Search results for: Mandarin Chinese processing
3795 Making Lightweight Concrete with Meerschaum
Meerschaum, which is found in the earth’s crust, is a white and clay like hydrous magnesium silicate. It has a wide area of use from production of carious ornaments to chemical industry. It has a white and irregular crystalline structure. It is wet and moist when extracted, which is a good form for processing. At drying phase, it gradually loses its moisture and becomes lighter and harder. In through-dry state, meerschaum is durable and floats on the water. After processing of meerschaum, A ratio between %15 to %40 of the amount becomes waste. This waste is usually kept in a dry-atmosphere which is isolated from environmental effects so that to be used right away when needed. In this study, use of meerschaum waste as aggregate in lightweight concrete is studied. Stress-strain diagrams for concrete with meerschaum aggregate are obtained. Then, stress-strain diagrams of lightweight concrete and concrete with regular aggregate are compared. It is concluded that meerschaum waste can be used in production of lightweight concrete.Keywords: lightweight concrete, meerschaum, aggregate, sepiolite, stress-strain diagram
Procedia PDF Downloads 6073794 Hydrodynamic Analysis of Fish Fin Kinematics of Oreochromis Niloticus Using Machine Learning and Image Processing
Authors: Paramvir Singh
The locomotion of aquatic organisms has long fascinated biologists and engineers alike, with fish fins serving as a prime example of nature's remarkable adaptations for efficient underwater propulsion. This paper presents a comprehensive study focused on the hydrodynamic analysis of fish fin kinematics, employing an innovative approach that combines machine learning and image processing techniques. Through high-speed videography and advanced computational tools, we gain insights into the complex and dynamic motion of the fins of a Tilapia (Oreochromis Niloticus) fish. This study was initially done by experimentally capturing videos of the various motions of a Tilapia in a custom-made setup. Using deep learning and image processing on the videos, the motion of the Caudal and Pectoral fin was extracted. This motion included the fin configuration (i.e., the angle of deviation from the mean position) with respect to time. Numerical investigations for the flapping fins are then performed using a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) solver. 3D models of the fins were created, mimicking the real-life geometry of the fins. Thrust Characteristics of separate fins (i.e., Caudal and Pectoral separately) and when the fins are together were studied. The relationship and the phase between caudal and pectoral fin motion were also discussed. The key objectives include mathematical modeling of the motion of a flapping fin at different naturally occurring frequencies and amplitudes. The interactions between both fins (caudal and pectoral) were also an area of keen interest. This work aims to improve on research that has been done in the past on similar topics. Also, these results can help in the better and more efficient design of the propulsion systems for biomimetic underwater vehicles that are used to study aquatic ecosystems, explore uncharted or challenging underwater regions, do ocean bed modeling, etc.Keywords: biomimetics, fish fin kinematics, image processing, fish tracking, underwater vehicles
Procedia PDF Downloads 913793 Using Deep Learning Real-Time Object Detection Convolution Neural Networks for Fast Fruit Recognition in the Tree
Authors: K. Bresilla, L. Manfrini, B. Morandi, A. Boini, G. Perulli, L. C. Grappadelli
Image/video processing for fruit in the tree using hard-coded feature extraction algorithms have shown high accuracy during recent years. While accurate, these approaches even with high-end hardware are computationally intensive and too slow for real-time systems. This paper details the use of deep convolution neural networks (CNNs), specifically an algorithm (YOLO - You Only Look Once) with 24+2 convolution layers. Using deep-learning techniques eliminated the need for hard-code specific features for specific fruit shapes, color and/or other attributes. This CNN is trained on more than 5000 images of apple and pear fruits on 960 cores GPU (Graphical Processing Unit). Testing set showed an accuracy of 90%. After this, trained data were transferred to an embedded device (Raspberry Pi gen.3) with camera for more portability. Based on correlation between number of visible fruits or detected fruits on one frame and the real number of fruits on one tree, a model was created to accommodate this error rate. Speed of processing and detection of the whole platform was higher than 40 frames per second. This speed is fast enough for any grasping/harvesting robotic arm or other real-time applications.Keywords: artificial intelligence, computer vision, deep learning, fruit recognition, harvesting robot, precision agriculture
Procedia PDF Downloads 4233792 Fractal-Wavelet Based Techniques for Improving the Artificial Neural Network Models
Authors: Reza Bazargan lari, Mohammad H. Fattahi
Natural resources management including water resources requires reliable estimations of time variant environmental parameters. Small improvements in the estimation of environmental parameters would result in grate effects on managing decisions. Noise reduction using wavelet techniques is an effective approach for pre-processing of practical data sets. Predictability enhancement of the river flow time series are assessed using fractal approaches before and after applying wavelet based pre-processing. Time series correlation and persistency, the minimum sufficient length for training the predicting model and the maximum valid length of predictions were also investigated through a fractal assessment.Keywords: wavelet, de-noising, predictability, time series fractal analysis, valid length, ANN
Procedia PDF Downloads 3723791 GPU-Based Back-Projection of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Data onto 3D Reference Voxels
Authors: Joshua Buli, David Pietrowski, Samuel Britton
