Search results for: electric luminescent
521 Numerical Investigation Including Mobility Model for the Performances of Piezoresistive Sensors
Authors: Abdelaziz Beddiaf
In this work, we present an analysis based on the study of mobility which is a very important electrical parameter of a piezoresistor and which is directly bound to the piezoresistivity effect in piezoresistive pressure sensors. We determine how the temperature affects mobility when the electric potential is applied. For this, a theoretical approach based on mobility in a p-type Silicon piezoresistor with that of a finite difference model for self-heating is developed. So, the evolution of mobility has been established versus time for different doping levels and with temperature rise provoked by self-heating using a numerical model combined with that of mobility. Furthermore, it has been calculated for some geometrical parameters of the sensor, such as membrane side length and thickness. Also, it is computed as a function of bias voltage. It was observed that mobility is strongly affected by the temperature rise induced by the applied potential when the sensor is actuated for a prolonged time as a consequence of drifting in the output response of the sensor. Finally, this work makes it possible to predict their temperature behavior due to self-heating and to improve this effect by optimizing the geometric properties of the device and by reducing the voltage source applied to the bridge.Keywords: Sensors, Piezoresistivity, Mobility, Bias voltage
Procedia PDF Downloads 92520 Consideration of Magnetic Lines of Force as Magnets Produced by Percussion Waves
Authors: Angel Pérez Sánchez
Background: Consider magnetic lines of force as a vector magnetic current was introduced by convention around 1830. But this leads to a dead end in traditional physics, and quantum explanations must be referred to explain the magnetic phenomenon. However, a study of magnetic lines as percussive waves leads to other paths capable of interpreting magnetism through traditional physics. Methodology: Brick used in the experiment: two parallel electric current cables attract each other if current goes in the same direction and its application at a microscopic level inside magnets. Significance: Consideration of magnetic lines as magnets themselves would mean a paradigm shift in the study of magnetism and open the way to provide solutions to mysteries of magnetism until now only revealed by quantum mechanics. Major findings: discover how a magnetic field is created, as well as reason how magnetic attraction and repulsion work, understand how magnets behave when splitting them, and reveal the impossibility of a Magnetic Monopole. All of this is presented as if it were a symphony in which all the notes fit together perfectly to create a beautiful, smart, and simple work.Keywords: magnetic lines of force, magnetic field, magnetic attraction and repulsion, magnet split, magnetic monopole, magnetic lines of force as magnets, magnetic lines of force as waves
Procedia PDF Downloads 91519 Reduction of the Microbial Load of Biocontaminated Bovine Milk Using Grounding with Copper Wire
Authors: Claudivan Costa de Lima, Angelo da Silva Monteiro
With the aim of evaluating the effects of grounding with copper wire on the reduction of the microbial load of biocontaminated milk samples and on their acidification over time, two complementary experiments were carried out. In the first, the treatments consisted of: i) raw milk sample (control), ii) slow pasteurization, iii) grounding with copper wire and, iv) contact with copper ring. Analyzes of total, thermoresistant and mesophilic coliforms were performed 30 minutes after the application of these treatments. In the second experiment, under the same conditions as the first, measurements of pH and Dornic acidity were performed at 0, 0.5, 2, 4, 8, 12, and 24 h from the installation of the experiment. Pasteurization eliminated almost all groups of bacteria present in the milk samples while grounding only allowed reductions in the population of thermotolerant coliforms and mesophiles, both greater than 95%, maintaining, however, unchanged the amounts of total coliforms. The copper ring, in turn, had no effect on the microbiological parameters studied. The reduction in the population of mesophiles in grounded milk samples, contrary to what happened with pasteurized milk, was not enough to inhibit the acidification process over the experimental period.Keywords: pasteurization, low frequency electric current, thermotolerant coliforms, mesophiles in bovine milk
Procedia PDF Downloads 109518 Transition to Electricity-based Urban Mobility in India: Analysis of Barriers, Drivers and Consumer Willingness
Authors: Shravanth Vasisht M., Balachandra P., Dasappa S.
