Search results for: native analysis
Commenced in January 2007
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Edition: International
Paper Count: 28568

Search results for: native analysis

27668 Analysis on Prediction Models of TBM Performance and Selection of Optimal Input Parameters

Authors: Hang Lo Lee, Ki Il Song, Hee Hwan Ryu


An accurate prediction of TBM(Tunnel Boring Machine) performance is very difficult for reliable estimation of the construction period and cost in preconstruction stage. For this purpose, the aim of this study is to analyze the evaluation process of various prediction models published since 2000 for TBM performance, and to select the optimal input parameters for the prediction model. A classification system of TBM performance prediction model and applied methodology are proposed in this research. Input and output parameters applied for prediction models are also represented. Based on these results, a statistical analysis is performed using the collected data from shield TBM tunnel in South Korea. By performing a simple regression and residual analysis utilizinFg statistical program, R, the optimal input parameters are selected. These results are expected to be used for development of prediction model of TBM performance.

Keywords: TBM performance prediction model, classification system, simple regression analysis, residual analysis, optimal input parameters

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27667 Unprecedented Bioactive Naturally-occurring Compounds from the Rare and Endangered Plants Endemic to China

Authors: Jin-Feng Hu


Over the past decades, the global biodiversity has continued to decline. The threats to the terrestrial plant species have increased under anthropogenic activities and other massive ecological change impacts. The situation is much more serious in China, the third richest countries regarding plant biodiversity in the world. It was not until 1992 that the first volume of the China Plant Red Data Book was published. Nowadays, a significant number of Chinese endemic plants have been threatened (The IUCN Red List). Nevertheless, plant-originated natural products (NPs) have continued to play a crucial role in the drug discovery and development process. The opportunity for identifying new chemical entities for emerging and malignant diseases depends on a diversity of drug-producing species. Several statistical surveys unveiled that the rare and endangered plants (REPs) have proven to be better sources for drug discovery than other botanic sources. The identification of bioactive NPs from REPs reveals the importance of conservation efforts in preventing species diversity loss and addressing human diseases at the same time. Thus, there is an urgent need to investigate these fragile REPs. Since 2013, our group has initially launched a special program to systematically identify bioactive/novel NPs from REPs native to China. The selected plant species were generally collected from the remote Mountain areas, and have never been chemically or pharmacologically investigated. Due to the difficult collection of the mass-limited samples of REPs, studies on the secondary metabolites of REPs-associated endophytes would provide a promising alternative potential solution. This presentation details the achievements that related to a series of “Phytochemical and biological studies on rare and endangered plants endemic to China”.

Keywords: bioactive naturally-occrring compounds, rare and endengered plants (REPs), plant endophytes, drug discovery

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27666 Sustainable Tourism from a Multicriteria Analysis Perspective

Authors: Olga Blasco-Blasco, Vicente Liern


The development of tourism since the mid-20th century has raised problems of overcrowding, indiscriminate construction in seaside areas and gentrification. Increasingly, the World Tourism Organisation and public institutions are promoting policies that encourage sustainability. From the perspective of sustainability, three types of tourism can be established: traditional tourism, sustainable tourism and sustainable impact tourism. Measuring sustainability is complex due to its multiple dimensions of different relative importance and diversity in nature. In order to try to answer this problem and to identify the benefits of applying policies that promote sustainable tourism, a decision-making analysis will be carried out through the application of a multicriteria analysis method. The proposal is applied to hotel reservations and to the evaluation and management of tourism sustainability in the Spanish Autonomous Communities.

Keywords: sustainable tourism, multicriteria analysis, flexible optimization, composite indicators

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27665 An Analysis of Mongolian Possessive Markers

Authors: Yaxuan Wang


It has long been a mystery that why the Mongolian possessive suffix, which is constrained by Condition A of binding theory, has the ability to probe a potential antecedent outside of its binding domain. This squib argues that binding theory alone is not sufficient to explain the linguistic facts and proposes an analysis adopting the Agree operation. The current analysis correctly predicts all the possible and impossible structures, with an additional hypothesis that Mongolian possessive suffixes serve as an antecedent for PROs in adjunct. The findings thus provide insights into how Agree operates in Mongolian language.

