Search results for: double fed generator
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 1756

Search results for: double fed generator

826 State Estimator Performance Enhancement: Methods for Identifying Errors in Modelling and Telemetry

Authors: M. Ananthakrishnan, Sunil K Patil, Koti Naveen, Inuganti Hemanth Kumar


State estimation output of EMS forms the base case for all other advanced applications used in real time by a power system operator. Ensuring tuning of state estimator is a repeated process and cannot be left once a good solution is obtained. This paper attempts to demonstrate methods to improve state estimator solution by identifying incorrect modelling and telemetry inputs to the application. In this work, identification of database topology modelling error by plotting static network using node-to-node connection details is demonstrated with examples. Analytical methods to identify wrong transmission parameters, incorrect limits and mistakes in pseudo load and generator modelling are explained with various cases observed. Further, methods used for active and reactive power tuning using bus summation display, reactive power absorption summary, and transformer tap correction are also described. In a large power system, verifying all network static data and modelling parameter on regular basis is difficult .The proposed tuning methods can be easily used by operators to quickly identify errors to obtain the best possible state estimation performance. This, in turn, can lead to improved decision-support capabilities, ultimately enhancing the safety and reliability of the power grid.

Keywords: active power tuning, database modelling, reactive power, state estimator

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825 Dynamic Analysis of the Heat Transfer in the Magnetically Assisted Reactor

Authors: Tomasz Borowski, Dawid Sołoducha, Rafał Rakoczy, Marian Kordas


The application of magnetic field is essential for a wide range of technologies or processes (i.e., magnetic hyperthermia, bioprocessing). From the practical point of view, bioprocess control is often limited to the regulation of temperature at constant values favourable to microbial growth. The main aim of this study is to determine the effect of various types of electromagnetic fields (i.e., static or alternating) on the heat transfer in a self-designed magnetically assisted reactor. The experimental set-up is equipped with a measuring instrument which controlled the temperature of the liquid inside the container and supervised the real-time acquisition of all the experimental data coming from the sensors. Temperature signals are also sampled from generator of magnetic field. The obtained temperature profiles were mathematically described and analyzed. The parameters characterizing the response to a step input of a first-order dynamic system were obtained and discussed. For example, the higher values of the time constant means slow signal (in this case, temperature) increase. After the period equal to about five-time constants, the sample temperature nearly reached the asymptotic value. This dynamical analysis allowed us to understand the heating effect under the action of various types of electromagnetic fields. Moreover, the proposed mathematical description can be used to compare the influence of different types of magnetic fields on heat transfer operations.

Keywords: heat transfer, magnetically assisted reactor, dynamical analysis, transient function

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824 Defective Autophagy Leads to the Resistance to PP2 in ATG5 Knockout Cells Generated by CRISPR-Cas9 Endonuclease

Authors: Sung-Hee Hwang, Michael Lee


Upregulated Src activity has been implicated in a variety of cancers. Thus, Src family tyrosine kinase (SFK) inhibitors are often effective cancer treatments. Here, we investigate the role of autophagy in ATG5 knockout cell lines generated by the Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats (CRISPR)/Cas mediated genome editing. The CRISPR-associated protein Cas9 is an RNA-guided DNA endonuclease that uses RNA–DNA complementarity to identify target sites for sequence specific double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) cleavage. Interestingly, ATG5 KO cells clearly showed a greater proliferation rate than WT NIH 3T3 cells, implying that autophagy induction is cytotoxic. Also, the clonogenic survival of ATG5 KO cells was greater than WT cells. The MTT assay revealed that the cytotoxic effect of PP2 was weaker on ATG5 knockout cells than that WT cells. The conversion of non-autophagic LC3-I to autophagic LC3-II and RT-PCR confirmed the functional gene knockout. Furthermore, Cyto-ID autophagy assay also revealed that PP2 failed to induce autophagy in ATG5 knockout cells. Together, our findings suggest that the resistance to PP2 in ATG5 knockout cells is associated with defective autophagy.

Keywords: ATG5 knockout, Autophagy, CRISPR/Cas9, PP2

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823 Household Low Temperature MS2 (ATCC15597-B1) Virus Inactivation Using a Hot Bubble Column Evaporator

Authors: Adrian Garrido Sanchis, Richard Pashley


The MS2 (ATCC15597-B1) virus was used as a surrogate to estimate the inactivation rates for enteric viruses when using a hot air bubble column evaporator (HBCE) system in the treatment of household wastewater. In this study, we have combined MS2 virus surface charging properties with thermal inactivation rates, using an improved double layer plaque assay technique, in order to assess the efficiency of the HBCE process for virus removal in water. When bubbling a continuous flow of dry air, at 200°C, only heats the aqueous solution in the bubble column to about 50°C. Viruses are not inactivated by this solution temperature, as confirmed separately from water bath heating experiments. Hence, the efficiency of the HBCE process for virus removal in water appeared to be caused entirely by collisions between the hot air bubbles and the virus organisms. This new energy efficient treatment for water reuse applications can reduce the thermal energy required to only 25% (about 113.7 kJ/L) of that required for boiling (about 450 kJ/L).

