Search results for: local knowledge
11325 Enhancing the Work of Art through Fashion Attire
Authors: A. N. Roslen, S. A. Syed-Sahil, A. Musavir
In Malaysia, there are only few fashion designers who are inspired by the work of artists when creating their collections. The researchers confirmed this statement by interviewing fashion experts in Malaysia. The objectives of this study are to: 1. Investigate the acceptance of fashion inspired by the work of art among consumers. 2. Encourage more designers to use work of art as their inspirations. 3. Promote Malaysian Artists through fashion. Thus, the researchers interviewed Malaysian fashion designers, image consultants, and one famous Malaysian Artist (Awang Damit). All of them had agreed that the fashion inspired by the work of art in Malaysia has a long way to go. Therefore, the researchers’ aim is to attract more fashion designers to use the work of local artists in their creations. The researchers had used interview, survey and experimentation as methods of this study. In the experimentation procedure, paintings of local artist, Awang Damit was used as a source of inspiration in creating a design Line. The result of this study had shown that fashion inspired by work of art is acknowledged and accepted by the designers and consumers.Keywords: art, fashion, inspiration, local artist
Procedia PDF Downloads 46011324 Normalizing Scientometric Indicators of Individual Publications Using Local Cluster Detection Methods on Citation Networks
Authors: Levente Varga, Dávid Deritei, Mária Ercsey-Ravasz, Răzvan Florian, Zsolt I. Lázár, István Papp, Ferenc Járai-Szabó
One of the major shortcomings of widely used scientometric indicators is that different disciplines cannot be compared with each other. The issue of cross-disciplinary normalization has been long discussed, but even the classification of publications into scientific domains poses problems. Structural properties of citation networks offer new possibilities, however, the large size and constant growth of these networks asks for precaution. Here we present a new tool that in order to perform cross-field normalization of scientometric indicators of individual publications relays on the structural properties of citation networks. Due to the large size of the networks, a systematic procedure for identifying scientific domains based on a local community detection algorithm is proposed. The algorithm is tested with different benchmark and real-world networks. Then, by the use of this algorithm, the mechanism of the scientometric indicator normalization process is shown for a few indicators like the citation number, P-index and a local version of the PageRank indicator. The fat-tail trend of the article indicator distribution enables us to successfully perform the indicator normalization process.Keywords: citation networks, cross-field normalization, local cluster detection, scientometric indicators
Procedia PDF Downloads 20511323 The Effects of Smoking Prevention Intervention on Smoking Knowledge, Attitudes and Anti-Smoking Self-Efficiency among Adolescent Students
Authors: Yi-Ying Lin, Su-Guo, Chia-Hao, Ming-Szu Hong
Objectives: Smoking is a common addictive behavior in teenagers. Long-term smoking is hazardous to health, causes family and social expenditure, and is an important topic that should not be overlooked by academia or the government. The aims of this study are to examine the effectiveness of these courses in terms of teenagers’ knowledge and attitudes towards the hazards of smoking and the effectiveness of their self-efficacy in rejecting smoking. Methods: This study adopted a pre-test post-test design and selected 7th, 8th, 10th, and 11th graders from two junior high schools. Total of 1073 valid questionnaires were collected. The self-completed questionnaire included background information, smoking status of relatives staying with the subject, attitudes of parents towards child smoking, knowledge and attitudes towards smoking, and anti-smoking self-efficacy. Results and clinical applications: Subjects in the experimental group underwent course interventions, which are 'smoking prevention courses,' in the semester. After course intervention, it was found that the intervention showed significant efficacy in terms of knowledge and self-efficacy in rejecting smoking in senior high school students but no efficacy in junior high school. We recommend that this course can be used in normal senior high schools. With regards to junior high schools, smoking prevention courses should be designed to be gamified, or combined with activities with both anti-smoking messages and entertainment at the same time, so that knowledge, attitudes, and self-efficacy can be subconsciously cultivated.Keywords: adolescent students, smoking knowledge, attitudes, anti-smoking self-efficiency, smoking prevention intervention
Procedia PDF Downloads 12511322 Science of Social Work: Recognizing Its Existence as a Scientific Discipline by a Method Triangulation
Authors: Sandra Mendes
Social Work has encountered over time with multivariate requests in the field of its action, provisioning frameworks of knowledge and praxis. Over the years, we have observed a transformation of society and, consequently, of the public who deals with the social work practitioners. Both, training and profession have had need to adapt and readapt the ways of doing, bailing up theories to action, while action unfolds emancipation of new theories. The theoretical questioning of this subject lies on classical authors from social sciences, and contemporary authors of Social Work. In fact, both enhance, in the design of social work, an integration and social cohesion function, creating a culture of action and theory, attributing to its method a relevant function, which shall be promoter of social changes in various dimensions of both individual and collective life, as well as scientific knowledge. On the other hand, it is assumed that Social Work, through its professionalism and through the academy, is now closer to distinguish itself from other Social Sciences as an autonomous scientific field, being, however, in the center of power struggles. This paper seeks to fill the gap in social work literature about the study of the scientific field of this area of knowledge.Keywords: field theory, knowledge, science, social work
Procedia PDF Downloads 35711321 Affordable, Adaptable, and Resilient Industrial Precincts
Authors: Peter Ned Wales
This paper is the result of a substantial amount of data looking at how industrially zoned land is changing post COVID in the 21st Century. With the impact of global megatrends such as globalisation, the rapid adaption of innovative technologies and elevated demands on the design typologies, the tradition view of employment lands is quickly evolving. The research findings discussed here clearly show that land use conflicts have begun to take their toll across numerous light industrial precincts within the booming City of the Gold Coast. The recent global pandemic has placed enormous pressures on land values and industrial lands in Southeast Queensland. considered a highly desirable place to live, work and play are morphing in new ways. This region of Australia has become one of the most desirable places to locate after extended pandemic lock downs in Sydney and Melbourne. Findings in the current business trends have highlighted a new way of applying land use zones that provide a sustainable hybrid of acceptable land uses for prosperous business activity. In the wake of a rapid rise in the knowledge economy and boutique products that reflect the younger demographic has resulted in new emerging business activities that are significantly different from business trends two decades ago, when these industrial land use controls were originally applied. This paper explores what are the new demands on these established employment precincts and how local governments can better support start-ups and a broad variety of land uses not previously considered relevant to local government planners.Keywords: sustainable urban, urban design, industrial lands, employment lands, sustainable communities
