Search results for: wave theory of optics
5144 A Refined Nonlocal Strain Gradient Theory for Assessing Scaling-Dependent Vibration Behavior of Microbeams
Authors: Xiaobai Li, Li Li, Yujin Hu, Weiming Deng, Zhe Ding
A size-dependent Euler–Bernoulli beam model, which accounts for nonlocal stress field, strain gradient field and higher order inertia force field, is derived based on the nonlocal strain gradient theory considering velocity gradient effect. The governing equations and boundary conditions are derived both in dimensional and dimensionless form by employed the Hamilton principle. The analytical solutions based on different continuum theories are compared. The effect of higher order inertia terms is extremely significant in high frequency range. It is found that there exists an asymptotic frequency for the proposed beam model, while for the nonlocal strain gradient theory the solutions diverge. The effect of strain gradient field in thickness direction is significant in low frequencies domain and it cannot be neglected when the material strain length scale parameter is considerable with beam thickness. The influence of each of three size effect parameters on the natural frequencies are investigated. The natural frequencies increase with the increasing material strain gradient length scale parameter or decreasing velocity gradient length scale parameter and nonlocal parameter.Keywords: Euler-Bernoulli Beams, free vibration, higher order inertia, Nonlocal Strain Gradient Theory, velocity gradient
Procedia PDF Downloads 2675143 Supply Chain Management Strategies of the Private Residential Construction Sector in South Africa
Authors: R. Khoza, K. K. Govender
The aim of the study was to review and critically evaluate the supply chain management (SCM) strategies and challenges in the private residential construction sector in South Africa. The study was grounded in three theories, namely, theory of constraints, principal-agency theory, and stakeholder theory. A quantitative approach was used to survey 320 private residential construction companies which registered with the National Homebuilders Registration Council (NHBRC) within the Gauteng province. The data from 250 questionnaires returned were analysed using SPSS (Versions 23) and Smart PLS. It became evident that the SCM challenges included lack of trust between the supplier and the organization; lack of adoption of SCM system; lack of a sufficiently skilled SCM workforce; and poor implementation of contract management. The findings also indicate that there is a significant positive relationship between the performance of the private residential construction sector in South Africa and SCM challenges, SCM strategies and SCM processes. A framework is proposed comprising SCM practices and strategies of private residential construction sector in South Africa, which will enable them to enhance performance.Keywords: management challenges, residential housing, South Africa, supply chain management
Procedia PDF Downloads 845142 Seamless Mobility in Heterogeneous Mobile Networks
Authors: Mohab Magdy Mostafa Mohamed
The objective of this paper is to introduce a vertical handover (VHO) algorithm between wireless LANs (WLANs) and LTE mobile networks. The proposed algorithm is based on the fuzzy control theory and takes into consideration power level, subscriber velocity, and target cell load instead of only power level in traditional algorithms. Simulation results show that network performance in terms of number of handovers and handover occurrence distance is improved.Keywords: vertical handover, fuzzy control theory, power level, speed, target cell load
Procedia PDF Downloads 3545141 Cybersecurity Protective Behavior in Industrial Revolution 4.0 Era: A Conceptual Framework
Authors: Saif Hussein Abdallah Alghazo, Norshima Humaidi
Adopting cybersecurity protective behaviour among the employees is seriously considered in the organization, especially when the Internet of Things (IoT) is widely used in Industrial Revolution 4.0 (IR 4.0) era. Cybersecurity issues arise due to weaknesses of employees’ behaviour such as carelessness and failure to adopt good practices of information security behaviour. Therefore, this study aims to explore the dimensions that might influence employees’ behaviour to adopt good cybersecurity practices and to develop a new holistic model related to this concept. The study proposed this by reviewing the existing works of literature related to this field extensively, especially by focusing on the existing theory such as Protection Motivation Theory (PMT). Moreover, this study has also explored the role of cybersecurity competency among the security manager in the organization since this construct is essential to enhance the protective behaviour towards cybersecurity among the employees in the organization. The proposed research model is important to be quantitatively tested in the future as the findings will serve as the input to the act that will enhance employee’s cybersecurity protective behaviour in the IR 4.0 environment.Keywords: cybersecurity protective behaviour, protection motivation theory, IR 4.0, cybersecurity competency
Procedia PDF Downloads 1535140 Assessment of Tidal Current Energy Potential at LAMU and Mombasa in Kenya
Authors: Lucy Patricia Onundo, Wilfred Njoroge Mwema
The tidal power potential available for electricity generation from Mombasa and Lamu sites in Kenya will be examined. Several African countries in the Western Indian Ocean endure insufficiencies in the power sector, including both generation and distribution. One important step towards increasing energy security and availability is to intensify the use of renewable energy sources. The access to cost-efficient hydropower is low in Mombasa and Lamu hence Ocean energy will play an important role. Global-Level resource assessments and oceanographic literature and data have been compiled in an analysis between technology-specific requirements for ocean energy technologies (salinity, tide, tidal current, wave, Ocean thermal energy conversion, wind and solar) and the physical resources in Lamu and Mombasa. The potential for tide and tidal current power is more restricted but may be of interest at some locations. The theoretical maximum power produced over a tidal cycle is determined by the product of the forcing tide and the undisturbed volumetric flow-rate. The extraction of the maximum power reduces the flow-rate, but a significant portion of the maximum power can be extracted with little change to the tidal dynamics. Two-dimensional finite-element, numerical simulations designed and developed agree with the theory. Temporal variations in resource intensity, as well as the differences between small-scale and large-scale applications, are considered.Keywords: energy assessment, marine tidal power, renewable energy, tidal dynamics