Processing SAR data usually requires constraints in extent in the Fourier domain as well as approximations and interpolations onto a planar surface to form an exploitable image. This results in a potential loss of data requires several interpolative techniques, and restricts visualization to two-dimensional plane imagery. The data can be interpolated into a ground plane projection, with or without terrain as a component, all to better view SAR data in an image domain comparable to what a human would view, to ease interpretation. An alternate but computationally heavy method to make use of more of the data is the basis of this research. Pre-processing of the SAR data is completed first (matched-filtering, motion compensation, etc.), the data is then range compressed, and lastly, the contribution from each pulse is determined for each specific point in space by searching the time history data for the reflectivity values for each pulse summed over the entire collection. This results in a per-3D-point reflectivity using the entire collection domain. New advances in GPU processing have finally allowed this rapid projection of acquired SAR data onto any desired reference surface (called backprojection). Mathematically, the computations are fast and easy to implement, despite limitations in SAR phase history data size and 3D-point cloud size. Backprojection processing algorithms are embarrassingly parallel since each 3D point in the scene has the same reflectivity calculation applied for all pulses, independent of all other 3D points and pulse data under consideration. Therefore, given the simplicity of the single backprojection calculation, the work can be spread across thousands of GPU threads allowing for accurate reflectivity representation of a scene. Furthermore, because reflectivity values are associated with individual three-dimensional points, a plane is no longer the sole permissible mapping base; a digital elevation model or even a cloud of points (collected from any sensor capable of measuring ground topography) can be used as a basis for the backprojection technique. This technique minimizes any interpolations and modifications of the raw data, maintaining maximum data integrity. This innovative processing will allow for SAR data to be rapidly brought into a common reference frame for immediate exploitation and data fusion with other three-dimensional data and representations.Keywords: backprojection, data fusion, exploitation, three-dimensional, visualization
Procedia PDF Downloads 863790 Contribution to the Evaluation of Uncertainties of Measurement to the Data Processing Sequences of a Cmm
Authors: Hassina Gheribi, Salim Boukebbab
The measurement of the parts manufactured on CMM (coordinate measuring machine) is based on the association of a surface of perfect geometry to the group of dots palpated via a mathematical calculation of the distances between the palpated points and itself surfaces. Surfaces not being never perfect, they are measured by a number of points higher than the minimal number necessary to define them mathematically. However, the central problems of three-dimensional metrology are the estimate of, the orientation parameters, location and intrinsic of this surface. Including the numerical uncertainties attached to these parameters help the metrologist to make decisions to be able to declare the conformity of the part to specifications fixed on the design drawing. During this paper, we will present a data-processing model in Visual Basic-6 which makes it possible automatically to determine the whole of these parameters, and their uncertainties.Keywords: coordinate measuring machines (CMM), associated surface, uncertainties of measurement, acquisition and modeling
Procedia PDF Downloads 3283789 Comparison of High Speed Railway Bride Foundation Design
Authors: Hussein Yousif Aziz
This paper discussed the design and analysis of bridge foundation subjected to load of train with three codes, namely AASHTO code, British Standard BS Code 8004 (1986), and Chinese code (TB10002.5-2005).The study focused on the design and analysis of bridge’s foundation manually with the three codes and found which code is better for design and controls the problem of high settlement due to the applied loads. The results showed the Chinese codes are costly that the number of reinforcement bars in the pile cap and piles is more than those with AASHTO code and BS code with the same dimensions. Settlement of the bridge was calculated depending on the data collected from the project site. The vertical ultimate bearing capacity of single pile for three codes is also discussed. Other analyses by using the two-dimensional Plaxis program and other programs like SAP2000 14, PROKON many parameters are calculated. The maximum values of the vertical displacement are close to the calculated ones. The results indicate that the AASHTO code is economics and safer in the bearing capacity of single pile. The purpose of this project is to study out the pier on the basis of the design of the pile foundation. There is a 32m simply supported beam of box section on top of the structure. The pier of bridge is round-type. The main component of the design is to calculate pile foundation and the settlement. According to the related data, we choose 1.0m in diameter bored pile of 48m. The pile is laid out in the rectangular pile cap. The dimension of the cap is 12m 9 m. Because of the interaction factors of pile groups, the load-bearing capacity of simple pile must be checked, the punching resistance of pile cap, the shearing strength of pile cap, and the part in bending of pile cap, all of them are very important to the structure stability. Also, checking soft sub-bearing capacity is necessary under the pile foundation. This project provides a deeper analysis and comparison about pile foundation design schemes. Firstly, here are brief instructions of the construction situation about the Bridge. With the actual construction geological features and the upper load on the Bridge, this paper analyzes the bearing capacity and settlement of single pile. In the paper the Equivalent Pier Method is used to calculate and analyze settlements of the piles.Keywords: pile foundation, settlement, bearing capacity, civil engineering
Procedia PDF Downloads 4223788 Mapping of Alteration Zones in Mineral Rich Belt of South-East Rajasthan Using Remote Sensing Techniques
Authors: Mrinmoy Dhara, Vivek K. Sengar, Shovan L. Chattoraj, Soumiya Bhattacharjee
Remote sensing techniques have emerged as an asset for various geological studies. Satellite images obtained by different sensors contain plenty of information related to the terrain. Digital image processing further helps in customized ways for the prospecting of minerals. In this study, an attempt has been made to map the hydrothermally altered zones using multispectral and hyperspectral datasets of South East Rajasthan. Advanced Space-borne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) and Hyperion (Level1R) dataset have been processed to generate different Band Ratio Composites (BRCs). For this study, ASTER derived BRCs were generated to delineate the alteration zones, gossans, abundant clays and host rocks. ASTER and Hyperion images were further processed to extract mineral end members and classified mineral maps have been produced using Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM) method. Results were validated with the geological map of the area which shows positive agreement with the image processing outputs. Thus, this study concludes that the band ratios and image processing in combination play significant role in demarcation of alteration zones which may provide pathfinders for mineral prospecting studies.Keywords: ASTER, hyperion, band ratios, alteration zones, SAM
