Search results for: implicit off-grid block method
19029 Development and Validation of a HPLC Method for Standardization of Methanolic Extract of Hypericum sinaicum Hochst
Authors: Taghreed A. Ibrahim, Atef A. El-Hela, Hala M. El-Hefnawy
The chromatographic profile of methanol extract of Hypericum sinaicum was determined using HPLC-DAD. Apigenin was used as an external standard in the development and validation of the HPLC method. The proposed method is simple, rapid and reliable and can be successfully applied for standardization of Hypericum sinaicum methanol extract.Keywords: quality control, standardization, falvonoids, methanol extract
Procedia PDF Downloads 50519028 A Mutually Exclusive Task Generation Method Based on Data Augmentation
Authors: Haojie Wang, Xun Li, Rui Yin
In order to solve the memorization overfitting in the meta-learning MAML algorithm, a method of generating mutually exclusive tasks based on data augmentation is proposed. This method generates a mutex task by corresponding one feature of the data to multiple labels, so that the generated mutex task is inconsistent with the data distribution in the initial dataset. Because generating mutex tasks for all data will produce a large number of invalid data and, in the worst case, lead to exponential growth of computation, this paper also proposes a key data extraction method, that only extracts part of the data to generate the mutex task. The experiments show that the method of generating mutually exclusive tasks can effectively solve the memorization overfitting in the meta-learning MAML algorithm.Keywords: data augmentation, mutex task generation, meta-learning, text classification.
Procedia PDF Downloads 9419027 Moment Estimators of the Parameters of Zero-One Inflated Negative Binomial Distribution
Authors: Rafid Saeed Abdulrazak Alshkaki
In this paper, zero-one inflated negative binomial distribution is considered, along with some of its structural properties, then its parameters were estimated using the method of moments. It is found that the method of moments to estimate the parameters of the zero-one inflated negative binomial models is not a proper method and may give incorrect conclusions.Keywords: zero one inflated models, negative binomial distribution, moments estimator, non negative integer sampling
Procedia PDF Downloads 29419026 Civilization and Violence: Islam, the West, and the Rest
Authors: Imbesat Daudi
One of the most discussed topics of the last century happens to be if Islamic civilization is violent. Many Western intellectuals have promoted the notion that Islamic civilization is violent. Citing 9/11, in which 3000 civilians were killed, they argue that Muslims are prone to violence because Islam promotes violence. However, Muslims reject this notion as nonsense. This topic has not been properly addressed. First, violence of civilizations cannot be proven by citing religious texts, which have been used in discussions over civilizational violence. Secondly, the question of whether Muslims are violent is inappropriate, as there is implicit bias suggesting that Islamic civilization is violent. A proper question should be which civilization is more violent. Third, whether Islamic civilization is indeed violent can only be established if more war-related casualties can be documented within the borders of Islamic civilization than that of their cohorts. This has never been done. Finally, the violent behavior of Muslim countries can be examined by comparing acts of violence committed by Muslim countries with acts of violence of groups of nations belonging to other civilizations by appropriate parameters of violence. Therefore, parameters reflecting group violence have been defined; violent conflicts of various civilizations of the last two centuries were documented, quantified by number of conflicts and number of victims, and compared with each other by following the established principles of statistics. The results show that whereas 80% of genocides and massacres were conducted by Western nations, less than 5% of acts of violence were committed by Muslim countries. Furthermore, the West has the highest incidence (new) and prevalence (new and old) of violent conflicts among all groups of nations. The result is unambiguous and statistically significant. Becoming informed can only be done by a methodical collection of relevant data, objective analysis of data, and unbiased information, a process which this paper follows.Keywords: Islam and violence, civilizational violence, demonization of Islam
Procedia PDF Downloads 5419025 Approach-Avoidance Conflict in the T-Maze: Behavioral Validation for Frontal EEG Activity Asymmetries
Authors: Eva Masson, Andrea Kübler
