Search results for: chemical vapour deposition
Commenced in January 2007
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Edition: International
Paper Count: 5268

Search results for: chemical vapour deposition

4368 Landfill Leachate Wastewater Treatment by Fenton Process

Authors: Rewadee Anuwattana, Pattamaphorn Phuangngamphan, Narumon Soparatana, Supinya Sutthima, Worapong Pattayawan, Saroj Klangkongsub, Songkiat Roddang, Pluek Wongpanich


The leachate wastewater is high contaminant water; hence it needs to be treated. The objective of this research was to determine the Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) concentration, Phosphate (PO₄³⁻), Ammonia (NH₃) and color in leachate wastewater in the landfill area. The experiments were carried out in the optimum condition by pH, the Fenton reagent dosage (concentration of dosing Fe²⁺ and H₂O₂). The optimum pH is 3, the optimum [Fe²⁺]/[COD] and [H₂O₂]/[COD₀] = 0.03 and 0.03, respectively. The Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD₅)/Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) ratio can be adjusted to 1 for landfill leachate wastewater (BOD₅/COD = 0.11). From the results, the Fenton process shall be investigated further to achieve the removal of phosphates in addition to COD and color.

Keywords: landfill leachate treatment, open dumpsite, Fenton process, wastewater treatment

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4367 Study the Effects of Increasing Unsaturation in Palm Oil and Incorporation of Carbon Nanotubes on Resinous Properties

Authors: Muhammad R. Islam, Mohammad Dalour H. Beg, Saidatul S. Jamari


Considering palm oil as non-drying oil owing to its low iodine value, an attempt was taken to increase the unsaturation in the fatty acid chains of palm oil for the preparation of alkyds. To increase the unsaturation in the palm oil, sulphuric acid (SA) and para-toluene sulphonic acid (PTSA) was used prior to alcoholysis for the dehydration process. The iodine number of the oil samples was checked for the unsaturation measurement by Wijs method. Alkyd resin was prepared using the dehydrated palm oil by following alcoholysis and esterification reaction. To improve the film properties 0.5 wt% multi-wall carbon nano tubes (MWCNTs) were used to manufacture polymeric film. The properties of the resins were characterized by various physico-chemical properties such as density, viscosity, iodine value, acid value, saponification value, etc. Structural elucidation was confirmed by Fourier transform of infrared spectroscopy and proton nuclear magnetic resonance; surfaces of the cured films were observed by scanning electron microscopy. In addition, pencil hardness and chemical resistivity was also measured by using standard methods. The effect of enhancement of the unsaturation in the fatty acid chain found significant and motivational. The resin prepared with dehydrated palm oil showed improved properties regarding hardness and chemical resistivity testing. The incorporation of MWCNTs enhanced the thermal stability and hardness of the films as well.

Keywords: alkyd resin, nano-coatings, dehydration, palm oil

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4366 Quest for an Efficient Green Multifunctional Agent for the Synthesis of Metal Nanoparticles with Highly Specified Structural Properties

Authors: Niharul Alam


The development of energy efficient, economic and eco-friendly synthetic protocols for metal nanoparticles (NPs) with tailor-made structural properties and biocompatibility is a highly cherished goal for researchers working in the field of nanoscience and nanotechnology. In this context, green chemistry is highly relevant and the 12 principles of Green Chemistry can be explored to develop such synthetic protocols which are practically implementable. One of the most promising green chemical synthetic methods which can serve the purpose is biogenic synthetic protocol, which utilizes non-toxic multifunctional reactants derived from natural, biological sources ranging from unicellular organisms to higher plants that are often characterized as “medicinal plants”. Over the past few years, a plethora of medicinal plants have been explored as the source of this kind of multifunctional green chemical agents. In this presentation, we focus on the syntheses of stable monometallic Au and Ag NPs and also bimetallic Au/Ag alloy NPs with highly efficient catalytic property using aqueous extract of leaves of Indian Curry leaf plat (Murraya koenigii Spreng.; Fam. Rutaceae) as green multifunctional agents which is extensively used in Indian traditional medicine and cuisine. We have also studied the interaction between the synthesized metal NPs and surface-adsorbed fluorescent moieties, quercetin and quercetin glycoside which are its chemical constituents. This helped us to understand the surface property of the metal NPs synthesized by this plant based biogenic route and to predict a plausible mechanistic pathway which may help in fine-tuning green chemical methods for the controlled synthesis of various metal NPs in future. We observed that simple experimental parameters e.g. pH and temperature of the reaction medium, concentration of multifunctional agent and precursor metal ions play important role in the biogenic synthesis of Au NPs with finely tuned structures.

