Search results for: link data
25066 GIS Data Governance: GIS Data Submission Process for Build-in Project, Replacement Project at Oman Electricity Transmission Company
Authors: Rahma Al Balushi
Oman Electricity Transmission Company's (OETC) vision is to be a renowned world-class transmission grid by 2025, and one of the indications of achieving the vision is obtaining Asset Management ISO55001 certification, which required setting out a documented Standard Operating Procedures (SOP). Hence, documented SOP for the Geographical information system data process has been established. Also, to effectively manage and improve OETC power transmission, asset data and information need to be governed as such by Asset Information & GIS dept. This paper will describe in detail the GIS data submission process and the journey to develop the current process. The methodology used to develop the process is based on three main pillars, which are system and end-user requirements, Risk evaluation, data availability, and accuracy. The output of this paper shows the dramatic change in the used process, which results subsequently in more efficient, accurate, updated data. Furthermore, due to this process, GIS has been and is ready to be integrated with other systems as well as the source of data for all OETC users. Some decisions related to issuing No objection certificates (NOC) and scheduling asset maintenance plans in Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) have been made consequently upon GIS data availability. On the Other hand, defining agreed and documented procedures for data collection, data systems update, data release/reporting, and data alterations salso aided to reduce the missing attributes of GIS transmission data. A considerable difference in Geodatabase (GDB) completeness percentage was observed between the year 2017 and the year 2021. Overall, concluding that by governance, asset information & GIS department can control GIS data process; collect, properly record, and manage asset data and information within OETC network. This control extends to other applications and systems integrated with/related to GIS systems.Keywords: asset management ISO55001, standard procedures process, governance, geodatabase, NOC, CMMS
Procedia PDF Downloads 20825065 Importance of Ethics in Cloud Security
Authors: Pallavi Malhotra
This paper examines the importance of ethics in cloud computing. In the modern society, cloud computing is offering individuals and businesses an unlimited space for storing and processing data or information. Most of the data and information stored in the cloud by various users such as banks, doctors, architects, engineers, lawyers, consulting firms, and financial institutions among others require a high level of confidentiality and safeguard. Cloud computing offers centralized storage and processing of data, and this has immensely contributed to the growth of businesses and improved sharing of information over the internet. However, the accessibility and management of data and servers by a third party raise concerns regarding the privacy of clients’ information and the possible manipulations of the data by third parties. This document suggests the approaches various stakeholders should take to address various ethical issues involving cloud-computing services. Ethical education and training is key to all stakeholders involved in the handling of data and information stored or being processed in the cloud.Keywords: IT ethics, cloud computing technology, cloud privacy and security, ethical education
Procedia PDF Downloads 32625064 The Feminism of Data Privacy and Protection in Africa
Authors: Olayinka Adeniyi, Melissa Omino
The field of data privacy and data protection in Africa is still an evolving area, with many African countries yet to enact legislation on the subject. While African Governments are bringing their legislation to speed in this field, how patriarchy pervades every sector of African thought and manifests in society needs to be considered. Moreover, the laws enacted ought to be inclusive, especially towards women. This, in a nutshell, is the essence of data feminism. Data feminism is a new way of thinking about data science and data ethics that is informed by the ideas of intersectional feminism. Feminising data privacy and protection will involve thinking women, considering women in the issues of data privacy and protection, particularly in legislation, as is the case in this paper. The line of thought of women inclusion is not uncommon when even international and regional human rights specific for women only came long after the general human rights. The consideration is that these should have been inserted or rather included in the original general instruments in the first instance. Since legislation on data privacy is coming in this century, having seen the rights and shortcomings of earlier instruments, then the cue should be taken to ensure inclusive wholistic legislation for data privacy and protection in the first instance. Data feminism is arguably an area that has been scantily researched, albeit a needful one. With the spate of increase in the violence against women spiraling in the cyber world, compounding the issue of COVID-19 and the needful response of governments, and the effect of these on women and their rights, fast forward, the research on the feminism of data privacy and protection in Africa becomes inevitable. This paper seeks to answer the questions, what is data feminism in the African context, why is it important in the issue of data privacy and protection legislation; what are the laws, if any, existing on data privacy and protection in Africa, are they women inclusive, if not, why; what are the measures put in place for the privacy and protection of women in Africa, and how can this be made possible. The paper aims to investigate the issue of data privacy and protection in Africa, the legal framework, and the protection or provision that it has for women if any. It further aims to research the importance and necessity of feminizing data privacy and protection, the effect of lack of it, the challenges or bottlenecks in attaining this feat and the possibilities of accessing data privacy and protection for African women. The paper also researches the emerging practices of data privacy and protection of women in other jurisprudences. It approaches the research through the methodology of review of papers, analysis of laws, and reports. It seeks to contribute to the existing literature in the field and is explorative in its suggestion. It suggests a draft of some clauses to make any data privacy and protection legislation women inclusive. It would be useful for policymaking, academic, and public enlightenment.Keywords: feminism, women, law, data, Africa
