Search results for: philosophy of research
24382 Humans, Social Robots, and Mutual Love: An Application of Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics
Authors: Ruby Jean Hornsby
In our rapidly advancing techno-moral world, human-robot relationships are increasingly becoming a part of intimate human life. Indeed, social robots - that is, autonomous or semi-autonomous embodied artificial agents that generally possess human or animal-like qualities (such as responding to environmental stimuli, communicating, learning, performing human tasks, and making autonomous decisions) - have been designed to function as human friends. In light of such advances, immediate philosophical scrutiny is imperative in order to examine the extent to which human-robot interactions constitute genuine friendship and therefore contribute towards the good human life. Aristotle's conception of friendship is philosophically illuminating and sufficiently broad in scope to guide such analysis. On his account, it is necessary (though not sufficient) that for a friendship to exist between two agents - A and B - both agents must have a mutual love for one another. Aristotle claims that A loves B if: Condition 1: A desires those apparent good (qua pleasant, useful, or virtuous) properties attributable to B, and Condition 2: A has goodwill (wishes what is best) for B. This paper argues that human-robot interaction can (and does) successfully meet both conditions; as such, it demonstrates that robots and humans can reciprocally love one another. It will argue for this position by first justifying the claim that a human can desire apparent good features attributable to a robot (i.e., by taking them to be pleasant and/or useful) and outlining how it is that a human can wish a robot well in light of that robot's (quasi-) interests. Next, the paper will argue that a robot can (quasi-)desire certain properties that are attributable to a human before elucidating how it is possible for a robot to act in the interests of a human. Accordingly, this paper will conclude that it is already the case that humans can formulate relationships with robots that involve reciprocated love. This is significant because it suggests that social robots are candidates for human friendship and can therefore contribute toward flourishing human futures.Keywords: ancient philosophy, friendship, inter-disciplinary applied ethics, love, social robotics
Procedia PDF Downloads 10124381 Positive Politeness in Writing Centre Consultations with an Emphasis on Praise
Authors: Avasha Rambiritch, Adelia Carstens
In especially the context of a writing center, learning takes place during, and as part of, the conversations between the writing center tutor and the student. This interaction or dialogue is an integral part of writing center research and is the focus of this largely qualitative study, employing a politeness lens. While there is some research on positive politeness strategies employed by writing center tutors, there is very little research on specifically praising as a positive politeness strategy. This study attempts to fill this gap by analyzing a corpus of 10 video-recorded consultations to determine how tutors in a writing center utilize the positive politeness strategy of praise. Findings indicate that while tutors exploit a range of politeness strategies, praise is used more often than any other strategy. The research indicates that praise as a politeness strategy is utilized significantly more when commenting on higher-order concerns, as in line with the writing center literature. The benefits of this study include insights into how such analyses can be used to better prepare and equip the tutors (usually postgraduate students appointed as part-time tutors in the writing center) for the work they do on a daily basis.Keywords: writing center, academic writing, positive politeness, tutor
Procedia PDF Downloads 21524380 An Analysis of Twitter Use of Slow Food Movement in the Context of Online Activism
Authors: Kubra Sultan Yuzuncuyil, Aytekin İsman, Berkay Bulus
With the developments of information and communication technologies, the forms of molding public opinion have changed. In the presence of Internet, the notion of activism has been endowed with digital codes. Activists have engaged the use of Internet into their campaigns and the process of creating collective identity. Activist movements have been incorporating the relevance of new communication technologies for their goals and opposition. Creating and managing activism through Internet is called Online Activism. In this main, Slow Food Movement which was emerged within the philosophy of defending regional, fair and sustainable food has been engaging Internet into their activist campaign. This movement supports the idea that a new food system which allows strong connections between plate and planet is possible. In order to make their voices heard, it has utilized social networks and develop particular skills in the framework online activism. This study analyzes online activist skills of Slow Food Movement (SFM) develop and attempts to measure its effectiveness. To achieve this aim, it adopts the model proposed by Sivitandies and Shah and conduct both qualitiative and quantiative content analysis on social network use of Slow Food Movement. In this regard, the sample is chosen as the official profile and analyzed between in a three month period respectively March-May 2017. It was found that SFM develops particular techniques that appeal to the model of Sivitandies and Shah. The prominent skill in this regard was found as hyperlink abbreviation and use of multimedia elements. On the other hand, there are inadequacies in hashtag and interactivity use. The importance of this study is that it highlights and discusses how online activism can be engaged into a social movement. It also reveals current online activism skills of SFM and their effectiveness. Furthermore, it makes suggestions to enhance the related abilities and strengthen its voice on social networks.Keywords: slow food movement, Twitter, internet, online activism
