Search results for: linear structural relations (LISREL)
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 8615

Search results for: linear structural relations (LISREL)

7655 Designing and Formulating Action Plan for Development of Corporate Citizenship in Producing Units in Iran

Authors: Freyedon Ahmadi


Corporate citizenship is considered as one of the most discussed topics in the developed countries, in which a citizen considers a Corporate just like a usual citizen with every civil right as respectful for corporate as for actual citizens, and in return citizens expect that corporate would pay a reciprocal respect to them. The current study’s purpose is to identify the impact of the current state of corporate citizenship along effective factors on its condition on industrial producing units, in order to find an accession plane for corporate citizenship development. In this study corporate citizenship is studied in four dimensions like legal corporate, economical corporate, ethical corporate and voluntary corporate. Moreover, effective factors’ impact on corporate citizenship is explored based on threefold dimensional model: behavioral, structural, and content factors, as well. In this study, 50 corporate of Food industry and of petrochemical industry, along with 200 selected individuals from directors’ board on Tehran province’s scale with stratified random sampling method, are chosen as actuarial sample. If based on functional goal and compilation methods, the present study is a description of correlation type; questionnaire is used for accumulation of initial Data. For Instrument Validity expert’s opinion is used and structural equations and its reliability is qualified by using Cronbach Alpha. The results of this study indicate that close to 70 percent of under survey corporate have not a good condition in corporate citizenship. And all of structural factors, behavioral factors, contextual factors, have a great deal of impression and impact on the advent corporate citizenship behavior in the producing Units. Among the behavioral factors, social responsibility; among structural factors, organic structure and human centered orientation, medium size, high organizational capacity; and among the contextual factors, the clientele’s positive viewpoints toward corporate had the utmost importance in impression on under survey Producing units.

Keywords: corporate citizenship, structural factors, behavioral factors, contextual factors, producing units

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7654 Shared Beliefs and Behavioral Labels in Bullying among Middle Schoolers: Qualitative Analysis of Peer Group Dynamics

Authors: Malgorzata Wojcik


Groups are a powerful and significant part of human development. They serve as major emergent microsocial structures in children’s and youth’s ecological system. During middle and secondary school, peer groups become a particularly salient influence. While they promote a range of prosocial and positive emotional and behavioral attributes, they can also elicit negative or antisocial attributes, effectively “bringing out the worst” in some individuals. The grounded theory approach was employed to guide data collection and analysis, as it allows for a deeper understanding of the group processes and students’ perspectives on complex intragroup relations. Students’ perspectives on bullying cases were investigated by observing daily interactions among those involved and interviewing 47 students. The results complement theories of labeling in bullying by showing that all students self-label themselves and find it difficult to break patterns of behaviors related to bullying, such as supporting the bully or not defending the victim. In terms of the practical implications, the findings indicate that it could be beneficial to use non-punitive, restorative anti-bullying interventions that implement peer influence to transform bullying relations by removing behavioral labels.

Keywords: bullying, peer group, victimization, class reputation

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7653 Microfinance and Gender Empowerment Discourse: Rethinking Minimalist View of Microcredit Programmes

Authors: Thomas Yeboah


In recent times, micro-finance programmes targeting women have become the central means of donor poverty alleviation strategies. In view of the renewed focus on post-Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) poverty reduction strategies, there is the likelihood that funding might increase in the next coming decades to support different initiatives by donor agencies. In this paper, we critically examine the role of microfinance in shaping gender relations and empowerment outcomes of women. It is widely argued that providing and reaching out to women with credit methodologies serves as a means of increasing women’s bargaining power and challenging existing gender subordination thereby releasing them from power structures which dominate their lives. This paper cautions this view and instead show that the mainstream argument surrounding microfinance and gender empowerment is much complex than what the popular rhetoric preaches. Drawing on empirical cases on microfinance literature, we argue that lack of systematic strategy to incorporate men and the wider socio-cultural dynamics within which women’s lives are embedded radically constraints the empowerment potential of microcredit programmes and in some context may lead to unintended consequences for women.