Keywords: MS2 virus inactivation, water reuse, hot bubble column evaporator, water treatment

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822 Digital Twin Platform for BDS-3 Satellite Navigation Using Digital Twin Intelligent Visualization Technology

Authors: Rundong Li, Peng Wu, Junfeng Zhang, Zhipeng Ren, Chen Yang, Jiahui Gan, Lu Feng, Haibo Tong, Xuemei Xiao, Yuying Chen


The research of Beidou-3 satellite navigation is on the rise, but in actual work, it is inevitable that satellite data is insecure, research and development is inefficient, and there is no ability to deal with failures in advance. Digital twin technology has obvious advantages in the simulation of life cycle models of aerospace satellite navigation products. In order to meet the increasing demand, this paper builds a Beidou-3 satellite navigation digital twin platform (BDSDTP). The basic establishment of BDSDTP was completed by establishing a digital twin double, Beidou-3 comprehensive digital twin design, predictive maintenance (PdM) mathematical model, and visual interaction design. Finally, this paper provides a time application case of the platform, which provides a reference for the application of BDSDTP in various fields of navigation and provides obvious help for extending the full cycle life of Beidou-3 satellite navigation.

Keywords: BDS-3, digital twin, visualization, PdM

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821 Determination of Micronutrients in the Fruit of Cydonia oblonga Miller

Authors: Madrakhimova Sakhiba, Matmurotov Bakhtishod, Boltaboyava Zilola, Matchanov Alimjan


Analyzing the chemical composition of locally consumed food products is one of the urgent problems in the health sector today. Taking this into account, it analyzed the microelement content of Cydonia oblonga Miller (COM) fruit growing in the Republic of Uzbekistan using the ISP MS inductively coupled mass spectrometry method. fruits brought to a constant mass in the analysis were mineralized in a mixture of nitric acid-HNO₃ and hydrogen peroxide-H₂O₂ in a ratio of 3:2. The mineralized extract was diluted to 50 milliliters with double-distilled water and analyzed. The results of the analysis showed that the fruit is rich in micronutrients necessary for the human body, especially potassium-K and phosphorus-P among macroelements, Strontium-Sr and barium-Ba from microelements are more than other microelements. It was observed that the amount of trace elements contained in COM fruit does not exceed the permissible standards. Therefore, it can be recommended to eat this fruit every day to prevent various diseases that occur in the human body.

Keywords: cydonia oblonga miller, macroelement, microelement, inductively coupled mass spectrometry, hydrolysis, mineralization

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820 Evaluation of Engineering Cementitious Composites (ECC) with Different Percentage of Fibers

Authors: Bhaumik Merchant, Ajay Gelot


Concrete is good in compression but if any type of strain applied to it, it starts to fail. Where the steel is good tension, it can bear the deflection up to its elastic limits. This project is based on behavior of engineered cementitious composited (ECC) when it is replaced with the different amount of Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVA) Fibers. As for research, PVA fibers is used with cementitious up to 2% to evaluate the optimum amount of fiber on which we can find the maximum compressive, tensile and flexural strength. PVA is basically an adhesive which is used to formulate glue. Generally due to excessive loading, cracks develops which concludes to successive damage to the structural component. In research plasticizer is used to increase workability. With the help of optimum amount of PVA fibers, it can limit the crack widths up to 60µm to 100µm. Also can be used to reduce resources and funds for rehabilitation of structure. At the starting this fiber concrete can be double the cost as compare to conventional concrete but as it can amplify the duration of structure, it will be less costlier than the conventional concrete.

Keywords: compressive strength, engineered cementitious composites, flexural strength, polyvinyl alcohol fibers, rehabilitation of structures

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819 Application of Tocopherol as Antioxidant to Reduce Decomposition Process on Palm Oil Biodiesel

Authors: Supriyono, Sumardiyono, Rendy J. Pramono


Biodiesel is one of the alternative fuels promising for substituting petrodiesel as energy source which has an advantage as it is sustainable and eco-friendly. Due to the raw material that tends to decompose during storage, biodiesel also has the same characteristic that tends to decompose during storage. Biodiesel decomposition will form higher acid value as the result of oxidation to double bond on a fatty acid compound on biodiesel. Thus, free fatty acid value could be used to evaluate degradation of biodiesel due to the oxidation process. High free fatty acid on biodiesel could impact on the engine performance. Decomposition of biodiesel due to oxidation reaction could prevent by introducing a small amount of antioxidant. The origin of raw materials and the process for producing biodiesel will determine the effectiveness of antioxidant. Biodiesel made from high free fatty acid (FFA) crude palm oil (CPO) by using two steps esterification is vulnerable to oxidation process which is resulted in increasing on the FFA value. Tocopherol also known as vitamin E is one of the antioxidant that could improve the stability of biodiesel due to decomposition by the oxidation process. Tocopherol 0.5% concentration on palm oil biodiesel could reduce 13% of increasing FFA under temperature 80 °C and exposing time 180 minute.