Keywords: syntax, Mongolian, agreement, possessive particles

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27664 Unlocking Justice: Exploring the Power and Challenges of DNA Analysis in the Criminal Justice System

Authors: Sandhra M. Pillai


This article examines the relevance, difficulties, and potential applications of DNA analysis in the criminal justice system. A potent tool for connecting suspects to crime sites, clearing the innocent of wrongdoing, and resolving cold cases, DNA analysis has transformed forensic investigations. The scientific foundations of DNA analysis, including DNA extraction, sequencing, and statistical analysis, are covered in the article. To guarantee accurate and trustworthy findings, it also discusses the significance of quality assurance procedures, chain of custody, and DNA sample storage. DNA analysis has significantly advanced science, but it also brings up substantial moral and legal issues. To safeguard individual rights and uphold public confidence, privacy concerns, possible discrimination, and abuse of DNA information must be properly addressed. The paper also emphasises the effects of the criminal justice system on people and communities while highlighting the necessity of equity, openness, and fair access to DNA testing. The essay describes the obstacles and future directions for DNA analysis. It looks at cutting-edge technology like next-generation sequencing, which promises to make DNA analysis quicker and more affordable. To secure the appropriate and informed use of DNA evidence, it also emphasises the significance of multidisciplinary collaboration among scientists, law enforcement organisations, legal experts, and policymakers. In conclusion, DNA analysis has enormous potential for improving the course of criminal justice. We can exploit the potential of DNA technology while respecting the ideals of justice, fairness, and individual rights by navigating the ethical, legal, and societal issues and encouraging discussion and collaboration.

Keywords: DNA analysis, DNA evidence, reliability, validity, legal frame, admissibility, ethical considerations, impact, future direction, challenges

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27663 Conservation Planning of Paris Polyphylla Smith, an Important Medicinal Herb of the Indian Himalayan Region Using Predictive Distribution Modelling

Authors: Mohd Tariq, Shyamal K. Nandi, Indra D. Bhatt


Paris polyphylla Smith (Family- Liliaceae; English name-Love apple: Local name- Satuwa) is an important folk medicinal herb of the Indian subcontinent, being a source of number of bioactive compounds for drug formulation. The rhizomes are widely used as antihelmintic, antispasmodic, digestive stomachic, expectorant and vermifuge, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, heart and vascular malady, anti-fertility and sedative. Keeping in view of this, the species is being constantly removed from nature for trade and various pharmaceuticals purpose, as a result, the availability of the species in its natural habitat is decreasing. In this context, it would be pertinent to conserve this species and reintroduce them in its natural habitat. Predictive distribution modelling of this species was performed in Western Himalayan Region. One such recent method is Ecological Niche Modelling, also popularly known as Species distribution modelling, which uses computer algorithms to generate predictive maps of species distributions in a geographic space by correlating the point distributional data with a set of environmental raster data. In case of P. polyphylla, and to understand its potential distribution zones and setting up of artificial introductions, or selecting conservation sites, and conservation and management of their native habitat. Among the different districts of Uttarakhand (28°05ˈ-31°25ˈ N and 77°45ˈ-81°45ˈ E) Uttarkashi, Rudraprayag, Chamoli, Pauri Garhwal and some parts of Bageshwar, 'Maximum Entropy' (Maxent) has predicted wider potential distribution of P. polyphylla Smith. Distribution of P. polyphylla is mainly governed by Precipitation of Driest Quarter and Mean Diurnal Range i.e., 27.08% and 18.99% respectively which indicates that humidity (27%) and average temperature (19°C) might be suitable for better growth of Paris polyphylla.

Keywords: biodiversity conservation, Indian Himalayan region, Paris polyphylla, predictive distribution modelling

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27662 Finite Element Analysis of the Ordinary Reinforced Concrete Bridge Piers

Authors: Nabin Raj Chaulagain


Most of the concrete bridges in Nepal constructed during 90's and before are made up of low strength ordinary concrete which might be one of the reasons for damage in higher magnitude earthquake. Those bridges were designed by the outdated bridge codes which might not account the large seismic loads. This research investigates the seismic vulnerability of the existing single column ordinary concrete bridge pier by finite element modeling, using the software Seismostruct. The existing bridge pier capacity has been assessed using nonlinear pushover analysis and performance is compared after retrofitting those pier models with CFRP. Furthermore, the seismic evaluation was made by conducting cyclic loading test at different drift percentage. The performance analysis of bridge pier by nonlinear pushover analysis is further validated by energy dissipation phenomenon measured from the hysteric loop for each model of ordinary concrete piers.

