Search results for: neural tube defect
1873 Acute Cartilage Defects of the Knee Treated With Chondral Restoration Procedures and Patellofemoral Stabilisation
Authors: John Scanlon, Antony Raymond, Randeep Aujla, Peter D’Alessandro, Satyen Gohil
Background: The incidence of significant acute chondral injuries with patella dislocation is around 10-15%. It is accepted that chondral procedures should only be performed in the presence of joint stability Methods:Patients were identified from surgeon/hospital logs. Patient demographics, lesion size and location, surgical procedure, patient reported outcome measures, post-operative MR imaging, and complications were recorded. PROMs and patient satisfaction was obtained. Results:20 knees (18 patients) were included. Mean age was 18.6 years (range; 11-39), and the mean follow-up was 16.6 months (range; 2-70). The defect locations were the lateral femoral condyle (9/20; 45%), patella (9/20; 45%), medial femoral condyle (1/20; 5%) and the trochlea (1/20; 5%). The mean defect size was 2.6cm2. Twelve knees were treated with cartilage fixation, 5 with microfracture, and 3 with OATS. At follow up, the overall mean Lysholm score was 77.4 (± 17.1), with no chondral regenerative procedure being statistically superior. There was no difference in Lysholm scores between those patients having acute medial patellofemoral ligament reconstruction versus medial soft tissue plication (p=0.59). Five (25%) knees required re-operation (one arthroscopic arthrolysis; one patella chondroplasty; two removal of loose bodies; one implant adjustment). Overall, 90% responded as being satisfied with surgery. Conclusion: Our aggressive pathway to identify and treat acute cartilage defects with early operative intervention and patella stabilisation has shown high rates of satisfaction and Lysholm scores. The full range of chondral restoration options should be considered by surgeons managing these patients.Keywords: patella dislocation, chondral restoration, knee, patella stabilisation
Procedia PDF Downloads 1281872 Studies on the Applicability of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) in Prediction of Thermodynamic Behavior of Sodium Chloride Aqueous System Containing a Non-Electrolytes
Authors: Dariush Jafari, S. Mostafa Nowee
In this study a ternary system containing sodium chloride as solute, water as primary solvent and ethanol as the antisolvent was considered to investigate the application of artificial neural network (ANN) in prediction of sodium solubility in the mixture of water as the solvent and ethanol as the antisolvent. The system was previously studied using by Extended UNIQUAC model by the authors of this study. The comparison between the results of the two models shows an excellent agreement between them (R2=0.99), and also approves the capability of ANN to predict the thermodynamic behavior of ternary electrolyte systems which are difficult to model.Keywords: thermodynamic modeling, ANN, solubility, ternary electrolyte system
Procedia PDF Downloads 3851871 A Study on Improvement of Performance of Anti-Splash Device for Cargo Oil Tank Vent Pipe Using CFD Simulation and Artificial Neural Network
Authors: Min-Woo Kim, Ok-Kyun Na, Jun-Ho Byun, Jong-Hwan Park, Seung-Hwa Yang, Joon-Hong Park, Young-Chul Park
This study is focused on the comparative analysis and improvement to grasp the flow characteristic of the Anti-Splash Device located under the P/V Valve and new concept design models using the CFD analysis and Artificial Neural Network. The P/V valve located upper deck to solve the pressure rising and vacuum condition of inner tank of the liquid cargo ships occurred oil outflow accident by transverse and longitudinal sloshing force. Anti-Splash Device is fitted to improve and prevent this problem in the shipbuilding industry. But the oil outflow accidents are still reported by ship owners. Thus, four types of new design model are presented by study. Then, comparative analysis is conducted with new models and existing model. Mostly the key criterion of this problem is flux in the outlet of the Anti-Splash Device. Therefore, the flow and velocity are grasped by transient analysis. And then it decided optimum model and design parameters to develop model. Later, it needs to develop an Anti-Splash Device by Flow Test to get certification and verification using experiment equipment.Keywords: anti-splash device, P/V valve, sloshing, artificial neural network
Procedia PDF Downloads 5901870 Spontaneous Reformation of Dehiscent Frontal Sinus Wall after Endoscopic Removal of Mucocele
Authors: Tan Dexian Arthur, James Wei Ming Kwek, Ian Loh, Lee Tee Sin
Statement of the Problem: Mucoceles most commonly affect the frontal sinus, which results from chronic obstruction of the sinus ostium or cystic dilatation of mucous glands with ductal obstruction. They are known to cause bony erosion of the sinus walls, which can lead to large defects. These defects were typically managed by obliteration or cranialization of the frontal sinus. Although short term outcomes of conservative management of significant posterior table defects from fractures are promising, there have been no studies on the long-term outcomes of large dehiscences in the posterior wall of the frontal sinus. Methodology & Findings : Computed Tomography (CT) Paranasal Sinuses images were analyzed and found complete spontaneous osteogenesis of a large dehiscent frontal sinus posterior wall, secondary to a large mucocele, 9 years from functional endoscopic sinus surgery with the defect managed conservatively. Conclusion & Significance: The dura is well known for its osteogenic properties. Prior studies have showed that dura could induce osteogenesis in cutaneous tissue in the absence of other central nervous system structures. It was also demonstrated that osteogenesis and chondrogenesis were possible in zygomatic fractures by transplanting neonatal dura grafts to the bony defects in rats. Extrapolating from these studies, the authors postulate that the presence of dura beneath the bony deformity of the posterior frontal sinus wall had likely initiated the osteogenesis and restored the bony defect in the patient. In our literature review, we did not find any reports of spontaneous osteogenesis of large frontal sinus defects. While our experience is incidental, it reinforces the osteogenetic potential of an intact dura and further highlights that selected large defects of the posterior wall of the frontal sinus can be conservatively managed.Keywords: paranasal sinus mucocele, mucocele, osteogenesis, dehiscence
