Search results for: affect/emotion
3154 A Study on the Determinants of Earnings Response Coefficient in an Emerging Market
Authors: Bita Mashayekhi, Zeynab Lotfi Aghel
The determinants of Earnings Response Coefficient (ERC), including firm size, earnings growth, and earnings persistence are studied in this research. These determinants are supposed to be moderator variables that affect ERC and Return Response Coefficient. The research sample contains 82 Iranian listed companies in Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE) from 2001 to 2012. Gathered data have been processed by EVIEWS Software. Results show a significant positive relation between firm size and ERC, and also between earnings growth and ERC; however, there is no significant relation between earnings persistence and ERC. Also, the results show that ERC will be increased by firm size and earnings growth, but there is no relation between earnings persistence and ERC.Keywords: earnings response coefficient (ERC), return response coefficient (RRC), firm size, earnings growth, earnings persistence
Procedia PDF Downloads 3353153 Role of Environmental Risk Factors in Autism Spectrum Disorder
Authors: Dost Muhammad Halepoto, Laila AL-Ayadhi
Neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism can cause lifelong disability. Genetic and environmental factors are believed to contribute to the development of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), but relatively few studies have considered potential environmental risks. Several industrial chemicals and other environmental exposures are recognized causes of neurodevelopmental disorders and subclinical brain dysfunction. The toxic effects of such chemicals in the developing human brain are not known. This review highlights the role of environmental risk factors including drugs, toxic chemicals, heavy metals, pesticides, vaccines, and other suspected neurotoxicants including persistent organic pollutants for ASD. It also provides information about the environmental toxins to yield new insights into factors that affect autism risk as well as an opportunity to investigate the relation between autism and environmental exposure.Keywords: Autism Spectrum Disorder, ASD, environmental factors, neurodevelopmental disorder
Procedia PDF Downloads 4033152 The Effect of Fish and Krill Oil on Warfarin Control
Authors: Rebecca Pryce, Nijole Bernaitis, Andrew K. Davey, Shailendra Anoopkumar-Dukie
Background: Warfarin is an oral anticoagulant widely used in the prevention of strokes in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) and in the treatment and prevention of deep vein thrombosis (DVT). Regular monitoring of Internationalised Normalised Ratio (INR) is required to ensure therapeutic benefit with time in therapeutic range (TTR) used to measure warfarin control. A number of factors influence TTR including diet, concurrent illness, and drug interactions. Extensive literature exists regarding the effect of conventional medicines on warfarin control, but documented interactions relating to complementary medicines are limited. It has been postulated that fish oil and krill oil supplementation may affect warfarin due to their association with bleeding events. However, to date little is known as to whether fish and krill oil significantly alter the incidence of bleeding with warfarin or impact on warfarin control. Aim:To assess the influence of fish oil and krill oil supplementation on warfarin control in AF and DVT patients by determining the influence of these supplements on TTR and bleeding events. Methods:A retrospective cohort analysis was conducted utilising patient information from a large private pathology practice in Queensland. AF and DVT patients receiving warfarin management by the pathology practice were identified and their TTR calculated using the Rosendaal method. Concurrent medications were analysed and patients taking no other interacting medicines were identified and divided according to users of fish oil and krill oil supplements and those taking no supplements. Study variables included TTR and the incidence of bleeding with exclusion criteria being less than 30 days of treatment with warfarin. Subject characteristics were reported as the mean and standard deviation for continuous data and number and percentages for nominal or categorical data. Data was analysed using GraphPad InStat Version 3 with a p value of <0.05 considered to be statistically significant. Results:Of the 2081 patients assessed for inclusion into this study, a total of 573 warfarin users met the inclusion criteria. Of these, 416 (72.6%) patients were AF patients and 157 (27.4%) DVT patients and overall there were 316 (55.1%) male and 257 (44.9%) female patients. 145 patients were included in the fish oil/krill oil group (supplement) and 428 were included in the control group. The mean TTR of supplement users was 86.9% and for the control group 84.7% with no significant difference between these groups. Control patients experienced 1.6 times the number of minor bleeds per person compared to supplement patients and 1.2 times the number of major bleeds per person. However, this was not statistically significant nor was the comparison between thrombotic events. Conclusion: No significant difference was found between supplement and control patients in terms of mean TTR, the number of bleeds and thrombotic events. Fish oil and krill oil supplements when used concurrently with warfarin do not significantly affect warfarin control as measured by TTR and bleeding incidence.Keywords: atrial fibrillation, deep vein thormbosis, fish oil, krill oil, warfarin
