult and stressful time of Covid-19. We have presented the case of the Naga Cave, which is a new pilgrimage site gaining immense popularity among spiritual seekers via social media platforms. Most of the earlier studies in a similar field have focused on cultural tourism in Thailand. However, the emergence of this new spiritual site has not been studied yet.Keywords: folklore tourism, spirituality, naga cave, thailand, pilgrimage
Procedia PDF Downloads 11711195 Hauntology of History: Intimate Revolt in Lou Ye’s Summer Palace
Authors: Yueming Li
This paper analyzes Lou Ye’s Summer Palace (2006), an autobiographical film of the Sixth Generation of Directors in Mainland China, from the approaches of inter-textual analysis and intellectual history. It highlights the film’s reconstruction of the June 4th Incident as an intermediary device for the revival and haunting of the 1980s’ New Enlightenment Movement. The paper demonstrates how the June 4th Incident unfolds as historical trauma and collective experience of the Generation through Lou’s flickering narrative in both plot organization and visual representation, under an individualized and internal viewpoint. It further proposes that these revenants of the June 4th Incident translate into “realms of memory,” which lend themselves for biographical and historical reconstruction of the June 4th Incident based on a politics of embodiment. Through this, Lou and his contemporaries acquire agency to actively respond to the June 4th Incident as an “intimate revolt.” In this sense, the film revisits the New Enlightenment Movement in that they similarly construct rebellious connotations in a seemingly depoliticized manner. As the paper examines how an autobiographical film reconstructs, revisits, and responds to a historical event and its absence, it answers how individuals’ agency intertwines with and counteracts their historical living contexts.Keywords: new enlightenment movement, summer palace, the June 4th incident, the sixth generation of directors
Procedia PDF Downloads 12611194 Investigation of Steel Infill Panels under Blast Impulsive Loading
Authors: Seyed M. Zahrai, Saeid Lotfi
If an infill panel does not have enough ductility against the loading, it breaks and gets damaged before depreciation and load transfer. As steel infill panel has appropriate ductility before fracture, it can be used as an alternative to typical infill panels under blast loading. Concerning enough ductility of out-of-plane behavior the infill panel, the impact force enters the horizontal diaphragm and is distributed among the lateral elements which can be made from steel infill panels. This article investigates the behavior of steel infill panels with different thickness and stiffeners using finite element analysis with geometric and material nonlinearities for optimization of the steel plate thickness and stiffeners arrangement to obtain more efficient design for its out-of-plane behavior.Keywords: blast loading, ductility, maximum displacement, steel infill panel
Procedia PDF Downloads 27811193 Advances in Fiber Optic Technology for High-Speed Data Transmission
Authors: Salim Yusif
Fiber optic technology has revolutionized telecommunications and data transmission, providing unmatched speed, bandwidth, and reliability. This paper presents the latest advancements in fiber optic technology, focusing on innovations in fiber materials, transmission techniques, and network architectures that enhance the performance of high-speed data transmission systems. Key advancements include the development of ultra-low-loss optical fibers, multi-core fibers, advanced modulation formats, and the integration of fiber optics into next-generation network architectures such as Software-Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Function Virtualization (NFV). Additionally, recent developments in fiber optic sensors are discussed, extending the utility of optical fibers beyond data transmission. Through comprehensive analysis and experimental validation, this research offers valuable insights into the future directions of fiber optic technology, highlighting its potential to drive innovation across various industries.Keywords: fiber optics, high-speed data transmission, ultra-low-loss optical fibers, multi-core fibers, modulation formats, coherent detection, software-defined networking, network function virtualization, fiber optic sensors
Procedia PDF Downloads 6211192 Assessing the Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Waste Management Workers in Ghana
Authors: Mensah-Akoto Julius, Kenichi Matsui