Procedia PDF Downloads 5785139 Non-Local Behavior of a Mixed-Mode Crack in a Functionally Graded Piezoelectric Medium
Authors: Nidhal Jamia, Sami El-Borgi
In this paper, the problem of a mixed-Mode crack embedded in an infinite medium made of a functionally graded piezoelectric material (FGPM) with crack surfaces subjected to electro-mechanical loadings is investigated. Eringen’s non-local theory of elasticity is adopted to formulate the governing electro-elastic equations. The properties of the piezoelectric material are assumed to vary exponentially along a perpendicular plane to the crack. Using Fourier transform, three integral equations are obtained in which the unknown variables are the jumps of mechanical displacements and electric potentials across the crack surfaces. To solve the integral equations, the unknowns are directly expanded as a series of Jacobi polynomials, and the resulting equations solved using the Schmidt method. In contrast to the classical solutions based on the local theory, it is found that no mechanical stress and electric displacement singularities are present at the crack tips when nonlocal theory is employed to investigate the problem. A direct benefit is the ability to use the calculated maximum stress as a fracture criterion. The primary objective of this study is to investigate the effects of crack length, material gradient parameter describing FGPMs, and lattice parameter on the mechanical stress and electric displacement field near crack tips.Keywords: functionally graded piezoelectric material (FGPM), mixed-mode crack, non-local theory, Schmidt method
Procedia PDF Downloads 3095138 Social Anxiety Connection with Individual Characteristics: Theory of Mind, Verbal Irony Comprehension and Personal Traits
Authors: Anano Tenieshvili, Teona Lodia
Social anxiety disorder (SAD) is one of the most common mental health problems not only in adults but also in adolescents. Individuals with SAD exhibit difficulties in interpersonal relationships, understanding emotions, and regulating them as well. For social and emotional adaptation, it is crucial to identify, understand, accept and manage emotions correctly. Researchers actively learn those factors that contribute to the development and maintenance of this condition. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to acquire knowledge about the association between social anxiety and individual characteristics, such as theory of mind (ToM), verbal irony comprehension, and personal traits. 112 adolescents aged from 12 to 18 were selected for this research. 15 of them are diagnosed with Social anxiety disorder. Statistical analysis was performed on the entire sample, and furthermore, two groups, adolescents with and without social anxiety disorder, were compared separately. Social anxiety and personal traits were assessed by questionnaires. Theory of mind and comprehension of verbal irony were measured using tests. Statistical analysis indicated a positive relationship between social anxiety and comprehension of ironic criticism. Moreover, social anxiety was significantly positively correlated with neuroticism and isolation tendency, whereas it was negatively related to extraversion and frustration tolerance. On top of that, statistical analysis revealed a positive relationship between ToM and verbal irony comprehension. However, the relationship between social anxiety and ToM was not statistically significant. In conclusion, the current research expands knowledge about social anxiety and supports the results of some previous studies.Keywords: personal traits, social anxiety, theory of mind, verbal irony comprehension
Procedia PDF Downloads 2055137 Social Anxiety Connection with Individual Characteristics: Theory of Mind, Verbal Irony Comprehension and Personal Traits
Authors: Anano Tenieshvili, Teona Lodia
Social anxiety disorder (SAD) is one of the most common mental health problems not only in adults but also in adolescents. Individuals with SAD exhibit difficulties in interpersonal relationships, understanding emotions and regulating them as well. For social and emotional adaptation, it is crucial to identify, understand, accept and manage emotions correctly. Researchers actively learn those factors that contribute to the development and maintenance of this condition. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to acquire knowledge about the association between social anxiety and individual characteristics, such as the theory of mind (ToM), verbal irony comprehension and personal traits. 112 adolescents aged from 12 to 18 were selected for this research. 15 of them are diagnosed with Social anxiety disorder. Statistical analysis was performed on the entire sample and furthermore, two groups, adolescents with and without a social anxiety disorder, were compared separately. Social anxiety and personal traits were assessed by questionnaires. Theory of mind and comprehension of verbal irony was measured using tests. Statistical analysis indicated a positive relationship between social anxiety and comprehension of ironic criticism. Moreover, social anxiety was significantly positively correlated with neuroticism and isolation tendency, whereas it was negatively related to extraversion and frustration tolerance. On top of that, statistical analysis revealed a positive relationship between ToM and verbal irony comprehension. However, the relationship between social anxiety and ToM was not statistically significant. In conclusion, the current research expands knowledge about social anxiety and supports the results of some previous studies.Keywords: personal traits, social anxiety, theory of mind, verbal irony comprehension
Procedia PDF Downloads 1255136 Testing Psychopathy as a Unified Theory of Crime and the Psychometric properties of the Youth Psychopathic Traits Inventory - Short Version among South African Youth
