Search results for: Mohammed Ibrahim Girei
698 MGAUM—Towards a Mobile Government Adoption and Utilization Model: The Case of Saudi Arabia
Authors: Mohammed Alonazi, Natalia Beloff, Martin White
This paper presents a proposal for a mobile government adoption and utilization model (MGAUM), which is a framework designed to increase the adoption rate of m-government services in Saudi Arabia. Recent advances in mobile technologies such are Mobile compatibilities, The development of wireless communication, mobile applications and devices are enabling governments to deliver services in new ways to citizens more efficiently and economically. In the last decade, many governments around the globe are utilizing these advances effectively to develop their next generation of e-government services. However, a low adoption rate of m-government services by citizens is a common problem in Arabian countries, including Saudi Arabia. Yet, to our knowledge, very little research has been conducted focused on understanding the factors that influence citizen adoption of these m-government services in this part of the world. A set of social, cultural and technological factors have been identified in the literature, which has led to the formulation of associated research questions and hypotheses. These hypotheses will be tested on Saudi citizens using questionnaires and interview methods based around the technology acceptance model. A key objective of the MGAUM framework is to investigate and understand Saudi citizens perception towards adoption and utilization of m-government services.Keywords: e-government, m-government, citizen services quality, technology acceptance model, Saudi Arabia, adoption framework.
Procedia PDF Downloads 311697 Improvement of Soft Clay Using Floating Cement Dust-Lime Columns
Authors: Adel Belal, Sameh Aboelsoud, Mohy Elmashad, Mohammed Abdelmonem
The two main criteria that control the design and performance of footings are bearing capacity and settlement of soil. In soft soils, the construction of buildings, storage tanks, warehouse, etc. on weak soils usually involves excessive settlement problems. To solve bearing capacity or reduce settlement problems, soil improvement may be considered by using different techniques, including encased cement dust–lime columns. The proposed research studies the effect of adding floating encased cement dust and lime mix columns to soft clay on the clay-bearing capacity. Four experimental tests were carried out. Columns diameters of 3.0 cm, 4.0 cm, and 5.0 cm and columns length of 60% of the clay layer thickness were used. Numerical model was constructed and verified using commercial finite element package (PLAXIS 2D, V8.5). The verified model was used to study the effect of distributing columns around the footing at different distances. The study showed that the floating cement dust lime columns enhanced the clay-bearing capacity with 262%. The numerical model showed that the columns around the footing have a limit effect on the clay improvement.Keywords: bearing capacity, cement dust – lime columns, ground improvement, soft clay
Procedia PDF Downloads 205696 Adaptive Swarm Balancing Algorithms for Rare-Event Prediction in Imbalanced Healthcare Data
Authors: Jinyan Li, Simon Fong, Raymond Wong, Mohammed Sabah, Fiaidhi Jinan
Clinical data analysis and forecasting have make great contributions to disease control, prevention and detection. However, such data usually suffer from highly unbalanced samples in class distributions. In this paper, we target at the binary imbalanced dataset, where the positive samples take up only the minority. We investigate two different meta-heuristic algorithms, particle swarm optimization and bat-inspired algorithm, and combine both of them with the synthetic minority over-sampling technique (SMOTE) for processing the datasets. One approach is to process the full dataset as a whole. The other is to split up the dataset and adaptively process it one segment at a time. The experimental results reveal that while the performance improvements obtained by the former methods are not scalable to larger data scales, the later one, which we call Adaptive Swarm Balancing Algorithms, leads to significant efficiency and effectiveness improvements on large datasets. We also find it more consistent with the practice of the typical large imbalanced medical datasets. We further use the meta-heuristic algorithms to optimize two key parameters of SMOTE. Leading to more credible performances of the classifier, and shortening the running time compared with the brute-force method.Keywords: Imbalanced dataset, meta-heuristic algorithm, SMOTE, big data
Procedia PDF Downloads 443695 A Comprehensive Review of Foam Assisted Water Alternating Gas (FAWAG) Technique: Foam Applications and Mechanisms
Authors: A. Shabib-Asl, M. Abdalla Ayoub Mohammed, A. F. Alta’ee, I. Bin Mohd Saaid, P. Paulo Jose Valentim
In the last few decades, much focus has been placed on enhancing oil recovery from existing fields. This is accomplished by the study and application of various methods. As for recent cases, the study of fluid mobility control and sweep efficiency in gas injection process as well as water alternating gas (WAG) method have demonstrated positive results on oil recovery and thus gained wide interest in petroleum industry. WAG injection application results in an increased oil recovery. Its mechanism consists in reduction of gas oil ratio (GOR). However, there are some problems associated with this which includes poor volumetric sweep efficiency due to its low density and high mobility when compared with oil. This has led to the introduction of foam assisted water alternating gas (FAWAG) technique, which in contrast with WAG injection, acts in improving the sweep efficiency and reducing the gas oil ration therefore maximizing the production rate from the producer wells. This paper presents a comprehensive review of FAWAG process from perspective of Snorre field experience. In addition, some comparative results between FAWAG and the other EOR methods are presented including their setbacks. The main aim is to provide a solid background for future laboratory research and successful field application-extend.Keywords: GOR, mobility ratio, sweep efficiency, WAG
Procedia PDF Downloads 455694 A Study of Population Growth Models and Future Population of India
Authors: Sheena K. J., Jyoti Badge, Sayed Mohammed Zeeshan