Procedia PDF Downloads 28224379 Study of Slum Redevelopment Initiatives for Dharavi Slum, Mumbai and Its Effectiveness in Implementation in Other Cities
Authors: Anurag Jha
Dharavi is the largest slum in Asia, for which many redevelopment projects have been put forth, to improve the housing conditions of the locals. And yet, these projects are met with much-unexpected resistance from the locals. The research analyses the why and the how of the resistances these projects face and analyses these programs and points out the flaws and benefits of such projects, by predicting its impact on the regulars of Dharavi. The research aims to analyze various aspects of Dharavi, which affect its socio-cultural backdrops, such as its history, and eventual growth into a mega slum. Through various surveys, the research aims to analyze the life of a slum dweller, the street life, and the effect of such settlement on the urban fabric. Various development projects such as Dharavi Museum Movement, are analyzed, and a feasibility and efficiency analysis of the proposals for redevelopment of Dharavi Slums has been theorized. Flaws and benefits of such projects, by predicting its impact on the regulars of Dharavi has been the major approach to the research. Also, prediction the implementation of these projects in another prominent slum area, Anand Nagar, Bhopal, with the use of generated hypothetical model has been done. The research provides a basic framework for a comparative analysis of various redevelopment projects and the effect of implementation of such projects on the general populace. Secondly, it proposes a hypothetical model for feasibility of such projects in certain slum areas.Keywords: Anand Nagar, Bhopal slums, Dharavi, slum redevelopment programmes
Procedia PDF Downloads 33124378 The Validity of Integrating the Concept of Servant Leadership in the Discourse of Poverty Eradication
Authors: Ocen Walter Onen
In 2018, the World Bank reported that approximately 8.6% of the global population was languishing in multidimensional poverty. This reality both challenged and motivated the research on the topic above. This research critically examined the validity of integrating the concept of servant leadership into the discourse of poverty eradication. The researcher applied documentary research methodology. Therefore, relevant literature, both printed and electronic, was analyzed, and desired data were obtained to enrich the discussion. The main finding from the research shows that; the concept of ‘servant leadership’, despite being paradoxical in nature, has the necessary potential to accelerate the effort of eliminating multidimensional poverty in any given context. Based on that, the researcher recommended that; state-actors, multi-national corporations, development organizations such as the United Nations, and other agencies working to make poverty history in our generation should both prioritize and promotes the integration of the concept of servant leadership in their policies’ formation, organizational leadership and management, and project design, implementation and evaluation of poverty-eradication initiatives.Keywords: multidimensional poverty, poverty eradication, servant leadership, United Nations
Procedia PDF Downloads 8124377 Through Seligman’s Lenses: Creating a Culture of Well-Being in Higher-Education
Authors: Neeru Deep, Kimberly McAlister
Mental health issues have been increasing worldwide for many decades, but the COVID-19 pandemic has brought mental health issues into the spotlight. Within higher education, promoting the well-being of students has dramatically increased in focus. The Northwestern State University of Louisiana opened the Center for Positivity, Well-being, and Hope using the action research process of reflecting, planning, acting, and observing. The study’s purpose is two-fold: First, it highlights how to create a collaborative team to reflect, plan, and act to develop a well-being culture in higher education institutions. Second, it investigates the efficacy of the center through Seligman’s lenses. The researchers shared their experience in the first three phases of the action research process and then applied an identical concurrent mixed methods design. A purposive sample evaluated the efficacy of the center through Seligman’s lenses. The researcher administered PERMA-Profiler Measure, the PERMA-Profiler Measure overview, the CoPWH Evaluation I, and the CoPWH Evaluation II questionnaires to collect qualitative and quantitative data. The thematic analysis for qualitative and descriptive statistics for quantitative data concluded that the center creates a well-being culture and promotes well-being in college students. In conclusion, this action research shares the successful implementation of the cyclic process of research in promoting a well-being culture in higher education with the implications for promoting a well-being culture in various educational settings, workplaces, and communities.Keywords: action research, mixed methods research design, Seligman, well-being.
