Search results for: phenomenological experience
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 5030

Search results for: phenomenological experience

4070 A Program Evaluation of TALMA Full-Year Fellowship Teacher Preparation

Authors: Emilee M. Cruz


Teachers take part in short-term teaching fellowships abroad, and their preparation before, during, and after the experience is critical to affecting teachers’ feelings of success in the international classroom. A program evaluation of the teacher preparation within TALMA: The Israel Program for Excellence in English (TALMA) full-year teaching fellowship was conducted. A questionnaire was developed that examined professional development, deliberate reflection, and cultural and language immersion offered before, during, and after the short-term experience. The evaluation also surveyed teachers’ feelings of preparedness for the Israeli classroom and any recommendations they had for future teacher preparation within the fellowship program. The review suggests the TALMA program includes integrated professional learning communities between fellows and Israeli co-teachers, more opportunities for immersive Hebrew language learning, a broader professional network with Israelis, and opportunities for guided discussion with the TALMA community continued participation in TALMA events and learning following the full-year fellowship. Similar short-term international programs should consider the findings in the design of their participation preparation programs. The review also offers direction for future program evaluation of short-term participant preparation, including the need for frequent response item updates to match current offerings and evaluation of participant feelings of preparedness before, during, and after the full-year fellowship.

Keywords: educational program evaluation, international teaching, short-term teaching, teacher beliefs, teaching fellowship, teacher preparation

Procedia PDF Downloads 182
4069 Canadian High School Students' Attitudes and Perspectives Towards People With Disabilities, Autism, and ADHD

Authors: Khodi Morgan, Kasey Crowe, Amanda Morgan


Canadian High School Students' Attitudes & Perspectives Towards People With Disabilities, Autism, and ADHD. Objective: To survey Canadian high school students' regarding their attitudes and perspectives towards people with disabilities and explore how age, gender, and personal experience with disability may impact these views. Methods A survey was developed using the standardized Attitude Toward Persons With Disability Scale as its base, with the addition of questions specifically about Autism and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The survey also gathered information about the participants’ age and gender and whether or not they, or a close family member, had any disabilities. Participants were recruited at a public Canadian high school by fellow student researchers. Results A total of 219 (N=219) students ranging from 13 - 19 years old participated in the study (m= 15.9 years of age). Gender was equally split, with 44% male, 42% female and 14% undeclared. Experience with disability was common amongst participants, with 25% self-identifying as having a personal disability and 48% claiming to have a close family member with a disability. Exploratory trends indicated that females, and people with self-identified disabilities, and people with close family members with disabilities trended towards having more positive attitudes toward persons with disabilities. This poster will report upon these trends and explore in more depth how personal factors such as age, gender and personal disability status impact high school students attitudes toward persons with disability in general and in regards to Autism and ADHD specifically.

Keywords: disability, autism, ADHD, community research, acceptance, adolescence, high school

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4068 Mobile Augmented Reality for Collaboration in Operation

Authors: Chong-Yang Qiao


Mobile augmented reality (MAR) tracking targets from the surroundings and aids operators for interactive data and procedures visualization, potential equipment and system understandably. Operators remotely communicate and coordinate with each other for the continuous tasks, information and data exchange between control room and work-site. In the routine work, distributed control system (DCS) monitoring and work-site manipulation require operators interact in real-time manners. The critical question is the improvement of user experience in cooperative works through applying Augmented Reality in the traditional industrial field. The purpose of this exploratory study is to find the cognitive model for the multiple task performance by MAR. In particular, the focus will be on the comparison between different tasks and environment factors which influence information processing. Three experiments use interface and interaction design, the content of start-up, maintenance and stop embedded in the mobile application. With the evaluation criteria of time demands and human errors, and analysis of the mental process and the behavior action during the multiple tasks, heuristic evaluation was used to find the operators performance with different situation factors, and record the information processing in recognition, interpretation, judgment and reasoning. The research will find the functional properties of MAR and constrain the development of the cognitive model. Conclusions can be drawn that suggest MAR is easy to use and useful for operators in the remote collaborative works.

Keywords: mobile augmented reality, remote collaboration, user experience, cognition model

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4067 Actionable Personalised Learning Strategies to Improve a Growth-Mindset in an Educational Setting Using Artificial Intelligence

Authors: Garry Gorman, Nigel McKelvey, James Connolly


This study will evaluate a growth mindset intervention with Junior Cycle Coding and Senior Cycle Computer Science students in Ireland, where gamification will be used to incentivise growth mindset behaviour. An artificial intelligence (AI) driven personalised learning system will be developed to present computer programming learning tasks in a manner that is best suited to the individuals’ own learning preferences while incentivising and rewarding growth mindset behaviour of persistence, mastery response to challenge, and challenge seeking. This research endeavours to measure mindset with before and after surveys (conducted nationally) and by recording growth mindset behaviour whilst playing a digital game. This study will harness the capabilities of AI and aims to determine how a personalised learning (PL) experience can impact the mindset of a broad range of students. The focus of this study will be to determine how personalising the learning experience influences female and disadvantaged students' sense of belonging in the computer science classroom when tasks are presented in a manner that is best suited to the individual. Whole Brain Learning will underpin this research and will be used as a framework to guide the research in identifying key areas such as thinking and learning styles, cognitive potential, motivators and fears, and emotional intelligence. This research will be conducted in multiple school types over one academic year. Digital games will be played multiple times over this period, and the data gathered will be used to inform the AI algorithm. The three data sets are described as follows: (i) Before and after survey data to determine the grit scores and mindsets of the participants, (ii) The Growth Mind-Set data from the game, which will measure multiple growth mindset behaviours, such as persistence, response to challenge and use of strategy, (iii) The AI data to guide PL. This study will highlight the effectiveness of an AI-driven personalised learning experience. The data will position AI within the Irish educational landscape, with a specific focus on the teaching of CS. These findings will benefit coding and computer science teachers by providing a clear pedagogy for the effective delivery of personalised learning strategies for computer science education. This pedagogy will help prevent students from developing a fixed mindset while helping pupils to exhibit persistence of effort, use of strategy, and a mastery response to challenges.

