Search results for: laminated composite tube
1834 Development of Light-Weight Fibre-Based Materials for Building Envelopes
Authors: René Čechmánek, Vladan Prachař, Ludvík Lederer, Jiří Loskot
Thin-walled elements with a matrix set on a base of high-valuable Portland cement with dispersed reinforcement from alkali-resistant glass fibres are used in a range of applications as claddings of buildings and infrastructure constructions as well as various architectural elements of residential buildings. Even if their elementary thickness and therefore total weight is quite low, architects and building companies demand on even further decreasing of the bulk density of these fibre-cement elements for the reason of loading elimination of connected superstructures and easier assembling in demand conditions. By the means of various kinds of light-weight aggregates it is possible to achieve light-weighing of thin-walled fibre-cement composite elements. From the range of possible fillers with different material properties granulated expanded glass worked the best. By the means of laboratory testing an effect of two fillers based on expanded glass on the fibre reinforced cement composite was verified. Practical applicability was tested in the production of commonly manufactured glass fibre reinforced concrete elements, such as channels for electrical cable deposition, products for urban equipment and especially various cladding elements. Even if these are not structural elements, it is necessary to evaluate also strength characteristics and resistance to environment for their durability in certain applications.Keywords: fibre-cement composite, granulated expanded glass, light-weighing
Procedia PDF Downloads 2921833 Enhancing the Structural and Electrochemical Performance of Li-Rich Layered Metal Oxides Cathodes for Li-Ion Battery by Coating with the Active Material
Authors: Cyril O. Ehi-Eromosele, Ajayi Kayode
The Li-rich layered metal oxides (LLO) are the most promising candidates for promising electrodes of high energy Li-ion battery (LIB). In literature, these electrode system has either been designed as a hetero-structure of the primary components (composite) or as a core-shell structure with improved electrochemistry reported for both configurations when compared with its primary components. With the on-going efforts to improve on the electrochemical performance of the LIB, it is important to investigate comparatively the structural and electrochemical characteristics of the core-shell like and ‘composite’ forms of these materials with the same compositions and synthesis conditions which could influence future engineering of these materials. Therefore, this study concerns the structural and electrochemical properties of the ‘composite’ and core-shell like LLO cathode materials with the same nominal composition of 0.5Li₂MnO₃-0.5LiNi₀.₅Mn₀.₃Co₀.₂O₂ (LiNi₀.₅Mn₀.₃Co₀.₂O₂ as core and Li₂MnO₃ as the shell). The results show that the core-shell sample (–CS) gave better electrochemical performance than the ‘composite’ sample (–C). Both samples gave the same initial charge capacity of ~300 mAh/g when cycled at 10 mA/g and comparable charge capacity (246 mAh/g for the –CS sample and 240 mAh/g for the –C sample) when cycled at 200 mA/g. However, the –CS sample gave a higher initial discharge capacity at both current densities. The discharge capacity of the –CS sample was 232 mAh/g and 164 mAh/g while the –C sample is 208 mAh/g and 143 mAh/g at the current densities of 10 mA/g and 200 mA/g, respectively. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) results show that the –CS sample generally exhibited a smaller resistance than the –C sample both for the uncycled and after 50th cycle. Detailed structural analysis is on-going, but preliminary results show that the –CS sample had bigger unit cell volume and a higher degree of cation mixing. The thermal stability of the –CS sample was higher than the –C sample. XPS investigation also showed that the pristine –C sample gave a more reactive surface (showing formation of carbonate species to a greater degree) which could result in the greater resistance seen in the EIS result. To reinforce the results obtained for the 0.5Li₂MnO₃-0.5LiNi₀.₅Mn₀.₃Co₀.₃O₂ composition, the same investigations were extended to another ‘composite’ and core-shell like LLO cathode materials also with the same nominal composition of 0.5Li₂MnO₃-0.5LiNi₀.₃Mn₀.₃Co₀.₃O₂. In this case, the aim was to determine the electrochemical performance of the material using a low Ni content (LiNi₀.₃Mn₀.₃Co₀.₃O₂) as the core to clarify the contributions of the core-shell configuration to the electrochemical performance of these materials. Ni-rich layered oxides show active catalytic surface leading to electrolyte oxidation resulting in poor thermal stability and cycle life. Here, the core-shell sample also gave better electrochemical performance than the ‘composite’ sample with 0.5Li₂MnO₃-0.5LiNi₀.₃Mn₀.₃Co₀.₃O₂ composition. Furthermore, superior electrochemical performance was also recorded for the core-shell like spinel modified LLO (0.5Li₂MnO₃-0.45LiNi₀.₅Mn₀.₃Co₀.₂O₂-0.05LiNi₀.₅Mn₁.₅O₄) when compared to the composite system. These results show that the core-shell configuration can generally be used to improve the structural and electrochemical properties of the LLO and spinel modified LLO materials.Keywords: lithium-ion battery, lithium rich oxide cathode, core-shell structure, composite structure
Procedia PDF Downloads 1221832 Mechanical and Physical Properties of Wood Composite Panel from Recycled Plastic and Sawdust of Cordia alliodora (Ruiz and Pav.)