Keywords: green multifunctional agent, metal nanoparticles, biogenic synthesis

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4365 Chemical Oxygen Demand Fractionation of Primary Wastewater Effluent for Process Optimization and Modelling

Authors: Thandeka Y. S. Jwara, Paul Musonge


Traditionally, the complexity associated with implementing and controlling biological nutrient removal (BNR) in wastewater works (WWW) has been primarily in terms of balancing competing requirements for nitrogen and phosphorus removal, particularly with respect to the use of influent chemical oxygen demand (COD) as a carbon source for the microorganisms. Successful BNR optimization and modelling using WEST (Worldwide Engine for Simulation and Training) depend largely on the accurate fractionation of the influent COD. The different COD fractions have differing effects on the BNR process, and therefore, the influent characteristics need to be well understood. This study presents the fractionation results of primary wastewater effluent COD at one of South Africa’s wastewater works treating 65ML/day of mixed industrial and domestic effluent. The method used for COD fractionation was the oxygen uptake rate/respirometry method. The breakdown of the results of the analysis is as follows: 70.5% biodegradable COD (bCOD) and 29.5% of non-biodegradable COD (iCOD) in terms of the total COD. Further fractionation led to a readily biodegradable soluble fraction (SS) of 75%, a slowly degradable particulate fraction (XS) of 24%, a particulate non-biodegradable fraction (XI) of 50.8% and a non-biodegradable soluble fraction (SI) of 49.2%. The fractionation results demonstrate that the primary effluent has good COD characteristics, as shown by the high level of the bCOD fraction with Ss being higher than Xs. This means that the microorganisms have sufficient substrate for the BNR process and that these components can now serve as inputs to the WEST Model for the plant under study.

Keywords: chemical oxygen demand, COD fractionation, wastewater modelling, wastewater optimization

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4364 Electrical Characteristics of SiON/GaAs MOS Capacitor with Various Passivations

Authors: Ming-Kwei Lee, Chih-Feng Yen


The electrical characteristics of liquid phase deposited silicon oxynitride film on ammonium sulfide treated p-type (100) gallium arsenide substrate were investigated. Hydrofluosilicic acid, ammonia and boric acid aqueous solutions were used as precursors. The electrical characteristics of silicon oxynitride film are much improved on gallium arsenide substrate with ammonium sulfide treatment. With post-metallization annealing, hydrogen ions can further passivate defects in SiON/GaAs film and interface. The leakage currents can reach 7.1 × 10-8 and 1.8 × 10-7 at ± 2 V. The dielectric constant and effective oxide charges are 5.6 and -5.3 × 1010 C/cm2, respectively. The hysteresis offset of hysteresis loop is merely 0.09 V.

Keywords: liquid phase deposition, SiON, GaAs, PMA, (NH4)2S

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4363 Micropollutant Carbamazepine: Its Occurrences, Toxicological Effects, and Possible Degradation Methods (Review)

Authors: Azad Khalid, Sifa Dogan


Because of its persistence in conventional treatment plants and broad prevalence in water bodies, the pharmaceutical chemical carbamazepine (CBZ) has been suggested as an anthropogenic marker to evaluate water quality. This study provides a thorough examination of the origins and occurrences of CBZ in water bodies, as well as the drug's toxicological effects and laws. Given CBZ's well-documented negative consequences on the human body when used medicinally, cautious monitoring in water is advised. CBZ residues in drinking water may enter embryos and newborns via intrauterine exposure or breast-feeding, causing congenital abnormalities and/or neurodevelopmental issues over time. The insufficiency of solo solutions was shown after an in-depth technical study of traditional and sophisticated treatment technologies. Nanofiltration and reverse osmosis membranes are more successful at removing CBZ than traditional activated sludge and membrane bioreactor techniques. Recent research has shown that severe chemical cleaning, which is essential to prevent membrane fouling, may lower long-term removal efficiency. Furthermore, despite the efficacy of activated carbon adsorption and advanced oxidation processes, a few issues such as chemical cost and activated carbon renewal must be carefully examined. Individual technology constraints lead to the benefits of combined and hybrid systems, namely the heterogeneous advanced oxidation process.

Keywords: carbamazepine, occurrence, toxicity, conventical treatment, advanced oxidation process (AOPs)

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4362 Radiation Effect on MHD Casson Fluid Flow over a Power-Law Stretching Sheet with Chemical Reaction

Authors: Motahar Reza, Rajni Chahal, Neha Sharma


This article addresses the boundary layer flow and heat transfer of Casson fluid over a nonlinearly permeable stretching surface with chemical reaction in the presence of variable magnetic field. The effect of thermal radiation is considered to control the rate of heat transfer at the surface. Using similarity transformations, the governing partial differential equations of this problem are reduced into a set of non-linear ordinary differential equations which are solved by finite difference method. It is observed that the velocity at fixed point decreases with increasing the nonlinear stretching parameter but the temperature increases with nonlinear stretching parameter.

Keywords: boundary layer flow, nonlinear stretching, Casson fluid, heat transfer, radiation

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4361 Functionalization and Dispersion of Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes in Waterborne Polyurethane

Authors: Shahla Hajializadeh, Maryam Hamedanlou


Multiwall carbon nanotubes were chemically modified with amide groups for the purpose of enhancing their chemical affinity with waterborne polyurethane. In this study, a thermoplastic nanocomposite containing functionalized multiwall carbon nanotube/waterborne polyurethane (WBPU/MWNT) via in situ polymerization has been prepared. The impacts of MWNT addition on the morphology and electrical properties of nanocomposites were investigated. Micrographs of Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) prove that functionalized CNT can be effectively dispersed in WBPU matrix. The electrical conductivity of nanocomposites increased with the CNT contents in as such the nanocomposites containing 1 wt% of MWNT exhibited a conductivity nearly five orders of magnitude higher than the WBPU film.

