Search results for: sound interface
1342 Numerical Method for Heat Transfer Problem in a Block Having an Interface
Authors: Beghdadi Lotfi, Bouziane Abdelhafid
A finite volume method for quadrilaterals unstructured mesh is developed to predict the two dimensional steady-state solutions of conduction equation. In this scheme, based on the integration around the polygonal control volume, the derivatives of conduction equation must be converted into closed line integrals using same formulation of the Stokes theorem. To valid the accuracy of the method two numerical experiments s are used: conduction in a regular block (with known analytical solution) and conduction in a rotated block (case with curved boundaries).The numerical results show good agreement with analytical results. To demonstrate the accuracy of the method, the absolute and root-mean square errors versus the grid size are examined quantitatively.Keywords: Stokes theorem, unstructured grid, heat transfer, complex geometry
Procedia PDF Downloads 2901341 Non Destructive Testing for Evaluation of Defects and Interfaces in Metal Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Hybrids
Authors: H.-G. Herrmann, M. Schwarz, J. Summa, F. Grossmann
In this work, different non-destructive testing methods for the characterization of defects and interfaces are presented. It is shown that, by means of active thermography, defects in the interface and in the carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) itself can be detected and determined. The bonding of metal and thermoplastic can be characterized very well by ultrasonic testing with electromagnetic acoustic transducers (EMAT). Mechanical testing is combined with passive thermography to correlate mechanical values with the defect-size. There is also a comparison between active and passive thermography. Mechanical testing shows the influence of different defects. Furthermore, a correlation of defect-size and loading to rupture was performed.
Keywords: defect evaluation, EMAT, mechanical testing, thermography
Procedia PDF Downloads 4221340 Implementation of a Web-Based Wireless ECG Measuring and Recording System
Authors: Onder Yakut, Serdar Solak, Emine Dogru Bolat
Measuring the Electrocardiogram (ECG) signal is an essential process for the diagnosis of the heart diseases. The ECG signal has the information of the degree of how much the heart performs its functions. In medical diagnosis and treatment systems, Decision Support Systems processing the ECG signal are being developed for the use of clinicians while medical examination. In this study, a modular wireless ECG (WECG) measuring and recording system using a single board computer and e-Health sensor platform is developed. In this designed modular system, after the ECG signal is taken from the body surface by the electrodes first, it is filtered and converted to digital form. Then, it is recorded to the health database using Wi-Fi communication technology. The real time access of the ECG data is provided through the internet utilizing the developed web interface.Keywords: ECG, e-health sensor shield, Raspberry Pi, wiFi technology
Procedia PDF Downloads 4021339 A Guide to the Implementation of Ambisonics Super Stereo
Authors: Alessio Mastrorillo, Giuseppe Silvi, Francesco Scagliola
In this work, we introduce an Ambisonics decoder with an implementation of the C-format, also called Super Stereo. This format is an alternative to conventional stereo and binaural decoding. Unlike those, this format conveys audio information from the horizontal plane and works with stereo speakers and headphones. The two C-format channels can also return a reconstructed planar B-format. This work provides an open-source implementation for this format. We implement an all-pass filter for signal quadrature, as required by the decoding equations. This filter works with six Biquads in a cascade configuration, with values for control frequency and quality factor discovered experimentally. The phase response of the filter delivers a small error in the 20-14.000Hz range. The decoder has been tested with audio sources up to 192kHz sample rate, returning pristine sound quality and detailed stereo image. It has been included in the Envelop for Live suite and is available as an open-source repository. This decoder has applications in Virtual Reality and 360° audio productions, music composition, and online streaming.Keywords: ambisonics, UHJ, quadrature filter, virtual reality, Gerzon, decoder, stereo, binaural, biquad
Procedia PDF Downloads 911338 Internet Media and Public: A Report of a Mutual Deception
Authors: Safet Zejnullahu
