Search results for: class IV laser
2238 Pibid and Experimentation: A High School Case Study
Authors: Chahad P. Alexandre
PIBID-Institutional Program of Scholarships to Encourage Teaching - is a Brazilian government program that counts today with 48.000 students. It's goal is to motivate the students to stay in the teaching undergraduate programs and to help fill the gap of 100.000 teachers that are needed today in the under graduated schools. The major lack of teachers today is in physics, chemistry, mathematics, and biology. At IFSP-Itapetininga we formatted our physics PIBID based on practical activities. Our students are divided in two São Paulo state government high schools in the same city. The project proposes class activities based on experimentation, observation and understanding of physical phenomena. The didactical experiments are always in relation with the content that the teacher is working, he is the supervisor of the program in the school. Always before an experiment is proposed a little questionnaire to learn about the students preconceptions and one is filled latter to evaluate if now concepts have been created. This procedure is made in order to compare their previous knowledge and how it changed after the experiment is developed. The primary goal of our project is to make the Physics class more attractive to the students and to develop in high school students the interest in learning physics and to show the relation of Physics to the day by day and to the technological world. The objective of the experimental activities is to facilitate the understanding of the concepts that are worked on classes because under experimentation the PIBID scholarship student stimulate the curiosity of the high school student and with this he can develop the capacity to understand and identify the physical phenomena with concrete examples. Knowing how to identify this phenomena and where they are present at the high school student life makes the learning process more significant and pleasant. This proposal make achievable to the students to practice science, to appropriate of complex, in the traditional classes, concepts and overcoming the common preconception that physics is something distant and that is present only on books. This preconception is extremely harmful in the process of scientific knowledge construction. This kind of learning – through experimentation – make the students not only accumulate knowledge but also appropriate it, also to appropriate experimental procedures and even the space that is provided by the school. The PIBID scholarship students, as future teachers also have the opportunity to try experimentation classes, to intervene in the classes and to have contact with their future career. This opportunity allows the students to make important reflection about the practices realized and consequently about the learning methods. Due to this project, we found out that the high school students stay more time focused in the experiment compared to the traditional explanation teachers´ class. As a result in a class, as a participative activity, the students got more involved and participative. We also found out that the physics under graduated students drop out percentage is smaller in our Institute than before the PIBID program started.Keywords: innovation, projects, PIBID, physics, pre-service teacher experiences
Procedia PDF Downloads 3412237 Geomatic Techniques to Filter Vegetation from Point Clouds
Authors: M. Amparo Núñez-Andrés, Felipe Buill, Albert Prades
More and more frequently, geomatics techniques such as terrestrial laser scanning or digital photogrammetry, either terrestrial or from drones, are being used to obtain digital terrain models (DTM) used for the monitoring of geological phenomena that cause natural disasters, such as landslides, rockfalls, debris-flow. One of the main multitemporal analyses developed from these models is the quantification of volume changes in the slopes and hillsides, either caused by erosion, fall, or land movement in the source area or sedimentation in the deposition zone. To carry out this task, it is necessary to filter the point clouds of all those elements that do not belong to the slopes. Among these elements, vegetation stands out as it is the one we find with the greatest presence and its constant change, both seasonal and daily, as it is affected by factors such as wind. One of the best-known indexes to detect vegetation on the image is the NVDI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index), which is obtained from the combination of the infrared and red channels. Therefore it is necessary to have a multispectral camera. These cameras are generally of lower resolution than conventional RGB cameras, while their cost is much higher. Therefore we have to look for alternative indices based on RGB. In this communication, we present the results obtained in Georisk project (PID2019‐103974RB‐I00/MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033) by using the GLI (Green Leaf Index) and ExG (Excessive Greenness), as well as the change to the Hue-Saturation-Value (HSV) color space being the H coordinate the one that gives us the most information for vegetation filtering. These filters are applied both to the images, creating binary masks to be used when applying the SfM algorithms, and to the point cloud obtained directly by the photogrammetric process without any previous filter or the one obtained by TLS (Terrestrial Laser Scanning). In this last case, we have also tried to work with a Riegl VZ400i sensor that allows the reception, as in the aerial LiDAR, of several returns of the signal. Information to be used for the classification on the point cloud. After applying all the techniques in different locations, the results show that the color-based filters allow correct filtering in those areas where the presence of shadows is not excessive and there is a contrast between the color of the slope lithology and the vegetation. As we have advanced in the case of using the HSV color space, it is the H coordinate that responds best for this filtering. Finally, the use of the various returns of the TLS signal allows filtering with some limitations.Keywords: RGB index, TLS, photogrammetry, multispectral camera, point cloud
Procedia PDF Downloads 1562236 Truancy Trends in the Pacific: Exploring Truancy from Students’ Perspectives
Authors: Jonathan W. Shute
Truancy – unexcused absences from school and class – continues to challenge educators throughout the world, including in Oceania. Traditionally, the focus of attendance issues has been on students, parents, and social factors. While these factors obviously contribute to truancy, research suggests that most truants are rational decision-makers who claim to be bored and intellectually unfulfilled, choosing to avoid specific classes and teachers. For this study, 2,536 Junior and senior high school students were surveyed from six high schools in the following island nations: Tonga, Samoa, Kiribati, and Fiji. From these data, patterns and characteristics emerged which seem to influence truancy from the truant’s perspective, and which may enlighten teachers in their practice. For lasting solutions to an age-old challenge, the 21st century educational community should consider sharing the responsibility for truancy by focusing on pedagogy practices as a possible explanation for truancy. Specific ideas are suggested to inform teacher effectiveness and therefore keep our students in school and class. This research does not focus on the effectiveness of Teacher Education Programs from which teachers arrive in their careers or the potential cultural, linguistic, and political trends and policies that may or may not influence truancy. While these are critical topics to be researched, this research focuses on students’ opinions and perspectives of why they choose to truant from entire days of school or from specific classes.Keywords: truancy, student engagement, effective pedagogy, student perspectives
Procedia PDF Downloads 242235 Fabrication and Characterisation of Additive Manufactured Ti-6Al-4V Parts by Laser Powder Bed Fusion Technique
Authors: Norica Godja, Andreas Schindel, Luka Payrits, Zsolt Pasztor, Bálint Hegedüs, Petr Homola, Jan Horňas, Jiří Běhal, Roman Ruzek, Martin Holzleitner, Sascha Senck
