Search results for: cellular-based structural health monitoring
14515 Structural Behavior of Non-Prismatic Mono-Symmetric Beam
Authors: Nandini B. Nagaraju, Punya D. Gowda, S. Aishwarya, Benjamin Rohit
This paper attempts to understand the structural behavior of non-prismatic channel beams subjected to bending through finite element (FE) analysis. The present study aims at shedding some light on how tapered channel beams behave by studying the effect of taper ratio on structural behavior. As a weight reduction is always desired in aerospace structures beams are tapered in order to obtain highest structural efficiency. FE analysis has been performed to study the effect of taper ratio on linear deflection, lateral torsional buckling, non-linear parameters, stresses and dynamic parameters. Taper ratio tends to affect the mechanics of tapered beams innocuously and adversely. Consequently, it becomes important to understand and document the mechanics of channel tapered beams. Channel beams generally have low torsional rigidity due to the off-shear loading. The effect of loading type and location of applied load have been studied for flange taper, web taper and symmetric taper for different conditions. Among these, as the taper ratio is increased, the torsional angular deflection increases but begins to decrease when the beam is web tapered and symmetrically tapered for a mid web loaded beam. But when loaded through the shear center, an increase in the torsional angular deflection can be observed with increase in taper ratio. It should be considered which parameter is tapered to obtain the highest efficiency.Keywords: channel beams, tapered beams, lateral torsional bucking, shear centre
Procedia PDF Downloads 43914514 A Literature Review on Emotion Recognition Using Wireless Body Area Network
Authors: Christodoulou Christos, Politis Anastasios
The utilization of Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) is experiencing a notable surge in popularity as a result of its widespread implementation in the field of smart health. WBANs utilize small sensors implanted within the human body to monitor and record physiological indicators. These sensors transmit the collected data to hospitals and healthcare facilities through designated access points. Bio-sensors exhibit a diverse array of shapes and sizes, and their deployment can be tailored to the condition of the individual. Multiple sensors may be strategically placed within, on, or around the human body to effectively observe, record, and transmit essential physiological indicators. These measurements serve as a basis for subsequent analysis, evaluation, and therapeutic interventions. In conjunction with physical health concerns, numerous smartwatches are engineered to employ artificial intelligence techniques for the purpose of detecting mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety. The utilization of smartwatches serves as a secure and cost-effective solution for monitoring mental health. Physiological signals are widely regarded as a highly dependable method for the recognition of emotions due to the inherent inability of individuals to deliberately influence them over extended periods of time. The techniques that WBANs employ to recognize emotions are thoroughly examined in this article.Keywords: emotion recognition, wireless body area network, WBAN, ERC, wearable devices, psychological signals, emotion, smart-watch, prediction
Procedia PDF Downloads 5214513 Designing and Formulating Action Plan for Development of Corporate Citizenship in Producing Units in Iran
Authors: Freyedon Ahmadi
Corporate citizenship is considered as one of the most discussed topics in the developed countries, in which a citizen considers a Corporate just like a usual citizen with every civil right as respectful for corporate as for actual citizens, and in return citizens expect that corporate would pay a reciprocal respect to them. The current study’s purpose is to identify the impact of the current state of corporate citizenship along effective factors on its condition on industrial producing units, in order to find an accession plane for corporate citizenship development. In this study corporate citizenship is studied in four dimensions like legal corporate, economical corporate, ethical corporate and voluntary corporate. Moreover, effective factors’ impact on corporate citizenship is explored based on threefold dimensional model: behavioral, structural, and content factors, as well. In this study, 50 corporate of Food industry and of petrochemical industry, along with 200 selected individuals from directors’ board on Tehran province’s scale with stratified random sampling method, are chosen as actuarial sample. If based on functional goal and compilation methods, the present study is a description of correlation type; questionnaire is used for accumulation of initial Data. For Instrument Validity expert’s opinion is used and structural equations and its reliability is qualified by using Cronbach Alpha. The results of this study indicate that close to 70 percent of under survey corporate have not a good condition in corporate citizenship. And all of structural factors, behavioral factors, contextual factors, have a great deal of impression and impact on the advent corporate citizenship behavior in the producing Units. Among the behavioral factors, social responsibility; among structural factors, organic structure and human centered orientation, medium size, high organizational capacity; and among the contextual factors, the clientele’s positive viewpoints toward corporate had the utmost importance in impression on under survey Producing units.Keywords: corporate citizenship, structural factors, behavioral factors, contextual factors, producing units
Procedia PDF Downloads 23114512 Monitoring and Management of Aquatic Macroinvertebrates for Determining the Level of Water Pollution Catchment Basin of Debed River, Armenia
Authors: Inga Badasyan
Every year we do monitoring of water pollution of catchment basin of Debed River. Next, the Ministry of Nature Protection does modeling programme. Finely, we are managing the impact of water pollution in Debed river. Ecosystem technologies efficiency performance were estimated based on the physical, chemical, and macrobiological analyses of water on regular base between 2012 to 2015. Algae community composition was determined to assess the ecological status of Debed river, while vegetation was determined to assess biodiversity. Last time, experts werespeaking about global warming, which is having bad impact on the surface water, freshwater, etc. As, we know that global warming is caused by the current high levels of carbon dioxide in the water. Geochemical modelling is increasingly playing an important role in various areas of hydro sciences and earth sciences. Geochemical modelling of highly concentrated aqueous solutions represents an important topic in the study of many environments such as evaporation ponds, groundwater and soils in arid and semi-arid zones, costal aquifers, etc. The sampling time is important for benthic macroinvertebrates, for that reason we have chosen in the spring (abundant flow of the river, the beginning of the vegetation season) and autumn (the flow of river is scarce). The macroinvertebrates are good indicator for a chromic pollution and aquatic ecosystems. Results of our earlier investigations in the Debed river reservoirs clearly show that management problem of ecosystem reservoirs is topical. Research results can be applied to studies of monitoring water quality in the rivers and allow for rate changes and to predict possible future changes in the nature of the lake.Keywords: ecohydrological monitoring, flood risk management, global warming, aquatic macroinvertebrates