A Comparative Study of Exponential and Logistic Population Growth Models in India India is the second most populous city in the world, just behind China, and is going to be in the first place by next year. The Indian population has remarkably at higher rate than the other countries from the past 20 years. There were many scientists and demographers who has formulated various models of population growth in order to study and predict the future population. Some of the models are Fibonacci population growth model, Exponential growth model, Logistic growth model, Lotka-Volterra model, etc. These models have been effective in the past to an extent in predicting the population. However, it is essential to have a detailed comparative study between the population models to come out with a more accurate one. Having said that, this research study helps to analyze and compare the two population models under consideration - exponential and logistic growth models, thereby identifying the most effective one. Using the census data of 2011, the approximate population for 2016 to 2031 are calculated for 20 Indian states using both the models, compared and recorded the data with the actual population. On comparing the results of both models, it is found that logistic population model is more accurate than the exponential model, and using this model, we can predict the future population in a more effective way. This will give an insight to the researchers about the effective models of population and how effective these population models are in predicting the future population.Keywords: population growth, population models, exponential model, logistic model, fibonacci model, lotka-volterra model, future population prediction, demographers
Procedia PDF Downloads 124693 Development of a Complete Single Jet Common Rail Injection System Gas Dynamic Model for Hydrogen Fueled Engine with Port Injection Feeding System
Authors: Mohammed Kamil, M. M. Rahman, Rosli A. Bakar
Modeling of hydrogen fueled engine (H2ICE) injection system is a very important tool that can be used for explaining or predicting the effect of advanced injection strategies on combustion and emissions. In this paper, a common rail injection system (CRIS) is proposed for 4-strokes 4-cylinders hydrogen fueled engine with port injection feeding system (PIH2ICE). For this system, a numerical one-dimensional gas dynamic model is developed considering single injection event for each injector per a cycle. One-dimensional flow equations in conservation form are used to simulate wave propagation phenomenon throughout the CR (accumulator). Using this model, the effect of common rail on the injection system characteristics is clarified. These characteristics include: rail pressure, sound velocity, rail mass flow rate, injected mass flow rate and pressure drop across injectors. The interaction effects of operational conditions (engine speed and rail pressure) and geometrical features (injector hole diameter) are illustrated; and the required compromised solutions are highlighted. The CRIS is shown to be a promising enhancement for PIH2ICE.Keywords: common rail, hydrogen engine, port injection, wave propagation
Procedia PDF Downloads 426692 Biomphalaria alexandrina Snail as a Bio-Indicator of Pollution With Manganese Metal and Its Effect on Physiological, Immunological, Histopathological Parameters and Larvicidal Potencies
Authors: Amina M. Ibrahim, Ahmed A. Abdel-Haleem, Rania G. Taha
Metal pollution results in many dangerous consequences to the environment and human health due to the bioaccumulation in their tissues. The present study aims to measure the bioaccumulation factor of the Manganese (Mn) heavy metal in Biomphlaria alexandrina snails' tissues and water samples. The present results showed the concentration of Mn heavy metal in water (87.5 mg/l) and its bioaccumulation factor in Helisoma duryi tissue was higher than that in tissues of Physa acuta and B. alexandrina snails. Results showed that 87.5 mg/l Mn concentration had miracidial and cercaricidal activities. Also, this concentration decreased the mean total number of the hemocytes after exposure for 24h or 48h, while increased both the mean mortality and phagocytic indices of the hemocytes of exposed snails. It caused alterations in the cytomorphology of the hemocytes of exposed snails after 24 or 48h, where, the granulocytes had irregular cell membrane, and forming pseudopodia. Besides, both levels of Testosterone (T) and Estradiol (E) were increased after exposure to 87.5mg/l Mn metal compared to the control group. Also, it increased MDA (Malonaldehyde) and TAC (Total antioxidant capacity) contents, while, decreased SOD (superoxide dismutase). Besides, it caused great histopathological damages in both hermaphrodite and digestive glands, represented in the degeneration of the gonadal, digestive, secretory cells and the connective tissues. Therefore, B. alexandrina might be used as sensitive bio-indicator of pollution with Mn heavy metal to avoid ethics rules; beside they are easily available and large in number.Keywords: manganese metal, B. alexandrina, hormonal alterations, histopathology
Procedia PDF Downloads 59691 The Role of the Media in Foreign Policy Formulation: A Case Study of Turkey-Greece Relations from 2004 to 2011
Authors: Mohammed Kamal Alhassan
The closeness of Turkey to Greece has often been a cause of many disagreements between the people of the two countries. This is against the backdrop of the fact that they have many things in common. In the past, the two countries have had unhealthy relations, which threatened to cut diplomatic ties between them. The 1996 Imia/ Kardak incident and the Öcalan crisis, for instance, nearly resulted in war between them. There were events that also brought the two countries together, for instance, the 1999 earthquake. This was because many lives were lost during the disaster. It is important to note that these events were duly covered by the media in the two countries. First of all, the study intends to look at the role of the media in the formulation of foreign policy in Turkey-Greece relations. It examines the role of the media in the formulation of foreign policy with particular emphasis on agenda-setting and positioning theories of the media as the theoretical framework. Also, the study will discuss the media landscapes in Turkey and Greece, the ownership pattern of the media sector and the relationship between media organizations and the government in the two countries. Moreover, the core foreign policy objectives of the countries will be delved into. Finally, the study employs a qualitative method to critically analyze the role of the media in the formulation of foreign policy in Turkey-Greece relations. It uses the invitation of the Former Prime Minister of Greece, George Andreas Papandreou, to the Ambassadors Conference in Turkey as a case study. In the end, the analysis will prove that, indeed, the media in Greece was effective in the formulation of foreign policy in its relations with Turkey.Keywords: media organizations, foreign policy, government, diplomacy