Keywords: microfinance, empowerment, women, men, gender relations

Procedia PDF Downloads 463
7652 Purification and Characterization of a Novel Extracellular Chitinase from Bacillus licheniformis LHH100

Authors: Laribi-Habchi Hasiba, Bouanane-Darenfed Amel, Drouiche Nadjib, Pausse André, Mameri Nabil


Chitin, a linear 1, 4-linked N-acetyl-d-glucosamine (GlcNAc) polysaccharide is the major structural component of fungal cell walls, insect exoskeletons and shells of crustaceans. It is one of the most abundant naturally occurring polysaccharides and has attracted tremendous attention in the fields of agriculture, pharmacology and biotechnology. Each year, a vast amount of chitin waste is released from the aquatic food industry, where crustaceans (prawn, crab, Shrimp and lobster) constitute one of the main agricultural products. This creates a serious environmental problem. This linear polymer can be hydrolyzed by bases, acids or enzymes such as chitinase. In this context an extracellular chitinase (ChiA-65) was produced and purified from a newly isolated LHH100. Pure protein was obtained after heat treatment and ammonium sulphate precipitation followed by Sephacryl S-200 chromatography. Based on matrix assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF/MS) analysis, the purified enzyme is a monomer with a molecular mass of 65,195.13 Da. The sequence of the 27 N-terminal residues of the mature ChiA-65 showed high homology with family-18 chitinases. Optimal activity was achieved at pH 4 and 75◦C. Among the inhibitors and metals tested p-chloromercuribenzoic acid, N-ethylmaleimide, Hg2+ and Hg + completelyinhibited enzyme activity. Chitinase activity was high on colloidal chitin, glycol chitin, glycol chitosane, chitotriose and chitooligosaccharide. Chitinase activity towards synthetic substrates in the order of p-NP-(GlcNAc) n (n = 2–4) was p-NP-(GlcNAc)2> p-NP-(GlcNAc)4> p-NP-(GlcNAc)3. Our results suggest that ChiA-65 preferentially hydrolyzed the second glycosidic link from the non-reducing end of (GlcNAc) n. ChiA-65 obeyed Michaelis Menten kinetics the Km and kcat values being 0.385 mg, colloidal chitin/ml and5000 s−1, respectively. ChiA-65 exhibited remarkable biochemical properties suggesting that this enzyme is suitable for bioconversion of chitin waste.

Keywords: Bacillus licheniformis LHH100, characterization, extracellular chitinase, purification

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7651 NFResNet: Multi-Scale and U-Shaped Networks for Deblurring

Authors: Tanish Mittal, Preyansh Agrawal, Esha Pahwa, Aarya Makwana


Multi-Scale and U-shaped Networks are widely used in various image restoration problems, including deblurring. Keeping in mind the wide range of applications, we present a comparison of these architectures and their effects on image deblurring. We also introduce a new block called as NFResblock. It consists of a Fast Fourier Transformation layer and a series of modified Non-Linear Activation Free Blocks. Based on these architectures and additions, we introduce NFResnet and NFResnet+, which are modified multi-scale and U-Net architectures, respectively. We also use three differ-ent loss functions to train these architectures: Charbonnier Loss, Edge Loss, and Frequency Reconstruction Loss. Extensive experiments on the Deep Video Deblurring dataset, along with ablation studies for each component, have been presented in this paper. The proposed architectures achieve a considerable increase in Peak Signal to Noise (PSNR) ratio and Structural Similarity Index (SSIM) value.

Keywords: multi-scale, Unet, deblurring, FFT, resblock, NAF-block, nfresnet, charbonnier, edge, frequency reconstruction

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7650 Detect Cable Force of Cable Stayed Bridge from Accelerometer Data of SHM as Real Time

Authors: Nguyen Lan, Le Tan Kien, Nguyen Pham Gia Bao


The cable-stayed bridge belongs to the combined system, in which the cables is a major strutual element. Cable-stayed bridges with large spans are often arranged with structural health monitoring systems to collect data for bridge health diagnosis. Cables tension monitoring is a structural monitoring content. It is common to measure cable tension by a direct force sensor or cable vibration accelerometer sensor, thereby inferring the indirect cable tension through the cable vibration frequency. To translate cable-stayed vibration acceleration data to real-time tension requires some necessary calculations and programming. This paper introduces the algorithm, labview program that converts cable-stayed vibration acceleration data to real-time tension. The research results are applied to the monitoring system of Tran Thi Ly cable-stayed bridge and Song Hieu cable-stayed bridge in Vietnam.

Keywords: cable-stayed bridge, cable fore, structural heath monitoring (SHM), fast fourie transformed (FFT), real time, vibrations

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7649 Prediction of Structural Response of Reinforced Concrete Buildings Using Artificial Intelligence

Authors: Juan Bojórquez, Henry E. Reyes, Edén Bojórquez, Alfredo Reyes-Salazar


This paper addressed the use of Artificial Intelligence to obtain the structural reliability of reinforced concrete buildings. For this purpose, artificial neuronal networks (ANN) are developed to predict seismic demand hazard curves. In order to have enough input-output data to train the ANN, a set of reinforced concrete buildings (low, mid, and high rise) are designed, then a probabilistic seismic hazard analysis is made to obtain the seismic demand hazard curves. The results are then used as input-output data to train the ANN in a feedforward backpropagation model. The predicted values of the seismic demand hazard curves found by the ANN are then compared. Finally, it is concluded that the computer time analysis is significantly lower and the predictions obtained from the ANN were accurate in comparison to the values obtained from the conventional methods.

