Search results for: MIS in Organizations
1393 Men’s Engagement in Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) Prevention Programs
Authors: Zeynep Turhan
This review emphasized the effectiveness of men’s participation, and whether non-violent (NV) boys’ and men’s perceptions of IPV prevention programs affect their involvement. Additionally, the review aimed to identify the barriers of non-engagement as well as the most effective approaches to end and prevent violence-against-women (VAW). The main goals of this assessment were to investigate 1) how NV men engage in anti-violence prevention programs that empower women, 2) what are the possible perceptions of NV men involved in prevention programs 3) how to identify effective approaches and strategies that encourage NV men to become involved in prevention programs. This critical review also included the overview of prevention programs such as The Mentors in Violence Prevention Programs (MVP), The White Ribbon Campaign (WRC), and Domestic Violence Prevention Enhancement and Leadership through Alliances (DELTA). The review recommended expanding these programs to reach more macro settings such as workplace, faith-based and other community-based organizations. Additionally, secondary and territory prevention programs need to expand through addressing the long-term effects of violence.Keywords: engagement, non-violent men, prevention programs
Procedia PDF Downloads 4191392 The Psychological Contract and the Readiness to Verbalize It in Financial Institutions in Poland
Authors: Anna Rogozińska-Pawełczyk
A psychological contract is an agreement between the employer and an employee that covers the parties’ informal and frequently non-verbalized obligations and expectations towards each other. The contract is a cognitive pattern-governing employee’s behaviour in the organization. A gap between employee’s expectations and the organizational reality may lead to difficult-to-solve conflicts or cause the employee to modify their behaviour towards organizational values and goals, if they are willing and ready to verbalize their expectations. The article discusses psychological contracts in the financial institutions in Poland. Its theoretical part outlines the types of psychological contracts in organizations (relational, transactional, and balanced) and shows the process of their verbalization. The purpose of the article is to present how the type of the psychological contract relates to employee’s readiness to verbalize it. The article ends with conclusions arising from the study.Keywords: customer contact staff in banks, employee expectations, financial institutions, mutual expectations, psychological contract, verbalization of the psychological contract
Procedia PDF Downloads 4911391 Cybersecurity and Governance for Humanitarian Work: An Approach for Addressing Security Risks
Authors: Rossouw De Bruin, Sebastiaan H. Von Solms
The state of national security is an evolving concern. Companies, organizations, governments, states and individuals are aware of the security of their information and their assets however, they may not always be aware of the risks present. These risks are not only limited to non-existence of security procedures. Existing security can be severely flawed, especially if there is non-conformance towards policies, practices and procedures. When looking at humanitarian actions, we can easily identify these flaws. Unfortunately, humanitarian aid has to compete with factors from within the states, countries and continents they are working in. Furthermore, as technology improves, so does our connectivity to the internet and the way in which we use the internet. However, there are times when security is overlooked and humanitarian agencies are some of the agencies that do not always take security into consideration. The purpose of this paper will be to introduce the importance of cybersecurity and cybersecurity governance with respect to humanitarian work. We will also introduce and briefly discuss a model that can be used by humanitarian agencies to assess, manage and maintain their cybersecurity efforts.Keywords: humanities, cybersecurity, cybersecurity governance, maturity, cybersecurity maturity, maturity model
Procedia PDF Downloads 2681390 Role of Corporate Social Responsibility in Corporate Governance: Effectiveness of CSR in Human Rights
Authors: Md. Awal Hossain Mollah
Corporate governance is playing a crucial role for ensuring social accountability and responsibility of business organization through Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) for the last two decades. In Bangladesh, CSR is a growing and popular concept and a recent development. Various business and corporate organizations are playing crucial role for helping vulnerable sections of our society now. For instance, Dutch Bangla Bank has been providing scholarship for under graduate and graduate students in our country which is very helpful for promoting poor and meritorious students in Bangladesh. In this study, how far CSR is playing its role for ensuring human right in Bangladesh will be examined with specific case studies. The study focus will reflect on both developed and developing nations based on literature review and possible empirical evidence.Keywords: CSR, corporate governance, social security, Bangladesh, scholarships, graduate students, Dutch angla Bank
Procedia PDF Downloads 3651389 A Conceptual E-Business Model and the Effect of Strategic Planning Parameters on E-Business Strategy Management and Performance
Authors: Alexandra Lipitakis, Evangelia A. E. C. Lipitakis