Electric mobility (e-mob) is one of the significant actions proposed for sustainable urban transport in India. The current efforts are aimed at reducing the carbon-dioxide (CO2) emissions and environmental pollution through a smooth transition from fossil-fueled mobility (f-mob) to e-mob. The study summarizes the e-mob landscape in India, its roadmap, the expected challenges relevant to the consumer preferences and perceptions. In addition to the challenges of transition from f-mob to e-mob, the sustainability of e-mob is more crucial as it involves addressing challenges related to three dimensions, namely, environmental, economic, and social sustainability. The critical factors in each of these dimensions are analyzed. The recommendations for attaining sustainability are suggested to enable a successful transition from f-mob to e-mob. The specific objectives of the research include a detailed synthesis of urban mobility landscape, analyses of various stakeholders' behaviors, drivers, and barriers influencing the transition, measures to boost the drivers and mitigate the barriers. The study also aims to arrive at policy recommendations and strategies for a successful and sustainable transition from f-mob to e-mob, reducing the carbon footprint due to transportation.Keywords: electricmobility, urbanmobility, transportation, consumerbehaviour, carbonemission
Procedia PDF Downloads 53517 MPPT Control with (P&O) and (FLC) Algorithms of Solar Electric Generator
Authors: Dib Djalel, Mordjaoui Mourad
The current trend towards the exploitation of various renewable energy resources has become indispensable, so it is important to improve the efficiency and reliability of the GPV photovoltaic systems. Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) plays an important role in photovoltaic power systems because it maximize the power output from a PV system for a given set of conditions. This paper presents a new fuzzy logic control based MPPT algorithm for solar panel. The solar panel is modeled and analyzed in Matlab/Simulink. The Solar panel can produce maximum power at a particular operating point called Maximum Power Point(MPP). To produce maximum power and to get maximum efficiency, the entire photovoltaic panel must operate at this particular point. Maximum power point of PV panel keeps on changing with changing environmental conditions such as solar irradiance and cell temperature. Thus, to extract maximum available power from a PV module, MPPT algorithms are implemented and Perturb and Observe (P&O) MPPT and fuzzy logic control FLC, MPPT are developed and compared. Simulation results show the effectiveness of the fuzzy control technique to produce a more stable power.Keywords: MPPT, photovoltaic panel, fuzzy logic control, modeling, solar power
Procedia PDF Downloads 484516 Optimal Planning of Transmission Line Charging Mode During Black Start of a Hydroelectric Unit
Authors: Mohammad Reza Esmaili
After the occurrence of blackouts, the most important subject is how fast the electric service is restored. Power system restoration is an immensely complex issue and there should be a plan to be executed within the shortest time period. This plan has three main stages of black start, network reconfiguration and load restoration. In the black start stage, operators and experts may face several problems, for instance, the unsuccessful connection of the long high-voltage transmission line connected to the electrical source. In this situation, the generator may be tripped because of the unsuitable setting of its line charging mode or high absorbed reactive power. In order to solve this problem, the line charging process is defined as a nonlinear programming problem, and it is optimized by using GAMS software in this paper. The optimized process is performed on a grid that includes a 250 MW hydroelectric unit and a 400 KV transmission system. Simulations and field test results show the effectiveness of optimal planning.Keywords: power system restoration, black start, line charging mode, nonlinear programming
Procedia PDF Downloads 82515 Optimization of Tolerance Grades of a Bearing and Shaft Assembly in a Washing Machine with Regard to Fatigue Life
Authors: M. Cangi, T. Dolar, C. Ersoy, Y. E. Aydogdu, A. I. Aydeniz, A. Mugan
The drum is one of the critical parts in a washing machine in which the clothes are washed and spin by the rotational movement. It is activated by the drum shaft which is attached to an electric motor and subjected to dynamic loading. Being one of the critical components, failures of the drum require costly repairs of dynamic components. In this study, tolerance bands between the drum shaft and its two bearings were examined to develop a relationship between the fatigue life of the shaft and the interaction tolerances. Optimization of tolerance bands was completed in consideration of the fatigue life of the shaft as the cost function. The following methodology is followed: multibody dynamic model of a washing machine was constructed and used to calculate dynamic loading on the components. Then, these forces were used in finite element analyses to calculate the stress field in critical components which was used for fatigue life predictions. The factors affecting the fatigue life were examined to find optimum tolerance grade for a given test condition. Numerical results were verified by experimental observations.Keywords: fatigue life, finite element analysis, tolerance analysis, optimization
Procedia PDF Downloads 157514 Adomian’s Decomposition Method to Generalized Magneto-Thermoelasticity
Authors: Hamdy M. Youssef, Eman A. Al-Lehaibi