In order to reduce fuel consumption and CO₂ emissions in the aviation sector, innovative solutions are being sought to reduce the weight of aircraft, including additive manufacturing (AM). Of particular importance are the excellent mechanical properties that are required for aircraft structures. Ti6Al4V alloys, with their high mechanical properties in relation to weight, can reduce the weight of aircraft structures compared to structures made of steel and aluminium. Currently, conventional processes such as casting and CNC machining are used to obtain the desired structures, resulting in high raw material removal, which in turn leads to higher costs and impacts the environment. Additive manufacturing (AM) offers advantages in terms of weight, lead time, design, and functionality and enables the realisation of alternative geometric shapes with high mechanical properties. However, there are currently technological shortcomings that have led to AM not being approved for structural components with high safety requirements. An assessment of damage tolerance for AM parts is required, and quality control needs to be improved. Pores and other defects cannot be completely avoided at present, but they should be kept to a minimum during manufacture. The mechanical properties of the manufactured parts can be further improved by various treatments. The influence of different treatment methods (heat treatment, CNC milling, electropolishing, chemical polishing) and operating parameters were investigated by scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM/EDX), X-ray diffraction (XRD), electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) and measurements with a focused ion beam (FIB), taking into account surface roughness, possible anomalies in the chemical composition of the surface and possible cracks. The results of the characterisation of the constructed and treated samples are discussed and presented in this paper. These results were generated within the framework of the 3TANIUM project, which is financed by EU with the contract number 101007830.Keywords: Ti6Al4V alloys, laser powder bed fusion, damage tolerance, heat treatment, electropolishing, potential cracking
Procedia PDF Downloads 852234 Airborne CO₂ Lidar Measurements for Atmospheric Carbon and Transport: America (ACT-America) Project and Active Sensing of CO₂ Emissions over Nights, Days, and Seasons 2017-2018 Field Campaigns
Authors: Joel F. Campbell, Bing Lin, Michael Obland, Susan Kooi, Tai-Fang Fan, Byron Meadows, Edward Browell, Wayne Erxleben, Doug McGregor, Jeremy Dobler, Sandip Pal, Christopher O'Dell, Ken Davis
The Active Sensing of CO₂ Emissions over Nights, Days, and Seasons (ASCENDS) CarbonHawk Experiment Simulator (ACES) is a NASA Langley Research Center instrument funded by NASA’s Science Mission Directorate that seeks to advance technologies critical to measuring atmospheric column carbon dioxide (CO₂ ) mixing ratios in support of the NASA ASCENDS mission. The ACES instrument, an Intensity-Modulated Continuous-Wave (IM-CW) lidar, was designed for high-altitude aircraft operations and can be directly applied to space instrumentation to meet the ASCENDS mission requirements. The ACES design demonstrates advanced technologies critical for developing an airborne simulator and spaceborne instrument with lower platform consumption of size, mass, and power, and with improved performance. The Atmospheric Carbon and Transport – America (ACT-America) is an Earth Venture Suborbital -2 (EVS-2) mission sponsored by the Earth Science Division of NASA’s Science Mission Directorate. A major objective is to enhance knowledge of the sources/sinks and transport of atmospheric CO₂ through the application of remote and in situ airborne measurements of CO₂ and other atmospheric properties on spatial and temporal scales. ACT-America consists of five campaigns to measure regional carbon and evaluate transport under various meteorological conditions in three regional areas of the Continental United States. Regional CO₂ distributions of the lower atmosphere were observed from the C-130 aircraft by the Harris Corp. Multi-Frequency Fiber Laser Lidar (MFLL) and the ACES lidar. The airborne lidars provide unique data that complement the more traditional in situ sensors. This presentation shows the applications of CO₂ lidars in support of these science needs.Keywords: CO₂ measurement, IMCW, CW lidar, laser spectroscopy
Procedia PDF Downloads 1642233 Applying Biosensors’ Electromyography Signals through an Artificial Neural Network to Control a Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
Authors: Mylena McCoggle, Shyra Wilson, Andrea Rivera, Rocio Alba-Flores
This work introduces the use of EMGs (electromyography) from muscle sensors to develop an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) for pattern recognition to control a small unmanned aerial vehicle. The objective of this endeavor exhibits interfacing drone applications beyond manual control directly. MyoWare Muscle sensor contains three EMG electrodes (dual and single type) used to collect signals from the posterior (extensor) and anterior (flexor) forearm and the bicep. Collection of raw voltages from each sensor were connected to an Arduino Uno and a data processing algorithm was developed with the purpose of interpreting the voltage signals given when performing flexing, resting, and motion of the arm. Each sensor collected eight values over a two-second period for the duration of one minute, per assessment. During each two-second interval, the movements were alternating between a resting reference class and an active motion class, resulting in controlling the motion of the drone with left and right movements. This paper further investigated adding up to three sensors to differentiate between hand gestures to control the principal motions of the drone (left, right, up, and land). The hand gestures chosen to execute these movements were: a resting position, a thumbs up, a hand swipe right motion, and a flexing position. The MATLAB software was utilized to collect, process, and analyze the signals from the sensors. The protocol (machine learning tool) was used to classify the hand gestures. To generate the input vector to the ANN, the mean, root means squared, and standard deviation was processed for every two-second interval of the hand gestures. The neuromuscular information was then trained using an artificial neural network with one hidden layer of 10 neurons to categorize the four targets, one for each hand gesture. Once the machine learning training was completed, the resulting network interpreted the processed inputs and returned the probabilities of each class. Based on the resultant probability of the application process, once an output was greater or equal to 80% of matching a specific target class, the drone would perform the motion expected. Afterward, each movement was sent from the computer to the drone through a Wi-Fi network connection. These procedures have been successfully tested and integrated into trial flights, where the drone has responded successfully in real-time to predefined command inputs with the machine learning algorithm through the MyoWare sensor interface. The full paper will describe in detail the database of the hand gestures, the details of the ANN architecture, and confusion matrices results.Keywords: artificial neural network, biosensors, electromyography, machine learning, MyoWare muscle sensors, Arduino
Procedia PDF Downloads 1742232 Lack of Physical Activity In Schools: Study Carried Out on School-aged Adolescents
Authors: Bencharif Meriem, Sersar Ibrahim, Djaafri Zineb