The relationship between the public and media is more than meaningful. It has been a topic of discussion as early as the birth of the media. The 'magic box' called radio adapted and transformed by following the tastes and interests of the public. Television went a step further by complementing the magic sound of the magic box with photos/images. Newspapers informed the reader, but from time to time, they also provided them the room to express their opinions. The media-public report in the traditional media is a report of a mutual respect. Today, the report between media and public should be well defined. The goal of this paper is to analyze the history of the media-public relationship, with a special emphasis on the analysis of this relationship in media of the internet time. This paper seeks to prove that the internet media has created a completely new and thus far unknown relationship between the media and public. Through research, which includes an analysis of the media in Kosovo and Albania, it will be proven that the media of the internet time has elevated this relationship to a new level, with many unknowns in terms of the functioning and role of the media. The results and findings of the paper are related to the conclusion that from the relationship in which the roles of the media and the public are known, nowadays, this relationship goes beyond the known principle and rules and is more defined as a relationship of mutual deception. The media goes beyond the line of the humility of the public, and the public seeks to direct the content of the media. The media-public report in the internet-media is a report based on mutual attempt for fraud.Keywords: media, public, report, humility, direction
Procedia PDF Downloads 1781337 Target and Equalizer Design for Perpendicular Heat-Assisted Magnetic Recording
Authors: P. Tueku, P. Supnithi, R. Wongsathan
Heat-Assisted Magnetic Recording (HAMR) is one of the leading technologies identified to enable areal density beyond 1 Tb/in2 of magnetic recording systems. A key challenge to HAMR designing is accuracy of positioning, timing of the firing laser, power of the laser, thermo-magnetic head, head-disk interface and cooling system. We study the effect of HAMR parameters on transition center and transition width. The HAMR is model using Thermal Williams-Comstock (TWC) and microtrack model. The target and equalizer are designed by the minimum mean square error (MMSE). The result shows that the unit energy constraint outperforms other constraints.Keywords: heat-assisted magnetic recording, thermal Williams-Comstock equation, microtrack model, equalizer
Procedia PDF Downloads 3531336 The Design Process of an Interactive Seat for Improving Workplace Productivity
Authors: Carlos Ferreira, Paulo Freitas, Valentim Freitas
Creative industries’ workers are becoming more prominent as countries move towards intellectual-based economies. Consequently, the nature and essence of the workplace needs to be reconfigured so that creativity and productivity can be better promoted at these spaces. Using a multidisciplinary approach and a user-centered methodology, combining product design, electronic engineering, software and human-computer interaction, we have designed and developed a new seat that uses embedded sensors and actuators to increase the overall well-being of its users, their productivity and their creativity. Our contribution focuses on the parameters that most affect the user’s work on these kinds of spaces, which are, according to our study, noise and temperature. We describe the design process for a new interactive seat targeted at improving workspace productivity.Keywords: human-computer interaction, usability, user interface, creativity, ergonomics
Procedia PDF Downloads 2211335 Effect of Ageing of Laser-Treated Surfaces on Corrosion Resistance of Fusion-bonded Al Joints
Authors: Rio Hirakawa, Christian Gundlach, Sven Hartwig
Aluminium has been used in a wide range of industrial applications due to its numerous advantages, including excellent specific strength, thermal conductivity, corrosion resistance, workability and recyclability. The automotive industry is increasingly adopting multi-materials, including aluminium in structures and components to improve the mechanical usability and performance of individual components. A common method for assembling dissimilar materials is mechanical joining, but mechanical joining requires multiple manufacturing steps, affects the mechanical properties of the base material and increases the weight due to additional metal parts. Fusion bonding is being used in more and more industries as a way of avoiding the above drawbacks. Infusion bonding, and surface pre-treatment of the base material is essential to ensure the long-life durability of the joint. Laser surface treatment of aluminium has been shown to improve the durability of the joint by forming a passive oxide film and roughening the substrate surface. Infusion bonding, the polymer bonds directly to the metal instead of the adhesive, but the sensitivity to interfacial contamination is higher due to the chemical activity and molecular size of the polymer. Laser-treated surfaces are expected to absorb impurities from the storage atmosphere over time, but the effect of such changes in the treated surface over time on the durability of fusion-bonded joints has not yet been fully investigated. In this paper, the effect of the ageing of laser-treated surfaces of aluminum alloys on