Search results for: visual arts education
8350 The Role of Management Information Systems in the Strategic Management of Institutions of Higher Education
Authors: Szilvia Vincze, Zoltán Bács
It has become increasingly important for institutions of higher education as well to use available resources as effectively as possible for the implementation of the institution’s strategic plans and, at the same time, to ensure a stable future. This is the responsibility of the management and administration of the institution. Having access to complete and comprehensive information is indispensable for making dynamic and well-founded decisions that consider the realization of objectives to be primary and that manage possibly emerging risks, etc. The present paper introduces the role of Management Information Systems (MIS) at the University of Debrecen, one of the largest institutions of higher education in Hungary, and also discusses the utilization of this and associated information systems in management functions.Keywords: management information system (MIS), higher education, Hungary, strategy formulation
Procedia PDF Downloads 5078349 Expanded Access through Open and Distance Learning in Nigeria
Authors: Okoro Ngozi Priscilla
Education is the bedrock of development in every nation of the world, and it is very useful in ensuring quality of life for every individual and a better world for the people. Education, therefore, is the basic instrument of economic growth and technological advancement in any society. It is in recognition of this fact that the Nigerian government commits immense resources to ensuring that its citizens acquire education and also policies are being made to ensure the accessibility of education, qualitative higher education is highly recognized as a vital driving force for the socio-economic growth and technological development of nations yet the problem of access to University education in the country persists and therefore brought about the introduction of Open and Distance Learning (ODL) which has as its main objective, the attainment of mass literacy and providing opportunities for those who could not gain admission through designated entrance examination agencies as well as those who could not afford to leave their job to attend a full-time educational programme. Open and distance learning seeks to improve skilled manpower and also improve the skills for those already at work.Keywords: accessibility, open and distant learning programme, fulltime educational programme, distance learning
Procedia PDF Downloads 4588348 Impact of Elements of Rock and Water Combination on Landscape Perception: A Visual Landscape Quality Assessment on Kaludiya Pokuna in Sri Lanka
Authors: Clarence Dissanayake, Anishka A. Hettiarachchi
Landscape architecture needs to encompass a placemaking process carefully composing and manipulating landscape elements to address perceptual needs of humans, especially aesthetic, psychological and spiritual. The objective of this qualitative investigation is to inquire the impact of elements of rock and water combination on landscape perception and related feelings, emotions, and behavior. The past empirical studies have assessed the impact of landscape elements in isolation on user preference, yet the combined effect of elements have been less considered. This research was conducted with reference to the verity of qualities of water and rock through a visual landscape quality assessment focusing on landscape qualities derived from five visual concepts (coherence, historicity imageability, naturalness, and ephemera). 'Kaludiya Pokuna' archeological site in Anuradhapura was investigated with a sample of University students (n=19, male 14, female 5, age 20-25) using a five-point Likert scale via a perception based questionnaire and a visitor employed photographic survey (VEP). Two hypothetical questions were taken into investigation concerning biophilic (naturalness) and topophilic (historicity) aspects of humans to prefer a landscape with rock and water. The findings revealed that this combination encourages both biophilic and topophilic aspects, but in varying degrees. The identified hierarchy of visual concepts based on visitor’s preference signify coherence (93%), historicity (89%), imageability (79%), naturalness (75%) and ephemera (70%) respectively. It was further revealed that this combination creates a scenery more coherent dominating information processing aspect of humans to perceive a landscape over the biophilic and topophilic aspects. Different characteristics and secondary landscape effects generated by rock and water combination were found to affect in transforming a space into a place, full filling the aesthetic and spiritual aspects of the visitors. These findings enhance a means of making places for people, resource management and historical landscape conservation. Equalization of gender based participation, taking diverse cases and increasing the sample size with more analytical photographic analysis are recommended to enhance the quality of further research.Keywords: landscape perception, visitor’s preference, rock and water combination, visual concepts
Procedia PDF Downloads 2268347 The Yield of Neuroimaging in Patients Presenting to the Emergency Department with Isolated Neuro-Ophthalmological Conditions
Authors: Dalia El Hadi, Alaa Bou Ghannam, Hala Mostafa, Hana Mansour, Ibrahim Hashim, Soubhi Tahhan, Tharwat El Zahran