Authors: Leon Holtzhausen, Emma Campbell
This study aimed to explore the psychometric properties of the Youth Psychopathic Traits Inventory- short version (YPI-S) and the applicability of Psychopathy as a Unified Theory of Crime among 213 young adults in South Africa. The deviant behaviour variety scale and the YPI-S were used in this study. Results from factor analysis and reliability measures indicated the YPI-S seemed to have good psychometric properties when applied to the South African sample, however applicability of the behavioural dimension was a challenge. The results related to the association between deviant behaviours and psychopathic traits suggested that Psychopathy as a Unified Theory of Crime could be applied in the South African context. It is however important to note that future research should explore how the relevant scales could be culturally and contextually adapted for better psychometric outcomes.Keywords: testing psychopathy, adverse childhood experiences, youth psychopathic traits inventory, young adults
Procedia PDF Downloads 715135 Excitation of Guided Waves in Finite Width Plates Using a Numerical Approach
Authors: Wenbo Duan, Hossein Habibi, Vassilios Kappatos, Cem Selcuk, Tat-Hean Gan
Ultrasonic guided waves are often used to remove ice or fouling in different structures, such as ship hulls, wind turbine blades and so on. To achieve maximum sound power output, it is important that multiple transducers are arranged in a particular way so that a desired mode can be excited. The objective of this paper is thus to provide a theoretical basis for generating a particular mode in a finite width rectangular plate which can be used for removing potential ice or fouling on the plate. The number of transducers and their locations with respect to a particular mode will be investigated, and the link between dispersion curves and practical applications will be explored. To achieve this, a semi-analytical finite element (SAFE) method is used to study the dispersion characteristics of all the modes in the ultrasonic frequency range. The detailed modal shapes will be revealed, and from the modal analysis, the particular mode with the strongest yet continuous transverse and axial displacements on the surfaces of the plate will be chosen for the purpose of removing potential ice or fouling on the plate. The modal analysis is followed by providing information on the number, location and amplitude of transducers needed to excite this particular mode. Modal excitation is then implemented in a standard finite element commercial package, namely COMSOL Multiphysics. Wave motion is visualized in COMSOL, and the mode shapes generated in SAFE is found to be consistent with the mode shapes generated in COMSOL.Keywords: dispersion analysis, finite width plate, guided wave, modal excitation
Procedia PDF Downloads 4745134 Understanding Racial Disparate Treatment of Juvenile Interpersonal Violent Offenders in the Juvenile Justice System Using Focal Concerns Theory
Authors: Suzanne Overstreet-Juenke
Disproportionate minority contact (DMC) is a salient issue that has been found at every stage of the decision-making process in the juvenile justice system. Existing research indicates that DMC influences adjudication for drug, property, and personal crimes. Because intimate partner violence (IPV) is a major public health problem and global concern, the current study examines DMC at adjudication among youth charged for crimes of interpersonal violence. This research uses administrative, Court Designated Worker (CDW) data collected from 2014 to 2016. The results are contextualized using Steffensmeier’s version of focal concerns theory of judicial decision-making. This study assesses race and two seriousness of offense measures to establish whether a link exists between race and adjudication. The results of the study is similar to prior research on the topic. These results are discussed in terms of policy implications, limitations, and future research.Keywords: race, disproportionate minority contact, focal concerns theory, juvenile
Procedia PDF Downloads 785133 Approximate Solution of Some Mixed Boundary Value Problems of the Generalized Theory of Couple-Stress Thermo-Elasticity
Authors: Manana Chumburidze, David Lekveishvili
We have considered the harmonic oscillations and general dynamic (pseudo oscillations) systems of theory generalized Green-Lindsay of couple-stress thermo-elasticity for isotropic, homogeneous elastic media. Approximate solution of some mixed boundary value problems for finite domain, bounded by the some closed surface are constructed.Keywords: the couple-stress thermoelasticity, boundary value problems, dynamic problems, approximate solution
Procedia PDF Downloads 5075132 Electrochemical Sensing of L-Histidine Based on Fullerene-C60 Mediated Gold Nanocomposite
Authors: Sanjeeb Sutradhar, Archita Patnaik
Histidine is one of the twenty-two naturally occurring essential amino acids exhibiting two conformations, L-histidine and D-histidine. D-Histidine is biologically inert, while L-histidine is bioactive because of its conversion to neurotransmitter or neuromodulator histamine in both brain as well as central nervous system. The deficiency of L-histidine causes serious diseases like Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy and the failure of normal erythropoiesis development. Gold nanocomposites are attractive materials due to their excellent biocompatibility and are easy to adsorb on the electrode surface. In the present investigation, hydrophobic fullerene-C60 was functionalized with homocysteine via nucleophilic addition reaction to make it hydrophilic and to successively make the nanocomposite with in-situ prepared gold nanoparticles with ascorbic acid as reducing agent. The electronic structure calculations of the AuNPs@Hcys-C60 nanocomposite showed a drastic reduction of HOMO-LUMO gap compared to the corresponding molecules of interest, indicating enhanced electron transportability to the electrode surface. In addition, the electrostatic potential map of the nanocomposite showed the charge was distributed over either end of the nanocomposite, evidencing faster direct electron transfer from nanocomposite to the electrode surface. This nanocomposite showed catalytic activity; the nanocomposite modified glassy carbon electrode showed a tenfold higher kₑt, the electron transfer rate constant than the bare glassy carbon electrode. Significant improvement in its sensing behavior by square wave voltammetry was noted.Keywords: fullerene-C60, gold nanocomposites, L-Histidine, square wave voltammetry