Due to many applications and problems in the fields of plasma physics, geophysics, and other many topics, the interaction between the strain field and the magnetic field has to be considered. Adomian introduced the decomposition method for solving linear and nonlinear functional equations. This method leads to accurate, computable, approximately convergent solutions of linear and nonlinear partial and ordinary differential equations even the equations with variable coefficients. This paper is dealing with a mathematical model of generalized thermoelasticity of a half-space conducting medium. A magnetic field with constant intensity acts normal to the bounding plane has been assumed. Adomian’s decomposition method has been used to solve the model when the bounding plane is taken to be traction free and thermally loaded by harmonic heating. The numerical results for the temperature increment, the stress, the strain, the displacement, the induced magnetic, and the electric fields have been represented in figures. The magnetic field, the relaxation time, and the angular thermal load have significant effects on all the studied fields.Keywords: Adomian’s decomposition method, magneto-thermoelasticity, finite conductivity, iteration method, thermal load
Procedia PDF Downloads 150513 On Transferring of Transient Signals along Hollow Waveguide
Authors: E. Eroglu, S. Semsit, E. Sener, U.S. Sener
In Electromagnetics, there are three canonical boundary value problem with given initial conditions for the electromagnetic field sought, namely: Cavity Problem, Waveguide Problem, and External Problem. The Cavity Problem and Waveguide Problem were rigorously studied and new results were arised at original works in the past decades. In based on studies of an analytical time domain method Evolutionary Approach to Electromagnetics (EAE), electromagnetic field strength vectors produced by a time dependent source function are sought. The fields are took place in L2 Hilbert space. The source function that performs signal transferring, energy and surplus of energy has been demonstrated with all clarity. Depth of the method and ease of applications are emerged needs of gathering obtained results. Main discussion is about perfect electric conductor and hollow waveguide. Even if well studied time-domain modes problems are mentioned, specifically, the modes which have a hollow (i.e., medium-free) cross-section domain are considered.Keywords: evolutionary approach to electromagnetics, time-domain waveguide mode, Neumann problem, Dirichlet boundary value problem, Klein-Gordon
Procedia PDF Downloads 330512 The Analysis of Thermal Conductivity in Porcine Meat Due to Electricity by Finite Element Method
Authors: Orose Rugchati, Sarawut Wattanawongpitak
This research studied the analysis of the thermal conductivity and heat transfer in porcine meat due to the electric current flowing between the electrode plates in parallel. Hot-boned pork sample was prepared in 2*1*1 cubic centimeter. The finite element method with ANSYS workbench program was applied to simulate this heat transfer problem. In the thermal simulation, the input thermoelectric energy was calculated from measured current that flowing through the pork and the input voltage from the dc voltage source. The comparison of heat transfer in pork according to two voltage sources: DC voltage 30 volts and dc pulsed voltage 60 volts (pulse width 50 milliseconds and 50 % duty cycle) were demonstrated. From the result, it shown that the thermal conductivity trends to be steady at temperature 40C and 60C around 1.39 W/mC and 2.65 W/mC for dc voltage source 30 volts and dc pulsed voltage 60 volts, respectively. For temperature increased to 50C at 5 minutes, the appearance color of porcine meat at the exposer point has become to fade. This technique could be used for predicting of thermal conductivity caused by some meat’s characteristics.Keywords: thermal conductivity, porcine meat, electricity, finite element method
Procedia PDF Downloads 141511 Iraqi Short Term Electrical Load Forecasting Based on Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Logic
Authors: Firas M. Tuaimah, Huda M. Abdul Abbas
Accurate Short Term Load Forecasting (STLF) is essential for a variety of decision making processes. However, forecasting accuracy can drop due to the presence of uncertainty in the operation of energy systems or unexpected behavior of exogenous variables. Interval Type 2 Fuzzy Logic System (IT2 FLS), with additional degrees of freedom, gives an excellent tool for handling uncertainties and it improved the prediction accuracy. The training data used in this study covers the period from January 1, 2012 to February 1, 2012 for winter season and the period from July 1, 2012 to August 1, 2012 for summer season. The actual load forecasting period starts from January 22, till 28, 2012 for winter model and from July 22 till 28, 2012 for summer model. The real data for Iraqi power system which belongs to the Ministry of Electricity.Keywords: short term load forecasting, prediction interval, type 2 fuzzy logic systems, electric, computer systems engineering
Procedia PDF Downloads 398510 Comparison of the Performance of a Brake Energy Regeneration System in Hybrid Vehicles
Authors: Miguel Arlenzo Duran Sarmiento, Luis Alfonso Del Portillo Valdés, Carlos Borras Pinilla
Brake energy regeneration systems have the capacity to transform part of the vehicle's kinetic energy during deceleration into useful energy. These systems can be implemented in hybrid vehicles, which can be electric or hydraulic in type, and contribute to reducing the energy required to propel the vehicle thanks to the accumulation of energy. This paper presents the modeling and simulation of a braking energy regeneration system applied in hydraulic hybrid vehicles configured in parallel, the modeling and simulation were performed in Simulink of Matlab, where a performance comparison of the regenerated torque as a function of vehicle load, the displacement of the hydraulic regeneration device and the vehicle speed profile. The speed profiles used in the simulation are standard profiles such as the NEDC and WLTP profiles. The vehicle loads range from 1500 kg to 12000 kg. The results show the comparison of the torque required by the vehicle, the torque regenerated by the system subjected to the different speed and load conditions.Keywords: braking energy, energy regeneration, hybrid vehicles, kinetic energy, torque
Procedia PDF Downloads 124509 Dimensionally Stable Anode as a Bipolar Plate for Vanadium Redox Flow Battery
Authors: Jaejin Han, Jinsub Choi