Keywords: computer science education, artificial intelligence, growth mindset, pedagogy

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4066 An Optimal Path for Virtual Reality Education using Association Rules

Authors: Adam Patterson


This study analyzes the self-reported experiences of virtual reality users to develop insight into an optimal learning path for education within virtual reality. This research uses a sample of 1000 observations to statistically define factors influencing (i) immersion level and (ii) motion sickness rating for virtual reality experience respondents of college age. This paper recommends an efficient duration for each virtual reality session, to minimize sickness and maximize engagement, utilizing modern machine learning methods such as association rules. The goal of this research, in augmentation with previous literature, is to inform logistical decisions relating to implementation of pilot instruction for virtual reality at the collegiate level. Future research will include a Randomized Control Trial (RCT) to quantify the effect of virtual reality education on student learning outcomes and engagement measures. Current research aims to maximize the treatment effect within the RCT by optimizing the learning benefits of virtual reality. Results suggest significant gender heterogeneity amongst likelihood of reporting motion sickness. Females are 1.7 times more likely, than males, to report high levels of motion sickness resulting from a virtual reality experience. Regarding duration, respondents were 1.29 times more likely to select the lowest level of motion sickness after an engagement lasting between 24.3 and 42 minutes. Conversely, respondents between 42 to 60 minutes were 1.2 times more likely to select the higher levels of motion sickness.

Keywords: applications and integration of e-education, practices and cases in e-education, systems and technologies in e-education, technology adoption and diffusion of e-learning

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4065 Conservation of Rare, Endangered and Threaten Medicinal Plants: Participatory Approach

Authors: G. Raviraja Shetty, K. G. Poojitha, Pranay Kumar


Biodiversity refers to the numbers, variety and variability of living organisms and ecosystem. The climatic and altitudinal variations, coupled with varied ecological habitats of this country, have contributed to the development of immensely rich vegetation with a unique diversity in medicinal plants which provides an important source of medicinal raw materials for traditional medicine systems as well as for pharmaceutical industries in the country and abroad. World Health Organization has listed over 21000 plant species used around the world for medicinal purpose. In India, about 2500 plant species are being used in indigenous system of medicine. The red data book lists 427 Indian Medicinal plant entries on endangered species, of which 28 are considered extinct, 124 endangered, 81 rare, and 34 insufficiently known. It is abundantly clear from the experience of all govt agencies that on their own they cannot efficiently conserve the biodiversity. Participatory Approach with the involvement of local people in conservation is found to be more effective these days. Involvement of local people reduces the cost involved in conservation. Local communities have long tradition of resource use in particular area, hold in depth knowledge and experience of plant which can be invaluable for conservation efforts.Medicinal plants occupy a vital sector of health care system in India and represent a major national resource.There is an immense need for conservation of diversity of medicinal plant wealth for the present and fore coming generations, by adapting the suitable strategy with most appropriate method of conservation.

Keywords: conservation, biodiversity, participatory, medicinal plants

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4064 Designing Short-Term Study Abroad Programs for Graduate Students: The Case of Morocco

Authors: Elaine Crable, Amit Sen


Short-term study abroad programs have become a mainstay of MBA programs. The benefits of international business experiences, along with its exposure to global cultures, are well documented. However, developing a rewarding study, abroad program at the graduate level can be challenging for Faculty, especially when devising such a program for a group of part-time MBA students who come with a wide range of experiences and demographic characteristics. Each student has individual expectations for the study abroad experience. This study provides suggestions and considerations for Faculty that are planning to design a short-term study abroad program, especially for part-time MBA students. Insights are based on a recent experience leading a group of twenty-one students on a ten-day program to Morocco. The trip was designed and facilitated by two faculty members and a local Moroccan facilitator. This experience led to a number of insights and recommendations. First, the choice of location is critical. The choice of Morocco was very deliberate, owing to its multi-faceted cultural landscape and international business interest. It is an Islamic State with close ties to Europe both culturally and geographically and Morocco is a multi-lingual country with some combination of three languages spoken by most – English, Arabic, and French. Second, collaboration with a local ‘academic’ partner allowed the level of instruction to be both rigorous and significantly more engaging. Third, allowing students to participate in the planning of the trip enabled the trip participants to collaborate, negotiate, and share their own experiences and strengths. The pre-trip engagement was structured by creating four sub-groups, each responsible for an assigned city. Each student sub-group had to provide a historical background of the assigned city, plan the itinerary including sites to visit, cuisine to experience, industries to explore, markets to visit, plus provide a budget for that city’s expenses. The pre-planning segment of the course was critical for the success of the program as students were able to contribute to the design of the program through collaboration and negotiation with their peers. Fourth, each student sub-group was assigned industry to study within Morocco. The student sub-group prepared a presentation and a group paper with their analysis of the chosen industries. The pre-planning activities created strong bonds among the trip participants, which was evident when faced with on-ground challenges, especially when it was necessary to quickly evacuate due to a surprise USA COVID evacuation notice. The entire group supported each other when quickly making their way back to the United States. Unfortunately, the trip was cut short by two days due to this emergency exit, but the feedback regarding the program was very positive all around. While the program design put pressure on the Faculty leads regarding planning and coordination upfront, the outcome in terms of student engagement, student learning, collaboration and negotiation were all favorable and worth the effort. Finally, an added value, the cost of the program for the student was significantly lower compared to running a program with a professional provider.

Keywords: business education, experiential learning, international education, study abroad

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4063 The Inhibition of Sexual Pleasure and Its Associations with Cultural Messages

Authors: Fabiola Trejo Perez, Rolando Diaz Loving


Sexual pleasure consists of the positively valued feelings induced by sexual stimuli, but it is also weighed down by pop-psychological baggage, and subjected to cross-cultural and cross-historical variation. Social and individual interpretations of what can or can’t be considered as pleasurable are intertwined with culture’s predominant values, norms and beliefs. For each culture, sexual norms work as a guide to be followed in order to model socially accepted behaviors. Therefore, cultural messages regarding sexuality are usually directed to restrict men and women from enjoyment, sexual satisfaction and specifically orgasm. Given that sexual pleasure hasn’t been recognized as an accepted topic of open discussion, particularly for women, people have to eventually complement their knowledge using their own experience filling in the blanks from what little has been said. Thus, this research aims to identify which are the particular social messages associated with the easing or inhibition of sexual pleasure. Three hundred Mexican men and women ages 25 to 35 years old answered a self-report survey composed by the Inventory of facilitators and inhibitors of sexual pleasure and the Sexual premises questionnaire via pencil-paper and online. Results show a high endorsement to double standard messages associated with higher levels of sexual pleasure inhibitors like feeling pressured to have sexual activity, guilt and inability to reach orgasm, in contrast with people who endorse more permissive norms and beliefs, feeling connected to their sexual partners and confident with themselves. These results illustrate that the shaping of sexuality, from experience to society, is comprised of an important relationship between culture and sexual pleasure.

