Search results for: quantile values
6130 Assessing the Vulnerability Level in Coastal Communities in the Caribbean: A Case Study of San Pedro, Belize
Authors: Sherry Ann Ganase, Sandra Sookram
In this paper, the vulnerability level to climate change is analysed using a comprehensive index, consisting of five pillars: human, social, natural, physical, and financial. A structural equation model is also applied to determine the indicators and relationships that exist between the observed environmental changes and the quality of life. Using survey data to model the results, a value of 0.382 is derived as the vulnerability level for San Pedro, where values closer to zero indicates lower vulnerability and values closer to one indicates higher vulnerability. The results showed the social pillar to be most vulnerable, with the indicator ‘participation’ ranked the highest in its cohort. Although, the environmental pillar is ranked as least vulnerable, the indicators ‘hazard’ and ‘biodiversity’ obtained scores closer to 0.4, suggesting that changes in the environment are occurring from natural and anthropogenic activities. These changes can negatively influence the quality of life as illustrated in the structural equation modelling. The study concludes by reporting on the need for collective action and participation by households in lowering vulnerability to ensure sustainable development and livelihood.Keywords: climate change, participation, San Pedro, structural equation model, vulnerability index
Procedia PDF Downloads 6336129 An Overview of Smart Growth Concept from Ecological Planning Perspective
Authors: Ozge Celik, Elvan Ender
With rapidly increasing population growth and industrial revolution in the 1950s, in Turkey migration began to the cities from the countryside. Along the rapid growth of urban population has started to bring many problems. Depending on the uncontrolled urban development, concerns about the protection of natural values has increased day by day. As a result of disturbance on the natural environment, human health has started to be under threat. After all, much urban planning approaches outspread that protecting natural resources by respect to human health and troubleshooting problems emerging with anthropogenic effects. Smart growth concept is one of the chosen methods to resolve the problems in Turkey. In this paper, smart growth concept idea and its criteria will be explained while ecological planning and urban planning problems will be mentioned in Turkey according to the need of concept. Studies, consisting of practical and theoretical smart growth ideas, shows that ecological landscape planning is not included in the urban development process in Turkey. The main idea is to initiate urban development plans considering social and cultural structures of cultural assets and also natural values.Keywords: ecological landscape planning, smart growth, Turkey, urban development
Procedia PDF Downloads 3686128 Optimization of Mechanical Cacao Shelling Parameters Using Unroasted Cocoa Beans
Authors: Jeffrey A. Lavarias, Jessie C. Elauria, Arnold R. Elepano, Engelbert K. Peralta, Delfin C. Suministrado
Shelling process is one of the primary processes and critical steps in the processing of chocolate or any product that is derived from cocoa beans. It affects the quality of the cocoa nibs in terms of flavor and purity. In the Philippines, small-scale food processor cannot really compete with large scale confectionery manufacturers because of lack of available postharvest facilities that are appropriate to their level of operation. The impact of this study is to provide the needed intervention that will pave the way for cacao farmers of engaging on the advantage of value-adding as way to maximize the economic potential of cacao. Thus, provision and availability of needed postharvest machines like mechanical cacao sheller will revolutionize the current state of cacao industry in the Philippines. A mechanical cacao sheller was developed, fabricated, and evaluated to establish optimum shelling conditions such as moisture content of cocoa beans, clearance where of cocoa beans passes through the breaker section and speed of the breaking mechanism on shelling recovery, shelling efficiency, shelling rate, energy utilization and large nib recovery; To establish the optimum level of shelling parameters of the mechanical sheller. These factors were statistically analyzed using design of experiment by Box and Behnken and Response Surface Methodology (RSM). By maximizing shelling recovery, shelling efficiency, shelling rate, large nib recovery and minimizing energy utilization, the optimum shelling conditions were established at moisture content, clearance and breaker speed of 6.5%, 3 millimeters and 1300 rpm, respectively. The optimum values for shelling recovery, shelling efficiency, shelling rate, large nib recovery and minimizing energy utilization were recorded at 86.51%, 99.19%, 21.85kg/hr, 89.75%, and 542.84W, respectively. Experimental values obtained using the optimum conditions were compared with predicted values using predictive models and were found in good agreement.Keywords: cocoa beans, optimization, RSM, shelling parameters
Procedia PDF Downloads 3606127 Xerostomia and Caries Incidence in Relation to Metabolic Control in Children and Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes
Authors: Eftychia Pappa, Heleni Vastardis, Christos Rahiotis, Andriani Vazaiou
The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of dry-mouth symptoms (xerostomia) and compare it with alterations in salivary characteristics of children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes (DM1), as measured with the use of chair-side saliva tests. This study also investigated the possible association between salivary dysfunction and incidence of caries, in relation to the level of metabolic control. A cross-sectional study was performed on young patients (6-18 years old) allocated among 3 groups: 40 patients poorly-controlled (DM1-A, HbA1c>8%), 40 well-controlled (DM1-B, HbA1c≤8%) and 40 age- and sex-matched healthy controls. The study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of University of Athens and the parents signed written informed consent. All subjects were examined for dental caries, oral hygiene and salivary factors. Assessments of salivary function included self-reported xerostomia, quantification of resting and stimulated whole saliva flow rates, pH values, buffering capacity and saliva’s viscosity. Salivary characteristics were evaluated with the use of GC Saliva Check Buffer (3Μ ESPE). Data were analysed by chi-square and Kruskal-Wallis tests. Subjects with diabetes reported xerostomia more frequently than healthy controls (p<0.05). Unstimulated salivary flow rate and pH values remained significantly lower in DM1-A compared to DM1-B and controls. Low values of resting salivary flow rate were associated with a higher prevalence of dental caries in children and adolescents with poorly-controlled DM1 (p<0.05). The results suggested that diabetes-induced alterations in salivary characteristics are indicative of higher caries susceptibility of diabetics and chair-side saliva tests are a useful tool for the evaluation of caries risk assessment.Keywords: caries risk assessment, saliva diagnostic tests, type 1 diabetes, xerostomia
