Search results for: rationality parameter
1298 Current Status of 5A Lab6 Hollow Cathode Life Tests in Lanzhou Institute of Physics, China
Authors: Yanhui Jia, Ning Guo, Juan Li, Yunkui Sun, Wei Yang, Tianping Zhang, Lin Ma, Wei Meng, Hai Geng
The current statuses of lifetime test of LaB6 hollow cathode at the Lanzhou institute of physics (LIP), China, was described. 5A LaB6 hollow cathode was designed for LIPS-200 40mN Xenon ion thruster and it could be used for LHT-100 80 mN Hall thruster, too. Life test of the discharge and neutralizer modes of LHC-5 hollow cathode were stared in October 2011, and cumulative operation time reached 17,300 and 16,100 hours in April 2015, respectively. The life of cathode was designed more than 11,000 hours. Parameters of discharge and key structure dimensions were monitored in different stage of life test indicated that cathodes were health enough. The test will continue until the cathode cannot work or operation parameter is not in normally. The result of the endurance test of cathode demonstrated that the LaB6 hollow cathode is satisfied for the required of thruster in life and performance.Keywords: LaB6, hollow cathode, thruster, lifetime test, electric propulsion
Procedia PDF Downloads 6101297 Diagnosis on Environmental Impacts of Tourism at Caju Beach in Palmas, Tocantins, Brazil
Authors: Mary L. G. S. Senna, Veruska, C. Dutra, Jr., Keity L. F. Oliveira, Patrícia A. Santos, Alana C. M. Santana
Environmental impacts are the changes in the physical, chemical or biological properties of natural areas that are most often caused by human actions on the environment and which have consequences for human health, society and the elements of nature. The identification of the environmental impacts is important so that they are mitigated, and above all that the mitigating measures are applied in the area. This work aims to identify the environmental impacts generated in the Praia do Caju area in the city of Palmas/Brazil and show that the lack of structure on the beach intensifies the environmental impacts. The present work was carried out having as parameter, the typologies of exploratory and descriptive and quantitative research through a matrix of environmental impacts through direct observation and registration. The study took place during the holidays from August to December 2016 and photographic record of impacts. From the collected data it was possible to verify that Caju beach suffers constant degradation due to irregular deposition.Keywords: leisure, tourism, environmental impacts, Brazil
Procedia PDF Downloads 3371296 Research on Transmission Parameters Determination Method Based on Dynamic Characteristic Analysis
Authors: Baoshan Huang, Fanbiao Bao, Bing Li, Lianghua Zeng, Yi Zheng
Parameter control strategy based on statistical characteristics can analyze the choice of the transmission ratio of an automobile transmission. According to the difference of the transmission gear, the number and spacing of the gear can be determined. Transmission ratio distribution of transmission needs to satisfy certain distribution law. According to the statistic characteristics of driving parameters, the shift control strategy of the vehicle is analyzed. CVT shift schedule adjustment algorithm based on statistical characteristic parameters can be seen from the above analysis, if according to the certain algorithm to adjust the size of, can adjust the target point are in the best efficiency curve and dynamic curve between the location, to alter the vehicle characteristics. Based on the dynamic characteristics and the practical application of the vehicle, this paper presents the setting scheme of the transmission ratio.Keywords: vehicle dynamics, transmission ratio, transmission parameters, statistical characteristics
Procedia PDF Downloads 4051295 Estimation of Location and Scale Parameters of Extended Exponential Distribution Based on Record Statistics
Authors: E. Krishna
An Extended form of exponential distribution using Marshall and Olkin method is introduced.The location scale family of these distributions is considered. For location scale free family, exact expressions for single and product moments of upper record statistics are derived. The mean, variance and covariance of record values are computed for various values of the shape parameter. Using these the BLUE's of location and scale parameters are derived.The variances and covariance of estimates are obtained.Through Monte Carlo simulation the condence intervals for location and scale parameters are constructed.The Best liner unbiased Predictor (BLUP) of future records are also discussed.Keywords: BLUE, BLUP, condence interval, Marshall-Olkin distribution, Monte Carlo simulation, prediction of future records, record statistics
Procedia PDF Downloads 4171294 Risk Assessment of Reinforcement System on Fractured Rock Mass, Gate Shaft Project, Jatigede Dam, Sumedang, West Java, Indonesia
Authors: A. Ardianto, M. A. Putera Agung, S. Pramusandi