Keywords: culture, sexual double standard, sexual norms and beliefs, sexual pleasure

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4062 Antibiotic Prescribing Pattern and Associated Risk Factors Promoting Antibiotic Resistance, a Cross Sectional Study in a Regional Hospital in Ghana

Authors: Nicholas Agyepong, Paul Gyan


Inappropriate prescribing of antibiotic is a common healthcare concern globally resulted in an increased risk of adverse reactions and the emergence of antimicrobial resistance. The wrong antibiotic prescribing habits may lead to ineffective and unsafe treatment, worsening of disease condition, and thus increase in health care costs. The study was to examine the antibiotic prescribing pattern and associated risk factors at Regional Hospital in the Bono region of Ghana. A retrospective cross-sectional study was conducted to describe the current prescribing practices at the Hospital from January 2014 to December, 2021. A systematic random sampling method was used to select the participants for the study. STATA version 16 software was used for data management and analysis. Descriptive statistics and logistic regression analysis were used to analyze the data. Statistical significance set at p<0.05. Antibiotic consumption was equivalent to 11 per 1000 inhabitants consuming 1 DDD per day. Most common prescribed antibiotic was amoxicillin/clavulanic acid (14.39%) followed by erythromycin (11.44%), and ciprofloxacin (11.36%). Antibiotics prescription have been steadily increased over the past eight years (2014: n=59,280 to 2021: n=190,320). Prescribers above the age of 35 were more likely to prescribe antibiotics than those between the ages of 20 and 25 (COR=21.00; 95% CI: 1.78 – 48.10; p=0.016). Prescribers with at least 6 years of experience were also significantly more likely to prescribe antibiotics than those with at most 5 years of experience (COR=14.17; 95% CI: 2.39 – 84.07; p=0.004). Thus, the establishment of an antibiotic stewardship program in the hospitals is imperative, and further studies need to be conducted in other facilities to establish the national antibiotic prescription guideline.

Keywords: antibiotic, antimicrobial resistance, prescription, prescribers

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4061 Physical Property Characterization of Adult Dairy Nutritional Products for Powder Reconstitution

Authors: Wei Wang, Martin Chen


The reconstitution behaviours of nutritional products could impact user experience. Reconstitution issues such as lump formation and white flecks sticking to bottles surfaces could be very unappealing for the consumers in milk preparation. The controlling steps in dissolving instant milk powders include wetting, swelling, sinking, dispersing, and dissolution as in the literature. Each stage happens simultaneously with the others during milk preparation, and it is challenging to isolate and measure each step individually. This study characterized three adult nutritional products for different properties including particle size, density, dispersibility, stickiness, and capillary wetting to understand the relationship between powder physical properties and their reconstitution behaviours. From the results, the formation of clumps can be caused by different factors limiting the critical steps of powder reconstitution. It can be caused by small particle size distribution, light particle density limiting powder wetting, or the rapid swelling and dissolving of particle surface materials to impede water penetration in the capillary channels formed by powder agglomerates. For the grain or white flecks formation in milk preparation, it was believed to be controlled by dissolution speed of the particles after dispersion into water. By understanding those relationship between fundamental powder structure and their user experience in reconstitution, this information provides us new and multiple perspectives on how to improve the powder characteristics in the commercial manufacturing.

Keywords: characterization, dairy nutritional powder, physical property, reconstitution

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4060 Muslim Husbands’ Participation in Women’s Health and Illness: A Descriptive Exploratory Study Applied to Muslim Women in Indonesia

Authors: Restuning Widiasih, Katherine Nelson, Joan Skinner


Muslim husbands have significant roles in the family including their roles in women’s health and illness. However, studies that explore Muslim husbands’ participation in women’s health is limited. The objective of this study was to uncover Muslim husbands’ participation in women’ health and illness including cancer prevention and screening. A descriptive exploratory approach was used involving 20 Muslim women from urban and rural areas of West Java Province, Indonesia. Muslim women shared experience related to their husbands support and activities in women’s health and illness. The data from the interviews were analyzed using the Comparative Analysis for Interview (CAI). Women perceived that husbands fully supported their health by providing opportunities for activities, and reminding them about healthy food, their workloads, and family planning. Husbands actively involved when women faced health issues including sharing knowledge and experience, discussing any health problems, advising for medical check-ups, and accompanying them for treatments. The analysis also found that husbands were less active and offered less advice regarding prevention and early detection of cancer. This study highlights the significant involvement of Muslim husbands in women’s health and illness, yet a lack of support from husbands related to screening and cancer prevention. This condition could be a burden for Muslim women to participate in health programs related to cancer prevention and early detection. Health education programs to improve Muslim husbands’ understanding of women’s health is needed.

Keywords: descriptive exploratory study, Muslim husbands, Muslim women, women's health and illness

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4059 Knowledge and Preventive Practice of Occupational Health Hazards among Nurses Working in Various Hospitals in Kathmandu

Authors: Sabita Karki


Occupational health hazards are recognized as global problems for health care workers, it is quiet high in developing countries. It is increasing day by day due to change in science and technology. This study aimed to assess the knowledge and practice of occupational health hazards among the nurses. A descriptive, cross sectional study was carried out among 339 nurses working in three different teaching hospitals of the Kathmandu from February 28, 2016 to March 28, 2016. A self-administered questionnaire was used to collect the data. The study findings revealed that out of 339 samples of all 80.5% were below 30 years; 51.6% were married; 57.5% were graduates and above; 91.4% respondents were working as staff nurse; 56.9% were working in general ward; 56.9% have work experience of 1 to 5 years; 79.1% respondents were immunized against HBV; only 8.6% have received training/ in-service education related to OHH and 35.4% respondents have experienced health hazards. The mean knowledge score was 26.7 (SD=7.3). The level of knowledge of occupational health hazards among the nurses was 68.1% (adequate knowledge). The knowledge was statistically significant with education OR = 0.288, CI: 0.17-0.46 and p value 0.00 and immunization against HBV OR= 1.762, CI: 0.97-0.17 and p value 0.05. The mean practice score was 7.6 (SD= 3.1). The level of practice on prevention of OHH was 74.6% (poor practice). The practice was statistically significant with age having OR=0.47, CI: 0.26-0.83 and p value 0.01; designation OR= 0.32, CI: 0.14-0.70 and p value 0.004; working department OR=0.61, CI: 0.36-1.02 and p value 0.05; work experience OR=0.562, CI: 0.33-0.94 and p value 0.02; previous in-service education/ training OR=2.25; CI: 1.02-4.92 and p value 0.04. There was no association between knowledge and practice on prevention of occupational health hazards which is not statistically significant. Overall, nurses working in various teaching hospitals of Kathmandu had adequate knowledge and poor practice of occupational health hazards. Training and in-service education and availability of adequate personal protective equipments for nurses are needed to encourage them adhere to practice.