Procedia PDF Downloads 13124376 Modelling Enablers of Service Using ISM: Implications for Quality Improvements in Healthcare Sector of UAE
Authors: Flevy Lasrado
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to show the relationship between the service quality dimensions and model them to propose quality improvements using interpretive structural modelling (ISM). Methodology: This paper used an interpretive structural modelling (ISM). The data was collected from the expert opinions that included a questionnaire. The detailed method of using ISM is discussed in the paper. Findings: The present research work provides an ISM based model to understand the relationships among the service quality dimensions. Practical implications or Original Value: An ISM based model has been developed for healthcare facility for improving customer satisfaction and increasing market share. Although there is lot of research on SERVQUAL model adapted to healthcare sector, no study has been done to understand the interactions among these dimensions. So the major contribution of this research work is the development of contextual relationships among identified variables through a systematic framework. The present research work provides an ISM based model to understand the relationships among the service quality dimensions.Keywords: SERQUAL, healthcare, quality, service quality
Procedia PDF Downloads 40524375 Beyond Text: Unveiling the Emotional Landscape in Academic Writing
Authors: Songyun Chen
Recent scholarly attention to sentiment analysis has provided researchers with a deeper understanding of how emotions are conveyed in writing and leveraged by academic authors as a persuasive tool. Using the National Research Council (NRC) Sentiment Lexicons (version 1.0) created by the National Research Council Canada, this study examined specific emotions in research articles (RAs) across four disciplines, including literature, education, biology, and computer & information science based on four datasets totaling over three million tokens, aiming to reveal how the emotions are conveyed by authors in academic writing. The results showed that four emotions—trust, anticipation, joy, and surprise—were observed in all four disciplines, while sadness emotion was spotted solely in literature. With the emotion of trust being overwhelmingly prominent, the rest emotions varied significantly across disciplines. The findings contribute to our understanding of emotion strategy applied in academic writing and genre characteristics of RAs.Keywords: sentiment analysis, specific emotions, emotional landscape, research articles, academic writing
Procedia PDF Downloads 3124374 Factors Affecting Mobile Internet Adoption in an Emerging Market
Authors: Maha Mourad, Fady Todros
The objective of this research is to find an explanatory model to define the most important variables and factors that affect the acceptance of Mobile Internet in the Egyptian market. A qualitative exploratory research was conducted to support the conceptual framework followed with a quantitative research in the form of a survey distributed among 411 respondents. It was clear that relative advantage, complexity, compatibility, perceived price level and perceived playfulness have a dominant role in influencing consumers to adopt mobile internet, while observability is correlated to the adoption but when measured with the other factors it lost its value. The perceived price level has a negative relationship with the adoption as well the compatibility.Keywords: innovation, Egypt, communication technologies, diffusion, innovation adoption, emerging market
Procedia PDF Downloads 45324373 The Early Discovery and Confirmation of the Indus Valley Civilization
Authors: Muhammad Ishaqa, Quanchao Zhanga, Qian Wangb
The Indus Valley Civilization is predominantly found in the northeast of Afghanistan, Pakistan, and the northwest of India and is considered one of the four ancient civilizations of the Old World, as well as the first urban civilization in South Asia. In 1920, John Marshall and other archaeologists established the existence of this civilization. Over the course of a century, India and Pakistan have made significant advancements in their joint archaeological investigation and excavation, contributing to the study of the Indus Valley Civilization. Given the importance of early discovery and confirmation of this civilization, our research focuses on the academic history of its archaeology by gathering published research material. Our research begins by collecting research data associated with the Indus Valley Civilization and documenting the process of archaeological investigations and excavations from the 19th century until the present day. We also summarize the archaeological works conducted during different periods. Furthermore, we present the primary academic views on the Indus Civilization from the 19th century until the present, explaining their developmental process and highlighting recent research. This forms a foundation for further study. We discovered that the archaeological research of the Indus Civilization is significantly influenced by Western archaeology and has yet to establish an independent, local research system. We delve into the three primary sites of the Indus Valley Civilization - Harappa, Mohenjo-Daro, and Chanhudaro - discussing their history and archaeological excavation records. Our findings indicate that the Indus Civilization is solely dependent on archaeology, distinguishing it from the Sumerian Civilization and verifying that it originates from the Bronze Age of the Indus Valley. Lastly, we examine the primary academic issues associated with the Indus Civilization in greater depth. These issues include climate environment, political system, primitive religion, and academic contribution.Keywords: Indus Valley civilization, archaeology, Harappa, Mohenjo-Daro
Procedia PDF Downloads 5324372 Constructivism Learning Management in Mathematics Analysis Courses
Authors: Komon Paisal