Procedia PDF Downloads 28814511 A Distributed Smart Battery Management System – sBMS, for Stationary Energy Storage Applications
Authors: António J. Gano, Carmen Rangel
Currently, electric energy storage systems for stationary applications have known an increasing interest, namely with the integration of local renewable energy power sources into energy communities. Li-ion batteries are considered the leading electric storage devices to achieve this integration, and Battery Management Systems (BMS) are decisive for their control and optimum performance. In this work, the advancement of a smart BMS (sBMS) prototype with a modular distributed topology is described. The system, still under development, has a distributed architecture with modular characteristics to operate with different battery pack topologies and charge capacities, integrating adaptive algorithms for functional state real-time monitoring and management of multicellular Li-ion batteries, and is intended for application in the context of a local energy community fed by renewable energy sources. This sBMS system includes different developed hardware units: (1) Cell monitoring units (CMUs) for interfacing with each individual cell or module monitoring within the battery pack; (2) Battery monitoring and switching unit (BMU) for global battery pack monitoring, thermal control and functional operating state switching; (3) Main management and local control unit (MCU) for local sBMS’s management and control, also serving as a communications gateway to external systems and devices. This architecture is fully expandable to battery packs with a large number of cells, or modules, interconnected in series, as the several units have local data acquisition and processing capabilities, communicating over a standard CAN bus and will be able to operate almost autonomously. The CMU units are intended to be used with Li-ion cells but can be used with other cell chemistries, with output voltages within the 2.5 to 5 V range. The different unit’s characteristics and specifications are described, including the different implemented hardware solutions. The developed hardware supports both passive and active methods for charge equalization, considered fundamental functionalities for optimizing the performance and the useful lifetime of a Li-ion battery package. The functional characteristics of the different units of this sBMS system, including different process variables data acquisition using a flexible set of sensors, can support the development of custom algorithms for estimating the parameters defining the functional states of the battery pack (State-of-Charge, State-of-Health, etc.) as well as different charge equalizing strategies and algorithms. This sBMS system is intended to interface with other systems and devices using standard communication protocols, like those used by the Internet of Things. In the future, this sBMS architecture can evolve to a fully decentralized topology, with all the units using Wi-Fi protocols and integrating a mesh network, making unnecessary the MCU unit. The status of the work in progress is reported, leading to conclusions on the system already executed, considering the implemented hardware solution, not only as fully functional advanced and configurable battery management system but also as a platform for developing custom algorithms and optimizing strategies to achieve better performance of electric energy stationary storage devices.Keywords: Li-ion battery, smart BMS, stationary electric storage, distributed BMS
Procedia PDF Downloads 10314510 Promoting 'One Health' Surveillance and Response Approach Implementation Capabilities against Emerging Threats and Epidemics Crisis Impact in African Countries
Authors: Ernest Tambo, Ghislaine Madjou, Jeanne Y. Ngogang, Shenglan Tang, Zhou XiaoNong
Implementing national to community-based 'One Health' surveillance approach for human, animal and environmental consequences mitigation offers great opportunities and value-added in sustainable development and wellbeing. 'One Health' surveillance approach global partnerships, policy commitment and financial investment are much needed in addressing the evolving threats and epidemics crises mitigation in African countries. The paper provides insights onto how China-Africa health development cooperation in promoting “One Health” surveillance approach in response advocacy and mitigation. China-Africa health development initiatives provide new prospects in guiding and moving forward appropriate and evidence-based advocacy and mitigation management approaches and strategies in attaining Universal Health Coverage (UHC) and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Early and continuous quality and timely surveillance data collection and coordinated information sharing practices in malaria and other diseases are demonstrated in Comoros, Zanzibar, Ghana and Cameroon. Improvements of variety of access to contextual sources and network of data sharing platforms are needed in guiding evidence-based and tailored detection and response to unusual hazardous events. Moreover, understanding threats and diseases trends, frontline or point of care response delivery is crucial to promote integrated and sustainable targeted local, national “One Health” surveillance and response approach needs implementation. Importantly, operational guidelines are vital in increasing coherent financing and national workforce capacity development mechanisms. Strengthening participatory partnerships, collaboration and monitoring strategies in achieving global health agenda effectiveness in Africa. At the same enhancing surveillance data information streams reporting and dissemination usefulness in informing policies decisions, health systems programming and financial mobilization and prioritized allocation pre, during and post threats and epidemics crises programs strengths and weaknesses. Thus, capitalizing on “One Health” surveillance and response approach advocacy and mitigation implementation is timely in consolidating Africa Union 2063 agenda and Africa renaissance capabilities and expectations.Keywords: Africa, one health approach, surveillance, response
Procedia PDF Downloads 42214509 EWMA and MEWMA Control Charts for Monitoring Mean and Variance in Industrial Processes
Authors: L. A. Toro, N. Prieto, J. J. Vargas
There are many control charts for monitoring mean and variance. Among these, the X y R, X y S, S2 Hotteling and Shewhart control charts, for mentioning some, are widely used for monitoring mean a variance in industrial processes. In particular, the Shewhart charts are based on the information about the process contained in the current observation only and ignore any information given by the entire sequence of points. Moreover, that the Shewhart chart is a control chart without memory. Consequently, Shewhart control charts are found to be less sensitive in detecting smaller shifts, particularly smaller than 1.5 times of the standard deviation. These kind of small shifts are important in many industrial applications. In this study and effective alternative to Shewhart control chart was implemented. In case of univariate process an Exponentially Moving Average (EWMA) control chart was developed and Multivariate Exponentially Moving Average (MEWMA) control chart in case of multivariate process. Both of these charts were based on memory and perform better that Shewhart chart while detecting smaller shifts. In these charts, information the past sample is cumulated up the current sample and then the decision about the process control is taken. The mentioned characteristic of EWMA and MEWMA charts, are of the paramount importance when it is necessary to control industrial process, because it is possible to correct or predict problems in the processes before they come to a dangerous limit.Keywords: control charts, multivariate exponentially moving average (MEWMA), exponentially moving average (EWMA), industrial control process