Keywords: occupational health hazard, nurses, knowledge, preventive practice

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4058 Factors Influencing the Enjoyment and Performance of Students in Statistics Service Courses: A Mixed-Method Study

Authors: Wilma Coetzee


Statistics lecturers experience that many students who are taking a service course in statistics do not like statistics. Students in these courses tend to struggle and do not perform well. This research takes a look at the student’s perspective, with the aim to determine how to change the teaching of statistics so that students will enjoy it more and perform better. Questionnaires were used to determine the perspectives of first year service statistics students at a South African university. Factors addressed included motivation to study, attitude toward statistics, statistical anxiety, mathematical abilities and tendency to procrastinate. Logistic regression was used to determine what contributes to students performing badly in statistics. The results show that the factors that contribute the most to students performing badly are: statistical anxiety, not being motivated and having had mathematical literacy instead of mathematics in secondary school. Two open ended questions were included in the questionnaire: 'I will enjoy statistics more if…' and 'I will perform better in statistics if…'. The answers to these questions were analyzed using qualitative methods. Frequent themes were identified for each of the questions. A simulation study incorporating bootstrapping was done to determine the saturation of the themes. The majority of the students indicated that they would perform better in statistics if they studied more, managed their time better, had a flare for mathematics and if the lecturer was able to explain difficult concepts better. They also want more active learning. To ensure that students enjoy statistics more, they want an active learning experience. They want fun activities, more interaction with the lecturer and with one another, more computer based problems, and more challenges. They want a better understanding of the subject, want to understand the relevance of statistics to their future career and want excellent lecturers. These findings can be used to direct the improvement of the tuition of statistics.

Keywords: active learning, performance in statistics, statistical anxiety, statistics education

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4057 Transferring Cultural Meanings: A Case of Translation Classroom

Authors: Ramune Kasperaviciene, Jurgita Motiejuniene, Dalia Venckiene


Familiarising students with strategies for transferring cultural meanings (intertextual units, culture-specific idioms, culture-specific items, etc.) should be part of a comprehensive translator training programme. The present paper focuses on strategies for transferring such meanings into other languages and explores possibilities for introducing these methods and practice to translation students. The authors (university translation teachers) analyse the means of transferring cultural meanings from English into Lithuanian in a specific travel book, attribute these means to theoretically grounded strategies, and make calculations related to the frequency of adoption of specific strategies; translation students are familiarised with concepts and methods related to transferring cultural meanings and asked to put their theoretical knowledge into practice, i.e. interpret and translate certain culture-specific items from the same source text, and ground their decisions on theory; the comparison of the strategies employed by the professional translator of the source text (as identified by the authors of this study) and by the students is made. As a result, both students and teachers gain valuable experience, and new practices of conducting translation classes for a specific purpose evolve. Conclusions highlight the differences and similarities of non-professional and professional choices, summarise the possibilities for introducing methods of transferring cultural meanings to students, and round up with specific considerations of the impact of theoretical knowledge and the degree of experience on decisions made in the translation process.

Keywords: cultural meanings, culture-specific items, strategies for transferring cultural meanings, translator training

Procedia PDF Downloads 352
4056 Exploring the Link between Hoarding Disorder and Trauma: A Scoping Review

Authors: Murray Anderson, Galina Freed, Karli Jahn


Trauma is increasingly recognized as an important construct that has health implications for those who struggle with various mental health issues. For those individuals who meet the criteria for a diagnosis of hoarding disorder (HD), many have experienced some form of trauma. Further, some of the therapeutic interventions for those with HD can further perpetuate or magnify the experience of trauma. Therefore, the aim of this scoping review is to identify and document the nature and extent of research evidence related to trauma as it connects with HD. This review was guided by the questions, ‘How can our understanding of the trauma cycle help us to better appreciate the experiences of individuals who hoard, and how will a trauma informed lens inform the interventions for hoarding disorder? A comprehensive literature search was performed to identify original studies that contained the words “hoarding” and “trauma.” PsychINFO”,''EBSCO host,” “CINAHL” and “PubMed” were searched between January 2005 and April 2021. Articles were screened by three reviewers. Data extracted included publication date, demographics, study design, type of analysis, and noted connections between hoarding and trauma. Of the 329 articles, all duplicates, articles on hoardings of animals, articles not in English, and those without full-text availability were removed. Five categories were found in the remaining 45 articles, including (a) traumatic and stressful life events; (b) the link between posttraumatic stress disorder, trauma, and hoarding; (c) the relationships between different comorbidities, trauma, and hoarding; (d) the lack of early emotional expression and other forms of parental deprivation; and (e) the role of attachment. Lastly, the literature explains how the links between hoarding and trauma are difficult to study due to the highly stigmatized identities with this population. The review provided strong support for the connections between the experience of trauma and HD. What is missing from the literature is the use of a trauma-informed lens to better account for the ways in which hoarding disorder is understood. Other missing pieces in the literature are the potential uses of a trauma-informed lens to enhance the therapeutic process, to understand and reduce treatment attrition, and to improve treatment outcomes. The application of a trauma informed lens could improve our understanding of effective interactions among clients, families, and communities and improve the education around hoarding-related matters. Exploring the connections between trauma and HD can improve therapeutic delivery and destigmatize the experience of dealing with clutter and hoarding concerns. This awareness can also provide health care professionals with both the language and skills to liberate them from a reductionist view on HD.

Keywords: hoarding, attachment, parental deprivation, trauma

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4055 The Influence of Culture on Manifestations of Animus

Authors: Anahit Khananyan


The results of the long-term Jungian analysis with female clients from Eastern and Asian countries, which belong to collectivist cultures, are summarised in the article. The goal of the paper is to describe the cultural complex, which was found by the author in the analysis of women of collectivistic culture. It was named “the repression of Animus”. Generally, C.G.Jung himself and the Post-Jungians studied conditions caused by the possession by Animus. The conditions and cases of the repressed Animus, depending on the type of culture and cultural complexes, as we know, were not widely disseminated. C.G. Jung discovered and recognized the Animus as the second component of a pair of opposites of the psyche of women – femininity and Animus. In the way of individuation, an awareness of manifestations of Animus plays an important role: understanding the differences between negative and positive Animus as well as the Animus and the Shadow, then standing the tension of the presence of a pair of opposites - femininity and Animus, acceptance of the tension of them, finding the balance between them and reconciliation of this opposites. All of the above are steps towards the realization of the Animus, its release Animua, and the healing of the psyche. In the paper, the author will share her experience of analyzing the women of different collectivist cultures and her experience of recognizing the repressed Animus during the analysis. Also, she will describe some peculiarities of upbringing and cultural traditions, which reflected the cultural complex of repression of Animus. This complex is manifested in the traditions of girls' upbringing in accordance with which an image of a woman with overly developed femininity and an absence or underdeveloped Animus is idealized and encouraged as well as an evaluating attitude towards females who have to correspond to this image and fulfill the role prescribed in this way in the family and society.