The purposes of this research were (1) to create a learning activity for constructivism, (2) study the Mathematical Analysis courses learning achievement, and (3) study students’ attitude toward the learning activity for constructivism. The samples in this study were divided into 2 parts including 3 Mathematical Analysis courses instructors of Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University who provided basic information and attended the seminar and 17 Mathematical Analysis courses students who were studying in the academic and engaging in the learning activity for constructivism. The research instruments were lesson plans constructivism, subjective Mathematical Analysis courses achievement test with reliability index of 0.8119, and an attitude test concerning the students’ attitude toward the Mathematical Analysis courses learning activity for constructivism. The result of the research show that the efficiency of the Mathematical Analysis courses learning activity for constructivism is 73.05/72.16, which is more than expected criteria of 70/70. The research additionally find that the average score of learning achievement of students who engaged in the learning activities for constructivism are equal to 70% and the students’ attitude toward the learning activity for constructivism are at the medium level.Keywords: constructivism, learning management, mathematics analysis courses, learning activity
Procedia PDF Downloads 53324371 Factors Affecting Green Supply Chain Management of Lampang Ceramics Industry
Authors: Nattida Wannaruk, Wasawat Nakkiew
This research aims to study the factors that affect the performance of green supply chain management in the Lampang ceramics industry. The data investigation of this research was questionnaires which were gathered from 20 factories in the Lampang ceramics industry. The research factors are divided into five major groups which are green design, green purchasing, green manufacturing, green logistics and reverse logistics. The questionnaire has consisted of four parts that related to factors green supply chain management and general information of the Lampang ceramics industry. Then, the data were analyzed using descriptive statistic and priority of each factor by using the analytic hierarchy process (AHP). The understanding of factors affecting the green supply chain management of Lampang ceramics industry was indicated in the summary result along with each factor weight. The result of this research could be contributed to the development of indicators or performance evaluation in the future.Keywords: Lampang ceramics industry, green supply chain management, analysis hierarchy process (AHP), factors affecting
Procedia PDF Downloads 33224370 Dance Skirts As Strategy For Gender Equality Work In Swedish Preschools Dance Education
Authors: Martha Pastorek Gripson, Anna Lindqvist
The research project points at, and discusses, strategies, problems and possibilities when preschool teachers describe their work with dance in two Swedish preschools. The use of dance itself is a strategy for a more inclusive preschool practice and the use of so-called “dance skirts” is regarded as central for facilitating both dance qualities and to promote gender equality. The research is carried out in an action research project, involving two preschools with specific focus on gender equality work. The result problematizes the use of so-called “dance skirts”, as those can be both a tool for appreciation of aesthetics associated with femininity but at the same time create dance mainly as ballet related activity.Keywords: dance, body, education, preschool, gender
Procedia PDF Downloads 25224369 Directivity in the Dramatherapeutic Process for People with Addictive Behaviour
Authors: Jakub Vávra, Milan Valenta, Petr Kosek
This article presents a perspective on the conduct of the dramatherapy process with persons with addictive behaviours with regard to the directiveness of the process. Although drama therapy as one of the creative arts approaches is rather non-directive in nature, depending on the clientele, there may be a need to structure the process more and, depending on the needs of the clients, to guide the process more directive. The specificity for people with addictive behaviours is discussed through the prism of the dramatherapeutic perspective, where we can find both a psychotherapeutic component as well as a component touching on expression and art, which is rather non-directive in nature. Within the context of practice with clients, this theme has repeatedly emerged and dramatherapists themselves have sought to find ways of coping with clients' demands and needs for structure and guidance within the dramatherapy process. Some of the outcomes from the supervision work also guided the research. Based on this insight, the research questions were approached. The first research question asks: in what ways is directive in dramatherapy manifested and manifested in the process? The second research question then complements the first and asks: to which phenomena are directivity in dramatherapy linked? In relation to the research questions, data were collected using focus groups and field notes. The qualitative approach of Content analysis and Relational analysis was chosen as the methodology. For analyzing qualitative research, we chose an Inductive coding scheme: Open coding, Axial coding, Pattern matching, Member checking, and Creating a coding scheme. In the presented partial research results, we find recurrent schemes related to directive coding in drama therapy. As an important element, directive leadership emerges in connection with safety for the client group, then in connection with the clients' order and also the department of the facility, and last but not least, to the personality of the drama therapist. By careful analysis and looking for patterns in the research results, we can see connections that are impossible to interpret at this stage but already provide clues to our understanding of the topic and open up further avenues for research in this area.Keywords: dramatherapy, directivity, personal approach, aims of dramatherapy process, safetyness
Procedia PDF Downloads 6924368 A Literature Review of Emotional Labor and Emotional Labor Strategies
Authors: Yeong-Gyeong Choi, Kyoung-Seok Kim
