Search results for: international research project
28916 The Lived Experiences and Coping Strategies of Women with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Authors: Oli Sophie Meredith, Jacquelyn Osborne, Sarah Verdon, Jane Frawley
PROJECT OVERVIEW AND BACKGROUND: Over one million Australians are affected by ADHD at an economic and social cost of over $20 billion per annum. Despite health outcomes being significantly worse compared with men, women have historically been overlooked in ADHD diagnosis and treatment. While research suggests physical activity and other non-prescription options can help with ADHD symptoms, the frontline response to ADHD remains expensive stimulant medications that can have adverse side effects. By interviewing women with ADHD, this research will examine women’s self-directed approaches to managing symptoms, including alternatives to prescription medications. It will investigate barriers and affordances to potentially helpful approaches and identify any concerning strategies pursued in lieu of diagnosis. SIGNIFICANCE AND INNOVATION: Despite the economic and societal impact of ADHD on women, research investigating how women manage their symptoms is scant. This project is significant because although women’s ADHD symptoms are markedly different to those of men, mainstream treatment has been based on the experiences of men. Further, it is thought that in developing nuanced coping strategies, women may have masked their symptoms. Thus, this project will highlight strategies which women deem effective in ‘thriving’ rather than just ‘hiding’. By investigating the health service use, self-care and physical activity of women with ADHD, this research aligns with a priority research areas as identified by the November 2023 senate ADHD inquiry report. APPROACH AND METHODS: Semi-structured interviews will be conducted with up to 20 women with ADHD. Interviews will be conducted in person and online to capture experience across rural and metropolitan Australia. Participants will be recruited in partnership with the peak representative body, ADHD Australia. The research will use an intersectional framework, and data will be analysed thematically. This project is led by an interdisciplinary and cross-institutional team of women with ADHD. Reflexive interviewing skills will be employed to help interviewees feel more comfortable disclosing their experiences, especially where they share common ground ENGAGEMENT, IMPACT AND BENEFIT: This research will benefit women with ADHD by increasing knowledge of strategies and alternative treatments to prescription medications, reducing the social and economic burden of ADHD on Australia and on individuals. It will also benefit women by identifying risks involved with some self-directed approaches in lieu of medical advice. The project has an accessible impact plan to directly benefit end-users, which includes the development of a podcast and a PDF resource translating findings. The resources will reach a wide audience through ADHD Australia’s extensive national networks. We will collaborate with Charles Sturt’s Accessibility and Inclusion Division of Safety, Security and Well-being to create a targeted resource for students with ADHD.Keywords: ADHD, women's health, self-directed strategies, health service use, physical activity, public health
Procedia PDF Downloads 7628915 Outbound Tourism in Developed Countries: Analysis of the Trends, Behavior and the Transformation of the Moroccan Demand for International Travels
Authors: M. Boukhrouk, R. Ed-Dali
Outbound tourism in Morocco, as in the majority of developing countries, reveals some of the aspects of inequality between the north and the south. Considered by some researchers as one of the facets of the development crisis, access to tourism and especially international tourism is a chance for a small minority with financial means, while the vast portions of the population dream rather of immigrating to a developed country for the sake of improving their standard of living. The right to travel is also limited by visa requirements, procedures in host countries, security and technical measures and creates discrimination in the practice of tourism. These conditions do not seem to be favorable to the democratization of the practice of international tourism for the populations of the southern countries. This paper is a contribution to the reading of the trends of outbound tourism in developing countries through the example of Morocco. It highlights the different aspects of Moroccan outbound tourism, destinations and the behavior of tourists through an analysis of the offer of a sample of 50 travel agencies. In the same vein, it offers a reading grid of the possibilities offered for the development of outbound tourism and the various existing obstacles to the democratization of international outbound tourism in the southern countries. This reading reveals the transformation in the behavior of Moroccan international tourists as well as the profound changes in Moroccan society, through a model of statistical analysis.Keywords: demand, Hajj, Morocco, outbound tourism, tendency, Umrah
Procedia PDF Downloads 17628914 An Argument for Agile, Lean, and Hybrid Project Management in Museum Conservation Practice: A Qualitative Evaluation of the Morris Collection Conservation Project at the Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts
Authors: Maria Ledinskaya
This paper is part case study and part literature review. It seeks to introduce Agile, Lean, and Hybrid project management concepts from business, software development, and manufacturing fields to museum conservation by looking at their practical application on a recent conservation project at the Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts. The author outlines the advantages of leaner and more agile conservation practices in today’s faster, less certain, and more budget-conscious museum climate where traditional project structures are no longer as relevant or effective. The Morris Collection Conservation Project was carried out in 2019-2021 in Norwich, UK, and concerned the remedial conservation of around 150 Abstract Constructivist artworks bequeathed to the Sainsbury Centre by private collectors Michael and Joyce Morris. It was a medium-sized conservation project of moderate complexity, planned and delivered in an environment with multiple known unknowns – unresearched collection, unknown conditions and materials, unconfirmed budget. The project was later impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, introducing indeterminate lockdowns, budget cuts, staff changes, and the need to accommodate social distancing and remote communications. The author, then a staff conservator at the Sainsbury Centre who acted as project manager on the Morris Project, presents an incremental, iterative, and value-based approach to managing a conservation project in an uncertain environment. The paper examines the project from the point of view of Traditional, Agile, Lean, and Hybrid project management. The author argues that most academic writing on project management in conservation has focussed on a Traditional plan-driven approach – also known as Waterfall project management – which has significant drawbacks in today’s museum environment due to its over-reliance