Keywords: structural reliability, seismic design, machine learning, artificial neural network, probabilistic seismic hazard analysis, seismic demand hazard curves

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7648 Experimental Study of the Infill Masonry Walls Response Subjected to Out-Of-Plane Static Loadings

Authors: André Furtado, Hugo Rodrigues, António Arêde, Humberto Varum


Besides characterized as non-structural elements, infill masonry (IM) walls have an important contribute in the structural response of reinforced concrete structures as proved by the damages observed recent earthquakes. In particular, the out-of-plane (OOP) collapse has been one of the most observed failure mechanism. The aim of this research is to contribute to the increase of understanding regarding the OOP behaviour of full-scale infill panels considering different variables such as panel support width and axial load on the top of columns. For this, it was carried out in the Laboratory of Earthquake and Structural Engineering (LESE) an experimental campaign of five full-scale IM walls subjected to OOP distributed cyclic loadings. Specimens with different variables such as previous in-plane damage, support conditions, axial load on the top of the columns were studied. The results will be presented and discussed along the manuscript in terms of force-displacement hysteretic curves, cracking pattern, initial stiffness, stiffness degradation and accumulative energy dissipation.

Keywords: infill masonry walls, experimental testing, out-of-plane, full-scale

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7647 Structural Characterization and Application of Tio2 Nano-Partical

Authors: Maru Chetan, Desai Abhilash


The structural characteristics & application of TiO2 powder with different phases are study by various techniques in this paper. TTIP, EG and citric acid use as Ti source and catalyst respectively synthesis for sol gel synthesis of TiO2 powder. To replace sol gel method we develop the new method of making nano particle of TiO2 powder. It is two route method one is physical and second one is chemical route. Specific aim to this process is to minimize the production cost and the large scale production of nano particle The synthesis product work characterize by EDAX, SEM, XRD tests.

Keywords: mortal and pestle, nano particle , TiO2, TTIP

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7646 A Fuzzy Structural Equation Model for Development of a Safety Performance Index Assessment Tool in Construction Sites

Authors: Murat Gunduz, Mustafa Ozdemir


In this research, a framework is to be proposed to model the safety performance in construction sites. Determinants of safety performance are to be defined through extensive literature review and a multidimensional safety performance model is to be developed. In this context, a questionnaire is to be administered to construction companies with sites. The collected data through questionnaires including linguistic terms are then to be defuzzified to get concrete numbers by using fuzzy set theory which provides strong and significant instruments for the measurement of ambiguities and provides the opportunity to meaningfully represent concepts expressed in the natural language. The validity of the proposed safety performance model, relationships between determinants of safety performance are to be analyzed using the structural equation modeling (SEM) which is a highly strong multi variable analysis technique that makes possible the evaluation of latent structures. After validation of the model, a safety performance index assessment tool is to be proposed by the help of software. The proposed safety performance assessment tool will be based on the empirically validated theoretical model.

Keywords: Fuzzy set theory, safety performance assessment, safety index, structural equation modeling (SEM), construction sites

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7645 Structural and Electronic Properties of the Rock-salt BaxSr1−xS Alloys

Authors: B. Bahloul, K. Babesse, A. Dkhira, Y. Bahloul, L. Amirouche


Structural and electronic properties of the rock-salt BaxSr1−xS are calculated using the first-principles calculations based on the density functional theory (DFT) within the generalized gradient approximation (GGA), the local density approximation (LDA) and the virtual-crystal approximation (VCA). The calculated lattice parameters at equilibrium volume for x=0 and x=1 are in good agreement with the literature data. The BaxSr1−xS alloys are found to be an indirect band gap semiconductor. Moreoever, for the composition (x) ranging between [0-1], we think that our results are well discussed and well predicted.