Keywords: antioxidant, palm oil biodiesel, decomposition, oxidation, tocopherol

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818 Hard Sludge Formation and Consolidation in Pressurized Water Reactor Steam Generators: An Experimental Study

Authors: R. Fernandez-Saavedra, M. B. Gomez-Mancebo, D. Gomez-Briceno


The gradual corrosion of PWR (Pressurized Water Reactor) feedwater, condensate and drain systems results in the inevitable liberation of corrosion products, principally metallic oxides, to the secondary circuit. In addition, other contaminants and impurities are introduced into the makeup water, auxiliary feedwater and by condenser leaks. All these compounds circulating in the secondary flow can eventually be transported to steam generators and be transformed into deposits on their surfaces. Deposits that accumulate on the tube sheet are known as sludge piles and when they consolidate and harden become into hard sludge. Hard sludge is especially detrimental because it favors tube deformation or denting at the top of tube sheet and further stress corrosion cracking (SCC). These failures affect the efficiency of nuclear power plants. In a recent work, a model for the formation and consolidation of hard sludge has been formulated, highlighting the influence of aluminum and silicon compounds in the initial formation of hard sludge. In this work, an experimental study has been performed in order to get a deeper understanding of the behavior of Al and Si species in hard sludge formation and consolidation. For this purpose, the key components of hard sludge (magnetite, aluminum and/or silicon sources) have been isothermally autoclaved in representative secondary circuit conditions during one week, and the resulting products have been chemically and structurally characterized by XRF and XRD techniques, respectively.

Keywords: consolidation, hard sludge, secondary circuit, steam generator

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817 Alternative Dispute Resolution Procedures for International Conflicts about Industrial Design

Authors: Moreno Liso Lourdes


The industrial design protects the appearance of part or all of a product resulting from the features of, in particular, the lines, contours, colors, shape, texture or materials of the product itself or its ornamentation. The industrial property offers a different answer depending on the characteristics of the shape object of protection possible, including the trademark and industrial design. There are certain cases where the trademark right invalidate the exclusive right of the industrial design. This can occur in the following situations: 1st) collected as a sign design and trademarked; and 2nd) you want to trademark and protected as a form design (either registered or unregistered). You can either get a trade mark or design right in the same sign or form, provided it meets the legal definition of brand and design and meets the requirements imposed for the protection of each of them, even able to produce an overlap of protection. However, this double protection does not have many advantages. It is, therefore, necessary to choose the best form of legal protection according to the most adequate ratios. The diversity of rights that can use the creator of an industrial design to protect your job requires you to make a proper selection to prevent others, especially their competitors, taking advantage of the exclusivity that guarantees the law. It is necessary to choose between defending the interests of the parties through a judicial or extrajudicial procedure when the conflict arises. In this paper, we opted for the defense through mediation.

Keywords: industrial design, ADR, Law, EUIPO

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816 Environmental Pb-Free Cu Front Electrode for Si-Base Solar Cell Application

Authors: Wen-Hsi Lee, C.G. Kao


In this study, Cu paste was prepared and printed with narrow line screen printing process on polycrystalline Si solar cell which has already finished the back Al printing and deposition of double anti-reflection coatings (DARCs). Then, two-step firing process was applied to sinter the front electrode and obtain the ohmic contact between front electrode and solar cell. The first step was in air atmosphere. In this process, PbO-based glass frit etched the DARCs and Ag recrystallized at the surface of Si, constructing the preliminary contact. The second step was in reducing atmosphere. In this process, CuO reduced to Cu and sintered. Besides, Ag nanoparticles recrystallized in the glass layer at interface due to the interactions between H2, Ag and PbO-based glass frit and the volatility of Pb, constructing the ohmic contact between electrode and solar cell. By experiment and analysis, reaction mechanism in each stage was surmised, and it was also proven that ohmic contact and good sheet resistance for front electrode could both be obtained by applying newly-invented paste and process.

Keywords: front electrode, solar cell, ohmic contact, screen printing, paste

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815 Constructions of Linear and Robust Codes Based on Wavelet Decompositions

Authors: Alla Levina, Sergey Taranov


The classical approach to the providing noise immunity and integrity of information that process in computing devices and communication channels is to use linear codes. Linear codes have fast and efficient algorithms of encoding and decoding information, but this codes concentrate their detect and correct abilities in certain error configurations. To protect against any configuration of errors at predetermined probability can robust codes. This is accomplished by the use of perfect nonlinear and almost perfect nonlinear functions to calculate the code redundancy. The paper presents the error-correcting coding scheme using biorthogonal wavelet transform. Wavelet transform applied in various fields of science. Some of the wavelet applications are cleaning of signal from noise, data compression, spectral analysis of the signal components. The article suggests methods for constructing linear codes based on wavelet decomposition. For developed constructions we build generator and check matrix that contain the scaling function coefficients of wavelet. Based on linear wavelet codes we develop robust codes that provide uniform protection against all errors. In article we propose two constructions of robust code. The first class of robust code is based on multiplicative inverse in finite field. In the second robust code construction the redundancy part is a cube of information part. Also, this paper investigates the characteristics of proposed robust and linear codes.