Vanadium redox flow battery (VRFB) is a type of redox flow battery which uses vanadium ionic solution as electrolyte. Inside the VRFB, 2.5mm thickness of graphite is generally used as bipolar plate for anti-corrosion of current collector. In this research, thick graphite bipolar plate was substituted by 0.126mm thickness of dimensionally stable anode which was coated with IrO2 on an anodic nanotubular TiO2 substrate. It can provide dimensional advantage over the conventional graphite when the VRFB is used as multi-stack. Ir was coated by using spray coating method in order to enhance electric conductivity. In this study, various electrochemical characterizations were carried out. Cyclic voltammetry data showed activation of Ir in the positive electrode of VRFB. In addition, polarization measurements showed Ir-coated DSA had low overpotential in the positive electrode of VRFB. In cell test results, the DSA-used VRFB showed better efficiency than graphite-used VRFB in voltage and overall efficiency.Keywords: bipolar plate, DSA (dimensionally stable anode), iridium oxide coating, TiO2 nanotubes, VRFB (vanadium redox flow battery)
Procedia PDF Downloads 496508 Presentation of a Mix Algorithm for Estimating the Battery State of Charge Using Kalman Filter and Neural Networks
Authors: Amin Sedighfar, M. R. Moniri
Determination of state of charge (SOC) in today’s world becomes an increasingly important issue in all the applications that include a battery. In fact, estimation of the SOC is a fundamental need for the battery, which is the most important energy storage in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEVs), smart grid systems, drones, UPS and so on. Regarding those applications, the SOC estimation algorithm is expected to be precise and easy to implement. This paper presents an online method for the estimation of the SOC of Valve-Regulated Lead Acid (VRLA) batteries. The proposed method uses the well-known Kalman Filter (KF), and Neural Networks (NNs) and all of the simulations have been done with MATLAB software. The NN is trained offline using the data collected from the battery discharging process. A generic cell model is used, and the underlying dynamic behavior of the model has used two capacitors (bulk and surface) and three resistors (terminal, surface, and end), where the SOC determined from the voltage represents the bulk capacitor. The aim of this work is to compare the performance of conventional integration-based SOC estimation methods with a mixed algorithm. Moreover, by containing the effect of temperature, the final result becomes more accurate.Keywords: Kalman filter, neural networks, state-of-charge, VRLA battery
Procedia PDF Downloads 193507 Feature Evaluation and Applications of Various Advanced Conductors with High Conductivity and Low Flash in Overhead Lines
Authors: Atefeh Pourshafie, Homayoun Bakhtiari
In power transmission lines, electricity conductors are main tools to carry electric power. Thus, other devices such as shield wires, insulators, towers, foundations etc. should be designed in a way that the conductors be able to successfully do their task which is appropriate power delivery to the customers. Non-stop increase of energy demand has led to saturated capacity of transmission lines which, in turn, causing line flash to exceed acceptable limits in some points. An approach which may be used to solve this issue is replacement of current conductors with new ones having the capability of withstanding higher heating such that reduced flash would be observed when heating increases. These novel conductors are able to transfer higher currents and operate in higher heating conditions while line flash will remain within standard limits. In this paper, we will attempt to introduce three types of advanced overhead conductors and analyze the replacement of current conductors by new ones technically and economically in transmission lines. In this regard, progressive conductors of transmission lines are introduced such as ACC (Aluminum Conductor Composite Core), AAAC-UHC (Ultra High Conductivity, All Aluminum Alloy Conductors), and G(Z)TACSR-Gap Type.Keywords: ACC, AAAC-UHC, gap type, transmission lines
Procedia PDF Downloads 269506 Deflection Behaviour of Retaining Wall with Pile for Pipeline on Slope of Soft Soil
Authors: Mutadi
Pipes laying on an unstable slope of soft soil are prone to movement. Pipelines that are buried in unstable slope areas will move due to lateral loads from soil movement, which can cause damage to the pipeline. A small-scale laboratory model of the reinforcement system of piles supported by retaining walls was conducted to investigate the effect of lateral load on the reinforcement. In this experiment, the lateral forces of 0.3 kN, 0.35 kN, and 0.4 kN and vertical force of 0.05 kN, 0.1 kN, and 0.15 kN were used. Lateral load from the electric jack is equipped with load cell and vertical load using the cement-steel box. To validate the experimental result, a finite element program named 2-D Plaxis was used. The experimental results showed that with an increase in lateral loading, the displacement of the reinforcement system increased. For a Vertical Load, 0.1 kN and versus a lateral load of 0.3 kN causes a horizontal displacement of 0.35 mm and an increase of 2.94% for loading of 0.35 kN and an increase of 8.82% for loading 0.4 kN. The pattern is the same in the finite element method analysis, where there was a 6.52% increase for 0.35 kN loading and an increase to 23.91 % for 0.4 kN loading. In the same Load, the Reinforcement System is reliable, as shown in Safety Factor on dry conditions were 3.3, 2.824 and 2.474, and on wet conditions were 2.98, 2.522 and 2.235.Keywords: soft soil, deflection, wall, pipeline
Procedia PDF Downloads 163505 Mechanism of Charge Transport in the Interface of CsSnI₃-FASnI₃ Perovskite Based Solar Cell
Authors: Seyedeh Mozhgan Seyed-Talebi, Weng-Kent Chan, Hsin-Yi Tiffany Chen
