Search results for: North east China
2991 Tectonostratigraphic, Paleogeography and Amalgamation of Sumatra Terranes, Indonesia
Authors: Syahrir Andi Mangga, Ipranta
The geological, paleomagnetic, geochemical and geophysical Investigation in The Sumatra Region has yielded some new data, has stimulated a reassessment of stratigraphy, structure, tectonic evolution and which can show a Sumatra geodynamic model. Sumatra island has in the margin of southwest part of the Eurasia plate in the Sundaland cratonic block and occurred as the amalgamation of allochtonous microplates, continental fragments, Island arc and accrctionary by foreland complex which assembled prior to Tertiary. The allochtonous rocks (terranes), can be divided into 4 (four) Terranes with Paleozoic to Mesosoic in age, had different origin, lithology and are separated by a Suture as main fault with trending NW-SE. The terranes are: the Tigapuluh-Bohorok (East Sumatra block / Sibumasu block), Permo-Carboniferous in age and is characterized by the rock types formed in glacio-marine and was intruded by Late Triassic to Early Jurrasic granitics, occupied in the Eastern part of Sumatra, the paleomagnetic data shown 41° South. Tanjung Karang - Gunung Kasih Terrane, is composed of higher metamorphic rocks and supposed to be pre-Carboniferous in age, covered by Mesozoic sedimentary rocks and were intruded by granitic-dioritic rocks, occupied in the Southern part of Sumatra, the paleomagnetic data shown 19° North. The Kuantan-Duabelas Mountain (West Sumatra block) is occupied by metamorphic, sedimentary and volcanic rocks of Paleozoic - Mesozoic (Carboniferous - Triassic) in age, contains a Cathaysion fauna and flora and are intruded by the Mesozoic granitoid rocks. The terrane occurred in the western part of Sumatra. Meanwhile, the Gumai-Garba (Waloya Terrane) which is occupied by the tectonite/melange, metasediment, carbonate and volcanic rocks of Mesozoic (Jurassic - Cretaceous) in age, are intruted by the Late Cretaceous granitoid rocks, the paleomagnetic data shown 30° - 31° South.Keywords: tectonostratigraphy, amalgamation, allochtonous, terranes, sumatra
Procedia PDF Downloads 3452990 Thailand and Sino-Japanese Relations in the Early Twentieth Century
Authors: Mizuno Norihito
This study attempts to examine Japanese views of Thailand primarily in the 1920s and 1930s through the analysis of documents published by the Office of Governor-General of Taiwan (Taiwan Sotokufu) and its affiliated organizations. Japan regarded Taiwan, under its control since 1895, as a foothold to making inroads into the South, and The governor-general office was active in investigations and intelligence gathering in Southeast Asia, as well as the southern part of the Chinese continent. Documents published by the governor-general office and its related organizations, especially those in a couple of decades following the First World War, reveal that the Japanese paid attention to the presence of the-Thai-Chinese during the time period. It would not be surprising that the desiring to penetrating into the Thai market, as well as the markets of the rest of Southeast Asia, the Japanese could not ignore the presence of the Thai-Chinese because of their local economic influences. The increased Japanese concern about the Thai-Chinese toward the end of the 1920s and throughout the 1930s was, moreover, intertwined with the increased tension between China and Japan. In other words, Thailand, as well as the rest of Southeast Asia, became another arena of Sino-Japanese confrontation. The rise of nationalism against Japan in China infected the Thai-Chinese communities and threatened Japanese economic activities in the country. However, the Japanese simultaneously found out that Thai-Chinese concert with anti-Japanese in China did not necessarily match their business interests and that the Thai government’s efforts to assimilate the Thai-Chinese into the Thais society and strategic approach to Japan in the late 1930s hampered their anti-Japanese actions.Keywords: Japanese-Thai Relations, Sino-Japanese relations, Thai Chinese, Overseas Japanese
Procedia PDF Downloads 3352989 Park Improvements in a High-Density City: Ecological, Social and Economy Concerns
Authors: Yuchen Niu, Liang Zhao, Fangfang Xie, Weiyu Liu
In the past decades, rapid urbanization in China has significantly promoted economic growth and caused a large number of environmental problems. In consideration of land resources shortage, high-density cities will become a common phenomenon in the future. How to improve the living environment under high density is a new challenge. Shenzhen is a typical high-density city, but also the forefront of China's development and reform area. This study selects 9 urban parks with different natural attributes in Shenzhen and explores the relationship of natural, economic, and social conditions within the service scope. Based on correlation analysis and system analysis, the results indicate that improvement of park design and management methods contribute to obtaining higher ecological value and promote economic and social development.Keywords: correlation analysis, high-density city, park improvement, urban green spaces
Procedia PDF Downloads 1302988 Comparative Assessment of Rainwater Management Alternatives for Dhaka City: Case Study of North South University
Authors: S. M. Islam, Wasi Uddin, Nazmun Nahar
Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, faces two contrasting problems; excess of water during monsoon season and scarcity of water during dry season. The first problem occurs due to rapid urbanization and mismanagement of rainwater whereas the second problem is related to climate change and increasing urban population. Inadequate drainage system also worsens the overall water management scenario in Dhaka city. Dhaka has a population density of 115,000 people per square miles. This results in a 2.5 billion liter water demand every day, 87% of which is fulfilled by groundwater. Over dependency on groundwater has resulted in more than 200 feet drop in the last 50 years and continues to decline at a rate of 9 feet per year. Considering the gravity of the problem, it is high time that practitioners, academicians and policymakers consider different water management practices and look into their cumulative impacts at different scales. The present study assesses different rainwater management options for North South University of Bangladesh and recommends the most feasible and sustainable rainwater management measure. North South University currently accommodates over 20,000 students, faculty members, and administrative staffs. To fulfill the water demand, there are two deep tube wells, which bring up approximately 150,000 liter of water every hour. The annual water demand is approximately 103 million liters. Dhaka receives approximately 1800 mm of rainfall every year. For the current study, two academic buildings and one administrative building consist of 4924 square meters of rooftop area was selected as catchment area. Both rainwater harvesting and groundwater recharge options