Introduction: Neuro-ophthalmological emergencies require prompt assessment and management to avoid vision or life-threatening sequelae. Some would require neuroimaging. Most commonly used are the CT and MRI of the Brain. They can be over-used when not indicated. Their yield remains dependent on multiple factors relating to the clinical scenario. Methods: A retrospective cross-sectional study was conducted by reviewing the electronic medical records of patients presenting to the Emergency Department (ED) with isolated neuro-ophthalmologic complaints. For each patient, data were collected on the clinical presentation, whether neuroimaging was performed (and which type), and the result of neuroimaging. Analysis of the performed neuroimaging was made, and its yield was determined. Results: A total of 211 patients were reviewed. The complaints or symptoms at presentation were: blurry vision, change in the visual field, transient vision loss, floaters, double vision, eye pain, eyelid droop, headache, dizziness and others such as nausea or vomiting. In the ED, a total of 126 neuroimaging procedures were performed. Ninety-four imagings (74.6%) were normal, while 32 (25.4%) had relevant abnormal findings. Only 2 symptoms were significant for abnormal imaging: blurry vision (p-value= 0.038) and visual field change (p-value= 0.014). While 4 physical exam findings had significant abnormal imaging: visual field defect (p-value= 0.016), abnormal pupil reactivity (p-value= 0.028), afferent pupillary defect (p-value= 0.018), and abnormal optic disc exam (p-value= 0.009). Conclusion: Risk indicators for abnormal neuroimaging in the setting of neuro-ophthalmological emergencies are blurred vision or changes in the visual field on history taking. While visual field irregularities, abnormal pupil reactivity with or without afferent pupillary defect, or abnormal optic discs, are risk factors related to physical testing. These findings, when present, should sway the ED physician towards neuroimaging but still individualizing each case is of utmost importance to prevent time-consuming, resource-draining, and sometimes unnecessary workup. In the end, it suggests a well-structured patient-centered algorithm to be followed by ED physicians.Keywords: emergency department, neuro-ophthalmology, neuroimaging, risk indicators
Procedia PDF Downloads 1798346 Beyond Geometry: The Importance of Surface Properties in Space Syntax Research
Authors: Christoph Opperer
Space syntax is a theory and method for analyzing the spatial layout of buildings and urban environments to understand how they can influence patterns of human movement, social interaction, and behavior. While direct visibility is a key factor in space syntax research, important visual information such as light, color, texture, etc., are typically not considered, even though psychological studies have shown a strong correlation to the human perceptual experience within physical space – with light and color, for example, playing a crucial role in shaping the perception of spaciousness. Furthermore, these surface properties are often the visual features that are most salient and responsible for drawing attention to certain elements within the environment. This paper explores the potential of integrating these factors into general space syntax methods and visibility-based analysis of space, particularly for architectural spatial layouts. To this end, we use a combination of geometric (isovist) and topological (visibility graph) approaches together with image-based methods, allowing a comprehensive exploration of the relationship between spatial geometry, visual aesthetics, and human experience. Custom-coded ray-tracing techniques are employed to generate spherical panorama images, encoding three-dimensional spatial data in the form of two-dimensional images. These images are then processed through computer vision algorithms to generate saliency-maps, which serve as a visual representation of areas most likely to attract human attention based on their visual properties. The maps are subsequently used to weight the vertices of isovists and the visibility graph, placing greater emphasis on areas with high saliency. Compared to traditional methods, our weighted visibility analysis introduces an additional layer of information density by assigning different weights or importance levels to various aspects within the field of view. This extends general space syntax measures to provide a more nuanced understanding of visibility patterns that better reflect the dynamics of human attention and perception. Furthermore, by drawing parallels to traditional isovist and VGA analysis, our weighted approach emphasizes a crucial distinction, which has been pointed out by Ervin and Steinitz: the difference between what is possible to see and what is likely to be seen. Therefore, this paper emphasizes the importance of including surface properties in visibility-based analysis to gain deeper insights into how people interact with their surroundings and to establish a stronger connection with human attention and perception.Keywords: space syntax, visibility analysis, isovist, visibility graph, visual features, human perception, saliency detection, raytracing, spherical images
Procedia PDF Downloads 778345 The Need for the Utilization of Instructional Materials on the Teaching and Learning of Agricultural Science Education in Developing Countries
Authors: Ogoh Andrew Enokela
This paper dwelt on the need for the utilization of instructional materials with highlights on the type of instructional materials, selection, uses and their importance on the learning and teaching of Agricultural Science Education in developing countries. It further discussed the concept of improvisation with some recommendation in terms of availability, utilization on the teaching and learning of Agricultural Science Education.Keywords: instructional materials, agricultural science education, improvisation, teaching and learning
Procedia PDF Downloads 3248344 Exploring the Correlation between Students' Performance in Educational Statistics and Research Methods in Education: The Influence of Undergraduate Programs
Authors: Justice Dadzie, Stacy H. Surman, Ruth K. Annan-Brew, Ifesinachi J. Ezugwu, Evans Addison