Keywords: chemical functionalization, electrical properties, in situ polymerization, morphology, multiwall carbon nanotubes, waterborne polyurethane

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4360 Numerical Studying the Real Analysis of the Seismic Response of the Soil

Authors: Noureddine Litim


This work is to theoretical and numerical studying the real analysis of the seismic response of the soil with an Elasto-plastic behavior. To perform this analysis, we used different core drilling performed at the tunnel T4 in El Horace section of the highway east-west. The two-dimensional model (2d) was established by the code of finite element plaxis to estimate the displacement amplification and accelerations caused by the seismic wave in the different core drilling and compared with the factor of acceleration given by the RPA (2003) in the area studying. Estimate the displacement amplification and accelerations caused by the seismic wave.

Keywords: seismic response, deposition of soil, plaxis, elasto-plastic

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4359 Zinc Adsorption Determination of H2SO4 Activated Pomegranate Peel

Authors: S. N. Turkmen Koc, A. S. Kipcak, M. B. Piskin, E. Moroydor Derun, N. Tugrul


Active carbon can be obtained from agricultural sources. Due to the high surface area, the production of activated carbon from cheap resources is very important. Since the surface area of 1 g activated carbon is approximately between 300 and 2000 m2, it can be used to remove both organic and inorganic impurities. In this study, the adsorption of Zn metal was studied with the product of activated carbon, which is obtained from pomegranate peel by microwave and chemical activation methods. The microwave process of pomegranate peel was carried out under constant microwave power of 800 W and 1 to 4 minutes. After the microwave process, samples were treated with H2SO4 for 3 h. Then prepared product was used in synthetic waste water including 40 ppm Zn metal. As a result, removal of waste Zn in waste water ranged from 91% to 93%.

Keywords: activated carbon, chemical activation, H₂SO₄, microwave, pomegranate peel

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4358 Chemical Sensing Properties of Self-Assembled Film Based on an Amphiphilic Ambipolar Triple-Decker (Phthalocyaninato) (Porphyrinato) Europium Semiconductor

Authors: Kiran Abdullah, Yanli Chen


An amphiphilic mixed (phthalocyaninato) (porphyrinato) europium triple-decker complex Eu₂(Pc)₂(TPyP) has been synthesized and characterized. Introducing electron-withdrawing pyridyl substituents onto the meso-position of porphyrin ring in the triple-decker to ensure the sufficient hydrophilicity and suitable HOMO and LUMO energy levels and thus successfully realize amphiphilic ambipolar organic semiconductor. Importantly, high sensitive, reproducible p-type and n-type responses towards NH₃ andNO₂ respectively, based on the self-assembled film of the Eu₂(Pc)₂(TPyP) fabricated by a simple solution-based Quasi–Langmuir–Shäfer (QLS) method, have been first revealed. The good conductivity and crystallinity for the QLS film of Eu₂(Pc)₂(TPyP) render it excellent sensing property. This complex is sensitive to both electron-donating NH₃ gas in 5–30 ppm range and electron-accepting NO₂ gas 400–900 ppb range. Due to uniform nano particles there exist effective intermolecular interaction between triple decker molecules. This is the best result of Phthalocyanine–based chemical sensors at room temperature. Furthermore, the responses of the QLS film are all linearly correlated to both NH₃ and NO₂ with excellent sensitivity of 0.04% ppm⁻¹ and 31.9 % ppm⁻¹, respectively, indicating the great potential of semiconducting tetrapyrrole rare earth triple-decker compounds in the field of chemical sensors.

Keywords: ambipolar semiconductor, gas sensing, mixed (phthalocyaninato) (porphyrinato) rare earth complex, Self-assemblies

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4357 The Effect of Nanofiber Web on Thermal Conductivity, Air and Water Vapor Permeability

Authors: Ilkay Ozsev Yuksek, Nuray Ucar, Zeynep Esma Soygur, Yasemin Kucuk


In this study, composite fabrics with polyacrylonitrile electrospun nanofiber deposited onto quilted polyester fabric have been produced in order to control the isolation properties such as water vapor permeability, air permeability and thermal conductivity. Different nanofiber webs were manufactured by changing polymer concentration from 10% to 16% and by changing the deposition time from 1 to 3 hours. Presence of nanofiber layer on the quilted fabric results to an increase of an isolation, i.e., a decrease of the moisture vapor transport rates at 20%, decrease of thermal conductivity at 15% and a decrease of air permeability values at 50%.