Power waterway is one of dam structures and as an intake vertical tunnel or well function for hydroelectric power plants in Jatigede area, Sumedang, West Java. Gate shaft is also one of parts the power waterway system. The paper concerns some consideration in determining a critical state parameter on the back stability analysis of gate shaft or excavation wall stability during excavation. Study analysis was carried out using without and with reinforcement system. Results study showed that reinforcement shaft could reduce the total displacement and safety factor could increases significantly. Based on the back calculation results, it was recommended to install some reinforcement materials and drainage system to reduce pore water pressure.Keywords: power waterway, reinforcement, displacement, safety
Procedia PDF Downloads 4101293 An Improvement of Flow Forming Process for Pressure Vessels by Four Rollers Machine
Authors: P. Sawitri, S. Cdr. Sittha, T. Kritsana
Flow forming is widely used in many industries, especially in defence technology industries. Pressure vessels requirements are high precision, light weight, seamless and optimum strength. For large pressure vessels, flow forming by 3 rollers machine were used. In case of long range rocket motor case flow forming and welding of pressure vessels have been used for manufacturing. Due to complication of welding process, researchers had developed 4 meters length pressure vessels without weldment by 4 rollers flow forming machine. Design and preparation of preform work pieces are performed. The optimization of flow forming parameter such as feed rate, spindle speed and depth of cut will be discussed. The experimental result shown relation of flow forming parameters to quality of flow formed tube and prototype pressure vessels have been made.Keywords: flow forming, pressure vessel, four rollers, feed rate, spindle speed, cold work
Procedia PDF Downloads 3311292 Reasons to Live - Positive Psychology and Self Determination Theory in the Prevention of Depression and Suicidal Ideation
Authors: Luiz Carlos Dias Lima De Oliveira
Psychology does not have the task of being confined only to the knowledge of losses, weaknesses or diseases, because it is necessary to give analogous dedication to the investigation of human virtues, efforts and aptitudes. The reasons for living with greater constancy and expressiveness act as a protective condition for risk behaviors, but with less constancy and expressiveness they can be a viable parameter of suicidal ideation or potential suicidal initiatives. In other words, Positive Psychology scientifically studies human strengths and virtues. In the same way, we refer to the basic psychological needs of the human being, according to the Theory of Self-Determination: the need for belonging, competence and autonomy to live the best possible life or the ability to make positive decisions in life. In this sense, following the assumptions of Positive Psychology, we raise the question of what are the reasons for living, seeking a way to draw attention to positive aspects of life.Keywords: psychology, positive, self-determination, belonging, competence, autonomy, depression, suicide.
Procedia PDF Downloads 701291 Analysis of the Aquifer Vulnerability of a Miopliocene Arid Area Using Drastic and SI Models
Many methods in the groundwater vulnerability have been developed in the world (methods like PRAST, DRIST, APRON/ARAA, PRASTCHIM, GOD). In this study, our choice dealt with two recent complementary methods using category mapping of index with weighting criteria (Point County Systems Model MSCP) namely the standard DRASTIC method and SI (Susceptibility Index). At present, these two methods are the most used for the mapping of the intrinsic vulnerability of groundwater. Two classes of groundwater vulnerability in the Biskra sandy aquifer were identified by the DRASTIC method (average and high) and the SI method (very high and high). Integrated analysis has revealed that the high class is predominant for the DRASTIC method whereas for that of SI the preponderance is for the very high class. Furthermore, we notice that the method SI estimates better the vulnerability for the pollution in nitrates, with a rate of 85 % between the concentrations in nitrates of groundwater and the various established classes of vulnerability, against 75 % for the DRASTIC method. By including the land use parameter, the SI method produced more realistic results.Keywords: DRASTIC, SI, GIS, Biskra sandy aquifer, Algeria
Procedia PDF Downloads 4881290 The Effect of H2S on Crystal Structure
Authors: C. Venkataraman B. E., J. Nagarajan B. E., V. Srinivasan M. Tech
For a better understanding on sulfide stress corrosion cracking, a theoretical approach based on crystal structure, molecule behavior, flow of electrons and electrochemical reaction is developed. Its impact on different materials such as carbon steel, low alloy, alloy for sour (H2S) environments is studied. This paper describes the theories on various disaster and failures occurred in the industry by Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC). Parameters such as pH of process fluid, partial pressure of CO2, O2, Chlorine, effect of internal pressure (crystal structure deformation by stress), and external environment condition are considered. An analytical line graph is then created for process fluid parameter verses time, temperature, induced/residual stress due to local pressure build-up. By comparison with the load test result of NACE and ASTM, it is possible to predict and simplify the control of SCC by use of materials like ferritic, Austenitic material in the oil and gas & petroleum industries.Keywords: crystal structure deformation, failure assessment, alloy-environment combination, H2S