Procedia PDF Downloads 3063151 A Survey on Taxpayer's Compliance in Prospect Theory Structure Using Hierarchical Bayesian Approach
Authors: Sahar Dehghan, Yeganeh Mousavi Jahromi, Ghahraman Abdoli
Since tax revenues are one of the most important sources of government revenue, it is essential to consider increasing taxpayers' compliance. One of the factors that can affect the taxpayers' compliance is the structure of the crimes and incentives envisaged in the tax law. In this research, by using the 'prospect theory', the effects of changes in the rate of crimes and the tax incentive in the direct tax law on the taxpayer’s compliance behavior have been investigated. To determine the preferences and preferences of taxpayer’s in the business sector and their degree of sensitivity to fines and incentives, a questionnaire with mixed gamble structure is designed. Estimated results using the Hierarchical Bayesian method indicate that the taxpayer’s that have been tested in this study are more sensitive to the incentives in the direct tax law, and the tax administration can use this to increase the level of collected tax and increase the level of compliance.Keywords: tax compliance, prospect theory, value function, mixed gamble
Procedia PDF Downloads 1753150 Ultimate Shear Resistance of Plate Girders Part 2- Höglund Theory
Authors: Ahmed S. Elamary
Ultimate shear resistance (USR) of slender plate girders can be predicted theoretically using Cardiff theory or Hӧglund theory. This paper will be concerned with predicting the USR using Hӧglund theory and EC3. Two main factors can affect the USR, the panel width “b” and the web depth “d”, consequently, the panel aspect ratio (b/d) has to be identified by limits. In most of the previous study, there is no limit for panel aspect ratio indicated. In this paper theoretical analysis has been conducted to study the effect of (b/d) on the USR. The analysis based on ninety-six test results of steel plate girders subjected to shear executed and collected by others. New formula proposed to predict the percentage of the distance between the plastic hinges form in the flanges “c” to panel width “b”. Conservative limits of (c/b) have been suggested to get a consistent value of USR.Keywords: ultimate shear resistance, plate girder, Hӧglund’s theory, EC3
Procedia PDF Downloads 4123149 The Adoption of Mobile Learning in Saudi Women Faculty in King Abdulaziz University
Authors: Leena Alfarani
Although mobile devices are ubiquitous on university campuses, teacher-readiness for mobile learning has yet to be fully explored in the non-western nations. This study shows that two main factors affect the adoption and use of m-learning among female teachers within a university in Saudi Arabia—resistance to change and perceived social culture. These determinants of the current use and intention to use of m-learning were revealed through the analysis of an online questionnaire completed by 165 female faculty members. This study reveals several important issues for m-learning research and practice. The results further extend the body of knowledge in the field of m-learning, with the findings revealing that resistance to change and perceived social culture are significant determinants of the current use of and the intention to use m-learning.Keywords: blended learning, mobile learning, technology adoption, devices
Procedia PDF Downloads 4643148 Impact of Coal Mining on River Sediment Quality in the Sydney Basin, Australia
Authors: A. Ali, V. Strezov, P. Davies, I. Wright, T. Kan
The environmental impacts arising from mining activities affect the air, water, and soil quality. Impacts may result in unexpected and adverse environmental outcomes. This study reports on the impact of coal production on sediment in Sydney region of Australia. The sediment samples upstream and downstream from the discharge points from three mines were taken, and 80 parameters were tested. The results were assessed against sediment quality based on presence of metals. The study revealed the increment of metal content in the sediment downstream of the reference locations. In many cases, the sediment was above the Australia and New Zealand Environment Conservation Council and international sediment quality guidelines value (SQGV). The major outliers to the guidelines were nickel (Ni) and zinc (Zn).Keywords: coal mine, environmental impact, produced water, sediment quality guidelines value (SQGV)
Procedia PDF Downloads 3043147 Survey on Securing the Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR) Protocol in Mobile Ad-hoc Network
Authors: Kimaya Subhash Gaikwad, S. B. Waykar
The mobile ad-hoc network (MANET) is collection of various types of nodes. In MANET various protocols are used for communication. In OLSR protocol, a node is selected as multipoint relay (MPR) node which broadcast the messages. As the MANET is open kind of network any malicious node can easily enter into the network and affect the performance of the network. The performance of network mainly depends on the components which are taking part into the communication. If the proper nodes are not selected for the communication then the probability of network being attacked is more. Therefore, it is important to select the more reliable and secure components in the network. MANET does not have any filtering so that only selected nodes can be used for communication. The openness of the MANET makes it easier to attack the communication. The most of the attack are on the Quality of service (QoS) of the network. This paper gives the overview of the various attacks that are possible on OLSR protocol and some solutions. The papers focus mainly on the OLSR protocol.Keywords: communication, MANET, OLSR, QoS