Keywords: nanofiber/fabric composites, electrospinning, isolation, thermal conductivity, moisture vapor transport, air permeability

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4356 Studies on Partial Replacement of Cement by Rice Husk Ash under Sodium Phosphate Medium

Authors: Dharmana Pradeep, Chandan Kumar Patnaikuni, N. V. S. Venugopal


Rice Husk Ash (RHA) is a green product contains carbon and also loaded with silica. For the development of durability and strength of any concrete, curing phenomenon shall be very important. In this communication, we reported the exposure of partial replacement of cement with RHA at different percentages of 0%, 5%, 7.5%, 10%, 12.5% and 15% by weight under sodium phosphate curing atmosphere. The mix is designed for M40 grade concrete with the proportions of 1:2.2:3.72. The tests conducted on concrete was a compressive strength, and the specimens were cured in normal water & exposed to the chemical solution for 7, 28 & 56 days. For chemical curing 0.5% & 1% concentrated sodium phosphates were used and were compared with normal concrete strength results. The strength of specimens of 1% sodium phosphate exposure showed that the compressive strength decreased with increase in RHA percentages.

Keywords: rice husk ash, compressive strength, sodium phosphate, curing

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4355 Effect of 3-Dimensional Knitted Spacer Fabrics Characteristics on Its Thermal and Compression Properties

Authors: Veerakumar Arumugam, Rajesh Mishra, Jiri Militky, Jana Salacova


The thermo-physiological comfort and compression properties of knitted spacer fabrics have been evaluated by varying the different spacer fabric parameters. Air permeability and water vapor transmission of the fabrics were measured using the Textest FX-3300 air permeability tester and PERMETEST. Then thermal behavior of fabrics was obtained by Thermal conductivity analyzer and overall moisture management capacity was evaluated by moisture management tester. Spacer Fabrics compression properties were also tested using Kawabata Evaluation System (KES-FB3). In the KES testing, the compression resilience, work of compression, linearity of compression and other parameters were calculated from the pressure-thickness curves. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was performed using new statistical software named QC expert trilobite and Darwin in order to compare the influence of different fabric parameters on thermo-physiological and compression behavior of samples. This study established that the raw materials, type of spacer yarn, density, thickness and tightness of surface layer have significant influence on both thermal conductivity and work of compression in spacer fabrics. The parameter which mainly influence on the water vapor permeability of these fabrics is the properties of raw material i.e. the wetting and wicking properties of fibers. The Pearson correlation between moisture capacity of the fabrics and water vapour permeability was found using statistical software named QC expert trilobite and Darwin. These findings are important requirements for the further designing of clothing for extreme environmental conditions.

Keywords: 3D spacer fabrics, thermal conductivity, moisture management, work of compression (WC), resilience of compression (RC)

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4354 Characterization the Internal Corrosion Behavior by Using Natural Inhibitor in Crude Oil of Low Carbon Steel Pipeline

Authors: Iman Adnan Annon, Kadhim F. Alsultan


This study investigate the internal corrosion of low carbon steel pipelines in the crude oil, as well as prepare and use natural and locally available plant as a natural corrosion inhibiter, the nature extraction achieved by two types of solvents in order to show the solvent effect on inhibition process, the first being distilled water and the second is diethyl ether. FT-IR spectra and using a chemical reagents achieved to detection the presence of many active groups and the presence of tannins, phenols, and alkaloids in the natural extraction. Some experiments were achieved to estimate the performance of a new inhibitor, one of these tests include corrosion measurement by simple immersion in crude oil within and without inhibitors which added in different amounts 30,40,50and 60 ppm at tow temperature 300 and 323k, where the best inhibition efficiencies which get when added the inhibitors in a critical amounts or closest to it, since for the aqueous extract (EB-A) the inhibition efficiency reached (94.4) and (86.71)% at 300 and 323k respectively, and for diethyl ether extract (EB-D) reached (82.87) and (84.6)% at 300 and 323k respectively. Optical microscopy examination have been conducted to evaluate the corrosion nature where it show a clear difference in the topography of the immersed samples surface after add the inhibitors at two temperatures. The results show that the new corrosion inhibitor is not only equivalent to a chemical inhibitor but has greatly improvement properties such as: high efficiency, low cost, non-toxic, easily to produce, and nonpolluting as compared with chemical inhibitor.

Keywords: corrosion in pipeline, inhibitors, crude oil, carbon steel, types of solvent

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4353 Graphene/ZnO/Polymer Nanocomposite Thin Film for Separation of Oil-Water Mixture

Authors: Suboohi Shervani, Jingjing Ling, Jiabin Liu, Tahir Husain


Offshore oil-spill has become the most emerging problem in the world. In the current paper, a graphene/ZnO/polymer nanocomposite thin film is coated on stainless steel mesh via layer by layer deposition method. The structural characterization of materials is determined by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPHs) and separation efficiency have been measured via gas chromatography – flame ionization detector (GC-FID). TPHs are reduced to 2 ppm and separation efficiency of the nanocomposite coated mesh is reached ≥ 99% for the final sample. The nanocomposite coated mesh acts as a promising candidate for the separation of oil- water mixture.

Keywords: oil spill, graphene, oil-water separation, nanocomposite

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4352 COSMO-RS Prediction for Choline Chloride/Urea Based Deep Eutectic Solvent: Chemical Structure and Application as Agent for Natural Gas Dehydration

Authors: Tayeb Aissaoui, Inas M. AlNashef


In recent years, green solvents named deep eutectic solvents (DESs) have been found to possess significant properties and to be applicable in several technologies. Choline chloride (ChCl) mixed with urea at a ratio of 1:2 and 80 °C was the first discovered DES. In this article, chemical structure and combination mechanism of ChCl: urea based DES were investigated. Moreover, the implementation of this DES in water removal from natural gas was reported. Dehydration of natural gas by ChCl:urea shows significant absorption efficiency compared to triethylene glycol. All above operations were retrieved from COSMOthermX software. This article confirms the potential application of DESs in gas industry.