Procedia PDF Downloads 2803787 Perspective Shifting in the Elicited Language Production Can Defy with Aging
Authors: Tuyuan Cheng
As we age, many things become more difficult. Among the abilities are the linguistic and cognitive ones. Competing theories have shown that these two functions could diminish together or that one is selectively affected by the other. In other words, some proposes aging affects sentence production in the same way it affects sentence comprehension and other cognitive functions, while some argues it does not.To address this question, the current investigation is conducted into the critical aspect of sentences as well as cognitive abilities – the syntactic complexity and the number of perspective shifts being contained in the elicited production. Healthy non-pathological aging is often characterized by a cognitive and neural decline in a number of cognitive abilities. Although the language is assumed to be of the more stable domain, a variety of findings in the cognitive aging literature would suggest otherwise. Older adults often show deficits in language production and multiple aspects of comprehension. Nevertheless, while some age differences likely reflect cognitive decline, others might reflect changes in communicative goals, and some even display cognitive advantages. In the domain of language processing, research efforts have been made in tests that probed a variety of communicative abilities. In general, there exists a distinction: Comprehension seems to be selectively unaffected, while production does not. The current study raises a novel question and investigates whether aging affects the production of relative clauses (RCs) under the cognitive factor of perspective shifts. Based on Perspective Hypothesis (MacWhinney, 2000, 2005), our cognitive processes build upon a fundamental system of perspective-taking, and language provides a series of cues to facilitate the construction and shifting of perspectives. These cues include a wide variety of constructions, including RCs structures. In this regard, linguistic complexity can be determined by the number of perspective shifts, and the processing difficulties of RCs can be interpreted within the theory of perspective shifting. Two experiments were conducted to study language production under controlled conditions. In Experiment 1, older healthy participants were tested on standard measures of cognitive aging, including MMSE (Mini-Mental State Examination), ToMI-2 (a simplified Theory of Mind Inventory-2), and a perspective-shifting comprehension task programmed with E-Prime. The results were analyzed to examine if/how they are correlated with aging people’s subsequent production data. In Experiment 2, the production profile of differing RCs, SRC vs. ORC, were collected with healthy aging participants who perform a picture elicitation task. Variable containing 0, 1, or 2 perspective shifts were juxtaposed respectively to the pictures and counterbalanced presented for elicitation. In parallel, a controlled group of young adults were recruited to examine the linguistic and cognitive abilities in question. The results lead us to the discussion whetheraging affects RCs production in a manner determined by its semantic structure or the number of perspective shifts it contains or the status of participants’ mental understanding. The major findingsare: (1) Elders’ production on Chinese RCtypes did not display intrinsic difficulty asymmetry. (2) RC types (the linguistic structural features) and the cognitiveperspective shifts jointly play important roles in the elders’ RCproduction. (3) The production of RC may defy the aging in the case offlexibly preserved cognitive ability.Keywords: cognition aging, perspective hypothesis, perspective shift, relative clauses, sentence complexity
Procedia PDF Downloads 1213786 Phytoremediation Waste Processing of Coffee in Various Concentration of Organic Materials Plant Using Kiambang
Authors: Siti Aminatu Zuhria
On wet coffee processing can improve the quality of coffee, but the coffee liquid waste that can pollute the environment. Liquid waste a lot of coffee resulting from the stripping and washing the coffee. This research will be carried out the process of handling liquid waste stripping coffee from the coffee skin with media phytoremediation using plants kiambang. The purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics of the coffee liquid waste and plant phytoremediation kiambang as agent in various concentrations of liquid waste coffee as well as determining the most optimal concentration in the improved quality of waste water quality standard approach. This research will be conducted through two stages, namely the preliminary study and the main study. In a preliminary study aims to determine the ability of the plant life kiambang as phytoremediation agent in the media well water, distilled water and liquid waste coffee. The main study will be conducted wastewater dilution and coffee will be obtained COD concentration variations. Results are expected at this research that can determine the ability of plants kiambang as an agent for phytoremediation in wastewater treatment with various concentrations of waste and the most optimal concentration in the improved quality of waste water quality standard approach.Keywords: wet coffee processing, phytoremediation, Kiambang plant, variation concentration liquid waste
Procedia PDF Downloads 3053785 Vehicular Speed Detection Camera System Using Video Stream
Authors: C. A. Anser Pasha
In this paper, a new Vehicular Speed Detection Camera System that is applicable as an alternative to traditional radars with the same accuracy or even better is presented. The real-time measurement and analysis of various traffic parameters such as speed and number of vehicles are increasingly required in traffic control and management. Image processing techniques are now considered as an attractive and flexible method for automatic analysis and data collections in traffic engineering. Various algorithms based on image processing techniques have been applied to detect multiple vehicles and track them. The SDCS processes can be divided into three successive phases; the first phase is Objects detection phase, which uses a hybrid algorithm based on combining an adaptive background subtraction technique with a three-frame differencing algorithm which ratifies the major drawback of using only adaptive background subtraction. The second phase is Objects tracking, which consists of three successive operations - object segmentation, object labeling, and object center extraction. Objects tracking operation takes into consideration the different possible scenarios of the moving object like simple tracking, the object has left the scene, the object has entered the scene, object crossed by another object, and object leaves and another one enters the scene. The third phase is speed calculation phase, which is calculated from the number of frames consumed by the object to pass by the scene.Keywords: radar, image processing, detection, tracking, segmentation