Anxiety disorders (AD) are the most prevalent psychological disorders. However, far from most affected individuals are diagnosed and receive treatment. This gap is probably due to the diagnosis criteria, relying on symptoms (according to the DSM-5 definition) with no objective biomarker. Approach-avoidance conflict tasks are one common approach to simulate such disorders in a lab setting, with most of the paradigms focusing on the relationships between behavior and neurophysiology. Approach-avoidance conflict tasks typically place participants in a situation where they have to make a decision that leads to both positive and negative outcomes, thereby sending conflicting signals that trigger the Behavioral Inhibition System (BIS). Furthermore, behavioral validation of such paradigms adds credibility to the tasks – with overt conflict behavior, it is safer to assume that the task actually induced a conflict. Some of those tasks have linked asymmetrical frontal brain activity to induced conflicts and the BIS. However, there is currently no consensus for the direction of the frontal activation. The authors present here a modified version of the T-Maze paradigm, a motivational conflict desktop task, in which behavior is recorded simultaneously to the recording of high-density EEG (HD-EEG). Methods: In this within-subject design, HD-EEG and behavior of 35 healthy participants was recorded. EEG data was collected with a 128 channels sponge-based system. The motivational conflict desktop task consisted of three blocks of repeated trials. Each block was designed to record a slightly different behavioral pattern, to increase the chances of eliciting conflict. This variety of behavioral patterns was however similar enough to allow comparison of the number of trials categorized as ‘overt conflict’ between the blocks. Results: Overt conflict behavior was exhibited in all blocks, but always for under 10% of the trials, in average, in each block. However, changing the order of the paradigms successfully introduced a ‘reset’ of the conflict process, therefore providing more trials for analysis. As for the EEG correlates, the authors expect a different pattern for trials categorized as conflict, compared to the other ones. More specifically, we expect an elevated alpha frequency power in the left frontal electrodes at around 200ms post-cueing, compared to the right one (relative higher right frontal activity), followed by an inversion around 600ms later. Conclusion: With this comprehensive approach of a psychological mechanism, new evidence would be brought to the frontal asymmetry discussion, and its relationship with the BIS. Furthermore, with the present task focusing on a very particular type of motivational approach-avoidance conflict, it would open the door to further variations of the paradigm to introduce different kinds of conflicts involved in AD. Even though its application as a potential biomarker sounds difficult, because of the individual reliability of both the task and peak frequency in the alpha range, we hope to open the discussion for task robustness for neuromodulation and neurofeedback future applications.Keywords: anxiety, approach-avoidance conflict, behavioral inhibition system, EEG
Procedia PDF Downloads 4119024 Modified Newton's Iterative Method for Solving System of Nonlinear Equations in Two Variables
Authors: Sara Mahesar, Saleem M. Chandio, Hira Soomro
Nonlinear system of equations in two variables is a system which contains variables of degree greater or equal to two or that comprises of the transcendental functions. Mathematical modeling of numerous physical problems occurs as a system of nonlinear equations. In applied and pure mathematics it is the main dispute to solve a system of nonlinear equations. Numerical techniques mainly used for finding the solution to problems where analytical methods are failed, which leads to the inexact solutions. To find the exact roots or solutions in case of the system of non-linear equations there does not exist any analytical technique. Various methods have been proposed to solve such systems with an improved rate of convergence and accuracy. In this paper, a new scheme is developed for solving system of non-linear equation in two variables. The iterative scheme proposed here is modified form of the conventional Newton’s Method (CN) whose order of convergence is two whereas the order of convergence of the devised technique is three. Furthermore, the detailed error and convergence analysis of the proposed method is also examined. Additionally, various numerical test problems are compared with the results of its counterpart conventional Newton’s Method (CN) which confirms the theoretic consequences of the proposed method.Keywords: conventional Newton’s method, modified Newton’s method, order of convergence, system of nonlinear equations
Procedia PDF Downloads 25919023 Analytical Soliton Solutions of the Fractional Jaulent-Miodek System
Authors: Sajeda Elbashabsheh, Kamel Al-Khaled