on prediction-based planning and its low tolerance to change. In the last 20 years, alternative Agile, Lean and Hybrid approaches to project management have been widely adopted in software development, manufacturing, and other industries, although their recognition in the museum sector has been slow. Using examples from the Morris Project, the author introduces key principles and tools of Agile, Lean, and Hybrid project management and presents a series of arguments on the effectiveness of these alternative methodologies in museum conservation, including the ethical and practical challenges to their implementation. These project management approaches are discussed in the context of consequentialist, relativist, and utilitarian developments in contemporary conservation ethics. Although not intentionally planned as such, the Morris Project had a number of Agile and Lean features which were instrumental to its successful delivery. These key features are identified as distributed decision-making, a co-located cross-disciplinary team, servant leadership, focus on value-added work, flexible planning done in shorter sprint cycles, light documentation, and emphasis on reducing procedural, financial, and logistical waste. Overall, the author’s findings point in favour of a hybrid model, which combines traditional and alternative project processes and tools to suit the specific needs of the project.Keywords: agile project management, conservation, hybrid project management, lean project management, waterfall project management
Procedia PDF Downloads 7128913 Teaching Computer Programming to Diverse Students: A Comparative, Mixed-Methods, Classroom Research Study
Authors: Almudena Konrad, Tomás Galguera
Lack of motivation and interest is a serious obstacle to students’ learning computing skills. A need exists for a knowledge base on effective pedagogy and curricula to teach computer programming. This paper presents results from research evaluating a six-year project designed to teach complex concepts in computer programming collaboratively, while supporting students to continue developing their computer thinking and related coding skills individually. Utilizing a quasi-experimental, mixed methods design, the pedagogical approaches and methods were assessed in two contrasting groups of students with different socioeconomic status, gender, and age composition. Analyses of quantitative data from Likert-scale surveys and an evaluation rubric, combined with qualitative data from reflective writing exercises and semi-structured interviews yielded convincing evidence of the project’s success at both teaching and inspiring students.Keywords: computational thinking, computing education, computer programming curriculum, logic, teaching methods
Procedia PDF Downloads 31628912 The Concept of Customary International Law. Redefining The Formation Requirements of Customary International Law Based on The Rules-And-Principles-Model of Robert Alexy
Authors: Marlene Anzenberger
The emergence of customary international law has always been controversial. Even with the two fundamental elements of origin, longa consuetudo and opinio juris the process of origin is highly unclear. It is uncertain how much time must pass, how many subjects must act, how many actions must be taken and how strong the opinio iuris must be in order for customary international law to emerge. The most appropriate solutions are based on sliding scales. Every aspect of the emergence of customary international law is up for debate, depending on the specific circumstances. The given approach is to rationalise this process by constructing an internal line of justification for all the arguments developed in the literature and used in the external justification process. This requires defining the elements of the justification process as formal principles. Such an approach is a milestone considering the fact that formal principles are highly questioned nowadays and - if they are accepted at all - are mostly used in relation to competences. Furthermore, the application of formal principles needs to be scrutinised and extended. In the national context (eg fundamental rights), principles have so far only been able to collide. However, their optimisation character also allows for other applications, for example cooperation instead of collision. Taking these aspects into account, a rational origination scheme is to be developed that is based on Robert Alexy's weight formula. First, one has to examine the individual components of the two fundamental elements of emergence and establish whether these are all-or-nothing requirements (rules) or partially fulfillable parameters (principles) and to what extent the gradually fulfillable parameters are definitely of necessity in every case. Second, one has to look at the previous research on formal principles, which is based in particular on Matthias Klatt's theory stating that formal principles are equivalent to competences and occur only in this context. However, the outcome of the paper will not merely show that this identity theory is too narrowly conceived, but that the application of principles to date only represents a partial area of their possible applications. The context of fundamental rights review has suggested to representatives such as Robert Alexy that it is purely the nature of principles to collide with each other and that the task of the practitioner is purely to resolve this collision by means of a proportionality test. However, the application of the development process of customary international law shows that a complementary application of principles is equally possible. The highly praised optimisation requirement is merely attributable to the specific circumstances and is rather based on a general optimisation possibility.The result is twofold. On one side, it is an internal justification scheme that rationalises the development process of customary international law in the sense of an internal justification, whereby a cooperation behaviour between the sub-parameters within the development elements is to be depicted. On the other side, it is a fully developed test to identify the emergence of customary international law in practice.Keywords: balancing, consuetudo, customary international law, formal principles, opinio iuris, proportionality, weight formula
Procedia PDF Downloads 528911 Towards Sustainable Construction in the United Arab Emirates: Challenges and Opportunities
Authors: Yousef Alqaryouti, Mariam Al Suwaidi, Raed Mohmood AlKhuwaildi, Hind Kolthoum, Issa Youssef, Mohammed Al Imam
