Search results for: Synthetic Control Method
27189 Computational Aerodynamic Shape Optimisation Using a Concept of Control Nodes and Modified Cuckoo Search
Authors: D. S. Naumann, B. J. Evans, O. Hassan
This paper outlines the development of an automated aerodynamic optimisation algorithm using a novel method of parameterising a computational mesh by employing user–defined control nodes. The shape boundary movement is coupled to the movement of the novel concept of the control nodes via a quasi-1D-linear deformation. Additionally, a second order smoothing step has been integrated to act on the boundary during the mesh movement based on the change in its second derivative. This allows for both linear and non-linear shape transformations dependent on the preference of the user. The domain mesh movement is then coupled to the shape boundary movement via a Delaunay graph mapping. A Modified Cuckoo Search (MCS) algorithm is used for optimisation within the prescribed design space defined by the allowed range of control node displacement. A finite volume compressible NavierStokes solver is used for aerodynamic modelling to predict aerodynamic design fitness. The resulting coupled algorithm is applied to a range of test cases in two dimensions including the design of a subsonic, transonic and supersonic intake and the optimisation approach is compared with more conventional optimisation strategies. Ultimately, the algorithm is tested on a three dimensional wing optimisation case.Keywords: mesh movement, aerodynamic shape optimization, cuckoo search, shape parameterisation
Procedia PDF Downloads 33927188 Battery Energy Storage System Economic Benefits Assessment on a Network Frequency Control
Authors: Kréhi Serge Agbli, Samuel Portebos, Michaël Salomon
Here a methodology is considered aiming at evaluating the economic benefit of the provision of a primary frequency control unit using a Battery Energy Storage System (BESS). In this methodology, two control types (basic and hysteresis) are implemented and the corresponding minimum energy storage system power allowing to maintain the frequency drop inside a given threshold under a given contingency is identified and compared using DigSilent’s PowerFactory software. Following this step, the corresponding energy storage capacity (in MWh) is calculated. As PowerFactory is dedicated to dynamic simulation for transient analysis, a first order model related to the IEEE 9 bus grid used for the analysis under PowerFactory is characterized and implemented on MATLAB-Simulink. Primary frequency control is simulated using the two control types over one-month grid's frequency deviation data on this Simulink model. This simulation results in the energy throughput both basic and hysteresis BESSs. It emerges that the 15 minutes operation band of the battery capacity allocated to frequency control is sufficient under the considered disturbances. A sensitivity analysis on the width of the control deadband is then performed for the two control types. The deadband width variation leads to an identical sizing with the hysteresis control showing a better frequency control at the cost of a higher delivered throughput compared to the basic control. An economic analysis comparing the cost of the sized BESS to the potential revenues is then performed.Keywords: battery energy storage system, electrical network frequency stability, frequency control unit, PowerFactor
Procedia PDF Downloads 13027187 Autonomous Rendezvous for Underactuated Spacecraft
Authors: Espen Oland
This paper presents a solution to the problem of autonomous rendezvous for spacecraft equipped with one main thruster for translational control and three reaction wheels for rotational control. With fewer actuators than degrees of freedom, this constitutes an underactuated control problem, requiring a coupling between the translational and rotational dynamics to facilitate control. This paper shows how to obtain this coupling, and applies the results to autonomous rendezvous between a follower spacecraft and a leader spacecraft. Additionally, since the thrust is constrained between zero and an upper bound, no negative forces can be generated to slow down the speed of the spacecraft. A combined speed and attitude control logic is therefore created that can be divided into three main phases: 1) The orbital velocity vector is pointed towards the desired position and the thrust is used to obtain the desired speed, 2) during the coasting phase, the attitude is changed to facilitate deceleration using the main thruster, 3) the speed is decreased as the spacecraft reaches its desired position. The results are validated through simulations, showing the capabilities of the proposed approach.Keywords: attitude control, spacecraft rendezvous, translational control, underactuated rigid body
Procedia PDF Downloads 29227186 Computer-Assisted Management of Building Climate and Microgrid with Model Predictive Control
Authors: Vinko Lešić, Mario Vašak, Anita Martinčević, Marko Gulin, Antonio Starčić, Hrvoje Novak
With 40% of total world energy consumption, building systems are developing into technically complex large energy consumers suitable for application of sophisticated power management approaches to largely increase the energy efficiency and even make them active energy market participants. Centralized control system of building heating and cooling managed by economically-optimal model predictive control shows promising results with estimated 30% of energy efficiency increase. The research is focused on implementation of such a method on a case study performed on two floors of our faculty building with corresponding sensors wireless data acquisition, remote heating/cooling units and central climate controller. Building walls are mathematically modeled with corresponding material types, surface shapes and sizes. Models are then exploited to predict thermal characteristics and changes in different building zones. Exterior influences such as environmental conditions and weather forecast, people behavior and comfort demands are all taken into account for deriving price-optimal climate control. Finally, a DC microgrid with photovoltaics, wind turbine, supercapacitor, batteries and fuel cell stacks is added to make the building a unit capable of active participation in a price-varying energy market. Computational burden of applying model predictive control on such a complex system is relaxed through a hierarchical decomposition of the microgrid and climate control, where the former is designed as higher hierarchical level with pre-calculated price-optimal power flows control, and latter is designed as lower level control responsible to ensure thermal comfort and exploit the optimal supply conditions enabled by microgrid energy flows management. Such an approach is expected to enable the inclusion of more complex building subsystems into consideration in order to further increase the energy efficiency.Keywords: price-optimal building climate control, Microgrid power flow optimisation, hierarchical model predictive control, energy efficient buildings, energy market participation