Lead-free perovskite photovoltaic (PV) technology employing non-toxic tin halide perovskite absorbers is pivotal for advancing perovskite solar cell (PSC) commercialization. Despite challenges posed by perovskite sensitivity to oxygen and humidity, our study utilizes DFT calculations using VASP and NanoDCAL software and SCAPS-1D simulations to elucidate the charge transport mechanism at the interface of CsSnI₃-FASnI₃ heterojunction. Results reveal how inherent electric fields facilitate efficient carrier transport, reducing recombination losses. We predict optimized power conversion efficiencies (PCEs) and highlight the potential of CsSnI3-FASnI3 heterojunctions for cost-effective and efficient charge transport layer-free (CTLF) photovoltaic devices. Our study provides insights into the future direction of recognizing more efficient, nontoxic heterojunction perovskite devices.Keywords: charge transport layer free, CsSnI₃-FASnI₃ heterojunction, lead-free perovskite solar cell, tin halide perovskite., Charge transport layer free
Procedia PDF Downloads 48504 Flocculation on the Treatment of Olive Oil Mill Wastewater: Pre-Treatment
Authors: G. Hodaifa, J. A. Páez, C. Agabo, E. Ramos, J. C. Gutiérrez, A. Rosal
Currently, the continuous two-phase decanter process used for olive oil production is the more internationally widespread. The wastewaters generated from this industry (OMW) is a real environmental problem because of its high organic load. Among proposed treatments for these wastewaters, the advanced oxidation technologies (Fenton process, ozone, photoFenton, etc.) are the most favourable. The direct application of these processes is somewhat expensive. Therefore, the application of a previous stage based on a flocculation-sedimentation operation is of high importance. In this research five commercial flocculants (three cationic, and two anionic) have been used to achieve the separation of phases (liquid clarified-sludge). For each flocculant, different concentrations (0-1000 mg/L) have been studied. In these experiments, sludge volume formed over time and the final water quality were determined. The final removal percentages of total phenols (11.3-25.1%), COD (5.6-20.4%), total carbon (2.3-26.5%), total organic carbon (1.50-23.8%), total nitrogen (1.45-24.8%), and turbidity (27.9-61.4%) were obtained. Also, the variation on the electric conductivity reduction percentage (1-8%) was determined. Finally, the best flocculants with highest removal percentages have been determined (QG2001 and Flocudex CS49).Keywords: flocculants, flocculation, olive oil mill wastewater, water quality
Procedia PDF Downloads 540503 3D Frictionless Contact Case between the Structure of E-Bike and the Ground
Authors: Lele Zhang, Hui Leng Choo, Alexander Konyukhov, Shuguang Li
China is currently the world's largest producer and distributor of electric bicycle (e-bike). The increasing number of e-bikes on the road is accompanied by rising injuries and even deaths of e-bike drivers. Therefore, there is a growing need to improve the safety structure of e-bikes. This 3D frictionless contact analysis is a preliminary, but necessary work for further structural design improvement of an e-bike. The contact analysis between e-bike and the ground was carried out as follows: firstly, the Penalty method was illustrated and derived from the simplest spring-mass system. This is one of the most common methods to satisfy the frictionless contact case; secondly, ANSYS static analysis was carried out to verify finite element (FE) models with contact pair (without friction) between e-bike and the ground; finally, ANSYS transient analysis was used to obtain the data of the penetration p(u) of e-bike with respect to the ground. Results obtained from the simulation are as estimated by comparing with that from theoretical method. In the future, protective shell will be designed following the stability criteria and added to the frame of e-bike. Simulation of side falling of the improved safety structure of e-bike will be confirmed with experimental data.Keywords: frictionless contact, penalty method, e-bike, finite element
Procedia PDF Downloads 279502 Assessment of Occupational Exposure and Individual Radio-Sensitivity in People Subjected to Ionizing Radiation
Authors: Oksana G. Cherednichenko, Anastasia L. Pilyugina, Sergey N.Lukashenko, Elena G. Gubitskaya
The estimation of accumulated radiation doses in people professionally exposed to ionizing radiation was performed using methods of biological (chromosomal aberrations frequency in lymphocytes) and physical (radionuclides analysis in urine, whole-body radiation meter, individual thermoluminescent dosimeters) dosimetry. A group of 84 "A" category employees after their work in the territory of former Semipalatinsk test site (Kazakhstan) was investigated. The dose rate in some funnels exceeds 40 μSv/h. After radionuclides determination in urine using radiochemical and WBC methods, it was shown that the total effective dose of personnel internal exposure did not exceed 0.2 mSv/year, while an acceptable dose limit for staff is 20 mSv/year. The range of external radiation doses measured with individual thermo-luminescent dosimeters was 0.3-1.406 µSv. The cytogenetic examination showed that chromosomal aberrations frequency in staff was 4.27±0.22%, which is significantly higher than at the people from non-polluting settlement Tausugur (0.87±0.1%) (р ≤ 0.01) and citizens of Almaty (1.6±0.12%) (р≤ 0.01). Chromosomal type aberrations accounted for 2.32±0.16%, 0.27±0.06% of which were dicentrics and centric rings. The cytogenetic analysis of different types group radiosensitivity among «professionals» (age, sex, ethnic group, epidemiological data) revealed no significant differences between the compared values. Using various techniques by frequency of dicentrics and centric rings, the average cumulative radiation dose for group was calculated, and that was 0.084-0.143 Gy. To perform comparative individual dosimetry using physical and biological methods of dose assessment, calibration curves (including own ones) and regression equations based on general frequency of chromosomal aberrations obtained after irradiation of blood samples by gamma-radiation with the dose rate of 0,1 Gy/min were used. Herewith, on the assumption of individual variation of chromosomal aberrations frequency (1–10%), the accumulated dose of radiation varied 0-0.3 Gy. The main problem in the interpretation of individual dosimetry results is reduced to different reaction of the objects to irradiation - radiosensitivity, which dictates the need of quantitative definition of this individual reaction and its consideration