The UAE has experienced rapid economic growth due to its mature oil production industry, leading to a surge in urbanization and infrastructure development in the construction sector. Sustainable development practices are becoming increasingly important, and the UAE government has taken proactive measures to promote them, including the introduction of sustainable building codes, energy-efficient technologies, and renewable energy sources. Initiatives such as the Masdar City project and the Emirates Green Building Council further demonstrate the government's commitment to a cleaner and healthier environment. By adopting sustainable practices, the UAE can reduce its carbon footprint, lessen its reliance on fossil fuels, and achieve cost savings in the long run. The purpose of this paper is to conduct a thorough review of the current state of sustainability in the construction industry of the UAE. Our research methodology includes a local market survey and qualitative observational analysis of executed housing construction projects by the Mohammed Bin Rashid Housing Establishment. The market survey assesses eleven different challenging factors that affect sustainable construction project delivery. The qualitative observational research is based on data collected from three projects, including construction progress, bill of quantity, and construction program. The study concludes that addressing these challenges requires a collaborative team approach, incentivized contracts, traditional project management practices, an integrated project team, and an increase in sustainability awareness among stakeholders. The recommendations proposed in this study aim to promote and improve the application of sustainability in the UAE's construction industry for the future.Keywords: sustainability, construction, challenges, opportunities, case study, market survey
Procedia PDF Downloads 5728910 Financial Management Skills of Supreme Student Government Officers in the Schools Division of Quezon: Basis for Project Financial Literacy Information Program
Authors: Edmond Jaro Malihan
This study aimed to develop and propose Project Financial Literacy Information Program (FLIP) for the Schools Division of Quezon to improve the financial management skills of Supreme Student Government (SSG) officers across different school sizes. This employed a descriptive research design covering the participation of 424 selected SSG officers using purposive sampling procedures from the SDO-Quezon. The consultation was held with DepEd officials, budget officers, and financial advisors to validate the design of the self-made questionnaires in which the computed mean was verbally interpreted using the four-point Likert scale. The data gathered were presented and analyzed using weighted arithmetic mean and ANOVA test. Based on the findings, generally, SSG officers in the SDO-Quezon possess high financial management skills in terms of budget preparation, resource mobilization, and auditing and evaluation. The size of schools has no significant difference and does not contribute to the financial management skills of SSG officers, which they apply in implementing their mandated programs, projects, and activities (PPAs). The Project Financial Literacy Information Program (FLIP) was developed considering their general level of financial management skills and the launched PPAs by the organization. The project covered the suggested training program vital in conducting the Virtual Division Training on Financial Management Skills of the SSG officers.Keywords: financial management skills, SSG officers, school size, financial literacy information program
Procedia PDF Downloads 7428909 Foreign Direct Investment, International Trade and Environment in Bangladesh: An Empirical Study
Authors: Shilpi Tripathi
After independence, Bangladesh had to learn to survive on its own without any economic crutches (aid). Foreign direct investment (FDI) became a crucial economic tool for the country to become economically independent. The government started removing restrictions to encourage foreign investment, economic growth, international trade, and the environment. FDI is considered as a way to bridge the saving-investment gap, reduce poverty, balance trade, create jobs for its vast labour force, increase foreign exchange earnings and acquire new modern technology and management skills in the country. At the same time, spillovers of foreign investments in Bangladesh, such as low wages (compared to laborers of developed countries), poor working conditions and unbridled exploitation of the domestic resources, environmental externalities, etc., cannot be ignored. The most important adverse implications of FDI inflows noticed are the environmental problems, which are further impacting the health and society of the country. This paper empirically studies the relationship between FDI, economic growth, international trade (exports and Imports), and the environment since 1996. The first part of the paper focuses on the background and trends of FDI, GDP, trade, and environment (CO₂). The second part focuses on the literature review on the relationship between all the variables. The last part of the paper examines the results of empirical analysis like co-integration and Granger causality. The findings of the paper reveal that a uni-directional relationship exists between FDI, CO₂, and international trade (exports and imports). The direction of the causality reveals that FDI inflow is one of the major contributors to high-volume international trade. At the same time, FDI and international trade both are contributing to carbon emissions in Bangladesh. The paper concludes with the policy recommendations that will ensure environmentally friendly trade, investment, and growth in Bangladesh for the future.Keywords: foreign direct investment, GDP, international trade, CO₂, Granger causality, environment
Procedia PDF Downloads 18128908 A Proposed Framework for Better Managing Small Group Projects on an Undergraduate Foundation Programme at an International University Campus
Authors: Sweta Rout-Hoolash
Each year, selected students from around 20 countries begin their degrees at Middlesex University with the International Foundation Program (IFP), developing the skills required for academic study at a UK university. The IFP runs for 30 learning/teaching weeks at Middlesex University Mauritius Branch Campus, which is an international campus of UK’s Middlesex University. Successful IFP students join their degree courses already settled into life at their chosen campus (London, Dubai, Mauritius or Malta) and confident that they understand what is required for degree study. Although part of the School of Science and Technology, in Mauritius it prepares students for undergraduate level across all Schools represented on campus – including disciplines such as Accounting, Business, Computing, Law, Media and Psychology. The researcher has critically reviewed the framework and resources in the curriculum for a particular six week period of IFP study (dedicated group work phase). Despite working together closely for 24 weeks, IFP students approach the final 6 week small group work project phase with mainly inhibitive feelings. It was observed that students did not engage effectively in the group work exercise. Additionally, groups who seemed to be working well did not necessarily produce results reflecting effective collaboration, nor individual members’ results which were better than prior efforts. The researcher identified scope for change and innovation in the IFP curriculum and how group work is introduced and facilitated. The study explores the challenges of groupwork in the context of the Mauritius campus, though it is clear that the implications of the project are not restricted to one campus only. The presentation offers a reflective review on the previous structure put in place for the management of small group assessed projects on the programme from both the student and tutor perspective. The focus of the research perspective is the student voice, by