Procedia PDF Downloads 651869 Decision Support System for Diagnosis of Breast Cancer
Authors: Oluwaponmile D. Alao
In this paper, two models have been developed to ascertain the best network needed for diagnosis of breast cancer. Breast cancer has been a disease that required the attention of the medical practitioner. Experience has shown that misdiagnose of the disease has been a major challenge in the medical field. Therefore, designing a system with adequate performance for will help in making diagnosis of the disease faster and accurate. In this paper, two models: backpropagation neural network and support vector machine has been developed. The performance obtained is also compared with other previously obtained algorithms to ascertain the best algorithms.Keywords: breast cancer, data mining, neural network, support vector machine
Procedia PDF Downloads 3471868 Novel Adaptive Radial Basis Function Neural Networks Based Approach for Short-Term Load Forecasting of Jordanian Power Grid
Authors: Eyad Almaita
In this paper, a novel adaptive Radial Basis Function Neural Networks (RBFNN) algorithm is used to forecast the hour by hour electrical load demand in Jordan. A small and effective RBFNN model is used to forecast the hourly total load demand based on a small number of features. These features are; the load in the previous day, the load in the same day in the previous week, the temperature in the same hour, the hour number, the day number, and the day type. The proposed adaptive RBFNN model can enhance the reliability of the conventional RBFNN after embedding the network in the system. This is achieved by introducing an adaptive algorithm that allows the change of the weights of the RBFNN after the training process is completed, which will eliminates the need to retrain the RBFNN model again. The data used in this paper is real data measured by National Electrical Power co. (Jordan). The data for the period Jan./2012-April/2013 is used train the RBFNN models and the data for the period May/2013- Sep. /2013 is used to validate the models effectiveness.Keywords: load forecasting, adaptive neural network, radial basis function, short-term, electricity consumption
Procedia PDF Downloads 3471867 A Convolutional Deep Neural Network Approach for Skin Cancer Detection Using Skin Lesion Images
Authors: Firas Gerges, Frank Y. Shih
Malignant melanoma, known simply as melanoma, is a type of skin cancer that appears as a mole on the skin. It is critical to detect this cancer at an early stage because it can spread across the body and may lead to the patient's death. When detected early, melanoma is curable. In this paper, we propose a deep learning model (convolutional neural networks) in order to automatically classify skin lesion images as malignant or benign. Images underwent certain pre-processing steps to diminish the effect of the normal skin region on the model. The result of the proposed model showed a significant improvement over previous work, achieving an accuracy of 97%.Keywords: deep learning, skin cancer, image processing, melanoma
Procedia PDF Downloads 1501866 Computational and Experimental Study of the Mechanics of Heart Tube Formation in the Chick Embryo
Authors: Hadi S. Hosseini, Larry A. Taber
In the embryo, heart is initially a simple tubular structure that undergoes complex morphological changes as it transforms into a four-chambered pump. This work focuses on mechanisms that create heart tube (HT). The early embryo is composed of three relatively flat primary germ layers called endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm. Precardiac cells located within bilateral regions of the mesoderm called heart fields (HFs) fold and fuse along the embryonic midline to create the HT. The right and left halves of this plate fold symmetrically to bring their upper edges into contact along the midline, where they fuse. In a region near the fusion line, these layers then separate to generate the primitive HT and foregut, which then extend vertically. The anterior intestinal portal (AIP) is the opening at the caudal end of the foregut, which descends as the HT lengthens. The biomechanical mechanisms that drive this folding are poorly understood. Our central hypothesis is that folding is caused by differences in growth between the endoderm and mesoderm while subsequent extension is driven by contraction along the AIP. The feasibility of this hypothesis is examined using experiments with chick embryos and finite-element modeling (FEM). Fertilized white Leghorn chicken eggs were incubated for approximately 22-33 hours until appropriate Hamburger and Hamilton stage (HH5 to HH9) was reached. To inhibit contraction, embryos were cultured in media containing blebbistatin (myosin II inhibitor) for 18h. Three-dimensional models were created using ABAQUS (D. S. Simulia). The initial geometry consists of a flat plate including two layers representing the mesoderm and