the corrosion resistance of fusion-bonded joints is therefore investigated. AlMg3 of 1.5 mm thickness was cut using a water-jet cutting machine, cleaned and degreased with isopropanol and surface pre-treated with a pulsed fiber laser at a wavelength of 1060 nm, maximum power of 70 W and repetition rate of 55 kHz. The aluminum surfaces were then stored in air for various periods of time and their corrosion resistance was assessed by cyclic voltammetry (CV) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). For the aluminum joints, induction heating was employed as the fusion bonding method and single-lap shear specimens were prepared. The corrosion resistance of the joints was assessed by measuring the lap shear strength before and after neutral salt spray. Cross-sectional observations by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were also carried out to investigate changes in the microstructure of the bonded interface. Finally, the corrosion resistance of the surface and the joint were compared and the differences in the mechanisms of corrosion resistance enhancement between the two were discussed.Keywords: laser surface treatment, pre-treatment, bonding, corrosion, durability, interface, automotive, aluminium alloys, joint, fusion bonding
Procedia PDF Downloads 791334 Multi-Layer Mn-Doped SnO2 Thin Film for Multi-State Resistive Switching
Authors: Zhemi Xu, Dewei Chu, Sean Li
Well self-assembled pure and Mn-doped SnO2 nanocubes were synthesized by interface thermodynamic method, which is ideal for highly homogeneous large scale thin film deposition on flexible substrates for various electric devices. Mn-doped SnO2 shows very good resistive switching with high On/Off ratio (over 103), endurance and retention characteristics. More important, the resistive state can be tuned by multi-layer fabrication by alternate pure SnO2 and Mn-doped SnO2 nanocube layer, which improved the memory capacity of resistive switching effectively. Thus, such a method provides transparent, multi-level resistive switching for next generation non-volatile memory applications.Keywords: metal oxides, self-assembly nanoparticles, multi-level resistive switching, multi-layer thin film
Procedia PDF Downloads 3451333 Development and Implementation of Curvature Dependent Force Correction Algorithm for the Planning of Forced Controlled Robotic Grinding
Authors: Aiman Alshare, Sahar Qaadan
A curvature dependent force correction algorithm for planning force controlled grinding process with off-line programming flexibility is designed for ABB industrial robot, in order to avoid the manual interface during the process. The machining path utilizes a spline curve fit that is constructed from the CAD data of the workpiece. The fitted spline has a continuity of the second order to assure path smoothness. The implemented algorithm computes uniform forces normal to the grinding surface of the workpiece, by constructing a curvature path in the spatial coordinates using the spline method.Keywords: ABB industrial robot, grinding process, offline programming, CAD data extraction, force correction algorithm
Procedia PDF Downloads 3641332 Design and Optimization of Soil Nailing Construction
Authors: Fereshteh Akbari, Farrokh Jalali Mosalam, Ali Hedayatifar, Amirreza Aminjavaheri
The soil nailing is an effective method to stabilize slopes and retaining structures. Consequently, the lateral and vertical displacement of retaining walls are important criteria to evaluate the safety risks of adjacent structures. This paper is devoted to the optimization problems of retaining walls based on ABAQOUS Software. The various parameters such as nail length, orientation, arrangement, horizontal spacing, and bond skin friction, on lateral and vertical displacement of retaining walls are investigated. In order to ensure accuracy, the mobilized shear stress acting around the perimeter of the nail-soil interface is also modeled in ABAQOUS software. The observed trend of results is compared to the previous researches.Keywords: retaining walls, soil nailing, ABAQOUS software, lateral displacement, vertical displacement
Procedia PDF Downloads 1331331 Enhancement of Tribological Behavior for Diesel Engine Piston of Solid Skirt by an Optimal Choice of Interface Material
Authors: M. Amara, M. Tahar Abbes, A. Dokkiche, M. Benbrike
Shear stresses generate frictional forces thus lead to the reduction of engine performance due to the power losses. This friction can also cause damage to the piston material. Thus, the choice of an optimal material for the piston is necessary to improve the elastohydrodynamical contacts of the piston. In this study, to achieve this objective, an elastohydrodynamical lubrication model that satisfies the best tribological behavior of the piston with the optimum choice of material is developed. Several aluminum alloys composed of different components are studied in this simulation. An application is made on the piston 60 x 120 mm Diesel engine type F8L413 currently mounted on Deutz trucks TB230 by using different aluminum alloys where alloys based on aluminum-silicon have better tribological performance.Keywords: EHD lubricated contacts, friction, properties of materials, tribological performance