Keywords: COSMO-RS, deep eutectic solvents, dehydration, natural gas, structure, organic salt

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4351 Deposition of Cr-doped ZnO Thin Films and Their Ferromagnetic Properties

Authors: Namhyun An, Byungho Lee, Hwauk Lee, Youngmin Lee, Deuk Young Kim, Sejoon Lee


In this study, the Cr-doped ZnO thin films have been deposited by reactive magnetron sputtering method with different Cr-contents (1.0at.%, 2.5at.% and 12.5at.%) and their ferromagnetic properties have been characterized. All films revealed clear ferromagnetism above room temperature. However, the spontaneous magnetization of the films was observed to depend on the Cr contents in the films. Namely, the magnitude of effective magnetic moment (per each Cr ion) was exponentially decreased with increasing the Cr contents. We attributed the decreased spontaneous magnetization to the degraded crystal magnetic anisotropy. In other words, we found out that the high concentration of magnetic ions causes the lattice distortion in the magnetic ion-doped thin film, and it consequently degrades ferromagnetic channeling in the solid-state material system.

Keywords: Cr-doped ZnO, ferromagnetic properties, magnetization, sputtering, thin film

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4350 Hydro-Geochemistry and Groundwater Quality Assessment of Rajshahi City in Bangladesh

Authors: M. G. Mostafa, S. M. Helal Uddin, A. B. M. H. Haque, M. R. Hasan


The study was carried out to understand the hydro-geochemistry and ground water quality in Rajshahi City of Bangladesh. 240 groundwater (shallow and deep tubewell) samples were collected during the year 2009-2010 covering pre-monsoon, monsoon and post-monsoon seasons and analyzed for various physico-chemical parameters including major ions. The results reveal that the groundwater was slightly acidic to neutral in nature, total hardness observed in all samples fall under hard to very hard category. The concentration of calcium, iron, manganese, arsenic and lead ions were found far above the permissible limit in most of the shallow tubewells water samples. The analysis results show that the mean concentrations of cations and anions were observed in the order: Ca > Mg > Na > K > Fe > Mn > Pb > Zn > Cu > As (total) > Cd and HCO3-> Cl-> SO42-> NO3-, respectively. The concentrations of TH, TDS, HCO3-, NO3-, Ca, Fe, Zn, Cu, Pb, and As (total) were found to be higher during post-monsoon compare to pre-monsoon, whilst K, Mg, Cd, and Cl were found higher during pre-monsoon and monsoon. Ca-HCO3 was identified as the major hydro chemical facie using piper trilinear diagram. Higher concentration of toxic metals including Fe, Mn, As and Pb were found indicating various health hazards. The results also illustrate that the rock water interaction was the major geochemical process controlling the chemistry of groundwater in the study area.

Keywords: physio-chemical parameters, groundwater, geochemistry, Rajshahi city

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4349 Chemical Composition and Characteristics of Organic Solvent Extracts from the Omani Seaweeds Melanothamnus Somalensis and Gelidium Omanense

Authors: Abdullah Al-Nassri, Ahmed Al-Alawi


Seaweeds are classified into three groups: red, green, and brown. Each group of seaweeds consists of several types that have differences in composition. Even at the species level, there are differences in some ingredients, although in general composition, they are the same. Environmental conditions, availability of nutrients, and maturity stage are the main reasons for composition differences. In this study, two red seaweed species, Melanothamnus somalensis & Gelidium omanense, were collected in September 2021 from Sadh (Dhofar governorate, Oman). Five organic solvents were used sequentially to achieve extraction. The solvents were applied in the following order: hexane, dichloromethane, ethyl acetate, acetone, and methanol. Preparative HPLC (PrepLC) was performed to fraction the extracts. The chemical composition was measured; also, total phenols, flavonoids, and tannins were investigated. The structure of the extracts was analyzed by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). Seaweeds demonstrated high differences in terms of chemical composition, total phenolic content (TPC), total flavonoid content (TFC), and total tannin content (TTC). Gelidium omanense showed high moisture content, lipid content and carbohydrates (9.8 ± 0.15 %, 2.29 ± 0.09 % and 70.15 ± 0.42 %, respectively) compared to Melanothamnus somalensis (6.85 ± 0.01 %, 2.05 ± 0.12 % and 52.7 ± 0.36 % respectively). However, Melanothamnus somalensis showed high ash content and protein (27.68 ± 0.40 % and 52.7 ± 0.36 % respectively) compared to Gelidium omanense (8.07 ± 0.39 % and 9.70 ± 0.22 % respectively). Melanothamnus somalensis showed higher elements and minerals content, especially sodium and potassium. This is attributed to the jelly-like structure of Melanothamnus somalensis, which allows storage of more solutes compared to the leafy-like structure of Gelidium omanense. Furthermore, Melanothamnus somalensis had higher TPC in all fractions except the hexane fraction than Gelidium omanense. Except with hexane, TFC in the other solvents’ extracts was significantly different between Gelidium omanense and Melanothamnus somalensis. In all fractions, except dichloromethane and ethyl acetate fractions, there were no significant differences in TTC between Gelidium omanense and Melanothamnus somalensis. FTIR spectra showed variation between fractions, which is an indication of different functional groups.