This study, literature review research, intends to deal with the problem of conceptual ambiguity among research on emotional labor, and to look into the evolutionary trends and changing aspects of defining the concept of emotional labor. For this, it gropes for methods for reducing conceptual ambiguity. Further, it arranges the concept of emotional labor; and examines and reviews comparatively the currents of the existing studies and looks for the characteristics and correlations of their classification criteria. That is, this study intends to arrange systematically and examine theories on emotional labor suggested hitherto, and suggest a future direction of research on emotional labor on the basis thereof. In addition, it attempts to look for positive aspects of the results of emotional labor.Keywords: emotion labor, dimensions of emotional labor, surface acting, deep acting
Procedia PDF Downloads 35924367 The Multifunctional Medical Centers’ Architectural Shaping
Authors: Griaznova Svetlana, Umedov Mekhroz
The current healthcare facilities trend is the creation of multidisciplinary large-scale centers to provide the maximum possible services in one place, minimizing the number of possible instances in the path of patient treatment. The multifunctional medical centers are mainly designed in urban infrastructure for good accessibility. However, many functions and connections define the building shape, often make it inharmonious, that greatly destroys the city's appearance. The purpose of the research is to scientifically substantiate the factors influencing the shaping, the formation of architectural solutions principles, the formation of recommendations and principles for the multifunctional medical centers' design. The result of the research is the elaboration of architectural and planning solutions principles and the determination of factors affecting the multifunctional healthcare facilities shaping. Research method: Study and generalization of international experience in scientific research, literature, standards, teaching aids, and design materials on the topic of research. An integrated approach to the study of existing international experience of multidisciplinary medical centers. Elaboration of graphical analysis and diagrams based on the system analysis of the processed information. Identification of methods and principles of functional zoning of nuclear medicine centers.Keywords: health care, multifunctionality, form, medical center, hospital, PET, CT scan
Procedia PDF Downloads 10424366 WWSE School Development in German Christian Schools Revisited: Organizational Development Taken to a Test
Authors: Marco Sewald
WWSE School Development (Wahrnehmungs- und wertorientierte Schulentwicklung) contains surveys on pupils, teachers and parents and enables schools to align the development to the requirements mentioned by these three stakeholders. WWSE includes a derivative set of questions for Christian schools, meeting their specific needs. The conducted research on WWSE is reflecting contemporary questions on school development, questioning the quality of the implementation of the results of past surveys, delivered by WWSE School Development in Christian schools in Germany. The research focused on questions connected to organizational development, including leadership and change management. This is done contoured to the two other areas of WWSE: human resources development and development of school teaching methods. The chosen research methods are: (1) A quantitative triangulation on three sets of data. Data from a past evaluation taken in 2011, data from a second evaluation covering the same school conducted in 2014 and a structured survey among the teachers, headmasters and members of the school board taken within the research. (2) Interviews with teachers and headmasters have been conducted during the research as a second stage to fortify the result of the quantitative first stage. Results: WWSE is supporting modern school development. While organizational development, leadership, and change management are proofed to be important for modern school development, these areas are widespread underestimated by teachers and headmasters. Especially in comparison to the field of human resource development and to an even bigger extent in comparison to the area of development of school teaching methods. The research concluded, that additional efforts in the area of organizational development are necessary to meet modern demands and the research also shows which areas are the most important ones.Keywords: school as a social organization, school development, school leadership, WWSE, Wahrnehmungs- und wertorientierte Schulentwicklung
Procedia PDF Downloads 22724365 Black-Brown and Yellow-Brown-Red Skin Pigmentation Elements are Shared in Common: Using Art and Science for Multicultural Education
Authors: Mary Kay Bacallao
New research on the human genome has revealed secrets to the variation in skin pigmentation found in all human populations. Application of this research to multicultural education has a profound effect on students from all backgrounds. This paper identifies the four locations in the human genome that code for variation in skin pigmentation worldwide. The research makes this new knowledge accessible to students of all ages as they participate in an art project that brings these scientific multicultural concepts to life. Students participate in the application of breakthrough scientific principles through hands-on art activities where they simulate the work of the DNA coding to create their own skin tone using the colors expressed to varying degrees in every people group. As students create their own artwork handprint from the pallet of colors, they realize that each color on the pallet is essential to creating every tone of skin. This research project serves to bring people together and appreciate the variety and diversity in skin tones. As students explore the variations, they create pigmentation with the use of the eumelanins, which are the black-brown sources of pigmentation, and the pheomelanins, which are the yellow-reddish-brown sources of pigmentation. The research project dispels myths about skin tones that have divided people in the past. As a group project, this research leads to greater appreciation and understanding of the diverse family groups.Keywords: diversity, multicultural, skin pigmentation, eumelanins, pheomelanins, handprint, artwork, science, genome, human