Procedia PDF Downloads 4513146 Description of Geotechnical Properties of Jabal Omar
Authors: Ibrahim Abdel Gadir Malik, Dafalla Siddig Dafalla, Osama Abdelgadir El-Bushra
Geological and engineering characteristics of intact rock and the discontinuity surfaces was used to describe and classify rock mass into zones based on mechanical and physical properties. Many conditions terms that affect the rock mas; such as Rock strength, Rock Quality Designation (RQD) value, joint spacing, and condition of joint, water condition with block size, joint roughness, separation, joint hardness, friction angle and weathering were used to classify the rock mass into: Good quality (class II) (RMR values range between 75% and 56%), Good to fair quality (class II to III) (RMR values range between 70% and 55%), Fair quality (class III) (RMR values range between 60% and 50%) and Fair to poor quality (Class III to IV) (RMR values, range between (50% and 35%).Keywords: rock strength, RQD, joints, weathering
Procedia PDF Downloads 4173145 Eisenhower’s Farewell Speech: Initial and Continuing Communication Effects
Authors: B. Kuiper
When Dwight D. Eisenhower delivered his final Presidential speech in 1961, he was using the opportunity to bid farewell to America, but he was also trying to warn his fellow countrymen about deeper challenges threatening the country. In this analysis, Eisenhower’s speech is examined in light of the impact it had on American culture, communication concepts, and political ramifications. The paper initially highlights the previous literature on the speech, especially in light of its 50th anniversary, and reveals a man whose main concern was how the speech’s words would affect his beloved country. The painstaking approach to the wording of the speech to reveal the intent is key, particularly in light of analyzing the motivations according to “virtuous communication.” This philosophical construct indicates that Eisenhower’s Farewell Address was crafted carefully according to a departing President’s deepest values and concerns, concepts that he wanted to pass along to his successor, to his country, and even to the world.Keywords: Eisenhower, mass communication, political speech, rhetoric
Procedia PDF Downloads 2753144 Effect of Sub Supercritical CO2 Processing on Microflora and Shelf Life Tempe
Authors: M. Kustyawati, F. Pratama, D. Saputra, A. Wijaya
Tempe composes of not only molds but also bacteria and yeasts. The structure of microorganisms needs to be in balance number in order the tempe to be an acceptable quality for an extended time. Sub supercritical carbon dioxide can be a promising preservation method for tempe as it induces microbial inactivation avoiding alterations of its quality attributes. Fresh tempe were processed using supercritical and sub supercritical CO2 for a defined holding times, then the growth ability of molds and bacteria were analyzed. The results showed that the supercritical CO2 processing for 5 minutes reduced the number of bacteria and molds to 0.30 log cycle and 1.17 log cycles, respectively. In addition, sub supercritical CO2 processing for 20 minutes had fungicidal effect against mold tempe; whereas, the sub supercritical CO2 for 10 minutes had reducing effect against bacteria tempe, and had fungistatic affect against mold tempe. It suggested that sub-supercritical CO2 processing for 10 min could be useful alternative technique for preservation of tempe.Keywords: tempe, sub supercritical CO2, fungistatic effect, preservation
Procedia PDF Downloads 2713143 Systematic Review: Examining Teacher-Led Prevention Programs to Address Behavioral Concerns in Students
Authors: Mika Kaufman
Behavioral health in school-age children is a great concern. Negative behaviors can affect mental and physical health and, if ignored, can lead to further problems later in life. Rural communities often lack resources for counselors, social workers, and mental health care in the hopes of intervening with children who exhibit negative behaviors. Because of this, schools in rural communities are more likely to have children with behavioral issues. Prevention programs to recognize and address these behavioral concerns can educate teachers about mental health, different negative behaviors that students might exhibit, and how to manage those behaviors and engage with students in a positive way.Keywords: prevention programs, behavioral health, resources for teachers, rural schools
Procedia PDF Downloads 693142 Dynamic Response and Damage Modeling of Glass Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Composite Pipes: Numerical Investigation
Authors: Ammar Maziz, Mostapha Tarfaoui, Said Rechak
The high mechanical performance of composite pipes can be adversely affected by their low resistance to impact loads. Loads in dynamic origin are dangerous and cause consequences on the operation of pipes because the damage is often not detected and can affect the structural integrity of composite pipes. In this work, an advanced 3-D finite element (FE) model, based on the use of intralaminar damage models was developed and used to predict damage under low-velocity impact. The performance of the numerical model is validated with the confrontation with the results of experimental tests. The results show that at low impact energy, the damage happens mainly by matrix cracking and delamination. The model capabilities to simulate the low-velocity impact events on the full-scale composite structures were proved.Keywords: composite materials, low velocity impact, FEA, dynamic behavior, progressive damage modeling