endoderm. Tissue was considered as a nonlinear elastic material with growth and contraction (negative growth) simulated using a theory, in which the total deformation gradient is given by F=F^*.G, where G is growth tensor and F* is the elastic deformation gradient tensor. In embryos exposed to blebbistatin, initial folding and AIP descension occurred normally. However, after HFs partially fused to create the upper part of the HT, fusion, and AIP descension stopped, and the HT failed to grow longer. These results suggest that cytoskeletal contraction is required only for the later stages of HT formation. In the model, a larger biaxial growth rate in the mesoderm compared to the endoderm causes the bilayered plate to bend ventrally, as the upper edge moves toward the midline, where it 'fuses' with the other half . This folding creates the upper section of the HT, as well as the foregut pocket bordered by the AIP. After this phase completes by stage HH7, contraction along the arch-shaped AIP pulls the lower edge of the plate downward, stretching the two layers. Results given by model are in reasonable agreement with experimental data for the shape of HT, as well as patterns of stress and strain. In conclusion, results of our study support our hypothesis for the creation of the heart tube.Keywords: heart tube formation, FEM, chick embryo, biomechanics
Procedia PDF Downloads 2981865 Document-level Sentiment Analysis: An Exploratory Case Study of Low-resource Language Urdu
Authors: Ammarah Irum, Muhammad Ali Tahir
Document-level sentiment analysis in Urdu is a challenging Natural Language Processing (NLP) task due to the difficulty of working with lengthy texts in a language with constrained resources. Deep learning models, which are complex neural network architectures, are well-suited to text-based applications in addition to data formats like audio, image, and video. To investigate the potential of deep learning for Urdu sentiment analysis, we implemented five different deep learning models, including Bidirectional Long Short Term Memory (BiLSTM), Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), Convolutional Neural Network with Bidirectional Long Short Term Memory (CNN-BiLSTM), and Bidirectional Encoder Representation from Transformer (BERT). In this study, we developed a hybrid deep learning model called BiLSTM-Single Layer Multi Filter Convolutional Neural Network (BiLSTM-SLMFCNN) by fusing BiLSTM and CNN architecture. The proposed and baseline techniques are applied on Urdu Customer Support data set and IMDB Urdu movie review data set by using pre-trained Urdu word embedding that are suitable for sentiment analysis at the document level. Results of these techniques are evaluated and our proposed model outperforms all other deep learning techniques for Urdu sentiment analysis. BiLSTM-SLMFCNN outperformed the baseline deep learning models and achieved 83%, 79%, 83% and 94% accuracy on small, medium and large sized IMDB Urdu movie review data set and Urdu Customer Support data set respectively.Keywords: urdu sentiment analysis, deep learning, natural language processing, opinion mining, low-resource language
Procedia PDF Downloads 741864 GRCNN: Graph Recognition Convolutional Neural Network for Synthesizing Programs from Flow Charts
Authors: Lin Cheng, Zijiang Yang
Program synthesis is the task to automatically generate programs based on user specification. In this paper, we present a framework that synthesizes programs from flow charts that serve as accurate and intuitive specification. In order doing so, we propose a deep neural network called GRCNN that recognizes graph structure from its image. GRCNN is trained end-to-end, which can predict edge and node information of the flow chart simultaneously. Experiments show that the accuracy rate to synthesize a program is 66.4%, and the accuracy rates to recognize edge and node are 94.1% and 67.9%, respectively. On average, it takes about 60 milliseconds to synthesize a program.Keywords: program synthesis, flow chart, specification, graph recognition, CNN
Procedia PDF Downloads 1201863 A Comparative Study on Automatic Feature Classification Methods of Remote Sensing Images
Authors: Lee Jeong Min, Lee Mi Hee, Eo Yang Dam
Geospatial feature extraction is a very important issue in the remote sensing research. In the meantime, the image classification based on statistical techniques, but, in recent years, data mining and machine learning techniques for automated image processing technology is being applied to remote sensing it has focused on improved results generated possibility. In this study, artificial neural network and decision tree technique is applied to classify the high-resolution satellite images, as compared to the MLC processing result is a statistical technique and an analysis of the pros and cons between each of the techniques.Keywords: remote sensing, artificial neural network, decision tree, maximum likelihood classification
Procedia PDF Downloads 3471862 Simulative Study of the Influence of Degraded Twin-Tube Shock Absorbers on the Lateral Forces of Vehicle Axles
Authors: Tobias Schramm, Günther Prokop