Procedia PDF Downloads 2505131 Investigating Customer Engagement through the Prism of Congruity Theory
Authors: Jamid Ul Islam, Zillur Rahman
The impulse for customer engagement research in online brand communities (OBCs) is largely acknowledged in the literature. Applying congruity theory, this study proposes a model of customer engagement by examining how two congruities viz. self-brand image congruity and value congruity influence customers’ engagement in online brand communities. The consequent effect of customer engagement on brand loyalty is also studied. This study collected data through a questionnaire survey of 395 students of a higher educational institute in India, who were active on Facebook and followed a brand community (at least one). The data were analyzed using structure equation modelling. The results revealed that both the types of congruity i.e., self-brand image congruity and value congruity significantly affect customer engagement. A positive effect of customer engagement on brand loyalty was also affirmed by the results. This study integrates and broadens extant explanations of different congruity effects on consumer behavior-an area that has received little attention. This study is expected to add new trends to engage customers in online brand communities and offer realistic insights to the domain of social media marketing.Keywords: congruity theory, customer engagement, Facebook, online brand communities
Procedia PDF Downloads 3505130 Optimized Dynamic Bayesian Networks and Neural Verifier Test Applied to On-Line Isolated Characters Recognition
Authors: Redouane Tlemsani, Redouane, Belkacem Kouninef, Abdelkader Benyettou
In this paper, our system is a Markovien system which we can see it like a Dynamic Bayesian Networks. One of the major interests of these systems resides in the complete training of the models (topology and parameters) starting from training data. The Bayesian Networks are representing models of dubious knowledge on complex phenomena. They are a union between the theory of probability and the graph theory in order to give effective tools to represent a joined probability distribution on a set of random variables. The representation of knowledge bases on description, by graphs, relations of causality existing between the variables defining the field of study. The theory of Dynamic Bayesian Networks is a generalization of the Bayesians networks to the dynamic processes. Our objective amounts finding the better structure which represents the relationships (dependencies) between the variables of a dynamic bayesian network. In applications in pattern recognition, one will carry out the fixing of the structure which obliges us to admit some strong assumptions (for example independence between some variables).Keywords: Arabic on line character recognition, dynamic Bayesian network, pattern recognition, networks
Procedia PDF Downloads 6195129 Determining G-γ Degradation Curve in Cohesive Soils by Dilatometer and in situ Seismic Tests
Authors: Ivandic Kreso, Spiranec Miljenko, Kavur Boris, Strelec Stjepan
This article discusses the possibility of using dilatometer tests (DMT) together with in situ seismic tests (MASW) in order to get the shape of G-g degradation curve in cohesive soils (clay, silty clay, silt, clayey silt and sandy silt). MASW test provides the small soil stiffness (Go from vs) at very small strains and DMT provides the stiffness of the soil at ‘work strains’ (MDMT). At different test locations, dilatometer shear stiffness of the soil has been determined by the theory of elasticity. Dilatometer shear stiffness has been compared with the theoretical G-g degradation curve in order to determine the typical range of shear deformation for different types of cohesive soil. The analysis also includes factors that influence the shape of the degradation curve (G-g) and dilatometer modulus (MDMT), such as the overconsolidation ratio (OCR), plasticity index (IP) and the vertical effective stress in the soil (svo'). Parametric study in this article defines the range of shear strain gDMT and GDMT/Go relation depending on the classification of a cohesive soil (clay, silty clay, clayey silt, silt and sandy silt), function of density (loose, medium dense and dense) and the stiffness of the soil (soft, medium hard and hard). The article illustrates the potential of using MASW and DMT to obtain G-g degradation curve in cohesive soils.Keywords: dilatometer testing, MASW testing, shear wave, soil stiffness, stiffness reduction, shear strain
Procedia PDF Downloads 3185128 Path Integrals and Effective Field Theory of Large Scale Structure
Authors: Revant Nayar
In this work, we recast the equations describing large scale structure, and by extension all nonlinear fluids, in the path integral formalism. We first calculate the well known two and three point functions using Schwinger Keldysh formalism used commonly to perturbatively solve path integrals in non- equilibrium systems. Then we include EFT corrections due to pressure, viscosity, and noise as effects on the time-dependent propagator. We are able to express results for arbitrary two and three point correlation functions in LSS in terms of differential operators acting on a triple K master intergral. We also, for the first time, get analytical results for more general initial conditions deviating from the usual power law P∝kⁿ by introducing a mass scale in the initial conditions. This robust field theoretic formalism empowers us with tools from strongly coupled QFT to study the strongly non-linear regime of LSS and turbulent fluid dynamics such as OPE and holographic duals. These could be used to capture fully the strongly non-linear dynamics of fluids and move towards solving the open problem of classical turbulence.Keywords: quantum field theory, cosmology, effective field theory, renormallisation
Procedia PDF Downloads 1355127 An Inquiry into the Usage of Complex Systems Models to Examine the Effects of the Agent Interaction in a Political Economic Environment
Authors: Ujjwall Sai Sunder Uppuluri