Introduction and purpose of the study: Education plays a fundamental role in the lives of young people, but what about their physical well-being as they spend long hours sitting at school? School inactivity is a problem that deserves particular attention because it can have significant repercussions on the health and development of students. The aim of this study was to describe and evaluate the physical activity of students in different practices in class, at recess and in the canteen. Material and methods: A physical activity diary and an anthropometric measurement sheet (weight, height) were provided to 123 school-aged adolescents. The measurements were carried out according to international recommendations. The statistical tests were carried out with the R software. 3.2.4. The significance threshold retained was 0.05. Results and Statistical Analysis: One hundred and twenty-three students agreed to participate in the study. Their average age was 16.5±1.60 years. Overweight was present in 8.13% and obesity in 4.06%. For the practice of physical activity, during physical education and sports classes, all students played sports with an average of 1.94±1.00 hours/week, of which 74.00% sweated or were out of breath during these hours of physical activity. It was also noted that boys practiced sports more than girls (p<0.0001). Each day, on average, students spent 39.78±37.85 min walking or running during recess. On the other hand, they spent, on average 4.25±2.65 hours sitting per day in class, at recess, in the canteen, etc., without counting the time spent in front of a screen. The increasing use of screens has become a major concern for parents and educators. On average, students spent approximately 42.90±38.41 min per day using screens in class, at recess, in the canteen and at home. (computer, tablet, telephone, video games, etc.) and therefore to a prolonged sedentary lifestyle. On average, students sat for more than 1.5 hours without moving for at least 2 minutes in a row approximately 1.72±0.71 times per day. Conclusion: These students spent many hours sitting at school. This prolonged inactivity can have negative consequences on their health, including problems with posture and cardiovascular health. It is crucial that schools, educators and parents collaborate to promote more active learning environments where students can move more and thus contribute to their overall well-being. It's time to rethink how we approach education and student health to give them a healthier, more active future.Keywords: physical acivity, sedentarity, adolescents, school
Procedia PDF Downloads 602231 Allele Frequency of HLA-DRB1* in Thai Population to Predict Factor for Severity of COVID-19 Infection
Authors: Siriniya Siribrahmanakul
Introduction:SARsCOVID-19 is rapidly spreading, and some people may exhibit severe symptoms. Mortality rate of 2.0–3.0% with COVID-19 infection atworldwide. Human leukocyte antigen (HLA), located on chromosome 6, consist of HLA class I and class II. HLA are used by the immune system to attach self-antigens. Previous studies, HLA-DRB1*01:01,HLA-DRB1*12:01and HLA-DRB1*14:04 were, showed significant difference with severe COVID-19 in the Chinese population by p-value < 0.05. Objective: We investigated the prevalence of HLA-DRB1 alleles associated with severe COVID-19 in Thai population. Materials and Methods:200 DNA samples were isolated from EDTA blood using the MagNAprue Compact Nucleic Acid Isolation kits.HLA-DRB1alleles were genotyped using sequence-specific oligonucleotides (PCR-SSOs). Results:The frequency of HLA-DRB1 alleles in Thai population wereHLA-DRB1*12:02 (15.75%), HLA-DRB1*15:02 (14.50%), HLA-DRB1*09:01 (11.50%), HLA-DRB1*07:01 (9.50%), HLA-DRB1*03:01,HLA-DRB1*05:01 (5.75%), HLA-DRB1*14:01 (5.50%), HLA-DRB1*16:02 (4.50%), HLA-DRB1*04:05 (4.00%), HLA-DRB1*14:03 (3.25%), HLA-DRB1*10:01 (2.25%) and HLA-DRB1*13:02 (2.00%). Particularly, HLA-DRB1*12:02 allele was the highest allele frequency presented in the four regions groups of Thai population. Furthermore, the HLA-DRB1* alleles associated with severe COVID-19, which consists ofHLA-DRB1*14:04(2.00 %) and HLA-DRB1*12:01(0.50%) in Thai population, whereas HLA-DRB1*01:01 allele was not found in this population. HLA-DRB1*14:04 and HLA-DRB1*12:01alleles were similarly distributed in four regions populations in Thailand (p-value > 0.05). The alleles frequencies of HLA-DRB1*14:04 and HLA-DRB1*12:01, which associated with severe COVID-19, had no significant differences between Thai population, South China population, South Africa population, and South Koreapopulation (p-value > 0.05). Conclusions: Particularly, this study has focused on allele frequency of HLA-DRB1*14:04in a healthy Thai population to evaluating their impact on the severe COVID-19. Furthermore, our research needs to be done in larger numbers of Thai patients.Keywords: HLA-DRB1, allele frequency, Thai population, COVID-19 marker
Procedia PDF Downloads 1342230 Challenges in Developing a World Class Sustainable Food Organization
Authors: Baskar Kotte
Many organizations are constantly striving to implement numerous techniques for long-term sustainability, for food related organizations it is imperative to conceptualize the critical concepts which constitute food safety sustainability. This presentation provides three critical pillars to develop a sustainable organization. Financial sustainability, regulatory sustainability and excellence standards sustainability are the three components which practiced and implemented effectively with process performance metrics defined objectives and targets lead to sustainable and safe food organizations. The participants take away a well-developed concept diagram with all elements impacting sustainability. Proven disciplined path which worked to achieve desired results is presented for effective implementation. Effective implementation of this proven disciplined path positions organizations to achieve world class status with bottomline improvement. Additionally, this presentation highlights critical terms, principles and implementation difficulties related to using the proven disciplined path. This presentation is beneficial for business leaders, food safety compliance managers, food safety practitioners, financial managers, Lean & Six sigma continual improvement managers, BRC/SQF/ IFS / FSSC 22000 practitioners and food manufacturing personnel.Keywords: food safety, sustainability, regulatory, lean, six sigma, bottom-line improvement disciplined path
Procedia PDF Downloads 2782229 On Stochastic Models for Fine-Scale Rainfall Based on Doubly Stochastic Poisson Processes
Authors: Nadarajah I. Ramesh
Much of the research on stochastic point process models for rainfall has focused on Poisson cluster models constructed from either the Neyman-Scott or Bartlett-Lewis processes. The doubly stochastic Poisson process provides a rich class of point process models, especially for fine-scale rainfall modelling. This paper provides an account of recent development on this topic and presents the results based on some of the fine-scale rainfall models constructed from this class of stochastic point processes. Amongst the literature on stochastic models for rainfall, greater emphasis has been placed on modelling rainfall data recorded at hourly or daily aggregation levels. Stochastic models for sub-hourly rainfall are equally important, as there is a need to reproduce rainfall time series at fine temporal resolutions in some hydrological applications. For example, the study of climate change impacts on hydrology and water management initiatives requires the availability of data at fine temporal resolutions. One approach to generating such rainfall data relies on the combination of an hourly stochastic rainfall simulator, together with a disaggregator making use of downscaling techniques. Recent work on this topic adopted a different approach by developing specialist stochastic point process models for fine-scale rainfall aimed at generating synthetic precipitation time series directly from the proposed stochastic model. One strand of this approach focused on developing a class of doubly stochastic Poisson process (DSPP) models for fine-scale rainfall to analyse data collected in the form of rainfall bucket tip time series. In this context, the arrival pattern of rain gauge bucket tip times N(t) is viewed as a DSPP whose rate of occurrence varies according to an unobserved finite state irreducible Markov process X(t). Since the likelihood function of this process can be obtained, by conditioning on the underlying Markov process X(t), the models were fitted with maximum likelihood methods. The proposed models were applied directly to the raw data collected by tipping-bucket rain gauges, thus avoiding the need to convert tip-times to rainfall depths prior to fitting the models. One advantage of this approach was that the use of maximum likelihood methods enables a more straightforward estimation of parameter uncertainty and comparison of sub-models of interest. Another strand of this approach employed the DSPP model for the arrivals of rain cells and attached a pulse or a cluster of pulses to each rain cell. Different mechanisms for the pattern of the pulse process were used to construct variants of this model. We present the results of these models when they were fitted to hourly and sub-hourly rainfall data. The results of our analysis suggest that the proposed class of stochastic models is capable of reproducing the fine-scale structure of the rainfall process, and hence provides a useful tool in hydrological modelling.Keywords: fine-scale rainfall, maximum likelihood, point process, stochastic model