Procedia PDF Downloads 20825063 Nexus Between Library and Information Science Education Training and Practice in Nigeria: A Critical Assessment of the Synergy
Authors: Adebayo Emmanuel Layi
Library and Information Science Education is about six (6) decades old in Nigeria. The first Library School was established in 1962 at the University of Ibadan, and since then, several institutions have been running the programme under various certifications, providing the manpower needs of professionals for libraries. As at June 2023, Nigeria has close to a thousand (1000) tertiary institutions and all needing the services of librarians. Apart from the tertiary institutions, several libraries exit in various establishments, both government, private and non-governmental organisations. These has underscored the enormous need for trained librarians for the libraries in these places. The Nexus between LIS Education training and Practice is like a puzzle of egg and chick, which one came first and against this background, this paper examined the roles of the colonial masters in educational development in Africa and vis-à-vis the influence of great library educators such as Melvil Dewey and other educators and the journey through Nigeria institutions. Despite the sound footing of LIS Education, Noise which seems to be a major obstacle on the practice as well as mending the broken link were all examined in the paper. Strategies and the way forward for overall development are suggested.Keywords: nexus, education, training, synergy
Procedia PDF Downloads 9525062 Evaluation of Practicality of On-Demand Bus Using Actual Taxi-Use Data through Exhaustive Simulations
Authors: Jun-ichi Ochiai, Itsuki Noda, Ryo Kanamori, Keiji Hirata, Hitoshi Matsubara, Hideyuki Nakashima
We conducted exhaustive simulations for data assimilation and evaluation of service quality for various setting in a new shared transportation system, called SAVS. Computational social simulation is a key technology to design recent social services like SAVS as new transportation service. One open issue in SAVS was to determine the service scale through the social simulation. Using our exhaustive simulation framework, OACIS, we did data-assimilation and evaluation of effects of SAVS based on actual tax-use data at Tajimi city, Japan. Finally, we get the conditions to realize the new service in a reasonable service quality.Keywords: on-demand bus sytem, social simulation, data assimilation, exhaustive simulation
Procedia PDF Downloads 32125061 Optimal Pricing Based on Real Estate Demand Data
Authors: Vanessa Kummer, Maik Meusel
Real estate demand estimates are typically derived from transaction data. However, in regions with excess demand, transactions are driven by supply and therefore do not indicate what people are actually looking for. To estimate the demand for housing in Switzerland, search subscriptions from all important Swiss real estate platforms are used. These data do, however, suffer from missing information—for example, many users do not specify how many rooms they would like or what price they would be willing to pay. In economic analyses, it is often the case that only complete data is used. Usually, however, the proportion of complete data is rather small which leads to most information being neglected. Also, the data might have a strong distortion if it is complete. In addition, the reason that data is missing might itself also contain information, which is however ignored with that approach. An interesting issue is, therefore, if for economic analyses such as the one at hand, there is an added value by using the whole data set with the imputed missing values compared to using the usually small percentage of complete data (baseline). Also, it is interesting to see how different algorithms affect that result. The imputation of the missing data is done using unsupervised learning. Out of the numerous unsupervised learning approaches, the most common ones, such as clustering, principal component analysis, or neural networks techniques are applied. By training the model iteratively on the imputed data and, thereby, including the information of all data into the model, the distortion of the first training set—the complete data—vanishes. In a next step, the performances of the algorithms are measured. This is done by randomly creating missing values in subsets of the data, estimating those values with the relevant algorithms and several parameter combinations, and comparing the estimates to the actual data. After having found the optimal parameter set for each algorithm, the missing values are being imputed. Using the resulting data sets, the next step is to estimate the willingness to pay for real estate. This is done by fitting price distributions for real estate properties with certain characteristics, such as the region or the number of rooms. Based on these distributions, survival functions are computed to obtain the functional relationship between characteristics and selling probabilities. Comparing the survival functions shows that estimates which are based on imputed data sets do not differ significantly from each other; however, the demand estimate that is derived from the baseline data does. This indicates that the baseline data set does not include all available information and is therefore not representative for the entire sample. Also, demand estimates derived from the whole data set are much more accurate than the baseline estimation. Thus, in order to obtain optimal results, it is important to make use of all available data, even though it involves additional procedures such as data imputation.Keywords: demand estimate, missing-data imputation, real estate, unsupervised learning