In this article, a class of e-business strategy planning parameters are introduced and their effect on financial and non-financial performance of e-businesses and organizations is investigated. The relationships between these strategic planning parameters, i.e. Formality, Participation, Sophistication, Thoroughness, Synergy and Cooperation, Entropic Factor, Adaptivity, Uncertainty and Financial and Non-Financial Performance are examined and the directions of these relationships are given. A conceptual model has been constructed and quantitative research methods can be used to test the considered eight hypotheses. In the framework of e-business strategy planning this research study clearly demonstrates how strategic planning components have positive relationships with e-business strategy management and performance.Keywords: e-business management, e-business model, e-business performance assessments, strategy management methodologies, strategy planning, quantitative methods
Procedia PDF Downloads 3901388 Analysis of Patterns in TV Commercials That Recognize NGO Image
Authors: Areerut Jaipadub
The purpose of this research is to analyze the pattern of television commercials and how they encourage non-governmental organizations to build their image in Thailand. It realizes how public relations can impact an organization's image. It is a truth that bad public relations management can cause hurt a reputation. On the other hand, a very small amount of work in public relations helps your organization to be recognized broadly and eventually accepted even wider. The main idea in this paper is to study and analyze patterns of television commercials that could impact non-governmental organization's images in a greater way. This research uses questionnaires and content analysis to summarize results. The findings show the aspects of how patterns of television commercials that are suited to non-governmental organization work in Thailand. It will be useful for any non-governmental organization that wishes to build their image through television commercials and also for further work based on this research.Keywords: television commercial (TVC), organization image, non-governmental organization (NGO), public relation
Procedia PDF Downloads 2861387 The International Labor Organization and the Formulation of International Labor Standards
Authors: Tahraoui Boualem
The International Labor Organization is one of the specialized agencies of the United Nations, and it is the only organization within the United Nations system that is distinguished by its tripartite legitimacy and which simultaneously includes governments, workers' and employers' organizations of its member states in a joint effort to set standards and policies Work to promote decent work in various parts of the world, and the expression of international labor standards basically means two types of documents, namely international labor agreements and international labor recommendations, and so far its general conference, which is held annually, has set a number of standards, the number of which has reached 184 agreements and 192 recommendations so far. For this reason, it is decided to clarify the International Labor Organization and the formulation of international labor standards within two sections. In the first topic, the researcher discusses the concept of the International Labor Organization, and in the second topic, it highlights the legal basis for the authority of the International Labor Organization in protecting the rights of workers.Keywords: international labor, international labor standards, rights of workers, nation’s system
Procedia PDF Downloads 711386 The Utilization of Big Data in Knowledge Management Creation
Authors: Daniel Brian Thompson, Subarmaniam Kannan
The huge weightage of knowledge in this world and within the repository of organizations has already reached immense capacity and is constantly increasing as time goes by. To accommodate these constraints, Big Data implementation and algorithms are utilized to obtain new or enhanced knowledge for decision-making. With the transition from data to knowledge provides the transformational changes which will provide tangible benefits to the individual implementing these practices. Today, various organization would derive knowledge from observations and intuitions where this information or data will be translated into best practices for knowledge acquisition, generation and sharing. Through the widespread usage of Big Data, the main intention is to provide information that has been cleaned and analyzed to nurture tangible insights for an organization to apply to their knowledge-creation practices based on facts and figures. The translation of data into knowledge will generate value for an organization to make decisive decisions to proceed with the transition of best practices. Without a strong foundation of knowledge and Big Data, businesses are not able to grow and be enhanced within the competitive environment.Keywords: big data, knowledge management, data driven, knowledge creation
Procedia PDF Downloads 1171385 Future-Proofing the Workforce: A Case Study of Integrated Human Capability Frameworks to Support Business Success
Authors: Penelope Paliadelis, Asheley Jones, Glenn Campbell
This paper discusses the development of co-designed capability frameworks for two large multinational organizations led by a university department. The aim was to create evidence-based, integrated capability frameworks that could define, identify, and measure human skill capabilities independent of specific work roles. The frameworks capture and cluster human skills required in the workplace and capture their application at various levels of mastery. Identified capability gaps inform targeted learning opportunities for workers to enhance their employability skills. The paper highlights the value of this evidence-based framework development process in capturing, defining, and assessing desired human-focused capabilities for organizational growth and success.Keywords: capability framework, human skills, work-integrated learning, credentialing, digital badging