Procedia PDF Downloads 35514508 Prediction of Structural Response of Reinforced Concrete Buildings Using Artificial Intelligence
Authors: Juan Bojórquez, Henry E. Reyes, Edén Bojórquez, Alfredo Reyes-Salazar
This paper addressed the use of Artificial Intelligence to obtain the structural reliability of reinforced concrete buildings. For this purpose, artificial neuronal networks (ANN) are developed to predict seismic demand hazard curves. In order to have enough input-output data to train the ANN, a set of reinforced concrete buildings (low, mid, and high rise) are designed, then a probabilistic seismic hazard analysis is made to obtain the seismic demand hazard curves. The results are then used as input-output data to train the ANN in a feedforward backpropagation model. The predicted values of the seismic demand hazard curves found by the ANN are then compared. Finally, it is concluded that the computer time analysis is significantly lower and the predictions obtained from the ANN were accurate in comparison to the values obtained from the conventional methods.Keywords: structural reliability, seismic design, machine learning, artificial neural network, probabilistic seismic hazard analysis, seismic demand hazard curves
Procedia PDF Downloads 19714507 Independent Directors and Board Decisions
Authors: Shital Jhunjhunwala, Shweta Saraf
Research Question: The study, based on a survey, empirically tests the impact of the board’s engagement in the decision-making process on firm outcomes. It also examines the moderating effect of board leadership and board independence on the relationship. Research Findings: Boards’ engagement in the decision-making process is found to be vital for firm performance, wherein effective monitoring by the board outperforms their strategic guidance role in achieving desired outcomes. The separation of CEO and Chairman positively moderates the board’s engagement in protecting stakeholders’ interests, but lack of independence and passive behaviour of independent directors raises concern on the efficacy of independent directors. Theoretical Implications: The study provides the framework for process-oriented corporate governance research, where investigation of boards’ behaviour inside the boardroom develops a deeper understanding of board processes. Practitioner Implications: The study highlights the necessity of developing boards’ focus in a company on monitoring managerial actions. It suggests the need to separate the position of CEO and Chairman for addressing the interest of all stakeholders. It recommends policymakers review the existing mandate on board independence and create alternate monitoring mechanisms for addressing agency conflict.Keywords: board, decision-making process, engagement, independence, leadership, innovation, stakeholders, firm performance, qualitative, India
Procedia PDF Downloads 11014506 Predictive Maintenance of Industrial Shredders: Efficient Operation through Real-Time Monitoring Using Statistical Machine Learning
Authors: Federico Pittino, Thomas Arnold
The shredding of waste materials is a key step in the recycling process towards the circular economy. Industrial shredders for waste processing operate in very harsh operating conditions, leading to the need for frequent maintenance of critical components. Maintenance optimization is particularly important also to increase the machine’s efficiency, thereby reducing the operational costs. In this work, a monitoring system has been developed and deployed on an industrial shredder located at a waste recycling plant in Austria. The machine has been monitored for one year, and methods for predictive maintenance have been developed for two key components: the cutting knives and the drive belt. The large amount of collected data is leveraged by statistical machine learning techniques, thereby not requiring very detailed knowledge of the machine or its live operating conditions. The results show that, despite the wide range of operating conditions, a reliable estimate of the optimal time for maintenance can be derived. Moreover, the trade-off between the cost of maintenance and the increase in power consumption due to the wear state of the monitored components of the machine is investigated. This work proves the benefits of real-time monitoring system for the efficient operation of industrial shredders.Keywords: predictive maintenance, circular economy, industrial shredder, cost optimization, statistical machine learning
Procedia PDF Downloads 12514505 Experimental Study of the Infill Masonry Walls Response Subjected to Out-Of-Plane Static Loadings
Authors: André Furtado, Hugo Rodrigues, António Arêde, Humberto Varum
Besides characterized as non-structural elements, infill masonry (IM) walls have an important contribute in the structural response of reinforced concrete structures as proved by the damages observed recent earthquakes. In particular, the out-of-plane (OOP) collapse has been one of the most observed failure mechanism. The aim of this research is to contribute to the increase of understanding regarding the OOP behaviour of full-scale infill panels considering different variables such as panel support width and axial load on the top of columns. For this, it was carried out in the Laboratory of Earthquake and Structural Engineering (LESE) an experimental campaign of five full-scale IM walls subjected to OOP distributed cyclic loadings. Specimens with different variables such as previous in-plane damage, support conditions, axial load on the top of the columns were studied. The results will be presented and discussed along the manuscript in terms of force-displacement hysteretic curves, cracking pattern, initial stiffness, stiffness degradation and accumulative energy dissipation.Keywords: infill masonry walls, experimental testing, out-of-plane, full-scale
Procedia PDF Downloads 39014504 Acoustic Emission Monitoring of Surface Roughness in Ultra High Precision Grinding of Borosilicate-Crown Glass
Authors: Goodness Onwuka, Khaled Abou-El-Hossein
The increase in the demand for precision optics, coupled with the absence of much research output in the ultra high precision grinding of precision optics as compared to the ultrahigh precision diamond turning of optical metals has fostered the need for more research in the ultra high precision grinding of an optical lens. Furthermore, the increase in the stringent demands for nanometric surface finishes through lapping, polishing and grinding processes necessary for the use of borosilicate-crown glass in the automotive and optics industries has created the demand to effectively monitor the surface roughness during the production process. Acoustic emission phenomenon has been proven as useful monitoring technique in several manufacturing processes ranging from monitoring of bearing production to tool wear estimation. This paper introduces a rare and unique approach with the application of acoustic emission technique to monitor the surface roughness of borosilicate-crown glass during an ultra high precision grinding process. This research was carried out on a 4-axes Nanoform 250 ultrahigh precision lathe machine using an ultra high precision grinding spindle to machine the flat surface of the borosilicate-crown glass with the tip of the grinding wheel. A careful selection of parameters and design of experiment was implemented using Box-Behnken method to vary the wheel speed, feed rate and depth of cut at three levels with a 3-center point design. Furthermore, the average surface roughness was measured using Taylor Hobson PGI Dimension XL optical profilometer, and an acoustic emission data acquisition device from National Instruments was utilized to acquire the signals while the data acquisition codes were designed with National Instrument LabVIEW software for acquisition at a sampling rate of 2 million samples per second. The results show that the raw and root mean square amplitude values of the acoustic signals increased with a corresponding increase in the measured average surface roughness values for the different parameter combinations. Therefore, this research concludes that acoustic emission monitoring technique is a potential technique for monitoring the surface roughness in the ultra high precision grinding of borosilicate-crown glass.Keywords: acoustic emission, borosilicate-crown glass, surface roughness, ultra high precision grinding