Authors: Ahmed Bolaji Alarape, Oluwatobi Damilola Aba, Usman Shehu
Wood plastic composite boards were made from sawn dust of Cordia alliodora and recycled polyethylene at a mixing ratio of 1.5ratio1, 2.5ratio1 and 3.5ratio1 and nominal densities of 600 kilograms per meter cube, 700 kilograms per meter cube, and 800 kilograms per meter cube, The material was hot pressed at 150-degree celsius to produce board of 250 millimeter by 250 millimeter by 6 millimeter of which 18 boards were produced. The experiment was subject to 3 by 3 factorial experiments in Completely Randomised Design (CRD). Analysis of variance and Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) was adopted by 3 by 3 at 5 percent probability. The strength properties of the boards such as modulus of rupture (MOR) and modulus of elasticity (MOE) were investigated, while the dimensional properties of the board such as the water absorption (WA) and thickness swelling (TS) were as well determined after 12hrs and 24hrs of water immersion. The result showed that the mean values of MOE ranged from 9100.73 Newtons per square millimeters to 12086.96 Newtons per square millimeters while MOR values ranged from 48.26 Newtons per square millimeters to 103.09 Newtons per square millimeters. The values of WA and TS after 12hrs immersion ranged from 1.21 percent to 1.56 percent and 0.00 percent to 0.13 percent, respectively. The values of WA and TS after 24hrs of water immersion ranged from 1.66 percent to 2.99 percent and 0.02 percent to 0.18 percent, respectively. The higher the value of board density and the high-density polythene /sawdust ratio, the stronger, the stiffer and more dimensionally stable the wood plastic composite boards obtained. In addition, as the density of the board increases, the strength property of the boards increases. Hence the board will be suitable for internal construction materials.Keywords: wood Plastic composite, modulus of rupture, modulus of elasticity, dimensional stability
Procedia PDF Downloads 1801831 Facies Analysis and Depositional Environment of the Late Carboniferous (Stephanian) Souss Basin, Morocco
Authors: Abouchouaib Belahmira, Joerg W. Schneider, Hafid Saber, Sara Akboub
The lithofacies analyzed herein were reported from the interbedded fluvial and lacustrine deposits of the Oued Issene and El Menizla formations. These formations are part of the sedimentary fill of the Carboniferous (Stephanian) submontaneous Souss basin. The latter is situated in the western High Atlas Mountains, south-central Morocco, about 50km east of Agadir. The Souss basin started as a single basin but was separated into sub-basins called Ida Ou Zal and Ida Ou Ziki by sinistral displacement along the west branch of the Tizi N'Test Fault during the end of the Mauritanid phase of the Variscan orogeny in Morocco, after the early Stephanian (Kasimovian) and before the late middle Permian (Capitanian). The studied succession is a monotonous finning-upward sequence of 1800 m thick. It consists of fine-grained sandstone, finely bedded siltstone and thinly laminated claystone, and black shale. Herein we provide a detailed characterization of lithofacies of the upper El Menizla and Oued Issène formations, with a focus on the prevailing overbank to flood plain fine-grained lithofacies. The studied facies are capping the Stephanian alluvial fan basal clast-supported conglomerates that are intercalated bedded coarse-grained sandstones of Ikhourba Formation in the Ou Zal subbasin and Tajgaline Formation in the Ida Ou Ziki subbasin, respectively. Within the fluvial elements, only two main facies have been observed. It comprises channel-fill and channel-bar deposits, mostly occur as lenticular –shape sand bodies or sheet-like sand greenish to gray fine-to medium (Fm), massive internally structureless, or very locally exhibits a medium to large scale trough-cross bedding medium to coarse sandstone (St), observable in relatively thicker bed. These facies are laterally extensive, with a thickness varying from a few to several meters. Finer-grained sediments such as mud can be present as drapes over bedforms. Whilst the fluvial association FA1, the overbank elements are represented by a relatively wide range of 5 facies. This exhibit mostly a cm scale horizontally bedded greenish fine- to medium sand and silt, and mm scale fossiliferous thinly laminated dark gray- black Corganic-rich clays to siltstone associated with black shale. Thus, FA2 includes flood plain fines (Fh, R) associated with the paleosols and back swamp coaly clay facies (C). The floodplain lake element comprises only laminated organic-rich dark gray facies of claystone, black shale, and graded siltstone. Bedsets are dm to several meters thick (typically < 1 m thick). They are intercalated between several m-thick fluvial sandstone, extend over a few meters, and are poorly bioturbated. The lacustrine facies described in this study have been divided into two sub-facies (Fl, B) based on field observations that indicate differing environmental conditions of formation. Thus, the thorough analysis of the lithofacies of the Souss basin units allows us to reconstruct the original environment that was interpreted as a typical fluvial-dominated braided to anastomosing wide distributary channel system and surrounding deep to shallow freshwater floodplain lakes and back swamps.Keywords: Souss, carboniferous, facies, depositional setting
Procedia PDF Downloads 1021830 Seismic Response of Large-Scale Rectangular Steel-Plate Concrete Composite Shear Walls
Authors: Siamak Epackachi, Andrew S. Whittaker, Amit H. Varma
An experimental program on steel-plate concrete (SC) composite shear walls was executed in the NEES laboratory at the University at Buffalo. Four large-size specimens were tested under displacement-controlled cyclic loading. The design variables considered in the testing program included wall thickness, reinforcement ratio, and faceplate slenderness ratio. The aspect ratio (height-to-length) of the four walls was 1.0. Each SC wall was installed on top of a re-usable foundation block. A bolted baseplate to RC foundation connection was used for all four walls. The walls were identified to be flexure-critical. This paper presents the damage to SC walls at different drift ratios, the cyclic force-displacement relationships, energy dissipation and equivalent viscous damping ratios, the strain and stress fields in the steel faceplates and the contribution of the steel faceplates to the total shear load, the variation of vertical strain in the steel faceplates along the length of the wall, near the base, at different drift ratios, the contributions of shear, flexure, and base rotation to the total lateral displacement, the displacement ductility of the SC walls, and the cyclic secant stiffness of the four SC walls.Keywords: steel-plate composite shear wall, safety-related nuclear structure, flexure-critical wall, cyclic loading
Procedia PDF Downloads 3501829 Structural Design for Effective Load Balancing of the Iron Frame in Manhole Lid