Procedia PDF Downloads 4011289 Effects of Cattaneo-Christov Heat Flux on 3D Magnetohydrodynamic Viscoelastic Fluid Flow with Variable Thermal Conductivity
Authors: Muhammad Ramzan
A mathematical model has been envisaged to discuss three-dimensional Viscoelastic fluid flow with an effect of Cattaneo-Christov heat flux in attendance of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD). Variable thermal conductivity with the impact of homogeneous-heterogeneous reactions and convective boundary condition is also taken into account. Homotopy analysis method is engaged to obtain series solutions. Graphical illustrations depicting behaviour of sundry parameters on skin friction coefficient and all involved distributions are also given. It is observed that velocity components are decreasing functions of Viscoelastic fluid parameter. Furthermore, strength of homogeneous and heterogeneous reactions have opposite effects on concentration distribution. A comparison with a published paper has also been established and an excellent agreement is obtained; hence reliable results are being presented.Keywords: Cattaneo Christov heat flux, homogenous-heterogeneous reactions, magnetic field, variable thermal conductivity
Procedia PDF Downloads 1971288 Evaluating the Durability and Safety of Lithium-Ion Batterie in High-Temperature Desert Climates
Authors: Kenza Maher, Yahya Zakaria, Noora S. Al-Jaidah
Temperature is a critical parameter for lithium-ion battery performance, life, and safety. In this study, four commercially available 18650 lithium-ion cells from four different manufacturers are subjected to accelerated cycle aging for up to 500 cycles at two different temperatures (25°C and 45°C). The cells are also calendar-aged at the same temperatures in both charged and discharged states for 6 months to investigate the effect of aging and temperature on capacity fade and state of health. The results showed that all battery cells demonstrated good cyclability and had a good state of health at both temperatures. However, the capacity loss and state of health of these cells are found to be dependent on the cell chemistry and aging conditions, including temperature. Specifically, the capacity loss is found to be higher at the higher aging temperature, indicating the significant impact of temperature on the aging of lithium-ion batteries.Keywords: lithium-ion battery, aging mechanisms, cycle aging, calendar aging.
Procedia PDF Downloads 991287 Parameters Influencing the Output Precision of a Lens-Lens Beam Generator Solar Concentrator
Authors: M. Tawfik, X. Tonnellier, C. Sansom
The Lens-Lens Beam Generator (LLBG) is a Fresnel-based optical concentrating technique which provides flexibility in selecting the solar receiver location compared to conventional techniques through generating a powerful concentrated collimated solar beam. In order to achieve that, two successive lenses are used and followed by a flat mirror. Hence the generated beam emerging from the LLBG has a high power flux which impinges on the target receiver, it is important to determine the precision of the system output. In this present work, mathematical investigation of different parameters affecting the precision of the output beam is carried out. These parameters include: Deflection in sun-facing lens and its holding arm, delay in updating the solar tracking system, and the flat mirror surface flatness. Moreover, relationships that describe the power lost due to the effect of each parameter are derived in this study.Keywords: Fresnel lens, LLBG, solar concentrator, solar tracking
Procedia PDF Downloads 2181286 An Embedded High Speed Adder for Arithmetic Computations
Authors: Kala Bharathan, R. Seshasayanan
In this paper, a 1-bit Embedded Logic Full Adder (EFA) circuit in transistor level is proposed, which reduces logic complexity, gives low power and high speed. The design is further extended till 64 bits. To evaluate the performance of EFA, a 16, 32, 64-bit both Linear and Square root Carry Select Adder/Subtractor (CSLAS) Structure is also proposed. Realistic testing of proposed circuits is done on 8 X 8 Modified Booth multiplier and comparison in terms of power and delay is done. The EFA is implemented for different multiplier architectures for performance parameter comparison. Overall delay for CSLAS is reduced to 78% when compared to conventional one. The circuit implementations are done on TSMC 28nm CMOS technology using Cadence Virtuoso tool. The EFA has power savings of up to 14% when compared to the conventional adder. The present implementation was found to offer significant improvement in terms of power and speed in comparison to other full adder circuits.Keywords: embedded logic, full adder, pdp, xor gate
