Search results for: repetitive group sampling
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Search results for: repetitive group sampling

10020 Moderating Role of Positive External Factors in Relationship of Abusive Supervision and Knowledge Sharing

Authors: I.Hussain, A. Gulzar


Knowledge sharing is very important in organizations for their future progress and survival. This study investigates the impact of destructive leadership (abusive supervision) on knowledge sharing in employees. Further, the authors want to investigate a context variable (group cohesion) and explore its cross level influence on the relationship of abusive supervision and knowledge sharing. Conservation of resource theory (COR) claims loss of psychological capital (an internal positive resource) in employees due to abusive supervision and hence decrease occurs in knowledge sharing. This study tests psychological capital as mediator and group cohesion as moderator in relationship of abusive supervision and knowledge sharing. Data was collected from 239 respondents from more than 40 different organizations and 50 different groups from all over Pakistan. Results show that abusive supervision has negative effect on knowledge sharing through reduction in psychological capital of employees, and increased group cohesion in employees reduces this negative effect improving psychological capital in employees.

Keywords: abusive supervision, knowledge sharing, psychological capital, group cohesion, conservation of resources

Procedia PDF Downloads 218
10019 Effect of Ausubel's Advance Organizer Model to Enhancing Meta-Cognition of Students at Secondary Level

Authors: Qaisara Parveen, M. Imran Yousuf


The purpose of this study was to find the effectiveness of the use of advance organizer model for enhancing meta-cognition of students in the subject of science. It was hypothesized that the students of experimental group taught through advance organizer model would show the better cognition than the students of control group taught through traditional teaching. The population of the study consisted of all secondary school students studying in government high school located in Rawalpindi. The sample of the study consisted of 50 students of 9th class of humanities group. The sample was selected on the basis of their pretest scores through matching, and the groups were randomly assigned for the treatment. The experimental group was taught through advance organizer model while the control group was taught through traditional teaching. The self-developed achievement test was used for the purpose of pretest and posttest. After collecting the pre-test score and post-test score, the data was analyzed and interpreted by use of descriptive statistics as mean and standard deviation and inferential statistics t-test. The findings indicate that students taught using advance organizers had a higher level of meta-cognition as compared to control group. Further, meta cognition level of boys was found higher than that of girls students. This study also revealed the fact that though the students at different meta-cognition level approached learning situations in a different manner, Advance organizer model is far superior to Traditional method of teaching.

Keywords: descriptive, experimental, humanities, meta-cognition, statistics, science

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10018 The Influence of Group Heuristics on Corporate Social Responsibility Messages Designed to Reduce Illegal Consumption

Authors: Kate Whitman, Zahra Murad, Joe Cox


Corporate social responsibility projects are suggested to motivate consumers to reciprocate good corporate deeds with their custom. When the projects benefit the ingroup vs the outgroup, such as locals rather than foreigners, the effect on reciprocity is suggested to be more powerful. This may be explained by group heuristics, a theory which indicates that favours to the ingroup (but not outgroup) are expected to be reciprocated, resulting in ingroup favouritism. The heuristic is theorised to explain prosocial behaviours towards the ingroup. The aim of this study is to test whether group heuristics similarly explain a reduction in antisocial behaviours towards the ingroup, measured by illegal consumption which harms a group that consumers identify with. In order to test corporate social responsibility messages, a population of interested consumers is required, so sport fans are recruited. A pre-registered experiment (N = 600) tests the influence of a focused “team” benefiting message vs a broader “sport” benefiting message on change in illegal intentions. The influence of group (team) identity and trait reciprocity on message efficacy are tested as measures of group heuristics. Results suggest that the “team” treatment significantly reduces illegal consumption intentions. The “sport” treatment interacted with the team identification measure, increasing illegal consumption intentions for low team identification individuals. The results suggest that corporate social responsibility may be effective in reducing illegal consumption, if the messages are delivered directly from brands to consumers with brand identification. Messages delivered on the behalf of an industry may have an undesirable effect.

Keywords: live sports, piracy, counterfeiting, corporate social responsibility, group heuristics, ingroup bias, team identification

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10017 Teaching and Learning Physics via GPS and WikiS

Authors: Hashini E. Mohottala


We report the combine use of Wikispaces (WikiS) and Group Problem Solving (GPS) sessions conducted in the introductory level physics classes. As a part of this new teaching tool, some essay type problems were posted on the WikiS in weekly basis and students were encouraged to participate in problem solving without providing numerical final answers but the steps. Wikispace is used as a platform for students to meet online and create discussions. Each week students were further evaluated on problem solving skills opening up more opportunity for peer interaction through GPS. Each group was given a different problem to solve and the answers were graded. Students developed a set of skills in decision-making, problem solving, communication, negotiation, critical and independent thinking and teamwork through the combination of WikiS and GPS.

Keywords: group problem solving (GPS), wikispace (WikiS), physics education, learning

Procedia PDF Downloads 418
10016 The Fidget Widget Toolkit: A Positive Intervention Designed and Evaluated to Enhance Wellbeing for People in the Later Stage of Dementia

Authors: Jane E. Souyave, Judith Bower


This study is an ongoing collaborative project between the University of Central Lancashire and the Alzheimer’s Society to design and test the idea of using interactive tools for a person living with dementia and their carers. It is hoped that the tools will fulfill the possible needs of engagement and interaction as dementia progresses, therefore enhancing wellbeing and improving quality of life for the person with dementia and their carers. The project was informed by Kitwood’s five psychological needs for producing wellbeing and explored evidence that fidgeting is often seen as a form of agitation and a negative symptom of dementia. Although therapy for agitation may be well established, there is a lack of appropriate items aimed at people in the later stage of dementia, that are not childlike or medical in their aesthetic. Individuals may fidget in a particular way and the tools in the Fidget Widget Toolkit have been designed to encourage repetitive movements of the hand, specifically to address the abilities of people with relatively advanced dementia. As an intervention, these tools provided a new approach that had not been tested in dementia care. Prototypes were created through an iterative design process and tested with a number of people with dementia and their carers, using quantitative and qualitative methods. Dementia Care Mapping was used to evaluate the impact of the intervention in group settings. Cohen Mansfield’s Agitation Inventory was used to record the daily use and interest of the intervention for people in their usual place of residence. The results informed the design of a new set of devices to promote safe, stigma free fidgeting as a positive experience, meaningful activity and enhance wellbeing for people in the later stage of dementia. The outcomes addressed the needs of individuals by reducing agitation and restlessness through helping them to connect, engage and act independently, providing the means of doing something for themselves that they were able to do. The next stage will be to explore the commercial feasibility of the Fidget Widget Toolkit so that it can be introduced as good practice and innovation in dementia care. It could be used by care homes, with carers and their families to support wellbeing and lead the way in providing some positive experiences and person-centred approaches that are lacking in the later stage of dementia.