This paper applies a modified Laplace Adomian decomposition method to solve the time-fractional JaulentMiodek system. The method produce convergent series solutions with easily compatible components. This paper considers the Caputo fractional derivative. The effectiveness and applicability of the method are demonstrated by comparing its results with those of prior studies. Results are presented in tables and figures. These solutions might be imperative and significant for the explanation of some practical physical phenomena. All computations and figures in the work are done using MATHEMATICA. The numerical results demonstrate that the current methods are effective, reliable, and simple to i implement for nonlinear fractional partial differential equations.Keywords: approximate solutions, Jaulent-Miodek system, Adomian decomposition method, solitons
Procedia PDF Downloads 4719022 Extraction of Natural Colorant from the Flowers of Flame of Forest Using Ultrasound
Authors: Sunny Arora, Meghal A. Desai
An impetus towards green consumerism and implementation of sustainable techniques, consumption of natural products and utilization of environment friendly techniques have gained accelerated acceptance. Butein, a natural colorant, has many medicinal properties apart from its use in dyeing industries. Extraction of butein from the flowers of flame of forest was carried out using ultrasonication bath. Solid loading (2-6 g), extraction time (30-50 min), volume of solvent (30-50 mL) and types of solvent (methanol, ethanol and water) have been studied to maximize the yield of butein using the Taguchi method. The highest yield of butein 4.67% (w/w) was obtained using 4 g of plant material, 40 min of extraction time and 30 mL volume of methanol as a solvent. The present method provided a greater reduction in extraction time compared to the conventional method of extraction. Hence, the outcome of the present investigation could further be utilized to develop the method at a higher scale.Keywords: butein, flowers of Flame of the Forest, Taguchi method, ultrasonic bath
Procedia PDF Downloads 47619021 Simulations in Structural Masonry Walls with Chases Horizontal Through Models in State Deformation Plan (2D)
Authors: Raquel Zydeck, Karina Azzolin, Luis Kosteski, Alisson Milani
This work presents numerical models in plane deformations (2D), using the Discrete Element Method formedbybars (LDEM) andtheFiniteElementMethod (FEM), in structuralmasonrywallswith horizontal chasesof 20%, 30%, and 50% deep, located in the central part and 1/3 oftheupperpartofthewall, withcenteredandeccentricloading. Differentcombinationsofboundaryconditionsandinteractionsbetweenthemethodswerestudied.Keywords: chases in structural masonry walls, discrete element method formed by bars, finite element method, numerical models, boundary condition
Procedia PDF Downloads 16919020 Facility Detection from Image Using Mathematical Morphology
Authors: In-Geun Lim, Sung-Woong Ra
As high resolution satellite images can be used, lots of studies are carried out for exploiting these images in various fields. This paper proposes the method based on mathematical morphology for extracting the ‘horse's hoof shaped object’. This proposed method can make an automatic object detection system to track the meaningful object in a large satellite image rapidly. Mathematical morphology process can apply in binary image, so this method is very simple. Therefore this method can easily extract the ‘horse's hoof shaped object’ from any images which have indistinct edges of the tracking object and have different image qualities depending on filming location, filming time, and filming environment. Using the proposed method by which ‘horse's hoof shaped object’ can be rapidly extracted, the performance of the automatic object detection system can be improved dramatically.Keywords: facility detection, satellite image, object, mathematical morphology
Procedia PDF Downloads 38219019 Investigation of Static Stability of Soil Slopes Using Numerical Modeling
Authors: Seyed Abolhasan Naeini, Elham Ghanbari Alamooti
Static stability of soil slopes using numerical simulation by a finite element code, ABAQUS, has been investigated, and safety factors of the slopes achieved in the case of static load of a 10-storey building. The embankments have the same soil condition but different loading distance from the slope heel. The numerical method for estimating safety factors is 'Strength Reduction Method' (SRM). Mohr-Coulomb criterion used in the numerical simulations. Two steps used for measuring the safety factors of the slopes: first is under gravity loading, and the second is under static loading of a building near the slope heel. These safety factors measured from SRM, are compared with the values from Limit Equilibrium Method, LEM. Results show that there is good agreement between SRM and LEM. Also, it is seen that by increasing the distance from slope heel, safety factors increases.Keywords: limit equilibrium method, static stability, soil slopes, strength reduction method
Procedia PDF Downloads 16419018 Characterization of Performance of Blocks Produced from Dredged Sample
Authors: Adebayo B., Omotehinse A. O.