Procedia PDF Downloads 46727185 Grid-Connected Doubly-Fed Induction Generator under Integral Backstepping Control Combined with High Gain Observer
Authors: Oluwaseun Simon Adekanle, M'hammed Guisser, Elhassane Abdelmounim, Mohamed Aboulfatah
In this paper, modeling and control of a grid connected 660KW Doubly-Fed Induction Generator wind turbine is presented. Stator flux orientation is used to realize active-reactive power decoupling to enable independent control of active and reactive power. The recursive Integral Backstepping technique is used to control generator speed to its optimum value and to obtain unity power factor. The controller is combined with High Gain Observer to estimate the mechanical torque of the machine. The most important advantage of this combination of High Gain Observer and the Integral Backstepping controller is the annulation of static error that may occur due to incertitude between the actual value of a parameter and its estimated value by the controller. Simulation results under Matlab/Simulink show the robustness of this control technique in presence of parameter variation.Keywords: doubly-fed induction generator, field orientation control, high gain observer, integral backstepping control
Procedia PDF Downloads 36327184 A Concept Analysis of Control over Nursing Practice
Authors: Oznur Ispir, S. Duygulu
Health institutions are the places where fast and efficient decisions are required and mistakes and uncertainties are not tolerated due to the urgency of the services provided within the body of these institutions. Thus, in those institutions where patient care services are targeted to be provided quality and safety, the nurses attending the decisions, creating the solutions for problems, taking initiative and bearing the responsibility of results in brief having the control over practices are needed. Control over nursing practices is defined as affecting the employment and work environment at the unit level of the institution, perceived freedom for organizing and evaluating nursing practices, the ability to make independent decisions about patient care and accountability for the results of such decisions. This study scrutinizes the concept of control over nursing practices (organizational autonomy), which is frequently confused with other concepts (autonomy) in the literature, by reviewing the literature and making suggestions to improve nurses’ control over nursing practices.Keywords: control over nursing practice, nurse, nursing, organizational autonomy
Procedia PDF Downloads 26827183 Antibody Reactivity of Synthetic Peptides Belonging to Proteins Encoded by Genes Located in Mycobacterium tuberculosis-Specific Genomic Regions of Differences
Authors: Abu Salim Mustafa
The comparisons of mycobacterial genomes have identified several Mycobacterium tuberculosis-specific genomic regions that are absent in other mycobacteria and are known as regions of differences. Due to M. tuberculosis-specificity, the peptides encoded by these regions could be useful in the specific diagnosis of tuberculosis. To explore this possibility, overlapping synthetic peptides corresponding to 39 proteins predicted to be encoded by genes present in regions of differences were tested for antibody-reactivity with sera from tuberculosis patients and healthy subjects. The results identified four immunodominant peptides corresponding to four different proteins, with three of the peptides showing significantly stronger antibody reactivity and rate of positivity with sera from tuberculosis patients than healthy subjects. The fourth peptide was recognized equally well by the sera of tuberculosis patients as well as healthy subjects. Predication of antibody epitopes by bioinformatics analyses using ABCpred server predicted multiple linear epitopes in each peptide. Furthermore, peptide sequence analysis for sequence identity using BLAST suggested M. tuberculosis-specificity for the three peptides that had preferential reactivity with sera from tuberculosis patients, but the peptide with equal reactivity with sera of TB patients and healthy subjects showed significant identity with sequences present in nob-tuberculous mycobacteria. The three identified M. tuberculosis-specific immunodominant peptides may be useful in the serological diagnosis of tuberculosis.Keywords: genomic regions of differences, Mycobacterium tuberculossis, peptides, serodiagnosis
Procedia PDF Downloads 18327182 Development of Web-Based Iceberg Detection Using Deep Learning
Authors: A. Kavya Sri, K. Sai Vineela, R. Vanitha, S. Rohith
Large pieces of ice that break from the glaciers are known as icebergs. The threat that icebergs pose to navigation, production of offshore oil and gas services, and underwater pipelines makes their detection crucial. In this project, an automated iceberg tracking method using deep learning techniques and satellite images of icebergs is to be developed. With a temporal resolution of 12 days and a spatial resolution of 20 m, Sentinel-1 (SAR) images can be used to track iceberg drift over the Southern Ocean. In contrast to multispectral images, SAR images are used for analysis in meteorological conditions. This project develops a web-based graphical user interface to detect and track icebergs using sentinel-1 images. To track the movement of the icebergs by using temporal images based on their latitude and longitude values and by comparing the center and area of all detected icebergs. Testing the accuracy is done by precision and recall measures.Keywords: synthetic aperture radar (SAR), icebergs, deep learning, spatial resolution, temporal resolution
Procedia PDF Downloads 9127181 Set-point Performance Evaluation of Robust Back-Stepping Control Design for a Nonlinear Electro-Hydraulic Servo System
Authors: Maria Ahmadnezhad, Seyedgharani Ghoreishi