Keywords: dementia, design, fidgeting, healthcare, positive moments, quality of life, wellbeing

Procedia PDF Downloads 274
10015 The Effects of Red Onion (Allium cepa) Extract on Histopathological Appearance of Bursa fabricius in Layers in Open House System

Authors: A. D. Paryuni, R. N. Nataria, R. Wasito


Layer chickens are a poultry commodity that has an important role in producing eggs and meat to support the availability of animal proteins. The layer chickens still have obstacles to increasing their productivity, especially due to poultry diseases which can result not only in decreased egg production but also morbidity and mortality. To overcome this condition, phyto-therapeutic and/or phyto-preventive approaches which are efficacious, safe and cheap are needed. One of the herbal spices from Indonesia which is greatly possible to be promoted as an herbal medicine is a red onion (Allium cepa). The objective of the present study was to identify and determine the effect of red onion extract (Allium cepa) as anti-infection and immuno-modulator of Bursa fabricius in layer chickens raised in an open house system. Eighteen layer chickens at 17 days of age were divided randomly into three group of six each. Those were layer chickens without red onion extract (Group K I), Group K II gave red onion extract via drinking water and Group K III gave red onion extract peroral for 30 days. Water and feed were given ad libitum. Necropsy was conducted every 10 days by taking two samples of layer chickens/Group. Bursa fabricius was processed histopathologically and stained-routinely with hematoxylin-eosinand was then examined under light microscope. The results of the present study indicated that bursaFabricius in layer chickens in Groups K I, K II, and K III that were necropsied at days 10 and 20 had normal histologic structures. However, Bursa fabricius in Group K I at day 30, had vacuolization with mild to moderate large vacuoles containing homogenous eosinophilic fluid and atrophy of lymphoid follicles. Mild vacuolization in the follicle of Bursa fabricius was seen in layer chickens in Group K II, whereas layer chickens in Group K III had normal histologic structures of Bursa fabricius. It was concluded that apparently, red onion extract (Allium cepa) has herbal preventive effects against the pathological lesions in the Bursa fabricius of layer chickens.

Keywords: Bursa fabricius, disease of poultry, hematoxylin-eosin, layer chickens, red onion extract

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10014 The Learning Styles Approach to Math Instruction: Improving Math Achievement and Motivation among Low Achievers in Kuwaiti Elementary Schools

Authors: Eisa M. Al-Balhan, Mamdouh M. Soliman


This study introduced learning styles techniques into mathematics teaching to improve mathematics achievement and motivation among Kuwaiti fourth- and fifth-grade low achievers. The study consisted of two groups. The control group (N = 212) received traditional math tutoring based on a textbook and the tutor’s knowledge of math. The experimental group (N = 209) received math tutoring from instructors trained in the Learning Style™ approach. Three instruments were used: Motivation Scale towards Mathematics; Achievement in Mathematics Test; and the manual of learning style approach indicating the individual’s preferred learning style: AKV, AVK, KAV, KVA, VAK, or VKA. The participating teachers taught to the detected learning style of each student or group. The findings show significant improvement in achievement and motivation towards mathematics in the experimental group. The outcome offers information to variables affecting achievement and motivation towards mathematics and demonstrates the leading role of Kuwait in education within the region.

Keywords: elementary school, learning style, math low achievers, SmartWired™, math instruction, motivation

Procedia PDF Downloads 116
10013 Effect of Foot Reflexology Treatment on Arterial Blood Gases among Mechanically Ventilated Patients

Authors: Maha Salah Abdullah Ismail, Manal S. Ismail, Amir M. Saleh


Reflexology treatment is a method for enhancing body relaxation. It is a widely recognized as an alternative therapy, effective for many health conditions. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of reflexology treatment on arterial blood gases among mechanically ventilated patients. A quasi-experimental (pre and post-test) research design was used. Research hypothesis was mechanically ventilated patients who will receive the reflexology treatment will have improvement in their arterial blood gases than those who will not. The current study was carried out in different Intensive Care Units at the Cairo University Hospitals. A purposeful sample of 100 adults’ mechanically ventilated patients was recruited over a period of three months of data collection. The participants were divided into two equally matched groups; (1) The study group who has received the routine care, in addition, two reflexology sessions on the feet, (2) The control group who has received only the routine care. One tool was utilized to collect data pertinent to the study; mechanically ventilated patients' data sheet that consists of demographic and medical data. Result: Majority (58% of the study group and 82% of the control group) were males, with mean age of 50.9 years in both groups. Patients who received the reflexology treatment significantly increase in the oxygen saturation pre second session (t=5.15, p=.000), immediate post sessions (t=4.4, p=.000) and post two hours (t= 4.7, p= .000). The study group was more likely to have lower PaO2 (F=5.025, p=.015), PaCo2 (F=4.952, p=.025) and higher HCo3 (F=15.211, p=.000) than the control group. Conclusion: This study results support the positive effect of reflexology treatment in improving some arterial blood gases among mechanically ventilated patients’ with the conventional therapy as in the study group there was increase in the oxygen saturation. In differences between groups there decrease PaO2, PaCo2 and increase HCo3 in the study group. Recommendation: Nurses should be trained how to demonstrate the foot reflexology among mechanically ventilated patients.