The performance and characteristics of blocks produced from dredged sample was investigated. Blocks were produced using appropriate mixes of dredged sample and sharp sand. Some geotechnical properties (moisture content, grain size distribution) of the dredged sample (Igbokoda dredged sample) were determined using the British Standard. The physico-mechanical properties (water absorption, density and compressive strength) of blocks produced were evaluated. The dredged sample is classified as a silty material. Seven replacement levels of sharp sand were considered in the study (SS- Sharp Sand and DS – Dredged Sample) was done with constant amount of cement. 1- 85 % DS and 15 % SS, 2- 70 % DS and 30 % SS, 3- 55 % DS and 45 % SS, 4- 50 % DS and 50 % SS, 5- 45 % DS and 55 % SS, 6- 30 % DS and 70 % SS, 7- 15 % DS and 85 % SS and 8 – IS 100 % with cement; 9 – SS 100 % with cement) of different ages (7 days, 14 days, 21 days and 28 days) for the production of blocks. The compressive strength of the blocks produced ranges between 0.52 MPa to 3.0 MPa and considering the mixes, the highest compressive strength was found in mix of 15 % DS and 85 % SS.Keywords: dredge sample, silt, sharp sand, block, cement
Procedia PDF Downloads 36819017 A Coupled Extended-Finite-Discrete Element Method: On the Different Contact Schemes between Continua and Discontinua
Authors: Shervin Khazaeli, Shahab Haj-zamani
Recently, advanced geotechnical engineering problems related to soil movement, particle loss, and modeling of local failure (i.e. discontinua) as well as modeling the in-contact structures (i.e. continua) are of the great interest among researchers. The aim of this research is to meet the requirements with respect to the modeling of the above-mentioned two different domains simultaneously. To this end, a coupled numerical method is introduced based on Discrete Element Method (DEM) and eXtended-Finite Element Method (X-FEM). In the coupled procedure, DEM is employed to capture the interactions and relative movements of soil particles as discontinua, while X-FEM is utilized to model in-contact structures as continua, which may consist of different types of discontinuities. For verification purposes, the new coupled approach is utilized to examine benchmark problems including different contacts between/within continua and discontinua. Results are validated by comparison with those of existing analytical and numerical solutions. This study proves that extended-finite-discrete element method can be used to robustly analyze not only contact problems, but also other types of discontinuities in continua such as (i) crack formations and propagations, (ii) voids and bimaterial interfaces, and (iii) combination of previous cases. In essence, the proposed method can be used vastly in advanced soil-structure interaction problems to investigate the micro and macro behaviour of the surrounding soil and the response of the embedded structure that contains discontinuities.Keywords: contact problems, discrete element method, extended-finite element method, soil-structure interaction
Procedia PDF Downloads 50519016 Finite Difference Modelling of Temperature Distribution around Fire Generated Heat Source in an Enclosure
Authors: A. A. Dare, E. U. Iniegbedion
Industrial furnaces generally involve enclosures of fire typically initiated by the combustion of gases. The fire leads to temperature distribution inside the enclosure. A proper understanding of the temperature and velocity distribution within the enclosure is often required for optimal design and use of the furnace. This study was therefore directed at numerical modeling of temperature distribution inside an enclosure as typical in a furnace. A mathematical model was developed from the conservation of mass, momentum and energy. The stream function-vorticity formulation of the governing equations was solved by an alternating direction implicit (ADI) finite difference technique. The finite difference formulation obtained were then developed into a computer code. This was used to determine the temperature, velocities, stream function and vorticity. The effect of the wall heat conduction was also considered, by assuming a one-dimensional heat flow through the wall. The computer code (MATLAB program) developed was used for the determination of the aforementioned variables. The results obtained showed that the transient temperature distribution assumed a uniform profile which becomes more chaotic with increasing time. The vertical velocity showed increasing turbulent behavior with time, while the horizontal velocity assumed decreasing laminar behavior with time. All of these behaviours were equally reported in the literature. The developed model has provided understanding of heat transfer process in an industrial furnace.Keywords: heat source, modelling, enclosure, furnace
Procedia PDF Downloads 25519015 Adomian’s Decomposition Method to Generalized Magneto-Thermoelasticity
Authors: Hamdy M. Youssef, Eman A. Al-Lehaibi
Due to many applications and problems in the fields of plasma physics, geophysics, and other many topics, the interaction between the strain field and the magnetic field has to be considered. Adomian introduced the decomposition method for solving linear and nonlinear functional equations. This method leads to accurate, computable, approximately convergent solutions of linear and nonlinear partial and ordinary differential equations even the equations with variable coefficients. This paper is dealing with a mathematical model of generalized thermoelasticity of a half-space conducting medium. A magnetic field with constant intensity acts normal to the bounding plane has been assumed. Adomian’s decomposition method has been used to solve the model when the bounding plane is taken to be traction free and thermally loaded by harmonic heating. The numerical results for the temperature increment, the stress, the strain, the displacement, the induced magnetic, and the electric fields have been represented in figures. The magnetic field, the relaxation time, and the angular thermal load have significant effects on all the studied fields.Keywords: Adomian’s decomposition method, magneto-thermoelasticity, finite conductivity, iteration method, thermal load