Procedia PDF Downloads 4683784 Magnesium Alloys for Biomedical Applications Processed by Severe Plastic Deformation
Authors: Mariana P. Medeiros, Amanda P. Carvallo, Augusta Isaac, Milos Janecek, Peter Minarik, Mayerling Martinez Celis, Roberto. R. Figueiredo
The effect of high pressure torsion processing on mechanical properties and corrosion behavior of pure magnesium and Mg-Zn, Mg-Zn-Ca, Mg-Li-Y, and Mg-Y-RE alloys is investigated. Micro-tomography and SEM characterization are used to estimate corrosion rate and evaluate non-uniform corrosion features. The results show the severe plastic deformation processing improves the strength of all magnesium alloys, but deformation localization can take place in the Mg-Zn-Ca and Mg-Y-RE alloys. The occurrence of deformation localization is associated with low strain rate sensitivity in these alloys and with severe corrosion localization. Pure magnesium and Mg-Zn and Mg-Li-Y alloys display good corrosion resistance with low corrosion rate and maintained integrity after 28 days of immersion in Hank`s solution.Keywords: magnesium alloys, severe plastic deformation, corrosion, biodegradable alloys
Procedia PDF Downloads 1133783 Classification of Digital Chest Radiographs Using Image Processing Techniques to Aid in Diagnosis of Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Authors: A. J. S. P. Nileema, S. Kulatunga , S. H. Palihawadana
Computer aided detection (CAD) system was developed for the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis using digital chest X-rays with MATLAB image processing techniques using a statistical approach. The study comprised of 200 digital chest radiographs collected from the National Hospital for Respiratory Diseases - Welisara, Sri Lanka. Pre-processing was done to remove identification details. Lung fields were segmented and then divided into four quadrants; right upper quadrant, left upper quadrant, right lower quadrant, and left lower quadrant using the image processing techniques in MATLAB. Contrast, correlation, homogeneity, energy, entropy, and maximum probability texture features were extracted using the gray level co-occurrence matrix method. Descriptive statistics and normal distribution analysis were performed using SPSS. Depending on the radiologists’ interpretation, chest radiographs were classified manually into PTB - positive (PTBP) and PTB - negative (PTBN) classes. Features with standard normal distribution were analyzed using an independent sample T-test for PTBP and PTBN chest radiographs. Among the six features tested, contrast, correlation, energy, entropy, and maximum probability features showed a statistically significant difference between the two classes at 95% confidence interval; therefore, could be used in the classification of chest radiograph for PTB diagnosis. With the resulting value ranges of the five texture features with normal distribution, a classification algorithm was then defined to recognize and classify the quadrant images; if the texture feature values of the quadrant image being tested falls within the defined region, it will be identified as a PTBP – abnormal quadrant and will be labeled as ‘Abnormal’ in red color with its border being highlighted in red color whereas if the texture feature values of the quadrant image being tested falls outside of the defined value range, it will be identified as PTBN–normal and labeled as ‘Normal’ in blue color but there will be no changes to the image outline. The developed classification algorithm has shown a high sensitivity of 92% which makes it an efficient CAD system and with a modest specificity of 70%.Keywords: chest radiographs, computer aided detection, image processing, pulmonary tuberculosis
Procedia PDF Downloads 1273782 To Study the Effect of Optic Fibre Laser Cladding of Cast Iron with Silicon Carbide on Wear Rate
Authors: Kshitij Sawke, Pradnyavant Kamble, Shrikant Patil
The study investigates the effect on wear rate of laser clad of cast iron with silicon carbide. Metal components fail their desired use because they wear, which causes them to lose their functionality. The laser has been used as a heating source to create a melt pool over the surface of cast iron, and then a layer of hard silicon carbide is deposited. Various combinations of power and feed rate of laser have experimented. A suitable range of laser processing parameters was identified. Wear resistance and wear rate properties were evaluated and the result showed that the wear resistance of the laser treated samples was exceptional to that of the untreated samples.Keywords: laser clad, processing parameters, wear rate, wear resistance
Procedia PDF Downloads 2593781 Comparative Research on Culture-Led Regeneration across Cities in China
Authors: Fang Bin Guo, Emma Roberts, Haibin Du, Yonggang Wang, Yu Chen, Xiuli Ge
This paper explores the findings so far from a major externally-funded project which operates internationally in China, Germany and the UK. The research team is working in the context of the redevelopment of post-industrial sites in China and how these might be platforms for creative enterprises and thereby, the economy and welfare to flourish. Results from the project are anticipated to inform urban design policies in China and possibly farther afield. The research has utilised ethnographic studies and participatory design methods to investigate alternative strategies for sustainable urban renewal of China’s post-industrial areas. Additionally, it has undertaken comparative studies of successful examples of European and Chinese urban regeneration cases. The international cross-disciplinary team has been seeking different opportunities for developing relevant creative industries whilst retaining cultural and industrial heritage. This paper will explore the research conducted so far by the team and offer initial findings. Findings point out the development challenges of cities respecting the protection of local culture/heritages, history of the industries and transformation of the local economies. The preliminary results and pilot analysis of the current research have demonstrated that local government policyholders, business investors/developers and creative industry practitioners are the three major stakeholders that will impact city revitalisations. These groups are expected to work together with asynchronous vision in order for redevelopments to be successful. Meanwhile, local geography, history, culture, politics, economy and ethnography have been identified as important factors that impact on project design and development during urban transformations. Data is being processed from the team’s research conducted across the focal Western and Chinese cities. This has provided theoretical guidance and practical support to the development of significant experimental