Search results for: toxicity investigation
4896 Insecticidal Effects of Plant Extract-Based Formulations on the Cotton Bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)
Authors: Reza Sadeghi, Maryam Nazarahari
Considering the effectiveness of botanical pesticides in pest management, these compounds have garnered attention as a sustainable approach to reducing pest-induced damage in agriculture while preserving the environment. Botanical pesticides enable farmers to cultivate higher-quality crops by minimizing the use of chemical pesticides. In this study, plant extracts obtained using n-hexane as a solvent from two botanical sources, thyme and eucalyptus, were evaluated under laboratory conditions for their effectiveness in controlling the cotton bollworm (Helicoverpa armigera). The mortality rate of bollworm larvae was assessed across various concentrations of the hexane-based formulations. The results revealed that the hexane-based formulations of thyme and eucalyptus extracts significantly reduced the population of bollworm larvae after 24 hours of exposure. Thyme extract, in particular, demonstrated high effectiveness as a botanical pesticide, suggesting its potential as an efficient alternative to chemical pesticides in pest management. These findings underscore that botanical pesticides can mitigate the environmental consequences of chemical pesticides and provide innovative solutions for sustainable agriculture by leveraging the active compounds present in plant extracts.Keywords: cotton bollworm, thyme, eucalyptus, extract formulation, , toxicity
Procedia PDF Downloads 154895 Inducible Trans-Encapsidation System for Temporal Separation of Hepatitis C Virus Life Cycle
Authors: Ovidiu Vlaicu, Leontina Banica, Dan Otelea, Andrei-Jose Petrescu, Costin-Ioan Popescu
Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) infects 170 million peoples worldwide. Major advances have been made recently in HCV standard of care with interferon-free therapy being already approved. Despite major progress in HCV therapy, the genotype associated treatment efficacy and toxicity still represent issues to address. To identify endogenous factors involved in different stages of HCV life cycle, we have developed a trans-packaging system for HCV subgenomic replicons lacking core protein gene. Huh7 cells were used to generate a packaging cell line expressing the core protein in an inducible manner. The core packaging cell line was able to trans-complemented various subgenomic replicons to secret infectious trans-complemented HCV particles (HCV-TCP). Further, we constructed subgenomic replicons with foreign epitopes suitable for immunoaffinity purification or fluorescence microscopy studies. We have shown that the insertion has not effects on the efficacy of trans-complementation yielding similar titers to the control subgenomic replicon. This system will be a valuable tool in studying pre- and post-assembly events in HCV life cycle and for the fast identification of HCV assembly inhibitors.Keywords: assembly inhibitors, core protein, HCV, trans-complementation
Procedia PDF Downloads 2934894 Evaluation of Heavy Metal Concentrations of Stem and Seed of Juncus acutus for Grazing Animals and Birds in Kızılırmak Delta
Authors: N. Cetinkaya, F. Erdem
Juncus acutus (Juncaceae) is a perennial wetland plant and it is commonly known as spiny rush or sharp rush. It is the most abundant plant in Kizilirmak grassland, Samsun, Turkey. Heavy metals are significant environmental contaminants in delta and their toxicity is an increasing problem for animals whose natural habitat is delta. The objective of this study was to evaluate heavy metal concentrations mainly As, Cd, Sb, Ba, Pb and Hg in stem and seed of Juncus acutus for grazing animals and birds in delta. The Juncus acutus stem and seed samples were collected from Kizilirmak Delta in July, August and September. Heavy metal concentrations of collected samples were analyzed by Inductively Coupled Plasma – Mass Spectrometer (ICP-MS). The obtained mean values of three months for As, Cd, Sb, Ba, Pb and Hg of stem and seed samples of Juncus acutus were 0.11 and 0.23 mg/kg; 0.07 and 0.11 mg/kg; 0.02 and 0.02 mg/kg; 5.26 and 1.75 mg/kg; 0.05 and not detectable in July respectively. Hg was not detected in both stem and seed of Juncus acutus, Pb concentration was determined only in stem of Juncus acutus but not in seed. There were no significant differences between the values of three months for As, Cd, Sb, Ba, Pb and Hg of stem and seed samples of Juncus acutus. The obtained As, Cd, Sb, Ba, Pb and Hg results of stem and seed of Juncus acutus show that seed and stem of Juncus acutus may be safely consumed for grazing animals and birds regarding to heavy metals contamination in Kizilirmak Delta.Keywords: heavy metals, Juncus acutus, Kizilirmak Delta, wetland
Procedia PDF Downloads 1414893 Investigation of the Stability and Spintronic Properties of NbrhgeX (X= Cr, Co, Mn, Fe, Ni) Using Density Functional Theory
Authors: Shittu Akinpelu, Issac Popoola
The compound NbRhGe has been predicted to be a semiconductor with excellent mechanical properties. It is an indirect band gap material. The potential of NbRhGe for non-volatile data storage via element addition is being studied using the Density Functional Theory (DFT). Preliminary results on the electronic and magnetic properties are suggestive for their application in spintronic.Keywords: half-metals, Heusler compound, semiconductor, spintronic
Procedia PDF Downloads 1704892 Hot Deformability of Si-Steel Strips Containing Al
Authors: Mohamed Yousef, Magdy Samuel, Maha El-Meligy, Taher El-Bitar
The present work is dealing with 2% Si-steel alloy. The alloy contains 0.05% C as well as 0.85% Al. The alloy under investigation would be used for electrical transformation purposes. A heating (expansion) - cooling (contraction) dilation investigation was executed to detect the a, a+g, and g transformation temperatures at the inflection points of the dilation curve. On heating, primary a was detected at a temperature range between room temperature and 687 oC. The domain of a+g was detected in the range between 687 oC and 746 oC. g phase exists in the closed g region at the range between 746 oC and 1043 oC. The domain of a phase appears again at a temperature range between 1043 and 1105 oC, and followed by secondary a at temperature higher than 1105 oC. A physical simulation of thermo-mechanical processing on the as-cast alloy was carried out. The simulation process took into consideration the hot flat rolling pilot plant parameters. The process was executed on the thermo-mechanical simulator (Gleeble 3500). The process was designed to include seven consecutive passes. The 1st pass represents the roughing stage, while the remaining six passes represent finish rolling stage. The whole process was executed at the temperature range from 1100 oC to 900 oC. The amount of strain starts with 23.5% at the roughing pass and decreases continuously to reach 7.5 % at the last finishing pass. The flow curve of the alloy can be abstracted from the stress-strain curves representing simulated passes. It shows alloy hardening from a pass to the other up to pass no. 6, as a result of decreasing the deformation temperature and increasing of cumulative strain. After pass no. 6, the deformation process enhances the dynamic recrystallization phenomena to appear, where the z-parameter would be high.Keywords: si- steel, hot deformability, critical transformation temperature, physical simulation, thermo-mechanical processing, flow curve, dynamic softening.
