Search results for: academic interactions
3660 Integrating Student Engagement Activities into the Learning Process
Authors: Yingjin Cui, Xue Bai, Serena Reese
Student engagement and student interest during class instruction are important conditions for active learning. Engagement, which has an important relationship with learning motivation, influences students' levels of persistence in overcoming challenges. Lack of student engagement and absence from face-to-face lectures and tutorials, in turn, can lead to poor academic performance. However, keeping students motivated and engaged in the learning process in different instructional modes poses a significant challenge; students can easily become discouraged from attending lectures and tutorials across both online and face-to-face settings. Many factors impact students’ engagement in the learning process. If you want to keep students focused on learning, you have to invite them into the process of helping themselves by providing an active learning environment. Active learning is an excellent technique for enhancing student engagement and participation in the learning process because it provides means to motivate the student to engage themselves in the learning process through reflection, analyzing, applying, and synthesizing the material they learn during class. In this study, we discussed how to create an active learning class (both face-to-face and synchronous online) through engagement activities, including reflection, collaboration, screen messages, open poll, tournament, and transferring editing roles. These activities will provide an uncommon interactive learning environment that can result in improved learning outcomes. To evaluate the effectiveness of those engagement activities in the learning process, an experimental group and a control group will be explored in the study.Keywords: active learning, academic performance, engagement activities, learning motivation
Procedia PDF Downloads 1503659 Binary Logistic Regression Model in Predicting the Employability of Senior High School Graduates
Authors: Cromwell F. Gopo, Joy L. Picar
This study aimed to predict the employability of senior high school graduates for S.Y. 2018- 2019 in the Davao del Norte Division through quantitative research design using the descriptive status and predictive approaches among the indicated parameters, namely gender, school type, academics, academic award recipient, skills, values, and strand. The respondents of the study were the 33 secondary schools offering senior high school programs identified through simple random sampling, which resulted in 1,530 cases of graduates’ secondary data, which were analyzed using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and binary logistic regression. Results showed that the majority of the senior high school graduates who come from large schools were females. Further, less than half of these graduates received any academic award in any semester. In general, the graduates’ performance in academics, skills, and values were proficient. Moreover, less than half of the graduates were not employed. Then, those who were employed were either contractual, casual, or part-time workers dominated by GAS graduates. Further, the predictors of employability were gender and the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) strand, while the remaining variables did not add significantly to the model. The null hypothesis had been rejected as the coefficients of the predictors in the binary logistic regression equation did not take the value of 0. After utilizing the model, it was concluded that Technical-Vocational-Livelihood (TVL) graduates except ICT had greater estimates of employability.Keywords: employability, senior high school graduates, Davao del Norte, Philippines
Procedia PDF Downloads 1553658 Draw Me Close: Queering Virtual Reality through (Re)Performances of Memory
Authors: Camille Intson
This paper endeavors to explore the opportunities, challenges, and ethics of reconstructing and re-enacting archives of memory through virtual reality (VR) performance, using Jordan Tannahill’s Draw Me Close as an exemplary case study. Draw Me Close is a 1:1 virtual reality (VR) performance in which the artist’s childhood memories, experiences, and interactions with his mother are reconstructed in the wake of her passing. Solo audience members are positioned as Jordan (the subject and character) and taken through a series of narratives, (virtual) spaces, and interactions with his “mother,” played by a live actor. Piece by piece, audiences are brought into the world of the “shifting” archive, inhabiting Jordan’s reconstructed virtual world from his early explorations of queer sexuality through to his mother’s cancer diagnosis and passing. This paper will explore how the world of Draw Me Close represents a “touching” and/or “queering” of time within its archive, blurring and transgressing the boundaries between the animate and the inanimate, life and death. On a philosophical level, considering foundational queer performance scholarship and archival theory, it will also examine how performance’s ephemerality rewards its artists with the dual advantages of visibility and protection, allowing for an ethical exploration of traumatic memory and loss within a disappearing medium. Finally, this provocation will use Draw Me Close as a point of departure from which to outline future possibilities for performance and emerging technologies’ engagements with archival theory and practice. By positioning virtual reality (VR) as an archive-constructing medium, it aims to move beyond the question of how we can take performances seriously as archives towards how personal archive construction is itself a performative act.Keywords: intermedial theatre, new media arts, queer performance, virtual reality
Procedia PDF Downloads 893657 The Use of Computers in Improving the Academic Performance of Students in Mathematics
Authors: Uwaruile Austin Obuh
This research work focuses on the use of computers in improving the academic performance of students in mathematics in Benin City, Edo State. To guide this study, two research questions were raised, and two corresponding hypotheses were formulated. A total of one hundred and twenty (120) respondents were randomly selected from four schools in the city (60 boys and 60 girls). The instrument employed for the collation of data for the study was the multiple-choice test items on geometry (MCTIOG), drawn from past senior school certificate examinations (SSCE) questions. The instrument was validated by an expert in mathematics and measurement and evaluation. The data obtained from the pre and post-test were analysed using the mean, standard deviation, and T-test. The study revealed a non-significant difference between the experimental and control group in the pre-test, and the two groups were found to be the same before treatment began. The study also revealed that the experimental group performed better than the control group. One can, therefore, conclude that the use of computers for mathematics instruction has improved the performance of students in Geometry. Therefore, the hypothesis was rejected. The study finally revealed that there was no significant difference between the boys and girls taught mathematics using a computer. Therefore, the hypothesis which states there will be no significant difference in the performance of boys and girls taught mathematics using the computer was not rejected. Consequent upon the findings of this study, a number of recommendations were postulated that would enhance the performance of teachers in the use of computer-aided instruction.Keywords: computer, teaching, learning, mathematics
Procedia PDF Downloads 1263656 Intercultural and Inclusive Teaching Competency Implementation within a Canadian Polytechnic's Academic Model: A Pre- and Post-Assessment Analysis
Authors: Selinda England, Ben Bodnaryk
