Search results for: precise time domain expanding algorithm
21764 Battery Control with Moving Average Algorithm to Smoothen the Intermittent Output Power of Photovoltaic Solar Power Plants in Off-Grid Configuration
Authors: Muhammad Gillfran Samual, Rinaldy Dalimi, Fauzan Hanif Jufri, Budi Sudiarto, Ismi Rosyiana Fitri
Solar energy is increasingly recognized as an important future energy source due to its abundant availability and renewable nature. However, the intermittent nature of solar energy can cause fluctuations in the electricity produced, making it difficult to guarantee a stable and reliable electricity supply. One solution that can be implemented is to use batteries in a photovoltaic solar power plant system with a Moving Average control algorithm, which can help smooth and reduce fluctuations in solar power output power. The parameter that can be adjusted in the Moving Average algorithm is the window size or the arithmetic average width of the photovoltaic output power over time. This research evaluates the effect of a change of window size parameter in the Moving Average algorithm on the resulting smoothed photovoltaic output power and the technical effects on batteries, i.e., power and energy usage. Based on the evaluation, it is found that the increase of window size parameter will slow down the response of photovoltaic output power to changes in irradiation and increase the smoothing quality of the intermittent photovoltaic output power. In addition, increasing the window size will reduce the maximum power received on the load side, and the amount of energy used by the battery during the power smoothing process will increase, which, in turn, increases the required battery capacity.Keywords: battery, intermittent, moving average, photovoltaic, power smoothing
Procedia PDF Downloads 6421763 Design and Test a Robust Bearing-Only Target Motion Analysis Algorithm Based on Modified Gain Extended Kalman Filter
Authors: Mohammad Tarek Al Muallim, Ozhan Duzenli, Ceyhun Ilguy
Passive sonar is a method for detecting acoustic signals in the ocean. It detects the acoustic signals emanating from external sources. With passive sonar, we can determine the bearing of the target only, no information about the range of the target. Target Motion Analysis (TMA) is a process to estimate the position and speed of a target using passive sonar information. Since bearing is the only available information, the TMA technique called Bearing-only TMA. Many TMA techniques have been developed. However, until now, there is not a very effective method that could be used to always track an unknown target and extract its moving trace. In this work, a design of effective Bearing-only TMA Algorithm is done. The measured bearing angles are very noisy. Moreover, for multi-beam sonar, the measurements is quantized due to the sonar beam width. To deal with this, modified gain extended Kalman filter algorithm is used. The algorithm is fine-tuned, and many modules are added to improve the performance. A special validation gate module is used to insure stability of the algorithm. Many indicators of the performance and confidence level measurement are designed and tested. A new method to detect if the target is maneuvering is proposed. Moreover, a reactive optimal observer maneuver based on bearing measurements is proposed, which insure converging to the right solution all of the times. To test the performance of the proposed TMA algorithm a simulation is done with a MATLAB program. The simulator program tries to model a discrete scenario for an observer and a target. The simulator takes into consideration all the practical aspects of the problem such as a smooth transition in the speed, a circular turn of the ship, noisy measurements, and a quantized bearing measurement come for multi-beam sonar. The tests are done for a lot of given test scenarios. For all the tests, full tracking is achieved within 10 minutes with very little error. The range estimation error was less than 5%, speed error less than 5% and heading error less than 2 degree. For the online performance estimator, it is mostly aligned with the real performance. The range estimation confidence level gives a value equal to 90% when the range error less than 10%. The experiments show that the proposed TMA algorithm is very robust and has low estimation error. However, the converging time of the algorithm is needed to be improved.Keywords: target motion analysis, Kalman filter, passive sonar, bearing-only tracking
Procedia PDF Downloads 40421762 Spatial Object-Oriented Template Matching Algorithm Using Normalized Cross-Correlation Criterion for Tracking Aerial Image Scene
Authors: Jigg Pelayo, Ricardo Villar
Leaning on the development of aerial laser scanning in the Philippine geospatial industry, researches about remote sensing and machine vision technology became a trend. Object detection via template matching is one of its application which characterized to be fast and in real time. The paper purposely attempts to provide application for robust pattern matching algorithm based on the normalized cross correlation (NCC) criterion function subjected in Object-based image analysis (OBIA) utilizing high-resolution aerial imagery and low density LiDAR data. The height information from laser scanning provides effective partitioning order, thus improving the hierarchal class feature pattern which allows to skip unnecessary calculation. Since detection is executed in the object-oriented platform, mathematical morphology and multi-level filter algorithms were established to effectively avoid the influence of noise, small distortion and fluctuating image saturation that affect the rate of recognition of features. Furthermore, the scheme is evaluated to recognized the performance in different situations and inspect the computational complexities of the algorithms. Its effectiveness is demonstrated in areas of Misamis Oriental province, achieving an overall accuracy of 91% above. Also, the garnered results portray the potential and efficiency of the implemented algorithm under different lighting conditions.Keywords: algorithm, LiDAR, object recognition, OBIA
Procedia PDF Downloads 24621761 Hybridized Approach for Distance Estimation Using K-Means Clustering