Procedia PDF Downloads 2896126 Utilization of a Composite of Oil Ash, Scoria, and Expanded Perlite with Polyethylene Glycol for Energy Storage Systems
Authors: Khaled Own Mohaisen, Md. Hasan Zahir, Salah U. Al-Dulaijan, Shamsad Ahmad, Mohammed Maslehuddin
Shape-stabilized phase change materials (ss-PCMs) for energy storage systems were developed using perlite, scoria, and oil ash as a carrier, with polyethylene glycol (PEG) with a molecular weight of 6000 as phase change material (PCM). Physical mixing using simple impregnation of ethanol evaporation technique method was carried out to fabricate the form stabilized PCM. The fabricated PCMs prevent leakage, reduce the supercooling effect and minimize recalescence problems of the PCM. The differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) results show that perlite composite (ExPP) has the highest latent heat of melting and freezing values of (141.6 J/g and 143.7 J/g) respectively, compared with oil ash (OAP) and scoria (SCP) composites. Moreover, ExPP has the highest impregnation ratio, energy storage efficiency, and energy storage capacity compared with OAP and SCP. However, OAP and SCP have higher thermal conductivity values compared to ExPP composites which accelerate the thermal storage response in the composite. These results were confirmed with DSC, and the characteristic of the PCMs was investigated by using XRD and FE-SEM techniques.Keywords: expanded perlite, oil ash, scoria, energy storage material
Procedia PDF Downloads 926125 Risk Assessment of Trace Element Pollution in Gymea Bay, NSW, Australia
Authors: Yasir M. Alyazichi, Brian G. Jones, Errol McLean, Hamd N. Altalyan, Ali K. M. Al-Nasrawi
The main purpose of this study is to assess the sediment quality and potential ecological risk in marine sediments in Gymea Bay located in south Sydney, Australia. A total of 32 surface sediment samples were collected from the bay. Current track trajectories and velocities have also been measured in the bay. The resultant trace elements were compared with the adverse biological effect values Effect Range Low (ERL) and Effect Range Median (ERM) classifications. The results indicate that the average values of chromium, arsenic, copper, zinc, and lead in surface sediments all reveal low pollution levels and are below ERL and ERM values. The highest concentrations of trace elements were found close to discharge points and in the inner bay, and were linked with high percentages of clay minerals, pyrite and organic matter, which can play a significant role in trapping and accumulating these elements. The lowest concentrations of trace elements were found to be on the shoreline of the bay, which contained high percentages of sand fractions. It is postulated that the fine particles and trace elements are disturbed by currents and tides, then transported and deposited in deeper areas. The current track velocities recorded in Gymea Bay had the capability to transport fine particles and trace element pollution within the bay. As a result, hydrodynamic measurements were able to provide useful information and to help explain the distribution of sedimentary particles and geochemical properties. This may lead to knowledge transfer to other bay systems, including those in remote areas. These activities can be conducted at a low cost, and are therefore also transferrable to developing countries. The advent of portable instruments to measure trace elements in the field has also contributed to the development of these lower cost and easily applied methodologies available for use in remote locations and low-cost economies.Keywords: current track velocities, gymea bay, surface sediments, trace elements
Procedia PDF Downloads 2456124 Role of Sodium Concentration, Waiting Time and Constituents’ Temperature on the Rheological Behavior of Alkali Activated Slag Concrete
Authors: Muhammet M. Erdem, Erdoğan Özbay, Ibrahim H. Durmuş, Mustafa Erdemir, Murat Bikçe, Müzeyyen Balçıkanlı
In this paper, rheological behavior of alkali activated slag concretes were investigated depending on the sodium concentration (SC), waiting time (WT) after production, and constituents’ temperature (CT) parameters. For this purpose, an experimental program was conducted with four different SCs of 1.85, 3.0, 4.15, and 5.30%, three different WT of 0 (just after production), 15, and 30 minutes and three different CT of 18, 30, and 40 °C. Solid precursors are activated by water glass and sodium hydroxide solutions with silicate modulus (Ms = SiO2/Na2O) of 1. Slag content and (water + activator solution)/slag ratio were kept constant in all mixtures. Yield stress and plastic viscosity values were defined for each mixture by using the ICAR rheometer. Test results were demonstrated that all of the three studied parameters have tremendous effect on the yield stress and plastic viscosity values of the alkali activated slag concretes. Increasing the SC, WT, and CT drastically augmented the rheological parameters. At the 15 and 30 minutes WT after production, most of the alkali activated slag concretes were set instantaneously, and rheological measurements were not performed.Keywords: alkali activation, slag, rheology, yield stress, plastic viscosity
Procedia PDF Downloads 2916123 Mechanical Behavior of Sandwiches with Various Glass Fiber/Epoxy Skins under Bending Load
Authors: Emre Kara, Metehan Demir, Şura Karakuzu, Kadir Koç, Ahmet F. Geylan, Halil Aykul
While the polymeric foam cored sandwiches have been realized for many years, recently there is a growing and outstanding interest on the use of sandwiches consisting of aluminum foam core because of their some of the distinct mechanical properties such as high bending stiffness, high load carrying and energy absorption capacities. These properties make them very useful in the transportation industry (automotive, aerospace, shipbuilding industry), where the "lightweight design" philosophy and the safety of vehicles are very important aspects. Therefore, in this study, the sandwich panels with aluminum alloy foam core and various types and thicknesses of glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) skins produced via Vacuum Assisted Resin Transfer Molding (VARTM) technique were obtained by using a commercial toughened epoxy based adhesive with two components. The aim of this contribution was the analysis of the bending response of sandwiches with various glass fiber reinforced polymer skins. The three point bending tests were performed on sandwich panels at different values of support span distance using a universal static testing machine in order to clarify the effects of the type and thickness of the GFRP skins in terms of peak load, energy efficiency and absorbed energy values. The GFRP skins were easily bonded to the aluminum alloy foam core under press machine with a very low pressure. The main results of the bending tests are: force-displacement curves, peak force values, absorbed energy, collapse mechanisms and the influence of the support span length and GFRP skins. The obtained results of the experimental investigation presented that the sandwich with the skin made of thicker S-Glass fabric failed at the highest load and absorbed the highest amount of energy compared to the other sandwich specimens. The increment of the support span distance made the decrease of the peak force and absorbed energy values for each type of panels. The common collapse mechanism of the panels was obtained as core shear failure which was not affected by the skin materials and the support span distance.Keywords: aluminum foam, collapse mechanisms, light-weight structures, transport application