Electrohydraulic servo system have been used in industry in a wide number of applications. Its dynamics are highly nonlinear and also have large extent of model uncertainties and external disturbances. In this thesis, a robust back-stepping control (RBSC) scheme is proposed to overcome the problem of disturbances and system uncertainties effectively and to improve the set-point performance of EHS systems. In order to implement the proposed control scheme, the system uncertainties in EHS systems are considered as total leakage coefficient and effective oil volume. In addition, in order to obtain the virtual controls for stabilizing system, the update rule for the system uncertainty term is induced by the Lyapunov control function (LCF). To verify the performance and robustness of the proposed control system, computer simulation of the proposed control system using Matlab/Simulink Software is executed. From the computer simulation, it was found that the RBSC system produces the desired set-point performance and has robustness to the disturbances and system uncertainties of EHS systems.Keywords: electro hydraulic servo system, back-stepping control, robust back-stepping control, Lyapunov redesign
Procedia PDF Downloads 100427180 The Effect of Alternative Organic Fertilizer and Chemical Fertilizer on Nitrogen and Yield of Peppermint (Mentha peperita)
Authors: Seyed Ali Mohammad, Modarres Sanavy, Hamed Keshavarz, Ali Mokhtassi-Bidgoli
One of the biggest challenges for the current and future generations is to produce sufficient food for the world population with the existing limited available water resources. Peppermint is a specialty crop used for food and medicinal purposes. Its main component is menthol. It is used predominantly for oral hygiene, pharmaceuticals, and foods. Although drought stress is considered as a negative factor in agriculture, being responsible for severe yield losses; medicinal plants grown under semi-arid conditions usually produce higher concentrations of active substances than same species grown under moderate climates. Nitrogen (N) fertilizer management is central to the profitability and sustainability of forage crop production. Sub-optimal N supply will result in poor yields, and excess N application can lead to nitrate leaching and environmental pollution. In order to determine the response of peppermint to drought stress and different fertilizer treatments, a field experiment with peppermint was conducted in a sandy loam soil at a site of the Tarbiat Modares University, Agriculture Faculty, Tehran, Iran. The experiment used a complete randomized block design, with six rates of fertilizer strategies (F1: control, F2: Urea, F3: 75% urea + 25% vermicompost, F4: 50% urea + 50% vermicompost, F5: 25% urea + 75% vermicompost and F6: vermicompost) and three irrigation regime (S1: 45%, S2: 60% and S3: 75% FC) with three replication. The traits such as nitrogen, chlorophyll, carotenoids, anthocyanin, flavonoid and fresh biomass were studied. The results showed that the treatments had a significant effect on the studied traits as drought stress reduced photosynthetic pigment concentration. Also, drought stress reduced fresh yield of peppermint. Non stress condition had the greater amount of chlorophyll and fresh yield more than other irrigation treatments. The highest concentration of chlorophyll and the fresh biomass was obtained in F2 fertilizing treatments. Sever water stress (S1) produced decreased photosynthetic pigment content fresh yield of peppermint. Supply of N could improve photosynthetic capacity by enhancing photosynthetic pigment content. Perhaps application of vermicompost significantly improved the organic carbon, available N, P and K content in soil over urea fertilization alone. To get sustainable production of peppermint, application of vermicompost along with N through synthetic fertilizer is recommended for light textured sandy loam soils.Keywords: fresh yield, peppermint, synthetic nitrogen, vermicompost, water stress
Procedia PDF Downloads 21827179 Estimating the Ladder Angle and the Camera Position From a 2D Photograph Based on Applications of Projective Geometry and Matrix Analysis
Authors: Inigo Beckett
In forensic investigations, it is often the case that the most potentially useful recorded evidence derives from coincidental imagery, recorded immediately before or during an incident, and that during the incident (e.g. a ‘failure’ or fire event), the evidence is changed or destroyed. To an image analysis expert involved in photogrammetric analysis for Civil or Criminal Proceedings, traditional computer vision methods involving calibrated cameras is often not appropriate because image metadata cannot be relied upon. This paper presents an approach for resolving this problem, considering in particular and by way of a case study, the angle of a simple ladder shown in a photograph. The UK Health and Safety Executive (HSE) guidance document published in 2014 (INDG455) advises that a leaning ladder should be erected at 75 degrees to the horizontal axis. Personal injury cases can arise in the construction industry because a ladder is too steep or too shallow. Ad-hoc photographs of such ladders in their incident position provide a basis for analysis of their angle. This paper presents a direct approach for ascertaining the position of the camera and the angle of the ladder simultaneously from the photograph(s) by way of a workflow that encompasses a novel application of projective geometry and matrix analysis. Mathematical analysis shows that for a given pixel ratio of directly measured collinear points (i.e. features that lie on the same line segment) from the 2D digital photograph with respect to a given viewing point, we can constrain the 3D camera position to a surface of a sphere in the scene. Depending on what we know about the ladder, we can enforce another independent constraint on the possible camera positions which enables us to constrain the possible positions even further. Experiments were conducted using synthetic and real-world data. The synthetic data modeled a vertical plane with a ladder on a horizontally flat plane resting against a vertical wall. The real-world data was captured using an Apple iPhone 13 Pro and 3D laser scan survey data whereby a ladder was placed in a known location and angle to the vertical axis. For each case, we calculated camera positions and the ladder angles using this method and cross-compared them against their respective ‘true’ values.Keywords: image analysis, projective geometry, homography, photogrammetry, ladders, Forensics, Mathematical modeling, planar geometry, matrix analysis, collinear, cameras, photographs