Keywords: semiconductor, Ab initio calculations, rocksalt, band structure, BaxSr1−xS

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7644 Application of a Model-Free Artificial Neural Networks Approach for Structural Health Monitoring of the Old Lidingö Bridge

Authors: Ana Neves, John Leander, Ignacio Gonzalez, Raid Karoumi


Systematic monitoring and inspection are needed to assess the present state of a structure and predict its future condition. If an irregularity is noticed, repair actions may take place and the adequate intervention will most probably reduce the future costs with maintenance, minimize downtime and increase safety by avoiding the failure of the structure as a whole or of one of its structural parts. For this to be possible decisions must be made at the right time, which implies using systems that can detect abnormalities in their early stage. In this sense, Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) is seen as an effective tool for improving the safety and reliability of infrastructures. This paper explores the decision-making problem in SHM regarding the maintenance of civil engineering structures. The aim is to assess the present condition of a bridge based exclusively on measurements using the suggested method in this paper, such that action is taken coherently with the information made available by the monitoring system. Artificial Neural Networks are trained and their ability to predict structural behavior is evaluated in the light of a case study where acceleration measurements are acquired from a bridge located in Stockholm, Sweden. This relatively old bridge is presently still in operation despite experiencing obvious problems already reported in previous inspections. The prediction errors provide a measure of the accuracy of the algorithm and are subjected to further investigation, which comprises concepts like clustering analysis and statistical hypothesis testing. These enable to interpret the obtained prediction errors, draw conclusions about the state of the structure and thus support decision making regarding its maintenance.

Keywords: artificial neural networks, clustering analysis, model-free damage detection, statistical hypothesis testing, structural health monitoring

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7643 Wave Propagation In Functionally Graded Lattice Structures Under Impact Loads

Authors: Mahmood Heshmati, Farhang Daneshmand


Material scientists and engineers have introduced novel materials with complex geometries due to the recent technological advances and promotion of manufacturing methods. Among them, lattice structures with graded architectures denoted by functionally graded porous materials (FGPMs) have been developed to optimize the structural response. FGPMs are achieved by tailoring the size and density of the internal pores in one or more directions that lead to the desired mechanical properties and structural responses. Also, FGPMs provide more flexible transition and the possibility of designing and fabricating structural elements with complex and variable properties. In this paper, wave propagation in lattice structures with functionally graded (FG) porosity is investigated in order to examine the ability of shock absorbing effect. The behavior of FG porous beams with different porosity distributions under impact load and the effects of porosity distribution and porosity content on the wave speed are studied. Important conclusions are made, along with a discussion of the future scope of studies on FGPMs structures.

Keywords: functionally graded, porous materials, wave propagation, impact load, finite element

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7642 A Research on Tourism Market Forecast and Its Evaluation

Authors: Min Wei


The traditional prediction methods of the forecast for tourism market are paid more attention to the accuracy of the forecasts, ignoring the results of the feasibility of forecasting and predicting operability, which had made it difficult to predict the results of scientific testing. With the application of Linear Regression Model, this paper attempts to construct a scientific evaluation system for predictive value, both to ensure the accuracy, stability of the predicted value, and to ensure the feasibility of forecasting and predicting the results of operation. The findings show is that a scientific evaluation system can implement the scientific concept of development, the harmonious development of man and nature co-ordinate.

Keywords: linear regression model, tourism market, forecast, tourism economics

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7641 Media Representation of China: A Content Analysis of Coverage of China-Related Energy in the New York Times

Authors: Lian Liu


By analyzing the content of the New York Times' China-related energy reports, this study aims to explore the construction of China's national image by the mainstream media in the United States. The study analyzes three aspects of the coverage: topics, reporting tendencies, and countries involved. The results of the study show that economic issues are the main focus of the New York Times’ China-related energy coverage, followed by political issues and environmental issues. Overall, the coverage tendency was mainly negative, but positive coverage was dominated by science and technology issues. In addition, the study found that U.S.-China relations and Sino-Russian relations were important contexts for the construction of China's national image in the NYT's China-related energy coverage. These stories highlight China's interstate interactions with the United States, Japan, and Russia, which serve as important links in the coverage. The findings of this study reveal some characteristics and trends of the U.S. mainstream media's country image of China, which are important for a deeper understanding of the U.S.-China relationship and the media's influence on the construction of the country's image.