Procedia PDF Downloads 3986122 Evaluation of Essential Oils Toxicity on Resistant and Susceptible House Fly Strains
Authors: Xing Ping Hu, Yuexun Tian, Jerome Hogsette
Housefly, Musca domestica L., is a serious urban nuisance and public health/food safety concern. This study evaluated the topical toxicity of 17 essential oil components and 3 plant essential oils against permethrin-resistant adult females and insecticide-susceptible house fly strains. Results show that thymol had the lowest LD₅₀ values against permethrin-resistant strain (43.77 and 41.10 ug per fly) and permethrin-susceptible strain (35.19 and 29.16 ug per fly) at both 24- and 48-hours post treatments; (+)-Pulegone had the lowest LD₉₅ values against the permethrin-resistant strain (0.15 and 0.10 mg per fly) at 24- and 48-hours post treatments, whereas plant thyme oil had the lowest LD₉₅ value of 0.17 mg per fly at post-24h and post-48h against the permethrin-susceptible strain. Additionally, the LD₅₀s was slightly but not significantly negatively correlated with the boiling points of the compounds tested; but showed no correlation with the density and LogP. These results indicate that specific essential oils and compounds have topical insecticidal properties against house flies with low dose. They may have the potential for development as botanical insecticides.Keywords: urban pest, public health, pest management, botanical chemical
Procedia PDF Downloads 3886121 An Invasive Lessepsian Species, Golden-Banded Goatfish, Upeneus Moluccensis Population from Iskenderun Bay, the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, Türkiye, With Some Biological Notes: The Effects of Climate Differences and Opening of Suez Canal
Authors: Hatice Torcu Koc, Zeliha Erdogan
This study presented the investigation of the population structure of Upeneus moluccensis in order to provide further knowledge and to compare the data with the studies before and thus help in the management of the population in the İskenderun Bay. For this purpose, a total of 370 golden-banded goatfish were caught by a commercial vessel monthly at a depth of 50-60 m. from İskenderun Bay in the years 2016-2018. Von Bertalanffy growth equation,length-weight relationships, sex ratio, age, condition, and gonado and hepato-somatic index values of U.peneus moluccensis specimens were determined. For this, the lengths and weights were measured using a dial caliper of 0.05 mm and a sensitive balance. Total lengths were 7.2–17.5 cm in females and 7.0–17.9 cm in males, while total weight ranges for females and males were 3.91-64.26 g and 3.69-60.95 g., respectively. Length-weight relationship for all individuals was calculated as W=0.004*L³ ³⁸, R²=0.85. Growth parameter was determined as L∞= 20.75 cm, k=0.33, t₀= - 0.56. The age readings were done by using the Bhattacharya method. The population was composed of 3 ages (1-3). The sex ratio was found as 1:1.42, corresponding to 41.4% males and 58.6% females, in favor of females (p<0.05). Values of the average condition and hepatosomatic index were found to be shown a similar pattern for males (1.088, 1.104) and females (1.124, 1.177), respectively. According to GSI values, the spawning period started in March and increased to April, May, and September. It was estimated that total (Z) mortality, natural (M) mortality, and fishing (F) mortality rates were estimated as Z=0.94 year-¹, M=0.033 year-¹, and F=0.63 year-¹, respectively. As the exploitation rate was estimated to be E=0.67, it can be shown that the golden-banded goatfish stock was influenced by overfishing. The findings of this study are very important to point out the population of U. moluccensis, which penetrated into the eastern Mediterranean Sea of Türkiye due to global heating and the construction of the Suez Canal and to be basic data for the next fisheries investigations.Keywords: biology, U. moluccensis, invasive, lessepsian, İskenderun Bay
Procedia PDF Downloads 746120 Statistical Variability of Soil Parameters within the Copper Belt Region of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Authors: Stephan P. Barkhuizen, Deon Greyling, Ryan J. Miller
The accurate determination of the engineering parameters of soil is necessary for the design of geotechnical structures, such as Tailings Storage Facilities. The shear strength and saturated permeability of soil and tailings samples obtained from 14 sites located in the copper belt in the Democratic Republic of the Congo have been tested at six commercial soil laboratories in South Africa. This study compiles a database of the test results proved by the soil laboratories. The samples have been categorised into clay, silt, and sand, based on the Unified Soil Classification System, with tailings kept separate. The effective friction angle (Φ’) and cohesion (c’) were interpreted from the stress paths, in s’:t space, obtained from triaxial tests. The minimum, lower quartile, median, upper quartile, and maximum values for Φ’,c’, and saturated hydraulic conductivity (k) have been determined for the soil sample. The objective is to provide statistics of the measured values of the engineering properties for the TSF borrow material, foundation soils and tailings of this region.Keywords: Democratic Republic of the Congo, laboratory test work, soil engineering parameter variation, tailings storage facilities
Procedia PDF Downloads 686119 Organic Geochemical Characteristics of Cenozoic Mudstones, NE Bengal Basin, Bangladesh
Authors: H. M. Zakir Hossain
Cenozoic mudstone samples, obtained from drilled cored and outcrop in northeastern Bengal Basin of Bangladesh were organic geochemically analyzed to identify vertical variations of organic facies, thermal maturity, hydrocarbon potential and depositional environments. Total organic carbon (TOC) content ranges from 0.11 to 1.56 wt% with an average of 0.43 wt%, indicating a good source rock potential. Total sulphur content is variable with values ranging from ~0.001 to 1.75 wt% with an average of 0.065 wt%. Rock-Eval S1 and S2 yields range from 0.03 to 0.14 mg HC/g rock and 0.01 to 0.66 mg HC/g rock, respectively. The hydrogen index values range from 2.71 to 56.09 mg HC/g TOC. These results revealed that the samples are dominated by type III kerogene. Tmax values of 426 to 453 °C and vitrinite reflectance of 0.51 to 0.66% indicate the organic matter is immature to mature. Saturated hydrocarbon ratios such as pristane, phytane, steranes, and hopanes, indicate mostly terrigenous organic matter with small influence of marine organic matter. Organic matter in the succession was accumulated in three different environmental conditions based on the integration of biomarker proxies. First phase (late Eocene to early Miocene): Deposition occurred entirely in seawater-dominated oxic conditions, with high inputs of land plants organic matter including angiosperms. Second phase (middle to late Miocene): Deposition occurred in freshwater-dominated anoxic conditions, with phytoplanktonic organic matter and a small influence of land plants. Third phase (late Miocene to Pleistocene): Deposition occurred in oxygen-poor freshwater conditions, with abundant input of planktonic organic matter and high influx of angiosperms. The lower part (middle Eocene to early Miocene) of the succession with moderate TOC contents and primarily terrestrial organic matter could have generated some condensates and oils in and around the study area.Keywords: Bangladesh, geochemistry, hydrocarbon potential, mudstone