Procedia PDF Downloads 5327178 Using IoT on Single Input Multiple Outputs (SIMO) DC–DC Converter to Control Smart-home
Authors: Auwal Mustapha Imam
The aim of the energy management system is to monitor and control utilization, access, optimize and manage energy availability. This can be realized through real-time analyses and energy sources and loads data control in a predictive way. Smart-home monitoring and control provide convenience and cost savings by controlling appliances, lights, thermostats and other loads. There may be different categories of loads in the various homes, and the homeowner may wish to control access to solar-generated energy to protect the storage from draining completely. Controlling the power system operation by managing the converter output power and controlling how it feeds the appliances will satisfy the residential load demand. The Internet of Things (IoT) provides an attractive technological platform to connect the two and make home automation and domestic energy utilization easier and more attractive. This paper presents the use of IoT-based control topology to monitor and control power distribution and consumption by DC loads connected to single-input multiple outputs (SIMO) DC-DC converter, thereby reducing leakages, enhancing performance and reducing human efforts. A SIMO converter was first developed and integrated with the IoT/Raspberry Pi control topology, which enables the user to monitor and control power scheduling and load forecasting via an Android app.Keywords: flyback, converter, DC-DC, photovoltaic, SIMO
Procedia PDF Downloads 4927177 Interfacing Photovoltaic Systems to the Utility Grid: A Comparative Simulation Study to Mitigate the Impact of Unbalanced Voltage Dips
Authors: Badr M. Alshammari, A. Rabeh, A. K. Mohamed
This paper presents the modeling and the control of a grid-connected photovoltaic system (PVS). Firstly, the MPPT control of the PVS and its associated DC/DC converter has been analyzed in order to extract the maximum of available power. Secondly, the control system of the grid side converter (GSC) which is a three-phase voltage source inverter (VSI) has been presented. A special attention has been paid to the control algorithms of the GSC converter during grid voltages imbalances. Especially, three different control objectives are to achieve; the mitigation of the grid imbalance adverse effects, at the point of common coupling (PCC), on the injected currents, the elimination of double frequency oscillations in active power flow, and the elimination of double frequency oscillations in reactive power flow. Simulation results of two control strategies have been performed via MATLAB software in order to demonstrate the particularities of each control strategy according to power quality standards.Keywords: renewable energies, photovoltaic systems, dc link, voltage source inverter, space vector SVPWM, unbalanced voltage dips, symmetrical components
Procedia PDF Downloads 37727176 Transformation of Periodic Fuzzy Membership Function to Discrete Polygon on Circular Polar Coordinates
Authors: Takashi Mitsuishi
Fuzzy logic has gained acceptance in the recent years in the fields of social sciences and humanities such as psychology and linguistics because it can manage the fuzziness of words and human subjectivity in a logical manner. However, the major field of application of the fuzzy logic is control engineering as it is a part of the set theory and mathematical logic. Mamdani method, which is the most popular technique for approximate reasoning in the field of fuzzy control, is one of the ways to numerically represent the control afforded by human language and sensitivity and has been applied in various practical control plants. Fuzzy logic has been gradually developing as an artificial intelligence in different applications such as neural networks, expert systems, and operations research. The objects of inference vary for different application fields. Some of these include time, angle, color, symptom and medical condition whose fuzzy membership function is a periodic function. In the defuzzification stage, the domain of the membership function should be unique to obtain uniqueness its defuzzified value. However, if the domain of the periodic membership function is determined as unique, an unintuitive defuzzified value may be obtained as the inference result using the center of gravity method. Therefore, the authors propose a method of circular-polar-coordinates transformation and defuzzification of the periodic membership functions in this study. The transformation to circular polar coordinates simplifies the domain of the periodic membership function. Defuzzified value in circular polar coordinates is an argument. Furthermore, it is required that the argument is calculated from a closed plane figure which is a periodic membership function on the circular polar coordinates. If the closed plane figure is continuous with the continuity of the membership function, a significant amount of computation is required. Therefore, to simplify the practice example and significantly reduce the computational complexity, we have discretized the continuous interval and the membership function in this study. In this study, the following three methods are proposed to decide the argument from the discrete polygon which the continuous plane figure is transformed into. The first method provides an argument of a straight line passing through the origin and through the coordinate of the arithmetic mean of each coordinate of the polygon (physical center of gravity). The second one provides an argument of a straight line passing through the origin and the coordinate of the geometric center of gravity of the polygon. The third one provides an argument of a straight line passing through the origin bisecting the perimeter of the polygon (or the closed continuous plane figure).Keywords: defuzzification, fuzzy membership function, periodic function, polar coordinates transformation
Procedia PDF Downloads 36527175 Control of a Wind Energy Conversion System Works in Tow Operating Modes (Hyper Synchronous and Hypo Synchronous)
Authors: A. Moualdia, D. J. Boudana, O. Bouchhida, A. Medjber