Procedia PDF Downloads 7111320 ICTs Knowledge as a Way of Enhancing Literacy and Lifelong Learning in Nigeria
Authors: Jame O. Ezema, Odenigbo Veronica
The study covers the topic Information Communication and Technology (ICTs) knowledge as a way of enhancing Literacy and Lifelong learning in Nigeria. This work delved into defining of ICTs. Types of ICTs and media technologies were also mentioned. It further explained how ICTs can be strengthened and the uses of ICTs in education was duly emphasized. The paper also enumerated some side effects of ICTs on learners while the role of ICTs in enhancing literacy was explained. The study carried out strategies to use ICTs meaningfully in Literacy Programs and also emphasized the word lifelong learning in Nigeria. Some recommendations were made towards acquiring ICTs knowledge, so as to enhance Literacy and Lifelong learning in Nigeria.Keywords: literacy, distance-learning, life-long learning for sustainable development, e-learning
Procedia PDF Downloads 50711319 Data Poisoning Attacks on Federated Learning and Preventive Measures
Authors: Beulah Rani Inbanathan
In the present era, it is vivid from the numerous outcomes that data privacy is being compromised in various ways. Machine learning is one technology that uses the centralized server, and then data is given as input which is being analyzed by the algorithms present on this mentioned server, and hence outputs are predicted. However, each time the data must be sent by the user as the algorithm will analyze the input data in order to predict the output, which is prone to threats. The solution to overcome this issue is federated learning, where the models alone get updated while the data resides on the local machine and does not get exchanged with the other local models. Nevertheless, even on these local models, there are chances of data poisoning, and it is crystal clear from various experiments done by many people. This paper delves into many ways where data poisoning occurs and the many methods through which it is prevalent that data poisoning still exists. It includes the poisoning attacks on IoT devices, Edge devices, Autoregressive model, and also, on Industrial IoT systems and also, few points on how these could be evadible in order to protect our data which is personal, or sensitive, or harmful when exposed.Keywords: data poisoning, federated learning, Internet of Things, edge computing
Procedia PDF Downloads 8711318 Ontology Mapping with R-GNN for IT Infrastructure: Enhancing Ontology Construction and Knowledge Graph Expansion
Authors: Andrey Khalov
The rapid growth of unstructured data necessitates advanced methods for transforming raw information into structured knowledge, particularly in domain-specific contexts such as IT service management and outsourcing. This paper presents a methodology for automatically constructing domain ontologies using the DOLCE framework as the base ontology. The research focuses on expanding ITIL-based ontologies by integrating concepts from ITSMO, followed by the extraction of entities and relationships from domain-specific texts through transformers and statistical methods like formal concept analysis (FCA). In particular, this work introduces an R-GNN-based approach for ontology mapping, enabling more efficient entity extraction and ontology alignment with existing knowledge bases. Additionally, the research explores transfer learning techniques using pre-trained transformer models (e.g., DeBERTa-v3-large) fine-tuned on synthetic datasets generated via large language models such as LLaMA. The resulting ontology, termed IT Ontology (ITO), is evaluated against existing methodologies, highlighting significant improvements in precision and recall. This study advances the field of ontology engineering by automating the extraction, expansion, and refinement of ontologies tailored to the IT domain, thus bridging the gap between unstructured data and actionable knowledge.Keywords: ontology mapping, knowledge graphs, R-GNN, ITIL, NER
Procedia PDF Downloads 2011317 Nutrition Program Planning Based on Local Resources in Urban Fringe Areas of a Developing Country
Authors: Oktia Woro Kasmini Handayani, Bambang Budi Raharjo, Efa Nugroho, Bertakalswa Hermawati
Obesity prevalence and severe malnutrition in Indonesia has increased from 2007 to 2013. The utilization of local resources in nutritional program planning can be used to program efficiency and to reach the goal. The aim of this research is to plan a nutrition program based on local resources for urban fringe areas in a developing country. This research used a qualitative approach, with a focus on local resources including social capital, social system, cultural system. The study was conducted in Mijen, Central Java, as one of the urban fringe areas in Indonesia. Purposive and snowball sampling techniques are used to determine participants. A total of 16 participants took part in the study. Observation, interviews, focus group discussion, SWOT analysis, brainstorming and Miles and Huberman models were used to analyze the data. We have identified several local resources, such as the contributions from nutrition cadres, social organizations, social financial resources, as well as the cultural system and social system. The outstanding contribution of nutrition cadres is the participation and creativity to improve nutritional status. In addition, social organizations, like the role of the integrated health center for children (Pos Pelayanan Terpadu), can be engaged in the nutrition program planning. This center is supported by House of Nutrition to assist in nutrition program planning, and provide social support to families, neighbors and communities as social capitals. The study also reported that cultural systems that show appreciation for well-nourished children are a better way to improve the problem of balanced nutrition. Social systems such as teamwork and mutual cooperation can also be a potential resource to support nutritional programs and overcome associated problems. The impact of development in urban areas such as the introduction of more green areas which improve the perceived status of local people, as well as new health services facilitated by people and companies, can also be resources to support nutrition programs. Local resources in urban fringe areas can be used in the planning of nutrition programs. The expansion of partnership with all stakeholders, empowering the community through optimizing the roles of nutrition care centers for children as our recommendation with regard to nutrition program planning.Keywords: developing country, local resources, nutrition program, urban fringe