Procedia PDF Downloads 29114503 Blue Whale Body Condition from Photographs Taken over a 14-Year Period in the North East Pacific: Annual Variations and Connection to Measures of Ocean Productivity
Authors: Rachel Wachtendonk, John Calambokidis, Kiirsten Flynn
Large marine mammals can serve as an indicator of the overall state of the environment due to their long lifespan and apex position in marine food webs. Reductions in prey, driven by changes in environmental conditions can have resounding impacts on the trophic system as a whole; this can manifest in reduced fat stores that are visible on large whales. Poor health can lead to reduced survivorship and fitness, both of which can be detrimental to a recovering population. A non-invasive technique was used for monitoring blue whale health and for seeing if it changes with ocean conditions. Digital photographs of blue whales taken in the NE Pacific by Cascadia Research and collaborators from 2005-2018 (n=3,545) were scored for overall body condition based on visible vertebrae and body shape on a scale of 0-3 where a score of 0 indicated best body condition and a score of 3 indicated poorest. The data was analyzed to determine if there were patterns in the health of whales across years and whether overall poor health was related to oceanographic conditions and predictors of prey abundance on the California coast. The year was a highly significant factor in body condition (Chi-Square, p<0.001). The proportion of whales showing poor body condition (scores 2 & 3) overall was 33% but by year varied widely from a low of 18% (2008) to a high of 55% (2015). The only two years where >50% of animals had poor body condition were 2015 and 2017 (no other year was above 45%). The 2015 maximum proportion of whales in poor body condition coincide with the marine heat wave that affected the NE Pacific 2014-16 and impacted other whale populations. This indicates that the scoring method was an effective way to evaluate blue whale health and how they respond to a changing ocean.Keywords: blue whale, body condition, environmental variability, photo-identification
Procedia PDF Downloads 20414502 Determination of Aquifer Geometry Using Geophysical Methods: A Case Study from Sidi Bouzid Basin, Central Tunisia
Authors: Dhekra Khazri, Hakim Gabtni
Because of Sidi Bouzid water table overexploitation, this study aims at integrating geophysical methods to determinate aquifers geometry assessing their geological situation and geophysical characteristics. However in highly tectonic zones controlled by Atlassic structural features with NE-SW major directions (central Tunisia), Bouguer gravimetric responses of some areas can be as much dominated by the regional structural tendency, as being non-identified or either defectively interpreted such as the case of Sidi Bouzid basin. This issue required a residual gravity anomaly elaboration isolating the Sidi Bouzid basin gravity response ranging between -8 and -14 mGal and crucial for its aquifers geometry characterization. Several gravity techniques helped constructing the Sidi Bouzid basin's residual gravity anomaly, such as Upwards continuation compared to polynomial regression trends and power spectrum analysis detecting deep basement sources at (3km), intermediate (2km) and shallow sources (1km). A 3D Euler Deconvolution was also performed detecting deepest accidents trending NE-SW, N-S and E-W with depth values reaching 5500 m and delineating the main outcropping structures of the study area. Further gravity treatments highlighted the subsurface geometry and structural features of Sidi Bouzid basin over Horizontal and vertical gradient, and also filters based on them such as Tilt angle and Source Edge detector locating rooted edges or peaks from potential field data detecting a new E-W lineament compartmentalizing the Sidi Bouzid gutter into two unequally residual anomaly and subsiding domains. This subsurface morphology is also detected by the used 2D seismic reflection sections defining the Sidi Bouzid basin as a deep gutter within a tectonic set of negative flower structures, and collapsed and tilted blocks. Furthermore, these structural features were confirmed by forward gravity modeling process over several modeled residual gravity profiles crossing the main area. Sidi Bouzid basin (central Tunisia) is also of a big interest cause of the unknown total thickness and the undefined substratum of its siliciclastic Tertiary package, and its aquifers unbounded structural subsurface features and deep accidents. The Combination of geological, hydrogeological and geophysical methods is then of an ultimate need. Therefore, a geophysical methods integration based on gravity survey supporting available seismic data through forward gravity modeling, enhanced lateral and vertical extent definition of the basin's complex sedimentary fill via 3D gravity models, improved depth estimation by a depth to basement modeling approach, and provided 3D isochronous seismic mapping visualization of the basin's Tertiary complex refining its geostructural schema. A subsurface basin geomorphology mapping, over an ultimate matching between the basin's residual gravity map and the calculated theoretical signature map, was also displayed over the modeled residual gravity profiles. An ultimate multidisciplinary geophysical study of the Sidi Bouzid basin aquifers can be accomplished via an aeromagnetic survey and a 4D Microgravity reservoir monitoring offering temporal tracking of the target aquifer's subsurface fluid dynamics enhancing and rationalizing future groundwater exploitation in this arid area of central Tunisia.Keywords: aquifer geometry, geophysics, 3D gravity modeling, improved depths, source edge detector
Procedia PDF Downloads 28514501 Structural Characterization and Application of Tio2 Nano-Partical
Authors: Maru Chetan, Desai Abhilash
The structural characteristics & application of TiO2 powder with different phases are study by various techniques in this paper. TTIP, EG and citric acid use as Ti source and catalyst respectively synthesis for sol gel synthesis of TiO2 powder. To replace sol gel method we develop the new method of making nano particle of TiO2 powder. It is two route method one is physical and second one is chemical route. Specific aim to this process is to minimize the production cost and the large scale production of nano particle The synthesis product work characterize by EDAX, SEM, XRD tests.Keywords: mortal and pestle, nano particle , TiO2, TTIP