projects. Many were re-examined with a more international perspective, and adjustments have been based on the conclusions of the research. The observations and research are already generating design solutions in terms of ascertaining essential site components, layouts, visual design and practical facilities for regenerated sites. Two significant projects undertaken by this project team have been nominated by the central Chinese government as the most successful exemplars. They have been listed as outstanding national industry heritage projects; in particular, one of them was nominated by ArchDaily as Building of the Year 2019, and so this project outcome has made a substantial contribution to research and innovation. In summary, this paper will outline the funded project, discuss the work conducted so far, and pinpoint the initial discoveries. It will detail the future steps and indicate how these will impact on national and local governments in China, designers, local citizens and building users.Keywords: cultural & industrial heritages, ethnographic research, participatory design, regeneration of post-industrial sites, sustainable
Procedia PDF Downloads 1473780 Characterization of Plunging Water Jets in Crossflows: Experimental and Numerical Studies
Authors: Mina Esmi Jahromi, Mehdi Khiadani
Plunging water jets discharging into turbulent crossflows are capable of providing efficient air water interfacial area, which is desirable for the process of mass transfer. Although several studies have been dedicated to the air entrainment by water jets impinging into stagnant water, very few studies have focused on the water jets in crossflows. This study investigates development of the two-phase flow as a result of the jet impingements into crossflows by means of image processing technique and CFD simulations. Investigations are also conducted on the oxygen transfer and a correlation is established between the aeration properties and the oxygenation capacity of water jets in crossflows. This study helps the optimal design and the effective operation of the industrial and the environmental equipment incorporating water jets in crossflows.Keywords: air entrainment, CFD simulation, image processing, jet in crossflow, oxygen transfer, two-phase flow
Procedia PDF Downloads 2383779 Fabric Drapemeter Development towards the Analysis of Its Behavior in 3-D Design
Authors: Aida Sheeta, M. Nashat Fors, Sherwet El Gholmy, Marwa Issa
Globalization has raised the customer preferences not only towards the high-quality garments but also the right fitting, comfort and aesthetic apparels. This only can be accomplished by the good interaction between fabric mechanical and physical properties as well as the required style. Consequently, this paper provides an integrated review of the fabric drape terminology because it is considered as an essential feature in which the fabric can form folds with the help of the gravity. Moreover, an instrument has been fabricated in order to analyze the static and dynamic drape behaviors using different fabric types. In addition, the obtained results find out the parameters affecting the drape coefficient using digital image processing for various kind of commercial fabrics. This was found to be an essential first step in order to analyze the behavior of this fabric when it is fabricated in a certain 3-D garment design.Keywords: cloth fitting, fabric drape nodes, garment silhouette, image processing
Procedia PDF Downloads 1883778 Changing from Crude (Rudimentary) to Modern Method of Cassava Processing in the Ngwo Village of Njikwa Sub Division of North West Region of Cameroon
Authors: Loveline Ambo Angwah
The processing of cassava from tubers or roots into food using crude and rudimentary method (hand peeling, grating, frying and to sun drying) is a very cumbersome and difficult process. The crude methods are time consuming and labour intensive. While on the other hand, modern processing method, that is using machines to perform the various processes as washing, peeling, grinding, oven drying, fermentation and frying is easier, less time consuming, and less labour intensive. Rudimentarily, cassava roots are processed into numerous products and utilized in various ways according to local customs and preferences. For the people of Ngwo village, cassava is transformed locally into flour or powder form called ‘cumcum’. It is also sucked into water to give a kind of food call ‘water fufu’ and fried to give ‘garri’. The leaves are consumed as vegetables. Added to these, its relative high yields; ability to stay underground after maturity for long periods give cassava considerable advantage as a commodity that is being used by poor rural folks in the community, to fight poverty. It plays a major role in efforts to alleviate the food crisis because of its efficient production of food energy, year-round availability, tolerance to extreme stress conditions, and suitability to present farming and food systems in Africa. Improvement of cassava processing and utilization techniques would greatly increase labor efficiency, incomes, and living standards of cassava farmers and the rural poor, as well as enhance the-shelf life of products, facilitate their transportation, increase marketing opportunities, and help improve human and livestock nutrition. This paper presents a general overview of crude ways in cassava processing and utilization methods now used by subsistence and small-scale farmers in Ngwo village of the North West region in Cameroon, and examine the opportunities of improving processing technologies. Cassava needs processing because the roots cannot be stored for long because they rot within 3-4 days of harvest. They are bulky with about 70% moisture content, and therefore transportation of the tubers to markets is difficult and expensive. The roots and leaves contain varying amounts of cyanide which is toxic to humans and animals, while the raw cassava roots and uncooked leaves are not palatable. Therefore, cassava must be processed into various forms in order to increase the shelf life of the products, facilitate transportation and marketing, reduce cyanide content and improve palatability.Keywords: cassava roots, crude ways, food system, poverty
Procedia PDF Downloads 1683777 A Conglomerate of Multiple Optical Character Recognition Table Detection and Extraction
Authors: Smita Pallavi, Raj Ratn Pranesh, Sumit Kumar
Information representation as tables is compact and concise method that eases searching, indexing, and storage requirements. Extracting and cloning tables from parsable documents is easier and widely used; however, industry still faces challenges in detecting and extracting tables from OCR (Optical Character Recognition) documents or images. This paper proposes an algorithm that detects and extracts multiple tables from OCR document. The algorithm uses a combination of image processing techniques, text recognition, and procedural coding to identify distinct tables in the same image and map the text to appropriate the corresponding cell in dataframe, which can be stored as comma-separated values, database, excel, and multiple other usable formats.Keywords: table extraction, optical character recognition, image processing, text extraction, morphological transformation