This study aimed to explore the correlation between students' performance in educational statistics and research methods in education, as well as investigate potential differences in performance based on their undergraduate programs. A cross-sectional design was employed, and data was collected from 170 students enrolled in master of philosophy programs in the department of education and psychology. The correlation analysis revealed a strong positive correlation between students' performance in intermediate statistics in education and research methods in education. This indicates a close relationship between the two domains. The MANOVA analysis showed no significant differences in the linear combination of intermediate statistics in education and research methods in education scores across the different undergraduate programs. The tests of between-subjects effects further confirmed that the student's performance in intermediate statistics in education and research methods in education did not differ significantly across the different undergraduate programs. These findings contribute to the existing literature by providing insights into the correlation between educational statistics and research methods, and the influence of undergraduate program backgrounds on students' performance in these domains. The strong positive correlation between intermediate statistics and research methods highlights the importance of a solid foundation in statistics for understanding and applying research methods. Moreover, the consistent relationship across different academic backgrounds emphasizes the need for targeted interventions and support systems to enhance graduate students' competencies in these critical areas.Keywords: educational statistics, research methods, undergraduate programs, students performance
Procedia PDF Downloads 508343 A Qualitative Investigation into Street Art in an Indonesian City
Authors: Michelle Mansfield
Introduction: This paper uses the work of Deleuze and Guattari to consider the street art practice of youth in the Indonesian city of Yogyakarta, a hub of arts and culture in Central Java. Around the world young people have taken to city streets to populate the new informal exhibition spaces outside the galleries of official art institutions. However, rarely is the focus outside the urban metropolis of the ‘Global North.' This paper looks at these practices in a ‘Global South’ Asian context. Space and place are concepts central to understanding youth cultural expression as it emerges on the streets. Deleuze and Guattari’s notion of assemblage enriches understanding of this complex spatial and creative relationship. Yogyakarta street art combines global patterns and motifs with local meanings, symbolism, and language to express local youth voices that convey a unique sense of place on the world stage. Street art has developed as a global urban youth art movement and is theorised as a way in which marginalised young people reclaim urban space for themselves. Methodologies: This study utilised a variety of qualitative methodologies to collect and analyse data. This project took a multi-method approach to data collection, incorporating the qualitative social research methods of ethnography, nongkrong (deep hanging out), participatory action research, online research, in-depth interviews and focus group discussions. Both interviews and focus groups employed photo-elicitation methodology to stimulate rich data gathering. To analyse collected data, rhizoanalytic approaches incorporating discourse analysis and visual analysis were utilised. Street art practice is a fluid and shifting phenomenon, adding to the complexity of inquiry sites. A qualitative approach to data collection and analysis was the most appropriate way to map the components of the street art assemblage and to draw out complexities of this youth cultural practice in Yogyakarta. Major Findings: The rhizoanalytic approach devised for this study proved a useful way of examining in the street art assemblage. It illustrated the ways in which the street art assemblage is constructed. Especially the interaction of inspiration, materials, creative techniques, audiences, and spaces operate in the creations of artworks. The study also exposed the generational tensions between the senior arts practitioners, the established art world, and the young artists. Conclusion: In summary, within the spatial processes of the city, street art is inextricably linked with its audience, its striving artistic community and everyday life in the smooth rather than the striated worlds of the state and the official art world. In this way, the anarchic rhizomatic art practice of nomadic urban street crews can be described not only as ‘becoming-artist’ but as constituting ‘nomos’, a way of arranging elements which are not dependent on a structured, hierarchical organisation practice. The site, streets, crews, neighbourhood and the passers by can all be examined with the concept of assemblage. The assemblage effectively brings into focus the complexity, dynamism, and flows of desire that is a feature of street art practice by young people in Yogyakarta.Keywords: assemblage, Indonesia, street art, youth
Procedia PDF Downloads 1838342 Education System Development: Challenges and Barriers
Authors: Kumar Vikas
Education is to be anticipated for Human resource development and then national development. However, in most of the developing countries, due to the inadequacy of resources it is almost unattainable to educate all of their citizens through on-campus teaching. Huge amount of money is necessary to establish the infrastructure for on-campus teaching which is out of the reach of the developing countries. In these circumstances, to educate their huge inhabitants the developing countries are to depend on open learning and distance education system. However, a question still stands: can the educators dissimulate knowledge to the learners smoothly through this new system of education? Some recent research shows that the graduates of the open and distance learning institutions in the developing countries are treated as second-grade graduates. This paper aims to identify the challenges or barriers in the development of distance and Open learning system in India and suggest possible alternatives may be followed to overcome the barriers.Keywords: barriers, distance education, developing countries, motivation, alternative solutions
Procedia PDF Downloads 2498341 The Influence of the Laws of Ergonomics on the Design of High-Rise Buildings
Authors: Valery A. Aurov, Maria D. Bausheva, Elena V. Uliyanova