Procedia PDF Downloads 2721330 The Vision Baed Parallel Robot Control
In this paper, we describe the control strategy of high speed parallel robot system with EtherCAT network. This work deals the parallel robot system with centralized control on the real-time operating system such as window TwinCAT3. Most control scheme and algorithm is implemented master platform on the PC, the input and output interface is ported on the slave side. The data is transferred by maximum 20usecond with 1000byte. EtherCAT is very high speed and stable industrial network. The control strategy with EtherCAT is very useful and robust on Ethernet network environment. The developed parallel robot is controlled pre-design nonlinear controller for 6G/0.43 cycle time of pick and place motion tracking. The experiment shows the good design and validation of the controller.Keywords: parallel robot control, etherCAT, nonlinear control, parallel robot inverse kinematic
Procedia PDF Downloads 5711329 RE:SOUNDING a 2000-Year-Old Vietnamese Dong Son Bronze Drum; Artist-Led Collaborations outside the Museum to Challenge the Impasse of Repatriating and Rematriating Cultural Instruments
Authors: H. A. J. Nguyen, V. A. Pham
RE:SOUNDING is an ongoing research project and artwork seeking to return the sound and knowledge of Dong Son bronze drums back to contemporary musicians. Colonial collections of ethnographic instruments are problematic in how they commit acts of conceptual, cultural, and acoustic silencing. The collection (or more honestly), the plagiarism, and pillaging of these instruments have systemically separated them from living and breathing cultures. This includes diasporic communities, who have come to resettle in close proximity - but still have little access - to the museums and galleries that display their cultural objects. Despite recent attempts to 'open up' and 'recognise' the tensions and violence of these ethnographic collections, many museums continue to structurally organize and reproduce knowledge with the same procedural distance and limitations of imperial condescension. Impatient with the slowness of these museums, our diaspora led collaborations participated in the opaque economy of the auction market to gain access and begin the process of digitally recording and archiving the actual sounds of the ancient Dong Son drum. This self-directed, self-initiated artwork not only acoustically reinvigorated an ancient instrument but redistributed these sonic materials back to contemporary musicians, composers, and their diasporic communities throughout Vietnam, South East Asia, and Australia. Our methodologies not only highlight the persistent inflexibility of museum infrastructures but demand that museums refrain from their paternalistic practice of risk-averse ownership, to seriously engage with new technologies and political formations that require all public institutions to be held accountable for the ethical and intellectual viability of their colonial collections. The integrated and practical resolve of diasporic artists and their communities are more than capable of working with new technologies to reclaim and reinvigorate what is culturally and spiritually theirs. The motivation to rematriate – as opposed to merely repatriate – the acoustic legacies of these instruments to contemporary musicians and artists is a new model for decolonial and restorative practices. Exposing the inadequacies of western scholarship that continues to treat these instruments as discreet, disembodied, and detached artifacts, these collaborative strategies have thus far produced a wealth of new knowledge – new to the west perhaps – but not that new to these, our own communities. This includes the little-acknowledged fact that the Dong Son drum were political instruments of war and technology, rather than their simplistic description in the museum and western academia as agrarian instruments of fertility and harvest. Through the collective and continued sharing of knowledge and sound materials produced from this research, these drums are gaining a contemporary relevance beyond the cultural silencing of the museum display cabinet. Acknowledgement: We acknowledge the Wurundjeri and Boon Wurrung of the Kulin Nation and the Gadigal of the Eora Nation where we began this project. We pay our respects to the Peoples, Lands, Traditional Custodians, Practices, and Creator Ancestors of these Great Nations, as well as those First Nations peoples throughout Australia, Vietnam, and Indonesia, where this research continues, and upon whose stolen lands and waterways were never ceded.Keywords: acoustic archaeology, decolonisation, museum collections, rematriation, repatriation, Dong Son, experimental music, digital recording
Procedia PDF Downloads 1531328 Green Thumb Engineering - Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Managing IoT Enabled Houseplants