Procedia PDF Downloads 29025060 Embodied Cognition and Its Implications in Education: An Overview of Recent Literature
Authors: Panagiotis Kosmas, Panayiotis Zaphiris
Embodied Cognition (EC) as a learning paradigm is based on the idea of an inseparable link between body, mind, and environment. In recent years, the advent of theoretical learning approaches around EC theory has resulted in a number of empirical studies exploring the implementation of the theory in education. This systematic literature overview identifies the mainstream of EC research and emphasizes on the implementation of the theory across learning environments. Based on a corpus of 43 manuscripts, published between 2013 and 2017, it sets out to describe the range of topics covered under the umbrella of EC and provides a holistic view of the field. The aim of the present review is to investigate the main issues in EC research related to the various learning contexts. Particularly, the study addresses the research methods and technologies that are utilized, and it also explores the integration of body into the learning context. An important finding from the overview is the potential of the theory in different educational environments and disciplines. However, there is a lack of an explicit pedagogical framework from an educational perspective for a successful implementation in various learning contexts.Keywords: embodied cognition, embodied learning, education, technology, schools
Procedia PDF Downloads 14525059 Unlocking the Puzzle of Borrowing Adult Data for Designing Hybrid Pediatric Clinical Trials
Authors: Rajesh Kumar G
A challenging aspect of any clinical trial is to carefully plan the study design to meet the study objective in optimum way and to validate the assumptions made during protocol designing. And when it is a pediatric study, there is the added challenge of stringent guidelines and difficulty in recruiting the necessary subjects. Unlike adult trials, there is not much historical data available for pediatrics, which is required to validate assumptions for planning pediatric trials. Typically, pediatric studies are initiated as soon as approval is obtained for a drug to be marketed for adults, so with the adult study historical information and with the available pediatric pilot study data or simulated pediatric data, the pediatric study can be well planned. Generalizing the historical adult study for new pediatric study is a tedious task; however, it is possible by integrating various statistical techniques and utilizing the advantage of hybrid study design, which will help to achieve the study objective in a smoother way even with the presence of many constraints. This research paper will explain how well the hybrid study design can be planned along with integrated technique (SEV) to plan the pediatric study; In brief the SEV technique (Simulation, Estimation (using borrowed adult data and applying Bayesian methods)) incorporates the use of simulating the planned study data and getting the desired estimates to Validate the assumptions.This method of validation can be used to improve the accuracy of data analysis, ensuring that results are as valid and reliable as possible, which allow us to make informed decisions well ahead of study initiation. With professional precision, this technique based on the collected data allows to gain insight into best practices when using data from historical study and simulated data alike.Keywords: adaptive design, simulation, borrowing data, bayesian model
Procedia PDF Downloads 7725058 Epigenetic Modifying Potential of Dietary Spices: Link to Cure Complex Diseases
Authors: Jeena Gupta
In the today’s world of pharmaceutical products, one should not forget the healing properties of inexpensive food materials especially spices. They are known to possess hidden pharmaceutical ingredients, imparting them the qualities of being anti-microbial, anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-carcinogenic. Further aberrant epigenetic regulatory mechanisms like DNA methylation, histone modifications or altered microRNA expression patterns, which regulates gene expression without changing DNA sequence, contribute significantly in the development of various diseases. Changing lifestyles and diets exert their effect by influencing these epigenetic mechanisms which are thus the target of dietary phytochemicals. Bioactive components of plants have been in use since ages but their potential to reverse epigenetic alterations and prevention against diseases is yet to be explored. Spices being rich repositories of many bioactive constituents are responsible for providing them unique aroma and taste. Some spices like curcuma and garlic have been well evaluated for their epigenetic regulatory potential, but for others, it is largely unknown. We have evaluated the biological activity of phyto-active components of Fennel, Cardamom and Fenugreek by in silico molecular modeling, in vitro and in vivo studies. Ligand-based similarity studies were conducted to identify structurally similar compounds to understand their biological phenomenon. The database searching has been done by using Fenchone from fennel, Sabinene from cardamom and protodioscin from fenugreek as a query molecule in the different small molecule databases. Moreover, the results of the database searching exhibited that these compounds are having potential binding with the different targets found in the Protein Data Bank. Further in addition to being epigenetic modifiers, in vitro study had demonstrated the antimicrobial, antifungal, antioxidant and cytotoxicity protective effects of Fenchone, Sabinene and Protodioscin. To best of our knowledge, such type of studies facilitate the target fishing as well as making the roadmap in drug design and discovery process for identification of novel therapeutics.Keywords: epigenetics, spices, phytochemicals, fenchone
Procedia PDF Downloads 15825057 Analyzing Test Data Generation Techniques Using Evolutionary Algorithms
Authors: Arslan Ellahi, Syed Amjad Hussain