Degraded vehicle shock absorbers represent a risk for road safety. The exact effect of degraded vehicle dampers on road safety is still the subject of research. This work is intended to contribute to estimating the effect of degraded twin-tube dampers of passenger cars on road safety. An axle model was built using a damper model to simulate different degradation levels. To parameterize the model, a realistic parameter space was estimated based on test rig measurements and database analyses, which is intended to represent the vehicle field in Germany. Within the parameter space, simulations of the axle model were carried out, which calculated the transmittable lateral forces of the various axle configurations as a function of vehicle speed, road surface, damper conditions and axle parameters. A degraded damper has the greatest effect on the transmittable lateral forces at high speeds and in poor road conditions. If a vehicle is traveling at a speed of 100 kph on a Class D road, a degraded damper reduces the transmissible lateral forces of an axle by 20 % on average. For individual parameter configurations, this value can rise to 50 %. The axle parameters that most influence the effect of a degraded damper are the vertical stiffness of the tire, the unsprung mass and the stabilizer stiffness of the axle.Keywords: vehicle dynamics, vehicle simulation, vehicle component degradation, shock absorber model, shock absorber degradation
Procedia PDF Downloads 1181861 Design of a Permanent Magnet Based Focusing Lens for a Miniature Klystron
Authors: Kumud Singh, Janvin Itteera, Priti Ukarde, Sanjay Malhotra, P. PMarathe, Ayan Bandyopadhay, Rakesh Meena, Vikram Rawat, L. M. Joshi
Application of Permanent magnet technology to high frequency miniature klystron tubes to be utilized for space applications improves the efficiency and operational reliability of these tubes. But nevertheless the task of generating magnetic focusing forces to eliminate beam divergence once the beam crosses the electrostatic focusing regime and enters the drift region in the RF section of the tube throws several challenges. Building a high quality magnet focusing lens to meet beam optics requirement in cathode gun and RF interaction region is considered to be one of the critical issues for these high frequency miniature tubes. In this paper, electromagnetic design and particle trajectory studies in combined electric and magnetic field for optimizing the magnetic circuit using 3D finite element method (FEM) analysis software is presented. A rectangular configuration of the magnet was constructed to accommodate apertures for input and output waveguide sections and facilitate coupling of electromagnetic fields into the input klystron cavity and out from output klystron cavity through coupling loops. Prototype lenses have been built and have been tested after integration with the klystron tube. We discuss the design requirements and challenges, and the results from beam transmission of the prototype lens.Keywords: beam transmission, Brillouin, confined flow, miniature klystron
Procedia PDF Downloads 4461860 Design of Smart Catheter for Vascular Applications Using Optical Fiber Sensor
Authors: Lamiek Abraham, Xinli Du, Yohan Noh, Polin Hsu, Tingting Wu, Tom Logan, Ifan Yen
In the field of minimally invasive, smart medical instruments such as catheters and guidewires are typically used at a remote distance to gain access to the diseased artery, often negotiating tortuous, complex, and diseased vessels in the process. Three optical fiber sensors with a diameter of 1.5mm each that are 120° apart from each other is proposed to be mounted into a catheter-based pump device with a diameter of 10mm. These sensors are configured to solve the challenges surgeons face during insertion through curvy major vessels such as the aortic arch. Moreover, these sensors deal with providing information on rubbing the walls and shape sensing. This study presents an experimental and mathematical models of the optical fiber sensors with 2 degrees of freedom. There are two eight gear-shaped tubes made up of 3D printed thermoplastic Polyurethane (TPU) material that are connected. The optical fiber sensors are mounted inside the first tube for protection from external light and used TPU material as a prototype for a catheter. The second tube is used as a flat reflection for the light intensity modulation-based optical fiber sensors. The first tube is attached to the linear guide for insertion and withdrawal purposes and can manually turn it 45° by manipulating the tube gear. A 3D hard material phantom was developed that mimics the aortic arch anatomy structure in which the test was carried out. During the insertion of the sensors into the 3D phantom, datasets are obtained in terms of voltage, distance, and position of the sensors. These datasets reflect the characteristics of light intensity modulation of the optical fiber sensors with a plane project of the aortic arch structure shape. Mathematical modeling of the light intensity was carried out based on the projection plane and experiment set-up. The performance of the system was evaluated in terms of its accuracy in navigating through the curvature and information on the position of the sensors by investigating 40 single insertions of the sensors into the 3D phantom. The experiment demonstrated that the sensors were effectively steered through the 3D phantom curvature and to desired target references in all 2 degrees of freedom. The performance of the sensors echoes the reflectance of light theory, where the smaller the radius of curvature, the more of the shining LED lights are reflected and received by the photodiode. A mathematical model results are in good agreement with the experiment result and the operation principle of the light intensity modulation of the optical fiber sensors. A prototype of a catheter using TPU material with three optical fiber sensors mounted inside has been developed that is capable of navigating through the different radius of curvature with 2 degrees of freedom. The proposed system supports operators with pre-scan data to make maneuverability and bendability through curvy major vessels easier, accurate, and safe. The mathematical modelling accurately fits the experiment result.Keywords: Intensity modulated optical fiber sensor, mathematical model, plane projection, shape sensing.