Keywords: robust code, linear code, wavelet decomposition, scaling function, error masking probability

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814 Investigation of Dynamic Heat Transfer in Masonry Walls

Authors: Joelle Al Fakhoury, Emilio Sassine, Yassine Cherif, Joseph Dgheim, Emmanuel Antczak


Hollow block masonry is the most used building technology in the Lebanese context. These blocks are manufactured in an artisanal way and have unknown thermal properties; their overall thermos-physical performance is thus unknown and also poorly investigated scientifically in both single wall and also double wall configurations. In this work, experimental measurements and numerical simulations are performed for a better understanding of the heat transfer in masonry walls. This study was realized using an experimental setup consisting of a masonry hollow block wall (0.1m x 1m x 1m) and two heat boxes, such that each covers one side of the wall. The first is a reference box having a constant interior temperature, and the other is a control box having an adjustable interior temperature. At first, the numerical model is validated using an experimental setup; then 3D numerical analyzes are held in order to investigate the effect of the air gap, the mortar joints, and the plastering on the thermal performance of masonry walls for a better understanding of the heat transfer process and the recommendation of suitable thermal improvements.

Keywords: masonry wall, hollow blocks, heat transfer, wall instrumentation, thermal improvement

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813 Design and Manufacture of an Autonomous Agricultural Robot for Pesticide Application

Authors: Caner Koc, Dilara Gerdan Koc, Emrah Saka, H. Ibrahim Karagol


The use of pesticides in agricultural activities is the most harmful to the environment and farmers' health, and it also has the greatest input prices, along with fertilizers. In this study, an electric, electrostatically charged, autonomous agricultural robot was developed, modeled, and prototyped and manufactured. It allows for sensitive pesticide applications with variable levels, has controllable spray nozzles, and uses camera distance sensors to detect and spray into tree canopies. The created prototype was produced with flexibility in mind. Two stages of prototype manufacture were completed. The initial stage involved designing and producing the flexible primary body of the autonomous vehicle. Detachable hanger assemblies are employed so that the main body robot can perform a variety of agricultural tasks. The design of the spraying devices and their fitting to the autonomous vehicle was completed as the second stage of the prototype. The built prototype spraying robot's itinerary was planned using the free, open-source program Mission Planner. PX4, telemetry, and RTK GPS are used to maneuver the autonomous car along the designated path. To avoid potential obstructions, the robot uses ultrasonic and lidar sensors. The developed autonomous vehicle's energy needs are intended to be met entirely by electric batteries. In the event that the batteries run out of power, the sockets are set up to be recharged both by using the generator and the main power source through the specifically constructed panel.

Keywords: autonomous agricultural robot, pesticide, smart farming, spraying, variable rate application

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812 DSF Elements in High-Rise Timber Buildings

Authors: Miroslav Premrov, Andrej Štrukelj, Erika Kozem Šilih


The utilization of prefabricated timber-wall elements with double glazing, called as double-skin façade element (DSF), represents an innovative structural approach in the context of new high-rise timber construction, simultaneously combining sustainable solutions with improved energy efficiency and living quality. In addition to the minimum energy needs of buildings, the design of modern buildings is also increasingly focused on the optimal indoor comfort, in particular on sufficient natural light indoors. An optimally energy-designed building with an optimal layout of glazed areas around the building envelope represents a great potential in modern timber construction. Usually, all these transparent façade elements, because of energy benefits, are primary asymmetrical oriented and if they are considered as non-resisting against a horizontal load impact, a strong torsion effects in the building can appear. The problem of structural stability against a strong horizontal load impact of such modern timber buildings especially increase in a case of high-rise structures where additional bracing elements have to be used. In such a case, special diagonal bracing systems or other bracing solutions with common timber wall elements have to be incorporated into the structure of the building to satisfy all prescribed resisting requirements given by the standards. However, all such structural solutions are usually not environmentally friendly and also not contribute to an improved living comfort, or they are not accepted by the architects at all. Consequently, it is a special need to develop innovative load-bearing timber-glass wall elements which are in the same time environmentally friendly, can increase internal comfort in the building, but are also load-bearing. The new developed load-bearing DSF elements can be a good answer on all these requirements. Timber-glass façade elements DSF wall elements consist of two transparent layers, thermal-insulated three-layered glass pane on the internal side and an additional single-layered glass pane on the external side of the wall. The both panes are separated by an air channel which can be of any dimensions and can have a significant influence on the thermal insulation or acoustic response of such a wall element. Most already published studies on DSF elements primarily deal only with energy and LCA solutions and do not address any structural problems. In previous studies according to experimental analysis and mathematical modeling it was already presented a possible benefit of such load-bearing DSF elements, especially comparing with previously developed load-bearing single-skin timber wall elements, but they were not applicate yet in any high-rise timber structure. Therefore, in the presented study specially selected 10-storey prefabricated timber building constructed in a cross-laminated timber (CLT) structural wall system is analyzed using the developed DSF elements in a sense to increase a structural lateral stability of the whole building. The results evidently highlight the importance the load-bearing DSF elements, as their incorporation can have a significant impact on the overall behavior of the structure through their influence on the stiffness properties. Taking these considerations into account is crucial to ensure compliance with seismic design codes and to improve the structural resilience of high-rise timber buildings.