Procedia PDF Downloads 1723141 Using WebQuest for Developing English Reading Comprehension Skills for Preparatory Experimental School Students: Proposed Design
Authors: Sarah Hamdy Abd-Al Hamid Seyam
The research aimed investigating the effect of using web quest on developing English reading comprehension skills for preparatory experimental school students. The descriptive design was adopted in the study. The tools of the study are represented in: a checklist for the English reading comprehension skills and a test of the English reading comprehension skills for the first year preparatory experimental school students. Results of the study were discussed in relation to various factors that affect the learning process. Finally the research presented applicable contributions according to using web quest in teaching English as a foreign language generally and improving reading comprehension in particular.Keywords: English as a second language, preparatory experimental schools, reading comprehension, WebQuest
Procedia PDF Downloads 3253140 Understanding Sixteen Basic Desires and Modern Approaches to Agile Team Motivation: Case Study
Authors: Anna Suvorova
Classical motivation theories hold that there are two kinds of motivation, intrinsic and extrinsic. Leaders are looking for effective motivation techniques, but frequently external influences do not work or, even worse, reduce team productivity. We see only the tip of the iceberg -human behavior. However, beneath the surface of the water are factors that directly affect our behavior -desires. Believing that employees need to be motivated, companies design a motivation system based on the principle: do it and get a reward. As a matter of fact, we all have basic desires. Everybody is motivated but to different extents. Following the principle "intrinsic motivation over extrinsic rewards", we need to create an environment that will support intrinsic motivation and potential of employees, and team, rather than individual work.Keywords: motivation profile, motivation techniques, agile HR, basic desires, agile people, human behavior, people management
Procedia PDF Downloads 1143139 Studies on the Physicochemical Properties of Biolubricants Obtained from Vegetable Oils and Their Oxidative Stability
Authors: Expedito J. S. Parente Jr., Italo C. Rios, Joao Paulo C. Marques, Rosana M. A. Saboya, F. Murilo T. Luna, Célio L. Cavalcante Jr.
Increasing constraints of environmental regulation around the world have led to higher demand for biodegradable products. Vegetable oils present some properties that may favor their use as biolubricants; however, there are others, such as resistance to oxidation and pour point, which affect possible commercial applications. In this study, the physicochemical properties of biolubricants synthesized from different vegetable oils were evaluated and compared with petroleum-based lubricant and pure vegetable oil. Chemical modifications applied to the original vegetable oil improved their oxidative stability and pour point significantly. The addition of commercial antioxidants to the bio-based lubricants was evaluated, yielding values of oxidative stability close to those of mineral basestock oil.Keywords: biolubricant, vegetable oil, oxidative stability, pour point, antioxidants
Procedia PDF Downloads 3143138 Atmospheric Circulation Drivers Of Nationally-Aggregated Wind Energy Production Over Greece
Authors: Kostas Philippopoulos, Chris G. Tzanis, Despina Deligiorgi
Climate change adaptation requires the exploitation of renewable energy sources such as wind. However, climate variability can affect the regional wind energy potential and consequently the available wind power production. The goal of the research project is to examine the impact of atmospheric circulation on wind energy production over Greece. In the context of synoptic climatology, the proposed novel methodology employs Self-Organizing Maps for grouping and classifying the atmospheric circulation and nationally-aggregated capacity factor time series for a 30-year period. The results indicate the critical effect of atmospheric circulation on the national aggregated wind energy production values and therefore address the issue of optimum distribution of wind farms for a specific region.Keywords: wind energy, atmospheric circulation, capacity factor, self-organizing maps
Procedia PDF Downloads 1623137 Study on Network-Based Technology for Detecting Potentially Malicious Websites
Authors: Byung-Ik Kim, Hong-Koo Kang, Tae-Jin Lee, Hae-Ryong Park
Cyber terrors against specific enterprises or countries have been increasing recently. Such attacks against specific targets are called advanced persistent threat (APT), and they are giving rise to serious social problems. The malicious behaviors of APT attacks mostly affect websites and penetrate enterprise networks to perform malevolent acts. Although many enterprises invest heavily in security to defend against such APT threats, they recognize the APT attacks only after the latter are already in action. This paper discusses the characteristics of APT attacks at each step as well as the strengths and weaknesses of existing malicious code detection technologies to check their suitability for detecting APT attacks. It then proposes a network-based malicious behavior detection algorithm to protect the enterprise or national networks.Keywords: Advanced Persistent Threat (APT), malware, network security, network packet, exploit kits