Authors: Byung Il You, Ryun Oh, Gyo Woo Lee
Manhole refers to facilities that are accessible to the people cleaning and inspection of sewer, and its covering is called manhole lid. Manhole lid is typically made of a cast iron material. Due to the heavy weight of the cast iron manhole lids their installation and maintenance are not easy, and an electrical shock and corrosion aging of them can cause critical problems. The manhole body and the lid manufacturing using the fiber-reinforced composite material can reduce the weight considerably compared to the cast iron manhole. But only the fiber reinforcing is hard to maintain the heavy load, and the method of the iron frame with double injection molding of the composite material has been proposed widely. In this study reflecting the situation of this market, the structural design of the iron frame for the composite manhole lid was carried out. Structural analysis with the computer simulation for the effectively distributed load on the iron frame was conducted. In addition, we want to assess manufacturing costs through the comparing of weights and number of welding spots of the frames. Despite the cross-sectional area is up to 38% compared with the basic solid form the maximum von Mises stress is increased at least about 7 times locally near the rim and the maximum strain in the central part of the lid is about 5.5 times. The number of welding points related to the manufacturing cost was increased gradually with the more complicated shape. Also, the higher the height of the arch in the center of the lid the better result might be obtained. But considering the economic aspect of the composite fabrication we determined the same thickness as the frame for the height of the arch at the center of the lid. Additionally in consideration of the number of the welding points we selected the hexagonal as the optimal shape. Acknowledgment: These are results of a study on the 'Leaders Industry-university Cooperation' Project, supported by the Ministry of Education (MOE).Keywords: manhole lid, iron frame, structural design, computer simulation
Procedia PDF Downloads 2751828 Numerical Solution to Coupled Heat and Moisture Diffusion in Bio-Sourced Composite Materials
Authors: Mnasri Faiza, El Ganaoui Mohammed, Khelifa Mourad, Gabsi Slimane
The main objective of this paper is to describe the hydrothermal behavior through porous material of construction due to temperature gradient. The construction proposed a bi-layer structure which composed of two different materials. The first is a bio-sourced panel named IBS-AKU (inertia system building), the second is the Neopor material. This system (IBS-AKU Neopor) is developed by a Belgium company (Isohabitat). The study suggests a multi-layer structure of the IBS-AKU panel in one dimension. A numerical method was proposed afterwards, by using the finite element method and a refined mesh area to strong gradients. The evolution of temperature fields and the moisture content has been processed.Keywords: heat transfer, moisture diffusion, porous media, composite IBS-AKU, simulation
Procedia PDF Downloads 5081827 Engineered Biopolymers as Novel Sustainable Resin Binder for Wood Composites
Authors: Somaieh Salehpour, Douglas Ireland, Chris Anderson, Charles Markessini
Over the last few years, advancements have been made around improving sustainability for wood composite boards. One of the last and most challenging sustainability hurdles is finding a viable alternative to petroleum-based resin binders. In today’s market, no longer is formaldehyde emission control sufficient to meet the requirements of many architects and end-use consumers. Even the use of highly reactive isocyanates is considered by many as not sustainable enough since these chemicals are manufactured from classical fossil fuel sources. The emergence of biopolymers specifically engineered for usage as wood composite binders has been successfully demonstrated in this paper as a viable option towards a truly renewable wood composite board. Recent technology advancements driven by EcoSynthetix and CHIMAR have exploited the advantages of using an engineered biopolymer. The evidence shows that this renewable technology has the potential to be used as a partial up to full replacement of classical formaldehyde technologies. Numerous trials, both in the lab and at industrial scale, have shown that a renewable binder of the proposed technology can produce a commercially viable board in a traditional industrial setting. The ultimate goal of this work is to provide evidence that a sustainable binder alternative can be used to make a commercial board while at the same time improving the total cost of manufacturing.Keywords: no added formaldehyde, renewable, biopolymers, sustainable wood composites, engineered biopolymers
Procedia PDF Downloads 4011826 Effect of Different Carbon Fabric Orientations on the Fracture Properties of Carbon Fabric Reinforced Polymer Composites
Authors: S. F. Halim, H. F. Naguib, S. N. Lawandy, R. S. Hegazy, M. N. Baheg
The main drawbacks of the traditional carbon fabric reinforced epoxy resin (CFRP) are low strain failure, delamination between composites layers, and low impact resistance due to the brittleness of epoxy resin. The aim of this study is to enhance the fracture properties of the CFRP composites laminates via the variation of composite's designs. A series of composites were fabricated in which bidirectional (00/900) carbon fabric (CF) layers were laid inside the resin matrix with orientation codes as F1 [(00, 900)/ (00, 900)], F2 [(900, 00)/ (00, 900)] and F3 [(00,900)/ (900, 00). The mechanical and dynamic properties of the composites were estimated. In addition, the morphology of samples surface was examined by scanning electron microscope (SEM) after impact fracture. The results revealed that the CFRP properties could be tailored fitting specific applications by controlling the fabric orientation inside the CFRP composite design. F2 orientation [(900, 00)/ (00.900)] showed the highest tensile and flexural strength values. On the other hand, the impact strength values of composites were in the order F1 > F2 > F3. The storage modulus, loss modulus, and glass transition temperature Tg values obtained from the dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) examination was in the order F1 > F2 > F3. The variation in the properties of the composite was clearly explained by the SEM micrographs as the failure of F3 orientation properties was referred to as the complete breakage of the CF layers upon fracture.Keywords: carbon fiber, CFRP, composites, epoxy resins, flexural strength
Procedia PDF Downloads 1291825 Modification of Polymer Composite Based on Electromagnetic Radiation
Authors: Ananta R. Adhikari