The problems of sustainability of contemporary high-rise buildings now demand an altogether new approach, which corresponds with the laws of dialectics. We should imply the principle “going from mega-object to the so called mezzo-object.” So the scientists have arrived at the conclusion that a contemporary “skyscraper” must not increase in height but develop horizontal space axes which unite a complex of high-rise buildings into a single composition. This is necessary both for safety issues and increasing skyscrapers’ functioning qualities. As a result, architects single out a quality unit in a dominating group of high-rise constructions and make a conclusion about the influence of visual fields on the designing parameters of this group.Keywords: design, high-rise buildings, skyscrapers, sustainability, visual fields, dominating group, regulations, design recommendations
Procedia PDF Downloads 3738340 Investigation on the Functional Expectation and Professional Support Needs of Special Education Resource Center
Authors: Hongxia Wang, Yanjie Wang, Xiuqin Wang, Linlin Mo, Shuangshuang Niu
Special Education Resource Center (SERC) is the localized product in the development of inclusive education in People’s Republic of China, which provides professional support and service for the students with special education needs(SEN) and their parents, teachers as well as inclusive schools. The study investigated 155 administrators, resource teachers and inclusive education teachers from primary and secondary schools in Beijing. The results indicate that: (1) The surveyed teachers put highest expectation of SERC on specialized guidance and teacher training , instead of research and administration function; (2) Each dimension of professional support needs gets higher scores, in which individual guidance gets highest score, followed by instruction guidance, psychological counseling, proposing suggestions, informational support and teacher training; (3) locality and training experience of surveyed teachers significantly influence their expectations and support needs of SERC.Keywords: special education resource center (SERC) , functional expectation, professional support needs, support system
Procedia PDF Downloads 3818339 A Framework on the Critical Success Factors of E-Learning Implementation in Higher Education: A Review of the Literature
Authors: Sujit K. Basak, Marguerite Wotto, Paul Bélanger
This paper presents a conceptual framework on the critical success factors of e-learning implementation in higher education, derived from an in-depth survey of literature review. The aim of this study was achieved by identifying critical success factors that affect for the successful implementation of e-learning. The findings help to articulate issues that are related to e-learning implementation in both formal and non-formal higher education and in this way contribute to the development of programs designed to address the relevant issues.Keywords: critical success factors, e-learning, higher education, life-long learning
Procedia PDF Downloads 3658338 Exploring Fear in Moral Life: Implications for Education
Authors: Liz Jackson
Fear is usually considered as a basic emotion. In society, it is normally cast as undesirable, but also as partly unavoidable. Fear can be said to underlie courage or be required for courage, or it can be understood as its foil. Fear is not normally promoted (intentionally) in education, or treated as something that should be cultivated in schools or in society. However, fear is a basic, to some extent unavoidable emotion, related to truly fearsome things in the world. Fear is also understood to underlie anxiety. Fear is seen as basically disruptive to education, while from a psychological view it is an ordinary state. that cannot be avoided altogether. Despite calls to diminish this negative and mixed feeling in education and society, it can be regarded as socially and personally valuable, and psychologically functional in some situations. One should not take for granted the goodness of fear. However, it can be productive to explore its moral worth, and uses and abuses. Such uncomfortable feelings and experiences can be cultivated and explored via educational and other societal influences, in ways that can benefit a person and their relations with others in the world, while they can also be detrimental.Keywords: virtue ethics, philosophy of education, moral philosophy, fear
Procedia PDF Downloads 1438337 Towards Resource Sufficiency in Engineering Education in Sub-Saharan Africa
Authors: Iyabosola B. Oronti, Adeoluwawale A. Adewusi, Olubusola O. Nuga
Sub-Saharan Africa has long been known to be a region rife with poverty, inadequate health facilities, food shortages, high transport and communication costs and very low pace of infrastructural and technological development. These factors combined have led to decades of resource paucity in engineering education. Engineering is core to global development and building of capacity in engineering education with available resources in sub-Saharan Africa has become imperative. This paper identifies core political issues and policy shifts contributing adversely to this present state of affairs, and also explores the offshoots of the changing global political environment as it affects engineering education in the developing nations of sub-Saharan Africa. Opportunities for instituting resource sufficiency are examined and corrective measures that can be taken to resuscitate and stabilize the educational sector in the region are also suggested.Keywords: capacity building, engineering education, resource sufficiency, sub-Saharan Africa
Procedia PDF Downloads 4368336 The Influence of Music Education and the Order of Sounds on the Grouping of Sounds into Sequences of Six Tones
Authors: Adam Rosiński
This paper discusses an experiment conducted with two groups of participants, composed of musicians and non-musicians, in order to investigate the impact of the speed of a sound sequence and the order of sounds on the grouping of sounds into sequences of six tones. Significant differences were observed between musicians and non-musicians with respect to the threshold sequence speed at which the sequence was split into two streams. The differences in the results for the two groups suggest that the musical education of the participating listeners may be a vital factor. The criterion of musical education should be taken into account during experiments so that the results obtained are reliable, uniform, and free from interpretive errors.Keywords: auditory scene analysis, education, hearing, psychoacoustics