Procedia PDF Downloads 2792228 Application of GIS Techniques for Analysing Urban Built-Up Growth of Class-I Indian Cities: A Case Study of Surat
Authors: Purba Biswas, Priyanka Dey
Worldwide rapid urbanisation has accelerated city expansion in both developed and developing nations. This unprecedented urbanisation trend due to the increasing population and economic growth has caused challenges for the decision-makers in city planning and urban management. Metropolitan cities, class-I towns, and major urban centres undergo a continuous process of evolution due to interaction between socio-cultural and economic attributes. This constant evolution leads to urban expansion in all directions. Understanding the patterns and dynamics of urban built-up growth is crucial for policymakers, urban planners, and researchers, as it aids in resource management, decision-making, and the development of sustainable strategies to address the complexities associated with rapid urbanisation. Identifying spatio-temporal patterns of urban growth has emerged as a crucial challenge in monitoring and assessing present and future trends in urban development. Analysing urban growth patterns and tracking changes in land use is an important aspect of urban studies. This study analyses spatio-temporal urban transformations and land-use and land cover changes using remote sensing and GIS techniques. Built-up growth analysis has been done for the city of Surat as a case example, using the GIS tools of NDBI and GIS models of the Built-up Urban Density Index and Shannon Entropy Index to identify trends and the geographical direction of transformation from 2005 to 2020. Surat is one of the fastest-growing urban centres in both the state and the nation, ranking as the 4th fastest-growing city globally. This study analyses the dynamics of urban built-up area transformations both zone-wise and geographical direction-wise, in which their trend, rate, and magnitude were calculated for the period of 15 years. This study also highlights the need for analysing and monitoring the urban growth pattern of class-I cities in India using spatio-temporal and quantitative techniques like GIS for improved urban management.Keywords: urban expansion, built-up, geographic information system, remote sensing, Shannon’s entropy
Procedia PDF Downloads 742227 Environmental Forensic Analysis of the Shoreline Microplastics Debris on the Limbe Coastline, Cameroon
Authors: Ndumbe Eric Esongami, Manga Veronica Ebot, Foba Josepha Tendo, Yengong Fabrice Lamfu, Tiku David Tambe
The prevalence and unpleasant nature of plastics pollution constantly observed on beach shore on stormy events has prompt researchers worldwide to thesis on sustainable economic and environmental designs on plastics, especially in Cameroon, a major touristic destination in the Central Africa Region. The inconsistent protocols develop by researchers has added to this burden, thus the morphological nature of microplastic remediation is a call for concerns. The prime aim of the study is to morphologically identify, quantify and forensically understands the distribution of each plastics polymer composition. Duplicates of 2×2 m (4m2) quadrants were sampled in each beach/month over 8 months period across five purposive beaches along the Limbe – Idenau coastline, Cameroon. Collected plastic samples were thoroughly washed and separation done using a 2 mm sieve. Only particles of size, < 2 mm, were considered and forward follow the microplastics laboratory analytical processes. Established step by step methodological procedures of particle filtration, organic matter digestion, density separation, particle extraction and polymer identification including microscope and were applied for the beach microplastics samples. Microplastics were observed in each sample/beach/month with an overall abundance of 241 particles/number weighs 89.15 g in total and with a mean abundance of 2 particles/m2 (0.69 g/m2) and 6 particles/month (2.0 g/m2). The accumulation of beach shoreline MPs rose dramatically towards decreasing size with microbeads and fiber only found in the < 1 mm size fraction. Approximately 75% of beach MPs contamination were found in LDB 2, LDB 1 and IDN beaches/average particles/number while the most dominant polymer type frequently observed also were PP, PE, and PS in all morphologically parameters analysed. Beach MPs accumulation significantly varied temporally and spatially at p = 0.05. ANOVA and Spearman’s rank correlation used shows linear relationships between the sizes categories considered in this study. In terms of polymer MPs analysis, the colour class recorded that white coloured MPs was dominant, 50 particles/number (22.25 g) with recorded abundance/number in PP (25), PE (15) and PS (5). The shape class also revealed that irregularly shaped MPs was dominant, 98 particles/number (30.5 g) with higher abundance/number in PP (39), PE (33), and PS (11). Similarly, MPs type class shows that fragmented MPs type was also dominant, 80 particles/number (25.25 g) with higher abundance/number in PP (30), PE (28) and PS (15). Equally, the sized class forward revealed that 1.5 – 1.99 mm sized ranged MPs had the highest abundance of 102 particles/number (51.77 g) with higher concentration observed in PP (47), PE (41), and PS (7) as well and finally, the weight class also show that 0.01 g weighs MPs was dominated by 98 particles/number (56.57 g) with varied numeric abundance seen in PP (49), PE (29) and PS (13). The forensic investigation of the pollution indicated that majority of the beach microplastic is sourced from the site/nearby area. The investigation could draw useful conclusions regarding the pathways of pollution. The fragmented microplastic, a significant component in the sample, was found to be sourced from recreational activities and partly from fishing boat installations and repairs activities carried out close to the shore.Keywords: forensic analysis, beach MPs, particle/number, polymer composition, cameroon
Procedia PDF Downloads 792226 The Impact of Missense Mutation in Phosphatidylinositol Glycan Class A Associated to Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria and Multiple Congenital Anomalies-Hypotonia-Seizures Syndrome 2: A Computational Study
Authors: Ashish Kumar Agrahari, Amit Kumar
Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH) is an acquired clonal blood disorder that manifests with hemolytic anemia, thrombosis, and peripheral blood cytopenias. The disease is caused by the deficiency of two glycosylphosphatidylinositols (GPI)-anchored proteins (CD55 and CD59) in the hemopoietic stem cells. The deficiency of GPI-anchored proteins has been associated with the somatic mutations in phosphatidylinositol glycan class A (PIGA). However, the mutations that do not cause PNH is associated with the multiple congenital anomalies-hypotonia-seizures syndrome 2 (MCAHS2). To best of our knowledge, no computational study has been performed to explore the atomistic level impact of PIGA mutations on the structure and dynamics of the protein. In the current work, we are mainly interested to get insights into the molecular mechanism of PIGA mutations. In the initial step, we screened the most pathogenic mutations from the pool of publicly available mutations. Further, to get a better understanding, pathogenic mutations were mapped to the modeled structure and subjected to 50ns molecular dynamics simulation. Our computational study suggests that four mutations are highly vulnerable to altering the structural conformation and stability of the PIGA protein, which illustrates its association with PNH and MCAHS2 phenotype.Keywords: homology modeling, molecular dynamics simulation, missense mutations PNH, MCAHS2, PIGA