Procedia PDF Downloads 791384 Embedding Knowledge Management in Business Process
Authors: Paul Ihuoma Oluikpe
The purpose of this paper is to explore and highlight the process of creating value for strategy management by embedding knowledge management in the business process. Knowledge management can be seen from a three-dimensional perspective of content, connections and competencies. These dimensions can be embedded in the knowledge processes (create, capture, share, and apply) and operationalized within a business process to effectively create a scenario where knowledge can be focused on enabling a process and the process in turn generates outcomes. The application of knowledge management on business processes of organizations is rare and underreported. Few researches have explored this paradigm although researches have tended to reinforce the notion that competitive advantage sits within the internal aspects of the firm. Given this notion, it is surprising that knowledge management research and practice have not focused sufficiently on the business process which is the basic unit of organizational decision implementation. This research serves to generate understanding on applying KM in business process using a large multinational in Sub-Saharan Africa.Keywords: knowledge management, business process, strategy, multinational
Procedia PDF Downloads 6931383 Human Resources Management Practices in Hospitality Companies
Authors: Dora Martins, Susana Silva, Cândida Silva
Human Resources Management (HRM) has been recognized by academics and practitioners as an important element in organizations. Therefore, this paper explores the best practices of HRM and seeks to understand the level of participation in the development of these practices by human resources managers in the hospitality industry and compare it with other industries. Thus, the study compared the HRM practices of companies in the hospitality sector with HRM practices of companies in other sectors, and identifies the main differences between their HRM practices. The results show that the most frequent HRM practices in all companies, independently of its sector of activity, are hiring and training. When comparing hospitality sector with other sectors of activity, some differences were noticed, namely in the adoption of the practices of communication and information sharing, and of recruitment and selection. According to these results, the paper discusses the major theoretical and practical implications. Suggestions for future research are also presented.Keywords: exploratory study, human resources management practices, human resources manager, hospitality companies, Portuguese companies
Procedia PDF Downloads 4831382 Human Rights as Part of the Core Values System of International Organisations: A Comparative Study
Authors: Ayyoub Jamali, Jennie Edlund, Alena Kozlová
This paper evaluates the monitoring, prevention, and enforcing mechanisms of the core values of international organisations (IOs) in a comparative human rights perspective. The IOs in focus are the European Union, the Council of Europe, the African Union, and the Organization of American States. The paper will take the founding treaties of these IOs and their relevant protocols as a starting point to identify the values and the mechanisms used for their implementation. It will explore the scope of violations, the procedures in place and evaluate what type of response to those breaches seems to work best in terms of achieving its declared objectives. The study will identify and compare the weaknesses and strengths of each mechanism used by the IOs and recognize common challenges and means, thereby drawing inter-organizational comparisons. Consequently, the findings of this paper can be used among the IOs to improve their system and thus enhance their effectiveness.Keywords: international organizations, core values, human rights, enforcement mechanism, compliance
Procedia PDF Downloads 1801381 From Protector to Violator: Assessing State's Role in Protecting Freedom of Religion in Indonesia
Authors: Manotar Tampubolon
Indonesia is a country that upholds the law, human rights and religious freedom. The freedom that implied in various laws and constitution (Undang-undang 1945) is not necessarily applicable in practice of religious life. In one side, the state has a duty as protector and guarantor of freedom, on the other side, however, it turns into one of the actors of freedom violations of religion minority. State action that interferes freedom of religion is done in various ways both intentionally or negligently or not to perform its obligations in the enforcement of human rights (human rights due diligence). Besides the state, non-state actors such as religious organizations, individuals also become violators of the rights of religious freedom. This article will discuss two fundamental issues that interfere freedom of religion in Indonesia after democratic era. In addition, this article also discusses a comprehensive state policy that discriminates minority religions to manifest their faith.Keywords: religious freedom, constitution, minority faith, state actor
Procedia PDF Downloads 4041380 Modeling the International Economic Relations Development: The Prospects for Regional and Global Economic Integration
Authors: M. G. Shilina