With an unprecedented increase in provincial immigration and government support for greater international and culturally diverse learners, a trade/applied learning-focused polytechnic with four campuses within one Canadian province saw the need for intercultural awareness and an intercultural teaching competence strategy for faculty training. An institution-wide pre-assessment needs survey was conducted in 2018, in which 87% of faculty professed to have some/no training when working with international and/or culturally diverse learners. After researching fellow Polytechnics in Canada and seeing very little in the way of faculty support for intercultural competence, an institutional project team comprised of members from all facets of the Polytechnic was created and included: Indigenous experts, Academic Chairs, Directors, Human Resource Managers, and international/settlement subject matter experts. The project team was organized to develop and implement a new academic model focused on enriching intercultural competence among faculty. Utilizing a competency based model, the project team incorporated inclusive terminology into competency indicators and devised a four-phase proposal for implementing intercultural teacher training: a series of workshops focused on the needs of international and culturally diverse learners, including teaching strategies based on current TESOL methodologies, literature and online resources for quick access when planning lessons, faculty assessment examples and models of interculturally proficient instructors, and future job descriptions - all which promote and encourage development of specific intercultural skills. Results from a post-assessment survey (to be conducted in Spring 2020) and caveats regarding improvements and next steps will be shared. The project team believes its intercultural and inclusive teaching competency-based model is one of the first, institution-wide faculty supported initiatives within the Canadian college and Polytechnic post-secondary educational environment; it aims to become a leader in both the province and nation regarding intercultural competency training for trades, industry, and business minded community colleges and applied learning institutions.Keywords: cultural diversity and education, diversity training teacher training, teaching and learning, teacher training
Procedia PDF Downloads 1183655 Gains and Pitfalls of Participating on International Staff Exchange Programs: Individual Experiences of Academic Staff of Makerere University, Uganda
Authors: David Onen
Staff exchanges amongst different work organizations are a growing international phenomenon. In higher education in particular, it is not only the staff participating on international exchange programs, but their students as well. The practice of exchanging staff is premised on the belief that participating members of staff would not only get the chance to network with colleagues from partner institutions but also gain the opportunity for knowledge sharing and skills development. As a result, it would not only benefit the participating individual staff but their institutions too. However, in practice, staff exchange programs everywhere are not all ‘a bed of roses’. In fact, some of the programs seem to be laden with unapparent source of trouble or danger for the participating staff. This paper is a report on an on-going study investigating the experiences of members of academic staff of Makerere University in Uganda who have ever participated on international staff exchange programs. The study is aimed at documenting individual experiences in order to stimulate, not only a debate, but practical ways of enriching the experiences of staff who engage on well-meant international staff exchange programs. The study has employed an exploratory survey research design in which self-administered questionnaire and interview guide are being used to collect data from university academic staff respondents selected through snow-ball and purposive sampling techniques. Data have been analysed with the use of appropriate descriptive and inferential statistics as well as content analysis techniques. Preliminary study findings reveal that the majority of the respondents (95.5%) were, to a large extent, fully satisfied with their participation on the staff exchange programs. Many attested to gaining new experience (97%), networking (75%), gaining new knowledge (94%), acquiring new skills (88%), and therefore bringing to their institutions something ‘new’ and ‘beneficial’. However, a reasonably large percentage (57%) of the participants too expressed dissatisfaction in the institutional support that Makerere University gave them during their participation on the exchange programs. Some respondents reported about the ‘unfriendly welcome’ they received upon returning ‘home’ because colleagues detested how they were chosen to participate on such programs. The researcher thus concluded that international staff exchange programs are truly beneficial to both the participating staff and their institutions though with pitfalls. The researcher thus recommended for mutual and preferably equal engagement of the participating institutions on staff exchange programs if such programs are to benefit both the participating staff and institutions. Besides, exchange programs require clear terms of cooperation including on how staff are selected, facilitated and what are expected of the sending and host institutions as well as the concerned staff.Keywords: gains, exchange programs, higher education, pitfalls
Procedia PDF Downloads 3463654 Inculcating the Reading and Writing Approaches through Community-Based Teacher Workshops: A Case of Primary Schools in Limpopo Province
Authors: Tsebe Wilfred Molotja, Mahlapahlapane Themane, Kgetja Maruma
It is globally accepted that reading in the primary schools serves as a foundational basis for good reading skills. This is evident in the students’ academic success throughout their studying life. However, the PIRLS (2016) report on Literacy performance found that primary school learners are not able to read as fluently as expected. The results from ANA (2012) also indicated that South African learners achieved the lowest as compared to other global ones. The purpose of this study is to investigate the approaches employed by educators in developing learners’ reading and writing skills and to workshop them on the best reading and writing approaches to be implemented. The study adopted an explorative qualitative design where 27 educators from primary schools around the University of Limpopo were purposefully sampled to participate in this study. Data was collected through interviews and classroom observation during class visits facilitated by research assistants. The study found that teachers are aware of different approaches to developing learners’ reading and writing skills even thou these are not aligned with the curriculum. However, the problem is with implementation, as the conditions in the classrooms are not conducive for such. The study recommends that more workshops on capacitating teachers with the pedagogical approaches to teaching reading be held. The appeal is also made to the Department of Basic Education that it makes the classrooms to be conducive for teaching and learning to take place.Keywords: academic success, reading and writing, community based, approaches
Procedia PDF Downloads 983653 The Use of Social Media and Its Impact on the Learning Behavior of ESL University Students for Sustainable Education in Pakistan
Authors: Abdullah Mukhtar, Shehroz Mukhtar, Amina Mukhtar, Choudhry Shahid, Hafiz Raza Razzaq, Saif Ur Rahman