Procedia PDF Downloads 1452225 Errors and Misconceptions for Students with Mathematical Learning Disabilities: Quest for Suitable Teaching Strategy
Authors: A. K. Tsafe
The study investigates the efficacy of Special Mathematics Teaching Strategy (SMTS) as against Conventional Mathematics Teaching Strategy (CMTS) in teaching students identified with Mathematics Learning Disabilities (MLDs) – dyslexia, Down syndrome, dyscalculia, etc., in some junior secondary schools around Sokoto metropolis. Errors and misconceptions in learning Mathematics displayed by these categories of students were observed. Theory of variation was used to provide a prism for viewing the MLDs from theoretical perspective. Experimental research design was used, involving pretest-posttest non-randomized approach. Pretest was administered to the intact class taught using CMTS before the class was split into experimental and control groups. Experimental group of the students – those identified with MLDs was taught with SMTS and later mean performance of students taught using the two strategies was sought to find if there was any significant difference between the performances of the students. A null hypothesis was tested at α = 0.05 level of significance. T-test was used to establish the difference between the mean performances of the two tests. The null hypothesis was rejected. Hence, the performance of students, identified with MLDs taught using SMTS was found to be better than their earlier performance taught using CMTS. The study, therefore, recommends amongst other things that teachers should be encouraged to use SMTS in teaching mathematics especially when students are found to be suffering from MLDs and exhibiting errors and misconceptions in the process of learning mathematics.Keywords: disabilities, errors, learning, misconceptions
Procedia PDF Downloads 992224 Opportunities and Challenges to Local Legislation at the Height of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence from a Fifth Class Municipality in the Visayas, Philippines
Authors: Renz Paolo B. Ramos, Jake S. Espina
The Local Government Academy of the Philippines explains that Local legislation is both a power and a process by which it enacts ordinances and resolutions that have the force and effect of law while engaging with a range of stakeholders for their implementation. Legislative effectiveness is crucial for the development of any given area. This study's objective is to evaluate the legislative performance of the 10th Sangguniang of Kawayan, a legislative body in a fifth-class municipality in the Province of Biliran, during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic (2019-2021) with a focus on legislation, accountability, and participation, institution-building, and intergovernmental relations. The aim of the study was that a mixed-methods strategy was used to gather data. The Local Legislative Performance Appraisal Form (LLPAF) was completed, while Focus Interviews for Local Government Unit (LGU) personnel, a survey questionnaire for constituents, and ethnographic diary-writing were conducted. Convenience Sampling was utilized for LGU workers, whereas Simple Random Sampling was used to identify the number of constituents participating. Interviews were analyzed using thematic analysis, while frequency data analysis was employed to describe and evaluate the nature and connection of the data to the underlying population. From this data, the researchers draw opportunities and challenges met by the local legislature during the height of the pandemic.Keywords: local legislation, local governance, legislative effectiveness, legislative analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 712223 The Effectiveness of Video Clips to Enhance Students’ Achievement and Motivation on History Learning and Facilitation
Authors: L. Bih Ni, D. Norizah Ag Kiflee, T. Choon Keong, R. Talip, S. Singh Bikar Singh, M. Noor Mad Japuni, R. Talin
The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of video clips to enhance students' achievement and motivation towards learning and facilitating of history. We use narrative literature studies to illustrate the current state of the two art and science in focused areas of inquiry. We used experimental method. The experimental method is a systematic scientific research method in which the researchers manipulate one or more variables to control and measure any changes in other variables. For this purpose, two experimental groups have been designed: one experimental and one groups consisting of 30 lower secondary students. The session is given to the first batch using a computer presentation program that uses video clips to be considered as experimental group, while the second group is assigned as the same class using traditional methods using dialogue and discussion techniques that are considered a control group. Both groups are subject to pre and post-trial in matters that are handled by the class. The findings show that the results of the pre-test analysis did not show statistically significant differences, which in turn proved the equality of the two groups. Meanwhile, post-test analysis results show that there was a statistically significant difference between the experimental group and the control group at an importance level of 0.05 for the benefit of the experimental group.Keywords: Video clips, Learning and Facilitation, Achievement, Motivation
Procedia PDF Downloads 1532222 Using Photogrammetric Techniques to Map the Mars Surface
Authors: Ahmed Elaksher, Islam Omar
For many years, Mars surface has been a mystery for scientists. Lately with the help of geospatial data and photogrammetric procedures researchers were able to capture some insights about this planet. Two of the most imperative data sources to explore Mars are the The High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) and the Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (MOLA). HiRISE is one of six science instruments carried by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, launched August 12, 2005, and managed by NASA. The MOLA sensor is a laser altimeter carried by the Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) and launched on November 7, 1996. In this project, we used MOLA-based DEMs to orthorectify HiRISE optical images for generating a more accurate and trustful surface of Mars. The MOLA data was interpolated using the kriging interpolation technique. Corresponding tie points were digitized from both datasets. These points were employed in co-registering both datasets using GIS analysis tools. In this project, we employed three different 3D to 2D transformation models. These are the parallel projection (3D affine) transformation model; the extended parallel projection transformation model; the Direct Linear Transformation (DLT) model. A set of tie-points was digitized from both datasets. These points were split into two sets: Ground Control Points (GCPs), used to evaluate the transformation parameters using least squares adjustment techniques, and check points (ChkPs) to evaluate the computed transformation parameters. Results were evaluated using the RMSEs between the precise horizontal coordinates of the digitized check points and those estimated through the transformation models using the computed transformation parameters. For each set of GCPs, three different configurations of GCPs and check points were tested, and average RMSEs are reported. It was found that for the 2D transformation models, average RMSEs were in the range of five meters. Increasing the number of GCPs from six to ten points improve the accuracy of the results with about two and half meters. Further increasing the number of GCPs didn’t improve the results significantly. Using the 3D to 2D transformation parameters provided three to two meters accuracy. Best results were reported using the DLT transformation model. However, increasing the number of GCPS didn’t have substantial effect. The results support the use of the DLT model as it provides the required accuracy for ASPRS large scale mapping standards. However, well distributed sets of GCPs is a key to provide such accuracy. The model is simple to apply and doesn’t need substantial computations.Keywords: mars, photogrammetry, MOLA, HiRISE