Procedia PDF Downloads 15019014 Design Optimization of Chevron Nozzles for Jet Noise Reduction
Authors: E. Manikandan, C. Chilambarasan, M. Sulthan Ariff Rahman, S. Kanagaraj, V. R. Sanal Kumar
The noise regulations around the major airports and rocket launching stations due to the environmental concern have made jet noise a crucial problem in the present day aero-acoustics research. The three main acoustic sources in jet nozzles are aerodynamics noise, noise from craft systems and engine and mechanical noise. Note that the majority of engine noise is due to the jet noise coming out from the exhaust nozzle. The previous studies reveal that the potential of chevron nozzles for aircraft engines noise reduction is promising owing to the fact that the jet noise continues to be the dominant noise component, especially during take-off. In this paper parametric analytical studies have been carried out for optimizing the number of chevron lobes, the lobe length and tip shape, and the level of penetration of the chevrons into the flow over a variety of flow conditions for various aerospace applications. The numerical studies have been carried out using a validated steady 3D density based, SST k-ω turbulence model with enhanced wall functions. In the numerical study, a fully implicit finite volume scheme of the compressible, Navier–Stokes equations is employed. We inferred that the geometry optimization of an environmental friendly chevron nozzle with a suitable number of chevron lobes with aerodynamically efficient tip contours for facilitating silent exit flow will enable a commendable sound reduction without much thrust penalty while comparing with the conventional supersonic nozzles with same area ratio.Keywords: chevron nozzle, jet acoustic level, jet noise suppression, shape optimization of chevron nozzles
Procedia PDF Downloads 31119013 Switching to the Latin Alphabet in Kazakhstan: A Brief Overview of Character Recognition Methods
Authors: Ainagul Yermekova, Liudmila Goncharenko, Ali Baghirzade, Sergey Sybachin
In this article, we address the problem of Kazakhstan's transition to the Latin alphabet. The transition process started in 2017 and is scheduled to be completed in 2025. In connection with these events, the problem of recognizing the characters of the new alphabet is raised. Well-known character recognition programs such as ABBYY FineReader, FormReader, MyScript Stylus did not recognize specific Kazakh letters that were used in Cyrillic. The author tries to give an assessment of the well-known method of character recognition that could be in demand as part of the country's transition to the Latin alphabet. Three methods of character recognition: template, structured, and feature-based, are considered through the algorithms of operation. At the end of the article, a general conclusion is made about the possibility of applying a certain method to a particular recognition process: for example, in the process of population census, recognition of typographic text in Latin, or recognition of photos of car numbers, store signs, etc.Keywords: text detection, template method, recognition algorithm, structured method, feature method
Procedia PDF Downloads 18819012 Adaptive Discharge Time Control for Battery Operation Time Enhancement
Authors: Jong-Bae Lee, Seongsoo Lee
This paper proposes an adaptive discharge time control method to balance cell voltages in alternating battery cell discharging method. In the alternating battery cell discharging method, battery cells are periodically discharged in turn. Recovery effect increases battery output voltage while the given battery cell rests without discharging, thus battery operation time of target system increases. However, voltage mismatch between cells leads two problems. First, voltage difference between cells induces inter-cell current with wasted power. Second, it degrades battery operation time, since system stops when any cell reaches to the minimum system operation voltage. To solve this problem, the proposed method adaptively controls cell discharge time to equalize both cell voltages. In the proposed method, battery operation time increases about 19%, while alternating battery cell discharging method shows about 7% improvement.Keywords: battery, recovery effect, low-power, alternating battery cell discharging, adaptive discharge time control
Procedia PDF Downloads 35319011 A Mutually Exclusive Task Generation Method Based on Data Augmentation
Authors: Haojie Wang, Xun Li, Rui Yin
In order to solve the memorization overfitting in the model-agnostic meta-learning MAML algorithm, a method of generating mutually exclusive tasks based on data augmentation is proposed. This method generates a mutex task by corresponding one feature of the data to multiple labels so that the generated mutex task is inconsistent with the data distribution in the initial dataset. Because generating mutex tasks for all data will produce a large number of invalid data and, in the worst case, lead to an exponential growth of computation, this paper also proposes a key data extraction method that only extract part of the data to generate the mutex task. The experiments show that the method of generating mutually exclusive tasks can effectively solve the memorization overfitting in the meta-learning MAML algorithm.Keywords: mutex task generation, data augmentation, meta-learning, text classification.
