Search results for: team member autonomy
1632 A Mixed Method Design to Studying the Effects of Lean Production on Job Satisfaction and Health Work in a French Context
Authors: Gregor Bouville, Celine Schmidt
This article presents a French case study on lean production drawing on a mixed method design which has received little attention in French management research-especially in French human resources research. The purpose is to show that using a mixed method approach in this particular case overstep the limitations of previous studies in lean production studies. The authors use the embedded design as a special articulation of mixed method to analyse and understand the effects of three organizational practices on job satisfaction and workers’ health. Results show that low scheduled autonomy, quality management, time constraint have deleterious effects on job satisfaction. Furthermore, these three practices have ambivalent effects on health work. Interest in the subjects of mixed method has been growing up among French health researchers and practioners, also recently among French management researchers. This study reinforces and refines how mixed methods may offer interesting perspectives in an integrated framework included human resources, management, and health fields. Finally, potentials benefits and limits for those interdisciplinary researches programs are discussed.Keywords: lean production, mixed method, work organization practices, job satisfaction
Procedia PDF Downloads 3601631 Continuity Through Best Practice. A Case Series of Complex Wounds Manage by Dedicated Orthopedic Nursing Team
Authors: Siti Rahayu, Khairulniza Mohd Puat, Kesavan R., Mohammad Harris A., Jalila, Kunalan G., Fazir Mohamad
The greatest challenge has been in establishing and maintaining the dedicated nursing team. Continuity is served when nurses are assigned exclusively for managing wound, where they can continue to build expertise and skills. In addition, there is a growing incidence of chronic wounds and recognition of the complexity involved in caring for these patients. We would like to share 4 cases with different techniques of wound management. 1st case, 39 years old gentleman with underlying rheumatoid arthritis with chronic periprosthetic joint infection of right total knee replacement presented with persistent drainage over right knee. Patient was consulted for two stage revision total knee replacement. However, patient only agreed for debridement and retention of implant. After debridement, large medial and lateral wound was treated with Instillation Negative Pressure Wound Therapy Dressings. After several cycle, the wound size reduced, and conventional dressing was applied. 2nd case, 58 years old gentleman with underlying diabetes presented with right foot necrotizing fasciitis with gangrene of 5th toe. He underwent extensive debridement of foot with rays’ amputation of 5th toe. Post debridement patient was started on Instillation Negative Pressure Wound Therapy Dressings. After several cycle of VAC, the wound bed was prepared, and he underwent split skin graft over right foot. 3 rd case, 60 years old gentleman with underlying diabetes mellitus presented with right foot necrotizing soft tissue infection. He underwent rays’ amputation and extensive wound debridement. Upon stabilization of general condition, patient was discharge with regular wound dressing by same nurse and doctor during each visit to clinic follow up. After 6 months of follow up, the wound healed well. 4th case, 38-year-old gentleman had alleged motor vehicle accident and sustained closed fracture right tibial plateau. Open reduction and proximal tibial locking plate were done. At 2 weeks post-surgery, the patient presented with warm, erythematous leg and pus discharge from the surgical site. Empirical antibiotic was started, and wound debridement was done. Intraoperatively, 50cc pus was evacuated, unhealthy muscle and tissue debrided. No loosening of the implant. Patient underwent multiple wound debridement. At 2 weeks post debridement wound healed well, but the proximal aspect was unable to close immediately. This left the proximal part of the implant to be exposed. Patient was then put on VAC dressing for 3 weeks until healthy granulation tissue closes the implant. Meanwhile, antibiotic was change according to culture and sensitivity. At 6 weeks post the first debridement, the wound was completely close, and patient was discharge home well. At 3 months post operatively, patient wound and fracture healed uneventfully and able to ambulate independently. Complex wounds are too serious to be dealt with. Team managing complex wound need continuous support through the provision of educational tools to support their professional development, engagement with local and international expert, as well as highquality products that increase efficiencies in servicesKeywords: VAC (Vacuum Assisted Closure), empirical- initial antibiotics, NPWT- negative pressure wound therapy, NF- necrotizing fasciitis, gangrene- blackish discoloration due to poor blood supply
Procedia PDF Downloads 1051630 Extreme Temperature Response to Solar Radiation Management in Southeast Asia
Authors: Heri Kuswanto, Brina Miftahurrohmah, Fatkhurokhman Fauzi
Southeast Asia has experienced rising temperatures and is predicted to reach a 1.5°C increase by 2030, which is earlier than the Paris Agreement target. Solar Radiation Management (SRM) has been proposed as an alternative to combat global warming. This research investigates changes in the annual maximum temperature (TXx) with and without SRM over southeast Asia. We examined outputs from three ensemble members of the Geoengineering Large Ensemble Project (GLENS) experiment for the period 2051 to 2080. One ensemble member generated outputs that significantly deviated from the others, leading to the removal of ensemble 3 from the impact analysis. Our observations indicate that the magnitude of TXx changes with SRM is heterogeneous across countries. We found that SRM significantly reduces TXx levels compared to historical periods. Furthermore, SRM can reduce temperatures by up to 5°C compared to scenarios without SRM, with even more pronounced effects in Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, and Myanmar. This indicates that SRM can mitigate climate change by lowering future TXx levels.Keywords: solar radiation management, GLENS, extreme, temperature, ensemble
Procedia PDF Downloads 181629 Self-Determination Theory at the Workplace: Associations between Need Satisfaction and Employment Outcomes
Authors: Wendy I. E. Wesseling