The interstate economic interaction phenomenon is complex. ‘Economic integration’, as one of its types, can be explored through the prism of international law, the theories of the world economy, politics and international relations. The most objective study of the phenomenon requires a comprehensive multifactoral approach. In new geopolitical realities, the problems of coexistence and possible interconnection of various mechanisms of interstate economic interaction are actively discussed. Currently, the Eurasian continent states support the direction to economic integration. At the same time, the existing international economic law fragmentation in Eurasia is seen as the important problem. The Eurasian space is characterized by a various types of interstate relations: international agreements (multilateral and bilateral), and a large number of cooperation formats (from discussion platforms to organizations aimed at deep integration). For their harmonization, it is necessary to have a clear vision to the phased international economic relations regulation options. In the conditions of rapid development of international economic relations, the modeling (including prognostic) can be optimally used as the main scientific method for presenting the phenomenon. On the basis of this method, it is possible to form the current situation vision and the best options for further action. In order to determine the most objective version of the integration development, the combination of several approaches were used. The normative legal approach- the descriptive method of legal modeling- was taken as the basis for the analysis. A set of legal methods was supplemented by the international relations science prognostic methods. The key elements of the model are the international economic organizations and states' associations existing in the Eurasian space (the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), the European Union (EU), the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), Chinese project ‘One belt-one road’ (OBOR), the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), BRICS, etc.). A general term for the elements of the model is proposed - the interstate interaction mechanisms (IIM). The aim of building a model of current and future Eurasian economic integration is to show optimal options for joint economic development of the states and IIMs. The long-term goal of this development is the new economic and political space, so-called the ‘Great Eurasian Community’. The process of achievement this long-term goal consists of successive steps. Modeling the integration architecture and dividing the interaction into stages led us to the following conclusion: the SCO is able to transform Eurasia into a single economic space. Gradual implementation of the complex phased model, in which the SCO+ plays a key role, will allow building an effective economic integration for all its participants, to create an economically strong community. The model can have practical value for politicians, lawyers, economists and other participants involved in the economic integration process. A clear, systematic structure can serve as a basis for further governmental action.Keywords: economic integration, The Eurasian Economic Union, The European Union, The Shanghai Cooperation Organization, The Silk Road Economic Belt
Procedia PDF Downloads 1521379 Decision Making about the Environmental Management Implementation: Incentives and Expectations
Authors: Eva Štěpánková
Environmental management implementation is presently one of the ways of organization success and value improvement. Increasing an organization motivation to environmental measures introduction is caused primarily by the rising pressure of the society that generates various incentives to endeavor for the environmental performance improvement. The aim of the paper is to identify and characterize the key incentives and expectations leading organizations to the environmental management implementation. The author focuses on five businesses of different size and field, operating in the Czech Republic. The qualitative approach and grounded theory procedure are used in research. The results point out that the significant incentives for environmental management implementation represent primarily demands of customers, the opportunity to declare the environmental commitment and image improvement. The researched enterprises less commonly expect the economical contribution, competitive advantage increase or export rate improvement. The results show that marketing contributions are primarily expected from the environmental management implementation.Keywords: environmental management, environmental management system, ISO 14001, Czech Republic
Procedia PDF Downloads 3861378 An Empirical Examination on the Relationships between Organizational Justice, Affective Commitment and Absenteeism
Authors: Emine Öğüt, Mehtap Öztürk, Adem Öğüt
Affective commitment is defined as a strong belief in and acceptance of the organization’s goals and values. Organizational justice is an antecedent of the organizational commitment and it has the potential to create powerful benefits for organizations and employees alike. When perceived unfairness among employees increases, affective commitment decreases and absenteeism increases accordingly. In this research, relationships between organizational justice perception, affective commitment and absenteeism is analysed. In this regard, a field study has been conducted over the physicians working in the hospitals of the Health Ministry and University Hospitals in the province of Konya. The partial least squares (PLS) method is used to analyse the survey data. The findings of the research shows that there is a positive statistically significant relationship between organizational justice perception and affective commitment while there is a negative statistically significant relationship between organizational justice and absenteeism.Keywords: organizational justice, affective commitment, absenteeism, healthcare management