in the calculation of the received radiation dose. The entire examined contingent was assigned to a group based on the received dose and detected cytogenetic aberrations. Radiosensitive individuals, at the lowest received dose in a year, showed the highest frequency of chromosomal aberrations (5.72%). In opposite, radioresistant individuals showed the lowest frequency of chromosomal aberrations (2.8%). The cohort correlation according to the criterion of radio-sensitivity in our research was distributed as follows: radio-sensitive (26.2%) — medium radio-sensitivity (57.1%), radioresistant (16.7%). Herewith, the dispersion for radioresistant individuals is 2.3; for the group with medium radio-sensitivity — 3.3; and for radio-sensitive group — 9. These data indicate the highest variation of characteristic (reactions to radiation effect) in the group of radio-sensitive individuals. People with medium radio-sensitivity show significant long-term correlation (0.66; n=48, β ≥ 0.999) between the values of doses defined according to the results of cytogenetic analysis and dose of external radiation obtained with the help of thermoluminescent dosimeters. Mathematical models based on the type of violation of the radiation dose according to the professionals radiosensitivity level were offered.Keywords: biodosimetry, chromosomal aberrations, ionizing radiation, radiosensitivity
Procedia PDF Downloads 185501 Reducing Energy Consumption in Architectural Spaces by Optimizing Natural Light Transmission
Authors: Parisa Javid
In architecture, daylight contributes to humans' mental and physical well-being and reduces the consumption of fossil fuels. Accordingly, Iran's rich architecture has valuable achievements and experiences that should be recognized and introduced to the Iranian and international architecture communities. There are many ways to reduce energy consumption in buildings, but electricity accounts for a large part of that consumption. Lighting up spaces with natural light is a significant factor in reducing energy consumption and preventing electricity dissipation. Aside from being expensive, electric lighting systems cause excessive heat and physical injury (eyes). This study is based on library records and documents. Modern lighting systems are used to reduce energy consumption in the interior of a building to allow for optimal transmission of natural light. It discusses how to use natural light in architecture and the benefits of natural light in buildings. Solar energy can be used more efficiently, and electrical power can be saved in residential, administrative, commercial, and educational buildings by using new methods such as light tubes and mirror directors. Modern lighting systems, natural light, and reduced energy consumption are keywords for these systems, which quickly return their investment.Keywords: modern lighting systems, natural light, reduced energy consumption
Procedia PDF Downloads 101500 Unified Assessment of Power System Reserve-based Reliability Levels
Authors: B. M. Alshammari, M. A. El-Kady
This paper presents a unified framework for assessment of reserve-based reliability levels in electric power systems. The unified approach is based on reserve-based analysis and assessment of the relationship between available generation capacities and required demand levels. The developed approach takes into account the load variations as well as contingencies which occur randomly causing some generation and/or transmission capacities to be lost (become unavailable). The calculated reserve based indices, which are important to assess the reserve capabilities of the power system for various operating scenarios are therefore probabilistic in nature. They reflect the fact that neither the load levels nor the generation or transmission capacities are known with absolute certainty. They are rather subjects to random variations and consequently. The calculated reserve-based reliability indices are all subjects to random variations where only expected values of these indices can be evaluated. This paper presents a unified approach to reserve-based reliability assessment of power systems using various reserve assessment criteria. Practical applications are also presented for demonstration purposes to the Saudi electricity power grid.Keywords: assessment, power system, reserve, reliability
Procedia PDF Downloads 617499 Cost Analysis of Hybrid Wind Energy Generating System Considering CO2 Emissions
Authors: M. A. Badr, M. N. El Kordy, A. N. Mohib, M. M. Ibrahim
The basic objective of the research is to study the effect of hybrid wind energy on the cost of generated electricity considering the cost of reduction CO2 emissions. The system consists of small wind turbine(s), storage battery bank and a diesel generator (W/D/B). Using an optimization software package, different system configurations are investigated to reach optimum configuration based on the net present cost (NPC) and cost of energy (COE) as economic optimization criteria. The cost of avoided CO2 is taken into consideration. The system is intended to supply the electrical load of a small community (gathering six families) in a remote Egyptian area. The investigated system is not connected to the electricity grid and may replace an existing conventional diesel powered electric supply system to reduce fuel consumption and CO2 emissions. The simulation results showed that W/D energy system is more economic than diesel alone. The estimated COE is 0.308$/kWh and extracting the cost of avoided CO2, the COE reached 0.226 $/kWh which is an external benefit of wind turbine, as there are no pollutant emissions through operational phase.Keywords: hybrid wind turbine systems, remote areas electrification, simulation of hybrid energy systems, techno-economic study
Procedia PDF Downloads 401498 Beginner Steps of the First Dendrochronology Lab in Montenegro - Dendrochronology Research in The Bosnian Pine (Pinus heldreichii) Forests
Authors: Jelena Popović, Andrijana Mićanović