The unemployment rate has been on the rise since the outbreak of the global financial crisis in 2008. Especially labor market entrants suffer from economic downfall. Despite the abundance of programs and agencies that help to reintegrate unemployed youth, considerable less research attention has been paid to 'fit' between these programs and its participants that ensure a durable labor market transition. According to Self-Determination Theory, need satisfaction is associated with better (mental) adjustment. As such, three hypothesis were formulated: when workers’ needs for competence (H1), relatedness (H2), and autonomy (H3) are satisfied in the workplace, they are more likely to remain employed at the same employer. To test these assumptions, a sample of approximately 800 young people enrolled in a youth unemployment policy participated in a longitudinal study. The unemployment policy was aimed at the development of generic and vocational competences, and had a maximum duration of six months. Need satisfaction during the program was measured, as well as their employment outcomes up to 12 months after completion of the policy. All hypotheses were (partly) supported. Some limitations should be noted. First, since our sample consisted primarily of highly educated white graduates, it remains to be tested whether our results generalize to other groups of unemployed youth. Moreover, we are unable to conclude whether the results are due to the intervention, participants (selection effect), or both, because of the lack of a control group.Keywords: need satisfaction, person-job fit, self-determination theory, youth unemployment policy
Procedia PDF Downloads 2571628 Energy Savings with the Use of LED Lights at the Wastewater Treatment Plant
Authors: Kishen Prathivadi
The Sewer Authority Mid-Coastside (SAM) is a Joint Powers Authority formed in 1976 and provides secondary wastewater treatment to an average flow of 2.0 million gallons per day. SAM owns and operates a Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) and a sanitary sewage collection system that collects sewage from its three member agencies: the City of Half Moon Bay, the Granada Community Services District and Montara Water and Sanitary District. The Sewer Authority Mid-Coastside (SAM) partnered with Pacific Gas & Electric, and its contractor GEL America, to review and replace all inefficient lighting fixtures and bulbs at the SAM treatment plant and administrative office. The project focused on replacing old and inefficient lighting fixtures and bulbs, reducing annual operating and maintenance costs, and reducing SAM’s carbon footprint. The project resulted in a 55% overall energy reduction, higher light quality and acuity, and a total operational savings of $495,000 over ten years.Keywords: energy savings, LED, lighting, electrical
Procedia PDF Downloads 1401627 Understanding Embryology in Promoting Peace Leadership: A Document Review
Authors: Vasudev Das
The specific problem is that many leaders of the 21st century do not understand that the extermination of embryos wreaks havoc on peace leadership. The purpose of the document review is to understand embryology in facilitating peace leadership. Extermination of human embryos generates a requital wave of violence which later falls on human society in the form of disturbances, considering that violence breeds further violence as a consequentiality. The study results reveal that a deep understanding of embryology facilitates peace leadership, given that minimizing embryo extermination enhances non-violence in the global village. Neo-Newtonians subscribe to the idea that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. The US Federal Government recognizes the embryo or fetus as a member of Homo sapiens. The social change implications of this study are that understanding human embryology promotes peace leadership, considering that the consequentiality of embryo extermination can serve as a deterrent for violence on embryos.Keywords: consequentiality, Homo sapiens, neo-Newtonians, violence
Procedia PDF Downloads 1371626 An Invertebrate-Type Lysozyme from Chinese Mitten Crab Eriocheir Sinensis: Cloning and Characterization
Authors: Fengmei Li, Li Xu, Guoliang Xia
Lysozyme is a catalytic enzyme that performs bacterial cell lysis by cleaving the β-1,4-glycosidic bond between N-acetylmuramic acid and N-acetylglucosamine of peptidoglycan in cell walls. In the present study, an invertebrate-type (i-type) lysozyme gene was cloned from Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis (designated as EsLysozyme) based on PCR-based rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) technology. The full-length cDNA of EsLysozyme was of 831 bp. SMART and SIGNALP 3.0 program analysis revealed that EsLysozyme contained a signal peptide and a destabilase domain. The five amino acid residues (Tyr63, Trp64, Tyr91, His110, Pro114) and the conserved motif GSLSCG(P/Y)FQI and CL(E/L/R/H)C(I/M)C in i-type lysozymes were also found in EsLysozyme. The high similarity of EsLysozyme with L. vannamei lysozymes and phylogenetic analysis suggested that EsLysozyme should be a new member of i-type lysozyme family.Keywords: i-type lysozyme, Eriocheir sinensis, cloning, characterization
Procedia PDF Downloads 2971625 The Ideal Memory Substitute for Computer Memory Hierarchy
Authors: Kayode A. Olaniyi, Olabanji F. Omotoye, Adeola A. Ogunleye
Computer system components such as the CPU, the Controllers, and the operating system, work together as a team, and storage or memory is the essential parts of this team apart from the processor. The memory and storage system including processor caches, main memory, and storage, form basic storage component of a computer system. The characteristics of the different types of storage are inherent in the design and the technology employed in the manufacturing. These memory characteristics define the speed, compatibility, cost, volatility, and density of the various storage types. Most computers rely on a hierarchy of storage devices for performance. The effective and efficient use of the memory hierarchy of the computer system therefore is the single most important aspect of computer system design and use. The memory hierarchy is becoming a fundamental performance and energy bottleneck, due to the widening gap between the increasing demands of modern computer applications and the limited performance and energy efficiency provided by traditional memory technologies. With the dramatic development in the computers systems, computer storage has had a difficult time keeping up with the processor speed. Computer architects are therefore facing constant challenges in developing high-speed computer storage with high-performance which is energy-efficient, cost-effective and reliable, to intercept processor requests. It is very clear that substantial advancements in redesigning the existing memory physical and logical structures to meet up with the latest processor potential is crucial. This research work investigates the importance of computer memory (storage) hierarchy in the design of computer systems. The constituent storage types of the hierarchy today were investigated looking at the design technologies and how the technologies affect memory characteristics: speed, density, stability and cost. The investigation considered how these characteristics could best be harnessed for overall efficiency of the computer system. The research revealed that the best single type of storage, which we refer to as ideal memory is that logical single physical memory which would combine the best attributes of each memory type that make up the memory hierarchy. It is a single memory with access speed as high as one found in CPU registers, combined with the highest storage capacity, offering excellent stability in the presence or absence of power as found in the magnetic and optical disks as against volatile DRAM, and yet offers a cost-effective attribute that is far away from the expensive SRAM. The research work suggests that to overcome these barriers it may then mean that memory manufacturing will take a total deviation from the present technologies and adopt one that overcomes the associated challenges with the traditional memory technologies.Keywords: cache, memory-hierarchy, memory, registers, storage