Wind energy has many advantages, it does not pollute and it is an inexhaustible source. However, the cost of this energy is still too high to compete with traditional fossil fuels, especially on sites less windy. The performance of a wind turbine depends on three parameters: the power of wind, the power curve of the turbine and the generator's ability to respond to wind fluctuations. This paper presents a control chain conversion based on a double-fed asynchronous machine and flow-oriented. The supply system comprises of two identical converters, one connected to the rotor and the other one connected to the network via a filter. The architecture of the device is up by three commands are necessary for the operation of the turbine control extraction of maximum power of the wind to control itself (MPPT) control of the rotor side converter controlling the electromagnetic torque and stator reactive power and control of the grid side converter by controlling the DC bus voltage and active power and reactive power exchanged with the network. The proposed control has been validated in both modes of operation of the three-bladed wind 7.5 kW, using Matlab/Simulink. The results of simulation control technology study provide good dynamic performance and static.Keywords: D.F.I.G, variable wind speed, hypersynchrone, energy quality, hyposynchrone
Procedia PDF Downloads 36827174 Integrated Optimization of Vehicle Microscopic Behavior and Signal Control for Mixed Traffic Based on a Distributed Strategy
Authors: Siliang Luan
In this paper, an integrated-decentralized bi-level optimization framework is developed to coordinate intersection signal operations and vehicle driving behavior at an isolated signalized intersection in a mixed traffic environment. The framework takes advantage of both signal control and conflict elimination by incorporating an integrated level and a decentralized level. Two distinct signal control methods are introduced: the classical green phase control strategy and the white phase control strategy. The latter allows certain vehicles to pass through the intersection during a red phase, thereby reducing idle time. Besides, various vehicle trajectory optimization strategies are tailored to different vehicle-following types, leveraging the capabilities of CAV technology. Enhanced microscopic behavior control strategies, such as car-following and lane-changing controls, are also developed for CAVs to improve their performance in mixed traffic. These strategies are integrated into the proposed framework. The effectiveness of the framework is validated through numerical experiments and sensitivity analysis, demonstrating its advantages in terms of traffic effectiveness, stability, and energy economy.Keywords: traffic signal optimization, connected and automated vehicles, vehicle microscopic control, traffic control and information technology
Procedia PDF Downloads 727173 Controlling the Process of a Chicken Dressing Plant through Statistical Process Control
Authors: Jasper Kevin C. Dionisio, Denise Mae M. Unsay
In a manufacturing firm, controlling the process ensures that optimum efficiency, productivity, and quality in an organization are achieved. An operation with no standardized procedure yields a poor productivity, inefficiency, and an out of control process. This study focuses on controlling the small intestine processing of a chicken dressing plant through the use of Statistical Process Control (SPC). Since the operation does not employ a standard procedure and does not have an established standard time, the process through the assessment of the observed time of the overall operation of small intestine processing, through the use of X-Bar R Control Chart, is found to be out of control. In the solution of this problem, the researchers conduct a motion and time study aiming to establish a standard procedure for the operation. The normal operator was picked through the use of Westinghouse Rating System. Instead of utilizing the traditional motion and time study, the researchers used the X-Bar R Control Chart in determining the process average of the process that is used for establishing the standard time. The observed time of the normal operator was noted and plotted to the X-Bar R Control Chart. Out of control points that are due to assignable cause were removed and the process average, or the average time the normal operator conducted the process, which was already in control and free form any outliers, was obtained. The process average was then used in determining the standard time of small intestine processing. As a recommendation, the researchers suggest the implementation of the standard time established which is with consonance to the standard procedure which was adopted from the normal operator. With that recommendation, the whole operation will induce a 45.54 % increase in their productivity.Keywords: motion and time study, process controlling, statistical process control, X-Bar R Control chart
Procedia PDF Downloads 21727172 A Monte Carlo Fuzzy Logistic Regression Framework against Imbalance and Separation
Authors: Georgios Charizanos, Haydar Demirhan, Duygu Icen
Two of the most impactful issues in classical logistic regression are class imbalance and complete separation. These can result in model predictions heavily leaning towards the imbalanced class on the binary response variable or over-fitting issues. Fuzzy methodology offers key solutions for handling these problems. However, most studies propose the transformation of the binary responses into a continuous format limited within [0,1]. This is called the possibilistic approach within fuzzy logistic regression. Following this approach is more aligned with straightforward regression since a logit-link function is not utilized, and fuzzy probabilities are not generated. In contrast, we propose a method of fuzzifying binary response variables that allows for the use of the logit-link function; hence, a probabilistic fuzzy logistic regression model with the Monte Carlo method. The fuzzy probabilities are then classified by selecting a fuzzy threshold. Different combinations of fuzzy and crisp input, output, and coefficients are explored, aiming to understand which of these perform better under different conditions of imbalance and separation. We conduct numerical experiments using both synthetic and real datasets to demonstrate the performance of the fuzzy logistic regression framework against seven crisp machine learning methods. The proposed framework shows better performance irrespective of the degree of imbalance and presence of separation in the data, while the considered machine learning methods are significantly impacted.Keywords: fuzzy logistic regression, fuzzy, logistic, machine learning
Procedia PDF Downloads 7627171 The Efficiency of Mechanization in Weed Control in Artificial Regeneration of Oriental Beech (Fagus orientalis Lipsky.)