taking into consideration past and present IFP students’ experiences as written in their learning journals. Further, it proposes the introduction of a revised framework to help students take greater ownership of the group work process in order to engage more effectively with the learning outcomes of this crucial phase of the programme. The study has critically reviewed recent and seminal literature on how to achieve greater student ownership during this phase especially under an environment of assessed multicultural group work. The presentation proposes several new approaches for encouraging students to take more control of the collaboration process. Detailed consideration is given to how the proposed changes impact on the work of other stakeholders, or partners to student learning. Clear proposals are laid out for evaluation of the different approaches intended to be implemented during the upcoming academic year (student voice through their own submitted reflections, focus group interviews and through the assessment results). The proposals presented are all realistic and have the potential to transform students’ learning. Furthermore, the study has engaged with the UK Professional Standards Framework for teaching and supporting learning in higher education, and demonstrates practice at the level of ‘fellow’ of the Higher Education Academy (HEA).Keywords: collaborative peer learning, enhancing learning experiences, group work assessment, learning communities, multicultural diverse classrooms, studying abroad
Procedia PDF Downloads 32828907 Pipeline Construction in Oil and Gas Fields as per Kuwait Oil Company Procedures
Authors: Jasem Al-Safran
Nowadays Oil and Gas industry considered as one of the biggest industries around the world although it caused a lot of pollution to the world and it caused many damages to the mankind and the other creatures around the globe it still one of the biggest industries, it create millions of careers around the globe which reduced the poorness level and make the mankind life’s much more comfortable you may compare the humans life before the exploration of the oil and after the oil industries development. Construction project’s consist of 3 major sections also we call them EPC projects the first section is the detailed engineering, the second section is the procurements section and finally is the Construction section, each section required a specialized work force with a different skills in order to handle the work load for example in the oil sector and depending on the nature of the project and the project size the Construction team required mechanical engineer, civil engineer, electrical engineer and instrumentation engineer, also a work site supervisor for each disciplines also a huge number of labors, technicians and many equipment’s.Keywords: Construction, EPC, Project, Work force
Procedia PDF Downloads 10928906 Exploratory Study of Community Interaction Project in Environment Education for Youth
Authors: Archana Vadeyar, Smita Phatak
Nurturing flora and fauna is the crux of Environment Education yet one tends to forget to nurture the human minds. Youth education presently is too academic, exam oriented and lacks all-round development. A project is whole-hearted purposeful activity proceeding in a social environment. Projects at +2 stages have become, just an easier way of securing marks. The purpose of this study was to explore the concept of an experiential environment education (EE) project for youth involving community interaction. Youth were encouraged to plan activities for children-based on EE through General knowledge (GK), language, math, science, fun games, quiz, sports, art and craft, stories. A purposive sample of 73 students was administered a self-prepared and validated questionnaire; supported by content analysis of reports from EE Journals of 21 students and some photos. Responses of students revealed that project was a joyful and motivating experience, with learnings and realizations, developed concern for others, made them feel responsible, happy and contented. Community interaction programs need to be included in the regular schedule to add more meaning to EE projects and cater to the needs of adolescents for diverting youth energy towards positive action.Keywords: experiential, project, environment education, youth, community interaction
Procedia PDF Downloads 18628905 Television Global Market: International Success of Spanish Show Elite
Authors: Ana Avila Bohorquez
Elite (Netflix, 2018-) is the second original series produced by Netflix in Spain. Premiered in 2018, it became an international success, both critically and among audiences. Reviewers praised its use of teen drama tropes with a more progressive twist. Netflix announced that the first season had been streamed by over 20 million accounts within its first month of release. This paper aims to determine what characteristics led to Elite’s international success, finding the elements of its narrative and visual design that resonate with global audiences. After reviewing the bibliography about transnational fiction, questionnaires sent to international audience members through social media shed light on what these characteristics are. Additionally, interviews with the creative team were performed in order to compare their point of view with the audiences’ perception. Even though Elite can be considered a Spanish show from its inception, it's setting in the “fantasy” world of the rich and its lack of social realism so common among Spanish productions managed to attract global audiences, to whom it has appealed on a more emotional level.Keywords: elite, global television, Netflix, teen drama, transnational fiction
Procedia PDF Downloads 18028904 A Comparative Study of Insurance Policies Worldwide in Public Private Partnerships
Authors: Guanqun Shi, Xueqing Zhang
The frequent occurrence of failures in PPP projects which caused great loss has raised attention from the government as well as the concessionaire. PPPs are complex arrangements for its long operation period and multiple players. Many types of risks in PPP projects may cause the project fail. The insurance is an important tool to transfer the risks. Through a comparison and analysis of international government PPP guidelines and contracts as well as the case studies worldwide, we have identified eight main insurance principles, discussed thirteen insurance types in different stages. An overall procedure would be established to improve the practices in PPP projects.Keywords: public private partnerships, insurance, contract, risk
Procedia PDF Downloads 28728903 Implications of Internationalization for Management and Practice in Higher Education
Authors: Naziema Begum Jappie