Authors: Ritu Vashistha, Jitender Kumar
Clustering using the K-means algorithm is a very common way to understand and analyze the obtained output data. When a similar object is grouped, this is called the basis of Clustering. There is K number of objects and C number of cluster in to single cluster in which k is always supposed to be less than C having each cluster to be its own centroid but the major problem is how is identify the cluster is correct based on the data. Formulation of the cluster is not a regular task for every tuple of row record or entity but it is done by an iterative process. Each and every record, tuple, entity is checked and examined and similarity dissimilarity is examined. So this iterative process seems to be very lengthy and unable to give optimal output for the cluster and time taken to find the cluster. To overcome the drawback challenge, we are proposing a formula to find the clusters at the run time, so this approach can give us optimal results. The proposed approach uses the Euclidian distance formula as well melanosis to find the minimum distance between slots as technically we called clusters and the same approach we have also applied to Ant Colony Optimization(ACO) algorithm, which results in the production of two and multi-dimensional matrix.Keywords: ant colony optimization, data clustering, centroids, data mining, k-means
Procedia PDF Downloads 12821760 Automated Test Data Generation For some types of Algorithm
Authors: Hitesh Tahbildar
The cost of test data generation for a program is computationally very high. In general case, no algorithm to generate test data for all types of algorithms has been found. The cost of generating test data for different types of algorithm is different. Till date, people are emphasizing the need to generate test data for different types of programming constructs rather than different types of algorithms. The test data generation methods have been implemented to find heuristics for different types of algorithms. Some algorithms that includes divide and conquer, backtracking, greedy approach, dynamic programming to find the minimum cost of test data generation have been tested. Our experimental results say that some of these types of algorithm can be used as a necessary condition for selecting heuristics and programming constructs are sufficient condition for selecting our heuristics. Finally we recommend the different heuristics for test data generation to be selected for different types of algorithms.Keywords: ongest path, saturation point, lmax, kL, kS
Procedia PDF Downloads 40821759 Prediction of Bariatric Surgery Publications by Using Different Machine Learning Algorithms
Authors: Senol Dogan, Gunay Karli
Identification of relevant publications based on a Medline query is time-consuming and error-prone. An all based process has the potential to solve this problem without any manual work. To the best of our knowledge, our study is the first to investigate the ability of machine learning to identify relevant articles accurately. 5 different machine learning algorithms were tested using 23 predictors based on several metadata fields attached to publications. We find that the Boosted model is the best-performing algorithm and its overall accuracy is 96%. In addition, specificity and sensitivity of the algorithm is 97 and 93%, respectively. As a result of the work, we understood that we can apply the same procedure to understand cancer gene expression big data.Keywords: prediction of publications, machine learning, algorithms, bariatric surgery, comparison of algorithms, boosted, tree, logistic regression, ANN model
Procedia PDF Downloads 21021758 Effect of CuO, Al₂O₃ and ZnO Nanoparticles on the Response Time for Natural Convection
Authors: Mefteh Bouhalleb
With the recent progress in nanotechnology, nanofluids have excellent potentiality in many modern engineering processes, particularly for solar systems such as concentrated solar power plants (CSP). In this context, a numerical simulation is performed to investigate laminar natural convection nanofluids in an inclined rectangular enclosure. Mass conservation, momentum, and energy equations are numerically solved by the finite volume element method using the SIMPLER algorithm for pressure-velocity coupling. In this work, we tested the acting factors on the system response time, such as the particle volume fraction of nanoparticles, particle material, particle size, an inclination angle of enclosure and Rayleigh number. The results show that the diameter of solid particles and Rayleigh number plays an important role in the system response time. The orientation angle of the cavity affects the system response time. A phenomenon of hysteresis appears when the system does not return to its initial state.Keywords: nanofluid, nanoparticles, heat transfer, time response
Procedia PDF Downloads 9221757 The Saying of Conceptual Metaphors about Law, Righteousness, and Justice in the Old Testament: Cardinal Tendencies
Authors: Ivana Prochazkova
Cognitive linguistics offers biblical scholarship a specific methodological tool for analysis and interpretation of metaphorical expressions. Its methodology makes it possible to study processes involved in constructing the meaning of individual metaphorical expressions and whole conceptual metaphors; to analyze their function in the text; to follow the semantic development of concepts and conceptual domains, and to trace semantic changes and their motivation. The legal language in the Hebrew canon is extremely specific and formalized. Especially in the preambles to the collections of laws in the Pentateuch, more general considerations of the motif of keeping and breaking the law are encountered. This is also true in the psalms and wisdom literature. Legal theory and the philosophy of law deal with these motifs today. Metaphors play an important role in texts that reflect on more general issues. The purpose of this conference contribution is to write all over the central metaphorical concept, conceptual metaphor ךרד תורה (TORAH/LAW IS A JOURNEY), its function in the Torah and principal trends of the further development in the Prophets and the Writings. The conceptual metaphor תורה