Procedia PDF Downloads 4481285 The Investigation of Niobium Addition on Mechanical Properties of Al11Si alloy
Authors: Kerem Can Dizdar, Semih Ateş, Ozan Güler, Gökhan Basman, Derya Dışpınar, Cevat Fahir Arısoy
Grain refinement and obtaining homogeneous microstructure is the key parameter in casting of aluminum alloys. Ti has been traditionally used as grain refiner, however, inconsistency and heterogeneous dendrite arms, as well as fading efficiency, have been the drawbacks of Ti. Alternatively, Nb (Niobium) has gained attention. In this work, the effect of Nb was investigated in case of both as cast and T6 heat treated conditions. Different ratios of Nb (0.0, 0.03, 0.05, 0.07, 0.1 weight%) were added to AlSi11 alloy, mechanical properties were examined statistically, and relationship was established between microstructure and mechanical properties by examining the grain size and dendrite characteristics before and after heat treatment. Results indicate that in the case of as cast state; with the increasing addition of Nb has no significant effect on yield strength, however, it increases the tensile strength and elongation starting with 0.05wt% ratio, and it remains constant up to 0.1wt%. For the heat-treated condition; Nb addition provides increment at yield strength and tensile strength up to 0.05wt%, but it leads to decrementfrom 0.05 to 0.1wt%. The opposite is valid for the elongation; It decreases in between 0-0.05wt% then rises in range of 0.05-0.1wt%. Highest yield strength and ultimate tensile strength were found T6 heat treated 0.05wt% Nb addition. 0.05wt% was found as critical Nbaddition ratio for mechanical properties of Al-11Si alloys. Grain refinement and obtaining homogeneous microstructure is the key parameter in casting of aluminum alloys. Ti has been traditionally used as grain refiner, however, inconsistency and heterogeneous dendrite arms, as well as fading efficiency, have been the drawbacks of Ti. Alternatively, Nb (Niobium) has gained attention. In this work, the effect of Nb was investigated in case of both as cast and T6 heat treated conditions. Different ratios of Nb (0.0, 0.03, 0.05, 0.07, 0.1 weight%) were added to AlSi11 alloy, mechanical properties were examined statistically, and relationship was established between microstructure and mechanical properties by examining the grain size and dendrite characteristics before and after heat treatment. Results indicate that in the case of as cast state; with the increasing addition of Nb has no significant effect on yield strength, however, it increases the tensile strength and elongation starting with 0.05wt% ratio, and it remains constant up to 0.1wt%. For the heat-treated condition; Nb addition provides increment at yield strength and tensile strength up to 0.05wt%, but it leads to decrement from 0.05 to 0.1wt%. The opposite is valid for the elongation; It decreases in between 0-0.05wt% then rises in range of 0.05-0.1wt%. Highest yield strength and ultimate tensile strength were found T6 heat treated 0.05wt% Nb addition. 0.05wt% was found as critical Nbaddition ratio for mechanical properties of Al-11Si alloys.Keywords: al-si alloy, grain refinement, heat treatment, mechanical properties, microstructure, niobium, sand casting
Procedia PDF Downloads 1481284 An ANOVA Approach for the Process Parameters Optimization of Al-Si Alloy Sand Casting
Authors: Manjinder Bajwa, Mahipal Singh, Manish Nagpal
This research paper aims to propose a novel approach using ANOVA technique for the strategic investigation of process parameters and their effects on the mechanical properties of Aluminium alloy cast. The two process parameters considered here were permeability of sand and pouring temperature of aluminium alloy. ANOVA has been employed for the first time to determine the effects of these selected parameters on the impact strength of alloy. The experimental results show that this proposed technique has great potential for analyzing sand casting process. Using this approach we have determined the treatment mean square, response mean square and mean square of error as 8.54, 8.255 and 0.435 respectively. The research concluded that at the 5% level of significance, permeability of sand is the more significant parameter influencing the impact strength of cast alloy.Keywords: aluminium alloy, pouring temperature, permeability of sand, impact strength, ANOVA
Procedia PDF Downloads 4481283 Physical Properties of Uranium Dinitride UN2 by Using Density Functional Theory (DFT and DFT+U)
Authors: T. Zergoug, S. E. H. Abaidia, A. Nedjar, M. Y. Mokeddem