The internationalization of higher education has become a focal point for academic institutions worldwide, including those in South Africa. This paper explores the multifaceted implications of internationalization on management and practice within the South African higher education landscape. Universities all over the world are increasingly recognizing the challenges of globalization and the pressures towards internationalization. Internationalization in higher education encompasses a range of activities, including academic exchange programs, research collaborations, joint degree programs, and the recruitment of international students and faculty. In South Africa, this process is driven by various factors, including the quest for global competitiveness, the pursuit of academic excellence, and the promotion of cultural diversity. However, while internationalization presents numerous opportunities, it also brings forth significant challenges that require careful consideration by management and practitioners in higher education institutions. Furthermore, the internationalization of higher education in South Africa has significant implications for teaching and learning practices. With an increasingly diverse student body, educators must employ innovative pedagogical approaches that cater to the needs and preferences of a multicultural cohort. This may involve the integration of global perspectives into the curriculum, the use of technology-enhanced learning platforms, and the promotion of intercultural competence among students and faculty. Additionally, the exchange of knowledge and ideas with international partners can enrich research activities and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in various fields. The internationalization of higher education in South Africa has profound implications for management and practice within academic institutions. While it offers opportunities for enhancing academic quality, promoting cultural exchange, and advancing research agendas, it also presents challenges that require strategic planning, resource allocation, and stakeholder engagement. By addressing these challenges proactively and leveraging the opportunities presented by internationalization, South African universities can position themselves as global leaders in higher education while contributing to the socio-economic development of the country and the continent at large. This paper draws together the international experience in South Africa to explore the emerging patterns of strategy and practice in internationalizing Higher Education and will highlight some critical notions of how the concepts of internationalization and globalization in the context of higher education are understood by those who lead universities and what new challenges are being created as universities seek to become more international. Institutions cannot simply have bullet points in the strategic plan for the recruitment of international students; there has to be a complete commitment to a national strategy of inclusivity. This paper will further examine the leadership styles that ensure transformation together with the goals set out for internationalization. Discussions around adding the international relations dimension to the curriculum. Addressing the issues relevant to cross-border delivery of higher education.Keywords: challenges, higher education, internationalization, strategic focus
Procedia PDF Downloads 5628902 Political Views and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Tertiary Institutions in Achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGS)
Authors: Perpetual Nwakaego Ibe
The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), were an integrated project formed to eradicate many unnatural situations the citizens of the third world country may found themselves in. The MDGs, to be a sustainable project for the future depends 100% on the actions of governments, multilateral institutions and civil society. This paper first looks at the political views on the MDGs and relates it to the current electoral situations around the country by underlining the drastic changes over the few months. The second part of the paper presents ICT in tertiary institutions as one of the solutions in terms of the success of the MDGs. ICT is vital in all phases of educational process and development of the cloud connectivity is an added advantage of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for sharing a common data bank for research purposes among UNICEF, RED CROSS, NPS, INEC, NMIC, and WHO. Finally, the paper concludes with areas that needs twigging and recommendations for the tertiary institutions committed to delivering an ambitious set of goals. A combination of observation, and document materials for data gathering was employed as the methodology for carrying out this research.Keywords: MDG, ICT, data bank, database
Procedia PDF Downloads 20028901 Evolution of Performance Measurement Methods in Conditions of Uncertainty: The Implementation of Fuzzy Sets in Performance Measurement
Authors: E. A. Tkachenko, E. M. Rogova, V. V. Klimov
One of the basic issues of development management is connected with performance measurement as a prerequisite for identifying the achievement of development objectives. The aim of our research is to develop an improved model of assessing a company’s development results. The model should take into account the cyclical nature of development and the high degree of uncertainty in dealing with numerous management tasks. Our hypotheses may be formulated as follows: Hypothesis 1. The cycle of a company’s development may be studied from the standpoint of a project cycle. To do that, methods and tools of project analysis are to be used. Hypothesis 2. The problem of the uncertainty when justifying managerial decisions within the framework of a company’s development cycle can be solved through the use of the mathematical apparatus of fuzzy logic. The reasoned justification of the validity of the hypotheses made is given in the suggested article. The fuzzy logic toolkit applies to the case of technology shift within an enterprise. It is proven that some restrictions in performance measurement that are incurred to conventional methods could be eliminated by implementation of the fuzzy logic apparatus in performance measurement models.Keywords: logic, fuzzy sets, performance measurement, project analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 38328900 Academic Mobility and International Migration: Challenges and Opportunities for African Skilled Immigrants in Sweden
Authors: Anne Kubai
Since the Lisbon Summit in 2007, discussion and dialogue on ways of enhancing collaboration between Africa and the EU on the issues of migration, mobility and employment has intensified. The Africa-EU Partnership on migration, mobility and employment aims to provide far-reaching responses on migration and employment challenges; and facilitate mobility of people in Africa and the EU. However, since the outcomes of the proposed policies depend on the political interests and institutional capacities of both the EU and African states that are involved, the results have so far been uncoordinated and scattered. Also, many European countries have eased their entry regulations with regard to highly skilled migrants, and there is need to explore the implications of such changes. Therefore, this contribution will address the following questions: How has the progression of migration and border management in the Nordic countries, particularly Sweden, affected the flow and mobility of highly skilled migrants from Africa? What is the possible impact of the changes in receiving countries (such as introduction of tuition fees and more stringent admission regulations for foreign students in Sweden) on skilled migration and mobility? How can highly skilled immigrants be a source of research knowledge between international and local institutions and researchers both in sending and receiving countries?Keywords: academic mobility, skilled, African, knowledge, research, migrants, Sweden