Procedia PDF Downloads 3693136 Firm's Growth Leading Dimensions of Blockchain Empowered Information Management System: An Empirical Study
Authors: Umang Varshney, Amit Karamchandani, Rohit Kapoor
Practitioners and researchers have realized that Blockchain is not limited to currency. Blockchain as a distributed ledger can ensure a transparent and traceable supply chain. Due to Blockchain-enabled IoTs, a firm’s information management system can now take inputs from other supply chain partners in real-time. This study aims to provide empirical evidence of dimensions responsible for blockchain implemented firm’s growth and highlight how sector (manufacturing or service), state's regulatory environment, and choice of blockchain network affect the blockchain's usefulness. This post-adoption study seeks to validate the findings of pre-adoption studies done on the blockchain. Data will be collected through a survey of managers working in blockchain implemented firms and analyzed through PLS-SEM.Keywords: blockchain, information management system, PLS-SEM, firm's growth
Procedia PDF Downloads 1263135 The Antecedents of Facebook Check in Adoption Intention: The Perspective of Social Influence
Authors: Hsiu-Hua Cheng
Recently, the competition between websites becomes intense. How to make users “adopt” their websites is an issue of urgent importance for online communities companies. Social procedures (such as social influence) can possibly explain how and why users’ technologies usage behaviors affect other people to use the technologies. This study proposes two types of social influences on the initial usage of Facebook Check In-friends and group members. Besides, this study indicates that Facebook friends’ previous usage of Facebook Check In and Facebook group members’ previous usage of Facebook Check In will positively influence focal actors’ Facebook Check In adoption intention. The article concludes with contributions to academic research and practice.Keywords: social influence, adoption intention, facebook check in, previous usage behavior
Procedia PDF Downloads 4443134 A Review on Agricultural Landscapes as a Habitat of Rodents
Authors: Nadeem Munawar, Tariq Mahmood, Paula Rivadeneira, Ali Akhter
In this paper, we review on rodent species which are common inhabitants of agricultural landscapes where they are an important prey source for a wide variety of avian, reptilian, and mammalian predators. Agricultural fields are surrounded by fallow land, which provide suitable sites for shelter and breeding for rodents, while shrubs, grasses, annual weeds and forbs may provide supplementary food. The assemblage of rodent’s fauna in the cropland habitats including cropped fields, meadows and adjacent field structures like hedgerows, woodland and field margins fluctuates seasonally. The mature agricultural crops provides good source of food and shelter to the rodents and these factors along with favorable climatic factors/season facilitate breeding activities of these rodent species. Changes in vegetation height and vegetative cover affect two important aspects of a rodent’s life: food and shelter. In addition, during non-crop period vegetation can be important for building nests above or below ground and it provides thermal protection for rodents from heat and cold. The review revealed that rodents form a very diverse group of mammals, ranging from tiny pigmy mice to big capybaras, from arboreal flying squirrels to subterranean mole rats, from opportunistic omnivores (e.g. Norway rats) to specialist feeders (e.g. the North African fat sand rats that feed on a single family of plants only). It is therefore no surprise that some species thrive well under the conditions that are found in agricultural fields. The review on the population dynamics of the rodent species indicated that they are agricultural pests probably due to the heterogeneous landscape and to the high rotativity of vegetable crop cultivation. They also cause damage to various crops, directly and indirectly, by gnawing, spoilage, contamination and hoarding activities, besides this behavior they have also significance importance in agricultural habitat. The burrowing activities of rodents alter the soil properties around their burrows which improve its aeration, infiltration, increase the water holding capacity and thus encourage plant growth. These properties are beneficial for the soil because they affect absorption of phosphorus, absorption zinc, copper, other nutrients and the uptake of water and thus rodents are known as indicator species in agricultural fields. Our review suggests that wide crop field’s borders, particularly those contiguous to various cropland fields, should be understood as priority sites for nesting, feeding, and cover for the rodent’s fauna. The goal of this review paper is to provide a comprehensive synthesis of understanding regarding rodent habitat and biodiversity in agricultural landscapes.Keywords: agricultural landscapes, food, indicator species, shelter
Procedia PDF Downloads 1703133 Characterization of Group Dynamics for Fostering Mathematical Modeling Competencies
Authors: Ayse Ozturk