This paper examines the impact of COVID-19 on waste management workers in Ghana. A questionnaire survey was conducted among 60 waste management workers in Accra metropolis, the capital region of Ghana, to understand the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on waste generation, workers’ safety in collecting solid waste, and service delivery. To find out correlations between the pandemic and safety of waste management workers, a regression analysis was used. Regarding waste generation, the results show the pandemic led to the highest annual per capita solid waste generation, or 3,390 tons, in 2020. Regarding the safety of workers, the regression analysis shows a significant and inverse association between COVID-19 and waste management services. This means that contaminated wastes may infect field workers with COVID-19 due to their direct exposure. A rise in new infection cases would have a negative impact on the safety and service delivery of the workers. The result also shows that an increase in economic activities negatively impacts waste management workers. The analysis, however, finds no statistical relationship between workers’ service deliveries and employees’ salaries. The study then discusses how municipal waste management authorities can ensure safe and effective waste collection during the pandemic.Keywords: Covid-19, waste management worker, waste collection, Ghana
Procedia PDF Downloads 20511191 Environmental Study on Urban Disinfection Using an On-site Generation System
Authors: Víctor Martínez del Rey, Kourosh Nasr Esfahani, Amir Masoud Samani Majd
In this experimental study, the behaviors of Mixed Oxidant solution components (MOS) and sodium hypochlorite (HYPO) as the most commonly applied surface disinfectant were compared through the effectiveness of chlorine disinfection as a function of the contact time and residual chlorine. In this regard, the variation of pH, free available chlorine (FAC) concentration, and electric conductivity (EC) of disinfection solutions in different concentrations were monitored over 48 h contact time. In parallel, the plant stress activated by chlorine-based disinfectants was assessed by comparing MOS and HYPO. The elements of pH and EC in the plant-soil and their environmental impacts, spread by disinfection solutions were analyzed through several concentrations of FAC including 500 mg/L, 1000 mg/L, and 5000 mg/L in irrigated water. All the experiments were carried out at the service station of Sant Cugat, Spain. The outcomes indicated lower pH and higher durability of MOS than HYPO at the same concentration of FAC which resulted in promising stability of FAC within MOS. Furthermore, the pH and EC value of plant-soil irrigated by NaOCl solution were higher than that of MOS solution at the same FAC concentration. On-site generation of MOS as a safe chlorination option might be considered an imaginary future of smart cities.Keywords: disinfection, free available chlorine, on-site generation, sodium hypochlorite
Procedia PDF Downloads 11811190 Bystanders' Behavior during Emergencies
Authors: Alan (Avi) Kirschenbaum, Carmit Rapaport
The behavior of bystanders in emergencies and disasters have been examined for over 50 years. Such acts have been cited as contributing to saving lives in terms of providing first responder help until official emergency units can arrive. Several reasons have been suggested for this type of behavior but most focused on a broad segment of individual psychological decision-making processes. Recent theoretical evidence suggests that the external factors for such bystander decisions, mainly disaster community based social contexts factors, are also important. We aim to test these competing arguments. Specifically, we examine alternative explanatory perspectives by focusing on self-efficacy as a proxy for the accepted individual psychological case and contrast it with potential bystander characteristics of the individual as well factors as embedded in the social context of the disaster community. To do so, we will utilize a random sampling of the population from a field study of an urban community in Israel that experienced five years of continuous terror attacks. The results strongly suggest that self-efficacy, as well as external factors: preparedness and having skills for intervention during emergencies along with gender best, predict potential helping behaviors. These results broaden our view of bystander behavior and open a window for enhancing this phenomenon as another element in disaster and crisis management.Keywords: bystander behavior, disasters emergencies, psychological motivation to help, social context for helping
Procedia PDF Downloads 12311189 The Impact of Transformational Leadership on Individual Entrepreneurial Behavior and the Moderating Role of Hierarchy
Authors: Patrick Guggenberger
Extant literature has highlighted the importance of individual employees in the entrepreneurial process, as they are those that come up with novel ideas and promote their implementation throughout the organization. However, research on antecedents of individual entrepreneurial behavior (IEB) is very limited. The present study takes an initial step to investigate the interplay between transformational leader behaviors of direct supervisors and employees’ ability and willingness to act entrepreneurial and sheds light on the moderating role of an individual’s hierarchical level. A theoretically derived research model is empirically tested, drawing on survey data of 450 individuals working in medium- and large-sized corporations in two countries. Findings indicate that various transformational leader behaviors have a strong positive impact on IEB, while the ability of direct supervisors to influence their followers’ entrepreneurial behavior depends strongly on their own hierarchical level. The study reveals that transformational leadership has most impact at lower hierarchical levels, where employees’ motivation to act entrepreneurial is the lowest.Keywords: corporate entrepreneurship, hierarchy, individual entrepreneurial behavior, transformational leadership