Procedia PDF Downloads 2541859 Evaluation of the Internal Quality for Pineapple Based on the Spectroscopy Approach and Neural Network
Authors: Nonlapun Meenil, Pisitpong Intarapong, Thitima Wongsheree, Pranchalee Samanpiboon
In Thailand, once pineapples are harvested, they must be classified into two classes based on their sweetness: sweet and unsweet. This paper has studied and developed the assessment of internal quality of pineapples using a low-cost compact spectroscopy sensor according to the Spectroscopy approach and Neural Network (NN). During the experiments, Batavia pineapples were utilized, generating 100 samples. The extracted pineapple juice of each sample was used to determine the Soluble Solid Content (SSC) labeling into sweet and unsweet classes. In terms of experimental equipment, the sensor cover was specifically designed to install the sensor and light source to read the reflectance at a five mm depth from pineapple flesh. By using a spectroscopy sensor, data on visible and near-infrared reflectance (Vis-NIR) were collected. The NN was used to classify the pineapple classes. Before the classification step, the preprocessing methods, which are Class balancing, Data shuffling, and Standardization were applied. The 510 nm and 900 nm reflectance values of the middle parts of pineapples were used as features of the NN. With the Sequential model and Relu activation function, 100% accuracy of the training set and 76.67% accuracy of the test set were achieved. According to the abovementioned information, using a low-cost compact spectroscopy sensor has achieved favorable results in classifying the sweetness of the two classes of pineapples.Keywords: neural network, pineapple, soluble solid content, spectroscopy
Procedia PDF Downloads 791858 Comparison of Different Artificial Intelligence-Based Protein Secondary Structure Prediction Methods
Authors: Jamerson Felipe Pereira Lima, Jeane Cecília Bezerra de Melo
The difficulty and cost related to obtaining of protein tertiary structure information through experimental methods, such as X-ray crystallography or NMR spectroscopy, helped raising the development of computational methods to do so. An approach used in these last is prediction of tridimensional structure based in the residue chain, however, this has been proved an NP-hard problem, due to the complexity of this process, explained by the Levinthal paradox. An alternative solution is the prediction of intermediary structures, such as the secondary structure of the protein. Artificial Intelligence methods, such as Bayesian statistics, artificial neural networks (ANN), support vector machines (SVM), among others, were used to predict protein secondary structure. Due to its good results, artificial neural networks have been used as a standard method to predict protein secondary structure. Recent published methods that use this technique, in general, achieved a Q3 accuracy between 75% and 83%, whereas the theoretical accuracy limit for protein prediction is 88%. Alternatively, to achieve better results, support vector machines prediction methods have been developed. The statistical evaluation of methods that use different AI techniques, such as ANNs and SVMs, for example, is not a trivial problem, since different training sets, validation techniques, as well as other variables can influence the behavior of a prediction method. In this study, we propose a prediction method based on artificial neural networks, which is then compared with a selected SVM method. The chosen SVM protein secondary structure prediction method is the one proposed by Huang in his work Extracting Physico chemical Features to Predict Protein Secondary Structure (2013). The developed ANN method has the same training and testing process that was used by Huang to validate his method, which comprises the use of the CB513 protein data set and three-fold cross-validation, so that the comparative analysis of the results can be made comparing directly the statistical results of each method.Keywords: artificial neural networks, protein secondary structure, protein structure prediction, support vector machines
Procedia PDF Downloads 6221857 Predicting Subsurface Abnormalities Growth Using Physics-Informed Neural Networks
Authors: Mehrdad Shafiei Dizaji, Hoda Azari
The research explores the pioneering integration of Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINNs) into the domain of Ground-Penetrating Radar (GPR) data prediction, akin to advancements in medical imaging for tracking tumor progression in the human body. This research presents a detailed development framework for a specialized PINN model proficient at interpreting and forecasting GPR data, much like how medical imaging models predict tumor behavior. By harnessing the synergy between deep learning algorithms and the physical laws governing subsurface structures—or, in medical terms, human tissues—the model effectively embeds the physics of electromagnetic wave propagation into its architecture. This ensures that predictions not only align with fundamental physical principles but also mirror the precision needed in medical diagnostics for detecting and monitoring tumors. The suggested deep learning structure comprises three components: a CNN, a spatial feature channel attention (SFCA) mechanism, and ConvLSTM, along with temporal feature frame attention (TFFA) modules. The attention mechanism computes channel attention and temporal attention weights using self-adaptation, thereby fine-tuning the visual and temporal feature responses to extract the most pertinent and significant visual and temporal features. By integrating physics directly into the neural network, our model has shown enhanced accuracy in forecasting GPR data. This improvement is vital for conducting effective assessments of bridge deck conditions and other evaluations related to civil infrastructure. The use of Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINNs) has demonstrated the potential to transform the field of Non-Destructive Evaluation (NDE) by enhancing the precision of infrastructure deterioration predictions. Moreover, it offers a deeper insight into the fundamental mechanisms of deterioration, viewed through the prism of physics-based models.Keywords: physics-informed neural networks, deep learning, ground-penetrating radar (GPR), NDE, ConvLSTM, physics, data driven
Procedia PDF Downloads 431856 Developing a DNN Model for the Production of Biogas From a Hybrid BO-TPE System in an Anaerobic Wastewater Treatment Plant
Authors: Hadjer Sadoune, Liza Lamini, Scherazade Krim, Amel Djouadi, Rachida Rihani