Keywords: chemical composition, organic extract, Omani seaweeds, biological activity, FTIR

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4348 Removal of Deposits and Improvement of Shelf Life in CO₂-Rich Mineral Water by Ozone-Microbubbles

Authors: Un Hwa Choe, Jong Hyon Choe, Yong Jun Kim


The aim of this study was to effectively remove Fe2+ by using ozone microbubbles in bottled mineral water to prevent sediment from occurring during storage and increase shelf life. By considering the characteristics of mineral water with low solubility of ozone and high CO2 content, a suitable ozone injection step was chosen and a new mineral water treatment method using microbubbles was proposed. As a result of the treatment of the bottled mineral water with ozone microbubbles, the iron ion concentration was reduced from 0.14 mg/L to 0.01 mg/L, and the shelf life increased to 360 days. During the treatment, the concentrations of K+ and Na+ were almost unchanged, and the deposition time was reduced to one-third compared to the natural oxidation.

Keywords: CO₂-rich mineral water, ozone-micro bubble, shelf life, bottled mineral water, water treatment

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4347 iPSC-derived MSC Mediated Immunosuppression during Mouse Airway Transplantation

Authors: Mohammad Afzal Khan, Fatimah Alanazi, Hala Abdalrahman Ahmed, Talal Shamma, Kilian Kelly, Mohammed A. Hammad, Abdullah O. Alawad, Abdullah Mohammed Assiri, Dieter Clemens Broering


Lung transplantation is a life-saving surgical replacement of diseased lungs in patients with end-stage respiratory malfunctions. Despite the remarkable short-term recovery, long-term lung survival continues to face several significant challenges, including chronic rejection and severe toxic side-effects due to global immunosuppression. Stem cell-based immunotherapy has been recognized as a crucial immunoregulatory regimen in various preclinical and clinical studies. Despite initial therapeutic outcomes, conventional stem cells face key limitations. The Cymerus™ manufacturing facilitates the production of a virtually limitless supply of consistent human induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC)-derived mesenchymal stem cells, which could play a key role in selective immunosuppression and graft repair during rejection. Here, we demonstrated the impact of iPSC-derived human MSCs on the development of immune-tolerance and long-term graft survival in mouse orthotopic airway allografts. BALB/c→C57BL/6 allografts were reconstituted with iPSC-derived MSCs (2 million/transplant/ at d0), and allografts were examined for regulatory T cells (Tregs), oxygenation, microvascular blood flow, airway epithelium and collagen deposition during rejection. We demonstrated that iPSC-derived MSC treatment leads to significant increase in tissue expression of hTSG-6 protein, followed by an upregulation of mouse Tregs and IL-5, IL-10, IL-15 cytokines, which augments graft microvascular blood flow and oxygenation, and thereby maintained a healthy airway epithelium and prevented the subepithelial deposition of collagen at d90 post-transplantation. Collectively, these data confirmed that iPSC-derived MSC-mediated immunosuppression has potential to establish immune-tolerance and rescue allograft from sustained hypoxic/ischemic phase and subsequently limits long-term airway epithelial injury and collagen progression, which therapeutically warrant a study of Cymerus iPSC-derived MSCs as a potential management option for immunosuppression in transplant recipients.

Keywords: stem cell therapy, immunotolerance, regulatory T cells, hypoxia and ischemia, microvasculature

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4346 Chemical Composition and Antifungal Activity of Selected Essential Oils against Toxigenic Fungi Associated with Maize (Zea mays L.)

Authors: Birhane Atnafu, Chemeda Abedeta Garbaba, Fikre Lemessa, Abdi Mohammed, Alemayehu Chala


Essential oil is a bio-pesticide plant product used as an alternative to pesticides in managing plant pests, including fungal pathogens. Thus, the current study aims to investigate the chemical composition and antifungal activities of essential oils (EO) extracted from three aromatic plants i.e., Thymus vulgaris, Coriandrum sativum, and Cymbopogon martini. The leaf parts of those selected plants were collected from the Jimma area and their essential oil was extracted by hydro-distillation method in a Clevenger apparatus. The chemical composition of selected plant essential oil was analyzed by using Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS) and their inhibitory effects were tested in vitro on toxigenic fungi isolated from maize kernel. Chemical analysis results revealed the presence of 32 compounds in C. sativum with Hexanedioic acid, bis (2-ethylhexyl) ester (46. 9%), 2-Decenal, (E)- (12.6), and linalool (8.3%) being the dominant ones. T. vulgaris essential oils constituted 25 compounds, of which thymol (34.4%), o-cymene (17.5%), and Gamma-Terpinene (16.8%) were the major components. Twenty-five compounds were detected in C. martinii of which geraniol (51.4%), Geranyl acetate (14.5%), and Trans – ß-Ocimene (11.7%) were dominant. The EOs of the tested plants had very high antifungal activity (up to 100% efficacy) against Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus niger, Fusarium graminearum and Fusarium verticillioides in vitro and on maize grains. The antifungal activities of these essential oils were dependent on the major components such as thymol, hexanedioic acid, bis (2-ethylhexyl) ester, and geraniol. The study affirmed the potential of these essential oils controlling as bio-fungicides to manage the effects of potentially toxigenic fungi associated with maize under post-harvest stages. This can reduce the consequences of the health impacts of the mold and toxigenic compounds produced in maize.