Keywords: arterial blood gases, foot, mechanical ventilated patient, reflexology

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10012 Group Boundaries against and Due to Identity Threat

Authors: Anna Siegler, Sara Bigazzi, Sara Serdult, Ildiko Bokretas


Social identity emerging from group membership defines the representational processes of our social reality. Based on our theoretical assumption the subjective perception of identity threat leads to an instable identity structure. The need to re-establish the positive identity will lead us to strengthen group boundaries. Prejudice in our perspective offer psychological security those who thinking in exclusive barriers, and we suggest that those who identify highly with their ingroup/national identity and less with superordinate identities take distance from others and this is related to their perception of threat. In our study we used a newly developed questionnaire, the Multiple Threat and Prejudice Questionnaire (MTPQ) which measure identity threat at different dimensions of identification (national, existential, gender, religious) and the distancing of different outgroups, over and above we worked with Social Dominance Orientation (SDO) and Identification with All Humanity Scale (IWAH). We conduct one data collection (N=1482) in a Hungarian sample to examine the connection between national threat and distance-taking, and this survey includes the investigation (N=218) of identification with different group categories. Our findings confirmed that those who feel themselves threatened in their national identity aspects are less likely to identify themselves with superordinate groups and this correlation is much stronger when they think about the nation as a bio-cultural unit, while if nation defined as a social-economy entity this connection is less powerful and has just the opposite direction.

Keywords: group boundaries, identity threat, prejudice, superordinate groups

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10011 Effect of Relaxation Techniques on Immunological Properties of Breast Milk

Authors: Ahmed Ali Torad


Background: Breast feeding maintains the maternal fetal immunological link, favours the transmission of immune-competence from the mother to her infant and is considered an important contributory factor to the neo natal immune defense system. Purpose: This study was conducted to investigate the effect of relaxation techniques on immunological properties of breast milk. Subjects and Methods: Thirty breast feeding mothers with a single, mature infant without any complications participated in the study. Subjects will be recruited from outpatient clinic of obstetric department of El Kasr El-Aini university hospital in Cairo. Mothers were randomly divided into two equal groups using coin toss method: Group (A) (relaxation training group) (experimental group): It will be composed of 15 women who received relaxation training program in addition to breast feeding and nutritional advices and Group (B) (control group): It will be composed of 15 women who received breast feeding and nutritional advices only. Results: The results showed that mean mother’s age was 28.4 ± 3.68 and 28.07 ± 4.09 for group A and B respectively, there were statistically significant differences between pre and post values regarding cortisol level, IgA level, leucocyte count and infant’s weight and height and there is only statistically significant differences between both groups regarding post values of all immunological variables (cortisol – IgA – leucocyte count). Conclusion: We could conclude that there is a statistically significant effect of relaxation techniques on immunological properties of breast milk.

Keywords: relaxation, breast, milk, immunology, lactation

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10010 Possible Endocrinal and Liver Enzymes Toxicities Associated with Long Term Exposure to Benzene in Saudi Arabia

Authors: Faizah Asiri, Mohammed Fathy, Saeed Alghamdi, Nahlah Ayoub, Faisal Asiri


Background: - The strategies for this study were based on the toxic effect of long-term inhalation of Benzene on hormones and liver enzymes and various parameters related to it. The following databases were searched: benzene, hepatotoxic, benzene metabolism, hormones, testosterone, hemotoxic, and prolonged exposure. A systematic strategy is designed to search the literature that links benzene with the multiplicity and different types of intoxication or the medical abbreviations of diseases relevant to benzene exposure. Evidence suggests that getting rid of inhaled gasoline is by exhalation. Absorbed benzene is metabolized by giving phenolic acid as well as meconic acid, followed by urinary excretion of conjugate sulfates and glucuronides. Materials and Methods :- This work was conducted in the Al-Khadra laboratory in Taif 2020/2021 and aimed to measure some of the possible endocrinal and liver toxicities associated with benzene's long-term exposure in Saudi Arabia at the station workers who are considered the most exposed category to gasoline. One hundred ten station workers were included in this study. They were divided into four patient groups according to the chronic exposure rate to benzene, one control group, and three other groups of exposures. As follows: patient Group 1 (controlled group), patient Group 2 (exposed less than 1y), patient Group 3 (exposed 1-5 y), patient Group 4 (more than 5). Each group is compared with blood sample parameters (ALT, FSH and Testosterone, TSH). Blood samples were drawn from the participants, and statistical tests were performed. Significant change (p≤0.05) was examined compared to the control group. Workers' exposure to benzene led to a significant change in hematological, hormonal, and hepatic factors compared to the control group. Results:- The results obtained a relationship between long-term exposure to benzene and a decrease in the level of testosterone and FSH hormones, including that it poses a toxic risk in the long term (p≤0.05) when compared to the control. We obtained results confirming that there is no significant coloration between years of exposure and TSH level (p≤0.05) when compared to the control. Conclusion:- We conclude that some hormones and liver enzymes are affected by chronic doses of benzene through inhalation after our study was on the group most exposed to benzene, which is gas station workers.

Keywords: toxicities, benzene, hormones, station workers

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10009 Internal Evaluation of Architecture University Department in Architecture Engineering Bachelor's Level: A Case from Iran

Authors: Faranak Omidian


This study has been carried out to examine the status of architecture department at bachelor's level of engineering architecture in Islamic Azad University of Dezful in 2012-13 academic year. The present research is a descriptive cross sectional study and in terms of measurement, it is descriptive and analytical, which was done based on 7 steps and in 7 areas with 32 criteria and 169 indicators. The sample includes 201 students, 14 faculty members, 72 graduates and 39 employers. Simple random sampling method, complete enumeration method, network sampling (snowball sampling) were used for students, faculty members and graduates respectively. All sample responded to the questions. After data collection, the findings were ranked on Likert scale from desirable to undesirable with the scores ranging from 1 to 3.The results showed that the department with a score of 1.88 in regard to objectives, organizational status, management and organizations, with a score of 2 in relation to students, with a score of 1.8 in regard to faculty members was in a relatively desirable status. Regarding training courses and curriculum, it gained a score of 2.33 which indicates the desirable status of the department in this regard. It gained scores of 1.75, 2, and 1.8 with respect to educational and research facilities and equipment, teaching and learning strategies, and graduates respectively, all of which shows the relatively desirable status of the department. The results showed that the department of architecture, with an average score of 2.14 in all evaluated areas, was in a desirable situation. Therefore, although the department generally has a desirable status, it needs to put in more effort to tackle its weaknesses and shortages and corrects its defects in order to promote educational quality, taking to the desirable level.