Procedia PDF Downloads 4861377 Improving Law Enforcement Strategies Through Geographic Information Systems: A Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Antisocial Activities in Móstoles (2022)
Authors: Daniel Suarez Alonso
This study has tried to focus on the alternatives offered to police institutions by the implementation of Geographic Information systems. Providing operational police commanders with effective and efficient tools, providing analytical capacity to reduce criminal opportunities, must be a priority. Given the intimate connection of crimes and infractions to the environment, law enforcement institutions must respond proactively to changing circumstances of anti-norm behaviors. To this end, it has been intended to analyze the antisocial spatial distribution of the city of Móstoles, trying to identify those spatiotemporal patterns that occur to anticipate their commission through the planning of dynamic preventive strategies. The application of GIS offers alternative analytical approaches to the different problems that underlie the development of life in society, focusing resources on those places with the highest concentration of incidents.Keywords: data analysis, police organizations, police prevention, geographic information systems
Procedia PDF Downloads 511376 The Effect of Engineering Construction in Online Consultancy
Authors: Mariam Wagih Nagib Eskandar
The engineering design process is the activities formulation, to help an engineer raising a plan with a specified goal and performance. The engineering design process is a multi-stage course of action including the conceptualization, research, feasibility studies, establishment of design parameters, preliminary and finally the detailed design. It is a progression from the abstract to the concrete; starting with probably abstract ideas about need, and thereafter elaborating detailed specifications of the object that would satisfy the needs, identified. Engineering design issues, problems, and solutions are discussed in this paper using qualitative approach from an information structure perspective. The objective is to identify the problems, to analyze them and propose solutions by integrating; innovation, practical experience, time and resource management, communications skills, isolating the problem in coordination with all stakeholders. Consequently, this would be beneficial for the engineering community to improve the Engineering design practices.Keywords: education, engineering, math, performanceengineering design, architectural engineering, team-based learning, construction safetyrequirement engineering, models, practices, organizations
Procedia PDF Downloads 831375 Innovation Knowledge Management for Public Sector in the Thailand
Authors: Supattra Kanchanopast
This article presents the process of change for innovation in the Thai public sector in order to create higher client satisfaction. Change management should concern the potentiality of the change agent or leader, the long-term vision or policy (political side) of the organization, the communication within the organization, suitable organizational culture and structure, preparedness of the personnel, and the fitness of the reward system. Sustaining innovation creation is not sophisticated, as traditionally believed. A basic management principle of identifying clarified and motivating goals needs to be followed by creating support systems after implementation and by ensuring the stakeholders’ benefit, derived from the innovation projects. Finally, creating an amiable atmosphere among the practitioners, including effective evaluation and reward schemes, will support the innovation. However, none of these will ever take place unless support is gained from the leaders of those organizations, and from the staff and clients involved also as well.Keywords: change management, client satisfaction, innovation management, Thai public sector
Procedia PDF Downloads 2541374 Using Multi-Level Analysis to Identify Future Trends in Small Device Digital Communication Examinations
Authors: Mark A. Spooner
The growth of technological advances in the digital communications industry has dictated the way forensic examination laboratories receive, analyze, and report on digital evidence. This study looks at the trends in a medium sized digital forensics lab that examines small communications devices (i.e., cellular telephones, tablets, thumb drives, etc.) over the past five years. As law enforcement and homeland security organizations budgets shrink, many agencies are being asked to perform more examinations with less resources available. Using multi-level statistical analysis using five years of examination data, this research shows the increasing technological demand trend. The research then extrapolates the current data into the model created and finds a continued exponential growth curve of said demands is well within the parameters defined earlier on in the research.Keywords: digital forensics, forensic examination, small device, trends
Procedia PDF Downloads 1991373 Basketball Game-Related Statistics Discriminating Teams Competing in Basketball Africa League and Euroleague: Comparative Analysis
Authors: Ng'etich K. Stephen
Abstract—Globally analytics in basketball has advanced tremendously in the last decade. Organizations are leveraging the insights to improve team and player performance and, in the long run, generate revenue out of it. Due to limited basketball game-related statistics in African competitions, teams are unaware of how they compete with other continental basketball teams. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the regional difference in basketball game-related statistics between African teams that played in the newly formed league, the basketball African league and the European league. The basketball African league, a competition created through the partnership between NBA and FIBA, offers a good starting point since it has valuable basketball metrics to analyze. This study sought to use multivariate linear discriminant analysis to identify the game-related statistics that discriminate the teams in Euro league and the basketball African league.Keywords: basketball africa league, basketball, euroleague, fiba, africa