Procedia PDF Downloads 1453776 Review of Ultrasound Image Processing Techniques for Speckle Noise Reduction
Authors: Kwazikwenkosi Sikhakhane, Suvendi Rimer, Mpho Gololo, Khmaies Oahada, Adnan Abu-Mahfouz
Medical ultrasound imaging is a crucial diagnostic technique due to its affordability and non-invasiveness compared to other imaging methods. However, the presence of speckle noise, which is a form of multiplicative noise, poses a significant obstacle to obtaining clear and accurate images in ultrasound imaging. Speckle noise reduces image quality by decreasing contrast, resolution, and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). This makes it difficult for medical professionals to interpret ultrasound images accurately. To address this issue, various techniques have been developed to reduce speckle noise in ultrasound images, which improves image quality. This paper aims to review some of these techniques, highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of each algorithm and identifying the scenarios in which they work most effectively.Keywords: image processing, noise, speckle, ultrasound
Procedia PDF Downloads 1123775 Deep Learning Application for Object Image Recognition and Robot Automatic Grasping
Authors: Shiuh-Jer Huang, Chen-Zon Yan, C. K. Huang, Chun-Chien Ting
Since the vision system application in industrial environment for autonomous purposes is required intensely, the image recognition technique becomes an important research topic. Here, deep learning algorithm is employed in image system to recognize the industrial object and integrate with a 7A6 Series Manipulator for object automatic gripping task. PC and Graphic Processing Unit (GPU) are chosen to construct the 3D Vision Recognition System. Depth Camera (Intel RealSense SR300) is employed to extract the image for object recognition and coordinate derivation. The YOLOv2 scheme is adopted in Convolution neural network (CNN) structure for object classification and center point prediction. Additionally, image processing strategy is used to find the object contour for calculating the object orientation angle. Then, the specified object location and orientation information are sent to robotic controller. Finally, a six-axis manipulator can grasp the specific object in a random environment based on the user command and the extracted image information. The experimental results show that YOLOv2 has been successfully employed to detect the object location and category with confidence near 0.9 and 3D position error less than 0.4 mm. It is useful for future intelligent robotic application in industrial 4.0 environment.Keywords: deep learning, image processing, convolution neural network, YOLOv2, 7A6 series manipulator
Procedia PDF Downloads 2503774 Investigating the Sloshing Characteristics of a Liquid by Using an Image Processing Method
Authors: Ufuk Tosun, Reza Aghazadeh, Mehmet Bülent Özer
This study puts forward a method to analyze the sloshing characteristics of liquid in a tuned sloshing absorber system by using image processing tools. Tuned sloshing vibration absorbers have recently attracted researchers’ attention as a seismic load damper in constructions due to its practical and logistical convenience. The absorber is liquid which sloshes and applies a force in opposite phase to the motion of structure. Experimentally characterization of the sloshing behavior can be utilized as means of verifying the results of numerical analysis. It can also be used to identify the accuracy of assumptions related to the motion of the liquid. There are extensive theoretical and experimental studies in the literature related to the dynamical and structural behavior of tuned sloshing dampers. In most of these works there are efforts to estimate the sloshing behavior of the liquid such as free surface motion and total force applied by liquid to the wall of container. For these purposes the use of sensors such as load cells and ultrasonic sensors are prevalent in experimental works. Load cells are only capable of measuring the force and requires conducting tests both with and without liquid to obtain pure sloshing force. Ultrasonic level sensors give point-wise measurements and hence they are not applicable to measure the whole free surface motion. Furthermore, in the case of liquid splashing it may give incorrect data. In this work a method for evaluating the sloshing wave height by using camera records and image processing techniques is presented. In this method the motion of the liquid and its container, made of a transparent material, is recorded by a high speed camera which is aligned to the free surface of the liquid. The video captured by the camera is processed frame by frame by using MATLAB Image Processing toolbox. The process starts with cropping the desired region. By recognizing the regions containing liquid and eliminating noise and liquid splashing, the final picture depicting the free surface of liquid is achieved. This picture then is used to obtain the height of the liquid through the length of container. This process is verified by ultrasonic sensors that measured fluid height on the surface of liquid.Keywords: fluid structure interaction, image processing, sloshing, tuned liquid damper
Procedia PDF Downloads 3453773 Patient Safety of Eating Ready-Made Meals at Government Hospitals
Authors: Hala Kama Ahmed Rashwan
Ensuring the patient safety especially at intensive care units and those exposed to hospital tools and equipment is one of the most important challenges facing healthcare today. Outbreak of food poisoning as a result of food-borne pathogens has been reported in many hospitals and care homes all over the world due to hospital meals. Patient safety of eating hospital meals is a fundamental principle of healthcare; it is new healthcare disciplines that assure the food raw materials, food storage, meals processing, and control of kitchen errors that often lead to adverse healthcare events. The aim of this article is to promote any hospital in attaining the hygienic practices and better quality system during processing of the ready-to- eat meals for intensive care units patients according to the WHO safety guidelines.Keywords: hospitals, meals, safety, intensive care
Procedia PDF Downloads 5103772 Choice of Optimal Methods for Processing Phosphate Raw Materials into Complex Mineral Fertilizers
Authors: Andrey Norov