Procedia PDF Downloads 2464891 Load Carrying Capacity of Soils Reinforced with Encased Stone Columns
Authors: S. Chandrakaran, G. Govind
Stone columns are effectively used to improve bearing strength of soils and also for many geotechnical applications. In soft soils when stone columns are loaded they undergo large settlements due to insufficient lateral confinement. Use of geosynthetics encasement has proved to be a solution for this problem. In this paper, results of a laboratory experimental study carried out with model stone columns with and without encasement. Sand was used for making test beds, and grain size of soil varies from 0.075mm to 4.75mm. Woven geotextiles produced by Gareware ropes India with mass per unit area of 240gm/M2 and having tensile strength of 52KN/m is used for the present investigation. Tests were performed with large scale direct shear box and also using scaled laboratory plate load tests. Stone column of 50mm and 75mm is used for the present investigation. Diameter of stone column, size of stones used for making stone columns is varied in making stone column in the present study. Two types of stone were used namely small and bigger in size. Results indicate that there is an increase in angle of internal friction and also an increase in the shear strength of soil when stone columns are encased. With stone columns with 50mm dia, an average increase of 7% in shear strength and 4.6 % in angle of internal friction was achieved. When large stones were used increase in the shear strength was 12.2%, and angle of internal friction was increased to 5.4%. When the stone column diameter has increased to 75mm increase in shear strength and angle of internal friction was increased with smaller size of stones to 7.9 and 7.5%, and with large size stones, it was 7.7 and 5.48% respectively. Similar results are obtained in plate load tests, also.Keywords: stone columns, encasement, shear strength, plate load test
Procedia PDF Downloads 2364890 Decolorization and Degradation of Ponceau Red P4R in Aqueous Solution by Ferrate (Vi)
Authors: Chaimaan Benhsinat, Amal Tazi, Mohammed Azzi
Synthetic azo-dyes are widely used in food industry, they product intense coloration, high toxicity and mutagenicity for wastewater; Causing serious damage to aquatic biota and risk factors for humans. The treatment of these effluents remains a major challenge especially for third world countries that have not yet all possibilities to integrate the concept of sustainable development. These aqueous effluents require specific treatment to preserve natural environments. For these reasons and in order to contribute to the fight against this danger, we were interested in this study to the degradation of the dye Ponceau Red E124 'C20H11N2Na3O10S3' 'used in a food industry Casablanca-Morocco, by the super iron ferrate (VI) K3FexMnyO8; Synthesized in our laboratory and known for its high oxidizing and flocculants. The degradation of Ponceau red is evaluated with the objectives of chemical oxygen demand (COD), total organic carbon (TOC) and discoloration reductions. The results are very satisfying. In fact, we achieved 90% reduction of COD and 99% of discoloration. The recovered floc are subject to various techniques for spectroscopic analysis (UV-visible and IR) to identify by-products formed after the degradation. Moreover, the results will then be compared with those obtained by the application of ferrous sulfate (FeSO4, 7H2O) used by the food industry for the degradation of P4R. The results will be later compared with those obtained by the application of ferrous sulfate (FeSO4, 7H2O) used by the food industry, in the degradation of the P4R.Keywords: COD removal, color removal, dye ponceau 4R, oxydation by ferrate (VI)
Procedia PDF Downloads 3474889 Potential of Rice Husk Ash as a Partial Cement Replacement in Concrete for Highways Application
Authors: Ash Ahmed, Fraser Hyndman, Heni Fitriani, John Kamau
The highway pavement is the biggest structural asset a government can construct and maintain. Concrete rigid pavements are used to carry traffic in large volumes across countries safely and efficiently. Pavement quality concrete mixes have high levels of cement which contribute to up to 10% of global CO₂ emissions. Currently the UK specifies (ground granulated blastfurnace slag) GGBS and (pulverised fuel ash) PFA to reduce the quantity of cement used in pavement construction. GGBS and PFA come from heavy industry that should not be relied upon to improve the sustainability of construction materials. This report shows that cement in pavement quality concrete can be replaced with rice husk ash (RHA) without causing adverse effects to the mechanical properties required for highways. RHA comes from the food production industry and is vital for the growing global population. It is thus a socially responsible objective to use a pozzolan in highway pavement construction that is sourced from an environmentally friendly industry. The report investigates the properties of RHA mixes and compares them to existing pavement quality mixes already used and specified. The report found that sieving RHA and not grinding it gives the best performance. Due to the low density of RHA the investigation found that replacing cement by volume rather than weight provided the best results. Findings showed that CEM II mixed with 20% RHA meets the required specification for pavement quality concrete and mitigates using the comparative CEM I. The investigation also notes that RHA is observed to be more reactive with CEM II rather than CEM I and suits early strength gains required for pavement construction. The report concludes that RHA is a sustainable material that reduces the embodied CO₂ of pavement quality concrete, which is well suited for UK highway specifications and has the potential to improve the lives of people living in the developing countries.Keywords: pavement, pozzolan, rice husk ash, sustainable concrete
Procedia PDF Downloads 1724888 Genome-Wide Identification of Genes Resistance to Nitric Oxide in Vibrio parahaemolyticus
Food poison caused by consumption of contaminated food, especially seafood, is one of most serious public health threats worldwide. Vibrio parahaemolyticus is emerging bacterial pathogen and the leading cause of human gastroenteritis associated with food poison, especially in the southern coastal region of China. To successfully cause disease in host, bacterial pathogens need to overcome the host-derived stresses encountered during infection. One of the toxic chemical species elaborated by the host is nitric oxide (NO). NO is generated by acidified nitrite in the stomach and by enzymes of the inducible NO synthase (iNOS) in the host cell, and is toxic to bacteria. Bacterial pathogens have evolved some mechanisms to battle with this toxic stress. Such mechanisms include genes to sense NO produced from immune system and activate others to detoxify NO toxicity, and genes to repair the damage caused by toxic reactive nitrogen species (RNS) generated during NO toxic stress. However, little is known about the NO resistance in V. parahaemolyticus. In this study, a transposon coupled with next generation sequencing (Tn-seq) technology will be utilized to identify genes for NO resistance in V. parahaemolyticus. Our strategy will include construction the saturating transposon insertion library, transposon library challenging with NO, next generation sequencing (NGS), bioinformatics analysis and verification of the identified genes in vitro and in vivo.Keywords: vibrio parahaemolyticus, nitric oxide, tn-seq, virulence