were analyzed separately. It was estimated that by rainwater harvesting, annually a total of 7.2 million liters of water can be reused which is approximately 7% of the total annual water usage. In the monsoon, rainwater harvesting fulfills 12.2% of the monthly water demand. The approximate cost of the rainwater harvesting system is estimated to be 940975 bdt (USD 11500). For direct groundwater recharge, a system comprises of one de-siltation tank, two recharge tanks and one siltation tank were designed that requires approximately 532788 bdt (USD 6500). The payback period is approximately 7 years and 4 months for the groundwater recharge system whereas the payback period for rainwater harvesting option is approximately 12 years and 4 months. Based on the cost-benefit analysis, the present study finds the groundwater recharge system to be most suitable for North South University. The present study also demonstrates that if only one institution like North South University can add up a substantial amount of water to the aquifer, bringing other institutions in the network has the potential to create significant cumulative impact on replenishing the declining groundwater level of Dhaka city. As an additional benefit, it also prevents large amount of water being discharged into the storm sewers which results in severe flooding in Dhaka city during monsoon.Keywords: Dhaka, groundwater, harvesting, rainwater, recharge
Procedia PDF Downloads 1252987 International Comparison in Component of Design-Potential
Authors: Kazuko Sakamoto
It is difficult to explain the factor of design preference only in culture or a geographical environment. It is necessary to turn one's eyes also to the factor in an individual. The purpose of this research is to clarify design potential which is inherent in consumers. Design potential is the consciousness and interpretation to an individual design. That is, it catches quantitatively the preparatory state which faces design. For example, a mobile phone differs in designs, such as a color and a form, by the country or the area. It is considered because a regional consumer taste exists. The root is design potential. This consists of design participation, design knowledge, and design sensitivity. Having focused this time is by design sensitivity, and international comparison of the Netherlands, Bangladesh, China, and Japan was performed. As a result, very interesting finding has been derived. For example, although Bangladesh caught the similarity of goods by the color, other three nations were caught in the form. Moreover, although the Netherlands, Bangladesh, and China liked symmetry, only Japan liked asymmetry. This shows that history and a cultural background have had big influence to the design.Keywords: design-potential, cultural difference, form characteristic, product development
Procedia PDF Downloads 3772986 The Emotional Experience of Urban Ruins and the Exploration of Urban Memory
Authors: Yan Jia China
The ruins is a kind of historical intention, which is also the current real existence of developing city. Zen culture of ancient China has a profound esthetic emotion, similarly, the west establish the concept of aesthetics of relic along with the Romanism’s (such as Rousseau etc.) sentiment to historical ruins at the end of 18th century. Nowadays, with the decline of traditional industrial society as well as the rise of post-industrial age, contemporary society must face the ruins and garbage problem which is left by industrial society. Commencing from the perspective of emotion and memory, this paper analyzes the importance for emotional needs as well as their existing status of several projects, such as the Capital Steelworks in Beijing (industrial devastation), the Shibati old section in Chongqing (urban slums) and the Old Hurva Synagogue in Jerusalem (ruins of war). It emphasizes urban design which is started from emotion and the sustainable development of city memory through managing the urban ruins which is criticized by people with the perspective of ecology and art.Keywords: cultural heritage, urban ruins, ecology, emotion, sustainable urban memory
Procedia PDF Downloads 4412985 Landsat 8-TIRS NEΔT at Kīlauea Volcano and the Active East Rift Zone, Hawaii
Authors: Flora Paganelli
The radiometric performance of remotely sensed images is important for volcanic monitoring. The Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS) on-board Landsat 8 was designed with specific requirements in regard to the noise-equivalent change in temperature (NEΔT) at ≤ 0.4 K at 300 K for the two thermal infrared bands B10 and B11. This study investigated the on-orbit NEΔT of the TIRS two bands from a scene-based method using clear-sky images over the volcanic activity of Kīlauea Volcano and the active East Rift Zone (Hawaii), in order to optimize the use of TIRS data. Results showed that the NEΔTs of the two bands exceeded the design specification by an order of magnitude at 300 K. Both separate bands and split window algorithm were examined to estimate the effect of NEΔT on the land surface temperature (LST) retrieval, and NEΔT contribution to the final LST error. These results were also useful in the current efforts to assess the requirements for volcanology research campaign using the Hyperspectral Infrared Imager (HyspIRI) whose airborne prototype MODIS/ASTER instruments is plan to be flown by NASA as a single campaign to the Hawaiian Islands in support of volcanology and coastal area monitoring in 2016.Keywords: landsat 8, radiometric performance, thermal infrared sensor (TIRS), volcanology
Procedia PDF Downloads 2422984 '3D City Model' through Quantum Geographic Information System: A Case Study of Gujarat International Finance Tec-City, Gujarat, India
Authors: Rahul Jain, Pradhir Parmar, Dhruvesh Patel
Planning and drawing are the important aspects of civil engineering. For testing theories about spatial location and interaction between land uses and related activities the computer based solution of urban models are used. The planner’s primary interest is in creation of 3D models of building and to obtain the terrain surface so that he can do urban morphological mappings, virtual reality, disaster management, fly through generation, visualization etc. 3D city models have a variety of applications in urban studies. Gujarat International Finance Tec-City (GIFT) is an ongoing construction site between Ahmedabad and Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India. It will be built on 3590000 m2 having a geographical coordinates of North Latitude 23°9’5’’N to 23°10’55’’ and East Longitude 72°42’2’’E to 72°42’16’’E. Therefore to develop 3D city models of GIFT city, the base map of the city is collected from GIFT office. Differential Geographical Positioning System (DGPS) is used to collect the Ground Control Points (GCP) from the field. The GCP points are used for the registration of base map in QGIS. The registered map is projected in WGS 84/UTM zone 43N grid and digitized with the help of various shapefile tools in QGIS. The approximate height of the buildings that are going to build is collected from the GIFT office and placed on the attribute table of each layer created using shapefile tools. The Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) 1 Arc-Second Global (30 m X 30 m) grid data is used to generate the terrain of GIFT city. The Google Satellite Map is used to place on the background to get the exact location of the GIFT city. Various plugins and tools in QGIS are used to convert the raster layer of the base map of GIFT city into 3D model. The fly through tool is used for capturing and viewing the entire area in 3D of the city. This paper discusses all techniques and their usefulness in 3D city model creation from the GCP, base map, SRTM and QGIS.Keywords: 3D model, DGPS, GIFT City, QGIS, SRTM