Procedia PDF Downloads 6724364 Marketing Management and Cultural Learning Center: The Case Study of Arts and Cultural Office, Suansunandha Rajabhat University
Authors: Pirada Techaratpong
This qualitative research has 2 objectives: to study marketing management of the cultural learning center in Suansunandha Rajabhat University and to suggest guidelines to improve its marketing management. This research is based on a case study of the Arts and Culture Office in Suansunandha Rajabhat University, Bangkok. This research found the Art and Culture Office has no formal marketing management. However, the marketing management is partly covered in the overall business plan, strategic plan, and action plan. The process can be divided into 5 stages. The marketing concept has long been introduced to its policy but not apparently put into action due to inflexible system. Some gaps are found in the process. The research suggests the Art and Culture Office implement the concept of marketing orientation, meeting the needs and wants of its target customers and adapt to the changing situation. Minor guidelines for improvement are provided.Keywords: cultural learning center, marketing, management, museum
Procedia PDF Downloads 38624363 Prioritization of the Failure Factors of Rural Cooperatives in Iran: The Case of Isfahan Province
Authors: Maryam Najafi, Mahdi Rajabi
Although the rural cooperatives are an effective way for rural development in Iran, their potential is not applied effectively. The investigation of the failures of rural cooperatives helps the authorities to improve the routine procedures and eliminate the current barriers to the success of these cooperatives, and to remove the defects in order to have a more efficient policy. Therefore, this research aims to prioritize the failure factors of rural cooperatives in Isfahan province via the survey research method. For this purpose, the effective factors of these failures were investigated by the available research documents and then by the new information which was obtained from 20 questionnaires from the experts of Central Organization Rural Cooperatives in Isfahan province. The questionnaire results were analyzed by Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), Excel, and Expert Choice software. The results of this research showed that the most important failure factor of these cooperatives is the lack of the participation culture of cooperative members and then the performance of Central Organization Rural Cooperatives, and also loss of confidence of the members in the cooperation.Keywords: cooperative, rural cooperatives, failure factors, analytical hierarchy process
Procedia PDF Downloads 13124362 A Comparative Assessment of the FoodSupply Vulnerability to Large-Scale Disasters in OECD Countries
Authors: Karolin Bauer, Anna Brinkmann
Vulnerabilities in critical infrastructure can cause significant difficulties for the affected population during crises. Securing the food supply as part of the critical infrastructure in crisis situations is an essential part of public services and a ground stone for a successful concept of civil protection. In most industrialized countries, there are currently no comparative studies regarding the food supply of the population during crisis and disaster events. In order to mitigate the potential impact in case of major disasters in Germany, it is absolutely necessary to investigate how the food supply can be secured. The research project aims to provide in-depth research on the experiences gathered during past large-scale disasters in the 34 OECD member countries in order to discover alternatives for an updated civil protection system in Germany. The basic research question is: "Which international approaches and structures of civil protection have been proven and would be useful to modernize the German civil protection with regards to the critical infrastructure and food supply?" Research findings should be extracted from an extensive literature review covering the entire research period as well as from personal and online-based interviews with experts and responsible persons from involved institutions. The capability of the research project insists on the deliberate choice to investigate previous large-scale disasters to formulate important and practical approaches to modernize civil protection in Germany.Keywords: food supply, vulnerabilty, critical infratstructure, large-scale disaster
Procedia PDF Downloads 33824361 Researching Apache Hama: A Pure BSP Computing Framework
Authors: Kamran Siddique, Yangwoo Kim, Zahid Akhtar
In recent years, the technological advancements have led to a deluge of data from distinctive domains and the need for development of solutions based on parallel and distributed computing has still long way to go. That is why, the research and development of massive computing frameworks is continuously growing. At this particular stage, highlighting a potential research area along with key insights could be an asset for researchers in the field. Therefore, this paper explores one of the emerging distributed computing frameworks, Apache Hama. It is a Top Level Project under the Apache Software Foundation, based on Bulk Synchronous Processing (BSP). We present an unbiased and critical interrogation session about Apache Hama and conclude research directions in order to assist interested researchers.Keywords: apache hama, bulk synchronous parallel, BSP, distributed computing
Procedia PDF Downloads 25124360 Research on the Teaching Quality Evaluation of China’s Network Music Education APP
Authors: Guangzhuang Yu, Chun-Chu Liu