Group theory is a powerful tool that researchers can use to provide a structural foundation for their Agent Based Models. These Agent Based models are argued by this paper to be the future of the Social Science Disciplines. More specifically, researchers can use them to apply evolutionary theory to the study of complex social systems. This paper illustrates one such example of how theoretically an Agent Based Model can be formulated from the application of Group Theory, Systems Dynamics, and Evolutionary Biology to analyze the strategies pursued by states to mitigate risk and maximize usage of resources to achieve the objective of economic growth. This example can be applied to other social phenomena and this makes group theory so useful to the analysis of complex systems, because the theory provides the mathematical formulaic proof for validating the complex system models that researchers build and this will be discussed by the paper. The aim of this research, is to also provide researchers with a framework that can be used to model political entities such as states on a 3-dimensional plane. The x-axis representing resources (tangible and intangible) available to them, y the risks, and z the objective. There also exist other states with different constraints pursuing different strategies to climb the mountain. This mountain’s environment is made up of risks the state faces and resource endowments. This mountain is also layered in the sense that it has multiple peaks that must be overcome to reach the tallest peak. A state that sticks to a single strategy or pursues a strategy that is not conducive to the climbing of that specific peak it has reached is not able to continue advancement. To overcome the obstacle in the state’s path, it must innovate. Based on the definition of a group, we can categorize each state as being its own group. Each state is a closed system, one which is made up of micro level agents who have their own vectors and pursue strategies (actions) to achieve some sub objectives. The state also has an identity, the inverse being anarchy and/or inaction. Finally, the agents making up a state interact with each other through competition and collaboration to mitigate risks and achieve sub objectives that fall within the primary objective. Thus, researchers can categorize the state as an organism that reflects the sum of the output of the interactions pursued by agents at the micro level. When states compete, they employ a strategy and that state which has the better strategy (reflected by the strategies pursued by her parts) is able to out-compete her counterpart to acquire some resource, mitigate some risk or fulfil some objective. This paper will attempt to illustrate how group theory combined with evolutionary theory and systems dynamics can allow researchers to model the long run development, evolution, and growth of political entities through the use of a bottom up approach.Keywords: complex systems, evolutionary theory, group theory, international political economy
Procedia PDF Downloads 1405126 Patterns of Eosinophilia in Cardiac Patients and its Association with Endomyocardial Disease Presenting to Tertiary Care Hospital in Peshawar
Authors: Rashid Azeem
Introduction: Eosinophilia, which can be categorized as mild, moderate, and severe form on the basis of increasing eosinophil counts, might be responsible for a wide range of cardiac manifestations, varying from a simple myocarditis to a severe state like endomyocardial fibrosis. Eosinophils are involved in the pathogenesis of a variety of cardiovascular disorder like Loffler endocarditis, eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangitis (EGPH), and hyper eosinophilic (HES). Among them HES carries and incidence rate b/w 48% and 75% and is the main causes of cardiac motility and mobility due to eosinophilia involvement. Aims and objectives: The aim of this study is to determine the frequency of eosinophilia in cardiac patients and to ascertain the evidence of endomyocardial diseases in eosinophilic patients in a cardiology institution Material and Methods: This cross sectional analytical study was conducted in hematology Department of Peshawar institute of Cardiology after approval from hospital ethical and research committee. All 70 patients were subjected to detailed history and clinical examination. Investigation like CBC, Chest X-ray, ECG, Echo, Angiography findings were used to monitor patient’s clinical status. Data is analyzed using SPSS version 25 and MS Excel. Results: Out of 70 patients in our study, a total of 66 patients(94 %) shows evidence of cardiac manifestations. In our study, we have observed a number of abnormal ECG patterns in cardiac patients presenting with eosinophilia, like T wave changes, loss of R wave, sinus bradycardia with LVH strain, and ST wave abnormality. abnormal echocardiographic findings were observed in our patients, like valvular abnormalities (in 45.7%), RWMA abnormalities (in 2.8%), isolated ventricular dysfunction (in 21.4%), and in 10% patients, normal echocardiography. We further noted abnormal coronary angiography findings in cardiac patients with eosinophilia ranging from single vessel to multi vessel occlusions. Conclusions: Eosinophils are involved in the pathogenesis of a variety of cardiovascular disorders which can be detected by various diagnostic means, and the severity of the disease increases with time and with increasing eosinophil count ranging from simple myocarditis to a fatal condition like endomyocardial fibrosis. Thus, increased eosinophilic count as a laboratory parameter in cardiac patients may be a sign of endomyocardial damage which will further help cardiologist to intervene more aggressively then routine approach to a cardiac patient.Keywords: eosinophilia, endomyocardial fibrosis, cardiac, hypereosinophilic syndrome
Procedia PDF Downloads 675125 Compact LWIR Borescope Sensor for Surface Temperature of Engine Components
Authors: Andy Zhang, Awnik Roy, Trevor B. Chen, Bibik Oleksandr, Subodh Adhikari, Paul S. Hsu