Procedia PDF Downloads 2654887 Trastuzumab Decorated Bioadhesive Nanoparticles for Targeted Breast Cancer Therapy
Authors: Kasi Viswanadh Matte, Abhisheh Kumar Mehata, M.S. Muthu
Brest cancer, up-regulated with human epidermal growth factor receptor type-2 (HER-2) led to the concept of developing HER-2 targeted anticancer therapeutics. Docetaxel-loaded D-α-tocopherol polyethylene glycol succinate 1000 conjugated chitosan (TPGS-g-chitosan) nanoparticles were prepared with or without Trastuzumab decoration. The particle size and entrapment efficiency of conventional, non-targeted and targeted nanoparticles were found to be in the range of 126-186 nm and 74-78% respectively. In-vitro, MDA-MB-231 cells showed that docetaxel-loaded non-targeted and HER-2 receptor targeted TPGS-g-chitosan nanoparticles have enhanced the cellular uptake and cytotoxicity with a promising bioadhesion property, in comparison to conventional nanoparticles. The IC50 values of non-targeted and targeted nanoparticles from cytotoxic assay were found to be 43 and 223 folds higher than DocelTM. The in-vivo pharmacokinetic study showed 2.33, and 2.82-fold enhancement in relative bioavailability of docetaxel for non-targeted and HER-2 receptor targeted nanoparticles, respectively than DocelTM, and after i.v administration, non-targeted and targeted nanoparticle achieved 3.48 and 5.94 times prolonged half-life in comparison to DocelTM. The area under the curve (AUC), relative bioavailability (FR) and mean residence time (MRT) were found to be higher for non-targeted and targeted nanoparticles compared to DocelTM. Further, histopathology results of non-targeted and targeted nanoparticles showed less toxicity on vital organs such as lungs, liver, and kidney compared to DocelTM.Keywords: breast cancer, HER-2 receptor, targeted nanomedicine, chitosan, TPGS
Procedia PDF Downloads 2404886 Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of Two Technologic Scenario of Wind Turbine Blades Composition for an Optimized Wind Turbine Design Using the Impact 2002+ Method and Using 15 Environmental Impact Indicators
Authors: A. Jarrou, A. Iranzo, C. Nana
The rapid development of the onshore/offshore wind industry and the continuous, strong, and long-term support from governments have made it possible to create factories specializing in the manufacture of the different parts of wind turbines, but in the literature, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) analyzes consider the wind turbine as a whole and do not allow the allocation of impacts to the different components of the wind turbine. Here we propose to treat each part of the wind turbine as a system in its own right. This is more in line with the current production system. Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of two technological scenarios of wind turbine blades composition for an optimized wind turbine design using the impact 2002+ method and using 15 environmental impact indicators. This article aims to assess the environmental impacts associated with 1 kg of wind turbine blades. In order to carry out a realistic and precise study, the different stages of the life cycle of a wind turbine installation are included in the study (manufacture, installation, use, maintenance, dismantling, and waste treatment). The Impact 2002+ method used makes it possible to assess 15 impact indicators (human toxicity, terrestrial and aquatic ecotoxicity, climate change, land use, etc.). Finally, a sensitivity study is carried out to analyze the different types of uncertainties in the data collected.Keywords: life cycle assessment, wind turbine, turbine blade, environmental impact
Procedia PDF Downloads 1824885 The Torah Scroll of the National Library of the Kingdom of Morocco: Parchment Support and Black Ink Analytical Study
Authors: Oubelkacem Yacine, El Bast Hassan, El Bakkali Abdelmajid, Lamhasni Taibi, Ettakni Mahmoud, Ait Lyazidi Saadia, Haddad Mustapha, Ben-Ncer Abdelouahed, El Ferrane Mohammed, Boufarra Abdelkrim
The present work relates to an on-site and completely non-invasive investigation of one of the most famous west Mediterranean Torah Scroll housed at the National Library of the Kingdom of Morocco. The scroll is 26 m long and consists of 143 parchment sheets of 59 cm x 19 cm, exhibiting only black writings; it is of unknown age. The artifact has been restored by the curator staff of the library. The investigation exploring separately the parchment support and the writing black ink aims at: i) the examination of the parchment conservation/degradation state, ii) the identification of the black ink and iii) the identification of the parchment handcrafting materials. For this purpose, the analyses have been based on combining all of elemental XRF and structural Raman, ATR-FT Infrared Red and Fiber Optical Reflectance spectroscopies, in addition to chroma-metric and pH measurements. pH measurements showing values around 6.5 are in concordance with the absence of any visual corrosion related to the parchment acidity. However, on the basis of the relative intensities and frequency shift of amid I (AI) and amid II (AII) vibrational bands of the collagen, ATR-FTIR spectra revealed diffuse hydrolysis and gelatinization of the parchment writing support; diffuse and non-homogeny degradation by gelatinization has been also confirmed by the IG gelatinization index deduced from the NIR bands on the FOR spectra. This IG index, defined as the ratio I (6860 cm-1) / I (6685 cm-1), ranges in the interval 0.98 – 1 and highlights collagen degradation at the molecular level. Sequentially Shifted Excitation Raman measurements (SSERS) crossed to X-ray fluorescence (XRF) ones on the black writings revealed that the black ink used is an iron-copper gall one, while FOR spectra are typical of pure metal gall inks. These later reflectance measurements exclude, thus, any intentional addition of carbon black to the ink recipe. Moreover, no lead white had been used while pre-drawing the writing lines. On another side, ATR-FTIR measurements highlighted the presence of oxalates as ink degradation products. Considering the parchment handcrafting, the combination of XRF and ATR-FTIR measurements led to the assumption that this writing support had been prepared according to ancient Middle East practices; the parchment infrared fingerprint seems identical to that of the Dead Sea scroll. The present multi-technical analyses are the first ones performed on an ancient Judaic written parchment of Morocco; it is under furthering. The investigation will be extended to other parchments belonging to the Jewish Cultural Heritage Museum of Morocco in Casablanca.Keywords: torah scroll, parchment, black ink, non-invasive analyses, XRF/ATR-FTIR/RAMAN/FORS