Procedia PDF Downloads 2482983 Elder Abuse: An Exploration of China, the United States, and Israel’s Perspectives on Elder Abuse and What Their Differences Reveal about Its Underreported Nature
Authors: Sydney Burnett
The history of the relationship between elder abuse and its tendency to go underreported is rooted in the oppressive nature of ageism and victimization. Approximately 8% of the world's population was aged sixty or over in 1950, whereas, in 2020, the number more than doubled to 16.9%. By 2050, that number is expected to reach 22%. Although difficult for individuals of any age to feel completely supported in society, this task proves especially difficult for the elderly demographic. And as the elderly population continues to grow, the systemic abuse and neglect that this group encounters, and thus its underreported nature, multiply at a similar rate. Although a recent increase in awareness has initiated stronger efforts towards addressing the meager resources, processes, and personnel present to manage elder abuse, both reported and unreported, the destructive complexities of ageism and victimization persist. Examining the byproducts of the rapidly growing elderly demographic in China, the United States, and Israel, in cohesion with the inherent challenges in the context of terminology, definition, and typologies of elder abuse should provide insight into the pernicious influences of elder abuse that contribute to the non-identification and non-recognition of elder maltreatment present in these three countries in different stages of development. This investigation aims to understand the intricacy of elder abuse and its correlation to a lack of acknowledgment as well as its consequences in society by exploring the variation between China, the United States, and Israel's attitudes surrounding the subject. Furthermore, the systemic abuse and neglect embedded in global ageism can be revealed by the differences between the three countries' approaches to reporting elder abuse.Keywords: elder abuse, ageism, mistreatment, underreported
Procedia PDF Downloads 912982 Quality and Qualitative Education for All, Panacea for Insecurity and Political Unrest in Nigeria
Authors: Babatunde Joel Todowede
It is a public knowledge that lack of quality and qualitative education breeds problems besetting Nigeria as a nation today. This paper entitled “Quality and Qualitative Education for all, panacea for insecurity and political unrest in Nigeria” seeks to explore how quality and qualitative education for all will tends to put an end to insecurity and political unrest in Nigeria as a Nation. It may be pertinent to note at this juncture that the development of any modern society or nation is primarily hinged on the functionality of its educational system. There is no developed nation in the world today, which does not owe its advancement to quality and qualitative education. In other words, Education is a vital instrument in the nation’s economic competitiveness, in its people, and in its communities. Hence, Education is not luxury to be cut in difficult economic times – it is an essential element of growth. In fact, education is the bedrock of any society that hopes to be numbered among the developed economies in the world. Nigeria, as a nation, has made continual efforts to assume its rightful place in education on the African continent, but has not been quite lucky. Interestingly however, Quality and Qualitative Education for all will come about if all stakeholders in the Education Sector perform their roles with skill and efficiency. Education is a very sensitive area, hence, needs to be passionate about education, and focused on building a future for the sector.” Quality and qualitative education instill significant core values in every student, which shape them into mature, caring and independent individuals. These values include commitment, collaboration, integrity, responsibility and respect. By imbibing these values in every aspect of their life, they are able to contribute their skills and talents while supporting each other in attaining their lifelong goals. This paper identified lack of proper education as the bane of insecurity and political unrest in the Country and urged the government to review the policy in a way that there will be quality and standard to check insurgency in the Country. More so, until the fallen standard of education in Nigeria is fixed to engage out of school children, the incessant attack on innocent Nigerians, particularly in the North East may get worse.Keywords: quality and qualitative education, panacea, insecurity, political unrest
Procedia PDF Downloads 4652981 Fluoride Contamination and Effects on Crops in North 24 Parganas, West Bengal, India
Authors: Rajkumar Ghosh
Fluoride contamination in water and its subsequent impact on agricultural practices is a growing concern in various regions worldwide, including North 24 Parganas, West Bengal, India. This study aimed to investigate the extent of fluoride contamination in the region's water sources and evaluate its effects on crop production and quality. A comprehensive survey of water sources, including wells, ponds, and rivers, was conducted to assess the fluoride levels in North 24 Parganas. Water samples were collected and analyzed using standard methods, and the fluoride concentration was determined. The findings revealed significant fluoride contamination in the water sources, surpassing the permissible limits recommended by national and international standards. To assess the effects of fluoride contamination on crops, field experiments were carried out in selected agricultural areas. Various crops commonly cultivated in the region, such as paddy, wheat, vegetables, and fruits, were examined for their growth, yield, and nutritional quality parameters. Additionally, soil samples were collected from the study sites to analyse the fluoride levels and their potential impact on soil health. The results demonstrated the adverse effects of fluoride contamination on crop growth and yield. Reduced plant height, stunted root development, decreased biomass accumulation, and diminished crop productivity were observed in fluoride-affected areas compared to uncontaminated control sites. Furthermore, the nutritional composition of crops, including micronutrients and mineral content, was significantly altered under high fluoride exposure, leading to potential health risks for consumers. The study also assessed the impact of fluoride on soil quality and found a negative correlation between fluoride concentration and soil health indicators, such as pH, organic matter content, and nutrient availability. These findings emphasize the need for sustainable soil management practices to mitigate the harmful effects of fluoride contamination and maintain agricultural productivity. Overall, this study highlights the alarming issue of fluoride contamination in water sources and its detrimental effects on crop production and quality in North 24 Parganas, West Bengal, India. The findings underscore the urgency for implementing appropriate water treatment measures, promoting awareness among farmers and local communities, and adopting sustainable agricultural practices to mitigate fluoride contamination and safeguard the region's agricultural ecosystem.Keywords: agricultural ecosystem, water treatment, sustainable agricultural, fluoride contamination