Based on the generalization of scientific and production experience and the latest developments of JSC “NIUIF”, the oldest (founded in September 1919) and the only Russian research institute for phosphorus-containing fertilizers, this paper shows the factors that determine the reasonable choice of a method for processing phosphate raw materials into complex fertilizers. These factors primarily include the composition of phosphate raw materials and the impurities contained in it, as well as some parameters of the process mode, wastelessness, ecofriendliness, energy saving, maximum use of the heat of chemical reactions, fire and explosion safety, efficiency, productive capacity, the required product range and the possibility of creating flexible technologies, compliance with BAT principles, etc. The presented data allow to choose the right technology for complex granular fertilizers, depending on the abovementioned factors.Keywords: BAT, ecofriendliness, energy saving, phosphate raw materials, wastelessness
Procedia PDF Downloads 873771 Migrant Women’s Rights “with Chinese Characteristics: The State of Migrant Women in the People’s Republic of China
Authors: Leigha C. Crout
This paper will investigate the categorical disregard of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) in establishing and maintaining a baseline standard of civil guarantees for economic migrant women and their dependents. In light of the relative forward strides in terms of policy facilitating the ascension of female workers in China, this oft-invisible subgroup of women remains neglected from the modern-day “iron rice bowl” of the self-identified communist state. This study is being undertaken to rectify the absence of data on this subject and provide a baseline for future studies on the matter, as the human rights of migrants has become an established facet of transnational dialogue and debate. The basic methodology of this research will consist of the evaluation of China’s compliance with its own national guidelines, and the eight international human rights law treaties it has ratified. Data will be extracted and cross-checked from a number of relevant sources to monitor the extent of compliance, including but by no means limited to the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) Universal Periodic Review (UPR) reports and responses, submissions and responses of international human rights treaty bodies, local and international nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and their annual reports, and articles and commentaries authored by specialists on the modern state and implementation of Chinese law. Together, these data will illuminate the vast network of compliance that has forced many migrant women to work within situations of extreme economic precarity. The structure will proceed as follows: first, an outline of the current status of migrant workers and the enforcement of stipulated protections will be provided; next, the analysis of the oft-debated regulations directing and the outline of mandatory services guaranteed to external and internal migrants; and finally, a conclusion incorporating various recommendations to improve transparency and gradually decrease the amount of migrant work turned forced labor that typifies the economic migrant experience, especially in the case of women. The internal and international migrant workers in China are bound by different and uncomplimentary systems. The first, which governs Chinese citizens moving to different regions or provinces to find more sustainable employment (internal migrants), is called the hukou (or huji) residency system. This law enforces strict regulation of the movement of peoples, while ensuring that residents of urban areas receive preferential benefits to those received by their so-called “agricultural” resident counterparts. Given the overwhelming presence of the Communist Party of China throughout the vast state, the management of internal migrants and the disregard for foreign domestic workers is, at minimum, a surprising oversight. This paper endeavors to provide a much-needed foundation for future commentary and discussion on the treatment of female migrant workers and their families in the People’s Republic of China.Keywords: female migrant worker’s rights, the People’s Republic of China, forced labor, Hukou residency system
Procedia PDF Downloads 1473770 The Subcellular Localisation of EhRRP6 and Its Involvement in Pre-Ribosomal RNA Processing in Growth-Stressed Entamoeba histolytica
Authors: S. S. Singh, A. Bhattacharya, S. Bhattacharya
The eukaryotic exosome complex plays a pivotal role in RNA biogenesis, maturation, surveillance and differential expression of various RNAs in response to varying environmental signals. The exosome is composed of evolutionary conserved nine core subunits and the associated exonucleases Rrp6 and Rrp44. Rrp6p is crucial for the processing of rRNAs, other non-coding RNAs, regulation of polyA tail length and termination of transcription. Rrp6p, a 3’-5’ exonuclease is required for degradation of 5’-external transcribed spacer (ETS) released from the rRNA precursors during the early steps of pre-rRNA processing. In the parasitic protist Entamoeba histolytica in response to growth stress, there occurs the accumulation of unprocessed pre-rRNA and 5’ ETS sub fragment. To understand the processes leading to this accumulation, we looked for Rrp6 and the exosome subunits in E. histolytica, by in silico approaches. Of the nine core exosomal subunits, seven had high percentage of sequence similarity with the yeast and human. The EhRrp6 homolog contained exoribonuclease and HRDC domains like yeast but its N- terminus lacked the PMC2NT domain. EhRrp6 complemented the temperature sensitive phenotype of yeast rrp6Δ cells suggesting conservation of biological activity. We showed 3’-5’ exoribonuclease activity of EhRrp6p with in vitro-synthesized appropriate RNAs substrates. Like the yeast enzyme, EhRrp6p degraded unstructured RNA, but could degrade the stem-loops slowly. Furthermore, immunolocalization revealed that EhRrp6 was nuclear-localized in normal cells but was diminished from nucleus during serum starvation, which could explain the accumulation of 5’ETS during stress. Our study shows functional conservation of EhRrp6p in E.histolytica, an early-branching eukaryote, and will help to understand the evolution of exosomal components and their regulatory function.Keywords: entamoeba histolytica, exosome complex, rRNA processing, Rrp6
Procedia PDF Downloads 2013769 Improving Grade Control Turnaround Times with In-Pit Hyperspectral Assaying
Authors: Gary Pattemore, Michael Edgar, Andrew Job, Marina Auad, Kathryn Job