Procedia PDF Downloads 874884 Impact of Agricultural Waste Utilization and Management on the Environment
Authors: Ravi Kumar
Agricultural wastes are the non-product outcomes of agricultural processing whose monetary value is less as compared to its collection cost, transportation, and processing. When such agricultural waste is not properly disposed of, it may damage the natural environment and cause detrimental pollution in the atmosphere. Agricultural development and intensive farming methods usually result in wastes that remarkably affect the rural environments in particular and the global environment in general. Agricultural waste has toxicity latent to human beings, animals, and plants through various indirect and direct outlets. The present paper explores the various activities that result in agricultural waste and the routes that can utilize the agricultural waste in a manageable manner to reduce its adverse impact on the environment. Presently, the agricultural waste management system for ecological agriculture and sustainable development has emerged as a crucial issue for policymakers. There is an urgent need to consider agricultural wastes as prospective resources rather than undesirable in order to avoid the transmission and contamination of water, land, and air resources. Waste management includes the disposal and treatment of waste with a view to eliminate threats of waste by modifying the waste to condense the microbial load. The study concludes that proper waste utilization and management will facilitate the purification and development of the ecosystem and provide feasible biofuel resources. This proper utilization and management of these wastes for agricultural production may reduce their accumulation and further reduce environmental pollution by improving environmental health.Keywords: agricultural waste, utilization, management, environment, health
Procedia PDF Downloads 964883 Writing a Parametric Design Algorithm Based on Recreation and Structural Analysis of Patkane Model: The Case Study of Oshtorjan Mosque
Authors: Behnoush Moghiminia, Jesus Anaya Diaz
The current study attempts to present the relationship between the structure development and Patkaneh as one of the Iranian geometric patterns and parametric algorithms by introducing two practical methods. While having a structural function, Patkaneh is also used as an ornamental element. It can be helpful in the scientific and practical review of Patkaneh. The current study aims to use Patkaneh as a parametric form generator based on the algorithm. The current paper attempts to express how can a more complete algorithm of this covering be obtained based on the parametric study and analysis of a sample of a Patkaneh and also investigate the relationship between the development of the geometrical pattern of Patkaneh as a structural-decorative element of Iranian architecture and digital design. In this regard, to achieve the research purposes, researchers investigated the oldest type of Patkaneh in the architecture history of Iran, such as the Northern Entrance Patkaneh of Oshtorjan Jame’ Mosque. An accurate investigation was done on the history of the background to answer the questions. Then, by investigating the structural behavior of Patkaneh, the decorative or structural-decorative role of Patkaneh was investigated to eliminate the ambiguity. Then, the geometrical structure of Patkaneh was analyzed by introducing two practical methods. The first method is based on the constituent units of Patkaneh (Square and diamond) and investigating the interactive relationships between them in 2D and 3D. This method is appropriate for cases where there are rational and regular geometrical relationships. The second method is based on the separation of the floors and the investigation of their interrelation. It is practical when the constituent units are not geometrically regular and have numerous diversity. Finally, the parametric form algorithm of these methods was codified.Keywords: geometric properties, parametric design, Patkaneh, structural analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 1534882 Using Fly Ash Based Synthetic Zeolite Permeable Reactive Barrier to Remove Arsenic, Cadmium, and their Mixture from Aqueous Solution
Authors: Mozhgan Bahadory, Gholam-Hossein Rostami
Over the next quarter of a century, the US government and the private sector will spend billions of dollars annually to clean the contaminated sites from pollution such as petroleum products, heavy metals, and solvents organic compounds. During the past three decades, almost 750,000 sites that require remediation have been reported to the United States federal and state agencies. Out of these contamination sites, approximately 300,000 are still in need of remediation. In these sites, the most widespread forms of contamination are petroleum products and heavy metals. At least half of US Department of Defense, US Department of Energy, Superfund sites, and Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) sites have been reported to contain heavy metals. Heavy metals most often found in the contaminated water are lead, mercury, chromium, cadmium, arsenic, and zinc. This investigation emphasizes the elimination of arsenic and cadmium from aqueous solution. During the past several years, we developed a novel material called Alkali-Activated fly ash Material Permeable Reactive Barrier (AAM-PRB), which includes fly ash, fine aggregates, coarse aggregates, activating chemicals, and water. AAM can be produced with high permeability, 10-1 cm/s, then crushed into pelletized form. Laboratory experiments showed that water containing 10 ppm, 100 ppm, and 1000 ppm of arsenic and cadmium ion passing through AAM-PRB reduced to less than 0.1 ppm. However, water containing 10,000 ppm arsenic ion passing through AAM- PRB shows that the breakthrough was achieved. The removal of the mixture of arsenic and cadmium from aqueous solutions was also tested by using AAM-PRB. The results indicate that the efficiency of AAM-PRB for simultaneous removal of arsenic and cadmium from 10 ppm, 100 ppm, and 1,000 ppm were marginally below that of arsenic alone. Still, it was significantly lower for cadmium from the aqueous solution. The basic science behind removing heavy metal and microstructural investigation AAM-PRB will be the focus of our future work.Keywords: arsenic, cadmium, contaminated water, fly ash, permeability, reactive barrier