Procedia PDF Downloads 592221 A Machine Learning Model for Predicting Students’ Academic Performance in Higher Institutions
Authors: Emmanuel Osaze Oshoiribhor, Adetokunbo MacGregor John-Otumu
There has been a need in recent years to predict student academic achievement prior to graduation. This is to assist them in improving their grades, especially for those who have struggled in the past. The purpose of this research is to use supervised learning techniques to create a model that predicts student academic progress. Many scholars have developed models that predict student academic achievement based on characteristics including smoking, demography, culture, social media, parent educational background, parent finances, and family background, to mention a few. This element, as well as the model used, could have misclassified the kids in terms of their academic achievement. As a prerequisite to predicting if the student will perform well in the future on related courses, this model is built using a logistic regression classifier with basic features such as the previous semester's course score, attendance to class, class participation, and the total number of course materials or resources the student is able to cover per semester. With a 96.7 percent accuracy, the model outperformed other classifiers such as Naive bayes, Support vector machine (SVM), Decision Tree, Random forest, and Adaboost. This model is offered as a desktop application with user-friendly interfaces for forecasting student academic progress for both teachers and students. As a result, both students and professors are encouraged to use this technique to predict outcomes better.Keywords: artificial intelligence, ML, logistic regression, performance, prediction
Procedia PDF Downloads 1102220 Spin-Flip and Magnetoelectric Coupling in Acentric and Non-Polar Pb₂MnO₄
Authors: K. D. Chandrasekhar, H. C. Wu, D. J. Hsieh, B. J. Song, J. -Y. Lin, J. L. Her, L. Z. Deng, M. Gooch, C. W. Chu, H. D. Yang
Stress-mediated coupling of electrical and magnetic dipoles in a single phase multiferroic is rare. Pb₂MnO₄ belong to multi-piezo crystal class with the space group P⁻42₁Keywords: multiferroic, multipiezo, Pb₂MnO₄, spin-flip
Procedia PDF Downloads 2372219 Performance Evaluation of a Prioritized, Limited Multi-Server Processor-Sharing System that Includes Servers with Various Capacities
Authors: Yoshiaki Shikata, Nobutane Hanayama
We present a prioritized, limited multi-server processor sharing (PS) system where each server has various capacities, and N (≥2) priority classes are allowed in each PS server. In each prioritized, limited server, different service ratio is assigned to each class request, and the number of requests to be processed is limited to less than a certain number. Routing strategies of such prioritized, limited multi-server PS systems that take into account the capacity of each server are also presented, and a performance evaluation procedure for these strategies is discussed. Practical performance measures of these strategies, such as loss probability, mean waiting time, and mean sojourn time, are evaluated via simulation. In the PS server, at the arrival (or departure) of a request, the extension (shortening) of the remaining sojourn time of each request receiving service can be calculated by using the number of requests of each class and the priority ratio. Utilising a simulation program which executes these events and calculations, the performance of the proposed prioritized, limited multi-server PS rule can be analyzed. From the evaluation results, most suitable routing strategy for the loss or waiting system is clarified.Keywords: processor sharing, multi-server, various capacity, N-priority classes, routing strategy, loss probability, mean sojourn time, mean waiting time, simulation
Procedia PDF Downloads 3322218 Self-Regulation in Socially Rejected Pupils
Authors: Karla Hrbackova, Irena Balaban Cakirpaloglu
This paper is a report on self-regulation in socially rejected pupils. A certain form of social rejection can be found in almost every class within the school environment. Research shows that due to social rejection mechanisms supporting the individual´s effort of reintegration into the group are not triggered. Paradoxically the opposite tendency arises, i.e., an increase in selfish and defeating behaviour. The link between peer exposure and self-regulation is likely to vary as a function of a type and quality of peer interaction (e.g., rejection or acceptance). The paper aims to clarify the level of self-regulation related to interpersonal cognitive problem-solving within the process of social rejection in a school class. The research was done on a sample of 1,133 upper-primary school pupils using the Means-Ends Problem Solving technique (MEPS) and peer sociometric nomination. The results showed that the level of self-regulated skills is related to the status of social rejection. Socially rejected pupils achieve lower levels of self-regulation than other classmates. We found deficiency in the regulation of behaviour, emotions and the regulation of will in the peer rejected pupils with the exception of cognitive regulation in which no differences were detected between socially rejected pupils and other classmates. The results have implications for early prevention and intervention efforts to foster adaptive self-regulation and reduce the risk of later social rejection.Keywords: interpersonal cognitive problem-solving, self-regulation, socially rejected pupils, upper-primary school pupils
Procedia PDF Downloads 1712217 Literary Words of Foreign Origin as Social Markers in Jeffrey Archer's Novels Speech Portrayals
Authors: Tatiana Ivushkina
The paper is aimed at studying the use of literary words of foreign origin in modern fiction from a sociolinguistic point of view, which presupposes establishing correlation between this category of words in a speech portrayal or narrative and a social status of the speaker, verifying that it bears social implications and serves as a social marker or index of socially privileged identity in the British literature of the 21-st century. To this end, there were selected literary words of foreign origin in context (60 contexts) and subjected to careful examination. The study is carried out on two novels by Jeffrey Archer – Not a Penny More, Not a Penny Less and A Prisoner of Birth – who, being a graduate from Oxford, represents socially privileged classes himself and gives a wide depiction of characters with different social backgrounds and statuses. The analysis of the novels enabled us to categorize the selected words into four relevant groups. The first represented by terms (commodity, debenture, recuperation, syringe, luminescence, umpire, etc.) serves to unambiguously indicate education, occupation, a field of knowledge in which a character is involved or a situation of communication. The second group is formed of words used in conjunction with their Germanic counterparts (perspiration – sweat, padre – priest, convivial – friendly) to contrast social position of the characters: literary words serving as social indices of upper class speakers whereas their synonyms of Germanic origin characterize middle or lower class speech portrayals. The third class of words comprises socially marked words (verbs, nouns, and adjectives), or U-words (the term first coined by Allan Ross and Nancy Mitford), the status acquired in the course of social history development (elegant, excellent, sophistication, authoritative, preposterous, etc.). The fourth includes words used in a humorous or ironic meaning to convey the narrator’s attitude to the characters or situation itself (ministrations, histrionic, etc.). Words of this group are perceived as 'alien', stylistically distant as they create incongruity between style and subject matter. Social implication of the selected words is enhanced by French words and phrases often accompanying them.Keywords: British literature of the XXI century, literary words of foreign origin, social context, social meaning