In today's era, polymer composite utilization has witnessed a significant increase across various fronts of material science advancement. Despite the development of many highly sophisticated technologies aimed at modifying polymer composites, there persists a quest for a technology that is straightforward, energy-efficient, easily controllable, cost-effective, time-saving, and environmentally friendly. Microwave technology has emerged as a major technique in material synthesis and modification due to its unique characteristics such as rapid, selective, uniform heating, and, particularly, direct heating based on molecular interaction. This study will be about the utilization of microwave energy as an alternative technique for material processing. Specifically, we will explore ongoing research conducted in our laboratory, focusing on its applications in the medical field.Keywords: polymer composites, material processing, microstructure, microwave radiation
Procedia PDF Downloads 441824 A Comparative Study on Creep Modeling in Composites
Authors: Roham Rafiee, Behzad Mazhari
Composite structures, having incredible properties, have gained considerable popularity in the last few decades. Among all types, polymer matrix composites are being used extensively due to their unique characteristics including low weight, convenient fabrication process and low cost. Having polymer as matrix, these type of composites show different creep behavior when compared to metals and even other types of composites since most polymers undergo creep even in room temperature. One of the most challenging topics in creep is to introduce new techniques for predicting long term creep behavior of materials. Depending on the material which is being studied the appropriate method would be different. Methods already proposed for predicting long term creep behavior of polymer matrix composites can be divided into five categories: (1) Analytical Modeling, (2) Empirical Modeling, (3) Superposition Based Modeling (Semi-empirical), (4) Rheological Modeling, (5) Finite Element Modeling. Each of these methods has individual characteristics. Studies have shown that none of the mentioned methods can predict long term creep behavior of all PMC composites in all circumstances (loading, temperature, etc.) but each of them has its own priority in different situations. The reason to this issue can be found in theoretical basis of these methods. In this study after a brief review over the background theory of each method, they are compared in terms of their applicability in predicting long-term behavior of composite structures. Finally, the explained materials are observed through some experimental studies executed by other researchers.Keywords: creep, comparative study, modeling, composite materials
Procedia PDF Downloads 4421823 Topology Optimization of Composite Structures with Material Nonlinearity
Authors: Mengxiao Li, Johnson Zhang
Currently, topology optimization technique is widely used to define the layout design of structures that are presented as truss-like topologies. However, due to the difficulty in combining optimization technique with more realistic material models where their nonlinear properties should be considered, the achieved optimized topologies are commonly unable to apply straight towards the practical design problems. This study presented an optimization procedure of composite structures where different elastic stiffness, yield criteria, and hardening models are assumed for the candidate materials. From the results, it can be concluded that a more explicit modeling has the significant influence on the resulting topologies. Also, the isotropic or kinematic hardening is important for elastoplastic structural optimization design. The capability of the proposed optimization procedure is shown through several cases.Keywords: topology optimization, material composition, nonlinear modeling, hardening rules
Procedia PDF Downloads 4821822 Research Developments in Vibration Control of Structure Using Tuned Liquid Column Dampers: A State-of-the-Art Review
Authors: Jay Gohel, Anant Parghi
A tuned liquid column damper (TLCD) is a modified passive system of tuned mass damper, where a liquid is used in place of mass in the structure. A TLCD consists of U-shaped tube with an orifice that produces damping against the liquid motion in the tube. This paper provides a state-of-the-art review on the vibration control of wind and earthquake excited structures using liquid dampers. Further, the paper will also discuss the theoretical background of TCLD, history of liquid dampers and existing literature on experimental, numerical, and analytical study. The review will also include different configuration of TLCD viz single TLCD, multi tuned liquid column damper (MTLCD), TLCD-Interior (TLCDI), tuned liquid column ball damper (TLCBD), tuned liquid column ball gas damper (TLCBGD), and pendulum liquid column damper (PLCD). The dynamic characteristics of the different configurate TLCD system and their effectiveness in reducing the vibration of structure will be discussed. The effectiveness of semi-active TLCD will be also discussed with reference to experimental and analytical results. In addition, the review will also provide the numerous examples of implemented TLCD to control the vibration in real structures. Based on the comprehensive review of literature, some important conclusions will be made and the need for future research will be identified for vibration control of structures using TLCD.Keywords: earthquake, wind, tuned liquid column damper, passive response control, structures
Procedia PDF Downloads 2081821 Simplified Analysis on Steel Frame Infill with FRP Composite Panel
Authors: HyunSu Seo, HoYoung Son, Sungjin Kim, WooYoung Jung
In order to understand the seismic behavior of steel frame structure with infill FRP composite panel, simple models for simulation on the steel frame with the panel systems were developed in this study. To achieve the simple design method of the steel framed structure with the damping panel system, 2-D finite element analysis with the springs and dashpots models was conducted in ABAQUS. Under various applied spring stiffness and dashpot coefficient, the expected hysteretic energy responses of the steel frame with damping panel systems we re investigated. Using the proposed simple design method which decides the stiffness and the damping, it is possible to decide the FRP and damping materials on a steel frame system.Keywords: numerical analysis, FEM, infill, GFRP, damping
Procedia PDF Downloads 4251820 A Finite Elements Model for the Study of Buried Pipelines Affected by Strike-Slip Fault
Authors: Reza Akbari, Jalal MontazeriFashtali, PeymanMomeni Taromsari