The aim of this study is to find out the negative and positive impacts of social media platforms on the attitude of learning and educational environment of student’s community. Social Media platforms have become a source of collaboration with one another throughout the globe making it a small world. This study performs focalized investigation of the adverse and constructive factors that have a strong impact not only on the psychological adjustments but also on the academic performance of peers. This study is a quantitative research adopting random sampling method in which the participants were the students of university. Researcher distributed 1000 questionnaires among the university students from different departments and asked them to fill the data on Lickert Scale. The participants are from the age group of 18-24 years. Study applies user and gratification theory in order to examine behavior of students practicing social media in their academic and personal life. Findings of the study reveal that the use of social media platforms in Pakistani context has less positive impact as compared to negative impacts on the behavior of students towards learning. The research suggests that usage of online social media platforms should be taught to students; awareness must the created among the users of social media by the means of seminars, workshops and by media itself to overcome the negative impacts of social media leading towards sustainable education in Pakistan.Keywords: social media, positive impact, negative impact, learning behaviour
Procedia PDF Downloads 623652 Educational Mobility as a Factor of Tourism Development in the Regional University
Authors: К. Lisinchuk
An effective approach to the management of international educational mobility in regional universities with the purpose of increasing tourist activity in the region is considered.Keywords: export and import of tourist and educational services, international academic mobility, regional tourist activities
Procedia PDF Downloads 3993651 Buddhism and Society: The History and Contribution of Buddhist Education in Taiwan
Authors: Meilee Shen
Buddhist monks and nuns have changed within the dynamic culture of Taiwan that they find themselves in. The diverse cultures, economic development, and advanced educational levels of the island are all part of this. Buddhist education has become an interesting aspect in the history of Taiwanese Buddhism. In recent years, Buddhists in Taiwan have made significant contributions to both academic and religious studies. This paper will focus on the following questions: What is Buddhist education? How does a Buddhist education change monastic role in Taiwanese Buddhism? Finally, how has Buddhist education benefited Taiwanese society? Research indicates that Buddhist education in Taiwan possesses four features: 1. Master teaching disciple: Buddhist masters teach monastic rules to monastic disciples only. 2. Monastic education: It is mainly focused on Buddhist doctrines and sangha rules. 3. From Buddhist education to secular education: Buddhist studies were introduced into secular educational environments that were the beginning for outsiders to study Buddhism. It also opened a door to recruit young college students to enter the monastery. 4. Academic Buddhist training: Buddhist monks and nuns have begun to study at secular colleges in various programs besides Buddhist studies. In recent years, Buddhist colleges and secular universities’ religious studies programs have begun to admit overseas students due to the low birth-rate in Taiwan. Therefore, the relationship between Buddhism and Taiwanese society is dynamic.Keywords: Buddhist college and university in Taiwan, Buddhist education, institutionalization in Taiwanese Buddhism, monastic and secular education, Taiwanese Buddhist monks and nuns
Procedia PDF Downloads 1713650 The Thoughts and Feelings of 60-72 Month Old Children about School and Teacher
Authors: Ayse Ozturk Samur, Gozde Inal Kiziltepe
No matter what level of education it is, starting a school is an exciting process as it includes new experiences. In this process, child steps into a different environment and institution except from the family institution which he was born into and feels secure. That new environment is different from home; it is a social environment which has its own rules, and involves duties and responsibilities that should be fulfilled and new vital experiences. The children who have a positive attitude towards school and like school are more enthusiastic and eager to participate in classroom activities. Moreover, a close relationship with the teacher enables the child to have positive emotions and ideas about the teacher and school and helps children adapt to school easily. In this study, it is aimed to identify children’s perceptions of academic competence, attitudes towards school and ideas about their teachers. In accordance with the aim a mixed method that includes both qualitative and quantitative data collection methods are used. The study is supported with qualitative data after collecting quantitative data. The study group of the research consists of randomly chosen 250 children who are 60-72 month old and attending a preschool institution in a city center located West Anatolian region of Turkey. Quantitative data was collected using Feelings about School scale. The scale consists of 12 items and 4 dimensions; school, teacher, mathematic, and literacy. Reliability and validity study for the scale used in the study was conducted by the researchers with 318 children who were 60-72 months old. For content validity experts’ ideas were asked, for construct validity confirmatory factor analysis was utilized. Reliability of the scale was examined by calculating internal consistency coefficient (Cronbach alpha). At the end of the analyses it was found that FAS is a valid and reliable instrument to identify 60-72 month old children’ perception of their academic competency, attitude toward school and ideas about their teachers. For the qualitative dimension of the study, semi-structured interviews were done with 30 children aged 60-72 month. At the end of the study, it was identified that children’s’ perceptions of their academic competencies and attitudes towards school was medium-level and their ideas about their teachers were high. Based on the semi structured interviews done with children, it is identified that they have a positive perception of school and teacher. That means quantitatively gathered data is supported by qualitatively collected data.Keywords: feelings, preschool education, school, teacher, thoughts
Procedia PDF Downloads 2263649 Integrating Experiential Real-World Learning in Undergraduate Degrees: Maximizing Benefits and Overcoming Challenges
Authors: Anne E. Goodenough
One of the most important roles of higher education professionals is to ensure that graduates have excellent employment prospects. This means providing students with the skills necessary to be immediately effective in the workplace. Increasingly, universities are seeking to achieve this by moving from lecture-based and campus-delivered curricula to more varied delivery, which takes students out of their academic comfort zone and allows them to engage with, and be challenged by, real world issues. One popular approach is integration of problem-based learning (PBL) projects into curricula. However, although the potential benefits of PBL are considerable, it can be difficult to devise projects that are meaningful, such that they can be regarded as mere ‘hoop jumping’ exercises. This study examines three-way partnerships between academics, students, and external link organizations. It studied the experiences of all partners involved in different collaborative projects to identify how benefits can be maximized and challenges overcome. Focal collaborations included: (1) development of real-world modules with novel assessment whereby the organization became the ‘client’ for student consultancy work; (2) frameworks where students collected/analyzed data for link organizations in research methods modules; (3) placement-based internships and dissertations; (4) immersive fieldwork projects in novel locations; and (5) students working as partners on staff-led research with link organizations. Focus groups, questionnaires and semi-structured interviews were used to identify opportunities and barriers, while quantitative analysis of students’ grades was used to determine academic effectiveness. Common challenges identified by academics were finding suitable link organizations and devising projects that simultaneously provided education opportunities and tangible benefits. There was no ‘one size fits all’ formula for success, but careful planning and ensuring clarity of roles/responsibilities were vital. Students were very positive about collaboration projects. They identified benefits to confidence, time-keeping and communication, as well