Procedia PDF Downloads 25111316 Fused Structure and Texture (FST) Features for Improved Pedestrian Detection
Authors: Hussin K. Ragb, Vijayan K. Asari
In this paper, we present a pedestrian detection descriptor called Fused Structure and Texture (FST) features based on the combination of the local phase information with the texture features. Since the phase of the signal conveys more structural information than the magnitude, the phase congruency concept is used to capture the structural features. On the other hand, the Center-Symmetric Local Binary Pattern (CSLBP) approach is used to capture the texture information of the image. The dimension less quantity of the phase congruency and the robustness of the CSLBP operator on the flat images, as well as the blur and illumination changes, lead the proposed descriptor to be more robust and less sensitive to the light variations. The proposed descriptor can be formed by extracting the phase congruency and the CSLBP values of each pixel of the image with respect to its neighborhood. The histogram of the oriented phase and the histogram of the CSLBP values for the local regions in the image are computed and concatenated to construct the FST descriptor. Several experiments were conducted on INRIA and the low resolution DaimlerChrysler datasets to evaluate the detection performance of the pedestrian detection system that is based on the FST descriptor. A linear Support Vector Machine (SVM) is used to train the pedestrian classifier. These experiments showed that the proposed FST descriptor has better detection performance over a set of state of the art feature extraction methodologies.Keywords: pedestrian detection, phase congruency, local phase, LBP features, CSLBP features, FST descriptor
Procedia PDF Downloads 49011315 Options for Adding Benefits of Local Crop Diversity Through a Non-Breeding Approach
Authors: Kedar Nath Nepal, Tek Bahadur Thapa, David Guerena;
The community participation is central to the in-situ project objectives, as farming communities are key stakeholders in the on-farm conservation of agricultural bio- diversity. Besides technical means to adding benefits, the complimentary strategy includes creating market-based value adding measures by increasing users’ awareness of the value of traditional foods and nutritional values; exhibitions and improved processing; and policy incentives. This paper presents various participatory activities carried out in Nepal as options for enhancing benefits to local communities by increased utilization of local crop diversity on -the farm through non-breeding discussed, and outcomes are documented using farmers’ perception data and secondary information. The paper focuses on three major areas of public awareness, market incentives and non-market incentives that may enhance on -farm conservation and use of biodiversity.Keywords: biodiversity, in-situ, market-based, non-market
Procedia PDF Downloads 11211314 Analysis of Knowledge Circulation in Digital Learning Environments: A Case Study of the MOOC 'Communication des Organisations'
Authors: Hasna Mekkaoui Alaoui, Mariem Mekkaoui Alaoui
In a context marked by a growing and pressing demand for online training within Moroccan universities, massive open online courses (Moocs) are undergoing constant evolution, amplified by the widespread use of digital technology and accentuated by the Coronavirus pandemic. However, despite their growing popularity and expansion, these courses are still lacking in terms of tools, enabling teachers and researchers to carry out a fine-grained analysis of the learning processes taking place within them. What's more, the circulation and sharing of knowledge within these environments is becoming increasingly important. The crucial aspect of traceability emerges here, as MOOCs record and generate traces from the most minute to the most visible. This leads us to consider traceability as a valuable approach in the field of educational research, where the trace is envisaged as a research tool in its own right. In this exploratory research project, we are looking at aspects of community knowledge sharing based on traces observed in the "Communication des organisations" Mooc. Focusing in particular on the mediating trace and its impact in identifying knowledge circulation processes in this learning space, we have mobilized the traces of video capsules as an index of knowledge circulation in the Mooc device. Our study uses a methodological approach based on thematic analysis, and although the results show that learners reproduce knowledge from different video vignettes in almost identical ways, they do not limit themselves to the knowledge provided to them. This research offers concrete perspectives for improving the dynamics of online devices, with a potentially positive impact on the quality of online university teaching.Keywords: circulation, index, digital environments, mediation., trace
Procedia PDF Downloads 6411313 Analyzing the Impact of Knowledge Sharing on Product Innovation: A Moderated Mediation Framework of Employees Creativity and Top Management Support
Authors: Aqsa Akbar, Sadaf Ehsan, Suheera Khalid Sheikh
Purpose: In the today’s competitive world, situational dynamism presents complex challenges for organizations to pursue production innovation. Calling for dire need to remain sustainable, the research aims to examine the interlinking mechanism of knowledge sharing and product innovation relationship. For this, a moderated mediation framework is developed in which employees’ creativity and top management support are suggested as viable factors affecting the knowledge sharing and product innovation relationship. Design/Methodology/Approaches A survey-based quantitative research design is selected for data collection via self-administered questionnaires from employees of Pakistan’s E-commerce organizations. Almost, 350 questionnaires were circulated and 285 were received back through a cross-sectional method. Data analysis is performed on SPSS 22.0 and AMOS. Finding The outcomes suggest that knowledge sharing is critical for companies undergoing product innovation. In addition, findings disclose that employees’ creativity partially mediates the relationship between knowledge sharing and product innovation. Furthermore, the moderation impact of top management support also substantiated the proposed hypothesis. Results are discussed in the light of the literature review, followed by the study’s limitations and future directions. Originality/Value The study donates significance towards the development of better understanding of how knowledge sharing is vital for product innovation. It adds on to the literature by highlighting mechanisms responsible for successful product innovation. Moreover, the study offers practical insights to Pakistan’s E-commerce industry and suggests about how to develop capabilities for product innovation.Keywords: employees creativity, knowledge sharing, product innovation, top management support
Procedia PDF Downloads 8811312 Peer Group Approach: An Oral Health Intervention from Children for Children at Primary School in Klungkung, Bali, Indonesia
Authors: Regina Tedjasulaksana, Maria Martina Nahak, A. A. Gede Agung, Ni Made Widhiasti