Officially, 60% of Montenegrin territory is covered in forests, but they are continually being destroyed by illegal cutting, concession politics and wildfires. Montenegrin Ecologists Society started the first dendrochronology lab in Montenegro, and data collection began in the Summer of 2021. The cores were taken from 3 localities around the peak Lisac on the mt. Prekornica, where biggest P.heldreichii forests existed until recent huge wildfires. This research is the first step towards comprehensive dendrochronology research in Montenegro. It will show how old certain forest stands of Pinus heldreichii on mountain Prekornica are, that were not destroyed in huge wildfires from the recent years. It will also show how do they correlate between each other. Per locality 15 trees were sampled. Electric sanders (150 - 2000) were used for preparation. Cores were scanned, then measured in CooRecorder. Analysis is done in Cofecha. Process will be repeated with Lintab 6 and TSAP (Time Series Analysis and Presentation for Dendrochronology and Related Applications) - Win Scientific software by Rinntech. Since this is the first dendrochronology research entirely done in Montenegro it is a foundation for the dendroclimatology research. Besides, it’ll contribute to the understanding of the life of these forests in this part of its areal, and in designing good management practices.Keywords: dendrochronology, bosnian pine, pinus heldreichii, montenegro, forests
Procedia PDF Downloads 98497 Elaboration of Polymethylene Blue on Conducting Glassy Substrate and Study of Its Optical, Electrical and Photoelectrochemical Characterization
Authors: Abdi Djamila, Haffar Hichem
The poly methylene bleu (PMB) has been successfully electro deposited on fluorine doped tin oxide (FTO) conducting glass as substrate. Its optical, electrical and photoelectrochemical characterizations have been carried out in order to show the performances of such polymer. The deposited film shows a good electric conductivity which is well confirmed by the low gap value determinated optically by UV–vis spectroscopy. Like all polymers the PMB presents an absorption difference in the visible range function of the polarization potential, it is expressed by the strong conjugation at oxidized state but is weakened with leucoform formation at reduced state. The electrochemical analysis of the films permit to show the cyclic voltamperogram with the anodic oxidation and cathodic reduction states of the polymer and to locate the corresponding energy levels HOMO and LUMO of this later. The electrochemical impedance spectroscopy permit to see the conductive character of such film and to calculate important parameters as Rtc and CPE. The study of the photoelectro activity of our polymer shows that under exposure to intermittent light source this later exhibit important photocurrents which enables it to be used in photo organic ells.Keywords: polymethylene blue, electropolymerization, homo-lumo, photocurrents
Procedia PDF Downloads 271496 Attitude, Practice, and Prevalence of Injuries among Building Construction Workers in Lagos State
Authors: O. J. Makinde, O. A. Abiola
Background: Hazards and injuries are two common phenomena that have been associated with the building construction profession. Apart from injuries, deaths from injuries sustained at work have been high in this profession. This study, therefore, attempts to determine the attitude, practice, and prevalence of injuries among this group of workers. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study with 285 respondents. The sampling was multi-staged. Interviewer-administered questionnaires were used to elicit information such as socio-demographic characteristics of the respondents, attitude and practice of occupational safety and prevalence of injuries among the workers. The data were analyzed using epi-info 3.5.1 statistical software. Result: The modal age group is 25-34yrs which made up 40% of the respondents. Most of the respondents were male (86.3%). Most of the respondent (52.3%) have their highest educational level as the secondary school. Most of the respondents (64.9%) had a poor attitude to occupational safety while 91.6% had poor occupational safety practices. The prevalence of occupational injury was very high (64.9%). Particles in the eyes have the highest prevalence (52.3%) while electric shock has the least prevalence (19.6%).None of the respondent working at a height used safety belt while working. Conclusion: Attitude and practice of occupational safety are poor among this group of workers and prevalence of injuries was high.Keywords: building, construction, Hazard, injury, workers
Procedia PDF Downloads 371495 Colloid-Based Biodetection at Aqueous Electrical Interfaces Using Fluidic Dielectrophoresis
Authors: Francesca Crivellari, Nicholas Mavrogiannis, Zachary Gagnon
Portable diagnostic methods have become increasingly important for a number of different purposes: point-of-care screening in developing nations, environmental contamination studies, bio/chemical warfare agent detection, and end-user use for commercial health monitoring. The cheapest and most portable methods currently available are paper-based – lateral flow and dipstick methods are widely available in drug stores for use in pregnancy detection and blood glucose monitoring. These tests are successful because they are cheap to produce, easy to use, and require minimally invasive sampling. While adequate for their intended uses, in the realm of blood-borne pathogens and numerous cancers, these paper-based methods become unreliable, as they lack the nM/pM sensitivity currently achieved by clinical diagnostic methods. Clinical diagnostics, however, utilize techniques involving surface plasmon resonance (SPR) and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs), which are expensive and unfeasible in terms of portability. To develop a better, competitive biosensor, we must reduce the cost of one, or increase the sensitivity of the other. Electric fields are commonly utilized in microfluidic devices to manipulate particles, biomolecules, and cells. Applications in this area, however, are primarily limited to interfaces formed between immiscible interfaces. Miscible, liquid-liquid interfaces are common in microfluidic devices, and are easily reproduced with simple geometries. Here, we demonstrate the use of electrical fields at liquid-liquid electrical