Procedia PDF Downloads 121690 Cenomanian-Turonian Oceanic Anoxic Event, Palynofacies and Optical Kerogen Analysis in Abu Gharadig Basin, Egypt
Authors: Mohamed Ibrahim, Suzan Kholeif
The Cenomanian-Turonian boundary was a ‘greenhouse’ period. The atmosphere at that time was characterized by high CO₂; in addition, there was the widespread deposition of organic-rich sediments anomalously rich in organic carbon. The sediments, palynological, total organic carbon (TOC), stable carbon and oxygen isotopes (δ¹³C, δ¹⁸O, organic) of the Cenomanian-Turonian Bahariya and basal Abu Roash formations at the southern Tethys margin were studied in two deep wells (AG5 and AG-13), Abu Gharadig Oil Field, North Western Desert, Egypt. Some of the marine (dinoflagellate cysts), as well as the terrestrial palynoflora (spores and pollen grains), reveal extinction and origination patterns that are known elsewhere, although other species may be survived across the Cenomanian-Turonian boundary. This implies control of global changes on the palynoflora, i.e., impact of Oceanic Anoxic Event OAE2 (Bonarelli Event), rather than changes in the local environmental conditions. The basal part of the Abu Roach Formation ('G' and 'F' members, late Cenomanian) shows a positive δ ¹³C excursion of the organic fraction. The TOC is generally high between 2.20 and 3.04 % in the basal Abu Roash Formation: shale of 'G' and carbonate of 'F' members, which indicates that these two members are the main Cretaceous source rocks in the Abu Gharadig Basin and have a type I-II kerogen composition. They are distinguished by an abundance of amorphous organic matter AOM and Chlorococcalean algae, mainly Pediastrum and Scenedesmus, along with subordinate dinoflagellate cysts.Keywords: oceanic anoxic event, cenomanian-turonian, palynofacies, western desert, Egypt
Procedia PDF Downloads 133689 Evaluation of the Hydrocarbon Sources Potential of Source Rock in the Ghadames Basin
Authors: Ibrahim Omran
One of the most important potential source rock intervals for the oils in the Ghadames Basin is the Tanezzuft shale. The Tanezzuft shale is very mature with respect to high oil generation. The aim of this project is to estimate the total yield of the source rocks in the Ghadames Basin, which is represented by the Tanezzuft Formation (oil shale interbedded with sandstone). To evaluate the source rock in the Ghadames Basin, we take one of the wells, which is G1-NC2; this well was chosen to give an initial idea about the status of the Tanezzuft source rock in the Ghadames Basin, and the Rock-Eval 6 devices used for this study. This study will use molecular geochemical techniques to compare 35 samples obtained from boreholes during drill well G1-NC2 in the Ghadames basin and compare the result with the GC result. The comparison showed the following: the TOC has fair hydrocarbon source rock potential where immature in the upper zone, but the lower zone has adequate organic carbon to generate hydrocarbon, and the source potential of kerogen has Type II, III oil porn. The GC result indicates that the origin of the oil is richer in lipids or algae than phytane chlorophyll or terrestrial matter for kerogen Type II and III, and the condition here is suboxic. The ratios of Pr/Ph are close together as well as nC17/Pr and nC18/Ph, the origin of oil is richer in lipid or algae than phytol chlorophyll or terrestrial that for kerogen Type II and the condition here is suboxic. It is noticeable when using the Talukdar graph that all the selected crude oil samples take position of kerogen type II and III and transition zone between oxidizing and reducing, and the source of oil mixed between algal and marine. This implies that the migration path was vertical rather than horizontal, so the oil comes from the source rocks in the same well G1-NC2.Keywords: kerogen type, maturation, generation, migration
Procedia PDF Downloads 11688 The Effect of Mandatory International Financial Reporting Standards Reporting on Investors' Herding Practice: Evidence from Eu Equity Markets
Authors: Mohammed Lawal Danrimi, Ervina Alfan, Mazni Abdullah
The purpose of this study is to investigate whether the adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) encourages information-based trading and mitigates investors’ herding practice in emerging EU equity markets. Utilizing a modified non-linear model of cross-sectional absolute deviation (CSAD), we find that the hypothesis that mandatory IFRS adoption improves the information set of investors and reduces irrational investment behavior may in some cases be incorrect, and the reverse may be true. For instance, with regard to herding concerns, the new reporting benchmark has rather aggravated investors’ herding practice. However, we also find that mandatory IFRS adoption does not appear to be the only instigator of the observed herding practice; national institutional factors, particularly regulatory quality, political stability and control of corruption, also significantly contribute to investors’ herd formation around the new reporting regime. The findings would be of interest to academics, regulators and policymakers in performing a cost-benefit analysis of the so-called better reporting regime, as well as financial statement users who make decisions based on firms’ fundamental variables, treating them as significant indicators of future market movement.Keywords: equity markets, herding, IFRS, CSAD
Procedia PDF Downloads 178687 Estimation of Cholesterol Level in Different Brands of Vegetable Oils in Iraq
Authors: Mohammed Idaan Hassan Al-Majidi
An analysis of twenty one assorted brands of vegetable oils in Babylon Iraq, reveals varying levels of cholesterol content. Cholesterol was found to be present in most of the oil brands sampled using three standard methods. Cholesterol was detected in seventeen of the vegetable oil brands with concentration of less than 1 mg/ml while seven of the oil brands had cholesterol concentrations ranging between 1-4 mg/ml. Low iodine values were obtained in four of the vegetable oil brands and three of them had high acid values. High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) confirmed the presence of cholesterol at varying concentrations in all the oil brands and gave the lowest detectable cholesterol values in all the oil brands. The Laser brand made from rapeseed had the highest cholesterol concentration of 3.2 mg/ml while Grand brand made from groundnuts had the least concentration (0.12 mg/ml) of cholesterol using HPLC analysis. Leibermann-Burchard method showed that Gino brand from palm kernel had the least concentration of cholesterol (3.86 mg/ml ±0.032) and the highest concentration of 3.996 mg/ml ±0.0404 was obtained in Sesame seed oil brand. This report is important in view of health implications of cholesterol in our diets. Consequently, we have been able to show that there is no cholesterol free oil in the market as shown on the vegetable oil brand labels. Therefore, companies producing and marketing vegetable oils are enjoined to desist from misleading the public by labeling their products as “cholesterol free”. They should indicate the amount of cholesterol present in the vegetable oil, no matter how small the quantity may be.Keywords: vegetable oils, heart diseases, leibermann-burchard, cholesterol