Procedia PDF Downloads 1671624 Protection of a Doctor’s Reputation Against the Unjustified Medical Malpractice Allegations
Authors: Anna Wszołek
For a very long time, the doctor-patient relationship had a paternalistic character. The events of the II World War, as well as fast development of the biotechnology and medicine caused an important change in that relationship. Human beings and their dignity were put in the centre of philosophical and legal debate. The increasing frequency of clinical trials led to the emergence of bioethics, which dealt with the topic of the possibilities and boundaries of such research in relation to individual’s autonomy. Thus, there was a transformation from a paternalistic relationship to a more collaborative one in which the patient has more room for self-determination. Today, patients are more and more aware of their rights and the obligations placed on doctors and the health care system, which is linked to an increase in medical malpractice claims. Unfortunately, these claims are not always justified. There is a strong concentration around the topic of patient’s good, however, at the other side there are doctors who feel, on the example of Poland, they might be easily accused and sued for medical malpractice even though they fulfilled their duties. Such situation may have a negative impact on the quality of health care services and patient’s interests. This research is going to present doctor’s perspective on the topic of medical malpractice allegations. It is supposed to show possible damage to a doctor’s reputation caused by frivolous and weakly justified medical malpractice accusations, as well as means to protect this reputation.Keywords: doctor's reputation, medical malpractice, personal rights, unjustified allegations
Procedia PDF Downloads 921623 Blogging vs Paper-and-Pencil Writing: Evidences from an Iranian Academic L2 Setting
Authors: Mehran Memari, Bita Asadi
Second language (L2) classrooms in academic contexts usually consist of learners with diverse L2 proficiency levels. One solution for managing such heterogeneous classes and addressing individual needs of students is to improve learner autonomy by using technological innovations such as blogging. The focus of this study is on investigating the effects of blogging on improving the quality of Iranian university students' writings. For this aim, twenty-six Iranian university students participated in the study. Students in the experimental group (n=13) were required to blog daily while the students in the control group (n=13) were asked to write a daily schedule using paper and pencil. After a 3-month period of instruction, the five last writings of the students from both groups were rated by two experienced raters. Also, students' attitudes toward the traditional method and blogging were surveyed using a questionnaire and a semi-structured interview. The research results showed evidences in favor of the students who used blogging in their writing program. Also, although students in the experimental group found blogging more demanding than the traditional method, they showed an overall positive attitude toward the use of blogging as a way of improving their writing skills. The findings of the study have implications for the incorporation of computer-assisted learning in L2 academic contexts.Keywords: blogging, computer-assisted learning, paper and pencil, writing
Procedia PDF Downloads 4031622 Rule Based Architecture for Collaborative Multidisciplinary Aircraft Design Optimisation
Authors: Nickolay Jelev, Andy Keane, Carren Holden, András Sóbester
In aircraft design, the jump from the conceptual to preliminary design stage introduces a level of complexity which cannot be realistically handled by a single optimiser, be that a human (chief engineer) or an algorithm. The design process is often partitioned along disciplinary lines, with each discipline given a level of autonomy. This introduces a number of challenges including, but not limited to: coupling of design variables; coordinating disciplinary teams; handling of large amounts of analysis data; reaching an acceptable design within time constraints. A number of classical Multidisciplinary Design Optimisation (MDO) architectures exist in academia specifically designed to address these challenges. Their limited use in the industrial aircraft design process has inspired the authors of this paper to develop an alternative strategy based on well established ideas from Decision Support Systems. The proposed rule based architecture sacrifices possibly elusive guarantees of convergence for an attractive return in simplicity. The method is demonstrated on analytical and aircraft design test cases and its performance is compared to a number of classical distributed MDO architectures.Keywords: Multidisciplinary Design Optimisation, Rule Based Architecture, Aircraft Design, Decision Support System
Procedia PDF Downloads 3551621 Deviations and Defects of the Sub-Task’s Requirements in Construction Projects
Authors: Abdullah Almusharraf, Andrew Whyte
The sub-task pattern in terms of the deviations and defects should be identified and understand in order to improve the quality practices in construction projects. Therefore, the sub-task susceptibility to exposure to deviations and defects have been evaluated and classified via six classifications that have proposed in this study. 34 case studies on specific sub-task (from compression member in construction concrete structure) have been collected from seven construction projects in order to examined study’s classifications. The study revealed that the sub-task has high sensitive to deviation where (91%) of the cases recorded as deviations, however, only (19%) of cases recorded as defects. Another findings were that the actual work during the execution process has high source of deviation for this sub-task (74%) while only (26%) of the deviation source was due to both design documentations with the actual work. These findings significantly imply that it could be used the study’s classifications to determine the pattern of each sub-task and develop the proactive actions to overcome issues of the sub-task deviations and defects.Keywords: sub-tasks, deviations, defects, quality, construction projects
Procedia PDF Downloads 4441620 Structural Reliability Analysis Using Extreme Learning Machine
Authors: Mehul Srivastava, Sharma Tushar Ravikant, Mridul Krishn Mishra