Procedia PDF Downloads 32414500 A Linear Autoregressive and Non-Linear Regime Switching Approach in Identifying the Structural Breaks Caused by Anti-Speculation Measures: The Case of Hong Kong
Authors: Mengna Hu
This paper examines the impact of an anti-speculation tax policy on the trading activities and home price movements in the housing market in Hong Kong. The study focuses on the secondary residential property market where transactions dominate. The policy intervention substantially raised the transaction cost to speculators as well as genuine homeowners who dispose their homes within a certain period. Through the demonstration of structural breaks, our empirical results show that the rise in transaction cost effectively reduced speculative trading activities. However, it accelerated price increase in the small-sized segment by vastly demotivating existing homeowners from trading up to better homes, causing congestion in the lower-end market where the demand from first-time buyers is still strong. Apart from that, by employing regime switching approach, we further show that the unintended consequences are likely to be persistent due to this policy together with other strengthened cooling measures.Keywords: transaction costs, housing market, structural breaks, regime switching
Procedia PDF Downloads 26314499 Health and Climate Changes: "Ippocrate" a New Alert System to Monitor and Identify High Risk
Authors: A. Calabrese, V. F. Uricchio, D. di Noia, S. Favale, C. Caiati, G. P. Maggi, G. Donvito, D. Diacono, S. Tangaro, A. Italiano, E. Riezzo, M. Zippitelli, M. Toriello, E. Celiberti, D. Festa, A. Colaianni
Climate change has a severe impact on human health. There is a vast literature demonstrating temperature increase is causally related to cardiovascular problem and represents a high risk for human health, but there are not study that improve a solution. In this work, it is studied how the clime influenced the human parameter through the analysis of climatic conditions in an area of the Apulia Region: Capurso Municipality. At the same time, medical personnel involved identified a set of variables useful to define an index describing health condition. These scientific studies are the base of an innovative alert system, IPPOCRATE, whose aim is to asses climate risk and share information to population at risk to support prevention and mitigation actions. IPPOCRATE is an e-health system, it is designed to provide technological support to analysis of health risk related to climate and provide tools for prevention and management of critical events. It is the first integrated system of prevention of human risk caused by climate change. IPPOCRATE calculates risk weighting meteorological data with the vulnerability of monitored subjects and uses mobile and cloud technologies to acquire and share information on different data channels. It is composed of four components: Multichannel Hub. Multichannel Hub is the ICT infrastructure used to feed IPPOCRATE cloud with a different type of data coming from remote monitoring devices, or imported from meteorological databases. Such data are ingested, transformed and elaborated in order to be dispatched towards mobile app and VoIP phone systems. IPPOCRATE Multichannel Hub uses open communication protocols to create a set of APIs useful to interface IPPOCRATE with 3rd party applications. Internally, it uses non-relational paradigm to create flexible and highly scalable database. WeHeart and Smart Application The wearable device WeHeart is equipped with sensors designed to measure following biometric variables: heart rate, systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure, blood oxygen saturation, body temperature and blood glucose for diabetic subjects. WeHeart is designed to be easy of use and non-invasive. For data acquisition, users need only to wear it and connect it to Smart Application by Bluetooth protocol. Easy Box was designed to take advantage from new technologies related to e-health care. EasyBox allows user to fully exploit all IPPOCRATE features. Its name, Easy Box, reveals its purpose of container for various devices that may be included depending on user needs. Territorial Registry is the IPPOCRATE web module reserved to medical personnel for monitoring, research and analysis activities. Territorial Registry allows to access to all information gathered by IPPOCRATE using GIS system in order to execute spatial analysis combining geographical data (climatological information and monitored data) with information regarding the clinical history of users and their personal details. Territorial Registry was designed for different type of users: control rooms managed by wide area health facilities, single health care center or single doctor. Territorial registry manages such hierarchy diversifying the access to system functionalities. IPPOCRATE is the first e-Health system focused on climate risk prevention.Keywords: climate change, health risk, new technological system
Procedia PDF Downloads 86914498 Optimizing AI Voice for Adolescent Health Education: Preferences and Trustworthiness Across Teens and Parent
Authors: Yu-Lin Chen, Kimberly Koester, Marissa Raymond-Flesh, Anika Thapar, Jay Thapar
Purpose: Effectively communicating adolescent health topics to teens and their parents is crucial. This study emphasizes critically evaluating the optimal use of artificial intelligence tools (AI), which are increasingly prevalent in disseminating health information. By fostering a deeper understanding of AI voice preference in the context of health, the research aspires to have a ripple effect, enhancing the collective health literacy and decision-making capabilities of both teenagers and their parents. This study explores AI voices' potential within health learning modules for annual well-child visits. We aim to identify preferred voice characteristics and understand factors influencing perceived trustworthiness, ultimately aiming to improve health literacy and decision-making in both demographics. Methods: A cross-sectional study assessed preferences and trust perceptions of AI voices in learning modules among teens (11-18) and their parents/guardians in Northern California. The study involved the development of four distinct learning modules covering various adolescent health-related topics, including general communication, sexual and reproductive health communication, parental monitoring, and well-child check-ups. Participants were asked to evaluate eight AI voices across the modules, considering a set of six factors such as intelligibility, naturalness, prosody, social impression, trustworthiness, and overall appeal, using Likert scales ranging from 1 to 10 (the higher, the better). They were also asked to select their preferred choice of voice for each module. Descriptive statistics summarized participant demographics. Chi-square/t-tests explored differences in voice preferences between groups. Regression models identified factors impacting the perceived trustworthiness of the top-selected voice per module. Results: Data from 104 participants (teen=63; adult guardian = 41) were included in the analysis. The mean age is 14.9 for teens (54% male) and 41.9 for the parent/guardian (12% male). At the same time, similar voice quality ratings were observed across groups, and preferences varied by topic. For instance, in general communication, teens leaned towards young female voices, while parents preferred mature female tones. Interestingly, this trend reversed for parental monitoring, with teens favoring mature male voices and parents opting for mature female ones. Both groups, however, converged on mature female voices for sexual and reproductive health topics. Beyond preferences, the