Keywords: media coverage, China, content analysis, visualization technology

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7640 Implementation of CNV-CH Algorithm Using Map-Reduce Approach

Authors: Aishik Deb, Rituparna Sinha


We have developed an algorithm to detect the abnormal segment/"structural variation in the genome across a number of samples. We have worked on simulated as well as real data from the BAM Files and have designed a segmentation algorithm where abnormal segments are detected. This algorithm aims to improve the accuracy and performance of the existing CNV-CH algorithm. The next-generation sequencing (NGS) approach is very fast and can generate large sequences in a reasonable time. So the huge volume of sequence information gives rise to the need for Big Data and parallel approaches of segmentation. Therefore, we have designed a map-reduce approach for the existing CNV-CH algorithm where a large amount of sequence data can be segmented and structural variations in the human genome can be detected. We have compared the efficiency of the traditional and map-reduce algorithms with respect to precision, sensitivity, and F-Score. The advantages of using our algorithm are that it is fast and has better accuracy. This algorithm can be applied to detect structural variations within a genome, which in turn can be used to detect various genetic disorders such as cancer, etc. The defects may be caused by new mutations or changes to the DNA and generally result in abnormally high or low base coverage and quantification values.

Keywords: cancer detection, convex hull segmentation, map reduce, next generation sequencing

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7639 Sustainability of Carbon Nanotube-Reinforced Concrete

Authors: Rashad Al Araj, Adil K. Tamimi


Concrete, despite being one of the most produced materials in the world, still has weaknesses and drawbacks. Significant concern of the cementitious materials in structural applications is their quasi-brittle behavior, which causes the material to crack and lose its durability. One of the very recently proposed mitigations for this problem is the implementation of nanotechnology in the concrete mix by adding carbon nanotubes (CNTs) to it. CNTs can enhance the critical mechanical properties of concrete as a structural material. Thus, this paper demonstrates a state-of-the-art review of reinforcing concrete with CNTs, emphasizing on the structural performance. It also goes over the properties of CNTs alone, the present methods and costs associated with producing them, the possible special applications of concretes reinforced with CNTs, the key challenges and drawbacks that this new technology still encounters, and the most reliable practices and methodologies to produce CNT-reinforced concrete in the lab. This work has shown that the addition of CNTs to the concrete mix in percentages as low as 0.25% weight of cement could increase the flexural strength and toughness of concrete by more than 45% and 25%, respectively, and enhance other durability-related properties, given that an effective dispersion of CNTs in the cementitious mix is achieved. Since nano reinforcement for cementitious materials is a new technology, many challenges have to be tackled before it becomes practiced at the mass level.

Keywords: sustainability, carbon nano tube, microsilica, concrete

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7638 Structural Analysis and Strengthening of the National Youth Foundation Building in Igoumenitsa, Greece

Authors: Chrysanthos Maraveas, Argiris Plesias, Garyfalia G. Triantafyllou, Konstantinos Petronikolos


The current paper presents a structural assessment and proposals for retrofit of the National Youth Foundation Building, an existing reinforced concrete (RC) building in the city of Igoumenitsa, Greece. The building is scheduled to be renovated in order to create a Municipal Cultural Center. The bearing capacity and structural integrity have been investigated in relation to the provisions and requirements of the Greek Retrofitting Code (KAN.EPE.) and European Standards (Eurocodes). The capacity of the existing concrete structure that makes up the two central buildings in the complex (buildings II and IV) has been evaluated both in its present form and after including several proposed architectural interventions. The structural system consists of spatial frames of columns and beams that have been simulated using beam elements. Some RC elements of the buildings have been strengthened in the past by means of concrete jacketing and have had cracks sealed with epoxy injections. Static-nonlinear analysis (Pushover) has been used to assess the seismic performance of the two structures with regard to performance level B1 from KAN.EPE. Retrofitting scenarios are proposed for the two buildings, including type Λ steel bracings and placement of concrete shear walls in the transverse direction in order to achieve the design-specification deformation in each applicable situation, improve the seismic performance, and reduce the number of interventions required.

Keywords: earthquake resistance, pushover analysis, reinforced concrete, retrofit, strengthening

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7637 The Effect of Substrate Temperature on the Structural, Optical, and Electrical of Nano-Crystalline Tin Doped-Cadmium Telluride Thin Films for Photovoltaic Applications

Authors: Eman A. Alghamdi, A. M. Aldhafiri


It was found that the induce an isolated dopant close to the middle of the bandgap by occupying the Cd position in the CdTe lattice structure is an efficient factor in reducing the nonradiative recombination rate and increasing the solar efficiency. According to our laboratory results, this work has been carried out to obtain the effect of substrate temperature on the CdTe0.6Sn0.4 prepared by thermal evaporation technique for photovoltaic application. Various substrate temperature (25°C, 100°C, 150°C, 200°C, 250°C and 300°C) was applied. Sn-doped CdTe thin films on a glass substrate at a different substrate temperature were made using CdTe and SnTe powders by the thermal evaporation technique. The structural properties of the prepared samples were determined using Raman, x-Ray Diffraction. Spectroscopic ellipsometry and spectrophotometric measurements were conducted to extract the optical constants as a function of substrate temperature. The structural properties of the grown films show hexagonal and cubic mixed structures and phase change has been reported. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) reviled that a homogenous with a bigger grain size was obtained at 250°C substrate temperature. The conductivity measurements were recorded as a function of substrate temperatures. The open-circuit voltage was improved by controlling the substrate temperature due to the improvement of the fundamental material issues such as recombination and low carrier concentration. All the result was explained and discussed on the biases of the influences of the Sn dopant and the substrate temperature on the structural, optical and photovoltaic characteristics.