The durability of a combustor in gas-turbine enginesrequiresa good control of its component temperatures. Since the temperature of combustion gases frequently exceeds the melting point of the combustion liner walls, an efficient air-cooling system is significantly important to elongatethe lifetime of liner walls. To determine the effectiveness of the air-cooling system, accurate 2D surface temperature measurement of combustor liner walls is crucial for advanced engine development. Traditional diagnostic techniques for temperature measurement, such as thermocouples, thermal wall paints, pyrometry, and phosphors, have shown disadvantages, including being intrusive and affecting local flame/flow dynamics, potential flame quenching, and physical damages to instrumentation due to harsh environments inside the combustor and strong optical interference from strong combustion emission in UV-Mid IR wavelength. To overcome these drawbacks, a compact and small borescope long-wave-infrared (LWIR) sensor is developed to achieve two-dimensional high-spatial resolution, high-fidelity thermal imaging of 2D surface temperature in gas-turbine engines, providing the desired engine component temperature distribution. The compactLWIRborescope sensor makes it feasible to promote the durability of combustor in gas-turbine engines.Keywords: borescope, engine, long-wave-infrared, sensor
Procedia PDF Downloads 1395124 Mediating Role of 'Investment Recovery' and 'Competitiveness' on the Impact of Green Supply Chain Management Practices over Firm Performance: An Empirical Study Based on Textile Industry of Pakistan
Authors: Mehwish Jawaad
Purpose: The concept of GrSCM (Green Supply Chain Management) in the academic and research field is still thought to be in the development stage especially in Asian Emerging Economies. The purpose of this paper is to contribute significantly to the first wave of empirical investigation on GrSCM Practices and Firm Performance measures in Pakistan. The aim of this research is to develop a more holistic approach towards investigating the impact of Green Supply Chain Management Practices (Ecodesign, Internal Environmental Management systems, Green Distribution, Green Purchasing and Cooperation with Customers) on multiple dimensions of Firm Performance Measures (Economic Performance, Environmental Performance and Operational Performance) with a mediating role of Investment Recovery and Competitiveness. This paper also serves as an initiative to identify if the relationship between Investment Recovery and Firm Performance Measures is mediated by Competitiveness. Design/ Methodology/Approach: This study is based on survey Data collected from 272, ISO (14001) Certified Textile Firms Based in Lahore, Faisalabad, and Karachi which are involved in Spinning, Dyeing, Printing or Bleaching. A Theoretical model was developed incorporating the constructs representing Green Activities and Firm Performance Measures of a firm. The data was analyzed using Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modeling. Senior and Mid-level managers provided the data reflecting the degree to which their organizations deal with both internal and external stakeholders to improve the environmental sustainability of their supply chain. Findings: Of the 36 proposed Hypothesis, 20 are considered valid and significant. The statistics result reveal that GrSCM practices positively impact Environmental Performance followed by Economic and Operational Performance. Investment Recovery acts as a strong mediator between Intra organizational Green activities and performance outcomes. The relationship of Reverse Logistics influencing outcomes is significantly mediated by Competitiveness. The pressure originating from customers exert significant positive influence on the firm to adopt Green Practices consequently leading to higher outcomes. Research Contribution/Originality: Underpinning the Resource dependence theory and as a first wave of investigating the impact of Green Supply chain on performance outcomes in Pakistan, this study intends to make a prominent mark in the field of research. Investment and Competitiveness together are tested as a mediator for the first time in this arena. Managerial implications: Practitioner is provided with a framework for assessing the synergistic impact of GrSCM practices on performance. Upgradation of Accreditations and Audit Programs on regular basis are the need of the hour. Making the processes leaner with the sale of excess inventories and scrap helps the firm to work more efficiently and productively.Keywords: economic performance, environmental performance, green supply chain management practices, operational performance, sustainability, a textile sector of Pakistan
Procedia PDF Downloads 2265123 The Book of Lies: The Christian Bible's Colonialism over and Appropriation of Occultism
Authors: Samantha Huff
This research seeks to examine the relationship between occultism and the traditional religion of Christianity. The focus of this particular project is to deconstruct occultism and occult religion: how it develops, where it is applied, how and when it is applied. The next step is to make connections between the structure of occultism and the structure of Christianity. Do Christianity and the Occult appear, textually, the same way? What does that mean culturally? This project seeks to examine the historical similarities of occultism and Christianity practices and tradition, and how, as a whole, Christianity appropriates and colonializes occultism through examination into the Christian Bible and popular occult texts: The Book of the Law by Aleister Crowley and The Secret Doctrine: The Synthesis of Science, Religion, and Philosophy by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky. Through examining occultism and Christianity and applying it to popular cultural theories (Ritual Space by Nick Couldry, Muted Group Theory by Shirley Ardener, and Mythologies by Roland Barethes), it is entirely possible to see how Christianity appropriates occultism and uses their stronghold on society as a means to colonialize occult traditions and practices.Keywords: appropriation, Christianity, colonialism, cultural theory, muted group theory, mythologies, occultism, ritual space
Procedia PDF Downloads 1545122 Ranking Theory-The Paradigm Shift in Statistical Approach to the Issue of Ranking in a Sports League
Authors: E. Gouya Bozorg