Pipeline systems, play an important role as a vital element in reducing or increasing the risk of earthquake damage and vulnerability. Pipelines are suitable, cheap, fast, and safe routes for transporting oil, gas, water, sewage, etc. The sepipelines must pass from a wide geographical area; hence they will structurally face different environmental and underground factors of earthquake forces’ effect. Therefore, structural engineering analysis and design for this type of lines requires the understanding of relevant parameters behavior and lack of familiarity with them can cause irreparable damages and risks to design and execution, especially in the face of earthquakes. Today, buried pipelines play an important role in human life cycle, thus, studying the vulnerability of pipeline systems is of particular importance. This study examines the behavior of buried pipelines affected by strike-slip fault. Studied fault is perpendicular to the tube axis and causes stress and deformation in the tube by sliding horizontally. In this study, the pipe-soil interaction is accurately simulated, so that one can examine the large displacements and strains, nonlinear material behavior and contact and friction conditions of soil and pipe. The results can be used for designing buried pipes and determining the amount of fault displacement that causes the failure of the buried pipes.Keywords: pipe lines , earthquake , fault , soil-fault interaction
Procedia PDF Downloads 4541819 NextCovps: Design and Stress Analysis of Dome Composite Overwrapped Pressure Vessels using Geodesic Trajectory Approach
Authors: Ammar Maziz, Prateek Gupta, Thiago Vasconcellos Birro, Benoit Gely
Hydrogen as a sustainable fuel has the highest energy density per mass as compared to conventional non-renewable sources. As the world looks to move towards sustainability, especially in the sectors of aviation and automotive, it becomes important to address the issue of storage of hydrogen as compressed gas in high-pressure tanks. To improve the design for the efficient storage and transportation of Hydrogen, this paper presents the design and stress analysis of Dome Composite Overwrapped Pressure Vessels (COPVs) using the geodesic trajectory approach. The geodesic trajectory approach is used to optimize the dome design, resulting in a lightweight and efficient structure. Python scripting is employed to implement the mathematical modeling of the COPV, and after validating the model by comparison to the published paper, stress analysis is conducted using Abaqus commercial code. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of the geodesic trajectory approach in achieving a lightweight and structurally sound dome design, as well as the accuracy and reliability of the stress analysis using Abaqus commercial code. This study provides insights into the design and analysis of COPVs for aerospace applications, with the potential for further optimization and application in other industries.Keywords: composite overwrapped pressure vessels, carbon fiber, geodesic trajectory approach, dome design, stress analysis, plugin python
Procedia PDF Downloads 921818 Conductive Clay Nanocomposite Using Smectite and Poly(O-Anisidine)
Authors: M. Şahi̇n, E. Erdem, M. Saçak
In this study, Na-smectite crystals purificated of bentonite were used after being swelling with benzyltributylammonium bromide (BTBAB) as alkyl ammonium salt. Swelling process was carried out using 0.2 g of BTBAB for smectite of 0.8 g with 4 h of mixing time after investigated conditions such as mixing time, the swelling agent amount. Then, the conductive poly(o-anisidine) (POA)/smectite nanocomposite was prepared in the presence of swollen Na-smectite using ammonium persulfate (APS) as oxidant in aqueous acidic medium. The POA content and conductivity of the prepared nanocomposite were systematically investigated as a function of polymerization conditions such as the treatment time of swollen smectite in monomer solution and o-anisidine/APS mol ratio. POA/smectite nanocomposite was characterized by XRD, FTIR and SEM techniques and was compared separately with components of composite.Keywords: clay, composite, conducting polymer, poly(o-anisidine)
Procedia PDF Downloads 3251817 Development and Characterization of Ethiopian Bamboo Fiber Polypropylene Composite
Authors: Tigist Girma Kedane
The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the properties of Ethiopian bamboo fiber polymer composites for headliner materials in the automobile industry. Accurate evaluation of its mechanical properties is thus critical for predicting its behavior during a vehicle's interior impact assessment. Conventional headliner materials are higher in weight, nonbiodegradable, expensive in cost, and unecofriendly during processing compared to the current researched materials. Three representatives of bamboo plants are harvested in three regions of bamboo species, three groups of ages, and two harvesting months. The statistical analysis was performed to validate the significant difference between the mean strength of bamboo ages, harvesting seasons, and bamboo species. Two-year-old bamboo fibers have the highest mechanical properties in all ages and November has higher mechanical properties compared to February. Injibara and Kombolcha have the highest and the lowest mechanical properties of bamboo fibers, respectively. Bamboo fiber epoxy composites have higher mechanical properties compared to bamboo fiber polypropylene composites. The flexural strength of bamboo fibre polymer composites has higher properties compared to tensile strength. Ethiopian bamboo fibers and their polymer composites have the best mechanical properties for the composite industry, which is used for headliner materials in the automobile industry compared to conventional headliner materials.Keywords: bampoo species, culm age, harvesting seasons, mechanical properties, polymer composite
Procedia PDF Downloads 631816 A Hierarchical Bayesian Calibration of Data-Driven Models for Composite Laminate Consolidation
Authors: Nikolaos Papadimas, Joanna Bennett, Amir Sakhaei, Timothy Dodwell
Composite modeling of consolidation processes is playing an important role in the process and part design by indicating the formation of possible unwanted prior to expensive experimental iterative trial and development programs. Composite materials in their uncured state display complex constitutive behavior, which has received much academic interest, and this with different models proposed. Errors from modeling and statistical which arise from this fitting will propagate through any simulation in which the material model is used. A general hyperelastic polynomial representation was proposed, which can be readily implemented in various nonlinear finite element packages. In our case, FEniCS was chosen. The coefficients are assumed uncertain, and therefore the distribution of parameters learned using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods. In engineering, the approach often followed is to select a single set of model parameters, which on average, best fits a set of experiments. There are good statistical reasons why this is not a rigorous approach to take. To overcome these challenges, A hierarchical Bayesian framework was proposed in which population distribution of model parameters is inferred from an ensemble of experiments tests. The resulting sampled distribution of hyperparameters is approximated using Maximum Entropy methods so that the distribution of samples can be readily sampled when embedded within a stochastic finite element simulation. The methodology is validated and demonstrated on a set of consolidation experiments of AS4/8852 with various stacking sequences. The resulting distributions are then applied to stochastic finite element simulations of the consolidation of curved parts, leading to a distribution of possible model outputs. With this, the paper, as far as the authors are aware, represents the first stochastic finite element implementation in composite process modelling.Keywords: data-driven , material consolidation, stochastic finite elements, surrogate models