Keywords: finite element modeling, ordinary concrete bridge pier, performance analysis, retrofitting

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27661 Meta-Analysis of Exercise Interventions for Children and Adolescents Diagnosed with Pediatric Metabolic Syndrome

Authors: James M. Geidner


Objective: The purpose of this meta-analysis was to examine the evidence for the effectiveness of exercise interventions on reducing metabolic components in children and/or adolescents diagnosed with Paediatric Metabolic Syndrome. Methods: A computerized search was made from four databases: PubMed, PsycInfo, SPORTDiscus, Cochrane Central Register. The analysis was restricted to children and adolescents with metabolic syndrome examining the effect of exercise interventions on metabolic components. Effect size and 95% confidence interval were calculated and the heterogeneity of the studies was estimated using Cochran’s Q-statistic and I2. Bias was assessed using multiple tools and statistical analyses. Results: Thirteen studies, consisting of 19 separate trials, were selected for the meta-analysis as they fulfilled the inclusion criteria (n=908). Exercise interventions resulted in decreased waist circumference, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, fasting glucose, insulin resistance, triglycerides, and High-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol (HDL-C). Conclusions: This meta-analysis provides insights into the effectiveness of exercise interventions on markers of Paediatric Metabolic Syndrome in children and adolescents.

Keywords: metabolic syndrome, syndrome x, pediatric, meta-analysis

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27660 Teaching Food Discourse in Cross-Cultural Communication Lectures at University

Authors: Sanjar Davronov


Linguistic research of food discourse helps to analyze gastronomic picture of the world which plays important role in cross-cultural communications. 20 hours lecture can’t provide broad knowledge about national picture of the world of native speakers whose language being studied by future translator students. This abstract analyses how to research food discourse in “Cross-cultural (or lingvo-cultural) communication” lectures for ESL students. During compare Uzbek and American national meals, we found some specific features of food names in both countries. For example: If names of food includes advertising character in USA restaurant menus like: New York strip Sirloin crowned with Fresh – squeezed orange and lemon with a hint of garlic; Uzbek meals names are too simple, short and force general afford in underlining action – preparation process like: “Dimlama” (dimla(verb-to stew)+ma(suffix of past perfect like- stew- stewed). “Qovurdoq” (qovur (verb- to fry)+ doq (suffix of adverb like “fried one”) but these are the most delicious and difficult in preparing national meals however it is heritage of national cuisine. There are also similarity between US and Uzbek food names which has geographical color - South African Lobster tail; Qashqadaryo tandiri (lamb prepared in “tandir” typical national oven with pine leafs in Qashkadarya region). Food for European people contains physical context more than spiritual but in Asian literature especially Uzbek food has some pragmatic stuff: salt and bread (associates with hospitality and humanity), don’t be faithlessness 40 for owners of house where you where a guest. We share some teaching techniques for food discourse analyzing lectures.

Keywords: cross-cultural communications, food discourse, ESL lectures, linguistic research

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27659 Pre- and Post-Analyses of Disruptive Quay Crane Scheduling Problem

Authors: K. -H. Yang


In the past, the quay crane operations have been well studied. There were a certain number of scheduling algorithms for quay crane operations, but without considering some nuisance factors that might disrupt the quay crane operations. For example, bad grapples make a crane unable to load or unload containers or a sudden strong breeze stops operations temporarily. Although these disruptive conditions randomly occur, they influence the efficiency of quay crane operations. The disruption is not considered in the operational procedures nor is evaluated in advance for its impacts. This study applies simulation and optimization approaches to develop structures of pre-analysis and post-analysis for the Quay Crane Scheduling Problem to deal with disruptive scenarios for quay crane operation. Numerical experiments are used for demonstrations for the validity of the developed approaches.

Keywords: disruptive quay crane scheduling, pre-analysis, post-analysis, disruption

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27658 Big Data Analysis with RHadoop

Authors: Ji Eun Shin, Byung Ho Jung, Dong Hoon Lim


It is almost impossible to store or analyze big data increasing exponentially with traditional technologies. Hadoop is a new technology to make that possible. R programming language is by far the most popular statistical tool for big data analysis based on distributed processing with Hadoop technology. With RHadoop that integrates R and Hadoop environment, we implemented parallel multiple regression analysis with different sizes of actual data. Experimental results showed our RHadoop system was much faster as the number of data nodes increases. We also compared the performance of our RHadoop with lm function and big lm packages available on big memory. The results showed that our RHadoop was faster than other packages owing to paralleling processing with increasing the number of map tasks as the size of data increases.