Procedia PDF Downloads 812980 Research on Characteristics and Inventory Planning Counter-Measure of Mature Industrial Zones in the Background of China's New Normal
Authors: Dong Chen, Han Song, Tingting Wei
Industrial zones have made significant contributions to the economic development of Chinese urban areas for decades. In the background of China's New Normal, numbers of mature industrial zones are stepping into a new stage of inventory development instead of increment development. The aim of this study is to discover new characteristics and problems and corresponding inventory planning guidance of mature industrial zones. A case of Yangzhou Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone is reported in this study. Based on a historical analysis and data analysis of land-use, it is found that land-use of the zone is near saturation and signs of land updating have begun to appear. It is observed that the zone is facing problems including disorder of land development, low economic productivity and single function. Through the data of economic output, tax contribution, industrial category, industry life cycle and environmental influence, a comprehensive assessment based on two dimensions, economic benefits and industrial matchup, is made upon every parcel in the zone. According to the assessment, the zone is divided into spatial units of the update with specific planning guidance. It comes to a conclusion as four directions of inventory planning guidance in mature industrial zones: moving industries with poor economic benefit and negative environmental influence, adding urban function and new industrial function to the zone, optimizing the function of important space, and restricting the mass layout of the real estate industry to provide space for industrial upgrading.Keywords: China's new normal, mature industrial zones, land-use, inventory planning
Procedia PDF Downloads 4532979 Research on Strategies of Building a Child Friendly City in Wuhan
Authors: Tianyue Wan
Building a child-friendly city (CFC) contributes to improving the quality of urbanization. It also forms a local system committed to fulfilling children's rights and development. Yet, the work related to CFC is still at the initial stage in China. Therefore, taking Wuhan, the most populous city in central China, as the pilot city would offer some reference for other cities. Based on the analysis of theories and practice examples, this study puts forward the challenges of building a child-friendly city under the particularity of China's national conditions. To handle these challenges, this study uses four methods to collect status data: literature research, site observation, research inquiry, and semantic differential (SD). And it adopts three data analysis methods: case analysis, geographic information system (GIS) analysis, and analytic hierarchy process (AHP) method. Through data analysis, this study identifies the evaluation system and appraises the current situation of Wuhan. According to the status of Wuhan's child-friendly city, this study proposes three strategies: 1) construct the evaluation system; 2) establish a child-friendly space system integrating 'point-line-surface'; 3) build a digitalized service platform. At the same time, this study suggests building a long-term mechanism for children's participation and multi-subject supervision from laws, medical treatment, education, safety protection, social welfare, and other aspects. Finally, some conclusions of strategies about CFC are tried to be drawn to promote the highest quality of life for all citizens in Wuhan.Keywords: action plan, child friendly city, construction strategy, urban space
Procedia PDF Downloads 932978 An Innovative Poly System Theory for the Go-Out of Chinese Culture
Authors: Jianhua Wang, Ying Zhou, Han Guo
Translation underwent culture turn for more than half a century, which brought translation and its studies beyond intra-texts. Different cultures in recent years have developed towards a translation turn, which made a great contribution to relocate national or local cultures being localized to become regional or global cultures. As China grows quickly economically integrating into the world, it becomes urgent to relate China’s story and disseminate the Chinese culture. Due to the weaknesses and drawbacks of different existing cultural translation theories for Chinese culture to go out, a new perspective on translation turn for the go-out of Chinese culture should be drawn to spread better and disseminate Chinese culture to other countries. Based on the existing cultural translation theories, the equivalence of ideology, style of the translator and agency of the support are proposed to draw a new perspective: an innovative poly-system theory for Chinese culture translation.Keywords: cultural translation theory, Chinese culture, innovative poly system, global cultures
Procedia PDF Downloads 4532977 Comparative Effects of Homoplastic and Synthetic Pituitary Extracts on Induced Breeding of Heterobranchus longifilis (Valenciennes, 1840) in Indoor Hatchery Tanks in Owerri South East Nigeria
Authors: I. R. Keke, C. S. Nwigwe, O. S. Nwanjo, A. S. Egeruoh
An experiment was carried out at Urban Farm and Fisheries Nigeria Ltd, Owerri Imo State South East Nigeria between February and June 2014 to induce Brood stock of Heterobranchus longifilis (mean wt 1.3kg) in concrete tanks (1.0 x 2.0 x 1.5m) in dimension using a synthetic hormone (Ovaprim) and pituitary extract from Heterobranchus longifilis. Brood stock males were selected as pituitary donors and their weights matched those of females to be injected at 1ml/kg body weight of Fish. Ovaprim, was injected at 0.5ml/kg body weight of female fish. A latency period of 12 hours was allowed after injection of the Brood stock females before stripping the egg and incubation at 23 °C. While incubating the eggs, samples were drawn and the rate of fertilization was determined. Hatching occurred within 33 hours and hatchability rate (%) was determined by counting the active hatchings. The result showed that Ovaprim injected Brood stock eggs fertilized up to 80% while the pituitary from the Heterobranchus longifilis had low fertilization and hatching success 20%. Ovaprim is imported and costly, so more effort is required to enhance the procedures for homoplastic hypophysation.Keywords: heterobranchus longifilis, ovaprim, hypophysation, latency period, pituitary