Physical properties of uranium di-nitride (UN2) were investigated in detail using first principles calculations based on density functional theory. To treat the strong correlation effects caused by 5f Uranium valence electrons, on-site Coulomb interaction correction via the Hubbard-like term, U (DFT+U) was employed. The UN2 structural, mechanical and thermodynamic properties were calculated within DFT and Various U of DFT+U approach. The Perdew–Burke–Ernzerhof (PBE.5.2) version of the generalized gradient approximation (GGA) is used to describe the exchange-correlation with the projector-augmented wave (PAW) pseudo potentials. A comparative study shows that results are improved by using the Hubbard formalism for a certain U value correction like the structural parameter. For some physical properties the variation versus Hubbard U is strong like Young modulus but for others it is weakly noticeable such as the density of state (DOS) or bulk modulus. We noticed also that up from U=7.5 eV, elastic results become not conform to the cubic cell elastic criteria since the C44 values turn out to be negative.Keywords: uranium diNitride, UN2, DFT+U, elastic properties
Procedia PDF Downloads 4521282 A Boundary Backstepping Control Design for 2-D, 3-D and N-D Heat Equation
Authors: Aziz Sezgin
We consider the problem of stabilization of an unstable heat equation in a 2-D, 3-D and generally n-D domain by deriving a generalized backstepping boundary control design methodology. To stabilize the systems, we design boundary backstepping controllers inspired by the 1-D unstable heat equation stabilization procedure. We assume that one side of the boundary is hinged and the other side is controlled for each direction of the domain. Thus, controllers act on two boundaries for 2-D domain, three boundaries for 3-D domain and ”n” boundaries for n-D domain. The main idea of the design is to derive ”n” controllers for each of the dimensions by using ”n” kernel functions. Thus, we obtain ”n” controllers for the ”n” dimensional case. We use a transformation to change the system into an exponentially stable ”n” dimensional heat equation. The transformation used in this paper is a generalized Volterra/Fredholm type with ”n” kernel functions for n-D domain instead of the one kernel function of 1-D design.Keywords: backstepping, boundary control, 2-D, 3-D, n-D heat equation, distributed parameter systems
Procedia PDF Downloads 4041281 Ruthenium Based Nanoscale Contact Coatings for Magnetically Controlled MEMS Switches
Authors: Sergey M. Karabanov, Dmitry V. Suvorov
Magnetically controlled microelectromechanical system (MCMEMS) switches is one of the directions in the field of micropower switching technology. MCMEMS switches are a promising alternative to Hall sensors and reed switches. The most important parameter for MCMEMS is the contact resistance, which should have a minimum value and is to be stable for the entire duration of service life. The value and stability of the contact resistance is mainly determined by the contact coating material. This paper presents the research results of a contact coating based on nanoscale ruthenium films obtained by electrolytic deposition. As a result of the performed investigations, the deposition modes of ruthenium films are chosen, the regularities of the contact resistance change depending on the number of contact switching, and the coating roughness are established. It is shown that changing the coating roughness makes it possible to minimize the contact resistance.Keywords: contact resistance, electrode coating, electrolytic deposition, magnetically controlled MEMS
Procedia PDF Downloads 1831280 Analysis of Sound Loss from the Highway Traffic through Lightweight Insulating Concrete Walls and Artificial Neural Network Modeling of Sound Transmission
Authors: Mustafa Tosun, Kevser Dincer
In this study, analysis on whether the lightweight concrete walled structures used in four climatic regions of Turkey are also capable of insulating sound was conducted. As a new approach, first the wall’s thermal insulation sufficiency’s were calculated and then, artificial neural network (ANN) modeling was used on their cross sections to check if they are sound transmitters too. The ANN was trained and tested by using MATLAB toolbox on a personal computer. ANN input parameters that used were thickness of lightweight concrete wall, frequency and density of lightweight concrete wall, while the transmitted sound was the output parameter. When the results of the TS analysis and those of ANN modeling are evaluated together, it is found from this study, that sound transmit loss increases at higher frequencies, higher wall densities and with larger wall cross sections.Keywords: artificial neuron network, lightweight concrete, sound insulation, sound transmit loss
Procedia PDF Downloads 2521279 Novel Technique for calculating Surface Potential Gradient of Overhead Line Conductors
Authors: Sudip Sudhir Godbole
In transmission line surface potential gradient is a critical design parameter for planning overhead line, as it determines the level of corona loss (CL), radio interference (RI) and audible noise (AN).With increase of transmission line voltage level bulk power transfer is possible, using bundle conductor configuration used, it is more complex to find accurate surface stress in bundle configuration. The majority of existing models for surface gradient calculations are based on analytical methods which restrict their application in simulating complex surface geometry. This paper proposes a novel technique which utilizes both analytical and numerical procedure to predict the surface gradient. One of 400 kV transmission line configurations has been selected as an example to compare the results for different methods. The different strand shapes are a key variable in determining.Keywords: surface gradient, Maxwell potential coefficient method, market and Mengele’s method, successive images method, charge simulation method, finite element method