Keywords: big data, Hadoop, parallel regression analysis, R, RHadoop

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27657 Development of Standard Evaluation Technique for Car Carpet Floor

Authors: In-Sung Lee, Un-Hwan Park, Jun-Hyeok Heo, Tae-Hyeon Oh, Dae-Gyu Park


Statistical Energy Analysis is to be the most effective CAE Method for air-born noise analysis in the Automotive area. This study deals with a method to predict the noise level inside of the car under the steady-state condition using the SEA model of car for air-born noise analysis. We can identify weakened part due to the acoustic material properties using it. Therefore, it is useful for the material structural design.

Keywords: air-born noise, material structural design, acoustic material properties, absorbing

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27656 Network Analysis and Sex Prediction based on a full Human Brain Connectome

Authors: Oleg Vlasovets, Fabian Schaipp, Christian L. Mueller


we conduct a network analysis and predict the sex of 1000 participants based on ”connectome” - pairwise Pearson’s correlation across 436 brain parcels. We solve the non-smooth convex optimization problem, known under the name of Graphical Lasso, where the solution includes a low-rank component. With this solution and machine learning model for a sex prediction, we explain the brain parcels-sex connectivity patterns.

Keywords: network analysis, neuroscience, machine learning, optimization

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27655 Electrochemical Synthesis and Morphostructural Study of the Cuprite Thin Film

Authors: M. El Hajji, A. Hallaoui, L. Bazzi, A. Benlhachemi, Lh. Bazzi, M. Hilali, O. Jbara, A. Tara, B. Bakiz


The cathodic electro deposition of the cuprite Cu2O by chrono potentiometry is performed on two types of electrodes "titanium and stainless steel", in a basic medium containing the precursor of copper. The plot produced vs SCE, shows the formation of a brown layer on the electrode surface. The chrono potentiometric recording made between - 0.2 and - 1 mA/cm2, has allowed us to have a deposit having different morphologies and structural orientation obtained as a function of the variation of many parameters. The morphology, the size of crystals, and the phase of the deposits produced were studied by conventional techniques of analysis of the solid, particularly the X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy analysis (SEM) and quantitative chemical analysis (EDS). The results will be presented and discussed, they show that the majority of deposits are pure and uniform.

Keywords: cathodic electrodeposition, cuprite Cu2O, XRD, SEM, EDS analysis

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27654 Technological Development of a Biostimulant Bioproduct for Fruit Seedlings: An Engineering Overview

Authors: Andres Diaz Garcia


The successful technological development of any bioproduct, including those of the biostimulant type, requires to adequately completion of a series of stages allied to different disciplines that are related to microbiological, engineering, pharmaceutical chemistry, legal and market components, among others. Engineering as a discipline has a key contribution in different aspects of fermentation processes such as the design and optimization of culture media, the standardization of operating conditions within the bioreactor and the scaling of the production process of the active ingredient that it will be used in unit operations downstream. However, all aspects mentioned must take into account many biological factors of the microorganism such as the growth rate, the level of assimilation to various organic and inorganic sources and the mechanisms of action associated with its biological activity. This paper focuses on the practical experience within the Colombian Corporation for Agricultural Research (Agrosavia), which led to the development of a biostimulant bioproduct based on native rhizobacteria Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, oriented mainly to plant growth promotion in cape gooseberry nurseries and fruit crops in Colombia, and the challenges that were overcome from the expertise in the area of engineering. Through the application of strategies and engineering tools, a culture medium was optimized to obtain concentrations higher than 1E09 CFU (colony form units)/ml in liquid fermentation, the process of biomass production was standardized and a scale-up strategy was generated based on geometric (H/D of bioreactor relationships), and operational criteria based on a minimum dissolved oxygen concentration and that took into account the differences in the capacity of control of the process in the laboratory and pilot scales. Currently, the bioproduct obtained through this technological process is in stages of registration in Colombia for cape gooseberry fruits for export.