as conveying their enthusiasm when their work was of benefit to the wider community. They frequently highlighted employability opportunities that collaborative projects opened up and analysis of grades demonstrated the potential for such projects to increase attainment. Organizations generally recognized the value of project outputs, but often required considerable assistance to put the right scaffolding in place to ensure projects worked. Benefits were maximized by ensuring projects were well-designed, innovative, and challenging. Co-publication of projects in peer-reviewed journals sometimes gave additional benefits for all involved, being especially beneficial for student curriculum vitae. PBL and student projects are by no means new pedagogic approaches: the novelty here came from creating meaningful three-way partnerships between academics, students, and link organizations at all undergraduate levels. Such collaborations can allow students to make a genuine contribution to knowledge, answer real questions, solve actual problems, all while providing tangible benefits to organizations. Because projects are actually needed, students tend to engage with learning at a deep level. This enhances student experience, increases attainment, encourages development of subject-specific and transferable skills, and promotes networking opportunities. Such projects frequently rely upon students and staff working collaboratively, thereby also acting to break down the traditional teacher/learner division that is typically unhelpful in developing students as advanced learners.Keywords: higher education, employability, link organizations, innovative teaching and learning methods, interactions between enterprise and education, student experience
Procedia PDF Downloads 1843648 Research Networks and Knowledge Sharing: An Exploratory Study of Aquaculture in Europe
Authors: Zeta Dooly, Aidan Duane
The collaborative European funded research and development landscape provides prime environmental conditions for multi-disciplinary teams to learn and enhance their knowledge beyond the capability of training and learning within their own organisation cocoons. Whilst the emergence of the academic entrepreneur has changed the focus of educational institutions to that of quasi-businesses, the training and professional development of lecturers and academic staff are often not formalised to the same level as industry. This research focuses on industry and academic collaborative research funded by the European Commission. The impact of research is scalable if an optimum research network is created and managed effectively. This paper investigates network embeddedness, the nature of relationships, links, and nodes within a research network, and the enhancement of the network’s knowledge. The contribution of this paper extends our understanding of establishing and maintaining effective collaborative research networks. The effects of network embeddedness are recognized in the literature as pertinent to innovation and the economy. Network theory literature claims that networks are essential to innovative clusters such as Silicon valley and innovation in high tech industries. This research provides evidence to support the impact collaborative research has on the disparate individuals toward their innovative contributions to their organisations and their own professional development. This study adopts a qualitative approach and uncovers some of the challenges of multi-disciplinary research through case study insights. The contribution of this paper recommends the establishment of scaffolding to accommodate cooperation in research networks, role appointment, and addressing contextual complexities early to avoid problem cultivation. Furthermore, it suggests recommendations in relation to network formation, intra-network challenges in relation to open data, competition, friendships, and competency enhancement. The network capability is enhanced by the adoption of the relevant theories; network theory, open innovation, and social exchange, with the understanding that the network structure has an impact on innovation and social exchange in research networks. The research concludes that there is an opportunity to deepen our understanding of the impact of network reuse and network hoping that provides scaffolding for the network members to enhance and build upon their knowledge using a progressive approach.Keywords: research networks, competency building, network theory, case study
Procedia PDF Downloads 1293647 Fatal Attractions: Exploiting Olfactory Communication between Invasive Predators for Conservation
Authors: Patrick M. Garvey, Roger P. Pech, Daniel M. Tompkins
Competition is a widespread interaction and natural selection will encourage the development of mechanisms that recognise and respond to dominant competitors, if this information reduces the risk of a confrontation. As olfaction is the primary sense for most mammals, our research tested whether olfactory ‘eavesdropping’ mediates alien species interactions and whether we could exploit our understanding of this behaviour to create ‘super-lures’. We used a combination of pen and field experiments to evaluate the importance of this behaviour. In pen trials, stoats (Mustela erminea) were exposed to the body odour of three dominant predators (cat / ferret / African wild dog) and these scents were found to be attractive. A subsequent field trial tested whether attraction displayed towards predator odour, particularly ferret (Mustela furo) pheromones, could be replicated with invasive predators in the wild. We found that ferret odour significantly improved detection and activity of stoats and hedgehogs (Erinaceus europaeus), while also improving detections of ship rats (Rattus rattus). Our current research aims to identify the key components of ferret odour, using chemical analysis and behavioural experiments, so that we can produce ‘scent from a can’. A lure based on a competitors’ odour would be beneficial in many circumstances including: (i) where individuals display variability in attraction to food lures, (ii) there are plentiful food resources available, (iii) new immigrants arrive into an area, (iv) long-life lures are required. Pest management can therefore benefit by exploiting behavioural responses to odours to achieve conservation goals.Keywords: predator interactions, invasive species, eavesdropping, semiochemicals
Procedia PDF Downloads 4123646 Computer Simulation of Hydrogen Superfluidity through Binary Mixing
Authors: Sea Hoon Lim
A superfluid is a fluid of bosons that flows without resistance. In order to be a superfluid, a substance’s particles must behave like bosons, yet remain mobile enough to be considered a superfluid. Bosons are low-temperature particles that can be in all energy states at the same time. If bosons were to be cooled down, then the particles will all try to be on the lowest energy state, which is called the Bose Einstein condensation. The temperature when bosons start to matter is when the temperature has reached its critical temperature. For example, when Helium reaches its critical temperature of 2.17K, the liquid density drops and becomes a superfluid with zero viscosity. However, most materials will solidify -and thus not remain fluids- at temperatures well above the temperature at which they would otherwise become a superfluid. Only a few substances currently known to man are capable of at once remaining a fluid and manifesting boson statistics. The most well-known of these is helium and its isotopes. Because hydrogen is lighter than helium, and thus expected to manifest Bose statistics at higher temperatures than helium, one might expect hydrogen to also be a superfluid. As of today, however, no one has yet been able to produce a bulk, hydrogen superfluid. The reason why hydrogen did not form a superfluid in the past is its intermolecular interactions. As a result, hydrogen molecules are much more likely to crystallize than their helium counterparts. The key to creating a hydrogen superfluid is therefore finding a way to reduce the effect of the interactions among hydrogen molecules, postponing the solidification to lower temperature. In this work, we attempt via computer simulation to produce bulk superfluid hydrogen through binary mixing. Binary mixture is a technique of mixing two pure substances in order to avoid crystallization and enhance super fluidity. Our mixture here is KALJ H2. We then sample the partition function using this Path Integral Monte Carlo (PIMC), which is well-suited for the equilibrium properties of low-temperature bosons and captures not only the statistics but also the dynamics of Hydrogen. Via this sampling, we will then produce a time evolution of the substance and see if it exhibits superfluid properties.Keywords: superfluidity, hydrogen, binary mixture, physics