Software Testing is a vital process in software development life cycle. We can attain the quality of software after passing it through software testing phase. We have tried to find out automatic test data generation techniques that are a key research area of software testing to achieve test automation that can eventually decrease testing time. In this paper, we review some of the approaches presented in the literature which use evolutionary search based algorithms like Genetic Algorithm, Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), etc. to validate the test data generation process. We also look into the quality of test data generation which increases or decreases the efficiency of testing. We have proposed test data generation techniques for model-based testing. We have worked on tuning and fitness function of PSO algorithm.Keywords: search based, evolutionary algorithm, particle swarm optimization, genetic algorithm, test data generation
Procedia PDF Downloads 19125056 Comparative Analysis of the Third Generation of Research Data for Evaluation of Solar Energy Potential
Authors: Claudineia Brazil, Elison Eduardo Jardim Bierhals, Luciane Teresa Salvi, Rafael Haag
Renewable energy sources are dependent on climatic variability, so for adequate energy planning, observations of the meteorological variables are required, preferably representing long-period series. Despite the scientific and technological advances that meteorological measurement systems have undergone in the last decades, there is still a considerable lack of meteorological observations that form series of long periods. The reanalysis is a system of assimilation of data prepared using general atmospheric circulation models, based on the combination of data collected at surface stations, ocean buoys, satellites and radiosondes, allowing the production of long period data, for a wide gamma. The third generation of reanalysis data emerged in 2010, among them is the Climate Forecast System Reanalysis (CFSR) developed by the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP), these data have a spatial resolution of 0.50 x 0.50. In order to overcome these difficulties, it aims to evaluate the performance of solar radiation estimation through alternative data bases, such as data from Reanalysis and from meteorological satellites that satisfactorily meet the absence of observations of solar radiation at global and/or regional level. The results of the analysis of the solar radiation data indicated that the reanalysis data of the CFSR model presented a good performance in relation to the observed data, with determination coefficient around 0.90. Therefore, it is concluded that these data have the potential to be used as an alternative source in locations with no seasons or long series of solar radiation, important for the evaluation of solar energy potential.Keywords: climate, reanalysis, renewable energy, solar radiation
Procedia PDF Downloads 20925055 The Case for Reparations: Systemic Injustice and Human Rights in the United States
Authors: Journey Whitfield
This study investigates the United States' ongoing violation of Black Americans' fundamental human rights, as evidenced by mass incarceration, social injustice, and economic deprivation. It argues that the U.S. contravenes Article 9 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights through policies that uphold systemic racism. The analysis dissects current practices within the criminal justice system, social welfare programs, and economic policy, uncovering the racially disparate impacts of seemingly race-neutral policies. This study establishes a clear lineage between past systems of oppression – slavery and Jim Crow – and present-day racial disparities, demonstrating their inextricable link. The thesis proposes that only a comprehensive reparations program for Black Americans can begin to redress these systemic injustices. This program must transcend mere financial compensation, demanding structural reforms within U.S. institutions to dismantle systemic racism and promote transformative justice. This study explores potential forms of reparations, drawing upon historical precedents, comparative case studies from other nations, and contemporary debates within political philosophy and legal studies. The research employs both qualitative and quantitative methods. Qualitative methods include historical analysis of legal frameworks and policy documents, as well as discourse analysis of political rhetoric. Quantitative methods involve statistical analysis of socioeconomic data and criminal justice outcomes to expose racial disparities. This study makes a significant contribution to the existing literature on reparations, human rights, and racial injustice in the United States. It offers a rigorous analysis of the enduring consequences of historical oppression and advocates for bold, justice-centered solutions.Keywords: Black Americans, reparations, mass incarceration, racial injustice, human rights, united states
Procedia PDF Downloads 5925054 Data Mining Spatial: Unsupervised Classification of Geographic Data
Authors: Chahrazed Zouaoui
In recent years, the volume of geospatial information is increasing due to the evolution of communication technologies and information, this information is presented often by geographic information systems (GIS) and stored on of spatial databases (BDS). The classical data mining revealed a weakness in knowledge extraction at these enormous amounts of data due to the particularity of these spatial entities, which are characterized by the interdependence between them (1st law of geography). This gave rise to spatial data mining. Spatial data mining is a process of analyzing geographic data, which allows the extraction of knowledge and spatial relationships from geospatial data, including methods of this process we distinguish the monothematic and thematic, geo- Clustering is one of the main tasks of spatial data mining, which is registered in the part of the monothematic method. It includes geo-spatial entities similar in the same class and it affects more dissimilar to the different classes. In other words, maximize intra-class similarity and minimize inter similarity classes. Taking account of the particularity of geo-spatial data. Two approaches to geo-clustering exist, the dynamic processing of data involves applying