Procedia PDF Downloads 14419010 Integrated Grey Rational Analysis-Standard Deviation Method for Handover in Heterogeneous Networks
Authors: Mohanad Alhabo, Naveed Nawaz, Mahmoud Al-Faris
The dense deployment of small cells is a promising solution to enhance the coverage and capacity of the heterogeneous networks (HetNets). However, the unplanned deployment could bring new challenges to the network ranging from interference, unnecessary handovers and handover failures. This will cause a degradation in the quality of service (QoS) delivered to the end user. In this paper, we propose an integrated Grey Rational Analysis Standard Deviation based handover method (GRA-SD) for HetNet. The proposed method integrates the Standard Deviation (SD) technique to acquire the weight of the handover metrics and the GRA method to select the best handover base station. The performance of the GRA-SD method is evaluated and compared with the traditional Multiple Attribute Decision Making (MADM) methods including Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) and VIKOR methods. Results reveal that the proposed method has outperformed the other methods in terms of minimizing the number of frequent unnecessary handovers and handover failures, in addition to improving the energy efficiency.Keywords: energy efficiency, handover, HetNets, MADM, small cells
Procedia PDF Downloads 11719009 Estimating Lost Digital Video Frames Using Unidirectional and Bidirectional Estimation Based on Autoregressive Time Model
Authors: Navid Daryasafar, Nima Farshidfar
In this article, we make attempt to hide error in video with an emphasis on the time-wise use of autoregressive (AR) models. To resolve this problem, we assume that all information in one or more video frames is lost. Then, lost frames are estimated using analogous Pixels time information in successive frames. Accordingly, after presenting autoregressive models and how they are applied to estimate lost frames, two general methods are presented for using these models. The first method which is the same standard method of autoregressive models estimates lost frame in unidirectional form. Usually, in such condition, previous frames information is used for estimating lost frame. Yet, in the second method, information from the previous and next frames is used for estimating the lost frame. As a result, this method is known as bidirectional estimation. Then, carrying out a series of tests, performance of each method is assessed in different modes. And, results are compared.Keywords: error steganography, unidirectional estimation, bidirectional estimation, AR linear estimation
Procedia PDF Downloads 54119008 New Fourth Order Explicit Group Method in the Solution of the Helmholtz Equation
Authors: Norhashidah Hj Mohd Ali, Teng Wai Ping
In this paper, the formulation of a new group explicit method with a fourth order accuracy is described in solving the two-dimensional Helmholtz equation. The formulation is based on the nine-point fourth-order compact finite difference approximation formula. The complexity analysis of the developed scheme is also presented. Several numerical experiments were conducted to test the feasibility of the developed scheme. Comparisons with other existing schemes will be reported and discussed. Preliminary results indicate that this method is a viable alternative high accuracy solver to the Helmholtz equation.Keywords: explicit group method, finite difference, Helmholtz equation, five-point formula, nine-point formula
Procedia PDF Downloads 50119007 Image Reconstruction Method Based on L0 Norm
Authors: Jianhong Xiang, Hao Xiang, Linyu Wang
Compressed sensing (CS) has a wide range of applications in sparse signal reconstruction. Aiming at the problems of low recovery accuracy and long reconstruction time of existing reconstruction algorithms in medical imaging, this paper proposes a corrected smoothing L0 algorithm based on compressed sensing (CSL0). First, an approximate hyperbolic tangent function (AHTF) that is more similar to the L0 norm is proposed to approximate the L0 norm. Secondly, in view of the "sawtooth phenomenon" in the steepest descent method and the problem of sensitivity to the initial value selection in the modified Newton method, the use of the steepest descent method and the modified Newton method are jointly optimized to improve the reconstruction accuracy. Finally, the CSL0 algorithm is simulated on various images. The results show that the algorithm proposed in this paper improves the reconstruction accuracy of the test image by 0-0. 98dB.Keywords: smoothed L0, compressed sensing, image processing, sparse reconstruction
Procedia PDF Downloads 11819006 A New Method for Estimating the Mass Recession Rate for Ablator Systems
Authors: Bianca A. Szasz, Keiichi Okuyama