Procedia PDF Downloads 1461815 Antibacterial Activity of Nickel Oxide Composite Films with Chitosan/Polyvinyl Chloride/Polyethylene Glycol
Authors: Ali Garba Danjani, Abdulrasheed Halliru Usman
Due to the rapidly increasing biological applications and antibacterial properties of versatile chitosan composites, the effects of chitosan/polyvinyl chloride composites film were investigated. Chitosan/polyvinyl chloride films were prepared by a casting method. Polyethylene glycol (PEG) was used as a plasticizer in the blending stage of film preparation. Characterizations of films were done by Scanning Electron microscopy (SEM), Fourier transforms infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and thermogravimetric analyzer (TGA). Chitosan composites incorporation enhanced the antibacterial activity of chitosan films against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. The composite film produced is proposed as packaging or coating material because of its flexibility, antibacterial efficacy, and good mechanical strength.Keywords: chitosan, polymeric nanocomposites, antibacterial activity, polymer blend
Procedia PDF Downloads 1001814 Exploring the Potential of PVDF/CCB Composites Filaments as Potential Materials in Energy Harvesting Applications
Authors: Fawad Ali, Mohammad Albakri
The increasing demand for advanced multifunctional materials has led to significant research in polymer composites, particularly polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) and conducting carbon black (CCB) composites. This paper explores the development and application of PVDF/CCB conducting electrodes for energy harvesting applications. PVDF is renowned for its chemical resistance, thermal stability, and mechanical strength, making it an ideal matrix for composite materials in demanding environments. When combined with CCB, known for its excellent electrical conductivity, the resulting composite electrodes not only retain the advantageous properties of PVDF but also gain enhanced electrical conductivity. This synergy makes PVDF/CCB composites suitable for energy-harvesting devices that require both durability and electrical functionality. These electrodes can be used in sensors, actuators, and flexible electronics where efficient energy conversion is critical. The study provides a comprehensive overview of PVDF/CCB conducting electrodes, from synthesis and characterization to practical applications, and discusses challenges in optimizing these materials for industrial use and future development. This research aims to contribute to the understanding of conductive polymer composites and their potential in advancing sustainable energy technologies. This paper explores the development and application of polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) and conducting carbon black (CCB) composite conducting electrodes for energy harvesting applications. PVDF is renowned for its piezoelectric and mechanical strength, making it an ideal matrix for composite materials in demanding environments. When combined with CCB, known for its excellent electrical conductivity, the resulting composite electrodes not only retain the advantageous properties of PVDF but also gain enhanced electrical conductivity. This synergy makes PVDF/CCB composites suitable for energy-harvesting devices that require both durability and electrical functionality. These electrodes can be used in sensors, actuators, and flexible electronics where efficient energy conversion is critical. The study provides a comprehensive overview of PVDF/CCB conducting electrodes, from synthesis and characterization to practical applications. This research aims to contribute to the understanding of conductive polymer composites and their potential in advancing sustainable energy technologies.Keywords: additive manufacturing, polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF), conducting polymer composite, energy harvesting, materials characterization
Procedia PDF Downloads 211813 Design and Synthesis of Copper Doped Zeolite Composite for Antimicrobial Activity and Heavy Metal Removal from Waste Water
Authors: Feleke Terefe Fanta
The existence of heavy metals and microbial contaminants in aquatic system of Akaki river basin, a sub city of Addis Ababa, has become a public concern as human population increases and land development continues. This is because effluents from chemical and pharmaceutical industries are directly discharged onto surrounding land, irrigation fields and surface water bodies. In the present study, we synthesised zeolites and copper- zeolite composite based adsorbent through cost effective and simple approach to mitigate the problem. The study presents determination of heavy metal content and microbial contamination level of waste water sample collected from Akaki river using zeolites and copper- doped zeolites as adsorbents. The synthesis of copper- zeolite X composite was carried out by ion exchange method of copper ions into zeolites frameworks. The optimum amount of copper ions loaded into the zeolites frameworks were studied using the pore size determination concept via iodine test. The copper- loaded zeolites were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD). The XRD analysis showed clear difference in phase purity of zeolite before and after copper ion exchange. The concentration of Cd, Cr, and Pb were determined in waste water sample using atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The mean concentrations of Cd, Cr, and Pb in untreated sample were 0.795, 0.654 and 0.7025 mg/L respectively. The concentration of Cd, Cr, and Pb decreased to 0.005, 0.052 and BDL mg/L for sample treated with bare zeolite X while a further decrease in concentration of Cd, Cr, and Pb (0.005, BDL and BDL) mg/L respectively was observed for the sample treated with copper- zeolite composite. The antimicrobial activity was investigated by exposing the total coliform to the Zeolite X and Copper-modified Zeolite X. Zeolite X and Copper-modified Zeolite X showed complete elimination of microbilas after 90 and 50 minutes contact time respectively. This demonstrates effectiveness of copper- zeolite composite as efficient disinfectant. To understand the mode of heavy metals removal and antimicrobial activity of the copper-loaded zeolites; the adsorbent dose, contact time, temperature was studied. Overall, the results obtained in this study showed high antimicrobial disinfection and heavy metal removal efficiencies of the synthesized adsorbent.Keywords: waste water, copper doped zeolite x, adsorption heavy metal, disinfection