ךרד (TORAH/LAW IS A JOURNEY) constitutes a coherent system in conjunction with other metaphors that include e.g., conceptual metaphors נחה תורה (TORAH/LAW LEADS); its variant רעה תורה (TORAH IS A SHEPHERD/GUIDE); מקור תורה (TORAH/LAW IS A FOUNTAIN/A SOURCE OF LIFE). Some conceptual metaphors are well known, and their using are conventional (עשׁר תורה TORAH/LAW IS RICHES, שׂשׂון תורה TORAH/LAW IS DELIGHT, דבשׁ תורה TORAH/LAW IS HONEY, שׁמשׁ תורה TORAH/LAW IS SUN ). But some conceptual metaphors are by its occurrence innovative and unique (e.g., שׁריון תורה TORAH /LAW IS BODY ARMOR, כובע תורה TORAH /LAW IS A HELMET, בגד תורה TORAH/LAW IS A GARMENT, etc.). There will be given examples. Conceptual metaphors will be described by means of some 'metaphorical vehicles,' which are Hebrew expressions in the source domain that are repeatedly used in metaphorical conceptualizations of the target domain(s). Conceptual metaphors will be further described by means of 'generic narrative structures,' which are the particular aspects of a conceptual metaphor that emerge during the metaphorical structuring of concepts. They are the units of the metaphorical vehicles – the Hebrew expressions in the source domain – that structure concepts in much the same way that the conceptual metaphor in the target domain does. And finally, they will be described by means of the network of correspondences that exist between metaphorical vehicles – or generic metaphorical structures – and the Hebrew expressions in the target domain.Keywords: cognitive theology, conceptual metaphor in the Old Testament, conceptual metaphors of the Torah, conceptual domain of law, righteousness, and justice
Procedia PDF Downloads 20521756 A High Performance Piano Note Recognition Scheme via Precise Onset Detection and Segmented Short-Time Fourier Transform
Authors: Sonali Banrjee, Swarup Kumar Mitra, Aritra Acharyya
A piano note recognition method has been proposed by the authors in this paper. The authors have used a comprehensive method for onset detection of each note present in a piano piece followed by segmented short-time Fourier transform (STFT) for the identification of piano notes. The performance evaluation of the proposed method has been carried out in different harsh noisy environments by adding different levels of additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) having different signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in the original signal and evaluating the note detection error rate (NDER) of different piano pieces consisting of different number of notes at different SNR levels. The NDER is found to be remained within 15% for all piano pieces under consideration when the SNR is kept above 8 dB.Keywords: AWGN, onset detection, piano note, STFT
Procedia PDF Downloads 16021755 Spatial Integration at the Room-Level of 'Sequina' Slum Area in Alexandria, Egypt
Authors: Ali Essam El Shazly
The slum survey of 'Sequina' area in Alexandria details the building rooms of twenty-building samples according to the integral measure of space syntax. The essence of room organization sets the most integrative 'visitor' domain between the 'inhabitant' wings of less integrated 'parent' than the 'children' structure with visual ring of 'balcony' space. Despite the collective real relative asymmetry of 'pheno-type' aggregation, the relative asymmetry of individual layouts reveals 'geno-type' structure of spatial diversity. The multifunction of rooms optimizes the integral structure of graph and visibility merge, which contrasts with the deep tailing structure of distinctive social domains. The most integrative layout inverts the geno-type into freed rooms of shallow 'inhabitant' domain against the off-centered 'visitor' space, while the most segregated layout further restricts the pheno-type through isolated 'visitor' from 'inhabitant' domains across the 'staircase' public domain. The catalyst 'kitchen & living' spaces demonstrate multi-structural dimensions among the various social domains. The former ranges from most exposed central integrity to the most hidden 'motherhood' territories. The latter, however, mostly integrates at centrality or at the further ringy 'childern' domain. The study concludes social structure of spatial integrity for redevelopment, which is determined through the micro-level survey of rooms with integral dimensions.Keywords: Alexandria, Sequina slum, spatial integration, space syntax
Procedia PDF Downloads 44021754 Genetic Algorithms for Parameter Identification of DC Motor ARMAX Model and Optimal Control
Authors: A. Mansouri, F. Krim
This paper presents two techniques for DC motor parameters identification. We propose a numerical method using the adaptive extensive recursive least squares (AERLS) algorithm for real time parameters estimation. This algorithm, based on minimization of quadratic criterion, is realized in simulation for parameters identification of DC motor autoregressive moving average with extra inputs (ARMAX). As advanced technique, we use genetic algorithms (GA) identification with biased estimation for high dynamic performance speed regulation. DC motors are extensively used in variable speed drives, for robot and solar panel trajectory control. GA effectiveness is derived through comparison of the two approaches.Keywords: ARMAX model, DC motor, AERLS, GA, optimization, parameter identification, PID speed regulation
Procedia PDF Downloads 38121753 Increasing System Adequacy Using Integration of Pumped Storage: Renewable Energy to Reduce Thermal Power Generations Towards RE100 Target, Thailand
Authors: Mathuravech Thanaphon, Thephasit Nat
The Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT) is focusing on expanding its pumped storage hydropower (PSH) capacity to increase the reliability of the system during peak demand and allow for greater integration of renewables. To achieve this requirement, Thailand will have to double its current renewable electricity production. To address the challenges of balancing supply and demand in the grid with increasing levels of RE penetration, as well as rising peak demand, EGAT has already been studying the potential for additional PSH capacity for several years to enable an increased share of RE and replace existing fossil fuel-fired generation. In addition, the role that pumped-storage hydropower would play in fulfilling multiple grid functions and renewable integration. The proposed sites for new PSH would help increase the reliability of power generation in Thailand. However, most of the electricity generation will come from RE, chiefly wind and photovoltaic, and significant additional Energy Storage capacity will be needed. In this paper, the impact of integrating the PSH system on the adequacy of renewable rich power generating systems to reduce the thermal power generating units is investigated. The variations of system adequacy indices are analyzed for different PSH-renewables capacities and storage levels. Power Development Plan 2018 rev.1 (PDP2018 rev.1), which is modified by integrating a six-new PSH system and RE planning and development aftermath in 2030, is the very challenge. The system adequacy indices through power generation are obtained using Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm (MOGA) Optimization. MOGA is a probabilistic heuristic and stochastic algorithm that is able to find the global minima, which have the advantage that the fitness function does not necessarily require the gradient. In this sense, the method is more flexible in solving reliability optimization problems for a composite power system. The optimization with hourly time step takes years of planning horizon much larger than the weekly horizon that usually sets the scheduling studies. The objective function is to be optimized to maximize RE energy generation, minimize energy imbalances, and minimize thermal power generation using MATLAB. The PDP2018 rev.1 was set to be simulated based on its planned capacity stepping into 2030 and 2050. Therefore, the four main scenario analyses are conducted as the target of renewables share: 1) Business-As-Usual (BAU), 2) National Targets (30% RE in 2030), 3) Carbon Neutrality Targets (50% RE in 2050), and 5) 100% RE or full-decarbonization. According to the results, the generating system adequacy is significantly affected by both PSH-RE and Thermal units. When a PSH is integrated, it can provide hourly capacity to the power system as well as better allocate renewable energy generation to reduce thermal generations and improve system reliability. These results show that a significant level of reliability improvement can be obtained by PSH, especially in renewable-rich power systems.Keywords: pumped storage hydropower, renewable energy integration, system adequacy, power development planning, RE100, multi-objective genetic algorithm
Procedia PDF Downloads 5821752 Structural Investigation of the GAF Domain Protein BPSL2418 from Burkholderia pseudomallei
Authors: Mona G. Alharbi
A new family of methionine-sulfoxide reductase (Msr) was recently discovered and was named free methionine sulfoxide reductase (fRMsr). This family includes enzymes with a reductase activity toward the free R isomer of a methionine sulfoxide substrate. The fRMsrs have a GAF domain topology, a domain, which was previously identified as having in some cases a cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase activity. The classification of fRMsrs as GAF domains revealed a new function can be added to the GAF domain family. Interestingly the four members identified in the fRMsr family share the GAF domain structure and the presence of three conserved cysteines in the active site with free R methionine sulfoxide substrate specificity. This thesis presents the crystal structures of reduced, free Met-SO substrate-bound and MES-bound forms of a new fRMsr from Burkholderia pseudomallei (BPSL2418). BPSL2418 was cloned, overexpressed and purified to enable protein crystallization. The crystallization trials for reduced, Met-SO-bound and MES-bound forms of BPSL2418 were prepared and reasonable crystals of each form were produced. The crystal structures of BPSL2418MES, BPSL2418Met-SO and BPSL2418Reduced were solved at 1.18, 1.4 and 2.0Å, respectively by molecular replacement. The BPSL2418MES crystal belongs to space group P 21 21 21 while BPSL2418Met-SO and BPSL2418Reduced crystals belong to space group P 1 21 1. All three forms share the GAF domain structure of six antiparallel β-strands and four α-helices with connecting loops. The antiparallel β-strands (β1, β2, β5 and β6) are located in the center of the BPSL2418 structure flanked on one side by a three α-helices (α1, α2 and α4) and on the other side by a (loop1, β3, loop2, α3, β4 loop4) unit where loop4 forms a capping flap and covers the active site. The structural comparison of the three forms of BPSL2418 indicates that the catalytically important cysteine is CYS109, where the resolving cysteine is CYS75, which forms a disulfide bond with CYS109. They also suggest that the third conserved cysteine in the active site, CYS85, which is located in α3, is a non-essential cysteine for the catalytic function but it may play a role in the binding of the substrate. The structural comparison of the three forms reveals that conformational changes appear in the active site particularly involving loop4 and CYS109 during catalysis. The 3D structure of BPSL2418 shows strong structure similarity to fRMsrs enzymes, which further suggests that BPSL2418 acts as a free Met-R-SO reductase and shares the catalytic mechanism of fRMsr family.Keywords: Burkholderia pseudomallei, GAF domain protein, methionine sulfoxide reductase, protein crystallization
Procedia PDF Downloads 38621751 Nanoliposomes in Photothermal Therapy: Advancements and Applications
Authors: Mehrnaz Mostafavi