Keywords: biochemical engineering, liquid fermentation, plant growth promoting, scale-up process

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27653 Research Writing Anxiety among Engineering Postgraduate Students in Taiwan

Authors: Mei-Ching Ho


Graduate-level writing practices have gained increasing scholarly attention in recent years. Due to its discipline-specific conventions and requirements, research writing can cause various levels of anxiety for native English speaking and English as a second/foreign language (ESL/EFL) postgraduate students. Although many studies have investigated how writing anxiety can negatively affect writing performance, self-efficacy, and disciplinary discourse socialization process, relatively few have examined the impact of writing anxiety from the perspectives of postgraduate students in EFL contexts. This study aims to 1) examine the level of and the relationship between research writing anxiety and self-efficacy among Taiwanese EFL students at the master's and doctoral levels and 2) to uncover the causes of students' research writing anxiety. The data was collected from an adapted version of Second Language Writing Anxiety Inventory (SLWAI) and Research Writing Self-Efficacy Scale with 218 EFL graduate students in engineering-related fields at two research-oriented universities in Taiwan. A pilot study was conducted to ensure the construct and content validity of the instruments. Semi-structured interviews were also undertaken with 30 survey respondents to better understand the causes of their writing anxiety. The results revealed that while both master's and doctoral students had low to moderate research writing anxiety and self-efficacy, the doctoral students with more experiences in writing research papers in English were more anxious but not necessarily more confident than the master's students. A significantly weak negative correlation was found between the two constructs. The contributing factors for these results include different degree of writing exigency, perceived importance and types of writing tasks, writing for publication as graduation thresholds, and mentoring relationship with thesis/dissertation advisers. The study also identified several causes of graduate-level writing anxiety, of which writing under time constraints and concern on linguistic and rhetorical proficiency appeared to be the major concern. Pedagogical implications regarding facilitating graduate students' writing process and reducing anxiety will also be drawn.

Keywords: writing affect, writing anxiety, writing self-efficacy, EFL, postgraduate students

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27652 The Development of Statistical Analysis in Agriculture Experimental Design Using R

Authors: Somruay Apichatibutarapong, Chookiat Pudprommart


The purpose of this study was to develop of statistical analysis by using R programming via internet applied for agriculture experimental design. Data were collected from 65 items in completely randomized design, randomized block design, Latin square design, split plot design, factorial design and nested design. The quantitative approach was used to investigate the quality of learning media on statistical analysis by using R programming via Internet by six experts and the opinions of 100 students who interested in experimental design and applied statistics. It was revealed that the experts’ opinions were good in all contents except a usage of web board and the students’ opinions were good in overall and all items.

Keywords: experimental design, r programming, applied statistics, statistical analysis

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27651 Luxury in Fashion: Visual Analysis on Bag Advertising

Authors: Lama Ajinah


Luxury brands witnessed continuous growth which followed women’s desire towards individual distinctiveness and social glare. Bags are a woman’s best friend either for aesthetic or functional purposes when she leaves her home for leisure or work. One way of women constant aspiration for being distinguished while reflecting their wealth is through handbags. Subsequently, the demand and attraction by consumers towards the dazzle of luxurious brands for personal pleasure and social status have flourished. According to the literature review, a visual analysis on luxury brands has been explored yet a focus on bags was not discussed in details. Hence, a deep analysis will be dedicated on the two segments by showcasing examples of high-end bag advertising. The research is conducted to understand advertising strategies used in promoting for luxurious products. Furthermore, the paper explores the definition of the term luxury, the condition in which it is used in, and the visual language used along with the term. As luxury is an indicator of superior satisfaction, it is obtained on two levels: a personal and a social level. The examples of luxury brand ads are selected from the last five years to uncover the latest, most common strategies used to promote for luxurious brands. The methods employed in this paper consist of literature review, semiotic analysis, and content analysis. The researcher concludes with revealing the methods used in advertising while categorizing them into various themes.

Keywords: advertising, brands, fashion, graphic design, luxury, semiotic analysis, semiology, visual analysis, visual communication

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27650 Resistance Analysis for a Trimaran

Authors: C. M. De Marco Muscat-Fenech, A. M. Grech La Rosa


Importance has been given to resistance analysis for various types of vessels; however explicit guidelines applied to multihull vessels have not been clearly defined. The purpose of this investigation is to highlight the importance of the vessel’s layout in terms of three axes positioning, the transverse (separation), the longitudinal (stagger) and the vertical (draught) with respect to resistance analysis. A vessel has the potential to experience less resistance, at a particular range of speeds, for a vast selection of hull positioning. Many potential layouts create opportunities of various design for both the commercial and leisure market.