In structural design, the evaluation of safety and probability failure of structure is of significant importance, mainly when the variables are random. On real structures, structural reliability can be evaluated obtaining an implicit limit state function. The structural reliability limit state function is obtained depending upon the statistically independent variables. In the analysis of reliability, we considered the statistically independent random variables to be the load intensity applied and the depth or height of the beam member considered. There are many approaches for structural reliability problems. In this paper Extreme Learning Machine technique and First Order Second Moment Method is used to determine the reliability indices for the same set of variables. The reliability index obtained using ELM is compared with the reliability index obtained using FOSM. Higher the reliability index, more feasible is the method to determine the reliability.Keywords: reliability, reliability index, statistically independent, extreme learning machine
Procedia PDF Downloads 6851619 Assessment of Tidal Influence in Spatial and Temporal Variations of Water Quality in Masan Bay, Korea
Slack-tide sampling was carried out at seven stations at high and low tides for a tidal cycle, in summer (7, 8, 9) and fall (10), 2016 to determine the differences of water quality according to tides in Masan Bay. The data were analyzed by Pearson correlation and factor analysis. The mixing state of all the water quality components investigated is well explained by the correlation with salinity (SAL). Turbidity (TURB), dissolved silica (DSi), nitrite and nitrate nitrogen (NNN) and total nitrogen (TN), which find their way into the bay from the streams and have no internal source and sink reaction, showed a strong negative correlation with SAL at low tide, indicating the property of conservative mixing. On the contrary, in summer and fall, dissolved oxygen (DO), hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and chemical oxygen demand with KMnO4 (CODMn) of the surface and bottom water, which were sensitive to an internal source and sink reaction, showed no significant correlation with SAL at high and low tides. The remaining water quality parameters showed a conservative or a non-conservative mixing pattern depending on the mixing characteristics at high and low tides, determined by the functional relationship between the changes of the flushing time and the changes of the characteristics of water quality components of the end-members in the bay. Factor analysis performed on the concentration difference data sets between high and low tides helped in identifying the principal latent variables for them. The concentration differences varied spatially and temporally. Principal factors (PFs) scores plots for each monitoring situation showed high associations of the variations to the monitoring sites. At sampling station 1 (ST1), temperature (TEMP), SAL, DSi, TURB, NNN and TN of the surface water in summer, TEMP, SAL, DSi, DO, TURB, NNN, TN, reactive soluble phosphorus (RSP) and total phosphorus (TP) of the bottom water in summer, TEMP, pH, SAL, DSi, DO, TURB, CODMn, particulate organic carbon (POC), ammonia nitrogen (AMN), NNN, TN and fecal coliform (FC) of the surface water in fall, TEMP, pH, SAL, DSi, H2S, TURB, CODMn, AMN, NNN and TN of the bottom water in fall commonly showed up as the most significant parameters and the large concentration differences between high and low tides. At other stations, the significant parameters showed differently according to the spatial and temporal variations of mixing pattern in the bay. In fact, there is no estuary that always maintains steady-state flow conditions. The mixing regime of an estuary might be changed at any time from linear to non-linear, due to the change of flushing time according to the combination of hydrogeometric properties, inflow of freshwater and tidal action, And furthermore the change of end-member conditions due to the internal sinks and sources makes the occurrence of concentration difference inevitable. Therefore, when investigating the water quality of the estuary, it is necessary to take a sampling method considering the tide to obtain average water quality data.Keywords: conservative mixing, end-member, factor analysis, flushing time, high and low tide, latent variables, non-conservative mixing, slack-tide sampling, spatial and temporal variations, surface and bottom water
Procedia PDF Downloads 1301618 Taiwanese Pre-Service Elementary School EFL Teachers’ Perception and Practice of Station Teaching in English Remedial Education
Authors: Chien Chin-Wen
Collaborative teaching has different teaching models and station teaching is one type of collaborative teaching. Station teaching is not commonly practiced in elementary school English education and introduced in language teacher education programs in Taiwan. In station teaching, each teacher takes a small part of instructional content, working with a small number of students. Students rotate between stations where they receive the assignments and instruction from different teachers. The teachers provide the same content to each group, but the instructional method can vary based upon the needs of each group of students. This study explores thirty-four Taiwanese pre-service elementary school English teachers’ knowledge about station teaching and their competence demonstrated in designing activities for and delivering of station teaching in an English remedial education to six sixth graders in a local elementary school in northern Taiwan. The participants simultaneously enrolled in this Elementary School English Teaching Materials and Methods class, a part of an elementary school teacher education program in a northern Taiwan city. The instructor (Jennifer, pseudonym) in this Elementary School English Teaching Materials and Methods class collaborated with an English teacher (Olivia, pseudonym) in Maureen Elementary School (pseudonym), an urban elementary school in a northwestern Taiwan city. Of Olivia’s students, four male and two female sixth graders needed to have remedial English education. Olivia chose these six elementary school students because they were in the lowest 5 % of their class in terms of their English proficiency. The thirty-four pre-service English teachers signed up for and took turns in teaching these six sixth graders every Thursday afternoon from four to five o’clock for twelve weeks. While three participants signed up as a team and taught these six sixth graders, the last team consisted of only two pre-service teachers. Each team designed a 40-minute lesson plan on the given language focus (words, sentence patterns, dialogue, phonics) of the assigned unit. Data in this study included the KWLA chart, activity designs, and semi-structured interviews. Data collection lasted for four months, from September to December 2014. Data were analyzed as follows. First, all the notes were read and marked with appropriate codes (e.g., I don’t know, co-teaching etc.). Second, tentative categories were labeled (e.g., before, after, process, future implication, etc.). Finally, the data were sorted into topics that reflected the research questions on the basis of their relevance. This study has the following major findings. First of all, the majority of participants knew nothing about station teaching at the beginning of the study. After taking the course Elementary School English Teaching Materials and Methods and after designing and delivering the station teaching in an English remedial education program