Strategic effort to realize the empowerment of community in school is through the peer group approach so that it needs to choose the students who are trained as the’ little dentist’ in order to have the cognitive and skills to participate in the school dental health effort (UKGS) program, such as providing oral health education to the other students. Aim: To assessed the effectiveness of peer group approach to enhance the oral health knowledge level of schoolchildren at primary school in Klungkung, Bali. Methods: Experimental study using the pre-post test without control group design. The differences of knowledge levels, tooth brushing behavior and oral hygiene status (using PHP-M index) of 10 students before and after trained as the little dentists were analyzed using paired t-test. The correlations between knowledge level and tooth brushing behavior and correlations between tooth brushing behavior and oral hygiene before and after trained as the little dentists were analyzed using Spearman. Furthermore, the trained little dentists provide oral health education to 102 students of grade 1 to 5 at their school once a week for 3 months. The students’ knowledge level scores of each grade were taken every 21 days as many as three times The difference of it was analyzed using Repeated Measured. Result: The mean scores among all little dentists before and after training for each of knowledge level were each 63.05 + 5.62 and 85.00 + 7.81, tooth brushing behavior were each 31.00 + 14.49 and 100.00 + 0.00 and oral hygiene status using PHP-M index were each 32.80 + 10.17 and 11.40 + 8.01. The knowledge level, tooth brushing behavior and oral hygiene status of 10 students before and after trained as the little dentists were different significantly (p<0.05). Before and after trained as the little dentists it showed that significant correlations between knowledge level with tooth brushing behavior (p<0.05) and significant correlations between tooth brushing behavior and oral hygiene (p<0.05). The mean scores of knowledge level among all students before (pre-test) and after (post-test (1),(2),(3)) getting oral health education from little dentists for each, of grade 1 were 40.00 + 17.97; 67.85 + 18.88; 81.72 +26.48 and 70.00 + 22.87, grade 2 were 40.00 + 17.97; 67.85 + 18.88; 81.72 + 26.48 and 70.00 + 22.87, grade 3 were 65.83 + 23.94; 72.50 + 26.08; 80.41 + 24.93 and 83.75 + 19.74, grade 4 were 88.57 + 12.92; 90.71 + 9.97; 92.85 + 10.69 and 93.57 + 6.33 and grade 5 were 86.66 + 13.40; 93.33 + 9.16; 94.16 + 10.17 and 98.33 + 4.81. The students’ knowledge level of grade 1,2 and 3 before and after getting oral health education from little dentists showed significant different (p<0.05), meanwhile there was no significant different on grade 4 and 5 (p<0.05) although mean scores showed an increase. Conclusion: Peer group approach can be used to enhance the oral health knowledge level of schoolchildren at primary school in Klungkung, Bali.Keywords: small dentists, oral health, peer group approach, school children
Procedia PDF Downloads 43011311 Teachers' Attitude and Knowledge as Predictors of Effective Use of Digital Devices for the Education of Students with Special Needs in Oyo, Nigeria
Authors: Faseluka Olamide Tope
Giving quality education to students with special needs requires that all necessary resources should be harnessed and digital devices has become important part of resources used as instructional materials in educating students with special needs. Teachers who will make use of these technologies are considered as a part of the most important elements in any educational programme and the effective usage of these technologies largely depends on them. Out of numerous determinants of the effective use of these digital devices, this study examines teachers’ attitude and knowledge as predictors of effective use of digital technology for education of special needs student in Oyo state, Nigeria. The descriptive survey research design of the expo-facto type was adopted for the study, using simple random sampling technique. The study was carried out among sixty (60) participants. Two research questions and two research hypotheses were formulated and used. The data collected through the research instruments for the study were analysedusing frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation, Pearson, Product, Moment Correlation (PPMC) and Multiple Regression Analysis. The study revealed a significant relationship between teachers attitude (50, < 0.05) and effective use of digital technologies for special needs students. Furthermore, there was a significant contribution F (F=4.289; R=0.876 and R2 =0.758) in the joint contribution of the independent variable (teacher’s attitude and teacher’s knowledge) and dependent variable (effective use of digital technologies) while teachers knowledge have the highest contribution(b=7.926, t=4.376), the study therefore revealed that teachers attitude and knowledge are potent factors that predicts the effective usage of digital technologies for the education of special needs student. The study recommended that due to the ever-changing nature of technology which comes with new features, teachers should be equipped with appropriate knowledge in order to effectively make use of them and teachers should also develop right attitude toward the use of digital technologiesKeywords: teachers’ knowledge, teachers’ attitude, digital devices, special needs students
Procedia PDF Downloads 5111310 Towards a Measuring Tool to Encourage Knowledge Sharing in Emerging Knowledge Organizations: The Who, the What and the How
Authors: Rachel Barker
The exponential velocity in the truly knowledge-intensive world today has increasingly bombarded organizations with unfathomable challenges. Hence organizations are introduced to strange lexicons of descriptors belonging to a new paradigm of who, what and how knowledge at individual and organizational levels should be managed. Although organizational knowledge has been recognized as a valuable intangible resource that holds the key to competitive advantage, little progress has been made in understanding how knowledge sharing at individual level could benefit knowledge use at collective level to ensure added value. The research problem is that a lack of research exists to measure knowledge sharing through a multi-layered structure of ideas with at its foundation, philosophical assumptions to support presuppositions and commitment which requires actual findings from measured variables to confirm observed and expected events. The purpose of this paper is to address this problem by presenting a theoretical approach to measure knowledge sharing in emerging knowledge organizations. The research question is that despite the competitive necessity of becoming a knowledge-based organization, leaders have found it difficult to transform their organizations due to a lack of knowledge on who, what and how it should be done. The main premise of this research is based on the challenge for knowledge leaders to develop an organizational culture conducive to the sharing of knowledge and where learning becomes the norm. The theoretical constructs were derived and based on the three components of the knowledge management theory, namely technical, communication and human components where it is suggested that this knowledge infrastructure could ensure