With the advent of the Internet era in recent years, social music education has gradually shifted from the original entity education mode to the mode of entity plus network teaching. No matter for school music education, professional music education or social music education, the teaching quality is the most important evaluation index. Regarding the research on teaching quality evaluation, scholars at home and abroad have contributed a lot of research results on the basis of multiple methods and evaluation subjects. However, to our best knowledge the complete evaluation model for the virtual teaching interaction mode of the emerging network music education Application (APP) has not been established. This research firstly found out the basic dimensions that accord with the teaching quality required by the three parties, constructing the quality evaluation index system; and then, on the basis of expounding the connotation of each index, it determined the weight of each index by using method of fuzzy analytic hierarchy process, providing ideas and methods for scientific, objective and comprehensive evaluation of the teaching quality of network education APP.Keywords: network music education APP, teaching quality evaluation, index and connotation
Procedia PDF Downloads 12924359 Applying Tourist Gaze in Structuring of Global Tourism in Solo City
Authors: Eko Nursanty, Joesron Alie Syahbana, Atik Suprapti
Tourist gaze is a set of experiences that experienced by a tourist in attempt to familiarize himself with the certain local tourism site’s condition. It is started from looking for information prior arriving at the location, then during the visit and gaining unique experience with the local inhabitant, and then experiencing the ingenuity of the location, finally to bring impression that keeps on attaching despite leaving from it. This research attempted to grab the message of tourist gaze in the process of structuring which is conducted in the global tourism in the cities in Indonesia, particularly Solo as the study case of the research. The method employed is the field observation of qualitative research. The expected result is to relate the tourist gaze theory with the development of ongoing global tourism.Keywords: tourist gaze, tourism, city branding, Solo
Procedia PDF Downloads 52924358 Computer-Based versus Paper-Based Tests: A Comparative Study of Two Types of Indonesian National Examination for Senior High School Students
Authors: Faizal Mansyur
The objective of this research is to find out whether there is a significant difference in the English language scores of senior high school students in the Indonesia National Examination for students tested by using computer-based and paper-based tests. The population of this research is senior high school students in South Sulawesi Province who sat the Indonesian National Examination for 2015/2016 academic year. The samples of this research are 800 students’ scores from 8 schools taken by employing the multistage random sampling technique. The data of this research is a secondary data since it is obtained from the education office for South Sulawesi. In analyzing the collected data, the researcher employed the independent samples T-Test with the help of SPSS v.24 program. The finding of this research reveals that there is a significant difference in the English language scores of senior high school students in the Indonesia National Examination for students tested by using computer-based and paper-based Tests (p < .05). Moreover, students tested by using PBT (Mean = 63.13, SD = 13.63) achieve higher score than those tested by using CBT (Mean = 46.33, SD = 14.68).Keywords: computer-based test, paper-based test, Indonesian national examination, testing
Procedia PDF Downloads 16724357 The Dialectic between Effectiveness and Humanity in the Era of Open Knowledge from the Perspective of Pedagogy
Authors: Sophia Ming Lee Wen, Chao-Ching Kuo, Yu-Line Hu, Yu-Lung Ho, Chih-Cheng Huang, Yi-Hwa Lee
Teaching and learning should involve social issues by which effectiveness and humanity is due consideration as a guideline for sharing and co-creating knowledge. A qualitative method was used after a pioneer study to confirm pre-service teachers’ awareness of open knowledge. There are 17 in-service teacher candidates sampling from 181 schools in Taiwan. Two questions are to resolve: a) How did teachers change their educational ideas, in particular, their attitudes to meet the needs of knowledge sharing and co-creativity; and b) How did they acknowledge the necessity of working out an appropriate way between the educational efficiency and the nature of education for high performance management. This interview investigated teachers’ attitude of sharing and co-creating knowledge. The results show two facts in Taiwan: A) Individuals who must be able to express themselves will be capable of taking part in an open learning environment; and B) Teachers must lead the direction to inspire high performance and improve students’ capacity via knowledge sharing and co-creating knowledge, according to the student-centered philosophy. Collected data from interviewing showed that the teachers were well aware of changing their teaching methods and make some improvements to balance the educational efficiency and the nature of education. Almost all teachers acknowledge that ICT is helpful to motivate learning enthusiasm. Further, teaching integrated with ICT saves teachers’ time and energy on teaching preparation and promoting effectiveness. Teachers are willing to co-create knowledge with students, though using information is not easy due to the lack of operating skills of the website and ICT. Some teachers are against to co-create knowledge in the informational background since they hold that is not feasible for there being a knowledge gap between teachers and students. Technology would easily mislead teachers and students to the goal of instrumental rationality, which makes pedagogy dysfunctional and inhumane; however, any high quality of teaching should take a dialectical balance between effectiveness and humanity.Keywords: critical thinking, dialectic between effectiveness and humanity, open knowledge, pedagogy
Procedia PDF Downloads 35724356 A Study on the Current State and Policy Implications of Engineer Operated National Research Facility and Equipment in Korea
Authors: Chang-Yong Kim, Dong-Woo Kim, Whon-Hyun Lee, Yong-Joo Kim, Tae-Won Chung, Kyung-Mi Lee, Han-Sol Kim, Eun-Joo Lee, Euh Duck Jeong