study delved into factors influencing perceived trustworthiness. Interestingly, social impression and sound appeal emerged as the most significant contributors across all modules, jointly explaining 71-75% of the variance in trustworthiness ratings. Conclusion: The study emphasizes the importance of catering AI voices to specific audiences and topics. Social impression and sound appeal emerged as critical factors influencing perceived trustworthiness across all modules. These findings highlight the need to tailor AI voices by age and the specific health information being delivered. Ensuring AI voices resonate with both teens and their parents can foster their engagement and trust, ultimately leading to improved health literacy and decision-making for both groups. Limitations and future research: This study lays the groundwork for understanding AI voice preferences for teenagers and their parents in healthcare settings. However, limitations exist. The sample represents a specific geographic location, and cultural variations might influence preferences. Additionally, the modules focused on topics related to well-child visits, and preferences might differ for more sensitive health topics. Future research should explore these limitations and investigate the long-term impact of AI voice on user engagement, health outcomes, and health behaviors.Keywords: artificial intelligence, trustworthiness, voice, adolescent
Procedia PDF Downloads 6314497 A Fuzzy Structural Equation Model for Development of a Safety Performance Index Assessment Tool in Construction Sites
Authors: Murat Gunduz, Mustafa Ozdemir
In this research, a framework is to be proposed to model the safety performance in construction sites. Determinants of safety performance are to be defined through extensive literature review and a multidimensional safety performance model is to be developed. In this context, a questionnaire is to be administered to construction companies with sites. The collected data through questionnaires including linguistic terms are then to be defuzzified to get concrete numbers by using fuzzy set theory which provides strong and significant instruments for the measurement of ambiguities and provides the opportunity to meaningfully represent concepts expressed in the natural language. The validity of the proposed safety performance model, relationships between determinants of safety performance are to be analyzed using the structural equation modeling (SEM) which is a highly strong multi variable analysis technique that makes possible the evaluation of latent structures. After validation of the model, a safety performance index assessment tool is to be proposed by the help of software. The proposed safety performance assessment tool will be based on the empirically validated theoretical model.Keywords: Fuzzy set theory, safety performance assessment, safety index, structural equation modeling (SEM), construction sites
Procedia PDF Downloads 52614496 Innovation in the Provision of Medical Services in the Field of Qualified Sports and Services Related to the Therapy of Metabolism Disorders and the Treatment of Obesity
Authors: Jerzy Slowik, Elzbieta Grochowska-Niedworok
The analysis of the market needs and trends in both treatment and prophylaxis shows the growing need to implement comprehensive solutions that would enable safe contact of the beneficiaries with the therapeutic and diagnostic support group. Based on the evaluation of the medical and sports industry services market, projects co-financed by the EFRR in the form of comprehensive care systems using IT tools for patients under treatment in the field of obesity and metabolism using the system were implemented under the Regional Operational Program of the Silesian Voivodeship for 2014-2020. SFAO 1.0 (Support for the Fight Against Obesity) number of the WND-RPSL project. 01.02.00-24-06EA / 16) as well as for competitors in qualified sports SK system (qualified sports) project number WND-RPSL. 01.02.00-24-0630 / 17-002. The service provided in accordance with SFAO 1.0 has shown a wide range of therapy possibilities - from monitoring the body's reactions during sports activities of healthy people to remote care for sick patients. As a result of the introduction of an innovative service, it was possible to increase the effectiveness of the therapy, which was manifested in the reduction of the starting doses of drugs by 10%, improvement of the efficiency of the respiratory and blood circulation system, and a 10% increase in bone density. Innovation in the provision of medical services in the field of qualified sports SK was a response to the needs of the athletes and their parents, coaches, physiotherapists, dieticians, and doctors who take care of people actively practicing qualified sports. The creation of the platform made it possible to constantly monitor the trainers necessary for both the proper training process and the control over the health of patients. Monitoring the patient's health by a specialized team in the field of various specialties allows for the proper targeting of the treatment and training process due to the increase in the availability of medical counseling. Specialists taking care of the patient can provide additional advice and modify the medical treatment of the patient on an ongoing basis, which is why we are dealing with a holistic approach.Keywords: innovation of medical services, sport, obesity, innovation
Procedia PDF Downloads 12814495 Structural and Electronic Properties of the Rock-salt BaxSr1−xS Alloys
Authors: B. Bahloul, K. Babesse, A. Dkhira, Y. Bahloul, L. Amirouche
Structural and electronic properties of the rock-salt BaxSr1−xS are calculated using the first-principles calculations based on the density functional theory (DFT) within the generalized gradient approximation (GGA), the local density approximation (LDA) and the virtual-crystal approximation (VCA). The calculated lattice parameters at equilibrium volume for x=0 and x=1 are in good agreement with the literature data. The BaxSr1−xS alloys are found to be an indirect band gap semiconductor. Moreoever, for the composition (x) ranging between [0-1], we think that our results are well discussed and well predicted.Keywords: semiconductor, Ab initio calculations, rocksalt, band structure, BaxSr1−xS
Procedia PDF Downloads 39714494 Wave Propagation In Functionally Graded Lattice Structures Under Impact Loads
Authors: Mahmood Heshmati, Farhang Daneshmand
Material scientists and engineers have introduced novel materials with complex geometries due to the recent technological advances and promotion of manufacturing methods. Among them, lattice structures with graded architectures denoted by functionally graded porous materials (FGPMs) have been developed to optimize the structural response. FGPMs are achieved by tailoring the size and density of the internal pores in one or more directions that lead to the desired mechanical properties and structural responses. Also, FGPMs provide more flexible transition and the possibility of designing and fabricating structural elements with complex and variable properties. In this paper, wave propagation in lattice structures with functionally graded (FG) porosity is investigated in order to examine the ability of shock absorbing effect. The behavior of FG porous beams with different porosity distributions under impact load and the effects of porosity distribution and porosity content on the wave speed are studied. Important conclusions are made, along with a discussion of the future scope of studies on FGPMs structures.Keywords: functionally graded, porous materials, wave propagation, impact load, finite element