Procedia PDF Downloads 1342216 Artificial Membrane Comparison for Skin Permeation in Skin PAMPA
Authors: Aurea C. L. Lacerda, Paulo R. H. Moreno, Bruna M. P. Vianna, Cristina H. R. Serra, Airton Martin, André R. Baby, Vladi O. Consiglieri, Telma M. Kaneko
The modified Franz cell is the most widely used model for in vitro permeation studies, however it still presents some disadvantages. Thus, some alternative methods have been developed such as Skin PAMPA, which is a bio- artificial membrane that has been applied for skin penetration estimation of xenobiotics based on HT permeability model consisting. Skin PAMPA greatest advantage is to carry out more tests, in a fast and inexpensive way. The membrane system mimics the stratum corneum characteristics, which is the primary skin barrier. The barrier properties are given by corneocytes embedded in a multilamellar lipid matrix. This layer is the main penetration route through the paracellular permeation pathway and it consists of a mixture of cholesterol, ceramides, and fatty acids as the dominant components. However, there is no consensus on the membrane composition. The objective of this work was to compare the performance among different bio-artificial membranes for studying the permeation in skin PAMPA system. Material and methods: In order to mimetize the lipid composition`s present in the human stratum corneum six membranes were developed. The membrane composition was equimolar mixture of cholesterol, ceramides 1-O-C18:1, C22, and C20, plus fatty acids C20 and C24. The membrane integrity assay was based on the transport of Brilliant Cresyl Blue, which has a low permeability; and Lucifer Yellow with very poor permeability and should effectively be completely rejected. The membrane characterization was performed using Confocal Laser Raman Spectroscopy, using stabilized laser at 785 nm with 10 second integration time and 2 accumulations. The membrane behaviour results on the PAMPA system were statistically evaluated and all of the compositions have shown integrity and permeability. The confocal Raman spectra were obtained in the region of 800-1200 cm-1 that is associated with the C-C stretches of the carbon scaffold from the stratum corneum lipids showed similar pattern for all the membranes. The ceramides, long chain fatty acids and cholesterol in equimolar ratio permitted to obtain lipid mixtures with self-organization capability, similar to that occurring into the stratum corneum. Conclusion: The artificial biological membranes studied for Skin PAMPA showed to be similar and with comparable properties to the stratum corneum.Keywords: bio-artificial membranes, comparison, confocal Raman, skin PAMPA
Procedia PDF Downloads 5092215 Antibacterial Evaluation, in Silico ADME and QSAR Studies of Some Benzimidazole Derivatives
Authors: Strahinja Kovačević, Lidija Jevrić, Miloš Kuzmanović, Sanja Podunavac-Kuzmanović
In this paper, various derivatives of benzimidazole have been evaluated against Gram-negative bacteria Escherichia coli. For all investigated compounds the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) was determined. Quantitative structure-activity relationships (QSAR) attempts to find consistent relationships between the variations in the values of molecular properties and the biological activity for a series of compounds so that these rules can be used to evaluate new chemical entities. The correlation between MIC and some absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion (ADME) parameters was investigated, and the mathematical models for predicting the antibacterial activity of this class of compounds were developed. The quality of the multiple linear regression (MLR) models was validated by the leave-one-out (LOO) technique, as well as by the calculation of the statistical parameters for the developed models and the results are discussed on the basis of the statistical data. The results of this study indicate that ADME parameters have a significant effect on the antibacterial activity of this class of compounds. Principal component analysis (PCA) and agglomerative hierarchical clustering algorithms (HCA) confirmed that the investigated molecules can be classified into groups on the basis of the ADME parameters: Madin-Darby Canine Kidney cell permeability (MDCK), Plasma protein binding (PPB%), human intestinal absorption (HIA%) and human colon carcinoma cell permeability (Caco-2).Keywords: benzimidazoles, QSAR, ADME, in silico
Procedia PDF Downloads 3772214 A Novel Approach to Design and Implement Context Aware Mobile Phone
Authors: G. S. Thyagaraju, U. P. Kulkarni
Context-aware computing refers to a general class of computing systems that can sense their physical environment, and adapt their behaviour accordingly. Context aware computing makes systems aware of situations of interest, enhances services to users, automates systems and personalizes applications. Context-aware services have been introduced into mobile devices, such as PDA and mobile phones. In this paper we are presenting a novel approaches used to realize the context aware mobile. The context aware mobile phone (CAMP) proposed in this paper senses the users situation automatically and provides user context required services. The proposed system is developed by using artificial intelligence techniques like Bayesian Network, fuzzy logic and rough sets theory based decision table. Bayesian Network to classify the incoming call (high priority call, low priority call and unknown calls), fuzzy linguistic variables and membership degrees to define the context situations, the decision table based rules for service recommendation. To exemplify and demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods, the context aware mobile phone is tested for college campus scenario including different locations like library, class room, meeting room, administrative building and college canteen.Keywords: context aware mobile, fuzzy logic, decision table, Bayesian probability
Procedia PDF Downloads 3682213 Exploring Labor Market Participation of Highly Skilled Immigrant Women in the United States: Barriers and Strategies
Authors: Yurdum Cokadar
The United States is the country where the majority of highly skilled immigrants are hosted. Two-thirds of foreign-born migrants from Turkey - an underrepresented and understudied immigrant group in the United States - are highly skilled. Generated by the aim of filling this gap in the literature, the motivation of this research is to understand highly skilled Turkish immigrant women’s integration into the U.S. labor market, including barriers that they face and strategies they develop to rebuild their career after relocation. The in-depth interviews of 20 highly skilled Turkish women residing in the U.S. revealed that the majority of women participants are either not integrated into the labor market, occupy positions below their skill, or cannot reach the same upper segments of the labor market in the host country, arising from a range of structural and personal barriers interplaying in their career trajectories. Furthermore, many of them cannot transfer their social and cultural capital gained in their home country into the United States. The labor market participation process of these women is analyzed in the light of Bourdieu’s theory of capital and the intersectional approach of gender, class and ethnicity in order to understand the positions of highly skilled immigrant women in the host country labor market.Keywords: deskilling, gender, class and ethnicity, highly skilled women immigrants, integration into the U.S. the labor market, labor market participation, skilled migration, theory of capital
Procedia PDF Downloads 1932212 A Numerical Investigation of Total Temperature Probes Measurement Performance
Authors: Erdem Meriç