Procedia PDF Downloads 260686 Attitude toward Co-education among Saudi Universities Students
Authors: Mohammed Mohsen Ahmed Al Azab
Co-education at universities is one of the options that may have an economic as well as social benefit, as it may have a positive impact on improving relationships between students and increasing competitiveness among them, which may have positive effects on educational achievement and alleviate some social problems such as divorce. There is, to the best knowledge of the researcher, no studies tested the subject matter of the current study in Saudi society. The Saudi society is undergoing radical changes at all levels. The current study aims to identify the attitudes of university students toward co-education, the differences between male and female students from various specialties in their attitudes towards co-education, and the relationship of this to the educational level of the parent (educated-uneducated) using the descriptive, comparative, correlational approach. The study sample (n = 200) was chosen randomly among male and female students at King Saud University. The researcher prepared and used an attitude scale. Results showed positive attitudes towards co-education among university students (mean = 3.7, Std. = 0.45). It was also shown that there are significant differences between students’ attitudes towards co-education that can be attributed to their field of study, with students in scientific majors scoring higher than humanities counterparts. Findings also show differences between students’ attitudes towards co-education that can be attributed to the educational level of the parent, where the attitudes of those whose parents received some education were more positive. The results did not indicate any differences between students’ attitudes towards co-education that can be attributed to their gender.Keywords: attitude, co-education, university students, level of parental education
Procedia PDF Downloads 62685 Understanding the Mechanisms of Salmonella typhimurium Resistance to Cannabidiol
Authors: Iddrisu Ibrahim, Joseph Atia Ayariga, Junhuan Xu, Daniel Abugri, Boakai Robertson, Olufemi S. Ajayi
The emergence of multidrug resistance poses a huge risk to public health globally. Yet these recalcitrant pathogens continue to rise in incidence rate, with resistance rates significantly outpacing the speed of antibiotic development. This, therefore, presents an aura of related health issues such as untreatable nosocomial infections arising from organ transplants and surgeries, as well as community-acquired infections that are related to people with compromised immunity, e.g., diabetic and HIV patients, etc. There is a global effort to fight multidrug-resistant pathogens spearheaded by the World Health Organization, thus calling for research into novel antimicrobial agents to fight multiple drug resistance. Previously, our laboratory demonstrated that Cannabidiol (CBD) was an effective antimicrobial against Salmonella typhimurium (S. typhimurium). However, we observed resistance development over time. To understand the mechanisms S. typhimurium uses to develop resistance to Cannabidiol (CBD), we studied the abundance of bacteria lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and membrane sterols of both susceptible and resistant S. typhimurium. Using real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR), we also analyzed the expression of selected genes known for aiding resistance development in S. typhimurium. We discovered that there was a significantly higher expression of blaTEM, fimA, fimZ, and integrons in the CBD-resistant bacteria, and these were also accompanied by a shift in abundance in cell surface molecules such as lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and sterols.Keywords: antimicrobials, resistance, cannabidiol, gram-negative bacteria, integrons, blaTEM, Fim, LPS, ergosterols
Procedia PDF Downloads 102684 Effects of Plumage Colour on Measurable Attributes of Indigenous Chickens in North Central Nigeria
Authors: Joseph J. Okoh, Samuel T. Mbap, Tahir Ibrahim, Yusuf P. Mancha
The influence of plumage colour on measurable attributes of 6176 adult indigenous chickens of mixed-sex from four states of the North Central Zone of Nigeria namely; Nasarawa, Niger, Benue, Kogi and the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) Abuja were assessed. The overall average body weight of the chickens was 1.95 ± 0.03kg. The body weights of black, white, black/white, brown, black/brown, grey and mottled chicken however were 1.87 ± 0.04, 1.94 ± 0.04, 1.95 ± 0.03, 1.93 ± 0.03, 2.01 ± 0.04, 1.96 ± 0.04 and 1.94±0.14kg respectively. Only body length did not vary by plumage colour. The others; body weight and width, shank, comb and breast length, breast height (p < 0.001), beak and wing lengths (p < 0.001) varied significantly. Generally, no colour was outrightly superior to others in all body measurements. However, body weight and breast height were both highest in black/brown chickens which also had the second highest breast length. Body width, shank, beak, comb and wing lengths were highest in grey chickens but lowest in those with white colour and combinations. Egg quality was on the other hand mostly lowest in grey chickens. In selection for genetic improvement in body measurements, black/brown and grey chickens should be favoured. However, in view of the known negative relationship between body weight and egg attributes, selection in favour of grey plumage may result in chickens of poor egg attributes. Therefore, grey chickens should be selected against egg quality.Keywords: body weight, indigenous chicken, measurements, plumage colour
Procedia PDF Downloads 131683 Development of a Roadmap for Assessment the Sustainability of Buildings in Saudi Arabia Using Building Information Modeling