Procedia PDF Downloads 5381278 The Academic Experience of Vocational Training Teachers
Authors: Andréanne Gagné, Jo Anni Joncas, Éric Tendon
Teaching in vocational training requires an excellent mastery of the trade being taught, but also solid professional skills in pedagogy. Teachers are typically recruited on the basis of their trade expertise, and they do not necessarily have training or experience in pedagogy. In order to counter this lack, the Ministry of Education (Québec, Canada) requires them to complete a 120-credit university program to obtain their teaching certificate. They must complete this training in addition to their teaching duties. This training was rarely planned in the teacher’s life course, and each teacher approaches it differently: some are enthusiastic, but many feel reluctant discouragement and even frustration at the idea of committing to a training program lasting an average of 10 years to completion. However, Quebec is experiencing an unprecedented shortage of teachers, and the perseverance of vocational teachers in their careers requires special attention because of the conditions of their specific integration conditions. Our research examines the perceptions that vocational teachers in training have of their academic experience in pre-service teaching. It differs from previous research in that it focuses on the influence of the academic experience on the teaching employment experience. The goal is that by better understanding the university experience of teachers in vocational education, we can identify support strategies to support their school experience and their teaching. To do this, the research is based on the theoretical framework of the sociology of experience, which allows us to study the way in which these “teachers-students” give meaning to their university program in articulation with their jobs according to three logics of action. The logic of integration is based on the process of socialization, where the action is preceded by the internalization of values, norms, and cultural models associated with the training context. The logic of strategy refers to the usefulness of this experience where the individual constructs a form of rationality according to his objectives, resources, social position, and situational constraints. The logic of subjectivation refers to reflexivity activities aimed at solving problems and making choices. These logics served as a framework for the development of an online questionnaire. Three hundred respondents, newly enrolled in an undergraduate teaching program (bachelor's degree in vocational education), expressed themselves about their academic experience. This paper relates qualitative data (open-ended questions) subjected to an interpretive repertory analysis approach to descriptive data (closed-ended questions) that emerged. The results shed light on how the respondents perceive themselves as teachers and students, their perceptions of university training and the support offered, and the place that training occupies in their professional path. Indeed, their professional and academic paths are inextricably linked, and it seems essential to take them into account simultaneously to better meet their needs and foster the development of their expertise in pedagogy. The discussion focuses on the strengths and limitations of university training from the perspective of the logic of action. The results also suggest support strategies that can be implemented to better support the integration and retention of student teachers in professional education.Keywords: teacher, vocational training, pre-service training, academic experience
Procedia PDF Downloads 1151277 Regionalization of IDF Curves, by Interpolating Intensity and Adjustment Parameters - Application to Boyacá, Colombia
Authors: Pedro Mauricio Acosta, Carlos Andrés Caro
This research presents the regionalization of IDF curves for the department of Boyacá, Colombia, which comprises 16 towns, including the provincial capital, Tunja. For regionalization adjustment parameters (U and alpha) of the IDF curves stations referred to in the studied area were used. Similar regionalization is used by the interpolation of intensities. In the case of regionalization by parameters found by the construction of the curves intensity, duration and frequency estimation methods using ordinary moments and maximum likelihood. Regionalization and interpolation of data were performed with the assistance of Arcgis software. Within the development of the project the best choice to provide a level of reliability such as to determine which of the options and ways to regionalize is best sought. The resulting isolines maps were made in the case of regionalization intensities, each map is associated with a different return period and duration in order to build IDF curves in the studied area. In the case of the regionalization maps parameters associated with each parameter were performed last.Keywords: intensity duration, frequency curves, regionalization, hydrology