Procedia PDF Downloads 1028335 The Search of Possibility of Running Six Sigma Process in It Education Center
Authors: Mohammad Amini, Aliakbar Alijarahi
This research that is collected and title as ‘ the search of possibility of running six sigma process in IT education center ‘ goals to test possibility of running the six sigma process and using in IT education center system. This process is a good method that is used for reducing process, errors. To evaluate running off six sigma in the IT education center, some variables relevant to this process is selected. These variables are: - The amount of support from organization master boss to process. - The current specialty. - The ability of training system for compensating reduction. - The amount of match between current culture whit six sigma culture . - The amount of current quality by comparing whit quality gain from running six sigma. For evaluation these variables we select four question and to gain the answers, we set a questionnaire from with 28 question and distribute it in our typical society. Since, our working environment is a very competition, and organization needs to decree the errors to minimum, otherwise it lasts their customers. The questionnaire from is given to 55 persons, they were filled and returned by 50 persons, after analyzing the forms these results is gained: - IT education center needs to use and run this system (six sigma) for improving their process qualities. - The most factors need to run the six sigma exist in the IT education center, but there is a need to support.Keywords: education, customer, self-action, quality, continuous improvement process
Procedia PDF Downloads 3408334 Innovating and Disrupting Higher Education: The Evolution of Massive Open Online Courses
Authors: Nabil Sultan
A great deal has been written on Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) since 2012 (considered by some as the year of the MOOCs). The emergence of MOOCs caused a great deal of interest amongst academics and technology experts as well as ordinary people. Some of the authors who wrote on MOOCs perceived it as the next big thing that will disrupt education. Other authors saw it as another fad that will go away once it ran its course (as most fads often do). But MOOCs did not turn out to be a fad and it is still around. Most importantly, they evolved into something that is beginning to look like a viable business model. This paper explores this phenomenon within the theoretical frameworks of disruptive innovations and jobs to be done as developed by Clayton Christensen and his colleagues and its implications for the future of higher education (HE).Keywords: MOOCs, disruptive innovations, higher education, jobs theory
Procedia PDF Downloads 2718333 Open and Distance Learning (ODL) Education in Nigeria: Challenge of Academic Quality
Authors: Edu Marcelina, Sule Sheidu A., Nsor Eunice
As open and distance education is gradually becoming an acceptable means of solving the problem of access in higher education, quality has now become one of the main concerns among institutions and stakeholders of open and distance learning (ODL) and the education sector in general. This study assessed the challenges of academic quality in the open and distance learning (ODL) education in Nigeria using Distance Learning Institute (DLI), University of Lagos and National Open University of Nigeria as a case. In carrying out the study, a descriptive survey research design was employed. A researcher-designed and validated questionnaire was used to elicit responses that translated to the quantitative data for this study. The sample comprised 665 students of the Distance Learning Institute (DLI), and National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN), carefully selected through the method of simple random sampling. Data collected from the study were analyzed using Chi-Square (X2) at 0.05 Level of significance. The results of the analysis revealed that; the use of ICT tools is a factor in ensuring quality in the Open and Distance Learning (ODL) operations; the quality of the materials made available to ODL students will determine the quality of education that will be received by the students; and the time scheduled for students for self-study, online lecturing/interaction and face to face study and the quality of education in Open and Distance Learning Institutions has a lot of impact on the quality of education the students receive. Based on the findings, a number of recommendations were made.Keywords: open and distance learning, quality, ICT, face-to-face interaction
Procedia PDF Downloads 3788332 Developing Teachers as Change Agents: A Qualitative Study of Master of Education Graduates in Pakistan
Authors: Mir Afzal Tajik
The 'Strengthening Teacher Education in Pakistan' (STEP) is an innovative programme jointly funded by the Government of Canada and the Aga Khan Foundation Canada and implemented by the Aga Khan University - Institute for Educational Development (AKU-IED) in partnership with the local governments, education departments and communities in the provinces of Balochistan, Sindh and Gilgit-Baltistan in Pakistan. One of the key components of the programme is the professional development of teachers, headteachers and teacher educators through a variety of teacher education programmes including a two-year Masters of Education (MEd) Programme offered by AKU-IED. A number of teachers, headteachers and teacher educators from these provinces have been developed through the MEd Programme. This paper discusses a qualitative research study conducted to explore the nature, relevance, rigor and richness of the experiences of the MEd graduates, and how these experiences have fostered their own professional development and their ability to bring about positive changes in their schools. The findings of the study provide useful insights into the graduates’ self-actualization, the transformation of their professional beliefs and practices, the difference they have made in their schools, and the challenges they face. The study also provides recommendations for policy and practice related to teacher education programmes.Keywords: STEP, teacher education, Pakistan, Canada, Aga Khan foundation