Authors: Ibrahim A. Al-Sulaihi, Khalid S. Al-Gahtani, Abdullah M. Al-Sugair, Aref A. Abadel
Achieving environmental sustainability is one of the important issues considered in many countries’ vision. Green/Sustainable building is widely used terminology for describing a friendly environmental construction. Applying sustainable practices has a significant importance in various fields, including construction field that consumes an enormous amount of resource and causes a considerable amount of waste. The need for sustainability is increased in the regions that suffering from the limitation of natural resource and extreme weather conditions such as Saudi Arabia. Since buildings designs are getting sophisticated, the need for tools, which support decision-making for sustainability issues, is increasing, especially in the design and preconstruction stages. In this context, Building Information Modeling (BIM) can aid in performing complex building performance analyses to ensure an optimized sustainable building design. Accordingly, this paper introduces a roadmap towards developing a systematic approach for presenting the sustainability of buildings using BIM. The approach includes set of main processes including; identifying the sustainability parameters that can be used for sustainability assessment in Saudi Arabia, developing sustainability assessment method that fits the special circumstances in the Kingdom, identifying the sustainability requirements and BIM functions that can be used for satisfying these requirements, and integrating these requirements with identified functions. As a result, the sustainability-BIM approach can be developed which helps designers in assessing the sustainability and exploring different design alternatives at the early stage of the construction project.Keywords: green buildings, sustainability, BIM, rating systems, environment, Saudi Arabia
Procedia PDF Downloads 378682 Strain Based Failure Criterion for Composite Notched Laminates
Authors: Ibrahim A. Elsayed, Mohamed H. Elalfy, Mostafa M. Abdalla
A strain-based failure criterion for composite notched laminates is introduced where the most critical stress concentration factor for the anisotropic notched laminates could be related to the failure of the corresponding quasi-isotropic laminate and the anisotropy ratio of the laminate. The proposed criterion will simplify the design of composites to meet notched failure requirements by eliminating the need for the detailed specifications of the stacking sequence at the preliminary design stage. The designer will be able to design based on the stiffness of the laminate, then at a later stage, select an appropriate stacking sequence to meet the stiffness requirements. The failure strains for the notched laminates are computed using the material’s Omni-strain envelope. The concept of Omni-strain envelope concerns the region of average strain where the laminate is safe regardless of ply orientation. In this work, we use Hashin’s failure criteria and the strains around the hole are computed using Savin’s analytic solution. A progressive damage analysis study has been conducted where the failure loads for the notched laminates are computed using finite element analysis. The failure strains are computed and used to estimate the concentration factor. It is found that the correlation found using Savin’s analytic solution predicts the same ratio of concentration factors between anisotropic and quasi-isotropic laminates as the more expensive progressive failure analysis.Keywords: anisotropy ratio, failure criteria, notched laminates, Omni-strain envelope, savin’s solution
Procedia PDF Downloads 116681 An Improved Data Aided Channel Estimation Technique Using Genetic Algorithm for Massive Multi-Input Multiple-Output
Authors: M. Kislu Noman, Syed Mohammed Shamsul Islam, Shahriar Hassan, Raihana Pervin
With the increasing rate of wireless devices and high bandwidth operations, wireless networking and communications are becoming over crowded. To cope with such crowdy and messy situation, massive MIMO is designed to work with hundreds of low costs serving antennas at a time as well as improve the spectral efficiency at the same time. TDD has been used for gaining beamforming which is a major part of massive MIMO, to gain its best improvement to transmit and receive pilot sequences. All the benefits are only possible if the channel state information or channel estimation is gained properly. The common methods to estimate channel matrix used so far is LS, MMSE and a linear version of MMSE also proposed in many research works. We have optimized these methods using genetic algorithm to minimize the mean squared error and finding the best channel matrix from existing algorithms with less computational complexity. Our simulation result has shown that the use of GA worked beautifully on existing algorithms in a Rayleigh slow fading channel and existence of Additive White Gaussian Noise. We found that the GA optimized LS is better than existing algorithms as GA provides optimal result in some few iterations in terms of MSE with respect to SNR and computational complexity.Keywords: channel estimation, LMMSE, LS, MIMO, MMSE
Procedia PDF Downloads 192680 Effect of Tube Thickness on the Face Bending for Blind-Bolted Connection to Concrete Filled Tubular Structures
Authors: Mohammed Mahmood, Walid Tizani, Carlo Sansour
In this paper, experimental testing and numerical analysis were used to investigate the effect of tube thickness on the face bending for concrete filled hollow sections connected to other structural members using Extended Hollobolts. Six samples were tested experimentally by applying pull-out load on the bolts. These samples were designed to fail by column face bending. The main variable in all tests is the column face thickness. Finite element analyses were also performed using ABAQUS 6.11 to extend the experimental results and to quantify the effect of column face thickness. Results show that, the column face thickness has a clear impact on the connection strength and stiffness. However, the amount of improvement in the connection stiffness by changing the column face thickness from 5 mm to 6.3 mm seems to be higher than that when increasing it from 6.3 mm to 8 mm. The displacement at which the bolts start pulling-out from their holes increased with the use of thinner column face due to the high flexibility of the section. At the ultimate strength, the yielding of the column face propagated to the column corner and there was no yielding in its walls. After the ultimate resistance is reached, the propagation of the yielding was mainly in the column face with a miner yielding in the walls.Keywords: anchored bolted connection, Extended Hollobolt, column faces bending, concrete filled hollow sections