Nanoliposomes, minute lipid-based vesicles at the nano-scale, show promise in the realm of photothermal therapy (PTT). This study presents an extensive overview of nanoliposomes in PTT, exploring their distinct attributes and the significant progress in this therapeutic methodology. The research delves into the fundamental traits of nanoliposomes, emphasizing their adaptability, compatibility with biological systems, and their capacity to encapsulate diverse therapeutic substances. Specifically, it examines the integration of light-absorbing materials, like gold nanoparticles or organic dyes, into nanoliposomal formulations, enabling their efficacy as proficient agents for photothermal treatment Additionally, this paper elucidates the mechanisms involved in nanoliposome-mediated PTT, highlighting their capability to convert light energy into localized heat, facilitating the precise targeting of diseased cells or tissues. This precise regulation of light absorption and heat generation by nanoliposomes presents a non-invasive and precisely focused therapeutic approach, particularly in conditions like cancer. The study explores advancements in nanoliposomal formulations aimed at optimizing PTT outcomes. These advancements include strategies for improved stability, enhanced drug loading, and the targeted delivery of therapeutic agents to specific cells or tissues. Furthermore, the paper discusses multifunctional nanoliposomal systems, integrating imaging components or targeting elements for real-time monitoring and improved accuracy in PTT. Moreover, the review highlights recent preclinical and clinical trials showcasing the effectiveness and safety of nanoliposome-based PTT across various disease models. It also addresses challenges in clinical implementation, such as scalability, regulatory considerations, and long-term safety assessments. In conclusion, this paper underscores the substantial potential of nanoliposomes in advancing PTT as a promising therapeutic approach. Their distinctive characteristics, combined with their precise ability to convert light into heat, offer a tailored and efficient method for treating targeted diseases. The encouraging outcomes from preclinical studies pave the way for further exploration and potential clinical applications of nanoliposome-based PTT.Keywords: nanoliposomes, photothermal therapy, light absorption, heat conversion, therapeutic agents, targeted delivery, cancer therapy
Procedia PDF Downloads 11421750 Inverse Mapping of Weld Bead Geometry in Shielded Metal Arc-Welding: Genetic Algorithm Approach
Authors: D. S. Nagesh, G. L. Datta
In the field of welding, various studies had been made by some of the previous investigators to predict as well as optimize weld bead geometric descriptors. Modeling of weld bead shape is important for predicting the quality of welds. In most of the cases, design of experiments technique to postulate multiple linear regression equations have been used. Nowadays, Genetic Algorithm (GA) an intelligent information treatment system with the characteristics of treating complex relationships as seen in welding processes used as a tool for inverse mapping/optimization of the process is attempted.Keywords: smaw, genetic algorithm, bead geometry, optimization/inverse mapping
Procedia PDF Downloads 45421749 Genetic Algorithm Approach for Inverse Mapping of Weld Bead Geometry in Shielded Metal Arc-Welding
Authors: D. S. Nagesh, G. L. Datta
In the field of welding, various studies had been made by some of the previous investigators to predict as well as optimize weld bead geometric descriptors. Modeling of weld bead shape is important for predicting the quality of welds. In most of the cases design of experiments technique to postulate multiple linear regression equations have been used. Nowadays Genetic Algorithm (GA) an intelligent information treatment system with the characteristics of treating complex relationships as seen in welding processes used as a tool for inverse mapping/optimization of the process is attempted.Keywords: SMAW, genetic algorithm, bead geometry, optimization/inverse mapping
Procedia PDF Downloads 42121748 Internet of Things: Route Search Optimization Applying Ant Colony Algorithm and Theory of Computer Science
Authors: Tushar Bhardwaj
Internet of Things (IoT) possesses a dynamic network where the network nodes (mobile devices) are added and removed constantly and randomly, hence the traffic distribution in the network is quite variable and irregular. The basic but very important part in any network is route searching. We have many conventional route searching algorithms like link-state, and distance vector algorithms but they are restricted to the static point to point network topology. In this paper we propose a model that uses the Ant Colony Algorithm for route searching. It is dynamic in nature and has positive feedback mechanism that conforms to the route searching. We have also embedded the concept of Non-Deterministic Finite Automata [NDFA] minimization to reduce the network to increase the performance. Results show that Ant Colony Algorithm gives the shortest path from the source to destination node and NDFA minimization reduces the broadcasting storm effectively.Keywords: routing, ant colony algorithm, NDFA, IoT
Procedia PDF Downloads 44421747 Maximum Efficiency of the Photovoltaic Cells Using a Genetic Algorithm
Authors: Latifa Sabri, Mohammed Benzirar, Mimoun Zazoui
The installation of photovoltaic systems is one of future sources to generate electricity without emitting pollutants. The photovoltaic cells used in these systems have demonstrated enormous efficiencies and advantages. Several researches have discussed the maximum efficiency of these technologies, but only a few experiences have succeeded to right weather conditions to get these results. In this paper, two types of cells were selected: crystalline and amorphous silicon. Using the method of genetic algorithm, the results show that for an ambient temperature of 25°C and direct irradiation of 625 W/m², the efficiency of crystalline silicon is 12% and 5% for amorphous silicon.Keywords: PV, maximum efficiency, solar cell, genetic algorithm
Procedia PDF Downloads 42521746 A Method for Solving a Bi-Objective Transportation Problem under Fuzzy Environment
Authors: Sukhveer Singh, Sandeep Singh
A bi-objective fuzzy transportation problem with the objectives to minimize the total fuzzy cost and fuzzy time of transportation without according priorities to them is considered. To the best of our knowledge, there is no method in the literature to find efficient solutions of the bi-objective transportation problem under uncertainty. In this paper, a bi-objective transportation problem in an uncertain environment has been formulated. An algorithm has been proposed to find efficient solutions of the bi-objective transportation problem under uncertainty. The proposed algorithm avoids the degeneracy and gives the optimal solution faster than other existing algorithms for the given uncertain transportation problem.Keywords: uncertain transportation problem, efficient solution, ranking function, fuzzy transportation problem