The study extends the prior research on modeling competencies by positioning students’ cognitive and language resources as the fundamentals for pursuing their own inquiry and expression lines through mathematical modeling. This strategy aims to answer the question that guides this study, “How do students’ group approaches to modeling tasks affect their modeling competencies over a unit of instruction?” Six bilingual tenth-grade students worked on open-ended modeling problems along with the content focused on quantities over six weeks. Each group was found to have a unique cognitive approach for solving these problems. Three different problem-solving strategies affected how the groups’ modeling competencies changed. The results provide evidence that the discussion around groups’ solutions, coupled with their reflections, advances group interpreting and validating competencies in the mathematical modeling processKeywords: cognition, collective learning, mathematical modeling competencies, problem-solving
Procedia PDF Downloads 1603132 The Effect of Pixelation on Face Detection: Evidence from Eye Movements
Authors: Kaewmart Pongakkasira
This study investigated how different levels of pixelation affect face detection in natural scenes. Eye movements and reaction times, while observers searched for faces in natural scenes rendered in different ranges of pixels, were recorded. Detection performance for coarse visual detail at lower pixel size (3 x 3) was better than with very blurred detail carried by higher pixel size (9 x 9). The result is consistent with the notion that face detection relies on gross detail information of face-shape template, containing crude shape structure and features. In contrast, detection was impaired when face shape and features are obscured. However, it was considered that the degradation of scenic information might also contribute to the effect. In the next experiment, a more direct measurement of the effect of pixelation on face detection, only the embedded face photographs, but not the scene background, will be filtered.Keywords: eye movements, face detection, face-shape information, pixelation
Procedia PDF Downloads 3173131 Research Insights into Making the Premises Spiritually Pure
Authors: Jayant Athavale, Rendy Ekarantio, Sean Clarke
The Maharshi University of Spirituality was founded on the base of 30 years of spiritual research. It specializes in conducting research on how the subtle-world and spiritual-vibrations affect the lives of people. One such area of research is how to create spiritually positive vibrations in the premises. By using aura and energy scanners along with the sixth sense, the spiritual research team has identified 3 aspects that are instrumental in enhancing or reducing the spiritual positivity of any premises. Firstly, the characteristics of the land should be considered holistically, that is, from a physical, psychological and spiritual point of view. While procedures for the physical assessment of land are well documented, due to ignorance and disbelief, the spiritual aspects are not considered. For example, if the land was previously a graveyard site, it can have highly detrimental effects on the residents within the premises at the spiritual level. This can further manifest as physical and psychological problems that are faced by the residents. Secondly, the manner of construction and the purpose/use of the building affects the subtle-vibrations in the premises. The manner of construction includes gross aspects such as the materials used, kind of architecture, etc. It also includes the subtle aspects provided in detail in the ancient science of Vastu Shastra and Feng Shui. For example, having the front door of the premises facing the south direction can negatively affect the premises because the southern direction is prone to distressing vibrations. The purpose and use of the premises also plays an important role in determining the type of subtle-vibrations that will be predominantly found within its area. Thirdly, the actions, thoughts, value systems and attitudes of the residents play an important part in determining whether the subtle-vibrations will be positive or negative. Residents with many personality defects emit negative vibrations. If some of the residents are affected with negative energies and are not doing any spiritual practice to overcome it, then it can have a harmful spiritual effect on the rest of the residents and the premises. If these three aspects are appropriately considered and attended to, then the premises will generate higher levels of spiritually positive vibrations. Both living and non-living objects within the premises imbibe this positivity and therefore, it holistically enhances the overall well-being of its residents. The positivity experienced in the premises of the Spiritual Research Centre of the Maharshi University of Spirituality, is a testimony to the success of this research. Due to regular and intense spiritual practice carried out by 10 Saints and over 500 seekers residing in its premises, the positivity in the environment can be felt by people when they enter its premises and even from a distance, and can easily be picked up by aura and energy scanners. Extraordinary and fascinating phenomena are observed and experienced in its premises as both living and non-living objects emit spiritually positive vibrations. This also protects the residents from negative vibrations. Examples of such phenomena and their positive impact are discussed in the paper.Keywords: negative energies, positive vibrations on the premises, resident’s spiritual practice, science of the premises