Keywords: multihull, reistance, trimaran, vessels

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27649 Exergy and Energy Analysis of Pre-Heating Unit of Fluid Catalytic Cracking Unit in Kaduna Refining and Petrochemical Company

Authors: M. Nuhu, S. Bilal, A. A. Hamisu, J. A. Abbas, Y. Z. Aminu, P. O. Helen


Exergy and energy analysis of preheating unit of FCCU of KRPC has been calculated and presented in this study. From the design, the efficiency of each heat exchanger was 86%. However, on completion of this work the efficiencies was calculated to be 39.90%, 55.66%, 56.22%, and 57.14% for 16E02, 16E03, 16E04, and 16E05 respectively. 16E04 has the minimum energy loss of 0.86%. The calculated second law and exergy efficiencies of the system were 43.01 and 56.99% respectively.

Keywords: exergy analysis, ideal work, efficiency, exergy destruction, temperature

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27648 Analysis of Slip Flow Heat Transfer between Asymmetrically Heated Parallel Plates

Authors: Hari Mohan Kushwaha, Santosh Kumar Sahu


In the present study, analysis of heat transfer is carried out in the slip flow region for the fluid flowing between two parallel plates by employing the asymmetric heat fluxes at surface of the plates. The flow is assumed to be hydrodynamically and thermally fully developed for the analysis. The second order velocity slip and viscous dissipation effects are considered for the analysis. Closed form expressions are obtained for the Nusselt number as a function of Knudsen number and modified Brinkman number. The limiting condition of the present prediction for Kn = 0, Kn2 = 0, and Brq1 = 0 is considered and found to agree well with other analytical results.

Keywords: Knudsen number, modified Brinkman number, slip flow, velocity slip

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27647 Analysis of Artificial Hip Joint Using Finite Element Method

Authors: Syed Zameer, Mohamed Haneef


Hip joint plays very important role in human beings as it takes up the whole body forces generated due to various activities. These loads are repetitive and fluctuating depending on the activities such as standing, sitting, jogging, stair casing, climbing, etc. which may lead to failure of Hip joint. Hip joint modification and replacement are common in old aged persons as well as younger persons. In this research study static and Fatigue analysis of Hip joint model was carried out using finite element software ANSYS. Stress distribution obtained from result of static analysis, material properties and S-N curve data of fabricated Ultra High molecular weight polyethylene / 50 wt% short E glass fibres + 40 wt% TiO2 Polymer matrix composites specimens were used to estimate fatigue life of Hip joint using stiffness Degradation model for polymer matrix composites. The stress distribution obtained from static analysis was found to be within the acceptable range.The factor of safety calculated from linear Palmgren linear damage rule is less than one, which indicates the component is safe under the design.

Keywords: hip joint, polymer matrix composite, static analysis, fatigue analysis, stress life approach

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27646 Phytogeography and Regional Conservation Status of Gymnosperms in Pakistan

Authors: Raees Khan, Mir A. Khan, Sheikh Z. Ul Abidin, Abdul S. Mumtaz


In the present study, phytogeography and conservation status of gymnosperms of Pakistan were investigated. 44 gymnosperms species of 18 genera and 9 families were collected from 66 districts of the country. Among the 44 species, 20 species were native (wild) and 24 species were exotic (cultivated). Ephedra sarocarpa of Ephedraceae was not collected in this study from its distribution area and most probably it may be Nationally Extinct now from this area. Previously in Gymnosperms Flora of Pakistan 34 species was reported. 12 new gymnosperms species were recorded for the first time. Pinus wallichiana (40 districts), Cedrus deodara (39 districts) Pinus roxburghii (36 districts), Picea smithiana (36 districts) and Abies pindrow (34 districts) have the maximum ecological amplitude. Juniperus communis (17districts) and Juniperus excelsa (14 districts) were the widely distributed among the junipers. Ephedra foliata (23 districts), Ephedra gerardiana (20 districts) and Ephedra intermedia (19 districts) has the widest distribution range. Taxus fuana was also wider distribution range and recorded in 19 districts but its population was not very stable. These species was recorded to support local flora and fuana, especially endemics. PCORD version 5 clustered all gymnosperms species into 4 communities and all localities into 5 groups through cluster analyses. The Two Way Cluster Analyses of 66 districts (localities) resulted 4 various plant communities. The Gymnosperms in Pakistan are distributed in 3 floristic regions i.e. Western plains of the country, Northern and Western mountainous regions and Western Himalayas. The assessment of the National conservation status of these species, 10 species were found to be threatened, 6 species were endangered, 4 species were critically endangered and 1 species have become extinct (Ephedra sarcocarpa). The population of some species i.e. Taxus fuana, Ephedra gerardiana, Ephedra monosperma, Picea smithiana and Abies spectabilis is decreasing at an alarming rate.