Procedia PDF Downloads 4236118 Generation Z: Insights into Travel Behavior
Authors: Joao Ferreira Do Rosario, Nuno Gustavo, Ana Machado, Lurdes Calisto, Luisa Carvalho, Georgette Andraz
Currently, tourism small and medium enterprises (TSMEs) face serious economic and financial problems, making recovery efforts difficult. How the pandemic will affect tourists' behavior is still to be known. Will tourists be even more cautious regarding their choices or, on the contrary, will they be more adventurers with an enormous desire to travel in search of the lost freedom? Tourists may become even more demanding when traveling, more austere, or less concerned and eager to socialize. Adjusting to this "new tourist" is an added challenge for tourism service providers. Generation Z made up of individuals born in 1995 and following years, currently tends to assume a particular role and meaning in the present and future economic and social context, considering that we are facing the youngest workforce as well as tomorrow's consumers. This generation is distinguished from others as it is the first generation to combine a high level of education and technological knowledge and to fully experience the digital world. These young people are framed by a new value system that can explain new behaviours and consumption, namely, in the context of tourism. All these considerations point to the importance of investigating this target group as it is essential to understand how these individuals perceive, understand, act, and can be involved in a new environment built around a society regulated by new priorities and challenges of a sustainable nature. This leads not only to a focus on short-term market choices but mainly to predict future choices from a longer-term perspective. Together with the social background of a person, values are considered a stable antecedent of behavior and might therefore predict not just immediate, but also future choices. Furthermore, the meaning attributed to travel has a general connotation and goes beyond a specific travel choice or experience. In other words, values and travel's meaning form a chain of influences on the present and future travel behavior. This study explores the social background and values of Generation Z travelers vs the meaning these tourists give to travel. The aim is to discover in their present behavior cues to predict travel choices so that the future of tourism can be secured. This study also provides data for predicting the tourism choices of youngsters in the more immediate future. Methodologically, a quantitative approach was adopted based on the collection of data through a survey. Since academic research on Generation Z of tourists is still scarce, it is expected to contribute to deepening scientific knowledge in this area. Furthermore, it is expected that this research will support tourism professionals in defining differentiated marketing strategies and adapted to the requirements of this target, in a new time.Keywords: Generation Z, travel behavior, travel meaning, Generation Z Values
Procedia PDF Downloads 2256117 Chitin Nanocrystals as Sustainable Surfactant Alternative for Enhancing Oil-in-Water Emulsions Stability in Oil and Gas Fields
Authors: A. Altomi, A. Alhebshi, M. Rasm, B. Osman
This study explored the application of chitin nanocrystals (ChiNCs), derived from a renewable and environmentally friendly material, as stabilizers for oil-in-water (O/W) emulsions. O/W emulsions are commonly used in various applications but are prone to instability and degradation over time. Instability can occur due to factors such as flocculation, coalescence, and gravitational separation, including creaming and sedimentation, either independently or simultaneously. To produce ChiNCs, chitin powder underwent acid hydrolysis. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analysis revealed that ChiNCs exhibited a needle-like morphology, with lengths ranging from 200 to 800 nm and widths ranging from 20 to 80 nm. The surface charge of ChiNCs was negative at pH values above 7 and positive at pH values below 7. The rheological properties of O/W emulsions stabilized by ChiNCs were compared to those stabilized by synthetic surfactants, namely Tween 80 and CTAB. The emulsions stabilized by ChiNCs demonstrated higher yield stress and lower shear viscosity compared to those stabilized by synthetic surfactants. This indicates that ChiNC-stabilized emulsions are more stable and less prone to breakdown. Based on these findings, ChiNCs show promise as an alternative to synthetic surfactants for stabilizing O/W emulsions.Keywords: chitin nanocrystals, colloidal pickering, emulsion rheology, oil-in-water, synthetic surfactant
Procedia PDF Downloads 626116 Removal of Nickel and Zinc Ions from Aqueous Solution by Graphene Oxide and Graphene Oxide Functionalized Glycine
In this study, removal of Nickel and Zinc by graphene oxide and functionalized graphene oxide–gelaycin surfaces was examined. Amino group was added to surface of graphene oxide to produced functionalized graphene oxide–gelaycin. Effect of contact time and initial concentration of Ni (II) and Zn(II) ions were studied. Results showed that with increase of initial concentration of Ni (II) and Zn(II) adsorption capacity was increased. After 50 min has not a large change at adsorption capacity therefore, 50 min was selected as optimaze time. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) and fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy spectra used for the analysis confirmed the successful fictionalization of the Graphene oxide surface. Adsorption experiments of Ni (II) and Zn(II) ions graphene oxide and functionalized graphene oxide–gelaycin surfaces fixed at 298 K and pH=6. The Pseudo Firs-order and the Pseudo Second-order (types I, II, III and IV) kinetic models were tested for adsorption process and results showed that the kinetic parameters best fits with to type (I) of pseudo-second-order model because presented low X2 values and also high R2 values.Keywords: graphene oxide, gelaycin, nickel, zinc, adsorption, kinetic, graphene oxide, gelaycin, nickel, zinc, adsorption, kinetic
Procedia PDF Downloads 3086115 'Evaluating Radiation Protections Aspects For Pediatric Chest Radiography: imaging Standards and Radiation Dose Measurements in Various Hospitals In Kuwait
Authors: Kholood Baron