Keywords: analysis, cultural complex, animus, manifestation, culture

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4054 An Investigation of Suppression in Mid-19th Century Japan: Case Study of the 1855 Catfish Prints as a Product of Censorship

Authors: Vasanth Narayanan


The mid-nineteenth century saw the Japanese elite and townsfolk alike undergo the now-infamous Ansei Edo earthquakes. The quakes decimated Japan in the final decades of the Tokugawa Era and, perhaps more consequentially, birthed a new genre of politically inspired artwork, the most notable of which are the namazu-e. This essay advocates an understanding of the 1855 Catfish Prints (namazu-e) that prioritizes the function of iconography and anthropomorphic deity in shaping the namazu-e into a wholly political experience that makes the censorship of the time part of its argument. The visual program is defined as the creation of a politically profitable experience, crafted through the union of explicit religion, highly masked commentary, and the impositions of censorship. The strategies by which the works are designed, in the face of censorship, to engage a less educated, pedestrian audience with its theme, including considerations of iconography, depictions of the working class, anthropomorphism, and the relationship between textual and visual elements, are discussed herein. The essay then takes up the question of the role of tense Japan–United States relations in fostering censorship and as a driver of the production of namazu-e. It is ultimately understood that the marriage of hefty censorship protocol, the explicitly religious medium, and inimical sentiment towards United States efforts at diplomacy renders the production of namazu-e an offspring of the censorship and deeply held frustrations of the time, cementing its status as a primitive form of peaceful protest against a seemingly apathetic government.

Keywords: Japan, Ansei Earthquake, Namazu, prints, censorship, religion

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4053 The International Field Placement: Experience in Vietnam Social Work International Placement Programme

Authors: Ngo Thi Thanh Mai, Nguyen Thu Ha, Frances Crawford


The demand for developing international social work field education is on the rise. Global foreign universities have considered international collaboration and cross-cultural perspective as an essential part of their social work training curriculum. International placement program at Faculty of Social Work (FSW), Hanoi National University of Education (HNUE) has met the need of international social work students, as well as the institutions involved in achieving social work professional social work knowledge in the Vietnamese context. This program has also lead to a long-term collaboration between HNUE and several global institutions in developing social work education, research and practice skill. This paper focuses on the benefits and challenges of students who involved in the global placement programme at Faculty of Social Work (FSW), Hanoi National University of Education (HNUE) and content of international field education provided to the international students based on the experience of the authors. Study results indicated that the participants have opportunity them to explore a new culture and social work system abroad especially in the Vietnamese context. However, there are still difficulties that international students have to face during different phases of the exchange process such as language and communication barriers, cultural value differences, insufficient support and supervision during placement. Basing on these results, the authors intend to propose some recommendations to enhance the programme activities such as pre-departure orientation, support and supervision during placement, cultural exchange and follow-up activities.

Keywords: social work education, social work, international placement, field placement, Vietnam

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4052 A Flipped Learning Experience in an Introductory Course of Information and Communication Technology in Two Bachelor's Degrees: Combining the Best of Online and Face-to-Face Teaching

Authors: Begona del Pino, Beatriz Prieto, Alberto Prieto


Two opposite approaches to teaching can be considered: in-class learning (teacher-oriented) versus virtual learning (student-oriented). The most known example of the latter is Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs). Both methodologies have pros and cons. Nowadays there is an increasing trend towards combining both of them. Blending learning is considered a valuable tool for improving learning since it combines student-centred interactive e-learning and face to face instruction. The aim of this contribution is to exchange and share the experience and research results of a blended-learning project that took place in the University of Granada (Spain). The research objective was to prove how combining didactic resources of a MOOC with in-class teaching, interacting directly with students, can substantially improve academic results, as well as student acceptance. The proposed methodology is based on the use of flipped learning technics applied to the subject ‘Fundamentals of Computer Science’ of the first course of two degrees: Telecommunications Engineering, and Industrial Electronics. In this proposal, students acquire the theoretical knowledges at home through a MOOC platform, where they watch video-lectures, do self-evaluation tests, and use other academic multimedia online resources. Afterwards, they have to attend to in-class teaching where they do other activities in order to interact with teachers and the rest of students (discussing of the videos, solving of doubts and practical exercises, etc.), trying to overcome the disadvantages of self-regulated learning. The results are obtained through the grades of the students and their assessment of the blended experience, based on an opinion survey conducted at the end of the course. The major findings of the study are the following: The percentage of students passing the subject has grown from 53% (average from 2011 to 2014 using traditional learning methodology) to 76% (average from 2015 to 2018 using blended methodology). The average grade has improved from 5.20±1.99 to 6.38±1.66. The results of the opinion survey indicate that most students preferred blended methodology to traditional approaches, and positively valued both courses. In fact, 69% of students felt ‘quite’ or ‘very’ satisfied with the classroom activities; 65% of students preferred the flipped classroom methodology to traditional in-class lectures, and finally, 79% said they were ‘quite’ or ‘very’ satisfied with the course in general. The main conclusions of the experience are the improvement in academic results, as well as the highly satisfactory assessments obtained in the opinion surveys. The results confirm the huge potential of combining MOOCs in formal undergraduate studies with on-campus learning activities. Nevertheless, the results in terms of students’ participation and follow-up have a wide margin for improvement. The method is highly demanding for both students and teachers. As a recommendation, students must perform the assigned tasks with perseverance, every week, in order to take advantage of the face-to-face classes. This perseverance is precisely what needs to be promoted among students because it clearly brings about an improvement in learning.