Procedia PDF Downloads 1031372 A Time since of Injection Model for Hepatitis C Amongst People Who Inject Drugs
Authors: Nader Al-Rashidi, David Greenhalgh
Mathematical modelling techniques are now being used by health organizations worldwide to help understand the likely impact that intervention strategies treatment options and combinations of these have on the prevalence and incidence of hepatitis C virus (HCV) in the people who inject drugs (PWID) population. In this poster, we develop a deterministic, compartmental mathematical model to approximate the spread of the HCV in a PWID population that has been divided into two groups by time since onset of injection. The model assumes that after injection needles adopt the most infectious state of their previous state or that of the PWID who last injected with them. Using analytical techniques, we find that the model behaviour is determined by the basic reproductive number R₀, where R₀ = 1 is a critical threshold separating two different outcomes. The disease-free equilibrium is globally stable if R₀ ≤ 1 and unstable if R₀ > 1. Additionally, we make some simulations where have confirmed that the model tends to this endemic equilibrium value with realistic parameter values giving an HCV prevalence.Keywords: hepatitis C, people who inject drugs, HCV, PWID
Procedia PDF Downloads 1451371 Relationship between ISO 14001 and Market Performance of Firms in China: An Institutional and Market Learning Perspective
Authors: Hammad Riaz, Abubakr Saeed
Environmental Management System (EMS), i.e., ISO 14001 helps to build corporate reputation, legitimacy and can also be considered as firms’ strategic response to institutional pressure to reduce the impact of business activity on natural environment. The financial outcomes of certifying with ISO 14001 are still unclear and equivocal. Drawing on institutional and market learning theories, the impact of ISO 14001 on firms’ market performance is examined for Chinese firms. By employing rigorous event study approach, this paper compared ISO 14001 certified firms with non-certified counterpart firms based on different matching criteria that include size, return on assets and industry. The results indicate that the ISO 14001 has been negatively signed by the investors both in the short and long-run. This paper suggested implications for policy makers, managers, and other nonprofit organizations.Keywords: ISO 14001, legitimacy, institutional forces, event study approach, emerging markets
Procedia PDF Downloads 1641370 Authentic Leadership, Task Performance, and Organizational Citizenship Behavior
Authors: C. V. Chen, Y. H. Jeng, S. J. Wang
Leadership is essential to enhancing followers’ psychological empowerment and has an effect on their willingness to take on extra-role behavior and aim for greater performance. Authentic leadership is confirmed to promote employees’ positive affect, psychological empowerment, well-being, and performance. Employees’ spontaneous undertaking of organizationally desired behaviors allows organizations’ gaining the edge in the fiercely competitive business environment. Apart from the contextual factor of leadership, individuals’ goal orientation is found to be highly related to his/her performance. To better understand the psychological process and potential moderation of personal goal orientation, this study investigates the effect of authentic leadership on employees’ task performance and organizational citizenship behavior by including psychological empowerment as the mediating factor and goal orientation as the moderating factor.Keywords: authentic leadership, task performance, organizational citizenship behavior, goal orientation
Procedia PDF Downloads 7921369 Structural Analysis of Username Segment in E-Mail Addresses of Engineering Institutes of Gujarat State of India
Authors: Jatinderkumar R. Saini
E-mail has become a key mechanism of electronic communication. This is truer for professional organizations that like to communicate with their subjects online and are slowly shifting to paper-less office. The current paper focuses specifically on academic institutions offering Engineering course in Gujarat state and attempts for textual analysis of the usernames of the institutional e-mail addresses. We found that the institutions tend to design the username segment of their e-mail addresses by choosing words or combination of words from specific categories. The paper also highlights the use of special characters, digits and random words in designing the usernames. On the sidelines, the paper lists the style of employing department names and designations for the design process. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first formal attempt to analyze the selection of words employed for designing username segment of e-mail addresses of Engineering institutions.Keywords: e-mail address, institute, engineering, username
Procedia PDF Downloads 3361368 Driving Innovation by Enhancing Employee Roles: The Balancing Act of Employee-Driven Innovation
Authors: L. Tirabeni, K. E. Soderquist, P. Pisano