algorithms designed for the direct treatment of spatial data, and the approach based on the spatial data pre-processing, which consists of applying clustering algorithms classic pre-processed data (by integration of spatial relationships). This approach (based on pre-treatment) is quite complex in different cases, so the search for approximate solutions involves the use of approximation algorithms, including the algorithms we are interested in dedicated approaches (clustering methods for partitioning and methods for density) and approaching bees (biomimetic approach), our study is proposed to design very significant to this problem, using different algorithms for automatically detecting geo-spatial neighborhood in order to implement the method of geo- clustering by pre-treatment, and the application of the bees algorithm to this problem for the first time in the field of geo-spatial.Keywords: mining, GIS, geo-clustering, neighborhood
Procedia PDF Downloads 37525053 Performance Analysis of Routing Protocols for WLAN Based Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs)
Authors: Noman Shabbir, Roheel Nawaz, Muhammad N. Iqbal, Junaid Zafar
This paper focuses on the performance evaluation of routing protocols in WLAN based Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). A comparative analysis of routing protocols such as Ad-hoc On-demand Distance Vector Routing System (AODV), Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) and Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR) is been made against different network parameters like network load, end to end delay and throughput in small, medium and large-scale sensor network scenarios to identify the best performing protocol. Simulation results indicate that OLSR gives minimum network load in all three scenarios while AODV gives the best throughput in small scale network but in medium and large scale networks, DSR is better. In terms of delay, OLSR is more efficient in small and medium scale network while AODV is slightly better in large networks.Keywords: WLAN, WSN, AODV, DSR, OLSR
Procedia PDF Downloads 45125052 Analysis and Prediction of Netflix Viewing History Using Netflixlatte as an Enriched Real Data Pool
Authors: Amir Mabhout, Toktam Ghafarian, Amirhossein Farzin, Zahra Makki, Sajjad Alizadeh, Amirhossein Ghavi
The high number of Netflix subscribers makes it attractive for data scientists to extract valuable knowledge from the viewers' behavioural analyses. This paper presents a set of statistical insights into viewers' viewing history. After that, a deep learning model is used to predict the future watching behaviour of the users based on previous watching history within the Netflixlatte data pool. Netflixlatte in an aggregated and anonymized data pool of 320 Netflix viewers with a length 250 000 data points recorded between 2008-2022. We observe insightful correlations between the distribution of viewing time and the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak. The presented deep learning model predicts future movie and TV series viewing habits with an average loss of 0.175.Keywords: data analysis, deep learning, LSTM neural network, netflix
Procedia PDF Downloads 25525051 Analysis of User Data Usage Trends on Cellular and Wi-Fi Networks
Authors: Jayesh M. Patel, Bharat P. Modi
The availability of on mobile devices that can invoke the demonstrated that the total data demand from users is far higher than previously articulated by measurements based solely on a cellular-centric view of smart-phone usage. The ratio of Wi-Fi to cellular traffic varies significantly between countries, This paper is shown the compression between the cellular data usage and Wi-Fi data usage by the user. This strategy helps operators to understand the growing importance and application of yield management strategies designed to squeeze maximum returns from their investments into the networks and devices that enable the mobile data ecosystem. The transition from unlimited data plans towards tiered pricing and, in the future, towards more value-centric pricing offers significant revenue upside potential for mobile operators, but, without a complete insight into all aspects of smartphone customer behavior, operators will unlikely be able to capture the maximum return from this billion-dollar market opportunity.Keywords: cellular, Wi-Fi, mobile, smart phone
Procedia PDF Downloads 36625050 Data Driven Infrastructure Planning for Offshore Wind farms
Authors: Isha Saxena, Behzad Kazemtabrizi, Matthias C. M. Troffaes, Christopher Crabtree
The calculations done at the beginning of the life of a wind farm are rarely reliable, which makes it important to conduct research and study the failure and repair rates of the wind turbines under various conditions. This miscalculation happens because the current models make a simplifying assumption that the failure/repair rate remains constant over time. This means that the reliability function is exponential in nature. This research aims to create a more accurate model using sensory data and a data-driven approach. The data cleaning and data processing is done by comparing the Power Curve data of the wind turbines with SCADA data. This is then converted to times to repair and times to failure timeseries data. Several different mathematical functions are fitted to the times to failure and times to repair data of the wind turbine components using Maximum Likelihood Estimation and the Posterior expectation method for Bayesian Parameter Estimation. Initial results indicate that two parameter Weibull function and exponential function produce almost identical results. Further analysis is being done using the complex system analysis considering the failures of each electrical and mechanical component of the wind turbine. The aim of this project is to perform a more accurate reliability analysis that can be helpful for the engineers to schedule maintenance and repairs to decrease the downtime of the turbine.Keywords: reliability, bayesian parameter inference, maximum likelihood estimation, weibull function, SCADA data
Procedia PDF Downloads 8725049 Empirical Acceleration Functions and Fuzzy Information
Authors: Muhammad Shafiq