Procedia PDF Downloads 35311188 Automated Building Internal Layout Design Incorporating Post-Earthquake Evacuation Considerations
Authors: Sajjad Hassanpour, Vicente A. González, Yang Zou, Jiamou Liu
Earthquakes pose a significant threat to both structural and non-structural elements in buildings, putting human lives at risk. Effective post-earthquake evacuation is critical for ensuring the safety of building occupants. However, current design practices often neglect the integration of post-earthquake evacuation considerations into the early-stage architectural design process. To address this gap, this paper presents a novel automated internal architectural layout generation tool that optimizes post-earthquake evacuation performance. The tool takes an initial plain floor plan as input, along with specific requirements from the user/architect, such as minimum room dimensions, corridor width, and exit lengths. Based on these inputs, firstly, the tool randomly generates different architectural layouts. Secondly, the human post-earthquake evacuation behaviour will be thoroughly assessed for each generated layout using the advanced Agent-Based Building Earthquake Evacuation Simulation (AB2E2S) model. The AB2E2S prototype is a post-earthquake evacuation simulation tool that incorporates variables related to earthquake intensity, architectural layout, and human factors. It leverages a hierarchical agent-based simulation approach, incorporating reinforcement learning to mimic human behaviour during evacuation. The model evaluates different layout options and provides feedback on evacuation flow, time, and possible casualties due to earthquake non-structural damage. By integrating the AB2E2S model into the automated layout generation tool, architects and designers can obtain optimized architectural layouts that prioritize post-earthquake evacuation performance. Through the use of the tool, architects and designers can explore various design alternatives, considering different minimum room requirements, corridor widths, and exit lengths. This approach ensures that evacuation considerations are embedded in the early stages of the design process. In conclusion, this research presents an innovative automated internal architectural layout generation tool that integrates post-earthquake evacuation simulation. By incorporating evacuation considerations into the early-stage design process, architects and designers can optimize building layouts for improved post-earthquake evacuation performance. This tool empowers professionals to create resilient designs that prioritize the safety of building occupants in the face of seismic events.Keywords: agent-based simulation, automation in design, architectural layout, post-earthquake evacuation behavior
Procedia PDF Downloads 10611187 Organizational Learning, Job Satisfaction and Work Performance among Nurses
Authors: Rafia Rafique, Arifa Khadim
This research investigates the moderating role of job satisfaction between organizational learning and work performance among nurses. Correlation research design was used. Non-probability purposive sampling technique was utilized to recruit a sample of 110 nurses from public hospitals situated in the city of Lahore. The construct of organizational learning was measured using subscale of Integrated Scale for Measuring Organizational Learning. Job satisfaction was measured with the help of Job Satisfaction Survey. Performance of employees (task performance, contextual performance and counterproductive work behavior) was assessed by Individual Work Performance Questionnaire. Job satisfaction negatively moderates the relationship between organizational learning and counterproductive work behavior. Education has a significant positive relationship with organizational learning. Age, current hospital experience, marital satisfaction and salary of the nurses have positive relationship while number of children has significant negative relationship with counterproductive work behavior. These outcomes can be insightful in understanding the dynamics involved in work performance. Based on the result of this study relevant solutions can be proposed to improve the work performance of nurses.Keywords: counterproductive work behavior, nurses, organizational learning, work performance
Procedia PDF Downloads 44611186 Narratives of Cultural Encounters Revisited: Moroccan Entertainers beyond Borders (1840-1920)
Authors: Lhoussain Simour