Measuring total temperature of air flow accurately is a very important requirement in the development phases of many industrial products, including gas turbines and rockets. Thermocouples are very practical devices to measure temperature in such cases, but in high speed and high temperature flows, the temperature of thermocouple junction may deviate considerably from real flow total temperature due to the effects of heat transfer mechanisms of convection, conduction, and radiation. To avoid errors in total temperature measurement, special probe designs which are experimentally characterized are used. In this study, a validation case which is an experimental characterization of a specific class of total temperature probes is selected from the literature to develop a numerical conjugate heat transfer analysis methodology to study the total temperature probe flow field and solid temperature distribution. Validated conjugate heat transfer methodology is used to investigate flow structures inside and around the probe and effects of probe design parameters like the ratio between inlet and outlet hole areas and prob tip geometry on measurement accuracy. Lastly, a thermal model is constructed to account for errors in total temperature measurement for a specific class of probes in different operating conditions. Outcomes of this work can guide experimentalists to design a very accurate total temperature probe and quantify the possible error for their specific case.Keywords: conjugate heat transfer, recovery factor, thermocouples, total temperature probes
Procedia PDF Downloads 1402211 Designing Electrically Pumped Photonic Crystal Surface Emitting Lasers Based on a Honeycomb Nanowire Pattern
Authors: Balthazar Temu, Zhao Yan, Bogdan-Petrin Ratiu, Sang Soon Oh, Qiang Li
Photonic crystal surface emitting lasers (PCSELs) has recently become an area of active research because of the advantages these lasers have over the edge emitting lasers and vertical cavity surface emitting lasers (VCSELs). PCSELs can emit laser beams with high power (from the order of few milliwatts to Watts or even tens of Watts) which scales with the emission area while maintaining single mode operation even at large emission areas. Most PCSELs reported in the literature are air-hole based, with only few demonstrations of nanowire based PCSELs. We previously reported an optically pumped, nanowire based PCSEL operating in the O band by using the honeycomb lattice. The nanowire based PCSELs have the advantage of being able to grow on silicon platform without threading dislocations. It is desirable to extend their operating wavelength to C band to open more applications including eye-safe sensing, lidar and long haul optical communications. In this work we first analyze how the lattice constant , nanowire diameter, nanowire height and side length of the hexagon in the honeycomb pattern can be changed to increase the operating wavelength of the honeycomb based PCSELs to the C band. Then as an attempt to make our device electrically pumped, we present the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) simulation results with metals on the nanowire. The results for different metals on the nanowire are presented in order to choose the metal which gives the device with the best quality factor. The metals under consideration are those which form good ohmic contact with p-type doped InGaAs with low contact resistivity and decent sticking coefficient to the semiconductor. Such metals include Tungsten, Titanium, Palladium and Platinum. Using the chosen metal we demonstrate the impact of thickness of the metal for a given nanowire height on the quality factor of the device. We also investigate how the height of the nanowire affects the quality factor for a fixed thickness of the metal. Finally, the main steps in making the practical device are discussed.Keywords: designing nanowire PCSEL, designing PCSEL on silicon substrates, low threshold nanowire laser, simulation of photonic crystal lasers.
Procedia PDF Downloads 202210 Dynamic Gabor Filter Facial Features-Based Recognition of Emotion in Video Sequences
Authors: T. Hari Prasath, P. Ithaya Rani
In the world of visual technology, recognizing emotions from the face images is a challenging task. Several related methods have not utilized the dynamic facial features effectively for high performance. This paper proposes a method for emotions recognition using dynamic facial features with high performance. Initially, local features are captured by Gabor filter with different scale and orientations in each frame for finding the position and scale of face part from different backgrounds. The Gabor features are sent to the ensemble classifier for detecting Gabor facial features. The region of dynamic features is captured from the Gabor facial features in the consecutive frames which represent the dynamic variations of facial appearances. In each region of dynamic features is normalized using Z-score normalization method which is further encoded into binary pattern features with the help of threshold values. The binary features are passed to Multi-class AdaBoost classifier algorithm with the well-trained database contain happiness, sadness, surprise, fear, anger, disgust, and neutral expressions to classify the discriminative dynamic features for emotions recognition. The developed method is deployed on the Ryerson Multimedia Research Lab and Cohn-Kanade databases and they show significant performance improvement owing to their dynamic features when compared with the existing methods.Keywords: detecting face, Gabor filter, multi-class AdaBoost classifier, Z-score normalization
Procedia PDF Downloads 2802209 Advancing Microstructure Evolution in Tungsten Through Rolling in Laser Powder Bed Fusion
Authors: Narges Shayesteh Moghaddam
Tungsten (W), a refractory metal known for its remarkably high melting temperature, offers tremendous potential for use in challenging environments prevalent in sectors such as space exploration, defense, and nuclear industries. Additive manufacturing, especially the Laser Powder-Bed Fusion (LPBF) technique, emerges as a beneficial method for fabricating tungsten parts. This technique enables the production of intricate components while simultaneously reducing production lead times and associated costs. However, the inherent brittleness of tungsten and its tendency to crack under high-temperature conditions pose significant challenges to the manufacturing process. Our research primarily focuses on the process of rolling tungsten parts in a layer-by-layer manner in LPBF and the subsequent changes in microstructure. Our objective is not only to identify the alterations in the microstructure but also to assess their implications on the physical properties and performance of the fabricated tungsten parts. To examine these aspects, we conducted an extensive series of experiments that included the fabrication of tungsten samples through LPBF and subsequent characterization using advanced materials analysis techniques. These investigations allowed us to scrutinize shifts in various microstructural features, including, but not limited to, grain size and grain boundaries occurring during the rolling process. The results of our study provide crucial insights into how specific factors, such as plastic deformation occurring during the rolling process, influence the microstructural characteristics of the fabricated parts. This information is vital as it provides a foundation for understanding how the parameters of the layer-by-layer rolling process affect the final tungsten parts. Our research significantly broadens the current understanding of microstructural evolution in tungsten parts produced via the layer-by-layer rolling process in LPBF. The insights obtained will play a pivotal role in refining and optimizing manufacturing parameters, thus improving the mechanical properties of tungsten parts and, therefore, enhancing their performance. Furthermore, these findings will contribute to the advancement of manufacturing techniques, facilitating the wider application of tungsten parts in various high-demand sectors. Through these advancements, this research represents a significant step towards harnessing the full potential of tungsten in high-temperature and high-stress applications.Keywords: additive manufacturing, rolling, tungsten, refractory materials
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