Deep neural networks are highly regarded for their accuracy in predicting intricate fermentation processes. Their ability to learn from a large amount of datasets through artificial intelligence makes them particularly effective models. The primary obstacle in improving the performance of these models is to carefully choose the suitable hyperparameters, including the neural network architecture (number of hidden layers and hidden units), activation function, optimizer, learning rate, and other relevant factors. This study predicts biogas production from real wastewater treatment plant data using a sophisticated approach: hybrid Bayesian optimization with a tree-structured Parzen estimator (BO-TPE) for an optimised deep neural network (DNN) model. The plant utilizes an Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) digester that treats industrial wastewater from soft drinks and breweries. The digester has a working volume of 1574 m3 and a total volume of 1914 m3. Its internal diameter and height were 19 and 7.14 m, respectively. The data preprocessing was conducted with meticulous attention to preserving data quality while avoiding data reduction. Three normalization techniques were applied to the pre-processed data (MinMaxScaler, RobustScaler and StandardScaler) and compared with the Non-Normalized data. The RobustScaler approach has strong predictive ability for estimating the volume of biogas produced. The highest predicted biogas volume was 2236.105 Nm³/d, with coefficient of determination (R2), mean absolute error (MAE), and root mean square error (RMSE) values of 0.712, 164.610, and 223.429, respectively.Keywords: anaerobic digestion, biogas production, deep neural network, hybrid bo-tpe, hyperparameters tuning
Procedia PDF Downloads 391855 Non-intrusive Hand Control of Drone Using an Inexpensive and Streamlined Convolutional Neural Network Approach
Authors: Evan Lowhorn, Rocio Alba-Flores
The purpose of this work is to develop a method for classifying hand signals and using the output in a drone control algorithm. To achieve this, methods based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) were applied. CNN's are a subset of deep learning, which allows grid-like inputs to be processed and passed through a neural network to be trained for classification. This type of neural network allows for classification via imaging, which is less intrusive than previous methods using biosensors, such as EMG sensors. Classification CNN's operate purely from the pixel values in an image; therefore they can be used without additional exteroceptive sensors. A development bench was constructed using a desktop computer connected to a high-definition webcam mounted on a scissor arm. This allowed the camera to be pointed downwards at the desk to provide a constant solid background for the dataset and a clear detection area for the user. A MATLAB script was created to automate dataset image capture at the development bench and save the images to the desktop. This allowed the user to create their own dataset of 12,000 images within three hours. These images were evenly distributed among seven classes. The defined classes include forward, backward, left, right, idle, and land. The drone has a popular flip function which was also included as an additional class. To simplify control, the corresponding hand signals chosen were the numerical hand signs for one through five for movements, a fist for land, and the universal “ok” sign for the flip command. Transfer learning with PyTorch (Python) was performed using a pre-trained 18-layer residual learning network (ResNet-18) to retrain the network for custom classification. An algorithm was created to interpret the classification and send encoded messages to a Ryze Tello drone over its 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi connection. The drone’s movements were performed in half-meter distance increments at a constant speed. When combined with the drone control algorithm, the classification performed as desired with negligible latency when compared to the delay in the drone’s movement commands.Keywords: classification, computer vision, convolutional neural networks, drone control
Procedia PDF Downloads 2121854 Nelder-Mead Parametric Optimization of Elastic Metamaterials with Artificial Neural Network Surrogate Model
Authors: Jiaqi Dong, Qing-Hua Qin, Yi Xiao
Some of the most fundamental challenges of elastic metamaterials (EMMs) optimization can be attributed to the high consumption of computational power resulted from finite element analysis (FEA) simulations that render the optimization process inefficient. Furthermore, due to the inherent mesh dependence of FEA, minuscule geometry features, which often emerge during the later stages of optimization, induce very fine elements, resulting in enormously high time consumption, particularly when repetitive solutions are needed for computing the objective function. In this study, a surrogate modelling algorithm is developed to reduce computational time in structural optimization of EMMs. The surrogate model is constructed based on a multilayer feedforward artificial neural network (ANN) architecture, trained with prepopulated eigenfrequency data prepopulated from FEA simulation and optimized through regime selection with genetic algorithm (GA) to improve its accuracy in predicting the location and width of the primary elastic band gap. With the optimized ANN surrogate at the core, a Nelder-Mead (NM) algorithm is established and its performance inspected in comparison to the FEA solution. The ANNNM model shows remarkable accuracy in predicting the band gap width and a reduction of time consumption by 47%.Keywords: artificial neural network, machine learning, mechanical metamaterials, Nelder-Mead optimization
Procedia PDF Downloads 1281853 Application of Artificial Intelligence in EOR
Authors: Masoumeh Mofarrah, Amir NahanMoghadam
Higher oil prices and increasing oil demand are main reasons for great attention to Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR). Comprehensive researches have been accomplished to develop, appraise, and improve EOR methods and their application. Recently, Artificial Intelligence (AI) gained popularity in petroleum industry that can help petroleum engineers to solve some fundamental petroleum engineering problems such as reservoir simulation, EOR project risk analysis, well log interpretation and well test model selection. This study presents a historical overview of most popular AI tools including neural networks, genetic algorithms, fuzzy logic, and expert systems in petroleum industry and discusses two case studies to represent the application of two mentioned AI methods for selecting an appropriate EOR method based on reservoir characterization infeasible and effective way.Keywords: artificial intelligence, EOR, neural networks, expert systems
Procedia PDF Downloads 4901852 Physical, Morphological, and Rheological Properties of Polypropylene Modified Bitumen