interfaces, known as fluidic dielectrophoresis, (fDEP) for biodetection in a microfluidic device. In this work, we apply an AC electric field across concurrent laminar streams with differing conductivities and permittivities to polarize the interface and induce a discernible, near-immediate, frequency-dependent interfacial tilt. We design this aqueous electrical interface, which becomes the biosensing “substrate,” to be intelligent – it “moves” only when a target of interest is present. This motion requires neither labels nor expensive electrical equipment, so the biosensor is inexpensive and portable, yet still capable of sensitive detection. Nanoparticles, due to their high surface-area-to-volume ratio, are often incorporated to enhance detection capabilities of schemes like SPR and fluorimetric assays. Most studies currently investigate binding at an immobilized solid-liquid or solid-gas interface, where particles are adsorbed onto a planar surface, functionalized with a receptor to create a reactive substrate, and subsequently flushed with a fluid or gas with the relevant analyte. These typically involve many preparation and rinsing steps, and are susceptible to surface fouling. Our microfluidic device is continuously flowing and renewing the “substrate,” and is thus not subject to fouling. In this work, we demonstrate the ability to electrokinetically detect biomolecules binding to functionalized nanoparticles at liquid-liquid interfaces using fDEP. In biotin-streptavidin experiments, we report binding detection limits on the order of 1-10 pM, without amplifying signals or concentrating samples. We also demonstrate the ability to detect this interfacial motion, and thus the presence of binding, using impedance spectroscopy, allowing this scheme to become non-optical, in addition to being label-free.Keywords: biodetection, dielectrophoresis, microfluidics, nanoparticles
Procedia PDF Downloads 388494 Integration of Hydropower and Solar Photovoltaic Generation into Distribution System: Case of South Sudan
Authors: Ater Amogpai
Hydropower and solar photovoltaic (PV) generation are crucial in sustainability and transitioning from fossil fuel to clean energy. Integrating renewable energy sources such as hydropower and solar photovoltaic (PV) into the distributed networks contributes to achieving energy balance, pollution mitigation, and cost reduction. Frequent power outages and a lack of load reliability characterize the current South Sudan electricity distribution system. The country’s electricity demand is 300MW; however, the installed capacity is around 212.4M. Insufficient funds to build new electricity facilities and expand generation are the reasons for the gap in installed capacity. The South Sudan Ministry of Energy and Dams gave a contract to an Egyptian Elsewedy Electric Company that completed the construction of a solar PV plant in 2023. The plant has a 35 MWh battery storage and 20 MW solar PV system capacity. The construction of Juba Solar PV Park started in 2022 to increase the current installed capacity in Juba City to 53 MW. The plant will begin serving 59000 residents in Juba and save 10,886.2t of carbon dioxide (CO2) annually.Keywords: renewable energy, hydropower, solar energy, photovoltaic, South Sudan
Procedia PDF Downloads 148493 Investigation of the Dielectric Response of Ppy/V₂c Mxene-Zns from First Principle Calculation
Authors: Anthony Chidi Ezika, Gbolahan Joseph Adekoya, Emmanuel Rotimi Sadiku, Yskandar Hamam, Suprakas Sinha Ray
High-energy-density polymer/ceramic composites require a high breakdown strength and dielectric constant. Interface polarization and electric percolation are responsible for the high dielectric constant. In order to create composite dielectrics, high conductivity ceramic particles are combined with polymers to increase the dielectric constant. In this study, bonding and the non-uniform distribution of charges in the ceramic/ceramic interface zone are investigated using density functional theory (DFT) modeling. This non-uniform distribution of charges is intended to improve the ceramic/ceramic interface's dipole polarization (dielectric response). The interfacial chemical bond formation can also improve the structural stability of the hybrid filler and, consequently, of the composite films. To comprehend the electron-transfer process, the density of state and electron localization function of the PPy with hybrid fillers are also studied. The polymer nanocomposite is anticipated to provide a suitable dielectric response for energy storage applications.Keywords: energy storage, V₂C/ ZnS hybrid, polypyrrole, MXene, nanocomposite, dielectric
Procedia PDF Downloads 118492 Advantages of Electrifying Offshore Compression System
Authors: Siva Sankara Arudra, Kamaruzaman Baharuddin, Ir. Ahmed Fadzil Mustafa Kamal, Ir. Abdul Latif Mohamed
The advancement of electrical and electronics technologies has rewarded the oil and gas industry with great opportunities to embed more environmentally solutions into design. Most offshore oil and gas producers have their engineering and production asset goals to promote greater use of environmentally friendly compression system technologies to eliminate hazardous emissions from conventional gas compressor drivers. Therefore, this paper comprehensively elaborates the parametric study conducted in integrating the latest electrical and electronics drives technology into the existing compression system. This study was conducted in aspects of layout, reliability & availability, maintainability, emission, and cost. An existing offshore facility that utilized gas turbines as the driver for gas compression was set as Conventional Case for this study. The Electrification Case will utilize electric motor drives as the driver for the compression system. Findings from this study indicate more advantages in driver electrification compared to conventional compression systems. The findings of this paper can be set as a benchmark for future offshore driver selection for gas compression systems of similar operating parameters and power range.Keywords: turbomachinery, electrification, emission, compression system
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