Procedia PDF Downloads 32228899 Identification of Successful Criteria for Measuring Large Infrastructure Projects Performance in Malaysia
Authors: M. A. N. Masrom, M. H. I. A. Rahim, G. K. Chen, S. Mohamed
Large infrastructure project is one of significant category in the development of Malaysian construction industry. This type of project has been recognized as a high complexity project with numerous construction risks, large cost involvement, highly technical requirements and divers of resources. Besides, the development of large infrastructure such as highway, railway, Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) and airport are also needed a large investment of public and private sector. To accomplish the development successfully, several challenges has to be determined prior the project commencement. To date, a comprehensive assessment of key success criteria particularly for large infrastructure in developing country such as Malaysia, is still not systematically defined and therefore, it needs further investigation. This paper aims to explore the potential success criteria that would be useful in gauging overall performance of large infrastructure implementation particularly in developing country. Previous successful criteria studies were used to develop a conceptual framework that possibly suitable for measuring large infrastructure performance. The findings show that successful criteria of infrastructure projects implementation could be grouped according to several key elements as it seems significant to the participants in prioritizing project challenges more systematically.Keywords: successful criteria, performance, large infrastructure, Malaysia
Procedia PDF Downloads 41128898 Abating the Barriers to the Deployment of RFID for Construction Project Delivery in South Africa
Authors: Matthew O. Ikuabe, Ayodeji E. Oke, Clinton O. Aigbavboa, Douglas O. Aghimien
The use of technological innovations have been touted to be beneficial in the delivery of construction projects. Particularly, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology is widely regarded to be of immense advantage for the management of construction projects. This study focused on evaluating the barriers to the use of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology for the delivery of construction projects. Using Gauteng Provincein South Africa as the study area, questionnaire was used in eliciting responses from construction professionals, which made up the population of the study. Retrieved data was analysed using Mean Item Score and One-Sample t-test. Findings from the study showed that the most significant barriers to the deployment of RFID for construction project delivery are high cost and lack of awareness. Conclusively, the study made recommendations that would aid in the abatement of the barriers to the use of RFID technology for construction project delivery.Keywords: barriers, construction, project delivery, RFID
Procedia PDF Downloads 20628897 The Role of Vocabulary in Task-based Language Teaching in International and Iranian Contexts
Authors: Parima Fasih
The present review of literature explored the role of vocabulary in task-based language teaching (TBLT). The first focus of the present paper is to explain different aspects of vocabulary knowledge, and it continues with an introduction to TBLT. Second, the role of vocabulary and vocabulary tasks in TBLT is explained. Next, an overview of the recent empirical studies about task-based vocabulary teaching in international and Iranian contexts context is presented to address the research question concerning the effect of task-based vocabulary teaching on EFL learners' vocabulary learning. Based on the conclusions that are drawn from the previous studies, the implications reveal how the findings influence students' vocabulary learning and teachers' vocabulary teaching methods.Keywords: vocabulary, task, task-based, task-based language teaching, vocabulary learning, vocabulary teaching
Procedia PDF Downloads 13428896 The Development of Directed-Project Based Learning as Language Learning Model to Improve Students' English Achievement
Authors: Tri Pratiwi, Sufyarma Marsidin, Hermawati Syarif, Yahya
The 21st-century skills being highly promoted today are Creativity and Innovation, Critical Thinking and Problem Solving, Communication and Collaboration. Communication Skill is one of the essential skills that should be mastered by the students. To master Communication Skills, students must first master their Language Skills. Language Skills is one of the main supporting factors in improving Communication Skills of a person because by learning Language Skills students are considered capable of communicating well and correctly so that the message or how to deliver the message to the listener can be conveyed clearly and easily understood. However, it cannot be denied that English output or learning outcomes which are less optimal is the problem which is frequently found in the implementation of the learning process. This research aimed to improve students’ language skills by developing learning model in English subject for VIII graders of SMP N 1 Uram Jaya through Directed-Project Based Learning (DPjBL) implementation. This study is designed in Research and Development (R & D) using ADDIE model development. The researcher collected data through observation, questionnaire, interview, test, and documentation which were then analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. The results showed that DPjBL is effective to use, it is seen from the difference in value between the pretest and posttest of the control class and the experimental class. From the results of a questionnaire filled in general, the students and teachers agreed to DPjBL learning model. This learning model can increase the students' English achievement.Keywords: language skills, learning model, Directed-Project Based Learning (DPjBL), English achievement
Procedia PDF Downloads 16528895 Constructability Driven Engineering in Oil and Gas Projects
Authors: Srikanth Nagarajan, P. Parthasarathy, Frits Lagers
Lower crude oil prices increased the pressure on oil and gas projects. Being competitive becomes very important and critical for the success in any industry. Increase in size of the project multiplies the magnitude of the issue. Timely completion of projects within the budget and schedule is very important for any project to succeed. A simple idea makes a larger impact on the total cost of the plant. In this robust world, the phases of engineering right from licensing technology, feed, different phases of detail engineering, procurement and construction has been so much compressed that they overlap with each other. Hence constructability techniques have become very important. Here in this paper, the focus will be on how these techniques can be implemented and reduce cost with the help of a case study. Constructability is a process driven by the need to impact project’s construction phase resulting in improved project delivery, costs and schedule. In construction phase of one of our fast-track mega project, it was noticed that there was an opportunity to reduce significant amount of cost and schedule by implementing Constructability study processes. In this case study, the actual methodology adopted during engineering and construction and the way for doing it better by implementing Constructability techniques with collaborative engineering efforts will be explained.Keywords: being competitive, collaborative engineering, constructability, cost reduction