In accelerated life testing approaches life time data is obtained under various conditions which are considered more severe than usual condition. Classical techniques are based on obtained precise measurements, and used to model variation among the observations. In fact, there are two types of uncertainty in data: variation among the observations and the fuzziness. Analysis techniques, which do not consider fuzziness and are only based on precise life time observations, lead to pseudo results. This study was aimed to examine the behavior of empirical acceleration functions using fuzzy lifetimes data. The results showed an increased fuzziness in the transformed life times as compare to the input data.Keywords: acceleration function, accelerated life testing, fuzzy number, non-precise data
Procedia PDF Downloads 30125048 Measures Adopted by FIFA and UEFA against Russian Athletes: A Human Rights Perspective
Authors: Ayyoub Jamali, Alena Kozlova
The Russian invasion of Ukraine has tested the mettle of the international community, prompting not only States but also non-state actors to take deterrent action in response. Indeed, international sports organisations, namely FIFA and UEFA, have been rather successful in shifting the power dynamics by introducing a complete ban on the Russian national and club teams. This article aims to inquire into the human rights implications of such actions taken by international sports organisations. First, the article departs from an assessment of the legal status of FIFA and UEFA under international law and reflects on how a legal link could be established vis-à-vis their human rights obligations. Second, it examines the human rights aspects of the impugned measures by FIFA and UEFA on the part of the Russian athletes, further scrutinising them against the international human rights law principle of non-discrimination through a proportionality test. Last, it draws basic pathways for how possible human rights violations committed in the context of measures adopted by such organisations could be remedied, outlining the challenges of arbitration and litigation in Switzerland.Keywords: FIFA, UEFA, FUR, ban, human rights, Russia, Ukraine, non-state actors
Procedia PDF Downloads 8225047 Merchants’ Attitudes towards Tourism Development in Mahane Yehuda Market: A Case Study
Authors: Rotem Mashkov, Noam Shoval
In an age when a tourist’s gaze is more focused on the daily lives of locals, it is evident that local food markets are being rediscovered. Traditional urban markets succeed in reinventing themselves as a space for consumption, recreation, and culture, enabling authentic experiences and interpersonal interactions with the local culture. Alongside this, the pressure of tourism development may result in commercialization and retail gentrification to the point of losing the sense of local identity. The issue of finding a balance between tourism development and the preservation of unique local features is at the heart of this study and is being tested using the case of the Mahane Yehuda market in Jerusalem. The research question—how merchants respond to tourism development in the Mahane Yehuda food market— focuses on local traders, a group of players who are usually absent from the research arenas, although they influence tourism development as well as influenced by it. Three main research methods were integrated into this study. The first two methods, a survey of articles survey and comparative mapping of the business mix, were used to characterize the changes in the Mahane Yehuda market both consciously and physically. The third research method, involving in-depth interviews with merchants, was used to examine the traders' attitudes and responses to tourism development. The findings indicate that there has been a turnaround in the market image over the past decade and a half. Additionally, there has been a significant physical change in the business mix, reflected by a decline of 15% in the number of stalls selling food products and delicacies. The data from the interviews on the traders’ attitudes towards tourism development were inconclusive; there were disagreements among the traders about the economic contribution of tourism development in relation to their dependence on the tourism industry. However, there was a consensus on the need for authentic elements in the marketplace. The findings of the study also indicate a strong link between the merchants’ response to tourism development and their stall ownership status as the merchant could exercise their position in various ways depending on the possession type.Keywords: business mix, Jerusalem, local food markets, Mahane Yehuda market, merchants’ attitude, ownership status, retail gentrification, tourism development, traditional urban markets
Procedia PDF Downloads 13625046 Evaluating Alternative Structures for Prefix Trees
Authors: Feras Hanandeh, Izzat Alsmadi, Muhammad M. Kwafha
Prefix trees or tries are data structures that are used to store data or index of data. The goal is to be able to store and retrieve data by executing queries in quick and reliable manners. In principle, the structure of the trie depends on having letters in nodes at the different levels to point to the actual words in the leafs. However, the exact structure of the trie may vary based on several aspects. In this paper, we evaluated different structures for building tries. Using datasets of words of different sizes, we evaluated the different forms of trie structures. Results showed that some characteristics may impact significantly, positively or negatively, the size and the performance of the trie. We investigated different forms and structures for the trie. Results showed that using an array of pointers in each level to represent the different alphabet letters is the best choice.Keywords: data structures, indexing, tree structure, trie, information retrieval
Procedia PDF Downloads 45225045 Data Management System for Environmental Remediation
Authors: Elizaveta Petelina, Anton Sizo