Procedia PDF Downloads 3281276 Dimensional Accuracy of CNTs/PMMA Parts and Holes Produced by Laser Cutting
Authors: A. Karimzad Ghavidel, M. Zadshakouyan
Laser cutting is a very common production method for cutting 2D polymeric parts. Developing of polymer composites with nano-fibers makes important their other properties like laser workability. The aim of this research is investigation of the influence different laser cutting conditions on the dimensional accuracy of parts and holes from poly methyl methacrylate (PMMA)/carbon nanotubes (CNTs) material. Experiments were carried out by considering of CNTs (in four level 0,0.5, 1 and 1.5% wt.%), laser power (60, 80, and 100 watt) and cutting speed 20, 30, and 40 mm/s as input variable factors. The results reveal that CNTs adding improves the laser workability of PMMA and the increasing of power has a significant effect on the part and hole size. The findings also show cutting speed is effective parameter on the size accuracy. Eventually, the statistical analysis of results was done, and calculated mathematical equations by the regression are presented for determining relation between input and output factor.Keywords: dimensional accuracy, PMMA, CNTs, laser cutting
Procedia PDF Downloads 3071275 Genetic Divergence of Life History Traits in Indian Populations of Drosophila bipectinata
Authors: Manvender Singh
Temperature is one of the most important climatic parameter for explaining the geographic distribution of ectothermic species. Empirical investigations on norms of the reaction according to developmental temperatures are helpful in analyzing the adapture capacity of a species which may be related to its ecological niche. In the present investigation, we have compared the effects of developmental temperatures on fecundity, hatchability, viability, and duration of development in five natural populations of Drosophila bipectinata along the latitudinal range. The clinal patterns for fecundity, as well as ovariole number, were observed which showed significant positive correlation (r=0.97). Similarly, hatchability and duration of development also revealed a positive correlation with latitude. Hence, suggesting the role of natural selection in maintaining the genetic divergence for life history traits along the north-south transect of the Indian Subcontinent.Keywords: growth temperature, fecundity, hatchability, viability, duration of development, Drosophila
Procedia PDF Downloads 2441274 Utilizing Grid Computing to Enhance Power Systems Performance
Authors: Rafid A. Al-Khannak, Fawzi M. Al-Naima
Power load is one of the most important controlling keys which decide power demands and illustrate power usage to shape power market. Hence, power load forecasting is the parameter which facilitates understanding and analyzing all these aspects. In this paper, power load forecasting is solved under MATLAB environment by constructing a neural network for the power load to find an accurate simulated solution with the minimum error. A developed algorithm to achieve load forecasting application with faster technique is the aim for this paper. The algorithm is used to enable MATLAB power application to be implemented by multi machines in the Grid computing system, and to accomplish it within much less time, cost and with high accuracy and quality. Grid Computing, the modern computational distributing technology, has been used to enhance the performance of power applications by utilizing idle and desired Grid contributor(s) by sharing computational power resources.Keywords: DeskGrid, Grid Server, idle contributor(s), grid computing, load forecasting
Procedia PDF Downloads 4761273 An Accelerated Stochastic Gradient Method with Momentum
Authors: Liang Liu, Xiaopeng Luo
In this paper, we propose an accelerated stochastic gradient method with momentum. The momentum term is the weighted average of generated gradients, and the weights decay inverse proportionally with the iteration times. Stochastic gradient descent with momentum (SGDM) uses weights that decay exponentially with the iteration times to generate the momentum term. Using exponential decay weights, variants of SGDM with inexplicable and complicated formats have been proposed to achieve better performance. However, the momentum update rules of our method are as simple as that of SGDM. We provide theoretical convergence analyses, which show both the exponential decay weights and our inverse proportional decay weights can limit the variance of the parameter moving directly to a region. Experimental results show that our method works well with many practical problems and outperforms SGDM.Keywords: exponential decay rate weight, gradient descent, inverse proportional decay rate weight, momentum
Procedia PDF Downloads 1641272 Association of Fetal Abdominal Circumference and Birthweight in Maternal Hyperglycemia