Keywords: glass, high-rise buildings, numerical analysis, timber

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811 Re-Analyzing Energy-Conscious Design

Authors: Svetlana Pushkar, Oleg Verbitsky


An energy-conscious design for a classroom in a hot-humid climate is reanalyzed. The hypothesis of this study is that use of photovoltaic (PV) electricity generation in building operation energy consumption will lead to re-analysis of the energy-conscious design. Therefore, the objective of this study is to reanalyze the energy-conscious design by evaluating the environmental impact of operational energy with PV electrical generation. Using the hierarchical design structure of Eco-indicator 99, the alternatives for energy-conscious variables are statistically evaluated by applying a two-stage nested (hierarchical) ANOVA. The recommendations for the preferred solutions for application of glazing types, wall insulation, roof insulation, window size, roof mass, and window shading design alternatives were changed (for example, glazing type recommendations were changed from low-emissivity glazing, green, and double- glazed windows to low-emissivity glazing only), whereas the applications for the lighting control system and infiltration are not changed. Such analysis of operational energy can be defined as environment-conscious analysis.

Keywords: ANOVA, Eco-Indicator 99, energy-conscious design, hot–humid climate, photovoltaic

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810 Representativity Based Wasserstein Active Regression

Authors: Benjamin Bobbia, Matthias Picard


In recent years active learning methodologies based on the representativity of the data seems more promising to limit overfitting. The presented query methodology for regression using the Wasserstein distance measuring the representativity of our labelled dataset compared to the global distribution. In this work a crucial use of GroupSort Neural Networks is made therewith to draw a double advantage. The Wasserstein distance can be exactly expressed in terms of such neural networks. Moreover, one can provide explicit bounds for their size and depth together with rates of convergence. However, heterogeneity of the dataset is also considered by weighting the Wasserstein distance with the error of approximation at the previous step of active learning. Such an approach leads to a reduction of overfitting and high prediction performance after few steps of query. After having detailed the methodology and algorithm, an empirical study is presented in order to investigate the range of our hyperparameters. The performances of this method are compared, in terms of numbers of query needed, with other classical and recent query methods on several UCI datasets.

Keywords: active learning, Lipschitz regularization, neural networks, optimal transport, regression

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809 Beijing Xicheng District Housing Price Econometric Analysis: “Multi-School Zoning”Policy

Authors: Haoxue Cui, Sirui Zhang, Shanshan Gao, Weiyi Zhang, Lantian Wang, Xuanwen Zheng


The 2020 "multi-school zoning" policy makes students ineligible for direct attendance in their district. To study whether the housing price trend of the school district is affected by the policy, This paper studies housing prices based on the school district division in Xicheng District, Beijing. In this paper, we collected housing prices and the basic situation of communities from "Anjuke", which were divided into two periods of 15 months before and after the 731 policy in the Xicheng District, Beijing. Then we used DID model and time fixed effect to investigate the DIFFERENTIAL statistics, that is, the overall net impact of the policy. The results show that the coefficient is negative at a certain statistical level. It indicates that the housing prices of school districts in the Xicheng district decreased after the "multi-school zoning" policy, which shows that the policy has effectively reduced the housing price of school districts in the Xicheng District and laid a foundation for the "double reduction" policy in 2022.

Keywords: “multi-school zoning”policy, DID, time fixed effect, housing prices

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808 Double Encrypted Data Communication Using Cryptography and Steganography

Authors: Adine Barett, Jermel Watson, Anteneh Girma, Kacem Thabet


In information security, secure communication of data across networks has always been a problem at the forefront. Transfer of information across networks is susceptible to being exploited by attackers engaging in malicious activity. In this paper, we leverage steganography and cryptography to create a layered security solution to protect the information being transmitted. The first layer of security leverages crypto- graphic techniques to scramble the information so that it cannot be deciphered even if the steganography-based layer is compromised. The second layer of security relies on steganography to disguise the encrypted in- formation so that it cannot be seen. We consider three cryptographic cipher methods in the cryptography layer, namely, Playfair cipher, Blowfish cipher, and Hills cipher. Then, the encrypted message is passed through the least significant bit (LSB) to the steganography algorithm for further encryption. Both encryption approaches are combined efficiently to help secure information in transit over a network. This multi-layered encryption is a solution that will benefit cloud platforms, social media platforms and networks that regularly transfer private information such as banks and insurance companies.