Keywords: internal evaluation, architecture department in Islamic, Azad University, Dezful

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10008 The Antidiabetic Properties of Indonesian Swietenia mahagoni in Alloxan-Induced Diabetic Rats

Authors: T. Wresdiyati, S. Sa’diah, A. Winarto


Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a metabolic disease that can be indicated by the high level of blood glucose. The objective of this study was to observe the antidiabetic properties of ethanolic extract of Indonesian Swietenia mahagoni Jacq. seed on the profile of pancreatic superoxide dismutase and β-cells in the alloxan- experimental diabetic rats. The Swietenia mahagoni seed was obtained from Leuwiliang-Bogor, Indonesia. Extraction of Swietenia mahagoni was done by using ethanol with maceration methods. A total of 25 male Sprague dawley rats were divided into five groups; (a) negative control group, (b) positive control group (DM), (c) DM group that was treated with Swietenia mahagoni seed extract, (d) DM group that was treated with acarbose, and (e) non-DM group that was treated with Swietenia mahagoni seed extract. The DM groups were induced by alloxan (110 mg/kgBW). The extract was orally administrated to diabetic rats 500 mg/kg/BW/day for 28 days. The extract showed hypoglycemic effect, increased body weight, increased the content of superoxide dismutase in the pancreatic tissue, and delayed the rate of β-cells damage of experimental diabetic rats. These results suggested that the ethanolic extract of Indonesian Swietenia mahagoni Jacq. seed could be proposed as a potential anti-diabetic agent.

Keywords: beta cells, diabetes, hypoglycemic, rat, Swietenia mahagoni

Procedia PDF Downloads 295
10007 Oral Betahistine Versus Intravenous Diazepam in Acute Peripheral Vertigo: A Randomized, Double-Blind Controlled Trial

Authors: Saeed Abbasi, Davood Farsi, Soudabeh Shafiee Ardestani, Neda Valizadeh


Objectives: Peripheral vertigo is a common complaint of patients who are visited in emergency departments. In our study, we wanted to evaluate the effect of betahistine as an oral drug vs. intravenous diazepam for the treatment of acute peripheral vertigo. We also wanted to see the possibility of substitution of parenteral drug with an oral one with fewer side effects. Materials and Methods: In this randomized, double-blind study, 101 patients were enrolled in the study. The patients were divided in two groups in a double-blind randomized manner. Group A took oral placebo and 10 mg of intravenous diazepam. Group B received 8mg of oral betahistine and intravenous placebo. Patients’ symptoms and signs (Vertigo severity, Nausea, Vomiting, Nistagmus and Gate) were evaluated after 0, 2, 4, 6 hours by emergency physicians and data were collected by a questionnaire. Results: In both groups, there was significant improvement in vertigo (betahistine group P=0.02 and Diazepam group P=0.03). Analysis showed more improvement in vertigo severity after 4 hours of treatment in betahistine group comparing to diazepam group (P=0.02). Nausea and vomiting were significantly lower in patients receiving diazepam after 2 and 6 hours (P=0.02 & P=0.03).No statistically significant differences were found between the groups in nistagmus, equilibrium & vertigo duration. Conclusion: The results of this randomized trial showed that both drugs had acceptable therapeutic effects in peripheral vertigo, although betahistine was significantly more efficacious after 4 hours of drug intake. As for higher nausea and vomiting in betahistine group, physician should consider these side effects before drug prescription.

Keywords: acute peripheral vertigo, betahistine, diazepam, emergency department

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10006 Analyze Needs for Training on Academic Procrastination Behavior on Students in Indonesia

Authors: Iman Dwi Almunandar, Nellawaty A. Tewu, Anshari Al Ghaniyy


The emergence of academic procrastination behavior among students in Indonesian, especially the students of Faculty of Psychology at YARSI University becomes a habit to be underestimated, so often interfere with the effectiveness of learning process. The lecturers at the Faculty of Psychology YARSI University have very often warned students to be able to do and collect assignments accordance to predetermined deadline. However, they are still violated it. According to researchers, this problem needs to do a proper training for the solution to minimize academic procrastination behavior on students. In this study, researchers conducted analyze needs for deciding whether need the training or not. Number of sample is 30 respondents which being choose with a simple random sampling. Measurement of academic procrastination behavior is using the theory by McCloskey (2011), there are six dimensions: Psychological Belief about Abilities, Distractions, Social Factor of Procrastination, Time Management, Personal Initiative, Laziness. Methods of analyze needs are using Questioner, Interview, Observations, Focus Group Discussion (FGD), Intelligence Tests. The result of analyze needs shows that psychology students generation of 2015 at the Faculty of Psychology YARSI University need for training on Time Management.

Keywords: procrastination, psychology, analyze needs, behavior

Procedia PDF Downloads 383
10005 Estimation of Coefficient of Discharge of Side Trapezoidal Labyrinth Weir Using Group Method of Data Handling Technique

Authors: M. A. Ansari, A. Hussain, A. Uddin


A side weir is a flow diversion structure provided in the side wall of a channel to divert water from the main channel to a branch channel. The trapezoidal labyrinth weir is a special type of weir in which crest length of the weir is increased to pass higher discharge. Experimental and numerical studies related to the coefficient of discharge of trapezoidal labyrinth weir in an open channel have been presented in the present study. Group Method of Data Handling (GMDH) with the transfer function of quadratic polynomial has been used to predict the coefficient of discharge for the side trapezoidal labyrinth weir. A new model is developed for coefficient of discharge of labyrinth weir by regression method. Generalized models for predicting the coefficient of discharge for labyrinth weir using Group Method of Data Handling (GMDH) network have also been developed. The prediction based on GMDH model is more satisfactory than those given by traditional regression equations.