Procedia PDF Downloads 3173645 Physicochemical and Biological Characterization of 1,2-Dialkoylamidopropane-Based Lipoplexes for Gene Delivery
Authors: Suhair Saleh, Ahmad Aljaberi
Cationic lipid-mediated delivery of nucleic acids represents an exciting approach for developing therapeutically realistic gene medicines. Elucidation of the molecular and formulation requirements for efficient lipofection is a prerequisite to enhance the biological activity of such delivery systems. To this end, the in vitro lipofection activity of the ionizable asymmetric 1,2-dialkoylamidopropane-based derivatives bearing single primary amine group as the cationic head group was evaluated. The electrostatic interactions of these cationic lipids with plasmid DNA in physiologically relevant medium were investigated by means of gel electrophoresis retardation and Eth-Br quenching assays. The effect of the presence of the helper lipid on these interactions was evaluated. The physicochemical properties of these lipids in terms of bilayer fluidity and extent of ionization were investigated using fluorescence anisotropy and surface potential techniques, respectively. The results showed that only the active lipid, 1,2lmp[5], existed in a liquid crystalline state at physiological temperature. Moreover, the extent of ionization of this lipid in assemblies was significantly higher that it's saturated analogues. Inclusion of the helper lipid DOPE improved the encapsulation and association between 1,2lmp[5] and plasmid DNA, which was reflected by the significant boost of lipofection activity of the 1,2lmp[5]/DOPE formulation as compared to the lipid alone. In conclusion, membrane fluidity and sufficient protonation of ionizable cationic lipid are required for efficient association and encapsulation of plasmid DNA and promoting improved in vitro lipofection activity.Keywords: cationic lipids, gene delivery, lipofection, membrane fluidity, helper lipids, surface potential
Procedia PDF Downloads 2433644 An AHP Study on The Migrant and Refugee Employees Occupational Health and Safety Issues in Turkey
Authors: Cengiz Akyildiz, Ismail Ekmekci
In the past 15 years, many people have sought refuge and emigrated to developed countries due to the civil war in Syria, terrorism and turmoil in Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan, hunger problems in Africa and the purpose of work. Many of these people came to Turkey. By the end of the 2019, in Turkey, regular and irregular migrants, asylum seekers and foreigners under international protection are about 6 million people. The majority of these people are Syrians. Approximately 2 800 000 immigrants and refugees are in the workforce. Migrant workers in our country constitute the largest proportion among all countries in the world according to the local labor force. 2.5 million of these employees, with a high rate of about 90%, work informally and do not have legal records and valid employment contracts as a workforce; They cannot benefit from Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) services. Migrant workers generally receive less wages than local workers, working longer hours and worse conditions; they are often subjected to human rights violations, harassment, human trafficking and violence. Migrant workers face problems such as OHS practices, environmental and occupational exposures, language / cultural barriers, access to health services, and lack of documentation. Therefore, the OHS problems of these employees are becoming an increasingly problematic area. However, there is not enough research, analysis and academic studies in this field. The order of importance should be known for the radical solution of the problems, because of the problems with high severity are also at high risk. In this study, for the first time, a Search Conference was held with the participation of 45 stakeholders to reveal the OHS problems of regular and irregular migrant workers in our country. The problems arising from this workshop were compared with the problems in the literature and the problems in this field were determined and weighted for our country. Later, to determine the significance levels of these problems, AHP study, which is a Multi Criteria Decision Making Method in which 15 experts participated, was conducted and the significance levels of these problems were determined. When the data obtained are evaluated, it has been seen that the OSH risks of migrant workers arise from 58% laws and government policies, 29% from employers, 13% from personal faults of employees. An academic study has been carried out for the first time in this field regarding the OHS problems of migrant workers, and an academic study has been created to guide which of the problems should be prioritized.Keywords: environmental conditions, migrant workers, OHS issues, workplace conditions
Procedia PDF Downloads 1533643 The Effect of Contrast on Approach Distances of Carcharhinus perezi
Authors: Elizabeth Farquhar, Erich Ritter
Studying shark's interaction with humans and their behavioral responses will have enormous implications for other fields of marine biology and oceanography. The health of sharks has direct impacts on the stability of human society with a reported 3.5 billion people depending on the ocean for food and/or livelihood. Discovering how sharks behave and interact with people, will have enormous implications for future studies, along with the development of more effective ways to reduce negative shark/human interactions. This specific study investigates the effects of contrasting ponchos worn by divers on the approach distances of Carcharhinus perezi. Data was collected over a two week period at a test site off the shore of Eleuthera Island in the Bahamas, with a depth of approximately 55 feet during mid-August. Sixty-minute dive trials were conducted and videoed from above with 5-meter radius markers on the ocean floor surrounding the two divers, kneeling back-to-back. Five poncho colors were worn by the two divers (black, navy blue, dark green, yellow and orange), rotating the color permutations randomly to test the distance a shark will approach each color. Results indicate significantly closer approach patterns when divers were wearing orange ponchos, and the combination of orange with black and blue ponchos were found to be statistically significant. These results are relevant to understanding how sharks perceive contrast and dive equipment in the marine environment, which could have the potential to prevent negative shark/human interactions.Keywords: shark behavior, animal behavior, marine biology, conservation
Procedia PDF Downloads 1443642 The Use of Social Media and Its Impact on the Learning Behavior of ESL University Students for Sustainable Education in Pakistan
Authors: Abdullah Mukhtar, Shehroz Mukhtar, Amina Mukhtar, Choudhry Shahid, Hafiz Raza Razzaq, Saif Ur Rahman