Procedia PDF Downloads 831812 Tribological Response of Self-Mated Zircaloy-4 under Varying Conditions
Authors: Bharat Kumar, Deepak Kumar, Vijay Chaudhry
Zirconium alloys are widely used for the core components of a pressurized heavy water reactor (PHWR) or Canada deuterium (CANDU) reactor due to their low neutron absorption cross-section and excellent mechanical properties. The components made of Zirconium alloys are subjected to flow-induced vibrations, resulting in fretting wear at the interface of; pressure tubes and bearing pads, pressure tubes and calandria tubes, and calandria tubes and Liquid injection shutdown system (LISS) nozzles. There is a need to explore the tribological response under such conditions. Present work simulates the contact between calandria tube and LISS nozzle of PHWR/CANDU reactor as cylinder-on-cylinder contact configuration. Reciprocating tribo-tests were conducted on Zircaloy-4 (Zr-4) under the self-mated condition at varying amplitude, frequency, and sliding time. To understand the active wear mechanism, worn surfaces were analyzed using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS). The change in amplitude severely affects the wear than other factors. The wear mechanism transits from adhesion to abrasion with increasing test amplitude. The dominant wear mechanisms are micro-cutting and micro-plowing followed by delamination in some areas. However, the coefficient of friction has indifferent behaviors.Keywords: zircaloy-4, tribology, calandria tube, LISS nozzle, PHWR
Procedia PDF Downloads 2111811 Effect of Hydraulic Diameter on Flow Boiling Instability in a Single Microtube with Vertical Upward Flow
Authors: Qian You, Ibrahim Hassan, Lyes Kadem
An experiment is conducted to fundamentally investigate flow oscillation characteristics in different sizes of single microtubes in vertical upward flow direction. Three microtubes have 0.889 mm, 0.533 mm, and 0.305 mm hydraulic diameters with 100 mm identical heated length. The mass flux of the working fluid FC-72 varies from 700 kg/m2•s to 1400 kg/m2•s, and the heat flux is uniformly applied on the tube surface up to 9.4 W/cm2. The subcooled inlet temperature is maintained around 24°C during the experiment. The effect of hydraulic diameter and mass flux are studied. The results showed that they have interactions on the flow oscillations occurrence and behaviors. The onset of flow instability (OFI), which is a threshold of unstable flow, usually appears in large microtube with diversified and sustained flow oscillations, while the transient point, which is the point when the flow turns from one stable state to another suddenly, is more observed in small microtube without characterized flow oscillations due to the bubble confinement. The OFI/transient point occurs early as hydraulic diameter reduces at a given mass flux. The increased mass flux can delay the OFI/transient point occurrence in large hydraulic diameter, but no significant effect in small size. Although the only transient point is observed in the smallest tube, it appears at small heat flux and is not sensitive to mass flux; hence, the smallest microtube is not recommended since increasing heat flux may cause local dryout.Keywords: flow boiling instability, hydraulic diameter effect, a single microtube, vertical upward flow
Procedia PDF Downloads 6021810 Preparation of Composite Alginate/Perlite Beads for Pb (II) Removal in Aqueous Solution
Authors: Hasan Türe, Kader Terzioglu, Evren Tunca
Contamination of aqueous environment by heavy metal ions is a serious and complex problem, owing to their hazards to human being and ecological systems. The treatment methods utilized for removing metal ions from aqueous solution include membrane separation, ion exchange and chemical precipitation. However, these methods are limited by high operational cost. Recently, biobased beads are considered as promising biosorbent to remove heavy metal ions from water. The aim of present study was to characterize the alginate/perlite composite beads and to investigate the adsorption performance of obtained beads for removing Pb (II) from aqueous solution. Alginate beads were synthesized by ionic gelation methods and different amount of perlite (aljinate:perlite=1, 2, 3, 4, 5 wt./wt.) was incorporated into alginate beads. Samples were characterized by means of X-ray diffraction (XRD), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The effects of perlite level, the initial concentration of Pb (II), initial pH value of Pb(II) solution and effect of contact time on the adsorption capacity of beads were investigated by using batch method. XRD analysis indicated that perlite includes silicon or silicon and aluminum bearing crystalline phase. The diffraction pattern of perlite containing beads is similar to that of that perlite powder with reduced intensity. SEM analysis revealed that perlite was embedded into alginate polymer and SEM-EDX (Energy-Dispersive X-ray) showed that composite beads (aljinate:perlite=1) composed of C (41.93 wt.%,), O (43.64 wt.%), Na (10.20 wt.%), Al (0.74 wt.%), Si (2.72 wt.%) ve K (0.77 wt.%). According to TGA analysis, incorporation of perlite into beads significantly improved the thermal stability of the samples. Batch experiment indicated that optimum pH value for Pb (II) adsorption was found at pH=7 with 1 hour contact time. It was also found that the adsorption capacity of beads decreased with increases in perlite concentration. The results implied that alginate/perlite composite beads could be used as promising adsorbents for the removal of Pb (II) from wastewater. Acknowledgement: This study was supported by TUBITAK (Project No: 214Z146).Keywords: alginate, adsorption, beads, perlite
Procedia PDF Downloads 2901809 Out-of-Plane Bending Properties of Out-of-Autoclave Thermosetting Prepregs during Forming Processes
Authors: Hassan A. Alshahrani, Mehdi H. Hojjati
In order to predict and model wrinkling which is caused by out of plane deformation due to compressive loading in the plane of the material during composite prepregs forming, it is necessary to quantitatively understand the relative magnitude of the bending stiffness. This study aims to examine the bending properties of out-of-autoclave (OOA) thermosetting prepreg under vertical cantilever test condition. A direct method for characterizing the bending behavior of composite prepregs was developed. The results from direct measurement were compared with results derived from an image-processing procedure that analyses the captured image during the vertical bending test. A numerical simulation was performed using ABAQUS to confirm the bending stiffness value.Keywords: Bending stiffness, out-of-autoclave prepreg, forming process, numerical simulation.