Procedia PDF Downloads 764881 Biochemical Assessments of the Effects of Crude Oil Contaminated Diets Wistar Rats
Authors: Olawuyi Sikiru Owolabi
A research was carried out to assess the biochemical effects of crude oil contaminated cat fish on selected rat kidney function tests. Thirty-six (36) albino rats (rattus novergicus) were grouped into six (6) of (6) in each group. The rats in group one served as control and they were placed on feed formulated with catfish cultured in borehole water while those ones from group 2 to group 6 were placed on feed formulated with catfish exposed to various concentrations of crude oil (0.1%,0.25%,0.5%,0.75% and 1% respectively).The results obtained showed that there was a significant increase in serum concentration of creatinine, Urea, sodium and potassium ions in the kidney of experimental rats when compared with the control. This may be interpreted to mean possible adverse effects on the kidney. Several studies have been done especially on the biological effects of crude oil in fish. These include Direct Lethal Toxicity, Sub-Lethal disruption of physiological and behavioral activities, interference with feeding and reproduction, direct coating or tainting of fish, effect of entry of hydrocarbons into the food web as well as alteration of biological habitat. The present study attempts to assess the effects of crude oil contaminated diet on rat kidney by carrying out some kidney function tests like determination of serum sodium and potassium ions by flame photometry method, determination of serum urea and determination of serum creatinine.Keywords: crude oil, serum urea, creatinine, wistar rats
Procedia PDF Downloads 2454880 Chitosan Modified Halloysite Nanomaterials for Efficient and Effective Vaccine Delivery in Farmed Fish
Authors: Saji George, Eng Khuan Seng, Christof Luda
Nanotechnology has been recognized as an important tool for modern agriculture and has the potential to overcome some of the pressing challenges faced by aquaculture industry. A strategy for optimizing nanotechnology-based therapeutic delivery platform for immunizing farmed fish was developed. Accordingly, a compositional library of nanomaterials of natural chemistry (Halloysite (clay), Chitosan, Hydroxyapatite, Mesoporous Silica and a composite material of clay-chitosan) was screened for their toxicity and efficiency in delivering models antigens in cellular and zebrafish embryo models using high throughput screening platforms. Through multi-parametric optimization, chitosan modified halloysite (clay) nanomaterial was identified as an optimal vaccine delivery platform. Further, studies conducted in juvenile seabass showed the potential of clay-chitosan in delivering outer membrane protein of Tenacibaculum maritimum- TIMA (pathogenic bacteria) to and its efficiency in eliciting immune responses in fish. In short, as exemplified by this work, the strategy of using compositional nanomaterial libraries and their biological profiling using high-throughput screening platform could fasten the discovery process of nanomaterials with potential applications in food and agriculture.Keywords: nanotechnology, fish-vaccine, drug-delivery, halloysite-chitosan
Procedia PDF Downloads 2854879 [Keynote Talk]: Bioactive Cyclic Dipeptides of Microbial Origin in Discovery of Cytokine Inhibitors
Authors: Sajeli A. Begum, Ameer Basha, Kirti Hira, Rukaiyya Khan
Cyclic dipeptides are simple diketopiperazine derivatives being investigated by several scientists for their biological effects which include anticancer, antimicrobial, haematological, anticonvulsant, immunomodulatory effect, etc. They are potentially active microbial metabolites having been synthesized too, for developing into drug candidates. Cultures of Pseudomonas species have earlier been reported to produce cyclic dipeptides, helping in quorum sensing signals and bacterial–host colonization phenomena during infections, causing cell anti-proliferation and immunosuppression. Fluorescing Pseudomonas species have been identified to secrete lipid derivatives, peptides, pyrroles, phenazines, indoles, aminoacids, pterines, pseudomonic acids and some antibiotics. In the present work, results of investigation on the cyclic dipeptide metabolites secreted by the culture broth of Pseudomonas species as potent pro-inflammatory cytokine inhibitors are discussed. The bacterial strain was isolated from the rhizospheric soil of groundnut crop and identified as Pseudomonas aeruginosa by 16S rDNA sequence (GenBank Accession No. KT625586). Culture broth of this strain was prepared by inoculating into King’s B broth and incubating at 30 ºC for 7 days. The ethyl acetate extract of culture broth was prepared and lyophilized to get a dry residue (EEPA). Lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced ELISA assay proved the inhibition of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) secretion in culture supernatant of RAW 264.7 cells by EEPA (IC50 38.8 μg/mL). The effect of oral administration of EEPA on plasma TNF-α level in rats was tested by ELISA kit. The LPS mediated plasma TNF-α level was reduced to 45% with 125 mg/kg dose of EEPA. Isolation of the chemical constituents of EEPA through column chromatography yielded ten cyclic dipeptides, which were characterized using nuclear magnetic resonance and mass spectroscopic techniques. These cyclic dipeptides are biosynthesized in microorganisms by multifunctional assembly of non-ribosomal peptide synthases and cyclic dipeptide synthase. Cyclo (Gly-L-Pro) was found to be more potentially (IC50 value 4.5 μg/mL) inhibiting TNF-α production followed by cyclo (trans-4-hydroxy-L-Pro-L-Phe) (IC50 value 14.2 μg/mL) and the effect was equal to that of standard immunosuppressant drug, prednisolone. Further, the effect was analyzed by determining mRNA expression of TNF-α in LPS-stimulated RAW 264.7 macrophages using quantitative real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction. EEPA and isolated cyclic dipeptides demonstrated diminution of TNF-α mRNA expression levels in a dose-dependent manner under the tested conditions. Also, they were found to control the expression of other pro-inflammatory cytokines like IL-1β and IL-6, when tested through their mRNA expression levels in LPS-stimulated RAW 264.7 macrophages under LPS-stimulated conditions. In addition, significant inhibition effect was found on Nitric oxide production. Further all the compounds exhibited weak toxicity to LPS-induced RAW 264.7 cells. Thus the outcome of the study disclosed the effectiveness of EEPA and the isolated cyclic dipeptides in down-regulating key cytokines involved in pathophysiology of autoimmune diseases.In another study led by the investigators, microbial cyclic dipeptides were found to exhibit excellent antimicrobial effect against Fusarium moniliforme which is an important causative agent of Sorghum grain mold disease. Thus, cyclic dipeptides are emerging small molecular drug candidates for various autoimmune diseases.Keywords: cyclic dipeptides, cytokines, Fusarium moniliforme, Pseudomonas, TNF-alpha