Chest radiography (CXR) is one of the most important diagnostic examinations in pediatric radiography for diagnosing various diseases. Since, chest X-ray use ionizing radiation to obtain image radiographers should follow strict radiation protection strategies and ALARA principle to ensure that pediatrics receive the lowest dose possible [1] [2]. The aim is to evaluate different criteria related to pediatric CXR examinations performed in the radiology department in five hospitals in Kuwait. Methods: Data collected from a questionnaire and Entrance Skin Dose (ESD) measurements during CXR. 100 responses were collected and analyzed to highlight issues related to immobilization devices, radiation protection issues and repeat rate. While ThermoLumenince Dosimeters (TLDs) measured ESD during 25 CXR for pediatric patients. In addition, other aspects on the radiographer skills and information written in patient requests were collected and recorded. Results: Questionnaires responses showed that most radiographers do follow most radiation protection guidelines, but need to focus on improving their skills in collimation to ROI, dealing with immobilization tools and exposure factors. Since the first issue was least applied to young pediatrics, and the latter two were the common reasons for repeating an image. The ESD measurements revealed that the averaged dose involved in pediatric CXR is 143.9 µGy, which is relatively high but still within the limits of the recommended values [2-3] . The data suggests that this relatively high ESD values can be the result of using higher mAs and thus it I recommended to lower it according to ALARA principle. In conclusion, radiographers have the knowledge and the tools to reduce the radiation dose to pediatric patients but few lack the skills to optimize the collimation, immobilization application and exposure factors. The ESD were within recommended values. This research recommends that more efforts in the future should focus on improving the radiographer commitment to radiation protection and their skills in dealing with pediatric patient. This involves lowering the mAs used during DR.Keywords: pediatric radiography, dosimetry, ESD measurements, radiation protection
Procedia PDF Downloads 346114 Estimation of Emanation Properties of Kimberlites and Host Rocks of Lomonosov Diamond Deposit in Russia
Authors: E. Yu. Yakovlev, A. V. Puchkov
The study is devoted to experimental work on the assessment of emanation properties of kimberlites and host rocks of the Lomonosov diamond deposit of the Arkhangelsk diamondiferous province. The aim of the study is estimation the factors influencing on formation of the radon field over kimberlite pipes. For various types of rocks composing the kimberlite pipe and near-pipe space, the following parameters were measured: porosity, density, radium-226 activity, activity of free radon and emanation coefficient. The research results showed that the largest amount of free radon is produced by rocks of near-pipe space, which are the Vendian host deposits and are characterized by high values of the emanation coefficient, radium activity and porosity. The lowest values of these parameters are characteristic of vent-facies kimberlites, which limit the formation of activity of free radon in body of the pipe. The results of experimental work confirm the prospects of using emanation methods for prospecting of kimberlite pipes.Keywords: emanation coefficient, kimberlites, porosity, radon volumetric activity
Procedia PDF Downloads 1396113 Effectiveness of Selected Anthementics on Nematode Parasites of Sheep in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Authors: M. A. Ahmed, N. Basha, I. V. Nsahlai
This study determined the effectiveness of selected anthementics (Ivermectin 1% (IVM), Closantel 7.5% (CST) and a combination Abamectin 0.08% and Praziquantel 1.5% (CAP) currently being used in SA. Gender, initial egg per gram (EPG) and initial live weight aided in blocking animals into groups, each group was randomly treated with one of four drug treatments comprising: the untreated control (D0), IVM, CST, and CAP. Animals grazed throughout on infested pasture. Rectal faeces were collected on days 0, 7, 14, and 21 for determining EPG. Faeces were mixed per group and incubated to identify and determine the abundance of larval forms of Haemonchus, Trichostrongylus, Strongyloides, Namatodirus, and Cooperia species. Differences between treatments changed over time. On day7 IVM, CST, and CAP depressed EPG to 0.66, 0.37 and 0.80 of their respective starting values whilst EPG increased 1.39 times for D0. Thereafter, EPG increased consistently for all drugs; CST recorded the lowest values. Haemonchus, Trichostrongylus, Strongyloides, Namatodirus and Coperia species contributed respectively 60%, 30%, 6%, 3%, and 1% of the larval forms on day 0; and 78%, 8%, 11%, 1%, 2% on day 21. Larval forms increased for Haemonchus species but decreased for Trichostrongylus species over time. Closantel was the most effective dewormer. Haemonchus Spp. were least affected whilst Trichostrongylus Spp. were the most affect by all drugs.Keywords: anthementics, faecal egg count, L3 larvae, sheep
Procedia PDF Downloads 5096112 A Geospatial Analysis of Residential Conservation-Attitude, Intention and Behavior
Authors: Prami Sengupta, Randall A. Cantrell, Tracy Johns
A typical US household consumes more energy than households in other countries and is directly responsible for a considerable proportion of the atmospheric concentration of the greenhouse gases. This makes U.S. household a vital target group for energy conservation studies. Positive household behavior is central to residential energy conservation. However, for individuals to conserve energy they must not only know how to conserve energy but be also willing to do so. That is, a positive attitude towards residential conservation and an intention to conserve energy are two of the most important psychological determinants for energy conservation behavior. Most social science studies, to date, have studied the relationships between attitude, intention, and behavior by building upon socio-psychological theories of behavior. However, these frameworks, including the widely used Theory of Planned Behavior and Social Cognitive Theory, lack a spatial component. That is, these studies fail to capture the impact of the geographical locations of homeowners’ residences on their residential energy consumption and conservation practices. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to explore geospatial relationships between homeowners’ residential energy conservation-attitudes, conservation-intentions, and consumption behavior. The study analyzes residential conservation-attitudes and conservation-intentions of homeowners across 63 counties in Florida and compares it with quantifiable measures of residential energy consumption. Empirical findings revealed that the spatial distribution of high and/or low values of homeowners’ mean-score values of conservation-attitudes and conservation-intentions are more spatially clustered than would be expected if the underlying spatial processes were random. On the contrary, the spatial distribution of high and/or low values of households’ carbon footprints was found to be more spatially dispersed than assumed if the underlying spatial process were random. The study also examined the influence of potential spatial variables, such as urban or rural setting and presence of educational institutions and/or extension program, on the conservation-attitudes, intentions, and behaviors of homeowners.Keywords: conservation-attitude, conservation-intention, geospatial analysis, residential energy consumption, spatial autocorrelation
Procedia PDF Downloads 1946111 Forward Speed and Draught Requirement of a Semi-Automatic Cassava Planter under Different Wheel Usage
Authors: Ale M. O., Manuwa S. I., Olukunle O. J., Ewetumo T.