Procedia PDF Downloads 3031808 Influence of Exfoliated Graphene Nanoplatelets on Thermal Stability of Polypropylene Reinforced Hybrid Graphen-rice Husk Nanocomposites
Authors: Obinna Emmanuel Ezenkwa, Sani Amril Samsudin, Azman Hassan, Ede Anthony
A major challenge of polypropylene (PP) in high-heat application areas is its poor thermal stability. Under high temperature, PP burns readily with high degradation temperature and can self-ignite. In this study, PP is reinforced with hybrid filler of graphene (xGNP) and rice husk (RH) with RH at 15 wt%, and xGNP varied at 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, and 3.0 parts per hundred (phr) of the composite. Compatibilizer MAPP was also added in each sample at 4phr of the composite. Sample formulations were melt-blended using twin screw extruder and injection moulding machine. At xGNP optimum content of 1.5 phr, hybrid PP/RH/G1.5/MAPP nanocomposite increased in thermal stability by 24 °C and 30 °C compared to pure PP and unhybridized PP/RH composite respectively; char residue increased by 513% compared to pure PP and degree of crystallization (Xc) increased from 35.4% to 36.4%. The observed thermal properties enhancement in the hybrid nanocomposites can be related to the high surface area, gap-filling effect and exfoliation characteristics of the graphene nanofiller which worked in synergy with rice husk fillers in reinforcing PP. This study therefore, shows that graphene nanofiller inclusion in polymer composites fabrication can enhance the thermal stability of polyolefins for high heat applications.Keywords: polymer nanocomposites, thermal stability, exfoliation, hybrid fillers, polymer reinforcement
Procedia PDF Downloads 411807 Reinforcing Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Bridge Decks with Steel Plates
Authors: M. Alpaslan Koroglu
Fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) bridge decks have become an innovative alternative, and they have offered many advantages, and this has been increasing attention for applications in not only reinforcement of existing bridges decks but also construction of new bridges decks. The advantages of these FRP decks are; lightweight, high-strength FRP materials, corrosion resistance. However, this high strength deck is not ductile. In this study, the behaviour of hybrid FRP-steel decks are investigated. All FRP decks was analysed with the commercial package ABAQUS. In the FE model, the webs and flanges were discretised by 4 nodes shell elements. A full composite action between the steel and the FRP composite was assumed in the FE analysis because the bond-slip behaviour was unknown at that time. The performance of the proposed hybrid FRP deck panel with steel plates was evaluated by means of FE analysis.Keywords: FRP, deck, bridge, finite element
Procedia PDF Downloads 4761806 Thermal Fracture Analysis of Fibrous Composites with Variable Fiber Spacing Using Jk-Integral
Authors: Farid Saeidi, Serkan Dag
In this study, fracture analysis of a fibrous composite laminate with variable fiber spacing is carried out using Jk-integral method. The laminate is assumed to be under thermal loading. Jk-integral is formulated by using the constitutive relations of plane orthotropic thermoelasticity. Developed domain independent form of the Jk-integral is then integrated into the general purpose finite element analysis software ANSYS. Numerical results are generated so as to assess the influence of variable fiber spacing on mode I and II stress intensity factors, energy release rate, and T-stress. For verification, some of the results are compared to those obtained using displacement correlation technique (DCT).Keywords: Jk-integral, Variable Fiber Spacing, Thermoelasticity, T-stress, Finite Element Method, Fibrous Composite.
Procedia PDF Downloads 3881805 Graphitic Carbon Nitride-CeO₂ Nanocomposite for Photocatalytic Degradation of Methyl Red
Authors: Khansaa Al-Essa
Nanosized ceria (CeO₂) and graphitic carbon nitride-loaded ceria (CeO₂/GCN) nanocomposite have been synthesized by the coprecipitation method and studied its photocatalytic activity for methyl red degradation under Visible type radiation. A phase formation study was carried out by using an x-ray diffraction technique, and it revealed that ceria (CeO₂) is properly supported on the surface of GCN. Ceria nanoparticles and CeO₂/GCN nanocomposite were confirmed by transmission electron microscopy technique. The particle size of the CeO₂, CeO₂/GCN nanocomposite is in the range of 10-15 nm. Photocatalytic activity of the CeO₂/g-C3N4 composite was improved as compared to CeO₂. The enhanced photocatalytic activity is attributed to the increased visible light absorption and improved adsorption of the dye on the surface of the composite catalyst.Keywords: photodegradation, dye, nanocomposite, graphitic carbon nitride-CeO₂
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