Environmental remediation projects deal with a wide spectrum of data, including data collected during site assessment, execution of remediation activities, and environmental monitoring. Therefore, an appropriate data management is required as a key factor for well-grounded decision making. The Environmental Data Management System (EDMS) was developed to address all necessary data management aspects, including efficient data handling and data interoperability, access to historical and current data, spatial and temporal analysis, 2D and 3D data visualization, mapping, and data sharing. The system focuses on support of well-grounded decision making in relation to required mitigation measures and assessment of remediation success. The EDMS is a combination of enterprise and desktop level data management and Geographic Information System (GIS) tools assembled to assist to environmental remediation, project planning, and evaluation, and environmental monitoring of mine sites. EDMS consists of seven main components: a Geodatabase that contains spatial database to store and query spatially distributed data; a GIS and Web GIS component that combines desktop and server-based GIS solutions; a Field Data Collection component that contains tools for field work; a Quality Assurance (QA)/Quality Control (QC) component that combines operational procedures for QA and measures for QC; Data Import and Export component that includes tools and templates to support project data flow; a Lab Data component that provides connection between EDMS and laboratory information management systems; and a Reporting component that includes server-based services for real-time report generation. The EDMS has been successfully implemented for the Project CLEANS (Clean-up of Abandoned Northern Mines). Project CLEANS is a multi-year, multimillion-dollar project aimed at assessing and reclaiming 37 uranium mine sites in northern Saskatchewan, Canada. The EDMS has effectively facilitated integrated decision-making for CLEANS project managers and transparency amongst stakeholders.Keywords: data management, environmental remediation, geographic information system, GIS, decision making
Procedia PDF Downloads 16325044 New Public Management: Step towards Democratization
Authors: Aneri Mehta, Krunal Mehta
Administration is largely based on two sciences: ‘management science’ and ‘political science’. The approach of new public management is more inclined towards the management science. Era of ‘New Public Management’ has affected the developing countries very immensely. Public management reforms are needed to enhance the development of the countries. This reform mainly includes capacity building, control of corruption, political decentralization, debureaucratization and public empowerment. This gives the opportunity to create self-sustaining change in the governance. This paper includes the link of approach of new public management and their effect on building effective democratization in the country. This approach mainly focuses on rationality and effectiveness of governance system. These need to have deep efforts on technological, organizational, social and cultural fields. Bringing citizen participation in governance is main objective of NPM. The shift from traditional public management to new public management have low success rate of reforms. This research includes case study of RTI which is a big step of government towards citizen centric approach of governance. The aspect of ‘publicness’ in the democratic policy implementation is important for good governance in India.Keywords: public management, development, public empowerment, governance
Procedia PDF Downloads 50725043 An Efficient Approach for Speed up Non-Negative Matrix Factorization for High Dimensional Data
Authors: Bharat Singh Om Prakash Vyas
Now a day’s applications deal with High Dimensional Data have tremendously used in the popular areas. To tackle with such kind of data various approached has been developed by researchers in the last few decades. To tackle with such kind of data various approached has been developed by researchers in the last few decades. One of the problems with the NMF approaches, its randomized valued could not provide absolute optimization in limited iteration, but having local optimization. Due to this, we have proposed a new approach that considers the initial values of the decomposition to tackle the issues of computationally expensive. We have devised an algorithm for initializing the values of the decomposed matrix based on the PSO (Particle Swarm Optimization). Through the experimental result, we will show the proposed method converse very fast in comparison to other row rank approximation like simple NMF multiplicative, and ACLS techniques.Keywords: ALS, NMF, high dimensional data, RMSE
Procedia PDF Downloads 34325042 Integrating Time-Series and High-Spatial Remote Sensing Data Based on Multilevel Decision Fusion
Authors: Xudong Guan, Ainong Li, Gaohuan Liu, Chong Huang, Wei Zhao
Due to the low spatial resolution of MODIS data, the accuracy of small-area plaque extraction with a high degree of landscape fragmentation is greatly limited. To this end, the study combines Landsat data with higher spatial resolution and MODIS data with higher temporal resolution for decision-level fusion. Considering the importance of the land heterogeneity factor in the fusion process, it is superimposed with the weighting factor, which is to linearly weight the Landsat classification result and the MOIDS classification result. Three levels were used to complete the process of data fusion, that is the pixel of MODIS data, the pixel of Landsat data, and objects level that connect between these two levels. The multilevel decision fusion scheme was tested in two sites of the lower Mekong basin. We put forth a comparison test, and it was proved that the classification accuracy was improved compared with the single data source classification results in terms of the overall accuracy. The method was also compared with the two-level combination results and a weighted sum decision rule-based approach. The decision fusion scheme is extensible to other multi-resolution data decision fusion applications.Keywords: image classification, decision fusion, multi-temporal, remote sensing
Procedia PDF Downloads 12525041 Dimensioning of a Solar Dryer with Application of an Experiment Design Method for Drying Food Products
Authors: B. Touati, A. Saad, B. Lips, A. Abdenbi, M. Mokhtari.