to six sixth graders, they learned that station teaching is co-teaching, and that it includes activity designs for different stations and students’ rotating from station to station. They demonstrated knowledge and skills in activity designs for vocabulary, sentence patterns, dialogue, and phonics. Moreover, they learned to interact with individual learners and guided them step by step in learning vocabulary, sentence patterns, dialogue, and phonics. However, they were still incompetent in classroom management, time management, English, and designing diverse and meaningful activities for elementary school students at different English proficiency levels. Hence, language teacher education programs are recommended to integrate station teaching to help pre-service teachers be equipped with eight knowledge and competences, including linguistic knowledge, content knowledge, general pedagogical knowledge, curriculum knowledge, knowledge of learners and their characteristics, pedagogical content knowledge, knowledge of education content, and knowledge of education’s ends and purposes.Keywords: co-teaching, competence, knowledge, pre-service teachers, station teaching
Procedia PDF Downloads 4281617 The Flypaper Effect and the Municipal Participation Fund in the Brazilian Public Sector
Authors: Lucas Oliveira Gomes Ferreira, André Luiz Marques Serrano
The fiscal decentralization driven by the 1988 Constitution was responsible for granting greater autonomy to Brazilian subnational entities, as states and municipalities were entrusted with greater responsibilities to provide local public goods and services. However, the revenues necessary to implement the new attributions are largely received through intergovernmental transfers and not by local tax collection. The literature points out that public spending increases more by receiving unconditional and nonmatching (lump sum) intergovernmental grants than by an increase in taxpayers' income. This effect, called the flypaper effect, happens because the funds received could be used to reduce local taxes, meaning an increase in the citizen's private income. However, they are applied in the public sector in the form of expenses. The present work investigates the existence of the flypaper effect in Brazilian municipalities during the first two decades of the 21st century. The research uses the Municipal Participation Fund (FPM) as a grant proxy from 2000 to 2019 through econometrics of cross-section and panel data for all 5,568 municipalities. The results indicate the flypaper effect in Brazilian municipalities, as well as the proportional relationship between the receipt of constitutional transfers and the increase in public expenditure.Keywords: flypaper effect, intergovernmental transfers, municipal participation fund, fiscal federalism
Procedia PDF Downloads 1471616 The Nonlinear Research on Rotational Stiffness of Cuplock Joint
Authors: Liuyu Zhang, Di Mo, Qiang Yan, Min Liu
As the important equipment in the construction field, cuplock scaffold plays an important role in the construction process. As a scaffold connecting member, cuplock joint is of great importance. In order to explore the rotational stiffness nonlinear characteristics changing features of different structural forms of cuplock joint in different tightening torque condition under different conditions of load, ANSYS is used to establish four kinds of cuplock joint models with different forces to simulate the real force situation. By setting the different load conditions which means the cuplock is loaded at a certain distance from the cuplock joint in a certain direction until the cuplock is damaged and considering the gap between the cross bar joint and the vertical bar, the differences in the influence of the structural form and tightening torque on the rotation stiffness of the cuplock under different load conditions are compared. It is significantly important to improve the accuracy of calculating bearing capacity and stability of the cuplock steel pipe scaffold.Keywords: cuplock joint, highway tunnel, non-linear characteristics, rotational stiffness, scaffold stability, theoretical analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 1241615 A Conceptual Analysis of Teams’ Climate Role in the Intrapreneurial Process
Authors: Georgia C. Kosta, Christos S. Nicolaidis
The present paper discusses the role of teams’ climate in the intrapreneurial process. Intrapreneurship, which corresponds for entrepreneurship in existing organizations, puts special emphasis on climate as an influential factor of the intrapreneurial behavior. Although climate exists at every level and in every subgroup of the organizational structure, research focuses mainly on the study of climate that characterizes organization as a whole. However, the climate of a work team may differ radically from the organizational climate, and in fact it can be far more influential. The paper provides a conceptual analysis of organizational climate from the intrapreneurial point of view, and sheds light upon teams’ climate role in the intrapreneurial posture.Keywords: entrepreneurship, innovation, intrapreneurship, organizational climate, teams’ climate
Procedia PDF Downloads 2831614 The Egyptian eGovernment Journey
Authors: Ali Abdelsattar Elshabrawy
The Egyptian government is struggling to build it's eGovernment project. They succeeded to build the Egyptian digital portal, which contain links for number of services provided by different ministries. For achieving such success, their are requirements necessary to build such a project such as: internet dissemination, IT literacy, Strategy, disqualification of paper based services. This paper is going to clarify the main obstacles to the Egyptian eGovernment project from both the supply and demand sides. Also will clarify the most critical requirements in this phase of the project lifecycle. This paper should be in great value for the project team and also for many other developing countries that share the same obstacles.Keywords: the egyptian egovernment project lifecycle, supply side barriers, demand side barriers, egovernment project requirements
Procedia PDF Downloads 1491613 Factorial Validity for the Morale Sprit Scale: The Case for Physical Education Faculty Members at Jordanian Universities
Authors: Abedalbasit M. Abedalhafiz, Aman Kasawneh, Zyad Altahynah, Ahmad Okor
The purpose of this study was to determine the construct validity of the morale sprit scale (MSS). Ninety faculty members from colleges of physical education at Jordanian universities were chosen to participate in this study. The design of this study was an ex-post facto. The MSS consists of (48) items that measure different dimensions of morale spirit among faculty members. Principle axis factoring with oblique rotation was utilized to uncover the underlying structure of the instrument. The findings revealed eight factor solution explaining (72.825%). Seven factors were accepted according to the conditions of accepting factors. The seven factors were named morale as reflection of faculty and department's administration, regulations and instructions, working environment and conditions, promotions and incentives and salaries, relations between the faculty member's, the trend toward the college and university, the trend toward self factors.Keywords: Factorial validity, morale sprit, faculty members, Jordanian Universities