Authors: Antti Nurminen, Avleen Malhi
Significant progress in intelligent systems in combination with exceedingly wide application domains having machine learning as the core technology are usually opaque, non-intuitive, and commonly complex for human users. We use innovative IoT technology which monitors and analyzes moisture, humidity, luminosity and temperature levels to assist end users for optimization of environmental conditions for their houseplants. For plant health monitoring, we construct a system yielding the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), supported by visual validation by users. We run the system for a selected plant, basil, in varying environmental conditions to cater for typical home conditions, and bootstrap our AI with the acquired data. For end users, we implement a web based user interface which provides both instructions and explanations.Keywords: explainable artificial intelligence, intelligent agent, IoT, NDVI
Procedia PDF Downloads 1631327 Theory and Practice of Wavelets in Signal Processing
Authors: Jalal Karam
The methods of Fourier, Laplace, and Wavelet Transforms provide transfer functions and relationships between the input and the output signals in linear time invariant systems. This paper shows the equivalence among these three methods and in each case presenting an application of the appropriate (Fourier, Laplace or Wavelet) to the convolution theorem. In addition, it is shown that the same holds for a direct integration method. The Biorthogonal wavelets Bior3.5 and Bior3.9 are examined and the zeros distribution of their polynomials associated filters are located. This paper also presents the significance of utilizing wavelets as effective tools in processing speech signals for common multimedia applications in general, and for recognition and compression in particular. Theoretically and practically, wavelets have proved to be effective and competitive. The practical use of the Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT) in processing and analysis of speech is then presented along with explanations of how the human ear can be thought of as a natural wavelet transformer of speech. This generates a variety of approaches for applying the (CWT) to many paradigms analysing speech, sound and music. For perception, the flexibility of implementation of this transform allows the construction of numerous scales and we include two of them. Results for speech recognition and speech compression are then included.Keywords: continuous wavelet transform, biorthogonal wavelets, speech perception, recognition and compression
Procedia PDF Downloads 4171326 Design of Single Phase Smart Energy Meter and Grid Tied Inverter for Smart Grid
Authors: Hamza Arif, Haroon Javaid
Based on hybrid energy concept of smart grid to synchronize and monitor power being generated at the user end. The ATMEGA328p controller of arduino is used as a processor unit that sends wireless data between user and power utility through NRF24L01 wireless modules. Current and potential transformer circuit are designed to sense the voltage and current at the utility and power being generated at the user end through solar panel. They are designed to interface with the arduino. The approach is used to demonstrate the concept of smart grid and to facilitate for further advancements in the field of smart grid technology. A PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) technique is used to synchronize the user output power with the utility supplier.Keywords: smart grid, hybrid energy, grid tied inverter, PWM
Procedia PDF Downloads 241325 Photoplethysmography-Based Device Designing for Cardiovascular System Diagnostics
Authors: S. Botman, D. Borchevkin, V. Petrov, E. Bogdanov, M. Patrushev, N. Shusharina
In this paper, we report the development of the device for diagnostics of cardiovascular system state and associated automated workstation for large-scale medical measurement data collection and analysis. It was shown that optimal design for the monitoring device is wristband as it represents engineering trade-off between accuracy and usability. The monitoring device is based on the infrared reflective photoplethysmographic sensor, which allows collecting multiple physiological parameters, such as heart rate and pulsing wave characteristics. Developed device use BLE interface for medical and supplementary data transmission to the coupled mobile phone, which process it and send it to the doctor's automated workstation. Results of this experimental model approbation confirmed the applicability of the proposed approach.Keywords: cardiovascular diseases, health monitoring systems, photoplethysmography, pulse wave, remote diagnostics
Procedia PDF Downloads 4931324 Integration of Acoustic Solutions for Classrooms
Authors: Eyibo Ebengeobong Eddie, Halil Zafer Alibaba