This paper discusses the reordering and reorientation Moroccan Oossified and frozen histories in national and colonial archives. It attempts to reexamine Moroccan non-canonical voices beyond borders, their forgotten experiences and itineraries, with the aim of uncovering cultural discourses pertaining to early cultural and artistic interactions between Morocco and the western countries, namely Britain and America. In fact, less attention has been given to the presence of Moroccan entertainers beyond borders in the archives of history. Moroccan historians and cultural critics seem to have paid little critical consideration to Moroccan artistic encounters with the west, Europe and America as a case in point. They have overlooked to deal with travel performances, professional entertainments, and artistic spectacles, initiated by acrobats, as instances of visual cross-cultural encounters between Morocco and the west. The narratives of these professional artists have hardly found their ways into historiographical writing. This contribution attempts to locate the contesting beginnings of Moroccan professional entertainers in western show business in the nineteenth century which witnessed intricate artistic, discursive and cultural junctures by emphasizing connections between theatrical performances, ethnic exhibition and world fair expositions. Moroccan professional performances grew in Europe and America within a zealous context marked by the rise of a paradigmatic racial consciousness that sought to authenticate and legitimate ethnic discourses of power and exclusion. The ethnic taxonomies and racial hierarchies governed by ethnographic and anthropological documentation fueled up entertainment venues and popular theatrical performances and helped in developing a distinctive view about Self and Other paradigms. Moroccan travelers started their journeys to visit European and American countries to exhibit their acrobatics acts. They, in a certain sense, continued, albeit in varying degrees and circumstances, the whole tradition of travel initiated previously by their ancestor diplomats and ambassadors. Professional entertainers embarked on daring journeys across the Mediterranean and the Atlantic to discover new geographies and cultural spaces, and perform their spectacles beyond borders. These travelers left rich archival documents that reflect important cultural and historical moments. The routes of travel started from the margins of the empire towards metropolitan centers of nineteenth century Europe and America included Moroccan women travelers as acrobats and dancing professional artists as well. These also crossed the straits of Gibraltar and journeyed through the Atlantic Ocean to visit western countries. Moroccan women travelers took part in various Euro-American theatre performances and in circus shows as early as 1850 according to newspapers archives and passengers shipping lists. Najat Amburg, Zahar Ben Tahar, Torquia, Fadma, and many more whose names are now lost to us, moved freely in various western capital cities to entertain nineteenth century western audiences.Keywords: archives, cultural encounters, self and other, Morocco, travel, Moroccan acrobats, Moorish dancing women
Procedia PDF Downloads 17211185 Assessment of Healthy Lifestyle Behavior Needs for Older Adults Living with Hypertension
Authors: P. Sutipan, U. Intarakamhang
The purpose of this study was to assess and prioritize the order of needs with regard to the healthy lifestyle behaviors for older adults living with hypertension. The participants involved 400 hypertensive elderly individuals in Chiang Mai, Thailand. The research instrument was a 26-item needs-assessment questionnaire in a dual response format on a four-level rating scale. The data was analyzed with the use of descriptive statistics and the needs were ranked using the Modified Priority Needs Index (PNIModified). The results indicated that the three priorities of healthy lifestyle behavior were healthy eating (PNImodified = 0.36), exercise (PNImodified = 0.35), and social contribution (PNImodified = 0.34), respectively. The implications of the findings for planning the intervention phase of the project are of particular interest.Keywords: needs assessment, the modified priority needs index (PNIModified), healthy lifestyle behavior, older adults
Procedia PDF Downloads 29911184 Vector Quantization Based on Vector Difference Scheme for Image Enhancement
Authors: Biji Jacob