Keywords: CdTe, conductivity, photovoltaic, ellipsometry

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7636 Backstepping Sliding Mode Control

Authors: Othmane Boughazi, Abdelmadjid Boumedienne, Hachemi Glaoui


This work treats the modeling and simulation of non-linear system behavior of an induction motor using backstepping sliding mode control. First, the direct field oriented control IM is derived. Then, a sliding for direct field oriented control is proposed to compensate the uncertainties, which occur in the control.Finally, the study of Backstepping sliding controls strategy of the induction motor drive. Our non linear system is simulated in MATLAB SIMULINK environment, the results obtained illustrate the efficiency of the proposed control with no overshoot, and the rising time is improved with good disturbances rejections comparing with the classical control law.

Keywords: induction motor, proportional-integral, sliding mode control, backstepping sliding mode control

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7635 Analysing a Practical Teamwork Assessment for Distance Education Students at an Australian University

Authors: Celeste Lawson


Learning to embrace and value teamwork assessment at a university level is critical for students, as graduates enter a real-world working environment where teamwork is likely to occur virtually. Student disdain for teamwork exercises is an area often overlooked or disregarded by academics. This research explored the implementation of an online teamwork assessment approach at a regional Australian university with a significant cohort of Distance Education students. Students had disliked teamwork for three reasons: it was not relevant to their study, the grading was unfair amongst team members, and managing the task was challenging in a virtual environment. Teamwork assessment was modified so that the task was an authentic task that could occur in real-world practice; team selection was based on the task topic rather than randomly; grading was based on the individual’s contribution to the task, and students were provided virtual team management skills as part of a the assessment. In this way, management of the team became an output of the task itself. Data was gathered over three years from student satisfaction surveys, failure rates, attrition figures, and unsolicited student comments. In one unit where this approach was adopted (Advanced Public Relations), student satisfaction increased from 3.6 (out of 5) in 2012 to 4.6 in 2016, with positive comments made about the teamwork approach. The attrition rate for another unit (Public Relations and the Media) reduced from 20.7% in 2012 to 2.2% in 2015. In 2012, criticism of teamwork assessment made up 50% of negative student feedback in Public Relations and the Media. By 2015, following the successful implementation of the teamwork assessment approach, only 12.5% of negative comments on the student satisfaction survey were critical of teamwork, while 33% of positive comments related to a positive teamwork experience. In 2016, students explicitly nominated teamwork as the best part of this unit. The approach is transferable to other disciplines and was adopted by other academics within the institution with similar results.

Keywords: assessment, distance education, teamwork, virtual

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7634 Mixed Effects Models for Short-Term Load Forecasting for the Spanish Regions: Castilla-Leon, Castilla-La Mancha and Andalucia

Authors: C. Senabre, S. Valero, M. Lopez, E. Velasco, M. Sanchez


This paper focuses on an application of linear mixed models to short-term load forecasting. The challenge of this research is to improve a currently working model at the Spanish Transport System Operator, programmed by us, and based on linear autoregressive techniques and neural networks. The forecasting system currently forecasts each of the regions within the Spanish grid separately, even though the behavior of the load in each region is affected by the same factors in a similar way. A load forecasting system has been verified in this work by using the real data from a utility. In this research it has been used an integration of several regions into a linear mixed model as starting point to obtain the information from other regions. Firstly, the systems to learn general behaviors present in all regions, and secondly, it is identified individual deviation in each regions. The technique can be especially useful when modeling the effect of special days with scarce information from the past. The three most relevant regions of the system have been used to test the model, focusing on special day and improving the performance of both currently working models used as benchmark. A range of comparisons with different forecasting models has been conducted. The forecasting results demonstrate the superiority of the proposed methodology.