The neglect of classroom acoustics is dominant in most educational facilities, meanwhile, hearing and listening is the learning process in this kind of facilities. A classroom should therefore be an environment that encourages listening, without an obstacles to understanding what is being taught. Although different studies have shown teachers to complain that noise is the everyday factor that causes stress in classroom, the capacity of individuals to understand speech is further affected by Echoes, Reverberation, and room modes. It is therefore necessary for classrooms to have an ideal acoustics to aid the intelligibility of students in the learning process. The influence of these acoustical parameters on learning and teaching in schools needs to be further researched upon to enhance the teaching and learning capacity of both teacher and student. For this reason, there is a strong need to provide and collect data to analyse and define the suitable quality of classrooms needed for a learning environment. Research has shown that acoustical problems are still experienced in both newer and older schools. However, recently, principle of acoustics has been analysed and room acoustics can now be measured with various technologies and sound systems to improve and solve the problem of acoustics in classrooms. These acoustic solutions, materials, construction methods and integration processes would be discussed in this paper.Keywords: classroom, acoustics, materials, integration, speech intelligibility
Procedia PDF Downloads 4171323 Using TRACE and SNAP Codes to Establish the Model of Maanshan PWR for SBO Accident
Authors: B. R. Shen, J. R. Wang, J. H. Yang, S. W. Chen, C. Shih, Y. Chiang, Y. F. Chang, Y. H. Huang
In this research, TRACE code with the interface code-SNAP was used to simulate and analyze the SBO (station blackout) accident which occurred in Maanshan PWR (pressurized water reactor) nuclear power plant (NPP). There are four main steps in this research. First, the SBO accident data of Maanshan NPP were collected. Second, the TRACE/SNAP model of Maanshan NPP was established by using these data. Third, this TRACE/SNAP model was used to perform the simulation and analysis of SBO accident. Finally, the simulation and analysis of SBO with mitigation equipments was performed. The analysis results of TRACE are consistent with the data of Maanshan NPP. The mitigation equipments of Maanshan can maintain the safety of Maanshan in the SBO according to the TRACE predictions.Keywords: pressurized water reactor (PWR), TRACE, station blackout (SBO), Maanshan
Procedia PDF Downloads 1941322 Dynamic Investigation of Brake Squeal Problem in The Presence of Kinematic Nonlinearities
Authors: Shahroz Khan, Osman Taha Şen
In automotive brake systems, brake noise has been a major problem, and brake squeal is one of the critical ones which is an instability issue. The brake squeal produces an audible sound at high frequency that is irritating to the human ear. To study this critical problem, first a nonlinear mathematical model with three degree of freedom is developed. This model consists of a point mass that simulates the brake pad and a sliding surface that simulates the brake rotor. The model exposes kinematic and clearance nonlinearities, but no friction nonlinearity. In the formulation, the friction coefficient is assumed to be constant and the friction force does not change direction. The nonlinear governing equations of the model are first obtained, and numerical solutions are sought for different cases. Second, a computational model for the squeal problem is developed with a commercial software, and computational solutions are obtained with two different types of contact cases (solid-to-solid and sphere-to-plane). This model consists of three rigid bodies and several elastic elements that simulate the key characteristics of a brake system. The response obtained from this model is compared with numerical solutions in time and frequency domain.Keywords: contact force, nonlinearities, brake squeal, vehicle brake
Procedia PDF Downloads 2461321 A Contrastive Analysis on Hausa and Yoruba Adjectival Phrases
Authors: Abubakar Maikudi
Contrastive analysis is the method of analyzing the structure of any two languages with a view to determining the possible differential aspects of their systems irrespective of their genetic affinity or level of development. Contrastive analysis of two languages becomes useful when it is adequately describing the sound structure and grammatical structure of two languages, with comparative statements giving emphasis to the compatible items in the two systems. This research work uses comparative analysis theory to analyze adjective and adjectival phrases in Hausa and Yorùbá languages. The Hausa language belongs to the Chadic family of the Afro-Asiatic phylum, while the Yorùbá language belongs to the Benue-Congo family of the Niger-Congo phylum. The findings of the research clearly demonstrated that there are significant similarities in the adjectival phrase constructions of the two languages, i.e., nominal (Head) and post-nominal (Post-Head) use of the adjective, predicative function of an adjective, use of the reduplicative adjective, use of the comparative and superlative adjective, etc. However, there are dissimilarities in the adjectival phrase of the two languages in gender/number agreement and pre-nominal (Post-Head) use of adjectives.Keywords: genetic affinity, contrastive analysis, phylum, pre-head, post-head