The aim of this study is to find out the negative and positive impacts of social media platforms on the attitude toward learning and the educational environment of the student community. Social Media platforms have become a source of collaboration with one another throughout the globe, making it a small world. This study performs a focalized investigation of the adverse and constructive factors that have a strong impact not only on psychological adjustments but also on the academic performance of peers. This study is quantitative research adopting a random sampling method in which the participants were the students at the university. The researcher distributed 1000 questionnaires among the university students from different departments and asked them to fill in the data on the Lickert Scale. The participants are from the age group of 18-24 years. The study applies user and gratification theory in order to examine the behavior of students practicing social media in their academic and personal lives. The findings of the study reveal that the use of social media platforms in the Pakistani context has less positive impact as compared to negative impacts on the behavior of students towards learning. The research suggests that usage of online social media platforms should be taught to students; awareness must the created among the users of social media by means of seminars, workshops and by media itself to overcome the negative impacts of social media, leading towards sustainable education in Pakistan.Keywords: social media, positive impacts, negative impacts, sustainable education, learning behaviour
Procedia PDF Downloads 573641 Real-Time Course Recommendation System for Online Learning Platforms
Authors: benabbess anja
This research presents the design and implementation of a real-time course recommendation system for online learning platforms, leveraging user competencies and expertise levels. The system begins by extracting and classifying the complexity levels of courses from Udemy datasets using semantic enrichment techniques and resources such as WordNet and BERT. A predictive model assigns complexity levels to each course, adding columns that represent the course category, sub-category, and complexity level to the existing dataset. Simultaneously, user profiles are constructed through questionnaires capturing their skills, sub-skills, and proficiency levels. The recommendation process involves generating embeddings with BERT, followed by calculating cosine similarity between user profiles and courses. Courses are ranked based on their relevance, with the BERT model delivering the most accurate results. To enable real-time recommendations, Apache Kafka is integrated to track user interactions (clicks, comments, time spent, completed courses, feedback) and update user profiles. The embeddings are regenerated, and similarities with courses are recalculated to reflect users' evolving needs and behaviors, incorporating a progressive weighting of interactions for more personalized suggestions. This approach ensures dynamic and real-time course recommendations tailored to user progress and engagement, providing a more personalized and effective learning experience. This system aims to improve user engagement and optimize learning paths by offering courses that precisely match users' needs and current skill levels.Keywords: recommendation system, online learning, real-time, user skills, expertise level, personalized recommendations, dynamic suggestions
Procedia PDF Downloads 103640 Competing Interactions, and Magnetization Dynamics in Doped Rare-Earth Manganites Nanostructural System
Authors: Wiqar Hussain Shah
The Structural, magnetic and transport behavior of La1-xCaxMnO3+ (x=0.48, 0.50, 0.52 and 0.55 and =0.015) compositions close to charge ordering, was studied through XRD, resistivity, DC magnetization and AC susceptibility measurements. With time and thermal cycling (T<300 K) there is an irreversible transformation of the low-temperature phase from a partially ferromagnetic and metallic to one that is less ferromagnetic and highly resistive. For instance, an increase of resistivity can be observed by thermal cycling, where no effect is obtained for lower Ca concentration. The time changes in the magnetization are logarithmic in general and activation energies are consistent with those expected for electron transfer between Mn ions. The data suggest that oxygen non-stoichiometry results in mechanical strains in this two-phase system, leading to the development of irreversible metastable states, which relax towards the more stable charge-ordered and antiferromagnetic microdomains at the nano-meter size. This behavior is interpreted in terms of strains induced charge localization at the interface between FM/AFM domains in the antiferromagnetic matrix. Charge, orbital ordering and phase separation play a prominent role in the appearance of such properties, since they can be modified in a spectacular manner by external factor, making the different physical properties metastable. Here we describe two factors that deeply modify those properties, viz. the doping concentration and the thermal cycling. The metastable state is recovered by the high temperature annealing. We also measure the magnetic relaxation in the metastable state and also the revival of the metastable state (in a relaxed sample) due to high temperature (800 ) thermal treatment.Keywords: Rare-earth maganites, nano-structural materials, doping effects on electrical, magnetic properties, competing interactions
Procedia PDF Downloads 1253639 How Do Sports Positively Affect Students’ Mental Health in Post-secondary Education Programs: Research Proposal
Authors: Zachary Smith, Riette Bloomfield, Taylor Dukate, Joshua Halterman, Noah Phillips
College students have stressful lives, classes, work, and home life; it all adds up to anxiety and stress. Most students can manage the stress, but some can’t and need help. Mental health issues are on the rise among college-age students, which could lead to other health issues, depression, or even suicidal thoughts. There needs to be an outlet for these students, and one suggestion is participating in sports or exercise/recreation activities. “Strong body, strong mind” is a concept that has been researched for many decades now. While that has been preached, depression and anxiety have still been at an all-time high in college students within the last five years. College students are expected to stay on top of their academic coursework, obtain and keep relationships, adjust to living independently, and economic strain. As p oor mental health becomes inherent, struggles academically, dropping out of school, becoming involved in immoral situations, or as far as committing suicide, can be seen shortly after. This research proposal examines the positive impact of sports on students' mental health in post-secondary education programs. The study aims to investigate how participation in college sports can alleviate stress, anxiety, and depression, improve mood and focus, and contribute to better academic performance. With the increasing prevalence of mental health issues among college students and the growing emphasis on mental health awareness, this research is significant for understanding and managing collegiate sports programs. Overall, sports help with mental and physical health for all ages.Keywords: mental health, sports, college students, recreation programs
Procedia PDF Downloads 483638 Numerical Study of Nonlinear Guided Waves in Composite Laminates with Delaminations
Authors: Reza Soleimanpour, Ching Tai Ng
Fibre-composites are widely used in various structures due to their attractive properties such as higher stiffness to mass ratio and better corrosion resistance compared to metallic materials. However, one serious weakness of this composite material is delamination, which is a subsurface separation of laminae. A low level of this barely visible damage can cause a significant reduction in residual compressive strength. In the last decade, the application of guided waves for damage detection has been a topic of significant interest for many researches. Among all guided wave techniques, nonlinear guided wave has shown outstanding sensitivity and capability for detecting different types of damages, e.g. cracks and delaminations. So far, most of researches on applications of nonlinear guided wave have been dedicated to isotropic material, such as aluminium and steel, while only a few works have been done on applications of nonlinear characteristics of guided waves in anisotropic materials. This study investigates the nonlinear interactions of the fundamental antisymmetric lamb wave (A0) with delamination in composite laminates using three-dimensional (3D) explicit finite element (FE) simulations. The nonlinearity considered in this study arises from interactions of two interfaces of sub-laminates at the delamination region, which generates contact acoustic nonlinearity (CAN). The aim of this research is to investigate the phenomena of CAN in composite laminated beams by a series of numerical case studies. In this study interaction of fundamental antisymmetric lamb wave with delamination of different sizes are studied in detail. The results show that the A0 lamb wave interacts with the delaminations generating CAN in the form of higher harmonics, which is a good indicator for determining the existence of delaminations in composite laminates.Keywords: contact acoustic nonlinearity, delamination, fibre reinforced composite beam, finite element, nonlinear guided waves