Procedia PDF Downloads 4181612 Federalism, a System of Government: Comparative Study of Australia and Canada
Authors: Rana Tajammal Rashid
Federalism is a political system in which government power and responsibility are divided between a federal legislature and units of the state or provincial legislatures. This system provides the structure for the states having large territory and through that can manage the state affairs and administration easily. Many of the largest countries in the world are federations, like; The United States, Canada, India, Pakistan South Africa, Argentina, and Australia. Every large democratic nation has a federal system of government. This study will explore the feature and good governance of two developed countries Canada and Australia. This study will be helpful to the developing countries like Pakistan, India which have a federal form of structure to run the affairs of the state. In the federal system of Pakistan there are lot of issues and conflicts with the provinces with a comparative study of these two developed countries, i.e., Australia and Canada, our policy and decision maker political actors will understand in which way a state will successfully manage the issues related to federalism. This study will also provide the help to the students of comparative politics that how to analysis the different political system of the developed countries of the world.Keywords: federalism, features of federalism, types of federalism, history of federalism, Australian federalism, Canadian federalism, federalism developments, executives, federal and provincial autonomy legislative, judicial
Procedia PDF Downloads 2871611 Rethinking Flâneur: Strolling Spectators in Harlem in Toni Morrison's Jazz
Authors: Yoonjeogn Kim
The concept of flâneur means a walking observer with subjectivity in the urban city and at the same time, an idiomatic and unnamed existence in public. In the modern city, an individual, flâneur walking on the street, observes the street and collects the memories of the past, during which process the individual comes to understand what the past means. However, the concept tends to be narrowly applied to the white middle-class males, thereby excluding females and other marginalized groups. This paper expands the concept to examine black immigrants and black women, who traditionally fall outside the scope of the flâneur. Placing the black immigrants on the trajectory of literary figure of flâneur by reading Tony Morrison's Jazz, this essay revisits the relationship between street and characters in Jazz. In particular, this essay focuses on characters strolling on the street as well as their surroundings. Based on the traditional characteristics of the flâneur, this essay explicates how the black characters in Jazz are reinvented as the flâneur and moving observers with their autonomy to stroll around the city, while the city, which used to be an observer watching and predicting what happens to the characters, takes a position as a mere onlooker. This paper concludes with illustrating the black characters stroll on the street in Harlem and thereby recreating ordinary people living in Harlem as flâneur.Keywords: jazz, the arcades project, flâneur, flânerie, street, city
Procedia PDF Downloads 1751610 Family Functionality in Mexican Children with Congenital and Non-Congenital Deafness
Authors: D. Estrella, A. Silva, R. Zapata, H. Rubio
A total of 100 primary caregivers (mothers, fathers, grandparents) with at least one child or grandchild with a diagnosis of congenital bilateral profound deafness were assessed in order to evaluate the functionality of families with a deaf member, who was evaluated by specialists in audiology, molecular biology, genetics and psychology. After confirmation of the clinical diagnosis, DNA from the patients and parents were analyzed in search of the 35delG deletion of the GJB2 gene to determine who possessed the mutation. All primary caregivers were provided psychological support, regardless of whether or not they had the mutation, and prior and subsequent, the family APGAR test was applied. All parents, grandparents were informed of the results of the genetic analysis during the psychological intervention. The family APGAR, after psychological and genetic counseling, showed that 14% perceived their families as functional, 62% moderately functional and 24% dysfunctional. This shows the importance of psychological support in family functionality that has a direct impact on the quality of life of these families.Keywords: deafness, psychological support, family, adaptation to disability
Procedia PDF Downloads 4261609 Volunteered Geographic Information Coupled with Wildfire Fire Progression Maps: A Spatial and Temporal Tool for Incident Storytelling
Authors: Cassandra Hansen, Paul Doherty, Chris Ferner, German Whitley, Holly Torpey
Wildfire is a natural and inevitable occurrence, yet changing climatic conditions have increased the severity, frequency, and risk to human populations in the wildland/urban interface (WUI) of the Western United States. Rapid dissemination of accurate wildfire information is critical to both the Incident Management Team (IMT) and the affected community. With the advent of increasingly sophisticated information systems, GIS can now be used as a web platform for sharing geographic information in new and innovative ways, such as virtual story map applications. Crowdsourced information can be extraordinarily useful when coupled with authoritative information. Information abounds in the form of social media, emergency alerts, radio, and news outlets, yet many of these resources lack a spatial component when first distributed. In this study, we describe how twenty-eight volunteer GIS professionals across nine Geographic Area Coordination Centers (GACC) sourced, curated, and distributed Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) from authoritative social media accounts focused on disseminating information about wildfires and public safety. The combination of fire progression maps with VGI incident information helps answer three critical questions about an incident, such as: where the first started. How and why the fire behaved in an extreme manner and how we can learn from the fire incident's story to respond and prepare for future fires in this area. By adding a spatial component to that shared information, this team has been able to visualize shared information about wildfire starts in an interactive map that answers three critical questions in a more intuitive way. Additionally, long-term social and technical impacts on communities are examined in relation to situational awareness of the disaster through map layers and agency links, the number of views in a particular region of a disaster, community involvement and sharing of this critical resource. Combined with a GIS platform and disaster VGI applications, this workflow and information become invaluable to communities within the WUI and bring spatial awareness for disaster preparedness, response, mitigation, and recovery. This study highlights progression maps as the ultimate storytelling mechanism through incident case studies and demonstrates the impact of VGI and sophisticated applied cartographic methodology make this an indispensable resource for authoritative information sharing.Keywords: storytelling, wildfire progression maps, volunteered geographic information, spatial and temporal