Procedia PDF Downloads 9314493 Addressing Microbial Contamination in East Hararghe, Oromia, Ethiopia: Improving Water Sanitation Infrastructure and Promoting Safe Water Practices for Enhanced Food Safety
Authors: Tuji Jemal Ahmed, Hussen Beker Yusuf
Food safety is a major concern worldwide, with microbial contamination being one of the leading causes of foodborne illnesses. In Ethiopia, drinking water and untreated groundwater are a primary source of microbial contamination, leading to significant health risks. East Hararghe, Oromia, is one of the regions in Ethiopia that has been affected by this problem. This paper provides an overview of the impact of untreated groundwater on human health in Haramaya Rural District, East Hararghe and highlights the urgent need for sustained efforts to address the water sanitation supply problem. The use of untreated groundwater for drinking and household purposes in Haramaya Rural District, East Hararghe is prevalent, leading to high rates of waterborne illnesses such as diarrhea, typhoid fever, and cholera. The impact of these illnesses on human health is significant, resulting in significant morbidity and mortality, especially among vulnerable populations such as children and the elderly. In addition to the direct health impacts, waterborne illnesses also have indirect impacts on human health, such as reduced productivity and increased healthcare costs. Groundwater sources are susceptible to microbial contamination due to the infiltration of surface water, human and animal waste, and agricultural runoff. In Haramaya Rural District, East Hararghe, poor water management practices, inadequate sanitation facilities, and limited access to clean water sources contribute to the prevalence of untreated groundwater as a primary source of drinking water. These underlying causes of microbial contamination highlight the need for improved water sanitation infrastructure, including better access to safe drinking water sources and the implementation of effective treatment methods. The paper emphasizes the need for regular water quality monitoring, especially for untreated groundwater sources, to ensure safe drinking water for the population. The implementation of effective preventive measures, such as the use of effective disinfectants, proper waste disposal methods, and regular water quality monitoring, is crucial to reducing the risk of contamination and improving public health outcomes in the region. Community education and awareness-raising campaigns can also play a critical role in promoting safe water practices and reducing the risk of contamination. These campaigns can include educating the population on the importance of boiling water before drinking, the use of water filters, and proper sanitation practices. In conclusion, the use of untreated groundwater as a primary source of drinking water in East Hararghe, Oromia, Ethiopia, has significant impacts on human health, leading to widespread waterborne illnesses and posing a significant threat to public health. Sustained efforts are urgently needed to address the root causes of contamination, such as poor sanitation and hygiene practices, improper waste management, and the water sanitation supply problem, including the implementation of effective preventive measures and community-based education programs, ultimately improving public health outcomes in the region. A comprehensive approach that involves community-based water management systems, point-of-use water treatment methods, and awareness-raising campaigns can contribute to reducing the incidence of microbial contamination in the region.Keywords: food safety, health risks, microbial contamination, untreated groundwater
Procedia PDF Downloads 11514492 Implementation of CNV-CH Algorithm Using Map-Reduce Approach
Authors: Aishik Deb, Rituparna Sinha
We have developed an algorithm to detect the abnormal segment/"structural variation in the genome across a number of samples. We have worked on simulated as well as real data from the BAM Files and have designed a segmentation algorithm where abnormal segments are detected. This algorithm aims to improve the accuracy and performance of the existing CNV-CH algorithm. The next-generation sequencing (NGS) approach is very fast and can generate large sequences in a reasonable time. So the huge volume of sequence information gives rise to the need for Big Data and parallel approaches of segmentation. Therefore, we have designed a map-reduce approach for the existing CNV-CH algorithm where a large amount of sequence data can be segmented and structural variations in the human genome can be detected. We have compared the efficiency of the traditional and map-reduce algorithms with respect to precision, sensitivity, and F-Score. The advantages of using our algorithm are that it is fast and has better accuracy. This algorithm can be applied to detect structural variations within a genome, which in turn can be used to detect various genetic disorders such as cancer, etc. The defects may be caused by new mutations or changes to the DNA and generally result in abnormally high or low base coverage and quantification values.Keywords: cancer detection, convex hull segmentation, map reduce, next generation sequencing
Procedia PDF Downloads 13614491 Sustainability of Carbon Nanotube-Reinforced Concrete
Authors: Rashad Al Araj, Adil K. Tamimi
Concrete, despite being one of the most produced materials in the world, still has weaknesses and drawbacks. Significant concern of the cementitious materials in structural applications is their quasi-brittle behavior, which causes the material to crack and lose its durability. One of the very recently proposed mitigations for this problem is the implementation of nanotechnology in the concrete mix by adding carbon nanotubes (CNTs) to it. CNTs can enhance the critical mechanical properties of concrete as a structural material. Thus, this paper demonstrates a state-of-the-art review of reinforcing concrete with CNTs, emphasizing on the structural performance. It also goes over the properties of CNTs alone, the present methods and costs associated with producing them, the possible special applications of concretes reinforced with CNTs, the key challenges and drawbacks that this new technology still encounters, and the most reliable practices and methodologies to produce CNT-reinforced concrete in the lab. This work has shown that the addition of CNTs to the concrete mix in percentages as low as 0.25% weight of cement could increase the flexural strength and toughness of concrete by more than 45% and 25%, respectively, and enhance other durability-related properties, given that an effective dispersion of CNTs in the cementitious mix is achieved. Since nano reinforcement for cementitious materials is a new technology, many challenges have to be tackled before it becomes practiced at the mass level.Keywords: sustainability, carbon nano tube, microsilica, concrete
Procedia PDF Downloads 33814490 Structural Analysis and Strengthening of the National Youth Foundation Building in Igoumenitsa, Greece
Authors: Chrysanthos Maraveas, Argiris Plesias, Garyfalia G. Triantafyllou, Konstantinos Petronikolos