Keywords: cryptography, steganography, layered security, Cipher, encryption

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807 Device for Mechanical Fragmentation of Organic Substrates Before Methane Fermentation

Authors: Marcin Zieliński, Marcin Dębowski, Mirosław Krzemieniewski


This publication presents a device designed for mechanical fragmentation of plant substrate before methane fermentation. The device is equipped with a perforated rotary cylindrical drum coated with a thermal layer, connected to a substrate feeder and driven by a motoreducer. The drum contains ball- or cylinder-shaped weights of different diameters, while its interior is mounted with lateral permanent magnets with an attractive force ranging from 100 kg to 2 tonnes per m2 of the surface. Over the perforated rotary drum, an infrared radiation generator is mounted, producing 0.2 kW to 1 kW of infrared radiation per 1 m2 of the perforated drum surface. This design reduces the energy consumption required for the biomass destruction process by 10-30% in comparison to the conventional ball mill. The magnetic field generated by the permanent magnets situated within the perforated rotary drum promotes this process through generation of free radicals that act as powerful oxidants, accelerating the decomposition rate. Plant substrate shows increased susceptibility to biodegradation when subjected to magnetic conditioning, reducing the time required for biomethanation by 25%. Additionally, the electromagnetic radiation generated by the radiator improves substrate destruction by 10% and the efficiency of the process. The magnetic field and the infrared radiation contribute synergically to the increased efficiency of destruction and conversion of the substrate.

Keywords: biomass pretreatment, mechanical fragmentation, biomass, methane fermentation

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806 New York’s Heat Pump Mandate: Doubling Annual Heating Costs to Achieve a 13% Reduction in New York’s CO₂ Gas Emissions

Authors: William Burdick


Manmade climate change is an existential threat that must be mitigated at the earliest opportunity. The role of government in climate change mitigation is enacting and enforcing law and policy to affect substantial reductions in greenhouse gasses, in the short and long term, without substantial increases in the cost of energy. To be optimally effective those laws and policies must be established and enforced based on peer reviewed evidence and scientific facts and result in substantial outcomes in years, not decades. Over the next fifty years, New York’s 2019 Climate Change and Community Protection Act and 2021 All Electric Building Act that mandate replacing natural gas heating systems with heat pumps will, immediately double annual heating costs and by 2075, yield less than 16.2% reduction in CO₂ emissions from heating systems in new housing units, less than a 13% reduction in total CO₂ emissions, and affect a $40B in cumulative additional heating cost, compared to natural gas fueled heating systems.

Keywords: climate change, mandate, heat pump, natural gas

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805 An Investigation on Designing and Enhancing the Performance of H-Darrieus Wind Turbine of 10KW at the Medium Range of Wind Speed in Vietnam

Authors: Ich Long Ngo, Dinh Tai Dang, Ngoc Tu Nguyen, Minh Duc Nguyen


This paper describes an investigation on designing and enhancing the performance of H-Darrieus wind turbine (HDWT) of 10kW at the medium wind speed. The aerodynamic characteristics of this turbine were investigated by both theoretical and numerical approaches. The optimal design procedure was first proposed to enhance the power coefficient under various effects, such as airfoil type, number of blades, solidity, aspect ratio, and tip speed ratio. As a result, the overall design of the 10kW HDWT was well achieved, and the power characteristic of this turbine was found by numerical approach. Additionally, the maximum power coefficient predicted is up to 0.41 at the tip speed ratio of 3.7 and wind speed of 8 m/s. Particularly, a generalized correlation of power coefficient with tip speed ratio and wind speed is first proposed. These results obtained are very useful for enhancing the performance of the HDWTs placed in a country with high wind power potential like Vietnam.

Keywords: computational fluid dynamics, double multiple stream tube, h-darrieus wind turbine, renewable energy

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804 Behavior of Current in a Semiconductor Nanostructure under Influence of Embedded Quantum Dots

Authors: H. Paredes Gutiérrez, S. T. Pérez-Merchancano


Motivated by recent experimental and theoretical developments, we investigate the influence of embedded quantum dot (EQD) of different geometries (lens, ring and pyramidal) in a double barrier heterostructure (DBH). We work with a general theory of quantum transport that accounts the tight-binding model for the spin dependent resonant tunneling in a semiconductor nanostructure, and Rashba spin orbital to study the spin orbit coupling. In this context, we use the second quantization theory for Rashba effect and the standard Green functions method. We calculate the current density as a function of the voltage without and in the presence of quantum dots. In the second case, we considered the size and shape of the quantum dot, and in the two cases, we worked considering the spin polarization affected by external electric fields. We found that the EQD generates significant changes in current when we consider different morphologies of EQD, as those described above. The first thing shown is that the current decreases significantly, such as the geometry of EQD is changed, prevailing the geometrical confinement. Likewise, we see that the current density decreases when the voltage is increased, showing that the quantum system studied here is more efficient when the morphology of the quantum dot changes.

Keywords: quantum semiconductors, nanostructures, quantum dots, spin polarization

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803 The Effect of Nanoclay on Long Term Performance of Asphalt Concrete Pavement

Authors: A. Khodadadi, Hasani, Salehi


The advantages of using modified asphalt binders are widely recognized—primarily, improved rutting resistance, reduced fatigue cracking and less cold-temperature cracking. Nanoclays are known to enhance the properties of many polymers. Nanoclays are used to improve modulus and tensile strength, flame resistance and thermal and structural properties of many materials. This paper intends to investigate the application and development of nano-technological concepts for bituminous materials and asphalt pavements. The application of nano clay on the fatigue life of asphalt pavement have not been yet thoroughly understood. In this research, two type of highway asphalt materials, dense Marshall specimens, with 2% nano clay and without nano clay, were employed for the fatigue behavior of the asphalt pavement.The effect of nano additive on the performance of flexible pavements has been investigated through the indirect tensile test for the samples prepared with 2% nano clay and without nano clay in four stress levels from 200–500 kPa. The primary results indicated samples with 2% nano clay have almost double or even more fatigue life in most of stress levels.