Procedia PDF Downloads 2321320 Towards an Understanding of Breaking and Coalescence Process in Bitumen Emulsions
Authors: Abdullah Khan, Per Redelius, Nicole Kringos
The breaking and coalescence process in bitumen emulsion strongly influence the performance of the cold mix asphalt (CMA) and this phase separation process is affected by the physio-chemical changes happening at the bitumen/water interface. In this paper, coalescence experiments of two bitumen droplets in an emulsion environment have been carried out by a newly developed test procedure. In this study, different types of emulsifiers were selected to understand the coalescence process with respect to changes in the water phase surface tension due to addition of different surfactants and other additives such as salts. The research showed that the relaxation kinetics of bitumen droplets varied with the type of emulsifier, its concentration as well as with and without presence of salt in the water phase. Moreover, kinetics of the coalescence process was also investigated with the temperature variation.Keywords: bitumen emulsions, breaking and coalescence, cold mix asphalt, emulsifiers, relaxation, salts
Procedia PDF Downloads 3391319 The Role of the Stud’s Configuration in the Structural Response of Composite Bridges
Authors: Mohammad Mahdi Mohammadi Dehnavi, Alessandra De Angelis, Maria Rosaria Pecce
This paper deals with the role of studs in the structural response of steel-concrete composite beams. A tri-linear slip-shear strength law is assumed according to literature and codes provisions for developing a finite element (FE) model of a case study of a composite deck. The variation of the strength and ductility of the connection is implemented in the numerical model carrying out nonlinear analyses. The results confirm the utility of the model to evaluate the importance of the studs capacity, ductility and strength on the global response (ductility and strength) of the structures but also to analyze the trend of slip and shear at interface along the beams.Keywords: stud connectors, finite element method, slip, shear load, steel-concrete composite bridge
Procedia PDF Downloads 1531318 The Effect Study of Meditation Music in the Elderly
Authors: Metee Pigultong
The research aims at 1) composition of meditation music, 2) study of the meditation time reliability. The population is the older adults who meditated practitioners in the Thepnimitra Temple, Don Mueang District, Bangkok. The sample group was the older persons who meditated practitioners from the age of 60 with five volunteers. The research methodology was time-series to conduct the research progression. The research instruments included: 1) meditation music, 2) brain wave recording form. The research results found that 1) the music combines the binaural beats suitable for the meditation of the older persons, consisting of the following features: a) The tempo rate of the meditation music is no more than 60 beats per minute. b) The musical instruments for the meditation music arrangement include only 4-5 pieces. c) The meditation music arrangement needs to consider the nature of the right instrument. d) Digital music instruments are suitable for composition. e) The pure-tone sound combined in music must generate a brain frequency at the level of 10 Hz. 2) After the researcher conducted a 3-weeks brain training procedure, the researcher performed three tests for the reliability level using Cronbach's Alpha method. The result showed that the meditation reliability had the level = .475 as a moderate concentration.Keywords: binaural beats, music therapy, meditation, older person, the Buddhist meditated practitioners
Procedia PDF Downloads 1911317 The Management Information System for Convenience Stores: Case Study in 7 Eleven Shop in Bangkok
Authors: Supattra Kanchanopast
The purpose of this research is to develop and design a management information system for 7 eleven shop in Bangkok. The system was designed and developed to meet users’ requirements via the internet network by use of application software such as My SQL for database management, Apache HTTP Server for Web Server and PHP Hypertext Preprocessor for an interface between web server, database and users. The system was designed into two subsystems as the main system, or system for head office, and the branch system for branch shops. These consisted of three parts which are classified by user management as shop management, inventory management and Point of Sale (POS) management. The implementation of the MIS for the mini-mart shop, can lessen the amount of paperwork and reduce repeating tasks so it may decrease the capital of the business and support an extension of branches in the future as well.Keywords: convenience store, the management information system, inventory management, 7 eleven shop