The current paper presents a structural assessment and proposals for retrofit of the National Youth Foundation Building, an existing reinforced concrete (RC) building in the city of Igoumenitsa, Greece. The building is scheduled to be renovated in order to create a Municipal Cultural Center. The bearing capacity and structural integrity have been investigated in relation to the provisions and requirements of the Greek Retrofitting Code (KAN.EPE.) and European Standards (Eurocodes). The capacity of the existing concrete structure that makes up the two central buildings in the complex (buildings II and IV) has been evaluated both in its present form and after including several proposed architectural interventions. The structural system consists of spatial frames of columns and beams that have been simulated using beam elements. Some RC elements of the buildings have been strengthened in the past by means of concrete jacketing and have had cracks sealed with epoxy injections. Static-nonlinear analysis (Pushover) has been used to assess the seismic performance of the two structures with regard to performance level B1 from KAN.EPE. Retrofitting scenarios are proposed for the two buildings, including type Λ steel bracings and placement of concrete shear walls in the transverse direction in order to achieve the design-specification deformation in each applicable situation, improve the seismic performance, and reduce the number of interventions required.Keywords: earthquake resistance, pushover analysis, reinforced concrete, retrofit, strengthening
Procedia PDF Downloads 29314489 The Effect of Substrate Temperature on the Structural, Optical, and Electrical of Nano-Crystalline Tin Doped-Cadmium Telluride Thin Films for Photovoltaic Applications
Authors: Eman A. Alghamdi, A. M. Aldhafiri
It was found that the induce an isolated dopant close to the middle of the bandgap by occupying the Cd position in the CdTe lattice structure is an efficient factor in reducing the nonradiative recombination rate and increasing the solar efficiency. According to our laboratory results, this work has been carried out to obtain the effect of substrate temperature on the CdTe0.6Sn0.4 prepared by thermal evaporation technique for photovoltaic application. Various substrate temperature (25°C, 100°C, 150°C, 200°C, 250°C and 300°C) was applied. Sn-doped CdTe thin films on a glass substrate at a different substrate temperature were made using CdTe and SnTe powders by the thermal evaporation technique. The structural properties of the prepared samples were determined using Raman, x-Ray Diffraction. Spectroscopic ellipsometry and spectrophotometric measurements were conducted to extract the optical constants as a function of substrate temperature. The structural properties of the grown films show hexagonal and cubic mixed structures and phase change has been reported. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) reviled that a homogenous with a bigger grain size was obtained at 250°C substrate temperature. The conductivity measurements were recorded as a function of substrate temperatures. The open-circuit voltage was improved by controlling the substrate temperature due to the improvement of the fundamental material issues such as recombination and low carrier concentration. All the result was explained and discussed on the biases of the influences of the Sn dopant and the substrate temperature on the structural, optical and photovoltaic characteristics.Keywords: CdTe, conductivity, photovoltaic, ellipsometry
Procedia PDF Downloads 13314488 Real-Time Water Quality Monitoring and Control System for Fish Farms Based on IoT
Authors: Nadia Yaghoobi, Seyed Majid Esmaeilzadeh
Due to advancements in wireless communication, new sensor capabilities have been created. In addition to the automation industry, the Internet of Things (IoT) has been used in environmental issues and has provided the possibility of communication between different devices for data collection and exchange. Water quality depends on many factors which are essential for maintaining the minimum sustainability of water. Regarding the great dependence of fishes on the quality of the aquatic environment, water quality can directly affect their activity. Therefore, monitoring water quality is an important issue to consider, especially in the fish farming industry. The conventional method of water quality testing is to collect water samples manually and send them to a laboratory for testing and analysis. This time-consuming method is a waste of manpower and is not cost-effective. The water quality measurement system implemented in this project monitors water quality in real-time through various sensors (parameters: water temperature, water level, dissolved oxygen, humidity and ambient temperature, water turbidity, PH). The Wi-Fi module, ESP8266, transmits data collected by sensors wirelessly to ThingSpeak and the smartphone app. Also, with the help of these instantaneous data, water temperature and water level can be controlled by using a heater and a water pump, respectively. This system can have a detailed study of the pollution and condition of water resources and can provide an environment for safe fish farming.Keywords: dissolved oxygen, IoT, monitoring, ThingSpeak, water level, water quality, WiFi module
Procedia PDF Downloads 19514487 Development of a Consult Liaison Psychology Service: A Systematic Review
Authors: Ben J. Lippe
Consult Liaison Psychology services are overgrowing, given the robust empirical support of the utility of this service in hospital settings. These psychological services, including clinical assessment, applied psychotherapy, and consultation with other healthcare providers, have been shown to improve health outcomes for patients and bolster important areas of administrative interest such as decreased length of patient admission. However, there is little descriptive literature outlining the process and mechanisms of building or developing a Consult Liaison Psychology service. The main findings of this current conceptual work are intended to be clear in nature to elucidate the essential methods involved in developing consult liaison psychology programs, including thorough reviews of relevant behavioral health literature and inclusion of experiential outcomes. The diverse range of hospital settings and healthcare systems makes a “blueprint” method of program development challenging to define, yet important structural frameworks presented here based on the relevant literature and applied practice can help lay critical groundwork for program development in this growing area of psychological service. This conceptual approach addresses the prominent processes, as well as common programmatic and clinical pitfalls, involved in the event of a Consult Liaison Psychology service. This paper, including a systematic review of relevant literature, is intended to serve as a key program development reference for the development of Consult Liaison Psychology services, other related behavioral health programs, and to help inform further research efforts.Keywords: behavioral health, consult liaison, health psychology, psychology program development
Procedia PDF Downloads 16014486 Structural, Optical and Electrical Properties of MnxZnO1-X Nanocrystals Synthesized by Sol-Gel Method
Authors: K. C. Gayithri, S. K. Naveen Kumar
ZnO is one of the most important semiconductor materials, non toxic, biocompatible, antibacterial properties for research and it is used in many biomedical applications. MnxZn1-xO nano thin films were prepared by a spin coating sol-gel method on silicon substrate. The structural, optical, electrical properties of Mn Doped ZnO are studied by using X-rd, FESEM, UV-Visible spectrophotometer. The X-rd reveals that the sample shows hexagonal wurtzits structure. Surface morphology and thickness of the sample are characterized by field emission scanning electron microscopy. Absorption and transmission spectra are studied by UV-Visible spectrophotometer. The electrical properties are measured by TCR meter.Keywords: transition metals, Mn doped ZnO, Sol-gel, x-ray diffraction
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