Keywords: blended learning, educational paradigm, flipped classroom, flipped learning technologies, lessons learned, massive online open course, MOOC, teacher roles through technology

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4051 School Students’ Career Guidance in the Context of Inclusive Education in Kazakhstan: Experience and Perspectives

Authors: Laura Butabayeva, Svetlana Ismagulova, Gulbarshin Nogaibayeva, Maiya Temirbayeva, Aidana Zhussip


The article presents the main results of the study conducted within the grant project «Organizational and methodological foundations for ensuring the inclusiveness of school students’ career guidance» (2022-2024). The main aim of the project is to study the issue of the absence of developed mechanisms, coordinating the activities of all stakeholders in preparing school students for conscious career choice, taking into account their individual opportunities and special educational needs. To achieve the aim of the project, according to the implementation plan, the analysis of foreign and national literature on the studied problem, as well as the study of the state of school students’ career guidance and their socialization in the context of inclusive education were conducted, the international experience on this issue was explored. The analysis of the national literature conducted by the authors has shown the State’s annual increase in the number of students with special educational needs as well as the rapid demand of labour market, influencing their professional self-determination in modern society. The participants from 5 State’s regions, including students, their parents, general secondary schools administration and educators, as well as employers, took part in the study, taking into account the geographical location: south, north, west, centre, and the cities of republican significance. To ensure the validity of the study’s results, the triangulation method was utilised, including both qualitative and quantitative methods. The data were analysed independently and compared with each other. Ethical principles were considered during all stages of the study. The characteristics of the system of career guidance in the modern school, the role and the involvement of stakeholders in the system of career guidance, the opinions of educators on school students’ preparedness for career choice, and the factors impeding the effectiveness of career guidance in schools were examined. The problem of stakeholders’ disunity and inconsistency, causing the systemic labor market distortions, the growth of low-skilled labor, and the unemployed, including people with special educational needs, were revealed. The other issue identified by the researchers was educators’ insufficient readiness for students’ career choice preparation in the context of inclusive education. To study cutting-edge experience in organizing a system of career guidance for young people and develop mechanisms coordinating the actions of all stakeholders in preparing students for career choice, the institutions of career guidance in France, Japan, and Germany were explored by the researchers. To achieve the aim of the project, the systemic contemporary model of school students’ professional self-determination, considering their individual opportunities and special educational needs, has been developed based on the study results and international experience. The main principles of this model are consistency, accessibility, inclusiveness, openness, coherence, continuity. The perspectives of students’ career guidance development in the context of inclusive education have been suggested.

Keywords: career guidance, inclusive education, model of school students’ professional self-determination, psychological and pedagogical support, special educational needs

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4050 'Infection in the Sentence': The Castration of a Black Woman's Dream of Authorship as Manifested in Buchi Emecheta's Second Class Citizen

Authors: Aseel Hatif Jassam, Hadeel Hatif Jassam


The paper discusses the phallocentric discourse that is challenged by women in general and of women of color in particular in spite of the simultaneity of oppression due to race, class, and gender in the diaspora. Therefore, the paper gives a brief account of women's experience in the light of postcolonial feminist theory. The paper also cast light on the theories of Luce Irigaray and Helen Cixous, two Feminist theorists who support and advise women to have their own discourse to challenge the infectious patriarchal sentence advocated by Sigmund Freud and Harold Bloom's model of literary history. Black women authors like BuchiEmecheta as well as her alter ego Adah, a Nigerian-born girl and the protagonist of her semi-autobiographical novel, Second Class Citizen, suffer from this phallocentric and oppressive sentence and displacement as they migrate from Nigeria, a former British colony where they feel marginalized to North London with the hope of realizing their dreams. Yet, in the British diaspora, they get culturally shocked and continue to suffer from further marginalization due to class and race and are insulted and interiorized ironically by their patriarchal husbands who try to put an end to their dreams of authorship. With the phallocentric belief that women aren't capable of self-representation in the background of their mindsets, the violent Sylvester Onwordi and Francis Obi, the husbands of both Emecheta and Adah, respectively have practiced oppression on them by burning their own authoritative voice, represented by the novels they write while they are struggling with their economically atrocious living experience in the British diaspora.

Keywords: authorship, British diaspora, discourse, phallocentric, patriarchy

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4049 Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) in the Relations among Nations: Towards a Renewed Hegemony or Not

Authors: Raju K. Thadikkaran


Introduction: The IPR have come to the centre stage of development discourse today for a variety of reasons: It ranges from the arbitrariness in the enforcement, overlapping and mismatch with various international agreements and conventions, divergence in the definition, nature and content and the duration as well as severe adverse consequences to technologically weak developing countries. In turn, the IPR have acquired prominence in the foreign policy making as well as in the relations among nations. Quite naturally, there is ample scope for an examination of the correlation between Technology, IPR and International Relations in the contemporary world. Nature and Scope: A cursory examination of the realm of IPR and its protection shall reveals the acute divergence that exists in the perspectives, on all matters related to the very definition, nature, content, scope and duration. The proponents of stronger protection, mostly technologically advanced countries, insist on a stringent IP Regime whereas technologically weak developing countries seem to advocate for flexibilities. From the perspective of developing countries like India, one of the most crucial concerns is related to the patenting of life forms and the protection of TK and BD. There have been several instances of Bio-piracy and Bio-prospecting of the resources related to BD and TK from the Bio-rich Global South. It is widely argued that many provisions in the TRIPS are capable of offsetting the welcome provisions in the CBD such as the Access and Benefit Sharing and Prior Informed Consent. The point that is being argued out is as to how the mismatch between the provisions in the TRIPS Agreement and the CBD could be addressed in a healthy manner so that the essential minimum legitimate interests of all stakeholders could be secured thereby introducing a new direction to the international relations. The findings of this study reveal that the challenges roused by the TRIPS Regime over-weigh the opportunities. The mismatch in the provisions in this regard has generated various crucial issues such as Bio-piracy and Bio-prospecting. However, there is ample scope for managing and protecting IP through institutional innovation, legislative, executive and administrative initiative at the global, national and regional levels. The Indian experience is quite reflective of the same and efforts are being made through the new national IPR policy. This paper, employing Historical Analytical Method, has Three Sections. The First Section shall trace the correlation between the Technology, IPR and international relations. The Second Section shall review the issues and potential concerns in the protection and management of IP related to the BD and TK in the developing countries in the wake of the TRIPS and the CBD. The Final Section shall analyze the Indian Experience in this regard and the experience of the bio-rich Kerala in particular.