effective management. While it is realised that it might be a little problematic to implement and measure all relevant concepts, this paper presents effect of eight critical success factors (CSFs) namely: organizational strategy, organizational culture, systems and infrastructure, intellectual capital, knowledge integration, organizational learning, motivation/performance measures and innovation. These CSFs have been identified based on a comprehensive literature review of existing research and tested in a new framework adapted from four perspectives of the balanced score card (BSC). Based on these CSFs and their items, an instrument was designed and tested among managers and employees of a purposefully selected engineering company in South Africa who relies on knowledge sharing to ensure their competitive advantage. Rigorous pretesting through personal interviews with executives and a number of academics took place to validate the instrument and to improve the quality of items and correct wording of issues. Through analysis of surveys collected, this research empirically models and uncovers key aspects of these dimensions based on the CSFs. Reliability of the instrument was calculated by Cronbach’s a for the two sections of the instrument on organizational and individual levels.The construct validity was confirmed by using factor analysis. The impact of the results was tested using structural equation modelling and proved to be a basis for implementing and understanding the competitive predisposition of the organization as it enters the process of knowledge management. In addition, they realised the importance to consolidate their knowledge assets to create value that is sustainable over time.Keywords: innovation, intellectual capital, knowledge sharing, performance measures
Procedia PDF Downloads 19611309 The Role of Gender and Socio-Demographics Variables on Food Safety Perceptions of Lebanese University Students
Authors: Lara Hanna-Wakim, Carine El Sokhn
The perception of the consumer in food safety plays an important role in reducing the incidence of foodborne diseases. Studies show that young adults aged between 18 and 25 years are more prone to foodborne illnesses than adults because of their lack of food safety knowledge. The aim of this study was to measure the degree of university students' awareness in food safety, as well as to explore whether there is a relationship or not between the demographic characteristics of university students and their knowledge and practices. A valid questionnaire divided into three parts was distributed to 938 university students, aged between 18-25 years, living alone or with their parents, from different majors and years of study. The data collected was analyzed using the SPSS program. The total scores of the students surveyed were 47.95% on their food safety knowledge and 56.45% on their practices in the matter. The final score of the food safety perception of university students in both genders was 52.2%. Female students scored higher (63.14%) than male students (39.69%), and students majoring in health related fields (67.45%) scored higher than those majoring in areas not related to public health (49.21%). These results showed an overall low level of food safety perception of university students. Educational interventions are needed to improve their food safety knowledge and practices as they will be responsible for their own family one day.Keywords: food safety, gender, perception, practices, knowledge, lebanese university students
Procedia PDF Downloads 48011308 Synthetic Method of Contextual Knowledge Extraction
Authors: Olga Kononova, Sergey Lyapin
Global information society requirements are transparency and reliability of data, as well as ability to manage information resources independently; particularly to search, to analyze, to evaluate information, thereby obtaining new expertise. Moreover, it is satisfying the society information needs that increases the efficiency of the enterprise management and public administration. The study of structurally organized thematic and semantic contexts of different types, automatically extracted from unstructured data, is one of the important tasks for the application of information technologies in education, science, culture, governance and business. The objectives of this study are the contextual knowledge typologization, selection or creation of effective tools for extracting and analyzing contextual knowledge. Explication of various kinds and forms of the contextual knowledge involves the development and use full-text search information systems. For the implementation purposes, the authors use an e-library 'Humanitariana' services such as the contextual search, different types of queries (paragraph-oriented query, frequency-ranked query), automatic extraction of knowledge from the scientific texts. The multifunctional e-library «Humanitariana» is realized in the Internet-architecture in WWS-configuration (Web-browser / Web-server / SQL-server). Advantage of use 'Humanitariana' is in the possibility of combining the resources of several organizations. Scholars and research groups may work in a local network mode and in distributed IT environments with ability to appeal to resources of any participating organizations servers. Paper discusses some specific cases of the contextual knowledge explication with the use of the e-library services and focuses on possibilities of new types of the contextual knowledge. Experimental research base are science texts about 'e-government' and 'computer games'. An analysis of the subject-themed texts trends allowed to propose the content analysis methodology, that combines a full-text search with automatic construction of 'terminogramma' and expert analysis of the selected contexts. 'Terminogramma' is made out as a table that contains a column with a frequency-ranked list of words (nouns), as well as columns with an indication of the absolute frequency (number) and the relative frequency of occurrence of the word (in %% ppm). The analysis of 'e-government' materials showed, that the state takes a dominant position in the processes of the electronic interaction between the authorities and society in modern Russia. The media credited the main role in these processes to the government, which provided public services through specialized portals. Factor analysis revealed two factors statistically describing the used terms: human interaction (the user) and the state (government, processes organizer); interaction management (public officer, processes performer) and technology (infrastructure). Isolation of these factors will lead to changes in the model of electronic interaction between government and society. In this study, the dominant social problems and the prevalence of different categories of subjects of computer gaming in science papers from 2005 to 2015 were identified. Therefore, there is an evident identification of several types of contextual knowledge: micro context; macro context; dynamic context; thematic collection of queries (interactive contextual knowledge expanding a composition of e-library information resources); multimodal context (functional integration of iconographic and full-text resources through hybrid quasi-semantic algorithm of search). Further studies can be pursued both in terms of expanding the resource base on which they are held, and in terms of the development of appropriate tools.Keywords: contextual knowledge, contextual search, e-library services, frequency-ranked query, paragraph-oriented query, technologies of the contextual knowledge extraction