Procedia PDF Downloads 3498331 Deep Learning to Enhance Mathematics Education for Secondary Students in Sri Lanka
Authors: Selvavinayagan Babiharan
This research aims to develop a deep learning platform to enhance mathematics education for secondary students in Sri Lanka. The platform will be designed to incorporate interactive and user-friendly features to engage students in active learning and promote their mathematical skills. The proposed platform will be developed using TensorFlow and Keras, two widely used deep learning frameworks. The system will be trained on a large dataset of math problems, which will be collected from Sri Lankan school curricula. The results of this research will contribute to the improvement of mathematics education in Sri Lanka and provide a valuable tool for teachers to enhance the learning experience of their students.Keywords: information technology, education, machine learning, mathematics
Procedia PDF Downloads 858330 English and Information and Communication Technology: Zones of Exclusion in Education in Low-Income Countries
Authors: Ram A. Giri, Amna Bedri, Abdou Niane
Exclusion in education on the basis of language in multilingual contexts operates at multiple levels. Learners of diverse ethnolinguistic backgrounds are often expected to learn through English and are pushed further down the learning ladder if they also have to access education through Information and Communication Technology (ICT). The paper explores marginalized children’s lived experiences in accessing technology and English in four low-income countries in Africa and Asia. Based on the findings of the first phase of a multinational qualitative research study, we report on the factors or barriers that affect children’s access, opportunities and motivation for learning through technology and English. ICT and English - the language of ICT and education - can enhance learning and can even be essential. However, these two important keys to education can also function as barriers to accessing quality education, and therefore as zones of exclusion. This paper looks into how marginalized children (aged 13-15) engage in learning through ICT and English and to what extent the restrictive access and opportunities contribute to the widening of the already existing gap in education. By applying the conceptual frameworks of “access and accessibility of learning” and “zones of exclusion,” the paper elucidates how the barriers prevent children’s effective engagement with learning and addresses such questions as to how marginalized children access technology and English for learning; whether the children value English, and what their motivation and opportunity to learn it are. In addition, the paper will point out policy and pedagogic implications.Keywords: exclusion, inclusion, inclusive education, marginalization
Procedia PDF Downloads 2308329 Eradicating Rural Poverty in Nigeria through Entrepreneurship Education
Authors: Nwachukwu Ihiejeto Celestine
Rural poverty in Nigeria has been the bake of the society. It has been a canker worm which has eaten deep into the fabric of Nigerian society. Different models and principles have been applied to eradicate it, such as operation feed the nation, green revolution, NAPEP etc. Little or nothing has been done in the area of entrepreneurship education to tame this monster. It is based on this that the author wants to x-ray the role entrepreneurship education which studies “the process of identifying, bringing a vision to life” could play in the eradication of rural poverty in Nigeria. This will go along in providing appropriate principles for poverty alleviation and eradication in Nigeria. Some selected states in the eastern Geo-political region could be x-rayed in this circumstance. It is hoped that policy makers etc will find the work cogent in formulating and implementing policy decisions.Keywords: poverty, entrepreneurship, education, Nigeria
Procedia PDF Downloads 4678328 Lifelong Education for Teachers: A Tool for Achieving Effective Teaching and Learning in Secondary Schools in Benue State, Nigeria
Authors: Adzongo Philomena Ibuh, Aloga O. Austin
The purpose of the study was to examine lifelong education for teachers as a tool for achieving effective teaching and learning. Lifelong education enhances social inclusion, personal development, citizenship, employability, teaching and learning, community and the nation, and the challenges of lifelong education were also discussed. Descriptive survey design was adopted for the study. A simple random sampling technique was used to select 80 teachers as sample from a population of 105 senior secondary school teachers in Makurdi local government area of Benue state. A 20-item self designed questionnaire subjected to expert validation and reliability was used to collect data. The reliability Alpha coefficient of 0.87 was established using Crombach Alpha technique, mean scores and standard deviation were used to answer the 2 research questions while chi-square was used to analyze data for the 2 hypotheses. The findings of the study revealed that, lifelong education for teachers can be used to achieve as a tool for achieving effective teaching and learning, and the study recommended among others that government, organizations and individuals should in collaboration put lifelong education programmes for teachers on the priority list. The paper concluded that the strategic position of lifelong education for teachers towards enhanced teaching and learning makes it imperative for all hands to be on deck to support the programme financially and otherwise.Keywords: effective teaching and learning, lifelong education, teachers, tool
Procedia PDF Downloads 4768327 Need for Eye Care Services, Clinical Characteristics, Surgical Outcome and Prognostic Predictors of Cataract in Adult Participants with Intellectual Disability
Authors: Yun-Shan Tsai, Si-Ping Lin, En-Chieh Lin, Xin-Hong Chen, Shin-Yun Ho, Shin-Hong Huang, Ching-ju Hsieh