Procedia PDF Downloads 4861316 Themes in Aesthetic Perceptions of Restorative Urban Landscapes
Authors: Rachel Bechtold, Catherine Shoulders, Donald Johnson, Jennie Popp, Elena Garcia, Lisa Wood
Creating successfully restored urban landscapes involves both the sound design of natural resources and the incorporation of human perceptions of landscape. Moving forward with an invested interest from society is a challenge for the efficacy of reclaimed landscape design. In particular, urban areas present a dynamic environment wherein society and nature compete for resources and space. This review is meant to examine how perceptions of urban community members, the stakeholders for the plant species that share their environment, are reflected in aesthetic considerations. Findings from this literature review include themes of (1) aesthetic perceptions of stakeholders in rehabilitated landscapes and (2) the importance of organizing indicators of aesthetic perception for future design decisions. Recommendations include addressing the gap in research on aesthetic perceptions of reclaimed urban landscapes and addressing the lack of a consistent and widely accepted framework for these interdisciplinary studies. With knowledge of stakeholder perceptions, improved aesthetic and ecologic designs can more seamlessly merge into reclaimed urban landscapes.Keywords: phytoremediation, urban landscape design, aesthetic perception, landscape ecology, phytorestoration, landscape reclamation, rehabilitation
Procedia PDF Downloads 1961315 The Strength and Metallography of a Bimetallic Friction Stir Bonded Joint between AA6061 and High Hardness Steel
Authors: Richard E. Miller
12.7-mm thick plates of 6061-T6511 aluminum alloy and high hardness steel (528 HV) were successfully joined by a friction stir bonding process using a tungsten-rhenium stir tool. Process parameter variation experiments, which included tool design geometry, plunge and traverse rates, tool offset, spindle tilt, and rotation speed, were conducted to develop a parameter set which yielded a defect free joint. Laboratory tensile tests exhibited yield stresses which exceed the strengths of comparable AA6061-to-AA6061 fusion and friction stir weld joints. Scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy analysis also show atomic diffusion at the material interface region.Keywords: dissimilar materials, friction stir, welding, materials science
Procedia PDF Downloads 2691314 Comparative Analysis of Spectral Estimation Methods for Brain-Computer Interfaces
Authors: Rafik Djemili, Hocine Bourouba, M. C. Amara Korba
In this paper, we present a method in order to classify EEG signals for Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI). EEG signals are first processed by means of spectral estimation methods to derive reliable features before classification step. Spectral estimation methods used are standard periodogram and the periodogram calculated by the Welch method; both methods are compared with Logarithm of Band Power (logBP) features. In the method proposed, we apply Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) followed by Support Vector Machine (SVM). Classification accuracy reached could be as high as 85%, which proves the effectiveness of classification of EEG signals based BCI using spectral methods.Keywords: brain-computer interface, motor imagery, electroencephalogram, linear discriminant analysis, support vector machine
Procedia PDF Downloads 4991313 An Analytical Study of FRP-Concrete Bridge Superstructures
Authors: Wael I. Alnahhal
It is a major challenge to build a bridge superstructure that has long-term durability and low maintenance requirements. A solution to this challenge may be to use new materials or to implement new structural systems. Fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) composites have continued to play an important role in solving some of persistent problems in infrastructure applications because of its high specific strength, light weight, and durability. In this study, the concept of the hybrid FRP-concrete structural systems is applied to a bridge superstructure. The hybrid FRP-concrete bridge superstructure is intended to have durable, structurally sound, and cost effective hybrid system that will take full advantage of the inherent properties of both FRP materials and concrete. In this study, two hybrid FRP-concrete bridge systems were investigated. The first system consists of trapezoidal cell units forming a bridge superstructure. The second one is formed by arch cells. The two systems rely on using cellular components to form the core of the bridge superstructure, and an outer shell to warp around those cells to form the integral unit of the bridge. Both systems were investigated analytically by using finite element (FE) analysis. From the rigorous FE studies, it was concluded that first system is more efficient than the second.Keywords: bridge superstructure, hybrid system, fiber reinforced polymer, finite element analysis
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