Keywords: discharge coefficient, group method of data handling, open channel, side labyrinth weir

Procedia PDF Downloads 160
10004 Assessment of the Physical Activity Level and the Nutritional Status among Students in Bowen University, Iwo, Osun State, Nigeria

Authors: Fakunle Egbo, Kammalchukwu A., Akinremi T.


Physical activity and nutritional status influence the health status and cognition of young adults. Lack of physical activity increases the likelihood of developing obesity which leads to the risk of heart diseases and other risk factors like high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, diabetes etc. The study employed a cross-sectional study design. The study used a multi stage sampling technique multi- stage sampling technique; Purposive, for the selection of colleges that would be used, stratified random sampling for stratifying the colleges into departments and the simple random sampling for the selection of each respondent from the departments. Structured questionnaires were used to obtain data from the respondents and pre-tested anthropometric instruments were used to get the weight and height of the respondents and statistically analyzed using SPSS version 22.0 and the TDA (Total dietary allowance) software which was used to analyze the nutrient intake of the respondents. This study showed that they comprised of 50.1% males and 40.9% females. Slightly above average 51.8% were between ages of 15-19 with mean age being 19.57 years; ages 20-24 were slightly below average at 45.7%. The male students 58.7% had vigorous physical activity, whereas majority of females 76.5% had light physical activity level. 39.1% of the male students carried out physical activity 2-3 times per week while One third of the female students (38.3%) carried out physical activity 6-7 times per week. Majority of the respondents had Inadequate Protein- 63.8%, Carbohydrate- 60.2%, and Dietary fiber- 88.8. 36% eat rice 4-6 times per week. Majority of the respondents had inadequate fruit and vegetables (Efo, Banana,) at 47.7%, 40.6% respectively. Using Body mass index, (63.2%) have normal weight. 22.9% are overweight, 6.8% are underweight, 5.4% have grade 1 obesity and 1.6% have grade II obesity. There was a statistically significant association between the physical activity of the respondents with their nutritional status (p=0.037), physical activity and sex (p=0.000), nutritional status and amount spent on food daily (p=0.007). The study concluded that the physical activity level of the respondents, most especially the females were low; One third of the students were malnourished therefore, there should be an urgent need for improving the overall health status of students by providing the students with well-equipped gyms and other sporting equipment’s that would make them participate actively and keep fit.

Keywords: physical activity, nutritional status, undergraduates, dietary pattern

Procedia PDF Downloads 68
10003 The Effect of Exercise, Reflexology and Chrome on Metabolic Syndrome

Authors: F. Arslan, S.D. Guven, A. Özcan, H. Vatansev, Ö. Taşgin


Weight, hypertension and dyslipidemia control and increased physical activity are required for the treatment of metabolic syndrome (METS). The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of core exercise, reflexology and intake chrome picolinate on METS. This study comprised a twelve-week randomized controlled trial. A total of 25 university workers with metabolic risk factors participated in this study voluntarily. They were randomly divided into three groups: Those undertaking a core exercise program (n=7), reflexology intervention group (n=8) and intake chrome group (n=10). The subjects took part in a core exercise program for one hour per day, three days a week and a reflexology interfered for thirty minutes per day, one days a week and chrome group took chrome picolinate every day in week for twelve weeks. The components of metabolic syndrome were analyzed before and after the completion of all the intervention. There were significant differences at pre-prandial blood glucose in the core exercise group and at systolic blood pressure in chrome group after the twelve week interventions (p < 0.005). While High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) excluding the components of METS decreased after the interventions on the all groups; levels of HDL and the other components of METS decreased in reflexology group. There was a clear response to the twelve-week interventions in terms of METS control. Besides, the reflexology intervention should not be applied to individuals with low HDL levels and core exercise and intake chrome picolinate suggested to improve the components of METS.

Keywords: blood pressure, body mass index, exercise, METS, pre-prandial blood glucose

Procedia PDF Downloads 444
10002 Use of Curcumin in Radiochemotherapy Induced Oral Mucositis Patients: A Control Trial Study

Authors: Shivayogi Charantimath


Radiotherapy and chemotherapy are effective for treating malignancies but are associated with side effects like oral mucositis. Chlorhexidine gluconate is one of the most commonly used mouthwash in prevention of signs and symptoms of mucositis. Evidence shows that chlorhexidine gluconate has side effects in terms of colonization of bacteria, bad breadth and less healing properties. Thus, it is essential to find a suitable alternative therapy which is more effective with minimal side effects. Curcumin, an extract of turmeric is gradually being studied for its wide-ranging therapeutic properties such as antioxidant, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antitumor, antimicrobial, antiseptic, chemo sensitizing and radio sensitizing properties. The present study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy and safety of topical curcumin gel on radio-chemotherapy induced oral mucositis in cancer patients. The aim of the study is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of curcumin gel in the management of oral mucositis in cancer patients undergoing radio chemotherapy and compare with chlorhexidine. The study was conducted in K.L.E. Society’s Belgaum cancer hospital. 40 oral cancer patients undergoing the radiochemotheraphy with oral mucositis was selected and randomly divided into two groups of 20 each. The study group A [20 patients] was advised Cure next gel for 2 weeks. The control group B [20 patients] was advised chlorhexidine gel for 2 weeks. The NRS, Oral Mucositis Assessment scale and WHO mucositis scale were used to determine the grading. The results obtained were calculated by using SPSS 20 software. The comparison of grading was done by applying Mann-Whitney U test and intergroup comparison was calculated by Wilcoxon matched pairs test. The NRS scores observed from baseline to 1st and 2nd week follow up in both the group showed significant difference. The percentage of change in erythema in respect to group A was 63.3% for first week and for second week, changes were 100.0% with p = 0.0003. The changes in Group A in respect to erythema was 34.6% for 1st week and 57.7% in second week. The intergroup comparison was significant with p value of 0.0048 and 0.0006 in relation to group A and group B respectively. The size of the ulcer score was measured which showed 35.5% [P=0.0010] of change in Group A for 1st and 2nd week showed totally reduction i.e. 103.4% [P=0.0001]. Group B showed 24.7% change from baseline to 1st week and 53.6% for 2nd week follow up. The intergroup comparison with Wilcoxon matched pair test was significant with p=0.0001 in group A. The result obtained by WHO mucositis score in respect to group A shows 29.6% [p=0.0004] change in first week and 75.0% [p=0.0180] change in second week which is highly significant in comparison to group B. Group B showed minimum changes i.e. 20.1% in 1st week and 33.3% in 2nd week. The p value with Wilcoxon was significant with 0.0025 in Group A for 1st week follow up and 0.000 for 2nd week follow up. Curcumin gel appears to an effective and safer alternative to chlorhexidine gel in treatment of oral mucositis.