Background and significance: Uncorrected refractive errors and cataracts are the main visually debilitating ophthalmological abnormalities in adult participants with intellectual disability (ID). However, not all adult participants with ID may receive a regular and timely ophthalmological assessment. Consequently, some of the ocular diseases may not be diagnosed until late, thereby causing unnecessary ocular morbidity. In addition, recent clinical practice and researches have also suggested that eye-care services for this group are neglected. Purpose: To investigate the unmet need for eye care services, clinical characteristics of cataract, visual function, surgical outcome and prognostic predictors in adult participants with ID at Taipei City Hospital in Taiwan. Methods: This is a one-year prospective clinical study. We recruited about 120 eyes of 60 adult participants with ID who were received cataract surgery. Caregivers of all participants received a questionnaire on current eye care services. Clinical demographic data, such as age, gender, and associated systemic diseases or syndromes, were collected. All complete ophthalmologic examinations were performed 1 month preoperatively and 3 months postoperatively, including ocular biometry, visual function, refractive status, morphology of cataract, associated ocular features, anesthesia methods, surgical types, and complications. Morphology of cataract, visual and surgical outcome was analyzed. Results: A total of 60 participants with mean age 43.66 ± 13.94 years, including 59.02% male and 40.98% female, took part in comprehensive eye-care services. The prevalence of unmet need for eye care services was high (about 70%). About 50% of adult participants with ID have bilateral cataracts at the time of diagnosis. White cataracts were noted in about 30% of all adult participants with ID at the time of presentation. Associated ocular disorders were included myopic maculopathy (4.54%), corneal disorders (11.36%), nystagmus (20.45%), strabismus (38.64%) and glaucoma (2.27%). About 26.7% of adult participants with ID underwent extracapsular cataract extraction whereas a phacoemulsification was performed in 100% of eyes. Intraocular lens implantation was performed in all eyes. The most common postoperative complication was posterior capsular opacification (30%). The mean best-corrected visual acuity was significantly improved from preoperatively (mean log MAR 0.48 ± 0.22) to at 3 months postoperatively (mean log MAR 0.045 ± 0.22) (p < .05). Conclusions: Regular follow up will help address the need for eye-care services in participants with ID. A high incidence of bilateral cataracts, as well as white cataracts, was observed in adult participants with ID. Because of early diagnosis and early intervention of cataract, the visual and surgical outcomes of cataract are good, but the visual outcomes are suboptimal due to associated ocular comorbidities.Keywords: adult participants with intellectual disability, cataract, cataract surgery
Procedia PDF Downloads 3118326 Integrating AI in Education: Enhancing Learning Processes and Personalization
Authors: Waleed Afandi
Artificial intelligence (AI) has rapidly transformed various sectors, including education. This paper explores the integration of AI in education, emphasizing its potential to revolutionize learning processes, enhance teaching methodologies, and personalize education. We examine the historical context of AI in education, current applications, and the potential challenges and ethical considerations associated with its implementation. By reviewing a wide range of literature, this study aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of how AI can be leveraged to improve educational outcomes and the future directions of AI-driven educational innovations. Additionally, the paper discusses the impact of AI on student engagement, teacher support, and administrative efficiency. Case studies highlighting successful AI applications in diverse educational settings are presented, showcasing the practical benefits and real-world implications. The analysis also addresses potential disparities in access to AI technologies and suggests strategies to ensure equitable implementation. Through a balanced examination of the promises and pitfalls of AI in education, this study seeks to inform educators, policymakers, and technologists about the optimal pathways for integrating AI to foster an inclusive, effective, and innovative educational environment.Keywords: artificial intelligence, education, personalized learning, teaching methodologies, educational outcomes, AI applications, student engagement, teacher support, administrative efficiency, equity in education
Procedia PDF Downloads 358325 Economics of Open and Distance Education in the University of Ibadan, Nigeria
Authors: Babatunde Kasim Oladele
One of the major objectives of the Nigeria national policy on education is the provision of equal educational opportunities to all citizens at different levels of education. With regards to higher education, an aspect of the policy encourages distance learning to be organized and delivered by tertiary institutions in Nigeria. This study therefore, determines how much of the Government resources are committed, how the resources are utilized and what alternative sources of funding are available for this system of education. This study investigated the trends in recurrent costs between 2004/2005 and 2013/2014 at University of Ibadan Distance Learning Centre (DLC). A descriptive survey research design was employed for the study. Questionnaire was the research instrument used for the collection of data. The population of the study was 280 current distance learning education students, 70 academic staff and 50 administrative staff. Only 354 questionnaires were correctly filled and returned. Data collected were analyzed and coded using the frequencies, ratio, average and percentages were used to answer all the research questions. The study revealed that staff salaries and allowances of academic and non-academic staff represent the most important variable that influences the cost of education. About 55% of resources were allocated to this sector alone. The study also indicates that costs rise every year with increase in enrolment representing a situation of diseconomies of scale. This study recommends that Universities who operates distance learning program should strive to explore other internally generated revenue option to boost their revenue. University of Ibadan, being the premier university in Nigeria, should be given foreign aid and home support, both financially and materially, to enable the institute to run a formidable distance education program that would measure up in planning and implementation with those of developed nation.Keywords: open education, distance education, University of Ibadan, Nigeria, cost of education