Procedia PDF Downloads 1493130 Nearly Zero Energy Building: Analysis on How End-Users Affect Energy Savings Targets
Authors: Margarida Plana
One of the most important energy challenge of the European policies is the transition to a Net Zero Energy Building (NZEB) model. A NZEB is a new concept of building that has the aim of reducing both the energy consumption and the carbon emissions to nearly zero of the course of a year. To achieve this nearly zero consumption, apart from being buildings with high efficiency levels, the energy consumed by the building has to be produced on-site. This paper is focused on presenting the results of the analysis developed on basis of real projects’ data in order to quantify the impact of end-users behavior. The analysis is focused on how the behavior of building’s occupants can vary the achievement of the energy savings targets and how they can be limited. The results obtained show that on this kind of project, with very high energy performance, is required to limit the end-users interaction with the system operation to be able to reach the targets fixed.Keywords: end-users impacts, energy efficiency, energy savings, NZEB model
Procedia PDF Downloads 3743129 Differences in Word Choice between Male and Female Translators: Analyzing Persian Translations of “A Man Called Ove”
Authors: Roya Alipour
The present study concentrates on answering the question of whether there are unintentional differences between genders in the translation of emotive and non-emotive texts, resulting in female translators preferring more expressive words when translating emotive texts in comparison to their male counterparts. The works of four translators, two males and two females, who had translated Fredrik Backman’s novel: A Man Called Ove, from English into Persian were used as samples of the study. To answer the research question, qualitative method was used, and the data were collected by analyzing some words, phrases and sentences as the bases for analysis. It was concluded that although there were obvious differences in word choice in translations, no specific pattern was found that showed gender might affect translation of emotive and non-emotive texts.Keywords: translation, gender, word choice, translator, A Man Called Ove
Procedia PDF Downloads 823128 Modeling of Alpha-Particles’ Epigenetic Effects in Short-Term Test on Drosophila melanogaster
Authors: Z. M. Biyasheva, M. Zh. Tleubergenova, Y. A. Zaripova, A. L. Shakirov, V. V. Dyachkov
In recent years, interest in ecogenetic and biomedical problems related to the effects on the population of radon and its daughter decay products has increased significantly. Of particular interest is the assessment of the consequence of irradiation at hazardous radon areas, which includes the Almaty region due to the large number of tectonic faults that enhance radon emanation. In connection with the foregoing, the purpose of this work was to study the genetic effects of exposure to supernormal radon doses on the alpha-radiation model. Irradiation does not affect the growth of the cell, but rather its ability to differentiate. In addition, irradiation can lead to somatic mutations, morphoses and modifications. These damages most likely occur from changes in the composition of the substances of the cell. Such changes are epigenetic since they affect the regulatory processes of ontogenesis. Variability in the expression of regulatory genes refers to conditional mutations that modify the formation of signs of intraspecific similarity. Characteristic features of these conditional mutations are the dominant type of their manifestation, phenotypic asymmetry and their instability in the generations. Currently, the terms “morphosis” and “modification” are used to describe epigenetic variability, which are maintained in Drosophila melanogaster cultures using linkaged X- chromosomes, and the mutant X-chromosome is transmitted along the paternal line. In this paper, we investigated the epigenetic effects of alpha particles, whose source in nature is mainly radon and its daughter decay products. In the experiment, an isotope of plutonium-238 (Pu238), generating radiation with an energy of about 5500 eV, was used as a source of alpha particles. In an experiment in the first generation (F1), deformities or morphoses were found, which can be called "radiation syndromes" or mutations, the manifestation of which is similar to the pleiotropic action of genes. The proportion of morphoses in the experiment was 1.8%, and in control 0.4%. In this experiment, the morphoses in the flies of the first and second generation looked like black spots, or melanomas on different parts of the imago body; "generalized" melanomas; curled, curved wings; shortened wing; bubble on one wing; absence of one wing, deformation of thorax, interruption and violation of tergite patterns, disruption of distribution of ocular facets and bristles; absence of pigmentation of the second and third legs. Statistical analysis by the Chi-square method showed the reliability of the difference in experiment and control at P ≤ 0.01. On the basis of this, it can be considered that alpha particles, which in the environment are mainly generated by radon and its isotopes, have a mutagenic effect that manifests itself, mainly in the formation of morphoses or deformities.Keywords: alpha-radiation, genotoxicity, morphoses, radioecology, radon