Keywords: short-term load forecasting, mixed effects models, neural networks, mixed effects models

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7633 Experimental Verification of Similarity Criteria for Sound Absorption of Perforated Panels

Authors: Aleksandra Majchrzak, Katarzyna Baruch, Monika Sobolewska, Bartlomiej Chojnacki, Adam Pilch


Scaled modeling is very common in the areas of science such as aerodynamics or fluid mechanics, since defining characteristic numbers enables to determine relations between objects under test and their models. In acoustics, scaled modeling is aimed mainly at investigation of room acoustics, sound insulation and sound absorption phenomena. Despite such a range of application, there is no method developed that would enable scaling acoustical perforated panels freely, maintaining their sound absorption coefficient in a desired frequency range. However, conducted theoretical and numerical analyses have proven that it is not physically possible to obtain given sound absorption coefficient in a desired frequency range by directly scaling only all of the physical dimensions of a perforated panel, according to a defined characteristic number. This paper is a continuation of the research mentioned above and presents practical evaluation of theoretical and numerical analyses. The measurements of sound absorption coefficient of perforated panels were performed in order to verify previous analyses and as a result find the relations between full-scale perforated panels and their models which will enable to scale them properly. The measurements were conducted in a one-to-eight model of a reverberation chamber of Technical Acoustics Laboratory, AGH. Obtained results verify theses proposed after theoretical and numerical analyses. Finding the relations between full-scale and modeled perforated panels will allow to produce measurement samples equivalent to the original ones. As a consequence, it will make the process of designing acoustical perforated panels easier and will also lower the costs of prototypes production. Having this knowledge, it will be possible to emulate in a constructed model panels used, or to be used, in a full-scale room more precisely and as a result imitate or predict the acoustics of a modeled space more accurately.

Keywords: characteristic numbers, dimensional analysis, model study, scaled modeling, sound absorption coefficient

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7632 Optimization of Heat Source Assisted Combustion on Solid Rocket Motors

Authors: Minal Jain, Vinayak Malhotra


Solid Propellant ignition consists of rapid and complex events comprising of heat generation and transfer of heat with spreading of flames over the entire burning surface area. Proper combustion and thus propulsion depends heavily on the modes of heat transfer characteristics and cavity volume. Fire safety is an integral component of a successful rocket flight failing to which may lead to overall failure of the rocket. This leads to enormous forfeiture in resources viz., money, time, and labor involved. When the propellant is ignited, thrust is generated and the casing gets heated up. This heat adds on to the propellant heat and the casing, if not at proper orientation starts burning as well, leading to the whole rocket being completely destroyed. This has necessitated active research efforts emphasizing a comprehensive study on the inter-energy relations involved for effective utilization of the solid rocket motors for better space missions. Present work is focused on one of the major influential aspects of this detrimental burning which is the presence of an external heat source, in addition to a potential heat source which is already ignited. The study is motivated by the need to ensure better combustion and fire safety presented experimentally as a simplified small-scale mode of a rocket carrying a solid propellant inside a cavity. The experimental setup comprises of a paraffin wax candle as the pilot fuel and incense stick as the external heat source. The candle is fixed and the incense stick position and location is varied to investigate the find the influence of the pilot heat source. Different configurations of the external heat source presence with separation distance are tested upon. Regression rates of the pilot thin solid fuel are noted to fundamentally understand the non-linear heat and mass transfer which is the governing phenomenon. An attempt is made to understand the phenomenon fundamentally and the mechanism governing it. Results till now indicate non-linear heat transfer assisted with the occurrence of flaming transition at selected critical distances. With an increase in separation distance, the effect is noted to drop in a non-monotonic trend. The parametric study results are likely to provide useful physical insight about the governing physics and utilization in proper testing, validation, material selection, and designing of solid rocket motors with enhanced safety.

Keywords: combustion, propellant, regression, safety

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7631 Structural, Optical and Electrical Properties of MnxZnO1-X Nanocrystals Synthesized by Sol-Gel Method

Authors: K. C. Gayithri, S. K. Naveen Kumar


ZnO is one of the most important semiconductor materials, non toxic, biocompatible, antibacterial properties for research and it is used in many biomedical applications. MnxZn1-xO nano thin films were prepared by a spin coating sol-gel method on silicon substrate. The structural, optical, electrical properties of Mn Doped ZnO are studied by using X-rd, FESEM, UV-Visible spectrophotometer. The X-rd reveals that the sample shows hexagonal wurtzits structure. Surface morphology and thickness of the sample are characterized by field emission scanning electron microscopy. Absorption and transmission spectra are studied by UV-Visible spectrophotometer. The electrical properties are measured by TCR meter.