Procedia PDF Downloads 1798324 Education-based, Graphical User Interface Design for Analyzing Phase Winding Inter-Turn Faults in Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors
Authors: Emir Alaca, Hasbi Apaydin, Rohullah Rahmatullah, Necibe Fusun Oyman Serteller
In recent years, Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors (PMSMs) have found extensive applications in various industrial sectors, including electric vehicles, wind turbines, and robotics, due to their high performance and low losses. Accurate mathematical modeling of PMSMs is crucial for advanced studies in electric machines. To enhance the effectiveness of graduate-level education, incorporating virtual or real experiments becomes essential to reinforce acquired knowledge. Virtual laboratories have gained popularity as cost-effective alternatives to physical testing, mitigating the risks associated with electrical machine experiments. This study presents a MATLAB-based Graphical User Interface (GUI) for PMSMs. The GUI offers a visual interface that allows users to observe variations in motor outputs corresponding to different input parameters. It enables users to explore healthy motor conditions and the effects of short-circuit faults in the one-phase winding. Additionally, the interface includes menus through which users can access equivalent circuits related to the motor and gain hands-on experience with the mathematical equations used in synchronous motor calculations. The primary objective of this paper is to enhance the learning experience of graduate and doctoral students by providing a GUI-based approach in laboratory studies. This interactive platform empowers students to examine and analyze motor outputs by manipulating input parameters, facilitating a deeper understanding of PMSM operation and control.Keywords: magnet synchronous motor, mathematical modelling, education tools, winding inter-turn fault
Procedia PDF Downloads 538323 The Emergence of Information and Communication Technologies Acting as a Challenge for Media Literacy
Authors: Geetu Gahlawat, Manisha Singh
In the recent years, the concept of media literacy is being extended from its traditional focus on print and audio-visual media to encompass the internet and other new media within academic and policy discourses. This article throws revolves around three significant queries which are to be dealt by the academia, general public and the policy-makers: What is media literacy? How is it changing? And what is the significance of media literacy? At the beginning of the article, the definition 'media literacy' is the ability to access, analyse, evaluate and create messages across a variety of contexts are given and then this is further being tested in connection with the internet and other information and communication technologies.Having advocated this skills-based approach to media literacy in relation to the internet, the article identifies some outstanding issues for new media literacy crucial to any policy of promoting media literacy among the population. The outcome is better understanding of media literacy and also the impact of ICT on media literacy by the public as well as media literate people.Keywords: media literacy, ICT, internet, education
Procedia PDF Downloads 6118322 Interactive Image Search for Mobile Devices
Authors: Komal V. Aher, Sanjay B. Waykar
Nowadays every individual having mobile device with them. In both computer vision and information retrieval Image search is currently hot topic with many applications. The proposed intelligent image search system is fully utilizing multimodal and multi-touch functionalities of smart phones which allows search with Image, Voice, and Text on mobile phones. The system will be more useful for users who already have pictures in their minds but have no proper descriptions or names to address them. The paper gives system with ability to form composite visual query to express user’s intention more clearly which helps to give more precise or appropriate results to user. The proposed algorithm will considerably get better in different aspects. System also uses Context based Image retrieval scheme to give significant outcomes. So system is able to achieve gain in terms of search performance, accuracy and user satisfaction.Keywords: color space, histogram, mobile device, mobile visual search, multimodal search
Procedia PDF Downloads 3698321 The Motivation of Israeli Arab Students to Study Education and Society at Multicultural College
Authors: Yael Cohen Azaria, Sara Zamir
This study examined what motivated Israeli Arab students to choose to study for a degree in education and society and the influence of this academic choice on them while they were studying. The study follows the qualitative paradigm of data collection and analysis, in a case study of a homogeneous group of Arab students in a Jewish multicultural academic institution. 33 students underwent semi-structured in-depth interviews. Findings show that the choice stemmed from a desire to lead social change within their own society; to imitate an educational role-model and to realize a dream of higher education. Among the female students, this field suits the role of the woman in Arab society. The interviewees claimed that the influence of their studies was that they felt more openness towards others and those who are different; they felt pride and self-confidence in their abilities, and the women mentioned that they felt empowered.Keywords: education, higher education, Israeli Arabs, minorities
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