Keywords: curcumin, chemotheraphy, mucositis, radiotheraphy

Procedia PDF Downloads 353
10001 Quadrature Mirror Filter Bank Design Using Population Based Stochastic Optimization

Authors: Ju-Hong Lee, Ding-Chen Chung


The paper deals with the optimal design of two-channel linear-phase (LP) quadrature mirror filter (QMF) banks using a metaheuristic based optimization technique. Based on the theory of two-channel QMF banks using two recursive digital all-pass filters (DAFs), the design problem is appropriately formulated to result in an objective function which is a weighted sum of the group delay error of the designed QMF bank and the magnitude response error of the designed low-pass analysis filter. Through a frequency sampling and a weighted least squares approach, the optimization problem of the objective function can be solved by utilizing a particle swarm optimization algorithm. The resulting two-channel QMF banks can possess approximately LP response without magnitude distortion. Simulation results are presented for illustration and comparison.

Keywords: quadrature mirror filter bank, digital all-pass filter, weighted least squares algorithm, particle swarm optimization

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10000 Various Sources of N-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Supplementation Modulate Mitochondria Membrane Composition and Function

Authors: Wen-Ting Wang, Wei-An Tsai, Rong-Hong Hsieh


Long term taking high fat diet can lead to over production of energy, result in accumulation of body fat, dyslipidemia and increased lipid metabolism in the body. Over metabolism of lipid results in excessive reactive oxygen species and oxidative stress, may also cause mitochondrial dysfunction and cell death. Krill oil, fish oil and linseed oil are good sources of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). The present study investigated the effect of high fat diet and various oil rich of n-3 fatty acids on mitochondrial function and cell membrane composition. Six-weeks old male Spraque-Dawley rats were randomly divided into 8 groups including: control group, high fat diet group, low dosage and high dosage krill oil group, low dosage and high dosage fish oil group, and low dosage and high dosage linseed oil group. After 12 weeks of experimental period, the low dosage krill oil, fish oil group and linseed oil group with different dosage prevented mitochondrial dysfunction caused by high fat diet. The supplementation of different oils increased plasma, erythrocyte and mitochondrial n-3/n-6 ratio and further increased the proportion of PUFA in erythrocyte and mitochondrial membrane. It also decreased serum triglyceride (TG) and low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) concentration. However, there was no significant change in serum total cholesterol (TC), high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), biomarker of liver function, glucose, insulin, homeostasis model assessment-insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) and plasma malonadialdehyde (MDA) concentration when compared with high fat diet group. The supplementation of different sources of n-3 PUFA can maintain mitochondrial function and modulate cell membrane fatty acid composition in high fat diet conditions, and there is a positive relationship between mitochondrial function and mitochondrial membrane composition.

Keywords: fish oil, linseed oil, mitochondria, n-3 PUFA

Procedia PDF Downloads 414
9999 Exploring the Impact of Cultural Values on the Performance of Women Bureaucrats in Pakistan

Authors: Fariya Tahreen


Women are an important part of the society comprising more than 50% population of the world. Participation of women in public services is increasing in the present era while cultural values embedded with gender differences still influencing the performance of working women. Many researches have been carried out on cultural impact on working women like managers, doctors, and lawyers and other public servants. But very rare efforts were made to study the impact of cultural values on the performance of women bureaucrats. The present study aimed to find out the relationship of cultural values (i.e., collective identity, gender segregation, and gender asymmetrical relations) with the performance of women bureaucrats. Sample of the present study comprised of 130 women bureaucrats from the Office Management Group, Inland Revenue, District Management Group, and Pakistan Police Services which is selected by convenient sampling technique. The locale of the study was Islamabad, Rawalpindi and Lahore city. The current research study was conducted by using a quantitative approach in research method and data were collected through survey method. The measures used in the study included: personal information, three main cultural values, and performance of women bureaucrats. Uni-variate and bi-variate analyses were implied by using correlation and multiple linear regression test. The current study shows a negative significant relationship between cultural values and performance of women bureaucrats (R²= 0.790, p-value 0.000). It shows that cultural values (collective identity, gender segregation and gender asymmetrical relations) significantly influence the performance of women bureaucrats. Due to the influence and pressure of these cultural values, women bureaucrats give less time to the office and avail more leaves. They also avoid contacting with male colleagues, public dealings, field visits and playing leadership role. Further, they attend fewer meetings of policy formulation due to given less importance for it. In a nutshell, the study concluded that cultural values significantly influence the performance of women bureaucrats in Pakistan.