Procedia PDF Downloads 422679 Adopting the Transition Management Model as a Tool for Sustainable Groundwater Management in Nigeria
Authors: Ali Bakari Mohammed
Transitioning is a continuous process of radical change in a society which involves co-evolution of institutional, technological, socio-cultural, and ecological developments at different scales and levels. Transition management model is a methodology that influences structural change of complex systems over a period (0-30 years) by experimenting and implementing new techniques. A transition management in the context of groundwater is a radical change from the current operate and control system to a next generation integrated and sustainable system that takes into account quality protection and sustained supply into the future. This study evaluates the transition management model in adopting it as a viable tool for the attainment of sustainable groundwater management. The outcome of the evaluation shows that there are three levels (strategic, tactical and operational) of operating the transition management model. At the strategic level, long-term goals for sustainable groundwater management are formulated, at the tactical level activities such as inter institutional networking, negotiation, planning and financing are carried out, and at the operational level, transition experiments and strategic niche management are carried out at the societal level. Overall, different actors and set of activities are required to partake at each management level. The outcome of this paper will provide basis for the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6 in Nigeria.Keywords: transition management, groundwater, sustainable management, tool, Nigeria
Procedia PDF Downloads 272678 Transportation Mode Classification Using GPS Coordinates and Recurrent Neural Networks
Authors: Taylor Kolody, Farkhund Iqbal, Rabia Batool, Benjamin Fung, Mohammed Hussaeni, Saiqa Aleem
The rising threat of climate change has led to an increase in public awareness and care about our collective and individual environmental impact. A key component of this impact is our use of cars and other polluting forms of transportation, but it is often difficult for an individual to know how severe this impact is. While there are applications that offer this feedback, they require manual entry of what transportation mode was used for a given trip, which can be burdensome. In order to alleviate this shortcoming, a data from the 2016 TRIPlab datasets has been used to train a variety of machine learning models to automatically recognize the mode of transportation. The accuracy of 89.6% is achieved using single deep neural network model with Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) architecture applied directly to trip data points over 4 primary classes, namely walking, public transit, car, and bike. These results are comparable in accuracy to results achieved by others using ensemble methods and require far less computation when classifying new trips. The lack of trip context data, e.g., bus routes, bike paths, etc., and the need for only a single set of weights make this an appropriate methodology for applications hoping to reach a broad demographic and have responsive feedback.Keywords: classification, gated recurrent unit, recurrent neural network, transportation
Procedia PDF Downloads 138677 Comparative Analysis between Different Proposed Responsive Facade Designs for Reducing the Solar Radiation on the West Facade in the Hot Arid Region
Authors: Merna Ibrahim
Designing buildings which are sustainable and can control and reduce the solar radiation penetrated from the building facades is such an architectural turn. One of the most important methods of saving energy in a building is carefully designing its facade. Building’s facade is one of the most significant contributors to the energy budget as well as the comfort parameters of a building. Responsive architecture adapts to the surrounding environment causing alteration in the envelope configuration to perform in a more effective way. One of the objectives of the responsive facades is to protect the building’s users from the external environment and to achieve a comfortable indoor environment. Solar radiation is one of the aspects that affects the comfortable indoor environment, as well as affects the energy consumption consumed by the HVAC systems for maintaining the indoor comfortable conditions. The aim of the paper is introducing and comparing between four different proposed responsive facade designs in terms of solar radiation reduction on the west facade of a building located in the hot arid region. In addition, the paper highlights the reducing amount of solar radiation for each proposed responsive facade on the west facade. At the end of the paper, a proposal is introduced which combines the four different axis of movements which reduces the solar radiation the most. Moreover, the paper highlights the definition and aim of the responsive architecture, as well as the focusing on the solar radiation aspect in the hot arid zones. Besides, the paper analyzes an international responsive façade building in Essen, Germany, focusing on the type of responsive facades, angle of rotation, mechanism of movement and the effect of the responsive facades on the building’s performance.Keywords: kinetic facades, mechanism of movement, responsive architecture, solar radiation
Procedia PDF Downloads 157676 The Assessment of Nephrotoxic Effects of Peganum Harmala In Rat
Authors: Amal Yamani, Jaber Elgtou, Aziz Mohammed, Lazaar Jamila, Elachouri Mostafa
Peganum harmala used traditionally as an emenagogue and abortifacient agent in Morocco phytotherapy. Even thought its benefits effects, Peganum harmala remained severely toxic for the organism especially in strong doses. The present study was initiated to evaluate the nephrotoxic effects of aqueous extract of Peganum harmala seeds (PHS). The solution containing aqueous extract of PHS was administered orally by gavage at the dose of 2g/kg body weight during twenty days. Rats were used in this study, two groups were considered, a treated group received an extract of PHS at dose 2g/kg bodyweight and control group received an amount of tap water equivalent to the volume of the vehicle used for the dose of PHS extract. The data we collected showed that aqueous extracts of PHS administered during twenty days induced a significant changes in renal function expressed in decreases of diuresis (from 10 ± 0,58 to 5,33 ± 0,33 ml/24 hours) and the same profile for mean arterial blood pressure (from 125 ± 2,89 to 96,67 ± 6,01 mmHg). The histopathological study showed an alteration of kidney cells in treated group with regard the control group which is not affected. In conclusion: our results indicate that the aqueous extract of PHS induces toxicity may affect severely kidney function and causes renal histopathology.Keywords: peganum harmala seeds, nephrotoxic, diuresi, histpathology, kidney