Procedia PDF Downloads 2162976 Encouraging Collaboration and Innovation: The New Engineering Oriented Educational Reform in Urban Planning, Tianjin University, China
Authors: Tianjie Zhang, Bingqian Cheng, Peng Zeng
Engineering science and technology progress and innovation have become an important engine to promote social development. The reform exploration of "new engineering" in China has drawn extensive attention around the world, with its connotation as "to cultivate future diversified, innovative and outstanding engineering talents by taking ‘fostering character and civic virtue’ as the guide, responding to changes and shaping the future as the construction concept, and inheritance and innovation, crossover and fusion, coordination and sharing as the principal approach". In this context, Tianjin University, as a traditional Chinese university with advantages in engineering, further launched the CCII (Coherent-Collaborative-Interdisciplinary-Innovation) program, raising the cultivation idea of integrating new liberal arts education, multidisciplinary engineering education and personalized professional education. As urban planning practice in China has undergone the evolution of "physical planning -- comprehensive strategic planning -- resource management-oriented planning", planning education has also experienced the transmutation process of "building foundation -- urban scientific foundation -- multi-disciplinary integration". As a characteristic and advantageous discipline of Tianjin University, the major of Urban and Rural Planning, in accordance with the "CCII Program of Tianjin University", aims to build China's top and world-class major, and implements the following educational reform measures: 1. Adding corresponding English courses, such as advanced course on GIS Analysis, courses on comparative studies in international planning involving ecological resources and the sociology of the humanities, etc. 2. Holding "Academician Forum", inviting international academicians to give lectures or seminars to track international frontier scientific research issues. 3. Organizing "International Joint Workshop" to provide students with international exchange and design practice platform. 4. Setting up a business practice base, so that students can find problems from practice and solve them in an innovative way. Through these measures, the Urban and Rural Planning major of Tianjin University has formed a talent training system with multi-disciplinary cross integration and orienting to the future science and technology.Keywords: China, higher education reform, innovation, new engineering education, rural and urban planning, Tianjin University
Procedia PDF Downloads 1212975 The Effect of the Dramas on the Egyptian Public Opinion Regarding the State of Israel: A Survey Study on the Egyptian Youth at Cairo University
Authors: Dana Hisham Mohamed Abdrabo
The paper examines the effect of Drama works on the Egyptian public opinion regarding the religion of Judaism, Israel as a state and the Jew's image to Egyptian Muslims. The paper examines the role of Media and in particular, Dramas on achieving interreligious dialogue between Judaism and Islam and its role in making peace between the Egyptian Muslims -and Arabs in general- on the one hand, and the Jew on the other hand, and the implications of this on the relationship between Arab countries and Israel as a state. The research uses the Survey method with Egyptian Muslims as a main sample for the research to examine such effect. Dramas have a role in presenting the Jew, Judaism, and Israel as a state and as a political system in various ways. The paper is related to multidisciplinary fields; it is related to political sciences, political sociology, communication, social change, and cognitive sociology fields. The research adds a new analytical study for a new tool for the peacemaking process in the Middle East region through adopting an interdisciplinary approach which is needed in the studies aim to achieve stability and peace in the Middle East region and its neighboring countries.Keywords: dramas tool, Egyptian public opinion, interreligious dialogue, Israel & Egyptian relations , Judaism
Procedia PDF Downloads 2112974 Phytoplankton Community and Saprobic Pollution Index of Warm Water Fishes Ponds at East of Golestan Province: Case Study: Gonbade Kavous City
Authors: Mehrdad Kamali-Sanzighi, Maziar Kamali-Sanzighi
The aim of this investigation is to study the phytoplankton and saprobic index at warm water fish ponds in the East of Golestan province, Gonbade Kavous city. Phytoplankton and ciliate sampling were done monthly during one season of culture. Finally, 39 genera from 7 classes of phytoplankton and 4 genera from the ciliate group were identified. Although, among different classes, Chlorophyceae, Cyanophyceae, Bacillariophyceae, Charophyceae, Chrysophyceae, Dinophyceae, and Euglenophyceae had the highest and lowest frequency percent of phytoplankton community with 23, 21, 20, 14, 11, 6 and 5 percent respectively. The results show that there are no significant differences between the saprobic index of different ponds (P > 0.05). But there are significant differences between the saprobic index value of different months and seasons during season culture (P < 0.05). Also, in current research, the saprobic index indicated the ß-mesosaprob water quality level. There was a general tends of decrease in the saprobic index value from the beginning to the end of the culture season. Parameters such as biomass increase of grower fishes, an increase of introduced chemical fertilizer and manure sedimentation, uneaten fish feed, fish fecal, and no regular exchangeable water resources are some of these changes' reasons.Keywords: fish pond, Golestan Province, saprobi index, phytoplankton, water quality
Procedia PDF Downloads 1412973 Demographic Dividend Explained by Infrastructure Costs of Population Growth Rate, Distinct from Age Dependency
Authors: Jane N. O'Sullivan