Keywords: cultural values, performance, Pakistan, women bureaucrats

Procedia PDF Downloads 127
9998 The Relationship of Weight Regain with Biochemical and Psychological Factors in Non Postmenopausal Women

Authors: Farzad Shidfar, Najmeh Rostami, Ziaodin Mazhari, Fatemeh Hosseini Baharanchi


Background and Aim: The rate of failure to maintain a reduced weight has been increased. By definition, people who regain about one-third to two-thirds of their lost weight after one year from the end of the dietary treatment and return all the lost weight after 5 years it is called weight regain. This study was performed to find the causes of weight regain and its relationship with biochemical and psychological factors. Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was performed by reviewing the files of people who followed the dietary treatment in 1397-1398.seventy-three persons was in the weight regain group, and seventy-three people were in the weight maintenance group. Psychological factors such as depression, anxiety, quality of life, physical activity, and dietary frequency were assessed through a questionnaire, and biochemical factors such as serum insulin and fasting blood sugar were measured. The mean basal energy in the weight regain group was significantly higher than the weight maintenance group (p = 0.004). There was no significant difference between the two groups in terms of food intake and inflammatory index of food. There was no significant difference between the two groups in terms of food intake and inflammatory index of food. Mean serum insulin concentration (p = 0.023), mean fasting blood sugar (p = 0.04) and insulin resistance (p = 0.013) in the weight regain group were higher than the weight maintenance group. The weight maintenance group showed higher insulin sensitivity than the weight regain group (p = 0.005). There was no significant difference between the two groups in terms of psychological indicators. Conclusion: The only body mass index after one year from the end of the treatment period, insulin sensitivity, serum insulin concentration, fasting blood sugar, insulin resistance, selenium intake, and basal energy expenditure Specific and significant with weight regain. However, the significance of insulin resistance, basal energy expenditure, and body mass index after one year from the end of the treatment period was higher than other variables in the weight regain group.

Keywords: body weight maintenance, weight regain, insulin resistance, insulin sensitivity

Procedia PDF Downloads 117
9997 Elimination of Contaminants of Emerging Concerns by Peracetic Acid and Advanced Oxidation Process

Authors: Abdul Rahim Al Umairi, Mohamed Gamal El-Din


The removal of the selected contaminants of emerging concerns (CECs) presented under related environmental conditions by Peracetic Acid (PAA) and PAA-UV photolysis processes was examined in this study. A mixture of (CECs) (pesticides and pharmaceutical compounds) was prepared inclean water and treated with different doses of PAA (3.2, 6.4, and 9.6 mg/L) under different pH values (5.2, 7.2, and 9.2). The results revealed that the reactivity of the selected CECs with PAA was classified into three groups: Group 1 poorly reactive (removal <25%), Group2 moderately reactive (removal 25% to 50%), and Group 3 highly reactive (> 50%). Group1 includes atrazine (ATZ) and fluconazole (FCL), Group2 includes carbamazepine (CBZ), sulfamethoxazole (SMX), trimethoprim (TMP), mecoprop (MCPP), diazinon (DZN) and Group 3 includes perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and clindamycin (CLN). The pH was found to affect the CECs' degradation differently, for Group 1 and Group 3, better removal was achieved in the acidand alkaline medium. In contrast, for Group 2 pH effects were not well pronounced. PAA-UV photolysis processes were explored to degrade the recalcitrant indicators compounds: ATZ (Group1) and SMX(Group2). PAA-UV process showed no improvement in the removal of ATZ. In contrast, PAA-UV removed SMX drastically with a pseudo decay rate constant of 0.014 cm2/mJ compared to 0.002 cm2/mJ by UV alone. The contribution of hydroxyl radical to the degradation process using the PAA-UV process was found to be negligible. This study illustratedPAA's capability on the degradation of the CECs presented in relative environmental conditions and unveiled the potential of using PAA-UV processes as advanced oxidation processes.

Keywords: advanced oxidation process, contaminants of emerging concerns, peracetic acid, hydroxyl radical

Procedia PDF Downloads 131
9996 The Effect of Strength Training and Consumption of Glutamine Supplement on GH/IGF1 Axis

Authors: Alireza Barari


Physical activity and diet are factors that influence the body's structure. The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of four weeks of resistance training, and glutamine supplement consumption on growth hormone (GH), and Insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) Axis. 40 amateur male bodybuilders, participated in this study. They were randomly divided into four equal groups, Resistance (R), Glutamine (G), Resistance with Glutamine (RG), and Control (C). The R group was assigned to a four week resistance training program, three times/week, three sets of 10 exercises with 6-10 repetitions, at the 80-95% 1RM (One Repetition Maximum), with 120 seconds rest between sets), G group is consuming l-glutamine (0.1 g/kg-1/day-1), RG group resistance training with consuming L-glutamine, and C group continued their normal lifestyle without exercise training. GH, IGF1, IGFBP-III plasma levels were measured before and after the protocol. One-way ANOVA indicated significant change in GH, IGF, and IGFBP-III between the four groups, and the Tukey test demonstrated significant increase in GH, IGF1, IGFBP-III plasma levels in R, and RG group. Based upon these findings, we concluded that resistance training at 80-95% 1RM intensity, and resistance training along with oral glutamine shows significantly increase secretion of GH, IGF-1, and IGFBP-III in amateur males, but the addition of oral glutamine to the exercise program did not show significant difference in GH, IGF-1, and IGFBP-III.

Keywords: strength, glutamine, growth hormone, insulin-like growth factor 1

Procedia PDF Downloads 309
9995 Gas Monitoring and Soil Control at the Natural Gas Storage Site (Minerbio, Italy)

Authors: Ana Maria Carmen Ilie, Carmela Vaccaro


Gas migration through wellbore failure, in particular from abandoned wells, is repeatedly identified as the highest risk mechanism. The vadose zone was subject to monitoring system close to the wellbore in Minerbio, methane storage site. The new technology has been well-developed and used with the purpose to provide reliable estimates of leakage parameters. Of these techniques, soil flux sampling at the soil surface, via the accumulation chamber method and soil flux sampling at the depths of 100cm below the ground surface, have been an important technique for characterizing the gas concentrations at the gas storage site. We present results of soil Radon Bq/m3, CO2%, CH4% and O2% concentration gases. Measurements have been taken for radon concentrations with an Durridge RAD7 Company, Inc., USA, instrument. We used for air and soil quality an Biogas ETG instrument monitoring system, with NDIR CO2, CH4 gas sensor and electrochemical O2 gas sensor. The measurements started in September-October 2015, where no outliers have been identified. The measurements have continued in March-April-July-August-September 2016, almost at the same time in the same place around the gas storage site, values measured 15 minutes for each sampling, to determine their concentration, their distribution and to understand the relationship among gases and atmospheric conditions. At a depth of 100 cm, the maximum soil radon gas concentrations were found to be 1770 ±±582 Bq/m3, the soil consists of 64.31% sand, 20.75% silt and 14.94% clay, and with 0.526 ppm of Uranium. The maximum concentration (September 2016), in soil at 100cm below the ground surface, with 83% sand, 8.96% silt and 7.89% clay, was about 0.06% CH4, and in atmosphere 0.06% CH4 at 40°C (T). In the other months the values have been on the range of 0.01% to 0.03% CH4. Since we did not have outliers in the gas storage site, soil-gas samples for isotopic analysis have not been done.