Keywords: bio-activity, bio-pesticides, maize, mycotoxin

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4345 The Effects of Salts Concentration into Microbiological, Physio-Chemical and Sensory Properties of Tempoyak (Indonesian Fermented Durian Flesh)

Authors: Addion Nizori, Mursalin, Dharia Renathe, Lavlinesia, Fitry Tafzi


Tempoyak was made from fermented durian flesh, which very popular among Jambi people Indonesia. This study aims to isolate and identification of bacteria developed during fermentations, determine physical-chemical properties of Tempoyak as the effect of adding salts at various concentration and the sensory evaluations of Tempoyak produced is also evaluated. The predominant microorganisms present in Tempoyak were Lactobacillus bacteria. The results also showed that the level of salts concentration has a significant effect on pH, lactic acid content, however, not has a significant impact on sensory evaluations. The best results were 3% of adding salts with the product properties of pH 3.64, lactic acid content 3.11% and overall acceptance score is 3.41.

Keywords: Tempoyak, fermented foods, salts, sensory

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4344 CuO Thin Films Deposition by Spray Pyrolysis: Influence of Precursor Solution Properties

Authors: M. Lamri Zeggar, F. Bourfaa, A. Adjimi, F. Boutebakh, M. S. Aida, N. Attaf


CuO thin films were deposited by spray ultrasonic pyrolysis with different precursor solution. Two staring solution slats were used namely: Copper acetate and copper chloride. The influence of these solutions on CuO thin films proprieties of is instigated. The X rays diffraction (XDR) analysis indicated that the films deposed with copper acetate are amorphous however the films elaborated with copper chloride have monoclinic structure. UV- Visible transmission spectra showed a strong absorbance of the deposited CuO thin films in the visible region. Electrical characterization has shown that CuO thin films prepared with copper acetate have a higher electrical conductivity.

Keywords: thin films, cuprous oxide, spray pyrolysis, precursor solution

Procedia PDF Downloads 311
4343 Colloids and Heavy Metals in Groundwaters: Tangential Flow Filtration Method for Study of Metal Distribution on Different Sizes of Colloids

Authors: Jiancheng Zheng


When metals are released into water from mining activities, they undergo changes chemically, physically and biologically and then may become more mobile and transportable along the waterway from their original sites. Natural colloids, including both organic and inorganic entities, are naturally occurring in any aquatic environment with sizes in the nanometer range. Natural colloids in a water system play an important role, quite often a key role, in binding and transporting compounds. When assessing and evaluating metals in natural waters, their sources, mobility, fate, and distribution patterns in the system are the major concerns from the point of view of assessing environmental contamination and pollution during resource development. There are a few ways to quantify colloids and accordingly study how metals distribute on different sizes of colloids. Current research results show that the presence of colloids can enhance the transport of some heavy metals in water, while heavy metals may also have an influence on the transport of colloids when cations in the water system change colloids and/or the ion strength of the water system changes. Therefore, studies into the relationship between different sizes of colloids and different metals in a water system are necessary and needed as natural colloids in water systems are complex mixtures of both organic and inorganic as well as biological materials. Their stability could be sensitive to changes in their shapes, phases, hardness and functionalities due to coagulation and deposition et al. and chemical, physical, and biological reactions. Because metal contaminants’ adsorption on surfaces of colloids is closely related to colloid properties, it is desired to fraction water samples as soon as possible after a sample is taken in the natural environment in order to avoid changes to water samples during transportation and storage. For this reason, this study carried out groundwater sample processing in the field, using Prep/Scale tangential flow filtration systems with 3-level cartridges (1 kDa, 10 kDa and 100 kDa). Groundwater samples from seven sites at Fort MacMurray, Alberta, Canada, were fractionated during the 2015 field sampling season. All samples were processed within 3 hours after samples were taken. Preliminary results show that although the distribution pattern of metals on colloids may vary with different samples taken from different sites, some elements often tend to larger colloids (such as Fe and Re), some to finer colloids (such as Sb and Zn), while some of them mainly in the dissolved form (such as Mo and Be). This information is useful to evaluate and project the fate and mobility of different metals in the groundwaters and possibly in environmental water systems.