Five varying speeds of 1.5, 1.8, 2.1, 2.3, and 2.6 km/h were used at a constant soil depth of 100 mm to determine the effects of forward speed on the draught requirement of a semi-automatic cassava planter under the pneumatic wheel and rigid wheel usage on a well prepared sandy clay loam soil. The soil draught was electronically measured using an on-the-go soil draught measuring instrumentation system developed for the purpose of this research. The results showed an exponential relationship between forward speed and draught, in which draught ranging between 24.91 and 744.44N increased with an increase in forward speed in the rigid wheel experiment. This is contrary to the polynomial relationship observed in the pneumatic wheel experiment in which the draught varied between 96.09 and 343.53 N. It was observed in the experiments that the optimum speed of 1.5 km/h had the least values of draught in both the pneumatic wheel and rigid wheel experiments, with higher values in the pneumatic experiment. It was generally noted that the rigid wheel planter with less value of draught requires less energy required for operation. It is therefore concluded that operating the semi-automatic cassava planter with rigid wheels will be more economical for cassava farmers than operating the planter with pneumatic wheels.Keywords: Cassava planter, planting, forward speed, draught, wheel type
Procedia PDF Downloads 976110 Using the Nonlocal Theory of Free Vibrations Nanobeam
Authors: Ali Oveysi Sarabi
The dimensions of nanostructures are in the range of inter-atomic spacing of the structures which makes them impossible to be modeled as a continuum. Nanoscale size-effects on vibration analysis of nanobeams embedded in an elastic medium is investigated using different types of beam theory. To this end, Eringen’s nonlocal elasticity is incorporated to various beam theories namely as Euler-Bernoulli beam theory (EBT), Timoshenko beam theory (TBT), Reddy beam theory (RBT), and Levinson beam theory (LBT). The surrounding elastic medium is simulated with both Winkler and Pasternak foundation models and the difference between them is studies. Explicit formulas are presented to obtain the natural frequencies of nanobeam corresponding to each nonlocal beam theory. Selected numerical results are given for different values of the non-local parameter, Winkler modulus parameter, Pasternak modulus parameter and aspect ratio of the beam that imply the effects of them, separately. It is observed that the values of natural frequency are strongly dependent on the stiffness of elastic medium and the value of the non-local parameter and these dependencies varies with the value of aspect ratio and mode number.Keywords: nanobeams, free vibration, nonlocal elasticity, winkler foundation model, Pasternak foundation model, beam theories
Procedia PDF Downloads 5396109 Investigation of the Speckle Pattern Effect for Displacement Assessments by Digital Image Correlation
Authors: Salim Çalışkan, Hakan Akyüz
Digital image correlation has been accustomed as a versatile and efficient method for measuring displacements on the article surfaces by comparing reference subsets in undeformed images with the define target subset in the distorted image. The theoretical model points out that the accuracy of the digital image correlation displacement data can be exactly anticipated based on the divergence of the image noise and the sum of the squares of the subset intensity gradients. The digital image correlation procedure locates each subset of the original image in the distorted image. The software then determines the displacement values of the centers of the subassemblies, providing the complete displacement measures. In this paper, the effect of the speckle distribution and its effect on displacements measured out plane displacement data as a function of the size of the subset was investigated. Nine groups of speckle patterns were used in this study: samples are sprayed randomly by pre-manufactured patterns of three different hole diameters, each with three coverage ratios, on a computer numerical control punch press. The resulting displacement values, referenced at the center of the subset, are evaluated based on the average of the displacements of the pixel’s interior the subset.Keywords: digital image correlation, speckle pattern, experimental mechanics, tensile test, aluminum alloy
Procedia PDF Downloads 756108 The Effect of Increased Tip Area of Suction Caissons on the Penetration Resistance Coefficients
Authors: Ghaem Zamani, Farveh Aghaye Nezhad, Amin Barari
The installation process of caissons has usually been a challenging step in the design phase, especially in the case of suction-assisted installation. The engineering practice for estimating the caisson penetration resistance is primarily controlled by the resistance governed by inner and outer skirt friction and the tip resistance. Different methods have been proposed in the literature to evaluate the above components, while the CPT-based methodology has attained notable popularity among others. In this method, two empirical coefficients are suggested, k𝒻 and kp, which relate the frictional resistance and tip resistance to the cone penetration resistance (q𝒸), respectively. A series of jacking installation and uninstallation experiments for different soil densities were carried out in the offshore geotechnical laboratory of Aalborg University, Denmark. The main goal of these tests was to find appropriate values for empirical coefficients of the CPT-based method for the buckets with large embedment ratio (i.e., d/D=1, where d is the skirt length and D is the diameter) and increased tip area penetrated into dense sand deposits. The friction resistance effects were isolated during the pullout experiments; hence, the k𝒻 was back-measured from the tests in the absence of tip resistance. The actuator force during jacking installation equals the sum of frictional resistance and tip resistance. Therefore, the tip resistance of the bucket is calculated by subtracting the back-measured frictional resistance from penetration resistance; hence the relevant coefficient kp would be achieved. The cone penetration test was operated at different points before and after each installation attempt to measure the cone penetration resistance (q𝒸), and the average value of q𝒸 is used for calculations. The experimental results of the jacking installation tests indicated that a larger friction area considerably increased the penetration resistance; however, this effect was completely diminished when foundation suction-assisted penetration was used. Finally, the values measured for the empirical coefficient of the CPT-based method are compared with the highest expected and most probable values suggested by DNV(1992) for uniform thickness buckets.Keywords: suction caisson, offshore geotechnics, cone penetration test, wind turbine foundation
Procedia PDF Downloads 866107 Oil Extraction from Sunflower Seed Using Green Solvent 2-Methyltetrahydrofuran and Isoamyl Alcohol
Authors: Sergio S. De Jesus, Aline Santana, Rubens Maciel Filho