As the human race will continue to explore the space by creating new space transportation means and sending them to other planets, the enhance of atmospheric reentry study is crucial. In this context, an analysis of mass recession rate of ablative materials for thermal shields of reentry spacecrafts is important to be carried out. The paper describes a new estimation method for calculating the mass recession of an ablator system, this method combining an old method with a new one, which was recently elaborated by Okuyama et al. The space mission of USERS spacecraft is taken as a case study and the possibility of implementing lighter ablative materials in future space missions is taking into consideration.Keywords: ablator system, mass recession, reentry spacecraft, ablative materials
Procedia PDF Downloads 27319005 Numerical Analysis of Internal Cooled Turbine Blade Using Conjugate Heat Transfer
Authors: Bhavesh N. Bhatt, Zozimus D. Labana
This work is mainly focused on the analysis of heat transfer of blade by using internal cooling method. By using conjugate heat transfer technology we can effectively compute the cooling and heat transfer analysis of blade. Here blade temperature is limited by materials melting temperature. By using CFD code, we will analyze the blade cooling with the help of CHT method. There are two types of CHT methods. In the first method, we apply coupled CHT method in which all three domains modeled at once, and in the second method, we will first model external domain and then, internal domain of cooling channel. Ten circular cooling channels are used as a cooling method with different mass flow rate and temperature value. This numerical simulation is applied on NASA C3X turbine blade, and results are computed. Here results are showing good agreement with experimental results. Temperature and pressure are high at the leading edge of the blade on stagnation point due to its first faces the flow. On pressure side, shock wave is formed which also make a sudden change in HTC and other parameters. After applying internal cooling, we are succeeded in reducing the metal temperature of blade by some extends.Keywords: gas turbine, conjugate heat transfer, NASA C3X Blade, circular film cooling channel
Procedia PDF Downloads 33619004 An Inspection of Two Layer Model of Agency: An fMRI Study
Authors: Keyvan Kashkouli Nejad, Motoaki Sugiura, Atsushi Sato, Takayuki Nozawa, Hyeonjeong Jeong, Sugiko Hanawa , Yuka Kotozaki, Ryuta Kawashima
The perception of agency/control is altered with presence of discrepancies in the environment or mismatch of predictions (of possible results) and actual results the sense of agency might become altered. Synofzik et al. proposed a two layer model of agency: In the first layer, the Feeling of Agency (FoA) is not directly available to awareness; a slight mismatch in the environment/outcome might cause alterations in FoA, while the agent still feels in control. If the discrepancy passes a threshold, it becomes available to consciousness and alters Judgment of Agency (JoA), which is directly available in the person’s awareness. Most experiments so far only investigate subjects rather conscious JoA, while FoA has been neglected. In this experiment we target FoA by using subliminal discrepancies that can not be consciously detectable by the subjects. Here, we explore whether we can detect this two level model in the subjects behavior and then try to map this in their brain activity. To do this, in a fMRI study, we incorporated both consciously detectable mismatching between action and result and also subliminal discrepancies in the environment. Also, unlike previous experiments where subjective questions from the participants mainly trigger the rather conscious JoA, we also tried to measure the rather implicit FoA by asking participants to rate their performance. We compared behavioral results and also brain activation when there were conscious discrepancies and when there were subliminal discrepancies against trials with no discrepancies and against each other. In line with our expectations, conditions with consciously detectable incongruencies triggered lower JoA ratings than conditions without. Also, conditions with any type of discrepancies had lower FoA ratings compared to conditions without. Additionally, we found out that TPJ and angular gyrus in particular to have a role in coding of JoA and also FoA.Keywords: agency, fMRI, TPJ, two layer model
Procedia PDF Downloads 47019003 Optimization of Three-Layer Corrugated Metal Gasket by Using Finite Element Method
Authors: I Made Gatot Karohika, Shigeyuki Haruyama, Ken Kaminishi