Procedia PDF Downloads 299675 Optimizing SCADA/RTU Control System Alarms for Gas Wells
Authors: Mohammed Ali Faqeeh
SCADA System Alarms Optimization Process has been introduced recently and applied accordingly in different implemented stages. First, MODBUS communication protocols between RTU/SCADA were improved at the level of I/O points scanning intervals. Then, some of the technical issues related to manufacturing limitations were resolved. Afterward, another approach was followed to take a decision on the configured alarms database. So, a couple of meetings and workshops were held among all system stakeholders, which resulted in an agreement of disabling unnecessary (Diagnostic) alarms. Moreover, a leap forward step was taken to segregate the SCADA Operator Graphics in a way to show only process-related alarms while some other graphics will ensure the availability of field alarms related to maintenance and engineering purposes. This overall system management and optimization have resulted in a huge effective impact on all operations, maintenance, and engineering. It has reduced unneeded open tickets for maintenance crews which led to reduce the driven mileages accordingly. Also, this practice has shown a good impression on the operation reactions and response to the emergency situations as the SCADA operators can be staying much vigilant on the real alarms rather than gets distracted by noisy ones. SCADA System Alarms Optimization process has been executed utilizing all applicable in-house resources among engineering, maintenance, and operations crews. The methodology of the entire enhanced scopes is performed through various stages.Keywords: SCADA, RTU Communication, alarm management system, SCADA alarms, Modbus, DNP protocol
Procedia PDF Downloads 166674 Evaluation of Raw Diatomaceous Earth and Plant Powders in the Control of Callosobruchus subinnotatus (Pic.) on Stored Bambara Groundnut (Vigna subterranea (L.) (Verdc.) Seeds
Authors: Ibrahim Nasiru Dole, Audu Abdullahi, Dike Michiel Chidozie, Lawal Mansur
Bambara groundnut is an important grain legume and the seeds in storage suffer infestation by Callosobruchus subinnotatus. Laboratory study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of raw diatomaceous earth (RDE) and plant powders (Jatropha curcas (L.), Eucalyptus camaldulensis (Dehnh.) and Melia azedarach (L.) against C. subinnotatus infesting stored bambara groundnut seeds. Rearing of the insects and the experiments were conducted in Agricultural Biology Laboratory of the Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto - Nigeria under ambient conditions (29-33oC and a relative humidity of 44-56%). Four treatments at three levels: RDE at 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 g while plant powders at 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 g, standard/check (2.0 g of Actellic dust), and a control. These were separately admixed with 100 g of sterilized seeds in glass jars. Each jar was later infested with thirty, 1-2-days old C. subinnotatus of mixed sexes. Adult mortality was assessed 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours, F1 and F2 progenies, seed damage, weight loss and viability were also assessed after 90 days. Eighty-nine (89%) percent adult mortality was recorded in the highest dose of RDE after 96 hours of exposure. These treatments significantly (P < 0.05) suppressed F1 and F2 progenies emergence in relation to the control. The control suffered significantly (P < 0.05) higher seed damage (51.0 %) and weight loss (40.8%) thereby recording lower seed germination. Therefore, RDE and plant powders could be used against C. subinnotatus on stored bambara groundnut seeds.Keywords: bambara, callosobruchus subinnotatus, plant powders, raw diatomaceous earth,
Procedia PDF Downloads 427673 Development of a Practical Screening Measure for the Prediction of Low Birth Weight and Neonatal Mortality in Upper Egypt
Authors: Prof. Ammal Mokhtar Metwally, Samia M. Sami, Nihad A. Ibrahim, Fatma A. Shaaban, Iman I. Salama
Objectives: Reducing neonatal mortality by 2030 is still a challenging goal in developing countries. low birth weight (LBW) is a significant contributor to this, especially where weighing newborns is not possible routinely. The present study aimed to determine a simple, easy, reliable anthropometric measure(s) that can predict LBW) and neonatal mortality. Methods: A prospective cohort study of 570 babies born in districts of El Menia governorate, Egypt (where most deliveries occurred at home) was examined at birth. Newborn weight, length, head, chest, mid-arm, and thigh circumferences were measured. Follow up of the examined neonates took place during their first four weeks of life to report any mortalities. The most predictable anthropometric measures were determined using the statistical package of SPSS, and multiple Logistic regression analysis was performed.: Results: Head and chest circumferences with cut-off points < 33 cm and ≤ 31.5 cm, respectively, were the significant predictors for LBW. They carried the best combination of having the highest sensitivity (89.8 % & 86.4 %) and least false negative predictive value (1.4 % & 1.7 %). Chest circumference with a cut-off point ≤ 31.5 cm was the significant predictor for neonatal mortality with 83.3 % sensitivity and 0.43 % false negative predictive value. Conclusion: Using chest circumference with a cut-off point ≤ 31.5 cm is recommended as a single simple anthropometric measurement for the prediction of both LBW and neonatal mortality. The predicted measure could act as a substitute for weighting newborns in communities where scales to weigh them are not routinely available.Keywords: low birth weight, neonatal mortality, anthropometric measures, practical screening
Procedia PDF Downloads 101672 Sustainability Modelling and Sustainability Evaluation of a Mechanical System in a Concurrent Engineering Environment: A Digraph and Matrix Approach
Authors: Anand Ankush, Wani Mohammed Farooq