Keywords: metal, colloid, groundwater, mobility, fractionation, sorption

Procedia PDF Downloads 363
4342 Simulation of Remove the Fouling on the in vivo By Using MHD

Authors: Farhad Aalizadeh, Ali Moosavi


When a blood vessel is injured, the cells of your blood bond together to form a blood clot. The blood clot helps you stop bleeding. Blood clots are made of a combination of blood cells, platelets(small sticky cells that speed up the clot-making process), and fibrin (protein that forms a thread-like mesh to trap cells). Doctors call this kind of blood clot a “thrombus.”We study the effects of different parameters on the deposition of Nanoparticles on the surface of a bump in the blood vessels by the magnetic field. The Maxwell and the flow equations are solved for this purpose. It is assumed that the blood is non-Newtonian and the number of particles has been considered enough to rely on the results statistically. Using MHD and its property it is possible to control the flow velocity, remove the fouling on the walls and return the system to its original form.

Keywords: MHD, fouling, in-vivo, blood clots, simulation

Procedia PDF Downloads 469
4341 Pd Supported on Activated Carbon: Effect of Support Texture on the Dispersion of Pd

Authors: Ji Sun Kim, Jae Ho Baek, Kyeong Ho Kim, Ji Hae Ha, Seong Soo Hong, Jung-Wook Park, Man Sig Lee


Carbon supported palladium catalysts have been used in many industrial reactions, especially for hydrogenation in the fine chemical industry. Porous carbons had been widely used as catalyst supports due to its higher surface area and larger pore volume. The specific surface area, pore structure and surface chemical functional groups of porous carbon affects metal dispersion and particle size. In this paper, we confirm the effect of support texture on the dispersion of Pd. Pd catalyst supported on activated carbon having various specific surface area were characterized by BET, XRD and FE-TEM. Catalyst activity and dispersion of prepared catalyst were evaluated on the basis of the CO adsorption capacity by CO-chemisorption. As concluding remark to this part of our study, let us note that specific area of carbon play important role on the synthesis of Pd/C catalyst/.

Keywords: carbon, dispersion, Pd/C, specific are, support

Procedia PDF Downloads 352
4340 The Optimum Biodiesel Blend in Low Sulfur Diesel and Its Physico-Chemical Properties and Economic Aspect

Authors: Ketsada Sutthiumporn, Sittichot Thongkaw, Malee Santikunaporn


In Thailand, biodiesel has been utilized as an attractive substitute of petroleum diesel and the government imposes a mandatory biodiesel blending requirement in transport sector to improve energy security, support agricultural sector and reduce emissions. Though biodiesel blend has many advantages over diesel fuel such as improved lubricity, low sulfur content and higher flash point, there are still some technical problems such as oxidative stability, poor cold- flow properties and impurity. Such problems were related to the fatty acid composition in feedstock. Moreover, Thailand has announced the use of low sulfur diesel as a base diesel and will be continually upgrading to EURO 5 in 2023. With ultra low sulfur content, it may affect the diesel fuel properties especially lubricity as well. Therefore, in this study, the physical and chemical properties of palm oil-based biodiesel in low sulfur diesel blends from different producers will be investigated by standard methods per ASTM and EN. Also, its economic benefits based on diesel price structure in Thailand will be highlighted. The appropriate biodiesel blend ratio can affect the physico-chemical properties and reasonable price in the country. Properties of biodiesel, including specific gravity, kinematic viscosity, FAME composition, flash point, sulfur, water, oxidation stability and lubricity were measured by standard methods of ASTM and EN. The results show that the FAME composition of biodiesel has the fatty acid of C12:0 to C20:1, mostly in C16:0, C18:0, C18:1, and C18:2, which were main characteristic compositions of palm biodiesel. The physical and chemical properties of biodiesel blended diesel was found to be increases with an increasing amount of biodiesel such as specific gravity, flash point and kinematic viscosity while sulfur value was decreased. Moreover, in this study, the various properties of each biodiesel blends were plotted to determine the appropriate proportional range of biodiesel-blended diesel with an optimum fuel price.It can be seen that the amount of B100 can be filled from 1% up to 7% in which the quality was in accordance with Notification of the department of Energy business.The understanding of relation between physico-chemical properties of palm oil-based biodiesel and pricing is beneficial to guide the better development of desired feedstock in Thailand and to implement biodiesel blends with comparative price and diesel engine performance.

Keywords: fatty acid methyl ester, biodiesel, fuel price structure, palm oil in Thailand

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4339 Physico-Chemical Analysis of the Reclaimed Land Area of Kasur

Authors: Shiza Zafar


The tannery effluents contaminated about 400 acres land area in Kasur, Pakistan, has been reclaimed by removing polluted water after the long term effluent logging from the nearby tanneries. In an effort to describe the status of reclaimed soil for agricultural practices, the results of physicochemical analysis of the soil are reported in this article. The concentrations of the parameters such as pH, Electrical Conductivity (EC), Organic Matter (OM), Organic Carbon (OC), Available Phosphorus (P), Potassium (K), and Sodium (Na) were determined by standard methods of analysis and results were computed and compared with various international standards for agriculture recommended by international organizations, groups of experts and or individual researchers. The results revealed that pH, EC, OM, OC, K, and Na are in accordance with the prescribed limits but P in soil exceeds the satisfactory range of P in agricultural soil. Thus, the reclaimed soil in Kasur can be inferred fit for the purpose of agricultural activities.

Keywords: soil toxicity, agriculture, reclaimed land, physico-chemical analysis

Procedia PDF Downloads 380