Procedia PDF Downloads 2124878 Camel Mortalities Due to Accidental Intoxcation with Ionophore
Authors: M. A. Abdelfattah, F. K. Waleed
Anticoccidials were utilized widely in veterinary practice for the avoidance of coccidiosis in poultry and assume a huge job as development promotants in ruminants. Ionophore harming is every now and again happens because of accidental access to medicated feed, errors in feed mixing, incorrect dosage calculation or misuse in non-recommended species. Camels on several farms in Eastern area of Saudi Arabia were accidently fed with a feed pellet containing 13 ppm salinomycin. One hundred and sixty-three camels died with mortality rate of 100%. The poisoning was clinically characterized by restlessness with tail lift to the top, jerk in the muscles of legs and thighs, excessive sweating, frequent setting and standing with body imbalance, lateral and sternal recumbences with the legs stretched back, eye tears with dilated pupil, vomiting of the stomach content, loss of consciousness and death of some of them. Feed analysis indicated the presence of salinomycin in pelleted feed in a range of 13 mg/kg-47 mg/kg. Necropsy findings and histopathological examinations were presented. Regulations and legal implications concerning with sale of contaminated feed in Saudi market are discussed in the light of feed law and by-law. The necessity for an effective implication of regulation concerning application of quality assurance systems based on the principles of Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) and the application of Hazard Analysis of Critical Control Point (HACCP) during feed production is necessary to avoid feed accident.Keywords: medicated feed, salinomycin, anticoccidial, camel, toxicity
Procedia PDF Downloads 1144877 An Exploratory Investigation into the Quality of Life of People with Multi-Drug Resistant Pulmonary Tuberculosis (MDR-PTB) Using the ICF Core Sets: A Preliminary Investigation
Authors: Shamila Manie, Soraya Maart, Ayesha Osman
Introduction: People diagnosed with multidrug resistant pulmonary tuberculosis (MDR-PTB) is subjected to prolonged hospitalization in South Africa. It has thus become essential for research to shift its focus from a purely medical approach, but to include social and environmental factors when looking at the impact of the disease on those affected. Aim: To explore the factors affecting individuals with multi-drug resistant pulmonary tuberculosis during long-term hospitalization using the comprehensive ICF core-sets for obstructive pulmonary disease (OPD) and cardiopulmonary (CPR) conditions at Brooklyn Chest Hospital (BCH). Methods: A quantitative descriptive, cross-sectional study design was utilized. A convenient sample of 19 adults at Brooklyn Chest Hospital were interviewed. Results: Most participants reported a decrease in exercise tolerance levels (b455: n=11). However it did not limit participation. Participants reported that a lack of privacy in the environment (e155) was a barrier to health. The presence of health professionals (e355) and the provision of skills development services (e585) are facilitators to health and well-being. No differences exist in the functional ability of HIV positive and negative participants in this sample. Conclusion: The ICF Core Sets appeared valid in identifying the barriers and facilitators experienced by individuals with MDR-PTB admitted to BCH. The hospital environment must be improved to add to the QoL of those admitted, especially improving privacy within the wards. Although the social grant is seen as a facilitator, greater emphasis must be placed on preparing individuals to be economically active in the labour for when they are discharged.Keywords: multidrug resistant tuberculosis, MDR ICF core sets, health-related quality of life (HRQoL), hospitalization
Procedia PDF Downloads 3484876 Investigating the Insecticidal Effects of the Hexanic Extracts of Thymus spp. and Eucalyptus spp. on Cotton Bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)
Authors: Reza Sadeghi, Maryam Nazarahari
Considering the effectiveness of plant pesticides in pest control, this group of pesticides can provide an efficient way to reduce the damage caused by pests in agriculture and maintain environmental health. Plant pesticides allow farmers to cultivate their crops by lowering the use of chemical pesticides and help improve the quality of agricultural products. In this research, various plant compounds were extracted from two different sources, thyme and eucalyptus, by using n-hexane solvent and investigated to control cotton bollworm in laboratory conditions. The mortality rates of cotton bollworm (Helicoverpa armigera) caused by different concentrations of hexanic extract formulations were evaluated. The results showed that the varied concentrations of the hexanic extract formulations of thyme and eucalyptus had significant effects on the mortality rates of cotton bollworm larvae during a 24-h exposure period. The hexanic extract of thyme as a plant pesticide can be an effective alternative in agriculture and plant pest control. The use of pesticides in agriculture can help the environment and reduce the problems related to chemical toxins. Also, this research revealed that the types and compounds of plant pesticides can be effective in pest control and help to develop more efficient agricultural strategies.Keywords: cotton bollworm, thyme, eucalyptus, extract formulation, toxicity
Procedia PDF Downloads 954875 Maintaining Experimental Consistency in Geomechanical Studies of Methane Hydrate Bearing Soils
Authors: Lior Rake, Shmulik Pinkert
Methane hydrate has been found in significant quantities in soils offshore within continental margins and in permafrost within arctic regions where low temperature and high pressure are present. The mechanical parameters for geotechnical engineering are commonly evaluated in geomechanical laboratories adapted to simulate the environmental conditions of methane hydrate-bearing sediments (MHBS). Due to the complexity and high cost of natural MHBS sampling, most laboratory investigations are conducted on artificially formed samples. MHBS artificial samples can be formed using different hydrate formation methods in the laboratory, where methane gas and water are supplied into the soil pore space under the methane hydrate phase conditions. The most commonly used formation method is the excess gas method which is considered a relatively simple, time-saving, and repeatable testing method. However, there are several differences in the procedures and techniques used to produce the hydrate using the excess gas method. As a result of the difference between the test facilities and the experimental approaches that were carried out in previous studies, different measurement criteria and analyses were proposed for MHBS geomechanics. The lack of uniformity among the various experimental investigations may adversely impact the reliability of integrating different data sets for unified mechanical model development. In this work, we address some fundamental aspects relevant to reliable MHBS geomechanical investigations, such as hydrate homogeneity in the sample, the hydrate formation duration criterion, the hydrate-saturation evaluation method, and the effect of temperature measurement accuracy. Finally, a set of recommendations for repeatable and reliable MHBS formation will be suggested for future standardization of MHBS geomechanical investigation.Keywords: experimental study, laboratory investigation, excess gas, hydrate formation, standardization, methane hydrate-bearing sediment