Procedia PDF Downloads 36011307 Creativity in Industrial Design as an Instrument for the Achievement of the Proper and Necessary Balance between Intuition and Reason, Design and Science
Authors: Juan Carlos Quiñones
Time has passed since the industrial design has put murder on a mass-production basis. The industrial design applies methods from different disciplines with a strategic approach, to place humans at the centers of the design process and to deliver solutions that are meaningful and desirable for users and for the market. This analysis summarizes some of the discussions that occurred in the 6th International Forum of Design as a Process, June 2016, Valencia. The aims of this conference were finding new linkages between systems and design interactions in order to define the social consequences. Through knowledge management we are able to transform the intangible aspect by using design as a transforming function capable of converting intangible knowledge into tangible solutions (i.e. products and services demanded by society). Industrial designers use knowledge consciously as a starting point for the ideation of the product. The handling of the intangible becomes more and more relevant over time as different methods emerge for knowledge extraction and subsequent organization. The different methodologies applied to the industrial design discipline and the evolution of the same discipline methods underpin the cultural and scientific background knowledge as a starting point of thought as a response to the needs; the whole thing coming through the instrument of creativity for the achievement of the proper and necessary balance between intuition and reason, design and science.Keywords: creative process, creativity, industrial design, intangible
Procedia PDF Downloads 28711306 Vibration Analysis of Stepped Nanoarches with Defects
Authors: Jaan Lellep, Shahid Mubasshar
A numerical solution is developed for simply supported nanoarches based on the non-local theory of elasticity. The nanoarch under consideration has a step-wise variable cross-section and is weakened by crack-like defects. It is assumed that the cracks are stationary and the mechanical behaviour of the nanoarch can be modeled by Eringen’s non-local theory of elasticity. The physical and thermal properties are sensitive with respect to changes of dimensions in the nano level. The classical theory of elasticity is unable to describe such changes in material properties. This is because, during the development of the classical theory of elasticity, the speculation of molecular objects was avoided. Therefore, the non-local theory of elasticity is applied to study the vibration of nanostructures and it has been accepted by many researchers. In the non-local theory of elasticity, it is assumed that the stress state of the body at a given point depends on the stress state of each point of the structure. However, within the classical theory of elasticity, the stress state of the body depends only on the given point. The system of main equations consists of equilibrium equations, geometrical relations and constitutive equations with boundary and intermediate conditions. The system of equations is solved by using the method of separation of variables. Consequently, the governing differential equations are converted into a system of algebraic equations whose solution exists if the determinant of the coefficients of the matrix vanishes. The influence of cracks and steps on the natural vibration of the nanoarches is prescribed with the aid of additional local compliance at the weakened cross-section. An algorithm to determine the eigenfrequencies of the nanoarches is developed with the help of computer software. The effects of various physical and geometrical parameters are recorded and drawn graphically.Keywords: crack, nanoarches, natural frequency, step
Procedia PDF Downloads 12911305 Fatigue Crack Behaviour in a Residual Stress Field at Fillet Welds in Ship Structures
Authors: Anurag Niranjan, Michael Fitzpatrick, Yin Jin Janin, Jazeel Chukkan, Niall Smyth
Fillet welds are used in joining longitudinal stiffeners in ship structures. Welding residual stresses in fillet welds are generally distributed in a non-uniform manner, as shown in previous research the residual stress redistribution occurs under the cyclic loading that is experienced by such joints during service, and the combination of the initial residual stress, local constraints, and loading can alter the stress field in ways that are extremely difficult to predict. As the residual stress influences the crack propagation originating from the toe of the fillet welds, full understanding of the residual stress field and how it evolves is very important for structural integrity calculations. Knowledge of the residual stress redistribution in the presence of a flaw is therefore required for better fatigue life prediction. Moreover, defect assessment procedures such as BS7910 offer very limited guidance for flaw acceptance and the associated residual stress redistribution in the assessment of fillet welds. Therefore the objective of this work is to study a surface-breaking flaw at the weld toe region in a fillet weld under cyclic load, in conjunction with residual stress measurement at pre-defined crack depths. This work will provide details of residual stress redistribution under cyclic load in the presence of a crack. The outcome of this project will inform integrity assessment with respect to the treatment of residual stress in fillet welds. Knowledge of the residual stress evolution for this weld geometry will be greatly beneficial for flaw tolerance assessments (BS 7910, API 591).Keywords: fillet weld, fatigue, residual stress, structure integrity
Procedia PDF Downloads 14411304 Turkish University Level EFL Learners’ Collocational Knowledge at Receptive and Productive Levels
Authors: Nazife Duygu Bagci
Collocations are an important part of vocabulary knowledge, and it is a subject that has recently attracted attention, while still in need of more research. The aim of this study is to answer three research questions related to the collocational knowledge of Turkish university level EFL learners at different proficiency levels of English. The first research question aims to compare the pre-intermediate (PIN) and the advanced (ADV) level learners’ collocational knowledge at receptive and productive levels. The second one is to analyze the performance of the PIN and the ADV students in two main collocation categories; lexical and grammatical. Lastly, the performance of both groups are focused on to find the collocation type (among verb-noun, adjective- noun, adjective-preposition, noun-preposition collocation types) they show the best performance in. Two offline tests were used to answer these questions. The results show that there is a significant difference between the PIN and the ADV groups at both receptive and productive levels. It can be concluded that proficiency is an important criterion in collocational knowledge, and learners do not necessarily know the collocates of the vocabulary items that they know. Although there is no significant difference between the PIN group’s performance in lexical and grammatical collocations, the ADV group showed a better performance in lexical collocations. Lastly, the PIN group at receptive and the ADV group at both receptive and productive levels showed the best performance in verb-noun collocations, which is in line with the previous research focusing on different collocation types.Keywords: collocational knowledge, EFL, language proficiency, testing