The objective of this study was to choose and determine a green solvent system with similar extraction efficiencies as the traditional Bligh and Dyer method. Sunflower seed oil was extracted using Bligh and Dyer method with 2-methyltetrahydrofuran and isoamyl using alcohol ratios of 1:1; 2:1; 3:1; 1:2; 3:1. At the same time comparative experiments was performed with chloroform and methanol ratios of 1:1; 2:1; 3:1; 1:2; 3:1. Comparison study was done using 5 replicates (n=5). Statistical analysis was performed using Microsoft Office Excel (Microsoft, USA) to determine means and Tukey’s Honestly Significant Difference test for comparison between treatments (α = 0.05). The results showed that using classic method with methanol and chloroform presented the extraction oil yield with the values of 31-44% (w/w) and values of 36-45% (w/w) using green solvents for extractions. Among the two extraction methods, 2 methyltetrahydrofuran and isoamyl alcohol ratio 2:1 provided the best results (45% w/w), while the classic method using chloroform and methanol with ratio of 3:1 presented a extraction oil yield of 44% (w/w). It was concluded that the proposed extraction method using 2-methyltetrahydrofuran and isoamyl alcohol in this work allowed the same efficiency level as chloroform and methanol.Keywords: extraction, green solvent, lipids, sugarcane
Procedia PDF Downloads 3856106 Comparison of Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy Virtual Treatment Plans Obtained With Different Collimators in the Cyberknife System in Partial Breast Irradiation: A Retrospective Study
Authors: Öznur Saribaş, Si̇bel Kahraman Çeti̇ntaş
It is aimed to compare target volume and critical organ doses by using CyberKnife (CK) in accelerated partial breast irradiation (APBI) in patients with early stage breast cancer. Three different virtual plans were made for Iris, fixed and multi-leaf collimator (MLC) for 5 patients who received radiotherapy in the CyberKnife system. CyberKnife virtual plans were created, with 6 Gy per day totaling 30 Gy. Dosimetric parameters for the three collimators were analyzed according to the restrictions in the NSABP-39/RTOG 0413 protocol. The plans ensured critical organs were protected and GTV received 95 % of the prescribed dose. The prescribed dose was defined by the isodose curve of a minimum of 80. Homogeneity index (HI), conformity index (CI), treatment time (min), monitor unit (MU) and doses taken by critical organs were compared. As a result of the comparison of the plans, a significant difference was found for the duration of treatment, MU. However, no significant difference was found for HI, CI. V30 and V15 values of the ipsi-lateral breast were found in the lowest MLC. There was no significant difference between Dmax values for lung and heart. However, the mean MU and duration of treatment were found in the lowest MLC. As a result, the target volume received the desired dose in each collimator. The contralateral breast and contralateral lung doses were the lowest in the Iris. Fixed collimator was found to be more suitable for cardiac doses. But these values did not make a significant difference. The use of fixed collimators may cause difficulties in clinical applications due to the long treatment time. The choice of collimator in breast SBRT applications with CyberKnife may vary depending on tumor size, proximity to critical organs and tumor localization.Keywords: APBI, CyberKnife, early stage breast cancer, radiotherapy.
Procedia PDF Downloads 1206105 Parametric Evaluation for the Optimization of Gastric Emptying Protocols Used in Health Care Institutions
Authors: Yakubu Adamu
The aim of this research was to assess the factors contributing to the need for optimisation of the gastric emptying protocols in nuclear medicine and molecular imaging (SNMMI) procedures. The objective is to suggest whether optimisation is possible and provide supporting evidence for the current imaging protocols of gastric emptying examination used in nuclear medicine. The research involved the use of some selected patients with 30 dynamic series for the image processing using ImageJ, and by so doing, the calculated half-time, retention fraction to the 60 x1 minute, 5 minute and 10-minute protocol, and other sampling intervals were obtained. Results from the study IDs for the gastric emptying clearance half-time were classified into normal, abnormal fast, and abnormal slow categories. In the normal category, which represents 50% of the total gastric emptying image IDs processed, their clearance half-time was within the range of 49.5 to 86.6 minutes of the mean counts. Also, under the abnormal fast category, their clearance half-time fell between 21 to 43.3 minutes of the mean counts, representing 30% of the total gastric emptying image IDs processed, and the abnormal slow category had clearance half-time within the range of 138.6 to 138.6 minutes of the mean counts, representing 20%. The results indicated that the calculated retention fraction values from the 1, 5, and 10-minute sampling curves and the measured values of gastric emptying retention fraction from sampling curves of the study IDs had a normal retention fraction of <60% and decreased exponentially with an increase in time and it was evident with low percentages of retention fraction ratios of < 10% after the 4 hours. Thus, this study does not change categories suggesting that these values could feasibly be used instead of having to acquire actual images. Findings from the study suggest that the current gastric emptying protocol can be optimized by acquiring fewer images. The study recommended that the gastric emptying studies should be performed with imaging at a minimum of 0, 1, 2, and 4 hours after meal ingestion.Keywords: gastric emptying, retention fraction, clearance halftime, optimisation, protocol
Procedia PDF Downloads 106104 The Bioaccumulation of Lead (Pb), Cadmium (Cd), and Chromium (Cr) in Relation to Personal and Social Habits in Electronic Repair Technicians in Kaduna Metropolis, Nigeria: A Pilot Study
Authors: M. A. Lawal, A. Uzairu, M. S. Sallau
The presence and bioaccumulation of lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), and chromium (Cr) in blood, urine, nail, and hair samples of electronic repair technicians in Kaduna-Nigeria were assessed using Fast Sequential Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry. 10 electronic repair technicians from within Kaduna Metropolis volunteered for the pilot study. The mean blood concentrations of Pb, Cd, and Cr in the subjects were 29.33 ± 4.80, 7.78 ± 10.57, and 24.78 ± 21.77 µg/dL, respectively. The mean urine concentrations of Pb, Cd, and Cr were 24.18 ± 2.98, 6.81 ± 10.05, and 14.78 ± 14.20 µg/dL, respectively. Mean nail metal values of 37.13 ± 4.08, 1.00 ± 1.21, and 18.49 ± 12.71 µg/g were obtained for Pb, Cd, and Cr, respectively while mean hair metal values of 39.41 ± 5.63, 1.09 ± 1.14, and 19.13 ± 11.61 µg/g for Pb, Cd, and Cr, respectively. Positive Pearson correlation coefficients were observed between Pb/Cd, Pb/Cr, and Cd/Cr in all samples and they indicate the metals are likely from the same pollution source. The mean concentrations of the metals in all samples were higher than the WHO, ILO, and ACGIH standards, implying the repairers are likely occupationally exposed and are subject to serious health concerns. Social habits like smoking were found to significantly affect the concentrations of these metals. The level of education, use of safety devices, period of exposure, the nature of electronics and the age of the repairers were also found to remarkably affect the concentrations of the metals.Keywords: bioaccumulation, electronic repair technicians, heavy metals, occupational hazard