Procedia PDF Downloads 594874 A Comprehensive Review on Health Hazards and Challenges for Microbial Remediation of Persistent Organic Pollutants
Authors: Nisha Gaur, K.Narasimhulu, Pydi Setty Yelamarthy
Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) have become a great concern due to their toxicity, transformation and bioaccumulation property. Therefore, this review highlights the types, sources, classification health hazards and mobility of organochlorine pesticides, industrial chemicals and their by-products. Moreover, with the signing of Aarhus and Stockholm convention on POPs there is an increased demand to identify and characterise such chemicals from industries and environment which are toxic in nature or to existing biota. Due to long life, persistent nature they enter into body through food and transfer to all tropic levels of ecological unit. In addition, POPs are lipophilic in nature and accumulate in lipid-containing tissues and organs which further indicates the adverse symptoms after the threshold limit. Though, several potential enzymes are reported from various categories of microorganism and their interaction with POPs may break down the complex compounds either through biodegradation, biostimulation or bioaugmentation process, however technological advancement and human activities have also indicated to explore the possibilities for the role of genetically modified organisms and metagenomics and metabolomics. Though many studies have been done to develop low cost, effective and reliable method for detection, determination and removal of ultra-trace concentration of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) but due to insufficient knowledge and non-feasibility of technique, the safe management of POPs is still a global challenge.Keywords: persistent organic pollutants, bioaccumulation, biostimulation, microbial remediation
Procedia PDF Downloads 3024873 Characterization of Biosurfactants Produced by Bacteria Degrading Gasoline
Authors: Ikram Kamal, Mohamed Blaghen
Biosurfactants are amphiphilic biological compounds consisting of hydrophobic and hydrophilic domains produced extracellularly or as part of the cell membrane by a variety of yeast, bacteria and filamentous fungi. Biosurfactant applications in the environmental industries are promising due to their biodegradability, low toxicity, and effectiveness in enhancing biodegradation and solubilization of low solubility compounds. Currently, the main application is for enhancement of oil recovery and hydrocarbon bioremediation due to their biodegradability and low critical micelle concentration (CMC). The use of biosurfactants has also been proposed for various industrial applications, such as in food additives, cosmetics, detergent formulations and in combinations with enzymes for wastewater treatment. In this study, we have investigated the potential of bacterial strains: Mannheimia haemolytica, Burkholderia cepacia and Serratia ficaria were collected aseptically from the lagoon Marchika (water and soil) in Nador, Morocco; for the production of biosurfactants. This study also aimed to optimize the biosurfactant production process by changing the variables that influence the type and amount of biosurfactant produced by these microorganisms such as: carbon sources and also other physical and chemical parameters such as temperature and pH. Emulsification index, methylene blue test, and thin layer chromatography (TLC) revealed the ability of strains used in this study to produce compounds that could emulsify gasoline. In addition, a GC/MS was used to separate and identify different biosurfactants purified.Keywords: biosurfactants, Mannheimia haemolytica, biodegradability, Burkholderia cepacia, Serratia ficaria
Procedia PDF Downloads 2574872 Formation of Microcapsules in Microchannel through Droplet Merging
Authors: Md. Danish Eqbal, Venkat Gundabala
Microparticles and microcapsules are basically used as a carrier for cells, tissues, drugs, and chemicals. Due to its biocompatibility, non-toxicity and biodegradability, alginate based microparticles have numerous applications in drug delivery, tissue engineering, organ repair and transplantation, etc. The production of uniform monodispersed microparticles was a challenge for the past few decades. However, emergence of microfluidics has provided controlled methods for the generation of the uniform monodispersed microparticles. In this work, we present a successful method for the generation of both microparticles and microcapsules (single and double core) using merging approach of two droplets, completely inside the microfluidic device. We have fabricated hybrid glass- PDMS (polydimethylsiloxane) based microfluidic device which has coflow geometry as well as the T junction channel. Coflow is used to generate the single as well as double oil-alginate emulsion in oil and T junction helps to form the calcium chloride droplets in oil. The basic idea is to match the frequency of the alginate droplets and calcium chloride droplets perfectly for controlled generation. Using the merging of droplets technique, we have successfully generated the microparticles and the microcapsules having single core as well as double and multiple cores. The cores in the microcapsules are very stable, well separated from each other and very intact as seen through cross-sectional confocal images. The size and the number of the cores along with the thickness of the shell can be easily controlled by controlling the flowrate of the liquids.Keywords: double-core, droplets, microcapsules, microparticles
Procedia PDF Downloads 2544871 Biosorption of Metal Ions from Sarcheshmeh Acid Mine Drainage by Immobilized Bacillus thuringiensis in a Fixed-Bed Column
Authors: V. Khosravi, F. D. Ardejani, A. Aryafar, M. Sedighi