Keywords: Nano clay, Asphalt, fatigue life, pavement

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802 A Comparative Study on Optimized Bias Current Density Performance of Cubic ZnB-GaN with Hexagonal 4H-SiC Based Impatts

Authors: Arnab Majumdar, Srimani Sen


In this paper, a vivid simulated study has been made on 35 GHz Ka-band window frequency in order to judge and compare the DC and high frequency properties of cubic ZnB-GaN with the existing hexagonal 4H-SiC. A flat profile p+pnn+ DDR structure of impatt is chosen and is optimized at a particular bias current density with respect to efficiency and output power taking into consideration the effect of mobile space charge also. The simulated results obtained reveals the strong potentiality of impatts based on both cubic ZnB-GaN and hexagonal 4H-SiC. The DC-to-millimeter wave conversion efficiency for cubic ZnB-GaN impatt obtained is 50% with an estimated output power of 2.83 W at an optimized bias current density of 2.5×108 A/m2. The conversion efficiency and estimated output power in case of hexagonal 4H-SiC impatt obtained is 22.34% and 40 W respectively at an optimum bias current density of 0.06×108 A/m2.

Keywords: cubic ZnB-GaN, hexagonal 4H-SiC, double drift impatt diode, millimetre wave, optimised bias current density, wide band gap semiconductor

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801 Electrical and Magnetoelectric Properties of (y)Li0.5Ni0.7Zn0.05Fe2O4 + (1-y)Ba0.5Sr0.5TiO3 Magnetoelectric Composites

Authors: S. U. Durgadsimi, S. Chouguleb, S. Belladc


(y) Li0.5Ni0.7Zn0.05Fe2O4 + (1-y) Ba0.5Sr0.5TiO3 magnetoelectric composites with y = 0.1, 0.3 and 0.5 were prepared by a conventional standard double sintering ceramic technique. X-ray diffraction analysis confirmed the phase formation of ferrite, ferroelectric and their composites. logρdc Vs 1/T graphs reveal that the dc resistivity decreases with increasing temperature exhibiting semiconductor behavior. The plots of logσac Vs logω2 are almost linear indicating that the conductivity increases with increase in frequency i.e, conductivity in the composites is due to small polaron hopping. Dielectric constant (έ) and dielectric loss (tan δ) were studied as a function of frequency in the range 100Hz–1MHz which reveals the normal dielectric behavior except the composite with y=0.1 and as a function of temperature at four fixed frequencies (i.e. 100Hz, 1KHz, 10KHz, 100KHz). ME voltage coefficient decreases with increase in ferrite content and was observed to be maximum of about 7.495 mV/cmOe for (0.1) Li0.5Ni0.7Zn0.05Fe2O4 + (0.9) Ba0.5Sr0.5TiO3 composite.

Keywords: XRD, dielectric constant, dielectric loss, DC and AC conductivity, ME voltage coefficient

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800 Photopolymerization of Dimethacrylamide with (Meth)acrylates

Authors: Yuling Xu, Haibo Wang, Dong Xie


A photopolymerizable dimethacrylamide was synthesized and copolymerized with the selected (meth)acrylates. The polymerization rate, degree of conversion, gel time, and compressive strength of the formed neat resins were investigated. The results show that in situ photo-polymerization of the synthesized dimethacrylamide with comonomers having an electron-withdrawing and/or acrylate group dramatically increased the polymerization rate, degree of conversion, and compressive strength. On the other hand, an electron-donating group on either carbon-carbon double bond or the ester linkage slowed down the polymerization. In contrast, the triethylene glycol dimethacrylate-based system did not show a clear pattern. Both strong hydrogen-bonding between (meth)acrylamide and organic acid groups may be responsible for higher compressive strengths. Within the limitation of this study, the photo-polymerization of dimethacrylamide can be greatly accelerated by copolymerization with monomers having electron-withdrawing and/or acrylate groups. The monomers with methacrylate group can significantly reduce the polymerization rate and degree of conversion.

Keywords: photopolymerization, dimethacrylamide, the degree of conversion, compressive strength

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799 Increasing Efficiency of Own Used Fuel Gas by “LOTION” Method in Generating Systems PT. Pertamina EP Cepu Donggi Matindok Field in Central Sulawesi Province, Indonesia

Authors: Ridwan Kiay Demak, Firmansyahrullah, Muchammad Sibro Mulis, Eko Tri Wasisto, Nixon Poltak Frederic, Agung Putu Andika, Lapo Ajis Kamamu, Muhammad Sobirin, Kornelius Eppang