A procedure based on digraph and matrix method is developed for modelling and evaluation of sustainability of Mechanical System in a concurrent engineering environment.The sustainability parameters of a Mechanical System are identified and are called sustainability attributes. Consideration of attributes and their interrelations is rudiment in modeling and evaluation of sustainability index. Sustainability attributes of a Mechanical System are modelled in termsof sustainability digraph. The graph is represented by a one-to-one matrix for sustainability expression which is based on sustainability attributes. A variable sustainability relationship permanent matrix is defined to develop sustainability expression(VPF-t) which is also useful in comparing two systems in a concurrent environment. The sustainability index of Mechanical System is obtained from permanent of matrix by substituting the numerical values of attributes and their interrelations. A higher value of index implies better sustainability of system.The ideal value of index is obtained from matrix expression which is useful in assessing relative sustainability of a Mechanical System in a concurrent engineering environment. The procedure is not only useful for evaluation of sustainability of a Mechanical System at conceptual design stage but can also be used for design and development of systems at system design stage. A step-by-step procedure for evaluation of sustainability index is also suggested and is illustrated by means of an example.Keywords: digraph, matrix method, mechanical system, sustainability
Procedia PDF Downloads 366671 The Political Economy of Human Trafficking and Human Insecurity in Asia: The Case of Japan, Thailand and India
Authors: Mohammed Bashir Uddin
Human trafficking remains as a persistent problem in many parts of the world. It is considered by many countries as an issue of a threat to national security. Border enforcement to prevent trafficking has been the main incentive, which eventually causes human insecurity for vulnerable people, especially for women. This research argues that focus needs to be placed on the political economy of trafficking, hence on the supply and demand sides of trafficking from a broader socio-economic perspective. Trafficking is a global phenomenon with its contemporary origins in the international capitalist market system. This research investigates particularly the supply-demand nexus on the backdrop of globalization and its impact on human security. It argues that the nexus varies across the countries, particularly the demand side. While prostitution has been the sole focus of the demand side in all countries in Asia, the paper argues that organ trade, bonded labor, cheap and exploitable labor through false recruitment (male trafficking) and adoption are some of the rising demands that explore new trends of trafficking, which could be better explained through international political economy (IPE). Following a qualitative research method, the paper argues that although demands vary in destination countries, they are the byproducts of IPE which have different socio-economic impacts both on trafficked individuals and the states.Keywords: globalization, human security, human trafficking, political economy
Procedia PDF Downloads 471670 Application of Basic Principles of Educational Administration for the Enhancement of Senior Secondary School Principals in Kano State Nigeria
Authors: Ibrahim Auwal
This study focuses on senior secondary education towards the development of younger generation in general terms, and specifically for the enhancement of senior secondary school principals. Investigation was made to correlate between principals’ application of basic principles of educational administration and principals’ productivity in senior secondary schools in Kano State. The instrument used to collect relevant data was self designed Observation Inventory for School Principals (OISP). The observation inventory items were scrutinized by experts from the School of Education Federal College of Education Kano to ascertain the contents validity, and the reliability coefficient was 0.83. Using purposive sampling technique, 30 schools were chosen from 85 senior secondary schools in Kano state and 30 principals were deliberately sampled due to their small number. Pearson Product Moment Correlation (r) Coefficient was used to test the hypothesis generated for the study. The results of the analysis showed that principals’ application of basic principles of educational administration was significantly correlated with principals’ productivity and it promote the performance of the students. Based on the findings, it was recommended that, government should in as much as possible encourage school principals to obtain degrees in relevant and specialized areas in education specifically educational administration and planning so as to get all the necessary knowledge and skills of leader ship procedures that will definitely promote teachers morale, improve students’ academic performance and enhances principals’ productivity in senior secondary schools in Kano State.Keywords: principles of educational administration, principals of senior secondary schools, Kano, educational sciences
Procedia PDF Downloads 494669 Heuristic Spatial-Spectral Hyperspectral Image Segmentation Using Bands Quartile Box Plot Profiles
Authors: Mohamed A. Almoghalis, Osman M. Hegazy, Ibrahim F. Imam, Ali H. Elbastawessy
This paper presents a new hyperspectral image segmentation scheme with respect to both spatial and spectral contexts. The scheme uses the 8-pixels spatial pattern to build a weight structure that holds the number of outlier bands for each pixel among its neighborhood windows in different directions. The number of outlier bands for a pixel is obtained using bands quartile box plots profile among spatial 8-pixels pattern windows. The quartile box plot weight structure represents the spatial-spectral context in the image. Instead of starting segmentation process by single pixels, the proposed methodology starts by pixels groups that proved to share the same spectral features with respect to their spatial context. As a result, the segmentation scheme starts with Jigsaw pieces that build a mosaic image. The following step builds a model for each Jigsaw piece in the mosaic image. Each Jigsaw piece will be merged with another Jigsaw piece using KNN applied to their bands' quartile box plots profiles. The scheme iterates till required number of segments reached. Experiments use two data sets obtained from Earth Observer 1 (EO-1) sensor for Egypt and France. Initial results qualitative analysis showed encouraging results compared with ground truth. Quantitative analysis for the results will be included in the final paper.Keywords: hyperspectral image segmentation, image processing, remote sensing, box plot
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