The issue of ranking of sports teams, in particular soccer teams is of primary importance in the professional sports. However, it is still based on classical statistics and models outside of area of mathematics. Rigorous mathematics and then statistics despite the expectation held of them have not been able to effectively engage in the issue of ranking. It is something that requires serious pathology. The purpose of this study is to change the approach to get closer to mathematics proper for using in the ranking. We recommend using theoretical mathematics as a good option because it can hermeneutically obtain the theoretical concepts and criteria needful for the ranking from everyday language of a League. We have proposed a framework that puts the issue of ranking into a new space that we have applied in soccer as a case study. This is an experimental and theoretical study on the issue of ranking in a professional soccer league based on theoretical mathematics, followed by theoretical statistics. First, we showed the theoretical definition of constant number Є = 1.33 or ‘golden number’ of a soccer league. Then, we have defined the ‘efficiency of a team’ by this number and formula of μ = (Pts / (k.Є)) – 1, in which Pts is a point obtained by a team in k number of games played. Moreover, K.Є index has been used to show the theoretical median line in the league table and to compare top teams and bottom teams. Theoretical coefficient of σ= 1 / (1+ (Ptx / Ptxn)) has also been defined that in every match between the teams x, xn, with respect to the ability of a team and the points of both of them Ptx, Ptxn, and it gives a performance point resulting in a special ranking for the League. And it has been useful particularly in evaluating the performance of weaker teams. The current theory has been examined for the statistical data of 4 major European Leagues during the period of 1998-2014. Results of this study showed that the issue of ranking is dependent on appropriate theoretical indicators of a League. These indicators allowed us to find different forms of ranking of teams in a league including the ‘special table’ of a league. Furthermore, on this basis the issue of a record of team has been revised and amended. In addition, the theory of ranking can be used to compare and classify the different leagues and tournaments. Experimental results obtained from archival statistics of major professional leagues in the world in the past two decades have confirmed the theory. This topic introduces a new theory for ranking of a soccer league. Moreover, this theory can be used to compare different leagues and tournaments.Keywords: efficiency of a team, ranking, special table, theoretical mathematic
Procedia PDF Downloads 4185121 The Relationship between Friedrich Nietzsche’s Dream and Intoxication: Through Analyzing the “Steppenwolf” by Hermann Hesse
Authors: Mengjie Liu
This essay mainly analyses the representation of the Apollo and Dionysus spirits in Hermann Hesse’s novel “Steppenwolf.” This analysis adopts a theoretical approach based on Fredrich Nietzsche’s theory of the two separate art worlds, dream and intoxication, which corresponds to the two art deities, Apollo and Dionysus. The essay will discuss Friedrich Nietzsche’s art and aesthetic theory of dream and intoxication in the first part. Then the essay will elaborate on the representation of the Apollo spirit and dream in “Steppenwolf” in the second section from two aspects: (1) Harry Haller’s (the main character) self-recognition and semblance with Hermina. (2) The realization of Hermina’s prophecy of the dream. Then the essay will analyze the representation of the Dionysus spirit and the intoxication in the third part by demonstrating Harry Haller’s self-forgetting and melting into the crowd. The essay will combine the two spirits in the fourth section and discuss the relationship between dream and intoxication as the stimulator (dream) and the realizing (intoxication). This essay takes Nietzsche’s theory as the basic foundation while also drawing sources from psychological analysis theories and other literature sources.Keywords: dream, intoxication, Nietzsche, Steppenwolf
Procedia PDF Downloads 1515120 Heritage Tourism Balance between Historic Culture and Marketing Innovation: The Case Study of Taiwan
Authors: Lin Chih-Ken
This paper explores the A Li Shan hotel of Taiwan during the Japanese occupation period, after over a hundred years of time, it has been handed over to the hotel managing enterprise to retain the historic building and the culture. Applying the innovative marketing strategies, coordinate the local government traveling policy then combined local tea agriculture and forestry specialty integrated marketing, to create the special hotel located in the Alishan National Scenic Area with the characteristics of landscape, innovative marketing and history, to attract domestic tourism and visitors around the world. This study interview the hotel owner, managers, employees and guests, in addition to collected message feedback from reservation website, to apply Ambidexterity Marketing Theory and Resource Base Theory to analyze the main impact factors. The conclusion showed that the integration of several key factors and make good use of resource strength generate heterogeneous product characteristics to attracting wider range of visitors.Keywords: heritage tourism, historic hotel, marketing ambidexterity, resource base theory
Procedia PDF Downloads 2665119 Theoretical-Experimental Investigations on Free Vibration of Glass Fiber/Polyester Composite Conical Shells Containing Fluid
Authors: Tran Ich Thinh, Nguyen Manh Cuong
Free vibrations of partial fluid-filled composite truncated conical shells are investigated using the Dynamic Stiffness Method (DSM) or Continuous Element Method (CEM) based on the First Order Shear Deformation Theory (FSDT) and non-viscous incompressible fluid equations. Numerical examples are given for analyzing natural frequencies and harmonic responses of clamped-free conical shells partially and completely filled with fluid. To compare with the theoretical results, detailed experimental results have been obtained on the free vibration of a clamped-free conical shells partially filled with water by using a multi-vibration measuring machine (DEWEBOOK-DASYLab 5.61.10). Three glass fiber/polyester composite truncated cones with the radius of the larger end 285 mm, thickness 2 mm, and the cone lengths along the generators are 285 mm, 427.5 mm and 570 mm with the semi-vertex angles 27, 14 and 9 degrees respectively were used, and the filling ratio of the contained water was 0, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75 and 1.0. The results calculated by proposed computational model for studied composite conical shells are in good agreement with experiments. Obtained results indicate that the fluid filling can reduce significantly the natural frequencies of composite conical shells. Parametric studies including circumferential wave number, fluid depth and cone angles are carried out.Keywords: dynamic stiffness method, experimental study, free vibration, fluid-shell interaction, glass fiber/polyester composite conical shell