Authors: Silpa Mariyam John, S. Baburaj, Prajit Geevarghese
Diabetes accelerates pregnancy and can cause adverse effects on the fetus. Studies have shown that fetal abdominal circumference measured in ultrasound is an early parameter for the assessment of macrosomia. The objective of the study is to compare the fetal abdominal circumferences between diabetes and non-diabetic mothers. It was a comparative cross-sectional study conducted in a tertiary care hospital in Trivandrum, Kerala, with a sample size calculated as 95 for each group. All mothers taking antenatal care and delivering at the hospital were included after obtaining consent. The mothers and their newborns were divided into 2 groups (diabetic and non-diabetic). Relevant fetal biometry values were collected from medical records, and birth weight was measured by a calibrated electronic weighing machine after birth. The data were entered in MS EXCEL and analyzed. It was found that there is a significant relationship between the fetal abdominal circumference and birthweight in diabetic mothers during the first and third trimesters.Keywords: newborn, diabetes, abdominal circumference, ultrasound
Procedia PDF Downloads 561271 Dynamical Heterogeneity and Aging in Turbulence with a Nambu-Goldstone Mode
Authors: Fahrudin Nugroho, Halim Hamadi, Yusril Yusuf, Pekik Nurwantoro, Ari Setiawan, Yoshiki Hidaka
We investigate the Nikolaevskiy equation numerically using exponential time differencing method and pseudo-spectral method. This equation develops a long-wavelength modulation that behaves as a Nambu–Goldstone mode, and short-wavelength instability and exhibit turbulence. Using the autocorrelation analysis, the statistical properties of the turbulence governed by the equation are investigated. The autocorrelation then has been fitted with The Kohlrausch– Williams–Watts (KWW) expression. By varying the control parameter, we show a transition from compressed to stretched exponential for the auto-correlation function of Nikolaevskiy turbulence. The compressed exponential is an indicator of the existence of dynamical heterogeneity while the stretched indicates aging process. Thereby, we revealed the existence of dynamical heterogeneity and aging in the turbulence governed by Nikolaevskiy equation.Keywords: compressed exponential, dynamical heterogeneity, Nikolaevskiy equation, stretched exponential, turbulence
Procedia PDF Downloads 4361270 Modeling Nanomechanical Behavior of ZnO Nanowires as a Function of Nano-Diameter
Authors: L. Achou, A. Doghmane
Elastic performances, as an essential property of nanowires (NWs), play a significant role in the design and fabrication of modern nanodevices. In this paper, our interest is focused on ZnO NWs to investigate wire diameter (Dwire ≤ 400 nm) effects on elastic properties. The plotted data reveal that a strong size dependence of the elastic constants exists when the wire diameter is smaller than ~ 100 nm. For larger diameters (Dwire > 100 nm), these ones approach their corresponding bulk values. To enrich this study, we make use of the scanning acoustic microscopy simulation technique. The calculation methodology consists of several steps: determination of longitudinal and transverse wave velocities, calculation of refection coefficients, calculation of acoustic signatures and Rayleigh velocity determination. Quantitatively, it was found that changes in ZnO diameters over the ranges 1 nm ≤ Dwire ≤ 100 nm lead to similar exponential variations, for all elastic parameters, of the from: A = a + b exp(-Dwire/c) where a, b, and c are characteristic constants of a given parameter. The developed relation can be used to predict elastic properties of such NW by just knowing its diameter and vice versa.Keywords: elastic properties, nanowires, semiconductors, theoretical model, ZnO
Procedia PDF Downloads 1691269 Cascaded Neural Network for Internal Temperature Forecasting in Induction Motor
Authors: Hidir S. Nogay
In this study, two systems were created to predict interior temperature in induction motor. One of them consisted of a simple ANN model which has two layers, ten input parameters and one output parameter. The other one consisted of eight ANN models connected each other as cascaded. Cascaded ANN system has 17 inputs. Main reason of cascaded system being used in this study is to accomplish more accurate estimation by increasing inputs in the ANN system. Cascaded ANN system is compared with simple conventional ANN model to prove mentioned advantages. Dataset was obtained from experimental applications. Small part of the dataset was used to obtain more understandable graphs. Number of data is 329. 30% of the data was used for testing and validation. Test data and validation data were determined for each ANN model separately and reliability of each model was tested. As a result of this study, it has been understood that the cascaded ANN system produced more accurate estimates than conventional ANN model.Keywords: cascaded neural network, internal temperature, inverter, three-phase induction motor
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