Authors: Tuğrul Varol, Halil Barış Özel
In this study which has been conducted in Akçasu Forest Range District of Devrek Forest Directorate; 3 methods (cover removal with human force, cover removal with Hitachi F20 Excavator, and cover removal with agricultural equipment mounted on a Ferguson 240S agriculture tractor) utilized in weed control efforts in regeneration of degraded oriental beech forests have been compared. In this respect, 3 methods have been compared by determining certain work hours and standard durations of unit areas (1 hectare). For this purpose, evaluating the tasks made with human and machine force from the aspects of duration, productivity and costs, it has been aimed to determine the most productive method in accordance with the actual ecological conditions of research field. Within the scope of the study, the time studies have been conducted for 3 methods used in weed control efforts. While carrying out those studies, the performed implementations have been evaluated by dividing them into business stages. Also, the actual data have been used while calculating the cost accounts. In those calculations, the latest formulas and equations which are also used in developed countries have been utilized. The variance of analysis (ANOVA) was used in order to determine whether there is any statistically significant difference among obtained results, and the Duncan test was used for grouping if there is significant difference. According to the measurements and findings carried out within the scope of this study, it has been found during living cover removal efforts in regeneration efforts in demolished oriental beech forests that the removal of weed layer in 1 hectare of field has taken 920 hours with human force, 15.1 hours with excavator and 60 hours with an equipment mounted on a tractor. On the other hand, it has been determined that the cost of removal of living cover in unit area (1 hectare) was 3220.00 TL for man power, 788.70 TL for excavator and 2227.20 TL for equipment mounted on a tractor. According to the obtained results, it has been found that the utilization of excavator in weed control effort in regeneration of degraded oriental beech regions under actual ecological conditions of research field has been found to be more productive from both of aspects of duration and costs. These determinations carried out should be repeated in weed control efforts in degraded forest fields with different ecological conditions, it is compulsory for finding the most efficient weed control method. These findings will light the way of technical staff of forestry directorate in determination of the most effective and economic weed contol method. Thus, the more actual data will be used while preparing the weed control budgets, and there will be significant contributions to national economy. Also the results of this and similar studies are very important for developing the policies for our forestry in short and long term.Keywords: artificial regeneration, weed control, oriental beech, productivity, mechanization, man power, cost analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 41827170 Analysis and Design of Single Switch Mosfet Dimmer for AC Driven Lamp
Authors: S.Pandeeswari, Raju Padma
In this paper a new solution to implement and control single-stage electronic ballast based on the integration of a buck-boost power factor correction stage and a half bridge resonant inverter is presented. The control signals are obtained using the inverter resonant current by means of a saturable transformer. Core saturation is used to control the required dead time between the control pulses on both switches. The turn-on time of one of the inverter switches is controlled to provide proper cathode preheating during the lamp ignition process. No special integrated circuits are required to control the ballast and the total number of components is minimized. Analysis and basic design of phase cut dimmer.Keywords: MOSFET dimmer, PIC 16F877A, voltage regulator, bridge rectifier
Procedia PDF Downloads 38027169 An UHPLC (Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatography) Method for the Simultaneous Determination of Norfloxacin, Metronidazole, and Tinidazole Using Monolithic Column-Stability Indicating Application
Authors: Asmaa Mandour, Ramzia El-Bagary, Asmaa El-Zaher, Ehab Elkady
Background: An UHPLC (ultra high performance liquid chromatography) method for the simultaneous determination of norfloxacin (NOR), metronidazole (MET) and tinidazole (TNZ) using monolithic column is presented. Purpose: The method is considered an environmentally friendly method with relatively low organic composition of the mobile phase. Methods: The chromatographic separation was performed using Phenomenex® Onyex Monolithic C18 (50mmx 20mm) column. An elution program of mobile phase consisted of 0.5% aqueous phosphoric acid : methanol (85:15, v/v). Where elution of all drugs was completed within 3.5 min with 1µL injection volume. The UHPLC method was applied for the stability indication of NOR in the presence of its acid degradation product ND. Results: Retention times were 0.69, 1.19 and 3.23 min for MET, TNZ and NOR, respectively. While ND retention time was 1.06 min. Linearity, accuracy, and precision were acceptable over the concentration range of 5-50µg mL-1for all drugs. Conclusions: The method is simple, sensitive and suitable for the routine quality control and dosage form assay of the three drugs and can also be used for the stability indication of NOR in the presence of its acid degradation product.Keywords: antibacterial, monolithic cilumn, simultaneous determination, UHPLC