Procedia PDF Downloads 5005118 A Modified Refined Higher Order Zigzag Theory for Stress Analysis of Hybrid Composite Laminates
Authors: Dhiraj Biswas, Chaitali Ray
A modified refined higher order zigzag theory has been developed in this paper in order to compute the accurate interlaminar stresses within hybrid laminates. Warping has significant effect on the mechanical behaviour of the laminates. To the best of author(s)’ knowledge the stress analysis of hybrid laminates is not reported in the published literature. The present paper aims to develop a new C0 continuous element based on the refined higher order zigzag theories considering warping effect in the formulation of hybrid laminates. The eight noded isoparametric plate bending element is used for the flexural analysis of laminated composite plates to study the performance of the proposed model. The transverse shear stresses are computed by using the differential equations of stress equilibrium in a simplified manner. A computer code has been developed using MATLAB software package. Several numerical examples are solved to assess the performance of the present finite element model based on the proposed higher order zigzag theory by comparing the present results with three-dimensional elasticity solutions. The present formulation is validated by comparing the results obtained from the relevant literature. An extensive parametric study has been carried out on the hybrid laminates with varying percentage of materials and angle of orientation of fibre content.Keywords: hybrid laminate, Interlaminar stress, refined higher order zigzag theory, warping effect
Procedia PDF Downloads 2245117 Top Management Characteristics and Adoption of Internet Banking: Case Study of the Tunisian Banking Sector
Authors: Dorra Gherib
This article explores in depth the technological innovations by the Top Managements of banks in the Tunisian banking sector. The framework of this research is based on an amalgamation of four theories related to the decision of adopting technological innovations: The Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA), the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB), Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), and Diffusion of Innovation (DI). The result of our qualitative study highlights four variables which influence the attitude of the Top Managements towards the adoption of internet banking: Relative advantage, Perceived Ease of Use, compatibility and Perceived risk.Keywords: top management, attitude, internet banking, TRA, TAM, TPB, DI
Procedia PDF Downloads 4715116 Vertically Coupled III-V/Silicon Single Mode Laser with a Hybrid Grating Structure
Silicon photonics has gained much interest and extensive research for a promising aspect for fabricating compact, high-speed and low-cost photonic devices compatible with complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) process. Despite the remarkable progress made on the development of silicon photonics, high-performance, cost-effective, and reliable silicon laser sources are still missing. In this work, we present a 1550 nm III-V/silicon laser design with stable single-mode lasing property and robust and high-efficiency vertical coupling. The InP cavity consists of two uniform Bragg grating sections at sides for mode selection and feedback, as well as a central second-order grating for surface emission. A grating coupler is etched on the SOI waveguide by which the light coupling between the parallel III-V and SOI is reached vertically rather than by evanescent wave coupling. Laser characteristic is simulated and optimized by the traveling-wave model (TWM) and a Green’s function analysis as well as a 2D finite difference time domain (FDTD) method for the coupling process. The simulation results show that single-mode lasing with SMSR better than 48dB is achievable, and the threshold current is less than 15mA with a slope efficiency of around 0.13W/A. The coupling efficiency is larger than 42% and possesses a high tolerance with less than 10% reduction for 10 um horizontal or 15 um vertical dislocation. The design can be realized by standard flip-chip bonding techniques without co-fabrication of III-V and silicon or precise alignment.Keywords: III-V/silicon integration, silicon photonics, single mode laser, vertical coupling
Procedia PDF Downloads 1565115 Random Matrix Theory Analysis of Cross-Correlation in the Nigerian Stock Exchange
Authors: Chimezie P. Nnanwa, Thomas C. Urama, Patrick O. Ezepue
In this paper we use Random Matrix Theory to analyze the eigen-structure of the empirical correlations of 82 stocks which are consistently traded in the Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE) over a 4-year study period 3 August 2009 to 26 August 2013. We apply the Marchenko-Pastur distribution of eigenvalues of a purely random matrix to investigate the presence of investment-pertinent information contained in the empirical correlation matrix of the selected stocks. We use hypothesised standard normal distribution of eigenvector components from RMT to assess deviations of the empirical eigenvectors to this distribution for different eigenvalues. We also use the Inverse Participation Ratio to measure the deviation of eigenvectors of the empirical correlation matrix from RMT results. These preliminary results on the dynamics of asset price correlations in the NSE are important for improving risk-return trade-offs associated with Markowitz’s portfolio optimization in the stock exchange, which is pursued in future work.Keywords: correlation matrix, eigenvalue and eigenvector, inverse participation ratio, portfolio optimization, random matrix theory
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