Authors: Nioushasadat Haji Seyed Javadi, Ailar Hajimohammadi, Nasser Khalili
The common method to improve the performance of asphalt binders is through modification. The utilization of recycled plastics for asphalt modification has been the subject of research studies due to their environmental and economic benefits over using commercial polymers. Polypropylene (PP) is one of the most available recycled plastics in Australia. Unlike other plastics, its contamination with other plastics during the recycling process is negligible. Therefore, the quality of recycled plastic is high, which makes it a good candidate for road construction applications. To assess its effectiveness for bitumen modification, three different grades of PP were selected. The PP grades were compared for blendability with bitumen, and the best suitable grade was chosen for further studies. The PP-modified bitumen and the base bitumen were then compared through physical and rheological properties. The stability of the PP-modified bitumen at elevated temperatures was measured, and the morphology of the samples before and after the storage stability was characterized by fluorescent microscopy. The results showed that PP had a significant influence on reducing the penetration and increasing the viscosity and the rutting resistance of the virgin bitumen. Storage stability test results indicated that the difference between the softening point of the top and bottom section of the tube sample is below the defined limit, which means the PP-modified bitumen is storage stable. However, the fluorescence microscopy results showed that the distribution of the PP particles in the bitumen matrix in the top and bottom sections of the tube are significantly different, which is an indicator of poor storage stability.Keywords: polypropylene, waste plastic, bitumen, road pavements, storage stability, fluorescent microscopy, morphology
Procedia PDF Downloads 791851 Microplastic Storages in Riverbed Sediments: Experimental on the Settling Process and Its Deposits
Authors: Alvarez Barrantes, Robert Dorrell, Christopher Hackney, Anne Baar, Roberto Fernandez, Daniel Parsons
Microplastic particles entering fluvial environments are deposited with natural sediments. Their settling properties can change by the absorption or adsorption of contaminants, organic matter, and organisms. These deposits include positively, neutrally, and negatively buoyant particles. This study aims to understand how plastic particles of different densities interact with natural sediments as they settle and how they are stored within the sediment deposit. The results of this study contribute to a better understanding of the deposition of microplastic particles and associated pollution in rivers. A set of 48 experiments was designed to investigate the settling process of microplastic particles in freshwater. The experimental work describes the vertical variation of cohesive and/or non-cohesive sediment versus microplastic densities in deposited sediment. The experiment consisted of adding microplastic particles, sediment, and water in a waterproof carton tube of a height of 24 cm and a diameter of 5 cm. The plastic selected is positively, neutrally, and negatively buoyant. The sediments consist of sand and clay with four different concentrations. The mixture of materials was shaken until is thoroughly mixed and left to settle for 24 hours. After the settlement, the tubes were frozen at -20 °C to be able to cut them and measure the thickness of the deposits and analyze the sediment and plastic distribution. The most representative experiments were repeated in a glass tube of the same size; to analyse the influences of current flows and depositional process. Finally, the glass tube experiments were used to study organic materials adsorption in plastic, settling the sample for four months. Defined microplastic layers were identified as the density of the plastic change. Preliminary results show that most of the positive buoyancy particles floated, neutral buoyancy particles form a layer above the sediment and negative buoyancy particles mixed with the sediment. The vertical grain size distribution of the deposits was analysed to determine deposition variation with and without plastic. It is expected that the positively buoyant particles are trapped in the sediment by the currents flows and sink due to organic material adsorption. Finally, the experiments will explain how microplastic particles, including positively buoyant ones, are stored in natural sediment deposits.Keywords: microplastic adsorption process, microplastic deposition in natural sediment, microplastic pollution in rivers, storages of positive buoyancy microplastic particles
Procedia PDF Downloads 1951850 Intelligent Transport System: Classification of Traffic Signs Using Deep Neural Networks in Real Time
Authors: Anukriti Kumar, Tanmay Singh, Dinesh Kumar Vishwakarma
Traffic control has been one of the most common and irritating problems since the time automobiles have hit the roads. Problems like traffic congestion have led to a significant time burden around the world and one significant solution to these problems can be the proper implementation of the Intelligent Transport System (ITS). It involves the integration of various tools like smart sensors, artificial intelligence, position technologies and mobile data services to manage traffic flow, reduce congestion and enhance driver's ability to avoid accidents during adverse weather. Road and traffic signs’ recognition is an emerging field of research in ITS. Classification problem of traffic signs needs to be solved as it is a major step in our journey towards building semi-autonomous/autonomous driving systems. The purpose of this work focuses on implementing an approach to solve the problem of traffic sign classification by developing a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) classifier using the GTSRB (German Traffic Sign Recognition Benchmark) dataset. Rather than using hand-crafted features, our model addresses the concern of exploding huge parameters and data method augmentations. Our model achieved an accuracy of around 97.6% which is comparable to various state-of-the-art architectures.Keywords: multiclass classification, convolution neural network, OpenCV
Procedia PDF Downloads 1771849 Programmed Speech to Text Summarization Using Graph-Based Algorithm
Authors: Hamsini Pulugurtha, P. V. S. L. Jagadamba