In this study, we proposed a three-layer metal gasket with Al, Cu, and SUS304 as the material, respectively. A finite element method was employed to develop simulation solution and design of experiment (DOE). Taguchi method was used to analysis the effect of each parameter design and predicts optimal design of new 25A-size three layer corrugated metal gasket. The L18 orthogonal array of Taguchi method was applied to design experiment matrix for eight factors with three levels. Based on elastic mode and plastic mode, optimum design gasket is gasket with core metal SUS304, surface layer aluminum, p1 = 4.5 mm, p2 = 4.5 mm, p3 = 4 mm, Tg = 1.2 mm, R = 3.5 mm, h = 0.4 mm and Ts = 0.3 mm.Keywords: contact width, contact stress, layer, metal gasket, corrugated, simulation
Procedia PDF Downloads 31719002 Authorization of Commercial Communication Satellite Grounds for Promoting Turkish Data Relay System
Authors: Celal Dudak, Aslı Utku, Burak Yağlioğlu
Uninterrupted and continuous satellite communication through the whole orbit time is becoming more indispensable every day. Data relay systems are developed and built for various high/low data rate information exchanges like TDRSS of USA and EDRSS of Europe. In these missions, a couple of task-dedicated communication satellites exist. In this regard, for Turkey a data relay system is attempted to be defined exchanging low data rate information (i.e. TTC) for Earth-observing LEO satellites appointing commercial GEO communication satellites all over the world. First, justification of this attempt is given, demonstrating duration enhancements in the link. Discussion of preference of RF communication is, also, given instead of laser communication. Then, preferred communication GEOs – including TURKSAT4A already belonging to Turkey- are given, together with the coverage enhancements through STK simulations and the corresponding link budget. Also, a block diagram of the communication system is given on the LEO satellite.Keywords: communication, GEO satellite, data relay system, coverage
Procedia PDF Downloads 44219001 Bi-Dimensional Spectral Basis
Authors: Abdelhamid Zerroug, Mlle Ismahene Sehili
Spectral methods are usually applied to solve uni-dimensional boundary value problems. With the advantage of the creation of multidimensional basis, we propose a new spectral method for bi-dimensional problems. In this article, we start by creating bi-spectral basis by different ways, we developed also a new relations to determine the expressions of spectral coefficients in different partial derivatives expansions. Finally, we propose the principle of a new bi-spectral method for the bi-dimensional problems.Keywords: boundary value problems, bi-spectral methods, bi-dimensional Legendre basis, spectral method
Procedia PDF Downloads 39819000 Study of Evapotranspiration for Pune District
Authors: Ranjeet Sable, Mahotsavi Patil, Aadesh Nimbalkar, Prajakta Palaskar, Ritu Sagar
The exact amount of water used by various crops in different climatic conditions is necessary to step for design, planning, and management of irrigation schemes, water resources, scheduling of irrigation systems. Evaporation and transpiration are combinable called as evapotranspiration. Water loss from trees during photosynthesis is called as transpiration and when water gets converted into gaseous state is called evaporation. For calculation of correct evapotranspiration, we have to choose the method in such way that is should be suitable and require minimum climatic data also it should be applicable for wide range of climatic conditions. In hydrology, there are multiple correlations and regression is generally used to develop relationships between three or more hydrological variables by knowing the dependence between them. This research work includes the study of various methods for calculation of evapotranspiration and selects reasonable and suitable one Pune region (Maharashtra state). As field methods are very costly, time-consuming and not give appropriate results if the suitable climate is not maintained. Observation recorded at Pune metrological stations are used to calculate evapotranspiration with the help of Radiation Method (RAD), Modified Penman Method (MPM), Thornthwaite Method (THW), Blaney-Criddle (BCL), Christiansen Equation (CNM), Hargreaves Method (HGM), from which Hargreaves and Thornthwaite are temperature based methods. Performance of all these methods are compared with Modified Penman method and method which showing less variation with standard Modified Penman method (MPM) is selected as the suitable one. Evapotranspiration values are estimated on a monthly basis. Comparative analysis in this research used for selection for raw data-dependent methods in case of missing data.Keywords: Blaney-Criddle, Christiansen equation evapotranspiration, Hargreaves method, precipitations, Penman method, water use efficiency
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