In the past, together with the annual increase in investment on national R&D projects, the government’s budget investment in FE has steadily maintained. In the case of major developed countries, R&D and its supporting works are distinguished and professionalized in their own right, in so far as having a training system for facilities, equipment operation, and maintenance personnel. In Korea, however, research personnel conduct both research and equipment operation, leading to quantitative shortages of operational manpower and qualitative problems due to insecure employment such as maintenance issues or the loss of effectiveness of necessary equipment. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to identify the current status of engineer operated national research FE in Korea based on a 2017 survey results of domestic facilities and to suggest policy implications. A total of 395 research institutes that carried out national R&D projects and registered more than two FE since 2005 were surveyed on-line for two months. The survey showed that 395 non-profit research facilities were operating 45,155 pieces of equipment with 2,211 engineer operated national research FE, meaning that each engineer had to manage 21 items of FE. Among these, 43.9% of the workers were employed in temporary positions, including indefinite term contracts. Furthermore, the salary and treatment of the engineer personnel were relatively low compared to researchers. In short, engineers who exclusively focused on managing and maintaining FE play a very important role in increasing research immersion and obtaining highly reliable research results. Moreover, institutional efforts and government support for securing operators are severely lacking as domestic national R&D policies are mostly focused on researchers. The 2017 survey on FE also showed that 48.1% of all research facilities did not even employ engineers. In order to solve the shortage of the engineer personnel, the government will start the pilot project in 2012, and then only the 'research equipment engineer training project' from 2013. Considering the above, a national long-term manpower training plan that addresses the quantitative and qualitative shortage of operators needs to be established through a study of the current situation. In conclusion, the findings indicate that this should not only include a plan which connects training to employment but also measures the creation of additional jobs by re-defining and re-establishing operator roles and improving working conditions.Keywords: engineer, Korea, maintenance, operation, research facilities and equipment
Procedia PDF Downloads 19124355 Methodology for Assessing Spatial Equity of Urban Green Space
Authors: Asna Anchalan, Anjana Bhagyanathan
Urban green space plays an important role in providing health (physical and mental well-being), economic, and environmental benefits for urban residents and neighborhoods. Ensuring equitable distribution of urban green space is vital to ensure equal access to these benefits. This study is developing a methodology for assessing spatial equity of urban green spaces in the Indian context. Through a systematic literature review, the research trends, parameters, data, and tools being used are identified. After 2020, the research in this domain is increasing rapidly, where COVID-19 acted as a catalyst. Indian documents use various terminologies, definitions, and classifications of urban green spaces. The terminology, definition, and classification for this study are done after reviewing several Indian documents, master plans, and research papers. Parameters identified for assessing spatial equity are availability, proximity, accessibility, and socio-economic disparity. Criteria for evaluating each parameter were identified from diverse research papers. There is a research gap identified as a comprehensive approach encompassing all four parameters. The outcome of this study led to the development of a methodology that addresses the gaps, providing a practical tool applicable across diverse Indian cities.Keywords: urban green space, spatial equity, accessibility, proximity, methodology
Procedia PDF Downloads 5924354 The Effect of Mobile Technology Use in Education: A Meta-Analysis Study
Authors: Şirin Küçük, Ayşe Kök, İsmail Şahin
Mobile devices are very popular and useful tools for assisting people in daily life. With the advancement of mobile technologies, the issue of mobile learning has been widely investigated in education. Many researches consider that it is important to integrate pedagogical and technical strengths of mobile technology into learning environments. For this reason, the purpose of this research is to examine the effect of mobile technology use in education with meta-analysis method. Meta-analysis is a statistical technique which combines the findings of independent studies in a specific subject. In this respect, the articles will be examined by searching the databases for researches which are conducted between 2005 and 2014. It is expected that the results of this research will contribute to future research related to mobile technology use in education.Keywords: mobile learning, meta-analysis, mobile technology, education
Procedia PDF Downloads 72124353 An Output Oriented Super-Efficiency Model for Considering Time Lag Effect
Authors: Yanshuang Zhang, Byungho Jeong
There exists some time lag between the consumption of inputs and the production of outputs. This time lag effect should be considered in calculating efficiency of decision making units (DMU). Recently, a couple of DEA models were developed for considering time lag effect in efficiency evaluation of research activities. However, these models can’t discriminate efficient DMUs because of the nature of basic DEA model in which efficiency scores are limited to ‘1’. This problem can be resolved a super-efficiency model. However, a super efficiency model sometimes causes infeasibility problem. This paper suggests an output oriented super-efficiency model for efficiency evaluation under the consideration of time lag effect. A case example using a long term research project is given to compare the suggested model with the MpO modelKeywords: DEA, Super-efficiency, Time Lag, research activities
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