Keywords: conservation status, gymnosperms, phytogeography, Pakistan

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27645 Structural Changes and Formation of Calcium Complexes in Corn Starch Processed by Nixtamalization

Authors: Arámbula-Villa Gerónimo, García-Lara Kenia Y., Figueroa-Cárdenas J. D., Pérez-Robles J. F., Jiménez-Sandoval S., Salazar-López R., Herrera-Corredor J. A.


The nixtamalization process (thermal-alkaline method) improves the nutritional part of the corn grain. In this process, the using of Ca(OH)₂ is basic, although the chemical mechanisms between this alkali and the carbohydrates (starch), proteins, lipids, and fiber have not been fully identified. In this study, the native corn starch was taken as a model, and it was subjected to cooking with different concentrations of lime (nixtamalization process) and specific studies of FTIR and XRD were carried out to identify the formation of chemical compounds, and the physical, physicochemical, rheological (paste) and structural properties of material obtained were determined. The FTIR spectra showed the formation of calcium-starch complexes. The treatments with Ca(OH)₂ showed a band shift towards 1675 cm⁻¹ and a band in 1436 cm⁻¹ (COO⁻), indicating the oxidation of starch. Three bands were identified (1575, 1550, and 1540 cm⁻¹) characteristics of carboxylic acid salts for three types of coordinated structures: monodentate, pseudo-bridged, and bidentate. The XRD spectra of starch treated with Ca(OH)₂ showed a peak corresponding to CaCO₃ (29.40°). The oxidation of starch was favored with low concentrations of Ca(OH)₂, producing carboxyl and carbonyl groups and increasing the residual CaCO₃. The increased concentration of Ca(OH)₂ showed the formation of calcium carboxylates, with a decrease in relative crystallinity and residual CaCO₃. Samples with low concentrations of Ca(OH)₂ slowed the onset of gelatinization and increased the swelling of the granules and the peak viscosity. The higher concentrations of Ca(OH)₂ difficulted the water absorption and decreased the viscosity rate and peak viscosity. These results can be used to improve the quality characteristics of the dough and tortillas and to get better acceptance by consumers.

Keywords: maize starch, nixtamalization, gelatinization, calcium carboxylates

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27644 Stabilizing a Failed Slope in Islamabad, Pakistan

Authors: Muhammad Umer Zubair, Kamran Akhtar, Muhammad Arsalan Khan


This paper is based on a research carried out on a failed slope in Defence Housing Authority (DHA) Phase I, Islamabad. The research included determination of Soil parameters, Site Surveying and Cost Estimation. Apart from these, the use of three dimensional (3D) slope stability analysis in conjunction with two dimensional (2D) analysis was used determination of slope conditions. In addition collection of soil reports, a detailed survey was carried out to create a 3D model in Surfer 8 software. 2D cross-sections that needed to be analyzed for stability were generated from 3D model. Slope stability softwares, Rocscience Slide 6.0 and Clara-W were employed for 2D and 3D Analyses respectively which have the ability to solve complex mathematical functions. Results of the analyses were used to confirm site conditions and the threats were identified to recommend suitable remedies.The most effective remedy was suggested for slope stability after analyzing all remedies in software Slide 6 and its feasibility was determined through cost benefit analysis. This paper should be helpful to Geotechnical engineers, design engineers and the organizations working with slope stability.

Keywords: slope stability, Rocscience, Clara W., 2d analysis, 3D analysis, sensitivity analysis

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27643 Risks in Forestry Operations, Analysis of Fatal Accidents

Authors: Rino Gubiani, Gianfranco Pergher


The work focused on the statistical analysis of accidents in the forestry sector (2000-2020) in Friuli-Venezia Giulia region, located in the North-East of Italy. The aim of the work was to analyse the evolution of the casualties throughout time and to evaluate possible improvements in the sector. It was shown that even nowadays the rate of accidents in forestry work is higher compared with all the other sectors, including agriculture; moreover, it was highlighted that some accidents remained present throughout the whole analysed range, such as slipping on the soil, being hit by trees and falling down from the plants. The results showed that an increase in forestry exploitation could even increase the total number of accidents, if advanced technological machines, such as cable cranes, would not implemented, given the fact that there is also a significant number of old people (above 50 years old) working in the sector.