Procedia PDF Downloads 25327168 Tracking Performance Evaluation of Robust Back-Stepping Control Design for a Nonlinear Electro-Hydraulic Servo System
Authors: Maria Ahmadnezhad, Mohammad Reza Soltanpour
Electrohydraulic servo systems have been used in industry in a wide number of applications. Its dynamics are highly nonlinear and also have large extent of model uncertainties and external disturbances. In this thesis, a robust back-stepping control (RBSC) scheme is proposed to overcome the problem of disturbances and system uncertainties effectively and to improve the tracking performance of EHS systems. In order to implement the proposed control scheme, the system uncertainties in EHS systems are considered as total leakage coefficient and effective oil volume. In addition, in order to obtain the virtual controls for stabilizing system, the update rule for the system uncertainty term is induced by the Lyapunov control function (LCF). To verify the performance and robustness of the proposed control system, computer simulation of the proposed control system using Matlab/Simulink Software is executed. From the computer simulation, it was found that the RBSC system produces the desired tracking performance and has robustness to the disturbances and system uncertainties of EHS systems.Keywords: electro hydraulic servo system, back-stepping control, robust back-stepping control, Lyapunov redesign
Procedia PDF Downloads 29727167 A Study on the Effect of the Mindfulness and Cultivation of Wisdom as an Intervention Strategy for College Student Internet Addiction
Authors: P. C. Li, R. H. Feng, S. J. Chen, Y. J. Yu, Y. L. Chen, X. Y. Fan
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of mindfulness and wisdom comprehensive strategy intervention on addiction to the Internet of college students by engaging fourteen intensive full-day mindfulness-based wisdom retreat curriculum. Wisdom, one of the practice method from the threefold training. Internet addiction, a kind of impulse control disorder, which attract the attentions of society due to its high prevalence and harmfulness in the last decade. Therefore, the study of internet addiction intervention is urgent. Participants with internet addiction were Chinese college students and screened by internet addiction disorder diagnose questionnaire (IAD-DQ). A quasi-experimental pretest and posttest design was used as research design. The finding shows that the mindfulness-based wisdom intervention strategy appeared to be effective in reducing the Internet addiction. Moreover, semi-structure interview method was conducted and outcomes included five themes: the reduction of internet use, the increment of awareness on emotion, self-control, present concentration and better positive lifestyle, indicating that mindfulness could be an effective intervention for this group with internet addiction.Keywords: mindfulness, internet addiction, wisdom comprehensive intervention, cognitive-behavior therapy
Procedia PDF Downloads 18327166 Surface Pressure Distribution of a Flapped-Airfoil for Different Momentum Injection at the Leading Edge
Authors: Mohammad Mashud, S. M. Nahid Hasan
The aim of the research work is to modify the NACA 4215 airfoil with flap and rotary cylinder at the leading edge of the airfoil and experimentally study the static pressure distribution over the airfoil completed with flap and leading-edge vortex generator. In this research, NACA 4215 wing model has been constructed by generating the profile geometry using the standard equations and design software such as AutoCAD and SolidWorks. To perform the experiment, three wooden models are prepared and tested in subsonic wind tunnel. The experiments were carried out in various angles of attack. Flap angle and momentum injection rate are changed to observe the characteristics of pressure distribution. In this research, a new concept of flow separation control mechanism has been introduced to improve the aerodynamic characteristics of airfoil. Control of flow separation over airfoil which experiences a vortex generator (rotating cylinder) at the leading edge of airfoil is experimentally simulated under the effects of momentum injection. The experimental results show that the flow separation control is possible by the proposed mechanism, and benefits can be achieved by momentum injection technique. The wing performance is significantly improved due to control of flow separation by momentum injection method.Keywords: airfoil, momentum injection, flap, pressure distribution
Procedia PDF Downloads 14027165 Interpolation Issue in PVNPG-14M Application for Technical Control of Artillery Fire
Authors: Martin Blaha, Ladislav Potužák, Daniel Holesz
This paper focused on application support for technical control of artillery units – PVNPG-14M, especially on interpolation issue. Artillery units of the Army of the Czech Republic, reflecting the current global security neighborhood, can be used outside the Czech Republic. The paper presents principles, evolution and calculation in the process of complete preparation. The paper presents expertise using of application of current artillery communication and information system and suggests the perspective future system. The paper also presents problems in process of complete preparing of fire especially problems in permanently information (firing table) and calculated values. The paper presents problems of current artillery communication and information system and suggests requirements of the future system.Keywords: Fire for Effect, Application, Fire Control, Interpolation method, Software development.