Procedia PDF Downloads 2053637 Video Analytics on Pedagogy Using Big Data
Authors: Jamuna Loganath
Education is the key to the development of any individual’s personality. Today’s students will be tomorrow’s citizens of the global society. The education of the student is the edifice on which his/her future will be built. Schools therefore should provide an all-round development of students so as to foster a healthy society. The behaviors and the attitude of the students in school play an essential role for the success of the education process. Frequent reports of misbehaviors such as clowning, harassing classmates, verbal insults are becoming common in schools today. If this issue is left unattended, it may develop a negative attitude and increase the delinquent behavior. So, the need of the hour is to find a solution to this problem. To solve this issue, it is important to monitor the students’ behaviors in school and give necessary feedback and mentor them to develop a positive attitude and help them to become a successful grownup. Nevertheless, measuring students’ behavior and attitude is extremely challenging. None of the present technology has proven to be effective in this measurement process because actions, reactions, interactions, response of the students are rarely used in the course of the data due to complexity. The purpose of this proposal is to recommend an effective supervising system after carrying out a feasibility study by measuring the behavior of the Students. This can be achieved by equipping schools with CCTV cameras. These CCTV cameras installed in various schools of the world capture the facial expressions and interactions of the students inside and outside their classroom. The real time raw videos captured from the CCTV can be uploaded to the cloud with the help of a network. The video feeds get scooped into various nodes in the same rack or on the different racks in the same cluster in Hadoop HDFS. The video feeds are converted into small frames and analyzed using various Pattern recognition algorithms and MapReduce algorithm. Then, the video frames are compared with the bench marking database (good behavior). When misbehavior is detected, an alert message can be sent to the counseling department which helps them in mentoring the students. This will help in improving the effectiveness of the education process. As Video feeds come from multiple geographical areas (schools from different parts of the world), BIG DATA helps in real time analysis as it analyzes computationally to reveal patterns, trends, and associations, especially relating to human behavior and interactions. It also analyzes data that can’t be analyzed by traditional software applications such as RDBMS, OODBMS. It has also proven successful in handling human reactions with ease. Therefore, BIG DATA could certainly play a vital role in handling this issue. Thus, effectiveness of the education process can be enhanced with the help of video analytics using the latest BIG DATA technology.Keywords: big data, cloud, CCTV, education process
Procedia PDF Downloads 2403636 Predicting Foreign Direct Investment of IC Design Firms from Taiwan to East and South China Using Lotka-Volterra Model
Authors: Bi-Huei Tsai
This work explores the inter-region investment behaviors of integrated circuit (IC) design industry from Taiwan to China using the amount of foreign direct investment (FDI). According to the mutual dependence among different IC design industrial locations, Lotka-Volterra model is utilized to explore the FDI interactions between South and East China. Effects of inter-regional collaborations on FDI flows into China are considered. Evolutions of FDIs into South China for IC design industry significantly inspire the subsequent FDIs into East China, while FDIs into East China for Taiwan’s IC design industry significantly hinder the subsequent FDIs into South China. The supply chain along IC industry includes IC design, manufacturing, packing and testing enterprises. I C manufacturing, packaging and testing industries depend on IC design industry to gain advanced business benefits. The FDI amount from Taiwan’s IC design industry into East China is the greatest among the four regions: North, East, Mid-West and South China. The FDI amount from Taiwan’s IC design industry into South China is the second largest. If IC design houses buy more equipment and bring more capitals in South China, those in East China will have pressure to undertake more FDIs into East China to maintain the leading position advantages of the supply chain in East China. On the other hand, as the FDIs in East China rise, the FDIs in South China will successively decline since capitals have concentrated in East China. Prediction of Lotka-Volterra model in FDI trends is accurate because the industrial interactions between the two regions are included. Finally, this work confirms that the FDI flows cannot reach a stable equilibrium point, so the FDI inflows into East and South China will expand in the future.Keywords: Lotka-Volterra model, foreign direct investment, competitive, Equilibrium analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 3633635 Carbon Based Classification of Aquaporin Proteins: A New Proposal
Authors: Parul Johri, Mala Trivedi
Major Intrinsic proteins (MIPs), actively involved in the passive transport of small polar molecules across the membranes of almost all living organisms. MIPs that specifically transport water molecules are named aquaporins (AQPs). The permeability of membranes is actively controlled by the regulation of the amount of different MIPs present but also in some cases by phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of the channel. Based on sequence similarity, MIPs have been classified into many categories. All of the proteins are made up of the 20 amino acids, the only difference is there in their orientations. Again all the 20 amino acids are made up of the basic five elements namely: carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, sulphur and nitrogen. These elements are responsible for giving the amino acids the properties of hydrophilicity/hydrophobicity which play an important role in protein interactions. The hydrophobic amino acids characteristically have greater number of carbon atoms as carbon is the main element which contributes to hydrophobic interactions in proteins. It is observed that the carbon level of proteins in different species is different. In the present work, we have taken a sample set of 150 aquaporins proteins from Uniprot database and a dynamic programming code was written to calculate the carbon percentage for each sequence. This carbon percentage was further used to barcode the aqauporins of animals and plants. The protein taken from Oryza sativa, Zea mays and Arabidopsis thaliana preferred to have carbon percentage of 31.8 to 35, whereas on the other hand sequences taken from Mus musculus, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Homo sapiens, Bos Taurus, and Rattus norvegicus preferred to have carbon percentage of 31 to 33.7. This clearly demarks the carbon range in the aquaporin proteins from plant and animal origin. Hence the atom level analysis of protein sequences can provide us with better results as compared to the residue level comparison.Keywords: aquaporins, carbon, dynamic prgramming, MIPs