Keywords: IPR, technology and international relations, bio-diversity, traditional knowledge

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4048 Impact of Obesity on Outcomes in Breast Reconstruction: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Authors: Adriana C. Panayi, Riaz A. Agha, Brady A. Sieber, Dennis P. Orgill


Background: Increased rates of both breast cancer and obesity have resulted in more women seeking breast reconstruction. These women may be at increased risk for perioperative complications. A systematic review was conducted to assess the outcomes in obese women who have undergone breast reconstruction following mastectomy. Methods: Cochrane, PUBMED and EMBASE electronic databases were screened and data was extracted from included studies. The clinical outcomes assessed were surgical complications, medical complications, length of postoperative hospital stay, reoperation rate and patient satisfaction. Results: 33 studies met the inclusion criteria for the review and 29 provided enough data to be included in the meta-analysis (71368 patients, 20061 of which were obese). Obese women were 2.3 times more likely to experience surgical complications (95 percent CI 2.19 to 2.39; P < 0.00001), 2.8 times more likely to have medical complications (95 percent CI 2.41 to 3.26; P < 0.00001) and had a 1.9 times higher risk of reoperation (95 percent CI 1.75 to 2.07; P < 0.00001). The most common complication, wound dehiscence, was 2.5 times more likely in obese women (95 percent CI 1.80 to 3.52; P < 0.00001). Sensitivity analysis confirmed that obese women were more likely to experience surgical complications (RR 2.36, 95% CI 2.22–2.52; P < 0.00001). Conclusions: This study provides evidence that obesity increases the risk of complications in both implant and autologous reconstruction. Additional prospective and observational studies are needed to determine if weight reduction prior to reconstruction reduces the perioperative risks associated with obesity.

Keywords: autologous reconstruction, breast cancer, breast reconstruction, literature review, obesity, oncology, prosthetic reconstruction

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4047 Management of Renal Malignancies with IVC Thrombus: Our Experience

Authors: Sujeet Poudyal


Introduction: Renal cell carcinoma is the most common malignancy associated with Inferior vena cava (IVC) thrombosis. Radical nephrectomy with tumor thrombectomy provides durable cancer-free survival. Other renal malignancies like Wilms’ tumors are also associated with IVC thrombus. We describe our experience with the management of renal malignancies associated with IVC thrombus. Methods: This prospective study included 28 patients undergoing surgery for renal malignancies associated with IVC thrombus from February 2017 to March 2023. Demographics of patients, types of renal malignancy, level of IVC thrombus, intraoperative details, need for venovenous bypass, cardiopulmonary bypass and postoperative outcomes were all documented. Results: Out of a total of 28 patients, 24 patients had clear cell Renal Cell Carcinoma,1 had renal osteosarcoma and 3 patients had Wilms tumor. The levels. of thrombus were II in eight, III in seven, and IV in six patients. The mean age of RCC was 62.81±10.2 years, renal osteosarcoma was 26 years and Wilms tumor was 23 years. There was a need for venovenous bypass in four patients and cardiopulmonary bypass in four patients, and the Postoperative period was uneventful in most cases except for two mortalities, one in Level III due to pneumonia and one in Level IV due to sepsis. All cases followed up till now have no local recurrence and metastasis except one case of RCC with Level IV IVC thrombus, which presented with paraaortic nodal recurrence and is currently managed with sunitinib. Conclusion: The complexity in the management of renal malignancy with IVC thrombus increases with the level of IVC thrombus. As radical nephrectomy with tumor thrombectomy provides durable cancer-free survival in most cases, the surgery should be undertaken in an expert and experienced setup with a strong cardiovascular backup to minimize morbidity and mortality associated with the procedure.

Keywords: renal malignancy, IVC thrombus, radical nephrectomy with tumor thrombectomy, renal cell carcinoma

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4046 Applied Behavior Analysis and Speech Language Pathology Interprofessional Practice to Support Autistic Children with Complex Communication Needs

Authors: Kimberly Ho, Maeve Donnelly


In this paper, a speech-language pathologist (SLP) and Board Certified Behavior Analysts® (BCBA) with a combined professional experience of almost 50 years will discuss their experiences working with individuals on the autism spectrum. Some autistic children require augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) to meet their communication needs. These learners present with unique strengths and challenges, often requiring intervention from a team of professionals to generalize skills across environments. Collaboration between SLPs and BCBAs will be discussed in terms of strengths and challenges. Applied behavior analysis (ABA) will be defined and explained in the context of the treatment of learners on the autism spectrum with complex communication needs (CCN). The requirement for collaboration will be discussed by the governing boards for both BCBAs and SLPs. The strengths of each discipline will be compared along with difficulties faced when professionals experience disciplinary centrism. The challenges in teaching autistic learners with CCN will be reviewed. Case studies will be shared in which BCBAs and SLPs engage in interprofessional practice to support autistic children who use AAC to participate in a social skills group. Learner outcomes will be shared and assessed through both an SLP and BCBA perspective. Finally, ideas will be provided to promote the interprofessional practice, including establishing a shared framework, avoiding professional jargon and moving towards common terminology, and focusing on the data to ensure the efficacy of treatment.

Keywords: autism, cross disciplinary collaboration, augmentative and alternative communication, generalization

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4045 Goals, Rights and Obligations, and Moral Order: An Evaluation Approach to Chinese-Kenyan Relating Experience

Authors: Zhaohui Tian


China’s growing and deepening engagement in Africa has attracted numerous controversial debates on Chinese-African social-racial relations both in the media and academia. Most research tends to discuss this issue and the tensions involved at the state level, but limited attention has been given to the individual relating processes of those two racial groups from an intercultural politeness evaluation angle. Thus, taking Kenya as a country focus and putting it under recent perspectives on pragmatics and politeness, this study explores the Chinese-Kenyan workplace relating experience in Chinese-owned companies with the aim to offer new insights on Chinese-African social-racial tensions. The original data were collected through 25 interviews from 29 Chinese and Kenyan participants working in different Chinese companies and industries, some of which had been later on converted into 182 short story data in order to better capture the process and content dimensions of their experiences using Spencer &Kádár’s politeness evaluation model. Both interview and story data were analysed in MAXQDA to understand the personal relating process and the criteria they were drawing from when making evaluative judgements of their relations. The result particular draws attention to tensions around goals, rights, and obligations, and social-moral dimensions that had been underrepresented in intercultural and pragmatics literature. The study offers alternative empirical insights into Chinese-Kenyan relations from an intercultural politeness management perspective and the possible mismatches of the evaluative criteria that potentially cause tension in this context.