Procedia PDF Downloads 52721745 Blockchain-Based Decentralized Architecture for Secure Medical Records Management
Authors: Saeed M. Alshahrani
This research integrated blockchain technology to reform medical records management in healthcare informatics. It was aimed at resolving the limitations of centralized systems by establishing a secure, decentralized, and user-centric platform. The system was architected with a sophisticated three-tiered structure, integrating advanced cryptographic methodologies, consensus algorithms, and the Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (HL7 FHIR) standard to ensure data security, transaction validity, and semantic interoperability. The research has profound implications for healthcare delivery, patient care, legal compliance, operational efficiency, and academic advancements in blockchain technology and healthcare IT sectors. The methodology adapted in this research comprises of Preliminary Feasibility Study, Literature Review, Design and Development, Cryptographic Algorithm Integration, Modeling the data and testing the system. The research employed a permissioned blockchain with a Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance (PBFT) consensus algorithm and Ethereum-based smart contracts. It integrated advanced cryptographic algorithms, role-based access control, multi-factor authentication, and RESTful APIs to ensure security, regulate access, authenticate user identities, and facilitate seamless data exchange between the blockchain and legacy healthcare systems. The research contributed to the development of a secure, interoperable, and decentralized system for managing medical records, addressing the limitations of the centralized systems that were in place. Future work will delve into optimizing the system further, exploring additional blockchain use cases in healthcare, and expanding the adoption of the system globally, contributing to the evolution of global healthcare practices and policies.Keywords: healthcare informatics, blockchain, medical records management, decentralized architecture, data security, cryptographic algorithms
Procedia PDF Downloads 5621744 Fatigue Analysis of Spread Mooring Line
Authors: Chanhoe Kang, Changhyun Lee, Seock-Hee Jun, Yeong-Tae Oh
Offshore floating structure under the various environmental conditions maintains a fixed position by mooring system. Environmental conditions, vessel motions and mooring loads are applied to mooring lines as the dynamic tension. Because global responses of mooring system in deep water are specified as wave frequency and low frequency response, they should be calculated from the time-domain analysis due to non-linear dynamic characteristics. To take into account all mooring loads, environmental conditions, added mass and damping terms at each time step, a lot of computation time and capacities are required. Thus, under the premise that reliable fatigue damage could be derived through reasonable analysis method, it is necessary to reduce the analysis cases through the sensitivity studies and appropriate assumptions. In this paper, effects in fatigue are studied for spread mooring system connected with oil FPSO which is positioned in deep water of West Africa offshore. The target FPSO with two Mbbls storage has 16 spread mooring lines (4 bundles x 4 lines). The various sensitivity studies are performed for environmental loads, type of responses, vessel offsets, mooring position, loading conditions and riser behavior. Each parameter applied to the sensitivity studies is investigated from the effects of fatigue damage through fatigue analysis. Based on the sensitivity studies, the following results are presented: Wave loads are more dominant in terms of fatigue than other environment conditions. Wave frequency response causes the higher fatigue damage than low frequency response. The larger vessel offset increases the mean tension and so it results in the increased fatigue damage. The external line of each bundle shows the highest fatigue damage by the governed vessel pitch motion due to swell wave conditions. Among three kinds of loading conditions, ballast condition has the highest fatigue damage due to higher tension. The riser damping occurred by riser behavior tends to reduce the fatigue damage. The various analysis results obtained from these sensitivity studies can be used for a simplified fatigue analysis of spread mooring line as the reference.Keywords: mooring system, fatigue analysis, time domain, non-linear dynamic characteristics
Procedia PDF Downloads 33421743 Knowledge-Driven Decision Support System Based on Knowledge Warehouse and Data Mining by Improving Apriori Algorithm with Fuzzy Logic
Authors: Pejman Hosseinioun, Hasan Shakeri, Ghasem Ghorbanirostam
In recent years, we have seen an increasing importance of research and study on knowledge source, decision support systems, data mining and procedure of knowledge discovery in data bases and it is considered that each of these aspects affects the others. In this article, we have merged information source and knowledge source to suggest a knowledge based system within limits of management based on storing and restoring of knowledge to manage information and improve decision making and resources. In this article, we have used method of data mining and Apriori algorithm in procedure of knowledge discovery one of the problems of Apriori algorithm is that, a user should specify the minimum threshold for supporting the regularity. Imagine that a user wants to apply Apriori algorithm for a database with millions of transactions. Definitely, the user does not have necessary knowledge of all existing transactions in that database, and therefore cannot specify a suitable threshold. Our purpose in this article is to improve Apriori algorithm. To achieve our goal, we tried using fuzzy logic to put data in different clusters before applying the Apriori algorithm for existing data in the database and we also try to suggest the most suitable threshold to the user automatically.Keywords: decision support system, data mining, knowledge discovery, data discovery, fuzzy logic