PC Prove LSM successfully improved the efficiency of Own Used Fuel Gas with the "Lotion" method in the PT Pertamina EP Cepu Donggi Matindok Generating System. The innovation of using the "LOTION" (LOAD PRIORITY SELECTION) method in the generating system is modeling that can provide a priority qualification of main and non-main equipment to keep gas processing running even though it leaves 1 GTG operating. GTG operating system has been integrated, controlled, and monitored properly through PC programs and web-based access to answer Industry 4.0 problems. The results of these improvements have succeeded in making Donggi Matindok Field Production reach 98.77 MMSCFD and become a proper EMAS candidate in 2022-2023. Additional revenue from increasing the efficiency of the use of own used gas amounting to USD USD 5.06 Million per year and reducing operational costs from maintenance efficiency (ABO) due to saving running hours GTG amounted to USD 3.26 Million per year. Continuity of fuel gas availability for the GTG generation system can maintain the operational reliability of the plant, which is 3.833333 MMSCFD. And reduced gas emissions wasted to the environment by 33,810 tons of C02 eq per year.

Keywords: LOTION method, load priority selection, fuel gas efficiency, gas turbine generator, reduce emissions

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798 Functional Plasma-Spray Ceramic Coatings for Corrosion Protection of RAFM Steels in Fusion Energy Systems

Authors: Chen Jiang, Eric Jordan, Maurice Gell, Balakrishnan Nair


Nuclear fusion, one of the most promising options for reliably generating large amounts of carbon-free energy in the future, has seen a plethora of ground-breaking technological advances in recent years. An efficient and durable “breeding blanket”, needed to ensure a reactor’s self-sufficiency by maintaining the optimal coolant temperature as well as by minimizing radiation dosage behind the blanket, still remains a technological challenge for the various reactor designs for commercial fusion power plants. A relatively new dual-coolant lead-lithium (DCLL) breeder design has exhibited great potential for high-temperature (>700oC), high-thermal-efficiency (>40%) fusion reactor operation. However, the structural material, namely reduced activation ferritic-martensitic (RAFM) steel, is not chemically stable in contact with molten Pb-17%Li coolant. Thus, to utilize this new promising reactor design, the demand for effective corrosion-resistant coatings on RAFM steels represents a pressing need. Solution Spray Technologies LLC (SST) is developing a double-layer ceramic coating design to address the corrosion protection of RAFM steels, using a novel solution and solution/suspension plasma spray technology through a US Department of Energy-funded project. Plasma spray is a coating deposition method widely used in many energy applications. Novel derivatives of the conventional powder plasma spray process, known as the solution-precursor and solution/suspension-hybrid plasma spray process, are powerful methods to fabricate thin, dense ceramic coatings with complex compositions necessary for the corrosion protection in DCLL breeders. These processes can be used to produce ultra-fine molten splats and to allow fine adjustment of coating chemistry. Thin, dense ceramic coatings with chosen chemistry for superior chemical stability in molten Pb-Li, low activation properties, and good radiation tolerance, is ideal for corrosion-protection of RAFM steels. A key challenge is to accommodate its CTE mismatch with the RAFM substrate through the selection and incorporation of appropriate bond layers, thus allowing for enhanced coating durability and robustness. Systematic process optimization is being used to define the optimal plasma spray conditions for both the topcoat and bond-layer, and X-ray diffraction and SEM-EDS are applied to successfully validate the chemistry and phase composition of the coatings. The plasma-sprayed double-layer corrosion resistant coatings were also deposited onto simulated RAFM steel substrates, which are being tested separately under thermal cycling, high-temperature moist air oxidation as well as molten Pb-Li capsule corrosion conditions. Results from this testing on coated samples, and comparisons with bare RAFM reference samples will be presented and conclusions will be presented assessing the viability of the new ceramic coatings to be viable corrosion prevention systems for DCLL breeders in commercial nuclear fusion reactors.

Keywords: breeding blanket, corrosion protection, coating, plasma spray

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797 Simulation of Turboexpander Potential in a City Gate Station under Variations of Feed Characteristic

Authors: Tarannom Parhizkar, Halle Bakhteeyar


This paper presents a feasibility assessment of an expansion system applied to the natural gas transportation process in Iran. Power can be generated from the pressure energy of natural gas along its supply chain at various pressure reduction points by using turboexpanders. This technology is being applied in different countries around the world. The system consists of a turboexpander reducing the natural gas pressure and providing mechanical energy to drive electric generator. Moreover, gas pre-heating, required to prevent hydrate formation, is performed upstream of expansion stage using burner. The city gate station (CGS) has a nominal flow rate in range of 45000 to 270000 cubic meters per hour and a pressure reduction from maximum 62 bar at the upstream to 6 bar. Due to variable feed pressure and temperature in this station sensitivity analysis of generated electricity and required heat is performed. Results show that plant gain is more sensible to pressure variation than temperature changes. Furthermore, using turboexpander to reduce the pressure result in an electrical generation of 2757 to 17574 kW with the value of approximately 4 million US$ per year. Moreover, the required heat range to prevent a hydrate formation is almost 2189 to 14157 kW. To provide this heat, a burner is used with a maximum annual cost of 268,640 $ burner fuel. Therefore, the actual annual benefit of proposed plant modification is approximately over 6,5 million US$.

Keywords: feasibility study, simulation, turboexpander, feed characteristic

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