Keywords: chinese-kenyan, evaluation, relating, workplace

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4044 Adverse Childhood Experience of Domestic Violence and Domestic Mental Health Leading to Youth Violence: An Analysis of Selected Boroughs in London

Authors: Sandra Smart-Akande, Chaminda Hewage, Imtiaz Khan, Thanuja Mallikarachchi


According to UK police-recorded data, there has been a substantial increase in knife-related crime and youth violence in the UK since 2014 particularly in the London boroughs. These crime rates are disproportionally distributed across London with the majority of these crimes occurring in the highly deprived areas of London and among young people aged 11 to 24 with large discrepancies across ethnicity, age, gender and borough of residence. Comprehensive studies and literature have identified risk factors associated with a knife carrying among youth to be Adverse Childhood Experience (ACEs), poor mental health, school or social exclusion, drug dealing, drug using, victim of violent crime, bullying, peer pressure or gang involvement, just to mention a few. ACEs are potentially traumatic events that occur in childhood, this can be experiences or stressful events in the early life of a child and can lead to an increased risk of damaging health or social outcomes in the latter life of the individual. Research has shown that children or youths involved in youth violence have had childhood experience characterised by disproportionate adverse childhood experiences and substantial literature link ACEs to be associated with criminal or delinquent behavior. ACEs are commonly grouped by researchers into: Abuse (Physical, Verbal, Sexual), Neglect (Physical, Emotional) and Household adversities (Mental Illness, Incarcerated relative, Domestic violence, Parental Separation or Bereavement). To the author's best knowledge, no study to date has investigated how household mental health (mental health of a parent or mental health of a child) and domestic violence (domestic violence on a parent or domestic violence on a child) is related to knife homicides across the local authorities areas of London. This study seeks to address the gap by examining a large sample of data from the London Metropolitan Police Force and Characteristics of Children in Need data from the UK Department for Education. The aim of this review is to identify and synthesise evidence from data and a range of literature to identify the relationship between adverse childhood experiences and youth violence in the UK. Understanding the link between ACEs and future outcomes can support preventative action.

Keywords: adverse childhood experiences, domestic violence, mental health, youth violence, prediction analysis, London knife crime

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4043 Expert System for Road Bridge Constructions

Authors: Michael Dimmer, Holger Flederer


The basis of realizing a construction project is a technically flawless concept which satisfies conditions regarding environment and costs, as well as static-constructional terms. The presented software system actively supports civil engineers during the setup of optimal designs, by giving advice regarding durability, life-cycle costs, sustainability and much more. A major part of the surrounding conditions of a design process is gathered and assimilated by experienced engineers subconsciously. It is a question about eligible building techniques and their practicability by considering emerging costs. Planning engineers have acquired many of this experience during their professional life and use them for their daily work. Occasionally, the planning engineer should disassociate himself from his experience to be open for new and better solutions which meet the functional demands, as well. The developed expert system gives planning engineers recommendations for preferred design options of new constructions as well as for existing bridge constructions. It is possible to analyze construction elements and techniques regarding sustainability and life-cycle costs. This way the software provides recommendations for future constructions. Furthermore, there is an option to design existing road bridges especially for heavy duty transport. This implies a route planning tool to get quick and reliable information as to whether the bridge support structures of a transport route have been measured sufficiently for a certain heavy duty transport. The use of this expert system in bridge planning companies and building authorities will save costs massively for new and existent bridge constructions. This is achieved by consequently considering parameters like life-cycle costs and sustainability for its planning recommendations.

Keywords: expert system, planning process, road bridges, software system

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4042 Improving Pain Management for Trauma Patients at Two Rwandan Emergency Departments

Authors: Jean Pierre Hagenimana, Paulin Ruhato Banguti, Rebecca Lynn Churchill Anderson, Jean de Dieu Tuyishime, Gaston Nyirigira, Eugene Tuyishime


Background: Little is known regarding the effectiveness of pain protocols and guidelines used in Emergency Departments (ED) in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Therefore, to shed light on this research gap, this study aimed to evaluate the quality of pain management following the implementation of both the WHO pain ladder-based trauma pain management protocol in two Rwandan teaching hospitals. Methods: This was a pre-and post-intervention study. The intervention was a 1-day acute pain course training for ED clinical staff followed by 1 week of mentorship on the use of the WHO pain ladder-based trauma pain management. Results: 261 participants were enrolled in the study (124 before the intervention and 137 after the intervention). The number of patients with undocumented pain scores decreased from 58% to 24% after the intervention (p-value > 0.001), and most patients (62%) had mild pain. In addition, patients who were satisfied with the quality of pain management increased significantly from 42% before the intervention to 80% (p-value > 0.001). Barriers were identified, however, including inadequate training and experience, shortage of staff, and patient’s reluctance to report pain. Conclusion: The implementation of the WHO pain ladder-based trauma pain management protocol significantly improved the quality of pain management in both CHUK and CHUB referral Hospital emergency departments. Despite this, some barriers remain, such as inadequate training and experience, shortage of staff, and patient’s reluctance to report pain. Appropriate interventions should be implemented to address the identified barriers and ensure adequate pain management for patients admitted at the emergency departments in referral hospitals in Rwanda.

Keywords: pain management, trauma, emergency departments, Rwanda

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4041 The Bayesian Premium Under Entropy Loss

Authors: Farouk Metiri, Halim Zeghdoudi, Mohamed Riad Remita


Credibility theory is an experience rating technique in actuarial science which can be seen as one of quantitative tools that allows the insurers to perform experience rating, that is, to adjust future premiums based on past experiences. It is used usually in automobile insurance, worker's compensation premium, and IBNR (incurred but not reported claims to the insurer) where credibility theory can be used to estimate the claim size amount. In this study, we focused on a popular tool in credibility theory which is the Bayesian premium estimator, considering Lindley distribution as a claim distribution. We derive this estimator under entropy loss which is asymmetric and squared error loss which is a symmetric loss function with informative and non-informative priors. In a purely Bayesian setting, the prior distribution represents the insurer’s prior belief about the insured’s risk level after collection of the insured’s data at the end of the period. However, the explicit form of the Bayesian premium in the case when the prior is not a member of the exponential family could be quite difficult to obtain as it involves a number of integrations which are not analytically solvable. The paper finds a solution to this problem by deriving this estimator using numerical approximation (Lindley approximation) which is one of the suitable approximation methods for solving such problems, it approaches the ratio of the integrals as a whole and produces a single numerical result. Simulation study using Monte Carlo method is then performed to evaluate this estimator and mean squared error technique is made to compare the Bayesian premium estimator under the above loss functions.

Keywords: bayesian estimator, credibility theory, entropy loss, monte carlo simulation

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