Procedia PDF Downloads 38911303 Clinical Pharmacology Throughout the World: A View from Global Health
Authors: Ragy Raafat Gaber Attaalla
Despite having the greatest rates of mortality and morbidity in the world, low- and middle-income (LMIC) nations trail high-income nations in terms of the number of clinical trials, the number of qualified researchers, and the amount of research information specific to their people. Health inequities and the use of precision medicine may be hampered by a lack of local genomic data, clinical pharmacology and pharmacometrics competence, and training opportunities. These issues can be solved by carrying out health care infrastructure development, which includes data gathering and well-designed clinical pharmacology training in LMICs. It will be advantageous if there is international cooperation focused at enhancing education and infrastructure and promoting locally motivated clinical trials and research. This paper outlines various instances where clinical pharmacology knowledge could be put to use, including pharmacogenomic opportunities that could lead to better clinical guideline recommendations. Examples of how clinical pharmacology training can be successfully implemented in LMICs are also provided, including clinical pharmacology and pharmacometrics training programmes in Africa and a Tanzanian researcher's personal experience while on a training sabbatical in the United States. These training initiatives will profit from advocacy for clinical pharmacologists' employment prospects and career development pathways, which are gradually becoming acknowledged and established in LMICs. The advancement of training and research infrastructure to increase clinical pharmacologists' knowledge in LMICs would be extremely beneficial because they have a significant role to play in global health.Keywords: low- and middle-income, clinical pharmacology, pharmacometrics, career development pathways
Procedia PDF Downloads 7211302 The Importance of Mental Health Literacy: Interventions in a Psychiatry Service of Hospital José Joaquim Fernandes, Portugal
Authors: Mariana Mangas, Yaroslava Martins, Ana Charraz, Ana Matos Pires
Introduction: Health literacy empowers people of knowledge, motivation and skills to access, understand, evaluate and mobilize information relating to health. Although the benefits of public knowledge of physical disease are widely accepted, knowledge about mental disorder has been compatibly neglected. Nowadays there is considerably evidence that literacy is of great importance for the promotion of health and prevention of mental illness. Objective: Disclosure the concept and importance of mental health literacy and introduce the literacy program of Psychiatry Service of Hospital José Joaquim Fernandes. Methodology: A search was conducted on PubMed, using keywords “literacy” and “mental health”. A description of mental health literacy interventions implemented on Psychiatry Service of Hospital José Joaquim Fernandes was performed, namely, psychoeducation programs for depression and bipolar disorder. Results and discussion: Health literacy enables patient to be able to actively participate in his treatment. The improving of mental health literacy can promote early identification of mental disorders, improve treatment results, increase the use of health services and allow the community to take action to achieve better mental health. Psychoeducation is very useful in improving the course of disease and in reducing the number of episodes and hospitalizations. Bipolar patients who received psychoeducation and pharmacotherapy have no relapses during the program and last year. Conclusion: Mental health literacy is not simply a matter of having knowledge, rather, it is knowledge linked to action which can benefit mental health.Keywords: mental health, literacy, psychoeducation, knowledge, empowerment
Procedia PDF Downloads 54911301 Atomistic Insight into the System of Trapped Oil Droplet/ Nanofluid System in Nanochannels
Authors: Yuanhao Chang, Senbo Xiao, Zhiliang Zhang, Jianying He
The role of nanoparticles (NPs) in enhanced oil recovery (EOR) is being increasingly emphasized. In this study, the motion of NPs and local stress distribution of tapped oil droplet/nanofluid in nanochannels are studied with coarse-grained modeling and molecular dynamic simulations. The results illustrate three motion patterns for NPs: hydrophilic NPs are more likely to adsorb on the channel and stay near the three-phase contact areas, hydrophobic NPs move inside the oil droplet as clusters and more mixed NPs are trapped at the oil-water interface. NPs in each pattern affect the flow of fluid and the interfacial thickness to various degrees. Based on the calculation of atomistic stress, the characteristic that the higher value of stress occurs at the place where NPs aggregate can be obtained. Different occurrence patterns correspond to specific local stress distribution. Significantly, in the three-phase contact area for hydrophilic NPs, the local stress distribution close to the pattern of structural disjoining pressure is observed, which proves the existence of structural disjoining pressure in molecular dynamics simulation for the first time. Our results guide the design and screen of NPs for EOR and provide a basic understanding of nanofluid applications.Keywords: local stress distribution, nanoparticles, enhanced oil recovery, molecular dynamics simulation, trapped oil droplet, structural disjoining pressure
Procedia PDF Downloads 13711300 Team Workforce Diversity and Team Outcomes: A Meta-Analytic Review
Authors: Hyeondal Jeong, Yoonjung Baek
This study was carried out a meta-analysis on team workforce diversity and team outcomes. Using data from 3,534 teams in 13 studies conducted in team-level settings, we examined whether contextual factors at research local and team-size, influenced team outcomes of team workforce diversity. This meta-analytic examines the team workforce diversity and team outcomes. 13 studies included in the analysis are studies published from 2009 to 2014. We first examined the correlations between all types of diversity and team performance, significant result (Fisher`s Z = .112, k = 32, 95% CI = 0.039 to 0.183). After the analysis was conducted to moderating effect of research local (Republic of Korea=1, other area=0) and team-size. As a result, research local moderating effect had a significant but team-size was not supported. Based on the above findings suggest implications and future research directions.Keywords: team workforce diversity, team outcomes, meta- analytic, cross-cultural research
Procedia PDF Downloads 31111299 Knowledge and Adoption of Agricultural Biotechnology among Small-Scale Farmers in Taraba State Nigeria
Authors: A. H. Paul, L. J. Gizaki, E. P. Ejimbi