Procedia PDF Downloads 1791608 Case Report: Peripartum Cardiomyopathy, a Rare but Fatal Condition in Pregnancy and Puerperium
Authors: Sadaf Abbas, HimGauri Sabnis
Introduction: Peripartum cardiomyopathy is a rare but potentially life-threatening condition that presents as heart failure during the last month of pregnancy or within five months postpartum. The incidence of postpartum cardiomyopathy ranges from 1 in 1300 to 1 in 15,000 pregnancies. Risk factors include multiparty, advanced maternal age, multiple pregnancies, pre-eclampsia, and chronic hypertension. Study: A 30-year-old Para3+0 presented to the Emergency Department of St’Marry Hospital, Isle of Wight, on the seventh day postpartum, with acute shortness of breath (SOB), chest pain, cough, and a temperature of 38 degrees. The risk factors were smoking and class II obesity (BMI of 40.62). The patient had mild pre-eclampsia in the last pregnancy and was on labetalol and aspirin during an antenatal period, which was stopped postnatally. There was also a history of pre-eclampsia and haemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, low platelets (HELLP syndrome) in previous pregnancies, which led to preterm delivery at 35 weeks in the second pregnancy, and the first baby was stillborn at 24 weeks. On assessment, there was a national early warning score (NEWS score) of 3, persistent tachycardia, and mild crepitation in the lungs. Initial investigations revealed an enlarged heart on chest X-ray, and a CT pulmonary angiogram indicated bilateral basal pulmonary congestion without pulmonary embolism, suggesting fluid overload. Laboratory results showed elevated CRP and normal troponin levels initially, which later increased, indicating myocardial involvement. Echocardiography revealed a severely dilated left ventricle with an ejection fraction (EF) of 31%, consistent with severely impaired systolic function. The cardiology team reviewed the patient and admitted to the Coronary Care Unit. As sign and symptoms were suggestive of fluid overload and congestive cardiac failure, management was done with diuretics, beta-blockers, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACE inhibitors), proton pump inhibitors, and supportive care. During admission, there was complications such as acute kidney injury, but then recovered well. Chest pain had resolved following the treatment. After being admitted for eight days, there was an improvement in the symptoms, and the patient was discharged home with a further plan of cardiac MRI and genetic testing due to a family history of sudden cardiac death. Regular appointment has been made with the Cardiology team to follow-up on the symptoms. Since discharge, the patient made a good recovery. A cardiac MRI was done, which showed severely impaired left ventricular function, ejection fraction (EF) of 38% with mild left ventricular dilatation, and no evidence of previous infarction. Overall appearance is of non-ischemic dilated cardiomyopathy. The main challenge at the time of admission was the non-availability of a cardiac radiology team, so the definitive diagnosis was delayed. The long-term implications include risk of recurrence, chronic heart failure, and, consequently, an effect on quality of life. Therefore, regular follow-up is critical in patient’s management. Conclusions: Peripartum cardiomyopathy is one of the cardiovascular diseases whose causes are still unknown yet and, in some cases, are uncontrolled. By raising awareness about the symptoms and management of this complication it will reduce morbidity and mortality rates and also the length of stay in the hospital.Keywords: cardiomyopathy, cardiomegaly, pregnancy, puerperium
Procedia PDF Downloads 361607 Histopathological Alterations in Liver of Mice Exposed to Different Doses of Diclofenac Sodium
Authors: Deepak Mohan, Sushma Sharma
Diclofenac sodium, a member of the acetic acid family of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, is used to retard inflammation, arthritis pain and ankylosing spondylitis. The drug is known to cause severe injury in different tissues due to formation of reactive oxygen species. The present study is focused on the effect of different doses of diclofenac (4 mg/kg/body weight and 14 mg/kg/body weight on histoarchitecture of the liver from 7-28 days of the investigation. Diclofenac administration resulted in distorted hepatic degeneration and formation of wide areas in the form of sinusoidal gaps. Hepatic fibrosis noticed in different stages of investigation could be attributed to chronic inflammation and reactive oxygen species which results in deposition of extracellular matrix proteins. The abrupt degenerative changes observed during later stages of the experiment showed maximum damage to the liver, and there was enlargement of sinusoidal gaps accompanied by maximum necrosis in the tissues.Keywords: arthritis, diclofenac, histoarchitecture, sinusoidal
Procedia PDF Downloads 2711606 A Comparative Study of Resilience Factors of First-Generation Students of Social Work with Their Non-first Generation Fellow Students
Authors: K. Verlinden
Being the first family member to study is challenging due to the lack of intergenerational support, financial challenges, etc. The often very deficit-oriented view of these first-generation students (FGS) is challenged by assuming that precisely these students have a high degree of resilience, which will be demonstrated by comparing individual resilience factors. First-generation students are disproportionately often found in courses of social work. Correspondingly, this study compares two samples from social work (FGS vs. non-FGS) with regard to certain determinants of resilience, such as grit, social support, self-efficacy, sense of coherence, and emotional intelligence. An online questionnaire was generated from valid psychological instruments and handed out to the sample. The results portray a double mediation model in which gender and being an FGS associate with lower levels of individual resources, which in then associate with social support. This tiered model supports the possibility that individual resources facilitate the recruitment and use of social support and perhaps other related social resources to better cope with academic challenges.Keywords: resilience, first generation students, grit, self-efficacy
Procedia PDF Downloads 1211605 Risks and Values in Adult Safeguarding: An Examination of How Social Workers Screen Safeguarding Referrals from Residential Homes
Authors: Jeremy Dixon