The purpose of this study is an application of experiment design method for dimensioning of a solar drying system. NIMROD software was used to build up the matrix of experiments and to analyze the results. The software has the advantages of being easy to use and consists of a forced way, with some choices about the number and range of variation of the parameters, and the desired polynomial shape. The first design of experiments performed concern the drying with constant input characteristics of the hot air in the dryer and a second design of experiments in which the drying chamber is coupled with a solar collector. The first design of experiments allows us to study the influence of various parameters and get the studied answers in a polynomial form. The correspondence between the polynomial thus determined, and the model results were good. The results of the polynomials of the second design of experiments and those of the model are worse than the results in the case of drying with constant input conditions. This is due to the strong link between all the input parameters, especially, the surface of the sensor and the drying chamber, and the mass of the product.Keywords: solar drying, experiment design method, NIMROD, mint leaves
Procedia PDF Downloads 50725040 Scalar Modulation Technique for Six-Phase Matrix Converter Fed Series-Connected Two-Motor Drives
Authors: A. Djahbar, M. Aillerie, E. Bounadja
In this paper we treat a new structure of a high-power actuator which is used to either industry or electric traction. Indeed, the actuator is constituted by two induction motors, the first is a six-phase motor connected in series with another three-phase motor via the stators. The whole is supplied by a single static converter. Our contribution in this paper is the optimization of the system supply source. This is feeding the multimotor group by a direct converter frequency without using the DC-link capacitor. The modelling of the components of multimotor system is presented first. Only the first component of stator currents is used to produce the torque/flux of the first machine in the group. The second component of stator currents is considered as additional degrees of freedom and which can be used for power conversion for the other connected motors. The decoupling of each motor from the group is obtained using the direct vector control scheme. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed structure.Keywords: induction machine, motor drives, scalar modulation technique, three-to-six phase matrix converter
Procedia PDF Downloads 54825039 Analysis of Cooperative Learning Behavior Based on the Data of Students' Movement
Authors: Wang Lin, Li Zhiqiang
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the cooperative learning behavior pattern based on the data of students' movement. The study firstly reviewed the cooperative learning theory and its research status, and briefly introduced the k-means clustering algorithm. Then, it used clustering algorithm and mathematical statistics theory to analyze the activity rhythm of individual student and groups in different functional areas, according to the movement data provided by 10 first-year graduate students. It also focused on the analysis of students' behavior in the learning area and explored the law of cooperative learning behavior. The research result showed that the cooperative learning behavior analysis method based on movement data proposed in this paper is feasible. From the results of data analysis, the characteristics of behavior of students and their cooperative learning behavior patterns could be found.Keywords: behavior pattern, cooperative learning, data analyze, k-means clustering algorithm
Procedia PDF Downloads 18825038 Combining Diffusion Maps and Diffusion Models for Enhanced Data Analysis
Authors: Meng Su
High-dimensional data analysis often presents challenges in capturing the complex, nonlinear relationships and manifold structures inherent to the data. This article presents a novel approach that leverages the strengths of two powerful techniques, Diffusion Maps and Diffusion Probabilistic Models (DPMs), to address these challenges. By integrating the dimensionality reduction capability of Diffusion Maps with the data modeling ability of DPMs, the proposed method aims to provide a comprehensive solution for analyzing and generating high-dimensional data. The Diffusion Map technique preserves the nonlinear relationships and manifold structure of the data by mapping it to a lower-dimensional space using the eigenvectors of the graph Laplacian matrix. Meanwhile, DPMs capture the dependencies within the data, enabling effective modeling and generation of new data points in the low-dimensional space. The generated data points can then be mapped back to the original high-dimensional space, ensuring consistency with the underlying manifold structure. Through a detailed example implementation, the article demonstrates the potential of the proposed hybrid approach to achieve more accurate and effective modeling and generation of complex, high-dimensional data. Furthermore, it discusses possible applications in various domains, such as image synthesis, time-series forecasting, and anomaly detection, and outlines future research directions for enhancing the scalability, performance, and integration with other machine learning techniques. By combining the strengths of Diffusion Maps and DPMs, this work paves the way for more advanced and robust data analysis methods.Keywords: diffusion maps, diffusion probabilistic models (DPMs), manifold learning, high-dimensional data analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 11125037 A Security Cloud Storage Scheme Based Accountable Key-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption without Key Escrow
Authors: Ming Lun Wang, Yan Wang, Ning Ruo Sun
With the development of cloud computing, more and more users start to utilize the cloud storage service. However, there exist some issues: 1) cloud server steals the shared data, 2) sharers collude with the cloud server to steal the shared data, 3) cloud server tampers the shared data, 4) sharers and key generation center (KGC) conspire to steal the shared data. In this paper, we use advanced encryption standard (AES), hash algorithms, and accountable key-policy attribute-based encryption without key escrow (WOKE-AKP-ABE) to build a security cloud storage scheme. Moreover, the data are encrypted to protect the privacy. We use hash algorithms to prevent the cloud server from tampering the data uploaded to the cloud. Analysis results show that this scheme can resist conspired attacks.Keywords: cloud storage security, sharing storage, attributes, Hash algorithm
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