Our purpose is to investigate how the relationship between employees and innovation management processes can drive organizations to successful innovations. This research is deeply related to a new way of thinking about human resources management practices. It’s not simply about improving the employees’ engagement, but rather about a different and more radical commitment: the employee can take on the role traditionally played by the customer, namely to become the first tester of an innovative product or service, the first user/customer and eventually the first investor in the innovation. This new perception of employees could create the basis of a novelty in the innovation process where innovation is taken to a next level when the problems with customer driven innovation on the one hand, and employees driven innovation on the other can be balanced. This research identifies an effective approach to innovation where the employees will participate throughout the whole innovation process, not only in the idea creation but also in the idea definition and development by giving feedback in parallel to that provided by customers and lead-users.Keywords: employee-driven innovation, engagement, human resource management, innovative companies
Procedia PDF Downloads 4141367 Electronic-Word of Mouth(e-WoM): Preliminary Study of Malaysian Undergrad Students Smartphone Online Review
Authors: Norshakirah Ab.Aziz, Nurul Atiqah Jamaluddin
Consequently, electronic word-of-mouth (e-WoM) becomes one of the resources in the decision making process and considered a valuable marketing channel for consumers and organizations. Admittedly, there is increasing concern on the accuracy and genuine of e-WoM content because consumers prefer to look out product or service information available online. Thus, the focus of this study is to propose a model and guidelines how to select trusted online review content according to domain chosen –undergrad students smartphone online review. Undeniable, mobile devices like smartphone has now become a necessity in today are daily life to complete our daily chores. The model and guideline focused on product competency review and the message integrity. In other words, this study aims to enable consumers to identify trusted online review content, which helps them in buying decisions.Keywords: electronic word of mouth, e-WoM, WoM, online review
Procedia PDF Downloads 3281366 The Face Sync-Smart Attendance
Authors: Bekkem Chakradhar Reddy, Y. Soni Priya, Mathivanan G., L. K. Joshila Grace, N. Srinivasan, Asha P.
Currently, there are a lot of problems related to marking attendance in schools, offices, or other places. Organizations tasked with collecting daily attendance data have numerous concerns. There are different ways to mark attendance. The most commonly used method is collecting data manually by calling each student. It is a longer process and problematic. Now, there are a lot of new technologies that help to mark attendance automatically. It reduces work and records the data. We have proposed to implement attendance marking using the latest technologies. We have implemented a system based on face identification and analyzing faces. The project is developed by gathering faces and analyzing data, using deep learning algorithms to recognize faces effectively. The data is recorded and forwarded to the host through mail. The project was implemented in Python and Python libraries used are CV2, Face Recognition, and Smtplib.Keywords: python, deep learning, face recognition, CV2, smtplib, Dlib.
Procedia PDF Downloads 581365 Testing a Moderated Mediation Model of Person–Organization Fit, Organizational Support, and Feelings of Violation
Authors: Chi-Tai Shen
This study aims to examine whether perceived organizational support moderates the relationship between person–former organization fit and person–organization fit after the mediating effect of feelings of violation. A two-stage data collection method was used. Based on our research requirements, we only approached participants who were involuntary turnover from their former organizations and looking for a new job. Our final usable sample was comprised of a total of 264 participants from Taiwan. We followed Muller, Judd, and Yzerbyt, and Preacher, Rucker, and Hayes’s suggestions to test our moderated mediation model. This study found that employee perceived organizational support moderated the indirect effect of person–former organization fit on person–organization fit (through feelings of violation). Our study ends with a discussion of the main research findings and their limitations and presents suggestions regarding the direction of future studies and the empirical implications of the results.Keywords: person–organization fit, feelings of violation, organizational support, moderated mediation
Procedia PDF Downloads 2661364 Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Violent Crime in Washington, DC
Authors: Pallavi Roe
Violent crime is a significant public safety concern in urban areas across the United States, and Washington, DC, is no exception. This research discusses the prevalence and types of crime, particularly violent crime, in Washington, DC, along with the factors contributing to the high rate of violent crime in the city, including poverty, inequality, access to guns, and racial disparities. The organizations working towards ensuring safety in neighborhoods are also listed. The proposal to perform spatial and temporal analysis on violent crime and the use of guns in crime analysis is presented to identify patterns and trends to inform evidence-based interventions to reduce violent crime and improve public safety in Washington, DC. The stakeholders for crime analysis are also discussed, including law enforcement agencies, prosecutors, judges, policymakers, and the public. The anticipated result of the spatial and temporal analysis is to provide stakeholders with valuable information to make informed decisions about preventing and responding to violent crimes.Keywords: crime analysis, spatial analysis, temporal analysis, violent crime
Procedia PDF Downloads 328