Although it is widely believed that fertility decline has benefitted economic advancement, particularly in East and South-East Asian countries, the causal mechanisms for this stimulus are contested. Since the turn of this century, demographic dividend theory has been increasingly recognised, hypothesising that higher proportions of working-age people can contribute to economic expansion if conditions are met to employ them productively. Population growth rate, as a systemic condition distinct from age composition, has not been similar attention since the 1970s and has lacked methodology for quantitative assessment. This paper explores conceptual and empirical quantification of the burden of expanding physical capital to accommodate a growing population. In proof-of-concept analyses of Australia and the United Kingdom, actual expenditure on gross fixed capital formation was compiled over four decades and apportioned to maintenance/turnover or expansion to accommodate population growth, based on lifespan of capital assets and population growth rate. In both countries, capital expansion was estimated to cost 6.5-7.0% of GDP per 1% population growth rate. This opportunity cost impedes the improvement of per capita capacity needed to realise the potential of the working-age population. Economic modelling of demographic scenarios have to date omitted this channel of influence; the implications of its inclusion are discussed.Keywords: age dependency, demographic dividend, infrastructure, population growth rate
Procedia PDF Downloads 1452972 In Search of Commonalities in the Determinants of Child Sex Ratios in India and People's of Republic of China
Authors: Suddhasil Siddhanta, Debasish Nandy
Child sex ratios pattern in the Asian Population is highly masculine mainly due to birth masculinity and gender bias in child mortality. The vast and the growing literature of female deficit in world population points out the diffusion of child sex ratio pattern in many Asian as well as neighboring European countries. However, little attention has been given to understand the common factors in different demographics in explaining child sex ratio pattern. Such a scholarship is extremely important as level of gender inequity is different in different country set up. Our paper tries to explain the major structural commonalities in the child masculinity pattern in two demographic billionaires - India and China. The analysis reveals that apart from geographical diffusion of sex selection technology, patrilocal social structure, as proxied by households with more than one generation in China and proportion of population aged 65 years and above in India, can explain significant variation of missing girl child in these two countries. Even after controlling for individual capacity building factors like educational attainment, or work force participation, the measure of social stratification is coming out to be the major determinant of child sex ratio variation. Other socio economic factors that perform much well are the agency building factors of the females, like changing pattern of marriage customs which is proxied by divorce and remarriage ratio for china and percentage of female marrying at or after the age of 20 years in India and the female workforce participation. Proportion of minorities in socio-religious composition of the population and gender bias in scholastic attainment in both these counties are also found to be significant in modeling child sex ratio variations. All these significant common factors associated with child sex ratio point toward the one single most important factor: the historical evolution of patriarchy and its contemporary perpetuation in both the countries. It seems that prohibition of sex selection might not be sufficient to combat the peculiar skewness of excessive maleness in child population in both these countries. Demand sided policies is therefore utmost important to root out the gender bias in child sex ratios.Keywords: child sex ratios, gender bias, structural factors, prosperity, patrilocality
Procedia PDF Downloads 1572971 Channel Dynamics along the Northern Bank of the Upper Brahmaputra River and Formation of a Larger Island with the Loss of the Majuli Island
Authors: Luna Moni Das
This paper is an attempt to study the channel dynamics in the area bounded by the foothills of the eastern Himalayas in the north, the Brahmaputra in the south and southeast and eastern side and the Subansiri River in the west. There are many streams in this region and only a few are perennial. There are two major anabranches of the Brahmaputra called Kharkutia Xuti and Charikoria. All of these makes it a very dynamic area. The analysis done in this paper is based on the remote sensing data and mapping of the channel planforms in GIS environment. The temporal trend of the change in channel planform has been produced. This study shows that, during the period from 1973 to 2013, the streams/rivers originating in the north have experienced a reduction in the total length. The other most important result is that even though the western edge of Majuli Island is eroding faster there is a formation of a larger island in between Charikoria and Brahmaputra, that comprises of Majuli island and parts of Dhakuakhana subdivision of Lakhimpur District along the south of Charikoria river. The field study shows that the Kharkutia Xuti, that divides Majuli from Dhakuakhana, do not experience any flow from the Brahmaputra for the major portion of the year and Charikoria has developed as a major anabranch of the Brahmaputra.Keywords: channel dynamics, Brahmaputra river, Majuli Island, sinuosity
Procedia PDF Downloads 1242970 Interannual Variations in Snowfall and Continuous Snow Cover Duration in Pelso, Central Finland, Linked to Teleconnection Patterns, 1944-2010
Authors: M. Irannezhad, E. H. N. Gashti, S. Mohammadighavam, M. Zarrini, B. Kløve
Climate warming would increase rainfall by shifting precipitation falling form from snow to rain, and would accelerate snow cover disappearing by increasing snowpack. Using temperature and precipitation data in the temperature-index snowmelt model, we evaluated variability of snowfall and continuous snow cover duration(CSCD) during 1944-2010 over Pelso, central Finland. MannKendall non-parametric test determined that annual precipitation increased by 2.69 (mm/year, p<0.05) during the study period, but no clear trend in annual temperature. Both annual rainfall and snowfall increased by 1.67 and 0.78 (mm/year, p<0.05), respectively. CSCD was generally about 205 days from 14 October to 6 May. No clear trend was found in CSCD over Pelso. Spearman’s rank correlation showed most significant relationships of annual snowfall with the East Atlantic (EA) pattern, and CSCD with the East Atlantic/West Russia (EA/WR) pattern. Increased precipitation with no warming temperature caused the rainfall and snowfall to increase, while no effects on CSCD.Keywords: variations, snowfall, snow cover duration, temperature-index snowmelt model, teleconnection patterns
Procedia PDF Downloads 2242969 Research on the Evolutionary Character of Capital in Rural Areas and Counter-Measure of Planning
Authors: Han Song, Tingting Wei, Dong Chen