As critical commodities become more scarce, significant time and resources have been used to better understand complicated ore bodies and extract their full potential. These challenging ore bodies provide several pain points for geologists and engineers to overcome, poor handling of these issues flows downs stream to the processing plant affecting throughput rates and recovery. Many open cut mines utilise blast hole drilling to extract additional information to feed back into the modelling process. This method requires samples to be collected during or after blast hole drilling. Samples are then sent for assay with turnaround times varying from 1 to 12 days. This method is time consuming, costly, requires human exposure on the bench and collects elemental data only. To address this challenge, research has been undertaken to utilise hyperspectral imaging across a broad spectrum to scan samples, collars or take down hole measurements for minerals and moisture content and grade abundances. Automation of this process using unmanned vehicles and on-board processing reduces human in pit exposure to ensure ongoing safety. On-board processing allows data to be integrated into modelling workflows with immediacy. The preliminary results demonstrate numerous direct and indirect benefits from this new technology, including rapid and accurate grade estimates, moisture content and mineralogy. These benefits allow for faster geo modelling updates, better informed mine scheduling and improved downstream blending and processing practices. The paper presents recommendations for implementation of the technology in open cut mining environments.Keywords: grade control, hyperspectral scanning, artificial intelligence, autonomous mining, machine learning
Procedia PDF Downloads 1133768 Finding the Free Stream Velocity Using Flow Generated Sound
Authors: Saeed Hosseini, Ali Reza Tahavvor
Sound processing is one the subjects that newly attracts a lot of researchers. It is efficient and usually less expensive than other methods. In this paper the flow generated sound is used to estimate the flow speed of free flows. Many sound samples are gathered. After analyzing the data, a parameter named wave power is chosen. For all samples, the wave power is calculated and averaged for each flow speed. A curve is fitted to the averaged data and a correlation between the wave power and flow speed is founded. Test data are used to validate the method and errors for all test data were under 10 percent. The speed of the flow can be estimated by calculating the wave power of the flow generated sound and using the proposed correlation.Keywords: the flow generated sound, free stream, sound processing, speed, wave power
Procedia PDF Downloads 4163767 A Novel Application of CORDYCEPIN (Cordycepssinensis Extract): Maintaining Stem Cell Pluripotency and Improving iPS Generation Efficiency
Authors: Shih-Ping Liu, Cheng-Hsuan Chang, Yu-Chuen Huang, Shih-Yin Chen, Woei-Cherng Shyu
Embryonic stem cells (ES) and induced pluripotnet stem cells (iPS) are both pluripotent stem cells. For mouse stem cells culture technology, leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) was used to maintain the pluripotency of stem cells in vitro. However, LIF is an expensive reagent. The goal of this study was to find out a pure compound extracted from Chinese herbal medicine that could maintain stem cells pluripotency to replace LIF and improve the iPS generation efficiency. From 20 candidates traditional Chinese medicine we found that Cordycepsmilitaris triggered the up-regulation of stem cells activating genes (Oct4 and Sox2) expression levels in MEF cells. Cordycepin, a major active component of Cordycepsmilitaris, also could up-regulate Oct4 and Sox2 gene expression. Furthermore, we used ES and iPS cells and treated them with different concentrations of Cordycepin (replaced LIF in the culture medium) to test whether it was useful to maintain the pluripotency. The results showed higher expression levels of several stem cells markers in 10 μM Cordycepin-treated ES and iPS cells compared to controls that did not contain LIF, including alkaline phosphatase, SSEA1, and Nanog. Embryonic body formation and differentiation confirmed that 10 μM Cordycepin-containing medium was capable to maintain stem cells pluripotency after four times passages. For mechanism analysis, microarray analysis indicated extracellular matrix and Jak/Stat signaling pathway as the top two deregulated pathways. In ECM pathway, we determined that the integrin αVβ5 expression levels and phosphorylated Src levels increased after Cordycepin treatment. In addition, the phosphorylated Jak2 and phosphorylated Sat3 protein levels were increased after Cordycepin treatment and suppressed with the Jak2 inhibitor, AG490. The expression of cytokines associated with Jak2/Stat3 signaling pathway were also up-regulated by Q-PCR and ELISA assay. Lastly, we used Oct4-GFP MEF cells to test iPS generation efficiency following Cordycepin treatment. We observed that 10 Μm Cordycepin significantly increased the iPS generation efficiency in day 21. In conclusion, we demonstrated Cordycepin could maintain the pluripotency of stem cells through both of ECM and Jak2/Stat3 signaling pathway and improved iPS generation efficiency.Keywords: cordycepin, iPS cells, Jak2/Stat3 signaling pathway, molecular biology
Procedia PDF Downloads 4393766 Exploring SL Writing and SL Sensitivity during Writing Tasks: Poor and Advanced Writing in a Context of Second Language other than English
Authors: Sandra Figueiredo, Margarida Alves Martins, Carlos Silva, Cristina Simões
This study integrates a larger research empirical project that examines second language (SL) learners’ profiles and valid procedures to perform complete and diagnostic assessment in schools. 102 learners of Portuguese as a SL aged 7 and 17 years speakers of distinct home languages were assessed in several linguistic tasks. In this article, we focused on writing performance in the specific task of narrative essay composition. The written outputs were measured using the score in six components adapted from an English SL assessment context (Alberta Education): linguistic vocabulary, grammar, syntax, strategy, socio-linguistic, and discourse. The writing processes and strategies in Portuguese language used by different immigrant students were analysed to determine features and diversity of deficits on authentic texts performed by SL writers. Differentiated performance was based on the diversity of the following variables: grades, previous schooling, home language, instruction in first language, and exposure to Portuguese as Second Language. Indo-Aryan languages speakers showed low writing scores compared to their peers and the type of language and respective cognitive mapping (such as Mandarin and Arabic) was the predictor, not linguistic distance. Home language instruction should also be prominently considered in further research to understand specificities of cognitive academic profile in a Romance languages learning context. Additionally, this study also examined the teachers representations that will be here addressed to understand educational implications of second language teaching in psychological distress of different minorities in schools of specific host countries.Keywords: home language, immigrant students, Portuguese language, second language, writing assessment
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