Procedia PDF Downloads 32327164 High Performance of Direct Torque and Flux Control of a Double Stator Induction Motor Drive with a Fuzzy Stator Resistance Estimator
Authors: K. Kouzi
In order to have stable and high performance of direct torque and flux control (DTFC) of double star induction motor drive (DSIM), proper on-line adaptation of the stator resistance is very important. This is inevitably due to the variation of the stator resistance during operating conditions, which introduces error in estimated flux position and the magnitude of the stator flux. Error in the estimated stator flux deteriorates the performance of the DTFC drive. Also, the effect of error in estimation is very important especially at low speed. Due to this, our aim is to overcome the sensitivity of the DTFC to the stator resistance variation by proposing on-line fuzzy estimation stator resistance. The fuzzy estimation method is based on an on-line stator resistance correction through the variations of the stator current estimation error and its variations. The fuzzy logic controller gives the future stator resistance increment at the output. The main advantage of the suggested algorithm control is to avoid the drive instability that may occur in certain situations and ensure the tracking of the actual stator resistance. The validity of the technique and the improvement of the whole system performance are proved by the results.Keywords: direct torque control, dual stator induction motor, Fuzzy Logic estimation, stator resistance adaptation
Procedia PDF Downloads 32827163 Assessing Effectiveness of Schema Mode Therapy and Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy in Attachment Styles among Couples with Marital Conflict
Authors: Reza Johari Fard, Najmeh Cheraghi, Parvin Ehtesham Zadeh, Parviz Asgari
The aim of this study was to investigate and comparison of the effectiveness of schema mode therapy and emotionally focused couples therapy in attachment styles (secure, avoidant, and anxious) in couples with marital conflict in a quasiexperimental method in a pretest, posttest, and follow up design with a control group. The statistical population of the study included all the couples with marital conflict who visited the Mehrana counseling center in 2019 in Ahvaz, Iran 45 couples were selected by voluntary sampling method and randomly divided into two experimental groups and one control group (15 pairs in each group). The participants completed the Adult Attachment Scale (Hazan and Shaver). The experimental groups underwent schema mode therapy and emotionally focused couples therapy for 12 sessions, but the control group did not receive any intervention. The data were analyzed by the statistical analysis of repeated measures in SPSS-19 software. The results showed that both schema mode therapy and emotionally focused couples therapy are effective in increasing the secure attachment style and reducing avoidant and ambivalent attachment styles in couples with marital conflict. There was no significant difference between the schema mode therapy group and the emotionally focused couple's therapy group in attachment styles. Therefore, it is recommended that therapists and family counselors use these therapies along with other therapeutic interventions to increase secure attachment styles and reduce marital conflicts.Keywords: schema mode therapy, emotional focused couple therapy, attachment styles, marital conflict
Procedia PDF Downloads 11327162 Emulation of a Wind Turbine Using Induction Motor Driven by Field Oriented Control
Authors: L. Benaaouinate, M. Khafallah, A. Martinez, A. Mesbahi, T. Bouragba
This paper concerns with the modeling, simulation, and emulation of a wind turbine emulator for standalone wind energy conversion systems. By using emulation system, we aim to reproduce the dynamic behavior of the wind turbine torque on the generator shaft: it provides the testing facilities to optimize generator control strategies in a controlled environment, without reliance on natural resources. The aerodynamic, mechanical, electrical models have been detailed as well as the control of pitch angle using Fuzzy Logic for horizontal axis wind turbines. The wind turbine emulator consists mainly of an induction motor with AC power drive with torque control. The control of the induction motor and the mathematical models of the wind turbine are designed with MATLAB/Simulink environment. The simulation results confirm the effectiveness of the induction motor control system and the functionality of the wind turbine emulator for providing all necessary parameters of the wind turbine system such as wind speed, output torque, power coefficient and tip speed ratio. The findings are of direct practical relevance.Keywords: electrical generator, induction motor drive, modeling, pitch angle control, real time control, renewable energy, wind turbine, wind turbine emulator
Procedia PDF Downloads 23527161 Numerical Evolution Methods of Rational Form for Diffusion Equations
Authors: Said Algarni
The purpose of this study was to investigate selected numerical methods that demonstrate good performance in solving PDEs. We adapted alternative method that involve rational polynomials. Padé time stepping (PTS) method, which is highly stable for the purposes of the present application and is associated with lower computational costs, was applied. Furthermore, PTS was modified for our study which focused on diffusion equations. Numerical runs were conducted to obtain the optimal local error control threshold.Keywords: Padé time stepping, finite difference, reaction diffusion equation, PDEs
Procedia PDF Downloads 30027160 An Inverse Optimal Control Approach for the Nonlinear System Design Using ANN
Authors: M. P. Nanda Kumar, K. Dheeraj
The design of a feedback controller, so as to minimize a given performance criterion, for a general non-linear dynamical system is difficult; if not impossible. But for a large class of non-linear dynamical systems, the open loop control that minimizes a performance criterion can be obtained using calculus of variations and Pontryagin’s minimum principle. In this paper, the open loop optimal trajectories, that minimizes a given performance measure, is used to train the neural network whose inputs are state variables of non-linear dynamical systems and the open loop optimal control as the desired output. This trained neural network is used as the feedback controller. In other words, attempts are made here to solve the “inverse optimal control problem” by using the state and control trajectories that are optimal in an open loop sense.Keywords: inverse optimal control, radial basis function, neural network, controller design
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