Procedia PDF Downloads 42228894 Applying the Integrative Design Process in Architectural Firms: An Analytical Study on Egyptian Firms
Authors: Carole A. El Raheb, Hassan K. Abdel-Salam, Ingi Elcherif
An architect carrying the design process alone is the main reason for the deterioration of the quality of the architectural product as the complexity of the projects makes it a multi-disciplinary work; then, the Integrative Design Process (IDP) must be applied in the architectural firm especially from the early design phases to improve the product’s quality and to eliminate the ignorance of the principles of design causing the occurrence of low-grade buildings. The research explores the Integrative Design (ID) principles that fit in the architectural practice. Constraints facing this application are presented with strategies and solutions to overcome them. A survey questionnaire was conducted to collect data from a number of recognized Egyptian Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) firms that explores their opinions on using the IDP. This survey emphasizes the importance of the IDP in firms and presents the reasons preventing the firms from applying the IDP. The aim here is to investigate the potentials of integrating this approach into architectural firms emphasizing the importance of this application which ensures the realization of the project’s goal and eliminates the reduction in the project’s quality.Keywords: application, architectural firms, integrative design principles, integrative design process, the project quality
Procedia PDF Downloads 23228893 The Applicability of Just Satisfaction in Inter-State Cases: A Case Study of Cyprus versus Turkey
Authors: Congrui Chen
The European Court of Human Rights (hereinafter ECtHR) delivered its judgment of just satisfaction on the case of Cyprus v. Turkey, ordering a lump sum of 9,000,000 euros as the just compensation. It is the first time that the ECtHR applied the Article 41 of just compensation in an inter-state case, and it stands as the highest amount of just compensation awarded in the history of the ECtHR. The Cyprus v. Turkey case, which represents the most crucial contribution to European peace in the history of the court. This thesis uses the methodologies of textual research, comparison analysis, and case law study to go further on the following two questions specifically:(i) whether the just compensation is applicable in an inter-state case; (ii) whether such just compensation is of punitive nature. From the point of view of general international law, the essence of the case is the state's responsibility for the violation of individual rights. In other words, the state takes a similar diplomatic protection approach to seek relief. In the course of the development of international law today, especially with the development of international human rights law, States that have a duty to protect human rights should bear corresponding responsibilities for their violations of international human rights law. Under the specific system of the European Court of Human Rights, the just compensation for article 41 is one of the specific ways of assuming responsibility. At the regulatory level, the European Court of Human Rights makes it clear that the just satisfaction of article 41 of the Convention does not include punitive damages, as it relates to the issue of national sovereignty. Nevertheless, it is undeniable that the relief to the victim and the punishment to the responsible State are two closely integrated aspects of responsibility. In other words, compensatory compensation has inherent "punitive".Keywords: European Court of Human Right, inter-state cases, just satisfaction, punitive damages
Procedia PDF Downloads 27028892 Mapping Cultural Continuity and the Creation of a New Architectural Heritage in the 21st Century: The Case of Ksar Tafilelt, M’Zab Valley
Authors: Hadjer Messabih
The M’zab architecture has preserved its identity that was able to endure for centuries conserving practically the same way of life and the same building techniques since the 11th century. Even more, the newly built ksar Tafilelt is also designed to meet the local tradition. In 1996, a community led project was initiated to build a “new ksar” named Tafilelt based on a traditional form of community-led cooperative housing. It is a unique experience in the field of community housing that reproduces traditional architectural patterns while addressing contemporary ways of life with their expected modern comfort. This research is based on the hypothesis that the process of producing ksar Tafilelt is culturally responsive to a conservative community that was characterized by certain values which were transmitted to this ksar manifesting as cultural continuity. It aims at investigating what type of cultural continuity manifests itself in the co-production of ksar Tafilelt and the way the settlement and its houses are produced and inhabited, as well as the new emerging values and adaptive transition in social relations. The research methodology is based on a combination of questionnaires, in depth interviews, photography, and site visit to record and demonstrate how these buildings respond to peoples’ needs. Post Occupancy Evaluation (POE) is also employed in order to understand the lessons that can be learned from this project. Finally, this study proves that the cultural continuity that was transmitted from the Ibadi community is sill manifested in ksar Tafilelt, which provided strong religious bonds and a strong sense of community. The research findings have resulted in a number of lessons and principles that can be learnt from the project of ksar Tafilelt which can inform future practices of housing provision and design in Algeria and other countries.Keywords: community-led cooperative housing, conservative community, cultural continuity, post occupancy evaluation
Procedia PDF Downloads 14228891 New Product Development Typologies: An Analysis of Publications and Citations between 1992 and 2012
Authors: Ana Paula Vilas Boas Viveiros Lopes, Marly Monteiro de Carvalho
The new product development for decades has favored companies that can put their products to market quickly and efficiently, providing sustainable competitive advantage difficult to be achieved by their competitors. This paper presents the outcomes of a systematic review of the literature relating to new product development that was published between 1992 and 2012. A hybrid methodological approach that combines bibliometrics, content analysis and semantic analysis was applied. The review discusses the publication patterns, focusing on aspects related to scientific collaboration. The results show that the main academic journal that discusses this theme is “Journal of Product Innovation Management”. Although the first paper relating to this theme was published in 1992, the number of publications on the subject only began to increase substantially in 1999. Most of the studies reviewed in this paper applied qualitative research methods, indicating that most of the research on the theme is still in an exploratory phase.Keywords: project type, project typology, new product development, sustainable competitive advantage