Keywords: safety, forestry work, accidents, risk analysis, casualties, statistical analysis

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27642 3D Elasticity Analysis of Laminated Composite Plate Using State Space Method

Authors: Prathmesh Vikas Patil, Yashaswini Lomte Patil


Laminated composite materials have considerable attention in various engineering applications due to their exceptional strength-to-weight ratio and mechanical properties. The analysis of laminated composite plates in three-dimensional (3D) elasticity is a complex problem, as it requires accounting for the orthotropic anisotropic nature of the material and the interactions between multiple layers. Conventional approaches, such as the classical plate theory, provide simplified solutions but are limited in performing exact analysis of the plate. To address such a challenge, the state space method emerges as a powerful numerical technique for modeling the behavior of laminated composites in 3D. The state-space method involves transforming the governing equations of elasticity into a state-space representation, enabling the analysis of complex structural systems in a systematic manner. Here, an effort is made to perform a 3D elasticity analysis of plates with cross-ply and angle-ply laminates using the state space approach. The state space approach is used in this study as it is a mixed formulation technique that gives the displacements and stresses simultaneously with the same level of accuracy.

Keywords: cross ply laminates, angle ply laminates, state space method, three-dimensional elasticity analysis

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27641 Thermo-Oxidative Degradation of Esterified Starch (with Lauric Acid) -Plastic Composite Assembled with Pro-Oxidants and Elastomers

Authors: R. M. S. Sachini Amararathne


This research is striving to develop a thermo degradable starch plastic compound/ masterbatch for industrial packaging applications. A native corn starch-modified with an esterification reaction of lauric acid is melt blent with an unsaturated elastomer (styrene-butadiene-rubber/styrene-butadiene-styrene). A trace amount of metal salt is added into the internal mixer to study the effect of pro-oxidants in a thermo oxidative environment. Then the granulated polymer composite which is consisted with 80-86% of polyolefin (LLDP/LDPE/PP) as the pivotal agent; is extruded with processing aids, antioxidants and some other additives in a co-rotating twin-screw extruder. The pelletized composite is subjected to compression molding/ Injection molding or blown film extrusion processes to acquire the samples/specimen for tests. The degradation process is explicated by analyzing the results of fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) measurements, thermo oxidative aging studies (placing the dumb-bell specimen in an air oven at 70 °C for four weeks of exposure.) governed by tensile and impact strength test reports. Furthermore, the samples were elicited into manifold outdoors to inspect the degradation process. This industrial process is implemented to reduce the volume of fossil-based garbage by achieving the biodegradability and compostability in the natural cycle. Hence the research leads to manufacturing a degradable plastic packaging compound which is now available in the Sri Lankan market.

Keywords: blown film extrusion, compression moulding, polyolefin, pro-oxidant, styrene-butadine-rubber, styrene-butadiene-styrene, thermo oxidative aging, unsaturated elastomer

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27640 Lean Implementation Analysis on the Safety Performance of Construction Projects in the Philippines

Authors: Kim Lindsay F. Restua, Jeehan Kyra A. Rivero, Joneka Myles D. Taguba


Lean construction is defined as an approach in construction with the purpose of reducing waste in the process without compromising the value of the project. There are numerous lean construction tools that are applied in the construction process, which maximizes the efficiency of work and satisfaction of customers while minimizing waste. However, the complexity and differences of construction projects cause a rise in challenges on achieving the lean benefits construction can give, such as improvement in safety performance. The objective of this study is to determine the relationship between lean construction tools and their effects on safety performance. The relationship between construction tools applied in construction and safety performance is identified through Logistic Regression Analysis, and Correlation Analysis was conducted thereafter. Based on the findings, it was concluded that almost 60% of the factors listed in the study, which are different tools and effects of lean construction, were determined to have a significant relationship with the level of safety in construction projects.

Keywords: correlation analysis, lean construction tools, lean construction, logistic regression analysis, risk management, safety

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27639 Comparative Study of R.C.C. Steel and Concrete Building

Authors: Mahesh Suresh Kumawat


Steel concrete composite construction means the concrete slab is connected to the steel beam with the help of shear connectors so that they act as a single unit. In the present work, steel concrete composite with RCC options are considered for comparative study of G+9 story commercial building which is situated in earthquake zone-III and for earthquake loading, the provisions of IS: 1893(Part1)-2002 is considered. A three dimensional modeling and analysis of the structure are carried out with the help of SAP 2000 software. Equivalent Static Method of Analysis and Response spectrum analysis method are used for the analysis of both Composite & R.C.C. structures. The results are compared and it was found that composite structure is more economical.

Keywords: composite beam, column, RCC column, RCC beam, shear connector, SAP 2000 software

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