The combination of capital and rural areas in China has shown its great significance in promoting urban-rural integration and new-style urbanization, enhancing regional capacity for sustainable rural development and optimizing human settlement environment. The purpose of this study is to find capital operation mechanism in rural area and rural planning guidance in China. Based on case studies in Chinese rural areas, two types of capital operation mechanism in rural areas are summed up: intervention in the field of agriculture promoting the upgrading and innovation of agricultural industry chain, intervention in rural life and leisure areas updating rural connotation and form. In the light of experiences in Japan and Taiwan, it is proposed that government's norms and guidance, rural investment intensity and rural self-organization are three important factors for capital to drive rural development. It is also found that the unique land tenure and rural governance tradition are two important factors effecting the combination of capital and rural regions in China, which requires full attention in rational policy-making and rural planning. It comes to a conclusion as four directions of the overall reform of the rural planning: targeting at enhancing the viability of rural and sustainable capacity, encouraging differences in investment incentives and planning policies, providing land usage in the rural areas with planning support and reforming the village system. Directional guidance is also made for different types of capital investments, suggesting that capital should be rooted in agriculture and rural land to benefit farmers and update human settlements.Keywords: capital, rural areas, rural planning, rural governance
Procedia PDF Downloads 4462968 Impact of a Structured Antimicrobial Stewardship Program in a North-East Italian Hospital
Authors: Antonio Marco Miotti, Antonella Ruffatto, Giampaola Basso, Antonio Madia, Giulia Zavatta, Emanuela Salvatico, Emanuela Zilli
A National Action Plan to fight antimicrobial resistance was launched in Italy in 2017. In order to reduce inappropriate exposure to antibiotics and infections from multi-drug resistant bacteria, it is essential to set up a structured system of surveillance and monitoring of the implementation of National Action Plan standards, including antimicrobial consumption, with a special focus on quinolones, third generation cephalosporins and carbapenems. A quantitative estimate of antibiotic consumption (defined daily dose - DDD - consumption per 100 days of hospitalization) has been provided by the Pharmaceutical Service to the Hospital of Cittadella, ULSS 6 Euganea – Health Trust (District of Padua) for the years 2019 (before the pandemic), 2020 and 2021 for all classes of antibiotics. Multidisciplinary meetings have been organized monthly by the local Antimicrobial Stewardship Group. Between 2019 and 2021, an increase in the consumption of carbapenems in the Intensive Care Unit (from 12.2 to 18.2 DDD, + 49.2%) and a decrease in Medical wards (from 5.3 to 2.6 DDD, - 50.9%) was reported; a decrease in the consumption of quinolones in Intensive Care Unit (from 17.2 to 10.8 DDD, - 37.2%), Medical wards (from 10.5 to 6.6 DDD, - 37.1%) and Surgical wards (from 10.2 to 9.3 DDD, - 8.8%) was highlighted; an increase in the consumption of third generation cephalosporins in Medical wards (from 18.1 to 22.6 DDD, + 24,1%) was reported. Finally, after an increase in the consumption of macrolides between 2020 and 2019, in 2021, a decrease was reported in the Intensive Care Unit (DDD: 8.0 in 2019, 18.0 in 2020, 6.4 in 2021) and Medical wards (DDD: 9.0 in 2019, 13.7 in 2020, 10.9 in 2021). Constant monitoring of antimicrobial consumption and timely identifying of warning situations that may need a specific intervention are the cornerstone of Antimicrobial Stewardship programs, together with analysing data on bacterial resistance rates and infections from multi-drug resistant bacteria.Keywords: carbapenems, quinolones, antimicrobial, stewardship
Procedia PDF Downloads 1602967 Prevalence of Rabbit Coccidia in Medea Province, Algeria
Authors: Mohamed Sadek Bachene, Soraya Temim, Hassina Ainbaziz, Asma Bachene
Coccidiosis has an economic impact for poultry and livestock. The current study examined the prevalence ofEimeria infections in domestic rabbits in Medea province, North of Algeria. A total of 414 faecal samples were collected from 50 farms in six regions of the province. Each faecal sample was subjected to oocyst counting andisolation. The Eimeria species from samples containing isolated and sporulatedoocysts were morphologically identified microscopically. The overall prevalence of coccidial infections was 47.6% (197/414). Weaners had the highest prevalence (77%, 77/100, p<0.0001), followed by growing rabbits (46.8%, 30/64), and the adult rabbits showed the lowest prevalence (36 %, 18/50). In breeding rabbits, females were more infected with a prevalence of40% (p<0.0001). Eleven rabbit Eimeria’s species were present and identified from oocyst positive samples. Eimeriamagna and Eimeria media were the most prevalent species (47.6% and 47.3%). Sulfonamides showed a better protection against rabbit coccidiosis than colistin and trimethoprim association (p< 0.0001, the prevalence of 23.3% vs.65.3%, respectively). These results indicated that the prevalence of coccidiosis is high among the rabbit population inMedea province, North of Algeria. As a conclusion, it seems that the epidemiological situation of rabbit coccidiosisin Medea province must be taken into consideration in order to minimize the economic losses caused by this parasitosis.Keywords: eimeria, oryctolagus cuniculus, rabbit, sulfonamides
Procedia PDF Downloads 1082966 Research on Online Consumption of College Students in China with Stimulate-Organism-Reaction Driven Model
Authors: Wei Lu
With the development of information technology in China, network consumption is becoming more and more popular. As a special group, college students have a high degree of education and distinct opinions and personalities. In the future, the key groups of network consumption have gradually become the focus groups of network consumption. Studying college students’ online consumption behavior has important theoretical significance and practical value. Based on the Stimulus-Organism-Response (SOR) driving model and the structural equation model, this paper establishes the influencing factors model of College students’ online consumption behavior, evaluates and amends the model by using SPSS and AMOS software, analyses and determines the positive factors of marketing college students’ consumption, and provides an effective basis for guiding and promoting college student consumption.Keywords: college students, online consumption, stimulate-organism-reaction driving model, structural equation model
Procedia PDF Downloads 1532965 The Examination of Withdrawn Behavior in Chinese Adolescents
Authors: Zhidong Zhang, Zhi-Chao Zhang, Georgiana Duarte
This study examined withdrawn syndromes of Chinese school children in northeast China in Northeast China. Specifically, the study examined withdrawn behaviors and the relationship to anxious syndromes and education environments. The purpose is to examine how the elements of educational environments and the early adolescents’ behaviors as independent variables influence and possibly predict the school children’s withdrawn problems. Achenbach System of Empirically Based Assessment (ASEBA), was the instrument, used in collection of data. A stratified sampling method was utilized to collect data from 2532 participants in seven schools. The results indicated that several background variables influenced withdrawn problem. Specifically, age, grade, sports activities and hobbies had a relationship with the anxious/depressed variable. Further withdrawn syndromes and anxious problem indicate a significant correlation.Keywords: anxious/depressed problem, ASEBA, CBCL, withdrawn syndromes