Procedia PDF Downloads 33621742 Blind Watermarking Using Discrete Wavelet Transform Algorithm with Patchwork
Authors: Toni Maristela C. Estabillo, Michaela V. Matienzo, Mikaela L. Sabangan, Rosette M. Tienzo, Justine L. Bahinting
This study is about blind watermarking on images with different categories and properties using two algorithms namely, Discrete Wavelet Transform and Patchwork Algorithm. A program is created to perform watermark embedding, extraction and evaluation. The evaluation is based on three watermarking criteria namely: image quality degradation, perceptual transparency and security. Image quality is measured by comparing the original properties with the processed one. Perceptual transparency is measured by a visual inspection on a survey. Security is measured by implementing geometrical and non-geometrical attacks through a pass or fail testing. Values used to measure the following criteria are mostly based on Mean Squared Error (MSE) and Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR). The results are based on statistical methods used to interpret and collect data such as averaging, z Test and survey. The study concluded that the combined DWT and Patchwork algorithms were less efficient and less capable of watermarking than DWT algorithm only.Keywords: blind watermarking, discrete wavelet transform algorithm, patchwork algorithm, digital watermark
Procedia PDF Downloads 26921741 Novel Inference Algorithm for Gaussian Process Classification Model with Multiclass and Its Application to Human Action Classification
Authors: Wanhyun Cho, Soonja Kang, Sangkyoon Kim, Soonyoung Park
In this paper, we propose a novel inference algorithm for the multi-class Gaussian process classification model that can be used in the field of human behavior recognition. This algorithm can drive simultaneously both a posterior distribution of a latent function and estimators of hyper-parameters in a Gaussian process classification model with multi-class. Our algorithm is based on the Laplace approximation (LA) technique and variational EM framework. This is performed in two steps: called expectation and maximization steps. First, in the expectation step, using the Bayesian formula and LA technique, we derive approximately the posterior distribution of the latent function indicating the possibility that each observation belongs to a certain class in the Gaussian process classification model. Second, in the maximization step, using a derived posterior distribution of latent function, we compute the maximum likelihood estimator for hyper-parameters of a covariance matrix necessary to define prior distribution for latent function. These two steps iteratively repeat until a convergence condition satisfies. Moreover, we apply the proposed algorithm with human action classification problem using a public database, namely, the KTH human action data set. Experimental results reveal that the proposed algorithm shows good performance on this data set.Keywords: bayesian rule, gaussian process classification model with multiclass, gaussian process prior, human action classification, laplace approximation, variational EM algorithm
Procedia PDF Downloads 33721740 Winter Wheat Yield Forecasting Using Sentinel-2 Imagery at the Early Stages
Authors: Chunhua Liao, Jinfei Wang, Bo Shan, Yang Song, Yongjun He, Taifeng Dong
Winter wheat is one of the main crops in Canada. Forecasting of within-field variability of yield in winter wheat at the early stages is essential for precision farming. However, the crop yield modelling based on high spatial resolution satellite data is generally affected by the lack of continuous satellite observations, resulting in reducing the generalization ability of the models and increasing the difficulty of crop yield forecasting at the early stages. In this study, the correlations between Sentinel-2 data (vegetation indices and reflectance) and yield data collected by combine harvester were investigated and a generalized multivariate linear regression (MLR) model was built and tested with data acquired in different years. It was found that the four-band reflectance (blue, green, red, near-infrared) performed better than their vegetation indices (NDVI, EVI, WDRVI and OSAVI) in wheat yield prediction. The optimum phenological stage for wheat yield prediction with highest accuracy was at the growing stages from the end of the flowering to the beginning of the filling stage. The best MLR model was therefore built to predict wheat yield before harvest using Sentinel-2 data acquired at the end of the flowering stage. Further, to improve the ability of the yield prediction at the early stages, three simple unsupervised domain adaptation (DA) methods were adopted to transform the reflectance data at the early stages to the optimum phenological stage. The winter wheat yield prediction using multiple vegetation indices showed higher accuracy than using single vegetation index. The optimum stage for winter wheat yield forecasting varied with different fields when using vegetation indices, while it was consistent when using multispectral reflectance and the optimum stage for winter wheat yield prediction was at the end of flowering stage. The average testing RMSE of the MLR model at the end of the flowering stage was 604.48 kg/ha. Near the booting stage, the average testing RMSE of yield prediction using the best MLR was reduced to 799.18 kg/ha when applying the mean matching domain adaptation approach to transform the data to the target domain (at the end of the flowering) compared to that using the original data based on the models developed at the booting stage directly (“MLR at the early stage”) (RMSE =1140.64 kg/ha). This study demonstrated that the simple mean matching (MM) performed better than other DA methods and it was found that “DA then MLR at the optimum stage” performed better than “MLR directly at the early stages” for winter wheat yield forecasting at the early stages. The results indicated that the DA had a great potential in near real-time crop yield forecasting at the early stages. This study indicated that the simple domain adaptation methods had a great potential in crop yield prediction at the early stages using remote sensing data.Keywords: wheat yield prediction, domain adaptation, Sentinel-2, within-field scale