Procedia PDF Downloads 44928890 A Critical Review of Risk-Based Approach for Project Management Office Development
Authors: Alin Veronika, Yusuf Latief
This critical review meticulously delineates and elucidates the considerable deficiencies and voids that exist within the extant body of literature concerning the development strategies associated with risk-based Project Management Offices (PMOs). Although the advantages and positive outcomes linked to the establishment and functioning of PMOs are regularly articulated and acknowledged in various academic discourses, the empirical evidence that supports these claims frequently demonstrates a significant shortfall in methodological rigor and often encounters challenges when attempting to distinctly isolate and delineate the unique contributions and impacts of PMOs in contrast to other multifaceted organizational factors that may also play a role. This comprehensive review systematically scrutinizes and evaluates the current research landscape pertaining to the critical success factors that include, but are not limited to, strategic alignment, organizational structure, human capital, operational efficiency, technology, and the overarching influence of organizational culture, thereby identifying notable limitations within this research domain and proposing targeted areas for further scholarly investigation. Furthermore, the analysis accentuates the imperative need for the development and implementation of more sophisticated, nuanced risk assessment and mitigation frameworks that are specifically designed to cater to the unique operational characteristics of PMOs while simultaneously advocating for an elevated focus on the profound influence exerted by organizational culture and its various subcultures on the overall effectiveness and success of PMOs.Keywords: organizational culture, project management office, risk management, risk-based PMO development
Procedia PDF Downloads 1628889 On the Way to the European Research Area: Programmes of the European Union as Factor of the Innovation Development the Scientific Organization in Ukraine
Authors: Yuri Nikitin, Veronika Rukas
Within the framework of the FP7 project "START" the cooperation with European research centres has had a positive impact on raising the level of innovation researches and the introduction of innovations Institute for Super hard Materials of the National Academy of Sciences (ISM NAS) of Ukraine in the economy of Europe and Ukraine, which in turn permits to speeds up the way for Ukrainian science to the European research area through the creation in Ukraine the scientific organizations of innovative type.Keywords: programs of the EU, innovative scientific results, innovation competence of the staff, commercialization in business of industry of the Europe and Ukraine
Procedia PDF Downloads 32628888 An International Comparison of Global Financial Centers: Major Competitive Strategies
Authors: I. Hakki Eraslan, Birol Ozturk, Istemi Comlekci
This paper begins by defining what is meant by globalization in finance and by identifying the sources of value-added in the internationally-competitive financial services sector origination, trading and distribution of debt and equity capital market instruments and their derivatives, foreign exchange trading and securities brokerage, management of market risk and credit risk, loan syndication and structured bank financings, corporate finance and advisory services, and asset management. These activities are considered in terms of a value-chain one that ultimately gives rise to the real economic gains attributable to financial-center operations. The research presents available evidence as to where the relevant value-added activities usually take place. It then examines the centrifugal and centripetal forces that determine the concentration or dispersal of value-added activity in financial intermediation, both interregionally and internationally. Next, the research assesses the factors, which appear to underlie the locational pattern of international financial centers that has evolved. In preparing this paper, also it is examined the current position and the main opportunities and challenges facing world major financial services sector, and attempted to lay out a potential vision and strategies. It is conducted extensive research, including many internal research materials and publications. It is also engaged closely with the academia, industry practitioners and regulators, and consulted market experts from major world financial centers. More than 60 in‐depth consultative sessions were conducted in the past two years which provided insightful suggestions and innovative ideas on how to further financial industry’s position as an international financial centre. The paper concludes with the outlook for the future pattern of financial centers in the global competitive environment. The ideas and advice gathered are condensed into this paper that recommends to the strategic decision leaders a vision and a strategy for financial services sector to move forward amid a highly competitive environment.Keywords: financial centers, competitiveness, financial services industry, economics
Procedia PDF Downloads 40528887 Raising Awareness of Education for Sustainable Development Oriented School Programs and Curriculum
Authors: Dina L. DiSantis
The Japan-U.S. Teacher Exchange Program for Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) provides an opportunity for teachers from the United States and Japan to travel to each other’s countries in order to experience and learn how each country is implementing efforts to educate for sustainability. By offering programs such as the Japan-U.S. Teacher Exchange Program for Education for Sustainable Development (ESD); teachers from both countries become more aware of what ESD school programs and curricula are being implemented in both countries. Teachers gain a greater sense of global interconnectedness when they are given the opportunity to share in each other’s culture and life. The primary objectives of the program are to foster a mutual exchange between the teachers in the United States and Japan, to increase an understanding of culture and educational systems, to give teachers opportunities to collaborate on lessons and projects in areas of sustainability and to enhance professional development opportunities for both U.S and Japanese teachers. The two areas of focus for teachers, are food education and environmental education. Teachers from both countries collaborate and design curriculum and projects for their students in order to help them become more aware of the importance of global sustainability. An overview of the program and the results of an international collaborative project, encouraging local eating and forging a cultural connection to food will be presented.Keywords: education for sustainable development, environmental education, food education, international collaboration
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