Safeguarding adults forms a core part of social work practice. The Government in England and Wales has made efforts to standardise practices through The Care Act 2014. The Act states that local authorities have duties to make inquiries in cases where an adult with care or support needs is experiencing or at risk of abuse and is unable to protect themselves from abuse or neglect. Despite the importance given to safeguarding adults within law there remains little research about how social workers conduct such decisions on the ground. This presentation reports on findings from a pilot research study conducted within two social work teams in a Local Authority in England. The objective of the project was to find out how social workers interpreted safeguarding duties as laid out by The Care Act 2014 with a particular focus on how workers assessed and managed risk. Ethnographic research methods were used throughout the project. This paper focusses specifically on decisions made by workers in the assessment team. The paper reports on qualitative observation and interviews with five workers within this team. Drawing on governmentality theory, this paper analyses the techniques used by workers to manage risk from a distance. A high proportion of safeguarding referrals came from care workers or managers in residential care homes. Social workers conducting safeguarding assessments were aware that they had a duty to work in partnership with these agencies. However, their duty to safeguard adults also meant that they needed to view them as potential abusers. In making judgments about when it was proportionate to refer for a safeguarding assessment workers drew on a number of common beliefs about residential care workers which were then tested in conversations with them. Social workers held the belief that residential homes acted defensively, leading them to report any accident or danger. Social workers therefore encouraged residential workers to consider whether statutory criteria had been met and to use their own procedures to manage risk. In addition social workers carried out an assessment of the workers’ motives; specifically whether they were using safeguarding procedures as a shortcut for avoiding other assessments or as a means of accessing extra resources. Where potential abuse was identified social workers encouraged residential homes to use disciplinary policies as a means of isolating and managing risk. The study has implications for understanding risk within social work practice. It shows that whilst social workers use law to govern individuals, these laws are interpreted against cultural values. Additionally they also draw on assumptions about the culture of others.Keywords: adult safeguarding, governmentality, risk, risk assessment
Procedia PDF Downloads 2931604 Damages Inflicted on Steel Structures and Metal Buildings due to Insufficient Supervision and Monitoring and Non-Observance of the Rules of the Regulations
Authors: Ehsan Sadie
Despite the experience of heavy losses and damages of recent earthquakes such as 8 km E of Pāhala, Hawaii, 11 km W of Salvaleón de Higüey, Dominican Republic and 49 km SSE of Punta Cana, Dominican Republic earthquakes, the possibility of large earthquakes in most populated areas of any country and the serious need for quality control in the design and implementation of buildings, not enough attention has been paid to the proper construction. Steel structures constitute a significant part of construction in any metropolitan area. This article gives a brief overview of the implementation status of these buildings in urban areas and considers the weaknesses of performance that typically occur due to negligence or insufficient mastery of the building supervisor in the principles of operation of earthquake-resistant buildings, and provides appropriate and possible solutions to improve the construction.Keywords: bracing member, concentrated load, diaphragm system, earthquake engineering, load-bearing system, shear force, seismic retrofitting, steel building, strip foundation, supervising engineer, vulnerability of building
Procedia PDF Downloads 1321603 Social Media Usage in 'No Man's Land': A Populist Paradise
Authors: Nilufer Turksoy
Social media tools successfully connect people from different milieu to each other. This easy access allows politicians with populist attitude to circulate any kind of political opinion or message, which will hardly appear in conventional media. Populism is a relevant concept, especially, in political communication research. In the last decade, populism in social media has been researched extensively. The present study focuses on how social media is used as a playground by Turkish Cypriot politicians to perform populism in Northern Cyprus. It aims to determine and understand the relationship between politicians and social media, and how they employ social media in their political lives. Northern Cyprus’s multi-faced character provides politicians with many possible frames and topics they can make demagogy about ongoing political deadlock, international isolation, economic instability or social and cultural life in the north part of the island. Thus, Northern Cyprus, bizarrely branded as a 'no man's land', is a case par excellence to show how politically and economically unstable geographies are inclined to perform populism. Northern Cyprus is legally invalid territory recognized by no member of the international community other than Turkey and a phantom state, just like Abkhazia and South Ossetia or Nagorno-Karabakh. Five ideological key elements of populism are employed in the theoretical framework of this study: (1) highlighting the sovereignty of the people, (2) attacking the elites, (3) advocacy for the people, (4) excluding others, and (5) invoking the heartland. A qualitative text analysis of typical Facebook posts was conducted. Profiles of popular political leaders who occupy top positions (e.g. member of parliament, minister, chairman, party secretary), who have different political views, and who use their profiles for political expression on daily bases are selected. All official Facebook pages of the selected politicians are examined during a period of five months (1 September 2017-31 January 2018). This period is selected since it was prior to the parliamentary elections. Finding revealed that majority of the Turkish Cypriot politicians use their social media profile to propagate their political ideology in a populist fashion. Populist statements are found across parties. Facebook give especially the left-wing political actors the freedom to spread their messages in manipulative ways, mostly by using a satiric, ironic and slandering jargon that refers to the pseudo-state, the phantom state, the unrecognized Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus state. While most of the political leaders advocate for the people, invoking the heartland are preferred by right-wing politicians. A broad range of left-wing politicians predominantly conducted attack on the economic elites and ostracism of others. The finding concluded that different politicians use social media differently according to their political standpoint. Overall, the study offers a thorough analysis of populism on social media. Considering the large role social media plays in the daily life today, the finding will shed some light on the political influence of social media and the social media usage among politicians.Keywords: Northern Cyprus, populism, politics, qualitative text analysis, social media
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