Procedia PDF Downloads 6521739 The Laser Line Detection for Autonomous Mapping Based on Color Segmentation
Authors: Pavel Chmelar, Martin Dobrovolny
Laser projection or laser footprint detection is today widely used in many fields of robotics, measurement, or electronics. The system accuracy strictly depends on precise laser footprint detection on target objects. This article deals with the laser line detection based on the RGB segmentation and the component labeling. As a measurement device was used the developed optical rangefinder. The optical rangefinder is equipped with vertical sweeping of the laser beam and high quality camera. This system was developed mainly for automatic exploration and mapping of unknown spaces. In the first section is presented a new detection algorithm. In the second section are presented measurements results. The measurements were performed in variable light conditions in interiors. The last part of the article present achieved results and their differences between day and night measurements.Keywords: color segmentation, component labelling, laser line detection, automatic mapping, distance measurement, vector map
Procedia PDF Downloads 43321738 Modeling and Optimization of Micro-Grid Using Genetic Algorithm
Authors: Mehrdad Rezaei, Reza Haghmaram, Nima Amjadi
This paper proposes an operating and cost optimization model for micro-grid (MG). This model takes into account emission costs of NOx, SO2, and CO2, together with the operation and maintenance costs. Wind turbines (WT), photovoltaic (PV) arrays, micro turbines (MT), fuel cells (FC), diesel engine generators (DEG) with different capacities are considered in this model. The aim of the optimization is minimizing operation cost according to constraints, supply demand and safety of the system. The proposed genetic algorithm (GA), with the ability to fine-tune its own settings, is used to optimize the micro-grid operation.Keywords: micro-grid, optimization, genetic algorithm, MG
Procedia PDF Downloads 51321737 A Vehicle Detection and Speed Measurement Algorithm Based on Magnetic Sensors
Authors: Panagiotis Gkekas, Christos Sougles, Dionysios Kehagias, Dimitrios Tzovaras
Cooperative intelligent transport systems (C-ITS) can greatly improve safety and efficiency in road transport by enabling communication, not only between vehicles themselves but also between vehicles and infrastructure. For that reason, traffic surveillance systems on the road are of great importance. This paper focuses on the development of an on-road unit comprising several magnetic sensors for real-time vehicle detection, movement direction, and speed measurement calculations. Magnetic sensors can feel and measure changes in the earth’s magnetic field. Vehicles are composed of many parts with ferromagnetic properties. Depending on sensors’ sensitivity, changes in the earth’s magnetic field caused by passing vehicles can be detected and analyzed in order to extract information on the properties of moving vehicles. In this paper, we present a prototype algorithm for real-time, high-accuracy, vehicle detection, and speed measurement, which can be implemented as a portable, low-cost, and non-invasive to existing infrastructure solution with the potential to replace existing high-cost implementations. The paper describes the algorithm and presents results from its preliminary lab testing in a close to real condition environment. Acknowledgments: Work presented in this paper was co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund of the European Union and Greek national funds through the Operational Program Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation (call RESEARCH–CREATE–INNOVATE) under contract no. Τ1EDK-03081 (project ODOS2020).Keywords: magnetic sensors, vehicle detection, speed measurement, traffic surveillance system
Procedia PDF Downloads 12321736 Convergence Analysis of Cubic B-Spline Collocation Method for Time Dependent Parabolic Advection-Diffusion Equations
Authors: Bharti Gupta, V. K. Kukreja
A comprehensive numerical study is presented for the solution of time-dependent advection diffusion problems by using cubic B-spline collocation method. The linear combination of cubic B-spline basis, taken as approximating function, is evaluated using the zeros of shifted Chebyshev polynomials as collocation points in each element to obtain the best approximation. A comparison, on the basis of efficiency and accuracy, with the previous techniques is made which confirms the superiority of the proposed method. An asymptotic convergence analysis of technique is also discussed, and the method is found to be of order two. The theoretical analysis is supported with suitable examples to show second order convergence of technique. Different numerical examples are simulated using MATLAB in which the 3-D graphical presentation has taken at different time steps as well as different domain of interest.Keywords: cubic B-spline basis, spectral norms, shifted Chebyshev polynomials, collocation points, error estimates
Procedia PDF Downloads 22421735 A Connected Structure of All-Optical Logic Gate “NOT-AND”
Authors: Roumaissa Derdour, Lebbal Mohamed Redha
We present a study of the transmission of the all-optical logic gate using a structure connected with a triangular photonic crystal lattice that is improved. The proposed logic gate consists of a photonic crystal nano-resonator formed by changing the size of the air holes. In addition to the simplicity, the response time is very short, and the designed nano-resonator increases the bit rate of the logic gate. The two-dimensional finite difference time domain (2DFDTD) method is used to simulate the structure; the transmission obtained is about 98% with very negligible losses. The proposed photonic crystal AND logic gate is widely used in future integrated optical microelectronics.Keywords: logic gates, photonic crystals, optical integrated circuits, resonant cavities
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