Keywords: transition metals, Mn doped ZnO, Sol-gel, x-ray diffraction

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7630 Factors Affecting Green Consumption Behaviors of the Urban Residents in Hanoi, Vietnam

Authors: Phan Thi Song Thuong


This paper uses data from a survey on the green consumption behavior of Hanoi residents in October 2022. Data was gathered from a survey conducted in ten districts in the center of Hanoi, with 393 respondents. The hypothesis focuses on understanding the factors that may affect green consumption behavior, such as demographic characteristics, concerns about the environment and health, people living around, self-efficiency, and mass media. A number of methods, such as the T-test, exploratory factor analysis, and a linear regression model, are used to prove the hypotheses. Accordingly, the results show that gender, age, and education level have separate effects on the green consumption behavior of respondents.

Keywords: green consumption, urban residents, environment, sustainable, linear regression

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7629 The Combination of the Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients, Perceptual Linear Prediction, Jitter and Shimmer Coefficients for the Improvement of Automatic Recognition System for Dysarthric Speech

Authors: Brahim Fares Zaidi


Our work aims to improve our Automatic Recognition System for Dysarthria Speech based on the Hidden Models of Markov and the Hidden Markov Model Toolkit to help people who are sick. With pronunciation problems, we applied two techniques of speech parameterization based on Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients and Perceptual Linear Prediction and concatenated them with JITTER and SHIMMER coefficients in order to increase the recognition rate of a dysarthria speech. For our tests, we used the NEMOURS database that represents speakers with dysarthria and normal speakers.


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7628 Computational Aerodynamic Shape Optimisation Using a Concept of Control Nodes and Modified Cuckoo Search

Authors: D. S. Naumann, B. J. Evans, O. Hassan


This paper outlines the development of an automated aerodynamic optimisation algorithm using a novel method of parameterising a computational mesh by employing user–defined control nodes. The shape boundary movement is coupled to the movement of the novel concept of the control nodes via a quasi-1D-linear deformation. Additionally, a second order smoothing step has been integrated to act on the boundary during the mesh movement based on the change in its second derivative. This allows for both linear and non-linear shape transformations dependent on the preference of the user. The domain mesh movement is then coupled to the shape boundary movement via a Delaunay graph mapping. A Modified Cuckoo Search (MCS) algorithm is used for optimisation within the prescribed design space defined by the allowed range of control node displacement. A finite volume compressible NavierStokes solver is used for aerodynamic modelling to predict aerodynamic design fitness. The resulting coupled algorithm is applied to a range of test cases in two dimensions including the design of a subsonic, transonic and supersonic intake and the optimisation approach is compared with more conventional optimisation strategies. Ultimately, the algorithm is tested on a three dimensional wing optimisation case.

Keywords: mesh movement, aerodynamic shape optimization, cuckoo search, shape parameterisation

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7627 The Predictors of Student Engagement: Instructional Support vs Emotional Support

Authors: Tahani Salman Alangari


Student success can be impacted by internal factors such as their emotional well-being and external factors such as organizational support and instructional support in the classroom. This study is to identify at least one factor that forecasts student engagement. It is a cross-sectional, conducted on 6206 teachers and encompassed three years of data collection and observations of math instruction in approximately 50 schools and 300 classrooms. A multiple linear regression revealed that a model predicting student engagement from emotional support, classroom organization, and instructional support was significant. Four linear regression models were tested using hierarchical regression to examine the effects of independent variables: emotional support was the highest predictor of student engagement while instructional support was the lowest.

Keywords: student engagement, emotional support, organizational support, instructional support, well-being

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7626 Flipped Learning in the Delivery of Structural Analysis

Authors: Ali Amin


This paper describes a flipped learning initiative which was trialed in the delivery of the course: structural analysis and modelling. A short series of interactive videos were developed, which introduced the key concepts of each topic. The purpose of the videos was to introduce concepts and give the students more time to develop their thoughts prior to the lecture. This allowed more time for face to face engagement during the lecture. As part of the initial study, videos were developed for half the topics covered. The videos included a short summary of the key concepts ( < 10 mins each) as well as fully worked-out examples (~30mins each). Qualitative feedback was attained from the students. On a scale from strongly disagree to strongly agree, students were rate statements such as 'The pre-class videos assisted your learning experience', 'I felt I could appreciate the content of the lecture more by watching the videos prior to class'. As a result of the pre-class engagement, the students formed more specific and targeted questions during class, and this generated greater comprehension of the material. The students also scored, on average, higher marks in questions pertaining to topics which had videos assigned to them.

Keywords: flipped learning, structural analysis, pre-class videos, engineering education

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