Vector quantization algorithm which uses minimum distance calculation for codebook generation, a time consuming calculation performed on each pixel values leads to computation complexity. The codebook is updated by comparing the distance of each vector to their centroid vector and measure for their closeness. In this paper vector quantization is modified based on vector difference algorithm for image enhancement purpose. In the proposed scheme, vector differences between the vectors are considered as the new generation vectors or new codebook vectors. The codebook is updated by comparing the new generation vector with a threshold value having minimum error with the parent vector. The minimum error decides the fitness of each newly generated vector. Thus the codebook is generated in an adaptive manner and the fitness value is determined for the suppression of the degraded portion of the image and thereby leads to the enhancement of the image through the adaptive searching capability of the vector quantization through vector difference algorithm. Experimental results shows that the vector difference scheme efficiently modifies the vector quantization algorithm for enhancing the image with peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR), mean square error (MSE), Euclidean distance (E_dist) as the performance parameters.Keywords: codebook, image enhancement, vector difference, vector quantization
Procedia PDF Downloads 26811183 Investigation of Enhanced Geothermal System with CO2 as Working Fluid
Authors: Ruina Xu, Peixue Jiang, Feng Luo
The novel concept of enhanced geothermal system with CO2 instead of water as working fluid (CO2-EGS) has attracted wide attention due to additional benefit of CO2 geological storage during the power generation process. In this research, numerical investigation on a doublet CO2-EGS system is performed, focusing on the influence of the injection/production well perforation location in the targeted geothermal reservoir. Three different reservoir inlet and outlet boundary conditions are used in simulations since the well constrains are different in reality. The results show that CO2-EGS system performance of power generation and power cost vary greatly among cases of different wells perforation locations, and the optimum options under different boundary conditions are also different.Keywords: Enhanced Geothermal System, supercritical CO2, heat transfer, CO2-EGS
Procedia PDF Downloads 29211182 Investigation Effect of External Flow to Exhaust Gas Flow at Heavy Commercial Vehicle with CFD
Authors: F. Kantaş, D. Boyacı, C. Dinç
Exhaust systems plays an important role in thermal heat management. Exhaust manifold picks burned gas from engine and exhaust pipes transmit exhaust gas to muffler, exhaust gas is reacted chemically to avoid noxious gas and sound is reduced in muffler then gas is threw out with tail pipe from muffler. Exhaust gas flows out from tail pipe and this hot gas flows to many parts that available around tail pipe and muffler, like spare tire, transmission, pipes etc. These parts are heated by hot exhaust gas. Also vehicle on ride, external flow effects exhaust gas flow and exhaust gas behavior is changed. It's impossible to understand which parts are heated by hot exhaust gas in tests. To understand this phenomena, exhaust gas flow is solved in CFD also external flow due to vehicle movement must be solved with exhaust gas flow. Because external flow effects exhaust gas flow behavior with many parameters. This paper investigates external flow effects exhaust gas flow behavior and other critical parameters effect exhaust gas flow behavior, like different tail pipe design, exhaust gas mass flow in critic vehicle driving situations.Keywords: exhaust, gas flow, vehicle, external flow
Procedia PDF Downloads 44911181 Predictions of Thermo-Hydrodynamic State for Single and Three Pads Gas Foil Bearings Operating at Steady-State Based on Multi-Physics Coupling Computer Aided Engineering Simulations
Authors: Tai Yuan Yu, Pei-Jen Wang
Oil-free turbomachinery is considered one of the critical technologies for future green power generation systems as rotor machinery systems. Oil-free technology allows clean, compact, and maintenance-free working, and gas foil bearings, abbreviated as GFBs, are important for the technology. Since the first applications in the auxiliary power units and air cycle machines in the 1970s, obvious improvement has been created to the computational models for dynamic rotor behavior. However, many technical issues are still poorly understood or remain unsolved, and some of those are thermal management and the pattern of how pressure will be distributed in bearing clearance. This paper presents a three-dimensional, abbreviated as 3D, fluid-structure interaction model of single pad foil bearings and three pad foil bearings to predict bearing working behavior that researchers could compare characteristics of those. The coupling analysis model involves dynamic working characteristics applied to all the gas film and mechanical structures. Therefore, the elastic deformation of foil structure and the hydrodynamic pressure of gas film can both be calculated by a finite element method program. As a result, the temperature distribution pattern could also be iteratively solved by coupling analysis. In conclusion, the working fluid state in a gas film of various pad forms of bearings working characteristic at constant rotational speed for both can be solved for comparisons with the experimental results.Keywords: fluid-structure interaction, multi-physics simulations, gas foil bearing, oil-free, transient thermo-hydrodynamic
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