Procedia PDF Downloads 1523127 A New OvS Approach in Assembly Line Balancing Problem
Authors: P. Azimi, B. Behtoiy, A. A. Najafi, H. R. Charmchi
According to the previous studies, one of the most famous techniques which affect the efficiency of a production line is the assembly line balancing (ALB) technique. This paper examines the balancing effect of a whole production line of a real auto glass manufacturer in three steps. In the first step, processing time of each activity in the workstations is generated according to a practical approach. In the second step, the whole production process is simulated and the bottleneck stations have been identified, and finally in the third step, several improvement scenarios are generated to optimize the system throughput, and the best one is proposed. The main contribution of the current research is the proposed framework which combines two famous approaches including Assembly Line Balancing and Optimization via Simulation technique (OvS). The results show that the proposed framework could be applied in practical environments, easily.Keywords: assembly line balancing problem, optimization via simulation, production planning
Procedia PDF Downloads 5263126 Social Dimension of Air Transport Sustainable Development
Authors: Dimitrios J. Dimitriou, Maria F. Sartzetaki
Air Transport links markets and individuals, making regions more competitive and promoting social and economic development. The assessment of social contribution is the key objective of this paper, focusing on the definition of the components of social dimension and welfare metrics in the national scale. According to a top-down approach, the key dimensions that affect the social welfare are presented. Conventional wisdom is to provide estimations on added value to social issues caused by the air transport development and present the methodology framework for measuring the contribution of transport development in social value chain. Greece is the case study of this paper, providing results from the contribution of air transport infrastructures in national welfare. The application key findings are essential for managers and decision makers to support actions and plans towards economic recovery of an economy presenting strong seasonal characteristics (because of tourism) and suffering from recession.Keywords: air transport, social coherence, resilient business development, socioeconomic impact
Procedia PDF Downloads 2223125 Physical Contact Modulation of Macrophage-Mediated Anti-Inflammatory Response in Osteoimmune Microenvironment by Pollen-Like Nanoparticles
Authors: Qing Zhang, Janak L. Pathak, Macro N. Helder, Richard T. Jaspers, Yin Xiao
Introduction: Nanomaterial-based bone regeneration is greatly influenced by the immune microenvironment. Tissue-engineered nanomaterials mediate the inflammatory response of macrophages to regulate bone regeneration. Silica nanoparticles have been widely used in tissue engineering-related preclinical studies. However, the effect of topological features on the surface of silica nanoparticles on the immune response of macrophages remains unknown. Purposes: The aims of this research are to compare the influences of normal and pollen-like silica nano-surface topography on macrophage immune responses and to obtain insight into their potential regulatory mechanisms. Method: Macrophages (RAW 264.7 cells) were exposed to mesoporous silica nanoparticles with normal morphology (MSNs) and pollen-like morphology (PMSNs). RNA-seq, RT-qPCR, and LSCM were used to assess the changes in expression levels of immune response-related genes and proteins. SEM and TEM were executed to evaluate the contact and adherence of silica nanoparticles by macrophages. For the assessment of the immunomodulation-mediated osteogenic potential, BMSCs were cultured with conditioned medium (CM) from LPS pre-stimulated macrophage cultures treated with MSNs or PMSNs. Osteoimmunomodulatory potential of MSNs and PMSNs in vivo was tested in a mouse cranial bone osteolysis model. Results: The results of the RNA-seq, RT-qPCR, and LSCM assays showed that PMSNs inhibited the expression of pro-inflammatory genes and proteins in macrophages. SEM images showed distinct macrophage membrane surface binding patterns of MSNs and PMSNs. MSNs were more evenly dispersed across the macrophage cell membrane, while PMSNs were aggregated. PMSNs-induced macrophage anti-inflammatory response was associated with upregulation of the cell surface receptor CD28 and inhibition of ERK phosphorylation. TEM images showed that both MSNs and PMSNs could be phagocytosed by macrophages, and inhibiting nanoparticle phagocytosis did not affect the expression of anti-inflammatory genes and proteins. Moreover, PMSNs-induced conditioned medium from macrophages enhanced BMP-2 expression and osteogenic differentiation mBMSCs. Similarly, PMSNs prevented LPS-induced bone resorption via downregulation of inflammatory reaction. Conclusions: PMSNs can promote bone regeneration by modulating osteoimmunological processes through surface topography. The study offers insights into how surface physical contact cues can modulate the regulation of osteoimmunology and provides a basis for the application of nanoparticles with pollen-like morphology to affect immunomodulation in bone tissue engineering and regeneration.Keywords: physical contact, osteoimmunology, macrophages, silica nanoparticles, surface morphology, membrane receptor, osteogenesis, inflammation
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