The study was carried out to determine the level of knowledge and adoption of agricultural biotechnology in Taraba state. Purposive and simple sampling techniques were used to select respondents. Questionnaires were administered to 90 respondents. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The results showed that the majority (73.3%) of the respondents were small-scale farmers, whereas 24.4 percent were engaged in secondary occupations. The mean farm size was 1-5 ha. The majority (72.2%) had one form of formal education or another. About 84 percent (84.4%) had been farming for at least 10 years. There was a mean household size of 6-10 persons. Many (97.8%) of the respondents were knowledgeable about biotechnology, and about 70.0 percent (70.1%) reported that the biotechnology products which they had adopted were very good for animals and human consumption. The result of Pearson’s correlation (r = 0.699) was significant at the 0.01 alpha level. Therefore, the hypothesis that there is no significant relationship between knowledge and adoption of agricultural biotechnology was rejected. It was concluded that the agricultural biotechnologies that were adopted were very safe for animals, humans, and the environment. It was recommended that the government should employ more extension agents to help educate farmers about agricultural biotechnology.Keywords: agricultural, adoption, biotechnology, knowledge
Procedia PDF Downloads 13811298 Comparing the Effect of Group Education and Multimedia Software on Knowledge, Attitude and Self-Efficacy Mothers about of Sexual Health Education to the Boys of between 12-14 Years Old
Authors: Mirzaii Khadigeh
Background and objectives: Sexual health education is an important part of health promotion services. The major role of sex education is on mothers’ shoulders. So, they have to be equipped with enough knowledge, attitude and self-efficacy for teens’ education. The present study aimed to determine the effect of team-learning and multimedia software on mothers’ knowledge, attitudes and self-efficacy in sexual health education to 12-14-year-old sons in Mashhad in 1395. Materials and methods: In this research, two experimental and one control group were employed using random sampling, which was done on 132 mothers of high school pupils. They were randomly assigned into experimental and control groups. The data were collected using demographic information and a researcher-constructed questionnaire to investigate the mothers’ knowledge, attitude, and self-efficacy and DASS21(The Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale). They were run after confirming their reliability and validity. Intervention for the multimedia group was in the form of four CDs- each for 45 minutes- that were given to the mothers each week. At the end of the fourth week, a question-and-answer session was administered for 60 minutes. The team-learning group received intervention once a week (totally four weeks). Two weeks later, the data were collected and analyzed via Chi-square, Fisher, Kruskal-Wallis and ANOVA. Findings: Knowledge, attitude and self-efficacy of mothers in sexual health before the intervention did not have any significant differences (p >0.05). At the end of the study, the difference between the scores of the knowledge, attitude and self-efficacy in the three groups was meaningfully different (p < 0/001), but the difference between the two groups of multimedia and team-learning was not significant (p> 0.05 ). Discussion and conclusion: The result reported the efficacy of both team-leaning and multimedia software, which implies that the multimedia software training method was as effective as team-learning training one on the knowledge, attitude and self-efficacy of mothers. But, the multimedia training method is highly advised due to its availability, flexibility, and interest.Keywords: training one on the knowledge, attitude, self-efficacy of mothers, boys
Procedia PDF Downloads 17711297 A Questionnaire Survey Reviewing Radiographers' Knowledge of Computed Tomography Exposure Parameters
Authors: Mohammad Rawashdeh, Mark McEntee, Maha Zaitoun, Mostafa Abdelrahman, Patrick Brennan, Haytham Alewaidat, Sarah Lewis, Charbel Saade
Despite the tremendous advancements that have been generated by Computed Tomography (CT) in the field of diagnosis, concerns have been raised about the potential cancer induction risk from CT because of the exponentially increased use of it in medicine. This study aims at investigating the application and knowledge of practicing radiographers in Jordan about CT radiation. In order to collect the primary data of this study, a questionnaire was designed and distributed by social media using a snow-balling sampling method. The respondents (n=54) have answered 36 questions including the questions about their demographic information, knowledge about Diagnostic Reference Levels (DRLs), CT exposure and adaptation of pediatric patients exposure. The educational level of the respondents was either at a diploma degree (35.2%) or bachelor (64.8%). The results of this study have indicated a good level of general knowledge between radiographers about the relationship between image quality, exposure parameters, and patient dose. The level of knowledge related to DRL was poor where less than 7.4 percent of the sample members were able to give specific values for a number of common anatomical fields, including abdomen, brain, and chest. Overall, Jordanian radiographers need to gain more knowledge about the expected levels of the dose when applying good practice. Additional education on DRL or DRL inclusion in educational programs is highlighted.Keywords: computed tomography, CT scan, DRLs, exposure parameters, image quality, radiation dose
Procedia PDF Downloads 14511296 Quantitative Analysis of the Quality of Housing and Land Use in the Built-up area of Croatian Coastal City of Zadar
Authors: Silvija Šiljeg, Ante Šiljeg, Branko Cavrić
Housing is considered as a basic human need and important component of the quality of life (QoL) in urban areas worldwide. In contemporary housing studies, the concept of the quality of housing (QoH) is considered as a multi-dimensional and multi-disciplinary field. It emphasizes connection between various aspects of the QoL which could be measured by quantitative and qualitative indicators at different spatial levels (e.g. local, city, metropolitan, regional). The main goal of this paper is to examine the QoH and compare results of quantitative analysis with the clutter land use categories derived for selected local communities in Croatian Coastal City of Zadar. The qualitative housing analysis based on the four housing indicators (out of total 24 QoL indicators) has provided identification of the three Zadar’s local communities with the highest estimated QoH ranking. Furthermore, by using GIS overlay techniques, the QoH was merged with the urban environment analysis and introduction of spatial metrics based on the three categories: the element, class and environment as a whole. In terms of semantic-content analysis, the research has also generated a set of indexes suitable for evaluation of “housing state of affairs” and future decision making aiming at improvement of the QoH in selected local communities.Keywords: housing, quality, indicators, indexes, urban environment, GIS, element, class
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