Keywords: leakage gas monitoring, lithology, soil gas, methane

Procedia PDF Downloads 441
9994 Elitist Self-Adaptive Step-Size Search in Optimum Sizing of Steel Structures

Authors: Oğuzhan Hasançebi, Saeid Kazemzadeh Azad


This paper covers application of an elitist selfadaptive
step-size search (ESASS) to optimum design of steel
skeletal structures. In the ESASS two approaches are considered for
improving the convergence accuracy as well as the computational
efficiency of the original technique namely the so called selfadaptive
step-size search (SASS). Firstly, an additional randomness
is incorporated into the sampling step of the technique to preserve
exploration capability of the algorithm during the optimization.
Moreover, an adaptive sampling scheme is introduced to improve the
quality of final solutions. Secondly, computational efficiency of the
technique is accelerated via avoiding unnecessary analyses during the
optimization process using an upper bound strategy. The numerical
results demonstrate the usefulness of the ESASS in the sizing
optimization problems of steel truss and frame structures.

Keywords: structural design optimization, optimal sizing, metaheuristics, self-adaptive step-size search, steel trusses, steel frames

Procedia PDF Downloads 375
9993 Circular Raft Footings Strengthened by Stone Columns under Dynamic Harmonic Loads

Authors: R. Ziaie Moayed, A. Mahigir


Stone column technique has been successfully employed to improve the load-settlement characteristics of foundations. A series of finite element numerical analyses of harmonic dynamic loading have been conducted on strengthened raft footing to study the effects of single and group stone columns on settlement of circular footings. The settlement of circular raft footing that improved by single and group of stone columns are studied under harmonic dynamic loading. This loading is caused by heavy machinery foundations. A detailed numerical investigation on behavior of single column and group of stone columns is carried out by varying parameters like weight of machinery, loading frequency and period. The result implies that presence of single and group of stone columns enhanced dynamic behavior of the footing so that the maximum and residual settlement of footing significantly decreased. 

Keywords: finite element analysis, harmonic loading, settlement, stone column

Procedia PDF Downloads 372
9992 Beneficiary Dimensions of Sport Event: Host Community Perceptions

Authors: Vajiheh Javani


Hosting sport event result in both economic and socio-psychological impacts on host communities. Economic impacts, which are considered by many scholars and the social impacts of tourism based on hosting sports events have also been somehow investigated. But, investigating perceived social impacts based on host community perceptions has been paid not with little attention enough. Therefore, this study aims to study the beneficiary social impact of hosting sport event from residents’ perceptions. The participations for this research were 50 residents of Tabriz city who were recruited by judgment sampling method. focused group interviews were used for gathering the data. Then thematic analysis was utilized for interview analysis. Extracted perceived beneficiary social impacts include (1) economic benefits; (2) community pride; (3) community development. This study highlighted the perceived social beneficiary impacts and could contribute to a better understanding of how local residents of the studied community view the impacts associated with a sport event.

Keywords: socio-psychological impacts, sport event, community development, hosting

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9991 Comparison of Process Slaughtered on Beef Cattle Based on Level of Cortisol and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR)

Authors: Pudji Astuti, C. P. C. Putro, C. M. Airin, L. Sjahfirdi, S. Widiyanto, H. Maheshwari


Stress of slaughter animals starting long before until at the time of process of slaughtering which cause misery and decrease of meat quality. Meanwhile, determination of animal stress using hormonal such as cortisol is expensive and less practical so that portable stress indicator for cows based on Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) must be provided. The aims of this research are to find out the comparison process of slaughter between Rope Casting Local (RCL) and Restraining Box Method (RBM) by measuring of cortisol and wavelength in FTIR methods. Thirty two of male Ongole crossbred cattle were used in this experiment. Blood sampling was taken from jugular vein when they were rested and repeated when slaughtered. All of blood samples were centrifuged at 3000 rpm for 20 minutes to get serum, and then divided into two parts for cortisol assayed using ELISA and for measuring the wavelength using FTIR. The serum then measured at the wavelength between 4000-400 cm-1 using MB3000 FTIR. Band data absorption in wavelength of FTIR is analyzed descriptively by using FTIR Horizon MBTM. For RCL, average of serum cortisol when the animals rested were 11.47 ± 4.88 ng/mL, when the time of slaughter were 23.27 ± 7.84 ng/mL. For RBM, level of cortisol when rested animals were 13.67 ± 3.41 ng/mL and 53.47 ± 20.25 ng/mL during the slaughter. Based on student t-Test, there were significantly different between RBM and RCL methods when beef cattle were slaughtered (P < 0.05), but no significantly different when animals were rested (P > 0.05). Result of FTIR with the various of wavelength such as methyl group (=CH3) 2986cm-1, methylene (=CH2) 2827 cm-1, hydroxyl (-OH) 3371 cm-1, carbonyl (ketones) (C=O) 1636 cm-1, carboxyl (COO-1) 1408 cm-1, glucosa 1057 cm-1, urea 1011 cm-1have been obtained. It can be concluded that the RCL slaughtered method is better than the RBM method based on the increase of cortisol as an indicator of stress in beef cattle (P<0.05). FTIR is really possible to be used as stub of stress tool due to differentiate of resting and slaughter condition by recognizing the increase of absorption and the separation of component group at the wavelength.

Keywords: cows, cortisol, FTIR, RBM, RCL, stress indicator

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