Procedia PDF Downloads 3713634 The Intense Fascination of Ancient Egypt: A Cross-Cultural Phenomenological Study
Authors: Patrick Andrew McCoy
The intense fascination with ancient Egypt has persisted for thousands of years and across cultures globally, known popularly as Egyptomania,’ ‘Tutmania,’ ‘Mummymania,’ and ‘Orientalism. A review of the literature indicates psychological themes for its behavior are curiosity, escapism, existentialism, religiosity and spirituality, and cultural, racial, and ethnic identity. A mixed-methods study is initiated with established tools to explore these themes and discover additional motivators. Objectives: The purpose of the study is to explore the themes underlying the intense fascination of ancient Egypt. The abstract themes of the fascination of ancient Egypt are cross-cultural phenomena that motivate people in their interactions with other cultures. These interactions have both been beneficial and combative. Methodology: A mixed methods research study is designed where quantitative (QUAN) survey of participants’ strong fascination with ancient Egypt, within psychological themes derived from a review of the literature. The qualitative (QUAL) survey consists of open-ended questions to explore participants’ exposure to ancient Egypt that may have influenced their fascination and their behaviors resulting from the phenomenon. The themes are explored in QUAN data and QUAL data to discover what themes are established and inferred the psychological motivations of the phenomenon. Main Contributions: This study will provide more information on several scientific disciplines, including psychology, anthropology, Egyptology, and tourism. This study seeks to benefit the tourism industry for not only in Egypt but hopefully with generalizability of cultural tourist industries in other countries.Keywords: cross-cultural psychology, international psychology, mixed-methods, identity, ancient Egypt, phenomenology, escapism, curiosity, existentialism, religiosity, spirituality
Procedia PDF Downloads 1303633 Drug-related Problems and Associated Factors among Adult Psychiatric Inpatients in Northwest Ethiopia: Multicenter Cross-Sectional Study
Authors: Ephrem Mebratu Dagnew, Mohammed Biset Ayalew, Gizework Alemnew Mekonnen, Alehegn Bishaw Geremew, Ousman Abubeker Abdela
Objective: To assess the prevalence of drug-related problems and associated factors among adult psychiatric inpatients. Method: Hospital-based multicenter cross-sectional observational study was conducted from April to July 2021 at five randomly selected hospitals in North-west Ethiopia. A total of 325 consecutively sampled patients participated in the study. Clinical pharmacists assessed the DRPs based on clinical judgment supported by updated evidence-based diseases guidelines. A Medscape drug-interactions checker was used to check drug-drug interactions. The results were summarized using descriptive statistics, including frequency, mean, and standard deviation. Odds ratio (OR) with 95% confidence interval were also computed for each variable for the corresponding P-value. The value of P ≤ 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Result : From the total of 325 study participants, more than half of them (52.9%) were females and the mean age ± (standard deviation) was 30.8±11.3 years. At least one drug-related problem was recorded from 60.9%, 95% CI (55.7-65.8) of study participants with a mean of 0.6±0.49 per patient. Need additional drug therapy was the most common DRP (22.8%), followed by non-adherence to medicine (20.6%) and adverse drug reactions (11%), respectively. Factors independently associated with drug-related problems were rural residence [AOR=1.96,95%CI:1.01-2.84, P-value=0.046], self-employed [AOR=6.0 ,95% CI: 1.0-36.9, P-value=0.035] and alcohol drinkers [AOR=6.40,95%CI:1.12-37.5, p-value=0.034]. Conclusion: The prevalence of drug-related problems among adult psychiatric patients admitted to psychiatric wards was high. Healthcare providers give more attention to tackling these problems. Being a rural residence, self-employed, and Alcohol drinkers were associated with drug-related problems.Keywords: psychiatric patients, drug-relatedproblems, multicenter, Ethiopia
Procedia PDF Downloads 1643632 Associations and Interactions of Delivery Mode and Antibiotic Exposure with Infant Cortisol Level: A Correlational Study
Authors: Samarpreet Singh, Gerald Giesbrecht
Both c-section and antibiotic exposure are linked to gut microbiota imbalance in infants. Such disturbance is associated with the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA) axis function. However, the literature only has contradicting evidence for the association between c-sections and the HPA axis. Therefore, this study aims to test if the mode of delivery and antibiotics exposure is associated with the HPA axis. Also, whether exposure to both interacts with the HPA-axis. It was hypothesized that associations and interactions would be observed. Secondary data analysis was used for this co-relational study. Data for the mode of delivery and antibiotics exposure variables were documented from hospital records or self-questionnaires. In addition, cortisol levels (Area under the curve with respect to increasing (AUCi) and Area under the curve with respect to ground (AUCg)) were based on saliva collected from three months old during the infant’s visit to the lab and after drawing blood. One-way and between-subject ANOVA analyses were run on data. No significant association between delivery mode and infant cortisol level was found, AUCi and AUCg, p > .05. Only the infant’s AUCg was found to be significantly higher if there were antibiotics exposure at delivery (p = .001) or their mothers were exposed during pregnancy (p < .05). Infants born by c-section and exposed to antibiotics at three months had higher AUCi than those born vaginally, p < .02. These results imply that antibiotic exposure before three months is associated with an infant’s stress response. The association might increase if antibiotic exposure occurs three months after a c-section birth. However, more robust and causal evidence in future studies is needed, given a variable group’s statistically weak sample size. Nevertheless, the results of this study still highlight the unintended consequences of antibiotic exposure during delivery and pregnancy.Keywords: HPA-axis, antibiotics, c-section, gut-microbiota, development, stress
Procedia PDF Downloads 733631 Developmental Differences of Elementary School Children in Knowledge Acquisition Following a Sexual Abuse Prevention Program
Authors: Chrysanthi Nega, Fotini-Sonia Apergi
Child sexual abuse (CSA) in Greece is a highly prevalent phenomenon and yet remains largely underreported. CSA can negatively impact cognitive, emotional and psychosocial development, as well as personality formation and capacity for initiation and maintenance of healthy interpersonal relationships. It is particularly important for school-based prevention programs to be implemented early in elementary school, as they are reportedly effective in lowering abuse incidences and providing knowledge for coping in threatening environments. The purpose of the current study was to test the effectiveness of a school-based CSA prevention program (Safe-Touches) on Greek elementary school students (grades 1-3, N=272) and explore the effect of age and time of testing (academic term). There was a significant effect of age in the knowledge of Inappropriate Touch, when comparing pre and post-intervention assessments, with third graders showing greatest gains in knowledge, followed by second and first graders. Time of testing during the academic year also had a significant effect, as first graders tested later in the school year, scored higher on knowledge of Inappropriate Touch. The findings of the current study provide insight into the optimal timing to implement CSA prevention programs. Exposure to such programs and incorporation in the school curricula could largely benefit children of the Greek community in terms of safety and awareness.Keywords: child sexual abuse, Safe-Touches, school-based prevention, schooling
Procedia PDF Downloads 318