Programmed Speech to Text and Text Summarization Using Graph-based Algorithms can be utilized in gatherings to get the short depiction of the gathering for future reference. This gives signature check utilizing Siamese neural organization to confirm the personality of the client and convert the client gave sound record which is in English into English text utilizing the discourse acknowledgment bundle given in python. At times just the outline of the gathering is required, the answer for this text rundown. Thus, the record is then summed up utilizing the regular language preparing approaches, for example, solo extractive text outline calculationsKeywords: Siamese neural network, English speech, English text, natural language processing, unsupervised extractive text summarization
Procedia PDF Downloads 2191848 Review: Wavelet New Tool for Path Loss Prediction
Authors: Danladi Ali, Abdullahi Mukaila
In this work, GSM signal strength (power) was monitored in an indoor environment. Samples of the GSM signal strength was measured on mobile equipment (ME). One-dimensional multilevel wavelet is used to predict the fading phenomenon of the GSM signal measured and neural network clustering to determine the average power received in the study area. The wavelet prediction revealed that the GSM signal is attenuated due to the fast fading phenomenon which fades about 7 times faster than the radio wavelength while the neural network clustering determined that -75dBm appeared more frequently followed by -85dBm. The work revealed that significant part of the signal measured is dominated by weak signal and the signal followed more of Rayleigh than Gaussian distribution. This confirmed the wavelet prediction.Keywords: decomposition, clustering, propagation, model, wavelet, signal strength and spectral efficiency
Procedia PDF Downloads 4491847 Alloy Design of Single Crystal Ni-base Superalloys by Combined Method of Neural Network and CALPHAD
Authors: Mehdi Montakhabrazlighi, Ercan Balikci
The neural network (NN) method is applied to alloy development of single crystal Ni-base Superalloys with low density and improved mechanical strength. A set of 1200 dataset which includes chemical composition of the alloys, applied stress and temperature as inputs and density and time to rupture as outputs is used for training and testing the network. Thermodynamic phase diagram modeling of the screened alloys is performed with Thermocalc software to model the equilibrium phases and also microsegregation in solidification processing. The model is first trained by 80% of the data and the 20% rest is used to test it. Comparing the predicted values and the experimental ones showed that a well-trained network is capable of accurately predicting the density and time to rupture strength of the Ni-base superalloys. Modeling results is used to determine the effect of alloying elements, stress, temperature and gamma-prime phase volume fraction on rupture strength of the Ni-base superalloys. This approach is in line with the materials genome initiative and integrated computed materials engineering approaches promoted recently with the aim of reducing the cost and time for development of new alloys for critical aerospace components. This work has been funded by TUBITAK under grant number 112M783.Keywords: neural network, rupture strength, superalloy, thermocalc
Procedia PDF Downloads 3161846 Automated Detection of Related Software Changes by Probabilistic Neural Networks Model
Authors: Yuan Huang, Xiangping Chen, Xiaonan Luo
Current software are continuously updating. The change between two versions usually involves multiple program entities (e.g., packages, classes, methods, attributes) with multiple purposes (e.g., changed requirements, bug fixing). It is hard for developers to understand which changes are made for the same purpose. Whether two changes are related is not decided by the relationship between this two entities in the program. In this paper, we summarized 4 coupling rules(16 instances) and 4 state-combination types at the class, method and attribute levels for software change. Related Change Vector (RCV) are defined based on coupling rules and state-combination types, and applied to classify related software changes by using Probabilistic Neural Network during a software updating.Keywords: PNN, related change, state-combination, logical coupling, software entity
Procedia PDF Downloads 4381845 Prediction on Housing Price Based on Deep Learning
Authors: Li Yu, Chenlu Jiao, Hongrun Xin, Yan Wang, Kaiyang Wang
In order to study the impact of various factors on the housing price, we propose to build different prediction models based on deep learning to determine the existing data of the real estate in order to more accurately predict the housing price or its changing trend in the future. Considering that the factors which affect the housing price vary widely, the proposed prediction models include two categories. The first one is based on multiple characteristic factors of the real estate. We built Convolution Neural Network (CNN) prediction model and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) neural network prediction model based on deep learning, and logical regression model was implemented to make a comparison between these three models. Another prediction model is time series model. Based on deep learning, we proposed an LSTM-1 model purely regard to time series, then implementing and comparing the LSTM model and the Auto-Regressive and Moving Average (ARMA) model. In this paper, comprehensive study of the second-hand housing price in Beijing has been conducted from three aspects: crawling and analyzing, housing price predicting, and the result comparing. Ultimately the best model program was produced, which is of great significance to evaluation and prediction of the housing price in the real estate industry.Keywords: deep learning, convolutional neural network, LSTM, housing prediction
Procedia PDF Downloads 3071844 Review on Rainfall Prediction Using Machine Learning Technique
Authors: Prachi Desai, Ankita Gandhi, Mitali Acharya
Rainfall forecast is mainly used for predictions of rainfall in a specified area and determining their future rainfall conditions. Rainfall is always a global issue as it affects all major aspects of one's life. Agricultural, fisheries, forestry, tourism industry and other industries are widely affected by these conditions. The studies have resulted in insufficient availability of water resources and an increase in water demand in the near future. We already have a new forecast system that uses the deep Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to forecast monthly rainfall and climate changes. We have also compared CNN against Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). Machine Learning techniques that are used in rainfall predictions include ARIMA Model, ANN, LR, SVM etc. The dataset on which we are experimenting is gathered online over the year 1901 to 20118. Test results have suggested more realistic improvements than conventional rainfall forecasts.Keywords: ANN, CNN, supervised learning, machine learning, deep learning
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