Procedia PDF Downloads 3716103 The Relationship between Body Fat Percent and Metabolic Syndrome Indices in Childhood Morbid Obesity
Authors: Mustafa Metin Donma
Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is characterized by a series of biochemical, physiological and anthropometric indicators and is a life-threatening health problem due to its close association with chronic diseases such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension, cancer and cardiovascular diseases. The syndrome deserves great interest both in adults and children. Central obesity is the indispensable component of MetS. Particularly, children, who are morbidly obese have a great tendency to develop the disease, because they are under the threat in their future lives. Preventive measures at this stage should be considered. For this, investigators seek for an informative scale or an index for the purpose. So far, several, but not many suggestions come into the stage. However, the diagnostic decision is not so easy and may not be complete particularly in the pediatric population. The aim of the study was to develop a MetS index capable of predicting MetS, while children are at the morbid obesity stage. This study was performed on morbid obese (MO) children, which were divided into two groups. Morbid obese children, who do not possess MetS criteria comprised the first group (n=44). The second group was composed of children (n=42) with MetS diagnosis. Parents were informed about the signed consent forms, which are required for the participation of their children in the study. The approval of the study protocol was taken from the institutional ethics committee of Tekirdag Namik Kemal University. Helsinki Declaration was accepted prior to and during the study. Anthropometric measurements including weight, height, waist circumference (WC), hip C, head C, neck C, biochemical tests including fasting blood glucose (FBG), insulin (INS), triglycerides (TRG), high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) and blood pressure measurements (systolic (SBP) and diastolic (DBP)) were performed. Body fat percentage (BFP) values were determined by TANITA’s Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis technology. Body mass index and MetS indices were calculated. The equations for MetS index (MetSI) and advanced Donma MetS index (ADMI) were [(INS/FBG)/(HDL-C/TRG)]*100 and MetSI*[(SBP+DBP/Height)], respectively. Descriptive statistics including median values, compare means tests, correlation-regression analysis were performed within the scope of data evaluation using the statistical package program, SPSS. Statistically significant mean differences were determined by a p value smaller than 0.05. Median values for MetSI and ADMI in MO (MetS-) and MO (MetS+) groups were calculated as (25.9 and 36.5) and (74.0 and 106.1), respectively. Corresponding mean±SD values for BFPs were 35.9±7.1 and 38.2±7.7 in groups. Correlation analysis of these two indices with corresponding general BFP values exhibited significant association with ADMI, close to significance with MetSI in MO group. Any significant correlation was found with neither of the indices in MetS group. In conclusion, important associations observed with MetS indices in MO group were quite meaningful. The presence of these associations in MO group was important for showing the tendency towards the development of MetS in MO (MetS-) participants. The other index, ADMI, was more helpful for predictive purpose.Keywords: body fat percentage, child, index, metabolic syndrome, obesity
Procedia PDF Downloads 596102 Variation of Base Width of a Typical Concrete Gravity Dam under Different Seismic Conditions Using Static Seismic Loading
Authors: Prasanna Kumar Khaund, Sukanya Talukdar
A concrete gravity dam is a major hydraulic structure and it is very essential to consider the earthquake forces, to get a proper design base width, so that the entire weight of the dam resists the overturning moment due to earthquake and other forces. The main objective of this study is to obtain the design base width of a dam for different seismic conditions by varying the earthquake coefficients in both vertical and horizontal directions. This shall be done by equating the factor of safety against overturning, factor of safety against sliding and factor of safety against shear friction factor for a dam with their limiting values, under both tail water and no tail water condition. The shape of the Mettur dam in India is considered for the study. The study has been done taking a constant head of water at the reservoir, which is the maximum reservoir water level and a constant height of tail water. Using linear approximation method of Newton Raphson, the obtained equations against different factors of safety under different earthquake conditions are solved using a programme in C++ to get different values of base width of dam for varying earthquake conditions.Keywords: design base width, horizontal earthquake coefficient, tail water, vertical earthquake coefficient
Procedia PDF Downloads 2836101 Reinventing Education Systems: Towards an Approach Based on Universal Values and Digital Technologies
Authors: Ilyes Athimni, Mouna Bouzazi, Mongi Boulehmi, Ahmed Ferchichi
The principles of good governance, universal values, and digitization are among the tools to fight corruption and improve the quality of service delivery. In recent years, these tools have become one of the most controversial topics in the field of education and a concern of many international organizations and institutions against the problem of corruption. Corruption in the education sector, particularly in higher education, has negative impacts on the quality of education systems and on the quality of administrative or educational services. Currently, the health crisis due to the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic reveals the difficulties encountered by education systems in most countries of the world. Due to the poor governance of these systems, many educational institutions were unable to continue working remotely. To respond to these problems encountered by most education systems in many countries of the world, our initiative is to propose a methodology to reinvent education systems based on global values and digital technologies. This methodology includes a work strategy for educational institutions, whether in the provision of administrative services or in the teaching method, based on information and communication technologies (ICTs), intelligence artificial, and intelligent agents. In addition, we will propose a supervisory law that will be implemented and monitored by intelligent agents to improve accountability, transparency, and accountability in educational institutions. On the other hand, we will implement and evaluate a field experience by applying the proposed methodology in the operation of an educational institution and comparing it to the traditional methodology through the results of teaching an educational program. With these specifications, we can reinvent quality education systems. We also expect the results of our proposal to play an important role at local, regional, and international levels in motivating governments of countries around the world to change their university governance policies.Keywords: artificial intelligence, corruption in education, distance learning, education systems, ICTs, intelligent agents, good governance
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