Procedia PDF Downloads 2982964 Media Impression and Its Impact on Foreign Policy Making: A Study of India-China Relations
Authors: Rosni Lakandri
With the development of science and technology, there has been a complete transformation in the domain of information technology. Particularly after the Second World War and Cold War period, the role of media and communication technology in shaping the political, economic, socio-cultural proceedings across the world has been tremendous. It performs as a channel between the governing bodies of the state and the general masses. As we have seen the international community constantly talking about the onset of Asian Century, India and China happens to be the major player in this. Both have the civilization history, both are neighboring countries, both are witnessing a huge economic growth and, important of all, both are considered the rising powers of Asia. Not negating the fact that both countries have gone to war with each other in 1962 and the common people and even the policy makers of both the sides view each other till now from this prism. A huge contribution to this perception of people goes to the media coverage of both sides, even if there are spaces of cooperation which they share, the negative impacts of media has tended to influence the people’s opinion and government’s perception about each other. Therefore, analysis of media’s impression in both the countries becomes important in order to know their effect on the larger implications of foreign policy towards each other. It is usually said that media not only acts as the information provider but also acts as ombudsman to the government. They provide a kind of check and balance to the governments in taking proper decisions for the people of the country but in attempting to answer this hypothesis we have to analyze does the media really helps in shaping the political landscape of any country? Therefore, this study rests on the following questions; 1.How do China and India depict each other through their respective News media? 2.How much and what influences they make on the policy making process of each country? How do they shape the public opinion in both the countries? In order to address these enquiries, the study employs both primary and secondary sources available, and in generating data and other statistical information, primary sources like reports, government documents, and cartography, agreements between the governments have been used. Secondary sources like books, articles and other writings collected from various sources and opinion from visual media sources like news clippings, videos in this topic are also included as a source of on ground information as this study is not based on field study. As the findings suggest in case of China and India, media has certainly affected people’s knowledge about the political and diplomatic issues at the same time has affected the foreign policy making of both the countries. They have considerable impact on the foreign policy formulation and we can say there is some mediatization happening in foreign policy issues in both the countries.Keywords: China, foreign policy, India, media, public opinion
Procedia PDF Downloads 1532963 Language Teachers as Materials Developers in China: A Multimethod Approach
Authors: Jiao Li
Language teachers have been expected to play diversified new roles in times of educational changes. Considering the critical role that materials play in teaching and learning, language teachers have been increasingly involved in developing materials. Using identity as an analytic lens, this study aims to explore language teachers’ experiences as materials developers in China, focusing on the challenges they face and responses to them. It will adopt a multimethod approach. At the first stage, about 12 language teachers who have developed or are developing materials will be interviewed to have a broad view of their experiences. At the second stage, three language teachers who are developing materials will be studied by collecting interview data, policy documents, and data obtained from online observation of their group meetings so as to gain a deeper understanding of their experiences in materials development. It is expected that this study would have implications for teacher development, materials development, and curriculum development as well.Keywords: educational changes, teacher development, teacher identity, teacher learning, materials development
Procedia PDF Downloads 1302962 Analysis of Cycling Accessibility on Chengdu Tianfu Greenway Based on Improved Two-Step Floating Catchment Area Method: A Case Study of Jincheng Greenway
Authors: Qin Zhu
Under the background of accelerating the construction of Beautiful and Livable Park City in Chengdu, the Tianfu greenway system, as an important support system for the construction of parks in the whole region, its accessibility is one of the key indicators to measure the effectiveness of the greenway construction. In recent years, cycling has become an important transportation mode for residents to go to the greenways because of its low-carbon, healthy and convenient characteristics, and the study of greenway accessibility under cycling mode can provide reference suggestions for the optimization and improvement of greenways. Taking Jincheng Greenway in Chengdu City as an example, the Baidu Map Application Programming Interface (API) and questionnaire survey was used to improve the two-step floating catchment area (2SFCA) method from the three dimensions of search threshold, supply side and demand side, to calculate the cycling accessibility of the greenway and to explore the spatial matching relationship with the population density, the number of entrances and the comprehensive attractiveness. The results show that: 1) the distribution of greenway accessibility in Jincheng shows a pattern of "high in the south and low in the north, high in the west and low in the east", 2) the spatial match between greenway accessibility and population density of the residential area is imbalanced, and there is a significant positive correlation between accessibility and the number of selectable greenway access points in residential areas, as well as the overall attractiveness of greenways, with a high degree of match. On this basis, it is proposed to give priority to the mismatch area to alleviate the contradiction between supply and demand, optimize the greenway access points to improve the traffic connection, enhance the comprehensive quality of the greenway and strengthen the service capacity, to further improve the cycling accessibility of the Jincheng Greenway and improve the spatial allocation of greenway resources.Keywords: accessibility, Baidu maps API, cycling, greenway, 2SFCA
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