Heavy metals have a damaging impact for the environment, animals and humans due to their extreme toxicity and removing them from wastewaters is a very important and interesting task in the field of water pollution control. Biosorption is a relatively new method for treatment of wastewaters and recovery of heavy metals. In this study, a continuous fixed bed study was carried out by using Bacillus thuringiensis as a biosorbent for the removal of Cu and Mn ions from Sarcheshmeh Acid Mine Drainage (AMD). The effect of operating parameters such as flow rate and bed height on the sorption characteristics of B. thuringiensis was investigated at pH 6.0 for each metal ion. The experimental results showed that the breakthrough time decreased with increasing flow rate and decreasing bed height. The data also indicated that the equilibrium uptake of both metals increased with decreasing flow rate and increasing bed height. BDST, Thomas, and Yoon–Nelson models were applied to experimental data to predict the breakthrough curves. All models were found suitable for describing the whole dynamic behavior of the column with respect to flow rate and bed height. In order to regenerate the adsorbent, an elution step was carried out with 1 M HCl and five adsorption-desorption cycles were carried out in continuous manner.Keywords: acid mine drainage, bacillus thuringiensis, biosorption, cu and mn ions, fixed bed
Procedia PDF Downloads 4044870 Corrosivity of Smoke Generated by Polyvinyl Chloride and Polypropylene with Different Mixing Ratios towards Carbon Steel
Authors: Xufei Liu, Shouxiang Lu, Kim Meow Liew
Because a relatively small fire could potentially cause damage by smoke corrosion far exceed thermal fire damage, it has been realized that the corrosion of metal exposed to smoke atmospheres is a significant fire hazard, except for toxicity or evacuation considerations. For the burning materials in an actual fire may often be the mixture of combustible matters, a quantitative study on the corrosivity of smoke produced by the combustion of mixture is more conducive to the application of the basic theory to the actual engineering. In this paper, carbon steel samples were exposed to smoke generated by polyvinyl chloride and polypropylene, two common combustibles in industrial plants, with different mixing ratios in high humidity for 120 hours. The separate and combined corrosive effects of smoke were examined subsequently by weight loss measurement, scanning electron microscope, energy dispersive spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction. It was found that, although the corrosivity of smoke from polypropylene was much smaller than that of smoke from polyvinyl chloride, smoke from polypropylene enhanced the major corrosive effect of smoke from polyvinyl chloride to carbon steel. Furthermore, the corrosion kinetics of carbon steel under smoke were found to obey the power function. Possible corrosion mechanisms were also proposed. All the analysis helps to provide basic information for the determination of smoke damage and timely rescue after fire.Keywords: corrosion kinetics, corrosion mechanism, mixed combustible, SEM/EDS, smoke corrosivity, XRD
Procedia PDF Downloads 2184869 Dielectric Study of Lead-Free Double Perovskite Structured Polycrystalline BaFe0.5Nb0.5O3 Material
Authors: Vijay Khopkar, Balaram Sahoo
Material with high value of dielectric constant has application in the electronics devices. Existing lead based materials have issues such as toxicity and problem with synthesis procedure. Double perovskite structured barium iron niobate (BaFe0.5Nb0.5O3, BFN) is the lead-free material, showing a high value of dielectric constant. Origin of high value of the dielectric constant in BFN is not clear. We studied the dielectric behavior of polycrystalline BFN sample over wide temperature and frequency range. A BFN sample synthesis by conventional solid states reaction method and phase pure dens pellet was used for dielectric study. The SEM and TEM study shows the presence of grain and grain boundary region. The dielectric measurement was done between frequency range of 40 Hz to 5 MHz and temperature between 20 K to 500 K. At 500 K temperature and lower frequency, there observed high value of dielectric constant which decreases with increase in frequency. The dipolar relaxation follows non-Debye type polarization with relaxation straight of 3560 at room temperature (300 K). Activation energy calculated from the dielectric and modulus formalism found to be 17.26 meV and 2.74 meV corresponds to the energy required for the motion of Fe3+ and Nb5+ ions within the oxygen octahedra. Our study shows that BFN is the order disorder type ferroelectric material.Keywords: barium iron niobate, dielectric, ferroelectric, non-Debye
Procedia PDF Downloads 1374868 Investigation of the Morphology of SiO2 Nano-Particles Using Different Synthesis Techniques
Authors: E. Gandomkar, S. Sabbaghi
In this paper, the effects of variation synthesized methods on morphology and size of silica nanostructure via modifying sol-gel and precipitation method have been investigated. Meanwhile, resulting products have been characterized by particle size analyzer, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray Diffraction (XRD) and Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectra. As result, the shape of SiO2 with sol-gel and precipitation methods was spherical but with modifying sol-gel method we have been had nanolayer structure.Keywords: modified sol-gel, precipitation, nanolayer, Na2SiO3, nanoparticle
Procedia PDF Downloads 2934867 Iodine-Doped Carbon Dots as a Catalyst for Water Remediation Application
Authors: Anurag Kumar Pandey, Tapan Kumar Nath, Santanu Dhara
Polluted water by industrial effluents or dyes has become a major global concern, particularly in developing countries. Such environmental contaminants constitute a serious threat to biodiversity, ecosystems, and human health worldwide; thus, their treatment is critical. The usage of nanoparticles has been discovered to be a potential water treatment method with high efficiency, cheap manufacturing costs, and green synthesis. Carbon dots have attracted the interest of researchers due to their unique properties, such as high water solubility, ease of production, great electron-donating ability, and low toxicity. In this context, we synthesized iodine-doped clove buds-derived carbon dots (I-CCDs) for the Fenton-like degradation of environmental contaminants in water (such as methylene blue (MB) and rhodamine-B (Rh-B) dye). The formation of I-CCDs has been confirmed using various spectroscopy techniques. I-CCDs have demonstrated remarkable optical, cytocompatibility, and antibacterial capabilities. The C-dots that were synthesized were found to be an effective catalyst for the reduction of MB and Rh-B utilizing NaBH4 as a reducing agent. UV-visible spectroscopy was used to construct a detailed pathway for dye reduction step by step. As-prepared I-CCDs have the potential to be a promising solution for wastewater purification and treatment systems.Keywords: iodine-doped carbon dots, wastewater treatment and purification, environmental friendly, antibacterial
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